Andre Keshishian

Professor Parypinski

English 101

Westwood is the home to the UCLA campus, many students, families, and restaurants.

The restaurants hold a significance to the people of Westwood and mainly to the students. As

time passes, Los Angeles is becoming more ethnically diverse are more accepting of different

cultures. This is just one value of the

youth movement that is so evident in

Westwood. Another value of the youth

movement is the rise of veganism.

Generations ago, if one were to say they

follow a strict vegetarian diet, they would

be criticized, as meat shows masculinity. Today, these strict vegetarian diets are becoming

popular and even trendy! According to the article, “Veganism has Grown 500% since 2014 in the

US,” in 2014, 1% of US citizens identified themselves as vegan and today the number has

increased to 6%. This clearly shows that the vegan movement is on an incline, which shows it is

becoming trendy! The youth movement is only growing as the younger generation grows. The

youth movement not only includes the idea of healthy eating, it also includes the idea of cultural

diversity. According to the UCLA demographics of the Fall 2016 quarter, 3,659 of the 30,873 of

the undergraduate students are international students. This piece of evidence serves to prove that

ethnic diversity is on the high end, which is why Westwood values the idea of cultural diversity.

Westwood must value the idea of the youth movement to keep students and the youth completely

satisfied at all times.

The youth movement has many aspects and one of the main ones is health consciousness.

The youth is becoming more health conscious as they learn more of the horrible side effects of

unhealthy eating. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 610,000 people in the US

die of heart disease each year. Unhealthy eating is linked to heart disease and cancer, therefore;

much of the youth is focused on maintaining a healthy diet. Recently, the International Agency

for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified meat as a carcinogen (Simon). Clearly, meat is not as

healthy as many say it is. To stay away from meat and its long term effects, many go on a vegan

diet which offers many health benefits, but some commit to this diet for ethical reasons. Youth

movement also values the idea of peace and prosperity, not only between humans, but between

all living creatures. Documentaries such as Earthlings show the truth of what goes on in

cultivation farms and what is really done to these animals. Watching the documentary, you can

see the cruelty these animals endure to be reach our dinner table. As it shows the pigs being

slaughtered, you realize that these animals are truly sentient beings, just like us. They feel pain

and have emotion; however, it has been ignored for centuries. Today, the younger generations

are pushing to achieve peace between all living beings as they have realized the origin of the

animal products they used to consume. The commitment to a vegan diet may be difficult;

however, Westwood values and appreciates the idea of it which is why it is easier for students

and others to enjoy a meatless meal in the city. Other than the vegan aspect of the youth

movement, cultural diversity is also valued in the city. UCLA’s proximity to Westwood

generates diverse cultural food choices to satisfy the needs and desires of not only their students,

but the residents in the area. This allows for individuals to try the foods of different cultures.

Why is cultural diversity important? According to the article, “What is the Importance of

Cultural Diversity,” the author states that cultural diversity is important because, “It not only

gives us different perspectives, but the opportunity to explore and challenge our own

perspectives” (Lombard). Lombard is stating that cultural diversity allows us to become more

accepting of other ethnicities and it allows us to refine the incorrect stereotypes we once held.

This is important as it is always beneficial and helpful to learn what other cultures experience

and eat.

Transitioning into a city that values the youth movement, the city gained lots of

popularity a lot of revenue to the city of Westwood. Around 2013, Westwood was losing

popularity and value. How did the city solve this problem and bring more income and

prominence to the city? It did so by bringing restaurants that value the cultural shift in today’s

younger generations. According to the article, “Westwood Wants to be Cool Again,”, restaurants

such as Burger King, did not follow the latest trend and were closed as a result (Stevens). This

shows that generic restaurants that are seen every day do not have much value in the city. These

restaurants are very common and they would not allow Westwood to prosper as they are boring

and generic. Restaurants are needed that intrigue the people and offer them good quality foods.

Additions of restaurants such as Veggie Grill, 800 Degrees, and Cava are what attracts people

and makes the city strive and succeed. College students follow the youth movement because they

want trendier and more fun things in their lives, which is why they are so attracted to the

Westwood Village neighborhood. The city benefits economically as these restaurants bring in a

lot of money to the city and it benefits socially as it is viewed as a “hip” place.

As Westwood’s international youth grows, it results in a growth of cultural diversity.

Valuing cultural diversity is very important, especially in the United States, where our country

was founded by and built by immigrants. Why is it important that UCLA values these diverse

cultural foods? In the 1960’s and 1970’s, many international students were demanding access to

higher levels of education; therefore, UCLA’s High Potential Program was founded, which

“sought to bring historically underrepresented students to campus” (Pulido 198). This shows why

the international population at UCLA is high, which is why Westwood values their cultures.

With these new restaurants being built in Westwood, more international students are being

pleased. Different restaurants exist, offering Mexican food, Korean food, Italian food, Indian

food, and Mediterranean food. UCLA students can take a short ten-minute walk and make their

way down to the Westwood Village where they can make themselves feel at home, having a

variety of food choices to choose from. Pinak Nayak, a student at UCLA majoring in

microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics was born in India and claimed that he was

home sick and missed the food back in India. To help ease his homesickness he goes down to

Westwood Village to eat at BollyWood Bites, a restaurant that serves fine Indian-cuisine

(Maracini). This serves to prove that the city of Westwood focuses on pleasing international

students such as Pinak, to give them a sense of home. It may be hard to move to the states from a

different country; however, Westwood makes their transition to the city much easier by offering

them their own cultural foods. When I visited Westwood, I was astonished by the amounts of

cultural foods they offered! Just on one street, I saw three Korean restaurants: Koala T, BibiGo,

and BibiBop. On the same street, there were also Mediterranean restaurants and Mexican

restaurants. Not only do these wide variety of food choices attract international students, they

also attract people from nearby neighborhoods, wanting to try something new to eat. I saw many

families, couples, and teenagers roaming through the streets of Westwood, looking for the

perfect food to devour. Referring back to the article, “What is the Importance of Cultural

Diversity,” Lombard stated that a benefit of cultural diversity is that it allows us to gain new

perspectives of different cultures and it allows us to interact with them. The culturally diverse

food in Westwood allows residents and students to try foods that are unique and expose

ourselves to foods we are not familiar with. Christopher Keshishian, a student at UCLA majoring

in biology said, “The hardest part of eating in Westwood is deciding where to eat, due to its

plethora of culturally diverse options.” This shows that Westwood is offering many different

kinds of cuisine that students are overwhelmed with the abundance of options. Members of the

youth movement enjoy this and prefer it because it allows the youth to immerse themselves in a

new culture through food and get a taste of what others from different backgrounds enjoy eating.

The streets are always full of college students and families looking for something to eat. These

restaurants satisfy all the people and offer a nice environment of food. This cultural diversity not

only pleases the residents of Westwood, but it also pleases the workforce. The popularity in the

area encourages entrepreneurs to move their new, trendy restaurants to the region and that

increases the employment rate in the city.

Though cultural diverse foods are a main aspect of the youth movement, other aspects are

included such as trendy, convenient, and strict dietary foods. When I visited Westwood, I

realized there was no typical and ordinary

food such as a McDonalds or Burger King,

instead I discovered different restaurants that

were exotic and trendy. These restaurants

included places such as 800 Degrees, Nushii,

and Cava. At all three of these restaurants,

the food was made right in front of your

eyes. 800 Degrees serves pizza, Nushii serves sushi burritos, and Cava serves Mediterranean

food. You can be your own chef and choose from a large variety of toppings. Not all generic

restaurants make the food right in front of your eyes and you are forced to eat the food just as

they come with no option to customize. Recently restaurants have been serious on maximizing

the health benefits of their food and are always edging toward using more organic and fresh

ingredients. In the article, “Trends for 2017 shows wellness and food links to grow,” it is stated,

“health is king” (Ming). This proves how important health is that it is being referred to as “king.”

Health is wealth and it is one of the most important aspects of ourselves. We all want to cleanse

our body with wholesome and nutritious food, which is why restaurants are now beginning to

advertise their food as organic, gluten-free, or natural. These restaurants want to satisfy those

who want to keep themselves healthy. Recently restaurants have been transitioning into using

less artificial ingredients, less additives, less hormones, and using only natural ingredients. For

example, Chipotle’s website states, “When it comes to our food, genetically modified ingredients

don’t make the cut” (Lilley). This is important because it shows that restaurants such as Chipotle

are converting to an all-natural menu, offering healthier options to their customers. All-natural

foods can help maximize customer satisfaction as it is what the youth wants. Siddhartha Bose, a

student at UCLA majoring in computer science believes that the youth-movement has greatly

impacted his life at UCLA in the past three years. He said that there used to be a Five Guys

restaurant that offered greasy and fattening cheeseburgers. Recently the restaurant closed, and

Cava opened. Cava offers exotic and healthy food which Siddhartha enjoys and believes that the

change was for the best. Siddhartha is correct because currently, the nation is drastically

suffering from the effects of fattening fast food chain restaurants such as McDonalds and Burger

King. One main solution to bring an end to the hearth disease epidemic evident in today’s

population is to cut down the intake of unhealthy and unnatural foods. As an attempt to cut down

the consumption of unhealthy food, Westwood has become a leader of one of the biggest trends

in Los Angeles: the vegan movement. The vegan movement is rapidly increasing as the younger

generation shift their diets to a meat and dairy free one due to increased awareness of the

environmental, ethical, and health benefits of veganism. According to Ming, change in consumer

diets have resulted in the food industry to produce vegan-friendly food. Westwood has noticed a

high increase in veganism in the area which is why they are producing vegan-friendly food for

the people. This is important as it shows Westwood is targeting these consumer’s values and

their dietary needs. Restaurants in Westwood value the vegan diet by offering meat substitution

options. For example, BibiBop offers tofu and Cava offers falafel in place of the chicken and

beef options. The fact that these restaurants go out of their way to serve these foods show that

they value the youth-movement and its beliefs. Other restaurants exist in the Westwood that offer

only vegan food. Restaurants such as Veggie Grill offer vegan chicken burgers, vegan chicken

tenders, and vegan cheese fries. They take the risk of serving to a target-customer with a

relatively low population. Meat-eaters

outnumber those on vegan diets, yet these

chains still try their best to serve to them.

This shows that these establishments in the

Westwood Village value those on these

diets. The whole city offers such a diverse

variety of restaurants, spanning from sushi burritos, to Mediterranean bowls, to vegan cheese

burgers. The variety of health food is tremendous and it just gets bigger as the youth movement

grows! Many places that I go to in LaCrescenta lack vegetarian options. I have found only a few

chains in the city that offer vegetarian food; however, Westwood has these restaurants on every

single street, making it easier for residents and students to find food that their taste buds are

craving. Dining is convenient for these students who follow this strict diet because most

restaurants value this choice, so they offer all kinds of meat substitutions and food for those who

don’t eat meat. Westwood grows and strives from establishments such as these healthy fast food

chains that are made to fulfill people’s health and dietary needs.

Youth-movement is what the city of Westwood values and they express it through their

restaurants. Restaurants valuing cultural diversity for UCLA students is very important because it

helps them settle their cultural food cravings. It brings variety to the city and allows customers to

enjoy lots of variety spanning from different cultures. The young generation is the target customer

in Westwood, which is why their opinions are valued in the city. The city values their healthy,

trendy, cultural desires. Compared to my hometown of LaCrescenta, Westwood completely

dominates it in the food industry. LaCrescenta has a very limited variety of restaurants that offer

vegetarian foods and trendy foods. The city does have common fast food chains such as Burger

King and McDonalds that Westwood had gotten rid of. Westwood has created publicity and profits

since they transitioned into this new “hip” city that offers many kinds of food to all the people.

Westwood is a modern advancement and in the future, many cities will begin to transition just like

Westwood did. Westwood has gotten rid of all its ordinary food chains and had added all these

exotic high-quality types of food. As other cities will begin to commit to this transition, their profits

and customer satisfaction will be maximized as it has with Westwood. Westwood demonstrates an

era of prosperity and affluence in the restaurant industry as they are satisfying all its people while

generating profits. Westwood is the trendy and cool city people want to visit to taste different kinds

of food. Steven’s article in 2013 was titled, “Westwood Wants to be Cool Again,” it has

successfully done so in these previous years through its transitions and choices of values. The city

has transitioned into such a success due to its act of valuing the youth-movement and cultural

diversity, which is what the city was lacking years ago.

Works Cited

Bose, Siddhartha. Personal Interview. November 5, 2017

Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Heart Disease in the United States,

Keshishian, Christopher. Personal Interview. November 5, 2017

Lilley, Jennifer. “Fast food restaurants move towards organic food as Americans become

health-conscious.” Natural News, July 01, 2015,

Lombard, John. “What is the importance of cultural diversity.” Quora, June 7,

Maracini, Daniel. Daily Bruin, September 16, 2017,


Ming, Cheang. “Trends for 2017 show wellness and food links to grow.” CNBC, January 2,



Monson. Shaun. Earthlings.

Pulido, Laura. A People’s Guide to Los Angeles. Campbell Hal, UCLA, 1st ed., University of

California Press, 2012, pp 198-200.

Simon, Stacey. “World Health Organization Says Processed Meat Causes Cancer.” American

Cancer Society, October 26, 2015,


Stevens, Matt. Westwood Village wants to be cool again.” LosAngeles Times, June 17, 2013, Pp 1

UCLA Undergraduate Admission. Enrollment, 2016,

“Veganism has grown 500% since 2014 in the US.” Rise of the Vegan, June 25, 2017,

"City Of Alhambra". Cityofalhambra.Org, 2019,

This article is found on the website of the city government of Alhambra. Being a government source makes it a credible resource about the City. It provides the history of the City of Alhambra, from 1771 to present. Such account entails origin Alhambra, it's naming, the first settlers, the boom and bust of Alhambra in1880s and 1890s, its incorporation to a city in 1903, the early development of the City, public amenities in the City such as churches, libraries, hospitals, and recreational facilities. While writing about Alhambra neighborhood, it is essential to note its history. This article provides vital information that will help in discussing the neighborhood's history.

Garner, Scott. "Neighborhood Spotlight: Alhambra Quietly Shows Off Its Assets". Latimes.Com, 2017,

Scott Garner is Corporate Communication Manager and freelance journalist at one of the Los Angeles Times. The LAtimes is one of the largest daily newspapers in the country hence high credibility of the news delivered. In this news article, the author discusses the beautiful neighborhoods of the City of Alhambra as well as one of its most remarkable founders, Benjamin Wilson. Garner refers to Alhambra as a city of homes, attributing to the City's numerous home designs that appeal to a wide range of tastes. He further discusses other highlights of the Alhambra Neighborhood such as downtown renaissance and the famous Valley Boulevard. The article also includes some of the challenges the City faces, expert insight regarding the City, a market snapshot of the City as per 2017, and school performance within this region. This resource will contribute to a better understanding of the City in terms of its assets.

City Of Alhambra Community Profile. 2012, Accessed 15 May 2019.

This article is a project report of the City of Alhambra. The report provides many insights about the current status of the City as well as its future perspective. In the introduction, the article discusses the envision Alhambra 2035, which is a developmental plan for the City. The report further discusses the community survey, environmental scan, and the local economy. Under the community survey, various aspects of the neighborhood such as the city history, the local government, and human and social capital of Alhambra are discussed. In the environmental scan, the article talks about both the built environment and natural environment of the City. This discussion entails housing and land use, as well as the natural resources and utilization in Alhambra. Finally, under the local economy, the authors discuss the demographics of the region, employment status, and the shifting demographics in relation to the economy of the area. This article will be very useful in discussing the social, environmental and economic aspects of the neighborhood.

"Alhambra, CA, 91801 Crime Rates And Crime Statistics - Neighborhoodscout". Neighborhoodscout.Com, 2019,

This website provides statistics about Alhambra neighborhood securities. Security is one of the significant characteristics of a neighborhood. It suggests not only the economic status of the City but also a good indicator of the general safeness in the region. This website provides a summary of crime index of the region, violent crime in the region in comparison to that of the entire country, and property crime in comparison to those of the California State and the entire country. The article further discusses this data specifically citing some of the most comment crimes. This resource will be helpful in gaining a better understanding of the Alhambra safeness.

Statisticalatlas.Com, 2019,

This website provides statistics on the demographic, income, and education levels of the Alhambra residents. The website provides not only numbers but also a graphical representation of the same hence easier understanding. When a discussion about a neighborhood, some of the important aspects to discuss include, the demographics of its residents, household income, employment status, food status, occupations, industries, education attainment, and school enrollment. This website will help in understanding these aspects of Alhambra neighborhood. This data is essential in interpreting the livelihood of Alhambra's residents. It gives an insight into social diversity, economic diversity, as well as the level of education among the residents.

Works Cited

Statisticalatlas.Com, 2019,

"Alhambra, CA, 91801 Crime Rates And Crime Statistics - Neighborhoodscout". Neighborhoodscout.Com, 2019,

"City Of Alhambra". Cityofalhambra.Org, 2019,

City Of Alhambra Community Profile. 2012, Accessed 15 May 2019.

Garner, Scott. "Neighborhood Spotlight: Alhambra Quietly Shows Off Its Assets". Latimes.Com, 2017,

Thursday, May 16, 2019


Essay 3 Outline introduction

I. Introduction

a. Westwood has cultural diversity, veganism, and home of UCLA

b. Thesis: Westwood values the youth movement due to student population

II. Health consciousness is important to the youth movement

a. Reasons why the youth are health conscious

i. Negative effects of unhealthy eating

1. Heart disease and cancer

2. Meat is a carcinogen

ii. Ethical reasons

1. Cruelty to animals

2. Earthlings documentary about pig slaughter

B. Cultural diversity and food (benefits)

i. Gives us different perspectives

ii. Accepting of other ethnicities

III. Westwood has appealed to trends to be relevant to generate popularity and revenue

a. Was losing popularity in 2013

b. Solve problem by bringing in new restaurants

i. Taking away fast food like Burger King


Thursday, May 16, 2019

ii. Bringing in cool, vegan-friendly, restaurant like Veggie Grill, 800

C. Appealing to trends brought popularity, made the city hip, and increased revenue

IV. The youth movement values cultural diversity

a. International students

i. UCLA High potential Program brought in international students

ii. Diverse food choices make international students comfortable

1. Gives students a sense of home

b. Locals

i. Many choices to eat

ii. Exposed to different cultures, try something new

c. Workforce

i. New restaurant can increase employment

ii. Attracts entrepreneurs

V. Youth movement values quality, trendy food

a. Customizable

i. No regular fast food like McDonalds

ii. Food made right in front of you at these new restaurants

b. Health food with quality ingredients

i. High demand for fresh, all-natural, organic-ingredients

ii. Less artificial, less additives, less hormones


Thursday, May 16, 2019

iii. Less demand for greasy fast food

1. Because of heart disease, etc.

c. Vegan movement

i. Environmental, ethnical, and health reasons

ii. Vegan restaurants go out of their way to serve the population, demonstrating they

value this diet

VI. Conclusion

a. Youth-movement is what the city of Westwood values and they expressed through

their restaurants

b. Comparison to LaCrescenta shows Westwood is trendier

c. Westwood is an example for other cities of valuing population and economic success


  • Title
  • Essay 3 Outline introduction

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