Home, School, and Community
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.
An emotional response by parents is the fear that teachers will replace them in their children’s affections.
1. Describe the conflicting emotions the parent may have that contribute to this fear. In your response, include two negative emotions and a positive desire.
2. What does research show about the child’s relationship with the primary parental figure when the child has additional attachments to other people?
3. Describe three issues related to role confusion that a teacher may feel or may communicate.
4. What can a teacher do to reinforce the primary relationship between the parent and the child and to communicate that the teacher does not desire to take the parent’s place in the child’s life?
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
20 points15 points10 points5 points
The student describes two
negative emotions and one
positive desire parents have for
their child when entering a child
care or educational program.
The student describes one
negative emotion and one
positive desire parents have for
their child when entering a child
care or educational program.
The student describes only one
negative emotion or only one
positive desire parents have for
their child when entering a child
care or educational program.
The student poorly describes
the negative emotions or
postive desires parents have for
their child when entering a child
care or educational program.
15 points12 points8 points5 points
The student clearly explains
what research shows about the
child’s relationship with the
primary parental figure when
the child has additional
attachments to other people.
The student adequately explains
what research shows about the
child’s relationship with the
primary parental figure when
the child has additional
attachments to other people.
The student partially explains
what research shows about the
child’s relationship with the
primary parental figures when
the child has additional
attachments to other people.
The student poorly explains
what research shows about the
child’s relationship with the
primary parental figures when
the child has additional
attachments to other people.
20 points15 points10 points5 points
The student clearly describes
three issues related to role
confusion that a teacher may
feel or communicate.
The student somewhat clearly
describes at least two issues
related to role confusion that a
teacher may feel or
The student describes one issue
related to role confusion that a
teacher may feel or
The student poorly describes
the issues related to role
confusion that a teacher may
feel or communicate.
10 points 8 points5 points2 points
The student strongly describes
what a teacher can do to
reinforce the primary
relationship between the
parents and the child.
The student adequately
describes what a teacher can
do to reinforce the primary
relationship between the
parents and the child.
The student partially describes
what a teacher can do to
reinforce the primary
relationship between the
parents and the child.
The student poorly describes
what a teacher can do to
reinforce the primary
relationship between the
parents and the child.
10 points 8 points5 points2 points
The student clearly describes
what a teacher can do to
communicate that he or she
does not desire to take the
parent's place in the child's life.
The student adequately
describes what a teacher can
do to communicate that he or
she does not desire to take the
parent's place in the child's life.
The student partially describes
what a teacher can do to
communicate that he or she
does not desire to take the
parent's place in the child's life.
The student poorly describes
what a teacher can do to
communicate that he or she
does not desire to take the
parent's place in the child's life.
10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points
Student does not make any
errors in grammar or spelling,
especially those that distract
the reader from the content.
Student makes 1-2 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Student makes more than 4
errors in grammar or spelling
that distract the reader from
the content.
15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points
The paper is written in proper
APA and organizational format.
All sources used for quotes and
facts are credible and cited
correctly. Excellent
organization, including a variety
of thoughtful transitions.
The paper is written in proper
format with only 1-2 errors. All
sources used for quotes and
facts are credible, and most are
cited correctly. Adequate
organization includes a variety
of appropriate transitions.
The paper is written in proper
format with only 3-5 errors.
Most sources used for quotes
and facts are credible and cited
correctly. Essay is poorly
organized, but may include a
few effective transitions.
The paper is not written in
proper format. Many sources
used for quotes and facts are
less than credible (suspect)
and/or are not cited correctly.
Essay is disorganized and does
not include effective
Format - APA Format,
Citations, Organization,
Transitions (15 Points)
Description of Emotions
(20 Points)
Mechanics (10 Points)
Explanation of
Research in Relation to
Attachment (15 Points)
Description of Issues
Related to Role
Confusion (20 Points)
Reinforce the
Relationship Between
the Parents and Child
(10 Points)
Communication to
Parents (10 Points)