Chamberlain College of Nursing NR443 Community Health Nursing I

Caring for Populations: Milestone1: Community Windshield Survey Form

Directions: Please refer to the Milestone 1: Community Windshield Survey Guidelines and grading rubric found in Doc Sharing for specific instructions in order to complete the information below. This assignment is worth 150 points.

Type your name above and your answers below directly on this form. Click Save as and save the file with the assignment name and your last name (e.g., “NR443 Windshield Survey Form_Smith”). When you are finished, submit the form to the Week 2 Caring for Populations: Windshield Survey Dropbox by the deadline indicated in your guidelines.

Your Name: Tamika Taylor-Chinn Date: 3/11/15

Your Instructor’s Name:


Your response

1. Community introduction:

Identify the community you will be using for this assignment. It should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting.

Fayetteville is a city located in Fayette County in Georgia. According to the 2013 census, its population is estimated at 16,370. Racial makeup is White alone – 55%, African Americans – 33.9%, Asian – 6.6% and Hispanic – 2.8%. Comment by Vicki: A bit more detail about the character of the community would strengthen this section.

2. Windshield survey

a. vitality

Majorly Caucasian females ages 35-65 visible out in the yard gardening and conversing among each other. Healthy, well-kept and well dressed. No disabilities seen. Appears to be in good mental and physical health. No pregnant women, tourists or visitors seen. Comment by Vicki: Tamika, see assignment criteria asking that your paragraphs be in complete sentences. Comment by Vicki: Were any other ethnicities seen? Males? Any older adults or young adults, teens, or children?

b. Indicators of social and economic conditions

Homes appear to be in very good condition. Clean and manicured yards. Nearby shopping center within walking distance with grocery and clothing stores. Transportation is mainly by car. No bus lines. No public housing. Unemployed or homeless people are not visible. Local schools awarded National Blue Ribbon. Comment by Vicki: Is the housing all single-family dwellings, or are there some apartments>? What industries are in the area, or where do people work in the area? Are there help wanted signs, for example? Could you see childcare facilities? What types of schools are in the area?

c. Health resources

Nearest hospital is 10 miles away. Numerous amounts of pharmacies and physician offices. Local clinic 5 miles away. Comment by Vicki: See the list of indicators on p. 97 of Nies & McEwen for additional areas to be addressed in this section.

d. Environmental conditions related to health

Very clean environment. Trash disposed of properly. Not a lot of street lights. Roads are paved and in good condition. Very light traffic. Adequate traffic signs. Not a lot of sidewalks. No recreational facilities nearby. Nearest park 10 miles away. Restaurants visible and nearby. No public restrooms. Comment by Vicki: What types of restaurants?

e. Social functioning

A lot of families present. Children that is visible being cared for by mother or caretaker. Women conversing in yard. Neighborhood meeting sign posted. No churches or places of worship within 10 mile radius. No gang activity, drug or alcohol dependence visible. Comment by Vicki: No males are mentioned thus far in the description. This could be significant.

f. Attitude toward healthcare

There is a neighborhood exercise group that walks 3 miles every day. Local gym is 5 miles away. Herb shop within 5 miles. No alternative medicine practitioners. No health related advertisement.

3. Conclusion:

Provide a summary of your findings and your conclusion. What problems did you identify?

Overall this seems to be a affluent neighborhood with nice clean single family homes. Mostly older females present in the yard. All of the houses are well kept and yards are manicured. Group of individuals walking, which I am told is a daily thing. There is access to healthcare as many of the physician offices are within walking distance. Pharmacy and grocery store, as well as, restaurants are within walking distance. At night there is not adequate lighting, the neighborhood is very dark which can create a safety issue. Near a busy intersection where pedestrian signs are confusing. Comment by Vicki: Consider including this in your environmental conditions section and use this conclusion area to summarize your findings.

4. References:

OPTIONAL: List any references that you cited.


Points Possible

Points Earned


Introduction of Community Data



Windshield Survey



Tamika, your actual survey findings are very brief. Nies & McEwen have a list of areas on p. 97 – See my inserted comments.




See my comment.




There are a few grammatical issues. Your reference should be in APA format.

Total Points



NR443 Windshield Survey Form 11/18/13 LS





Select a company and access the last three year's annual reports. Next select a company that is a direct competitor and download the previous three years annual reports. For each company report the amount of capital spending for the past three years. Quantitatively determine whether the amount of capital spending has been consistent or if it has fluctuated. Be sure to provide the calculations used to determine your answer. Describe the capital expenditures of each firm and the factors that impacted the companies debt capacities and capital structures. Next, compare the level of capital spending across the two firms. Point out how the spending was similar and/or different and speculate why the similarities or differences might exist.




Select a company and access the last three year's annual reports. Next select a company that is a direct competitor and downl


the previous three years annual reports. For each company report the amount of ca

pital spending for the past three years.

Quantitatively determine whether the amount of capital spending has been consistent or if it has fluctuated. Be sure to

provide the calculations used to determine your answer. Describe the capital expenditures of ea

ch firm and the factors

that impacted the companies debt capacities and capital structures


Next, compare the level of capital spending across the two firms. Point out how the spending was similar and/or different

and speculate why the similarities or differences might exist


Chamberlain College of Nursing NR443 Community Health Nursing

NR443 Guidelines for Caring for Populations

Milestone 2: Assessment and Diagnosis


The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to utilize community assessment strategies, uncover a community health problem, and identify the components of the problem related to the community dynamics.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO 1. Evaluate the planning of delivery of care to individuals, families, aggregates, and communities in a variety of healthcare settings based on theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1)

CO 2. Integrate clinical judgment in professional decision-making and implementation of the nursing process through analysis of community health nursing practice. (PO 4)

CO 7. Accept accountability for personal and professional development as part of the life-long learning process. (PO 5)

Due Date

Submit to the appropriate basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 4.

Points 225 points


This paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Typical papers are usually three pages. Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper.

· Introduction: This should catch the reader’s attention with interesting facts and supporting sources and include the purpose statement of the paper. This should be no more than one or two paragraphs.

· Community: Identify the community by name that you will be using for this paper and provide a brief, general description of the community. Your community should be the area where you live or work. This should be one or two paragraphs.

· Demographic and epidemiological data: Compile a range of demographic (population description) and epidemiological (causes of health problems and death) data for your community by examining census reports, vital statistic reports, city records, morbidity and mortality reports, and other agency sources. Using these data, describe the community and the problem. Compare your community data to state or national data. This comparison will help to identify a community health problem specific to your community. A summary of these data should be no more than one page.

· Windshield survey: Provide a brief summary of the findings from your first assignment. Make sure to discuss elements that link your observations to your identified problem. This should be no more than one or two paragraphs.

· Problem: Using the assessment data, identify the problem that you consider to be a priority concern. Provide a rationale for your choice and relate your choice to one of the Healthy People 2020 specific numbered objectives. Healthy People objectives are located within a topic area under the Objectives page. Your rationale should also include why this is specifically a problem in your community. This should be no more than three paragraphs. Include support of your rationale with at least two scholarly sources such as professional journal articles related to your problem.

· Summary: The summary paragraph of your paper should include a statement about the problem, the population at risk for this problem, and the major direct or indirect factors that contribute to this problem. This information should be no more than one or two paragraphs.

· Reference page: All references cited within the paper should be included on a separate References page.


· Application: Use Microsoft Word 2010™ to create this assignment.

· Use the categories above as APA headings for the sections of your paper.

· Length: This paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Typical papers are three pages.

· Submission: Submit your file via the basket in the Dropbox: Caring for Populations: Assessment and Diagnosis by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 4.

· Technical writing: APA format is required. Review APA tutorials in Doc Sharing and use the resources of Smarthinking for writing tutors.

· Do not use first person (I, me, my, our) in this paper. Make the community the subject even in your windshield survey summary.

· Save your paper with your last name in the document title (e.g., “Smith Assessment and Diagnosis”).

· Late submission: See the course policy on late submissions.

Best Practices in Preparing the Paper

The following are best practices in preparing this project.

· Complete the demographic, epidemiologic, and windshield survey prior to choosing a problem to focus on.

· Choose a nursing problem specific to your community.

· Make sure all elements of the paper are addressed and headings for each category are included.

· Review directions thoroughly.

· Cite all sources within the paper as well as on the References page.

· Proofread prior to final submission.

· Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

· Use the A column of the rubric below to ensure that you have included all the needed elements.

· Abide by the CCN academic integrity policy.

Grading Rubric: Milestone 2: Assessment and Diagnosis (225 points)




Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance



Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance



10 points

Catches the reader’s attention with interesting facts and supporting sources; includes the purpose of the paper

(9–10 points)

No purpose provided but “hook” is present

(8 points)

Purpose of paper discussed; hook to get reader interested is missing

(7 points)

No purpose provided and no attention-getting hook

(0–6 points)


Community Data

25 points

Community identified and briefly described

(23–25 points)

Community identified but description missing

(21–22 points)

Community not identified and/or not described

(19–20 points)

Community not identified and not described

(0–18 points)


Demographic and Epidemiological Data

50 points

A range of demographic and epidemiological data for your community examined by census reports, vital statistic reports, city records, morbidity, and/or mortality rates and other agency sources, and compared to state or national data

(46–50 points)

Some demographic and epidemiological data described or missing state or national comparison

( 42–45 points)

Little demographic and epidemiological data and missing state or national comparisons

( 38–41 points)

Lacking demographic and epidemiological data and missing state or national comparisons


/ 50

Windshield Survey

10 points

Community windshield survey findings briefly described; findings relate to identified problem

(9–10 points)

Windshield survey findings described but not clearly related to identified problem

(8 points)

Windshield survey lacks sufficient assessment and relation to identified problem

(7 points)

Windshield survey findings not described

(0–6 points)



50 points

Assessment data used to identify the problem; rationale provided for your choice and related to one of the Healthy People objectives; supportive data provided to validate this as a problem in your community

(46–50 points)

Problem not related to Healthy People objective or lacks rationale or lacks supportive data

(42–45 points)

Problem not related to Healthy People objective and lacks rationale or lacks supportive data

(38–41 points)

Problem not related to Healthy People objective, lacks rationale, and lacks supportive data

(0–37 points)


Application of Evidence-Based Literature

30 points

Two or more quality references from professional literature cited that clearly support your rationale

( 28–30 points)

Two references cited, but information in reference may be biased or not directly relevant to your rationale

( 25–27 points)

Only one reference cited that is directly relevant to rationale

( 23–24 points)

No references cited or one reference cited that is not relevant to rationale

(0–22 points)

/ 30


10 points

Includes a statement about the problem, the population at risk for this problem, and the major factors that contribute to the problem

(9–10 points)

Summary lacks reiteration of identified problem or population at risk or contributing factors

(8 points)

Summary lacks two or more of the following: reiteration of identified problem, population at risk, and contributing factors

(7 points)

Summary unsatisfactory or not completed

(0–6 points)



20 points

Discussion well organized and logically supports analysis and reasoning; structure clear and compelling to reader; easy to follow author's reasoning; paragraphs linked together in logical ways; main ideas stand out

(19–20 points)

Discussion accurate but limited; some attempt at organization apparent, but in general paper does not flow well

(17–18 points)

Paper comes across as disjointed or rambling; flow of paper difficult to follow

(15–16 points)

Discussion has errors in content; no discernible attempt at organization; paper is chaotic

(0–14 points)



20 points

· Title page, running head, and page numbers (3)

· Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure correct (5)

· References properly cited within paper (5)

· Reference page includes all citations (2)

· Evidence of spelling and grammar checks (5)

(19–20 points)

· Minimal errors in APA title page noted

· Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted

· Citations present but not in correct format

· References present, with minimal errors in format

· Minimal red or green wavy lines within document

(17–18 points)

· Multiple errors in APA format

· Several grammar and punctuation errors noted

(15–16 points)

· Citations missing

· References missing or incomplete

· No evidence of proofreading prior to submitting paper

(0–14 points)


Total Points


NR443 Milestone 2 Assessment Diagnosis Guidelines updated 12/16/13 LS


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