


Zack yam


27 october

Literature Narrative

As a young child, I was always fascinated by other things other than books. Books seemed boring especially those that did not have pictures. My parents took me to a school with many children. All the children there wore the same clothes which I later came to know were uniforms. In the school, there were adults who I later came to learn that they were our teachers. I thought they had mood swings since they would be angry at times and soon after be so affectionate, play and sing with us. My favorite subjects in the school were drawing, painting, playing and storytelling classes.

I grew up rather fast and began to understand many other things about the school. I had mixed feelings about school, and that included writing and reading. I learned how to write and read when I was still in kindergarten. I can vaguely remember the first steps in knowing how to write. It was hard and it took me almost a week just to know how to hold a pen and write my name. At first, it was tiring holding a pen and writing a sentence but eventually I got the hang of it with time and it became easy and fun. Everything is a matter of practice, and the bold step of doing it. I grew to hate writing and reading, but later loved it. It’s not about how you start but how you finish.

When I was I high school, the work and the studies were overwhelming. There was so much to read through in order to display exemplary performance in my exams. However, novels, especially by Nora Roberts, were my favorite. I remember, in my class, a book would be scheduled by almost four people. I enjoyed reading captivating novels. I would be happy when a teacher did not turn up for a class, because that meant I would have time to continue reading. Surprisingly, I always found it easier to read novels as compared to school books. I think it's because my knowledge of school books were examined at the end of the semester.

As I grew up, reading and writing were the class norm, and at times one had to read the same thing repeatedly to understand the concepts laid out. That was the most boring thing with having to write assignments. I was always pleased to do my diary with content from my mind. I found it exciting putting what was on my mind on paper. Today I am a writer and writing is my life. I love writing and reading other writer's work based on the topic of my interest.

As a writer, I have discovered interesting facts about writing. Every form of writing is a discovery. As a writer, I get to discover a lot. Every time I put my thoughts on paper I am sharing something with the next generation. I know am sowing a seed, and pushing forward towards the unknown. I have also learned to lower my expectations, so that the words can flow. I don't like straining, since there won't be any valuable content. As a writer, I have read through my work to ensure I have the right content, until am sure. Writing has never been easy because it is hard work.

I first got interested in reading when my friend lent me a book she believed I could read. A book with tiny writings freaked me out but that one was kind of interesting, and I decided to look for more. I first became a consistent writer when I finished high school. There was an essay contest that was going on. So I decided to give it a try. Luckily, I was among the top three. This boosted my confidence to write more. As the prize, we got to mingle with great writers, and had a chance to be inquisitive. I gathered a lot of information, and also got an offer from one of the prominent authors. She invited me to her office to have a look at some of her great works.One of the people who have influenced my writing is my parents. They have been my number one fans, by always encouraging me and supporting me in everything I needed for my "writing sprees". My parents even took me to the essay competition and watch me win. They always read and rectify anything I have written wrongly and encourage me to hold on when the pressure is high. Another important person in my writing career was the renowned writer who gave me more than enough tips to being a good writer. She was the one who pushed me to write my first book and funded half the amount for the publishing of the particular book. Lastly, my English high school teacher who was a strict man who wanted all his students to maintain eye contact with him during his lessons. This was his way to ensure that we all paid attention. Somehow, we all ended up loving English despite his strictness. Our performance was exemplary, and that contributed to my success as writer.

I am now a proficient writer and reader. When I read any form of literature, I can tell if it is a beginner writer, or an experienced one. Today when I read a novel, I remember the first time I got interested in reading was with a novel. When I see a narrative or literature written poorly, I remember the criticism I received over the years that I have been writing. Through that experience, I took courage to embrace vulnerability as a necessity to writing. My resolution is to be a writer since it is something I do without straining. While writing, I often look for wanting to be surprised. After writing, I let my ideas flow. I step back and organize, shape and cut off the unnecessary parts to be left with my favorite sections. I do not have any regrets about choosing writing as my career since it I feel so fulfilled doing it. I have also realized I hunt for information from various sources until I am satisfied I have the best piece. I also enjoy observing, listening to the dark thoughts inside of me. They contribute a lot to my literature pieces. I have also learned that writing helps me sense any discord in life. Every thought produces an action and at times I write I write in response to what my conscious tells me about life. I have no regrets and instead am looking at how I can advance my writing career.

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