Biotech Company Situational Analysis
Situation 1 (40 Points): All twenty-five IT staff now report to the senior IT Managers in the central IT organization. However, the IT Department does not have any structured, consistent and positive approach to performance appraisals and none of the IT staff have had an employee performance appraisal since they were hired. In addition, the CIO wants to establish a highly competent and capable IT organization for the company. Other than the senior managers he recently hired, he is not sure that he has the right people in the right positions and questions if the staff possess the proper skills, competencies, education, and/or experience to even be successful in these positions. The CIO has asked you to lead an initiative to work with the other senior managers in IT and Human Resources to resolve these issues.
1. Create a hierarchical IT Functional Organizational Model for the following core areas:
a. Security
b. Applications
c. Infrastructure & Operations
d. Compute Services
2. Define Core and associated sub-functional areas (use table format below)
3. Define the IT staffing complement, skills, experience, education, and certification requirements (use Matrix/Table format defined below)
4. Define the service offerings for each core area in the table
5. What approach would you take to address the lack of any structured and consistent approach to performance appraisals as well as fixing the IT staff that have not had a performance appraisal in the last three years?
Situation 2 (40-Points): All twenty-five IT staff now report to the senior IT managers in the central IT organization. Being a newly hired senior IT manager within the first couple of days you realize that you have inherited a wildly dysfunctional team! While the IT staff is highly technical team, very intelligent, technically competent and capable individuals. However, they are out of control acting as independent free lancers within the organization with no sense of team. They do have no sense of direction and are working on things that they feel are important to them with no established deadlines or accountability. They come and go as they please, frequently take extended lunches; some chose not to return to the office at all. They’re particularly unruly in staff meetings, never providing accurate or concrete information. They commandeer discussions by questioning every move you make. The other senior IT managers perceive your staff as unprofessional, discourteous, and find in very hard to work with them or rely on your staff to provide timely responses but when they do respond it meets their needs. The CIO has taken notice and has asked you to rein them in.
1. What actions would you take to address the freelance work attitude, lack of direction, and accountability with your staff?
2. What approach would you take to establish a team work environment in your department and install this concept with your staff?
3. What actions would you take to address individuals who frequently take extended lunches and/or fail to return to the office?
4. What actions would you take to address the unruly in staff meetings?
5. What approach would you take to address the perception and concerns of your fellow colleagues and the CIO?
Situation 3 (20-Points): One of the employees on your team has not complied with your directives, company policies, and is not showing signs of improvement after your initial conversation with this employee last week. His actions are having negative impacts on your team and customers. Explain what approach you would take with this employee?
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Instructions :
1. Submit Project 1 as one M.S. Word Document
2. Subdivide the document into with four sections:
Section 1: Situation 1: Unstructured & Disjointed IT Organization
Section 2: Situation 2: Dysfunctional Team
Section 3: Situation 3: Employee Performance
Section 4: References
3. Only one member from the project team submits the assignment using the dedicated link in Moodle.
4. Create an IT functional organizational model diagram (Block diagram). Secondly, use the following tables to describe each core functional and at least three associated sub-functional areas. Define the services provided by each functional area and the total staffing complement for the IT Organization.
IT Functional Area |
Functional Area Descriptions |
Services |
Staff Complement |
Enterprise Security |
IT Functional Area |
Functional Area Descriptions |
Services |
Total Staff Complement |
Enterprise Applications |
IT Functional Area |
Functional Area Descriptions |
Services |
Total Staff Complement |
Infrastructure & Operations |
IT Functional Area |
Functional Area Descriptions |
Services |
Total Staff Complement |
Compute Services |
5. IT Organization Staffing Matrix: use the following tables to outline the staffing needs for each of the IT organization by core functional areas. Define at least three IT Job Titles for each core functional area.
Enterprise Security |
IT Job Title |
Years of Experience |
Education Requirements |
Certifications |
Functional Area |
Enterprise Applications |
IT Job Title |
Years of Experience |
Education Requirements |
Certifications |
Functional Area |
Infrastructure & Operations |
IT Job Title |
Years of Experience |
Education Requirements |
Certifications |
Functional Area |
Compute Services |
IT Job Title |
Years of Experience |
Education Requirements |
Certifications |
Functional Area |
6. Use course text, lecture notes and additional research to complete project assignment; use APA format to properly site all references used.
Students will be asked to participate in a Day of Compassion during which they will strive to practice compassion throughout their daily activities. Students will document their experience via notes, voice memos, photography, and/or video to be shared in a presentation with the rest of the class.
To complete this assignment, choose a day that will be your "Day of Compassion" and try your absolute best to live each minute of that day as compassionately as possible. In other words, for a full 24-hour period, do your best to reduce suffering of others, help those in need, be considerate and respectful, and avoid causing harm to any living being.
Part I: Participate in the Day of Compassion When carrying out this assignment, leave no behavior unexamined -- from watching TV to eating lunch to decisions about giving time or money to others. That is, don't limit yourself to simply holding the door open for a stranger or petting a lonely dog; think about all the unnecessary suffering in the world, and strive for the greatest impact and deepest level of compassion without being phony or insincere. It is up to you to define what compassion is and to decide how best to realize it.
If you are already quite compassionate, try being compassionate toward groups you don't often focus on, and even if your actions don't differ much from how you normally behave, be sure to carefully observe and analyze what transpires during the experience. If outside events make it difficult for you to participate on the day you chose, or if you feel dissatisfied with your performance of the assignment, feel free to repeat the exercise on a later day.
Note: To minimize any bias in social reactions, it is best if you do not tell others about the class assignment until after the Day of Compassion is over.
Part II: Present Your Experience Present a social psychological analysis of what the day was like. Here are a few sample questions you might address:
· How did you define compassion, and who were the recipients of your efforts?
· If your behavior was different than normal, which person did you like more: the "Day of Compassion you" or the "normal you"? If you preferred the "Day of Compassion you," what are the psychological factors that prevent this "you" from coming out?
· What are the psychological costs and benefits of behaving compassionately? In your view, do the benefits outweigh the costs?
· How did others respond to your compassion? Do you think they noticed a difference in your behavior? What attributions did people make for your behavior, and why?
· If you wanted to encourage others to behave as you did during the Day of Compassion, what psychological techniques would you use? How can social psychology be used to foster a more compassionate society?
· If you were to predict your behavior one month from now, do you think it will be changed in any way as a result of participating in the Day of Compassion? If so, how? If not, why not?

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