NEED someone to handle this job today!
Read the Hoosier Burger scenario on page 161 in Chapter 5 of the text and address the following in a 1 to 3 page APA style paper:
a. Assume you are preparing the customer satisfaction questionnaire. What types of questions would you include? Prepare five questions
that you would ask.
b. What types of questions would you ask the waiters? What types of questions would you ask the cooks? Prepare five questions that you
would ask each group.
c. What types of documents are you likely to obtain for further study? What types of documents will most likely not be available? Why?
d. What modern requirements determination methods are appropriate for this project?
Hoosier Burger
Juan Rodriquez has assigned you the task of requirements determination for the Hoosier Burger project. You are looking forward to this opportunity because it will allow you to meet and interact with Hoosier Burger employees. Besides interviewing Bob and Thelma Mellankamp, you decide to collect information from Hoosier Burger’s waiters, cooks, and customers.
Mr. Rodriquez suggests that you formally interview Bob and Thelma Mellankamp and perhaps observe them performing their daily management tasks. You decide that the best way to collect requirements from the waiters and cooks is to interview and observe them. You realize that discussing the order-taking process with Hoosier Burger employees and then observing them in action will provide you with a better idea of where potential system improvements can be made. You also decide to prepare a questionnaire to distribute to Hoosier Burger customers. Because Hoosier Burger has a large customer base, it would be impossible to interview every customer; therefore, you feel that a customer satisfaction survey will suffice.
a. Assume you are preparing the customer satisfaction questionnaire. What types of questions would you include? Prepare five questions that you would ask.
b. What types of questions would you ask the waiters? What types of questions would you ask the cooks? Prepare five questions that you would ask each group.
c. What types of documents are you likely to obtain for further study? What types of documents will most likely not be available? Why?
d. What modern requirements determination methods are appropriate for this project?
(Valacich 161)
Valacich, George, & Hoffer.
Essentials of System Analysis and Design, 4th Edition
. Pearson Learning Solutions.

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