You will analyze and compare the selected companies below as to their significant web presence on the Internet. and

You are to compare and contrast the two approaches relative to effective websites into a written report and a PowerPoint presentation.

Requirements :

SIX PAGE WRITTEN REPORT which would include a cover page and a reference page as part of the page count is due. Both written report and slides should follow the below required outline:

Cover page: (name of companies, Significant Web Presence, Your Name,). Follow outline below:

1. TYPED WRITTEN REPORT: Website Marketing Strategies (Identify each section given below in your project)

1. Marketing Mix Variables

1. Product

1. Pricing

1. Promotion

1. Place (Distribution)

1. Customer Relationship Management

1. Website Content, Design, & Technology

1. References (4-6) to include the textbook (APA Format)

1. Appendix: Slide presentation - 4 or 6 slides per page (16 slides total)

1. POWERPOINT SLIDES : Company website addresses, as well several screen shots should be incorporated into the PowerPoint presentation explaining the comparison and contrasting of the two companies. A minimum of 16 slides which would include the Cover page slide and Reference page slide (4-6 sources required to include our textbook) - APA Format required.

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