
Annotated Bibliography

Locate 8-10 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles that are relevant to your topic for the final paper and that were published within the past six years.

Read and analyze the articles to compile an annotated bibliography in APA format (6th ed.).

See the “Helpful Examples” section in the Rockies Writing Center, and scroll down to “Annotated Bibliography” for tips and examples.

Include a cover page (see p. 41 of the APA Manual, 6th ed.) and make any corrections to this cover page based on the prior week’s feedback from your instructor. You will receive feedback on your Week 1 paper no later than Saturday night, Day 5 of Week 2 of class.


Changing Minds. (n.d.). Leadership theories. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
(Read each theory - from "Great Man" to Transformational.)

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