CX3002: Corrections Philosophy and Theory: Apply philosophical orientations, concepts, and theories of corrections practice.

Written Response Submission Form

Your Name: First and last

Your E-Mail Address: Your email here


Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the rubric that will be used to evaluate your responses.

Item 1

Respond to the following:

· What biological, psychological, or social factors could be used to explain the case study offender’s criminal background? What theories might account for the offender’s behavior? (250 words)

· How would you sentence the offender for the crimes committed? (450–550 words) Be sure to address the following:

· What philosophical orientation(s) would guide your decision-making about sentencing?

· What mitigating factors and/or aggravating circumstances would you consider when deciding on sentencing?

· What type of sentence would you recommend and why?

· What sanctions would you recommend and why?

· Do you think the offender is likely to reoffend after completing their sentence? Why or why not? (250 words)

Support your response with evidence from the learning resources. You may also incorporate relevant professional experience.

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

What biological, psychological, or social factors could be used to explain the offender’s criminal background?

LO1: Apply biological, psychological, or social factors to explain an offender’s criminal background.

Response is not present.

The response does not correctly identify relevant biological, psychological, and/or social factors that explain the offender’s criminal background.

The response does not sufficiently incorporate information from the Learning Resources and/or use specific examples from the case study for illustration.

The response accurately identifies relevant biological, psychological, and social factors that explain the offender’s criminal background.

The response sufficiently incorporates information from the learning resources and uses specific examples from the case study for illustration.

What theories might account for the offender’s behavior?

LO2: Apply theories of corrections to an offender’s behavior.

Response is not present.

The response does not correctly identify relevant theories that account for the offender’s behavior.

The response does not sufficiently incorporate information from the learning resources and/or use specific examples from the case study for illustration.

The response correctly identifies relevant theories that account for the offender’s behavior.

The response sufficiently incorporates information from the learning resources and uses specific examples from the case study for illustration.

How would you sentence the offender for the crimes committed? (450–550 words)

Be sure to address the following:

· What philosophical orientation(s) would guide your decision-making about sentencing?

· What mitigating factors and/or aggravating circumstances would you consider when deciding on sentencing?

· What type of sentence would you recommend and why?

· What sanctions would you recommend and why?

LO3: Apply philosophical orientations, concepts, and theories of corrections an offender’s sentence.

Response is not present.

The response fully and accurately addresses at least three of the following questions:

· What philosophical orientation(s) would guide your decision-making about sentencing?

· What mitigating factors and/or aggravating circumstances would you consider when deciding on sentencing?

· What type of sentence would you recommend and why?

· What sanctions would you recommend and why?

The response recommends a sentence and sanctions for the offender’s crimes, but the sentence and/or sanctions may not be logical or relevant given the selected philosophical orientation and/or the mitigating/aggravating circumstances in the case study.

The response does not sufficiently incorporate information from the learning resources and/or use specific examples from the case study for illustration.

The response fully and accurately addresses all four of the following questions:

· What philosophical orientation(s) would guide your decision making about sentencing?

· What mitigating factors and/or aggravating circumstances would you consider when deciding on sentencing?

· What type of sentence would you recommend and why?

· What sanctions would you recommend and why?

The response explains a logical and relevant sentence and sanctions for the offender’s crimes, based on the selected philosophical orientation and the mitigating/aggravating circumstances in the case study.

The response sufficiently incorporates information from the learning resources and uses specific examples from the case study for illustration.

Do you think the offender is likely to reoffend after completing their sentence? Why or why not?

LO4: Analyze likelihood of criminal re-offense after a served sentence.

Response is not present.

The response indicates whether the offender is likely to reoffend after completing their sentence but does not fully explain why or why not.

The response does not sufficiently incorporate information from relevant professional experiences and/or the learning resources.

The response does not use specific examples from the case study for illustration.

The response indicates whether the offender is likely to reoffend after completing their sentence and fully explains why or why not.

The response sufficiently incorporates information from relevant professional experiences and/or the learning resources.

The response uses specific examples from the case study for illustration.

Item 2

Respond to the following in 250–350 words:

· What is the sentencing structure for drug offenses in your state?

· What types of sanctions are used for drug convictions in your state?

· Are the sentencing structure and sanctions proportionate to the crime? Why or why not?

· What factors might contribute to sentencing disparity among drug offenders in your state?

Support your response with evidence from the learning resources.

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

What is the sentencing structure for drug offenses in your state?

LO5: Describe sentencing structure for drug offenses in an individual state.

Response is not present.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or contains an incomplete description of the sentencing structure for drug offenses in the applicable state.

Response is clear, accurate, and contains a complete description of the sentencing structure for drug offenses in the applicable state.

What types of sanctions are used for drug convictions in your state?

LO6: Describe types of sanctions used for drug convictions in an individual state.

Response is not present.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or contains an incomplete description of the sanctions used for drug convictions in the applicable state.

Response is clear, accurate, and complete description of sanctions used for drug convictions in the applicable state.

Are the sentencing structure and sanctions proportionate to the crime? Why or why not?

LO7: Analyze the degree to which a sentence is proportional to a crime.

Response is not present.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or contains an incomplete analysis of the sentencing structure and sanctions proportionate to the crime in the applicable state.

Response is clear, accurate, and contains a complete analysis of the sentencing structure and sanctions proportionate to the crime in the applicable state.

What factors might contribute to sentencing disparity among drug offenders in your state?

LO8: Analyze sentencing disparity among drug offenders in an individual state.

Response is not present.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or contains an incomplete analysis of sentencing disparity among drug offenders in the applicable state.

The response is not fully or is inaccurately supported by the resources.

Response is clear, accurate, and contains a complete analysis of sentencing disparity among drug offenders in the applicable state.

The response is well supported by the resources.

Item 3

Respond to the following in 250–300 words:

· Describe ways in which you experience, witness, or are aware of racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system.

· Describe at least two strategies you would use as a criminal justice practitioner to reduce racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system. Address any barriers that might arise. Support your response with evidence from the learning resources. You may also incorporate relevant professional experience.

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Describe ways in which you experience, witness, or are aware of racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system.

LO9: Describe personal exposure to racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system.

Response is not present.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or contains an incomplete description of experience of, witnessing of, or awareness of racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system.

Response is clear, accurate, and contains a complete description of experience of, witnessing of, or awareness of racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system.

Describe at least two strategies you would use as a criminal justice practitioner to reduce racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system. Address any barriers that might arise.

LO10: Describe strategies to reduce racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system and barriers that might arise.

Response is not present.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or contains an incomplete description of at least two strategies for a criminal justice practitioner to use to reduce racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system and barriers that might arise.

The response is not fully or is inaccurately supported by the resources.

Response is clear, accurate, and contains a complete description of at least two strategies for a criminal justice practitioner to use to reduce racial bias and discrimination in the correctional system and barriers that might arise.

The response is well supported by the resources.


Provide a citation for each resource you used to write your response to this Assessment. The following citation has been provided as an example:

· Hanser, R. D. (2017). Introduction to corrections (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Mastery Rubric

In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric.

Mastery Rubric



Exceeds Expectations: Connections to Experience

Compares life experiences and academic knowledge to infer differences and similarities to concepts/ theories/frameworks of fields of study.

Responses do not integrate professional knowledge and experience from the criminal justice discipline when applied to the reporting of crime, the application of crime statistics, and the perceptions between crime occurrence and crime statistics.

Responses integrate professional knowledge and experience from the criminal justice discipline when applied to the reporting of crime, the application of crime statistics, and the perceptions between crime occurrence and crime statistics.

Professional Skills Assessment

In this Competency Assessment, you will be assessed on the following Professional Skills: Written Communication. These skills count toward your achievement of the Competency and the Professional Skills.

Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.


Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

LO1: Construct complete and correct sentences. (AWE 2; Sentence Level Skills)

Sentences are incoherent and impede reader’s access to ideas.

Sentences are incomplete and/or include fragments and run-on sentences, limiting reader’s access to ideas.

Sentence structure effectively conveys meaning to the reader.

LO2: Demonstrate the effective use of grammar and mechanics. (AWE 2; Sentence Level Skills)

Multiple inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics impede reader’s access to ideas.

Some inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics limit reader’s access to ideas.

Use of grammar and mechanics is straightforward and effectively conveys meaning to reader.

LO3: Create cohesive paragraphs with a clear central idea. (AWE 2; Paragraph Level Skills)

Paragraphs, or lack of paragraphs, impede reader’s access to ideas.

Construction of main idea and/or supporting paragraphs limit reader’s access to ideas.

Main idea and/or supporting paragraphs effectively convey meaning to reader.

LO4: Use supporting material to support a claim. (AWE 2; Use of Evidence)

Supporting materials are not present.

Supporting material is used inconsistently or inappropriately.

Supporting material is used to enhance meaning. Writing is appropriately paraphrased and uses direct quotes as applicable.

LO5: Demonstrate appropriate essay level writing skills, providing transitions between an introduction, body, and conclusion. (AWE 2; Essay Level Skills)

Ideas are disorganized with no/poor transitions.

Ideas are loosely organized with unclear paragraphing and transitions.

Ideas are organized with cohesive transitions.

LO6: Identify sources. (AWE 2; Credit to source)

Sources are missing.

Writing inconsistently identifies or misrepresents sources.

Writing clearly identifies the source of non-original material and/or ideas.

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Criminal Justice Case Studies

The Case of Jimmy Jimmy M. is a 21-year-old male who has just been arrested for stealing a car, driving while under the influence of drugs, and fleeing the scene of a deadly accident. Last night, Jimmy and a friend stole a luxury car parked in a neighborhood parking lot. Shortly after stealing the car, Jimmy and his friend smoked Fentanyl-laced cocaine and quickly became inebriated. Jimmy lost control of the car, crossed the median and hit an oncoming car head on, killing the two elderly passengers instantly. Jimmy and his friend sustained minor injuries and fled the scene. Thanks to eyewitness accounts, Jimmy and his friend were found and arrested shortly thereafter. Jimmy lives in a poverty-stricken and high crime area of town. He currently lives with his father and has no knowledge of his mother’s whereabouts. Jimmy’s father has mentally and physically abused him since he was a child, and regularly abuses drugs. Since childhood, Jimmy has suffered from a number of psychological issues and was recently diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and bipolar disorder. Jimmy was kicked out of several public schools for fighting and has been arrested twice for assault and battery and once for intent to distribute heroin.

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