Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal
Latoyah Gray
Grand Canyon University
Concepts in Community and Public
Rebecca Hauserman
March 14th 2021
Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal
Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics:
1) Bioterrorism/Disaster
2) Environmental Issues
3) Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
4) Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population
Planning Before Teaching:
Name and Credentials of Teacher: Latoyah Gray RN.. |
Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: 2 hours |
Location of Teaching: P.S 138 Elementary School
Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: Printed word documents and poster
Estimated Cost: Free of charge
Community and Target Aggregate: 4th graders and classroom teacher.
Topic: Primary Prevention/Health Promotion. Adolescent Health: Decreasing Risky Behaviors. |
Epidemiological Rationale for Topic:
The age of the individual between the years 10 to 19 is named the age of adolescence, and this age period has fast physical and cognitive growth. Many social and public health problems have been noted to start. They are at peak during this developmental period, which includes road accidents that can also drive when drunk, suicide, homicide, smoking, drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies, and homelessness. (Healthy People, 2016).
Nursing Diagnosis:
The individuals show their willingness to adopt a healthy lifestyle and behavior as they show an increased desire to adopt a healthy lifestyle and behavior (NANDA, n.d).
Readiness for Learning:
The participants are showing their emotional willingness to adapt healthy behavior as they show their keen interest in learning new topics about health that are beneficial for their mental and physical health and warmly welcoming new people in their class. On the basis of eloquence and the displayed skill, the group can adapt and learn new things, which will enhance their healthy behaviors.
Learning Theory to Be Utilized:
For making the learning methodology better, both social learning and critical theory are employed. Through employing critical theory, individuals will be better able to exchange their knowledge about different health-related topics which will motivate the individuals about adopting a healthy lifestyle and behavior, and the individuals will also have a positive attitude towards welcoming new ideas about how they could lead a healthy lifestyle by adopting a healthy behavior. On the other hand, social theory will encourage the individuals about how they could implement a healthy lifestyle in their everyday lives, which will reduce many risks and have a safe and healthy life.
Goal: Appropriate rationale and objective numbers are used of the Healthy People 20021 as the teaching method's goals. If the style of your teaching is not matching with the objectives of Healthy People 2020, then you should relate your teaching style with at least one or two goals if HP2020
AH-2 The students' participation in out of school activities and extracurricular activities are benefitting individuals in the various aspect, which includes getting good grades, enhancing the self-concept, and attendance in the school will increase. Along with this, the students will have good leadership skills, and by being occupied by games and sports, students will not have time to get involved in the usage of drugs. Considering these advantages, an increased number of adolescence should participate in these extracurricular and out-of-school activities. (Wilson, 2009).
AH-3 adolescence should be encouraged to have a good and strong connection with their parents and other positive adults in their surroundings. As surrounded by a positive influence, adolescents will not get involved in other risky and illicit activities such as crime, drug usage, etc., which are surrounding the life of adolescence. (Planned Parenthood, 2014).
How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiativesaccording to the goals of HP2020 the health objectives of adolescence are according to the objectives of Alma Ata's Health for All Global Initiatives (Maure, Frances, Smith, 2013).
Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods:
Behavioral Objective and Domain |
1. the students of the 5th class would name three reducing behavior strategies at the end of the presentation |
1. by increasing the connection between school and student 2. Identify a caring adult that I can speak to. 3. Engage in extracurricular out of –school activities. |
The classroom will be divided into three teams. Each team will identify an example for one of objective and then share with remaining class by writing it down on the board. |
2. the students of 5th class will choose the healthy behavior which they want to implement in their live
1 showing involvement in the extracurricular activities in the school. 2 Find a trustworthy person 3 Learn to say no 4 Find the worth of yourself
Each participant will be provided with a list of ten healthy behavior which they should implement. The individual will then select five healthy actions that theory wants to adopt, and after this, the result will be summarized. |
3. Students of the 5th class will choose a healthy behavior they can adopt in their daily lives.
One avoiding getting involved in risky behavior 2 Increase the engagement with trusted individuals |
The participants will determine the category of the action like which behavior falls into the category of healthy behavior and which behavior fall into the category of the risk behavior from the list of behavior which is provided to them |
4. the students of the 5th classdecide on adopting healthy behavior
1. in the classroom, many healthy behaviors are identified |
A form will be given to every participant, which they will sign and take it home be agreeing to implement it daily. The participants are asked to place the form in a place from where they can see it daily |
Creativity: How was creativity applied in the teaching methods/strategies?
For increasing and encouraging the participation of the 5th year students, a teaching plan will be designed accordingly, and individuals will be asked to participate as a team. Along with this, activities will be conducted as a team for meeting the allotted time.
Planned Evaluation of Objectives Describes what you will measure for each objective and how.
2) For objective #2: all the forms will be counted at the end for making sure that every individual is driving participation
3) For objective #3: The instructors will be walking around the classroom while giving good and encouraging comments for engaging all the individuals in the activity
4) For objective #4: as the activity is completed on an individual basis, so when done, the students will raise their hand, and a tick will be placed next to their names
Planned Evaluation of Goal:
By determining that all the goals are met, we can assess the achievement of the conducted activity (Maurer, Frances, Smith, 2013).
Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher (Process Evaluation):
Being the co-leader of the activity, the classroom leader will be giving feedback and observing my performance at the end of the activity. The participating will be rating their experience by answering a short 5 question evaluation form along with this.
Most common interruptions which may arise during the session include increased speed of the presentation, the time allotted for each activity, overhead intercom, and the students falling asleep. At the start of the activities, assertive and simple rules will be dictated to the students. Other duration of 15 minutes will be provided to the students to complete their work.
Communication: How will you begin your presentation? How will you end your production? What nonverbal communication techniques will you employ?
The teacher should walk in the classroom having a smile on his face, and he should maintain eye contact with the students throughout the activity. The things that encourage a positive teaching environment include asking everyone to sit and thanking them for attending the session. The questions from the side of the students should be encouraged throughout the session. They are using encouraging, kind, and empowerment words for the students and ending the session while thanking everyone for participation. For enhancing communication, facial expressions, arms, voice pitch, and facial expressions should be used. (Maurer, Frances, Smith, 2013).
Grand Canyon University. (n.d.) NRS 427V Lecture 3: Tools for Community Health Nursing
Practice. Retrieved from
Healthy People 2020. (2016). Adolescent health. Retrieved from
Maurer, Frances, Smith, C. (2013). Community/Public Health Nursing Practice,
5th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from
NANDA. (n.d). Defining the knowledge of nursing. Retrieved from
Planned Parenthood Care. (2014). Parent-teen relationships. Retrieved from
Wilson, N. (2009). Impact of extracurricular activities on students. Retrieved from

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