Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing

CE7011 Management of Project, Risk, Quality and Safety

Reassessment Pack

April 2021


Page No Teaching Team 2 Assessment Summary 2 Health and Safety and Quality On line Test 3

Project Risk Management (PRM) Coursework 6 Assessment Submission and Feedback Form 12 Group Coursework Grade and Feedback Form 13 Individual Coursework Grade and Feedback Form 14


Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing

Module Assessment Pack 2019/20 CE7011 Management of Project, Risk, Quality and Safety

Teaching Team

Staff Name Room Extension Contact: Email/Office hours

Module Leader Lecturer

Behrouz Zafari (BZ) Diyana Binti Abd Razak (DR) Illona Kusuma (IK) Cliff Dansoh (CD) Hasan Haroglu (HH)

PRMB1044 PRMB1057 PRMB1026 RV MB 212 PRMB1045


[email protected] Term-time office hours: Tuesday: 16:00 – 17:30 Thursday: 16:00 – 17:30 [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Assessment Summary

Type Weight Set date Due date Mark by

Mark/work return date

In-course assessment


On-line test (In-class)

30% 19 April 21

19 April 21

BZ 20 working days after submission

Written assignment

70% 9 April 21

26 April 21

BZ 20 working days after submission

Examination No examination


Faculty of Science, Engineering & Computing

School of Natural and Built Environments

Department of Civil Engineering

CE7011 Management of Project, Risk, Quality and Safety

Assessments Health and Safety and Quality On line Test

The online H&S and Quality test – will be available on Study Space under assessments.

Date and Time of Test: Monday 19 April 2021, 9.00 am

Learning outcomes covered: • Understand and contract toe roles of various parties in the successful

collaborative management of health and safety during both design and construction phases of construction.

• Evaluate likelihood and impact of risk occurrence and procedures to manage those risks, including health and safety risk.

• Appraise quality management techniques.

Instructions for taking the online test

The test is to be taken individually on-line, as per the timetable in the module assessment pack. It will be available via Canvas/VLE. Once started, the test has to be finished at one sitting. The maximum duration of the test is 80 minutes.

The test will be an open book test i.e. you can refer to notes books etc.

If your access to the University computer system is blocked or suspended for any reason (e.g. financial) during the test time period, you will not be able to take the test and you will lose these marks. The University action in this regard is designed to stop you from undertaking assessment of your education while the particular situation exists, in the same way as you would be excluded from examinations. It is your


responsibility to ensure that your computer access is not blocked in this way, and please note that it can take up to 10 days to restore computer access after such a suspension is resolved.

There will be a practice test under assignments, which you can take as many times as you wish. The practice test contains 40 questions and you should aim to complete this in 40 Minutes if you wish to simulate exam conditions.

The button to “save” your answer and arrow to move on to the next question are located on the right of the screen at the top and bottom respectively - the arrow button is small. Note the mouse pointer should turn to a ‘hand’ on each of the arrow buttons. At the end of the final question there is a “Submit” button (instead of the arrow) which you must reach and click in order to submit your answers and obtain a mark. Make sure your window is wide enough to locate all these buttons. If you cannot see them (e.g. sometimes the buttons are obscured by the “time elapsed” box), your browser may be incorrectly configured. Go through the practice test before you undertake the test to check for difficulties. Occasionally the practice test will work satisfactorily, but buttons will then be obscured in the actual test. If this happens, try moving the mouse pointer around the screen over the area where the button should be, and look for it to change to a ‘hand’. Click the mouse here, and the test should proceed. Once you have clicked “Begin” you have started your attempt, and you must complete the test. You cannot “just have a look”. Do not try to refresh the page, go back to a previous page, zoom the page, or undertake other tasks on the computer e.g. open another window or another application (e.g., Email). All of these actions are likely to end your attempt and give you a mark of zero. You only get one attempt at the test. If you have a mouse with browser back/forward buttons, take care not to click them, and it is recommended you disable that mouse function during the test. If the text of the question exceeds the width of your screen, use the scroll bar at the base of the screen to see the full text. Ensure you complete the test within the time limit by keeping track of the time you started and when you are due to finish, and/or by watching the “time elapsed”. The test will not end at the time limit, it will continue until you reach the final question and click “Submit”. If you run over the time allowed (which is sufficient), this will result in your mark being reduced to allow for the extra time used.

If you have any problems with the practice test you should email [email protected], do not wait until you see or find the staff member, do not contact another member of staff or the student office. Responses to emails will be provided during normal working hours. If the test period includes a weekend or Bank Holiday a response will not be available until the next working day. Remember the deadline will not be extended due to technical problems. No feedback or marks will be supplied until after all the tests are completed by all students. The marks will be made available on My Kingston.


Submission Please note the online test on Monday 19th April 2021, contributes 30% to the Module. The exam will be held at 9:00 am and no later. The maximum duration of the test is 80 minutes. Assessment Criteria for the online test (30% of Module Mark) The test will be conducted under exam conditions as per the timetable in the Module Descriptor. The test will contain 80 multiple choice questions on H&S and Quality subjects. You will have 80 minutes to complete the test. The test is 30% of your overall grade for this module.

End of ‘Online test’ brief


Project Risk Management (PRM) Coursework

This assignment represents 70% of the overall assessment of this module. The remaining 30% is the online test that will be taken for Health and Safety and Quality Test. This assignment is a combination of group work and individual effort. You will work in groups of two-three to review documents and generate a: • stakeholder analysis • risk register • programme You will submit a soft copy of the above documents. As an individual you will also provide a • maximum 2 page summary of you and your team’s behaviours (Arial font 11) • maximum 4 page Executive Summary (Arial font 11). This should be the cover sheet with contents and three pages of text comprising the executive summary.

As you will work in a team to produce your risk register, programme and stakeholder analysis, you should be mindful of you and your teams individual behaviours. As part of your submission all team members should identify their preferences (either Belbin or Myres Briggs Type Indicator, all team members should use the same type indicator). As an individual you shall submit a report summarising you and your teams ‘type’ and describe how you used this to help manage completion of your work. Supplementary Links: Personality Type https://mypersonality.info/personality-types/



Issue date: Friday 19th April 2021

Submission date and Time: Monday 26th April 2021, before 23:59

Learning outcomes covered:

• Make general evaluations of risks through some understanding of the basis of such risks

• Understand and contrast the roles of various parties in the successful, collaborative management during both the design and the construction phases of a construction project

• Evaluate the likelihood and impact of risk occurrence, and procedures to manage those risks, including health and safety risks

• Use and compare project management tools to plan and manage a project.


Instructions for (PRM) Coursework

All elements are to be attempted. The coursework will be marked as a whole piece of work.

The grading criteria are according to the University Grade Criteria for Level 7 2013- 14 (Academic Guidance 7 (AG7), available on under Registry/ Academic Regulations Policies and Guidance.

It is required to submit a soft copy of the individual and group work as detailed later in this assignment brief. Make sure that you upload soft copy through turnitin. Read all these instructions and look at the supporting information before starting to prepare your submission documents.

The scenario

A Planning Statement is submitted to the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (RBK) for the comprehensive development of 950 residential dwellings and other uses comprising: 1) Erection: of 211 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated ground floor uses including Class D1 (Nursery) and Community Uses; (Class A1/A3) Restaurant/Café and 60 car parking spaces, bus layover and driver facilities; landscaping and ancillary works; 2) Outline: Erection of 739 residential units (Use Class C3) with associated other ground floor uses (Class D1) Doctor Surgery; (Class A1) Retail; Cycle Hub and 328 car parking spaces. All matters reserved for the outline phase except access. Development Land And Site At 1 Hook Rise South Surbiton (located between A3, Kingston Road (A240) and Railways just behind the Tolworth Station). The site (hereafter referred to as the “Site”) is 4.4 hectares (ha) in area and has been previously occupied by a series of uniform two storey, largely temporary, buildings which ran perpendicular to the A3. The planning application seeks full planning permission for the above items and demolition of the majority of existing buildings on the Site. The project is currently in the planning stage, awaiting the decision from the Local Planning Authority (LPA), for Planning consent to enable a mixed use development of buildings comprising retail units and kiosks (Use Classes A1-A3), leisure including a cinema (Use Class D2), media screens, offices (Use Class B1a) and residential (Use Class C3); plant (including CHP); public and residential car parking and other associated works. You have recently started work for the company responsible for the project management of delivering this project as the previous project manager has left the company; his files are not available to you. You take over the project when planning permission has been applied for, but not granted. As the incoming project manager you realise there is no risk register for this project and that the programme has not been developed for the next stage (from planning to handover of finished product). There is also no stakeholder analysis. You must prepare a project risk register and programme to cover the remainder of the


project (from receiving planning permission to hand over to the Client) as well as carry out a stakeholder analysis. You must also prepare an Executive Summary to brief the Client on the project that should include reference to the findings of your programme, risk register and stakeholder analysis. This should be a maximum of 3 sides of A4 (Arial font 11). Assume your client is represented by Behrouz Zafari (module leader). No contact with the actual architect, contractor or Kingston Council (other than Behrouz) should be made. Severe deductions in grade will be applied if any ‘real’ company involved in the project is contacted. Specific requirements and assumptions for this assignment

1. YOU MUST NOT APPROACH / CONTACT OR OTHERWISE ENGAGE WITH ACTUAL / REAL PROJECT STAKEHHOLDERS (including Client, Designer, Contractor); EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY (someone else for you). Doing so would result in a penalty on your mark. Accessing websites only does not infringe this criterion.

2. A site visit is not required to undertake this assignment. 3. Dates on some of the documents provided should be ignored for the purposes of

this assignment.

4. Uncertainty and assumptions: You may be uncertain on various matters; that is common in the early stages of managing a project. Your client has instructed you to make any assumptions you need to make to complete the tasks by the due date, and to provide a list of the assumptions you consider most important (if any) in an additional appendix to your executive summary report. You should take account of such uncertainty in your risk register. The Client appreciates that this will be your first report on this project, and that you are still unfamiliar with it.

5. Cost: for the avoidance of doubt, though cost is important, no cost estimate for the

full value of the works is required as part of this assignment. However rough estimates of cost of risk as part of the risk register is. Risk estimates will not be marked for realistic accuracy, but should be completed as part of the process. No resourcing estimate is required.

Submission Monday 26th April 2021, before 23:59 online Copy Please note that the PRM Coursework, contributes 70% to the Module. You are reminded of the faculty policy for the late submission of coursework. Any work submitted later than this will receive a zero mark.


Your submission will comprise the following deliverable items:

a) A bar chart programme of the project, fully logic linked (using software such as MS Project).

b) A stakeholder analysis comprising: a list of at least 10 stakeholders, an influence/interest (power/interest) matrix for those, and a brief explanation (<300words) of your evaluation on the power/interest. Assume this stakeholder analysis is for the situation prior to applying for planning permission.

c) A risk register with pre and post mitigation project risks identified, as well as of minimum, likely and maximum costs and time. This should include a minimum 20 risks and maximum 30 risks.

d) A concise Executive Summary report for your Client. This report must not exceed 3 sides of A4 (excluding appendices). Items a), b) and c) will be appendices to this report.

e) A maximum 2 page summary of you and your team’s behaviours, and how you used this to manage as a team).

f) A bibliography of sources you have used whilst undertaking the assignment. Re items a): Draw up a list of activities for this project covering the period from receiving planning permission to handover of the project to the Client and estimate the duration for each activity. (Ignore any dates given in the accompanying documentation, and advise dates you consider reasonable). The number of activities is your choice, but should be not less than 50, including at least 3 activities relating to the period prior to the start of the implementation/demolition/construction stage and at least 3 activities related to the period between completion of construction and handover of the buildings. Determine a logical sequence of activities. Follow the normal network conventions. Use a software tool, e.g. MS Project or Primavera Risk, to produce the programme (Gantt / bar chart programme) showing a minimum of the earliest start and finish times and total float for each activity, the critical path, logic links and the total project time. The programme must not exceed the width of a landscape A3 sheet of paper, it can be as many pages long as required, but must not exceed this width as they will not be accepted. Re Item b): At least 10 stakeholders relevant to the project should be included. Assume this stakeholder analysis is for the situation prior to applying for planning permission. Re Item c): The risk register should include assessed risks for this project for the same period as item a. Any form of risk register meeting the principles discussed in the lectures may be used. You are responsible for the risk register you provide and how you provide it. You may choose to make use of the risk register spreadsheet template provided, or something derived from it, but you are not required to do so. No guidance is available on use of that register. It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself that it would serve your purposes and that you have used it accurately. You must include comment on the responses/actions you recommend for each of these risks. Any assumptions you make should also be clearly stated. Re Item d): You should cover all the topics appropriate for such a report. This should include, but is not limited to:


1. Key information on the current state of the programme 2. Your main concerns relating to project risk overall and in next 6 months 3. Advice and explanation on where to focus stakeholder management 4. In your view the highest Health and Safety risks (maximum 3).

This report must not exceed 3 sides of A4 (excluding appendices). Remember you are writing to the Client who is a busy gentleman. You do not need to give background to the project as he knows what it is. Your report must be a concise summary of the key project issues. Re Item f): The item should not exceed 2 sides of A4. In professional practice citing references for this type of work would be highly unusual and is not required. However a bibliography listing sources you have made use of whilst working on your assignment is required.

Assessment Mark allocation out of 100% for this assignment (which is 70% of overall mark):

Team work

a) Presentation 5% b) Programme 15% c) Stakeholder analysis 10% d) Risk register 20%

Individual work

e) Presentation 5% f) Executive summary 30% g) Team behaviours 15%

Your coursework will be marked in accordance with the University Grade Criteria. This mark will also reflect the quality of the written English. Please note the limitations on the work – i.e. length of Executive Summary and width of Programme. If you exceed these your mark will be graded as non-compliant.

Your individual submission should be submitted via turnitin as either MS word or pdf files, with a current SEC cover sheet and a title page which should list of the report’s contents. It should relate directly to your groups work. Include your group number on the title page. Your group work should be submitted via turnitin as either MS word or pdf files, with a current SEC cover sheet and a title page which should list of the report’s contents. This work should be securely bound together into one document. For your individual and group work, include a list of contents to make it very clear what documents/files make up your submission. Each document submitted must have your group number, each group members name and K Number, date, Module number, module name and assignment title details clearly shown on it. The format of the files submitted must be such that when printed they would be clearly


readable at A4 size, except for item a) which should be clearly readable at A3 size and item c) which may be at A4 or A3 size. Remember: all text must be clearly readable at this scale e.g. re column headings. By submitting the coursework you are declaring that the work is entirely your own, or that of your teams as appropriate, except where appropriate references are cited, i.e. that it is free from plagiarism. This assignment is subject to the usual university rules, regulations, etc. Your attention is drawn in particular to the regulations/guidance regarding mitigating circumstances and the timing requirements of them.

Resources available This “Assessment Pack” Course notes (on Canvas) Risk Log template MS Project software (if you Couldn’t upload MS Project Software please contact IT Service) Design and Access Statement Drawings Some other needed reports on.

Dr Behrouz Zafari April 2021


Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing

ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION FORM This form to be completed and attached to the front of the Soft copy submission

Student Name and ID Number:

Surname / Family Name (PRINT)

Course: Level(4,5,6,7) First Name / Given Name

Assignment Setter/Marker:

Module Title: Module Code:

Assignment Title: Module Leader:

Names of group members - If applicable e.g. partners in practical classes etc.

Name: ID Number:

Name: ID Number:

Name: ID Number:

1. I / We declare that the attached work is all my/our own, and that where I/We have quoted from, used or

referred to the opinions, work or writings of others, these have been fully and clearly acknowledged. I/We will provide electronic copies of my/our work if required for Turnitin analyses or reference.

2. 2. I / We understand that work submitted late will be subject to late submissions penalties 3.

Student Signature: ……………………………….. Date & Time Submitted:……………………… Student Signature: ……………………………….. Date & Time Submitted:………………………

Staff Use Only Below This Point

FEEDBACK COMMENTS: (Some staff may also provide structured feedback on an additional feedback form)

Overall Mark: Grade point:



CE7011 – Management of Project Risk, Quality and Safety

Group coursework grade and feedback: year 2017/18

Group Name: Mark

Students’ Names: Representative:

Presentation (5%)

• Professionalism

• Clarity

• Careless errors

Programme (15%)

• Meets specification (A3, 50-120 tasks, 3 prior 3 post construction)

• Tasks

• Links

• Float

• Critical path shown

• Milestones identified

Stakeholder Analysis (10%)

• Meets specification (> 10 stakeholders, internal and external)

• Relevance to project

• Impact on project

• Influence on project

• Interest in project - Financial/operational/local environ/safety/etc

• Support (strongly against–strongly for)

Risk Register (20%)

• Meets specification (A3, 20-30 risks)

• Source identified

• Consequence identified

• Risk Owner allocated

• Qualitative (prior to mitigation)

• Response strategy

• Action

• Qualitative (post mitigation)

• Data for quantitative analysis (min, likely, max costs)

• Assumptions

• No blank columns

• Well communicated/risks clearly described

• Mitigation action completion date

• Risks numbered for ease of future reference

• Are critical path tasks included on RR?

Total Mark


CE7011 – Management of Project Risk, Quality and Safety Individual coursework grade and feedback: year 2017/18

Student Name:


Presentation (5%)

• Professionalism

• Clarity

• Careless errors

• Assumptions included

Executive Summary (30%)

• Meets specification (3 pages, concise summary, clearly communicated)

• Well-structured for ease of identifying key issues

• Impact on cost prioritised (then time then quality)?

• Key information – programme

• Main concerns – project risk

• Advice and explanation – stakeholders

• H&S risk (top 3)

• Relates to group submission

Team behaviours (15%)

• Meets specification (<2 pages)

• Team behaviours

• How used behavioural knowledge to manage

• Clarity of communication/ ease of reading


• Included/ not included

• No. of sources used

• Breadth of sources

Total Mark

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