Explorations and Ideas Portfolio
It’s a Social Entrepreneurship class.
Please follow the Introduction. Each part writes about at least half page. Don’t combine them together, each part on them on page. Please be clear and step-by-step. It nees be any social issue and you need come out the solution that also combine with business. Professor is asking to make a real product or work with some company to do the Business. And fill out this business model canvas.
Last time I already done part 1 to 9 Now need complete all parts10 to 16.
It's due on Monday morning 11:00 am.
One more thing
Pitch for Funding
1. Three to five minute pitch for your idea/enterprise. We went over it in class, you can organize it anyway you want to but it must be well organized, well prepared, and delivered in a professional manner. There are multiple resources online to get ideas/inspiration in addition to what was discussed in class. Make sure it is engaging and that you show passion or personal connection. Be ready to answer questions and ask questions.
What your pitch should address:
- Social problem you are addressing (demonstrate knowledge of the issue and passion for it)
-How will your enterprise will solve and mitigate this social problem? What is the social impact?
-Who are your customers?
-What is the product or services that you are offering
-Who is behind the social initiative or whom you will need to get on board?
-What is you advantage or what you will do differently (demonstrate knowledge of existing solutions)
-How will you generate revenues?
-How will your enterprise be sustainable?
-Consider potential collaborators from other sectors?
-What do you need from the investor/resources in the room?
-If funded what are the next steps?
- Why you will succeed?

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