Specific Purpose: To Inform my audience………..


I. Attention Getter (Question, Startling stat, participation, Quote, visual aid, etc.)

II. Establish Common Ground & Rapport (Relate to the audience)

   III. Establish Credibility & Goodwill (cite a source here or experience)

IV. Preview Your Main Points and Topic (
ALL your main points you discuss in the body


I. First main point of speech
Needs to be a full sentence

A. First sub point
Needs to be a full sentence
! Source citation

1. Sub-sub points do not need to be full sentences (If needed)

2. Sub-sub points do not need to be full sentences (If needed)

B. Second sub point
Needs to be a full sentence
! Source citation

1. Sub-sub points do not need to be full sentences (If needed)

2. Sub-sub points do not need to be full sentences (If needed)

C. Third sub point (if needed)
Needs to be a full sentence


II. Second main point of speech
Needs to be full sentence

A. First sub point
Needs to be a full sentence
! Source citation

1. Sub-sub points do not need to be full sentences…ETC.

B. Second sub point
Needs to be a full sentence
! Source citation

C. Third sub point (if needed)
Needs to be a full sentence

III. Third main point of speech
Needs to be a full sentence

A. First sub point
Needs to be a full sentence
! Source citation

B. Second sub point
Needs to be a full sentence
! Source citation

C. Third sub point (if needed)
Needs to be a full sentence


I. The Brakelight- Warning,Lastly, finally (
You should blend this with your recap)

III. Recap Your Main Points (this is mostly like the preview)

IV. Memorable Statement (An  
attention getter
at the end
Careful no persuasion

References: Use
MLA Handbook
(7th edition or whatever edition is the newest) for your bibliography.

You can mix some of the points together like a brake light with your recap or the topic with your preview. You just want to make sure you have
accomplished each point’s goals

Outline format:
Remember to follow the Outline template format I. A. 1. a. etc..

This assignment includes:

A typed
full sentence outline
cue cards
= 11 pts.


A self critique
= 10 pts.

MLA bibliography

with oral citations
= 4 points.

4-5 min
. extemporaneous speech with
2 technology driven visual aids (PPT)
=75 pts
.(Save to a USB)



MY speech 


General Aim: To inform my audience

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the benefits of playing sports


I. Have you ever thought why people do sports?

II. Naturally, people first aim should be healthy and fit with benefits of playing sports.

III. In my personal experience, playing sports makes us physically, emotionally, and socially strong.

IV. Some of the most important benefits of playing sports are to be healthy and fit, for enjoyment and excitement and for entertainment.


I. Sports is considered as excitement and enjoyment, I’m taking an example of soccer.

A. According to the FIFA’s most recent big count survey, there are 265  million players actively involved in soccer around the world. Around 4% world population.

II. Playing Sports makes us healthy and fit.

B. According to WHO, those who do regular exercise are physical and mentally healthy which helps to reduces a lot of diseases.


I. In conclusion, sport is part of our lives and if we do practice it, we can have a fun life that benefits us physically and mentally.

II. Also, I urge everyone in this class to take part in sports for our own benefits and personal gains.

III. Finally, I would like to ask you, “Have you ever thought why millions of people watch a sport like world cup without breathing”?


Muller, Alex. ‘’
25 surprising facts about soccer”.
http://worldsoccertalk.com/2017/07/31/25-surprising-facts-soccer/.31st July 2017.

’’16 Surprising Benefits Of Playing Sports”
. 28th September 2018.

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