Analyzing and Visualizing Data
Course Description
Please use dynamic programming to produce the optimal solution to the task assignment problem given as follows:
a. 2 servers are available, servers A and B.
b. 5 jobs are involved, jobs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
c. Each job needs different execution time lengths and energy levels on different servers. Detailed information refers to Table II.
a. Produce an energy mapping table showing the minimum energy level at each timing constraint.
b. Create a task assignment plan to minimize the total cost of energy under timing constraint 10. Dynamic programming is required.
Show your detailed steps; simply giving your final answer will only earn partial credits.
Practical Connection Assignment
Component |
Proficient (15 to 20 points) |
Competent (8 to 14 points) |
Novice (1 to 7 points) |
Score |
Assignment Requirements
Student completed all required portions of the assignment |
Completed portions of the assignment |
Did not complete the required assignment. |
Writing Skills, Grammar, and APA Formatting |
Assignment strongly demonstrates graduate-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style. Assignment is well written, and ideas are well developed and explained. Demonstrates strong writing skills. Student paid close attention to spelling and punctuation. Sentences and paragraphs are grammatically correct. Proper use of APA formatting. Properly and explicitly cited outside resources. Reference list matches citations.
Assignment demonstrates graduate-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style.
Assignment is effectively communicated, but some sections lacking clarity. Student paid some attention to spelling and punctuation, but there are errors within the writing. Needs attention to proper writing skills.
Use of APA formatting and citations of outside resources, but has a few instances in which proper citations are missing.
Assignment does not demonstrate graduate-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style.
Assignment is poorly written and confusing. Ideas are not communicated effectively. Student paid no attention to spelling and punctuation. Demonstrates poor writing skills.
The assignment lacks the use of APA formatting and does not provide proper citations or includes no citations. |
Maintains purpose/focus |
Submission is well organized and has a tight and cohesive focus that is integrated throughout the document |
Submissions has an organizational structure and the focus is clear throughout.
Submission lacks focus or contains major drifts in focus |
Understanding of Course Content |
Student demonstrates understand of course content and knowledge. |
Student demonstrates some understanding of course content and knowledge. |
Student does not demonstrate understanding of course content and knowledge.
Work Environment Application |
Student strongly demonstrates the practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment. |
Student demonstrates some practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment. |
Student does not demonstrate the practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment.
Practical Connection Assignment
it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.
Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

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