Brainstorming Activity for Introduction Essay
Use bullet points to answer the following questions about yourself (if you don’t have an answer to one or two of these questions, then skip that question). You may add more than one bullet point to answer any question. You will use the ideas that you brainstorm to write an application letter about yourself, which will be your first major essay due.
Journalists’ Questions |
Question you will answer |
Your answer, in bullet point style and not in paragraph form |
Who |
are you as a student? |
· I am a Sophomore in Dallas College. · I am an international student in the USA. |
are you as a family member? |
· I am the youngest child of my parents. · I am also the youngest brother to my two elder sisters. |
inspired you to do something you never thought you could do? |
· My parents always inspire me to do better in my life. · It is because of them I am studying in the foreign land. |
What |
have you accomplished so far in your high school and college career that you are proud of? |
· I was ranked first out of six hundred students in my high school. |
do you want to study in college? |
· I want to study Computer Science in the college. |
do are your hopes or plans for after you earn your degree or certificate? |
· I plan to work as a programmer after earning my degree in computer science. · I hope to provide good living to my parents and make them feel proud. |
Where |
are you from? |
· I am from a small country in Asia named Nepal.
do you hope to study after you leave Mountain View? |
· Yes, I hope to transfer to TWU to earn my undergrad in Computer Science. |
do you see yourself in ten years? |
· I see myself being the CEO of my own business which will be in my home country, Nepal. |
Why |
did you decide to enroll as a college student? |
· The knowledge gained from college will help me to be competitive in my field of study and to get a better job. · Enrolling as a college student would help me advance in my career as a programmer. |
do you want to study what you hope to study? |
· I hope to study Computer Science because this technologically advancing world has always caught my interest and I would like to contribute to it. |
How |
will you keep pursuing what you love even after college? |
· Even after completing college I will be utilizing the resources from the internet to keep myself updated. · I will read books to sharpen my knowledge which will eventually help me to build a better business and career. |
will becoming what you hope to become make yourself and your family and community members proud? |
· Being a programmer will help me serve in the development of my country in the field of technology in which it is lacking. · Having a good status in the community through wonderful job will make my family members proud.
English 103-02 / Midterm Spring 2021
Answer two questions from the list below: one from section I and one from section II. Your paper should be formatted and referenced in MLA style.
Each question is in two parts. Answer each part in a well-structured, full paragraph--focus on a strong central point. Your paragraphs should be approximately 200 words long (a bit more or a bit less, is okay). Be sure to include several short quotations from the primary text with MLA style citations and provide parenthetical page citations when you discuss specific passages through summary or paraphrase.
When citing a passage from the play Chef, provide page numbers as you would for a novel and short story because Mahfouz gives no act, scene or line numbers. However, when you quote from Chef observe the line breaks in the text and do so with a slash: e.g. “She would have loved a little sorbet/ flavoured with her favourite tea flower…” (Mahfouz 36).
This midterm is testing your interpretation of the primary texts. If you choose to consult any secondary sources, to avoid plagiarism you must give in-text citations to show where these sources inform your work. Include the secondary sources in your work cited list.
Section I
1. a. “Grand Union”: Why does the narrator seek advice from her mother and how helpful is her mother’s response? b. How does this story comment on the history of Jamaica?
Section II
2. a. Chef: How does food preparation liberate the protagonist in Sabrina Mahfouz’s play? b. Why does Mahfouz open the play with a peach and end the play with sorbet and berries?

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