Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Frank Frimpong-Manso

University of Phoenix

RES709: Research Conceptualization and Design

Prof. Marlene Blake

December 12th 2020


Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative research is a study that deals with numbers and logic and an objective bearing.

In quantitative research, the main focus of a study is to understand the relationship that exists

between one variable and the other, which are dependent and independent variable within a given

population. Quantitative research takes a descriptive or experimental measure. An experimental

study determines a causality relationship. On the other end, the descriptive study deals with

associations amongst different variables. The experimental and descriptive study mainly involves

numbers and data that is unchanging that are detailed convergent reasoning rather than divergent


The following are some of the characteristics of quantitative study;

In the article by Malima & Akech, (2017), which is a quantitative study, the data is

collected through the use of structured research instruments which in this case was a questionnaire

in which a random sample of 612 people was interviewed. To be able to conclusively determine

the relationship that exists between dependent and interdependent variables to make it easy to


Further, the outcome of the experiment is anchored on a larger sample size that represents

the entire population. Therefore, the sample should be picked from a representative population

which will help the researchers draw a conclusive analysis of the population. Also, it is necessary

that the research population picked brings out the outcome which can be repeated or replicated, this

is the best way that the researcher understands that it is reliable enough. When the limitations are

incorporated into the study, there are high chances that the outcome of the research can be

achieved by repeating the same approach.

Marlene Blake
Good introduction. Please ensure sources are cited.
Marlene Blake
Good content. Please review the APA guidelines for this citation format.


Another feature of the quantitative research is that the researcher has a set of questions that

are well defined from which the objective answers come from. Therefore, before the stage of data

collection is arrived at, the study is carefully designed to enable effective conclusion and outcome

is attained. The outcome reiterated that single parenting has high chances of bringing up a child

who may have challenges when it comes to effective performance.

Another feature of the quantitative research is that project can be employed to generalize

concepts more broadly, forecast future outcome or when to effectively investigate the causal

relationships. Additionally, the researchers in quantitative research employ tools like a

questionnaire or different computer application which can be used to gather numerical data.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is a study that involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data,

usually, text, video and audio. The main motive of the qualitative research is to have an

understanding concept, experiences or opinions. Mostly, qualitative research study collects

information that provides an in-depth insight into a problem or to generate new ideas for the

research. For instance, in the article by Mulovhedzi (2019), it is evident that opinions and data

derived at are non-numerical that can best be analyzed through which every case is uniquely


The following are some of the characteristics of qualitative research;

The design of qualitative research is often naturalistic; this means that the study aims to

understand the real-world situations as they happen naturally. The qualitative research should be

nonmanipulative and noncontrolling, this means that the researcher is ready and open to whatever

comes the way. Further, the design should also be emergent. This means that the researcher can be

Marlene Blake
Good content. Please ensure sources are cited.


acceptable of adapting inquiry as the researcher evades complicated designs that eradicate

responding to opportunities to follow new tracks of detection as they come through.

Another feature of qualitative research lies like data collection. First, in the article data is

collected through observations, interviews that most of the time captures direct quotations about

individuals' perspectives and life experiences. The data can also be received from reviewing case

studies and critically reviewing material culture. the data collection process consists of personal

experience and engagement where the researcher has direct with the people or from the source of

the data under investigation. Further, there is empathic neutrality where the study respondents get

detailed understanding without being judged. The dynamic system is another feature in data

collection, this is where the attention to process, assumption change is continuous especially where

the focus rests on an individual, community, or an organization.

The analysis is another characteristic of the qualitative data that should be looked into.

When it comes to analysis, there is usually a unique case orientation where an assumption is made

that every case is unique and special. Therefore, attention should be given to the different cases

that the researcher is studying as well as capturing in entirety, the individuals that are being told

from the different cases. Additionally, qualitative research involves inductive analysis which

implies immersion into details and particulars of the data collected to understand the patterns and

themes that help in deriving to a conclusion. A holistic perspective is another important aspect of

analysis. Here the entire phenomenon that is being studied is understood as a complicated system

which surpasses the sums of its parts the intention is to understand the complicated

interdependencies and system dynamics.

Major Differences Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods


The major difference between the qualitative and quantitative research methods lies in the

process through which data is collected where the quantitative relies on the use of structured tools

to collect data while the qualitative uses observations and experiments to obtain data.

Another difference between these two research methods is that in the quantitative research

method uses numeric, numbers and logic while the quantitative research method uses non-numeric

data which mainly involve audio, text, among others.



Malima, J. G., & Akech, P. E. (2017). The Effect of Single Parenting on Students' Academic

Performance in Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania. GRIN Verlag. Malima, J. G.,

& Akech, P. E. (2017). The Effect of Single Parenting on Students' Academic Performance

in Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania. GRIN Verlag.

Mulovhedzi, N. (2019). Challenges encountered by primary school learners from single-parent

households to attain academic achievements (Doctoral dissertation).

Marlene Blake
Good job overall. There are minor areas of opportunity for formatting of the sources. The Reference and Citation Examples in the CWE is a great guide to use for future reference.

RES/709 v4

Research Outline

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


RES/709 Research Outline

Frank Frimpong-Manso

University of phoenix

RES 709: Research Conceptualization and Design

Prof Marlene Blake

November 23rd 2020

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Proposed Dissertation Title

Title: Children in single parent households face a lot of social and economic challenges, resulting

in their emotional, upbringing and educational achievements being affected negatively

1. Problem Statement

The problem is that children in single parent households face a lot of social and economic

challenges, resulting in their emotional, upbringing and educational achievements being affected


2. Studies Purpose

The aim of this study is to find out the different challenges that children from single

households' face and probable solutions to the challenges.

3. Research Questions

i) What are the causes of the economic, and social challenges that children brought up

in single parent households face?

ii) What are the challenges that single parent households face and what effects do they

have on student's performance?

iii) What are the causes of negative emotions, upbringing challenges and inadequate

educational achievement in single household parenting?

iv) What are the proposed solutions to overcome the identified challenges?

Part 2: Background to the Problem

When a child is born, his first place of contact is his own family. As a result, the child's

initial socialization and education are obtained from the family. Families, on the other hand, can

either be broken or intact. A broken home is not structurally intact due to separation, divorce, or

the parents' death. Such families tend to have detrimental effects on the child, including their

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Marlene Blake
Please review the prior feedback to revise and update the purpose statement.
Marlene Blake
Please review the prior feedback to revise and update the problem statement.


performance in school. The child would also be affected emotionally as children tend to grow

morally upright and become emotionally cared for by both parents (Chukwuka, 2018). In families

with two parents, the father always carters for the requirements for the educational advancement of

a child while the mother supplements the father's efforts. When one of the parents is absent, such

as the father, the mother would not be privileged enough to cater to all the child's basic needs and

supervise their academic performance at the same time. This is the same scenario that would occur

when the mother is not present in the family.

Life in a single-parent household can also stressful for both the parent and child. Such

families may be faced with challenges such as inadequate finance. In a study conducted to confirm

if there are differences in the children's educational attainment from single parent households and

that of children from intact families, it was determined that the influence is apparent in secondary

education (Fučík, 2016). The study, therefore, shows there is a significant impact on single parents'

households towards the achievements of children educationally.

Research Method and Methodology

This section entails the chosen methodology to conduct this research. The following are

some of the subheadings that will be used to discuss this section, research design, population of the

study, sample, and techniques used in the sampling, as well as data collection and the method used

and analysis

Research design

The study will use a descriptive survey design. The description offers an overview of the

data collected from the research participants relating to single parenting and academic achievement

of students brought up in single parenting household.


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The study population will comprise of single parents with children in learning institution

which will be selected across the country. Further, the students will also be subjected to the study

to understand the effects of single parents in their lives. In total, a population of 750 including both

parents, students and teachers will be subjected to questionnaires.

Sampling Technique

The study employs a simple random sampling technique with a sample size of 300 for both

students and teachers.

Data Collection

Data will be collected through structured methods where questionnaire will be used to

collect data from all the respondents. The questionnaire will be developed through a four-point

liker scale.

Data analysis

The data collected from the participants will be analyzed through the use of mean and

standard deviation for the research questions while the Z-test was used to help test the null

hypothesis at a 0.05 significance level.

The above research methodology is selected as it perfectly suits the type of research that

should be conducted which is quantitative in nature where the study is aiming at offering an in-

depth understanding of the proposed research questions.

Appendix B

Summary of Research Questions

i) Indeed, most single households parenting often face an array of economic challenges.

For instance, when a mother is bereaved, they might be left without a stable source of

income. This often makes the children they are upbringing to go through economic

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


hardships as they have to shelve on some of the demands that they have in life. Given

the nature of the society, the standards and show off of children on the same level will

make the bereaved children have social challenges as they try to fit in. However, it is

necessary to find the causes and the remedy to the different social challenges brought

about by this issue.

ii) Overall, after a person loses their spouse, they undergo through different challenges.

These challenges have an impact on children's school performance. Therefore, the

research question ii is seeking to establish the different challenges and the effects it has

on the performance of the affected children.

iii) According to Calder (2018, p. 421), children brought up by single parents have a

tendency of developing emotional imbalance. This may be as a result of the social and

economic challenges that they face in general. However, it is necessary to find in

details the causes of emotional imbalance that these children face and the effects that

this emotional imbalance has on the students' upbringing and performance in school.

iv) The challenges identified are quite a number, it is necessary that the dissertation finds

out some of the primary solutions to the challenges identified as well as what

improvements could be made to make the challenges bearable to bring up better and

proficient children by the single parents.

Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.



Calder, G. (2018). Social justice, single parents and their children. The triple bind of single-

parent families, 421.

Chukwuka, F. O. (2018). Impact of Single Parent on Child Education in Primary Schools

in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State. International Journal of

Innovative Education Research, 6(1), 101-107.

Fučík, P. (2016). Where Are the Effects of Family Structure? The Educational Level,

Current Partnership, and Income Level of the Czech Adult Population Socialised in

Single-Parent Families. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 52(03),


Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Marlene Blake
Good job overall. There are minor areas of opportunity for formatting of the sources. The Reference and Citation Examples in the CWE is a great guide to use for future reference.
  • Frank Frimpong-Manso
  • University of phoenix

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