Writing and Citing Sources Effectively in College: Music Edition
Presented by Dr. Candis Bond, Director, Augusta University Writing Center
Courtesy of the Augusta University Writing Center
Workshop Overview
Transitioning into college writing: Developing a process and letting go of misperceptions
Taking notes and writing for your music course(s)
Citing your sources for music assignments: MLA basic overview
Part One: Writing Process and Keys to College Writing
Take 5 minutes to free-write about your writing process:
What steps do you take when you write? Do you dive right in, or do you spend several days thinking things over? After you get a draft, are you finished, or do you go back? When you do your writing, do you need music? A special pair of fuzzy socks? Overall, what works well with your current process? What is challenging or difficult in your process that you would like to change/improve?
Now, find a partner and share your free-writes for 5 minutes: When discussing, you can learn about new strategies you might steal to try, and you can also offer advice for how to improve areas of process your partner struggles with.
Finally, let’s share our insights as a group:
What are some key steps to writing? What do you struggle with most? How might we improve our process?
Writing is a process
(Oxford Brooks University)
The process can be recursive
(Oxford Brooks University)
Inexperienced: Writing is a one-time performance
Experienced: Writing is an evolving practice
Inexperienced: Revision is rewording
Experienced: Revision is rethinking
Inexperienced: A solitary activity
Experienced: A social process
Inexperienced: Focus on rules, correctness, formula
Experienced: Focus on argument, reader, dissonance
Inexperienced: Prioritize stylistic concerns
Experienced: Prioritize ideas & structure earlier in the revising process and stylistic concerns later
Let go of misconceptions
I need large blocks of time to write or I can’t write at all.
Writing is just putting to paper what is in my head.
Writing is what I do after I know everything.
Everything needs to be perfect before I can move on.
I have to start with the introduction or first section.
Only ‘bad’ writers seek help or discuss their writing with others..
How do I become an experienced writer?
Writing = thinking! Give yourself the time and opportunity to develop and refine complex ideas.
Begin early & break the task into steps.
Think about the needs of your audience.
See revision as a process, a chance to re-see your argument as a whole.
Be social! Share your writing with others!
Academic Writing: Thinking about Audience Speaker
Part Two: Note-taking and Writing for Music
Preparing to write: Identifying Purpose and Audience
Who are you writing to? Someone very familiar with music composition/history? Someone with limited experience?
What is your purpose in writing? Description/Summary
You can be technical and use terms from music theory. Example: “The cadential pattern established in the opening 16 bars is changed by a phrasal infix of two bars (mm. 22–24), thus prolonging the dominant harmony in the third phrase.”
You can try to give a play-by-play description of what’s happening in the music. Example: “The saxophone soloist played a lot of scales in his improvisation, and the pianist added sparse chords to it.”
You can describe your feelings and personal reactions to the music. Example: “I felt that the chorus of the song was more gripping than the opening.”
Why is the description or reflection significant? What argument can you make about the importance of this detail/affect?
(University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Writing Center)
Preparing to Write: Narrowing Focus
When you know you are going to write about a piece of music, there are several components you can attend to, including (but not limited to):
Lyrics/Content Content/themes
Rhyme scheme
Literary techniques, such as enjambment or alliteration
Musical Composition Formal structure and/or genre conventions
Tempo/beat/rhythm/time signature
Genre/Historical Context What genre does the piece fit into, if any? What genres might it appropriate or modify?
When was the piece first published, and how does it reflect/not reflect historical expectations/trends?
Who is the artist and why are they important?
Affect How does combination of lyrics and composition impact the multisensory experience of the music,
physically, mentally, and/or emotionally?
Media/Setting How does the use of media or the setting impact the experience of the music? For instance, why does it
matter if you hear a song on the radio, live in concert, or through a music video on YouTube?
Chosen Categories Relevant Details Significance of Details
Formal Structure
Genre Conventions
Sample Assignment: Why is this song compositionally significant within the genre of Rock ‘n’ Roll? Step one: Listen to the song a few times, jotting down notes on your initial reflections and impressions
Step two: Read the lyrics a few times, jotting down notes on your initial reflections and impressions
Step three: Review your notes. Think about the “academic” terminology that best fits your initial observations and impressions
Step four: Using a heuristic or perhaps a tri-column journal, list what you think to be the most important “academic” components in the far-left column.
Step five: Listen to the song several more times, filling in as much detail as possible in each section you’ve created.
Step six: Read the lyrics several more times, pulling out specific quotations that relate to your categories.
Step seven: Review your heuristic or journal several times. Then, go back and fill in column three.
Step seven: Review your arguments in column three several times. Use these to craft your overarching argument for the paper.
Step eight: Begin pre-writing; draft; seek feedback; revise; edit; proofread
Part Three: Using Evidence and Citing Sources (MLA Style)
Using Evidence: Paraphrasing and Quoting
MLA style requires that authors cite all information that is not original thought or common knowledge.
MLA: In-text citations
MLA requires two pieces of information whenever you summarize, quote, or paraphrase material from an outside source:
1. Last name(s) of the author
2. Page or paragraph number
Note 1: If you are using a time-based source, such as a film, podcast, or song, then you also include the time/time range you are citing.
Ex: (Black Sabbath 00: 00:01-00:00:30).
Note 2: If you are using a web-based html source without page or paragraph numbers, then you need not include this component in your in-text citation.
MLA: What do I do if a source has multiple authors?
Number of authors Parenthetical Citation
1 or 2 (Smith and Jones 2)
3+ (Smith et al. 2)
Corporate Author: Just like a human author
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2)
How do I format this information?
You can place information in the text or at the end of a sentence in parentheses. You can also split up components.
Ex. 1: According to Smith, science is fun (2).
Ex. 2: Science is fun (Smith 2).
Ex. 3: According to Smith, “science is fun” (2).
Ex. 4: According to some experts, “science is fun” (Smith 2).
Ex. 5: Timberlake begins the first chorus, “I got that sunshine in my pocket” (0:24-0:26).
Ex. 6: He sings, “I got that sunshine in my pocket” (Timberlake 0:24- 0:26).
What if I’m citing on a Power Point?
Always provide attribution verbally and on the slide.
(Congressional Budget Office)
Example 2: Critics have identified three possible themes for the song : 1. Love (Smith) 2. Friendship (Jones) 3. Trust in “long-term relationships” (Terry 3).
Example 1: Image
Example 3: If entire slide is paraphrased or summary of one source, put citation in bottom right corner of the slide.
Paraphrasing Challenges: Make Sure the Paraphrase is Significantly Different in Wording
Original passage
“The chronically ill are by no means confined to hospitals or other institutions. If you think for a moment about your friends
and acquaintances, you will recognize that many of the chronically ill live in the general community and lead perfectly normal,
happy lives within their limitations” (Anderson 281).
Paraphrase 1: Good or Bad?
By no means are the chronically ill confined to hospitals or other institutions. If you consider your friends and acquaintances,
you will acknowledge that several of the chronically ill live in the general public and lead a normal, ecstatic lifestyle within
their limitations (Anderson 281).
Revised Paraphrase
Despite some restrictions, the chronically ill live an ordinary life. Often they can reside away from a hospital environment
(Anderson, 281).
Write your paraphrases so that they best support or apply to your own purpose and argument. If we wanted to read the
original article, we could; your job is to help readers see how external sources relate to your current project.
(El Paso Community College Writing Center)
Paraphrasing Practice
Tips: Make it shorter Make the words significantly different
“Adult fans nurture their interest in and experience with rock ’n’ roll music for two reasons. On one hand, keeping up with the music and the culture that were so important to them when growing up helps them maintain continuity with the past and, thus, solidify the sense of self security. On the other hand, working hard to keep rock ’n’ roll current and relevant to their lives helps adults grow as parents, as spiritual beings, and as friends” (Kotarba 4).
Take a few minutes to paraphrase this quotation. Be prepared to share your paraphrase with the group.
Possible paraphrase
Kotarba identifies two reasons adults maintain their connection to rock and roll, including a need to remember their past selves and communities and a need to grow into their current adult lives.
Integrating Quotations
Avoid Dropped Quotations: “Elvis transformed the landscape of Rock ‘n Roll” (Smith 23).
Use Integrated Quotations. Ex. of First Use of a Source: According to Jane Smith, a music historian at Yale University, “Elvis transformed the landscape of Rock ‘n’ Roll” (23).
The blue font is called a “signal phrase.” Use signal phrases the first time you use a source. After, you can just use last names or pronouns, such as “she.”
Ex. of Integrated Quotation after First Use: Smith continues, arguing Elvis is “magnetic” in his approach to the genre (23).
Using Quotations Practice
Hint: Joseph Kotarba is a sociologist at the University of Houston
“Adult fans nurture their interest in and experience with rock ’n’ roll music for two reasons. On one hand, keeping up with the music and the culture that were so important to them when growing up helps them maintain continuity with the past and, thus, solidify the sense of self security. On the other hand, working hard to keep rock ’n’ roll current and relevant to their lives helps adults grow as parents, as spiritual beings, and as friends” (Kotarba 4).
How might we integrate this quotation into a sentence when using this source for the first time? What about the second time?
In his peer-reviewed article, “Rock ‘n’ Roll Experiences in Middle Age,” Joseph Kotarba, a sociologist at the University of Houston, identifies two reasons older adults remain interested in rock ‘n’ roll as they age. “On one hand,” he explains, “keeping up with the music and the culture that were so important to them when growing up helps them maintain continuity with the past and, thus, solidify the sense of self security” (Kotarba 4). Kotarba continues, writing, “on the other hand, working hard to keep rock ‘n’ roll current and relevant to their lives helps adults grow as parents, as spiritual beings, and as friends” (4).
Citing on the Works Cited Page
Every MLA-style paper/presentation will include full bibliographic reference entries for every source cited in the paper/presentation on a final page or slide.
Title this page Works Cited, centered at the top
Organize entries alphabetically by author’s last name.
Use a “hanging indent” (lines after first are indented once)
Evenly double-space throughout
Citing Albums and Songs
If you streamed it or got it online:
Artist. “Song Title.” Album Title, Recording Manufacturer, date released, Streaming Service, URL.
The Beatles. “Can’t Buy Me Love.” A Hard Day’s Night, Capitol, 1964, Spotify, https://open.spotify.com/albu m/6wCttLq0ADzkPgtRnUihLV.
(The Beatles 00:01:10- oo:01:15).
If you have the CD, cassette, or record:
Artist. “Song Title.” Album Title, Recording Manufacturer, date released.
The Beatles. “Can’t Buy Me Love.” A Hard Day’s Night, EMI, 1964.
The song “Can’t Buy Me Love” by the Beatles repeats “no, no, no” as part of the bridge (oo:00:50-00:00:54).
Additional Details: released 1973
Artist. “Song Title.” Album Title, Recording Manufacturer, date released.
Elvis Presley. Separate Ways, RCA Camden, 1973.
Citing a website
Last name, First name. “Title of Web Page.” Title of Website,
Publication Date, URL. Access date.
Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, 5 Jan.
chili.html. Accessed 6 July 2015.
(Purdue OWL)
How would you cite this web page?
Russel, Peter. “Diabetes May Be Warning Sign of
Pancreatic Cancer.” WebMD, 31 Jan. 2017,
s-warning-sign-pancreatic-cancer#1. Accessed 15 Aug.
How do I cite an article (in a periodical or peer-reviewed journal)?
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year,
Bagchi, Alaknanda. "Conflicting Nationalisms: The Voice of the
Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi's Bashai Tudu." Tulsa Studies
in Women's Literature, vol. 15, no. 1, 1996, pp. 41-50.
(Purdue OWL)
Additional resources
Need help?
For assistance with MLA style, visit the Purdue OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
Or the MLA Style Center website: https://style.mla.org/
Or review the MLA Handbook, 8th ed. (we have copies in the Writing Center)
For assistance writing about music, visit the Writing Center at the University of Chapel Hill’s webpage on music writing:
For assistance writing your assignments or MLA style, make an appointment at the Augusta University Writing Center: http://www.augusta.edu/pamplin/writingcenter/
Works Cited
El Paso Community College Writing Center. “Tips for Paraphrasing.” El Paso Community College, n.d.,
Purdue OWL. “MLA Style.” OWL: Purdue Online Writing
Lab, 2018, https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/. Accessed 16 Aug. 2018.
Oxford Brooks University. “Week 0: Thinking about Writing as a Process.” Centre for Faculty
Development, 2014, https://radar.brookes.ac.uk/radar/items/a3fd6f82-c367-4963-ba03-
Sommers, Nancy. "Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers." College
Composition and Communication, vol. 31, no. 4, Dec. 1980, pp. 378-88.
Writing Center at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. “Music.” The Writing Center, UNC Chapel Hill,
2019, https://writingcenter.unc.edu/music/. Accessed 15 August 2019.
Thank you. We hope to see you at the Writing Center
Fall/Spring Hours: M-R, 8-8; F, 8-1
Locations: Allgood Hall, N204 and Greenblatt Library, 2101
1.) 1.The govt providing aid to the young domestic industries to help them mature gain market leadership to compete with much larger foreign competitors. Creates jobs and promotes the exchange of technology and skills, which helps the Candian aerospace industry in long-term growth. It maintains a favorable balance in trade and protects its industry from unfair competition in the global market. They wanted to maintain Canadian jobs and protect their domestic companies. Regulators recognized the wider benefits of wireless and operational processes that will allow the wireless sector to maximize the revenue and contribute to the Canadian economy . Former CRTC chairman Konrad Von Finckenstein said the intention behind foreign ownership rules was to ensure broadcasting remained in-country hand and driven by a desire to protect Canadian culture and ensure don’t get swamped by Hollywood,” said Von Finckenstein, who chaired the regulator from 2007 to 2012. “Canada has restrictive foreign ownership rules in telecoms and broadcasting which are intended to support Canadian cultural objectives but which also reduce competitive pressures,” the OECD reported in 2016. Greater competition in telecoms and broadcasting could lower prices and increase access to fast, high-quality networks, raising business efficiency by enhancing the synchronization of goods, services, and payments in the supply chain.” 2.a)Canadian wireless industry has a major impact on the supply and demand side as its contributions to GDP, employment, and government revenues. On the other side, it improves Canadian business productivity through wireless voice services, data services, broadband, and other content and applications. The telecom industry in Canada has strict foreign ownership rules in the world. The federal government introduced the Telecommunications Act in 1993 to protect Canada's culture. In 2008, the Canadian wireless market generated $16.3 billion and 40 percent of all Canadian telecommunication revenues, and the sector showed a 14% compound growth in revenues in the four years from 2004 to 2008. b) The foreign ownership restrictions by the Canadian telecommunications market contrast starkly with the telecommunication market's general openness and the non-discriminatory application of most other provisions. These restrictions only serve to slow down the development of the market, particularly the local market, which is the most capital intensive. Canada is at the forefront of OECD countries where market entry procedures for facility-based operators have been streamlined. These procedures should also apply for entry to provide international telecommunication services. The regulator tends to be thorough in following consultation procedures. These procedures are often too slow in a market area that, characterized by rapid market and technological change, requires speed in decision making. One reason for this may be insufficient resources in the CRTC on the telecommunication side. 3) Benefits- Market liberalization and competition bring more significant benefits. Lowering of national and international long-distance prices. Competition stimulating the rapid development of the broadband investment. Improved quality of service. Along with international enhanced services and technology with more employment opportunities. B) Threats- Less revenue generation for local market and economy. The capture of other industries on the Canadian economy and young/ local markets. Fewer job opportunities for Canadian citizens and major involvement of foreign regulators in decision making. REFERENCES https://www.mondaq.com/canada/Media-Telecoms-IT-Entertainment/100736/The-Canadian-Mobile-Wireless-Industry-is-Changing-More-Operators-and-Rethinking-Foreign-Investment-Restrictions https://financialpost.com/telecom/tight-reins-leaves-our-telecom-sector-open-to-criticism-but-sadly-not-competition https://www.cwta.ca/CWTASite/english/pdf/OVUM_Study.pdf
Top of Form
1.) 1.The govt providing aid to the young domestic industries to help them mature gain market leadership to compete with much larger foreign competitors. Creates jobs and promotes the exchange of technology and skills, which helps the Candian aerospace industry in long-term growth. It maintains a favorable balance in trade and protects its industry from unfair competition in the global market. They wanted to maintain Canadian jobs and protect their domestic companies. Regulators recognized the wider benefits of wireless and operational processes that will allow the wireless sector to maximize the revenue and contribute to the Canadian economy . Former CRTC chairman Konrad Von Finckenstein said the intention behind foreign ownership rules was to ensure broadcasting remained in-country hand and driven by a desire to protect Canadian culture and ensure don’t get swamped by Hollywood,” said Von Finckenstein, who chaired the regulator from 2007 to 2012. “Canada has restrictive foreign ownership rules in telecoms and broadcasting which are intended to support Canadian cultural objectives but which also reduce competitive pressures,” the OECD reported in 2016. Greater competition in telecoms and broadcasting could lower prices and increase access to fast, high-quality networks, raising business efficiency by enhancing the synchronization of goods, services, and payments in the supply chain.” 2.a)Canadian wireless industry has a major impact on the supply and demand side as its contributions to GDP, employment, and government revenues. On the other side, it improves Canadian business productivity through wireless voice services, data services, broadband, and other content and applications. The telecom industry in Canada has strict foreign ownership rules in the world. The federal government introduced the Telecommunications Act in 1993 to protect Canada's culture. In 2008, the Canadian wireless market generated $16.3 billion and 40 percent of all Canadian telecommunication revenues, and the sector showed a 14% compound growth in revenues in the four years from 2004 to 2008. b) The foreign ownership restrictions by the Canadian telecommunications market contrast starkly with the telecommunication market's general openness and the non-discriminatory application of most other provisions. These restrictions only serve to slow down the development of the market, particularly the local market, which is the most capital intensive. Canada is at the forefront of OECD countries where market entry procedures for facility-based operators have been streamlined. These procedures should also apply for entry to provide international telecommunication services. The regulator tends to be thorough in following consultation procedures. These procedures are often too slow in a market area that, characterized by rapid market and technological change, requires speed in decision making. One reason for this may be insufficient resources in the CRTC on the telecommunication side. 3) Benefits- Market liberalization and competition bring more significant benefits. Lowering of national and international long-distance prices. Competition stimulating the rapid development of the broadband investment. Improved quality of service. Along with international enhanced services and technology with more employment opportunities. B) Threats- Less revenue generation for local market and economy. The capture of other industries on the Canadian economy and young/ local markets. Fewer job opportunities for Canadian citizens and major involvement of foreign regulators in decision making. REFERENCES https://www.mondaq.com/canada/Media-Telecoms-IT-Entertainment/100736/The-Canadian-Mobile-Wireless-Industry-is-Changing-More-Operators-and-Rethinking-Foreign-Investment-Restrictions https://financialpost.com/telecom/tight-reins-leaves-our-telecom-sector-open-to-criticism-but-sadly-not-competition https://www.cwta.ca/CWTASite/english/pdf/OVUM_Study.pdf
Top of Form
The Context of Business Understanding the Canadian
Business Environment
Len Karakowsky York University
Natalie Guriel York University
Vice-President, Editorial Director: Gary Bennett Managing Editor: Claudine O’Donnell Acquisitions Editor: Deana Sigut Senior Marketing Manager: Leigh-Anne Graham Program Manager: Karen Townsend Project Manager: Rachel Thompson Developmental Editor: Suzanne Simpson Millar Production Services: Aptara®, Inc. Permissions Project Manager: Joanne Tang Photo Permissions Research: Christina Simpson Text Permissions Research: Khalid Shakhshir Art Director: Zeneth Denchik Cover Designer: Bruce Kenselaar Interior Designer: Anthony Leung Cover Image: © Aslan Alphan/Gettyimages
Credits and acknowledgments for material borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within the text.
If you purchased this book outside the United States or Canada, you should be aware that it has been imported without the approval of the publisher or the author.
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Canada Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Canada Inc., Permissions Department, 26 Prince Andrew Place, Don Mills, Ontario, M3C 2T8, or fax your request to 416-447-3126, or submit a request to Permissions Requests at www.pearsoncanada.ca.
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Karakowsky, Len, author The context of business: understanding the Canadian business environment/Len Karakowsky, York University, Natalie Guriel, York University.
Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-13-291300-3 (pbk.)
1. Canada–Economic conditions–21st century–Textbooks. 2. Canada–Economic policy–Textbooks. 3. Business enterprises– Canada–Textbooks. 4. International business enterprises– Textbooks. I. Guriel, Natalie, author II. Title.
HC115.K342 2013 338.971 C2013-907169-5
ISBN 978-0-13-291300-3
Brief Contents
Part 1 A Framework for Study 1 Chapter 1 EXPLORING CANADIAN BUSINESS
A CRITICAL APPROACH: What are the Major Challenges Facing Business? 1
Part 2 The Internal Challenges 40 Chapter 2 THE EMPLOYEE–EMPLOYER
RELATIONSHIP: What Responsibilities Do Bosses Have to Their Employees? 40
Chapter 3 MANAGING THE WORKFORCE: How Can Business Leaders Best Manage Their Employees? 77
Chapter 4 ESTABLISHING THE STRUCTURE OF A BUSINESS: What Does Organizational Design Have to Do with Business Success? 116
Chapter 5 BUSINESS STRATEGY: How Do Businesses Generate a Successful Strategy? 159
Part 3 The External Challenges 193 Chapter 6 ECONOMIC FORCES: Oh Canada,
What Is Your Economy Like? 193
Chapter 7 COMPETITIVE AND TECHNOLOGICAL FORCES: How Do Industries Evolve over Time? 234
Chapter 8 GLOBAL FORCES: How Is Canada Faring in the Global Village? 268
Chapter 9 POLITICAL FORCES: Where Would Canadian Business Be without Our Government? 309
Chapter 10 SOCIETAL FORCES: Can Corporations Be Socially Responsible to All Stakeholders? 353
Part 4 Adaptation and Change 404 Chapter 11 THE CHALLENGE OF SUSTAINABILITY:
Why Does Business Need to Focus on Sustainability? 404
Chapter 12 CONFRONTING CHANGE: How Do Businesses Address the Challenge of Change? 448
Preface xii
Acknowledgements xvii
About the Authors xviii
Part 1 A Framework for Study 1
1 Exploring Canadian Business: A Critical Approach What Are the Major Challenges Facing Business? 1
Learning Objectives 1
The Internal Context of Business 4 The Employment Relationship: Responsibilities Toward Labour 5 Leadership and Effectively Managing People 5 Developing a Suitable Organizational Structure 6
TALKING BUSINESS 1.1 Changing GM’s Organizational Structure 6
Generating a Winning Business Strategy 7
The External Context of Business 7 Specific or Task Environment 7 General Environment 8 Sustainability 11 The Challenge of Change 12
The Canadian Context: How’s Business in Canada, Eh? 12
Economic Forces in Canada 13 Competitive Forces in Canada 16 Technological Forces in Canada 18
TALKING BUSINESS 1.2 Growth in Provincial Labour Productivity: A Problem from Coast to Coast 20
Global Forces in Canada 22 Political Forces in Canada 25
TALKING BUSINESS 1.3 Jobs, Productivity, and Innovation: How Health Care Drives the Economy 25
Societal Forces in Canada 28
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 35 Key Terms 35 Multiple-Choice Questions 35 Discussion Questions 36
Part 2 The Internal Challenges 40
2 The Employee–Employer Relationship What Responsibilities Do Bosses Have to Their Employees? 40
Learning Objectives 40
The Labour Environment and Canadian Society 43 Distinguishing Work and Employment 44
TALKING BUSINESS 2.1 Are Unpaid Interns “Employees”? 45
What Is an Employee? 46 From Standard to Nonstandard Employment Relationships 47 Perspectives on Work and Government Policy 48
The Labour Context in Canada: Where Are We Now? 52
TALKING BUSINESS 2.2 The State of Canadian Unions—Down but Not Out 53
TALKING BUSINESS 2.3 Are Unions Relevant in Canada Today? 55
Dismissing Employees 55 Common Law Rules Requiring Notice of Termination 56
vC o n t e n t s
Statutory Minimum Notice of Termination 57 Unemployment Insurance Programs 58
Current Issues in the Workplace: Managing Workforce Diversity 58
Protecting Diversity and Guarding Against Discrimination in Canadian Law 58
TALKING BUSINESS 2.4 Organizations Seeing the Light about Faith at Work 61
TALKING BUSINESS 2.5 He Says, She Says: Gender Gap Persists in Attitudes Toward Women’s Advancement in the Workplace 63
TALKING BUSINESS 2.6 Aboriginal Workers: Integral to Canada’s Ongoing Competitiveness and Performance 65
TALKING BUSINESS 2.7 Ontario Employers Have a New Tool to Improve Accessibility for People with Disabilities 67
The Model of the Employment Equity Act 68 TALKING BUSINESS 2.8 Employment Equity Resources 70
TALKING BUSINESS 2.9 Immigrants Make Significant Contributions to Innovation 70
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 72 Key Terms 72 Multiple-Choice Questions 72 Discussion Questions 73
3 Managing the Workforce How Can Business Leaders Best Manage their Employees? 77
Learning Objectives 77
Why Study Management Thought? 80 What Do Managers Do ? 81
The Roles Managers Play in Organizations 81
TALKING BUSINESS 3.1 The Visionary Leader: Steve Jobs 84
TALKING BUSINESS 3.2 Conflict Management: The Toxic Employee 85
Management Philosophies 88 Classical Approaches to Management 88
The Social Context 88 Scientific Management 89 Administrative Management 92 Bureaucratic Management 92
TALKING BUSINESS 3.3 Leading Teams in a New Direction 93
The Classical Approaches in Perspective 96 TALKING BUSINESS 3.4 Is Weber Alive and Well? 96
Behavioural Approaches to Management 98
TALKING BUSINESS 3.5 The High Costs of Workplace Harassment 99
The Human Relations Movement 100 Mary Parker Follett (1868–1933) 100 Chester Barnard (1886–1961) 101 Modern Behavioural Science and Motivation-Based Perspectives 102
The Best Management Philosophy? Contingency Approach 102
TALKING BUSINESS 3.6 The Myths and Realities of Motivation 103
The Critical Importance of Trust in the Workplace 106
TALKING BUSINESS 3.7 How One Canadian Company Earns Trust 107
Trust, Teamwork, and Citizenship 108 TALKING BUSINESS 3.8 How Teams Learn at Teleflex Canada 109
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 111 Key Terms 111 Multiple-Choice Questions 111 Discussion Questions 112
vi C o n t e n t s
4 Establishing the Structure of a Business What Does Organizational Design Have to Do with Business Success? 116
Learning Objectives 116
The Changing Nature of Organizations 119 Flat Organizations 120 Fluid Organizations 120 Integrated Organizations 121
TALKING BUSINESS 4.1 Atlantic Canada’s Overseas Playground? 122
Global Organizations 123 Thinking About Organizations 123
What Is an Organization? 123 Using Metaphors to Describe Organizations 124
The Anatomy of an Organization 127 What Constitutes an Organization’s Structure? 127
What Determines Organizational Structure? A Rational Perspective 131
Strategy 131 Organizational Size 132 Technology 132 Environment 132
TALKING BUSINESS 4.2 Canada’s Trade in a Digital World 134
Reengineering 136
TALKING BUSINESS 4.3 The Credit Agency 137
TALKING BUSINESS 4.4 Former Outsourcer Describes How Job Destruction Works 139
Toward a Virtual Organization 140 Outsourcing 140
TALKING BUSINESS 4.5 Out-of-Control Outsourcing Ruined Boeing’s Beautiful Dreamliner 142
Networking 143 Shedding Noncore Functions 143
Downsizing 145
TALKING BUSINESS 4.6 Loblaw Cuts 700 Head Office Jobs 146
Methods of Downsizing 147 Consequences of Downsizing 148
TALKING BUSINESS 4.7 What Every Leader Should Know About Survivor Syndrome 150
Why Has Downsizing Failed to Achieve Anticipated Results? 150 Downsizing as a Nonrational Approach to Organizational Structure 152
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 155 Key Terms 155 Multiple-Choice Questions 155 Discussion Questions 156
5 Business Strategy How Do Businesses Generate a Successful Strategy? 159
Learning Objectives 159
What Is Strategic Management? 162 Analyzing the External Environment 163
The Five-Forces Model 163 TALKING BUSINESS 5.1 Changes in Global Food Sector Call for Canadian Food Strategy 165
TALKING BUSINESS 5.2 Foresight and Innovation: Today’s Science Fiction, Tomorrow’s Reality? 169
Analyzing the Internal Environment 169 The VRIO Model 170
TALKING BUSINESS 5.3 Groupon 171
SWOT Analysis 172 Different Levels of Strategies 173
Business-Level Strategy 173 TALKING BUSINESS 5.4 Dollarama Cashing in on Penny-Pinching Canadians 175
TALKING BUSINESS 5.5 FROGBOX: a sustainable franchising success 177
Corporate-Level Strategy 179 TALKING BUSINESS 5.6 American Airlines Merges with US Airways 180
viiC o n t e n t s
TALKING BUSINESS 5.7 Loblaw Gets into the Mobile Phone Market 183
TALKING BUSINESS 5.8 Starbucks Buys Its First Coffee Farm in Costa Rica 184
TALKING BUSINESS 5.9 Understanding the Deal: Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaw 186
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 188 Key Terms 188 Multiple-Choice Questions 188 Discussion Questions 189
Part 3 The External Challenges 193
6 Economic Forces Oh Canada, What Is Your Economy Like? 193
Learning Objectives 193
The Economic Environment 197 Individuals 197 Businesses 197
TALKING BUSINESS 6.1 Canada’s People Advantage 199
Government 200 Analyzing the Economy: Two Approaches 200
TALKING BUSINESS 6.2 Growing Gap of Truck Drivers Will Be Costly to Canadian Economy 201
Types of Economic Systems 201 Market Economy 202 Communism 202 Socialism 203 Mixed Economy 203
Competition and the Economy 204 Types of Competition in Free Markets 204
TALKING BUSINESS 6.3 Better Farm Management Separates the Wheat from the Chaff 205
TALKING BUSINESS 6.4 Don’t Blame Professional Athletes for High Ticket Prices 207
Goals of Canada’s Economic System 210
Economic Growth 210 TALKING BUSINESS 6.5 The US Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Recession 212
TALKING BUSINESS 6.6 Canada’s World-Class Economy 213
TALKING BUSINESS 6.7 Canada’s Productivity Challenge 216
TALKING BUSINESS 6.8 Canada’s Growing but “Invisible” Trade: Services 217
Economic Stability 223 Employment 226
TALKING BUSINESS 6.9 Today’s High Youth Unemployment: A Solution for Skill Shortages? 227
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 229 Key Terms 229 Multiple-Choice Questions 229 Discussion Questions 230
7 Competitive and Technological Forces How Do Industries Evolve Over Time? 234
Learning Objectives 234
The Industry Life-Cycle Model 236 The Introduction Phase: Industry Emergence and Creation 238
TALKING BUSINESS 7.1 The Birth of Biotech 239
TALKING BUSINESS 7.2 The Early Years of the Automobile Industry 240
TALKING BUSINESS 7.3 The Anti-Aging Industry 242
TALKING BUSINESS 7.4 Gray Goo and the Promising Future of the Nanotechnology Industry 243
The Growth Phase: Dominant Designs and Shakeouts 245
viii C o n t e n t s
TALKING BUSINESS 7.5 The Smartphone Industry 246
The Maturity Phase: A Critical Transition 248
TALKING BUSINESS 7.6 The Aging Personal Computer Industry 250
The Decline Phase: Difficult Choices 251
TALKING BUSINESS 7.7 Are Mobile Devices Killing The Video Game Console Industry? 252
Innovation and Technology 254 Types of Innovation 254
TALKING BUSINESS 7.8 Is Canada on the Leading Edge? 255
TALKING BUSINESS 7.9 The Linked World: How ICT Is Transforming Societies, Cultures, and Economies 256
The Evolution of Technology 258
TALKING BUSINESS 7.10 Embracing Disruption: Lessons from Building the First Quantum Computer 258
Technological Forecasting 260 Technology and the Changing Workplace 261
TALKING BUSINESS 7.11 Will Technology Replace Middle-Class Jobs? 262
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 263 Key Terms 263 Multiple-Choice Questions 264 Discussion Questions 264
8 Global Forces How Is Canada Faring in the Global Village? 268
Learning Objectives 268
What Is Globalization? 271 Sources Encouraging Global Business Activity 271
Pull Factors 272 Push Factors 272
TALKING BUSINESS 8.1 Canada’s Dairy Industry Under Pressure 273
Channels of Global Business Activity 274 Exporting and Importing 274
TALKING BUSINESS 8.2 Canada’s Exports to China: Still Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water 277
TALKING BUSINESS 8.3 What are Canada’s New Export Strengths? 279
Outsourcing/Offshoring 280 Licensing and Franchising Arrangements 280 Direct Investment in Foreign Operations 281
TALKING BUSINESS 8.4 What Helps a Country Obtain Foreign Direct Investment? 282
Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances 284 Mergers and Acquisitions 284
TALKING BUSINESS 8.5 Is Canada Being “Hollowed Out” by Foreign Takeovers? Putting Mergers and Acquisitions in Historical Perspective 285
Establishment of Subsidiaries 286 The Multinational Corporation 286
The Borderless Corporation 287
TALKING BUSINESS 8.6 What’s the Third World? 287
TALKING BUSINESS 8.7 Think Global, Act Local 288
International Trade 290 The Logic of Trade 290 Mercantilism 290 Trade Protectionism 291
TALKING BUSINESS 8.8 Made in Canada: How Globalization Has Hit the Canadian Apparel Industry 292
TALKING BUSINESS 8.9 The Futility of Protectionism 294
Promoting International Trade 294 Facilitating Global Business: Regional Economic Integration 295
European Union (EU) 296 Asian Trading Bloc 297 North American Trading Bloc and NAFTA 298 Where Is Canada Headed? 303
ixC o n t e n t s
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 304 Key Terms 304 Multiple-Choice Questions 305 Discussion Questions 305
9 Political Forces Where Would Canadian Business Be Without Our Government? 309
Learning Objectives 309
The Canadian Business Enterprise System: Fundamental Features 312 Canadian Government Structure and Roles 313
Levels of Government 314 Federal Government Structure 316
Government as Guardian of Society 317 The Tax Collector Role 317
TALKING BUSINESS 9.1 Should Pop Drinkers Pay More? 319
The Business Owner Role: Crown Corporations 320
TALKING BUSINESS 9.2 Canada Post Faces Billion–Dollar Operating Loss by 2020 321
TALKING BUSINESS 9.3 Should the LCBO Be Privatized? 324
The Regulator Role 325 Government as Guardian of the Private Business Sector 328
Government Assistance to Private Business 328 TALKING BUSINESS 9.4 Auto Bailouts: Good or Bad Idea? 330
Government as Guardian of Business in the Global Context 332
Why Should Government Play the Role of Guardian of Business in the Global Context? 333
TALKING BUSINESS 9.5 More Cheese, Please 335
Why Government Should Not Play the Role of Guardian of Business 337
Should Government “Mind Its Own Business”? 339 Deregulation 339
TALKING BUSINESS 9.6 The Dangers of Deregulation 343
Privatization 344
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 348 Key Terms 348 Multiple-Choice Questions 349 Discussion Questions 349
10 Societal Forces Can Corporations Be Socially Responsible to All Stakeholders? 353
Learning Objectives 353
Defining Business Ethics 356
TALKING BUSINESS 10.1 High-Level Barriers to Public Trust in Organizations 357
Ethical Behaviour as a Social Phenomenon 358 Business Ethics as Managing Stakeholder Interests 359
TALKING BUSINESS 10.2 Lac-Mégantic: Disaster in Quebec 359
Models for Judging the Ethics of Decisions 360 End-Point Ethics 361 Rule Ethics 363 Applying the Models: A Scenario 364
TALKING BUSINESS 10.3 The Business of Bribery 366
Do Organizations Make Us Unethical? 367 Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Corporate Culture 368 Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Decoupling 371 Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Work Routinization 372
TALKING BUSINESS 10.4 The Global Pharmaceutical Industry and Human Guinea Pigs 374
Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Organizational Identity 375
x C o n t e n t s
Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Organizational Roles 377 Judging the Ethics of Organizations 378
Business and Society 380 Managing the Forces of Business and the Stakeholders of Business 381 Managing the Challenges of the Societal Force 383
Corporate Social Responsibility 383 The CSR Debate 385
TALKING BUSINESS 10.5 Dragons’ Den 386
TALKING BUSINESS 10.6 IBM and Nazi Germany 388
TALKING BUSINESS 10.7 Corporate Strategy and Long-Term Well Being: Crime Doesn’t Pay 392
TALKING BUSINESS 10.8 Should These Corporate Behaviours Be Mandated? 394
Is Corporate Social Responsibility on the Rise? 395
TALKING BUSINESS 10.9 Social Media Gives Power to Customers 395
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 399 Key Terms 399 Multiple-Choice Questions 399 Discussion Questions 400
Part 4 Adaptation and Change 404
11 The Challenge of Sustainability Why Does Business Need to Focus on Sustainability? 404
Learning Objectives 404
What Is Sustainability? 408 Economic Factors 410
TALKING BUSINESS 11.1 Cree Village Eco lodge, a Sustainable Travel Destination 411
Social Factors 411 Environmental Factors 412
TALKING BUSINESS 11.2 How Sustainable Is Canada’s Water? 414
TALKING BUSINESS 11.3 Fracking Fracas: Pros and Cons of Controversial Gas Extraction Process 416
Benefits and Limitations of the Triple Bottom Line Framework 418
Benefits of the TBL Approach 418 Limitations of the TBL Approach 419
Measuring Sustainability 420 Living Planet Index 420 Ecological Footprint 422 Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare 424 Genuine Progress Indicator 425
The Business Case for Implementing Sustainable Practices 426
Reducing Costs 426 Reducing Risk 428 Improving Public Relations 429 Obstacles to Change 430
TALKING BUSINESS 11.4 Canada Isn’t Cleaning Up on Green Technology Exports 431
Implementing Sustainable Practices 433 Raw Materials 433 Manufacturing 434
TALKING BUSINESS 11.5 Leading Change in the Food Sector 435
Distribution 437 Retailing 437 Marketing 438
TALKING BUSINESS 11.6 Convenience versus Sustainability: The Plastic and Paper Bag Debate 439
Consumer Use/Consumption 440 End-of-Life/Disposal 441
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 443 Key Terms 443 Multiple-Choice Questions 443 Discussion Questions 444
xiC o n t e n t s
12 Confronting Change How Do Businesses Address the Challenge of Change? 448
Learning Objectives 448
Change and the Environment of Business 451 Forces for Change 451
TALKING BUSINESS 12.1 Making Skills Work in Ontario 453
TALKING BUSINESS 12.2 Yes, There Is a Future for Manufacturing in Canada 454
TALKING BUSINESS 12.3 Digital Health: More Than Just Health and Technology 456
TALKING BUSINESS 12.4 Pro Sports and Globalization 457
TALKING BUSINESS 12.5 How Canada Welcomed Bangladeshi Clothing Imports 459
TALKING BUSINESS 12.6 Slow-Motion Demographic Tsunami About to Hit Canada’s Economy 460
Types of Change 461 Developmental Change 461 Transitional Change 462 Transformational Change 462
TALKING BUSINESS 12.7 Transformational Change: Starbucks Risks Core Business for New Unknown Ventures 463
Methods of Change: Theory E and Theory O Change 464
The Process of Transformational Change: An Illustration 467
Understanding the Forces for Change 467 The Change Vision and Implementation 467
Creating a Learning Organization 471
TALKING BUSINESS 12.8 The Learning Manager 473
Double-Loop Learning and Shifting Paradigms 474 Do Organizations Encourage or Discourage Learning and Change? 475
TALKING BUSINESS 12.9 Facebook’s Culture Promotes Learning and Change 476
Implementing Change Through Tipping Point Leadership 479
What Is the Tipping Point? 479 Three Rules of the Tipping Point 479 Applying the Tipping Point to Organizational Change 481
CHAPTER LEARNING TOOLS 483 Key Terms 483 Multiple-Choice Questions 483 Discussion Questions 484
Appendix: Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions 487
Glossary 488
Index 503
There is much to be proud of with regard to the Canadian business sector. According to many observers, Canada is poised to earn a distinguished reputation on the world scene. In fact, Canada has been consistently cited in the media as “one of the best countries to do business in.” Recently Forbes ranked Canada fifth overall in the world for business, based on such factors as low corporate tax rates and one of the most stable banking systems.
Beyond its economic stability, Canada is also reputed for its world-class university system, which is much more affordable than most privately funded colleges in the United States. In turn, Canada is known for its ability to attract and retain a highly educated workforce. Our strong business reputation is also based on having among the highest investment rates in education as a percentage of its GDP. Its enviable status is also based on comparatively low poverty and crime rates.
The positive climate for business has also made this country a popular location for entrepreneurs. Based on a study conducted by management consulting firm Ernst & Young, Canada was ranked among the top five places in the world to start a business, given its strong entrepreneurial culture. The Ernst & Young report considered such factors as small business tax burden, access to financing, and intangibles such as the value placed on research and innovation as well as attitudes toward entrepreneurs in the business community.
There is no doubt that Canada is fast becoming a major player on the global scene. However, at the same time significant challenges exist. The past two decades have witnessed tremendous change and turmoil across our organizational landscape—from numerous bankruptcies of once-great Canadian companies to massive reductions in the workforce of many others to the growth in foreign ownership across corporate Canada. Is all this cause for concern or just the natural evolution of business? Are we headed for the best of times or the worst of times?
Indeed, what lies ahead for Canadian business? To address that question, we need to systematically examine the context of business and the factors that shape our business environment. To do so we must look both “inside” and “outside” of the corporate walls. That is, we need to consider key challenges and opportunities that exist within the bound- aries of the organization, as well in the organization’s external environment.
The aim of this book is to help facilitate the following learning goals for students:
1. To examine the context within which all businesses operate. Specifi cally, we consider the internal context and the external context of business and the range of unique challenges and opportunities each possesses.
2. To obtain a deeper understanding of the nature of the Canadian business environment. What differentiates Canada from other business environments? What are the major strengths and weaknesses of Canada as a place to do business? What does the future hold for Canadian business?
3. To encourage critical thinking regarding the nature of business and its environment. This text presents a range of ideas, perspectives, and conceptual frameworks for identifying and analyzing key issues in the business environment.
xiiiP r e f a c e
4. To gain exposure to major voices and leading thinkers in the fi eld of business and organizational studies. This book draws upon many ideas from a wide range of business scholars, experts, and practitioners.
The study of business is really about the study of society. It is an obvious fact that we are a society of organizations—from our hospitals to our schools to our multinational organizations, it is hard to imagine life without organizations. And, for better or worse, those very institutions and organizations that we have grown up with are continuing to undergo dramatic change. We need to understand where change is coming from and how organization’s can best respond to the changing business context.
The Context of Business takes the reader on a journey that explores the environment within which business operates—both within the Canadian context and within the global context. The reader will be introduced to a variety of perspectives, theories, and concepts that shed light on real business issues. While this text does introduce the reader to many fundamentally important business terms and concepts, our emphasis is on helping students develop analytical thinking skills. Our aim is to present ideas, frameworks for discussion, and concepts that students can use as tools to help analyze “what is going on out there” in the “real” business world.
We hope that The Context of Business takes you on an enriching journey into the environment of business. There is much to learn about Canadian business and, as you will see, there is also much to be proud of. As a current or prospective member of the Canadian workforce, you have every reason to be interested in what the future holds for Canadian business. We hope this book helps you think more critically and thoughtfully about what lies ahead.
Enjoy the journey!
Len Karakowsky
Natalie Guriel
STRENGTHS AND FEATURES OF THIS TEXT This text differs in a number of significant ways from the typical introductory business textbook. There are at least three key areas of emphasis that distinguish this text, as outlined below.
1. Emphasis on Critical Thinking Skills The Context of Business will be the foundation for an introductory course in business that first introduces students to the business environment—both internal and external. The aim of this text is to provide a critical examination of the nature of business organizations and the fundamental challenges that they face within the Canadian context. The central objective is to provide insight into the business environment in Canada while encouraging students to think critically about how organizations are managed and how business leaders confront current challenges. This emphasis on critical thinking skills may be what largely differentiates this book from many other introductory business textbooks.
xiv P r e f a c e
Consequently, while we clearly set out descriptions necessary to understand the “mechanics” of business issues, ranging from the economic context to the political con- text, our aim is to engage students in a way that will stimulate them to think critically about these contexts. Students will be inspired to ask questions about how business operates and how the environment impacts business. We ask questions central to under- standing what is “going on out there” in the Canadian business world, including: What kind of competition exists in Canada in different industries? How has the number of telecommunications companies impacted the consumer? Do government subsidies to business impact competitiveness in Canada? What did the tragedy at Lac-Mégantic teach us about corporate social responsibility? These kinds of questions demand more than simply memorizing business jargon.
We believe that our approach in this text will help students better understand and appreciate the purpose behind their further studies in specific functional areas of business while also nurturing the skills they need to succeed in later courses.
2. Emphasis on Concept Application Each chapter sets out clearly the learning objectives for that chapter. We believe that we have set challenging but achievable learning objectives for each chapter, and we have ensured our chapters provide all the information students require to engage in a thought- ful and informed analysis of each of the topics. Our fundamental aim is to get students to take business ideas, concepts, and frameworks and use them to make sense of business events and challenges.
In writing this book, we endeavoured to make fundamental business concepts “come alive” through the application of these concepts to important, real-world situations. This text includes a wealth of current business cases drawn from the popular press to help clarify ideas presented within each chapter. Specifically, each chapter begins with The Business World case, which reports on important, current, real-life business issues and themes that are explored within the chapter. The chapters are also filled with real-life business illustra- tions summarized within the Talking Business boxes. Interspersed throughout the text, these features often present current business news or situations that further explore the concepts discussed in the chapter in a real, applied way. These are ideal for class discussion and also offer media accounts that may differ from the authors’ perspectives of business happenings. Instructors may wish to use some of these as mini-cases for class discussion on a daily basis when a lengthier, end-of-chapter case is not assigned.
Each chapter also contains an end-of-chapter Case Application with questions . These cases are also drawn from the Canadian popular press and are intended to give stu- dents an opportunity to apply chapter concepts to real business contexts. We have used these kinds of cases in our own classes with much success. The cases are of relatively short length. While the cases are intended to focus on the material in the accompanying chap- ter, many of the cases in this book carry ramifications that spill over into several areas. However, we have found that the ability to integrate different concepts from different chapters takes time. Consequently, our focus was on building this skill by keeping the cases relatively focused, though certainly many of these cases could be revisited from dif- ferent chapter perspectives. The Instructor’s Resource Manual provides suggestions and possible discussions relating to each of these cases.
xvP r e f a c e
3. Emphasis on “Real” Canadian Business Context In addition to offering frameworks and principles central to an understanding of the con- text of business in general, we have endeavoured to provide an interesting and up-to-date presentation of relevant business events and business cases. We have made every effort to infuse this text with “real-life” illustrations. References are made to major business stories from across the globe. However, we are particularly interested in the Canadian context. Consequently, we focus on Canadian stories and give ample attention to current Canadian business policies and practices for the topics covered throughout this book. The end-of- chapter cases are drawn from both Canadian and global contexts. And this text was authored by Canadian scholars—it is not a Canadian adaptation of a US text.
While this text relates ideas and theories drawn from the work of management scholars and management research, we are also concerned with relating ideas and issues voiced by practitioners and communicated through such popular press sources as Canadian Business , Globe and Mail, Fortune , Report on Business, and the Huffington Post .
End-of-Chapter Pedagogical Features We have included discussion questions at the end of every chapter, ranging from short answer to essay-type responses. These questions provide various levels of challenge and will ensure students have understood the issues presented in the chapter. In addition, we have included multiple-choice questions. The Instructor’s Resource Manual provides suggestions and discussions for taking up all of these end-of-chapter questions.
Supplements The following supplements are available for instructors:
Instructor’s Resource Manual. The Instructor’s Resource Manual includes chapter learning objectives, chapter outlines and summaries, discussion questions and answers for in-text features, as well as answers for the discussion and review questions.
Pearson MyTest. MyTest helps instructors easily create and print quizzes and exams with hundreds of questions, including multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, and essay ques- tions. For each question we have provided the correct answer, a reference to the relevant section of the text, a diffi culty rating, and a classifi cation (recall/applied). MyTest software enables instructors to view and edit the existing questions, add questions, generate tests, and distribute tests in a variety of formats. Powerful search and sort functions make it easy to locate questions and arrange them in any order desired. Questions and tests can be authored online, allowing instructors ultimate fl exibility and the ability to effi ciently manage assessments anytime, anywhere, visit www.pearsonmytest.com.
PowerPoint Lecture Slides. Prepared by the authors, the PowerPoint presentations are colourful and varied, designed to hold students’ interest and reinforce each chapter’s main points.
peerScholar. Firmly grounded in published research, peerScholar is a powerful online ped- agogical tool that helps develop students’ critical and creative thinking skills. peerScholar facilitates this through the process of creation, evaluation, and refl ection. Working in stages, students begin by submitting written assignments. peerScholar then circulates their work for others to review, a process that can be anonymous or not, depending on your preference. Students receive peer feedback and evaluations immediately, reinforcing
xvi P r e f a c e
their learning and driving the development of higher-order thinking skills. Students can then resubmit revised work, again depending on your preference. Contact your Pearson Canada representative to learn more about peerScholar and the research behind it.
Innovative Solutions Team. Pearson’s Innovative Solutions Team works with faculty and campus course designers to ensure that Pearson products, assessment tools, and online course materials are tailored to meet your specifi c needs. This highly qualifi ed team is dedicated to helping schools take full advantage of a wide range of educational technology by assisting in the integration of a variety of instructional materials and media formats.
Pearson Custom Library. For enrollments of 25 students or more, you can create your own textbook by choosing the chapters that best suit your own course needs. To begin building your custom text, visit www.pearsoncustomlibrary.com .
CourseSmart for Instructors. CourseSmart goes beyond traditional expectations— providing instant, online access to textbooks and course materials at a lower cost for students. And even as students save money, you can save time and hassle with a digital eTextbook that allows you to search for the most relevant content at the very moment you need it. Whether it’s evaluating textbooks or creating lecture notes to help students with diffi cult concepts, CourseSmart can make life a little easier. Find out how when you visit www.coursesmart.com/instructors .
The following supplements are available for students:
CourseSmart for Students. CourseSmart goes beyond traditional expectations—providing instant, online access to the textbooks and course materials you need at an average savings of 60%. With instant access from any computer and the ability to search your text, you’ll fi nd the content you need quickly, no matter where you are. And with online tools like highlighting and note-taking, you can save time and study effi ciently. See all the benefi ts at www.coursesmart.com/students .
There are many people to acknowledge for their contributions to and support of this book. First, we would like to express gratitude to those individuals at Pearson Canada who were responsible for making this book a reality. Our gratitude goes to the expertise provided by Deana Sigut, Acquisitions Editor; Suzanne Simpson Millar, Developmental Editor; Leanne Rancourt, Copyeditor; Rachel Thompson, Project Manager; and Rashmi Tickyani, Production Editor. Suzanne merits our deep gratitude for her dedicated attention to and rigorous work on this text.
Thanks also go to those who reviewed our proposals and earlier drafts of this text:
Julius Bankole University of Northern British Columbia Edith Callaghan Acadia University Cuiping Chen University of Ontario Institute of Technology Shawna DePlonty Sault College Susan Graham University of Prince Edward Island Brent Groen Trinity Western University Eytan Lasry York University Anthony Mallette Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Angelo Papadatos Dawson College Raymond Paquin Concordia University Jennifer Percival University of Ontario Institute of Technology Robert Soroka Dawson College Trent Tucker University of Guelph Michael Wade Seneca College Kent Walker University of Windsor Bill Waterman Mount Allison University
We would also like to express gratitude to our colleagues, Professors David Doorey, You-Ta Chuang, and Eytan Lasry for authoring Chapters 2 , 5 , and 7 , respectively. We are grateful as well to our students, who have provided comments on a regular basis.
We wish to thank our colleagues for their insights and suggestions, including Paulette Burgher, Keith Lehrer, Peter Modir, Peter Tsasis, Indira Somwaru, and Vita Lobo. Our thanks also go to textbook contributors Joseph Adubofuor, Amy Bitton, Anya Cyznielewski, Ziv Deutsch, Melanie Gammon, Jason Guriel, Gillian Gurney, Shu-Hui Huang, Imran Kanga, Ezra Karakowsky, Miri Katz, Chris Kirkpatrick, Orlando Lopez, Karen Rabideau, Akiva Stern, Paul Thomson, and Janu Yasotharan. Your input and assistance were much appreciated!
Finally, we wish to express appreciation to our family members for their patience, understanding, and support. We dedicate this book to you.
Len Karakowsky
Natalie Guriel
About the Authors
Len Karakowsky is a professor of management at York University. He earned his Ph.D. from the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, his MBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University, and his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Toronto. He has served on the faculty of York University since 1997.
Professor Karakowsky is an award-winning instruc- tor who has been teaching business management courses for almost 20 years. In 2004, he helped launch Canada’s first executive master’s degree program in the School of Human Resource Management at York University.
Several years later he assisted in the establishment of the doctoral program in human resource management at York University.
Professor Karakowsky’s research and consulting interests include the areas of leadership development, organizational change, demographic diversity, and corporate social responsi- bility. His research has been published extensively in such journals as Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Administration and Society, Journal of Management Studies, Group and Organization Management, Journal of Management Development, Small Group Research, Journal of Management Systems, International Business Review, and many others. He has authored award-winning papers and co-authored the text Business and Society: Ethics and Stakeholder Management (Canadian Edition) for Thomson Nelson publishers.
Natalie Guriel is a faculty member in the School of Administrative Studies at York University. She holds a mas- ter’s degree in management and professional accounting from the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, and an honours bachelor of arts degree in political science from the University of Toronto. Her professional designations were earned from the Canadian Institute of Management and include Chartered Manager, Certified in Management, and Professional Manager .
Professor Guriel has enjoyed teaching business man- agement courses at York University for over 10 years. She has also taught undergraduate and graduate business courses at several other universities across Canada. Her teaching
interests are varied and range from business management to financial accounting, manage- ment accounting, and taxation. She has received recognition for her teaching excellence and for her contributions to curriculum development.
Professor Guriel began her career as a taxation and accounting specialist for Deloitte. She later worked in a variety of management-related roles in the software, retail, and service industries. She is a member of the Canadian Institute of Management as well as the Academy of Management in the United States.
Chapter 1 Exploring Canadian Business: A Critical Approach What Are the Major Challenges Facing Business?
Is Canadian business headed for a dismal future, or one
that is bright? How does one make sense of the current
state of Canadian business? Assessing the prospects of
organizations requires a careful examination of the con-
texts within which they operate. This chapter introduces
the framework for this book— a critical examination
of the internal and external forces that can significantly
impact the functioning and fate of business.
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Identify the key internal forces that shape any business.
2. Identify the forces that compose the specific and general
environments of organizations.
3. Discuss the nature of the external forces confronting
4. Explain the importance of each of the external forces
within the Canadian business context.
© Age Fotostock
THE BUSINESS WORLD Can Canadian Tire Flourish in a Rapidly Changing Business Context?
Canadian Tire has certainly become part of the fabric of Canadian society. It’s been around since 1922 and has established itself as a solid Canadian retailer. Like the proverbial “underdog” Canadian hockey team, this Canadian retailer has managed quite well against a growing list of formidable US opponents. Over its 90-plus years, it has established approximately 500 stores across Canada, and with revenues close to $13 billion in 2012, this is no retail slouch.
However, as the expression goes, the times they are a changin’. And the question is, “Can Canadian Tire continue to flourish in these changing times amidst the onslaught of US retailers to Canada?”
US retailers have been invading our retail sector for many years now. It’s an invasion welcomed by most Canadian consumers, but certainly not by Canadian retailers. Home Depot, Walmart, and Target are just a few of Canadian Tire’s adversaries. And the compe- tition continues to heat up. 1
So what’s a good ol’ Canadian business to do? This is the question Canadian Tire is attempting to address. While the company clearly must have done something right to survive this long, some observers are puzzled by its success. In a recent Maclean’s article, writer Chris Sorensen had this to say:
Newer stores, located in towns and cities across the country, are brighter and more airy, but largely house the same eclectic inventory—none of it particularly cheap and none of it terribly aspirational either. Customer service, meanwhile, varies wildly from store to store, the result of the company’s independent—and bureaucratic—dealer owner- ship model. It all seems like a recipe for retail disaster, particularly as an army of well- oiled U.S. big box chains—Wal-Mart, Home Depot and soon Target—continue their relentless march north of the border. Yet somehow, Canadian Tire remains standing, earning profits of $453 million on $10.3 billion in retail sales last year, which was up three percent from a year earlier (Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. also makes money through a banking operation, Canadian Tire Financial Services). 2
How has Canadian Tire managed to retain its place among the top 20 Canadian brands over the past several years?
Experts believe that a big part of Canadian Tire’s appeal is a combination of familiar- ity and convenience. But that doesn’t tell the whole story. Obviously, Canadian Tire has succeeded by understanding its environment and responding to changing business con- texts. The entrance of Target to the Canadian retail landscape has certainly made com- panies like Canadian Tire more vigilant and aware of the need to constantly evolve to best meet market demands. After feeling increased pressure from competitors, Canadian Tire has recently been revisiting its strategy. While not a direct competitor, Canadian
2 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
1 Hulsman, N. (2013, March 7). Canadian Tire going small in fight against Target, Yahoo Finance. Retrieved from http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/blogs/insight/canadian-tire-going-small-fight-against-target-180021300.html.
2 Sorenson, C. (2011, October 11). Canadian Tire’s baffling strategy to sell you everything. Maclean’s. Retrieved from http://www2.macleans.ca/2011/10/11/so-wrong-that-its-right . Reprinted with permission of MacLean’s Magazine.
Tire competes with Target on a number of product lines, including small appliances, and Canadian Tire’s subsidiary Mark’s Work Wearhouse competes for clothing sales.
In an effort to streamline its decision making, Canadian Tire cut several senior manage- ment positions in 2012. It has taken a systematic approach to analyzing the industry and adopting strategies to keep ahead of the game. For example, among recent changes was Canadian Tire’s decision to spend less of its advertising budget on small, grassroots events and more on mainstream media. The aim is to build more brand awareness of Canadian Tire. The nature of advertising will also change, with a greater emphasis on the Canadian Tire image rather than on specific products. While some have suggested that Canadian Tire should play up its Canadian roots to appeal to loyal Canadians, others feel that a strategy based on national sentiment is a waste of time; they believe that other more tangible actions should be taken. As Susan Krashinsky of the Globe and Mail observed:
Canadian Tire has survived past incursions by U.S. retailers such as Home Depot Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The entry of Wal-Mart particularly caused the company to rethink the layout of its stores, change pricing policies and in more recent years, appeal to female shoppers more directly. It’s efforts such as this, not Canadian roots, that proved most effective. 3
In 2013, Canadian Tire announced plans to significantly improve its digital technology practices, including a partnership with Communitech, a technology company based in Kitchener, Ontario. 4 The aim is to develop apps, content, and other digital innovations to improve the shopping experience of Canadian Tire customers, both online and in the store. Canadian Tire also recently relaunched its online store after executives aborted a previous attempt in 2009. Among the items sold online are tires and wheels, which have to be picked up at Canadian Tire stores where many will also be installed. This effort was in response to a growing trend of Canadians buying their tires online through US-based websites and having them shipped directly to local mechanics.
Among other changes has been a renewed focus on its automotive roots. In 2013, Canadian Tire opened a number of automotive concept stores that feature drive-in recep- tion areas, express oil and lube services, and auto detailing. Canadian Tire also owns 87 specialty automotive PartSource stores. This is part of its strategic emphasis on auto parts, tools, home supplies, and sporting goods to combat increased competition.
Another area of change is in the customer services offered by Canadian Tire. For example, it recently began offering home installation services for Canadian Tire garage door openers, followed by central vacuum installations and heating and cooling systems.
Canadian Tire has also ventured more deeply into the world of sports. 5 In 2013, it announced a host of deals with amateur sports organizations to strengthen its ties to a major market: up-and-coming athletes. Among the sponsorships is an eight-year agreement
3C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
3 Krashinsky, S. (2012, September 13). Pumping up the “Canada” in Canadian Tire. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/marketing/pumping-up-the-canada-in- canadian-tire/article4543680. 4 Boodoosingh, C. (2013, March 22). Canadian Tire steps up digital strategy, Digital Home. Retrieved from www. digitalhome.ca/2013/03/canadian-tire-steps-up-digital-strategy. 5 McDiarmid, J. (2013, January 23). Canadian Tire digs deeper into amateur sport, Toronto Star . Retrieved from www.thestar.com/business/2013/01/23/canadian_tire_digs_deeper_into_amateur_sport.html.
with the Canadian Olympic Committee and new or expanded deals with other amateur organizations. These arrangements reflect Canadian Tire’s shift to a greater presence in amateur sport following its 2011 acquisition of sports retailer Forzani Group Ltd. for $771 million. This move entrenched Canadian Tire’s status in the sporting goods market as well as provided it with access to a younger demographic of Canadian consumers (who like to shop at malls). Forzani continues to serve as an independent unit, operating Sport Chek, Sport Mart, and Athletes World stores.
Some observers believe that a continuing challenge for Canadian Tire is to make it clear in consumers’ minds that it offers more than automotive parts, tools, or sporting goods. On the other hand, marketing experts believe that Canadian Tire must also be cautious to not deviate far from its core business—that is, offering Canadians “everyday” household items rather than upscale home décor. As the old adage goes, you can’t be all things to all people.
Sorensen sums it up nicely:
Canadian Tire will need to stay on its toes as its territory is further invaded by big U.S. retailers. But despite its sometimes ungainly appearance, there’s no reason to think the inverted orange triangle and green maple leaf will disappear from the Canadian land- scape anytime soon. It may never be a chic proposition. But neither is weatherproofing windows or fixing a clogged toilet. 6
In fact, in 2013 Canadian Tire announced that it would launch smaller stores in city cen- tres, admitting that it needed to adopt a new approach to dealing with existing competi- tors like Walmart as well as combating new entrants like Target. Canadian Tire attempted the small-store concept in previous years. However, when Walmart began opening Super- centres across Canada (each about seven times the size of the new Canadian Tire format), it reconsidered that approach. Given that Walmart has recently begun toying with the “small box” concept (opening smaller, express versions of its big box stores) and with the entrance of Target, Canadian Tire has been open to revisiting just about anything, includ- ing a focus on smaller stores in core city shopping areas and malls. The plan is for these new “express” stores to be about 10,000 square feet.
Big or small, Canadian Tire has a lot to be proud of. It has been an iconic figure in the Canadian marketplace for many years. It has understood well the environmental forces that it must confront and address to survive. And for those patriotic Canadian consumers, let’s hope this good ol’ Canadian retailer sticks around for many more years. Way to go Canadian Tire—may the force(s) be with you, eh!
4 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
6 Sorensen, 2011.
THE INTERNAL CONTEXT OF BUSINESS What goes on within the walls of an organization? That is, what comprises the internal context of organizations? In Part 2 of this book, we will consider more closely t he internal context of organizations, focusing on four fundamental concepts: the employ- ment relationship, leadership, organizational structure, and strategy. Looking inside organizations involves a consideration of how people within organizations are managed.
Objective 1 Identify the key internal forces that shape any
leadership How people are managed within an organization.
strategy The decisions made by business managers about how the company will address political, eco- nomic, global, societal, competitive, and technological forces.
5C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
Chapter 2 explores the employment relationship; we will identify and examine the nature of responsibilities that employers have toward their workforce. Chapter 3 con- siders the notion of leadership and discusses perspectives on managing people, which is particularly important considering that organiza- tions’ fates are intrinsically bound to the quality of decisions that are generated inside the organi- zation. Chapter 4 looks at how organizations are designed and why they sometimes decide to undergo dramatic change. Chapter 5 introduces the notion of business strategy and its relevance to organizational success or failure.
Exhibit 1.1 illustrates the framework we adopt in this book and also identifies the internal envi- ronment of business, which we discuss next.
The Employment Relationship: Responsibilities Toward Labour The ability to attract qualified workers and to extract maximum effort from them can be crucial to business success. However, navigating the labour relationship can be difficult and is fraught with risks. The context in which the labour rela- tionship operates is a highly complex one. Work- ers are usually interested in maximizing the income they receive from the sale of their labour, whereas businesses usually desire to maximize profit. These two objectives can clash, creating conflicts that can have nega- tive effects on productivity and profits, as well as the economy and society more gener- ally. Chapter 2 considers the complexities associated with the legal context of managing labour. Societies and economies are influenced dramatically by how work is organized. We will discuss how d ebates about the best way to organize work are long-standing and influenced by perspectives on markets, power, and the role of the state in capitalist societies. The result is a complex web of rules and forces that businesses must learn and adapt to if they are to operate successfully . The next chapter considers some of these rules more closely , including rules and processes relating to unemployment and the loss of work, and rules that attempt to address Canada’s diverse labour force.
Leadership and Effectively Managing People Chapter 3 considers the nature of the members who comprise an organization and how they manage and are managed. It does not matter whether we are talking about a nonprofit organization,
change A shift in how an organi- zation operates.
labour One of the five factors of production. Includes all workers in an organization who contribute their talents and strengths to cre- ate goods and services.
Political Forces
Global Forces
Economic Forces
Technological Forces
Competitive Forces
Societal Forces
Labour Leadership Structure Strategy
Exhibit 1.1 Inside and Outside Organizations: The Framework for This Book
Philip Date/Shutterstock
6 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
a small business, or a giant multinational corporation; any type of organization must be managed. Organizations are made up of people and, consequently, this factor is clearly one that we must carefully examine. How do we manage people within the organi- zation? Regardless of your role in organizations, no doubt at some point in your career you will be required to apply some sort of management or leadership skills in the conduct of your job. Simply working in organizations is a reason to be familiar with how organizational life operates and to understand what exactly is involved in the art and science of management. Given the importance of this issue, we will take a closer look at it in more detail in Chapter 3 .
Developing a Suitable Organizational Structure Chapter 4 considers the internal context of the organization with regard to how it is designed and the implications of organizational design and redesign . Organizational structure is a deliberately planned network or pattern of relationships that exists among individuals in various roles or positions. This includes the formal hierarchy of authority, the distribution or grouping of work (for example, into departments) and the rules or procedures that control and coordinate behaviour in the organization.
The structure of many organizations has been radically redesigned in recent years. Organizations in just about every industrialized nation have been undergoing change. (See Talking Business 1.1 .) While some companies have reduced their levels of hierarchy or
Changing GM’s Organizational Structure GM Global Design . . . announced a revised organizational
structure and executive appointments that align it more
closely with the company’s brands across its network of 10
Design Centers around the world.
“This new structure provides a foundation to build and
grow the design language for each of our brands moving
forward,” said Ed Welburn, GM vice-president for Global
Design. “It gives our design teams a greater opportunity
to create products and brands that have an emotional
connection with our customers and that continue to move
our company forward.”
The benefits of a more brand-focused design organiza-
tion include:
• Drive stronger—and common—messaging across a
brand’s portfolio
• Allow designers to better understand—and design
for—customers when they live the brand on a day-to-
day basis
• Provide for greater parts sharing across brands
• Foster more creativity and provide a clear, single pur-
pose for each design team member.
The revised structure also increases the role of GM’s
Advanced Design Centers, which are strategically located
in the United States, Germany, Korea, China and Australia.
“Strengthening our Advanced Design organization will
allow us to help the company develop innovative new tech-
nologies and strategies to meet the future transportation
needs of the global marketplace,” Welburn said. “One thing
is clear: Success will require a variety of mobility solutions
that are striking both in their execution and their efficiency.”
Source: Excerpted from GM press release. (2012, June 18). GM
Design announces changes to its global organization and leader-
ship team; moves strengthen brand focus and advanced design
capabilities. Available at www.autoblog.com/2012/06/18/
general-motors-design-ranks-get-big-overhaul. Reprinted with
permission from General Motors Corporation
structure A deliberately planned network or pattern of relationships that exists among individuals within an organization. It deter- mines such things as division of labour, span of control, level of for- malization, and how centralized decision making is.
© ohmega1982/Fotolia
7C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
laid off employees at all levels, others have undergone a concurrent change in their whole business process, while others have simply closed down. To understand what is happening, and more importantly why it is happening, we need to understand more about the design or structure of organizations. This is the aim of Chapter 4 —to offer insight into the anat- omy of organizations and, ultimately, to explain why organizations are being redesigned.
Generating a Winning Business Strategy Deciding what strategies the organization should pursue is a key task of managers. Man- agers are continually faced with making decisions, both minor and major, on a daily basis. The aim of Chapter 5 is to describe the nature and purpose of strategic manage- ment. The chapter examines issues that are of critical importance to strategic manage- ment. What are the key forces in determining an industry’s structure, and what are the strategic implications? We will consider the roles of organizational resources and capa- bilities in firm performance. Our exploration will also include a discussion of corporate strategy and an identification of three generic strategies as well as how organizations go about implementing strategy. This examination reflects a central internal force that all organizations must contend with—the ability to generate a game plan to succeed.
THE EXTERNAL CONTEXT OF BUSINESS We can refer to the external context of organizations as its environment . Management schol- ars have typically defined the environment of an organization along two dimensions: the organization’s specific or task environment and the organization’s general environment . Each factor in an organization’s external environment can be considered as existing in two spheres: a specific sphere or environment within which the organization directly operates, and a general sphere or environment that would encompass the external environments of all organizations in a society. The specific sphere has been referred to as the environmental domain of the organization. For example, changes in the international environment may be a common factor for all organizations with, say, trade agreements affecting Canadian indus- try in general. However, some industries may be differentially affected by changes in the international environment via trade agreements. Not all organizations within an industry or within different industries are equally affected by changes in the environment. There are changes that affect all or some industries, and there are changes or factors that influence the direct sphere or environment of specific organizations.
Specific or Task Environment Any organization is surrounded by external stakeholders . These are parties or groups that have direct influence on the organization’s ability to obtain resources and generate out- puts. Stakeholders have some kind of stake or interest in the organization and could include such parties as the organization’s customers or suppliers, the labour pool from within which the organization obtains employees, competitors, unions, distributors, credi- tors, the local public, and the government (see Exhibit 1.2 ). While not all of these stake- holders may exist or exert influence on every organization, they are the types of factors that potentially constitute the specific environment of an organization.
Objective 2 Identify the forces that compose the specific
and general environments of
specific or task environment The environment within which a particular organiza- tion operates, which is ultimately shaped by the general environment and includes stakeholders, customers, competitors, suppliers, and so on.
general environment The envi- ronment shared by all organiza- tions in a society, such as the economic and political environ- ments, and technological, societal, competitive and global forces.
external stakeholders Individ- uals or groups who bear some kind of risk, whether financial, physical, or other, as a result of a corpora- tion’s actions. They include such parties as suppliers, the govern- ment, and society in general. There are ethical as well as practical reasons to attend to all of their interests, even when they conflict.
8 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
General Environment The sphere surrounding the organization’s specific environment is typically referred to as the general environment . The forces that make up the general environment ultimately shape the specific environment of the orga- nization. Consequently, the general environ- ment will also influence the organization’s ability to obtain resources. General environ- mental factors typically include economic, competitive, technological, global, political, and societal forces. (See Exhibit 1.2 .)
Economic Forces Whether the Cana- dian economy is experiencing a recession or strong economic health, economic forces act as a strong influence on the present and future prospects of any organization. Moreover, given the strong global ties in Canada, we can also consider the international economic environ- ment as exerting an influence on Canadian organizations. Certainly, we understand the strong influence that the United States and its economy exert on Canadian business.
In considering how it will obtain resources from the environment, any organi-
zation must ask the question, “Is the economy healthy or weak?” Organizations are continuously forced to adapt to changing economic conditions. Downsizings are more likely to occur in lean times than in rich. For example, the development of a temporary workforce was partly an outcome of the recession that occurred in the 1990s and the consequent introduction of massive downsizings and layoffs of permanent members of the workforce. Economic changes have also facilitated changes to the nature of the employer– employee relationship. Lifetime employment appears to be a thing of the past. Consider the 1950s or the 1970s—those were times when employment actually meant security. In fact, the dominant model was long-term employment stability. However, a change to these implicit employment promises occurred sometime in the 1980s, when large, secure organizations began to layoff employees and the age of downsizing began. Today, part-time and temporary work arrangements have become much more common than in the past. The economic context of business will be explained in Chapter 6 .
Competitive Forces Competitive forces operate at two levels for any organization. As mentioned, an organization will have its own set of competitors, yet the force of competition can be viewed from a more general level as well. For example, globalization (which will be discussed elsewhere in this book) opens the floodgates for competitors in many industries. Clearly, the number of competitors and the nature of competition will dictate changes in organizational strategy. Competition, both domestic and foreign, certainly has demanded an
Objective 3 Discuss the nature of the external forces
confronting organizations.
Political Forces
Global Forces
Economic Forces
Technological Forces
Competitive Forces
Societal Forces
Specific Environment
Employees Creditors
Local PublicSuppliers
General Environment
Exhibit 1.2 The External Context of Organizations
economic forces The economic influences on organizations, such as the state of the economy, unemployment, inflation, interest rates, and gross domestic product. For example, high unemployment numbers may indicate lower overall consumer spending, and business sales could be negatively affected. If sales go down significantly, businesses may need to reduce pro- duction, cut costs, or lay off workers.
competitive forces The domes- tic and foreign competitor influ- ences on organizational decisions. Competitors are organizations operating in the same industry and selling similar products and services. However, competitors may compete in different ways.
9C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
acceleration in innovation among firms in many industries. To compete effectively, organiza- tions must continually create new and better methods of serving customers. So while global- ization has opened up larger markets for businesses, it has also facilitated much higher levels of competition. Chapter 7 examines the nature of competitive forces and includes a consider- ation of the different stages of the industry life cycle model. That chapter also identifies the key drivers of industry evolution and how competitive forces change during the life cycle of a business. What are the key success factors for firms at each stage of the life cycle?
Technological Forces Chapter 7 ’s discussion of innovation acknowledge s the impor- tance of technological forces that surround organizations. Technology plays a central role in how an organization functions, how it obtains resources, and, ultimately, how effectively it competes. We will consequently examine different types of innovations and explore the rela- tionship between technological evolution and industry evolution. Furthermore, we will discuss the impact of technology on competitive business practices and technology life-cycle models.
The technological environment exerts influence across industries. For example, in the case of Bell Canada, the increase in the number of competitors in the telecommunica- tions industry was partly a consequence of the ability of smaller businesses to enter the industry. Technological advances led to reduced operating costs, which led to more com- petitors being able to enter the industry; formerly, the costly nature of the sophisticated technology required in this industry created a barrier to entry.
Change in technology is a constant force that permits and demands organizational change. One benefit of technology is increased flexibility in work arrangements. For instance, telework, or telecommuting, essentially means that an employee can work from home thanks to the technology available today. Technology has also facilitated business process redesign or “reengineering ,” an issue examined further in Chapter 4 .
Global Forces Global forces , in many ways, are forces that could be considered part of general economic, political, technological, competitive, or societal forces, but are inter- national in nature. For example, the tragic and devastating events of September 11, 2001, resulted in a chain reaction of international consequences, including changes in economic and political forces acting on organizations. Global events have an increasingly important impact on local organizations, too.
While there is no universally agreed-upon definition of globalization , it is useful to consider this concept as a process—that is, a process involving the integration of world economies. The presence of trade blocs reflects the accelerating pace with which nations are integrating their economies. Globalization also includes the globalization of markets— the notion that consumer preferences are converging around the world. Whether it is for products made by McDonald’s, Sony, Gap, or Nike, organizations are increasingly marketing their goods and services worldwide. On the other side, production is also increasingly becoming a global affair. Businesses will set up operations wherever it is least costly to do so.
Certainly, international trade agreements are global agreements among governments that are changing the nature and functions of many businesses. A Canadian organization may not simply consider consumers within the domestic borders, but may have a significant consumer market overseas; this demands a knowledge of global societies, global competi- tors, and other forces that exist on an international level.
The global forces of the general environment underscore the increasingly tangled web of players in the global business context: domestic and foreign competitors, workers,
technological forces The tech- nological environment that exerts influence across industries, playing a central role in how an organiza- tion functions, obtains resources, and competes. Changes in technol- ogy both permit and demand orga- nizational change.
global forces The global influ- ences on organizations that could be considered as part of the gen- eral economic, political, technologi- cal, competitive, or societal forces, but are international in nature.
globalization Although there is no universally agreed-upon defini- tion, it may be considered as a process involving the integration of national economies and the worldwide convergence of con- sumer preferences; the process of generating a single world economic system.
10 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
industry, government, national cultures, and economies. How business is conducted in light of trade agreements and global arrangements is a key issue for our entire society , and it is a theme we will explore more fully in Chapter 8 .
Political Forces Political forces can exert influence at both the specific and general levels. The government’s push toward deregulating many industries was designed to wel- come more competitors into the Canadian business sector and facilitate freer trade between Canada and the United States. The reduction in trade barriers worldwide has also opened the doors for the increasing presence of foreign competition in many indus- tries. Deregulation and privatization , discussed in Chapter 9 , are clear examples of the importance of considering the effects of governmental changes on business strategy.
Are government regulations facilitating or restricting certain business strategies? The political environment can dictate changes in how a business competes or what services it offers and how they can be offered. As we will discuss in Chapter 9 , t he deregulation of protected industries in the 1980s and 1990s created competition for companies where no real competition had previously existed. Industries such as telecommunications, banking, energy, and aerospace were dramatically affected by these governmental/regulatory changes. As the dominant companies in these industries were forced to compete in an open market, some responded by downsizing their workforce.
In a general sense, the traditional relationship of government with business is clearly undergoing change. The trend toward increased government involvement after World War II seems to have reversed by about 1980. In fact, some observers have suggested that the massive disposal of government-owned assets and the reduction of government controls in the business sector indicate a minor revolution of sorts. We will examine this issue in more detail in Chapter 9 .
Societal Forces Societal forces have an important impact on organizations. The nature of a society certainly is an entrenched part of any organization’s general environment. For example, we have witnessed an increasing concern for individual welfare in the workplace as societies become more cognizant of human rights and how people should be treated. Conse- quently, the workplace increasingly emphasizes organizational justice—that is, how employ- ees are treated. This has translated into more laws governing fairness in the workplace. One such area that has been dramatically affected is compensation. Pay equity has been a key issue examined in redressing inconsistencies in pay treatment between men and women. We have also witnessed an increasing emphasis on merit-based pay and pay for performance, which attempt to more closely link actual effort to performance instead of seniority-based pay, which bases pay solely on the number of years an employee has been with the organization.
Businesses must respond to society. Consumer tastes change, for example, and busi- nesses must adapt to such changes. Similarly, the types of organizations that serve societal demands can change. The aging population in Canada suggests that greater emphasis needs to be placed on industries such as the health care sector. In addition, society has a certain set of ethics or values, and these can influence the type of behaviour that organizations will manifest in that society. From a societal standpoint, it is not difficult to understand the importance of adequately addressing ethical behaviour of business organizations and their constituents. All sectors of society, including organizations themselves, are drastically affected by many forms of unethical behaviour. There is a growing belief that organizations are social actors responsible for the ethical and unethical behaviour of their employees.
political forces Governmental influences on an organization’s decisions through laws, taxes, trade relationships, and other related political factors.
societal forces A wide range of influences in society in general, including, for example, changes in public opinion on ethical issues like organizational justice (how employees are treated), that affect all organizations and to which businesses must respond.
11C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
Critics of business argue that organizational leaders must examine more closely the “moral sense-making” within organizations and responsibilities to external constituents. The tolerance of unethical behaviour in a society would seem to be a precursor to the acceptance of corporate unethical behaviour. This is an issue that we will more fully explore in Chapter 10 , which also emphasizes the requirement for organizations to address stakeholders in the global context.
From the description of the external environment, it can be observed that there is overlap between the general environment and the specific environment. An organization may have a specific market niche or set of consumers, but demographic changes in the general environment, such as an aging society, will certainly translate into changes in consumer tastes at the specific level. Similarly, as noted above, the government’s aim to reduce trade barriers at a national level can translate into regulatory changes or increased competition within an organization’s specific environment. This under- lines the importance of understanding the impact of both the general external environment and the specific environment of the organization.
Sustainability What is the most critical issue in the world today that needs to be solved? The answer will likely depend on whom you ask and where you live. For example, there is less fresh water to drink and less viable farmland to grow food on than there was 100 years ago. Sources of oil continue to be extracted worldwide as the number of cars increase. And the climate is getting steadily warmer across the globe. Preserving the environment for future generations to enjoy and for the economy to prosper is clearly an important issue. What currently threatens the planet? Two key concerns are the depletion of natural resources by overconsumption and the ongoing release of greenhouse gas emissions. As a society, how do we continue to grow and prosper while also ensuring that our way of life is sustainable now and in the future?
Traditionally, growing the economy and protecting the environment were viewed as two separate goals, often conflicting with one another. Why should businesses want to be sustainable? What are the motivating factors for businesses to implement sustainable prac- tices? While the primary goal of a business is to make a profit, sustainable practices can contribute to this goal and help create value on a number of levels. Business leaders now recognize that society, the economy, and the environment are interrelated systems that have an important effect on one another; one system cannot survive without the others.
Today, sustainable development can be viewed as a long-term approach to balancing the needs of people while growing the economy and preserving the environment. In a general sense, sustainability involves the relationship between the three Ps: people, profits, and the planet (also referred to as the three Es: social equity, the economy, and the environment). This accounting framework is known as the triple bottom line . However, since the move- ment toward sustainability is still relatively new, the development of a common standard of global measures is still underway. What measures currently exist and how can businesses
© SerrNovik/Fotolia
triple bottom line An account- ing framework that can be volun- tarily used by organizations to report performance on social, economic, and environmental results for a project or reporting period.
sustainability In business, the relationship between the three Ps: people, profits, and the planet.
12 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
implement more sustainable practices? There are a number of indicators of sustainable devel- opment that measure changes on a national or global basis that can be examined.
Implementing sustainable business practices is a new challenge many managers face. Time, money, and lack of knowledge are a few obstacles. Yet sustainable businesses that achieve their economic, social, and environmental goals can expect to receive many benefits. Sustainable business practices have proven to help businesses in the long term by reducing costs, reducing risks, and improving consumer relations. Clearly, environmental degradation cannot quickly be fixed, and businesses need to continue to consider their impact on the envi- ronment and society now and in the future. All of these issues will be addressed in Chapter 11 .
The Challenge of Change We are a society of organizations—from our hospitals to our schools to our multinational organizations, it is hard to imagine life without organizations. And, for better or worse, those very institutions and organizations that we have grown up with are continuing to undergo dramatic change. In fact, over the years, we witnessed tremendous change and turmoil across our organizational landscape—from bankruptcies of once great Canadian companies like Nortel, to massive reductions in the workforce of many well-known organizations such as GM and Bell Canada, to the rise (and possible fall) of successful Canadian companies like Research In Motion (now known as BlackBerry). What is going on?
While predicting the next big change may be futile, sensible questions that can be addressed include, “What are the sources of change directed at organizations?” “How do these changes affect the nature of organizations and work?” In every chapter in this book, from management through to globalization, we recognize that j ust about every important area of business is under- going some kind of change . Chapter 12 considers how organizations respond (or fail to respond) to these shifts in the environment of business. It’s all about adaption and change.
Organizations that effectively change or adapt to their environment are ones that have first “learned” —they have learned how to recognize the need for change, and they have learned what actions are necessary to adapt. Some management scholars have sug- gested that organizational learning represents the collective experience of individuals within the organization and happens when organizational procedures change as a result of what has been learned. Organizational learning , in this sense, involves a three-stage evo- lution in which the highest stage incorporates three aspects of learning: adapting to the environment, learning from employees, and contributing to the learning of the wider community or context. This idea will be explored more fully in Chapter 12 .
The ability of organizations to adapt to and change with a changing environment is dependent on the ability of their members to change and adapt. The best business leaders are essentially facilitators of change. Such facilitators are individuals with vision who can encour- age others to leap into a new paradigm —a concept we will also examine in Chapter 12 .
THE CANADIAN CONTEXT: HOW’S BUSINESS IN CANADA, EH? How is business doing in Canada? Some economists believe we are doing well; others believe Canada’s economy is slowly contracting and losing its competitive edge in the growing global economy. Some factors that are important to a country’s success in the global marketplace
Objective 4 Explain the importance of each of
the external forces within the
Canadian business context.
organizational learning The detection and correction of error, or the collective experience of indi- viduals within the organization that results in changes in organiza- tional procedure. Three aspects of learning are adapting to the envi- ronment, learning from employees, and contributing to the learning of the wider community or context. Two types of learning are single- loop learning and double-loop learning.
13C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
identified by economists include a country’s need for strong trading partners, low corporate taxes, an educated and skilled workforce, a stable financial and banking system, and a sustain- able competitive advantage. Let’s consider how business is doing in Canada in these terms by revisiting each of the external environmental forces with regard to the Canadian context.
Economic Forces in Canada What are some of the indicators of the current state of health of the Canadian economic scene? One indicator of the health of the economy is gross domestic product (GDP) : the total value of a country’s output of goods and services in a given year. The money that is earned from producing goods and services goes to the employees who produce them, to the people who own businesses, and to the governments in the form of taxes. The general trend of governments worldwide is to reduce their share of GDP. Obviously, it is good for GDP to grow: From 1979–1989 Canada’s GDP grew about 3.2% annually. The compound annual growth of GDP between 2002 and 2011 was 2.6%. Currently, Canada’s economy is expected to see compounded annual growth of 2.5% until 2025. (See Exhibit 1.3 for GDP growth between 2002 and 2011.) Canada experienced solid economic growth between 1993 and 2007. However, it went into a severe recession in 2008–2009, but has since emerged strong after this global financial crisis ended.
The future health of the Canadian economy, as in most economies, is continually the subject of speculation. It appears that economists are not necessarily more accurate in their predictions of economic well-being than are those looking into the proverbial crystal ball. Nonetheless, it is crucial to understand what underlying forces are ultimately shaping the state of our business system in Canada. This amounts to distinguishing between short-term changes in the domestic economy and ongoing trends in the nature of the business enter- prise system. It may be more manageable for us to consider what has been going on around us in recent years and assess what conditions will continue to persist in the coming years.
One important economic factor is the unemployment rate. In Canada, the unemploy- ment rate increased sharply in the early part of the 1990s because of the severe 1991–1992 recession and the steepest drop in economic activity since the Great Depression of the 1930s. While much of the 1990s was not bright for employment, we have witnessed vast
1,420 M
2008 2009 2010 2011
All industries
2012 2013 J M J M J M J M J M
B il li o
n s
o f
ch a in
e d
( 2 0 0 7 )
d o
ll a rs
Exhibit 1.3 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP Growth
Between 2002 and 2011,
GDP for all industries in the
Canadian economy increased
from $1,068 billion to
$1,266 billion. In each year
during this time period, GDP
growth was positive with
the exception of 2009.
The compound annual
growth rate of GDP
between 2002 and 2011
measured 2.6%.
Source: Statistics Canada.
(2013, March 31). Canadian
economic accounts, fi rst quar-
ter 2013 and March 2013. The
Daily. Reproduced and distrib-
uted on an “as is” basis with
the permission of Statistics
Canada. Canadian economic
accounts, fi rst quarter 2013
and March 2013.
gross domestic product (GDP) The total value of a country’s output of goods and services in a given year.
14 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
improvements in recent years. By 1999, the unemployment rate dropped to 7.6%; in 2005 it dropped to 6.7%, which was the lowest level achieved in three decades. This decrease in unemployment continued to drop in 2007, reaching a low of about 6%. (See Exhibit 1.4 .)
The soundness of Canada’s banking system is another important economic factor for Canada’s economy. In 2010, the World Economic Forum ranked Canada’s banking sys- tem as the world’s soundest for the third year in a row. 7 This type of international recognition is good for Canada because it gives businesses, investors, and consumers the confidence that Canada is a safe and stable place to conduct business.
Why are Canadian banks more secure than banks in other countries? The Canadian Bankers Association
attributes this financial stability to three key factors: Canada’s banks are well regulated, well capitalized, and well managed. 8
Canada’s Banks Are Well Regulated Under the federal government, two primary regulatory bodies oversee banking activities in Canada: the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) for prudential regulation, and the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) for consumer issues. The Canadian Bank Act is also reviewed and updated every five years to reflect changes in the industry. In comparison, the United States has a much more complex arrangement of regulators, but with less stringent rules. After the US economic collapse in 2009, the US federal government had to bail out many of its banks with billions of dollars to prevent bankruptcies and a potential economic depression. Similar
7 Canadian Bankers Association. (2010, September 9). Good news for all Canadians: World Economic Forum again ranks Canada’s banks as the world’s soundest. Retrieved from www.cba.ca/en/media-room/65-news-releases/536- good-news-for-all-canadians-world-economic-forum-again-ranks-canadas-banks-as-the-worlds-soundest.
5.5 M
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 J J J J J M
P e rc
e n
Exhibit 1.4 The Unemployment Rate in Canada, 2008–2013 (percent of labour force)
In 2009, the unemployment
rate was 8.3%. Between
1976 and 2009, the unem-
ployment rate reached its
highest levels in 1983
(12.0%) and 1993 (11.4%),
following two major reces-
sions. In 2007, Canada
recorded its lowest unem-
ployment rate (6.0%) since
the mid-1970s. By May
2013, the unemployment
rate was 7.1%.
Source : Statistics Canada.
(2013, May). Labour Force
Survey, May 2013. The Daily.
Reproduced and distributed
on an “as is” basis with the
permission of Statistics Canada.
8 Canadian Bankers Association. (2010, May 14). Canada’s strong banking system: Benefiting Canadians. Retrieved from http://cba.stage6.industrialmedia.ca/en/media-room/50-backgrounders-on-banking-issues/469- canadas-strong-banking-system-benefiting-canadians.
© Francis Vachon/Alamy
15C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
bank bailouts occurred across Europe. Canadian banks, however, did not require any gov- ernment assistance and kept doing business as usual throughout the crisis.
Some economists blamed the US mortgage lending system for the collapse. There were many high-risk mortgage products in the United States, which Canadian regulators did not allow. Canadian bank mortgages also require at least a 20% down payment for a home or the mortgage would need to be insured; this requirement was not mandatory in the United States. Today, the US government is seeking bank regulation reform and is looking to Canadian models to help improve its system.
Canadian Banks Are Well Capitalized Canada has also been commended for the fact that its banks are well capitalized. This means that banks hold sufficient reserves to cover potential defaults on loans and other losses. According to Erik Heinrich, “the average capital reserves for Canada’s Big Six banks—defined as Tier 1 capital (common shares, retained earn- ings, and non-cumulative preferred shares) to risk-adjusted assets—is 9.8%, several percentage points above the 7% required by Canada’s federal bank regulators.” 9 Canada even exceeds international norms and surpasses the Bank for International Settlement’s requirements. 10
Canadian Banks Are Well Managed Although Canadian banks may not have the same level of competition (as US banks) to motivate them to succeed, they have remained well managed. Canada’s six largest banks (known collectively as the “ Big Six ”) include the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), Scotiabank, TD Canada Trust, Bank of Montreal (BMO), Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), and National Bank of Canada. Investment advisers frequently refer to these companies as Canada’s blue-chip stocks. Historically, these companies have proven to be safe and conservative investments that usually profit year after year.
Why can the Big Six banks be relied upon to be consistently profitable? Stringent lending requirements constitute one factor that has proven effective in preventing huge losses. Accord- ing to the Canadian Bankers Association, “in a survey by the Strategic Counsel, 81% of respondents believe that prudent lending is a key reason why Canadian banks have performed better than their international peers.” 11 But are Canadian banks as competitive as they can be? Can they compete on a global scale? Here are three challenges industry analysts point to that Canada’s banking industry needs to overcome in order to become a successful global competitor.
1. Canadian banks are less competitive: Some analysts believe that Canada’s banks pay a cost for being safe. They tend to take fewer risks and, therefore, are not high-growth companies. In Canada, the banking industry is more stable, but it does not have the same competition that other countries do. The Canadian financial market is domi- nated by a few large players—the Big Six. Although consumers have begun to see smaller players enter the market, there have been few so far. President’s Choice Financial (PCF), for example, offers many of the same banking services as the Big Six, but it does not have the same number of in-person branches that many of the traditional banks have. PCF provides mainly phone and online services so it can reduce overhead expenses and offer customers greater benefits. With lower
9 Heinrich, E. (2008, November 10). Why Canada’s banks don’t need help. Time . Retrieved from www.time. com/time/business/article/0,8599,1855317,00.html. 10 Canadian Bankers Association (2010, May 14). 11 Canadian Bankers Association (2010, May 14).
Big Six Canada’s six largest banks, including CIBC, Scotiabank, TD Canada Trust, BMO, RBC, and National Bank.
16 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
administrative costs, this bank has typically offered customers higher interest rates on deposits and lower (sometimes zero) banking fees.
2. Too small to compete globally: Many banks would like to be more competitive but have faced some limitations. Some Canadian banks would need to double in size to compete as international players. A couple of the Big Six banks have attempted to merge in the past, but government approval was denied. Many opponents argue that merged banks would be too powerful, and consumers would have less choice and potentially face higher fees.
3. Too much regulation: In addition, many argue that our banking system is too regulated. For example, stringent bank loan policies can make it difficult for small businesses to gain the funds needed to invest and to expand. This can impact Canada’s economic growth, since the majority of new jobs are created by small businesses. For banks, this means more of the same slow and stable growth and less opportunity for high-growth results. Nonetheless, media attention promoting the fiscal well-being of Canadian banks has helped give them international recognition and, perhaps, a competitive advantage.
Competitive Forces in Canada Imagine a situation where there is only one provider of an important good. If you require this good, then you must be willing to accept whatever price the provider demands. There is also no assurance regarding the quality of the good. There is little incentive for the provider of this good to be efficient in operations—any high costs can simply be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices. Similarly, there is little need to innovate or produce higher quality prod- ucts for the consumer, given that there is no risk of losing this captive market. Consequently, competition is considered to be an important element: This entails firms competing with each other to provide better products at lower prices if they want to increase sales and profits.
Our economic system is based on the assumption that sufficient competition exists. Competition is the “invisible hand” that ensures the market works in this manner. How- ever, if an industry is relatively concentrated then businesses can act as price setters, not price takers. Of course, with extreme concentration, as is the case with a monopoly, then businesses can set whatever price they want or collude with other businesses. Observers suggest that Canada has not taken as strict a stance on this issue as the United States, where legislation has been aimed at preventing industry concentration.
Now, when you think “Canadian business,” what picture do you conjure in your mind? Looking back over Canada’s past, it has been argued that we established a certain pattern for ourselves in terms of the types of business activities we emphasized here. During most of our existence, we have developed as a largely open economy, trading internationally primarily in resources. It has been suggested that our emphasis on the export of our natural resources, typically in a relatively unprocessed state, has made us more akin to a simple supplier of raw materials, whether it has been logs and lumber, pulp and newsprint, unrefined minerals, agricultural crops, and so on. But is that resource industry Canada’s competitive advantage?
First of all, what is a competitive advantage? A competitive advantage is achieved when an organization excels in one or more attributes that allow it to outperform its competitors. An attribute might be having a highly skilled staff, a patented technology, a unique marketing strategy, a well-known brand, or something else that makes the company a leader in its field.
In the global economic environment, countries compete through trade and strive for a competitive advantage based on the goods and services they sell. Some countries are
competitive advantage Achieved when an organization excels in one or more attributes that allow it to outperform its competitors.
attribute A business advantage of some kind, which might include having a highly skilled staff, a pat- ented technology, a unique market- ing strategy, a well-known brand, or something else that makes the company a leader in its field.
17C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
recognized for their superior products. The United States, for example, is known for pro- ducing world-class Hollywood movies. Belgium is known for crafting decadent chocolates. And England is recognized for its fine bone china. But what is Canada known for?
When people think of Canada’s economy, they often think of its natural resources. These are Canada’s forests, farms, fisheries, mines, and oil and gas sectors. Traditionally, Canada’s economy was built on extracting and exporting these raw materials. As early as the 1600s, companies began selling Canadian resources abroad. In 1670, for example, the Hudson’s Bay Company was formed and began trading fur with European countries. 12
By the early 1900s, significant industry had developed in Canada. Numerous mining companies began extracting minerals and coal from Alberta’s landscape. Similarly, other companies saw great opportunity to extract and manufacture forestry products. In 1909, for example, a pulp and paper mill was established in Grand Falls, Newfoundland. Simi- larly, the Maritime provinces had flourishing fishing industries with easy access to the Atlantic Ocean and other bodies of water.
Across Canada, individuals moved to places of employment, and towns grew around industry leaders. The resource sector became the foundation of Canada’s economy and eco- nomic growth for the next century, creating jobs and prosperity for many. Today, the resource sector is still an important part of Canada’s economy, but faces a number of challenges:
■ Depleting resources: Over the past century, many renewable and non-renewable resources have been significantly depleted. Mining companies have had to rely on lower-grade ores; in the forestry industry, depletion of high-quality fibre has led companies to exploit second- and third-growth timber in less accessible areas; and in the fishing sec- tor, the Newfoundland cod fishery had been essentially exhausted by the late 1980s. 13
■ New technology and equipment: Costs have increased significantly for improved tech- nology and extraction equipment. New equipment has been required to improve pro- duction efficiency, to extract resources requiring advanced extraction systems, to gain greater value from production inputs, and to sustain Canada’s competitive position in the global commodities marketplace. 14
■ Foreign competition: Foreign competition presents another challenge to Canada’s natural resource industries. The US softwood lumber producers, for example, have been a major competitor to Canada, resulting in several legal battles over unfair competition practices. Inexpensive labour costs have also been a competitive advantage for foreign producers. In 2009, AbitibiBowater Inc. (now known as Resolute Forest Products), closed its Grand Falls pulp and paper mill because of reduced demand for paper and increasing labour costs.
■ Pressure from environmental groups: Similarly, environmental concerns have resulted in new regulations for Canadian companies, to which foreign producers are not sub- ject. The high rate of extraction of natural resources has led environmental groups to lobby governments to protect wilderness areas, reduce yields extracted, and require
12 Canadiana.org . (2001–2002). The Hudson’s Bay Company Is Formed. Retrieved from www.canadiana.ca/hbc/ hist/hist6_e.html.
13 Howlett, M., & Brownsey, K. (2008). Canada’s resource economy in transition (p. 43 ). Toronto, ON: Edmond Montgomery Publications Limited.
14 Howlett & Brownsey, 2008, 44.
18 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
higher standards for extraction processes. Substitute products that are more sustain- able, like bamboo, have also been encouraged. As the fastest growing wood in the world, bamboo has advantages over traditional woods such as cherry, maple, and walnut. Bamboo is highly renewable and, therefore, environmentally friendly. 15
Clean energy consumption presents another environmental concern. Increased demand for cleaner energy sources means lower demand for dirtier energy like coal. Subsequently, many coal mines across Canada have faced closures. Some have even become tourist attractions that serve as historical sites, such as the Bellevue coal mine in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta.
Animal protection organizations have had a similar impact. Today, many consumers opposing cruelty to animals have stopped purchasing fur products and refrain from shopping at stores that sell them. Hudson’s Bay was one of these stores, and after 300 years of selling furs the company finally ended its fur trade business in 1991 because of societal pressures.
Many economists will agree that Canada’s resources sector is in transition. But is the sector still important to the Canadian economy? Some business leaders contend that min- ing and natural resources is still Canada’s competitive advantage. Other business leaders argue that Canada needs to diversify into other areas, so that when our non-renewable resources run out we will still have a thriving economy. In fact, it has been argued that Canadian corporations are much more involved in the extraction and processing of natural resources than most other countries at comparable stages of economic development. This pattern has led critics to suggest that we have not developed the entrepreneurial and tech- nological expertise of other nations—nations that have used our “raw materials” and added value through their own technological resources. However, it would be unfair to suggest that this is the whole picture. The fact is we have witnessed major changes in the nature of our economic sector, and we continue to see a major transformation in our economy and in the types of business competitors we have created. As with any capitalist-based system, Canada views competition as an important part of the business enterprise system.
Technological Forces in Canada Traditionally, Canada’s economy has been resource based. This refers to our emphasis on industries like agriculture, mining, forestry, fisheries, minerals, and energy. Natural resources have constituted the bulk of Canada’s exports. Given the nature of our primary industries, one important implication for businesses in these industries is that prices for the output are very much influenced by the world market. That is, these natural resource industries are highly affected by any fluctuations in the global supply and demand for these commodities, suggesting that many of our industries are highly sensitive to changes in the global or world market. A general criticism that has been levelled at the Canadian business environment is that we need to catch up in the area of technology and innovation rather than relying on our natural resources (which are exported mostly in an unprocessed form).
However, the Canadian economy has been transforming. While much of Canada’s economic strength lies in the diversity of its natural resource industries that supply ore, oil and gas, lumber, and other commodities internationally, our rapidly growing high-tech sec- tors are earning high marks for leading-edge research and development. This includes such
15 Howlett & Brownsey, 2008, 46.
19C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
areas as information and communications technology (ICT), biotechnology, nanotechnol- ogy, advanced manufacturing, electronics, aeronautics, pharmaceuticals, and agri-food.
We have already seen significant changes in the sectoral composition of Canada’s economy throughout the 20th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a balance between employment in the primary sectors of the economy and the industrial and service sectors. The primary sector consists of agriculture, mining, logging, fishing, hunting, and trapping. The industrial sector is akin to the manufacturing or goods-producing sectors, while the service sector can include things like the hotel or restaurant industry. At the beginning of the 20th century, we had an abundance of employment in the primary sector, with most of this coming from the agricultural sector. However, even early in the century Canada witnessed a steady decline in agricultural employment right up until World War II— after which time this decline was more rapid.
Canada’s employment has clearly shifted away from the agricultural sector. Why? A number of reasons have been offered. Perhaps one of the most obvious reasons for the decline in agricultural employment is a reduced need for human capital; that is, techno- logical advances have helped many agricultural practices become increasingly mecha- nized and, consequently, fewer workers are required to achieve the same level of output. Concurrent with this decline has been the increasing urbanization of the Canadian popu- lation. Increasing numbers of Canadians continue to flock to cities from rural areas in search of employment, and it is the cities that attract the largest share of new immigrants.
If there has been a significant shift in employment away from the agriculture sector, the question is, “Where has it shifted to?” What we have seen happening in conjunction with agricultural employment decline in Canada is an increase in the number of Canadians employed in goods-producing and service industries. The manufacturing sector produces tangible goods, such as clothes, oil, food, machines, and automobiles. The service sector includes things like banking, insurance, information, marketing, accounting, hospitality and food services, recreation, and so on.
The shift to the manufacturing and service sectors was particularly striking in the first 15 years following World War II, after which growth in these areas slowed, although it certainly continued throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. However, what is particularly striking in the later postwar period is the simultaneous rise in service-sector employment and, at least since the 1950s, the rapid decline in goods-producing industries. We continue to witness this trend, albeit at a reduced rate. Consider this: In 1950, only 42% of Canadians were employed in service-producing industries; by 1993, the figure had risen to over 72%. Whereas at the turn of the 20th century we shifted from an agricultural to an industrial economy, the second shift has been the transition from a goods-producing to a service-oriented economy.
Why are we moving away from the natural resources and the manufacturing sector to the service sector? What is driving this shift? Well, there is not really one accepted reason for this transformation to a service economy. But probably the most oft-cited reason is technology: Just as mechanization of agricultural production decreased the need for human capital, the increasing mechanization of manufacturing facilities has similarly reduced the need for human labour in this sector. We can produce comparable levels of output with far less labour than we did in the past. But productivity still remains a chal- lenge across Canada. (See Talking Business 1.2 and Exhibit 1.5 .)
And as far as productivity is concerned, what we have seen is labour productivity growth in manufacturing outpacing productivity growth in services. Why? Consider the
20 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
Growth in Provincial Labour Productivity: A Problem from Coast to Coast Over the next two decades, Canada and its regions will
have to contend with the challenges of more and more
aging baby boomers leaving the workforce. The result
will be slower growth in our economy while simultane-
ously adding to demand and expenditures for health
care. One part of the solution to slower growth would be
to lift our productivity—a sure fire way to boost income
per capita and help us pay for those public services we
want and need.
While we’re hopeful for the future, our past perfor-
mance on the productivity front has not been strong.
Numerous past studies have highlighted our poor labour
productivity performance relative to the United States but
few have looked at the issue from a regional perspective.
Productivity is not just a federal issue. Here, we look at pro-
ductivity among the provinces and find that with just one
exception, poor productivity growth is a problem that
exists from coast-to-coast. With the baby boomers contrib-
uting to slower economic growth and to rising health care
expenditures across all regions, it’s vital that all provinces
develop an agenda to boost their productivity growth.
Over the 1998 to 2011 time period, the U.S. posted
average annual compound growth in labour productivity of
2.5 percent while Canada posted average growth of 1.3
percent. But it’s no wonder that productivity growth for
Canada as a whole has been so low when its three biggest
provinces are productivity growth laggards. Quebec and
Ontario, for instance, posted gains of 1.1 and 1.2 percent
respectively, and in Alberta, the headline number is even
worse, with growth of just 0.5 percent. (See chart “Busi-
ness Sector Labour Productivity Growth.”)
Only one province posted stronger business sector
labour productivity growth than the United States and
that was Newfoundland and Labrador. While Newfound-
land and Labrador does have programs to promote pro-
ductivity, the primary reason behind its productivity
miracle was a structural shift in its economy where an oil
boom increased the contribution of the highly productive
mineral fuels industry from an estimated 1.5 percent of
real GDP in 1997 to 19.4 percent in 2011. Therefore, its
success cannot be benchmarked by the other provinces.
Moreover, looking only at the headline productivity growth
rates does not tell the whole story. For example, Alberta
has the weakest growth among the provinces, but it also
has the highest level of labour productivity in the country.
Nevertheless, the data clearly shows that labour pro-
ductivity growth is a problem across the country. By
embracing a productivity strategy, provinces would have
the ability to make themselves more competitive, increase
the standard of living for their residents and experience
faster economic growth. So how can provinces boost their
productivity growth?
There are three main factors that drive labour productiv-
ity growth: the composition of labour, capital intensity and
multifactor productivity (MFP) growth. Labour composition
basically refers to the skill set of the working population, and
all provinces perform fairly well on this metric. This is not to
suggest that there is no room for improving the quality of
the labour force, but it is not
the driving force behind weak
productivity growth.
When it comes to capital
intensity (the amount of capi-
tal per worker), the provincial
performance has been mixed.
Half the provinces experi-
enced larger increases in cap-
ital intensity over the 1998 to
2010 period than the U.S.,
led by the resource intensive
economies of Saskatchewan
A ve
ra g
e a
n n
u a l co
m p
o u
n d
g ro
w th
, %
ON PEI CAN BC *Canadian data are based on 2002 $; US data are based on 2005 $. Sources: Statistics Canada; U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics; The Conference Board of Canada.
21C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
and Alberta. But that leaves half the provinces still trail-
ing in capital investment. Policies such as adopting a
harmonized sales tax (where it is not already in place),
investment tax credits and reducing corporate tax rates
and regulatory burdens are steps provinces can take to
boost investment and, subsequently, productivity.
MFP, the final component, captures increases in labour
productivity not attributable to increases in capital or labour
composition. MFP is essentially the efficiency with which
capital and labour mix to create output. This captures a
wide range of factors from the industrial structure of an
economy to its innovation performance. With the exception
of Newfoundland and Labrador (which as noted above
benefited from a structural economic shift), all provinces
posted sub-par MFP growth relative to the U.S. That is the
main reason why labour productivity growth in the prov-
inces (and for Canada as a whole) is so much weaker than
in the U.S. While there is no easy answer to improving MFP
growth, research has shown that initiatives such as credits
and programs that encourage business spending on
research and development; investments in public infrastruc-
ture; and a reduction in barriers to interprovincial trade and
labour mobility can help provinces boost their MFP growth.
Governments at a variety of levels have understood for
years the need to address lagging productivity perfor-
mance, but the data show that we have not made nearly
enough progress. With every province facing an aging
population and budget challenges, the time is now to
develop and implement productivity strategies with a
focus on improving MFP growth.
Source: Excerpted from Macdonald, A. (2013, February 20).
Growth in provincial labour productivity: A problem from coast
to coast. Reprinted with permission from The Conference Board
of Canada. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/economics/
nature of many service-oriented jobs: Social workers who counsel youths, waiters who serve customers, and medical caregivers who treat patients are not easily replaced by machinery. Productivity growth in this sector is thus much slower than in the manufacturing sector. The result of this difference in productivity growth rates is that more Canadians need to be employed in services to maintain the relative levels of service and manufacturing output.
Whatever the source, there is little question that services are playing a much greater role in our economy than they have in the past. However, one final question that we can ask related to all this has to do with whether this shift is a good thing. Let’s consider sev- eral implications of this transition.
On an individual level, anyone planning on entering the job market or remaining employable must consider his or her skill set. Obviously, our workforce must be better educated and capable of attaining the relatively higher skill levels required in the well- paying service-sector jobs (in comparison to the manufacturing sector). The notion of the knowledge worker , a relatively recent buzzword, underscores the increasing importance of higher education and the value of transferable skills.
But in broader terms, is the service sector better for our economy? Or is manufacturing still a critical element? A number of observers suggest that we should say “good riddance” to the old, outdated manufacturing sector and welcome the growing service sector with open arms. For example, economist Nuala Beck, in her popular book Shifting Gears: Thriv- ing in the New Economy, referred to a “new knowledge economy” that is quickly replacing the old mass-manufacturing economy. Beck observed that these “knowledge workers” now make up 30% of North America’s workforce, while only 10% are actually involved in pro- duction. Further, it is the more knowledge-intensive industries (like the high-tech indus- tries) that are creating most of the jobs and driving the economy.
knowledge workers People employed in knowledge-intensive industries, such as the high-tech industries, where specialized and frequently changing knowledge is required. Knowledge work is thus harder to routinize than, for instance, service work.
22 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Total, all industries 17,087.4 16,813.1 17,041.0 17,306.2 17,507.7
Goods-producing sector 4,013.4 3,724.3 3,740.0 3,804.9 3,872.0
Agriculture 323.6 316.1 300.7 305.6 309.2
Forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas 344.6 317.9 329.4 337.2 369.1
Forestry and logging with support activities 54.4 46.2 51.4 46.5 51.8
Fishing, hunting, and trapping 21.6 20.7 20.6 19.4 18.4
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas 268.6 251.1 257.5 271.3 298.8
Utilities 151.5 147.6 148.3 139.8 140.7
Construction 1,231.0 1,160.8 1,217.2 1,262.2 1,267.5
Manufacturing 1,962.7 1,781.8 1,744.3 1,760.2 1,785.5
Durables 1,168.4 1,037.0 1,019.4 1,042.9 1,083.4
Nondurables 794.3 744.8 724.9 717.3 702.1
Services-producing sector 13,074.0 13,088.8 13,301.0 13,501.3 13,635.7
Trade 2,684.9 2,652.2 2,677.8 2,669.9 2,643.8
Wholesale trade 632.0 631.8 628.9 632.8 611.9
Retail trade 2,052.9 2,020.4 2,048.9 2,037.1 2,031.9
Transportation and warehousing 848.9 816.2 805.7 843.4 849.4
Finance, insurance, real estate, and leasing 1,073.6 1,092.1 1,095.7 1,083.4 1,093.2
Finance and insurance 776.4 769.9 783.5 758.0 783.2
Real estate and leasing 297.2 322.3 312.2 325.4 309.9
Professional, scientific, and technical services 1,189.3 1,191.9 1,266.7 1,309.2 1,299.3
Business, building and other support services 685.0 654.9 672.2 677.0 690.5
Educational services 1,186.3 1,188.8 1,217.8 1,219.4 1,287.7
Health care and social assistance 1,893.0 1,949.2 2,030.7 2,091.5 2,128.0
Information, culture, and recreation 758.4 769.6 766.0 784.2 790.4
Accommodation and food services 1,080.6 1,056.6 1,058.4 1,093.4 1,102.4
Other services 748.3 787.0 753.5 758.7 795.3
Public administration 925.7 930.3 956.4 971.2 955.9
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM Table 282-0008. Reproduced and distributed on an “as is” basis with the permission of Statistics Canada.
Exhibit 1.5 Canadian Employment by Industry (in thousands)
Global Forces in Canada Clearly, our proximity to the United States is an element that influences the nature of our business environment. Keep in mind that the United States has a population that is approximately 10 times that of Canada. And though we possess one of the largest coun- tries in terms of land mass, the bulk of our population lives within 200 kilometres of the Canada–US border. In fact, the US presence in the Canadian business sector is a defining characteristic of our environment. Moreover, the trade agreements we have entered into with the United States have critical implications for our business sector (an issue we will deal with later in this book) .
23C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
18 Mandal-Campbell, 2007, 19.
19 Government of Canada. (2011). NAFTA Advantage. Retrieved from http://investincanada.gc.ca/eng/ advantage-canada/nafta-advantage.aspx.
20 Prime Minister of Canada. (2011, February 4). Canada/U.S. trade and investment. Retrieved from http:// pm.gc.ca/eng/media.asp?id=3935.
21 Statistics Canada. (2010). Gross domestic product, expenditure-based. Retrieved from http://www40.statcan. gc.ca/l01/cst01/econ04-eng.htm.
16 Lam, E. (2011, October 3). Canada weaning itself off exports to U.S. Financial Post. Retrieved from http:// business.financialpost.com/2011/10/03/is-canada-weaning-itself-off-the-u-s.
17 Mandal-Campbell, A. (2007). Why Mexicans don’t drink Molson , p. 25 . Toronto, ON: Douglas and McIntyre.
It is hard to imagine Canada’s economy without the United States. With a market of over 300 million people, the United States has always been a significant player when Canada’s economy grows or contracts. After all, 75% of Canadian exports go to the United States, 16 and of those exports 85% of the goods are Canadian. 17 These numbers make sense, though, when you consider the contributing factors. Canada and the United States share an adjacent border, a similar culture, and a common language. The United States also makes an efficient and effec- tive trading partner. The Canada–US trade relationship is supported by accessible railways, trucking, air services, and oceans linking the two nations to shipped goods.
Although trade had existed for many years, in 1988 the partnership became formal- ized under the Canada–US Free Trade Agreement (FTA). By 1994, the countries expanded their trading relationship to include Mexico. Subsequently, the agreement became known as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Today, the Canada–US trade relationship remains unique. It represents the largest cross-border trading relationship between any two countries globally. 18 But what does this really mean? According to the Government of Canada, goods and services traded between the two countries totalled $740 billion in 2008—that’s about $1.4 million in trade per minute. 19 Canada’s exports to the United States make up about $306.6 billion, 20 an important part of our GDP, which was approximately $1.5 trillion in 2009. 21
But what does Canada trade with the United States, and what are the dominant industries? Over half of Canada’s food exports go to the United States, making our south- ern neighbour Canada’s leading agricultural export market. In recent years, Canada’s main exports to the United States were automobiles, machinery, mineral fuels, and oils. Accord- ing to the Government of Canada, “Canadians and Americans share the closest energy relationship in the world. Energy infrastructure—including oil and gas pipeline networks and electricity grids—is tightly integrated. Canada is the United States’ largest and most secure supplier of oil, natural gas, electricity, and uranium.” 22
Currently, Canada exports over 40% of its total annual production (GDP), compared to 25% a decade ago. This underscores the fact that Canada is considered to be a major trading nation. A key concern regarding our international business activity is whether we are selling more to other countries (exporting) than we are importing (buying from other countries).
A number of issues regarding our trade status have received much attention in the past decade or so: the FTA and NAFTA and the consequent increase in the degree of openness to international trade. As mentioned earlier, Canada’s traditional reliance on trade in unprocessed natural resources has received much criticism, and its reliance on US trade has been scrutinized.
22 Prime Minister of Canada, 2011.
24 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
So how “Canadian” is Canadian business? In other words, what proportion of the cor- porations doing business in Canada are actually controlled by Canadian sources? While the level of foreign ownership varies among different industries (for example, about 67% of chemical product and textile manufacturers are foreign owned, while only about 9% of communications companies are), the average level of foreign ownership is relatively high by world standards. Annual foreign investment in Canadian companies refers to ownership of assets like factories, land, buildings, machinery, equipment, and companies themselves.
So we have a pretty high level of foreign ownership, largely US-based, in Canadian corporations—but what difference does that make to the nature of business in Canada? That is, what are the implications of foreign investment? There is much debate about this topic. In fact, Canadians have traditionally been ambivalent when it comes to the issue of foreign investment. For some, interest in the Canadian economy is a good thing. We want to attract investors to our country to generate more business and more jobs. The source of ownership shouldn’t make a difference when the results are the same—more jobs for Canadians and more money invested in the Canadian economy.
What impact does foreign ownership have on the personality of our corporate sector? Keep in mind that these foreign-owned corporations are largely subsidiaries of US-based “par- ent” companies. One important consideration are the activities the corporation carries out to conduct its business—that is, strategic planning, research and development, marketing, and so on. Many foreign-owned firms, like the car manufacturers or the multinational oil compa- nies, operate Canadian subsidiaries largely to produce or simply market the product. These products are typically designed outside Canada, usually using imported components. These Canadian subsidiaries, then, do not perform the complete range of functions necessary to offer a product in the marketplace. These are the traditional so-called branch plants .
Some observers believe that we will continue to see the rapid spread of branch plants in Canada, with progressively less important activities being allocated to the Canadian subsidiary. This has led many critics to suggest that these subsidiaries are nothing more than “sales offices” for the US parent company. Mel Hurtig made the following critical observation regarding the significance of foreign ownership in Canada:
branch plants Subsidiaries (of companies in another country) that do not perform the complete range of functions necessary to offer a product in the marketplace. Typi- cally, subsidiaries defer responsibil- ity of higher-level strategic functions to the parent company.
In . . . just over 20 years, there were 11,380 companies in Canada taken over by non- resident controlled corporations . . . 569 companies a year on average. Or you can think of it as 3 companies every two days, and an average of 47 a month, EVERY month for the last 20 years! 23
23 US Energy Information Administration.
Some critics argue that we have built up a dependence on foreign capital to supply us with the funds for business development. While this financial assistance was welcome, it brought a major cost with it—the establishment of these branch plants and an economy that is approximately 30% foreign owned. It has been suggested that this branch-plant economy has impeded the development of an innovative or entrepreneurial spirit in Canadian business. In other words, there is a sense that, historically, Canadian managers have not been challenged to do the strategic planning, to engage in the research and
25C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
development, and to develop the technological expertise to add value to the present supply of products or services. However, we are witnessing the increasing presence of Canadian-owned and global competitors, and it is expected that Canada will continue to move beyond its history and carve a bigger niche in the global environment.
Political Forces in Canada The Canadian economic system has been described as a mixed system . This refers to the notion that while we possess a capitalist economy, government nonetheless plays an important role. In fact, government has historically played a critical role in the Canadian economy. (See Talking Business 1.3 .) In Canada, we have a long history of government involvement in business in the sense of promoting and protecting our industries. Tariffs
mixed system An economic system that involves a capitalist economy with an important govern- ment role. Most economies today are considered mixed systems.
Jobs, Productivity, and Innovation: How Health Care Drives the Economy As one of the biggest recipients of public revenues, health
care plays a major role within Canada’s economic perfor-
mance. While most people are generally aware of the sector’s
high costs (over $200 billion, or about 11.7 percent of gross
domestic product in 2011), there is less understanding of its
economic benefits. The health care sector delivers economic
benefits on three levels: jobs, productivity and innovation.
First, the health care sector is a major employer. The sector
directly employs about 1.4 million physicians, nurses, and other
health care providers and clerical and administrative staff,
which represent about nine percent of total jobs in Canada.
Indirectly, the sector also supports thousands of additional jobs
through its supply chain: the purchase of medical supplies,
clinical equipment, and professional services. About 45,000
Canadians are employed in pharmaceutical, medicine, medical
equipment, and medical supplies manufacturing in Canada.
Therefore, directly or indirectly, the sector has a major influ-
ence on the careers of thousands of Canadians, many of
whom are highly qualified professionals who pay taxes and
purchase goods and services from all sectors of the economy.
Second, the health care sector contributes to a more
productive and engaged workforce. Productivity, how effi-
ciently goods and services are produced, is the single most
important determinant of a country’s per capita income
over the longer term. Countries with high productivity have
a superior standard of living. Unfortunately, this is an area
where Canada has faced challenges. In 2012, Canada’s
level of labour productivity (that is, the dollar value of out-
put per hour worked) was US$42, much lower than that of
the United States, at US$52. More worrisome is that despite
a broad and growing consensus that Canadian productivity
needs to be improved, the gap with the U.S. is widening,
not narrowing. Canada’s productivity level has fallen to 80
percent of the U.S. level from a high of 90 percent in the
mid-1980s. Efforts to improve labour productivity are
needed to sustain or improve Canada’s standard of living.
How does this relate to Canada’s health care systems?
According to Statistics Canada, Canadian workers lost an
average of 7.7 days from work in 2011 due to illness or
disability. Direct and indirect costs of disease and injury in
2000 were estimated at around $188 billion, a figure
that is likely to be higher now. Disease outbreaks are very
costly too. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS) drained billions of dollars from Canada’s economy
in 2003. Because health care services touch the life of
every Canadian, the sector plays a key role in decreasing
employee absence due to illness, stress, and disability,
which bring significant economic burden to Canada. Put
simply, healthier workers are more productive workers.
Third, the health care sector is a major pillar of science and
technology research. It also is a leader in putting the result of
research to work. Advancements in life sciences have resulted
in additional economic output of trillions of dollars that
exceeds health research and health care costs over the same
26 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
period by orders of magnitude. For example, at the turn of
the 20th century, an individual had a life expectancy of 50
years. In 1961, the average Canadian could expect to live to
age 71, and in 2006, the estimated average life expectancy in
Canada was 80 years. This represents an impressive gain of 30
years of life over one century. These health gains represent
the benefits of improvements in determinants of health (e.g.,
education, income) but also health advancements which were
the product of research and innovation that was properly
translated into health care services. In the United States,
1970–2000 life expectancy gains have been estimated to be
worth US$95 trillion (US$3.2 trillion per year). Further improve-
ments in the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases
are estimated to bring additional value in the magnitude
of billions of dollars to the United States. (See below Table 1.)
Table 1: Current Value of a 10 Percent Reduction in Mortality from Major Diseases (2004 US$ billions)
Major Cause of Death Males Females Total
All causes $10,651 $7,885 $18,536
Cardiovascular diseases $3,254 $2,471 $5,725
Cancer $2,415 $2,261 $2,676
Diabetes $237 $249 $486
Infectious diseases $500 $148 $648
Accidents and adverse
$977 $421 $1,398
A 2008 report from the United Kingdom also highlighted
the value of advancements resulting from medical research.
It found that public investments in cardiovascular research
in the U.K.—conducted from 1975 to 1992—yielded
returns of about 39 percent. In other words, for each £1
invested in public cardiovascular research, the U.K. earned
£0.39 per year in perpetuity. This demonstrates that when
health research and development leads to health innova-
tions that are appropriately and timely integrated into
health and health care systems, it results in healthier and
longer lives, which creates more value than the investments
they require. Combined with the shift over the past century
from physical labour to knowledge work, this means that
Canadians have the ability to remain in the labour force for
longer and hence make a greater contribution to wealth
creation as well as consumption. The returns on research,
therefore, also contribute to productivity growth.
Despite its escalating costs, the health care sector may
be creating more value than it consumes. It is no exag-
geration to say that the Canadian health care system lies
at the heart of Canada’s national economy and innovation
system, both as a contributor of inputs and as an attractor
or demander of its outputs.
Source: Prada. G. (2013, April 2). Jobs, productivity and innova-
tion: How health care drives the economy. Reprinted with
permission from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.ca/commentaries/healthinnovation/
TALKING BUSINESS 1.3 (continued)
on imported goods were designed to protect our domestic business by making the cost of foreign goods more expensive relative to those of Canadian goods. It can be argued that a large portion of Canada’s industrial development is due to protectionism through tariffs first imposed in 1879 by Sir John A. Macdonald’s National Policy.
Eventually, the government also offered direct incentives for industrial and resource development. Incentive programs were established to encourage managers to conduct business in a manner desired by the government. Managers may decide to, say, invest in new product development, engage in greater export activities, or locate in an underdeveloped region. Gov- ernment incentives will be offered to engage in such activities. Receiving government finan- cial support or reward for such activities would influence decisions to engage in these activities.
In Canada, an ongoing concern is the degree to which government can or should help businesses compete—whether in the form of direct subsidies, tax incentives, or some other form of protectionism. For example, one recurring controversy in recent years is the level of government subsidies to businesses operating in the global marketplace and government sup- port for research and development programs. For example, one controversy involved a dispute
27C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
regarding government subsidies to Canada’s aerospace giant Bombardier and its main com- petitor in the jet market, Embraer SA (Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A.) of Brazil.
Taxation The government’s ability to levy taxes on corporations is another aspect of political forces acting on businesses. All profits earned by a Canadian resident corporation are subject to Canadian corporate income taxes, which are calculated on the basis of the company’s net profits. But how much tax should corporations pay?
Canada is often admired by other countries for its low corporate tax rate. Over the past five years, Canada has gone from having the highest tax rate to the lowest of the G7 countries. In 2012, the federal tax rate was further reduced to 15%, which is closer to Ireland’s 12.5%, one of the lowest tax rates in the world. When provincial tax rates are added, the combined corporate tax rate jumps to between 26 and 32%.
What are the benefits of low corporate income taxes? Clearly, businesses benefit by keep- ing more of their profits, but what are the benefits to the economy and the rest of society?
■ Long-term economic growth: Many economists and business leaders agree: Reduce the expenses of companies and the economy will grow. According to Jeff Brownlee, vice- president of public affairs and partnerships for Canadian Manufacturers and Export- ers, “to increase after-tax cash flow, leave more money in the hands of business to invest.” 24 In other words, if you give businesses money by reducing taxes, they will be able to purchase efficient machinery or expand a product line. Either way, it is a step in the right direction toward higher productivity and a better economy.
In 2008, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) researched the relationship between different types of taxes and economic growth. The OECD study concluded that corporate income tax was the most harmful tax out of personal income taxes, sales taxes, and property taxes because of the impact it has on long-term economic growth. One finding, for example, was that corporate income taxes had a negative impact on GDP per capita. 25
■ Improved competitiveness: Another benefit of low corporate taxes is improved com- petitiveness. Lower corporate tax rates generally mean lower costs for businesses. In turn, lower costs turn into lower prices for consumers. Lower costs also help busi- nesses be more competitive not only domestically but globally as well.
■ Increased wages and improved living standards: Economists today recognize that the cor- porate tax burden is ultimately passed on to other stakeholders in society. In a February 2011 paper, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce stated, “Business taxes are borne directly or indirectly by people—workers through lower wages, consumers in the form of higher prices for goods and services, and shareholders through lower returns.” 26 In one research study, the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation examined over 55,000 European companies in nine countries and found that for every $1 increase in corporate taxes, a reduction in real wages occurred by 75%. 27
24 CBC News . (2011, April 15). Canada’s corporate income tax fight. Retrieved from www.cbc.ca/news/business/ story/2011/04/14/f-corporate-tax-cuts-for-against.html.
25 Hodge, S. (2011, May). Special report: Ten benefits of cutting the U.S. corporate tax rate. Tax Foundation, 192 , 2. www.taxfoundation.org/files/sr192.pdf.
26 CBC News , 2011.
27 Hodge, 2011.
28 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
But who actually pays the tax? Opponents of lower corporate taxes argue that if cor- porations pay less taxes then individuals will have to pay more. When individuals pay more tax, they have less disposable income to spend on goods and services; businesses will therefore profit less. Clearly, the debate on who should pay the tax is far from over.
Societal Forces in Canada There is much to be proud of with regard to Canadian society. In an OECD study, Canada ranked second out of 17 peer countries in education and skills (see Exhibit 1.6 ). What does this mean? Canada has a good public education system that provides the basic skills necessary for adults to enter the workplace. With one of the highest high school and college completion rates in the world, Canada is a leader in education.
Given our strengths in educating our population, Canadian society has the potential to create a productive and innovative business environment. Recent studies suggest that countries with more educated and skilled workers have a higher chance of economy pros- perity. According to the OECD Secretary-General, Angel Gurria, “better educational outcomes are a stronger predictor for future economic growth.” 28 Why? Generally, earn- ings will increase with each level of education achieved, giving individuals more income to spend on goods and services. Individuals are also better equipped as employees to con- tribute more knowledge to their organizations. In comparing education to earnings, Americans with a university degree earned $180 for every $100 earned by Americans with a high school diploma. Similarly, a worker with a college degree earned $114, whereas non–high school graduates earned only $65 for every $100 earned by high school gradu- ates. 29 Indeed, Canada is poised to earn a distinguished reputation on the world scene.
At the same time, it is important to consider how we can maintain and strengthen such a reputation. Perhaps central among the factors to consider is the manner in which we conduct business in this country—that is, the integrity of our business environment. Unfortunately, we have witnessed that Canada, like any other country, is not immune to scandal and corruption. In recent years, both the private and public sectors have been forced to confront a host of misdeeds that speak to the issue of corporate governance, social responsibility, and business ethics. The challenge for Canadian business leaders is to ensure that along with our industrial development comes an equally well-developed sense of corporate ethics and social responsibility.
In a recent article for the Ottawa Citizen , journalist Derek Abma 30 observed that Canadian business is at risk of losing its “clean cut” image if scandals continue to accumu- late. Abma cites a number of recent scandals, including a Vancouver-based mining com- pany. Bear Creek Mining sought to open a silver mine in Peru, which sparked a violent protest by local citizens who were concerned that the company’s activities would pollute
28 OECD. (2010, July 12). Education: Korea and Finland top OECD’s latest PISA survey of educational perfor- mance. Retrieved from www.oecd.org/newsroom/koreaandfinlandtopoecdslatestpisasurveyofeducationperfor- mance.htm. 29 The Conference Board of Canada. (2013). Education and skills. How Canada performs: A report card on Canada. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/hcp/details/education.aspx.
Education and Skills A A B B B B B B B C C C C C C C
Note: Data for the most recent year available were used.
Finland1 Canada2 Japan3 Switzerland4 Sweden5 Australia6 Germany7 Netherlands8 Belgium9 United Kingdom10 Denmark11 Austria12 Ireland13 France14 Norway15 United States16 Italy17
Exhibit 1.6 Country Comparison of Education and Skills
Source: The Conference Board of
Canada. (2013). Education and
skills. How Canada performs: A
report card on Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.
Reprinted with permission
from The Conference Board of
30 Abma, D. (2011, July 2). Scandals pile up in world of Canadian business. Ottawa Citizen.
29C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
local water sources while providing few economic benefits. Five people died and about a dozen were wounded in clashes in 2011.
Sadly, Canadian companies have increasingly been appearing in the news in a less than flattering light. Calgary-based Niko Resources was found guilty in 2011 of bribing a government official in Bangladesh. The RCMP had been investigating the case against Niko for six years, along with at least 22 other ongoing investigations involving Cana- dian companies suspected of bribery. Elsewhere, an engineering firm based in Montreal (SNC-Lavalin Group) was recently exposed in the media as playing a role in building prisons for the Lybian regime of Muammar Gaddafi. In 2009, Toronto-based Barrick Gold (among the work’s largest gold miners) faced public embarrassment after Norway’s government pension fund sold off about $230 million worth of Barrick stock because of what it saw as irresponsible environmental practices of the mining company in Papua New Guinea.
Other socially irresponsible practices have been occurring in a host of industries and for many years in Canada. The Canadian oil sands industry in general has been criticized globally for its production of “dirty oil.” In terms of criticism, Canada has also been pointed out by the anti-corruption group Transparency International for being the only G7 country that continually provides “little or no enforcement” of the OECD’s Anti- Bribery Convention. 31
All those scandals may be “exceptions to the rule,” in that business in Canada nor- mally operates with integrity and with a social conscience. These scandals do not detract from the fact that we do have a lot to be proud of in terms of our Canadian business prac- tices. However, it would be foolish to ignore these events and to assume that they will never reappear. We need to better recognize that the societal context within which busi- ness operates must be fully addressed to ensure continued prosperity and success in our business sector.
CHAPTER SUMMARY Understanding the environment of business is the only way to get a sense of where we are headed in terms of future economic prospects. Whether you are currently a full-time stu- dent or are already in the workforce, an understanding of the context of organizations is a critical part of any intelligent person’s portfolio. The aim of the upcoming chapters is to shed more light on the environment of organizations and to consider the implications for the future of organizations. What are the prospects for business, and what are the chal- lenges we must confront? No organization operates in a vacuum, so the real world sur- rounding the organization must be addressed.
Indeed, within each external and internal force there are many factors that can posi- tively or negatively impact business, as seen in Exhibits 1.7 and 1.8 .
31 Norton Rose Group. (2012, March). Global anti-corruption developments: Annual review 2011, p. 18 . Retrieved from www.nortonrosefulbright.com/files/download-the-anti-corruption-annual-review-2011-65076.pdf.
30 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
Exhibit 1.7 The External Forces Framework: Considerations for Analysis
External Force Examples
a. State of the
• Is the economy growing or slowing down?
• What stage of the business cycle is the economy in?
∘ expansionary (slow, moderate, high growth) ∘ peak ∘ contractionary (recession) ∘ trough • How is the economy affecting business? Are businesses expanding operations or downsizing?
b. Interest rates • What are the lending interest rates?
∘ Are they low, moderate, or high? • How are interest rates affecting business?
∘ low interest rates = lower financing costs ∘ high interest rates = higher financing costs
c. Currency rate • What is the domestic currency rate compared to other countries?
• Is the currency rate appreciating or depreciating?
• How is the currency rate affecting business?
∘ If the domestic currency is appreciating, ■ = more expensive for foreign countries to buy Canadian goods (exports)
■ = less expensive for Canadians to buy foreign goods (imports)
∘ If the foreign currency is appreciating, ■ = more expensive for Canadians to buy foreign goods (imports)
■ = less expensive for foreign countries to buy Canadian goods (exports)
d. Unemployment rate • What is the unemployment rate?
• How is the unemployment rate affecting business?
∘ low unemployment = more people working = increased spending power ∘ high unemployment = less people working = decreased spending power
e. Inflation rate • What is the inflation rate?
• How is inflation affecting business?
∘ low inflation = price level increasing at a slow pace ∘ high inflation = price level increasing at a rapid pace
f. National debt • What is the national debt?
• Is a country’s debt so high that it is creating economic instability in the country?
a. Type of competition • What type of competition exists in your industry?
∘ perfect competition ∘ monopoly ∘ oligopoly ∘ monopolistic competition
b. Phase of the indus-
try in industry
life-cycle model
• What phase of the industry life-cycle model is your industry in?
∘ introduction ∘ growth ∘ mature ∘ decline
31C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
External Force Examples
c. Intra-industry
• How competitive is your industry? (Low, moderate, or high?)
• How large is your company compared to your
• Does your company dominate the industry?
• Did your company create an industry standard?
• Who are your competitors?
• How many competitors do you have?
• Do you have domestic and foreign competition?
• What opportunities and threats exist in your industry that can affect your company being more
competitive or less competitive?
a. Type of technology • What types of technology are used in your company’s industry?
• How is technology impacting or changing business?
∘ Work approaches ■ Videoconferencing versus in-person meetings
■ Tablets versus desktop computers
∘ Equipment ■ Manufacturing assembly line
■ Special computer-aided tools
∘ Electronics ■ Smartphones, tablets, robotics, etc.
∘ Telecommunications ■ Internet, phone service, etc.
∘ Processing systems ■ Computers, data processing systems, etc.
a. Country stability • Are there wars, natural disasters, national debt, civil unrest, or other issues that threaten the
government and businesses being able to function?
b. Laws and
• How do municipal, provincial, federal, or international laws and regulations affect business
operations, projects, and activities?
c. Taxes • What taxes does your organization have to pay? For example, corporate tax, property tax, sales
tax, land transfer tax, tariffs on imported goods, etc.
d. Trade relationships • How is a country’s trade relationship with another country affecting business?
• Is there a free trade agreement (e.g., NAFTA) or trade
barriers (e.g., quotas and tariffs)?
• Does the relationship protect domestic business or open up the market to foreign competition?
32 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
External Force Examples
e. Environmental fees • Are there environment fees that businesses need to collect and remit? For example, are there recy-
cling fees on designated electronic products or garbage collection fees?
f. Business incentives • What incentives does the government give businesses to encourage them to operate in a partic-
ular region, create jobs, increase profitability, or increase competitiveness?
• For example, in Canada, the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit for
eligible companies encourages research and innovation; subsidies (e.g., free cash or loans by govern-
ment) also support certain industries.
g. Crown corporations • Are there certain industries the government has control over that affect how your business
operates and competes? (For example, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), Canada
Post, etc.)
h. Deregulation/
• Are there certain industries the government is releasing control over that may affect how your
business operates and competes?
a. Societal customs,
attitudes, values,
• What does society think about certain issues (the environment, foreign-made goods, workers’
rights, health and safety issues, etc.)?
• What demands are consumers requiring businesses to adhere to that are driven by values, cus-
toms, attitudes, and ethics? (Corporate social responsibility, fair reporting, sustainability, etc.)
b. Demographics • Is the majority of the population young or old?
• How is the age of the population affecting consumer spending and demand for certain products
and services?
• How are demographics affecting or changing business?
c. Consumer
• What products and services are customers preferring and willing to pay for?
• Are consumer preferences changing? If so, why?
• How are consumers’ changing tastes affecting business?
Includes all of the forces described above in an international context.
a. Political • Are political issues and events in foreign countries affecting how domestic companies do busi-
ness? (Country stability, laws, taxes, trade relationships, etc.)
b. Economic • How are foreign economic conditions affecting domestic businesses? (e.g., Will the debt prob-
lems of Europe affect the economy in Canada and the global economy?)
c. Technological • How do foreign technological innovations affect competition for Canadian firms? (e.g., iPhone
technology versus BlackBerry technology?)
d. Societal • How do Canadian societal values, attitudes, and expectations affect business operations in
other countries?
• How do foreign societal values, attitudes, and expectations affect businesses in Canada?
e. Competitive • How do foreign companies impact how domestic firms operate and compete?
Exhibit 1.7 The External Forces Framework: Considerations for Analysis (continued)
33C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
Exhibit 1.8 The Internal Forces Framework: Considerations for Analysis
Internal Forces Examples
1. People
a. Employment relationship (responsibilities toward labour)
i. Labour relationship
• employee or contractor
• Are you hiring employees or
ii. Legal compliance
• Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
• human rights laws
• employment equity legislation
• Are you abiding by all employment-related laws?
iii. Work perspective
• neoclassical perspective
• managerial perspective
• industrial pluralist perspective
• critical perspective
• What is your perspective on the governance of
b. Leadership and managing people
i. Classical
• Frederick Taylor
• Henri Foyal
• Max Weber
ii. Behavioural
• Elton Mayo
• Mary Parker Follet
• Chester Barnard
• modern behavioural science
iii. Contingency theory
• size
• technology
• environmental uncertainty
• individual differences
iv. Modern behavioural science
• What management approach is best suited to
manage people in your organization and in your
2. Strategy
a. Business-level strategies
i. Cost leadership
• efficient-scale facilities
• cost reduction on overhead, marginal customer accounts, R&D,
marketing, general administration, etc.
ii. Product differentiation
• product features
• links functions
• location
• How should a company compete in a given market?
34 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
Internal Forces Examples
• product mix
• links with other firms
• service
iii. Focus
• a particular buyer group
• a segment of the product line
• a narrow geographic market
b. Corporate-level strategies
Types of diversification
• related
• unrelated
• vertical integration
• backward integration
• forward integration
• What businesses or markets should a firm compete
• How should these businesses or markets be man-
aged so they create synergies?
Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model
i. Threat of new entrants
• economies of scale
• capital requirements
• switching costs
• access to distribution channels
• cost disadvantages independent of scale
ii. Bargaining power of suppliers
iii. Bargaining power of customers
• switching costs
• undifferentiated products
• importance of incumbents’ products to buyers
• the number of incumbents relative to the number of buyers
iv. Threat of substitutes
v. Threat of existing rivalry
• lack of differentiation or switching costs
• numerous or equally balanced competitors
• high exit barriers
• What is the state of the industry?
• How competitive is the industry?
• How easy or difficult is it going to be to compete
and be successful?
The VRIO Model
• value
• rareness
• imitability
• organization
• How strong is the company compared to its
• Are your company’s resources, products, and ser-
vices more valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, or bet-
ter managed?
SWOT Analysis
• strengths
• weaknesses
• opportunities
• threats
• What are the internal and external forces affecting
the company?
• What are the company’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats?
Exhibit 1.8 The Internal Forces Framework: Considerations for Analysis (continued)
35C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
Internal Forces Examples
3. Structure
a. Mechanistic
• narrow division of labour
• centralized decision making
• narrow span of control
• high formalization
b. Organic
• wide division of labour
• decentralized decision making
• wide span of control
• low formalization
c. Contingency theory
• strategy
• size
• technology
• environment
• What structure will best suit your organization?
• Do you need to be cost efficient or innovative?
• Is your company in a new industry or a mature one?
Key Terms
attribute 16
Big Six 15
branch plant 24
change 5
competitive advantage 16
competitive forces 8
economic forces 8
external stakeholders 7
general environment 7
global forces 9
globalization 9
gross domestic product (GDP) 13
labour 5
leadership 4
knowledge workers 21
mixed system 25
organizational learning 12
political forces 10
societal forces 10
specific or task environment 7
strategy 4
structure 6
sustainability 11
technological forces 9
triple bottom line 11
Multiple-Choice Questions Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. The internal challenges of business consist of all of the following except
a. labour b. unions
c. leadership d. structure
2. An organizational structure involves a. a pattern of relationships between individuals in var-
ious roles or positions
b. a formal hierarchy of authority
c. rules and procedures
d. all of the above
3. Outside the organization, challenges that exist include all of the following except
a. political forces
b. strategic forces
c. competitive forces
d. societal forces
4. The general environment involves a. strategic forces b. labour forces
c. economic forces d. structure forces
5. An example of an external stakeholder is a(n) a. creditor b. employee union
c. customer d. all of the above
36 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
6. The availability of telework is primarily the result of a. societal forces
b. political forces
c. competitive forces
d. technological forces
7. All of the following belong to the specific environment except a
a. customer b. city government
c. newly formed union d. political force
8. An example of a component of the general environment is the
a. political force b. economic force
c. environmental force d. both a and b
9. Globalization can be defined as a. the integration of world economies
b. the process of creating and negotiating trade agree-
c. the globalization of markets
d. both a and c
10. Changing consumer tastes is an example of the a. technological force b. societal force
c. economic force d. competitive force
11. The “invisible hand” to ensure the market works effec- tively is also known as
a. competition
b. economic forces
c. government policies and regulations
d. all of the above
12. Organizational learning involves a. adapting to the environment
b. learning from the organization’s people
c. contributing to the learning of the wider community
d. all of the above
13. A worker with specialized education, skills, and training is sometimes called a
a. high school graduate b. knowledge worker
c. professional d. both b and c
14. Canada’s exports to the United States make up approxi- mately ____ of its total exports.
a. 30% b. 50%
c. 75% d. 10%
15. Canada’s economic system has been described as a a. free market system b. mixed system
c. socialist system d. communist system
Discussion Questions 1. Identify and explain four internal challenges for business.
2. Describe the difference between the general environ- ment and the specific environment.
3. Identify and describe the six external challenges for business.
4. Provide five examples of an external stakeholder.
5. How can the political force influence business?
6. How can the societal force influence business?
7. Compare and contrast competitive force and technologi- cal force. How do they relate to one another?
8. Why is organizational learning important to a company’s success?
9. How is the resource industry impacting Canada’s economy?
10. Does Canada have a competitive advantage?
By September 2012, Facebook had accomplished a major milestone: It had reached 1 billion users worldwide. Put another way, one seventh of the world’s population has a Facebook account. Since Facebook was first launched in 2004, critics have doubted whether Mark Zuckerberg, a 21-year-old Harvard dropout, could make any money by providing a free networking service on the Internet. After all, Facebook began in a Harvard dorm room and became successful because of the exclusivity it offered. It was a network built for just college students; therefore, a certain amount of privacy was already built in.
37C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
Case Continued >
Although Facebook has typically earned only a frac- tion of its principal rival, Google, the company took in an impressive $5 billion in revenue in 2012 (one tenth of what Google earned). How did Facebook get to be so rich?
The vast majority of Facebook’s revenues comes from advertising. What is so appealing to advertisers? It’s sim- ple—they can tailor ads for each user based on all the per- sonal information a user is willing to share. In addition, Facebook allows advertisers to target users’ friends, who are more likely to respond favourably to an ad when they know that their friend has endorsed that brand or simply “checked in” at a store.
If you’ve used Facebook you’ll know that advertise- ments appear on the border of the screen. Information is gathered about you from your “likes” and your activity on the site. This information is used to tailor advertisements for you whenever you visit the site. The obvious question is, “So what?” How effective are these tailored ads for the advertiser? There is something called a click-through rate, or CTR, which is the number of times a user clicks on an ad for every 1 million times it’s seen. What is the CTR rate for Facebook? It is about 400—that is, about 400 users are clicking ads for every 1 million page views. This is much lower than many other websites, so why bother paying to adver- tise on Facebook? The answer is because Facebook generates high traffic and offers a pow- erful venue for ads. Even if most users don’t click on the ads, brand awareness will be built.
Another source of revenue for Facebook is through online games supplied by compa- nies like Zynga. These games have attracted millions of users who pay real money for in- game items. Supplier companies like Zynga earn their revenue though these in-game purchases, and Facebook gets a percentage of the profits.
Today, some observers call Zuckerberg a genius with a little bit of luck, but many crit- ics argue that Facebook is simply a virtual space that doesn’t have anything to sell except information about its customers.
Facebook’s leadership team, however, sees things differently. The average age of its executives is under 45, and Facebook recently increased its global workforce to over 4,600—still a lean company for its revenue size.
Since the company went public in May 2012, the share price dropped from US$38 to less than US$20, 32 leading shareholders to question whether the company can continue to grow. Some disgruntled shareholders have even filed lawsuits against Facebook, ques- tioning the validity of its initial public offering (IPO) valuation. But how do you grow a company that already has a billion customers?
Keeping members interested and coming back is critical to maintaining market share. Certainly, clicking “like” or “poke” was interesting at the beginning, but like all technol- ogy features, these, too, get outdated fast.
32 Vance, A. (2012, October 4). Facebook: The making of 1 billion users. Businessweek . Retrieved from www. businessweek.com/articles/2012-10-04/facebook-the-making-of-1-billion-users ; Lee, D. (2012, October 5). Face- book surpasses one billion users as it tempts new markets. BBC News . Retrieved from www.bbc.co.uk/news/ technology-19816709
AP Photo/Paul Sakuma
38 P a r t 1 A F r a m e w o r k f o r S t u d y
Unlike other tech companies, Facebook doesn’t do controlled testing of its technolo- gies. According to a Businessweek article,
engineers race to put up new features, see if they work, and make tweeks to fix them if they don’t. Even trainees who haven’t finished their six-week indoctrination program are asked to work on the live site . . . [however], the learn on-the-go philosophy regularly blows up in Zuckerberg’s face. He and his team periodically revamp Facebook’s privacy policy, triggering a predictable chain reaction: consumer outrage, company walkback, adjusted policy, re-release, lessened outrage, and so forth until the furor dies down. . . . [But], these iterations are apt to leave lasting damage to Facebook’s reputation. 33
So far, Facebook has tried to minimize this. In fact, Facebook has slowly started charg- ing customers for one service (sending messages to new people, or “nonfriends”), but the social networking site doesn’t want to lose customers to similar companies such as Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 34
In addition, gaining new regular members is no easy task. Privacy concerns are still a big issue for many users. Many parents of young teens are either monitoring or limiting their children’s social media usage because of cyberbullying, privacy, and other safety and security concerns. And corporations are using Facebook to do background checks on potential new employees. Certainly, there have been numerous newspaper stories of peo- ple being fired for their inappropriate photos, status updates, and other public activity on Facebook. 35
So where do Facebook’s next 1 billion members come from? Indeed, growth in North America and Europe has started to level off. According to CNN Money, “less than 20% of Facebook’s users live in the U.S. and Canada, but those users account for 48% of advertis- ing revenue that Facebook took in last quarter.” 36 Zuckerberg is hoping this will change, but there are still challenges ahead. Facebook has been unable to prosper in one of the world’s largest markets, China, because of government censor restrictions. Instead, China’s 1.3 billion citizens use local social media sites such as Sina Weibo, Renren, and Tencent. 37
Russia is another market where local sites are still the choice for its users. VKontakte is one Russian network with over 100 million users, compared to Facebook’s mere 7 million users in the same region. 38
33 Vance, 2012.
34 Shaughnessy, H. (2013, April 8). Facebook extends charging for messages. Great move! Forbes. Retrieved from www.forbes.com/sites/haydnshaughnessy/2013/04/08/facebook-extends-charging-and-that-is-good . 35 Ramirez, A. (2010, May 28). What Facebook learned from Apple and what we can learn from Facebook. Executive Street. Retrieved from http://blog.vistage.com/business-innovation/what-facebook-learned-from- apple-and-what-we-can-learn-from-facebook 36 Smith, A., Segall, L., & Cowley, S. (2012, October 4). Facebook reaches one billion users. CNN Money. Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com/2012/10/04/technology/facebook-billion-users/index.html 37 Smith, Segall, & Cowley, 2012.
38 Lee, 2012.
39C h a p t e r 1 E x p l o r i n g C a n a d i a n B u s i n e s s : A C r i t i c a l A p p r o a c h
Given these challenges, how is Facebook trying to change? In 2013, Facebook sig- nificantly increased its mobile ad presence, which earned close to $1 billion in mobile ad revenue. The company also recently entered the mobile phone market itself by introduc- ing its first smartphone, the HTC First. While Zuckerberg was attempting to build a better mobile experience, he recognized that an increasing number of Facebook users access the site from their mobile phones and tablets, where ads need to be targeted. 39 “We’re picking these big investments because I think these are important areas for us to focus on,” said Zuckerberg. 40
David Ebersman, Facebook’s chief financial officer, explained, “We’re pleased with our progress in product development and with our financial results as well. Mobile has the opportunity to be huge for Facebook if we execute well and continue to attract mobile users and develop valuable mobile monetization products.” 41
What else is Facebook doing right? It is still the top choice among business users as well. According to one survey, Facebook is still the preferred platform among 85% of social media professionals. 42
Since social networking is a relatively new industry, many organizations are still learning how Facebook and other social media sites can best achieve their goals. Clearly, Facebook is also being used to advertise products, organize protests, and provide awareness on social issues—and now it is selling products, too. Academics of different disciplines are closely watching how social media is beginning to change life in North America as we know it. “It’s really humbling to get a billion people to do anything,” Zuckerberg says. 43
1. What elements of the external and internal environment do you think contributed to Facebook’s success?
2. Which elements of the external and internal environment are beginning to create challenges for Facebook?
3. Which force must Facebook work the hardest to address to continue to prosper? Why?
39 Metz, R. (2013, April 10). The first Facebook phone: A little too much information. MIT Technology Review . April 10, 2013. Retrieved from www.technologyreview.com/news/513566/the-first-facebook-phone-a-little-too- much-information 40 Womack, B. (2013, May 2). Facebook revenue exceeds estimates on mobile advertising. Bloomberg . www.bloomberg.com/news/print/2013-05-01/facebook-revenue-exceeds-estimates-on-mobile-advertising.html 41 Womack, 2013.
42 Shaughnessy, H. (2012, October 4). Facebook’s 1 Billion Users: Why the Sky is Still the Limit. Forbes . Retrieved from www.forbes.com/sites/haydnshaughnessy/2012/10/04/facebooks-1-billion-users-why-the-sky-is- still-the-limit 43 Vance, 2012.
Chapter 2 The Employee–Employer Relationship What Responsibilities Do Bosses Have to Their Employees?
Canada’s society and its economy can be significantly influ-
enced by how work and employment are organized. This
chapter examines the nature of work, employment and the
labour-management relationship. Workers are interested in
maximizing the income they receive from the sale of their
labour, whereas businesses usually desire to maximize
profit. These two objectives can clash, creating conflicts
that can have negative effects on productivity and profits. In
our examination of the labour relationship, we will consider
perspectives that shape debates about how that relation-
ship should be governed. Should businesses and workers be
free to negotiate conditions of work, or should the govern-
ment closely monitor and influence those conditions? We
will also identify the obligations that organizations have to
diverse members of the labour force.
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Discuss the meaning and significance of employment and
explain how it differs from other forms of work arrangements.
2. Explain the difference between the standard employment
and the nonstandard employment relationship.
3. Identify and explain the main perspectives that shape
debates about the appropriate role of markets, manage-
ment, unions, and legislation.
4. Explain how we balance the interests of employers and
employees when employment relationships are terminated.
5. Identify and explain the business responsibilities and oppor-
tunities within Canada’s diverse labour force environment.
Konstantin Chagin/Shutterstock
THE BUSINESS WORLD Is Working for Free Illegal?
Would you work for free to gain work experience? Many Canadian students who are trying to secure a job in their chosen career would answer “yes.” Anya Oberdorf is one graduate who took two unpaid internships with different employers in the hopes of getting a full- time job in the publishing industry. While she gained valuable experience, she wasn’t offered a permanent role. “My experience has been really frustrating,” said the Toronto graduate. “I can’t afford a third internship, but I don’t want to sit around at home either.”1 Certainly, students have bills to pay such as rent, groceries, and student loan payments. But how do you pay your bills when you can’t find a job?
A group of University of Toronto students have gone to Ontario’s Minister of Labour to end a growing practice of unpaid internships in Ontario and across the coun- try. While the legal interpretation is more complex, an internship is generally referred to as on-the-job training with an employer to provide an individual with practical work experience. The University of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU) argues that approxi- mately 300,000 entry-level positions are being illegally misclassified as internships, trainee positions, or nonemployee work so that employers can avoid paying recent grad- uates for their hard work.
Indeed, very little is known about internships. The Ministry of Labour doesn’t regulate or keep statistics about interns or internship programs. “You won’t find the word ‘intern’ in our employment laws at all. It’s an industry term,” said David Doorey, employ- ment law professor at York University.2 Many observers, however, agree that students working for free is nothing new. While volunteer work in nonprofit organizations has helped students gain experience, many lawyers argue internships are different.
While providing students with work experience is clearly beneficial, the increasing number of unpaid internships can have a negative effect on the economy. Unpaid work can drive wages down and lead to higher unemployment levels. Currently, graduates face an 18% unemployment rate—more than double the national average. Unpaid work also means interns cannot pay down their student debt, collect unemployment insurance, or contribute to the Canada Pension Plan. With an estimated 300,000 unpaid interns work- ing in Canada, this also means less consumer spending. The problem is that students need work experience, but employers don’t always have the resources to hire them.
Proponents of internships argue that a bridge is needed between textbook knowledge and real-life experience, and internships help meet this missing component. While charitable institutions offer volunteer opportunities, this does not necessarily help stu- dents gain meaningful experience in their field of study.
Lauren Friese, founder of TalentEgg, a website that helps students find jobs, believes that students should be careful when accusing an employer of illegal activity, especially since students benefit from these programs: “Without internships—whether they’re paid
1 Oved, M. (2013, March 5). Unpaid internships: The most precarious work of all. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/03/05/unpaid_internships_the_most_precarious_work_of_all.html. 2 Oved, 2013.
41C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
42 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
or unpaid . . . there is absolutely no way for those young people to get the experience they need to find that first meaningful career.”3
Provincial labour laws vary across the country, making the issue even more com- plex. Moreover, internships are not well-defined or regulated, leading to legal loopholes that allow employers to take advantage of students who are desperate to find meaning- ful work.
HootSuite, a Vancouver social media company, was recently criticized over its intern- ship practices because it did not comply with British Columbia’s Employment Standards Act. In British Columbia, the law defines internship and practicum differently. An intern- ship is “on-the-job training offered by an employer to provide a person with practical experience.” A practicum, on the other hand, involves a formal education process and does not have to be paid.4
Ryan Holmes, Hootsuite’s CEO, quickly responded to the growing online complaints: “Recently, I learned about some concerns that a few of our internship job postings may not be in compliance with the local laws,” Holmes wrote. “I appreciate those who have taken the time to bring this to our attention and we will immediately review this inter- nally . . . When we created the internship program, I believed we were doing the right thing by offering the opportunity for young people to add experience to their résumé and join a Vancouver success story.”5
Certainly, the practice of internships is growing at a time when many employers are also increasingly hiring temporary and contract workers in Canada because of increasing costs and other competitive pressures. A report by the Law Commission of Ontario indi- cated that existing laws do not adequately protect unpaid workers.
The U of T student group contends that the province’s Employment Standards Act (ESA) “disfranchises students, trainees, interns, and young workers by either par- tially or completely exempting them from employment standard protections.”6 Under Ontario labour law, many workers who are classified as people in an apprenticeship, a training program, or a co-op are not legally “employees.” Other provinces have simi- lar issues.
“It may be time for governments to consider introducing a permit system,” says Doorey. “This would allow the government to verify that internships are not being used as a method to obtain free labour.” Nav Bhandal, a labour and employment lawyer, says it is difficult to interpret what the law means since there are few cases of student interns suing for wages. Furthermore, students who need work experience and a job reference for future employment don’t want to file complaints.7
3 Freeman, S. (2013, April 18). Unpaid internships: U of T students’ group calls for ban, says 300,000 illegal interns working in Canada. Huffington Post. Retrieved from www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/04/18/unpaid-intern- ships-ban-canada_n_3103664.html. 4 Hager, M. (2013, April 8). HootSuite faces online backlash over unpaid internships. Vancouver Sun. Retrieved from www.vancouversun.com/HootSuite+faces+online+backlash+over+unpaid+internships/8209279/story.html. Reprinted by permission. 5 Hager, 2013. 6 Freeman, 2013. 7 Oved, 2013.
43C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
So what are the current laws? While there are no specific laws regulating “interns,” the following from the employment standards of three of Canada’s largest provinces may help current and future interns become more aware of their rights to compensation:8
In British Columbia, the Employment Standards Act defines employee broadly, as “a person an employer allows, directly or indirectly, to perform work normally performed by an employee” and “a person being trained by an employer for the employer’s business.” Many unpaid interns would fit one or both of these definitions. The Employment Stan- dards Branch has also produced an Interpretation Guidelines Manual which explains that an internship is on-the-job training by an employer to provide a person with practical training, and that if an intern falls within the definition of employee and performs services for an employer, then the intern must receive at least minimum wage.9
In Alberta, under the Employment Standards Code, an employee is “an individual employed to do work who receives or is entitled to wages.” In this case, the intern must be paid at least minimum wage unless one of the three following exceptions apply: The work is part of a formal training program approved by Employment Standards, part of a program approved by the Minister of Enterprise and Advanced Education or the Minister of Human Services, or part of an off-campus program that falls under the School Act.10
In Ontario, according to the Employment Standards Act, 2000, there are multiple definitions of what an employee is. Perhaps the ones that most describe interns are these two: “a person who receives training from a person who is an employer” and “a person who supplies services to an employer for wages.” If an individual is performing work in Ontario for another person and is not in business for themselves, then that individual is an employee, and should be paid at least minimum wage.11
THE LABOUR ENVIRONMENT AND CANADIAN SOCIETY In modern industrial societies, most people depend on income from the sale of their labour to survive. As demonstrated in the discussion of internships in The Business World vignette, work is also a central means by which wealth is distributed in a capitalist economy. It is also an important aspect of personal self-identity and self-worth in many societies—our jobs
Objective 1 Discuss the meaning and significance of employment and explain how it differs from other forms of work arrangements.
8 Based on Gowling WLG. (2014). Are unpaid internships legal in Canada? Retrieved from https://gowlingwlg.com/ en/canada/insights-resources/are-unpaid-internships-legal-in-canada- 9 These materials contain information that has been derived from information originally made available by the Prov- ince of British Columbia at: http://www.bclaws.ca/ and this information is being used in accordance with the Queen’s Printer License – British Columbia available at: http://www.bclaws.ca/standards/2014/QPLicense_1.0.html. They have not, however, been produced in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of, the Province of British Columbia and THESE MATERIALS ARE NOT AN OFFICIAL VERSION. 10 From Alberta Employment Standards Code. © Alberta Queen’s Printer, 2014. Retrieved from http://www.qp. alberta.ca/documents/Acts/E09.pdf 11 From Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000. © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2012. Retrieved from www. ontario.ca/laws/statute/00e41. These materials are not an official version.
44 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
help define who we are and how others perceive us. For these reasons, the way in which a society manages the labour relationship tells us a lot about that society’s values and beliefs.
The nature of work varies over time and space. The labour environment in Canada differs from those in many economically developing countries and from those that existed a generation ago. For example, as we will discuss later in this chapter, Canada’s labour force is substantially more diverse than in the past. This creates both challenges and opportuni- ties for Canadian businesses and also for Canadian policymakers, whose job it is to develop policies that will promote efficient business and job growth while also protecting workers and promoting the sustainable distribution of wealth necessary for a healthy society and economy. The range of options policymakers perceive as sensible to create or maintain this complex balance is influenced by their perspective on work and the role of markets and government regulation of business. We will discuss these various perspectives below.
First, we need to understand what we mean by work and employment in the Canadian context.
Distinguishing Work and Employment Since the 20th century, the dominant model of organizing work has been employment. Employment is a form of work in which a person (an employee ) is dependent on and mostly subservient to an employer . In an employment relationship, the employer is assumed to have control over the methods of production, the unilateral authority to decide what and how much to produce, and the right to direct when, where, and how the employee is required to perform his or her job. The employment relationship is governed by an employ- ment contract , which may set out specific rules, obligations, and rights applicable to the employer and employee and is usually enforceable in a court of law, just like other con- tracts are. At the core of the employment relationship is a basic exchange: Employees sell their labour in exchange for compensation, usually in the form of wages and perhaps ben- efits of some sort. Employment can be full-time or part-time and indefinite in duration or for a fixed period of time—for example, it can last 50 years, or a few hours.
The Employment Contract However, employment is just one of many ways that work can be organized. There are many people who work but who are not employed. For example, independent contractors or the self-employed are not “employees.” They still provide labour services in exchange for compensation, but they are running their own business rather than serving as an employee for another business or person. Some people are partners in a business rather than employees. Partners also sell their labour, but they are part owners of the business and not its employees. Partners and independent contrac- tors earn revenues , not wages. Others obtain work through temporary placement organi- zations , which assign them to work for some other business. Whether these “temp” workers are employees, and if they are who employs them, can be complex questions to answer. Others are categorized as unpaid volunteers or interns to distinguish their situa- tion from employment. See the discussion in Talking Business 2.1 .
Whether a work arrangement is characterized as employment or as some other form of business arrangement has significant implications in Canada. That is because many legal rights and entitlements are tied to the existence of an employment relationship. For example, Canadian governments have enacted a considerable amount of legislation to regulate employment based on the theory that employees require government protection
employment A relationship between an employer and an employee involving an exchange of labour power (work) for something of value, such as wages or benefits.
employment contract A contract that defines the terms and conditions of a contractual relationship between an employer and an employee. The contract may include reference to services to be performed, working hours, compensation, and other work-related obligations of the employer and the employee.
employee A person hired by an employer to perform work accord- ing to the terms of an employment contract.
independent contractors Independent contractors or the self- employed provide labour services in exchange for compensation. They run their own businesses rather than serving as an employee for another organization or person.
partners Individuals who share part ownership in a business. There can be two or more partners in a partnership.
temporary placement organization A business that helps match workers looking for jobs with businesses that require temporary help. Also called an employment agency.
volunteer An unpaid individual who performs services for an orga- nization voluntarily. A volunteer is not an employee under the law.
intern A worker who receives on- the-job training at a workplace. The internship may or may not be a for- mal requirement of an educational program and can be paid or unpaid. Whether an intern is considered an “employee” and is therefore enti- tled to legal entitlements available to employees in Canada, such as a minimum wage, depends on how a province’s employment standards laws define an employee. Some unpaid internships are unlawful, while others are not.
45C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
Are unpaid interns illegal in Canada? The answer is sur-
prisingly complicated, because governments are trying to
balance a variety of competing policy interests.
On the one hand, employers could easily exploit a law
that permitted them to simply call people interns and thereby
avoid employment standards laws. Also, unpaid interns
could replace real jobs, which is not good for the economy.
On the other hand, the state wants young people to gain
work experience, and some employers who would not oth-
erwise provide workers with experience to develop skills
might allow interns to gain some experience by hanging
around the workplace if they don’t have to pay them. There-
fore, the state is trying to write a law that protects against
the first two “bad” aspects of internships while permitting
the third “good” aspect. Try writing a law that does that!
You have to start with the question of whether the interns
are “employees” under the employment standards legisla-
tion, since only “employees” are covered by the Employment
Standards Act (ESA). Section 3(5) of the Ontario ESA excludes
from the Act, “an individual who performs work under a pro-
gram approved by a college of applied arts and technology or
a university.” So that’s easy: If the internship is part of a higher
education co-op program, then the Act does not apply.
Then things get more complicated. The Ontario ESA
defines an “employee” (in section 1(1)) as follows:
“employee” includes,
a. a person . . . who performs work for an employer for wages,
b. a person who supplies services to an employer for wages,
c. a person who receives training from a person who is an employer, as set out in subsection (2) . . .
Subsection (2) then says (with my comments added):
(2) For the purposes of clause (c) of the definition of
“employee” in subsection (1), an individual receiving
training from a person who is an employer is an
employee of that person if the skill in which the indi-
vidual is being trained is a skill used by the person’s
employees, unless all of the following conditions are
met (note that all of these conditions must be met):
1. The training is similar to that which is given in a vocational school.
Are Unpaid Interns “Employees”? [What do you think a “vocational” school means?
Well, it almost certainly does NOT include getting
coffee, answering phones, and running errands
for some idiot who thinks an “intern” means
“personal slave.” Do you know any colleges that
teach “coffee making” or “errand running”?]
2. The training is for the benefit of the individual.
3. The person providing the training derives little, if any, benefit from the activity of the individual
while he or she is being trained.
[So, numbers 2 and 3 together mean that the
purpose of the internship/training is to provide a
benefit for the intern, but not the person/entity
providing the training. Thus, if the person does
“real” work, that the employer would need to
have hired people [to] do, then the intern begins
to look a lot like an “employee.”]
4. The individual does not displace employees of the person providing the training.
[This clearly catches an employer who lays-off an
employee and gives their work to an “intern.” If
that is done, the intern is an “employee.” Does
“displace” also cover an employer who uses an
intern instead of a hiring a new “employee”?]
5. The individual is not accorded a right to become an employee of the person providing the training.
[This creates an incentive for employers to tell
employees that they will NEVER get hired into a
real job. Is that a good policy? It also means that
when the possibility exists for the intern to be
hired at the end of the intern period, the person
is an “employee.”]
6. The individual is advised that he or she will receive no remuneration for the time that he or
she spends in training.
[This seems to mean that if an intern is paid any-
thing, then she is an “employee” under the ESA. An
intern is someone who is paid “no remuneration.”]
As you can see, whether or not an “intern” is an
“employee” under the Ontario ESA depends on all of the
circumstances as applied to these criteria. The rules would
46 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
certainly make someone an “employee” if they are
retained to do valuable work for the employer that but for
the “intern” would have to be done by either an employee
or some other paid independent contractor. The law is
intended to exclude from ESA protection only real, legiti-
mate training programs designed to educate the intern.
The employer is supposed to be doing a social service by
exposing the worker to the “real” workplace. It is not
supposed to be a system in which employers can get
cheap or free labour.
I suspect there are a lot of employees in Canada being
improperly called “interns” by their employers. Are you
one of them?
Source : Excerpted from Doorey. D. (2010, September 27). Law of
Work [Web log]. Retrieved from http://lawofwork.ca/?p=2169 .
because of their vulnerability to the employer. Employment standards legislation is one example. It entitles employees to a minimum wage, overtime pay, mandatory time off and holiday pay, and notice of termination among other benefits. None of these entitlements apply unless the arrangement is characterized as employment. Similarly, human rights laws prohibit discrimination in employment relationships, and access to unemployment insurance, public pension schemes, and workers’ compensation benefits are often contin- gent upon a worker having been employed for a period of time prior to making their claim for benefits. Tax systems also treat employees and nonemployees differently—nonemployees can deduct business expenses from their taxable income, whereas employees cannot.
From a business perspective, there may be advantages to using workers who are not employees of the business. A business that uses independent contractors or temporary placement workers may avoid employment standards laws or the requirement to pay insur- ance premiums to workers’ compensation systems, for instance. An employer must usually provide their employees with notice of termination in Canada before they can end an employment relationship. By not employing workers, businesses can avoid this potentially costly requirement and adjust more quickly and with less cost to economic downturns.
On the other hand, there may be business benefits associated with the employment relationship as well. According to human resource management literature, employers can maximize worker effectiveness by designing workplace reward systems that recognize and promote loyalty and commitment. One way to do this is to promise workers job security while granting them good pay and benefits. Employers can benefit from having long-service employees who acquire knowledge and skills in the performance of their jobs. The employ- ment relationship may be more likely to foster worker commitment than a model in which workers answer to another employer or work for themselves. Businesses need to weigh these factors when deciding whether to arrange their labour force needs by using employ- ees or retaining independent contractors or businesses to perform the work needed.
What Is an Employee? What distinguishes an employee from an independent contractor? This is a legal question, and it is answered by courts and administrative tribunals tasked with interpreting employment- related statutes. Factors that are considered in deciding whether someone is an employee or an independent contractor include the following:
■ Degree of control: Independent contractors can usually determine the hours they work and the manner in which the work is performed, and can usually hire other people to
TALKING BUSINESS 2.1 (continued)
47C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
perform the work. An employee, on the other hand, is usually told when and how to do the work and is subject to supervision of some sort.
■ Degree of economic risk: An independent contractor assumes the risk of nonpayment of bills by customers, loss of customers, as well as the potential benefit of profits. An employee is usually paid their wages even if a customer does not pay their bills (the risk of nonpayment is the employers’), but they also do not usually share directly in profits.
■ Degree to which the worker performs an essential service for an organization: A person who performs an integral task for an organization is more likely to be perceived as an employee than someone who performs a task that is peripheral to the organization’s business. For example, a chemist is more likely to be perceived as an employee of a chemical company than a person retained to mow the company’s grass once a month.
■ Degree to which the organization provides the necessary tools: Independent contractors are more likely to own their own tools, whereas employees are more likely to have the tools provided to them by their employer.
A court or tribunal may consider one or more of these factors in determining whether someone is an employee or not. At its core is a basic question: Does the worker look more like a person who is in business for herself or for someone else?
The fact that a contract might say that a person is “not an employee” will not be bind- ing on a court or tribunal. Courts look past that contract language and consider the above factors. Why do you think this is so? The answer is that courts are concerned about workers being taken advantage of by employers. Courts know that employers most often write work contracts, and workers often just sign on the dotted line. If employers could just include a sentence in every contract saying that the worker is “not an employee,” then it would be very easy to avoid all of the rules and laws that are designed to protect employees because of their economic vulnerability. Whether these laws are actually necessary to protect employees, and whether they help or harm businesses, the economy, and society, are issues that have been debated for as long as people have been paid to perform work.
From Standard to Nonstandard Employment Relationships The period from approximately the 1930s to the 1980s was the golden age for the employment relationship in Canada. During that period, the standard employment relationship (SER) dominated the economic landscape. The SER is characterized by regular, full-time hours at a single employer, often spanning an entire working career. Employees working under an SER receive periodic pay raises and their employers usually provide health benefits and pension plans. The SER functions in the shadow of an extensive array of government regulation that guides the relationship and is underpinned by a strong social security net that provides protec- tion to employees whose employment ends for one reason or another. For example, an employee who is laid off due to lack of work is entitled to unemployment insurance benefits, and an employee injured at work is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Unemploy- ment and workers’ compensation benefits are funded by mandatory employer contributions.
Since the 1980s, however, the SER has been disintegrating as the dominant form of work. Large segments of the working population in Canada today work under arrangements that are frequently described as nonstandard employment (NSE) . NSE is less stable and is character- ized by part time, temporary, or variable working hours; lower pay; fewer employer-provided benefits; shorter job tenure; and no access to collective bargaining. A 2009 study of Canadian
Objective 2 Explain the difference between the standard
employment and the nonstandard
employment relationship.
standard employment relationship (SER) A form of employment relationship character- ized by regular, full-time hours at a single employer, often spanning an entire working career. Employees working under an SER usually receive periodic pay raises, and their employers usually provide health benefits and pension plans.
nonstandard employment (NSE) A less stable form of employment than the SER that is characterized by part-time, tempo- rary, or variable working hours; lower pay; fewer employer- provided benefits; shorter job tenure; and is usually non-unionized.
48 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
labour standards found that NSE accounts for about 32% of the Canadian workforce. Many of these workers are young, recent entrants into the labour force. This trend toward NSE means that young people graduating from university today are far less likely to experience the sort of stable, predictable employment patterns that were the norm for earlier generations.
Many other workers are being characterized as independent contractors, sometimes at their own request, but often at the behest of businesses seeking to benefit from the finan- cial savings and legal flexibility associated with eliminating “employees.” The shift from standard employment to “self-employment” is a major contributor to growing income inequality in Canada, since self-employed workers tend to be lower paid, have fewer employer-paid benefits, have less job security, and are not entitled to the many social protections (unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation) or guarantees (minimum wage, overtime pay, paid holidays) available only to people who are or were “employees.”
Workers employed under NSE arrangements and low-income workers who are treated as independent contractors are often described as vulnerable or precarious workers . They live on the cusp of poverty and are unable to save or plan for the future because their source of income is always on the verge of disappearing.
Perspectives on Work and Government Policy Whether this shift toward NSE and “self-employment” is cause for concern is a matter of substantial debate. Certainly businesses can benefit in terms of lower labour costs and greater managerial flexibility. That can help profitability, which in turn could make Canada an attractive place for corporations to invest. However, the OECD has noted that the growth in NSE and self-employment is also a significant cause of growing income inequality in Canada. 9 Some workers benefit from this shift, but it appears that many more do not.
This points to a familiar problem in labour policy debates. Practices and policies that may benefit employers and businesses are not always good for workers, the economy, or soci-
ety more generally. High profits and dividends are almost always treated as positives in business literature. But if they are derived from poor treatment of workers, including low wages, few health benefits, and danger- ous working conditions, then are high profits and divi- dends benefiting society?
Consider an example involving Walmart, the world’s most profitable corporation. According to the Fortune 500 rank of American corporations, Walmart’s 2010 profits were US$14.3 billion. However, Walmart has also found itself on the losing end of numerous legal actions alleging illegal treatment of employees, such as stealing wages from workers and denying legally mandated breaks and rests. In Canada, Walmart has been found in violation of labour laws in its attempt to stop employees from exercising their legal right to join unions.
income inequality The unequal distribution of wealth to individuals or households in an economy.
vulnerable or precarious workers Individuals who perform work in a nonstandard employ- ment relationship. They are always at risk of unemployment since their jobs are insecure, and because their pay is low they live on the cusp of poverty.
9 OECD. (2011). An overview of growing income inequalities in OECD countries: Main findings. Retrieved from www. oecd.org/els/soc/49499779.pdf .
AP Photo/J Pat Carter
Objective 3 Identify and explain the main perspectives
that shape debates about the
appropriate role of markets,
management, unions, and
49C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
Do the illegal actions by Walmart against its employees taint its impressive record of big profits? Should governments impose more or less rules on business to influence how workers are treated? If they impose more rules, will this make the climate less friendly for businesses, causing them to hire fewer workers?
How to balance the interests of business in maximizing profits and shareholder divi- dends, on the one hand, with the interests of workers in securing a decent level of income and security, on the other hand, has been a subject of debate since the beginning of large- scale economic activity. These debates have been informed by a variety of perspectives that vary on such fundamental issues as
■ the role and effectiveness of markets
■ the role of bargaining power in the employment relationship
■ the role of management, and the human resources function in particular
■ the role of unions and collective bargaining
The range of responses to work-related issues that is deemed prudent depends on which of these perspectives dominates in a society at any particular moment in time. Four perspectives in particular have shaped debates about the governance of work in Canada: the neoclassical, managerial, industrial pluralist, and critical perspectives.
Neoclassical Perspective The neoclassical perspective argues that competitive markets are the best means of organizing complex economies and societies. The forces of supply and demand, if left to operate freely with limited state interference, will ensure optimal assignment of skills and expertise throughout the economy as well as the fairest distribution of wealth. This is because people and businesses are motivated by self-interest. Therefore, they will make decisions that maximize their personal interests and avoid situa- tions that do not. Provided people have adequate information to recognize what is in their best interests and are free to make choices, the invisible hand of the market will guide actors toward economic and social prosperity. Neoclassicists assume that labour markets are perfectly competitive, or close to it, and therefore believe that if they left undisturbed by government intervention and unions they will produce the optimal market outcomes.
Adam Smith used the “invisible hand” metaphor in his book The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776. Smith argued that, by pursuing their own self-interest, individuals “are led by an invisible hand” to promote the greater public interest, even if that is not their intention. Modern-day adherents to the neoclassical perspective share Smith’s recipe for governments: The state should focus on ensuring a legal system is in place to protect prop- erty rights, enforce contracts, and prohibit anti-competitive practices, but otherwise should keep taxes low and government administration and regulation to a minimum.
Neoclassicists perceive the labour relationship as simply another form of free exchange between informed and free actors. Therefore, Canadian governments—indeed, govern- ments around the world—are misguided in their attempts to “protect workers” through regulation such as minimum wages, overtime pay, human rights laws, health and safety rules, and laws that permit or even encourage unionization and collective bargaining. Neoclassicists argue that none of these laws are necessary to protect workers, and in fact they do more harm than good.
To see why, consider the example of the minimum wage . Imagine that an employer offers an employee $4 per hour and that the employee is prepared to accept that wage rate.
neoclassical perspective One view of how the economy should function. It contends that competi- tive markets are the best means of organizing complex economies and societies. The forces of supply and demand, if left to operate freely with limited government interfer- ence, will ensure optimal assign- ment of skills and expertise throughout the economy as well as the fairest distribution of wealth.
competitive markets Markets in which there are a sufficient num- ber of participants competing for the same goods, services, and cus- tomers. Market forces tend to fix prices at a point where the supply of a good or service equals the demand for that good or service.
invisible hand of the market Adam Smith used the “invisible hand” metaphor in his book The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776. Smith argued that, by pursu- ing their own self-interest, individu- als “are led by an invisible hand” to promote the greater public interest, even if that is not their intention.
minimum wage An employment standards law that mandates the minimum hourly wage that must be paid to an employee. Each prov- ince sets its own minimum wage.
50 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
However, the government passes a minimum wage law prohibiting employers from paying less than the minimum wage. The Neoclassicist position is that this law will have negative effects on the economy that will ultimately harm low-wage workers. By artificially raising the wage rate above the “market rate” ($4 per hour in our example), the minimum wage law will cause employers to hire fewer workers, to replace workers with machinery, or to pack up and move the work to another location that does not have a minimum wage. If none of these options is available, the employer will pass on the additional costs to con- sumers in higher product prices, and if that is not possible the company may be forced into bankruptcy or close down altogether. In any case, the economy suffers, and the harm will be felt most by the low-wage workers who the minimum wage laws were intended to help.
Neoclassicists are also not concerned about working conditions being too low in the absence of worker protection legislation. They believe that the invisible hand of the mar- ket will ensure this does not happen. A business that offers less than the market wage rate will be unable to attract or retain qualified workers, and therefore will either have to raise their offer to attract workers or will be driven out of business. Since workers are assumed by neoclassicists to be knowledgeable about other job possibilities and to be free and mobile—able to move from job to job as better opportunities arise—market forces will ensure that wages and working conditions remain close to that point at which labour sup- ply equals labour demand (the equilibrium market rate). Any attempt by governments to intervene in this process of free bargaining by employers and workers will disturb these market-clearing processes, producing harmful effects.
Managerial Perspective The managerial perspective is closely related to modern human resource management. It shares a belief with the neoclassical perspective that gov- ernment intervention in the governance of work and employment should be minimal. However, managerialists put their faith in enlightened management practices rather than in the “invisible hand” of the marketplace. They argue that employers and employees, businesses and workers, share a common interest: They both want the business to be suc- cessful. Managerialists argue that workers who are treated decently and with respect will be the most productive workers, and that the most successful businesses will be those that provide good wages, benefits, and good working conditions. Therefore, businesses will look out for employees’ concerns because it is in their economic interests to do so.
In the managerialist perspective, employment standards and employment regulation should be kept to a minimum since these laws inject rigidity into the work relationship and impose unnecessary costs on employers. If laws are necessary to deal with the worst types of employers—those who do not perceive the wisdom in treating workers decently—the legal standards should be set at a low level and be flexible enough to not punish “good” employ- ers. Unions and collective bargaining are an unnecessary impediment to managerial pre- rogative and flexibility in the managerialist perspective, and should not be promoted by governments. Since it is in the interest of management to treat workers fairly, there is no need for workers to look to unions for protection. Indeed, mangerialists argue that the deci- sion of workers to support unionization reflects a failure of management to address employee needs through progressive human resource management policies (see Exhibit 2.1 ).
Industrial Pluralist Perspective The industrial pluralist perspective views the work relationship very differently than both neoclassicists and managerialists. They emphasize the imbalance of power between workers and employers and the value to society and economies of striking a reasonable balance between the efficiency concerns of employers and the equity
managerial perspective A perspective associated with the human resource management school. Managerialists believe that employees and employers share a common goal of maximizing pro- ductivity and profits, so there need not be conflict between them. As long as employers treat employees decently, the employees will work hard in the employer’s interests.
industrial pluralist perspective A perspective that emphasizes the imbalance of power between workers and employers and the value to soci- ety and economies of striking a rea- sonable balance between the efficiency concerns of employers and the equity concerns of workers. Plural- ists believe that unions and collective bargaining are beneficial to society and the economy because they give workers “voice” and ensure a fairer distribution of wealth throughout society than a system in which work- ers bargain employment contracts with employers on their own.
51C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
concerns of workers. For the pluralist, the relationship between a business/employer and a worker/employee involves the bearer of power on the one hand, and subordination on the other hand. In most cases, workers lack the necessary bargaining power to engage in meaningful bargaining about conditions of employment, with the result being that the busi- ness purchasing their labour can set the working terms unilaterally. This is problematic because workers, unlike bricks and staples, are human beings, and society has an interest in promoting environments in which humans do not feel disenfranchised or exploited.
In contrast with neoclassicists and managerialists, pluralists support an activist government that intervenes in the work relationship to promote decent working condi- tions and worker “voice” in the determination of those conditions. Pluralists support min- imum employment standards to ensure decent working conditions because they reject the neoclassical belief that market forces alone will produce a fair balance between equity and efficiency concerns.
Most importantly, pluralists believe that the most effective way to ensure worker voice and to promote a healthy distribution of wealth throughout the economy is to pro- mote collective bargaining and unionization. Collective bargaining , including a legal right to withhold labour (a strike), empowers workers by putting them on a more equal footing as they bargain for the sale of their labour. This ensures that workers receive a reasonable share of the economic pie produced by their labour, a result that benefits the economy (by fuelling consumption) and society (by producing a decent standard of liv- ing). Therefore, pluralists support laws that protect the right of workers to join unions, to engage in collective bargaining, and to strike if necessary to apply pressure on their employers to agree to better working conditions (see Exhibit 2.2 ).
Pluralists reject the neoclassical claim that labour markets are perfectly competitive, or even nearly so. For example, they argue that in the real world, workers usually lack informa- tion about new jobs, so they are ill equipped to assess the true value of their labour during the initial bargaining process. Workers also lack information about alternative job opportu- nities, contrary to the assumptions of the neoclassical model. Even if they have that information, in practice people do not move from job to job with the mobility and ease that the neoclassical model assumes. Workers will often remain at a workplace for years, even if there are better job opportunities elsewhere. Behavioural economists describe this effect as bounded rationality —the recognition that humans often do not make decisions that would maximize their personal utility because they either lack the necessary information to assess the various options or lack the capacity to assess the information they have.
bargaining power The amount of power workers have to deter- mine their conditions of employ- ment with their employer, such as wages, hours, training, vacation time, health and safety measures, and other factors.
activist government A government that intervenes in the employment relationship by passing laws that restrict freedom of contract, such as employment standards, human rights, health and safety, and employment equity laws.
collective bargaining A process of negotiation measures between a group of employees (through a union) and an employer (or group of employers) leading to a collec- tive agreement that applies to the entire group of employees.
bounded rationality The idea that humans often do not make decisions that would maximize their personal utility because they either lack the necessary informa- tion to assess the various options or lack the capacity to assess the information they have.
Exhibit 2.1 Would you like a union with that coffee?
In recent years there has been increasing interest in unionization among coffee shops such as Starbucks and others. Like most
businesses, Starbucks would prefer to avoid unionization of its employees. In the United States controversy erupted over the firing
of a New York Starbucks employee in 2011 allegedly because she had attempted to join a union (Industrial Workers of the
World). In Canada, workers at several Starbucks outlets were represented by the Canadian Auto Workers for a period of time.
However, the union’s drive to organize the chain stalled and by 2007, all of the unionized stores had become “decertified.”
Traditionally, the restaurant and food services industry has been among the most challenging sectors to unionize. The low
level of union penetration of the food-service sector is due to a number of factors including the fact that this is a highly competi-
tive industry, and employers believe unionization will pose a threat to their profits. In addition, the labour force is typically part-
time, with high turnover, and so many of these workers don’t have enough commitment to the job to tolerate any tensions that
arise over efforts to start a union. As workers stay in their jobs longer it will become increasingly important for businesses like
Starbucks to ensure these employees are feeling satisfied with their working conditions or run the risk of facing unionization.
52 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
In short, people are far more complex and unpredictable than their depiction in the neoclassical model. Pluralists argue that since the assumptions on which that model is based do not hold true in the real world, it is inappropriate to base real-life public policies on neoclassical ideas. Pluralists also reject the managerialist claim that progressive human resource management policies and the supposed economic benefits derived from them will protect the interests of workers. For example, pluralists argue that the shift toward NSE, discussed earlier, which is contributing to the growth in economic inequality and fall in workers’ real wages in Canada, is a trend being pushed and implemented by human resource management professionals. Unions, not management, are the institution that fights against these trends in favour of more secure, higher-paying jobs (see Talking Business 2.2 ).
Critical Perspective The focus of the critical perspective is the inherently exploi- tive nature of the capitalist system. This perspective draws its inspiration from Marxist theory. It argues that the interests of labour (workers) and capital (the owners and manag- ers of economic organizations) are irreconcilably in conflict. The objective of capital is to extract from labour maximum effort and control at minimal cost. Since workers depend on capital for their basic needs in a capitalist system, and there are almost always more workers than jobs, labour is inherently disadvantaged and subject to exploitation at the hands of the more powerful capitalists.
The critical perspective posits that employment regulation and collective bargaining are at best only marginally useful in protecting workers from this exploitation. In fact, these measures can actually be harmful to worker interests insofar as they can blind work- ers to their exploitation and distract them from the more important objective of building class consciousness, which will be necessary to challenge the capitalist model and replace it with a more egalitarian model. From the critical perspective, the managerialist perspec- tive glorifies the manipulation of labour by capital in an attempt to mask the inherent conflict between labour and capital. The neoclassical model is dismissed as a faulty theory based on nonsensical assumptions that have no basis in reality. Moreover, neoclassicists ignore the central fact that the “market” itself is a construct developed by capitalists and supportive politicians to serve the interests of capital.
THE LABOUR CONTEXT IN CANADA: WHERE ARE WE NOW? Which of these perspectives dominates public policy in Canada today? The best answer is probably that all of them play some role in shaping the debates about how best to organize and structure the labour relationship. Certainly, in the period running from the end of World War II until about the 1980s, the industrial pluralist perspective was highly influ- ential. Governments across the country, from all of the major political parties, supported
critical perspective A perspective that believes the interests of labour (workers) and capital (the owners and managers of economic organiza- tions) are irreconcilably in conflict. The objective of capital is to extract from labour maximum effort and control at minimal cost. Since workers depend on capital for their basic needs in a capitalist system, and there are almost always more workers than jobs, labour is inher- ently disadvantaged and subject to exploitation at the hands of the more powerful capitalists.
Exhibit 2.2 The Benefits of Collective Bargaining
Pluralists argue that collective bargaining is valuable because it promotes two important outcomes:
Democracy and voice: It introduces a form of democracy into the workplace by giving workers the tools and power to par-
ticipate directly in the development and enforcement of workplace rules and practices.
Distributive Fairness: It empowers workers to bargain for a larger share of the economic pie than is possible in the alterna-
tive system in which individual employees bargain for the sale of their labour. This encourages a stronger middle class and
lesser income inequality, which according to the pluralists facilitates a healthier economy and more stable society.
53C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
Employees who are covered by a collective agreement or a
union contract earn higher wages than employees who are
not. In 2012, the average hourly wage for unionized employ-
ees was $27.36, compared to $22.25 for non-unionized
employees. However, after adjusting for variances by occupa-
tion, education, and experience, the union wage premium
has declined in recent decades to less than 8 per cent—
nonetheless, a clear benefit still flows to unionized workers.
Despite this advantage, the proportion of workers covered
by a collective agreement has been slowly trending downward
in Canada over the last twenty years. Union coverage now sits
at 31 percent, down from close to 34 percent in 1997.
In order for union membership to grow, the labour
movement must find a way to make strides in organizing
some industries that have traditionally remained elusive—
such as the services, agriculture, and financial sectors. And,
as business continues to boom in the resources sector,
companies in the mining and oil and gas sector may pres-
ent opportunities to expand.
The first bold step taken by the labour movement has been
the merger of the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) and the
The State of Canadian Unions—Down but Not Out Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada
(CEP). The merged entity will be Canada’s largest private-
sector union, representing roughly 300,000 workers right out
of the gate. The new conglomerate will not only have more
clout thanks to its larger size, but will be better able to focus
its resources to support organizing efforts. The union leader-
ship plans to grow the union—to about double its current
membership—in relatively short order and will devote 10 per
cent of its revenue to these activities. Membership may be
expanded to include students, retirees, and the unemployed,
demonstrating its commitment to move beyond the limits of
the traditional union model. The impact could be significant.
Unions know they need to adapt to the new realities of
the Canadian landscape—the economy will grow only slowly
over the medium term, technological change will continue
at a rapid pace and international competition will intensify.
This will make gains at the bargaining table increasingly
difficult. In the public sector, concessions are likely as govern-
ments grapple with budget deficits and growing levels of
debt. In response, unions will need to be creative in growing
their membership base to secure their social and political
power but also their finan-
cial future. So, while unions
may be down, don’t count
them out quite yet.
Source: Excerpted from
Thorpe, K. (2013, January
31). The state of Canadian
Unions—down but not out.
The Conference Board of
Canada. Retrieved from
www. conferenceboard.ca/
the_state_of_ canadian_
but_not_out.aspx. Reprinted
with permission.
30 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011
P e
r ce
n t
Union Coverage in Canada, 1997–2011
strong labour laws that facilitated and encouraged workers to join unions and engage in collective bargaining.
These laws remain in place. For example, Canadian employers are prohibited by labour relations statutes , such as the Ontario Labour Relations Act, from discriminating against employees who try to organize a union or who support unions. These statutes also require
labour relations statutes Laws that govern labour issues in a particular province. In Canada, each province has the power to enact its own labour laws.
54 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
union density A measure of the percentage of employees who are members of a union out of the total employees in the labour market.
union wage premium The addi- tional amount of wages paid to union- ized over non-unionized workers.
employers to engage in collective bargaining with unions that have been certified by the gov- ernment as the representative of a group of the employer’s employees. Unions get certified
when they can demonstrate that a majority of the employees want union representation. Once this happens, the government orders the employer to bargain “in good faith” with the union toward reaching a collective agree- ment. If no agreement is reached, labour relations laws permit employees to go on strike to put pressure on the employer to improve its offer and prohibit employers from firing the employees for doing so. The law also permits employers to lockout the employees, thereby denying them their pay.
For much of the 20th century, the Canadian economy was dominated by large manufacturing workplaces (steel, automakers) and the extractive (mining, oil and gas) and forestry industries. The SER dominated in these industries, which were staffed primarily by men. Canadian governments dur- ing the postwar period sought to encourage an economy in which working men were able to earn a “ family income ” sufficient to support their spouses and children. This was the ideal Canadian family around which public poli- cies were designed. Promoting collective bargaining in heavy industry was considered a sensible way to protect the ideal: Working men were encour- aged to join unions, and through collective bargaining they would bargain for stable, long-term employment and wages and benefits sufficient to sup- port a family and fuel a consumer economy. Women, who worked primarily either in the home or in service-sector jobs, were considered secondary income earners and less important from a public policy perspective.
As demonstrated in Exhibit 2.3 , with government support union density reached nearly one quarter of the (nonagricultural) workforce during the mid-1980s, most of which was in the manufacturing and natu- ral resources sectors. The union wage premium —the additional amount of wages paid to non-unionized over non-unionized workers—was mea- sured at close to 25% in the 1970s. However, both union density and the union wage premium have experienced a decline since the 1980s, which is most apparent when we look at the private sector. In 2010, private- sector union density was only 17.5% of the nonagricultural Canadian workforce. The union wage premium, according to some recent studies, has fallen to close to 10%.
This decline in the prevalence and impact of collective bargaining coincided with, and was in part caused by, a shift in the dominant perspectives away from industrial pluralism and toward the neoclassical and managerialist perspectives. Since the 1990s, governments in Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Alberta have revised labour laws to weaken unions and discourage collective bargaining, arguing that collective bargaining discourages businesses from investing in Canada. Recently, the federal government has been prohibiting workers from going on strike. This turn against unions and collective bargaining is closely aligned with the neoclassical perspective and the belief that markets operate most efficiently without collective bargaining and with little employment regulation.
Economic globalization has also influenced the debate about how best to organize work in Canada. Greater mobility of capital and industry has contributed to a shift in the composition of the Canadian economy. Many manufacturing workplaces have moved to lower-wage countries, and many of the new jobs being created are in the service sector.
family income A historical term used to describe the amount of money working men were able to bring home to support their spouses and children. Today, house- hold income is used to describe the total amount of income brought in by all members of a household or place of residence.
Year Union Density (percentage of nonagricultural workers who are union members)
1921 16
1930 13.1
1940 16.3
1945 24.2
1951 28.4
1958 34.2
1960 32.3
1965 29.7
1970 33.6
1975 35.6
1980 35.7
1985 36.4
1990 36.2
1995 34.3
2000 31.9
2005 30.7
2009 29.9
2010 29.6
Source: Godard, J. (2010). Industrial relations, the
economy, and society (4th ed.), pp. 77 – 78 .
Concord, ON: Captus Press; Human Resources
and Skills Development Canada. (2010). Union
membership in Canada. Retrieved from www4.
hrsdc.gc.ca/[email protected]?iid=17.
Exhibit 2.3 Union Density in Canada, 1921–2010
55C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
The past decade has seen organized labour decline as a share
of the Canadian workforce. Between 1997 and 2011, union
density in Canada fell approximately 1.7 per cent from 30.9
per cent to about 29.2 per cent. The overall decline in union
density would have been greater but for the fact that the
highly-unionized public sector continued to represent a large
share of total employment. More than 70 per cent of the
broader public sector is unionized—which includes govern-
ment departments, agencies, and Crown corporations, along
with publicly funded schools, hospitals, and other institutions.
In contrast, union density in the private sector now sits at an all time low of 15.9 per cent. This decline is due, in
part, to legislative changes restricting union certification
processes but also changes in the economy including the
“hollowing-out” of the manufacturing sector.
Union density is not a flawless measure of labour’s
influence in terms of bargaining power and wage setting.
Collectively-bargained agreements can serve as a standard
against which other non-unionized organizations set
wages and benefits in order to remain competitive. As
union density declines, however, the degree to which it
serves as the benchmark also diminishes.
The changing demographic profile of the population is
also undermining the role and importance of unions. Baby
boomers, who are beginning to exit the workforce, can more
easily relate to the success of the labour movement in achiev-
Are Unions Relevant in Canada Today? ing gains around pay equity for women, racial equality, and
improved working conditions. Many members of the younger
generation—call them Millennials or Generation Y—hold
negative views about the relevance of labour unions. This
generation has grown up in a society where many of these
battles were already won. Therefore, many younger workers
fail to see the benefits of belonging to a union. In fact, senior-
ity rules can be impediments to younger workers getting cov-
eted day shifts and vacation time during summer months.
Unions have historically played an active role lobbying
on issues affecting working Canadians. Labour’s influence
has produced public policy improvements in workplace
health and safety in the workplace, pension benefits, well-
ness, and literacy, to name just a few areas. However,
labour’s ability to exert pressure on behalf of workers will
undoubtedly be impacted by a declining base of members
and the resulting loss of union dues. Even though union
density is on the wane, organized labour can continue to
have a positive impact on government policy—particularly
if they focus on issues that have broader public appeal.
Source: Excerpted from Thorpe, K. (2011, November 9). Are
unions relevant in Canada today? The Conference Board of Canada.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/topics/humanresource/
aspx . Reprinted with permission.
Governments must wrestle with how to balance their desire to create a “business-friendly” climate while also ensuring that good jobs are created. This challenge has been rendered more difficult by the increased ability for businesses to move from one jurisdiction to another. The fear is that if labour costs rise too high, or laws make control of labour to rigid, businesses will avoid Canada or leave. In this way, globalization can be said to create downward pressure on employment-related laws and practices (see Talking Business 2.3 ).
DISMISSING EMPLOYEES Unemployment rates measure the percentage of adults in the labour market who are actively seeking employment. Exhibit 2.4 shows how those rates have varied over a 35-year period. In 2012, the unemployment rate was between 7% and 7.5%. Avoiding high rates of unemployment is one of the great challenges of governments. High, sus- tained unemployment imposes high costs on economies and societies.
For example, workers who lose their job often need to access public resources, such as unemployment insurance or welfare benefits. People who are not earning money are not paying taxes, so government revenues used to fund essential public services decrease. The
unemployment rate The percentage of adults in the labour market without employment who are actively seeking employment.
Objective 4 Explain how we balance the interests of employ-
ers and employees when
employment relationships are
56 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
unemployed also have less money to spend in the economy, and our economy depends in large measure on Canadians buying things. Unemployment also imposes other social costs, including higher incidence of depression, alcohol and drug dependency, and poor child nutrition. When a community suffers large numbers of job losses at one time, such as when a factory closes, there are negative spillover effects throughout the entire community.
Therefore, governments have an interest in discouraging unemployment and job losses. On the other hand, employers sometimes need to respond to changes in their eco- nomic situation by downsizing the labour force. If the survival of the business requires shedding labour costs, then employers should be permitted to do this with as little compli- cation and cost as possible. An important challenge for business and government alike is to find an appropriate balance between permitting flexibility in work practices while also protecting the welfare of workers. The most obvious point when these interests come into conflict is at the end of the employment relationship.
Rules and programs have emerged over time that attempt to balance the interests of business in being able to downsize and the interests of workers and the community in avoiding unemployment. These rules come in a variety of forms. Here we will briefly dis- cuss three of them: (1) court-made common law rules; (2) employment standards notice requirements; and (3) unemployment insurance benefits.
Common Law Rules Requiring Notice of Termination All non-union employees in Canada have an employment contract with their employer. Some- times the contract is written, but if it is not then the parties have a verbal contract. Disputes about what an employment contract says or how it should apply in a given situation are resolved by judges in courts of laws. Over time, a large body of decisions by judges interpreting employ- ment contracts have been released and recorded in law books and, more recently, on electronic websites. This body of case law is known as the common law of the employment contract .
One rule that judges created and that forms part of the common law of the employment contract is a requirement for employers to provide employees with reasonable notice of the termination of the employment contract. How much notice is “reasonable” is decided by judges and depends on a number of factors, including the length of the employee’s service, the employee’s age, and the type of work the employee performed. For long-service employees, the notice period required can be as much as one to two years. The notice can be working notice,
common law of the employment contract All of the rules of interpretation of employment contracts applied by judges over the years, as recorded in legal decisions.
reasonable notice The amount of time in advance that employers must inform employees that their services are no longer necessary and their employment contract is ending. How much notice is “rea- sonable” is decided by judges and depends on a number of factors, including the length of the employ- ee’s service, the employee’s age, and the type of work the employee performed.
0 1976 1979 1983 1987
P e r
ce n
t o
f la
b o
u r
fo rc
1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011
14 Exhibit 2.4 Unemployment Rates in Canada
Source: Statistics Canada.
(2012). Labour force survey
estimates (LFS), supplementary
unemployment rates by sex
and age group, annual, CAN-
SIM Table 282-0086. Ottawa,
ON: Statistics Canada.
57C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
or pay in lieu of notice, meaning that the employer can just pay the employee their wages for the period of notice without requiring the employee to actually work. This requirement for employers to give reasonable notice helps employees transition from one job to the next.
Statutory Minimum Notice of Termination If an employer fails to provide the employee with reasonable notice, the employee can sue the employer in court to recover it. However, this is costly and takes a lot of time, so most workers do not bother. To provide a less expensive, quicker, and more informal means of ensuring employees receive some notice of their termination, governments have imposed notice requirements. Employment standards statutes in Canada include mandatory minimum statutory notice provisions. For example, in Ontario the Employment Standards Act requires employers to provide the following minimum periods of notice of termination:
1. At least one week before the termination if the employee’s period of employment is less than one year
2. At least two weeks before the termination if the employee’s period of employment is one year or more and fewer than three years
3. At least three weeks before the termination if the employee’s period of employment is three years or more and fewer than four years
4. At least four weeks before the termination if the employee’s period of employment is four years or more and fewer than five years
5. At least five weeks before the termination if the employee’s period of employment is five years or more and fewer than six years
6. At least six weeks before the termination if the employee’s period of employment is six years or more and fewer than seven years
7. At least seven weeks before the termination if the employee’s period of employment is seven years or more and fewer than eight years
8. At least eight weeks before the termination if the employee’s period of employment is eight years or more 10
The amount of notice is higher if 50 or more employees are terminated in a four-week period. While the statutory minimum notice is usually less than the common law period of reasonable notice assessed by judges, the employee does not need to sue the employer in court to recover it. An employment standards complaint to recover statutory minimum notice can be filed by completing a form online, at which point the government will investigate and order the employer to comply with the statute.
Both reasonable notice and statutory minimum notice are intended to provide employees with a cushion—a period of time to plan for their job loss and to look for another job. These requirements impose costs on employers. However, they are justified on the basis that job losses impose costs on society and employees, some of which should be borne by employers. This is a different approach than that used in the United States, where employment contracts can be terminated at any time with no notice. That model is known as “at will” employment and is highly influenced by the neoclassical perspective. The US approach assumes that if employees
mandatory minimum statutory notice The minimum job termination notice employers must give their employees. It is found in employment standards statutes and varies from province to province.
“at will” employment A concept used in US labour law that allows employers to terminate employees without any notice for any reason. At-will employment does not exist in Canada.
10 Ontario Ministry of Labour. (2013). Your guide to the Employment Standards Act, 2000, p. 81 . Retrieved from www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/pdf/es_guide.pdf .
58 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Objective 5 Identify and explain the business responsi-
bilities and opportunities within
Canada’s diverse labour force
value notice of termination, they will bargain a contract term requiring it. In Canada, our courts and governments have imposed a notice requirement, recognizing that most employees will not know that they should bargain for one or will lack the bargaining power to do so.
Unemployment Insurance Programs Another way that we attempt to reduce the cost to workers and society associated with job losses in Canada is through unemployment insurance programs . The unemployment insurance program operated by the federal government first appeared in 1940. Today, the program is administered under the Employment Insurance Act. The model requires employ- ers and employees to make contributions into an unemployment insurance fund. To access benefits, unemployed individuals must satisfy a series of conditions, including having paid into the fund for a specified period of time and actively searching for employment. The amount of benefits payable are based on a percentage of the employee’s prior earnings up to a maximum amount, and benefits last for only a fixed period of time (usually several weeks).
The unemployment insurance program provides a measure of security to some Canadian workers who lose their jobs. However, the model has been criticized on a number of fronts. Supporters of a strong insurance program point out that less than 50% of unemployed people in Canada qualify for benefits because of the strict qualifying criteria; they want the criteria to be loosened so that more people can receive the benefits they contribute to. Others are critical of unemployment insurance plans because they believe that they discourage people from working. These critics call for the elimination of unemployment benefits altogether, or at least for lower benefit levels and even more stringent eligibility requirements.
CURRENT ISSUES IN THE WORKPLACE: MANAGING WORKFORCE DIVERSITY Canadian businesses operate within a diverse society. The Canadian population reflects a multitude of cultures and demographic backgrounds. For example, recent census figures provided by Statistics Canada show that over 5 million Canadian citizens were foreign- born, comprising nearly 20% of the total population. This diversity is increasingly reflected in the Canadian labour pool. Immigrants who came to Canada in the 1990s have accounted for approximately 70% of the total growth of the labour force in recent years. Women also comprise a significant component of the Canadian labour force and account for about half of both the employed workforce and all union members. Visible minorities and people with disabilities, together with women, make up over 60% of Canada’s labour force.
Diversity in our workforce is also reflected in the growing presence of older workers. At the start of the 21st century, Canadians between the ages of 37 and 55 made up about 47% of the labour force, but by 2011 half of these workers were 55 or over. Consequently, it is clear that organizations must attend to the rights of a diverse group of individuals.
Protecting Diversity and Guarding against Discrimination in Canadian Law If the Canadian economy is to flourish, businesses must be encouraged to tap the consider- able potential of Canada’s diverse population. However, how best to achieve this is the source of much debate.
unemployment insurance program A federal government program that requires employers and employees to make contribu- tions into an unemployment insur- ance fund. To access benefits, unemployed individuals must sat- isfy a series of conditions, including having paid into the fund for a specified period of time and actively searching for employment. The amount of benefits payable are based on a percentage of the employee’s prior earnings up to a maximum amount, and benefits last for only a fixed period of time (usually several weeks) and vary according to the level of unemploy- ment in the region where the worker lives.
59C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
For politicians, the question arises as to whether it is appropriate to use legislation to address these challenges, and if so, what sorts of laws to deploy for this purpose. Neoclassi- cists reject the need for legal intervention to address discrimination in the labour market. They argue that market forces will punish employers who select employees based on factors unrelated to productivity (such as skin colour, sex, disability, or ethnic origin) and reward employers who ignore those irrelevant factors. In the “long run” these market forces will drive discriminatory employers to alter their behaviour or else put them out of business.
However, that is not a position that Canadian governments have accepted. In fact, there is extensive regulation intended to break down barriers to employment that con- front Canada’s diverse labour force. In this section, we will consider three types of laws that address discrimination in the labour relationship: (1) the Charter of Rights and Free- doms; (2) human rights legislation; and (3) employment equity legislation.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms The Charter of Rights and Freedoms forms part of Canada’s Constitution. It governs the relationship between gov- ernments and citizens by protecting fundamental rights and freedoms of Canadians against state interference, including the following:
■ fundamental freedoms of speech, press, assembly, association, and religion
■ democratic rights
■ mobility rights regarding the right to move freely from province to province for the purposes of residence or employment
■ legal rights, which provide standard procedural rights in criminal proceedings
■ equality rights, which guarantee no discrimination by law on grounds of race, ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, or mental and physical ability
■ language rights
The Charter applies only to government action. Governments can act in two ways: as an employer and as lawmakers. Therefore, in the labour context, the Charter is applicable directly to governments as employers and to all laws passed by governments.
For example, if the Government of Ontario paid its female employees less than its male employees for the same work, that would be in violation of the Charter’s protection of equal- ity rights based on sex. However, if it were a private corporation that was paying its female employees less than its male employees, such as McDonald’s, the Charter would not apply because McDonald’s is not the government. Employees of McDonald’s could still file a com- plaint under a human rights statute (see the discussion that follows). All laws passed by a government must be consistent with the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Charter. For example, if a government passed a law that granted special privileges to Christian workers, that law would violate Section 15 of the Charter, which protects Canadians from discrimina- tion by the government on the basis of religion.
Equality rights are not the only part of the Charter that can affect the employment relationship. There has been a consider- able number of Charter cases in recent years exploring the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms A part of the Canadian Constitution that governs the rela- tionship between governments and citizens by protecting fundamental rights and freedoms of Canadians against state interference.
© GoodMood Photo/Fotolia
60 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
meaning of “freedom of association,” which is protected by Section 2(d) of the Charter. Courts have ruled that freedom of association guarantees workers the right to form and join unions and to engage in collective bargaining. That means laws that restrict the right of workers to engage in these activities could be, and sometimes have been, struck down as illegal. In 2012, unions launched Charter complaints challenging laws that prohibited Air Canada and Canada Post employees from going on strike. If the unions are successful in those complaints, the ability of governments to pass laws that ban strikes would be curtailed.
A law that violates a right or freedom found in the Charter might nevertheless be “saved” if a court finds that the violation is justified “in a free and democratic society” because the harm caused by the limitation on rights and freedoms is outweighed by the benefits produced by the challenged law. This exception appears in Section 1 of the Char- ter. For example, in 1990 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that laws permitting forced or “mandatory retirement” of workers who reach the age of 65 violated the Section 15 guarantee of protection against age discrimination. However, the court then ruled that the laws were “saved” by Section 1, because retiring people at age 65 created necessary job opportunities for young people, among other reasons, and the retired workers had access to pension plans.
If a law violates the Charter and is not “saved” by Section 1, then a court can order that the law is no longer in effect. That is because the Charter supercedes all other laws.
Human Rights Laws While the Charter does not apply to private-sector businesses, human rights laws do. Those laws typically prohibit discrimination in employment based on certain prohibited grounds . For example, in the Canadian Human Rights Act, which applies to businesses governed by federal laws (about 10% of Canadian employees are governed by laws made in Ottawa), prohibits discrimination in employment on the following grounds:
■ race
■ colour
■ national or ethnic origin
■ religion
■ age
■ sex (including pregnancy and childbearing)
■ marital status
■ family status
■ physical or mental disability (including dependence on alcohol or drugs)
■ pardoned criminal conviction
■ sexual orientation
The Canadian Human Rights Act and each of the provincial human rights codes govern human rights issues and provide detailed procedures for investigation and resolu- tion. An employee who feels they employer has discriminated against them on a prohib- ited ground may file a complaint with the appropriate human rights tribunal and seek a remedy, including lost wages and reinstatement if they have been dismissed for discrimi- natory reasons. The prohibitions on discrimination in employment apply throughout the life of the employment relationship, including hiring, terms of employment, and dismissal.
Provincial human rights legislation, which governs most Canadian businesses, include similar though not identical prohibited grounds. For example, in Manitoba it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate on the basis of political belief, but that prohibited ground is not included in either the Ontario Human Rights Code or the Canadian Human Rights Act. Recently, Ontario added the new ground of gender identity and gender expression to
prohibited grounds Those grounds listed in human rights statutes. Discrimination is prohib- ited in employment on the prohib- ited grounds only. Prohibited grounds vary from province to province, but all include common grounds such as race, colour, eth- nicity, religion, age, disability, sex, and sexual orientation.
61C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
the list of prohibited grounds, making it the first province to do so. Which grounds to protect, and how to apply those grounds to employment situations, can be controversial.
Indeed, employers who are proactive in understanding the law and its application can benefit from diversity, as seen in Talking Business 2.4 .
Religion may still be an off-limits topic for some people,
but organizations can’t afford to ignore the subject. . . .
First, religious accommodation is a legal requirement; it
is not about endorsing a specific belief system: Deb Volberg
Pagnotta, a legal human rights expert, told the CIWE
[Council on Inclusive Work Environments] that federal and
provincial human rights laws prohibit discrimination in the
workplace based on religion. For example, under the
Ontario Human Rights Code, employers are required to
accommodate employees who are unable to work certain
days for religious reasons, unless the employer can demon-
strate that it would cause it undue hardship to do so. In
addition to religious leave, employers may be asked to
consider requests related to issues such as dress code flex-
ibility and breaks for religious observance or prayer.
However, Nouman Ashraf, Director of the Anti-Racism and
Cultural Diversity Office at the University of Toronto, empha-
sized that “accommodating and celebrating spiritual traditions
and holidays does not constitute an endorsement of a specific
belief system, just as supporting women or those with differ-
ent levels of ability and sexual preferences does not translate
into a corporate statement of preferential treatment.”
Second, faith is not too personal for the workplace:
Some organizations are hesitant to visibly support religious
diversity because faith is “too private.” Consequently, they
respond reactively to religious requests rather than proac-
tively supporting faith at work. Yet organizations have
grown to support diversity related to grounds such as sexual
orientation that were once also considered private or per-
sonal. Today, leading organizations recognize that, for many
employees, faith is an essential aspect of their identities and
an integral part of who they are. Respectfully acknowledg-
ing their faith is fundamental to engaging the whole person.
Third, culture and faith are not one and the same: Many
organizations assume that religious diversity is addressed
under cultural diversity policies and training. Nadir Shirazi,
President of Multifacet Diversity Solutions, stressed that reli-
gious affiliation is not synonymous with culture; therefore,
training in religious diversity is required, particularly as the
Organizations Seeing the Light about Faith at Work workplace becomes increasingly multicultural and global. In
addition, some workers choose religions or belief systems
outside of their cultural and family traditions. Nadir noted
that organizations also need to be aware that even people
who share the same faith will practice it in different ways.
Fourth, acknowledging religious diversity can benefit the
company: The Ford Motor Company, viewed by many as a
leader in supporting faith diversity, connects its faith-based
efforts to its business goals. Dan Dunnigan, Chair of Ford’s
Interfaith Network, told the council how Ford’s faith-friendly
initiatives have helped the company attract and retain val-
ued employees. He noted how one Ford employee summed
up the benefits: “My faith is the foundation of who I am as
a human being. It is deeply important to me and guides how
I choose to live my life, the quality of my work, [and] every-
thing I do, and the company honours and embraces that.”
There are also opportunities for organizations to encour-
age employee faith groups to get involved in community
activities, such as food drives, violence prevention programs,
and green initiatives. Supporting their efforts can further an
organization’s corporate social responsibility goals.
Senior management support and a strong diversity
policy that is aligned with business values and goals are pre-
requisites for creating a faith-inclusive environment. Effec-
tive faith diversity strategies are proactive and go beyond the
requirements of compliance; they are designed to help the
organization value, strengthen, and respect religious differ-
ences. A study by the Society for Human Resource Manage-
ment found that employee morale, retention, and loyalty are
the factors most positively affected when companies grant
religious accommodations to workers. By embracing reli-
gious diversity, employers can leverage the unique talents,
knowledge, and backgrounds of their workers to gain a
competitive advantage during this turbulent economic time.
Source: Excerpted from Zettel, K. (Winter 2009). Organizations
seeing the light about faith at work. InsideEdge. Retrieved from
seeing-the-light.aspx . Reprinted with permission from The Confer-
ence Board of Canada.
62 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Exhibit 2.5 Representation of Designated Groups in the Labour Force
Representation in the Canadian Population
Representation in the Workforce
Women 50.85% 44.8%
Aboriginal peoples 3.3 1.6
People with disabilities 12.4 2.3
Members of visible minorities 13.4 11.7
Source: Courtesy of Statistics Canada, Table 282-0002. Retrieved from www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/
labor20a.htm .
undue hardship The meaning of undue hardship can vary across provinces, but is generally consid- ered to occur when the accommo- dation necessary to enable a worker to perform a job requirement is too onerous for an employer to imple- ment. It is a very high standard for employers to meet.
duty to accommodate A legal obligation required by human rights statutes requiring employers to accommodate employees who oth- erwise would not be able to perform the requirements of a job because of a reason related to a prohibited ground, such as religion or disability.
All Canadian human rights legislation prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of physical and mental disability. When a disabled worker is unable to perform all of the essential duties of a job, these laws impose on employers a duty to accommodate the employ- ee’s disability with the aim of enabling the worker to perform the job. This might mean providing the employee with special tools to help with lifting, to build ramps or elevators, or to change schedules to give disabled workers more frequent breaks, among other changes. Changes need to be made up to the point that they would cause undue hardship , which is an onerous standard for employers to meet. The duty to accommodate applies to other pro- hibited grounds too, including religion. For example, employers have been ordered to give employees time off work to observe religious holidays that fall on regular work days.
Employment Equity Legislation A significant portion of our valued labour pool is derived from members of designated groups whose participation in the workplace contributes to the success of an organization. With regard to past discrimination, there are four groups in particular that traditionally have not received equitable treatment in employment: women, Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities, and people with disabilities. Exhibit 2.5 identifies their relative presence in the population and the labour pool. These groups represent approximately 60% of the total workforce. They have faced significant obstacles related to their status in the labour force, including high unemployment, occu- pational segregation, pay inequities, and limited opportunities for career advancement.
The federal government introduced the Employment Equity Act in 1986 to break down barriers for these four designated groups. Before looking at how that legislation works, consider the following background on the designated groups.
Women Traditionally, women have been segregated in occupations that are accorded both lower status and lower pay. According to a 2003 report by Statistics Canada (based on 2001 census data), while women represented 44.8% of the total workforce, they were clearly not equally represented across occupations. For example, women have been underrepresented in such areas as semiprofessional occupations, management and board positions, supervi- sors in crafts and trades, and sales and service personnel. The failure of women to achieve higher-level corporate positions has been attributed to a variety of sources, including lack of mentoring opportunities, lack of female role models, stereotyping and preconceptions of women’s roles and abilities, exclusion from informal networks of communication, and failure of senior leaders to assume accountability for women’s advancement.
In a report commissioned by the Women’s Executive Network (WXN) in Canada, the majority of women executives surveyed believe they have to work twice as hard as men to achieve success. Respondents also indicated that they continuously find themselves hitting
designated groups The four designated groups under Canada’s Employment Equity Act: women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities.
63C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
the “glass ceiling” and are not accepted into the executive-level culture, which includes participation in “the boys club.” The findings also revealed a concern that women con- tinue to face more barriers to career advancement than men with the same qualifications and are often presented with fewer opportunities. Among the greatest career barriers iden- tified was the “the lack of comfort on the part of men in dealing with women on a profes- sional level.” Gender-based stereotyping was also indicated as a career barrier. In addition, many respondents felt that they are paid less than men with similar qualifications and they receive less credit and recognition for accomplishments (see Talking Business 2.5 ).
He Says, She Says: Gender Gap Persists in Attitudes toward Women’s Advancement in the Workplace Attitudes about advancing women into senior management
roles are still polarized along gender lines. Men in senior execu-
tive positions appear to be the least concerned about increas-
ing the number of women in the top ranks of organizations.
Yet the stagnating advancement of women to senior
positions in recent decades may be due to more than the
attitudes of men. Women in Leadership: Perceptions and
Priorities for Change finds that a gap in opportunities
between women and men emerges early in their respec-
tive careers—at the first level of management. Compared
to men, women are less likely to feel they can obtain line
management responsibilities, creating an experience gap
at the earliest stages of their management careers.
Further, both women and men were of the view that lead-
ership development and human resource management pro-
grams were not serving their intended purposes—identifying
and developing the next generation of leadership candidates.
“Gender diversity in senior management is a strategic
and cultural issue within organizations. Our research
shows that barriers to women’s advancement exist
throughout organizations, but the responsibility starts at
the very top—with the board of directors and the existing
senior management,” said Ian Cullwick, Vice-President,
Leadership and Human Resources.
“It will take more than neutrality on the part of senior
male executives to bring about significant improvement in
the advancement of women within organizations.”
Numerous studies have shown that organizations
improve their bottom lines when they have more women
in senior management positions.
Leadership opportunities, motivations and abilities are
three factors that are crucial to women’s advancement. In the
research, a fourth factor has emerged as even more crucial—
attitudes. These attitudes can have a huge influence on the
other factors. Eighty-six (86) per cent of women believe there
is still a glass ceiling. While 68 per cent of women managers
think that the organizations are still run by an “old-boys
club”, only 43 per cent of men agree.
This finding shows in the survey results when upper-level
female managers indicated that they have the same aspira-
tions as their male counterparts to reach senior management.
Women in first-level management, however, appeared less
ambitious to reach senior levels of the organization than men.
“Paradoxically, we may need more female leaders
before we can increase the number of women in senior
management,” said Donna Burnett-Vachon, Associate
Director, Leadership and Human Resources.
Most women (and men, for that matter) ranked formal
Talent Management programs at the bottom of the list in
terms of having an impact on their careers. Further, men-
tors for women were more likely [to] have a lower organi-
zational rank than men, and women were more likely than
men to look outside their organizations for mentors.
“To advance, women need not just mentors, but
sponsors—senior leaders who can advocate for them and help
to open up career opportunities, often in an informal way.
However, women are less likely than men to have sponsors as
they work their way up the ranks,” said Burnett-Vachon.
Based on a core focus on changing philosophies and
values, recommendations for change fall into three cate-
gories, which together make up an integrated approach to
promoting the advancement of women in organizations:
• Governance: Make women’s advancement a formal gov-
ernance and performance priority for the board; ensure
that policies, practices and measures are both in place
64 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
TALKING BUSINESS 2.5 (continued)
and consistently applied; communicate the business case
for advancing women throughout the organization.
• Leadership development: Engage senior leaders to identify
emerging women leaders; ensure there are senior women
role models in the organization; provide high-potential
and emerging women leaders with strategic assignments.
• Human Resources Management: Identify actual or per-
ceived barriers to career development; seek out
high-potential women from the earliest career stages and
provide meaningful support; regularly review talent
management practices and educate supervisors and man-
agers on such processes; provide more family-friendly
policies and encourage all employees (men and women)
to take advantage of them.
Some Canadian organizations do follow best prac-
tices and get exceptional results, but they are not the
norm. Without the involvement of top leaders who
champion, monitor, and measure organizational prog-
ress, the number of women in the senior leadership
ranks will not increase dramatically any time soon.
The report is based on a national survey of 876
women and men, along with in-depth interviews with
29 women (15 who have reached C-suite levels and
14 emerging leaders). Overall, 43 per cent of male
managers and 68 per cent of female managers agree
that organizations should try to increase the number
of women in senior management. Male senior execu-
tives were the least likely of all management groups to
agree that there is a need to increase the number of
women in leadership roles. The vast majority of female
senior executives (90 per cent) agreed or strongly agreed
that organizations should try to increase the number of
women in their senior ranks. But only 42 per cent of men
agreed with that sentiment.
Source: Brent Dowdall, (2013, May 15). He Says, She Says:
Gender Gap Persists in Attitudes Toward Women’s Advancement
in the Workplace. Reprinted with permission from The Confer-
ence Board of Canada. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/
press/ newsrelease/13-05-15/he_says_she_says_gender_gap_
Senior executive
Women Men
Middle manager
First-level managers
Support for Increasing the Number of Women in Senior Management, by Gender and Level
Note: Data represent the percentage of respondents who strongly
agree/agree with the statement “Organizations should try to increase
the numbers of women in their senior ranks,” n = 430.
A major difficulty in achieving this goal is that most of this large cohort of Native Canadians coming of working age will have insufficient education and limited job experience, restricting their ability to compete for jobs. . . . Native communities and the private and public sectors will have to implement creative solutions to narrow the education and employment gaps. 11
11 Loizides, S. (2003, December 15). Aboriginal baby boom a challenge for employment prospects. Canadian HR Reporter, 16 (22), 10.
Aboriginal Peoples Aboriginals make up about 3.3% of the population. They represent one of the fastest growing populations in Canada but remain vastly underrepresented in the workforce, with their unemployment rate hovering at the 20% range. Researchers have estimated that the Aboriginal population “baby boom” will result in 350,000 Aboriginal people reaching working age by the next few years, and this underscores the growing need for Canada to absorb more Aboriginal people into its workforce. However, as researcher Stelios Loizedes of The Conference Board of Canada observed:
65C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
The educational challenge has proven to be a significant barrier, with Aboriginal populations experiencing a high school dropout rate of 70%. In addition, the lack of job experience and language and cultural barriers have made the plight of this group often appear bleak.
Another barrier to improved employment is the geographical distribution of the Aboriginal community. Employment opportunities on or near Aboriginal reserves are lim- ited. In addition, while over half of the Aboriginal population live in the four Western provinces, these provinces account for a relatively small percentage of the total jobs in Canada, compared to Quebec and Ontario. Sadly, in many urban contexts, Aboriginal workers have typically been largely segregated in low-wage, unstable employment.
Among the biggest barriers faced by the Aboriginal community may be perception— with many Aboriginal Canadians feeling that they do not “fit” with the corporate envi- ronment. As David Brown observed:
That’s a problem for both the First Nations community and corporate Canada to address. Aboriginal Canadians have been prevented from playing a part in the modern corporate world for so long that many now feel that exclusion is normal. 12
Aboriginal Canadians, however, have the potential ability to meet Canada’s labour shortages, as seen in Talking Business 2.6 .
12 Brown, D. (2003, December 15). Overcoming sense of exclusion is key to making inroads in mainstream jobs. Canadian HR Reporter, 16 (22). 9.
Aboriginal Workers: Integral to Canada’s Ongoing Competitiveness and Performance In the coming years, Canada’s economy is unlikely to have
enough workers with the right skills to meet its labour market
needs. Our workforce is aging at an accelerating rate, and the
fertility levels of the Canadian population are below replace-
ment levels. Canada’s Aboriginal population—including Métis,
Inuit, and First Nations—can play an important role in helping
meet Canada’s current and future labour market needs.
The Aboriginal population is the fastest growing popu-
lation in Canada, and is also much younger than the non-
Aboriginal population. Between 1996 and 2006, Canada’s
Aboriginal population grew by 45 per cent while Canada’s
non-Aboriginal population grew by just 8 per cent. In 2006,
39.8 per cent of Aboriginals were under the age of twenty,
compared to only 24.1 per cent of non-Aboriginals.
Yet, Canada’s Aboriginal population continues to be unde-
rutilized within the workforce. In 2006, the unemployment
rate for non-Aboriginals was 5.2 per cent, compared with
unemployment rates of 19 per cent for Inuit, 16.3 per cent for
First Nations, and 8.4 per cent for Métis. Why do Aboriginal
employment levels lag behind those of Canada’s non-Aborig-
inal population? . . .
One reason for the lagging employment levels of [the]
Aboriginal population is lower educational attainment.
Some Aboriginal workers lack the educational qualifications
they need to succeed in the labour force—such as post-
secondary education, or skills such as literacy and numer-
acy. The educational shortfall compared to the Canadian
average is striking. The 2006 Census notes that just 8 per
cent of Aboriginals have a university degree compared to
23 per cent of non-Aboriginals. And 34 per cent of Aborig-
inals aged 25 to 64 have not completed high school com-
pared to 15 percent of non-Aboriginals in Canada.
However, Aboriginals are also more likely to be unemployed
than non-Aboriginals with the same level of education.
What else might explain the underutilization of Canada’s
Métis, Inuit, and First Nations within the labour force?
66 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Our initial findings suggest that Aboriginal workers
often lack much-needed work experience, or formal doc-
umentation of their work experiences and skills, required
to gain entry to good jobs. As well, some Aboriginals, par-
ticularly those in remote areas, lack access to transporta-
tion to get to work. Others are reluctant to leave their
communities for a job for an extended period, contribut-
ing further to their underutilization. Negative stereotypes
may also make it difficult for Aboriginals to gain employ-
ment, and may make it difficult for them to succeed in
some work environments.
The challenges facing Aboriginal people will need to be
overcome in order to reduce Canada’s labour shortages.
The solutions will not be easy or quick: engaging Métis,
Inuit, and First Nations people more fully in Canadian
workplaces will take some time.
Source: Excerpted from Edge, J. (2012, February 1). Aboriginal
workers: Integral to Canada’s ongoing competitiveness and per-
formance. Reprinted with permission from The Conference Board
of Canada. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/topics/
to_canada_s_ongoing_competitiveness_and_performance.aspx .
TALKING BUSINESS 2.6 (continued)
In the coming decades, people with a disability will comprise a larger percentage of the population in Canada than ever before. The math is pretty straightforward. As the baby boom generation grows older, the overall age of the population will increase. And because the incidence of disabilities is strongly correlated to age, these numbers will rise together. The degree of accessibility available to this aging population will play a key role in deter- mining their level of health or of hardship, just as it plays a critical role in the daily lives of the more than four million people currently living with a disability in Canada. 13
Individuals with Disabilities Individuals with disabilities have faced a variety of employment obstacles. Typically, this group has experienced a higher unemployment rate compared to the national average. Among the challenges faced are attitudinal barriers in the workplace, physical demands unrelated to the job requirements, and inadequate access to technical and human support systems.
The Canadian Healthcare Network, a national nonprofit web-based health informa- tion service, clearly notes the importance of acknowledging this segment of the population and of the labour pool:
13 Canadian Health Network. Retrieved from www.canadian-health-network.ca/servlet/ContentServer?cid=104 5848110489&pagename=CHN-RCS%2FPage%2FGTPageTemplate&c=Page&lang=En .
14 Canadian Labour and Business Centre (n.d.). CLBC Handbook: Immigration and skill shortages. Retrieved from www.clbc.ca/files/reports/immigration_handbook.pdf .
A major challenge faced by people with disabilities is the issue of accessibility. This can entail a variety of obstacles. While physical barriers may be the most visible obstacle to full accessibility, economic barriers, social discrimination, and obstacles to communica- tion can all prevent someone from having equal access to a building, a service, or a job (see Talking Business 2.7 ).
Visible Minorities Visible minorities make up a growing segment of the population. In the past decade, almost 70% of the growth in the labour force was accounted for by newcomers who arrived in the 1990s. 14 In addition, as the baby boom generation
67C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
15 Kustec, S. (2012). Appendix A: The importance of immigration to labour force growth. The role of migrant labour supply in the Canadian labour market. Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Retrieved from www.cic.gc.ca/ english/resources/research/2012-migrant/appa.asp .
The Conference Board of Canada in partnership with the
Government of Ontario’s EnAbling Change program have
released a new free resource to help employers make their
workplaces more inclusive.
This free resource, Employers’ Toolkit: Making Ontario
Workplaces Accessible to People With Disabilities , is
intended to help employers to understand and implement
the Employment Standard related to the Accessibility for
Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
“Employers across Ontario will have to implement the
Employment Standard over the next five years. This tool-
kit will help organizations make their workplaces more
inclusive. A strong business case exists for creating acces-
sible and inclusive work environments for employees
with disabilities,” said Ruth Wright, Director, Human
Resources Management Research, The Conference Board
of Canada.
“The full inclusion of people with disabilities in all
aspects of community life and the workplace opens the
door to their full participation in the economy as custom-
ers, entrepreneurs, and employees. An inclusive work
environment is one where everyone is treated with respect
and all employees are valued for their contributions.”
Labour shortages are looming in Ontario. A 2007 Con-
ference Board report indicated that vacancies in Ontario
could reach 190,000 in 2020, and rise to 364,000 by
2025 and to 564,000 by 2030.
Ontario Employers Have a New Tool to Improve Accessibility for People with Disabilities
According to Statistics Canada, approximately 15.5 per
cent of Ontarians had a disability in 2006. And Ontario
government data reveal that in 2009, people with disabili-
ties were three times more likely than people without dis-
abilities to be unemployed or out of the labour force.
This toolkit helps employers of all sizes to implement
the Employment Standard. It includes:
• Special text boxes that introduce each of the individual
sections of the Employment Standard requirements;
• Tips and good practices to promote inclusive practices
at all stages of employment;
• Case studies to help employers to see how others have suc-
cessfully implemented accessible strategies and policies;
• Tips for small businesses that frame the requirements
of the Employment Standard according [to] their spe-
cific circumstances; and
• Tools and templates that employers can tailor to their
own organizations.
Source: Brent Dowdall, (2013, January 23). Ontario employers
have a new tool to improve accessibility for people with disabili-
ties. Reprinted with permission from The Conference Board
of Canada. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/press/
disabilities.aspx .
retires, immigrant workers will play a greater role in the labour pool. It is estimated that sometime between 2011 and 2016, new immigrants will account for 100% of the labour force growth. 15
Workplace obstacles faced by visible minorities include culturally biased aptitude tests, lack of recognition of foreign credentials, and excessively high language require- ments. Recent statistics indicate that while visible minorities are well educated, they experience the highest unemployment rates, with recent estimates at roughly twice as high as that for the Canadian-born population.
A study released by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation indicated that desirable jobs and promotions elude many visible minorities and Aboriginal people who believe
68 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
16 Kunz, J.L., Milan, A., & Schetagne, S. (2000). Unequal access: A Canadian profile of racial differences in educa- tion, employment and income. Canadian Race Relations Foundation. Retrieved from http://atwork.settlement. org/downloads/unequal_access.pdf .
that subtle forms of racism permeate the workplace. 16 The report, prepared by Jean Lock Kunz, Anne Milan, and Sylvain Schetagne from the Canadian Council on Social Devel- opment (CCSD), examined the experiences of visible minorities and Aboriginal peoples in cities across Canada. Among the findings were the following:
■ Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities, and immigrants to Canada encounter more challenges in finding employment in all regions in Canada.
■ Foreign-born visible minorities experience the greatest difficulty finding desirable work, and only half of those with a university education have high-skilled jobs.
■ Compared to White Canadians, visible minorities and Aboriginals who possess a uni- versity education are less likely to hold managerial and professional positions. Among those visible minorities who do hold managerial positions, over 50% are self- employed, compared with only 30% of White Canadians.
■ Higher education appears to yield fewer benefits for minorities and Aboriginals in terms of employment and income. Given the same level of education, White Canadi- ans (both foreign-born and Canadian-born) are three times as likely as Aboriginals and about twice as likely as foreign-born visible minorities to rank among the top 20% of income earners.
The Model of the Employment Equity Act The Department of Justice defines equity as focusing on treating people fairly by recog- nizing that different individuals and groups require different measures to ensure fair and comparable results. Employment equity was a term developed by Justice Rosalie Abella, commissioner of the Royal Commission on Equality in Employment (1984), to reflect a distinct Canadian process for achieving equality in all areas of employment. In addition, the term was intended to distinguish the process from the US notion of “affirmative action” as well as to move beyond the “equal opportunity” measures that were available in Canada at that time.
According to the commission, “systemic discrimination” was responsible for most of the inequality found in employment. Systemic discrimination refers to internal policies, prac- tices, patterns, or biases that tend to disadvantage some groups and favour others. It might not be deliberate, but it has the effect of excluding certain classes of people. For example, if managers of a business hold management meetings and make important business decisions on golf courses or in “men’s clubs,” they might envision managers as people who like to go to those places. This perception would tend to work against women seeking management posi- tions. If managers believe people educated in Canada are “smarter” than people educated in other countries, then they will tend to give preference to Canadian-educated applicants and employees. Systemic discrimination maintains historical preferences and creates barriers to diversity in workplaces.
employment equity A term that was developed by Justice Rosalie Abella, commissioner of the Royal Commission on Equality in Employment (1984), to describe a model designed to remove sys- temic barriers that have historically led to underrepresentation in Canada’s labour market of people from the four designated groups.
systemic discrimination Internal policies, practices, patterns, or biases that tend to disadvantage some groups and favour others. It might not be deliberate, but it has the effect of excluding certain classes of people.
69C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
To address systemic discrimination, the Employment Equity Act (EEA) was designed as an ongoing planning process used by an employer to accomplish a number of objectives:
■ eliminating employment barriers for the four designated groups identified in the Employment Equity Act—women, people with disabilities, Aboriginal people, and members of visible minorities
■ redressing past discrimination in employment opportunities and preventing future barriers
■ improving access for the designated groups and increasing their distribution through- out all occupations and at all levels
■ fostering a climate of equity in the organization
■ implementing positive policies and practices to ensure the effects of systemic barriers are eliminated.
Note that the EEA only applies to private-sector employers under federal jurisdiction as well as almost all employees of the federal government. This means that it does not apply to the vast majority of private-sector businesses in Canada, which are governed by provincial laws.
The EEA requires employers that have 100 employees or more to implement employ- ment equity and to report on their results. Under the act, the employer must do the following:
■ Distribute to employees a questionnaire that allows them to indicate whether they belong to one of the four designated groups.
■ Identify jobs in which the percentage of members of designated groups is below their relative representation in the labour market.
■ Disseminate information on employment equity to employees, and consult with employee representatives.
■ Scrutinize the current employment system to assess whether any barriers exist that may limit the employment opportunities of members of designated groups.
■ Generate an employment equity plan directed at promoting an equitable workplace.
■ Endeavour to implement the employment equity plan.
■ Monitor, assess, and revise the plan in a timely fashion.
■ Complete an annual report on the company’s employment equity status and activities.
The objective of the EEA is to slowly break down systemic discrimination and thereby build up the composition within the workforce that reflects the diversity of the labour force as a whole. A number of resources are available to employers to help in this endeav- our, as outlined in Talking Business 2.8 .
More and more businesses have begun to recognize that employment equity is good for business, and Canada continues to strengthen its programs to capitalize on the strength of an increasingly diverse workforce, including immigrants (see Talking Business 2.9 ). Among the numerous organizations that focus on employee equity is BMO Financial Group. BMO recently received accolades from The Conference Board of Canada for its employment equity and diversity initiatives, including its employee-led diversity action teams, its internal employee assistance program, and its recently launched project to help identify workplace barriers among individuals with disabilities.
70 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
1. Government of Canada Labour Program: The Govern- ment of Canada’s Labour Program website ( www.
labour.gc.ca/eng/standards_equity/eq/index.shtml ) is
a national clearinghouse of employment equity tech-
nical expertise. Through the site, you can obtain gen-
eral information on employment equity or access
tools and resources for the implementation of
employment equity as well as information on legisla-
tion and programs.
2. Employment and Social Development Canada: This department is mandated with breaking down barriers
to equality of opportunity for Canadians. Responsibili-
ties include helping families with children, supporting
people with disabilities, and ensuring that seniors can
fully participate in their communities. The department
provides policies, services, and programs for Canadians
Employment Equity Resources who need assistance in overcoming challenges they
encounter in their lives and their communities. These
resources can be accessed at its website ( www.hrsdc.
gc.ca/eng/home.shtml ).
3. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC): HRSDC supports human capital development
and labour market development. Among its clients
are employees, employers, individuals receiving
employment insurance benefits, students, and those
who need focused support to participate in the work-
force. HRSDC provides federal-level management of
labour and homelessness issues and supports students
and communities through the Canada Student Loans
Program and community economic development ini-
tiatives. Visit the website at www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/
home.shtml .
Immigrants can help boost Canada’s innovation performance,
which has been lagging behind many other developed coun-
tries, according to a The Conference Board of Canada report . . .
“Immigrants tend to be motivated individuals willing to
take risks in search of greater opportunities, which should
predispose them to be innovative,” said Diana MacKay, Direc-
tor, Education and Health. “At every level we examined—
individual, organizational, national and global—immigrants
were associated with increased innovation in Canada.”
Canada is a consistent below-average performer in its
capacity to innovate. Canada ranks 14th out of 17 indus-
trialized countries in the Conference Board’s How Canada
Performs innovation report card.
The report, Immigrants as Innovators: Boosting Cana-
da’s Global Competitiveness , uses a number of measures
to show that countries benefit from welcoming immi-
grants. For example, in Canada:
• At least 35 per cent of Canada Research Chairs are
foreign-born, even though immigrants are just one-
fifth of the Canadian population;
• Immigrants to Canada win proportionally more presti-
gious literary and performing arts awards (immigrants
Immigrants Make Significant Contributions to Innovation comprise 23 per cent of Giller Prize finalists and 29 per
cent of winners; 23 per cent of Governor Generals Per-
forming Arts Award recipients are immigrants);
• Immigration rates affect trade levels between Canada
and immigrants’ countries of origin. Based on the Con-
ference Board’s model of known factors influencing
trade, a one percentage point increase in the number
of immigrants to Canada can increase the value of
imports into Canada by 0.21 per cent, and raise the
value of exports by 0.11 per cent;
• Immigrants are a source of diverse knowledge and
experience that can increase innovation in Canadian
businesses, based on a survey undertaken for this study
and a literature review; and,
• Foreign direct investment into Canada is greater from
countries that are well represented in Canada through
immigration, based on data from the census and from
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.
Despite the innovation skills that immigrants bring to
Canada, they face obstacles that limit their ability to
maximize their contribution as innovators. These include
71C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
inadequate recognition of international experience and
qualifications, failure of employers to tap foreign lan-
guage skills which could be employed in international
markets, and lack of opportunities for newcomers to
fully utilize their skills.
Employers can make hiring, integrating, and retaining
immigrants effective innovation strategies. Policies and
practices available to employers to help immigrants con-
tribute in the labour market include:
• Hiring immigrants at every level of the organization,
including leadership roles—Employees tend to be more
dedicated to an organization and motivated in their
work if they see that the organization is committed to
their advancement.
• Matching the organization’s workforce to its clientele—
Employers who match the diversity of their staff to that
of their markets may be better positioned to meet their
client’s needs.
• Providing encouragement for immigrants to share their
views—Managers who actively invite feedback from
immigrant employees reap the benefits of hearing
diverse points of view, which is essential for innovation.
The research was jointly conducted as part of the Can-
Compete project and the Leaders’ Roundtable on Immi-
gration. CanCompete is a three-year Conference Board
program of research and dialogue [that] is designed to
help leading decision makers advance Canada on a path
of national competitiveness. The Leaders’ Roundtable on
Immigration brings together key stakeholder groups to
address common issues relating to immigration.
Source: Brent Dowdall, (2010, October 15). Immigrants make
significant contributions to innovation. Reprinted with
permission from The Conference Board of Canada.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/press/
contributions_to_innovation.aspx .
Many businesses have also stepped up their efforts to assist the Aboriginal community in gaining greater self-sufficiency and participation in the workforce. There are a number of companies that have been actively involved in boosting the presence of Aboriginals in the workplace. Many businesses have proven that they can work with Aboriginal com- munities, educational institutions, and government to enhance employment prospects for Aboriginals. A typical recruitment method for companies is to offer support for educa- tional institutions, training initiatives, and scholarships for Aboriginal students. For example, 3M Canada contributes to bursaries given through Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for Aboriginal students who are pursuing careers in fields related to health care. In addition, recruitment strategies that reach out to Aboriginal communities and organizations are also employed.
Dating back to 1990, the federal government formally recognizes federally regulated companies for achievements in implementing employment equity and addressing the needs of a diverse workforce. Employment equity awards have been given to those organizations deemed to be models in the establishment and implementation of equity practices. The Vision Award is presented to those organizations that exhibit outstanding approaches to the implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusiveness in the workplace. The Certifi- cate of Merit is presented to organizations for their sustained efforts toward attaining a representative workforce.
Recent awards have been presented to such high achievers in equity and diversity as Pelmorex Media Inc., the company that runs the Weather Network. Employee surveys conducted at Pelmorex indicated that more than 90% of employees feel the company highly values equity. This company also offers training on nondiscriminatory interviewing techniques, integrating new employees into the workplace, and accommodation strate- gies. Interestingly, the company rewards managers for their support of the company’s efforts—annual bonuses for managers are linked to promoting equity.
activist government 51
“at will” employment 57
bargaining power 51
bounded rationality 51
Charter of Rights and Freedoms 59
collective bargaining 51
common law of the employment contract 56
competitive markets 49
critical perspective 52
designated groups 62
duty to accommodate 62
employee 44
employment 44
employment contract 44
employment equity 68
family income 54
income inequality 48
independent contractors 44
industrial pluralist perspective 50
intern 44
invisible hand of the market 49
labour relations statutes 53
managerial perspective 50
mandatory minimum statutory notice 57
minimum wage 49
neoclassical perspective 49
nonstandard employment (NSE) 47
partners 44
prohibited grounds 60
reasonable notice 56
standard employment relationship (SER) 47
systemic discrimination 68
temporary placement organizations 44
undue hardship 62
unemployment insurance programs 58
unemployment rate 55
union density 54
union wage premium 54
volunteer 44
vulnerable or precarious workers 48
Multiple-Choice Questions
CHAPTER SUMMARY This chapter has considered the complexities associated with the labour context of busi- ness. Societies and economies are influenced dramatically by how work is organized. We discussed how debates about the best way to organize work are long-standing and influ- enced by perspectives on markets, power, and the role of the state in capitalist societies. The result is a complex web of rules and forces that businesses must learn and adapt to if they are to operate successfully. We looked more closely at some of these rules, including rules and processes relating to unemployment and the loss of work and rules that attempt to address Canada’s diverse labour force.
72 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Select the best answer for each of the following multiple
choice questions. Solutions are located in the back of your
1. Which of the following factors are important consider- ations in deciding whether a worker is an employee or
an independent contractor?
a. Who controls the manner in which work is performed
b. Who owns the tools used in performing the work
c. Who assumes the economic risks
d. All of the above
2. “A legal minimum wage harms businesses and workers alike.” This statement is most consistent with which
a. Managerial b. Neoclassical
c. Industrial pluralist d. Critical
3. The belief that employers, through enlightened manage- rial practices, will protect the interests of workers is most
consistent with which perspective?
a. Managerial b. Industrial pluralist
c. Neoclassical d. Critical
4. “Collective bargaining through unions is the best way to address income inequality.” This statement is most con-
sistent with which perspective?
a. Managerial b. Industrial pluralist
c. Neoclassical d. Critical
5. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms governs a. the behaviour of workers
b. the behaviour of private corporations
c. the behaviour of governments
d. both B and C
73C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
6. The Canada Human Rights Act prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of
a. political opinion b. weight
c. physical appearance d. none of the above
7. An employer in Canada is prohibited from firing an employee because
a. of the employee’s religion
b. the employee is a union supporter
c. the employee participated in a legal strike
d. all the above
8. A union certification a. gives a union the legal right to represent employees
b. requires a union to demonstrate that a majority of
employees support the union
c. requires the employer’s approval
d. all of the above
9. An example of a common law rule applicable to employ- ment contracts is
a. the requirement for employers to comply with the
Employment Standards Act
b. the requirement for employers to provide employees
with reasonable notice of termination
c. the requirement for employers to collectively bargain
in good faith with unions
d. the requirement for employers to make contributions to
the unemployment insurance fund
10. Human rights statutes in Canada a. prohibit all forms of discrimination
b. prohibit some forms of discrimination
c. impose a duty on employers to accommodate
employee disabilities
d. B and C only
11. An “unpaid intern” under Canadian law is considered to be
a. an employee
b. a volunteer
c. a student
d. It depends on the unique circumstances of the situ-
ation and the provincial law where the intern
12. The managerial perspective is closely related to the a. human resource management perspective
b. neoclassical perspective
c. industrial pluralist perspective
d. both A and B
13. Industrial pluralists acknowledge that a. an imbalance of power exists between employers
and workers
b. strikes are not an effective way for workers to
c. the market will correct labour issues
d. none of the above
14. Non-union employees in Canada can have a/an _________ with their employer.
a. written employment contract
b. oral employment contract
c. either A or B
d. none of the above
15. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a. part of Canada’s Constitution
b. a legal document that protects mobility rights
c. a trade document
d. both A and B
Discussion Questions
1. Why does the distinction between employment and other forms of work arrangements matter to businesses
in Canada?
2. What are some potential benefits and disadvantages to businesses of hiring employees rather than retaining
independent contractors?
3. Explain the difference between standard and nonstan- dard employment.
4. Which of the various perspectives on work and govern- ment policy do you most agree with, and why?
5. Identify and describe three approaches used in Canada to protecting employees when their employment is ter-
minated. How do they affect business?
6. Identify and explain three types of laws used in Canada to address worker diversity.
7. What are the four designated groups that are protected in the Employment Equity Act?
8. What factors are affecting union density in Canada?
9. Provide arguments both in favour of and against a strong and generous unemployment insurance program.
10. In what ways has economic globalization affected the labour market and debates over how best to regulate
globalization in Canada?
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Sue Zheng, 40, immigrated to Canada from Fuzhou, China, in 2006. Like most immi- grants, Zheng was happy to come to Canada, start working, and begin a new life for her and her family. But Zheng’s experience was not what she expected. To get a job at a manicure salon, Zheng had to pay a $400 deposit. Eager to gain work experience and earn money, Zheng paid the deposit and took the job.
Once she began working, she worked seven days a week, 10 hours a day, for just $25 a day. Zheng decided to quit the job after only two months because of extreme exhaustion. She had no idea about her labour rights until she agreed to participate in a street survey.
“I don’t know any English and had no idea what my rights were,” she explained in Mandarin during an interview. “Workers don’t have a lot of rights where I came from.” 17 Since that time, Zheng has been referred to a legal clinic to try to get back her $400 from her former employer and other possible compensation.
According to the Chinese Interagency Network of Greater Toronto, who conducted the survey, Zheng’s story of immigrant abuse and exploitation is all too common. “Many of the workers have worked in those kinds of conditions for years and they just don’t care about their rights. They just do whatever their bosses order them to do and accept what they pay them. They never challenge,” said Wei Sun, a volunteer who conducted the survey. 18
Indeed, the survey revealed some surprising facts. Of the 119 respondents who agreed to be interviewed, most could only answer about 5 out of the 10 questions correctly. Most people were not familiar with the Employment Standards Act and did not know the cur- rent provincial minimum wage. Moreover, 66% of participants were not aware of overtime pay and 64% were not familiar with holiday pay. Only 55% of respondents knew about severance pay as well as proper notice after a probationary period. And most surprising was that only 18% of those interviewed knew the maximum work hours allowed each week. 19
According to Daniel Yau of the Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic, “the problem is newcomers are not familiar with their rights in Canada. They also face the language barrier and don’t know the social infrastructure and supports available to them.” 20
“It’s shocking in Canada that these people are working 70 hours a week, with an aver- age hourly wage of $4,” said Andy Mark of the Chinese Canadian National Council. “It is difficult to find jobs in the mainstream job market. They want to keep their jobs. It’s sim- ply about survival.” 21
In 2008, a Chinese-operated automobile parts facility laid off its employees and moved to Mexico. Hui-min Li, a Shanghai immigrant and employee of eight years, was left without $8,000 in severance pay. Li filed a complaint with the Ontario Labour Relations Board and won his case.
17 Keung, N. (2010 July 23). Few aware of labour rights in Toronto’s Chinatown. Toronto Star . July 23, 2010. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/investigations/2010/07/23/few_aware_of_labour_rights_in_torontos_chinatown.html . Reprinted with permission. 18 Keung, 2010. 19 Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter. (2010, July). Chinese workers are not protected by ESA. Retrieved from www.ccnctoronto.ca/?q=zh-hans/node/343 . 20 Keung, 2010. 21 Keung, 2010.
75C h a p t e r 2 T h e E m p l o y e e – E m p l o y e r R e l a t i o n s h i p
“It was not unusual for us to work 70 hours a week. We worked from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. and the boss wouldn’t let you go until you finished the work,” said Li. “Most people don’t have knowledge of their rights. Even if they do, they don’t dare to fight for their rights because they are not the type to rock the boat.” 22
Chinese workers are not the only workers affected by employer abuse. Migrant workers across Canada face similar issues but are not Canadian residents. Migrant workers are workers who come to Canada to gain temporary employment and then return to their home coun- tries. These workers often fill low-skilled jobs such as seasonal farm workers or live-in caregivers. According to one study, these workers are particularly vulnerable to exploitation since they are not permanent residents and there is little oversight by the government. The report explains “the depths of the violations are degrading. There is a deepening concern that Canada’s temporary labour migra- tion programs are entrenching and normalizing a low-wage, low-rights ‘guest’ workforce.” 23
Former Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney has recently acknowledged the problem. “One doesn’t want an over-reliance on temporary foreign workers for lower-skilled jobs,” said Carney. “Relying too much on temporary employees from abroad distorts wage adjustments that lead to Canadians getting better pay and delays changes that make companies more efficient.” 24
Currently, the federal government is looking at changing the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to reduce abuses by businesses. Under the new rules, companies will need to attempt to hire Canadian workers first before hiring temporary, lower-paid foreign workers. 25
Worker Rights in Ontario
Minimum hourly wage: $10.25
Maximum work hours per week: 48 hours without written consent
Overtime pay eligibility: Over 44 hours
Overtime pay rate: 1.5 times base pay
Paid holidays per year: Two weeks
Percentage of vacation pay: 4% of annual salary
Note: In certain circumstances, there are some exceptions to the above.
22 Keung, 2010.
23 Keung, N. (2012, September 17). Abuse of migrant workers endemic in Canada, new study says. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/gta/2012/09/17/abuse_of_migrant_workers_endemic_in_canada_new_ study_says.html .
24 Whittington, L. (2013, April 23). Don’t let temporary foreign workers drive down wages: Carney. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/business/economy/2013/04/23/foreign_worker_program_must_be_tem- porary_carney.html .
25 Whittington, 2013. Case Continued >
Why does exploitation continue to exist? Clearly, full-time work is not as easy to come by as it was a couple of decades ago. According to a McMaster University and United Way study, approximately half of Greater Toronto and Hamilton-area workers belong to precarious employment. What is precarious employment? Typically, it consists
© Robert Estall photo agency/Alamy
76 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
of temporary, contract, part-time, or on-call positions without benefits. While these types of positions are legal, the reduction in permanent, stable, full-time jobs is a potential threat to the economic prosperity of the region and the social health of communities. 26
According to the university study, it is now more common for many people to work multiple jobs to achieve full-time hours. Every demographic, industry sector, and income level is being affected. With union membership on the decline, so is the protection of workers. The study also found working conditions to be more uncertain and opportunities for job training and development on the decline as well. 27
Susan McIsaac, president and CEO of the United Way, a researcher in the study, explained that job insecurity is not just about reducing poverty. Employment concerns affect our society in a widespread manner from how we contribute to the economy, care for our children, and socialize with family and friends. Certainly, instability in the work- force creates stress and pressure that have an effect on our self-confidence and level of anxiety. While the study was limited to the Toronto and Hamilton regions, many observ- ers contend a similar pattern may also exist across other parts of Canada.
How can workers be protected from unethical employers? According to Charlotte Yates, dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences at McMaster University, “Raising incomes is an obvious and critical area of focus, but it is not enough. The reality that workers in pre- carious employment tend to exit and re-enter the labour market much more often than those in permanent employment requires a renewed look at the basic employment stan- dards and protections as well as revamped income security programs.” 28
Clearly the labour market has changed, and labour laws need to catch up to protect workers. It is a time for labour organizations, community groups, businesses, and the gov- ernment to address how to reduce the negative effects of an unstable labour market. Indeed, uncertainty about employment can become a barrier to deciding on a career, start- ing a family, or beginning other life plans.
According to the Chinese Canadian National Council, “stopping worker exploitation goes beyond educating the public. It is also the employers’ responsibility to treat workers fairly and with respect. A law without reinforcement is futile . . . the Ministry of Labour needs to reinforce the regulations . . . and harsh penalties should be dealt out to offenders.” 29
To enjoy a prosperous future, the university study recommends a renewed public pol- icy framework to support those in precarious employment and to respond to changes in the labour market for the benefit of all workers.
1. What factors are identified as contributing to the low (and illegal) pay of the workers in this story?
2. How do you think this story would be explained through the lens of each of the four perspectives discussed in this chapter?
3. What, if anything, should be done to improve the working conditions for these workers?
26 McIsaac, S., & Yates, C. (2013, February 23). Half of Toronto-area workers have fallen into precarious employ- ment: study. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/columnists/half-of- toronto-area-workers-have-fallen-into-precarious-employment-study/article9003680 .
27 McIsaac & Yates, 2013.
28 McIsaac & Yates, 2013.
29 Chinese Workers are not protected by ESA. Chinese Canadian National Council. Toronto Chapter. July 2010.
Chapter 3 Managing the Workforce How Can Business Leaders Best Manage Their Employees?
Organizations that succeed can only do so with the sup-
port of their organizational members. In this chapter we
will examine the roles of managers and the fundamental
philosophies underlying different management styles.
You will become familiar with the classical approaches
and the behavioural approaches to management. As
well, we will consider the significance of building trust in
the workplace.
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Describe the types of roles managers play within
2. Identify the underlying philosophies of management
within the classical school of thought.
3. Discuss the underlying philosophies of the behavioural
school of thought in relation to management.
4. Consider the importance and role of trust in the
THE BUSINESS WORLD Learning How to Be an Effective Leader: Lessons from the Executive Roundtable
Leadership skills are widely considered critical to organizational success, and companies that manage to effectively develop leadership capabilities tend to outperform their com- petitors. Ironically, while the popularity of leadership development programs continues to escalate, organizations still struggle to find programs that deliver solid results—the magic bullet, it seems, has yet to be found.
According to The Conference Board of Canada, the majority of Canadian organiza- tions regard their leadership development practices as “relatively ineffective” and express only “lukewarm support” for them. There are indeed serious questions about whether Canadian organizations have the leadership development systems in place to effectively support their future leadership requirements. 1
Given the leadership talent gap, it is time to look beyond traditional approaches to leadership development. In this regard, the efforts of such forward-thinking organizations as The Executive Roundtable appear to be moving leadership development forward.
The Executive Roundtable ( www.theexecutiveroundtable.ca ) is a successful Canadian consulting firm that offers a uniquely different and powerful approach to nurturing and developing leadership talent. Glain Roberts-McCabe, founder and CEO of The Executive Roundtable, developed “The Roundtable for Leaders” program after she noticed that up-and-coming corporate leaders enjoyed expanding their leadership capability through interactions with other leaders of the same level and ambition.
In 2010, Roberts-McCabe launched a 10-month program that featured peer mentoring, and today the program is used by an impressive list of corporate clients, including PepsiCo Canada, RBC, Torstar, Maple Leaf Foods, and the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA).
What makes The Executive Roundtable’s program different? A third of Canadian organizations already provide mentoring and coaching programs for their managerial-level employees, but such programs are based on the belief that knowledge is best transferred down from more seasoned, or even soon-to-be-retiring, managers to less-experienced employees. In contrast, “The Roundtable for Leaders” has been designed in large part around the concept of having “high potential” managers work in small exclusive groups, led by an executive facilitator, to share and exchange ideas, perspectives, and actionable advice.
Participants meet regularly to discuss key issues and topics relevant to their jobs and stage of career and to provide each other with advice and feedback. The sessions are struc- tured and led by an expert facilitator, who brings additional skills and experiences to the group and to the learning process. The program is offered to large corporate clients as well as to the public, in which case managers from different organizations gather around the table.
The program combines peer mentoring with more traditional one-on-one coaching. It is striking how the program participants perceive the value of peer mentoring differ- ently than that of coaching. The coaching process helped them establish and clarify their short- and long-term goals through challenging questions and personal reflections. In contrast, peer mentoring helped them generate concrete ideas for dealing with specific
1 Kotlyar, I., & Karakowsky, L. (2013). Leading edge leadership development: A lesson from The Executive Roundtable. HR Edge. Retrieved from www.theexecutiveroundtable.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/HR-Edge- Article1.pdf .
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79C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e 79C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
2 Kotlyar & Karakowsky, 2013.
3 Kotlyar & Karakowsky, 2013.
work challenges, exposed them to different ways of thinking, and provided a sounding board as well as an opportunity for vicarious learning. While some individuals saw more value in peer mentoring and others in coaching, depending on their personal develop- mental needs, most liked the blended approach of “The Roundtable for Leaders,” where peer mentoring and coaching were combined into one program. 2
Can leadership skills really be acquired effectively from one’s peers rather than from those higher up the hierarchy? According to participants in this program, the answer is a resounding “yes!” Participants in “The Roundtable for Leaders” program include every- one from senior managers to directors and vice-presidents at companies from different industries. And these executives are very enthusiastic about their experience. According to one executive, “We liked it so much we convinced Glain to set up an Alumni program and so we stuck together for another year and continued a similar approach.”
Based on their accounts, the program facilitates two types of learning outcomes: work related and career related. The former includes enhanced abilities to address vari- ous strategic and tactical challenges, deal with subordinates, and make better decisions. Participants describe the value they obtain from being able to receive critical feedback in a supportive, nonthreatening and noncompetitive context—which is a unique opportu- nity since traditional performance appraisals are notoriously poor at juggling the mentor- ing function and the performance evaluative function. They also report how much they benefited from the rare opportunity to practise providing coaching advice to others.
The second type of learning outcome can be called career-related learning. Partici- pants describe how their participation in the program elevated their level of aspiration and created a different outlook on their careers. These two types of personal learning appear to be related and mutually reinforcing. As one participant explained, “It’s a great opportunity to really make sure that you understand who you are as a leader and as a manager, and how you want to envision yourself and grow.” 3
It appears there are a couple of key elements that make peer mentoring successful. First, the diverse composition of roundtables appears to be critical to the effectiveness of the program. Participants in the program generally represent a range of functional back- grounds—finance, marketing, sales, operations, human resources—thereby contributing a rich variety of expertise and perspectives to group discussions. A common sentiment among participants was the appreciation for being exposed to such diversity of views and experiences, which enhanced their capacity to apply different lenses when analyzing their own situations and expanded the mindset they needed for success in their senior leader- ship roles. As one participant, a vice-president of a large advertising firm, commented:
I like that it brings people from different roles together, and we share problems that we all have. [While] the exact problem might not be identical, there are similarities that we face in our various roles, and we explore those together, and what I think is very interesting is that we all tend to have a different approach to how we might solve a different problem, the questions we might ask, and it’s very interesting to hear how others provided their objective counsel on what they might do or might not do, and we learn from that. It’s very interesting to hear other people’s points of view and at the end of the day it causes you to be more thoughtful about how you might approach a similar challenge if you were to face it. 4
4 Kotlyar & Karakowsky, 2013.
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Similarly, a director at a large media company commented that “The perspective the peo- ple brought to the table was great, because someone from HR is going to have a different perspective than someone from finance or someone from marketing or operations. It was great to see that cross-section and from different industries.” 5
Second, the quality of the facilitator seems to be another essential ingredient. The role of the facilitator is to establish a sense of trust and confidentiality, which in turn facilitates openness and sharing, and without which the effectiveness of peer mentoring as a leadership development tool would be greatly diminished. The Executive Roundtable employs former senior-level executives who bring their first-hand leadership experiences along with facilitation skills to guide the discussion.
Overall, peer mentoring appears to represent an effective approach to leadership development. Although it is often assumed that “leadership” is best learned from the top, it appears that organizations can acquire unique benefits by having up-and- coming leaders learn from each other. Peer mentoring may become a best practice for more and more organizations seeking to expand their repertoire of leadership development initiatives.
WHY STUDY MANAGEMENT THOUGHT? Leading and managing people is clearly central to an organization’s success in today’s context. However, what is the best way to manage people? Are there philosophies of managing?
Regardless of whether we are looking at a small business or a giant corporation, any type of organization must be managed. When we refer to the notion of a manager , who are we referring to? A manager can be an individual at any level of the organization. For example, top management could include the chief executive officer (CEO) or president along with vice-presidents; middle managers could include such figures as departmental or division heads, plant or branch managers, or deans; supervisors, or first-line managers, might include department heads, forepersons, or supervisors.
Individuals can take on formal or informal managerial roles. For example, a team leader may or may not be formally assigned a managerial role, though that person may have much of the responsibilities of a manager. Regardless of your profession or your role in an organization, no doubt at some point in your career you will be required to apply some sort of management or leadership skills.
The field of management can indeed be systematically studied, and a consider- ation of it is of benefit to anyone who wishes to understand the philosophies that have guided managers for the past century. In this chapter we will consider the body of knowledge that attempts to identify principles employed by managers in their daily practice. However, before we embark, we need to ask a simple question: What do managers do?
5 Kotlyar & Karakowsky, 2013.
81C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
To be a little more systematic, management has also been described as
WHAT DO MANAGERS DO ? What exactly does it mean to manage? What are the functions or roles of a manager? Management has been defined in many ways, including the following:
management The process of administering and coordinating resources effectively and efficiently in an effort to achieve the organization’s goals.
“The art of getting things done through people.” (Mary Parker Follett)
“Managers give direction to their organizations, provide leadership and decide how to use organizational resources.” (Peter Drucker)
The process of administering and coordinating resources effectively and efficiently in an effort to achieve the organization’s goals.
Managing includes the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling orga- nizational resources in the effort to achieve organizational goals.
This last definition needs a little more explanation. The term efficiency refers to using the fewest inputs to produce a given level of output. The term effectiveness refers to the pursuit and achievement of goals that are appropriate for the organization.
We need to be a little more specific about what exactly it is that managers do. Here’s a somewhat more detailed definition:
efficiency Using the fewest inputs to produce a given level of output.
effectiveness The pursuit and achievement of goals that are appropriate for an organization.
Exhibit 3.1 outlines each element of this definition—or what have commonly been considered the four central functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
The Roles Managers Play in Organizations Henry Mintzberg, a management scholar, conducted an in-depth study of managers in the 1960s. His observations have stuck with us today and seem to present a useful account of the many roles that managers can potentially play. Among the interesting results of his study is the fact that Mintzberg’s work contradicted the then-dominant view of the role of managers.
The traditional view of the role of managers was that managers were able to reflect systematically on information before making decisions and that their job was relatively clear and narrow. Mintzberg’s study of managers found that managers engaged in a variety of unpatterned short-duration activities, and the constant interruptions suggested that there was little time for systematic reflection. Most important, Mintzberg offered a classi- fication of the various roles that managers play (see Exhibit 3.2 ). Let’s briefly consider each of the roles that Mintzberg identified.
Mintzberg presented 10 roles classified within three broad categories: interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles. Essentially, these reflect three key areas of managing: developing and managing interpersonal relationships; dealing with the transfer of information; and making decisions.
Objective 1 Describe the types of roles managers play
within organizations.
82 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Interpersonal Roles Interpersonal roles include those managerial tasks that arise from the manager’s formal authority base and involve relationships with either other organizational members or external parties. Figurehead roles are typically ceremonial or symbolic in nature. For example, in the role of a figurehead, a supervisor might hand out “employee of the month” awards at a company banquet. In the leader role, the manager may serve as a motivator, a communicator, and a coordinator of her subordinates’ activities. This might include conduct- ing performance appraisals, offering training to a new recruit, and so on. A final role within the interpersonal grouping is that of liaison , which includes those managerial activities that involve developing relationships with members of the organization outside the manager’s area of authority. This could include anything from a sales manager’s relationship with the produc- tion department to a university dean’s networking relationship with the city council.
Informational Roles Mintzberg’s second broad category of managerial roles, referred to as informational roles , reflects the importance of managers as communication
Designing work activities: ORGANIZING
How the work tasks will be grouped to make best use of resources How the tasks will be assigned, including the issue of staffing How authority will be allocated to carry out the work
PLANNING Assessing what the organization’s goals should be Generating strategies to achieve the organization’s goals
CONTROLLING Assessing whether the organization is progressing toward its goals Taking steps to ensure problems are dealt with
Establishing standards of performance
LEADING Guiding and motivating all members toward the achievement of the organization’s goals
Communicating ideas and directions effectively
Exhibit 3.1 What Managers Do
Interpersonal Roles Informational Roles
1. Figurehead
2. Leader
3. Liaison
1. Monitor
2. Disseminator
3. Spokesperson
1. Entrepreneur
2. Disturbance Handler
3. Resource Allocator
4. Negotiator
Decisional Roles Exhibit 3.2 Roles of Managers
interpersonal roles One of Mint- zberg’s three broad categories of roles that managers play. Those tasks that arise from the manager’s formal authority base and involve relation- ships with either other organizational members or external parties. Include figurehead, leader, and liaison roles.
figurehead One of the interper- sonal roles that managers play (the others being leader and liaison). Typically ceremonial or symbolic in nature, such as handing out “employee of the month” awards.
leader One of the three interper- sonal roles that managers play (the others being figurehead and liai- son), wherein the manager may serve as a motivator, communica- tor, and coordinator of subordi- nates’ activities, such as by conducting performance appraisals.
liaison One of the three interper- sonal roles that managers play (the others being figurehead and leader), including developing relationships with members of the organization outside the manager’s area of author- ity, such as with other departments.
informational roles One of Mint- zberg’s three broad categories of roles that managers play, where man- agers are communication sources for the organization, whether between parties in the organization or to par- ties outside it. Includes monitor, dis- seminator, and spokesperson roles.
83C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
sources for the organization—whether this involves gathering or giving out important information to other organizational members or to parties outside the organization.
First, we can consider the manager as a monitor of sorts. That is, managers must constantly monitor the internal and external environments of their organization to gather information that is useful for organizational decision making. For example, the marketing manager may be responsible for assessing consumer demand for a newly proposed product.
Second, managers are also disseminators of information. That is, they may share or distribute the information that they have gained in their role as monitors. Obviously, managers must ensure that subordinates have all the information they require to perform their job effectively. This might include offering clear information regarding company expectations of performance standards and performance appraisal criteria.
Third, the manager may act as a spokesperson . Managers can also transmit informa- tion to individuals outside their area of authority. For example, a marketing manager might provide the engineering department with the latest report of consumer preferences regarding product design. Or the company president may report to a government regula- tory board regarding the company’s environmental policy.
Decisional Roles Mintzberg’s final category is referred to as decisional roles , and high- lights the fact that managers must process information and act as decision makers. There are four classes of roles described here. First is the notion of the manager as entrepreneur . That is, the manager may, for example, develop and initiate new projects. This might include the personnel manager developing a new performance appraisal system, the marketing manager developing a new product, and so on. Generating new projects and new ventures is a highly valued trait among today’s managers. Perhaps one of the greatest entrepreneurial leaders in recent times was the late Apple leader, Steve Jobs. For a discussion of his leadership contri- butions, see Talking Business 3.1 .
Managers might also play the role of disturbance handler . Dealing with and attempting to resolve conflict can include things such as resolving a dispute between two employees, dealing with a difficult or uncooperative supplier, and so on. The ability to manage conflict effectively can often be a critical role of a manager (see Talking Business 3.2 ).
A third role that managers can play is that of resource allocator , which involves deciding how resources (money, equipment, personnel, time) will be allocated. For example, a department head might decide how to allocate a limited financial budget among the different areas. Deciding how much time the division should invest in a new project is also a decision about resources.
The final decisional role identified by Mintzberg is the manager as negotiator . Indeed, numerous research studies have underscored the degree to which managers are engaged in some form of negotiation throughout their activities. Whether this involves negotiating with customers, employees, or other departments, a manager often bargains over issues that affect the operation of his or her department, unit, or organization. For example, the production purchasing manager might negotiate with the supplier in an effort to speed up the supply of raw materials for the company’s production department. A personnel manager might negotiate with a representative of the union to resolve a conflict.
spokesperson One of the three informational roles that managers play (the others being monitor and disseminator), where information is transmitted to individuals outside the manager’s area of authority.
disseminator One of the three informational roles that managers play (the others being monitor and spokesperson), where the informa- tion obtained through monitoring is shared and distributed.
monitor One of the three informa- tional roles that managers play (the others being disseminator and spokes- person), where the internal and exter- nal environments of the organization are constantly monitored for informa- tion useful in decision making.
decisional roles One of Mintzberg’s three broad categories of roles that managers play, where information is processed and deci- sions made. Includes entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allo- cator, and negotiator.
entrepreneur One of the four decisional roles that managers play (the others being disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator), where the manager develops and initiates new projects.
disturbance handler One of the four decisional roles that managers play (the others being entrepreneur, resource allocator, and negotiator), where the manager deals with and attempts to resolve conflicts, such as dealing with a difficult or unco- operative supplier.
resource allocator One of the four decisional roles that managers play (the others being entrepreneur, disturbance handler, and negotiator), where it is decided how resources such as money, equipment, person- nel, and time will be allocated.
negotiator One of the four deci- sional roles that managers play (the others being entrepreneur, distur- bance handler, and resource alloca- tor) involving negotiation in all its forms, whether with customers, employees, or other departments.
84 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Steve Jobs was an innovative visionary who, at the young
age of 56, died of cancer on October 5, 2011, leaving
behind a technological giant known as Apple Inc. as well as
two other companies that he cofounded, Pixar and NeXT
Inc. During his reign, Jobs was considered to be Apple’s
anchor, driving it to be one of the most valuable companies
in the world. His strategy toward his employees, as unortho-
dox as it was, was the reason why Apple was so successful.
Born on February 24, 1955, Jobs was always a deter-
mined individual. Since high school he was distracted by
technology and was soon attending lectures at Hewlett-
Packard. This quickly got him a job working with Steve
Wozniak, his future business partner. Jobs attended Reed
College in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out after only a
year and began working for Atari as a technician. Jobs
received his first shot at strategic leadership upon his return
from India. His initial strategy came more out of necessity
than forethought when driven by his desire to build Apple.
Together with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, they
created their first Apple computer, along with the initial
formation of the company, in the garage of Jobs’s par-
ents’ house. Shortly after the company went public, gen-
erating a value of $1.79 billion. In 1983, Jobs lured John
Sculley away from Pepsi-Cola to serve as Apple’s CEO, but
their different attitudes led to an antagonistic working
relationship. As persuasive and charismatic as he was
about his goals, Jobs butted heads with a person he previ-
ously claimed to be the best thing for Apple. Not only was
The Visionary Leader: Steve Jobs Jobs having issues with management, but his task-driven
attitude left employees a bit frazzled. Jobs was known for
ignoring the feelings of his employees in the workplace,
focusing only on getting the best product out quickly.
While Jobs reigned there was approximately a 75% turn-
over rate at Apple. Over time the partners did not see eye
to eye, and Sculley held a board meeting to remove Jobs
from Apple on May 24, 1985.
At this point in his life, Jobs fully believed getting fired
was the best thing for him. Being a strong-willed individ-
ual he was determined to keep the momentum of his
innovative ideas flowing. Jobs was a religiously task-
oriented individual, so without waiting long he developed
another computer company called NeXT Inc. in 1985. One
of the company’s claims to fame was creating a software
program called WebObjects, which was later used to cre-
ate the Apple store and iTunes Store. By the time Jobs had
built up NeXT he was considered a leading egomaniac
with an aggressive and demanding personality who
quickly made Fortune ’s list of America’s Toughest Bosses.
Only one year later, in 1986, Jobs bought The Graphics
Group (later renamed Pixar) from Lucasfilm’s computer graph-
ics division for the price of $10 million, $5 million of which
was given to the company as capital. Pixar became widely
popular and to this day is still a very successful company.
A short while after, Jobs became reunited with his
brain child when Apple decided to buy NeXT for $429 mil-
lion, so that by 1997 Jobs was back in his role as CEO of
Apple. While settling in, Jobs viewed Apple’s new chapter
as an opportunity to create large profit margins and turn
the company around. He started by cutting many projects
and jobs to the point where people were scared of pass-
ing him in the hallway. Slowly, through the integration of
NeXT’s technology into Apple products, the company was
able to improve sales significantly. Although considered
an irregular practice, as CEO Jobs had over 100 employees
reporting to him, regardless of his harsh task-driven ide-
als. His authoritarian model ensured that he was involved
in every step of product design. Jobs even instituted a
product-recycling program that greatly appealed to
Apple’s customers. Since then, Apple has produced many
lines of products including the iPod and iMac—products
that have found their way into homes and offices around
the world.
Reuters/Toshiyuki Aizawa TA/LA
85C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
In October 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic
cancer. Being the determined individual he was, however,
Jobs never slowed down and continued to push new and
innovative ideas while convincing his audience that his
health was of no concern. In fact, Jobs delayed informing
anyone at Apple about his condition, including the board
of directors and its shareholders, for as long as he could.
However, Jobs never retired his high-involvement tactics,
and soon enough employees began to appreciate his state
of mind. Debi Coleman, a manufacturing manager for
Apple, considered herself lucky to have worked for him
(Taggart, 2011). Jobs’s leadership strategy was able to
“infuse employees with an abiding passion to create
groundbreaking products and a belief that they could
accomplish what seemed impossible” (Isaacson, 2011).
Granted, Jobs’s relational tactics seemed questionable, but
Jobs was successful in taking an almost bankrupt com-
pany and converting it into one of the most valuable in the
world. It was not long before Jobs’s health caught up with
him in August 2011, when he decided to resign as CEO of
Apple. Ultimately, his battle ended that October when he
passed away.
It would appear that Apple employees over the years
began to develop an appreciation for Jobs’s leadership
style and strategy for product output within the company.
When Apple first opened, its leaders and subordinates
questioned Jobs’s tactics, which ultimately led to his termi-
nation. When he returned to Apple, its employees started
to see the value in a visionary who could only describe
reality as malleable. Albeit he had moments of bullying,
Jobs was able to motivate and instill an ideology in his
workers that anything was possible, including achieving
true perfection. As one individual who worked with Jobs
observed: “Over a million people from all over the world
have shared their memories, thoughts, and feelings about
Steve. One thing they all have in common . . . is how
they’ve been touched by his passion and creativity”
(Apple, n.d.).
Sources: Griggs, B., & CNN. (2011, October 5). Steve Jobs,
Apple founder, dies - CNN. Featured Articles from CNN.
Retrieved January 29, 2012, from http://articles.cnn.com/2011-
apple-founder?_s=PM:US; Isaacson, W. (2011). Steve Jobs.
New York: Simon & Schuster.; Moisescot, R. (n.d.). Long Bio. all
about Steve Jobs. Retrieved February 20, 2012, from http://
allaboutstevejobs.com/bio/long/12.html#; Steve Jobs: The Man
Who Saved Apple. (2011, November 1). MacWorld, 28,; 14.
Retrieved February 29, 2012, from the ProQuest database.;
Taggart, J. (2011, November 21). Steve Jobs’ Reality Distortion
Field: Leadership or Bullying? ChangingWinds. R .
An interview with Dr. Mitchell Kusy and Dr. Elizabeth Holloway
Dr. Mitchell Kusy and Dr. Elizabeth Holloway are man-
agement scholars and practitioners who recently coau-
thored a book, Toxic Workplace! This is the first book to
tackle the underlying systems issues that enable a toxic
person to create a path of destruction in an organiza-
tion, pervading others’ thoughts and energies, even
undermining their sense of well-being. Dr. Kusy and Dr.
Holloway’s research reveals the warning signs that indi-
cate a serious behavioral problem and identifies how this
toxicity spreads with long-term effects on organizational
Dr. Kusy has had over 25 years experience in leader-
ship and organization development. He is a full professor
in the Ph.D. program in leadership and change at Antioch
University and has written several books on leadership.
Dr. Elizabeth Holloway is a full professor and psycholo-
gist with over 25 years experience as a practitioner,
trainer, and consultant in relational practice with leaders
worldwide. She has held faculty appointments at the
Universities of California, Utah, Oregon, Wisconsin, and
currently at Antioch University. She has written several
books, numerous research articles, and consults interna-
tionally on topics ranging from mentoring to organiza-
tional learning.
Question: In your extremely insightful book, you expose the dynamics of the toxic workplace and provide practitioners
with clear guidance on how to deal with this serious prob-
lem. The book’s rich observations stem from the exhaustive
Conflict Management: The Toxic Employee
86 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
research you conducted with over 400 business leaders,
many from the Fortune 500 List. I am curious as to how you
managed to get so many business leaders to “open up” to
you about the “dark side” of their workplaces?
Dr. Holloway: Interestingly, these leaders were more than willing and prepared to share their stories. Many had never
talked about it before. For most, I think the interviews we
conducted were cathartic. Leaders also are genuinely inter-
ested in understanding how to better deal with these
kinds of individuals. We know that toxic individuals can
cost the company substantially in both human and finan-
cial terms. Leaders understandably want solutions.
Dr. Kusy: It came as a complete surprise to us that 94 percent of the respondents in our research reported
they had worked with or were currently working with a
toxic person. So far, most solutions have been short-
sighted—simply firing the person without attention to
the effect the toxicity has had on the team, the culture,
and the leaders. The fact is, a toxic personality can infect
a whole team and potentially bring down a company.
Question: In your experience, how well does the “average” person cope with a toxic colleague or a toxic boss at work?
Dr. Kusy: Although much has been written about the more serious types of personal impairment, such as
alcoholism, mental illness, physical aggression, and
sexual harassment, the toxic effects of incivility in the
workplace are only now being unveiled. People can’t
sleep, they get sick, their relationships suffer, and they
lose the enjoyment of going to work.
Dr. Holloway: The additional danger is that a toxic per- sonality spreads like a virus. Once you have one person
who is toxic, other people start to behave badly because
they are in survival mode. And once you have a culture
of nastiness, then it isn’t automatically going to revert
back to everyone feeling good. Incivility—backstabbing,
gossip, angry outbursts, condescension, and sabotage—
can quickly become the norm of operations and with
that come costly losses in reputation and productivity.
Question: It’s a potentially devastating issue—both to the organization and to the individual—and yet we all know
that toxic workplaces persist. For organizations seeking to
take action, how difficult is it to identify toxic behavior?
It seems like a very broad concept. Does it include things
like harassment and bullying?
Dr. Holloway: In general, toxic individuals are those who exhibit counterproductive work behaviors that can debili-
tate individuals, teams, and even entire organizations.
Our research indicates that toxic behaviors can fall below
the threshold of bullying or harassing. Toxic behaviors are
actually harder for an employer to address formally
through a disciplinary process. In fact, one of the key
challenges of dealing with toxic behavior is that, ironically,
it can slip under the “radar” even though it often exacts
a huge toll on employees and corporate profits.
Dr. Kusy: In our research, we discovered three primary categories of toxic behaviors that often fall outside of any
written corporate policy. The first is what we refer to as
“shaming.” This includes the use of humiliation, sarcasm,
potshots, or mistake-pointing with the intent of reducing
another’s self-worth. The second kind of toxic behavior is
“passive hostility” which involves the use of passive
aggressive behavior with the intent of directing one’s
anger inappropriately. The third kind is “team sabotage”
or meddling with the intent of either establishing a nega-
tive power base or making the team less productive.
Dr. Holloway: Surprisingly, while these three behaviors can make work life intolerable, only about 1 percent to
6 percent of victims ever report these behaviors. Toxic
employees can gnaw away at their colleagues on an
ongoing basis. Yet the target(s) can rarely point a finger
to exactly what happened in any particular instance.
And when bad behavior stems from the boss, finger
pointing may be even less likely. The reality is that toxic
people have a predilection toward behaving badly, and
when you have people in authority, who work in a team,
and they are allowed to be condescending—and they
get away with it—their colleagues often feel silenced.
Question: Your research points out that most organiza- tions have gone about battling toxic behavior in the
“wrong way”? How so?
Dr. Kusy: In our research, we were interested in how leaders and their teams reacted to the presence of toxic
behaviors. Often leaders try to minimize team interactions
with the toxic individual, restructure the environment, or
remove responsibilities from the toxic individual. In the
cases we examined, none of these strategies proved very
effective; each was time-consuming, reactive, and left a
fragmented team in its wake.
TALKING BUSINESS 3.2 (continued)
87C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
Dr. Holloway: Yes, the typical organizational responses were short-sighted and ineffective. In most situations,
we found that everything was directed toward avoiding
the influence of the toxic individual. Much of the team’s
energies may be drained in efforts to manage this per-
son. You can see the damaging effects such reactions
have on a fully functioning and efficient team. Not only
are good team members leaving but the functional com-
munication or decision-making path also breaks down.
Question: Your book was among the first to identify the underlying systems issues that enable toxic individuals to
persist. You identify important supporters of the toxic
individual—can you tell us about them?
Dr. Kusy: Toxic systems are particularly resistant to change and are often tolerated for years. In our
research, we discovered two roles that create such a
toxic system: the “toxic protector” and the “toxic buf-
fer.” The toxic protector is the person who unwittingly
permits the toxic behavior to continue. Toxic protectors
feel compelled to protect the toxic person from nega-
tive reviews or termination because they have a special
interest in keeping them as a part of their team, often
because the toxic person is highly productive or has a
special expertise. Toxic protectors typically don’t realize
that they are putting the team in jeopardy.
Dr. Holloway: Unlike toxic protectors, the “toxic buffer” seems to have a different motivation. Buffers actually rec-
ognize that the toxic employee’s behavior is detrimental
to team functioning. However, they feel that the solution
is to serve as a shield or buffer between the toxic person
and team members. Unfortunately, despite their good
intentions, the buffer is actually enabling the toxic
employee to get away with bad behavior. While trying to
absorb the toxicity, the buffer will often become emo-
tionally damaged in the process and unwittingly assists in
a downward team spiral—a dysfunctional pattern of
communication and authority in the team. In this way,
both toxic protectors and toxic buffers actually facilitate
the enactment of a culture of incivility.
Question: You identify three levels of strategy to combat toxic behavior. Can you briefly tell us about the aim of this
approach and how it succeeds where traditional
approaches have failed?
Dr. Kusy: Our view is that to effectively address this prob- lem, actions need to occur on three levels: the organiza-
tion, the team, and the individual. We refer to this as the
Toxic Organization Change System (TOCS). For example, at
the organizational level we need to understand what val-
ues exist and are being practiced. Most organizations have
stated values. But how pronounced are they in your organi-
zation? Is one of these values about respect? If not, you
have some work to do. First, you’ll need to make sure the
value of respect (or however you term this value) gets incor-
porated into a code of professional conduct. Ultimately,
this code gets rolled into an organizational policy. It
becomes your mantra in creating a culture of respectful
engagement. It’s not just a nice-to-do; it turns out to have
important impacts on the human and financial bottom line.
Dr. Holloway: Part of the large-scale design of the pro- fessional conduct code is the establishment of a zero
tolerance policy. This policy is important because it pro-
vides the context not only for how we live by these val-
ues but also for what happens when they are breached.
Certainly, due process procedures must be followed
when the situation is serious enough to warrant dismissal.
However, there are many intermediary actions that can be
taken by leaders to turn a culture of disrespect around.
Question: In your experience, how common is it for organizations to integrate a values-based approach with
management processes?
Dr. Kusy: What we have found is that most organiza- tions do not have values integrated into their manage-
ment process. So that is another reason why toxic
cultures won’t get better quickly. For example, we
favor a situation where there is a 60–40 split when it
comes to performance reviews. This means 60 percent
of the reward is based on task work, and 40 percent on
the values work. But in most organizations, it is 90 to
100 percent based on task work. If the values really
mean so much within an organization then they need
to put their money where their mouths are.
Dr. Holloway: If you change the culture by changing the criteria for the performance appraisal to include things
such as interpersonal behavior, then you can start to
change some of those unwanted behaviors. Performance
management processes are not simply a mandate to mon-
itor and reprimand but a real opportunity to reward inter-
personally effective behaviors that uphold your values.
Source: Excerpted from Karakowsky, L. (2011). Workplace detox:
Dr. Mitch Kusy and Dr. Elizabeth Holloway shed some light on the
dark-side of your workplace. HR Edge (Fall), 14–17. Available at
www.yorku.ca/laps/shrm/hredge/HR-Edge_issue3.pdf .
88 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Now that we have outlined the notion of managing and the roles managers play, in the next section we will take a more systematic look at how the role of manager is chang- ing. We’ll start with the oldest approach, then consider more recent philosophies of managing people in organizations.
MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHIES If you have ever taken a trip to Disneyland, you will notice the great level of care and pro- fessionalism with which Disney employees (referred to as “cast members”) conduct their jobs. In fact, Disney even offers management training programs through its “university” for countless other organizations. What is so special about Disney’s management approach that has helped it achieve worldwide fame and success? The answer might surprise you: nothing. However, what is rare is its ability to make sure the management philosophies employed are suitable for the nature of their organization. While a lot of what Disney is doing may be common sense, common sense alone won’t get you very far when it comes to
selecting and implementing a system of managerial practices that is suitable for today’s organization.
Clearly, not all organizations are created equal—from the McDonald’s of the fast-food industry to the Microsoft of the high-tech world, what works for one organization with regard to management philosophy may be deadly if applied in another environment. So the question is, what are the ranges of management philosophies that exist, and upon what principles are they based? Let’s answer these questions as we consider the ele- ments of two fundamentally different schools of management thought: the classical and the behav- ioural approaches. (See Exhibit 3.3 for a compari- son of the two approaches.)
CLASSICAL APPROACHES TO MANAGEMENT The oldest of the formalized perspectives of management has come to be known as the classical approaches to management , and it arose during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This view originated during a time of rapid industrialization in the United States and European business sectors. Three streams that are central components of this school are (1) scientific management, (2) administrative management, and (3) bureau- cratic management. We will look at each of these perspectives and attempt to understand the contributions they have made to the field of managing, but first we must consider the environment surrounding the evolution of management thought.
The Social Context Understanding the social context of late 19th and early 20th centuries sheds light on the logic of the management approaches that were generated during that time.
Objective 2 Identify the underlying philosophies of man-
agement within the classical
school of thought.
classical approaches to management The oldest of the formalized perspectives of manage- ment, which arose in the late 19th and early 20th centuries dur- ing a period of rapid industrializa- tion in the US and European business sectors. Includes scientific, administrative, and bureaucratic management.
II. Behavioural Approaches to Managing
1. The Human Relations Movement
2. Mary Parker Follett and Chester Barnard
3. Modern Behavioural Science and Motivation-Based Perspectives
I. Classical Approaches to Managing
1. Scientific Management
2. Administrative Management
3. Bureaucratic Management
Exhibit 3.3 Management Philosophies
89C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
One of the major driving forces behind the formalization of management thought was the Industrial Revolution . While management concepts have been around practically since the dawn of civilization, it was not until the 18th century, as a consequence of the intellectual and scientific accomplishments of the Renaissance period, that the systematic development of management principles and practices began.
The Industrial Revolution, as the name implies, was a major transformation in work processes that began in the 18th century with the replacement of hand production by machine and factory production. For example, a new energy source, the coal-driven steam engine, was created to run the machines. The introduction of new work processes and machinery culminated in the factory system of production that eventually led to mass production processes. Certainly, the factory system brought with it many benefits, includ- ing a higher standard of living. It also brought with it extensive changes in management, given that work was no longer conducted in workers’ homes, but in factories.
The philosophy that fuelled the Industrial Revolution was the notion of “ laissez faire ,” a term used by the economist Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of Nations. This term essentially meant that businesses or manufacturers should be free to make and sell what they please and, consequently, reflected the notion that government should not interfere with the economic affairs of business. Businesses should be allowed to pursue their own self-interest. The economic view of labour was a straightforward one—the employer buys the labour, and the employee provides the labour. There was no long-term obligation on either side, which reinforced the notion that employees were not valued. With a great supply of labour and jobs involving little skill, it became clear that all power rested with the employer. It was in such an environment that philosophies like scientific management eventually arose.
Scientific Management Frederick Taylor (1856–1915) was an American engineer who sought to help American industry deal with the challenges of improving productivity. Keep in mind that in Taylor’s time there were no clear concepts of management and worker responsibilities. Taylor thought the problem was a simple one to solve: Improve management practices and you’ll improve productivity. So Taylor sought a way to better manage workers.
For most of his working life, Taylor was employed in steel mills, first as a labourer, eventually as a foreman, and ultimately as chief engineer. While working as a foreman at Midvale Steel Company in Philadelphia, and later as a consulting engineer at Pittsburgh’s Bethlehem Steel, Taylor observed what he thought were significant inefficiencies in the conduct of work. The results of his observations and studies were eventually reported in a series of papers, The Principles of Scientific Management, published in 1911.
What was Taylor’s philosophy? Taylor stated the fundamental objective of management as follows: “Securing the maximum prosperity for the employer coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee.” 6 This sounds reasonable; but what, specifically, does it mean and how do you go about achieving that apparently admirable objective? To answer the second question, Taylor believed that the way to improve worker–manager relations was through scientific management , which involves at least three central features: compartmen- talizing and standardizing the work, supervising the workers, and motivating the workers.
Industrial Revolution A period of time when manufacturing prac- tices developed, between 1760 to 1840, changing the nature of work from manual hand production methods to machine use and mass production.
laissez faire A term meaning that businesses or manufacturers should be free to make and sell what they please and, consequently, reflects the notion that government should not interfere with the economic affairs of business.
scientific management Frederick Taylor’s philosophy that the fundamental objective of man- agement is “securing the maximum prosperity for the employer coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee” by standardizing and compartmentalizing work practices. This is one of the three central classical approaches to management, the others being the administrative and the bureaucratic.
6 Taylor, F.W. (1911). The principles of scientific management. New York, NY: Harper & Brothers.
90 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
standardizing In scientific man- agement, the establishment of clear rules regarding how to per- form a job, leaving little or no room for individual discretion, thus assur- ing consistent performance.
time and motion studies In scientific management, the sci- entific analysis of work, often using a movie camera and a stopwatch to closely scrutinize the elements of performing a task.
Compartmentalizing and Standardizing the Work During Taylor’s days with Midvale Steel in Philadelphia, he made some interesting observations of workers whose task it was to shovel coal and iron during the manufacture of pig iron. After carefully analyzing the range of motions involved in shovelling, he decided to experiment with different sizes of shovels and varied the size of the load scooped to minimize fatigue. He also arranged for the workers to have varying work and rest intervals so that he could experiment with recovery rate. Based on his observations and recommendations, the average daily output of workers was tripled, and the number of shovellers required for the job was reduced from 600 to 140! 7 The science of shovelling was indeed
born, and scientific management was a hit! Scientific management, or Taylorism, was based on careful observation and measure-
ment to determine the most efficient methods for performing a task. This essentially involves the scientific and systematic study of how work is done to improve the work process. Work can be studied objectively, and tasks can be broken down into their sim- plest steps. The scientific analysis of jobs required time and motion studies , which involved using a movie camera and a stopwatch to closely scrutinize the elements of per- forming a task. For example, bricklayers could be observed and timed to assess precisely which movements were most efficient for laying bricks.
All this was based on Taylor’s belief that there is one best method for performing the job—and the job of management is to discover that method, train workers, and ensure that they use the method. This resulted in specializing, or compartmentalizing , the job into its basic parts—that is, breaking the job down into its most fundamental steps and, where feasible, allowing workers to perform the most basic tasks. This kept the job simple, made it easy and inexpensive to train workers, and ensured a cheap and ready supply of labour to perform the job. Standardizing the work meant that there were clear rules regarding how to perform it, which left little or no room for individual discretion. There is no better way of ensuring consis- tent performance than through the creation of strict guidelines.
According to Taylor, then, the purpose of managers is to help set proper standards for work performance. Managers must also train the workers in these standards and direct their performance to achieve the most efficient and least fatiguing manner of working. Other responsibilities of management include selecting workers with the abilities that make them the most suitable for the job.
Supervising the Workers Taylor believed that a manager can’t be an expert in everything. He therefore suggested that managers take charge only of their area of exper- tise. As a first-level supervisor, you should be responsible for workers who perform a com- mon function with which you are familiar. Of course, it is the supervisor or foreman who would do the planning, time motion studies, scheduling, and so on. More generally, what Taylor did was make clear the separation of the mental work of managers from the physical
7 Taylor, 1911.
compartmentalizing In scien- tific management, the result of Frederick Taylor’s pursuit of the one best method of performing a job, which involves breaking the job down into its most fundamental steps or components. Also called specializing.
U. Baumgarten via Getty Images
91C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
work of the labourers. The managers directed workers to do the work in the standardized manner. Keep in mind that Taylor’s views arose at a time when American industry had at its disposal a vast supply of labour with a huge segment of new immigrants who, it was felt, were not fully capable of managing themselves.
Taylor’s views have been criticized as denigrating employees and treating them as machines. However, Taylor did contribute to the creation of management as a “profes- sion.” Think about it: Managers’ skills became specific not to the manufacture of the product, but rather to managing —that is, coordinating the activities of large numbers of people regardless of the organizational context.
Motivating the Workers Taylor’s philosophy about motivating the workers was quite simple: Money motivates! While that may seem obvious to most of us, Taylor’s views were interestingly consistent with the rest of his philosophy. In a sense, Taylor advocated a system that has recently been revisited by many different types of organizations. Taylor believed that compensation must be closely tied to performance. A paycheque for simply “walking through the door” is not motivating. It must be clear in workers’ minds that they only get a “good day’s pay” for a “good day’s work.” So a piece-rate system was desirable, whereby workers’ pay was directly tied to their output. If you produced at a standard level of production, you received a standard rate of pay; if you produced above average, you were paid at a higher rate.
How far-reaching are Taylor’s views, and does Taylorism exist today? Scientific man- agement continues to influence the management of work. From the manufacturing sector to the service industry, in many ways this philosophy has guided organizations for much of the past century. For example, consider the teaching profession. Believe it or not, Taylor and the principles of scientific management had a profound impact on the education sys- tem. The industrial expansion of the early 20th century demanded a system of mass educa- tion that would educate huge numbers of formerly rural people as well as new immigrants. The system required a rapid increase in the number of able and inexpensive teachers. Tay- lorism facilitated such a transition in the education system. Managers, who were typically male, became the supervisors or principals of the teachers, who were mostly women and less powerful and less well paid. The nature of teaching, too, became subject to the princi- ples of scientific management. Remember the need to break the job down into its simplest components? Teachers were now specialized by grade and by subject; just as manufacturing work became specialized or compartmentalized, the task of teaching became standard- ized—what you taught and how you taught it were all part of a common plan. Clearly, then, Taylorism was adopted widely in industrial as well as nonindustrial settings. Taylor’s ideas also spread beyond North America to Russia, Japan, Germany, and elsewhere.
Taylorism certainly remains alive and well across many different industries. You can probably think of some real-life organizations that are managed according to the prin- ciples of scientific management. For example, UPS (United Parcel Service) built its success in the delivery business on the principles of Taylorism. This company designed time and motion studies to ensure that the work of its delivery team is based on maxi- mum efficiency and performed under strict standardized guidelines.
However, there is likely no better example of the modern application of scientific management than McDonald’s. The success of McDonald’s is obvious and is largely based on the duplication of its services across diverse areas. Their management system has been adopted not only by other fast-food chains but has spread to retail and other industries.
piece-rate system In scientific management, motivating workers by tying compensation to perfor- mance according to output, so that a standard level of output produces a standard level of pay, and above-average output produces above-average pay.
92 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
McDonald’s achieved fame by making the dining experience reliable and predicable for consumers through the application of the principles of scientific management. Standard- ization guaranteed that customers continually received what they expected—both in the design of the store and in the system. Employee jobs are compartmentalized and standardized: Cooking and customer service are broken down into a series of simple, standardized tasks performed according to strict procedures.
Administrative Management A second subschool of the classical perspective of management is closely associated with the work of Henri Fayol (1841–1925). As the name implies, administrative management focuses specifically on management and the functions that managers should perform. Fayol, like Taylor, had some compelling views on how organizations should be managed. An engineer for a mining company in France, Fayol applied his principles with much suc- cess—and revitalizing an ailing company certainly helped Fayol’s management approach gain attention. However, whereas Taylor’s work was largely aimed at guiding managers at the lower levels, Fayol’s work focused on upper levels of administration. Fayol developed a number of principles of management that he believed could serve as universal principles that could be taught to managers regardless of their specific organizational environment.
Like Taylor, Fayol supported the notion of division of work: By breaking work down into its simplest components and assigning these separate elements to workers, the work can be con- ducted more efficiently and productively. Similarly, Fayol believed that a manager’s role is to give orders and to discipline employees. Fayol also advocated the notion of unity of command — each employee should report to only one boss to avoid confusion and conflicting instructions. In addition, this authority should be concentrated at the upper levels of the organization.
Fayol believed that employees should subordinate their individual interests to the com- mon good or general interest of the organization. In other words, the goals of the overall organization must take precedence over any individual interests of employees. Finally, among Fayol’s stated principles was the concept of esprit de corps —that is, team spirit and harmony should be encouraged among workers to generate organizational cohesiveness and unity.
Are Fayol’s views still with us? Some of Fayol’s assertions have gone out of vogue. For example, in today’s environment many organizations do not view centralized decision- making authority as being as efficient as allowing authority to reside at lower levels of the organization. In addition, the rights of workers certainly are no longer subordinated to organizational goals, and considerable attention is placed on satisfying individual interests and needs at work. However, some of Fayol’s principles are quite compatible with contem- porary management views. For example, Fayol’s notion of team spirit is important in many workplaces that are attempting to facilitate team work (see Talking Business 3.3 ).
Bureaucratic Management Max Weber (1864–1920) was a German sociologist whose work became most closely affil- iated with the school of thought eventually known as bureaucratic management . This perspective is broader in its focus than scientific and administrative management in that Weber’s focus is on the nature of the organization as a whole. As was the case with Taylor and Fayol, Weber’s beliefs came from observations of his environment.
administrative management Henri Fayol’s philosophy of man- agement, one of the three major classical approaches (the others being scientific and bureaucratic management). It focuses on the principles of division of work, unity of command, subordination of employees’ individual interests to the common good, and esprit de corps.
unity of command In adminis- trative management, avoiding con- fusion and conflicting instructions by having each employee report to only one boss, preferably in the upper levels of the organization.
esprit de corps In administrative management, generating organiza- tional cohesiveness and unity by encouraging team spirit and har- mony among workers.
bureaucratic management One of the classical approaches to management (the others being sci- entific and administrative manage- ment) that focuses more broadly on the organization as a whole and incorporates the ideas of rules and procedures, hierarchy of authority, division of labour, impersonality, and selection and promotion. Asso- ciated with Max Weber.
93C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
Leading Teams in a New Direction An Interview with Harvard Business School Professor Todd Pittinsky
Todd L. Pittinsky is a professor of public policy and a core
faculty member of Harvard University’s Center for Public
Leadership at the John F. Kennedy School of Govern-
ment. He also serves as research director of the Kennedy
School’s Center for Public Leadership. Dr. Pittinsky
earned his B.A. in psychology from Yale University, his
M.A. in psychology from Harvard, and his Ph.D. in organi-
zational behaviour from the Harvard Graduate School of
Arts and Sciences. Recently profiled in The Economist
magazine, his research explores positive intergroup atti-
tudes (allophilia) and how leaders can use them to bring
groups together.
Question: You have asserted that team leaders often spend too much time on “leading by dividing.” What do
you mean by that?
Dr. Pittinsky : One of the most common approaches taken by team leaders in many contexts is leading by
dividing. History shows us that there is often an
ingroup/outgroup leadership trade-off: Leaders solidify
their own standing within their groups by stirring up
hostility or rivalry with other groups. It’s common
because it can work: An atmosphere of “us versus
them” often can give a leader a boost in status and
power. This trade-off occurs in settings as diverse as
sports, business, and international relations. (How
much team spirit has been stoked up by getting every-
one to hate the Yankees, or Microsoft?)
Question: Is the notion of a “common enemy” (“us ver- sus them”) necessarily a bad thing for leaders to empha-
size? Can’t it create greater cohesiveness among team
Dr. Pittinsky: The ingroup/outgroup leadership trade-off isn’t always intended to cause conflict. In
fact, it isn’t always intended at all. Intergroup rela-
tions may be harmed as a natural consequence of
basic leadership techniques. Strong leadership is nat-
urally associated with feelings of group connected-
ness, which is normally a good thing for a leader to
develop. But the more intensely a group feels its own
solidarity, the more “other” everyone else may seem
and the easier it can be to end up in conflict with
them. It’s no accident that revving up a team effort is
often called “rallying the troops”—and in the end,
what are troops for but to fight? Certainly, intra-
group cohesiveness can be achieved by less destruc-
tive and more creative means.
Let’s consider a real example. We know that the vast
majority of corporate merger efforts fail. Why? Culture
clash—the leaders fail to effectively integrate members
of diverse groups from their respective organizations.
Now, I’ll bet these groups had great cohesiveness
among their own members. However, this intragroup
cohesiveness doesn’t help bridge the divide across
these two solitudes. The new organization fails to gel
because the leaders can’t wrap their heads around the
concept of intergroup leadership. This can apply to any
number of diverse contexts: cliques in a school, an
acquisition of a smaller company, various ethnic groups
living in the same neighborhood, members of a multi-
disciplinary research team trying to work together, or
even countries trying to forge economic partnerships.
Question: What is the alternative to leading by dividing?
Dr. Pittinsky: While it is common for leaders to promote their own leadership at the expense of inter-
group relations, it is not universal. There is an alterna-
tive style of leadership that resolves the ingroup/
outgroup trade-off in a way that lessens the ill will
between groups and sometimes even creates good will
among groups. I call this intergroup leadership . It is
leading by uniting . It can require that a leader consider
the well-being of people outside his or her formal
group and formal responsibility.
Question: What is involved in adopting the intergroup leadership style?
Dr. Pittinsky : In situations ranging from ethnic gang rivalries to corporate turf battles to wars between
nations, leaders face the challenge of changing how
different groups think and feel about each other. Bring-
ing groups together is important as an end-goal of
94 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
leadership, but also as a means: leaders require follow-
ers, and creating a followership requires bringing
together diverse individuals but also diverse subgroups
of individuals. This is the general aim of intergroup
Question: Based on your research, what are some of the specific approaches team leaders employ to demonstrate
intergroup leadership?
Dr. Pittinsky: In my research, I have found that there are at least five recurring tactics used by leaders who
aim to bring differing groups together. Probably the
most fundamental one is promoting personal contact.
Often the members of groups in conflict have little to
no direct contact with each other. It seems common
sense that personal contact between members of differ-
ent groups could help give each group a better feeling
about the other. An example would be to pair the mem-
bers of two rival gangs to sit together in a classroom
with shared desks. Research by social scientists confirms
that this is helpful, but with a caveat that is not so obvi-
ous. Contact has a much more beneficial effect when it
is encouraged and sanctioned by the groups’ leaders.
The Peace Corps may have had an even greater effect
due to John F. Kennedy’s stirring public endorsement of
it than it would have had as a private project.
Question: Does simply ensuring more contact bring groups closer together?
Dr. Pittinsky: Encouraging contact is one of the tactics a leader can use to encourage good will between
groups. But the leader needs to take into account the
classic research done by Gordon Allport who argued
that fulfilling certain conditions increased the positive
effects of contact, including the members of the
groups who have contact with each other need to be
of equal status; they need to have common goals; they
should be cooperating; they need the support of some
acknowledged authority. Leaders also need to remem-
ber that, while contact is necessary for improving rela-
tions between groups, it is far from sufficient. For
instance, a famous study took place at a boys’ summer
camp where two cabins of boys, the “Rattlers” and the
“Eagles,” had to compete. Even though both groups
were in daily contact with one another, the conflict
between them actually increased rather than decreased.
Whatever good was being done by the contact was
being undone by the intense competition.
Question: So how does a leader diffuse the conflict that can arise through competition?
Dr. Pittinsky: Two other measures that would combat such conflict involve promoting common goals and pro-
moting a common identity. First, introducing a common
goal to members of different groups can be an incredibly
powerful tool for bringing them together. In the situation
of the boy’s camp mentioned above, the researchers miti-
gated the competition between the two groups of boys by
giving both teams goals they had to work on together. For
example, the researchers pretended that the bus carrying
the boys back to camp had broken down; both teams had
to work together to push the bus back to camp. This tactic
led to a complete change in the boys’ attitudes toward
each other. A real-life example can be found in the former
Yugoslavia. During the Cold War, Yugoslavia’s multiple eth-
nic groups held together to achieve a common goal—to
remain as free as possible from the influence of both
superpowers [the USSR and the United States].
Common goals are particularly effective when groups
must negotiate with each other over a limited resource,
for example funding or water. In such cases, a common
goal helps to foster cooperation between the two
groups. Cooperating with members of another group
helps people revise their prejudices and—if the coopera-
tion is managed carefully—gives people in different
groups a chance to develop trust in each other. When it
comes to common goals, more may be better. While
one common goal can help reduce negative attitudes
and relations, a more permanent reduction can result
from a series of goals that require cooperation.
Question: How does promoting a common identity fur- ther mitigate conflict?
Dr. Pittinsky: Promoting a common identity among the groups turns “us” and “them” into “we.” For instance, a
governor might emphasize that both Democrats and
Republicans in his or her state are, after all, U.S. citizens.
Companies with geographically dispersed offices,
possibly including various merged or bought-out divi-
sions, often try to promote a single corporate identity.
This tactic works when the leaders can clearly and
TALKING BUSINESS 3.3 (continued)
95C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
Weber observed that many 19th-century European organizations were, in a number of ways, very poorly managed. One critical observation was that numerous organizations were managed on a personal basis, with employees guided more by personal loyalties to other individuals’ agendas than by professional loyalties to organizational goals. This often resulted in the misuse of resources for personal means.
Weber believed that an alternative organizational structure was required, and this structure would improve the operations of the organization in a number of ways; this was the origin of the notion of the bureaucratic organization. Weber identified several funda- mental elements of such an organization, including those in Exhibit 3.4 .
What was behind Weber’s principles? Consider what is potentially accomplished through these elements. Weber believed that an organization possessing these characteristics could best maintain consistent, dependable, and reliable performance by its members. By having rigid rules and procedures and insisting on conformity to these guidelines, organizations ensure that the goals of the organization are perpetuated and are not dependent on the individuals who populate the organization at any one time.
The impersonality of a bureaucracy was also intended to avoid arbitrary and biased decisions of individuals that might be based on favouritism or personal agendas. Weber wanted to see an organization with a clear administrative structure so that employees
convincingly point out what the two groups have in com-
mon so that people can easily see members of the other
group as part of their own group. (For example,
because U.S. Americans often think of voting as a quint-
essentially U.S. American act, the sight of Iraqis voting in
2005 tended to make them seem a little more like “one
of us.”) One can promote a common identity either by (a)
emphasizing an identity that is already shared (as in unit-
ing various ethnic groups who all live in the same neigh-
borhood) or by (b) creating a new identity that would
include both groups (as Flemings and Walloons were
encouraged to become something new—”Belgians”).
Question: The final tactic you advocate, promoting allophilia , seems to go beyond the traditional notion of
just breaking down group stereotypes and prejudices.
What is allophilia?
Dr. Pittinsky: It has long been obvious that leaders need to reduce prejudices and negative attitudes
toward those who are different in order to improve
relations between different groups—ethnic, reli-
gious, national, organizational, professional, genera-
tional, and so on. Negative attitudes toward others
can lead to discrimination, hostility, and even vio-
lence. But recent research has shown that reducing
negative attitudes is only half the challenge. Leaders
also have to create or beef up the positive feelings
that members of one group have toward another
group. (Such positive feelings are called allophilia .) It
is these positive attitudes—not the mere absence of
negative attitudes—that will motivate acts of good
will toward members of other groups. Mere toler-
ance is not enough. To transform an overgrown lot
into a garden, you need to pull the weeds, but you
also need to plant flowers. Reducing negative atti-
tudes is picking weeds; promoting allophilia is plant-
ing flower seeds.
Promoting positive attitudes and relations among
distinct groups—appreciating and liking their differ-
ences, not merely tolerating or discounting them—is a
valuable tactic when it isn’t possible to bring groups
together under the umbrella of a shared identity. Allo-
philia promotion, as an intergroup leadership tactic,
becomes important too because even when a “we” is
successfully forged from an “us” and “them,” over time
“us” and “them” often reemerge. Instead of making “us”
and “them” into “we,” promoting allophilia suggests that
it is possible to encourage groups to feel appreciation,
affection, kinship, comfort, and interest toward others, as
Source: Excerpted from Karakowsky, L. (2009). Leading teams in
a new direction. HR Edge (Fall), 23–26. Available at www.yorku.
ca/laps/shrm/hredge/HR-Edge_issue2.pdf .
96 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Is Weber Alive and Well? Ironically, while Weber’s work was based on observations
of European organizations, his views (translated into
English in the 1940s) had a profound impact on North
American organizations. Certainly, we have witnessed the
growth of bureaucracies over a good part of the past
century. In fact, it is only more recently that we have come
to question the utility of the bureaucratic organization
with its emphasis on rules and regulations.
Rigid bureaucratic rules work well when the environ-
ment is stable—that is, where consumer needs are
unchanging, where technology is fixed, and where other
environmental factors such as political and social forces
are relatively constant. In that type of environment, the
need to have comprehensive rules and regulations govern-
ing organizational activity and to ensure that authority
rests with well-trained managers makes sense. However,
business environments have increasingly undergone rapid
change and, consequently, organizations have been mov-
ing away from bureaucratic structures and the traditional
rules and regulations that might now be outdated.
On the other hand, some of the features of bureaucra-
cies remain as strengths for almost any organization. For
example, the notion of applying rules and procedures
equally to all individuals across the organization would
appear to support fairness and dependable behaviour in
would conform to these rules and regulations and understand that they must answer to their boss for their actions. Without these characteristics, Weber believed that organiza- tional behaviour could be neither reliable nor predictable, and decisions might become arbitrary or biased. The impact of Weber’s philosophy is discussed in Talking Business 3.4 .
The Classical Approaches in Perspective The three classical approaches to management (scientific, administrative, and bureau- cratic) share a basic philosophy regarding what is required to manage effectively: The job of managers is to plan, control, and direct the actions of their subordinates to obtain the
Exhibit 3.4 Characteristics of Bureaucratic Organizations
1. Rules and procedures: Organizations require stable, comprehensive, and usually documented rules for administration as well as for just about any organizational activity. All employees are expected to strictly obey these rules and procedures.
2. Hierarchy of authority: To ensure accountability among organizational members, fixed positions that are essentially ranked according to the level of power or authority held in the position need to be created so that members with higher positions
will supervise those in lower positions. Typically, this means that the organizational chart looks like a pyramid, with the
masses of workers at the lower levels while the number of organizational members in higher-level positions are fewer.
3. Division of labour: Like Taylor’s notion of specialization, Weber acknowledged the usefulness of simplifying the job to achieve greater efficiencies.
4. Impersonality: Rules and procedures, not personal agendas, need to govern behaviour so that relationships between organizational members or between the individual and the organization are professional rather than personal. This
attempts to avoid such dysfunctional behaviour as favouritism.
5. Selection and promotion: Those hired to fill positions will have specialized training and will be hired based on ability rather than on friendship or family ties. Similarly, promotion will be based on job performance rather than on favouritism.
97C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
Exhibit 3.5 Classical Approaches to Management
Theorist/Approach Perspectives on Effective Management
Frederick Taylor (1856–1915)
Scientific Management
Standardizing the work
• Observation and measurement were used to determine the most efficient method (e.g.,
time and motion studies)
• Belief that there is one best method for performing a job
• Jobs are compartmentalized (broken down into small, simple steps)
• Benefits:
∘ easy and inexpensive to train workers ∘ cheap and readily available pool of labour ∘ clear rules in how to perform the job ∘ little to no room for individual discretion ∘ consistent job performance
Supervising the workers
• Managers can only take charge of their area of expertise
• Managers’ mental work should be separated from labourers’ physical work
• Workers are not capable of managing themselves
Motivating the workers
• Money is the only factor in motivating workers
• Compensation must be closely tied to performance
• Piece-rate pay was desirable
Henri Fayol (1841–1925)
Administrative Management
Division of work
• Breaking work down into its simplest components and assigning separate tasks to workers
• Manager’s role is to give orders and discipline workers
Unity of command
• Each employee reports to only one boss to avoid confusion and conflicting instructions
Esprit de corps
• Team spirit and harmony should be encouraged amongst workers to generate organi-
zational cohesiveness and unity
Goals of the company
• Company goals should take precedence over individual interests (continued)
greatest efficiency from their workers. Scientific management advocated the construc- tion of tasks in a way that minimizes their complexity and emphasized a machine-like approach to managing workers. The administrative management perspective highlighted the view that fundamental principles should guide the role of the manager, regardless of the context. Finally, the belief in the benefits of bureaucracy reflects the view that orga- nizations must be run according to a strict set of rules with a clear hierarchy of authority to ensure accountability and adherence to the rules. Exhibit 3.5 summarizes the classical approaches.
98 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Objective 3 Discuss the underlying philosophies of the
behavioural school of thought in
relation to management.
Theorist/Approach Perspectives on Effective Management
Max Weber (1864–1920)
Bureaucratic Management
Rules and procedures
• Organizations require stable and documented rules
Hierarchy of authority
• Organizations should have fixed positions that are ranked according to their level of power
Division of labour
• Simplifying the job will achieve greater efficiencies
• Rules and procedures, not personal agendas, govern behaviour; the individual and
organization are professional, not personal
Selection and promotion
• Hiring will be based on ability, not friendship or family ties; promotion will be based on
job performance, not favouritism
But is this the best way to manage? Let’s reconsider the context within which this perspective was born. As mentioned, these approaches arose at a time when industry was rapidly expanding and relatively unskilled labour was in abundant supply. These approaches, in fact, all worked quite well from the time of their conception through the Great Depression of the 1930s. But times do change. And over time, the weaknesses of the classical approaches became more and more apparent in some organizations. One major element absent in these approaches is the role of human behaviour—the employee. These approaches assume that the worker will respond passively to his or her designated role in the workplace, and increasingly managers found that this assumption can break down in practice. If management practices are too unreasonable or employees feel mis- treated, employees may have a basis to complain. Talking Business 3.5 clearly illustrates that employees’ concerns cannot be ignored.
BEHAVIOURAL APPROACHES TO MANAGEMENT What we observed during the early part of the 20th century was that employees were managed pretty much the same way as the company managed their physical or financial resources: as another piece of capital to serve the organization’s objectives. Over the course of the 20th century, approaches to managing people changed dramatically. What caused us to change our philosophy of management? The impetus for change arose through a variety of sources. Some of the initiatives came from business itself, some from government, some through union action, and some through broad social changes. What- ever the source, what we witnessed in the second and third decades of the 20th century was the beginning of a more humane way of managing—a recognition of employees not simply as another resource to be managed but as individuals with certain needs that must be addressed.
The behavioural approaches to management focus on the nature of the employee and on what factors encourage employees to maximize their effort. Consequently, the
Exhibit 3.5 Classical Approaches to Management (continued)
behavioural approaches to management Managerial per- spectives that consider the social or human side of organizations and address the challenges of manag- ing people. Assume that achieving maximum productivity requires understanding the human factor of organizations and creating an envi- ronment that permits employees to fulfill social, not only economic, needs.
99C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
The High Costs of Workplace Harassment Workplace harassment has been defined as a “course of
vexatious comment or conduct that is known, or ought
reasonably to be known to be, unwelcome.” This may
include “hostile or unwanted conduct” and/or “verbal
comments, actions or gestures” that affect an employee’s
“dignity” or “psychological integrity.” Four Canadian
provinces—Quebec, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and most
recently Ontario—now legally distinguish workplace
harassment . . .
For employers the costs associated with harassment
include not only the human costs of victimization, but the
financial fallouts that result from lost productivity and
health costs associated with helping employees recover.
This is in addition to the adverse reputational effects that
our federal government is currently experiencing as a
result of recent media reports of workplace harassment.
There are also operational implications for employers,
some of which are, in many regions, reinforced by legisla-
tion. These include:
• Periodic assessment of the risks associated with psy-
chologically harmful workplace behaviours
• Heightened awareness of the early warning signs and
the actions necessary to curb escalation
• The provision of professional assistance service options
• Clear communication of behavioural expectations
• Action plans for prevention, effective intervention,
leadership, and response
For both employers and employees alike, an increasing
awareness of the working environments in which the risk of
harassment is greater is paramount, because both victims
and perpetrators are oftentimes otherwise highly perform-
ing individuals. Research shows that high-risk working con-
ditions include environments characterized by the following:
• Interpersonal conflicts or incompatible relationships
between two or more individuals
• Frequent labour–management disputes
• The perception of mistreatment among individuals
• Abusive supervisory leadership behaviours
Such working conditions are not only acknowledged—
as media reports pertaining to the federal public service
show—but are oftentimes condoned by organizations.
The rise in employee assistance plan (EAP) referrals, third
party mediations and interventions, and the increasing use
of counseling services in recent years all bear testament to
this workplace reality.
Has harassment cost you, as an employee, team mem-
ber, manager, or employer? The now tarnished sheen coat-
ing the federal public service shows the corrosive power
and high costs workplace harassment imposes on us all.
Source: Excerpted from Hughes, L. (2011, May 16). The high costs of
workplace harassment. The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.ca/topics/humanresource/commentar-
ies/11-05-16/the_high_costs_of_workplace_harassment.aspx .
Reprinted by permission.
behavioural school ultimately has led to a consideration of what lies beneath the surface. That is, what is the driving force behind our decisions to put effort into our jobs or careers? What factors determine how much “blood, sweat, and tears” employees are willing to expend in work performance?
The behavioural approach to management refers to managerial perspectives that consider the social or human side of organizations and address the challenges of managing human beings. This approach assumes that to achieve maximum productivity requires an understanding of the human factor of organizations and an ability to create an environment that permits employees to fulfill social, as opposed to only economic, needs. The ongoing conflicts observed between management and employees are not necessarily a consequence of purely financial interests. Salary is obviously an important factor in employer–employee relationships. However, employees also require treatment that respects their dignity and work efforts.
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As with the classical approach, the school of thought that has come to be known as the behavioural approach is actually composed of a number of different perspectives. In sum, this school of thought calls on managers to consider at least two critical features of organizations:
1. Organizations are designed to produce a good or service efficiently and effectively (a view shared by the classical school).
2. However, unlike the classical school, consideration must also be given to the fact that organizations are social systems through which individuals attempt to satisfy their personal and social needs, as well as their economic needs.
We can consider four broad perspectives that make up the behavioural approach: the work of Elton Mayo and the human relations perspective, the assertions of Mary Parker Follett, the observations of Chester Barnard, and finally another subschool that has been referred to as modern behavioural science.
The Human Relations Movement Elton Mayo (1880–1949) conducted studies at Western Electric, in Hawthorne, Illinois, around 1924 that drew great attention to the importance of the social dimension of work. Among Mayo’s studies was an investigation of the effects of lighting on worker productiv- ity. To test the effects of lighting, Mayo chose one group of workers to be the experimental group—the “guinea pigs,” so to speak. A variety of lighting conditions were manipulated. A control group was also used where this group of workers worked under constant lighting conditions. If better lighting improved productivity, then the group of workers working under better lighting conditions should outperform the control group. The results were puzzling, however: The productivity of both the control and the experimental group increased. In fact, even when lighting was worsened for the experimental group, their productivity nonetheless increased. How could these results be explained?
Mayo had inadvertently discovered what came to be known as the Hawthorne effect . The experimental results (productivity increases) were not, in fact, caused by the intended experimental manipulation (better lighting), but by other factors—here, by “human nature.” Specifically, Mayo uncovered that the true source of the productivity increase was the fact that the employees were receiving special attention. That is, all subjects real- ized that they were the focus of attention for the study, and that in itself increased their motivation to do a good job. Thus, social factors had a greater impact on productivity than actual working conditions did.
The Hawthorne effect had a major impact on management thinking; in fact, it has been viewed as marking the transition from scientific management to the human relations movement . This approach focuses on organizations as social systems, not simply as formal structures. It stresses the need for managers to recognize that managing involves social interaction—that “employees are people, too!”
Mary Parker Follett (1868–1933) Mary Parker Follett was a social philosopher who made a number of significant contribu- tions to the field of management in the first decades of the 20th century. Based on Follett’s observations of real-life managers, she identified a number of elements necessary for
Mary Parker Follett A social philosopher who made a number of significant contributions to the field of management in the first decades of the 20th century. She focused on coordination, self- management, and collaboration.
Chester Barnard An organiza- tional practitioner who served as president of the New Jersey Bell Telephone company; he was inter- ested in organizational structure, but he considered organizations to be social systems. He focused on communication and authority in management practices.
human relations movement One of the schools of behavioural management developed by Elton Mayo, who emphasized that social factors had a greater impact on productivity than actual working conditions. Focuses on organiza- tions as social systems.
Hawthorne effect The discovery that productivity can be enhanced by giving employees special atten- tion rather than by simply improv- ing their physical working conditions.
101C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
effective management. Among the factors she emphasized as critical were coordination, self-management, and collaboration.
First, Follett argued that coordination was central to a manager’s function. That is, Follett suggested that the manager’s job of encouraging workers to maximize their produc- tivity should come about not through force or coercion, but through involvement in coor- dinating and harmonizing group efforts. This requires managers to be closely involved with subordinates in the daily conduct of their work, rather than simply being people who make and enforce rules.
Second, Follett stressed the importance of self-management and collaboration . Follett felt that decisions regarding how work is done can often be made by those perform- ing the work, rather than by managers who may not be as familiar with the task. Conse- quently, subordinates should be involved in the decision-making process in matters that affect their work and how they should perform their work. Moreover, she felt that indi- viduals would much prefer managing themselves than being led by a boss. Managers and workers should view themselves as collaborators or partners.
Follett advocated her views at a time when Taylor was considered the leading man- agement scholar, so Follett’s views were largely ignored and have only gained acceptance in more recent times. Some observers suggest that the practice of management for the past 100 years might have looked very different had Follett been given more attention than Taylor.
Chester Barnard (1886–1961) Chester Barnard was a practitioner who served as president of New Jersey Bell Telephone Company. Like Weber, he was interested in organizational structure; but unlike Weber, with his impersonal idea of organizations, Barnard considered organizations as social systems. Among Barnard’s contributions were his notions of communication and authority. He felt that the two most critical functions of managers were as follows:
1. To establish and maintain a communication system with employees. Barnard felt that organizations, as social systems, required continual communication and cooperation among all members to be effective.
2. To clearly establish the organizational objectives and ensure that all employees are motivated to help attain these objectives.
In terms of the notion of authority, Barnard contradicted the then-popular view of traditional authority , which reflected the notion that those in power have an absolute right to receive compliance from those at lower levels in the hierarchy. Barnard felt that authority of management over subordinates must be earned—that is, workers will only follow orders to the extent that the following conditions are met:
■ They understand what is required.
■ They see how their work relates to organizational goals.
■ They believe that they will gain some benefit from accomplishing these goals.
Fundamentally, Barnard, like Follett, believed that a collaborative approach to man- agement would be most effective for organizations.
coordination In behavioural approaches to management, the harmonizing of workers and activi- ties to maximize productivity. Mary Parker Follett argued that manage- ment needed to be closely involved with subordinates in the daily con- duct of their work, rather than sim- ply being people who made and enforced rules.
collaboration In behavioural approaches to management, the consequence of managers and workers viewing themselves as collaborators or partners.
self-management In behavioural approaches to management, the action of workers, who perform the work, managing themselves by making decisions regarding how the work is done, rather than by managers who may not be as familiar with the task.
102 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Modern Behavioural Science and Motivation-Based Perspectives Look around your workplace and you will see some individuals who are completely com- mitted to fulfilling the expectations and responsibilities of their employer. Continue look- ing, and you may also find someone asleep at his or her desk, or maybe surfing the web for interesting vacation sites while the boss’s back is turned. What distinguishes these two workers? Is it a personality difference? Is it a difference in work ethic? Is it pay? Is it the boss? Is it the work environment? What variables play a critical role in determining the level of effort or motivation that employees bring to the job? Clearly, this question is critical for any organization aiming to maximize the potential of its workforce.
Another category of management theories that should be considered as an important part of the behavioural approach can be referred to as modern behavioural science . This school of thought arose largely in the 1950s and continued the systematic study of the human element of organizations. Researchers came from academic backgrounds in sociology, psychology, and anthropology and became known as behavioural scientists and industrial psychologists. One underlying theme of this work is the issue of motivation. That is, rather than considering the primary role of management to be one of control (the classical approach), these theories con- sider the role of management as one that must foster a motivated workforce. Consequently, the underlying aim of much of this school of thought is to consider factors that influence the moti- vation of employees—a key issue for many of today’s organizations (see Talking Business 3.6 ). Exhibit 3.6 (on page 105) summarizes the behavioural approaches to management.
THE BEST MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY? CONTINGENCY APPROACH Now that we have considered two very popular schools of management thought, the ques- tion is, “Where are we today?” What approaches are guiding leaders in management of organizations today? The approaches described above have both strengths and weaknesses.
Experts agree that there is simply no one best way to manage. Instead, what has been advocated is referred to as the contingency approach to management . As the name implies, this approach assumes that the best style of management depends on many con- tingencies: Different conditions and situations require the application of different approaches or techniques. Essentially, this approach argues that there are few, if any, uni- versal truths governing management techniques. Consequently, contingency management theories continue to examine different factors that dictate different requirements for man- aging people. For example, how to manage at UPS will differ from managing at Microsoft, which will differ from managing at a local hospital, and so on. This is a central challenge for any manager—fitting their management philosophy to suit the organizational context. Think about the nature of different organizations and the type of work performed and you will begin to see the importance of understanding the contingencies of management.
Here are some of the contingencies that should be taken into account when imple- menting a management philosophy (see also Exhibit 3.7 on page 106 ):
1. Organizational size: Large organizations with hundreds of employees cannot be managed in the same manner as small organizations with few employees. The need for control and the challenge to achieve it in massive organizations may tend to encourage an
modern behavioural science The school of thought that consists of sociological, psychological, and anthropological perspectives based on the premise that motivating workers is preferable to controlling them. It has produced an enormous number of theories, including need- based and cognitive-based theories of motivation.
contingency approach to management The acknowledge- ment that there is no one best way to manage and that different con- ditions and situations require the application of different approaches or techniques. Includes consider- ation of organization size, environ- mental uncertainty, routineness of task technology, and individual differences.
103C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
The Myths and Realities of Motivation
An Interview with New York Times Best-Selling Author Daniel Pink
Daniel H. Pink is the author of several provocative, best-
selling books about the changing world of work. One of
his recent books, Drive: The Surprising Truth about What
Motivates Us, explores 50 years of behavioral science to
challenge the conventional wisdom about human motiva-
tion. Drive was a New York Times, Wall Street Journal,
Washington Post, and Publishers Weekly bestseller.
Question: Why did you write Drive ?
Daniel Pink: After I wrote A Whole New Mind —about the shift from “left-brain” abilities to “right-brain”
ones—lots of people asked me about how to motivate
people to do this sort of work. I didn’t have a clue. So
I began looking at what turned out to be an absolute
treasure trove of research on human motivation. And
the answers I found were surprising. Very surprising.
Question: Drive has been on the New York Times Bestsell- ers List for close to a year. What do you think has contributed
to this book’s enormous and enduring popularity?
Daniel Pink: First, thanks for the kind acknowledgment. I’m still surprised—and delighted—that anybody reads
what I write! In a sense, timing worked to the book’s
advantage. After the financial crisis, there was a sense
that the old verities were failing us—and people were
searching for some new rules, especially those that ran
with the grain of human nature rather than against it.
Question: You cover a lot of ground in Drive , making accessible an abundance of academic research. As your
title indicates, this book does indeed reveal a lot of surpris-
ing truths about what motivates us. What was the biggest
surprise to you in terms of the research findings?
Daniel Pink: I was surprised by how vast the research was—and by how much of it overturned orthodoxies
I didn’t even realize were orthodoxies.
Question: What are the biggest mistakes that organiza- tional leaders make in their attempt to generate a highly
motivated workforce?
Daniel Pink: They’re too simplistic. They believe that getting people to do great work requires simply reward-
ing the behavior you want and punishing the behavior
you don’t. But it’s far more complicated than that. And
most leaders know that even they themselves are moti-
vated by forces beyond carrots and sticks.
Question: When an employee isn’t motivated, how much is the organization to blame? How much of the onus
should be on the individual? For example, if all of us could
successfully match ourselves with our “perfect-fit” job,
wouldn’t we be intrinsically motivated?
Daniel Pink: That’s a tough one. It’s obviously a mix between individual attributes and the context in
which one is operating. But I think in many ways
we’ve undersold both aspects of the equation. We
haven’t demanded that individuals go through the
sometimes painful process of figuring out what
they’re good at, what they enjoy doing, and what
gives them meaning. Yet, we still take a mostly
one-size-fits all approach to managing people—which
creates cultures that can be alienating at a human
level and inefficient at an economic one.
Question: It would be great to “enrich” every job but it can’t always be done. Perhaps many employees, for
better or worse, need extrinsic motivation because they
© Andres Rodriguez/Fotolia
104 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
are desperately lacking in intrinsic motivation and we can’t
necessarily provide that. Do you think that is true?
Daniel Pink: Maybe. But I think the calculus works slightly differently. Everybody needs baseline rewards—
a decent salary, benefits, etc.—so they’re not desper-
ate and insecure. Without that, enduring motivation is
tough. But once you cross that threshold, these other
forces matter more. Of course, there are some people
who don’t deliver or who don’t have good habits.
IMHO, that’s learned behavior rather than their natural
state. But even so, I’m not against firing people who
don’t perform. I just don’t think you’ll get them to
perform any better by deploying an endless arsenal of
Question: We seem to learn in our childhood education the same approach to motivation that most organizations
use—a focus on achievement or results (grades/pay) rather
than on genuine effort or learning. Isn’t that what we
keep trying to do as adults—”make the grade”? It’s not
about learning or improving, it’s about achievement. How
can we ever change that, particularly in today’s highly
competitive and volatile business environment?
Daniel Pink: That’s another tough one. In some ways, schools are even more rooted in an outdated approach
to motivation. Especially here in the US, they’re doubling
down on external motivators and renewing their empha-
sis on routines, right answers, and standardization. In a
sense, they risk becoming compliance factories. The solu-
tions are difficult, but they begin with understanding.
That’s why I encourage every parent and policy maker to
read the work of (Stanford University psychologist) Carol
Dweck. Her work brilliantly shows the difference
between performance goals (example: getting a good
grade) and learning goals (example: mastering the mate-
rial). We mistakenly believe that hitting performance
goals means students have learned something—but
that’s just not true. It’s why a nominally “good” student
like me could have taken French for 6 years and gotten
straight A’s—and still not be able to speak French. We
ought to be emphasizing—and measuring—learning
goals, though that’s far less convenient for the adults in
charge of education.
Question: One of the many insightful observations you make in Drive is that, “Most twenty-first century notions of
management presume that, in the end, people are pawns
rather than players” (p. 91 ). Can you speak to that notion
a bit? Do you think that belief will ever really change?
Daniel Pink: A lot of the decisions we make in business are rooted in our belief about human nature. Some folks
believe that people are fundamentally passive and
inert—that their natural state is to not do anything
worthwhile and that we need sweet or bitter external
rewards to get us to move. The other belief is different—
that our nature is to be active and engaged. I side—
strongly—with the second view. That’s not because I’m
a dewy-eyed optimist. It’s because I have three chil-
dren—and I’ve seen hundreds more. I defy you to find
me a two-year-old who’s passive and inert—or a four-
year-old who’s “not” active and engaged. That’s our
natural state. If people are passive and inert—and, of
course, millions and millions are—that’s learned behav-
ior, which means it might be susceptible to change.
Question: Drive explores a number of “best practices” organizations, in terms of motivation. Which company
stood out most in your mind as a role model? Do you
think these “best practices” will ever spread across
Daniel Pink: I’m a big fan of Atlassian, the Australian software company—and of one of their practices in
particular. Once a quarter, on a Thursday afternoon,
the company says to its software developers: “Go
work on anything you want—so long as it’s part of
your regular job.” The only thing the company asks is
that people show what they’ve created to the rest of
the company in a fun, freewheeling meeting on Friday
afternoon. Altlassian calls these FedEx Days (because
people have to deliver something overnight.) It turns
out that this one day of intense, undiluted autonomy
has led to a whole array of fixes for existing software
and lots of ideas for new products that had otherwise
never emerged. Now these FedEx Days are spreading
to lots of other companies, large and small. Atlassian is
also doing some cool things to rethink traditional per-
formance reviews and make them useful exercises in
feedback rather than the painful kabuki-theater-style
encounters they typically are.
Source: Excerpted from Karakowsky, L. (2011). What drives us.
HR Edge (Fall), 6–9. Available at www.yorku.ca/laps/shrm/
hredge/HR-Edge_issue3.pdf .
TALKING BUSINESS 3.6 (continued)
105C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
Exhibit 3.6 Behavioural School of Management
Theorist/Approach Perspectives on effective management
Elton Mayo (1880–1949)
Human Relations Movement
“Hawthorne effect ”
• Special attention paid to employees increased productivity
• Social factors had a greater impact on productivity than actual working conditions
• Managing involves social interaction
Mary Parker Follet (1868–1933)
• Managers must coordinate and harmonize group efforts
∘ Managers must be closely involved with subordinates in the daily conduct of their work
• Workers should self-manage themselves by making decisions about how they per-
form their work tasks
• Managers and workers should view themselves as collaborators or partners
Chester Barnard (1886–1961)
Social systems
• Organizations are social systems requiring continuous communication and coopera-
tion among all members
Communication system
• Managers must establish and maintain a communication system with employees
Organizational objectives
• Managers must establish organizational objectives and ensure employees are moti-
vated to help attain those objectives
Authority of management
• Authority over subordinates must be earned, since workers will only follow orders when
∘ they understand what is required ∘ they see how their work relates to organizational goals ∘ they believe they will gain some benefit from accomplishing these goals
Modern Behavioural Science and Motivation-Based Perspectives (1950s–present)
• Management should be more about motivating employees than controlling them
• Developed from various disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and anthropology
approach that relies on elements of the classical school, such as the need for rules and regulations and the importance of an administrative hierarchy to ensure control. On the other hand, small, entrepreneurial organizations might function more effectively with a minimal number of rules and regulations.
2. Routineness of task technology: Some organizations may require employees to work in an assembly-line fashion, while their work is governed by machinery. Other jobs may not involve any significant level of technology: retail sales or being a bank teller are jobs that do not necessarily require technological expertise. These jobs are more easily subjected
106 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
to routinization, as advocated by Taylor, and there should be strict rules on which such workers can rely. On the other hand, jobs that must continually adapt to chang- ing technology require employees who are equally adaptive. High-tech organizations
that employ “knowledge workers” are keenly aware that it is difficult to standardize the jobs of these workers, given the high rate of change within the present technology environment.
3. Environmental uncertainty: An organization that exists within a volatile environment must be pre- pared for continuous change. Change is the antith- esis of the classical approaches, which emphasize stability and order. Consequently, organizations functioning in rapidly changing environments are less likely to find extensive application of the clas- sical school useful in managing their workforce.
4. Individual differences: In any organization, employees differ with regard to their ability and motivation. Some people function better when given clear guid ance—rules and regulations regarding how their job should be performed. Others perform better when
the rules governing their performance are minimal. These differences suggest that a blanket application of either the classical or behavioural schools may risk ignoring the fact that the labour force is not homogeneous in terms of responses to the nature of work and management style.
THE CRITICAL IMPORTANCE OF TRUST IN THE WORKPLACE Globalization has created many new tests for organizations while they are simultaneously dealing with the usual challenges, such as achieving profit and growth targets, creating value, maintaining security, protecting privacy, managing diversity, and managing change. All of these factors have led to organizations today facing a fundamental crisis: Many com- panies are failing to uphold basic business principles such as leadership and trust. Combine this with the fact that the labour force is rapidly declining while the demise of employee loyalty is rapidly increasing and you can see that there’s a problem. Organizations are faced with figuring out how to improve elements that contribute to organizational success. The search for the next successful model to guide managers continues, and in searching for guidance it may be necessary to look in some familiar but largely ignored places.
Many books have been written on successful business models to achieve organiza- tional effectiveness. Traditional management research has largely condemned the military model of leadership and culture as outdated and old-fashioned. The military model con- jures up words such as dictatorship , command and control , chain of command , hierarchy, and regimentation , which are often words associated with the manner in which the military runs its business. However, arguably, the military is the ultimate model for achieving orga- nizational effectiveness based on the importance of trust.
Objective 4 Consider the importance and role of trust in
the workplace.
2. Routineness of
Task and Technology
3. Environmental
4. Individual
1. Organizational Size
Exhibit 3.7 Contingencies of Management Philosophies
107C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
While military leaders might disagree on how to lead, one theme is consistently repeated in discussions with successful military leaders—the central value of trust. Trust is a major component of the successful military ethos or character. Likewise, organizational trust is crucial. Organizations must focus on creating a culture of trust to maximize effectiveness. Most important, trust can provide an organization with a com- petitive advantage that cannot be easily duplicated. Trust is an integral aspect of the psychological contract that exists between the employee and the employer.
Trust refers to one’s perception of the integrity and openness of others, one’s comfort with the expected actions of others, one’s faith in how others will react, and one’s willing- ness to become vulnerable to the actions of others. 8 Employees want to feel that the organi- zation has their best interests in mind. Although it is now rare to find a worker who remains with one company for his or her entire career, companies are rediscovering the value of loyalty. Organizations cannot build loyalty in the absence of trust (see Talking Business 3.7 ).
8 Sashittal, H.C., Berman, J., & Ilter, S. (1998). Impact of trust on performance evaluations. Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, 34 (2), 163.
trust One’s perception of the integrity and openness of others, one’s comfort with the expected actions of others, one’s faith in how others will react, and one’s willing- ness to become vulnerable to the actions of others.
At a time when the decline of trust in business is accelerat-
ing, one Canadian company has made earning the trust of
its stakeholders the cornerstone of its business. A The Con-
ference Board of Canada case study, The Dalton Company
Ltd.: Building on a Foundation of Trust , describes how this
professional building services firm has created a culture of
trust and implemented systems to ensure that its values are
translated into actions for its stakeholders.
“Trust is not an intangible, ’soft’ concept, but a key
issue in business today,” says Andrew Dalton, CEO of The
Dalton Company Ltd. “In a challenging economy, a cor-
porate culture of earning, predicting, and measuring trust
will prove critical to any organization’s sustainability. If
you don’t have clear standards, you can’t hold people
Dalton’s systems and processes have made it a leader in
restoring trust in the construction industry as a whole. Its
trust model is based on accountability and leadership.
Through this approach, Dalton seeks to understand each
customer’s purpose, vision, objectives, and limitations
early in a project, and monitors how it is meeting these
needs throughout the building process.
One key factor for Dalton in building trust is its issue reso-
lution mechanism, which identifies potential solutions to
problems as they arise in each project. The process begins
with the responsible lead for the project. Known as the
“Yellow,” this person reports on the project to the leadership
team at Dalton each week. In this process, there is no finger
pointing; instead, the team works together to find solutions.
In its Alternative Approach to Building, Dalton positions
clients as the priority and focuses on their needs—in Dal-
ton’s words, their Definition of Success (DOS). Developing
the DOS at the start of a project is an important trust-
building exercise, as it creates accountability between
clients and employees. While a client typically defines suc-
cess as a project that is delivered well, on time, and on
budget, Dalton delves deeper to understand all of the
client’s underlying motivations. Once the DOS is estab-
lished, Dalton measures the performance of its project
team based on the client’s feedback in relation to the DOS.
While cultivating trust externally is vital, the company
also believes strongly in showing and rewarding trust inter-
nally: Trust is integrated into hiring practices and Dalton’s
bonus system. The organization’s recruiting process focuses
on whether potential employees will fit into the firm’s
culture, and employees are rewarded for demonstrating
trustworthy behaviour.
“You can train skills; I don’t think you can train trust,”
says Andrew Dalton.
Source: Michael Bassett, “Case Study: How One Canadian
Company Earns Trust,” InsideEdge, The Conference Board of
Canada. Reprinted with permission.
How One Canadian Company Earns Trust
108 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Research consistently supports the idea that organizational trust has an impact on organizational effectiveness. For example, numerous studies have linked trust with a vari- ety of desirable work behaviours such as organizational citizenship behaviour, perfor- mance, intention to turnover, problem solving, level of openness within a top management team, support for authorities, satisfaction, and organizational commitment. 9 Similarly, trust has been linked with better task performance, openness in communication, informa- tion sharing, reduced conflict between partners in interorganizational relationships, and better acceptance of organizational decisions and goals. 10
Equally, the absence of organizational trust can create serious challenges for an organi- zation. Where there is a lack of trust, there will be failings in communication, delegation, empowerment, and quality. 11 A corporate culture of mistrust causes employees to focus on survival and self-preservation by pursuing defensive values such as control, power, expedi- ency, and manipulation, which have a negative effect on productivity and morale. 12 Orga- nizations must strive to create a culture of trust. As the military model illustrates, the critical factors needed to create a culture of trust are effective communication, leadership, and human resources practices and programs that establish and reinforce the value of trust.
Organizational trust is of paramount importance in the military setting. There can be no greater context than war where individuals must expose their vulnerability and trust the person beside them. Trust is reinforced through several mechanisms: an open culture, social structures, effective communication mechanisms, leadership, teamwork, and human resource policies and practices. The military reinforces trust through a shared purpose, vision, mission, and ethos. The military believes that trust is formed when people get to know each other on a personal level as well as on a professional basis. Military messes and institutes provide a social structure where common experiences can be shared and where storytelling occurs. Members of the military at all levels of rank and structure interact in this social setting, where members can get to know each other on a personal level. A senior officer (a colonel) commented, “We tend to deal with people that we trust in preference over those who we don’t know.” Thus, the military provides and supports this social structure for its members.
Trust, Teamwork, and Citizenship Although the research supports the positive effects of the use of teams, the existence of high-performance teams is considered to be rare. High-performance teams “frequently outperform the teams that produce similar products and services under similar conditions and constraints.” 13
9 Tzafrir, S.S., Harel, G.H., Baruch, B., & Dolan, S.L. (2004). The consequences of emerging HRM practices for employees’ trust in their managers. Personnel Review, 33 (5/6), 628–647; Ferres, N., Connell, J., & Travaglione, A. (2004). Co-worker trust as a social catalyst for constructive employee attitudes. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19 (6), 608–622.
10 Lines, R., Selart, M., Espedal, B., Johansen, S.T. (2005). The production of trust during organizational change. Journal of Change Management, 5 (2), 221–245.
11 Erdem, F., Ozen, J., & Atsan, N. (2003). The relationship between trust and team performance. Work Study, 52 (6/7), 337–340.
12 Hultman, K. (2004). Let’s wipe out systemic mistrust. Organization Development Journal, 22 (1), 102–106.
13 Castka, P., Bamber, C.J., Sharp, J.M., & Belohoubek, P. (2001). Factors affecting successful implementation of high performance teams. Team Performance Management, 7 (7/8), 123–134.
109C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
There appears to be a common theme among the research with respect to the effective- ness of teams. The key factors for effective teams include a shared vision, empowerment, and trust among team members. Teamwork creates a community because everyone must accept ownership and responsibility for a project’s success or failure. 14 In order for team-based struc- tures to be effective, the organization must provide a culture that supports collaboration and a highly involved workforce. The culture should be based on empowerment, creativity, shared vision, participation, learning ability, trust, and a shared consensus (see Talking Business 3.8 ).
Teamwork is of paramount importance in the military. Teams are built to succeed in the mission. The mission cannot be accomplished individually, and thus teamwork is a critical part of the military ethos. Teamwork is required to foster the cohesion necessary to
14 Scarnati, J.T. (2001). On becoming a team player. Team Performance Management, 7 (1/2), 5–10.
Teleflex Canada Ltd. is a Richmond, British Columbia-
based company with a reputation as a world leader in the
design and manufacture of hydraulic and thermal technol-
ogy products for industrial and marine use. A recent focus
on developing cost effective solutions has resulted in a
dramatic expansion of their customer base to include most
North American boat and bus manufacturers; many truck-
accessory, engine and marine distributors; as well as the
United States and Canadian military forces. The Teleflex
Canada workforce is over 300 strong and represents
diverse cultural backgrounds and ages. Employees must
bring together the right mix of skills, experience and tech-
nological know-how to cost-effectively design and manu-
facture products that meet customers’ needs.
Learning has always been part of the corporate cul-
ture at Teleflex—senior management recognizes the ben-
efits of a well-trained and skilled workforce. Initial
training programs included English as a second language
(ESL) classes, academic upgrading, and the basic skills of
reading, writing and numeracy. However, management
soon realized that although employees were participating
in training, they were not using their new-found skills in
their jobs. Concerned, senior management turned to
workplace education consultants for advice. The results
led to the complete transformation of training at Teleflex
into “Team Time,” a model based on the full participa-
tion of manufacturing teams working together on real
challenges and changing understandings of their work.
The Team Time training model evolved into a series of
topic-specific modules for learning “lean manufactur-
ing,” teamwork and related skills.…
At Teleflex, the focus of training is to help production
teams solve their respective work challenges. Team Time
training modules addressing specific machine or data source
issues allow production teams to solve problems using actual
workplace tools. These hands-on, real-life activities are well
suited for the production team work model at Teleflex.
Training is organized into regular production team
meetings, which usually last 60 minutes. Team leaders are
responsible for facilitating each module and covering the
material. Team leaders must also assemble the required
learning materials. There are 15 modules, with new mod-
ules being developed continually. Modules cover topics
such as the purpose of Team Time training, how Team
Time learning works, customer needs, how to add value,
and information systems….
Through the Team Time training initiative, the reading,
writing and numeracy skills of employees have improved sig-
nificantly. Specific outcomes of training include the following:
• The training program has influenced the company to pres-
ent its newsletter and corporate data in “plain language.”
• On-time delivery of finished products has increased
from 65 to 90 per cent.
• Inventory turnover in a given time period has increased
from four times to more than seven times.
• Parts shortages have been significantly reduced.
How Teams Learn at Teleflex Canada
110 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
One of the greatest accomplishments of the program
has been the number of people involved in its develop-
ment, piloting and maintenance. More than one-third of
the workforce at Teleflex had a role in developing Team
Time—many more than had been anticipated.
Specific impacts and benefits include the following:
• More effective change management—employees,
managers, engineers and production leaders are
becoming change agents within the organization.
• Employees are better able to adapt to new products
and manufacturing processes.
• Cross-functional communication has improved on the
shop floor.
• Smoother job transitions are facilitated through the
• Communication skills and problem-solving skills have
improved within work teams; and
• The training program scores helped Teleflex Canada
achieve a designation as a “Lean Manufacturer” in
Source: Excerpted from Campbell, A. (2005). Developing a com-
munity of employees through team time at Teleflex Canada. The
Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved from www.conference-
achieve the organizational mission. The military stresses the importance of the team over the individual, and teamwork is reinforced through doctrine, training, and exercises.
The concept of teamwork can be found throughout military doctrine. Teamwork is one of the main principles of the military ethos. The importance of the mission is under- stood, and completion of the mission depends on teamwork. The fact that all members share and understand this mission is a key enabler of teamwork. As previously discussed, teamwork is a fundamental component of basic training. Members are placed in small groups and given tasks to execute as a team. Members must work together to achieve the goals established for them. Individual strengths and weaknesses are identified, and mem- bers work together to overcome the weaknesses of the individual and capitalize on the strength of the collective team. These types of exercises continue well past basic training and reinforce values such as trust, selflessness, and conscientiousness. These exercises in teamwork build trust through adversity and humility and reinforce selflessness, a sense of belonging and respect for peers. Team-building exercises like the ruck march are a com- mon organizational practice used to reinforce the importance of teams and trust.
Many nonmilitary companies use job descriptions to outline the expected tasks and responsibilities of an employee’s position. In essence, each job description is linked to the specific output necessary to accomplish organizational goals and remain effective and competitive. However, it is the actions of employees performed outside of these standard- ized job descriptions that can have a profound impact on organizational effectiveness. Successful organizations need employees who will do more than what is stated in the job description and extend themselves beyond normal requirements and expectations. Orga- nizational citizenship behaviour describes the actions taken by employees that demon- strate a willingness to go “above and beyond” the duties outlined in their job description.
The fact is, a business that fosters a climate of trust can more effectively reinforce a shared purpose and values. This in turn will encourage members to go above and beyond simply fulfilling their minimal job requirements and instead also become accountable for building and fostering organizational citizenship behaviours.
TALKING BUSINESS 3.8 (continued)
111C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
administrative management 92
behavioural approaches to management 98
bureaucratic management 92
Chester Barnard 100
classical approaches to management 88
collaboration 101
compartmentalizing 90
contingency approach to management 102
coordination 101
decisional roles 83
disseminator 83
disturbance handler 83
effectiveness 81
efficiency 81
entrepreneur 83
esprit de corps 92
figurehead 82
Hawthorne effect 100
human relations movement 100
Industrial Revolution 89
informational roles 82
interpersonal roles 82
laissez faire 89
leader 82
liaison 82
management 81
Mary Parker Follett 100
modern behavioural science 102
monitor 83
negotiator 83
piece-rate system 91
resource allocator 83
scientific management 89
self-management 101
spokesperson 83
standardizing 90
time and motion studies 90
trust 107
unity of command 92
Multiple-Choice Questions
CHAPTER SUMMARY We have discussed the nature of managerial roles and considered what the job of a man- ager entails. This chapter also identified the central schools of management thought that have guided our thinking for over a century. We also considered the elements of manag- ing that contribute to success and how the successful use of these elements depends largely on the presence of trust in the organization.
111C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
Key Terms
Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. What category of management is a department or divi- sion head?
a. Top management
b. Middle management
c. Supervisor or lower-level management
d. Executive management
2. Efficiency often refers to a. delegating tasks to reduce time
b. using the fewest inputs to produce an output
c. organizing resources effectively
d. planning and controlling resources effectively
3. All of the following are central functions of management except
a. changing b. planning
c. organizing d. leading
4. A leader role can be categorized as a. an informational role
b. a decisional role
c. an interpersonal role
d. a delegating role
5. A resource allocator is considered to be a. an informational role b. an interpersonal role
c. a delegating role d. a decisional role
6. An informational role can include all of the following roles except
a. liaison b. monitor
c. disseminator d. spokesperson
7. In Taylor’s perspective on standardizing work, a job should be a. broken down into simple parts
b. easy and inexpensive to train workers
c. designed with room for individual discretion
d. both A and B
112 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
For many years, Kicking Horse Coffee was one of Canada’s best kept secrets. However, the word is out, as writer Chris Ryan noted in July of 2013:
The town of Invermere isn’t exactly a specialty-coffee powerhouse. Though its location in eastern British Columbia between the Canadian Rockies and the Purcell Mountains provides plenty of picturesque backdrops . . . [it] boasts only a handful of coffee shops. But one of those is a behemoth. The flagship café for Kicking Horse Coffee serves as home base for the well-established roaster that distributes throughout Canada and much of the Western United States. 15
8. Taylor believed workers were best motivated by a. social interaction
b. a piece-rate system
c. managers and workers collaborating as partners
d. fair employment practices
9. The classical school of management is sometimes referred to as an approach that
a. is machine-like
b. promotes a clear role for managers
c. has a clear hierarchy of authority to ensure account-
d. all of the above
10. Esprit de corps is often referred to as a. a military model of management
b. team spirit and harmony
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
11. The Hawthorne effect involves all of the following except a. employees receiving special attention
b. the human side of motivating workers
c. how to decrease productivity
d. productivity factors on working conditions
12. Mary Parker Follett argued that all of the following were critical to a manager’s function except
a. collaboration
b. coordination
c. collective negotiation
d. harmonizing group efforts
13. The contingency approach can involve factors like a. organizational size
b. environmental uncertainty
c. individual differences
d. all of the above
14. Chester Barnard believed the most critical functions of managers involved
a. communication
b. authority
c. cooperation
d. all of the above
15. The behavioural school of management promotes a. a piece-rate system
b. standardization of job tasks
c. human and social factors to managing people
d. a hierarchical structure for management
112 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Discussion Questions 1. Define management and explain what it means to manage.
2. Discuss the four main functions of management.
3. Compare three roles of management: interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles.
4. Explain and discuss three classical management philosophies.
5. Compare the differences between Taylor’s and Fayol’s views on management.
6. Explain and discuss three behavioural management philosophies.
7. Compare the differences between Follett’s and Barnard’s views on managers’ key functions.
8. Discuss the military model of management.
9. Discuss the importance of the contingency approach to management.
10. Select a business or organization and explain what style of management you think would work best at that orga-
nization and why.
15 Ryan, C. (2013, June). Spotlight: Kicking Horse Coffee. Fresh Cup Magazine. Retrieved from http:// www.kickinghorsecoffee.com/files/2013_06_FreshCup.pdf
113C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
If you are not quite convinced of the power of Kicking Horse, consider that by 2012 AC Nielsen ranked Kicking Horse among the top 10 commercial brands in Canada, along with such brands as Folgers, Nabob, and Tim Hortons. 16 And by that time, Kicking Horse was selling 2 million pounds of coffee a year and was carried in many retail stores across the country, from Loblaw to Sobeys to Shoppers Drug Mart, while also making inroads into the United States.
Those of you following the Canadian business press in recent years will have noted the rapid rise of this company. It has been identified in the press as a top organic fair- trade coffee company in Canada. And its reputation is strong. It is known as a company whose brand has been built around quality and consistent character. The CEO, Elana Rosenfeld, was recently ranked among Canada’s top female entrepreneurs in PROFIT Magazine . 17
Located in Invermere, British Columbia, Kicking Horse boasts 17 coffee varieties, sells its products worldwide, roasts 4 million pounds of coffee annually, and has achieved about $25 million in annual sales with expected growth each coming year. Rather than opening cafés (like Starbucks), the company focuses on roasting and wholesaling. It is based out of a 60,000-square-foot facility in Invermere, and it operates one flagship café for its local residents.
So how did this coffee powerhouse get started? In 1996, Rosenfeld and her husband, Leo Johnson, decided to buy a local café. From its early days, customer response to Kick- ing Horse Coffee was strong. Initially, Johnson’s contributions were mostly in design and operations, and Rosenfeld focused on sales, marketing, and finance. While competing against much larger businesses, they decided to price their coffee as a premium product and attempted to build a loyal following. 18
For years, Rosenfeld and Johnson would leave Kicking Horse in the capable hands of their employees as they travelled for up to a month at a time to Mexico, Peru, and elsewhere. The aim was to build relation- ships with farmer co-ops in those countries that have been central to the success of the company. 19 The fact that the heads of Kicking Horse felt comfortable turning over leadership roles to their employees says a lot. It reflects the kind of relationship that Rosenfeld and Johnson established with their employees based on employee autonomy and shared goals.
If you could study the management style of Rosenfeld and Johnson, you might be surprised by their informal and accessible approach. With approximately 40 employees, 20
Case Continued >
16 Lee, J. (2012, November 28). B.C. entrepreneur celebrates the sweet smell of (Kicking Horse Coffee) success. Vancouver Sun. Retrieved from www.vancouversun.com/business/smallbusiness/Vancouver+entrepreneur+celeb rates+sweet+smell/7617938/story.html#Comments#ixzz2YaZi9OTh .
17 Amos, G. (2012, November 30). Kicking Horse Coffee geared to grow. Columbia Valley Pioneer. Retrieved from www.columbiavalleypioneer.com/?p=7753 .
18 Lee, J. (2012, November 28).
19 BDC Consulting. (2011, February 15). How to get the best from your employees. Retrieved from www.bdc.ca/ en/advice_centre/articles/Pages/successful_management_tips.aspx . 20 Kicking Horse Coffee website, www.kickinghorsecoffee.com/en/media/presskit .
© Spofi -Fotolia.com
114 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
these two business leaders who manage a multimillion dollar business in a relatively “fun” way. They make great efforts to do more than simply manage an efficient workforce.
Management at Kicking Horse considers their employees as key to their success and treats them in a manner that reflects that belief. For example, a major focus is on timely and consistent communication with employees. But these communication efforts are not simply to disseminate information from the “top,” but also to gather information from those who work closest with the product.
Rosenfeld and Johnson understand that, given the specialized nature of the roasting work, these employees must maintain a certain level of autonomy. However, like any busi- ness, efficiency of production is critical and so measures of performance must also be applied to gauge how the group is performing.
The work is exacting and can be demanding given Kicking Horse’s high standards. Consequently, Rosenfeld and Johnson have made every effort to make the culture “fun” and as stress free as possible. Therefore, for example, work practices include things like flexible hours, daily stretch breaks for line workers, and catered monthly meetings as well as official fun days for kayaking, skiing, and holiday celebrations.
Specialized work can easily become tedious and machine like. However, “tedious” is the polar opposite of the culture at Kicking Horse. The culture is much more “laid back” than might be expected for this kind of business, and observers would likely be surprised by the “fun” atmosphere that might seem more suitable to a summer camp than a multi- million-dollar business. Does it work at Kicking Horse, though? It sure does.
In one interview, Rosenfeld commented, “Doing it from the heart is paying off for us . . . Our employees are highly motivated, very productive and usually stay with us a long time.” 21
Over the past 10 years, the company’s efforts have paid off. Kicking Horse Coffee has won numerous awards in a variety of categories, including Canada’s Top Female Entrepre- neurs, Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies, and Biggest BC Businesses Owned by Women to name a few:
2012 Business in Vancouver: Biggest BC businesses Owned by Women
2011 Profit W100: Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs
2011 Kootenay Business: Top 50 Kootenay Companies
2011 Business in Vancouver: Top 100 Fastest-Growing Companies
2009 Kootenay Business: Top 50 Kootenay Companies
2009 Profit 100: Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies
2008 Profit W100: Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs
2007 Profit W100: Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs
2007 Kootenay Business: Top 50 Kootenay Companies
2007 Profit 100: Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies
2006 Profit W100: Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs
2005 BDC: Ongoing Achievement Elana & Leo
2004 Business in Vancouver: 40 under 40 Elana & Leo
2003 BDC: Young Entrepreneur Award for British Columbia 22
21 BDC Consulting, 2011.
22 Kicking Horse Coffee website, www.kickinghorsecoffee.com/en/media/awards .
115C h a p t e r 3 M a n a g i n g t h e W o r k f o r c e
The ability to nurture an engaged, high-performance workforce is more likely to be found in Kicking Horse’s leadership style than in the more traditional “command-and- control” management approaches. Certainly, the performance of Kicking Horse is evidence that they are doing something right. According to a report by BDC Consulting, the company’s revenue doubled annually for the first few years and more recently increased by about 15–20% a year. This also allowed for the expansion of plant facilities to 60,000 square feet, along with a café for local residents. 23
Many management experts embrace the leadership style of Kicking Horse and would advocate the spread of this approach to other organizations. In their discussion of Kicking Horse Coffee, BDC Consulting noted that to attract the best people, the company offers an above-average benefit package that includes competitive wages compared to other cof- fee retailers. To ensure consistent quality standards, the company monitors performance on a regular basis. According to BDC senior consulting manager Bonnie Elliot, the cul- ture for the company is created at the top. “When you walk into the facilities at Kicking Horse, the way people interact makes it evident that the place is different from a company that is run bureaucratically and autocratically,” Elliot says. “The commitment to staff well-being and community is not just talk, but something that the partners live and breathe.” 24
1. Discuss in detail which elements of the behavioural school are being applied at the Kicking Horse Coffee Company.
2. How might the classical school of management also be applied effectively here?
3. What contingencies might influence the suitability of the management style for Kicking Horse Coffee?
24 BDC Consulting, 2011.
23 BDC Consulting, 2011.
Chapter 4 Establishing the Structure of a Business What Does Organizational Design Have to do With Business Success?
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Identify four broad trends in the changing nature of
organizational design.
2. Discuss the relevance of metaphors used to describe
3. Identify the elements of organizational structure.
4. Explain the concept of reengineering.
5. Describe the notion of the virtual organization.
6. Discuss the phenomenon of downsizing and its rationale,
methods, and objectives.
Organizations in just about every industrialized nation
have been undergoing change. Many companies have
reduced the number of levels in their hierarchy, others
have undergone a change in their whole business pro-
cess, while others have simply closed down. The aim of
this chapter is to examine some of the approaches that
organizations have adopted with regard to structure and
design, including reengineering, downsizing, and going
virtual. We will also examine the reasons behind these
changes and consider more generally the question,
“What determines how an organization is designed?”
© William Perlman/Star Ledger/Corbis
117C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
THE BUSINESS WORLD How Google Designed Itself for Success
Google has done more than any other business in terms of changing how people find information and conduct business. Traditionally, Google has been associated solely with Internet search. In fact, it still generates most (85%) of its revenue from search-related advertising. However, it has increasingly focused on diverse projects, including Gmail and the Android operating system. Google has shaken up several industries, including smart- phones, television, and advertising. In 2013, it reached profits of about US$13 billion and it became the third most valuable corporation in the United States after Apple Inc. and Exxon Mobil Corp. Google continues to take on new and innovative ventures that will likely redefine its core competancies as it continues to evolve.
Google started out as a very modest business launched by two Stanford University gradu- ates, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who had the simple idea of the Google search engine. They started out with 10 employees working in a garage in Palo Alto, California. However, over a 10-year period, this little company became hugely successful. Google’s success was built entirely on innovation. Brand new products, new services, and news ways of conducting busi- ness were the means through which Google rose to fame. All this required a strong company culture of innovation. Its most fundamental challenge has always been to generate an envi- ronment where new ideas can flourish. Therefore a critical requirement for its organizational structure is to ensure that the network of relationships, the rules governing work, and the administrative framework all support and encourage innovation. Undoubtedly, Google’s organizational design has played a central role in the company’s culture of innovation.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin knew that their company had to be highly efficient at meet- ing changing market demands and needed to be continually innovating. So how exactly did Page and Brin decide to design their organizational structure in order to promote innova- tion? They knew that how they organized the pattern of relationships and authority in their company would have a critical impact on these goals. Consequently, they needed a structure that encouraged the kind of fast and flexible decision making and creativity that Google would need to compete in this industry. They organized their company in a very unconven- tional way compared to other companies in the industry.
Brin and Page implemented a very flat level of hierarchy whereby top level management was only one level up from lower level employees. Why? Because in traditional, hierarchical structures, authority systems and reporting levels would slow down the decision-making pro- cess and any unnecessary delays in bringing new ideas to the market could mean losing out to competitors. So, instead of hierarchal levels, Google was divided up into small teams that worked on individual projects. Team members rotate to take on the role of team leaders with every new project. This is in contrast to other organizations that often establish one team leader who is always in that role. At Google, the role of the manager or team is to help build consensus among team members rather than to “control” or “manage” them in the traditional sense. In this kind of structure, the role of a manager or leader is analogous to that of an editor who relies on a team of journalists to generate decisions based on the team’s input.
Another element of the structure of the teams is the actual composition. Google employees are extremely diverse. Consequently, teams might be composed of members with backgrounds that could range from former neurosurgeons to CEOs to marines. The intent of this diversity is to nurture innovation by exposing members to others with
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diverse backgrounds and perspectives. These teams range from five to ten people depend- ing on the project. The relative small team size also gives the teams more flexibility and speed for decision making. In addition to dividing into these small teams, every six months, a mutual peer evaluation questionnaire is completed by all team members and this leads to a public ranking where natural leaders are identified.
Of course, while teams are central to Google’s successful innovation, all this is not to say that there are no other elements of structure or departments at Google. Given the fact that this company has grown so large, it needs a certain degree of departmentation. Google is overseen by a board of directors that directs the company via an executive management group. This group oversees the Engineering, Products, Legal, Finance, and Sales depart- ments. In turn, these departments are each divided into smaller units. For example, the Sales department has branches focused on the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. However, beyond this traditional-looking structure, Google’s organiza- tion minimizes power differences and formal authority.
One element central to nurturing innovation is the access to social networks in Google. Brainstorming and collaborating with other employees stimulates a wealth of diverse ideas and information sharing. The ability of people to communicate easily within a larger, diverse group allows continual access to novel information and potential collaborators. How does Google actually implement a network perspective? In his study of Google, Professor David Dubois of Insead found that Google expends a lot of organizational effort to empower col- laborators and give them more freedom to start projects that matter to them.
Google has always minimized its levels of administrators and over the years as it has grown, it has endeavoured to flatten its organizational hierarchy as much as possible. The fact is, the fewer the levels of hierarchy, the greater becomes the opportunity for employ- ees to interact freely, collaborate, and make their own decisions. This also has the effect of encouraging leaders or experts to arise naturally rather than being held to a specific job title. The other benefit of creating this relatively flat structure is the ability of employees to readily communicate with the operational leadership, which affords the company a tremendous amount of flexibility. As Google grew in size, it became more difficult to man- age the flow of new ideas and projects. Consequently, it implemented a schedule of meet- ings between employees and the company’s founders and chief executives where employees can “pitch” new ideas or projects directly to the top executives.
The organizational structure is designed to offer employees extensive freedom in mak- ing decisions and trying new ideas. This requires a structure that is not managed by “com- mand and control.” The aim is to de-emphasize job titles and power and instead focus on teamwork. Employees need to know that they can take on much decision authority and power over their work. This, too, means that job standardization is a foreign notion to this company. After all, you can’t standardize the process of innovation. The decentralized manner of decision making is also reflected across the organization in such functions as hiring decisions, where at least four Google collaborators co-decide on a new hire. In addi- tion to reinforcing the empowered culture, such participative decision- making helps to ensure that new recruits will “fit” within the organizational culture.
Employees are given the autonomy to make changes to a current project or to start their own. Google employees follow something called the 70/20/10 rule. This requires that each employee devotes 70% of every work day to whatever projects are assigned by management, 20% to new projects or ideas related to their core projects, and 10% to any new ideas they
119C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
THE CHANGING NATURE OF ORGANIZATIONS Everywhere you look, it is obvious that we are a society of organizations. From our hospitals to our schools to our multinational organizations, it is hard to imagine life without organi- zations. And, for better or worse, those very institutions and organizations that we have grown up with are continuing to undergo dramatic change. To understand what is going on out there, we need to first consider several things. What exactly are organizations? What constitutes the structure or anatomy of an organization? Why do different organizations have different structures? These are among the key questions addressed in this chapter.
We have witnessed tremendous change and turmoil over the past two decades across the organizational landscape. From the massive reductions in the workforces of many well-known organizations like GM and Bell Canada to changes in how organizations are designed and operated, there has been a fundamental rethinking of how organizations should be designed. Organizational theory has been trying to make sense of the revolution we have observed in the organizational world.
Some observers have suggested that what is going on is a shift away from the classical, traditional, bureaucratic model. Recall our discussion in Chapter 3 of perspectives of man- agement and Weber’s notion of the bureaucratic organization, which is a central theme in classical management thought . This philosophy of organization design guided many of our organizations for most of the 20th century. The traditional, bureaucratic organizational structure emphasizes factors such as job specialization, a formal hierarchy of authority, a clear system of control, and rules and regulations to guide behaviour.
Why do we need the bureaucratic design? Because it achieves the fundamental goals of organizations: predictability and reliability (rules and standardized jobs ensure workers are
want to pursue. Many believe that this rule has driven the development of Google’s innova- tive products and services. This rule is not restricted to one set of employees. A broad range of programmers, salespeople, and even executives are provided with enough “down time” to be creative. While critics might argue that allowing employees the opportunity to work on whatever they want is a waste of time, that is precisely one of the reasons for Google’s suc- cess. It encourages employees to create innovative products by surrounding them with an open environment. Given the fast-paced environment that Google must compete in, its organizational structure is designed to meet market demands efficiently.
Sources: From: Google, the Network Company: From Theory to Practice, David Dubois, INSEAD Assistant Pro-
fessor of Marketing | September 11, 2013, INSEAD KNOWLEDGE, 2013, http://knowledge.insead.edu/
leadership-management/organisational-behaviour/google-the-network-company-from-theory-to- practice-2602
Thompson, Scott. (n.d.). Google’s Business Leadership and Organizational Culture. CHRON. Retrieved from
Thomas, Owen. (2013, March 14). There’s a Pretty Big Tension in How Larry Page is Running Google. Busi-
ness Insider. Retrieved from http://www.businessinsider.com/how-larry-page-is-running-google-2013-3.
El Akkad, Omar. (2013, October 26). What’s next for Google, the most successful Internet company in the
world? The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/international-
Objective 1 Identify four broad trends in the changing
nature of organizational design.
120 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
doing what the boss wants) and control (the formal hier- archy ensures that how the work is conducted is clearly controlled). Ironically, these very strengths of the bureaucratic structure can also become weaknesses when the environment changes. For example, increasing com- petition and demands for better products and services, improved customer service, and more sophisticated pro- cesses all suggest that the stability of bureaucracies impedes any chance for innovation. The philosophy of
organizational structure that emphasized job specialization, the narrow division of labour, standardization, rules, and the like is simply not suitable to a changing environment.
Believe it or not, the traditional or classical approach to organizational structure, which arose in the time of the Industrial Revolution, dominated our thinking about the nature of organizational design right up until the 1980s. It was not until then that organizations began to realize that the bureaucratic structure needed to be replaced. Most of the shifts in organi- zational design essentially aimed to move away from the bureaucratic paradigm. The adjec- tives identified in Exhibit 4.1 best describe the new approaches and the shift away from the bureaucratic design.
Flat Organizations If there is any consistent pattern in the sweeping changes to corporate architecture, it has been the delayering of organizational hierarchies. Tall organizations have narrow spans of control, and flat organizations have wider spans of control. The shift we have observed in organizational redesign has been from the former to the latter. Certainly, one of the most pervasive phenomena to hit the organizational landscape since the 1980s has been downsiz- ing, which often involves flattening the organizational hierarchy (we will address this issue in more detail later in the chapter). It is difficult to read the newspaper without reading some report about an organization flattening its hierarchy through downsizing. For example, Toyota eliminated three of its seven layers of management, and IBM Canada cut its levels from ten to about four in the 1990s, and these trends continue today among many organizations.
Flattening the hierarchy accomplishes a number of things. Among the benefits are increased speed of decision making, since decisions and information take much less time to travel across levels of bureaucracy. This allows organizations to react much faster to the demands of a changing environment. In addition, the delayering of management means that much more responsibility and self-management is coming from the lower levels of the organization, so that employees and those who are closest to serving customers or producing the product are now more involved in the decision-making process.
Fluid Organizations The bureaucratic organization is obsessed with control, largely through strict adherence to rules and standards for how work is done. Again, think back to our discussion of the pur- poses of organizational structure. When organizations exist in dynamic environments, being able to adapt to change is critical. Bureaucratic rules tend to impede such adaptive- ness, given that rules must be changed to fit new circumstances. The organic organization
Traditional Bureaucracy Modern Organizations
• Tall/hierarchical
• Rigid, rule-oriented
• Buffered from the environment
• Narrow market
• Flat
• Fluid
• Integrated
• Global
Exhibit 4.1 Goodbye Bureaucracy
delayering Flattening organiza- tional hierarchies so that they have a wider span of control; the elimi- nation of hierarchical layers, often involving downsizing.
121C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
derives some of its strength from its ability to avoid being bogged down in rules that gov- ern how work must be performed. Later in this chapter we will examine a very fluid or organic form of organization—the virtual organization.
Fluidity or flexibility in the functioning of an organization has been reflected in other ways, such as the notion of just-in-time inventory , which emphasizes the ability to generate inventory as needed through flexible manufacturing/supplier relationships and, conse- quently, to minimize costs. These just-in-time inventory principles have also been applied to the work relationship, where we now have a just-in-time labour pool, so to speak. That is, organizations have recognized that they no longer need to maintain a fixed supply of labour. If revenues at any time are diminishing, the labour pool can also be diminished via downsizing, or built back up when revenues increase. Consequently, in the 1980s and throughout the 1990s we witnessed growth in temporary or contract-based employment. This adds immensely to the fluidity of an organization, since a temporary workforce can be easily adjusted to meet the upswings and downturns of a less predictable environment. This fluidity has, of course, profound implications for individuals within organizations, because it also underscores attitudes toward the permanence or lack of permanence of jobs within the “new” workplace.
Integrated Organizations The traditional bureaucratic organization advocates clear lines of authority and control. However, the newer organizational designs are less focused on the need for unity of com- mand and clear lines of authority—it is unimportant to maintain distinct boundaries between levels in the hierarchy, between individuals and departments, and between organizational members and individuals external to the organization. In fact, just the opposite is now emphasized, where integrated organizations aim to create more integration among formerly disparate units. For example, the new approaches to organizational design typically focus on teams of workers rather than on individuals. Cross-functional teams , work groups that bring together members from various parts of the organization, are becoming increasingly popular.
Typically, work teams are given the power to manage themselves and make decisions without the approval of formal management—hence the name self-managing work teams. Thus, GM’s Saturn plant brought individuals from the legal department to marketing and to engineering so that they could be involved in the production of the Saturn car. Shell Canada has achieved much success with its use of self-managed teams, as have numerous other companies. Information sharing is a big part of the team-based approach—that is, having management give over information that once was solely their domain. This is much more common in today’s organization than in the traditional bureaucratic model, where those in power held the information and did not share it with the lower levels.
The integration of units or members within the organization is one major trend. Another trend includes integration of the organization with players outside its boundaries. Organiza- tions are increasingly building closer connections with their external environment. For example, an organization may attempt to establish close relationships with suppliers, inte- grating them into the manufacturing process and generally creating an interdependent rela- tionship. Other organizations are even creating alliances with other companies to develop new products or services. There are even cross-functional teams that include participants from outside the organization, such as suppliers, distributors, or even competitors.
cross-functional teams Work groups that bring together mem- bers from various parts of the organization.
self-managing work teams Teams that are given the power to manage themselves and make decisions without the approval of formal management.
information sharing Workers sharing knowledge with other workers in the organization to help better meet the organization’s goals and needs. Information sharing is an important component of the team-based approach.
122 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Atlantic Canadian companies can be global players in inter-
national trade and supply chains. But they need to find
their niches to succeed in this new global economic order.
In response to demand—largely from fast-growing
emerging economies—what Atlantic Canada sells, and to
whom companies sell, has already begun to change.
But not enough companies are taking full advantage of
the range of opportunities these fast-growth markets pres-
ent. For example, a The Conference Board of Canada study
of Nova Scotia’s economy showed that although the prov-
ince is participating in global supply chains, few companies
are using other methods—such as selling through foreign
affiliates—to enter and succeed in international markets.
While global trade exploded over the past decade,
Canada’s export volumes flatlined. This is bad news for a
region like Atlantic Canada and for Canada as a whole.
With small domestic markets, we depend on global oppor-
tunities to help bolster our citizens’ living standards.
To a large extent, this weak performance reflects with
whom we do business. Traditional areas of trade growth
have plateaued. Most of our exports are aimed at slow-
growth markets, such as the United States.
Meanwhile, we are underexposed to the faster-growing
developing markets, notably China, India and Brazil. And
fast-growth countries such as China now actively compete
with our companies in both the U.S. and Canadian markets.
What we trade has also changed in response to growth
in developing markets. Developing-country demand for
raw materials has led to a resource boom.
Resources Now Lead Atlantic Canada’s Goods Exports
The trend is poised to accelerate. The U.S. will remain
Canada’s largest export market for the foreseeable future.
But Canada’s exports to the U.S., currently about three-
quarters of our total, will slip to just over two-thirds in 2025.
In contrast, Canada’s share of goods trade with China
could expand from 3.6 to almost 7 per cent by 2025. The
same goes for other fast-growing markets. We forecast
that the share of Canada’s exports to India and Brazil will
more than double by 2025. Trade with Brazil is also likely
to double by 2025.
McCain and Clearwater are two food product companies
that have adapted and sold their offerings into fast-growth
markets. And companies of all sizes can tap into these oppor-
tunities. Small companies, for example, are leading Canada’s
export growth to markets such as India and Thailand.
To seize more of these opportunities, Atlantic Canada’s
companies should:
• Find the “sweet spots.” Atlantic Canada’s compa- nies need to tap into pockets of growth and open-
ness within fast-growth markets that align with their
areas of strength and expertise. One example is India’s
demand for and openness towards environmentally-
friendly technologies and products.
• Look beyond the obvious markets . There are tre- mendous opportunities in China, India, and Brazil, but
a new Conference Board study of Canada’s next top
markets identifies a list of 24 non-traditional markets
that offer both growth potential and are likely to rep-
resent important commercial possibilities for Canadian
companies. These markets—in Asia, Latin America, the
Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe—represent far
greater growth potential than our traditional markets.
• Look beyond selling goods . Atlantic Canada has expertise in financial services, communications services,
education services, and a range of other services that
fast-growth markets need.
Fast-growth markets have dramatically changed the
world economy over the past decade. Companies that
find the global “sweet spots” for their products and ser-
vices will prosper.
Source: Excerpted from Goldfarb, D. (2013, June 17). Atlantic
Canada’s overseas playground? The Conference Board of Canada.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/press/speech_oped/
Reprinted with permission.
Atlantic Canada’s Overseas Playground?
Gary Corbett/age fotostock/SuperStock
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keiretsu The Japanese term for networking of major enterprises— creating loosely affiliated collec- tions of companies. These are quite common in Japanese industry and banking.
Objective 2 Discuss the relevance of metaphors used
to describe organizations.
The Japanese term for networking of major enterprises is keiretsu . These are loosely affiliated collections of companies and are quite common in industry and bank- ing in Japan.
Of course, not all integration of organizations has been of such a loosely coupled nature. We have also witnessed the trend toward building collections of organizations through merg- ers and acquisitions, which began in the 1990s and seems to be continuing unabated.
Global Organizations Perhaps the most profound recent trend in the changing nature of organizations is the drive to “go global ,” which is an issue that will be discussed in detail in a later chapter. Globalization can be considered one of the leading forces behind organizational change since the 1980s and 1990s. Globalization has brought with it many implications, includ- ing an increase in competition and greater access to more markets. Industries that were traditionally “protected” by tariffs, such as auto manufacturing, faced intense competition from foreign companies for the first time, and with serious consequences.
Just about every sector of business is no longer insulated from competitors, customers, or suppliers outside of their home country. Consequently, the notion of integration or networking can include relationships with suppliers or even competitors outside local boundaries—even in other countries. An organization may have networks of members across the world. For example, Canadian Company X might be selling a product it had designed in Sweden, engineered in the United States, and manufactured in Japan. In the global marketplace, businesses are also selling to customers all over the world. Consider, for example, Google, whose head office is in Mountain View, California. This is a com- pany that has approximately 70 offices in about 40 different countries. Consequently, it employs a geographic form of departmentalization, with independent divisions operating in Europe, Africa, South America, and the Far East. Just think about the challenges this company faces in terms of responding to the variety of consumer preferences within these different locations. For Google, decentralized decision-making authority is required to permit these divisions to focus on and quickly respond to local market needs. Certainly, for Canadian companies to better compete in the global marketplace, more Canadian companies will need to do the same (see Talking Business 4.1 ).
THINKING ABOUT ORGANIZATIONS What Is an Organization? What do you think of when you think of an “organization”? We can identify three broad categories of organizations:
1. public/governmental organizations , which provide goods and services without necessar- ily generating a profit
2. private/nongovernmental organizations , including voluntary organizations, which offer goods or services without necessarily generating a profit
3. private organizations , which produce goods or services with the intent of making a profit for the benefit of their owners or shareholders
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Though we can easily observe organizations that operate in these different sectors, we can also identify underlying characteristics that are common to all organizations. In fact, it is useful to consider a fundamental question as a starting point for our examination of the nature of organizations: What is an organization? How do we define it? Nortel, GM, Microsoft, your high school, St. John Ambulance—what do all these entities have in common? Organizations may be large corporations or small nonprofit organizations; they might be housed within a large skyscraper or they could simply be composed of members who are spread across a wide location. What makes them all organizations?
So What Is an Organization? Given the implications of the systems approach to organization, we can generate the following definition of organizations:
1. Organizations are social entities: Clearly, all the examples cited above have at least one common element—they are made up of people! They are entities that have been gen- erated and are maintained by people. They involve some level of human interaction.
2. Organizations interact with the environment: Can you think of any organization that is not somehow linked to its external environment? Think about it. An organization obtains inputs from its environment, whether in the form of people, raw materials, technology, or financial capital. All these inputs are transformed by the organization and become outputs: the goods, services, or knowledge that the organization generates.
3. Organizations are created to achieve goals: That is, they are goal-directed. Whether it is a profit-making organization or a nonprofit organization, all organizations have some kind of goal or objective that they were designed to achieve.
4. Organizations possess some sort of structure: All organizations need some kind of structure to ensure the work is properly allocated and coordinated. Of course, this is not as straight- forward as it may at first appear. What do we mean when we say that organizations pos- sess a structure? How are organizations structured? We will address these questions below.
Using Metaphors to Describe Organizations One helpful method of understanding the nature of organizations is through the use of meta- phors. According to Gareth Morgan, a management scholar and author of Images of Organiza- tion, we can consider the notion of an organization as, essentially, a social construction. That is, we are giving a tangible name to something that we take for granted. Words, names, con- cepts, ideas, facts, observations, and so on do not so much denote external “things” as concep- tions of things activated in the mind. They are not representations of a reality “out there,” but as tools for capturing and dealing with what is perceived to be “out there.” 1 Hence, we under- stand the usefulness of metaphors. A metaphor is often regarded as no more than a literary and descriptive device for embellishment, but more fundamentally it is a creative form that pro- duces its effect through a crossing of images. A metaphor proceeds through assertions that “subject A is like B and . . . .” Through the processes of comparison between the images of A and B we generate new meaning. The use of metaphors serves to generate an image for study- ing a subject. Different images of a subject guide and ultimately shape what is seen.
In more practical terms, what are the common features of these things that we call organizations? Why does this label fit a variety of entities, from nonprofit to for-profit
1 Morgan, G. (1986). Images of organization. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
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contexts? Metaphors are useful to help us describe and ultimately understand these social constructions. Consider dictionary definitions of the term organization. The Oxford English Dictionary has defined it as a term used primarily to describe the action of orga- nizing or the state of being organized, particularly in a biological sense. Also, the term has been considered as referring to an organized body, system, or society. The state of being organized in a biological sense was the basis of the metaphor of arranging or coordinating.
The term organization as a depiction of a social institution is relatively new and cre- ates a new meaning through metaphorical extension of older meanings. Ultimately, the importance of the metaphors we use to describe our hospitals, businesses, places of worship, and so on are important because they lead our thinking about the nature of these places, how they should be designed, and how they should function. Let’s consider an example of how metaphors guide our thinking in the area of management philosophy.
The Machine or Mechanistic Organizational Structure In many ways, the different schools of thought with regard to organizational theories arise from insights asso- ciated with different metaphors for the study of organizations. Consider, for example, the theories of management discussed in Chapter 3 . The classical schools of management thought, including scientific management, administrative management, and bureaucratic management, can be viewed as arising from a specific conceptualization or metaphor of what organizations represent. Arguably, the classical school of management thought is based implicitly on a conception of organizations that employs a machine metaphor . Machines are perceived as entities that function in a prescribed, rational manner. They are devised to perform work that leads toward specific goals, structure, and technology. Consequently, some organizational scholars, implicitly drawing on such a conception or metaphor of organizations as machines, emphasize an analysis and design of the formal structure of an organization and its technology. These scholars have explained the purpose of organizations as they would a machine—to function in an orderly, prescribed, and con- trolled manner. The aim, then, is to design organizations as if they were machines.
Taylor’s notion of the “economic man” and Weber’s notion of the “faceless bureau- crat” are natural extensions of the principles of the machine metaphor. Scientific man- agement encompasses the notions of control and efficiency—objectives well fitted to a machine metaphor of organizations. Of course, managers or management scholars whose philosophy is based on a machine metaphor will be led by such a metaphor. Conse- quently, the classical schools focused only on those issues pertinent to this metaphor: rules, regulations, a bureaucratic structure, and so on. Human needs had no relevance in such a metaphor or model.
The Organic Organizational Structure Of course, management thought has also been affected by other metaphors. For example, the organism metaphor encompasses a con- ception of organizations as systems of mutually connected and dependent parts that share a common life. This metaphor suggests that we can conceive of organizations as living organ- isms that contain a combination of elements that are differentiated yet integrated, attempt- ing to survive within the context of a wider environment. The open-systems approach of organizations, discussed next, is based on this metaphor. And with regard to management philosophies (see Chapter 3 ) , the behavioural school of management thought is, in fact, based on this metaphor. Consequently, these schools are concerned with sustaining human motivation and treating organizations as social systems.
machine metaphor (of an organization) A metaphor used to describe organizations that function like a machine—that is, in an orderly, prescribed, rational, and controlled manner. The classi- cal school of management viewed organizations as entities devised to perform work that led toward specific goals, structure, and technology.
organism metaphor (of an organization) A metaphor used to describe organizations as sys- tems of mutually connected and dependent parts that share a common life. This metaphor suggests that we can conceive of organizations as living organisms that contain a combination of elements that are differentiated yet integrated, attempting to survive within the context of a wider environment.
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Certainly, we can apply myriad metaphors to try to advance our understand- ing of what organizations really represent. The important point is that the meta- phor used implicitly underlies and ultimately guides thinking of how organizations should be designed and managed. Among some of the more popular conceptions of organizations in terms of metaphors are organizations as political systems, 2 organizations as loosely coupled systems, 3 organizations as theatres, 4 or organiza- tions as a collection of cultures 5 (see Exhibit 4.2 ). No one metaphor can capture the total nature of organizational life. New metaphors can be created for viewing and understanding organizations. Indeed, the very nature of the study of organi- zations and the field of organizational theory is metaphorical—that is, it is sub- jective in many ways.
Organizations as Systems Scholars who have studied organizations have generated countless perspectives on the nature of these entities. One useful perspective involves the view of organizations as systems. How might the metaphor of an organization as a “system” guide our understanding with regard to how organizations operate and sustain themselves?
A system can de defined as interdependent elements working together to achieve a goal or goals. The interdependence of the elements creates an entity that is more than just the sum of its parts—something is achieved beyond the mere putting together of these separate components. The notion of organizations as systems is intended to guide our understanding of what organizations are all about and how they function and survive. 6 Specifically, the notion of an open system asserts that organizations are entities that are embedded in and dependent on exchanges with the environment they operate within. In addition, organiza- tions can be viewed as social systems, with people constituting the basic elements.
Interestingly, there have been times when organizations have been viewed as closed systems, with the belief that how organizations function and survive depends on their ability to remain divorced from their environment. Closed systems have been defined as fully self- sufficient entities requiring no interaction with the environment, and this clearly makes this metaphor difficult to find in practice. This guiding metaphor led much organizational think- ing to focus on the organization’s internal environment with regard to dealing with organi- zational functioning and survival. At the same time, this approach failed to recognize the role that the external environment can have on the organization’s operations.
It was only when the environment became sufficiently volatile and complex that theorists recognized the futility of viewing organizations as closed systems. It became necessary to embrace the open-systems metaphor and further acknowledge the critical importance of the notion that organizations are embedded in their environment (see Exhibit 4.3 ). This also underscored the importance of further understanding the nature of the organization’s external environment.
An organization’s environment represents all elements that exist outside the organi- zation and that potentially influence or affect the organization in some way. Clearly,
5 Pondy, L. et al. (Eds.). (1983). Organizational symbolism. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
4 Goffman, E. (1967). Interaction ritual. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
3 Weick, K. (1976). Educational organizations as loosely coupled systems. Administrative Science Quarterly, 21 , 1–19.
2 Pfeffer, J., & Salancik, G.R. (1978). The external control of organizations. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
Exhibit 4.2 What Does Organization Mean to You?
• Organization as a machine
• Organization as a living organism
• Organization as a political system
• Organization as a theatre
• Organization as a sports team
• Organization as a family
closed systems Entities viewed as being fully self-sufficient and thus requiring no interaction with the environment, which is difficult to find in practice.
open systems Entities that are embedded in and dependent on exchanges with the environment within which they operate. The interdependence of elements means that the entity (the organization) is more than the sum of its parts; it interacts with its environment.
6 Thompson, J.D. (1967). Organizations in action. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; Katz, D., & Kahn, R.L. (1978). The social psychology of organization (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.
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organizations are dependent on the environment for their survival and success. Without obtaining the necessary environmental inputs, whether they are suitable employees or the raw materials for production, organizations cannot function effectively. Similarly, if organizations fail to generate the types of products or services sought by the environment then these organizations will cease to exist. As suggested earlier, organizations are created in response to societal or environmental needs—and ultimately, it is the environment that will determine the organization’s fate.
THE ANATOMY OF AN ORGANIZATION What is organizational structure? The image of an organizational chart might come to mind for some of you. And in fact, the organizational chart is a reflection of the underly- ing structure of an organization. However, there is a more specific notion of organizational structure that we will review in this section: a deliberately planned network or pattern of relationships that exists among individuals in various roles or positions. This includes the formal hierarchy of authority, the distribution or grouping of work (into departments, for example), and the rules or procedures that control and coordinate behaviour in the organization. However, we can also move beyond this definition and attempt to examine more systematically the dimensions along which organizational structure can be described (see Exhibit 4.4 ).
What Constitutes an Organization’s Structure? Work Specialization One fundamental question that must be addressed in design- ing organizational structure is how an organization is going to divide up the work that must be done to achieve organizational goals.
Horizontal differentiation represents the degree of differentiation between hori- zontal (as opposed to vertical) units of the organization, based on things like the orien- tation of the members, the nature of their jobs, and their education or training. The greater the number of occupations in an organization that require specialized knowl- edge and skills, the more complex the organization. One obvious dimension of
Objective 3 Identify the ele- ments of organizational structure.
organizational structure A deliberately planned network or pattern of relationships that exists among individuals in various roles or positions.
Transformation to goods or services generated by the organization (e.g., the manufacturing process)
Goods or services generated
Inputs Process Outputs
Human resources
Physical resources plant capital materials
people knowledge
Exhibit 4.3 Organizations as Open Systems
1. Work specialization
2. Centralization
3. Span of control
4. Formalization
Exhibit 4.4 Four Defining Elements of Organizational Structure
horizontal differentiation The degree of differentiation between horizontal (as opposed to vertical) units of the organization, based on things such as the orien- tation of the members, the nature of their jobs, and their education or training. Includes job specialization, which is divided into functional and social specialization.
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horizontal differentiation is job specialization. The term specialization , or division of labour, refers to the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs. There are fundamentally two different kinds of specialization: functional and social specialization (see Exhibit 4.5 ).
Functional specialization refers to the division of jobs into simple, repetitive tasks. Frederick Taylor’s philosophy of scientific management advocated a high degree of job specialization; that is, Taylor argued that to maximize worker efficiency, jobs should be divided up into their smallest components so that workers perform simple, specific, and repetitive tasks. More recently, there has been a dramatic shift in belief regarding the degree of job specialization that should be implemented at work. Approaches to job rede- sign, like job enrichment, essentially advocate a low degree of job specialization; that is, rather than performing one narrow task, employees in some organizations perform a wide range of tasks. Job enrichment involves providing employees with more challenging and meaningful work largely by allowing them to increase the variety of work they perform and the level of autonomy or freedom they have in performing the work.
Social specialization refers to the specialization of individuals rather than the special- ization of jobs. Social specialization is accomplished through the employment of profes- sionals whose skills cannot be easily routinized. For example, an accountant who performs an audit does so through the application of specialized, trained skills. Similarly, engineers, nurses, doctors, and professors are specialized professionals whose skills have been devel- oped in a specific area or specialty.
Centralization Where does authority rest within the organization? That is, what level in the organizational hierarchy has decision-making authority? This raises the ques- tion of centralization and decentralization.
Decision-making power can rest at the top of the organizational hierarchy. For example, if top management makes all the important decisions with little or no input from lower levels of the organization, this would be considered a highly centralized decision-making structure and is known as centralization . On the other hand, if decision-making authority is not concentrated at the top level, but rather is spread to the lower levels, this is referred to as decentralization .
As with the other elements we have discussed to this point, the 20th century also witnessed great changes in the relative concentration of decision-making authority, Essentially, many organizations chose to move from centralized to more decentralized structures. Largely, this move was intended to make organizations more efficient and faster in their decision-making ability. Centralized organizations typically require longer time frames for decisions to be made. For example, it takes much longer for the head office of a geographically diverse operation to make decisions about its operations in another corner of the world than it would if that operation had authority to make its own decisions.
The notion of worker empowerment is a move toward shifting much greater levels of responsibility back to employees, so that in a sense they are at least partly their own bosses. One popular example of the trend toward less emphasis on one boss is the use of self-managing work teams, which we discussed earlier. These are essentially collections of
specialization Also called divi- sion of labour, refers to the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs. There are fundamentally two different kinds of specialization: functional and social specialization.
functional specialization The dividing up of jobs into their smallest components so that workers perform simple, specific, and repetitive tasks.
social specialization The specialization of individuals rather than jobs, which is accomplished through employment of profes- sionals whose skills cannot be easily routinized.
centralization The degree to which decision-making authority in an organization is concentrated at the top level.
decentralization The degree to which decision-making authority in an organization is spread to the lower levels.
Division of jobs into simple tasks Level of professionalism among employees
Exhibit 4.5 Job Specialization
worker empowerment A move toward shifting greater levels of responsibility back to employees, so that in a sense they are at least partly their own bosses. One popular example of the trend toward less emphasis on one boss is the use of self- managing work teams.
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workers who work together on a project or task and largely manage themselves. Some organizations that have employed self-managing teams include GM’s Saturn division, Motorola, Frito Lay, Shell, and Microsoft, to name but a few. The need to have one all- powerful boss is no longer considered the best way of designing organizations.
Span of Control How many levels of management does an organization have? To address this question, we can consider the notion of hierarchy of authority. The hierarchy is very much connected to something called the span of control , which refers to the number of employees reporting to a supervisor. Obviously, it can vary from organization to organization, depending on how many subordinates an organization feels a manager can effectively direct.
The span of control is important because it really determines the number of managers and levels there are in the organizational hierarchy, which is referred to as vertical differentiation . How does the span of control determine the number of managers and levels? Consider the following examples (and review Exhibit 4.6 ).
Imagine two organizations with the same total number of seven members, but with differ- ent spans of control. In Organization X, there is an average span of control of two employees with three levels of hierarchy (the president, two managers, and four subordinates). In Organi- zation Y, which also has a total of seven members, the span of control is six and there are only two levels in the hierarchy. (This organization might be considered as having one central leader with all employees as one self-managing team who only report to one boss, the president.)
We can describe Organization X as having
■ a relatively narrower span of control (two) compared to Organization Y, which has a wider span of control (six).
■ a taller hierarchical structure (three levels of hierarchy) compared to Organization Y, which is relatively flatter (two levels of hierarchy). That is, the span of control clearly determines how “flat” or how “tall” an organization is.
In general terms, a narrow span of control tends to reflect a tall organization, while a wide span of control tends to reflect a flat organization. What difference does it make how
span of control The number of employees reporting to a supervisor.
vertical differentiation The number of managers and levels in the organizational hierarchy.
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members
Subordinates Subordinates
Subordinates Subordinates
Organization X: Taller, Narrower Span of Control
Organization Y: Flatter, Wider Span of Control Exhibit 4.6 Span of Control
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many subordinates a supervisor oversees? Or how many levels of hierarchy exist within an organization? First, it has been argued that maintaining small or narrow spans of control improves a manager’s ability to manage. Think about it—a manager who oversees, say, a handful of employees is much more capable of maintaining close supervision than a man- ager with a wide span of control who is responsible for a large number of employees. How- ever, there are also downsides to the narrow span of control: It is costly! Why? Quite simply, because it adds layers of management, and more management means more expenses to cover. Second, a narrow span of control (or tall structures) makes vertical communication more time consuming. To see why, again consider what a narrow span of control creates—more levels in the hierarchy, which means that any information that must be transmitted from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom takes longer than it would to communicate if there were fewer levels. One other potential disadvantage of narrow spans of control, or tall structures, is that the close supervision such a system encourages also tends to discourage employee autonomy and self-management.
We have seen changes in the span of control in organizations over the past century. Certainly, the trend in recent years is to widen the span of control or, in other words, flatten the organizational hierarchy. From IBM to Toyota, we have seen significant delayering of organizational hierarchies. Why? This has occurred for most of the reasons cited above: cutting costs and speeding up the communication or decision-making pro- cess. Typically, widening the span of control, or flattening the hierarchy, includes spread- ing decision-making authority down to the lower levels of the organization.
Formalization To what degree will rules or procedures be used to guide organizational members? The answer to that question is addressed in the notion of formalization. The level of formalization in an organization refers to the degree to which rules, regulations, procedures, and the like govern how work is performed. In other words, formalization reflects the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized. A high level of formalization means highly standardized work—that is, clear rules regarding how the work should be performed. Highly standardized work, or work that is very much rule- directed, suggests that there is little individual discretion in how that work can be per- formed. In this regard, high formalization is what scientific management advocated in its assertion of standardizing work, which was intended to ensure that performance was con- sistent and reliable—workers know what is expected of them and how, exactly, they should be performing their jobs. In addition, the greater the degree of formalization, the less reliance there is on individual discretion.
Can you think of any organizations that are highly formalized? Wherever you have an organization that has explicit job descriptions and numerous rules or procedures gov- erning the work process, you’ve got a highly formalized organization. Like the other elements of structure, attitudes toward formalization in organizations changed dramati- cally throughout the 20th century. Essentially, what we have witnessed in many organi- zations is a shift from high formalization and standardization of work practices to less formality. Why? Given the need to adapt to the rapidly changing external environment, organizations have found they must be willing to scrap the old way of doing things in favour of methods that better accommodate the changing demands of their environ- ment, whether the sources of change come from competitors, consumers, technological changes, and so on.
formalization The degree to which rules, regulations, proce- dures, and so on govern how work is performed; the degree of the standardization of jobs in the organization. The greater the degree of formalization, the lower the reliance on individual discre- tion and the greater the assurance of consistent and reliable performance.
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WHAT DETERMINES ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE? A RATIONAL PERSPECTIVE In broad terms, we can consider why organizations take on different structures, and we can consider sources of influence on organizational design. To simplify our discussion, we can consider the two extreme opposites in terms of the organizational configuration iden- tified previously: the mechanistic organization and the organic organization. Each can be assessed using the four elements of structure (see Exhibit 4.7 ).
Exhibit 4.7 Mechanistic vs. Organic Organizations
Mechanistic Organic
1. Division of labour/work specialization
2. Centralization
3. Span of control
4. Formalization
Exhibit 4.8 Strategy and Structure
Types of Organizational Strategies
Elements of Structure Focus on Innovation Focus on Cost and Efficiency
1. Division of labour
2. Centralization
3. Span of control
4. Formalization
Organic organizations and mechanistic organizations are polar opposites in struc- ture. Machine bureaucracies, or mechanistic organizations, maintain jobs that are narrow in scope; decision making is centralized at the top of the organizational hierarchy and work is conducted within highly formalized rules and procedures. On the other hand, organic organizations tend to have jobs that are enriched with more variety and task responsibilities; typically, there is a team-based approach rather than a “top-down” approach to authority and decision making is decentralized throughout the organization. The worker is less restricted with fewer rules and regulations. While there are a variety of influences on the design of organizations, perhaps among the most significant sources are strategy, size, technology, and the environment.
Strategy Clearly, an organization’s structure is intended to help achieve its organizational objec- tives or strategy. In other words, structure should follow strategy. For example, if an orga- nization’s central mission is to be innovative, to pursue new product designs or services, then its structure should help achieve that goal. From what we have discussed earlier, the characteristics associated with the organic organization would best suit that objective. Few rules and decentralized decision making encourage flexibility and adaptiveness to environmental demands. And these are, consequently, useful for encouraging innovation. If, on the other hand, efficiency or cost minimization is a central strategy, then the mech- anistic organization is the better-suited structure (see Exhibit 4.8 ).
organic organizations The extreme opposite from mechanistic organizations in organizational design. Organic organizations tend to have jobs that are enriched with more variety and task responsibili- ties (wide work specialization); typically, there is a team-based approach rather than a “top-down” approach to authority, and decision making is decentralized throughout the organization. There is a wide span of control. The worker is also less restricted with fewer rules and regulations. These organizations tend to be innovative and flexible.
mechanistic organizations The extreme opposite from organic organizations in organizational design. These organizations are exemplified by the machine bureau- cracy. Machine bureaucracies, or mechanistic organizations, maintain jobs that are narrow in scope, decision making is centralized at the top of the organizational hierarchy, there is a narrow span of control, and work is conducted within highly formalized rules and procedures.
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Organizational Size If you observe the organizational landscape, it is hard not to see some kind of connection between the size of an organization and its structure. In terms of our organic–mechanistic clas- sification, there is a tendency for larger organizations to shift toward a more mechanistic struc- ture—largely because of the need to control and coordinate many employees. When you have masses of employees whose performance must be directed, it would seem beneficial to stan- dardize or routinize the work and ensure there are clear rules and regulations to guide perfor- mance. It is difficult to maintain the informality of the organic structure when organizations grow. However, that is not to say that many large organizations do not try to retain an organic structure, even in the face of significant growth. For example, although Microsoft is a large organization, it prides itself on innovation and has attempted to divide itself into manageable units that use team-based approaches and where informality frees up the entrepreneurial spirit. Similarly, Johnson & Johnson prides itself on being a decentralized empire. The top managers are given much decision-making power for their units, and there is a great effort to maintain a flat organizational structure, even though the company itself is quite large (see Exhibit 4.9 ).
Elements of Structure Small Organization Large Organization
1. Division of labour Wide Narrow
2. Centralization Centralized Decentralized
3. Span of control Wide Narrow
4. Formalization Low High
Exhibit 4.9 Organizational Size and Structure
Technology Technology essentially refers to how an organization transforms its inputs, such as financial capital and physical and human resources, into services or products. For example, the assembly-line approach has been used to produce output in the car manufacturing industry.
Among classifications within technology is how routine or nonroutine that technol- ogy is. Routine technology refers to automated and standardized operations typical of mass production operations, while nonroutine technology is not standardized and might include anything from conducting genetic research to making custom-made furniture. As you might have guessed, standardized, mass production technologies are more compatible with mechanistic structures where such standardization or routinization of work is part of the main objective. Nonroutine technologies, on the other hand, are better suited to innovative, organic structures that do not allow formality and rules to govern activity.
Environment Among the main elements we might consider as composing an organization’s environ- ment are suppliers, customers, competitors, the government, and the general public. When might an organization’s structure be affected by its environment? Again, if we can use a broad classification, you can think of an organization’s environment in two broad classes: dynamic or static. Static environments , as the name suggests, exhibit little if any change—no new competitors, no new technologies, no government regulatory changes, and so on. In such an environment of certainty, the mechanistic structure would be quite
routine technology Automated and standardized technology and operations typical of mass production operations.
nonroutine technology Nonstandardized technology. Might include anything from conducting genetic research to making custom furniture.
static environment One of the two broad classifications of environments of organizations (the other being dynamic). The static environment exhibits little if any change.
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suitable: It generates rules and methods of performance based on environmental needs and, once established, does not change. A dynamic environment , on the other hand, contains much uncertainty and undergoes a lot of change. Clearly, an organic structure is better suited in this situation, given its higher adaptiveness to change. Competition alone has accounted for many of the changes in the environment of a business.
Contingency Theory and the Importance of the Environment In order to understand why organizations are designed in a certain way, it makes sense to consider the environment within which they operate. There are numerous theories and models that have attempted to identify those factors that determine the structure of organizations. For example, contingency theory is a natural outgrowth of systems theory , 7 which recognizes that all organizations are open systems that can only survive through continuous and successful interaction with their environment.
What factors influence whether a tall bureaucratic organization or a simple flat structure is suitable? In what contexts does a centralized decision-making structure, as opposed to a decentralized structure, make sense? Contingency theory focuses on the contextual factors that can influence the structure and management of organizations, with a particular emphasis on organizational design. For example, contingency theories seek to answer questions such as, why do some organizations benefit from centralized decision making? Why do some organiza- tions require a high level of formalization with regard to employee job responsibilities?
A central philosophy underlying contingency theory is that there is no one ideal way to organize. That is, there are no universal principles of what constitutes the best form of organization. The optimal organizational structure is dependent on (or contingent on) the nature of its operating environment. Consequently, this implies that managers should seek to achieve a fit or alignment among the major elements of their organization’s environ- ment and its internal organizational design. Therefore, while contingency theory suggests that there is no one best way to organize universally, it does assert that there is one best way to organize given a specific type of operating environment or organizational context.
Contingency theory is based on the assumption that organizations are able to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Given the need for organizations to design their struc- ture in reference to their environment, successful organizations must adapt to any changes in that environment via structural change. This also assumes that organizations behave as ratio- nal entities that are able and willing to make internal structural changes to achieve compat- ibility with their environment as a means for survival and success. According to contingency theory, there are a number of specific contingency factors that can influence organizational design. One of the most widely studied factors is the notion of environmental uncertainty.
Environmental uncertainty has been defined as the rate at which market conditions and production technologies change. There is no doubt that environmental uncertainty is an important dimension that varies widely among organizations and industries. For exam- ple, some organizations and industries operate within relatively static environments. Other organizations may exist in very dynamic environments, where there are constantly new competitors, rapidly changing technology, new governmental regulations, and so on. Indeed, one example is the digital technology industry, which operates in an uncertain and evolving environment, as seen in Talking Business 4.2 .
dynamic environment One of the two broad classifications of environments of organizations (the other being static). The dynamic environment contains much uncertainty and change.
systems theory A theory that recognizes that all organizations are open systems that can only sur- vive through continuous and suc- cessful interaction with their environment.
contingency theory A natural outgrowth of systems theory, which recognizes that all organiza- tions are open systems that can only survive through continuous and successful interaction with their environment. A central phi- losophy underlying contingency theory is that there is no one ideal way to organize.
environmental uncertainty The rate at which market condi- tions and production technologies change, producing dynamic or static environments.
7 Hall, A.D., & Fagen, R.E. (1956). Definition of system. In General Systems: The Yearbook of the Society for the Advancement of General Systems Theory: Vol. 1 , 18–28.
134 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
The digital economy can be defined to include all economic
activities that the digitization of information permits. This
broad definition includes not just digital media-related
activities and not just the Internet, but all digital technolo-
gies, including mobile technologies. . . .
When we think about this country’s global strengths in
the digital economy, we typically think about digital activi-
ties. But digitization allows us to benefit across all eco-
nomic activities, rather than just specifically “digital
producing” activities. What are Canada’s areas of poten-
tial strength in using digital technologies to open up
global trade opportunities in other areas, including
resources, services, and manufacturing?
These “digital-using” areas of potential strength may
not be as obvious as, say, digital-producing activities such as
creating video games. So a good place to start might be
Canada’s traditional areas of relative strength. To take what
many would consider a “non digital” example, let us start
with Canada’s relative strength in resource extraction. As
previously discussed, digitization now makes it easier to sell
services globally and provides the tools to more effectively
coordinate global supply chains. This means Canadian busi-
nesses can use digital tools to be more effective in global
markets in activities such as mining, as well as to more eas-
ily sell their resource-related services in global markets.
To build on Canada’s existing strengths in the digital
economy, Canadian businesses must invest more heavily
in digital technologies and Canadian policy-makers must
address a wider range of trade barriers.
Canada’s banking sector is another area of relative
global strength. UNCTAD consistently ranks Canadian
banks among the most globalized financial services compa-
nies in the world. During the recent global financial crisis,
Canadian banks also proved to be among the most resil-
ient. The small number of players in the sector is a benefit.
It allows Canadian banks to invest heavily in technologies—
such as those for online and mobile banking—and to test
these technologies extensively on a large group of custom-
ers. (Canadians are relatively heavy users of online banking—
they are, in fact, more likely than Americans to adopt it.)
Canadian banks can leverage this experience in new mar-
kets, where they are already expanding. Similarly, Canada
can build on its professional services strengths in other areas
in which it has global expertise—such as engineering and
waste management services—now that the cost of coordi-
nating such projects globally has fallen dramatically thanks
to digital technologies.
A third example is Canada’s traditional expertise in
making cross-border value chains work, as we have done
for decades across the Canada–U.S. border. Canada could
become a leader in cross-border logistics, adopting tech-
nologies and developing leading-edge practices that allow
for better coordination of global value chains.
A final example of a relative strength—one that we do
not often view as a strength—is the pre-eminent role
smaller businesses play in the Canadian economy. Digitiza-
tion makes it easier to break down production into smaller
tasks and to coordinate these tasks globally. This means
that many more opportunities are now available for smaller
companies to link themselves into global value chains—
even though competition is fiercer. Smaller companies that
offer a world-leading product or service may not have been
able to tap into global markets before. Now, companies
that identify and fill a niche can use digitization to go global
more easily. This strength cuts across a range of economic
activities. (An upcoming Conference Board report will iden-
tify best practices and provide more insight into how smaller
businesses are using digital technologies to go global.)
These ideas are only the tip of the iceberg. In other
words, Canada has a lot to offer. But to seize on these
and myriad other promising opportunities, Canadian busi-
nesses will need to invest more heavily in digital technolo-
gies and related skills than they do now. And for Canadian
Canada’s Trade in a Digital World
135C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
businesses to ensure the secure and wide- ranging access
to global markets they need to capitalize on their relative
strengths, policy-makers will need to address a wider
range of trade barriers than they have in the past.
Trade Barriers in a Digital World
India, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and other coun-
tries have threatened to ban service for Canadian based
Research In Motion’s (RIM’s) BlackBerry devices within
their borders. This is an example of the new types of barri-
ers Canadian and global companies face when buying or
selling their products or services in a world that increas-
ingly relies on digital information flows.
A ban—or simply the threat of one—would obviously
create a barrier to selling BlackBerry products and services in
those coveted, rapidly growing markets. But the repercus-
sions would be much broader. Businesses and individuals
have come to rely on access to smart phones, search
engines, and other communications tools to conduct their
businesses and enter new markets. Threats to ban such
tools lead to self-censorship and uncertainty, both of which
undermine global trade and investment (not to mention
human rights). Banning such tools outright is likely to have
an even stronger negative impact on the scope, efficiency,
and stability of legitimate global business activities.
To be sure, there can be legitimate privacy or security
reasons for countries to filter some types of cross-border
data flows. Often, however, barriers to digital data flows
are aimed at protecting domestic companies (“digital pro-
tectionism”) or at clamping down on dissent.
Digital Information Barriers Are Trade Barriers
Yet, typically, neither policy-makers nor members of the
public think of barriers to digital information flows as barriers
to trade and investment. Historically, Canadian and global
trade policy-makers have focused on eliminating tariffs on
goods trade, and almost all academic work on trade barriers
has related to these tariffs.
Though tariffs have fallen considerably in recent
decades, Canadian companies still face them in a number
of global markets. And even relatively low tariffs can have
significant effects. When each production task is done in a
separate country, products cross multiple borders, poten-
tially encountering tariffs at each one.
Canada must work with other countries to address the
many non-tariff barriers that Canadian companies face,
such as restrictions on foreign investment, barriers to the
flow of information and people, and the threat of com-
promised cybersecurity.
But the ability to digitize information and send it any-
where means we also need to think beyond tariff barriers
in our trade and related public policies. The use of digital
technologies underpins all global trade and investment
today. It has opened up new trade possibilities for digital
products, such as music and video games, that are made
using digital tools and that “travel” electronically. It has
made it possible to trade virtual items, such as clothing
and accessories, in virtual worlds. But it has also revolu-
tionized the way physical goods are made and how they
are tracked on their way to their customers. It has
increased the ability to trade services globally, and it has
made it easier to coordinate trade, investment, and infor-
mation flows across global value chains.
Source: Excerpted from Goldfarb, D. (2011, April). Canada’s
trade in a digital world. The Conference Board of Canada.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/reports/briefings/
tradingdigitally/pg2.aspx . Reprinted with permission.
8 Burns, T., & Stalker, G.M. (1961). The management of innovation . London, UK: Tavistock.
Researchers by the names of Burns and Stalker were among the first, back in the 1960s, to systematically study the influence of the environment on organizational struc- ture. 8 Among their studies was a comparison of organizations existing in two fundamen- tally different environments: one set of firms operated within a dynamic, changing industry; another set operated in a stable, established industry. The researchers found that there were a number of significant structural differences in these two sets of organizations (see Exhibit 4.10 ). In essence, the results of this research suggested that an organization’s struc- ture is contingent on the type of environment within which the organization operates.
Lessons for Managers The contingency approach presents some important lessons for man- agers. Among these is the need for managers to take great caution in the way they interpret
136 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
the organization’s environment. Managers must accurately defi ne those environmental fac- tors that have a signifi cant impact on their organizations to generate a suitable organizational structure—one capable of responding to environmental demands and the characteristics for which it was designed. By the mid-1980s, managers found that their assumptions about the environment largely no longer held. Organizational characteristics regarding the different kinds of hierarchies, organizational practices, and strategies developed in the past were sud- denly incapable of dealing with changes in the organizational environment.
REENGINEERING A management consultant by the name of James Champy was asked to observe the opera- tions of an insurance company in an effort to improve its efficiency. 9 Among his observa- tions, Champy discovered that it took 24 days to obtain a policy after the client purchased it. Champy was curious to understand what work was done on these insurance policies during the 24 days it took to reach the purchaser. After following the trail of these poli- cies, Champy found that only about 10 minutes of work was actually performed on these policies during that 24-day period. The additional time arose because the policies were transferred through 14 different departments. Was this necessary? Champy discovered that while there was no real need for policies to travel through this long and winding road, it nevertheless had become a tradition: “This is how we do things here.” There had been no assessment, however, of whether this method was still necessary.
James Champy and one of his colleagues, Michael Hammer, engaged in many more observations of different types of organizations. They advocated a rethinking of organiza- tional design, detailed in their best-selling book Reengineering the Corporation. Reengineering became one of the hottest business buzzwords of the 1990s, but what exactly is it? Fundamentally, reengineering asks the question, if I were creating this com- pany today—if I could start over given what I know and current technology—what would it look like? A more systematic definition includes the following elements:
Organizational Characteristics Static Industry Dynamic Industry
Rules and procedures • Reliance on formal rules and pro-
cedures to carry out most orga-
nizational activities
• Relatively fewer rules
Decision making • Highly centralized • More decentralized
Levels of administration
or supervisory control
• Greater number of levels • Fewer levels
Exhibit 4.10 Dynamic vs. Static Industry
9 Hammer, M., & Champy, J. (1993). Reengineering the corporation: A manifesto for business revolution. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
Objective 4 Explain the concept of reengineering.
reengineering The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dra- matic improvements in measures of performance. It often advocates the collection of individual tasks into a greater number of whole jobs.
The fundamental rethinking and radical redesigning of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in measures of performance (cost, quality, service, speed). 10
10 Hammer & Champy, 1993.
137C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
In examining the definition of reengineering, we can understand its essence and its basic contributions to organizational design. Let’s consider each element of this definition:
1. Fundamental rethinking of the organization’s structure and functions: Reengineering involves a critical examination of the traditional method of structuring work. An organization will examine how it performs its functions to assess whether this method does indeed make the most sense. This examination of work processes is done with a focus on how to best serve customer needs. Two fundamental questions that any reengineering effort must ask are “How do we improve quality of our product/service?” and “How can we reduce costs?” One central aim is to eliminate any company practice that is not adding value to the process of generating a product or service for the customer. The notion of focusing on the company’s “core competencies” implies that the aim is to concentrate on what the company does best and eliminate unnecessary functions or practices.
2. Radical redesign of organization processes and structure: The thrust of reengineering is to “reinvent” the organization according to the current objectives. Hammer and Champy suggested that a lot of organizations that claim they are making changes to become more efficient are really just trying to do “worthless tasks” more efficiently. What reengineering advocates is a “quantum leap.” However, it is important to note that while the radical redesign of an organization is the fundamental rationale behind reengineering, it is difficult to achieve in practice.
Accomplishing the goal of redesign typically involves organizing around process rather than around functions. For much of the 20th century, beliefs about organizing focused on work specialization—compartmentalizing jobs into the simplest elements—therefore ensur- ing work was standardized (as advocated by scientific management and Weber’s notion of bureaucracy). Reengineering advocates the collection of individual tasks into more whole jobs. This relates to the distinction between process and functions. It is reflected in the notion of moving away from a focus on specialized tasks to a focus on process. Consider an example offered by Hammer and Champy, the case of a credit agency, in Talking Business 4.3 .
An organization found that the task of processing a credit
application was extremely slow and inefficient, taking any-
where from six days to two weeks to complete. After a
credit request was received by phone it was recorded on a
piece of paper. This paper was then passed along to credit
checkers, pricers (who determined what interest rate to
charge), and many other individuals who performed single,
compartmentalized tasks. Credit applications typically were
bounced around to different areas before they were prop-
erly completed. After much scrutiny, it was discovered that
the time actually required to complete such an application
The Credit Agency shouldn’t take more than 90 minutes! Consequently, it
was time to reengineer—to “scrap” the traditional method
organized around specialized, compartmentalized tasks
and redesign the work around the process of completing a
credit application. This did not require numerous special-
ists, but simply a few generalists. That is, one person could
process an entire application without passing it on to oth-
ers. So this work was reengineered, resulting in a decrease
in the application time, an enormous increase in the num-
ber of applications processed, and fewer employees
required to do the job. 11
11 Hammer & Champy, 1993.
138 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Perhaps the biggest challenge associated with the success of the reengineering phenomenon may be that of selling such a major change to the employees of the organiza- tion and getting them to “buy into” the strategic changes that must be undertaken for the firm to survive and prosper. [See Talking Business 4.4 .] For example, outsourcing activities that don’t contribute to core competencies or technology to other firms that can perform them better may be a legitimate outcome of a good reengineering effort. It would lead to work-force reduction, but only with the purpose of making the firm leaner and more responsive. Time-based competition and the creation of “agile” corporations may not even be possible without such changes in work-force size and composition. As companies emphasize the notion of capturing and leveraging “knowledge” as a source of value, a broader focus on process change management may perhaps be the only way to avoid skill obsolescence of employees and encourage horizontal career paths. The extent to which top-level management can sell such a vision of change and its impact on the employees will determine whether the reengineering phenomenon fulfills its true potential. 13
This illustration reflects the notion of organizing around process—in other words, designing the organization in a way that considers the actual jobs that need to be performed. This is in contrast to a blanket approach to organizational design that would simply advo- cate the creation of different departments that jobs will be organized in. Often the bureau- cratic structure becomes preoccupied with administrative levels of hierarchy, rules, and regulations. What reengineering advocates is to move away from a preoccupation with orga- nizing work based on tasks, jobs, departments, and administrative levels of hierarchy, and instead to focus on processes—the activities required to transform inputs into outputs.
With regard to the nature of the job, reengineering also advocates combining several jobs into one. This, too, was reflected in the credit agency example in Talking Business 4.3 . This is akin to the notion of job enrichment—that is, enriching the responsibility and challenge of jobs by allowing workers to do more of the task rather than one narrow, highly specialized piece of the work. Certainly technology has helped facilitate the inte- gration of jobs and the ability of fewer people to perform a greater variety of tasks. In fact, it has been observed that among the leading factors contributing to the proliferation of reengineering activity in the early 1990s were advances in information technology. Tech- nologies, including shared databases, client-server architecture, and imaging, could be efficiently applied to facilitate processes that cross different functional departments. 12
The above suggests that reengineering may result in the view that work can be per- formed efficiently with fewer employees. Typically, reengineering means cutting the size of the workforce and often involves flattening the organizational hierarchy. Examples abound, including organizations like PepsiCo North America, which cut seven layers of its hierarchy to four in order to focus on designing itself around serving customers rather than simply maintaining a hierarchical bureaucracy. This also presents a major challenge for organizations attempting to reengineer, though: the threat of job loss for many employees. Management scholar Varun Grover recently observed the following:
12 Grover, V., Kettinger, W.J., & Teng, J.T.C. (2000). Business process change in the 21st century. Business and Economic Review, 46 (2), 14–18.
13 Grover, V. (1999). From business reengineering to business process change management: A longitudinal study of trends and practices. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 46 (1), 45.
139C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
These are the confessions of an outsourcer. She has spent
more than a decade helping some of Canada’s biggest
financial institutions shed workers and replace them with
low-wage help.
She has made a good living doing this. But she now
thinks that contracting out middle-class jobs—the very
practice she aided—is short-sighted and morally wrong.
“What kind of world do we want?” she asks. “We are
not building a future for kids.”
She doesn’t want her name used, so I shall call her
Arlene. Her story jibes with others I have heard since the
furor over the Royal Bank’s decision to outsource high-
tech workers to India broke.
A highly trained, university-educated professional,
Arlene has been at the centre of the action. She is frus-
trated by the media coverage of the RBC affair. She says
those who focus on Ottawa’s foreign temporary worker
program miss the point.
The big banks she has worked for under contract don’t
bring in temporary foreign workers to take Canadian jobs.
Rather they send those jobs abroad through what they call
“preferred vendors,” such as the India-based outsourcing
firm iGate.
True, these preferred vendors may temporarily import
foreign managers to organize the job drain. But typically,
such managers do not stay long.
More to the point, the lower-paid foreigners who will even-
tually do the actual work rarely, if ever, set foot in Canada.
Former Outsourcer Describes How Job Destruction Works Arlene says any outsourcing scheme begins with the
institution’s senior management. Usually, she says, the
aim is to transfer about 60 percent of the affected jobs—
often in back-shop areas like information technology—
to India where wages are a fraction of those paid in
The remaining 40 percent, which generally require
more local support, are outsourced to third-party firms in
Canada. They in turn, subcontract the jobs to individual
The aim here, Arlene says, is to not only to save the bank
money but ensure that it is legally insulated from those who
work for it.
Technically, those Canadians doing outsourced work
are viewed as self-employed. That means that the bank no
longer has to pay statutory benefits such as Canada Pen-
sion Plan premiums.
In most cases, subcontracts with Canadian workers are
renewed for up to two years. Then, in order to maintain
the fiction that they are not real bank employees, they are
let go. After a few weeks, they are rehired on another set
of short-term contracts.
“It’s sad,” says Arlene. “Really and truly sad. If you’re on
contract you have no security. You do exactly what you’re
told or you’re gone. You look the wrong way at someone
and you’re gone. If you even question someone, you’re
Foreign outsourcing works slightly differently.
In this case, the financial institution will hire not
only someone like Arlene but a foreign preferred ven-
dor like iGate. “We work side by side in the bank,” she
Her job might involve bundling the tasks to be out-
sourced. Her foreign counterpart then arranges with his
home office in, say, India to have its low-wage employees
do the tasks.
The foreign outsourcer might use Canadians from its
Toronto office to manage what corporations euphemisti-
cally call “the transition.” Or it might bring in employees
from abroad under one of several visa arrangements per-
mitted by Ottawa.
© 06photo/Fotolia
140 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
TOWARD A VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION If downsizing has become one of the most feared business buzzwords in recent years, a much more benevolent yet popular buzzword is the virtual organization . How does an organization become virtual? And equally important, why would an organization want to become virtual? The virtual organization underscores how far we have come from the traditional notion of organizations. According to our old philosophy, the bureaucratic structure is typically large. The virtual organization, on the other hand, is not dependent on size for its functions. In fact, the virtual organization attempts to maximize its fluidity, flatness, and integratedness with the environment—that is, building on many of the structural trends we identified earlier. Let’s consider the ways a virtual organization attempts to achieve these characteristics.
Outsourcing Outsourcing (or contracting out) involves hiring external organizations to conduct work in certain functions of the company. For example, payroll, accounting, and legal work can be assigned to outsourced staff. The organization typically will retain its core functions or competencies—that is, those areas that it is in business to conduct. In other words, it sticks to what it does best and outsources functions that it doesn’t wish to focus on. Outsourcing can also be useful for small businesses or startups that do not have time to devote to admin- istrative tasks but rather need to focus on their core activities and to grow their business.
Typically, any foreigners brought in are tasked not with
doing the work being outsourced but with learning how
to train others who are already abroad to do that work.
In that sense, they are not replacing qualified Canadian
workers. They are merely executing a job-killing decision
already made by the bank.
The corporate world has invented various phrases to
describe this drive to cheap labour. Some versions are
referred to as “organizational redevelopment.” Others are
called “process reengineering.”
In most cases, employees about to be fired are com-
pelled to explain how their jobs work so that cheaper
workers can take over. Arlene recalls one instance where
senior directors broke down in tears as they spelled out
how best they could be replaced.
“One was a single mother,” she recalls. “Another had
two kids . . . usually they get rid of the directors first before
outsourcing the entire unit.”
Typically, she says, employees are instructed to explain
their work processes before they receive their pink slips.
This causes less fuss.
In the Royal Bank case, information technology profession-
als were given notice before being required to detail their jobs
to RBC’s Indian partner. That led some to complain publicly.
“Perhaps bad planning,” says Arlene.
The former outsourcer says she now thinks outsourcing
is monstrous. She says she left the field because she
couldn’t bear it any more. She says she has seen too much
damage up close.
She says outsourcing, either domestically or abroad, is
destroying the dreams of young Canadians. She has a child
of her own. She wants government to crack down on
companies that, just to make a buck, deliberately kill good
jobs. Her words spill out. “This isn’t my Canada,” she says.
“It’s not fair. It’s like that television show Survivor .”
Source: Excerpted from Walkom, T. (2013, April 12). Former
outsourcer describes how job destruction works. Toronto Star .
Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/04/12/
works_walkom.html . Reprinted with permission from the
Toronto Star.
Objective 5 Describe the notion of the virtual organization.
virtual organization An orga- nization that attempts to maximize its fluidity, flatness, and integrat- edness with the environment. Outsourcing, networking, and shedding noncore functions are three ways organizations can become more virtual.
TALKING BUSINESS 4.4 (continued)
outsourcing Hiring external organizations to perform certain noncore activities of the company. May be employed by corporations engaged in downsizing.
141C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
You likely have never heard of HTC, Flextronics or Cellon. However, these companies design some very famous products. They represent the new trend in outsourcing—out- sourcing innovation! Companies such as Dell, Motorola, and Philips are purchasing com- plete designs from Asian developers, making minor adjustments to their own specifications, and putting their own brand names on the label. This type of outsourcing may also involve “off shoring”—relying on different regions of the world to provide this expertise.
Why is this trend occurring? Companies gain tremendous cost savings from this type of outsourcing. The outsourcing of manufacturing, technological support, and back-office work is not the only way to cut costs. Now, even outsourcing core compe- tencies such as innovation can make financial sense! However, it also raises some risks. Who “owns” the final innovation? That’s one reason why Apple Computer, for exam- ple, insists on developing its major products “in-house.” On the other hand, companies such as Nokia no longer insist on developing everything itself. Because of the com- plexities of changing technologies, outsourcing may permit Nokia to focus on other areas while deferring to innovators for assistance on some projects. 15
While the buzzword outsourcing may seem relatively recent, the practice of outsourc- ing has, in fact, been with us for many years. Consider the extensive list of “suppliers” of expertise to industry—lawyers, public accountants, independent insurance adjusters, con- tractors, appraisers, health care professionals, and independent medical specialists. Per- haps what is more recent is the trend toward building businesses with a consideration of which activities are required “in-house” and which functions can simply be outsourced. For example, CIBC outsourced a major portion of its human resource administrative func- tions to Electronic Data Systems (EDS). The move is consistent with the philosophy of outsourcing: shedding business activities that do not reflect the organization’s core com- petencies. Obviously, managing human resource functions, such as payroll or pension plans, are not part of CIBC’s core competencies. These functions can be outsourced to a company whose core competency is in such areas, like EDS. CIBC gains by having an expert company deal with these functions, and at the same time the company has cut costs through the elimination of almost half of its human resources department. 14
A good example of the potential benefits and, often, the necessity of outsourcing is found in the popular trend of outsourcing the payroll function. There are a variety of rea- sons for choosing to outsource the payroll function, including dealing with increased human resource demands that may be caused by employee population growth, mergers, acquisitions, spinoffs, consolidations, and downsizing.
In general, the power of outsourcing has been embraced across many diverse industries. A Businessweek article underscored this growing phenomenon:
14 Brown, D. (2001, June 4). CIBC HR department halved as non-strategic roles outsources. Canadian HR Reporter, 14 (11), 1.
15 Based on Engardlo, P., & Elnhorn, B . , with Kripaiani, M. in Bangalore, Reinhardt, A. in Cannes, Nussbaum, B. in Somers, N.Y., and Burrows, P. in San Mateo, California, (2005, March 21). Outsourcing innovation. Busi- nessweek [New York]. Retrieved from www.businessweek.com/stories/2005-03-20/outsourcing-innovation .
However, if outsourced products, services, and processes do not provide the quality expected by consumers, then the company’s reputation may suffer as a result, as seen in Talking Business 4.5 .
142 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
The latest Boeing 787 Dreamliner problem—the planes were
grounded after a battery fire on two Japanese airline flights—
is just another blow to the airline industry but it is the one
I and other potential passengers take most personally.
Air travel has become little more than a series of affronts
to one’s dignity, so the idea of a fuel-conserving lighter
plane that could fly longer distances with better interior air
and bigger windows, look, it was a dream, get over it.
It does seem as though Boeing, which launched its
dream scheme in 2004, hedged its bets, outsourcing the
design, engineering and manufacture of the plane, as is
the modern way. James Surowiecki, the New Yorker ’s
sturdy reliable economics reporter—no dreamer he—has
traced Boeing’s disastrous decision to outsource most of
the work to 50 different companies—yes, 50—to the bad
marriage Boeing made with McDonnell Douglas in 1997.
Essentially, he wrote, Boeing was the wild-eyed
dreamer and McDonnell Douglas was Mr. Cautious, which
meant that they compromised on a queen-sized bed, so to
speak. They outsourced to such a degree that it was more
trouble to keep track of the sub- and sub-sub-contractors
than just to have done the thing in-house in the first place.
The timeline of the Dreamliner’s problems reads like a
thriller plot—you may well say I am easily entertained—
but it’s perhaps more of a Greek tragedy. Christopher
Tang and Joshua Zimmerman’s crisply written UCLA
study, Managing New Product Development and Supply
Chain Risks: The Boeing 787 Case , reveals Boeing’s crush
on outsourcing.
Normally firms gather parts from suppliers and build a
product. Boeing devised a three-tier system of suppliers
before the bits even reached it for assembly, the study
says. The jigsaw map of the plane looks like something
devised by the UN, the wing sections alone coming from
six companies in four nations.
The initial rationale for planetwide sourcing sounded
plausible. So did preventing delays by refusing to pay
suppliers until the first 787 reached customers. But
there were technical problems with things like the com-
posite materials that replaced the aluminum normally
used for planes. They made the plane wonderfully light
but lightning strikes were initially a worry, the study
Then came Boeing’s risk. Just-in-time delivery, that gift to
the trucking industry and to Walmart, doesn’t work perfectly.
Why would it? Humans don’t meet deadlines. Almost no
managers were sufficiently gifted to track and discipline the
vast supply chain, the study said. Boeing’s workforce, terrified
of layoffs, went on strike. Customers began backing out.
I won’t recount what the study reported Boeing did to
even out the risk because it starts to read like a history of
the doomed 1910 Scott expedition to the South Pole.
Boeing was calm and brave, buying up the weakest sup-
pliers, hiring a new manager and CEO, giving staff a raise
and edgy customers interim airplanes.
But discovering that lithium-ion batteries tend to over-
heat? That’s like Scott’s fatal decision to go with ponies
instead of sled dogs.
There is a splendid 20/20 clarity in the study’s sad little
sentence, “Boeing should have chosen the right people
for the job at the outset.” Sometimes I think the secret of
hiring is that people are either intelligent or they’re not,
whatever the job is.
Surowiecki says exciting new products always have
flaws and we should have expected trouble. He is wrong.
It’s not that we have no tolerance for mistakes in airplanes,
but that we have no tolerance for ending up in a fireball
catapulting to earth.
Outsourcing the outsourced has a cost: it overstretches
the link between parts and the final product. It’s a risk
British consumers took when they bought cheap burgers
made from meat outsourced all over Europe, which turned
out to be horse, not beef. And now they’re retching.
Consumers paid a price in quality when they demanded
cheap airfares. They worshipped the god of cheap and
Boeing tried to please them.
The 787 delays, plus the new merger between American
and US Airways, will mean higher U.S. domestic airfares
and rightly so. We’ll fly less often but more happily.
Source: Excerpted from Mallick, H. (2013, February 25). Out-of-
control outsourcing ruined Boeing’s beautiful Dreamliner:
Mallick. Toronto Star . Retrieved from www.thestar.com/opinion/
boeings_beautiful_dreamliner_mallick.html . Reprinted with
permission from the Toronto Star.
Out-of-Control Outsourcing Ruined Boeing’s Beautiful Dreamliner
143C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
Networking We have increasingly been observing organizations limiting themselves to fewer activities in which they have expertise and assigning specialists to handle all other functions. This is also associated with the notion of integrated or networked organizations that we identi- fied earlier. Through networking , organizations can engage in cooperative relationships with suppliers, distributors, or competitors. The aim is to improve their efficiency and flexibility in meeting new consumer needs. For example, a close relationship with a dis- tributor might offer the supplier company more information about the changing needs of customers. The Japanese version of networked organizations called keiretsu could, in fact, really be considered the first form of the virtual organization.
Typically, a keiretsu involves a large bank or financial institution, a large industrial organization, and a number of smaller firms, where the integrated network of relationships allows the large industrial organization to produce the product with financial assistance from the bank. The role of the smaller firms may be to supply parts to the manufacturer, conduct research, or perhaps distribute the final product. What we observe in virtual orga- nizations are only those activities that are central—they are kept in-house, so to speak, and all other functions are outsourced to separate companies or individuals who are typically coordinated by a small head office. Or, each company is simply involved in some kind of network where each brings its own expertise to the collection of companies.
Shedding Noncore Functions The outsourcing aspect, again, is a central feature of the virtual organization. Clearly, organizations can become more “virtual” by shedding some of their noncore functions and outsourcing these to affiliated organizations. Companies that use information technology (IT) need to become as flexible as the virtual organizations, given the rapidly changing face of technology and its applications. For organizations whose core competency is not IT or all its elements, there is much to be gained from partnering with other organizations in the virtual sense. A growing number of IT departments are considering outsourcing models to address all or part of their needs. “Small component” or discrete outsourcing service providers include such specialized offerings as storage and web hosting. Applica- tion management has become a high-growth area in outsourcing service markets in Canada. Those seeking such services have a range to choose from for outsourcing, includ- ing desktop or infrastructure services to various business functions. Network management can be outsourced, along with backup and recovery as well as data centre services.
A virtual organization might be composed of simply a small group of business executives who form the core of the organization. Their responsibility is to oversee and coordinate the activities that might be done in-house as well as those functions that are outsourced—which might involve coordinating relationships among the companies that develop, manufacture, market, and sell their products. Many more companies have found that they can become quite profitable without actually having to own their entire operation. Certainly, the tradi- tional bureaucracy is structured so that production occurs in company-owned plants, research and development are conducted by in-house experts, and sales and marketing are performed by the company’s own sales and marketing department. This is not the case for the virtual organization, which doesn’t believe you need to own everything. For example, Dell Computer owns no plants and simply assembles computers from parts whose
networking Organizations engaging in cooperative relation- ships with suppliers, distributors, or competitors with the aim of improving efficiency and flexibility in meeting consumer needs. The Japanese version is called keiretsu.
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manufacture has been outsourced. Similarly, Apple Computer subcontracted the manufac- ture of its first Notebook to Sony as a means to speed up entry into the market. Companies like Nike and Reebok have achieved success by focusing on what they do best—designing and marketing their products. They outsource almost all their footwear manufacturing to outside suppliers. Obviously, the virtual organization doesn’t just outsource the peripheral function of the company; it outsources whatever costs less to outsource than to do in-house.
There are a number of gains potentially achieved by going virtual:
1. The cost savings are significant: A virtual organization does not need to own its own plants, nor employ its own research and development teams, nor hire its own sales staff. This means the virtual organization also doesn’t need to hire the extra staff to support all these functions—such as personnel specialists, company lawyers, accountants, and so on. The virtual organization can outsource most of these functions and focus on what it does best. So there is little if any administrative overhead, so to speak, because work activities are largely contracted. Cost savings arise in areas such as training, purchasing of work-related tools, benefits, downtime, and educational requirements. All these requirements are typically obtained with the arrival of the external or “outsourced” experts.
2. The virtual organization is a great alternative for entrepreneurs: Individuals seeking to start up a new business or venture may face huge startup costs. The network of arrangements within a virtual organization can exploit the expertise of different companies while not requiring the initiator of the business to buy everything and start a business from scratch.
3. For a mature company, going virtual can be a fast way to develop and market new products: Relying on the expertise of partners means that no huge investment is required to enter a new product or service territory.
4. Virtual organizations are fast and flexible: For example, the flexible arrangements of those parties involved can be of a temporary nature to produce a good or service; resources can be quickly arranged and rearranged to meet changing demands and best serve customers; management isn’t getting bogged down in peripheral functions, but is simply focusing on central functions.
Among the risks and challenges of becoming virtual are the following:
1. Giving up the notion of control: Control has traditionally been a key goal of any organiza- tion. The structure of the bureaucratic organization is fundamentally based on the notion of control—control through standardization of work, control through hierarchy of authority, control through rules and regulations, control through clear division of labour. However, the virtual organization doesn’t provide such control. Think of it—how can you monitor all activity when it may not even be occurring within the walls of one build- ing? Among the fears of going virtual and outsourcing is that we are “hollowing out” the organization and making it extremely dependent on external sources. The employees are not all yours; outsourcing to independent contractors doesn’t carry with it the same level of control as staffing your own employees to do the work. Difficulties in control can occur particularly when a variety of subcontractors are involved in the work. This lack of control may also generate a lack of control over costs—once a company becomes depen- dent on a supplier, it may be unable to refuse an increase in the supplier’s prices.
2. Lack of employee loyalty: If your organization is largely composed of temporary workers and subcontractors, who is really committed to perpetuating the goals of the company?
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Can a virtual organization really develop a sense of identity or culture that is the “glue” that binds everyone to a common purpose? This is an issue that virtual organi- zations must deal with. In fact, turnover in many virtual organizations tends to be high because employees are committed only to the task for which they are hired. In addition, employees may be working under temporary contractual arrangements and could be dismissed in favour of another contractor.
3. Potential to sacrifice competitive learning opportunities: Outsourcing involves the strate- gic decision to “let go” of some aspect of the organization—the decision could be to permit the manufacture of the footwear to occur elsewhere, as in the case of Nike, while retaining the core competencies (such as the marketing function). The ques- tion is whether there is a danger in “letting go” of functions that may currently appear peripheral, but could become important functions of the organization should the strategy change in the future. Clearly, if a function is outsourced, the experience or learning of this function as a skill is lost to the internal organization. Is there an inherent danger in such a situation? That is, is there a danger in outsourcing, given the risk of losing key skills that could be needed for future competitiveness?
DOWNSIZING In terms of business buzzwords, probably the most dreaded buzzword of the 1990s was the term downsizing. While the 1990s have been referred to as the “lean, mean 90s,” the trend toward leanness via downsizing has not gone away in the new millennium. In recent years, thousands of workers across Canada have been losing their jobs.
In broad terms, downsizing refers to the planned reduction in the breadth of an orga- nization’s operations. Typically, it entails terminating relatively large numbers of employ- ees or decreasing the number of products or services the organization provides. It seems that if you think of just about any large corporation, it has likely experienced some kind of downsizing: from AT&T to Bell Canada to Air Canada to IBM to General Motors to Nortel—all have experienced massive cuts in their workforce.
Consequently, most of us associate downsizing with the reduction of the workforce. However, we can be more specific, given that organizations can downsize in a variety of ways. For example, does reducing an organization’s ownership of assets amount to down- sizing? Does a reduction in the number of employees constitute downsizing?
downsizing The planned reduc- tion in breadth of an organization’s operations, typically involving ter- minating relatively large numbers of employees or decreasing the number of products or services the organization provides.
Objective 6 Discuss the phenomenon of downsizing
and its rationale, methods, and
workforce reduction A short- term strategy that is aimed at reducing the number of employees through attrition, early retirement, voluntary severance package, layoffs, or terminations.
16 Cameron, K. (1994). Strategies for successful organizational downsizing. Human Resource Management, 33 (2), 192.
One definition of downsizing that has been offered is “downsizing is a set of activities undertaken on the part of management and designed to improve organizational effi- ciency, productivity, and/or competitiveness. It represents a strategy implemented by managers that affects the size of the firm’s work force and its work processes.” 16
Based on this definition, there are three fundamental types of strategies for downsiz- ing: workforce reduction, work redesign, and systematic change. Workforce reduction
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17 Cameron, 1994, 189–211.
typically involves a short-term strategy that is aimed at reducing the number of employ- ees through such programs as attrition, early retirement, voluntary severance packages, layoffs, or terminations. Downsizing approaches have largely been directed at workforce reduction rather than the more detailed and longer-term strategies of job redesign and systematic change. 17 For a recent example of downsizing, see Talking Business 4.6 .
Loblaw Cuts 700 Head Office Jobs The decision by Loblaw Companies Limited to chop 700
jobs from the payroll in administration and at head office
in Brampton . . . was met with mixed reviews from ana-
lysts and investors.
After the announcement, shares rose 84 cents and
closed at $34.72.
Loblaw has been upgrading its supply chain technology
and infrastructure and while the job cuts may reflect
greater efficiencies, Perry Caicco, managing director, CIBC
World Markets, warned investors against applying the sav-
ings directly to the company’s bottom line.
“Notwithstanding that these job cuts probably reflect a
demand from the parent company to generate some return
on the outsized capital spending on systems, it is highly
unlikely that these actions will directly boost earnings,”
wrote Caicco in a note to investors on Tuesday.
“The recent history of the company suggests that some
of these job cuts will be replaced by equally expensive out-
sourcing, and that the company will struggle to re-assign
eliminated roles in a productive fashion. In other words,
we believe the risk of poor head office execution and ser-
vice to stores will be high for at least 12 months.”
Caicco said some portion of the cuts will likely reduce
expenses, a necessity in light of the surge in growth in the
grocery sector in Canada.
Walmart is in the midst of adding 4.6-million square
feet of retail space to operations in Canada. More than
half of the projects will involve supercentres providing a
full range of groceries.
The family-owned Longo’s is also expanding in carefully
selected prime locations in the GTA.
Loblaw Companies Limited is Canada’s largest food
retailer, with more than 1,000 corporate and franchised
stores, including Loblaws, Zehrs, T&T, Fortinos, Provigo,
No Frills and the Real Canadian Superstore. The company
employs about 138,000 full- and part-time workers.
In the past 12 months, Loblaw has opened 14 new
stores across Canada, creating 2,000 new jobs.
The investment in infrastructure at Loblaw—trimming
250 separate systems down to something manageable—
began in 2009.
“It’s a huge job, particularly when you’ve got to keep
the old systems running to keep doing business. It’s like
changing the engine on a car while the engine is still run-
ning,” said retail analyst Ed Strapagiel.
“This year, 2012, is when most of their system conversion
takes place. There will likely be teething pains, so add a few
months to work the bugs out. I think most professional stock
analysts understand this. I think they think Loblaw is doing
the right thing, but they would prefer to see it go faster.”
Kenric Tyghe, an analyst with Raymond James Securi-
ties told Bloomberg news he viewed the move positively.
“With their new systems capabilities, certain HR require-
ments are now redundant and hence the job cuts,” he said.
Vicente Trius, president, Loblaw Companies Ltd., broke
the news to employees this morning, according to Loblaw
spokesperson Julija Hunter.
© Helen Sessions/Alamy
147C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
The changes will take effect starting Tuesday and
should be complete within three weeks. The company
expects to take a one-time estimated $60 million charge
in the fourth quarter as a result.
“We feel really confident in our direction,” Hunter
said, adding that the job reductions will make the com-
pany more competitive, eliminate duplications and allow
the firm to focus more on the customer experience.
“We’re managing costs where it makes sense.”
The transition will not be fully in place until the end of
Loblaw is a subsidiary of George Weston Ltd., which is
sitting on $3.6-billion in cash. A spokesman for George
Weston Ltd. said in September that the cash will be used
in part to refresh its North American bakeries and Cana-
dian Loblaw stores.
It’s also looking to make acquisitions.
Loblaw saw its profit drop 22 per cent in the first quar-
ter of 2012. Second quarter net earnings per common
share were 57 cents, down almost 19 per cent compared
to the same period in 2011.
Source: Excerpted from Kopun, F. (2012, October 16). Loblaw
cuts 700 Toronto head office jobs. Toronto Star . www.thestar.
jobs.html . Reprinted with permission from the Toronto Star.
Now that we’ve looked at definitions of downsizing, we can more clearly identify the common approaches to downsizing. That is, we can be more specific about what exactly an organizational downsizing may entail. This will allow us to briefly identify the poten- tial benefits as well as pitfalls of an organizational downsizing.
Methods of Downsizing Management scholar Martin Evans has provided a summary of the forms of downsizing where he also identified the potential benefits and consequences of the different approaches to it. 18 The most common forms of downsizing include any one or a combi- nation of the following strategies (the pros and cons of each of these approaches are shown in Exhibit 4.11 on next page):
1. Across-the-board cutbacks: Cutting a fixed percentage of the workforce across all departments or units.
2. Early retirement and voluntary severance: Asking those nearing retirement to take early retirement voluntarily as opposed to being forced to leave. Typically, this is the first stage in a downsizing process.
3. Delayering by cutting a level or levels of the organization: Terminating or reassigning middle managers who are not being replaced, thereby flattening the organizational hierarchy by removing horizontal slices.
4. Contracting out work (or outsourcing): Laying off staff in areas that perform specialized functions and contracting out this work to agencies that can staff those areas with temporary workers. Types of activities that are typically contracted out include pay- roll, data entry, public relations, and clerical work as opposed to the core activities of the organization.
5. Dropping product lines: Discontinuing some programs or product lines provided by the organization.
18 Evans, M.G., Gunz, H.P., & Jalland, R.M. (1997). Implications of organizational downsizing for managerial careers. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14, 359–371.
148 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Exhibit 4.11 Potential Benefits and Risks of Downsizing
Potential Benefits
1. Across-the-board
“Shares the pain,” spreading it across the organization—all levels are equally affected.
2. Early retirement and
voluntary severance
Concentrates the terminations among those who are willing to leave.
May help achieve the reduced cost objective by encouraging the more senior and more highly
paid staff to leave.
3. Delayering Because the organization is cut horizontally, all areas are equally affected and the “pain” is
shared across all departments.
To the extent that decentralized decision making is desired, this approach allows the shift of
responsibility to the lower and perhaps more-appropriate levels in the organization.
4. Contracting out Immediate costs savings.
5. Dropping
product lines
Decide what areas may not be productive to continue to maintain.
A closer connection to long-term strategic planning compared to other approaches.
Concentrates the disruption in one or a few business units as opposed to the entire organization.
Potential Risks
1. Across-the-board
Efficient parts of the organization are hurt. This form of downsizing ignores how well or how
poorly the units are managed.
Typically conducted when there is no strategic plan—it simply cuts staff throughout the organization.
2. Early retirement and
voluntary severance
Not necessarily guided by a strategic plan.
Encourages voluntary exits from all parts of the organization.
“Loss of corporate memory”—that is, a company may lose highly experienced, valued members
who have been an intrinsic part of what the organization is all about.
3. Delayering A loss of corporate memory with the removal of middle managers. There may also be an over-
load of responsibility to top management, who may now need to fill the role of some middle
management as well.
There may be significant costs attached to the transition from a taller organization to a flatter one
because lower-level employees must be trained to take on additional roles and responsibilities.
4. Contracting out Difficulties of dealing with the new suppliers and avoiding future cost increases.
The general loss of control over these temporary workers.
5. Dropping product
Pain is concentrated and not shared across the entire organization—a few people will carry the
burden of this type of downsizing.
Consequences of Downsizing The strategy of downsizing that started in the mid-1980s has now become commonplace. In the early stages, downsizing strategies were viewed as a panacea for the ills of organiza- tions, providing organizations with a method of cost reduction, productivity, and profit- ability improvement and, consequently, a higher competitive ability. Unfortunately, there is vast evidence that the anticipated benefits of corporate downsizing have largely failed to materialize. It is of interest to reconsider the anticipated benefits of downsizing and in what way these benefits have not been realized.
As the Wyatt report and numerous other studies have indicated, there are a host of ben- efits that organizations feel they can achieve through downsizing, including reduced
149C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
19 Wyatt Group. (1993). Best practices in corporate restructuring. Washington, DC: The Wyatt Company.
bureaucracy, lower overhead costs, improved decision making, improvements in productivity, and a stronger ability to innovate. 19 But does downsizing contribute to a better “bottom line”? That is, does this activity enhance the organization’s financial performance? There is research evidence that suggests that a downsizing or layoff announcement often leads to a drop in the organization’s share price, particularly if that announcement was related to financial concerns or a massive and permanent cutback of employees. 20 There is also evidence to suggest that investors respond negatively to layoff announcements. 21
Does downsizing improve organizational performance as measured by return on assets and common shares? There is research evidence indicating that organizations that engaged in an employee downsizing (that is, terminated at least 5% of the workforce combined with little change in plant and equipment costs) did not outperform other organizations in their industry. 22 Similarly, a CSC Index survey found that less than 33% of all downsiz- ing initiatives had achieved their anticipated productivity or profitability goals.
In a large-scale study conducted in Canada, data were collected from 1,907 Canadian organizations with at least 75 employees. This study examined how a permanent workforce reduction affects employer efficiency, employee satisfaction, and employee–employer rela- tions. The findings indicated that a permanent workforce reduction was associated with negative consequences. This echoes the findings in the United States and elsewhere and underscores the consistent failure of downsizing to live up to its expectations. 23
Added to the lacklustre results of downsizing is the wealth of evidence of the costs of downsizing in terms of human consequences. Needless to say, those individuals who are victims of a downsizing can be subjected to intense psychological trauma. However, there is ample research evidence to indicate that the survivors of a downsizing may also experi- ence trauma. According to numerous studies, survivors of a downsizing typically report greater levels of stress, burnout, reduced self-confidence and self-esteem, and lower job satisfaction. 24 Studies have also found that a downsizing can have adverse effects on employee commitment to the organization, their performance, their ability to serve cus- tomer and client needs, and reduced morale and trust. 25 See Talking Business 4.7 .
21 Lee, P. (1997). A comparative analysis of layoff announcements and stock price reactions in the United States and Japan. Strategic Management Journal, 18 , 879–894.
20 Worrell, D., Davidson, W., & Sharma, V. (1991). Layoff announcements and stockholder wealth. Academy of Management Journal, 34 , 662–678.
25 Tomasko, J.A. (1990). Downsizing: Reshaping the corporation of the future. New York, NY: AMACON; Cascio, 1993; Brockner, J. (1988). The effects of work layoff on survivors: Research, theory, and practice. Research in Organizational Behaviour, 10 (1), 213–256; Brockner, J., et al. (1994). Interactive effects of procedural justice and outcome negativity on victims and survivors of job loss. Academy of Management Journal, 37 , 397–409; Sutton, R.I., & D’Aunno, T. (1989). Decreasing organizational size: Untangling the effects of money and people. Acad- emy of Management Review, 14 , 194–212; McLellan, K., & Marcolin, B. (1994). Information technology out- sourcing. Business Quarterly, 59 , 95–104.
24 Mone, M. (2006). Relationships between self-concepts, aspirations, emotional responses, and intent to leave a downsizing organization. Human Resource Management, 33 , 281–298; Ryan, L., & Macky, K. (1998) Downsiz- ing organizations: Uses, outcomes and strategies. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 36 , 29–45.
23 Wagar, T.H. (1998). Exploring the consequences of workforce reduction. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 15 (4), 300–309.
22 Cascio, W. (1993). Downsizing? What do we know? What have we learned? Academy of Management Executive, 7 , 95–100.
150 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
While restructuring and downsizing are often critical
components of business strategy for the short-term,
these actions can lead to longer-term engagement chal-
lenges. Studies have indicated that downsizing has a sig-
nificantly negative impact on work attitudes, and that the
impact varies over time. Downsizing and layoffs are fre-
quently viewed by employees as a break in the presumed
employer–employee contract, and those remaining
employed at downsized companies often suffer from low
morale, reduced commitment, and lack of trust and loy-
alty. These behaviors are indicative of a phenomenon
called “survivor syndrome.” . . .
What Is “Survivor Syndrome”?
Survivor syndrome refers to a marked decrease in motiva-
tion, engagement, and productivity of employees that
remain at the company as a result of downsizing and
workforce reductions.
• Motivation This is the combination of forces that ener- gizes individuals to perform and behave in certain ways.
“Intrinsic motivation” refers to the internal forces (e.g.,
personal satisfaction) that drive an employee to per-
form an action; while “extrinsic motivation” refers to
the external forces (e.g., salary) that drive an employee
to perform an action.
• Employee Engagement A heightened emotional and intellectual connection that an employee has for his/
her job, organization, manager, or co-workers that, in
turn, influences him/her to apply additional discretion-
ary effort to his/her work.
• Productivity At the individual level, productivity is mea- sured by actual output divided by potential output over
a period of time. More simply stated, individual produc-
tivity is the amount of work completed relative to the
amount of time engaged in a task and the total time an
employee has devoted to completing the task. . . .
To survive corporate downsizing, companies can leverage
existing “people strategies” and provide tools to support
motivation, productivity, engagement, and the performance
of the business over the longer-term. In particular:
• Internal communication Provide employees with infor- mation related to the company’s status, progress, and stra-
tegic direction; and solicit employee ideas and opinions via
open forums and one-to-one settings (e.g., staff meetings,
blogs, brown bag lunches, strategy planning groups, etc.).
Encourage line-managers to reinforce communication
messages coming from [the] top of the company.
• Learning opportunities Provide additional training to employees who have assumed new or added responsi-
bilities so that they can be more effective in their roles.
Train line-managers in ways to communicate effectively
with employees under times of uncertainty, crisis, and
change. Motivate employees to seek out opportunities
to improve their skills and contribute to the organization.
• Staff development initiatives Offer one-to-one career counseling to those employees whose roles/positions
are at risk for becoming obsolete or employees who are
seeking advancement opportunities in the future. Pro-
vide employees with (and encourage them to use) mul-
tiple outlets for stress management, e.g., social/wellness
breaks, yoga classes, flexible work schedules, vacation
time, etc.
Ultimately, the ability to survive a downsizing will depend
not only on the processes that are used to execute the
downsizing, but also on the level of commitment the man-
agement team has to reengaging employees at all levels.
Source: Excerpted from Creary, S.J., & Rosner, L. (2009). What
every leader should know about survivor syndrome. The
Conference Board of Canada. Reprinted with permission.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/temp/ac8225af-
e12d-4087-acc3-b51e4933e59d/a-0307-09-ea.pdf .
What Every Leader Should Know about Survivor Syndrome
Why Has Downsizing Failed to Achieve Anticipated Results? If the cost reduction results are inconsistent and there is no evidence that productivity, profitability, and competitiveness improve as a result of downsizing, what is going wrong? There are at least three fundamental issues that have been repeatedly linked with the
151C h a p t e r 4 E s t a b l i s h i n g t h e S t r u c t u r e o f a B u s i n e s s
failure of downsizing. These issues reflect shortcomings in the planning for and execution of organizational downsizings rather than an outright condemnation of the practice itself.
1. Lack of strategic planning: Many downsizings have not been guided by a long-range strategic plan, but rather have been a short-term response to environmental pres- sures. The poor performance of downsizing has been associated with the tendency of downsizing programs to be hastily formulated and not linked with the organization’s strategic plans. 26 While downsizing is by no means going away, by the end of the 1990s organizations were looking more critically at downsizing as a method of organi- zational change, and many reconsidered its role without the broader framework of organizational planning. Moreover, there has been a growing sentiment that downsiz- ing by itself provides no answers for organizational ills without a strategic plan.
2. Lack of concern for, and involvement with, employees: Many downsizings do not involve those who are affected in the planning stages. That is, those in charge of the downsizing do not expect to get objective feedback or advice from those who will potentially be terminated, and so many employees are cut off from the actual planning of the organi- zational downsizing. It is important to note that the adverse effects of a downsizing may be mitigated through suitable communication of the downsizing to employees, 27 employee participation in the planning of the downsizing, a thorough analysis of tasks and perceived employee support from the organization, 28 as well as advanced planning and coordination of outplacement services. 29 Attention needs to be given to both the terminated employees and those remaining. However, research evidence has suggested that insufficient attention has been given to the survivors of a downsizing.
3. Careless removal of corporate memory: Downsizings can eliminate individuals who are a central part of the organization’s knowledge base—the notion of corporate memory . While intangible, the cost of corporate memory loss to an organization can be significant. This can go beyond simply losing the expertise of a valued, experienced employee. This significance has been expressed by many observers:
26 Cascio, 1993; Cameron, 1994.
29 Havlovic, S., Bouthillette, F., van der Wal, R. (2009). Coping with downsizing and job loss: Lessons from the Shaughnessy Hospital closure. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 15, 322–332.
28 Armstrong-Stassen, M. (2008). Downsizing the federal government: A longitudinal study of managers’ reac- tions. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 15 , 310–321.
27 Wanberg, C., Bunce, L., & Gavin, M. (1999). Perceived fairness of layoffs among individuals who have been laid off: A longitudinal study. Personnel Psychology, 52 , 59–84.
30 Baker, W.E. (1996). Bloodletting and downsizing executive excellence. Provo, 13 (5), 20.
corporate memory The knowl- edge of individuals who are a central part of an organization’s knowledge base. If they are elimi- nated by downsizing there is a sig- nificant loss of informal bridges, business relationships, customer ties, friendship ties, and so on that bond people together in the workplace.
Downsizing devastates social networks. When a person is laid off, an entire personal network of internal and external relationships is lost as well. Downsizing destroys informal bridges between departments, disrupts the information grapevine, severs ties with customers, and eliminates the friendships that bond people to the workplace. 30
It has also been suggested that the loss of corporate memory can be particularly devastating to the organization’s ability to innovate.
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For better or worse, downsizings continue to reshape the corporate landscape; and, given that they are unlikely to disappear in the near future, one can only hope that they will be planned carefully to bring about some of the improvements for which they are intended. To this point, the results of downsizing do not appear to be largely positive for many organizations, and yet we have witnessed the pervasive acceptance of downsizing as a legitimate organizational practice.
The question naturally arises: Why have so many organizations agreed to adopt a practice that is not proven to be effective? If there is no significant proof that downsizing offers the results organizations are struggling to achieve, why do companies continue to downsize? In order to make sense of why organizations engage in restructuring themselves, it is useful to consider why organizations adopt such trends as downsizing. In terms of a rational explanation, the evidence is weak. Consequently, researchers have also consid- ered nonrational approaches to explaining the phenomenon of downsizing. This requires an understanding of how nonrationality can influence organizational structure.
Downsizing as a Nonrational Approach to Organizational Structure How can organizational structure be nonrational? A perspective of organizations called institutionalization theory argues that organizations are driven to incorporate practices and procedures defined by current concepts of work and those accepted or institutional- ized in society. Institutional acts, or the rules that govern organizational activity, are sim- ply taken-for-granted means of “getting things done.” They represent shared norms or expectations within or across industries. These rules dominate thinking about how orga- nizations should be designed. The implications are that accepted norms or rules, rather than a set of rational reasons based on clearly identifiable and measurable objectives, can encourage the creation or maintenance of organizational structures and processes. Institu- tional rules have little to do with efficiency, but they give organizations that conform to them a sense of legitimacy. That is, organizations can have elements embedded in their structure that are simply taken-for-granted ways of doing things—which may not, in fact, be accomplishing any specific organizational goals.
According to institutional theory, organizations may conform to institutionalized beliefs as a means to achieve legitimacy, resources, and survival capabilities. The shared beliefs provide order through their institutionalization into organizational procedures and their direct influence on the behaviour of individuals. Consider such diverse organizations as IBM, Ben & Jerry’s, McDonald’s, Procter & Gamble, and Bell Canada. All these orga- nizations have risen within society. They have gained success and longevity through their ability to adapt their operations to the needs of society. Specifically, the organization becomes filled with various cultural forces: for example, political rules, occupational groups, and professional knowledge. In other words, as these organizations have grown, they have instituted acceptable ways of conducting business.
The ideas generated from institutional theory draw attention to the notion of the forces that act on an organization and encourage the adoption and maintenance of those activities that are viewed as legitimate. This perspective suggests that organizational structures and processes can arise not simply because of rational objectives for control and coordination, but because of adherence to nonrational (but institutional or socially
institutionalization theory The theory that organizations are driven to incorporate practices and procedures defined by current con- cepts of work and those accepted or institutionalized by society. Taken-for-granted means of “get- ting things done” and, as such, not necessarily rational.
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31 Meyer, J.W., & Scott, R. (1983). Organizational environments: Ritual and rationality. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
accepted) rules. Meyer and Scott described a “continuum”—from organizations domi- nated by technical criteria (manufacturing organizations) to those dominated by institu- tional criteria (schools). 31 What we have seen since the mid-1980s is a questioning of many of the fundamental institutional rules governing how organizations should be designed. In other words, at one time the machine bureaucracy was the socially accepted structure for most organizations. Recently, this rule has been called into question, and increasingly the phenomena of reengineering, downsizing, and going virtual seem to be the established trend in organizational design.
The continued use of downsizing by organizations, even though it has not lived up to its reputation, appears to be nonrational. Organizations do not, in fact, always act purely rationally. Institutional theory asserts that organizational structures and policies can become institutionalized and persist even when they are no longer efficient. 32 This theory emphasizes the fact that an organization’s functions can become established or embedded in social networks. These functions, whether they are how organizations are designed or simply how they behave, are affected by the pressures of conformity and legitimacy, which arise from the organization’s environment. 33 Meyer and Rowan defined institutionalization as “the processes by which social processes, obligations, or actualities come to take on a rule-like status in social thought and action.” 34
The notion of downsizing has come to represent more than a reduction in an orga- nization’s workforce. It has come to reflect a longer-term organizational evolution. Numerous organizations by the 1990s felt obligated to downsize given the intrinsic con- nection between being “lean and mean” and being highly competitive. Institutional theorists offer some insight, suggesting that the spread of corporate downsizing has been facilitated through conforming to institutional rules that define legitimate structures and management practices, copying the actions of industry leaders, and responding to the legitimization of downsizing practices as accepted management practices via the media and popular press. 35
But why do organizations persist in conforming to the “rules” of downsizing? Address- ing this question can be accomplished through addressing the question of why organiza- tions conform to institutional rules. At least three social factors have been cited: constraining, cloning, and learning. We will briefly consider each factor to get a better understanding of how they influence adherence to the institutional rule of downsizing. In this regard, we can understand how these factors can make organizations follow rules or ideas that are not necessarily rational.
Constraining Forces Constraining forces represent those practices that come to define what are perceived as legitimate management structures and activities and that
35 DiMaggio & Powell, 1983; McKinley, W., Sanchez, C., & Schick, A. (1995). Organizational downsizing: Constraining, cloning, and learning. Academy of Management Executive, 9 (3), 32–41.
34 Meyer & Rowan, 1977.
33 DiMaggio & Powell, 1983.
32 DiMaggio, P., & Powell, W. (1983). The iron cage revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective rational- ity in organizational fields. American Sociological Review, 48 (2), 147–160; Meyer, J., & Rowan, B. (1977). Institu- tionalized organizations: Formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83 (2) , 440–463.
constraining forces Practices that come to define what are per- ceived as legitimate management structures and activities and that, consequently, place pressure on organizations to conform to these institutional roles.
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cloning forces Pressure on orga- nizations to imitate the behaviour of industry leaders. “Jumping on the bandwagon,” or “keeping up with the corporate Joneses.”
consequently place pressure on organizations to conform to these institutional rules. An example given involves the relationship between large US corporations and the stock market. 36 Interestingly, studies have found that layoff announcements made by large corporations that were undergoing restructuring and consolidation were followed by increases in share prices. In other words, we have seen the tendency for public reac- tions to downsizings to be favourable—the notion of becoming “leaner and meaner” has become an accepted business strategy, and one that is apparently favoured by shareholders. Consequently, since the markets respond positively to such news, organi- zations have become constrained to perceive downsizing as a positive strategy and one that should be sought. Of more interest is the finding that this constraining force was found to be even stronger when executives’ compensation packages and bonuses were linked to share values.
Cloning Forces Cloning forces are pressure for organizations to imitate the behaviours of industry leaders. Revisiting the downsizing example, some observers have suggested that organizations have been “jumping on the bandwagon.” That is, many organizations downsize to demonstrate they are in tune with modern business trends, and consequently downsizing has been viewed as a way of “keeping up with the corporate Joneses.” 37 This action represents a clear reduction in rationality—that is, a move away from objectively defined criteria for downsizing and toward strict adher- ence to institutional rules. It has also been found that downsizing among industry members is more likely to occur when industry leaders downsize. The risks of failure are obvious given that this approach lacks a careful evaluation of the costs and benefits of this strategy.
Learning Forces Learning forces are the result of institutionalized management practices. The lessons we teach future managers and businesses leaders are embedded in the courses taught in universities and professional associations. As an example of the biases generated in business schools, researchers like McKinley and his colleagues point out the case of cost accounting techniques used in business strategy education. 38 From a purely cost accounting perspective, the practice of outsourcing appears infi- nitely superior to maintaining a full-time workforce. Specifically, the method of allo- cating overhead costs clearly draws attention to the cost efficiencies gained by outsourcing; and by definition, those units remaining as a permanent fixture for the organization appear more costly. According to McKinley, this perceived cost reduction gained from outsourcing increases the preference to outsource and can consequently become the driving force for a series of outsourcings and downsizings. This, then, is an example of how an emphasis on certain approaches toward business strategy that are spread through business education can come to play a role in rationalizing downsizing as a legitimate activity.
37 Evans, M.G., Gunz, H.P., & Jalland, R.M. (1997). Implications of organizational downsizing for managerial careers. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14, 359–371.
learning forces Lessons that result from institutionalized man- agement practices and that are taught to future managers and business leaders in the course of their formal education.
38 McKinley, Sanchez, & Schick, 1995.
36 McKinley, Sanchez, & Schick, 1995.
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CHAPTER SUMMARY You will remember that contingency theory asserts that organizations continually adapt to “fit” the environment. This implies that organizations will respond to changes in eco- nomic and environmental conditions by looking for alternatives to the traditional hierar- chical organizational structure. Recent years have been marked by increasing threats to the survival of many organizations stemming from sources such as technological change, global competition, and the emergence of a knowledge-based economy. And in response to these threats, many organizations have attempted to redesign and initiate fundamental changes in their organizational forms and management practices. According to many observers, the accumulation of changes in the organizational environment has demanded a shift in thinking with regard to organizational design. This shift has involved the move- ment away from the traditional, large, rigid, bureaucratic structure. Current practices now include reengineering, outsourcing, going virtual, and downsizing.
centralization 128
cloning forces 154
closed systems 126
constraining forces 153
contingency theory 133
corporate memory 151
cross-functional teams 121
decentralization 128
delayering 120
downsizing 145
dynamic environment 133
environmental uncertainty 133
formalization 130
functional specialization 128
horizontal differentiation 127
information sharing 121
institutionalization theory 152
keiretsu 123
learning forces 154
machine metaphor (of an organization) 125
mechanistic organizations 131
networking 143
nonroutine technology 132
open systems 126
organic organizations 131
organism metaphor (of an organization) 125
organizational structure 127
outsourcing 140
reengineering 136
routine technology 132
self-managing work teams 121
social specialization 128
span of control 129
specialization 128
static environment 132
systems theory 133
vertical differentiation 129
virtual organization 140
worker empowerment 128
workforce reduction 145
Key Terms
Multiple-Choice Questions Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. A traditional bureaucracy is often a. rule-oriented
b. tall/hierarchical
c. buffered from the environment
d. all of the above
2. Keiretsu means a. networking of major enterprises
b. globalization
c. modern bureaucracy
d. self-managing work teams
3. An organization is a. a social entity b. goal-directed
c. both A and B d. none of the above
156 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
4. The “machine metaphor” refers to a. organizations that function in a rational manner
b. the behavioural school of thought
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
5. Closed systems require a. ongoing interaction with their environment
b. no interaction with their environment
c. dependence on exchanges with the environment
d. some interaction with their environment
6. Division of labour refers to a. the degree of which tasks are divided into separate jobs
b. diversity within organizations
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
7. Social specialization is a. the specialization of individuals
b. the specialization of jobs
c. when jobs are routinized
d. both A and B
8. Two levels of job specialization are a. top and bottom
b. manager and staff level
c. professional and blue-collar
d. functional and social
9. When decision making rests at the top of the organiza- tion, it is said to be
a. compromised b. decentralized
c. centralized d. both A and C
10. A wide span of control reflects a a. flat organization
b. tall organization
c. wide organization
d. narrow organization
11. A high level of formalization means work a. is highly standardized
b. has clear rules on how it is to be performed
c. is flexible and not standardized
d. both A and B
12. Google’s flexible work arrangements and push for cre- ativity make Google’s structure more likely to be
a. mechanistic
b. organic
c. highly formalized
d. centralized
13. Custom-made furniture or genetic research is work that typically uses
a. nonroutine technology
b. routine technology
c. assembly-line technology
d. formalized technology
14. An environment that undergoes much change or uncer- tainty is said to be a(n)
a. dynamic environment
b. static environment
c. adaptive environment
d. resistant environment
15. Reengineering often involves a. a rethinking of the organization’s structure and
b. a radical redesign of the organization’s processes
and structure
c. the goal to achieve dramatic improvements
d. all of the above
Discussion Questions 1. Explain the differences between a traditional bureau-
cracy and a modern organization.
2. Describe three broad categories of organizations.
3. Provide a definition of an organization and explain four characteristics of what an organization is.
4. Compare and contrast mechanistic and organic organizations.
5. Compare and contrast open systems and closed systems.
6. What are four defining elements of organizational structure?
7. What characteristics determine organizational structure?
8. Why is contingency theory important in studying organizations?
9. What are the benefits and challenges of having a virtual organization?
10. Discuss the potential benefits and risks of downsizing.
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In 1995, a little company called Pixar presented the world with the very first fully computer-animated movie. It was called Toy Story and it received both critical acclaim and $29 million in box-office receipts. Since that time Pixar has become one of the most successful animation studios in movie history.
Behind every amazing creation there is an even greater creator: Dr. Ed Catmull. Ed Catmull, with a vast education in the field of computer sciences and a passion for animation, revolutionized the way films are made. Not only has Pixar broken ground in the field of com- puter graphics and animation but it has also proven itself to be an exemplary organization.
Step by step Catmull built his empire. In the beginning there were the commercials and short films that would eventually get the attention of the former head of Disney’s animation unit, Peter Schneider. Taken with the creative ability and talent seen in the ads and short films by John Lasseter, a ground-breaking animator, Disney sponsored a full- length feature by Pixar, including expenses and even some production people. Schneider saw this as a worthwhile and low-risk investment. The hard work obviously paid off because, just as Schneider predicted, the backing of a full-length feature proved to be a wise choice as Toy Story and its followup, A Bug’s Life, went above and beyond what any- one could have hoped for. And these were just a preview of the blockbusters that Pixar would produce shortly after, such as Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.
Ed Catmull’s vast array of talents was responsible for the creation of such a strong animation studio. Making animated films, particularly the 3-D computer-generated kind, is more like software design than it is live-action filmmaking. Cartoon editing takes place simultaneously with the storyboard process. As the script is mapped out into scenes that are then drawn and animated, the cartoons and individual scenes are fine tuned. For example, Nemo, the loveable clownfish, may have stripes added or removed from his scaly orange skin. This collaborative editing is comparable to the way programmers optimize features in a piece of software. Differences between live-action films and animated ones lie in their procedural organization.
An animated film benefits from having the same team work together many times, and collaboration is a must. By way of collaboration and the freedom to be flexible, computer animation studios already possess inherent qualities necessary for a successful corporation. According to Catmull, it is important to allow risk taking to unleash creativity:
Well, the first thing to note is that we’re supposed to be taking risks, so we don’t think of risk management as trying to minimize risk. That’s actually the way to prevent cre- ativity. Rather, it’s to do risky things, and then when they go in some unpredicted path, to be able to respond to it. So our job as managers is to create not only a community but a way that that community works together, so they can solve the problems that are coming up that are unforeseen. If you’ve got the good community, they will solve these problems. So for us, it’s clear, it’s building the community and putting elements in place so that community is vibrant and healthy. 39
39 HBR IdeaCast. (2008, August 28). Pixar and collective creativity. HBR Blog Network, Pixar and Collective Creativity. Retrieved from http://blogs.hbr.org/ideacast/2008/08/harvard-business-ideacast-109.html .
Case Continued >
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Catmull’s Pixar creation consists largely of just three equal groups that are consis- tently working together to achieve the organization’s impressive goals. To begin with, there is the technology development group, which is generally responsible for the supply of computer-graphics tools. The creative development group conceives of and animates the stories and characters. And the production group coordinates the entire filmmaking process. Aside from the crucial aspect of communication and collaboration, the freedom given to each group to work directly with one another and avoid going through higher-ups was almost ground-breaking at the time. This, in effect, attracted organizations such as the US Navy to send their organizational experts into Pixar and take notes on how to improve their own organizations.
Animated films have always used technology, even in Disney’s earlier days. Today, art- ists’ easels have been replaced by computers, and Pixar has a small army of employees whose jobs consist of ambitiously inventing and innovating technology to improve the appeal and increase efficiency throughout the company. In its consistent efforts to develop, Pixar has created a motivational flow and balance between art and technology, where creativity in art provokes advances in technology, and advances in technology inspire the art. 40
1. Do you think that Pixar most closely resembles an organic or a mechanistic structure? Why?
2. Describe the nature of Pixar’s “contingencies” and explain how they influence the suitability of Pixar’s structure.
3. How could Pixar be redesigned as a virtual organization?
40 Based on Schlender, B. (2004, November 15). The man who built Pixar’s incredible innovation machine. Fortune, 150 (10), 206–210.
Chapter 5 Business Strategy How Do Businesses Generate a Successful Strategy?
The ability to respond effectively to the business environ-
ment is the fundamental challenge of strategic manage-
ment. How does a business create and sustain its
competitive advantage? One of the fundamental inter-
nal forces that organizations must address is the issue of
strategy. This chapter examines the nature and role of
strategic management and the challenges it presents.
We will also explore the importance of understanding
the nature of an organization’s specific industry.
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Describe the nature of strategic management.
2. Identify key forces in determining an industry’s structure.
3. Describe how organizational resources and capabilities
affect firm performance.
4. Describe three generic business strategies.
5. Explain the nature of corporate strategy.
Bloomberg via Getty Images
THE BUSINESS WORLD Tim Hortons: Is Its Strategy “Always Fresh”?
Did you know that coffee is the second most consumed beverage in Canada, next to water, for individuals 25 years of age or older? Clearly that is a fact that Tim Hortons is very well aware of.
As of 2013, Tim Hortons was the largest publicly traded restaurant chain in Canada and among the largest in North America. From 2007 through 2011, total revenues rose at an annual rate of 8.7%, and earnings per share grew by 13.2%. 1 It has also commanded about 80% of the $3 billion “away-from-home” coffee market in Canada. 2 That is a lot of coffee!
Tim Hortons certainly has a heavy presence in Canada. There are more than 3,000 Tim Hortons restaurants across the country. Among areas for potential expansion are Quebec and Western Canada, which may well permit Tim Hortons to soon reach its goal of 4,000 restaurants. It also has over 700 locations in the United States, and in recent years it has attempted to initiate overseas markets, including the Middle East. 3
According to marketing experts, Tim Hortons’s success is based on the ability of its restaurants to be efficient, dependable (that is, always open), places for community-based conversations (particularly in small towns), friendly, and of course value conscious. 4 In addition to regular restaurants, Tim Hortons locations can also be found in shopping malls, highway outlets, universities, and hospitals. And in some locations there is also a 24-hour drive-thru service. In 1995, Tim Hortons merged with Wendy’s International, Inc., giving momentum to the expansion of Tim Hortons in the United States. The Canadian operations are 95% franchise owned, and the company is working toward implementing that strategy in the United States as expansion progresses.
The Tim Hortons chain was first established in 1964 in Hamilton, Ontario. With its humble beginnings of offering only two products (coffee and donuts), the menu has expanded considerably over the years. Way back in 1976, Tim Hortons unveiled its big- gest change in the chain’s product focus—the hugely successful Timbit (a bite-sized donut hole). Growth through the 1980s brought about more new product introductions, includ- ing muffins (1981), cakes (1981), pies (1982), croissants (1983), cookies (1984), and soups and chili (1985). Yet more variety followed in the 1990s with the introduction of sandwiches, flavoured cappuccino (1997), café mocha (1999), and iced cappuccino (1999). While the 2000s saw yet more menu expansion, the company’s biggest attraction
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1 Heinzl, J. (2013, January 11). Why I’ll buy Tim Hortons as other investors bail. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/investor-community/trading-shots/why-ill-buy-tim-hortons-as-other- investors-bail/article7177472 .
2 Tedesco, T. (2013, February 25). Rivals’ attack on Tim Hortons in morning market forces menu shakeup. Financial Post. Retrieved from http://business.financialpost.com/2013/02/25/rivals-attack-of-tim-hortons-in-morning- market-forces-shakeup/.
3 Keith, D. (2013, January 8). Falling out of love with Tim Hortons. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www. theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/investor-community/trading-shots/falling-out-of-love-with-tim-hortons/ article7001460 .
4 Blackshaw, P. (2008, July 14). What Starbucks can learn from a Canadian competitor. Ad Age Digital. Retrieved from http://adage.com/article/digital-columns/starbucks-learn-a-canadian-competitor/129607.
continues to be its coffee. And Tim Hortons also continues to grow its sales and profits by expanding into such premium offerings as lattes and panini sandwiches. 5
Tim Hortons has been a Canadian icon for years (ranking right up there with hockey and maple syrup). However, while its brand resonates strongly among Canadian consum- ers, skeptics still question its future prosperity. As Theresa Tedesco bluntly stated in the Financial Post :
For the first time in its history, Tim Hortons is facing stiff competition from rivals— mostly Americans accustomed to grinding ground wars in the quick-serve restaurant business—with deep pockets who are aggressively contending for a slice of the profit- able morning market. 6
Clearly, the coffee industry has never been so fierce. McDonald’s, the US fast-food giant, has been spending $1 billion in recent years to
establish and renovate 1,400 McCafés in Canada. For the past few years, McDonald’s has been moving steadily into Tim Hortons’s domain since it began offering free cups of coffee at selected times in its newly renovated stores, which are beginning to resemble a neigh- bourhood café. 7
Similarly, Starbucks has added over 100 cafés recently. In fact, in 2012 Starbucks announced plans to open its first coffee shop in a rather unlikely location—a South Carolina funeral home. While there are significantly more Tim Hortons locations in Canada compared to Starbucks, almost all of Canada’s major cities have a few neigh- bourhoods with more Starbucks than Tim Hortons. However, once you move outside of the urban core, Tim Hortons still tends to be the favourite.
Tim Hortons remains a formidable force in this industry. Its iconic “Roll Up the Rim to Win” contest continues to resonate with Canadians every year. As competition further intensifies, it will be interesting to see how Tim Hortons responds. And competitors in the coffee industry are everywhere, it seems. While, Starbucks, Second Cup, and Timothy’s are coffeehouses that directly compete with Tim Hortons, other less direct competitors also exist. There are the basic convenience stores such as 7-Eleven or gas station outlets such as On the Run, which also conveniently sell you coffee when you are on the go.
According to Financial Post writer Theresa Tedesco:
Feeling the squeeze from rivals, and facing a new breed of consumer demanding value-for-money products but willing to pay more for small luxuries, Tim Hortons is at a crossroad . . . The challenge will be to entice a new, younger generation of customers . . . Thus, the menu additions: grilled panini, breakfast sandwiches, healthy wraps, espresso-based specialty coffees (café lattes and cappuccinos), blended bever- ages and smoothies . . . Preferably, the 18 to 24 age crowd who are more inclined to pay for expensive non-coffee blended beverages and healthier food choices, and are less likely to nurse the same cup of brewed coffee for hours. 8
5 Tim Hortons. (n.d.). The history of Tim Hortons. Retrieved from www.timhortons.com/us/en/about/ media-history.html .
6 Tedesco, 2013.
7 Tedesco, 2013.
8 Tedesco, 2013.
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So if you are Tim Hortons, what do you do to retain your customers and attract more? Some Tim Hortons restaurants instituted wireless services to attract more customers. The company also super-sized its coffee cups, appealing to those who need that extra caffeine fix. Some drive-thrus have been renovated to process more vehicles in less time. In a typical Tim Hortons restaurant, you can now can buy its fresh ground coffee in tins or purchase other items like specially branded mugs. Indeed, there is more required in this industry then just selling a cup of coffee.
The increasing pressure from rivals is forcing Tim Hortons to revisit its traditional strategy that helped it generate profits for decades. For example, it recently shook up its corporate ranks with dozens of its 2,000 corporate staff being terminated. It also recently began decentralizing functions to prepare for international growth. Given that McDonald’s spent $1 billion renovating its Canadian restaurants, Tim Hortons followed suit by increas- ing its renovation efforts and doubling the number of stores being remodelled.
In Canada, Tim Hortons can surely build upon its brand recognition. According to James Cowan of Maclean’s magazine,
It took 27 years for Tim Hortons to open its first 500 outlets. Over that time, the brand built an emotional connection with Canadians, supporting charities, backing amateur hockey teams and serving as the default community centre for many small towns. Perhaps most importantly, the brand was unabashedly patriotic, from its hockey rink-laden advertising to its support of Canadian troops in Afghanistan. Underneath the folksy, homespun image is a finely calibrated brand identity, one that’s earned notice from both Ad Age magazine and the Reputation Institute. 9
But this Canadian identity is meaningless in the United States and other interna- tional markets. Tim Hortons’s expansion into the United States has not been as successful as it hoped. The company needs help in developing an effective strategy to expand further to gain new customers in other markets.
In 2010, Tim Hortons was forced to close 36 stores in the New England region. And in 2012, only 22 new coffee shops were opened in the United States. Can Tim Hortons remain a low-cost coffee shop, or is differentiating its product further the way to go? The coffee industry is still a hot market in Canada. Will consumers keep “rolling up the rim”? If Tim Hortons can keep its strategy as fresh as its coffee, then the answer is a resounding yes!
WHAT IS STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT? Strategic management consists of the analysis, decisions, implementations, and evalua- tions a firm undertakes to create and sustain its competitive advantages. As such, strategic management can be an ongoing process where managers of a firm constantly analyze their external and internal environments, make decisions about what kinds of strategies they should pursue, implement the strategies, and evaluate the outcomes to make any changes if necessary. The ongoing process of strategic management is critical to firm performance and survival in that an effective process of strategic management can allow a firm to sustain its competitive advantage, which in turn enhances its performance and chances of survival.
9 Cowan, J. (2013, February 20). Why Tim Hortons can’t rroll into the United States. Maclean’s Magazine . Reprinted with permission from Maclean’s Magazine.
strategic management An ongoing process that requires managers of a firm to constantly analyze their external and internal environments, make decisions about what kinds of strategies they should pursue, implement the strat- egies, and evaluate the outcomes to make any changes, if necessary, in order to create and sustain its competitive advantages.
Objective 1 Describe the nature of strategic management.
163C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
But what is strategy? Most can agree that much of the success of Walmart, Canadian Tire, or other highly profitable corporations can be attributed in part to the strategies these firms have pursued. However, there is no consensus on how to actually define the concept of a firm’s strategy. Some definitions are long and complex; others are deceptively simple. Throughout this chapter, strategy is defined as the plans made or the actions taken in an effort to help an organization obtain its intended purposes. Such a definition corre- sponds with our definition of strategic management, where managers assess their external and internal environments to plan and take actions to pursue organizational goals, either short term or long term. Putting both strategy and strategic management together, a firm can be viewed as a goal-directed entity. By and large, the goals of most publicly traded firms are normally to maximize shareholder returns through various means.
Although strategy is goal-directed, it can sometimes unintentionally evolve with either the internal or external environment. Henry Mintzberg argues that, due to the unpredictabil- ity of environments, managers in organizations cannot thoroughly plan out any strategy that would achieve the long-term goals of their firms. As such, some strategies would never be carried out, and managers would pursue strategies that they had not planned at the beginning of the strategic management process. For example, a number of years ago, the SARS outbreak in Canada led firms in the hospitality industry to pursue many different strategies to win back tourists, including cutting prices and seeking financial and nonfinancial supports from pro- vincial governments. The unexpected outbreak forced managers in these firms to change their strategies in response to a decline in their performance. Another example is Microsoft’s entry to the Internet browser market (with Internet Explorer), which was not planned by its top management team—it was an idea forwarded by one of its software engineers.
In the next two sections we will survey different approaches to strategy analysis, which is often the first stage of strategic management. Throughout this chapter, we will discuss different types of strategies and how to implement the strategies that are identified in the early stages of the strategic management process.
ANALYZING THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT In this section, we will be focusing on five major groups associated with an industry’s exter- nal environment. Before we look at each group in depth, however, we first need to define industry. Although industry has been defined in many different ways, the definition used throughout this chapter is a group of organizations that share similar resource requirements. The resource requirements range from raw materials to labour to technology to customers. For example, Air Canada, WestJet, Porter Airlines, and Air Transat operate in the airline industry, where the four airline carriers share similar technology (aircrafts), labour (flight attendants), and customers (people who prefer air transportation). FedEx and UPS, however, are not in the airline industry because the customers those two companies serve are different from those of Air Canada, WestJet, Porter Airlines, and Air Transat, even though all of them share similar technology (aircrafts).
The Five-Forces Model How can we systematically analyze the industry environment? Michael Porter drew upon research from industrial organization economics to propose a powerful, prescriptive model
industry A group of organiza- tions that share similar resource requirements, including raw materials, labour, technology, and customers.
Objective 2 Identify key forces in determining an
industry’s structure.
164 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
known as the five-forces model , 10 which allows us to systematically assess the industry envi- ronment. The thrust of the model is that the relationships between these five forces and the
incumbent firms (those already in the market) deter- mine the attractiveness of the industry environment, which in turn helps us make strategic decisions about how to achieve organizational goals or to find a posi- tion in the industry where we can best defend our- selves against competition. The five forces include threats of new entrants, bargaining power of suppli- ers, bargaining power of customers, threats of substi- tute products or services, and rivalry among existing firms (see Exhibit 5.1 ). These forces can either inde- pendently or jointly affect the attractiveness of the industry. Let’s examine each force in more detail.
Threats of New Entrants New entrants can take two basic forms: new startups and diversifica- tion of existing firms in other industries. Regardless, the entrants bring new capacities, desire to gain market share, and substantial resources and capa-
bilities. Prices can be bid down or incumbents’ costs inflated as a result, reducing profitabil- ity. As such, the new entrants may impose significant threats to incumbents. Thus, incumbents need to consider how to create entry barriers to deter potential new entrants. There are five major sources of entry barriers from the potential new entrants’ point of view.
Economies of Scale Economies of scale refer to spreading the costs of production over the number of units produced. The cost of a product per unit declines as the number of units per period increases. From the new entrants’ point of view, the entry barrier is increased (and the threat of new entrants is reduced) when incumbents enjoy the benefits of economies of scale. Economies of scale can provide the incumbents with cost advan- tages to compete with new entrants on the price, if necessary. Global companies, for example, that sell their goods in various countries often achieve economies of scale because of the high volume of products they produce. The food industry is one example that is becoming increasingly global, as seen in Talking Business 5.1 .
Capital Requirements For some industries, such as the airline and mining industries, the required capital to establish a new firm is significant. Accordingly, the level of required capital for entering certain industries creates barriers for potential new entrants. Thus, the threat of new entrants is reduced as the level of required capital increases.
Switching Costs Switching costs refer to the costs (monetary or psychological) associ- ated with changing from one supplier to another from the buyer’s perspective. When the switching costs are minimal, customers can easily switch buying products from one firm to another. This creates an opportunity for potential new entrants because they can easily acquire customers from incumbents. Thus, the threat of new entrants increases (or the barrier to new entrants decreases) as the switching costs decrease.
five-forces model A prescriptive model developed by Michael Porter (1980) that allows for the systematic assessment of the industry environ- ment. The five forces include the threats of new entrants, the bar- gaining power of suppliers, the bar- gaining power of the buyers, the threats of substitutes, and rivalry among existing firms.
economies of scale Spreading the costs of production over the number of units produced, which can provide incumbent firms with cost advantages that create a bar- rier to entry for new entrants.
switching costs The costs, both monetary and psychological, asso- ciated with changing from one sup- plier to another from a buyer’s perspective.
10 Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy . New York, NY: Free Press.
Industry Competitors
Rivalry among Existing Firms
Potential Entrants
Suppliers Buyers
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Threats of Substitute Products or Services
Threats of New Entrants
Exhibit 5.1 Forces Driving Competition within an Industry
165C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
Changes in Global Food Sector Call for Canadian Food Strategy Food is in demand like never before—and today much of
the world can afford what Canada produces.
The food sector is facing a dramatic shift in its cus-
tomer base as globalization, population patterns, and
demographics reshape where food companies will find
growth opportunities in the coming decades.
All of the features of globalization—integration, com-
petition, innovation, specialization and economies of
scale—affect the food sector. But the food sector is not
uniformly or equally integrated into the global economy.
With rising international trade in food, nations face com-
peting pressures to open their markets and go global
themselves, or protect their domestic markets.
Canada’s Good Fortune
Human history has often been driven by food and famine.
Fortunately, Canada is a food-rich country—it has almost
always been able to produce more food than it needs, and
famine has been virtually unknown. Moreover, the food
Canadians eat is relatively inexpensive. The share of income
Canadians allocate to food has steadily declined: today it
is among the lowest in the developed world.
Dramatic increases in commodity prices in 2007–08,
and again in 2010, illustrate Canada’s good fortune. Anal-
ysis by UBS has found that Canada is among the countries
likely to suffer the least from higher food prices. Over the
course of 2008, food prices in Canada increased by an
average of 3.9 per cent versus the previous year. Europeans
saw food prices rise 7.1 per cent, while Americans paid
5.9 per cent more and China’s food prices rose a full
22 per cent.
Food Companies Are Global Players
The past 10 years have seen an increased consolidation
across the food sector. Today, some of the largest compa-
nies in the world are involved in the food business. The
activities of these globally active companies affect interna-
tional supply chains and the operation of food economies
around the world.
The Canadian food sector is also increasingly global.
Globally oriented food companies from Canada are
increasing their global reach in three key ways:
• investing in or buying facilities around the world,
• investing in their domestic facilities to capture global
economies of scale, and
• extending their supply chains to allow them to source
products and resources around the world.
However, our relatively small, slow-growing population
means that the potential for domestic growth is limited.
Companies seeking to expand must either seize domestic
market share or focus on growing their businesses through
exports. The latter presents the greatest opportunity.
Canada’s food sector exports are worth over $38 billion
annually—with the potential to go much higher as global
demand continues to surge. Over half go to the United
States, with Japan, China, Europe, and Mexico rounding
out the top five food export destinations.
Apart from protected supply-managed industries,
Canada’s food sector is highly integrated into the global
market. Between 1999 and 2008, Canada’s export share
of world food trade was consistently around 5.5 per cent.
During these years, Canada was the fourth-largest food
exporter in the world after the U.S., the European Union,
and Brazil.
Significant growth in the food sector of emerging econ-
omies, including China and Brazil—along with major
reforms in food exporting countries such as Australia and
New Zealand—are creating competitive advantages in
these countries. The ability and willingness of the Canadian
food sector to invest in global integration will significantly
determine whether Canadian firms can compete on a
global scale.
The canola industry provides a good example of an agri-
food industry scaled to service both domestic and global
markets. According to the Canola Council of Canada, the
canola industry in Canada includes over 50,000 canola
growers and 13 processing plants in five provinces. The
canola industry was created through the effective commer-
cialization and adoption of a new crop developed through
scientific research carried out in Canada. The lesson from
canola is that there is room in the other parts of the food
sector for profitable corporate innovation, scale, and
166 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Access to Distribution Channels Accessibility to distribution channels can be an entry barrier for potential new entrants. In the situation where incumbents control most of the distribution channels, potential entrants would find it difficult to distribute their products or services, which in turn defers new entry. Accordingly, the threat of new entrants decreases (or the barrier to new entrants increases) as accessibility to distribution channels decreases.
Cost Disadvantages Independent of Scale The prior four sources are primarily associ- ated with economic factors. However, sometimes advantages that some incumbents hold over potential entrants are independent of economic factors. Such advantages include governmental policies, legal protection (patents and trademarks), and proprietary prod- ucts. These advantages create barriers for potential new entrants, which defer their entries.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers When considering the bargaining power of suppliers , our focus is on the firms, organizations, and individuals that provide raw mate- rials, technologies, or skills to incumbents in an industry. Suppliers can exert bargaining power over incumbents by demanding better prices or threatening to reduce the quality of purchased goods or services. Therefore, the power suppliers hold directly impacts industry profitability as well as the incumbents’ performance.
There are two major factors contributing to suppliers’ power in relation to incumbents in an industry. The first one is how critical the resources are to the incumbents that the sup- plier holds. Quite often, when the raw materials suppliers provide are critical to incumbents in an industry, the suppliers are in a good position to demand better prices. The second fac- tor is the number of suppliers available relative to the number of incumbents in an industry. Specifically, when the number of suppliers relative to the number of incumbents is low, the incumbents compete against each other for the relatively small number of suppliers. As such, this gives suppliers power in that they have opportunities to negotiate better prices among incumbents. These two factors can independently contribute to supplier powers— and suppliers will have the highest power when these factors couple together.
Looking at the personal computer manufacturing industry, for example, there are many incumbents, like Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and others. However, there are only
growth. If they set out to target global markets, Canadian
industries can successfully compete in global markets by
creating efficient and profitable businesses: Canadian food
firms can be world leaders.
Beyond entering markets, however, Canada does not
appear to have a strategic overall goal for its food sector.
In contrast to countries like the United Kingdom, Brazil,
and Australia, there have been limited efforts to craft a
national plan for the food sector. Rather, Canada’s food
sector operates in crop- or sector-specific silos.
The food sector is in a unique position. On the one
hand, aspects of food are highly integrated and involve
complex relationships and supply chains around the world.
On the other, aspects of the sector are intensely rooted in
local communities.
If well managed, Canada’s agricultural land will continue
to keep it a food-rich country through food grown and pro-
cessed in the country. What is needed to grow the sector is
a Canadian Food Strategy that places a premium on
enhancing opportunities for trade created through our food
exports and the diversity of foods imported to Canada.
Source: Excerpted from Bloom, M. (2012, June 20). Changes in
global food sector call for Canadian food strategy. Reprinted with
permission from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved from
TALKING BUSINESS 5.1 (continued)
bargaining power of suppliers The power held by firms, organiza- tions, and individuals that provide raw materials, technologies, or skills to incumbents in an industry. Suppliers can exert power by demanding better prices or threat- ening to reduce the quality of purchase goods or services.
167C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
two major firms, Intel and AMD, that supply the processor chips. Thus, the suppliers hold significant bargaining power over computer manufacturers because the processor chips are critical components of personal computers, and there are only two firms that supply this key component.
Bargaining Power of Buyers When we consider the bargaining power of buyers , our attention focuses on the power held by individuals or organizations that purchase incum- bents’ products or services. Buyers can affect industry performance by demanding lower prices, demanding better quality or services, or playing incumbents against one another. These actions can erode industry profitability as well as firm performance. There are many factors contribut- ing to buyer power in relation to incumbents in an industry, some of which are outlined here.
Switching Costs Similar to the role of switching costs in the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of buyers increases as switching costs decrease. Specifically, when buyers can easily switch incumbents with little cost in terms of products or services, the incum- bents would have little power over the buyers to enhance their performance.
Undifferentiated Products Relatedly, when incumbents provide similar products or services to buyers, they would not be in a good position to negotiate with the buyers. Undifferentiated products allow buyers to find alternatives from other incumbents. This situation can also provide an opportunity for buyers to play incumbents against each other to get a better price, quality, or service.
Importance of Incumbents’ Products to Buyers Similar to our discussion on bargain- ing power of suppliers, when products or services that incumbents offer are important or critical to buyers, the power of buyers would be diminished.
The Number of Incumbents Relative to the Number of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers could be diminished when there are relatively few incumbents offering the products or services that the buyers need, since the buyers do not have many alterna- tives to choose from.
Looking at grocery retailers in Canada, for instance, Loblaw, Metro, Sobey’s, and others are the key players in the industry. They are the buyers in relation to the grocery producers. The grocery producers do not hold significant bargaining power over these retailers because the number of producers is relatively high compared to the number of retailers, the switching costs for retailers are minimal, and the degree of differentiation among producers is relatively low. As such, the retailers enjoy significant bargaining power over the grocery producers.
Threats of Substitutes All firms in an industry often compete with other firms in different industries, where the firms provide substitute products or services with sim- ilar purposes. For example, the traditional form of newspapers faces substitutes that include the Internet, radio stations, television stations, and so on. Such substitutes would gain newspaper subscribers and advertising revenues that might have belonged to the newspaper industry. As such, they threaten the profitability of the newspaper industry as a whole.
Rivalry among Existing Firms The final force that affects industry structure is rivalry. The rivalry among incumbents in an industry can take many different forms.
bargaining power of buyers The power held by individuals or organizations that purchase incum- bents’ products or services. Buyers can exert power by demanding lower prices, demanding better quality or services, or playing incumbents against one another.
168 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
For example, Canadian insurance providers compete against each other by using different strategic actions, including cutting prices, providing new insurance prod- ucts, improving operational efficiency, advertising, and through mergers and acquisi- tions. More broadly, rivalry can be intensified by several interacting factors.
Lack of Differentiation or Switching Costs When products are not significantly differ- entiated or switching costs are minimal, customer choices are often based on price and service. Under this situation, incumbents may experience pressure to launch more strate- gic actions in an attempt to attract more customers or keep existing customers by enhanc- ing the company’s short-term performance. Accordingly, the rivalry among incumbents is intensified.
Numerous or Equally Balanced Competitors When there are many incumbents in an industry, the likelihood of mavericks is great. Some firms may believe that they can initi- ate strategic action without being noticed. As such, their strategic action intensifies the rivalry among incumbents. In addition, the rivalry between firms tends to be highest when the firms are similar in size and resources because they often target similar market niches and share similar resource requirements.
High Exit Barriers Exit barriers refer to economic, strategic, and emotional factors that keep firms competing even though they may be earning low or negative returns on their investments. Examples of exit barriers include visible fixed costs, specialized assets, esca- lating commitment of management, and government and social pressures.
Overall, the five-forces model provides managers with an assessment of the industry structure to help get some sense of industry attractiveness. Specifically, from the potential entrant’s point of view, the five-forces model helps it understand the potential competi- tive environment of the industry and to make the entry decision. From the incumbent’s point of view, the model helps managers assess their position in the industry relative to their rivals. Sometimes, it also provides an overall picture of industry attractiveness to allow managers to make any exit decisions.
Limitations of the Five-Forces Model Each model has its limitations, however. Although the five-forces model offers a powerful tool for managers to examine an indus- try’s attractiveness, it exhibits some shortcomings. First, the model does not explicitly take the roles of technological change and governmental regulations and how these affect the power relationships between forces into consideration.
Second, the focus of this model is primarily on the power relationships between each force at a given point in time. As such, it may have limited implications for future strate- gic decision making.
Finally, the model assumes that all incumbents experience the same power rela- tionship with each force. However, incumbents differ in terms of their resources and firm size, which can give them more or less power in influencing their suppliers or customers.
Given the above limitations, to gain a precise assessment of an industry, managers need to use the model with great caution. Specifically, they need to anticipate the effects of technological change, governmental regulations, and industry trends on industry struc- ture and their firm’s position in the industry (see Talking Business 5.2 ).
exit barriers The economic, stra- tegic, and emotional factors that keep firms competing even though they may be earning low or nega- tive returns on their investments.
169C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
Foresight and Innovation: Today’s Science Fiction, Tomorrow’s Reality? Inspiration and creativity are key ingredients in the innova-
tion process. In many ways, you need to be able to envision
what your future customer is going to need if you want to
create a successful innovation. To understand the needs of
future customers, many organizations are turning to fore-
sight and other futures-related techniques.
Foresight does not aim to predict the future. It utilizes a
combination of emerging trends and drivers, as well as
some creativity in visualising how these trends and drivers
interact, to create plausible alternate futures. The resulting
process can generate insights into future needs and
demands, creating a competitive advantage for innovative
There are a variety of ways of presenting these alternate
futures, with scenarios being one of the most popular
choices. The power of the narrative around a scenario is
that it makes it easier for us to visualise the future and the
potential customer needs in a given scenario. It is this power
of the future narrative that Intel is using to drive innovation.
Intel is the sponsor of the Tomorrow Project, which
aims to “explore our possible futures through fact-
based, science-based fiction”. They have published a
series of short stories about the future, looking at poten-
tial futures we want as well as those we may wish to
avoid. The project has engaged science fiction authors as
well as engineers amongst others, to provide their visions
of the future. They have also partnered with Arc, New
Scientist magazine’s futures publication, “so that we can
have a conversation about the future and these conver-
sations make dramatic changes”. These products are
generating rich pictures about the future and what it
could look and feel like.
Intel employs a resident Futurist, Brian David Johnson,
whose role is to help it understand the future and the prod-
ucts it will need for tomorrow’s consumer. As part of this
effort, Intel also stumbled onto another insight about technol-
ogy innovation—the need to understand what people will
want from technology in the future. Competition from com-
panies like ARM has brought on the realization that simply
having a faster or technically superior chip is not enough.
Success for future products will be dependent on making sure
that they meet future customer needs. Intel uses highly trained
cultural anthropologists and ethnographers to build an under-
standing of the future state of culture in addition to techno-
logical trends. They are building pictures of how people use
technology in the future to understand how their marketplace
could evolve. In combination, the science fiction narratives
and cultural understanding are being used to provide action-
able technical innovation strategies for the company.
Intel is one of a growing number of organizations har-
nessing the power of foresight to envision the future and
use it as a platform for driving innovation. This approach
has even been used by a number of governments across
the world, such as the United Kingdom and Singapore.
This combination of foresight and cultural awareness pro-
vides some very useful tools for understanding the needs
of the customer of the future and generating competitive
advantage through successful innovation.
Source: Excerpted from Kabilan, S. (2013, April 15). Foresight and
innovation: Today’s science fiction, tomorrow’s reality? Reprinted
with permission from The Conference Board of Canada.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/commentaries/
today_s_science_fiction_tomorrow_s_reality.aspx .
Objective 3 Describe how organizational resources
and capabilities affect firm
ANALYZING THE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT After discussing how to analyze the industry environment, let’s look at strategy analysis from another viewpoint—the internal environment. Indeed, research shows that the effects of the industry environment on firm performance are smaller than those of a firm’s internal environ- ment. Furthermore, if we look at all firms in an industry, we will see that some firms are doing much better than others. This implies that how managers organize firm resources and capa- bilities plays a critical role in firm performance and survival. In order for managers to effec- tively do this, they need to know what kinds of resources and capabilities the firm has in the
VRIO model A model that exam- ines an individual firm’s value, rare- ness, imitability, and organization to determine its relative strengths in comparison to its competitors in the industry.
170 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
first place. Jay Barney provides a prescriptive VRIO model (value, rareness, imitability, orga- nization) that can help managers examine the resources and capabilities in a systematic way. 11 Before we discuss the model, we will first talk about what resources and capabilities are.
A firm’s resources and capabilities include all of the financial, physical, human, and organizational assets used by the firm to develop, manufacture, and deliver products or services to its customers. Financial resources include debt, equity, retained earnings, and so forth. Physical resources include the machines, production facilities, and buildings firms use in their operations. Human resources include all the experience, knowledge, judgment, risk-taking propensity, and wisdom of individuals associated with a firm. Organizational resources include the history, relationships, trust, and organizational culture that permeates a firm, along with a firm’s formal reporting structure, manage- ment control systems, and compensation policies.
The VRIO Model Jay Barney suggests that managers need to look inside their firms for competitive advantage. That is, for a firm to achieve high performance, managers need to look at their resources and capabilities and examine four important questions: (1) the question of value (V); (2) the ques- tion of rareness (R); (3) the question of imitability (1); and (4) the question of organization (0).
The Question of Value Managers need to ask if their firm’s resources and capabili- ties add any value to the market that would allow them to capture market share or enhance profitability, either through exploiting emerging opportunities or neutralizing threats. Some firms do have such resources and capabilities. For example, Starbucks, a global cof- fee chain, attracts customers by providing high-quality coffee in a relaxing coffeehouse atmosphere. Its capability in customizing coffee to a customer’s specific tastes allows the firm to charge higher prices and to keep customers coming back. How much customization is there? For starters, Starbucks offers customers various types of milk: whole milk, 2%, and skim. There are caffeinated and decaffeinated coffees—and you can add a shot of vanilla to your coffee or top it off with whip cream, caramel, cocoa, or cinnamon. Whether you take your coffee “to go” or have it “to stay,” Starbucks prides itself on a consistent customer experience no matter which location you visit.
The Question of Rareness Although valuable resources and capabilities help firms survive, those resources and capabilities need to be rare. In other words, they will have to be controlled by only a small number of firms for the firms to obtain competitive advantage. Thus, managers need to assess if their valuable resources and capabilities are unique among their competitors. For example, for many years Walmart’s skills in develop- ing and using point-of-purchase data collection to control inventory gave it a competitive advantage over its competitors, like Kmart, a firm that has not had access to this timely information technology. Thus, during those years, Walmart’s capability to control inven- tory gave the company its competitive edge over its major competitor, Kmart.
The Question of Imitability Valuable and rare resources and capabilities can provide firms with competitive advantage; however, how long the advantage lasts depends on how quickly imitation could occur. When imitation occurs, it diminishes the
11 Barney, J.B. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 19, 99–120.
financial resources Resources used by a firm that include debt, equity, retained earnings, and so on.
physical resources The machines, production facilities, and buildings that firms use in their operations.
human resources The experience, knowledge, judgment, risk- taking propensity, and wisdom of the indi- viduals associated with a firm.
organizational resources The history, relationships, trust, and organizational culture that perme- ates a firm, along with the firm’s formal reporting structure, man- agement control systems, and compensation policies.
resources and capabilities All of the financial, physical, human, and organizational assets used by the firm to develop, manufacture, and deliver products or services to its customers.
171C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
degree of rareness, which may further erode the value of the resources and capabilities. Thus, managers need to ask themselves if their resources and capabilities are difficult to imitate, and then determine how to create barriers for imitation. For example, a pharma- ceutical company that invents a new drug can obtain a patent and create a temporary barrier to prevent other firms from imitating its product. In many other industries, this is not possible. Groupon is an Internet company that has had many competitors imitate its model, as seen in Talking Business 5.3 .
The Question of Organization The last question managers have to consider is whether their firms can be organized in effective and efficient ways to exploit their valu- able, rare, and difficult-to-imitate resources and capabilities to maximize their potentials. How a firm is organized is critical to firm success. Quite often, firms with valuable resources and capabilities experience a decline in performance because they do not have appropri- ate organizational structure and design, compensation policies, or organizational culture to exploit their resources and capabilities. In our discussion of organizational structure ( Chapter 4 ) , we observed that different organizations will be affected by different factors or forces. These factors are essentially contingencies to which their structure must adopt.
Groupon Established in 2008, Groupon is now one of the fastest
growing Internet firms in the United States with a pres-
ence in more than 160 North American cities and in
48 countries around the world.
Based in Chicago, Groupon began with a simple and
unique business model. The company sends daily mes-
sages by email to its 142 million subscribers offering dis-
counts on products and services ranging from 50% to
90% off regular prices. Deals include restaurants, spa
treatments, haircuts, fitness classes, and much more. The
deals are called “groupons” because when a business
offers a product or service at a deep discount, after a cer-
tain number of customers agree to buy the product “the
group is on.” In other words, the deal is activated when a
minimum volume of orders is achieved. Subscribers can
also refer a friend by email to help encourage purchases
and achieve the minimum order. Afterward, customers
make a secured, online payment and print out a coupon
that they take to the store to redeem their product or ser-
vice. There is usually a time limit to make the purchase, or
the offer expires and you lose the deal.
The business model is unique in that it allows local,
small businesses like Utopia Café in Toronto to get expo-
sure to a large market quickly. Since Groupon usually
takes a 50% cut of each deal, the offer is not always
profitable to the promoter, but companies benefit from
the increase in new customers.
The founder, a laid-back 29-year-old music major from
Northwestern University, is said to be the next Mark
Zuckerberg, tapping into the billion-dollar online advertis-
ing market. This Groupon mania began during an economic
recession when people were eager to save money and were
looking for coupons. As customers signed up for email noti-
fications, Groupon’s customer base grew larger and larger.
The one problem with the Groupon business model is
that anyone can replicate it—it isn’t difficult to create a
website, after all. There are already 200 copycat sites in the
United States, with LivingSocial being its main competitor.
Overseas, there are also over 500 competitors, including
100 in China alone. In Canada, the websites RedFlagDeals.
com and Koopon.ca are also trying to cash in on the profits.
Another problem with the model is that promoters can
sometimes make too many sales too quickly, and the demand
for the product (or service) can exceed the supply. This has
frustrated customers who had to wait long periods of time for
their goods after making their payment well in advance.
How successful the company will be is the question
everyone is asking. As hundreds of businesses compete,
Groupon will need to adapt to market changes rapidly,
both domestically and internationally.
172 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
These four questions provide managers with important guidelines to assess their competi- tive advantage relative to their competitors. If the answers to these questions are all in their firm’s favour, then the firm will have sustainable competitive advantage over competitors (see Exhibit 5.2 ). If any of the answers to these questions are not in their firm’s favour, then the firm would only have a temporary advantage over competitors. In this situation, the firm’s perfor- mance may be threatened by the competitors at any time in the near future. Managers will have to act quickly to develop or acquire new resources or capabilities that help them create sustainable competitive advantage.
SWOT Analysis At this point, we have discussed two basic and important models that managers can apply to assess their firm’s position in the competitive environment: the five-forces model and the VRIO model. To some extent, these two models complement and supplement each other to tell us about where opportunities and threats are situated in the external environment and how good or bad we are in terms of the resources and capabilities we have. In other words, the conclusions of analyses from these two models can be summarized by SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). The logic behind SWOT analysis (see Exhibit 5.3 ) is that firms that strategically use their internal strengths to exploit environmental opportunities and neutralize environmental threats while avoiding internal weaknesses are more likely to increase market share, sales, and profitability than other firms.
Specifically, managers could use the VRIO analysis to identify what kinds of resources and capabilities their firm currently has that provide sustainable competitive advantage and where the firm’s weaknesses are. Managers could also examine the trends of general environments and analyze industry structure (by using the five-forces model)
to assess opportunities and threats in the external environment. As such, the conclu- sion from the SWOT analysis can provide insights for managers into strategy formula- tion for the future.
For example, Starbucks realized that high- quality coffee beans are sensitive to environ- mental conditions (the weather, for example) and that the coffee-bean suppliers have great
Exhibit 5.2 VRIO Model
Question of Value
Question of Rareness
Question of Imitability
Question of Organization
Competitive Advantage
A particular set of
resources and capabilities
In favour of
the firm
In favour of
the firm
In favour of
the firm
In favour of
the firm
competitive advantage
A particular set of
resources and capabilities
In favour of
the firm
In favour of
the firm
Not in favour
of the firm
In favour of
the firm
competitive advantage
A particular set of
resources and capabilities
In favour of
the firm
Not in favour
of the firm
In favour of
the firm
In favour of
the firm
competitive advantage
VRIO analysis
VRIO analysis
General environmental trend
Five-forces model (industry analysis)
General environmental trend
Five-forces model (industry analysis)
Exhibit 5.3 SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of an organization and of external opportunities and threats it is exposed to. The strategic planning team can use this information to reexamine the organization’s mission statement to capitalize on opportunities and reduce threats.
173C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
power over specialty coffee retailers because the coffee beans are critical inputs for the retailers. Starbucks used its capability in effective supply chain management to neutralize the threats imposed by specialty coffee-bean suppliers by diversifying its suppliers and through precise inventory control. At one point, the number of Starbucks’s suppliers reached over 1,500 worldwide. In addition, Starbucks understood that its brand reputation and image are valu- able, rare, and costly to imitate in the industry. It quickly harvested its brand reputation and image through entering international markets and selling its coffee in grocery stores. As such, Starbucks has enjoyed enormous success for quite a long period of time.
The recent Google mania is another example. Google used its strengths in search engines and operating systems design to compete in the highly competitive computer industry. It iden- tified the opportunities situated in the Internet search engine market and the personal com- puter operating systems market by analyzing the weaknesses of incumbents’ products. Google then used its capabilities in product design to capture the opportunities, which in turn gave it great success and challenged Microsoft’s market positions in these two markets.
Both Starbucks and Google clearly understood how to use their sustainable competi- tive advantage (that is, their strengths) to capture opportunities in the marketplace or to neutralize the threats embedded in the industry environment. As such, both firms cap- tured a significant portion of market share in their respective industries.
DIFFERENT LEVELS OF STRATEGIES To this point, we have discussed how managers can perform strategic analysis to identify opportunities and threats situated in their industry environment and strengths and weak- nesses embedded within their firms. In addition, managers need to know whether or not their strengths are sustainable for long-term performance. In this section, we will discuss what kinds of strategies managers can pursue given the opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses they have identified.
Conceptually, we can categorize strategies into two levels: business and corporate levels. Business-level strategy is the strategy a firm uses to compete in a given market. As such, which market a firm intends to operate in is a given. Corporate-level strategy is about how a firm allocates its resources in different markets to create synergy to achieve its organizational goals.
Business-Level Strategy There are three business-level strategies that have been widely discussed in the literature and have sometimes been called generic business strategies . These are cost leadership, product differentiation, and focus (see Exhibit 5.4 ).
Cost Leadership The purpose of a cost leadership strategy is to gain competitive advan- tages by reducing economic costs below that of all competitors. It often requires aggressive construction of efficient-scale facilities, vigorous pursuit of cost reductions from experience, tight cost and overhead control, avoidance of marginal customer accounts, and cost minimization in areas like R&D, service, sales, mar- keting and adverting, general administration, and so on. Accordingly, a great deal of managerial attention to cost control is necessary to achieve this leadership position.
Objective 4 Describe three generic business strategies.
business-level strategy A strategy a firm uses to compete in a given market. Three business- level strategies are cost leadership, product differentiation, and focus.
Target Markets Generic Strategies
Industry wide Cost leadership
Industry wide Differentiation
Particular market segment/buyer group Focus
Exhibit 5.4 Three Generic Strategies
cost leadership strategy A business-level strategy that aims to reduce economic costs below that of all competitors to gain a com- petitive advantage. The strategy often requires aggressive construc- tion of efficient-scale facilities, vig- orous pursuit of cost reductions from experience, tight cost and overhead control, avoidance of marginal customer accounts, and cost minimization in areas like R&D, service, sales, marketing and adver- tising, and general administration.
174 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
There are three sources of cost leadership: (1) economies of scale, where firms can increase their production volume to reduce marginal costs; (2) learning curve economies, where firms can reduce marginal costs by experience, such as learning by doing and decreasing defects of products or services; and (3) access to low-cost factors of produc- tions, such as raw materials, labour, location, and so on. Although each of these sources could be relatively easily imitated by competitors, a combination of these three can make imitation difficult, which in turn gives firms competitive advantages.
There are two major advantages associated with cost leadership. First, being a cost leader gives a firm the highest profit margins in the industry, which allows it to obtain abnormal returns, at least for the short term. The second advantage is that it gives firms flexibility in response to pressures coming from the five forces in the industry environment. This is particularly critical in situations where an industry becomes less attractive to com- petitors. More specifically, when competition among firms moves toward price competi- tion, like what happens in mature industries, a firm with a cost leadership strategy would likely survive the competition because the firm can reduce its price and still obtain posi- tive profit margins. Such a firm can also absorb increases in costs of raw materials when suppliers charge higher prices; its competitors might not be able to absorb the higher prices, so they may have to transfer the costs to customers. As such, the firm would be able to win its competitors’ customers over by charging lower prices. Furthermore, in a situa- tion where buyers demand lower prices, the cost-leader firm could more flexibly respond to customers’ demands by reducing its price to maintain or even expand its customer base. Finally, the threat of new entrants would be lower for the cost-leader firm. Since the firm has advantages of economies of scale, learning-curve economies, and access to low-cost production factors, the new entrants are unlikely to be able to charge the same price as the firm does. Accordingly, the new entrants are not likely to pose an immediate threat to the firm in terms of its short-term performance.
Numerous firms have pursued cost-leadership strategies. For example, Walmart, a retail giant, is famous for having the lowest prices in the marketplace. If you look at Walmart closely, you will find that it not only has the lowest prices in the marketplace, but is also the cost leader in the retail industry. Walmart obtains economies of scale by purchasing a high volume of products and services. It also locates its stores in areas where the rent is not expensive. Furthermore, Walmart uses state-of-the-art information technology to monitor its inventory, thereby reducing inventory costs. Although these are small activities by them- selves, the cumulative cost savings are huge. Most important, the organization of these small activities makes it difficult for competitors to imitate Walmart’s operation.
Recently in Canada, Dollarama has been successful in competing with a cost-leadership strategy, as seen in Talking Business 5.4 .
Product Differentiation A product differentiation strategy is about a firm’s attempt to gain competitive advantages by increasing the perceived value of its products or services relative to that of other firms’ products or services. The other firms can be either competitors in the same industry or firms from other industries. For example, Starbucks provides high-quality specialty coffees as well as high-quality store design to differentiate itself from Tim Hortons and Country Style. As such, Starbucks is able to charge high-price premiums to customers given the value created.
Firms can create value for their products or services to differentiate themselves from other firms in many ways, including product features, links between functions, location,
product differentiation strategy A business-level strat- egy whereby a firm attempts to gain a competitive advantage by increasing the perceived value of its products or services relative to that of other firms’ products or services.
175C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
Dollarama Cashing in on Penny-Pinching Canadians In the fourth quarter this year, the company said sales
were $561.9 million, increasing 19.9 per cent compared to
the same quarter last year, when there was an extra week.
Canadians’ appetite for bargains has grown in the past
year, Linsdell said. He noted there’s less of a stigma
attached to discount shopping than in the past.
“For Dollarama and for Target and everybody like that,
it really seems to be a function of the economy, every-
body’s much more concerned,” said Linsdell.
“People are concerned about their jobs, consumer con-
fidence is lower.”
Linsdell said Dollarama has found a “sweet spot” in
the discount world, offering items for as much as $3 but
keeping prices low enough that consumers see them in a
different category to stores like U.S. discount retailer
Target, which expanded into Canada this year.
Although it’s “too premature” to really know, he said the
results are “so far so good.” When Wal-Mart has taken over
Zellers locations near Dollarama locations, it has improved
traffic for Rossy’s company, he said.
As well as expanding its locations, Dollarama has been
modernizing its stores in recent years, introducing point-
of-sale scanning and use of UPC codes, as well as accept-
ing debit transactions.
Keeping better track of its sales as well as its expansion
has helped increase profits, said Canaccord Genuity con-
sumer products analyst Derek Dley.
He said he doesn’t expect Canadians to stop looking
for discounts at dollar and discount stores, even in pros-
perous times.
“I can’t imagine the economy turns and people are will-
ing to go back to paying $4 for wrapping paper instead of a
dollar,” Dley said. “It’s a very good business model.”
Source: Excerpted from Mills, C. (2013, April 12). Dollarama
cashing in on penny-pinching Canadians. Toronto Star. Retrieved
from www.thestar.com/business/2013/04/12/dollarama_cashing_
in_on_pennypinching_canadians.print.html . Reprinted by per-
mission of the Toronto Star.
Dollarama reported record results Friday capping a year in
which analysts say Canada’s largest dollar-store operator
expan ded smartly and cashed in on penny-pinching customers.
For the quarter ending Feb. 3, the Montreal-based com-
pany reported a profit of $77.1 million, beating expecta-
tions. The company earned a profit of $63.6 [million] in the
same quarter a year earlier.
During the past year, 81 new stores were opened and
Dollarama Inc. CEO Larry Rossy said Friday the company
isn’t finished growing yet.
“Dollarama completed a very successful fiscal year,”
Rossy told analysts in a conference call in which the com-
pany said it will up its quarterly dividend by 27 per cent.
The chain now has 785 stores but Rossy wants to
expand further, including in the GTA and downtown
Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.
“Based on our current real estate pipeline, 75 to 80
new store openings seem to be a realistic objective for
fiscal 2014,” Rossy said, later adding the company “may
want” some shuttered Bargain Shop locations.
Analyst Neil Linsdell, a special situations analyst with
Industrial Alliance Securities, said Dollarama is a
“machine” that’s dominating the dollar-store market
in Canada.
Dollarama Gets Rolling on (Slightly) Higher Prices WWD reported in April that credit card data shows
luxury consumers are very comfortable shopping the
other end of the price scale. In the U.S., 25 per cent of
Nordstrom shoppers also shop at the Dollar Tree, Leon
Nicholas, director of retail insights at Kantar Retail,
told WWD.
Toronto Star via Getty Images
176 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Ways to Create Value Examples
Product features Apple’s Mac vs. PC
Links between functions Traditional televisions vs. televisions with DVD players
Location Pusateri’s (a high-end grocery chain) locates its stores in
expensive neighbourhoods
Product mix McDonald’s combo, including burger, soft drink, and fries
Links with other firms American Express credit card links with Air Miles
Services Staples’s next-business-day delivery service
Exhibit 5.5 Examples of Product Differentiation
TALKING BUSINESS 5.4 (continued)
Consumer psychologist Kit Yarrow has described it as
“an anticachet around being wealthy.”
“In Canada, Dollarama is a destination retailer for sea-
sonal items, party items, kitchenware and stationary,
regardless of income,” says [Dollarama CFO Michael] Ross.
In February 2009 the company began rolling out items
priced $1.25–$2. The move boosted traffic and sales. Accord-
ing to the financial results released Wednesday, about 51 per
cent of the company’s sales were from items costing more
than a dollar, compared with 44 per cent a year before.
Ross says Dollarama has no plans to expand into the
U.S., where Dollar Tree Inc. reported record first quarter
earnings in March.
Dollar Tree operates about 4,350 stores in the U.S. Dollar
Tree Canada operates 99 stores primarily in the west and
Ontario after purchasing 86 stores from Vancouver-based
Dollar Giant last year.
“Dollar Tree is a far larger operation overall, but Dollarama
should continue to dominate in Canada for some time. Dol-
larama has 7.5 times the number of locations in this country,
and is still growing, as compared to Dollar Tree. It will take
years for Dollar Tree to catch up,” said Ed Strapagiel, execu-
tive vice-president of Kubas Primedia.
“There isn’t anything sacred about the $1 price point at
a dollar store. The early concept was ‘everything for a dollar,’
but this was an obvious gimmick and has since been aban-
doned. What a dollar store stands for now is the cheapest
practical solution for very basic products. This concept can
be maintained even when the price is sometimes $3.”
Competition from other retailers—Walmart announced
this year it would be bulking up on dollar items—doesn’t
worry Ross. Dollaramas located near Walmart stores do
better business.
“Customers don’t have to walk 100,000 square feet to
find those low-priced items. They go into the store and it’s
wall-to-wall, but the race track is only 10,000 square feet.”
Source: Excerpted from Kopun, F. (2012, June 14). Dollarama
gets rolling on (slightly) higher prices. Toronto Star . Retrieved
from www.thestar.com/business/2012/06/14/dollarama_gets_
rolling_on_slightly_higher_prices.print.html .
product mix, links with other firms, and service (see Exhibit 5.5 for examples). However, managers need to keep in mind that the existence of product differentiation, in the end, is always a matter of customer perception. Sometimes, products sold by two different firms may be very similar, but if customers believe the first is more valuable than the second, then the first product has a differentiation advantage. Therefore, the firm with that prod- uct may be able to charge a higher price than the other firm.
For firms that obtain competitive advantages by pursuing product differentiation, they are often in good positions to defend themselves against the pressures from the five forces. More specifically, the threats of new entrants and substitutes for the firms would be lower than for others since the firms have imposed switching costs for their customers. In a situation where suppliers apply pressure to increase the prices of raw materials, the firms could transfer the increased costs to the customers as long as the new prices do not exceed the value the firms create. When rivalry among firms becomes fierce, the firms would be unlikely to get trapped in a price competition since the value they provide could protect them from the price wars.
177C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
In 2008, FROGBOX began with one truck, one employee,
and one mission: to rent reusable moving boxes as a green
alternative to cardboard ones. Today, FROGBOX has 22
locations and expects to expand to 150 cities across North
America in the next couple of years.
According to Forbes magazine, FROGBOX is one of the
most innovative, sustainable, and promising franchise
opportunities. In 2011, Forbes ranked FROGBOX on its list
of America‘s Most Promising Companies.
Founder and president Doug Burgoyne originally set
up FROGBOX in the Vancouver area as a small company,
but now Burgoyne has opened franchise opportunities
and hopes to expand his business in the next five years.
Less than 10 years old, the company has found a unique
niche, serving movers with rentable bins instead of throw
away cardboard boxes. FROGBOX’s business model is
simple. According to Burgoyne, the company has expanded
as the result of three reasons: “Happy customers, happy
employees and a positive bottomline.”12 While the com-
pany doesn’t provide moving services, it will drop off
green plastic containers at your home or office and pick
them up when you are done. The convenience makes
sense for a lot of consumers and the environmental
impact is reduced too. According to Burgoyne, “Pitching
in to protect the environment is a big part of what we do
and beyond that, we’re actually achieving our goal of
changing consumers’ minds in terms of what they think
about the moving industry. We’re making a difference in
the market and on planet Earth. In my mind, it doesn’t get
much greater than that.” 13
Of course, customer service has to be exceptional in
order to get referrals and grow the business. “It’s really
about wanting our customers to have a great experience,”
Burgoyne explains. “Great service can be as simple as a
delivery person calling to let a client know that he is stuck
in traffic and will be arriving a little later than expected.” 14
FROGBOX: a sustainable franchising success
12 On the path to greatness. October 2010. http://www.makeitbusiness.com/frogbox-on-the-path-to-greatness/. 13 On the path to greatness. October 2010. http://www.makeitbusiness.com/frogbox-on-the-path-to-greatness/. 14 On the path to greatness. October 2010. http://www.makeitbusiness.com/frogbox-on-the-path-to-greatness/.
That being said, managers who intend to pursue a strategy of product differentiation need to consider if the value they are going to create is sustainable, at least for a certain period of time. For example, as you’ll see in Talking Business 5.5 , FROGBOX is a Vancouver company that believes its service is differentiated from the rest.
As we discussed in the previous section, to achieve abnormal returns firms need to obtain sustainable competitive advantages. Therefore, managers need to think about how to create value that is rare and difficult to imitate or substitute. For example, Apple suc- cessfully created an MP3 player, the iPod, and then sold nearly 2 million of them in a relatively short period of time. Although Apple’s success invited imitation from Creative, Sony, iRiver, Samsung, and others, Apple has built up its brand loyalty through its prod- uct differentiation (unique product designs). Even though these competitors offered MP3 players with different functions and lower prices, the differences in price and functionality did not significantly attract customers’ attention. As a result, Apple could continue to harvest its iPod’s success.
Focus While cost leadership and product differentiation are oriented to broad markets, a focus strategy targets a particular buyer group, a segment of the product line, or a geographic market. Specifically, the focus strategy rests on the premise that a firm is able to compete
focus strategy A business-level strategy that targets a particular buyer group, a segment of the product line, or a geographic mar- ket. Specifically, the focus strategy rests on the premise that a firm is able to compete efficiently or effectively by targeting a particular narrow market. The firm can thus achieve either differentiation by better meeting the needs of a particular buyer group or lower costs in serving this group or both. Accordingly, the firm may poten- tially earn above-normal returns by adopting either a focused low-cost strategy or a focused differentia- tion strategy.
178 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
The company now has over 12 employees, a proven
business model, and ongoing growth potential. Burgoyne
is hoping to change people’s view on the moving industry,
which in the past has not had the greatest reputation.
According to Burgoyne, for most people moving is often a
difficult and unpleasant event. From packing to hiring the
right mover, moving can be a real nightmare.
How did Burgoyne get into the rentable moving bin
business? According to Burgoyne, at the time, he was at a
crossroads in his career. He could have accepted a promo-
tion in the telecommunications industry or take a risk on a
business idea he had thought of, and listen to his gut.
While he had some business experience, he knew starting
a business from the ground up would require a lot of work
and a bit of luck. “My professional background ranges
from physiotherapy to high-tech sales. I earned an MBA
from the University of Western Ontario . . . but starting a
business from scratch was something new to me,” he
explains. “I knew I needed to team up with someone who
had those types of skills.”15
Burgoyne eventually did find that person, but prefers
to keep his partner silent. His partner has been instrumen-
tal in the company’s strategy and expansion. “We spent
eight months researching the idea and talking about the
brand,” Burgoyne remembers. “Before we went full throt-
tle, we wanted to make sure we were crystal clear on
what value the business was, how we were going to grow
it, and that it would be scalable from the ground up.” 16
Marketing the business name, logo, and mission was
important too. Currently, FROGBOX provides customers
with reusable totes and wardrobes as well as recycled pack-
aging material. And of course, the company donates a por-
tion of its sales to special wildlife programs. In B.C., they
include the Vancouver Aquarium’s Oregon Spotted Frog
Recovery and BC Frog programs. The company has also part-
nered with Climate Smart to help other businesses imple-
ment sustainable practices such as reducing, reusing, and
recycling to control or counteract greenhouse gas emissions.
According to Ottawa Life, “the success of FROGBOX
reflects an increasingly environmentally conscious society.
Put simply, Canadian consumers are thinking outside the
box and demanding alternatives to wasteful practices.” 17
While most cardboard boxes can only be used twice,
“frog boxes” can be used and reused about 400 times
before they need to be recycled.
Ottawa Life explains, “Even if cardboard boxes are
recycled, they will have to be reprocessed before being
used again, making the carbon footprint that much larger
than simply reusing.” 18
“We want to run the company in every way we can with
the lowest environmental footprint,” says Burgoyne. “We
believe that we can be a successful business and do what is
right for the environment—both at the same time.” 19
By 2010, Burgoyne appeared on CBC’s television pro-
gram Dragon’s Den, pitching his idea to a panel of inves-
tors for further capital. He won their approval and
obtained two new partners: Jim Treliving of Boston Pizza
and Brett Wilson of Canoe Financial. Together they
invested $200,000 cash for 25% equity in the business.
According to the Globe and Mail, “to help manage the
growth, the company has designed a computer system
that can be expanded as new franchises come on board.
For a monthly fee, franchises share online systems for
ordering, scheduling and billing, as well as a website that
can be customized for each market.” 20
Clearly, the business model is working. Recently,
FROGBOX achieved the BC Green Business Award and is
on its way to expanding in further markets.
TALKING BUSINESS 5.5 (continued)
15 On the path to greatness. October 2010. http://www.makeitbusiness.com/frogbox-on-the-path-to-greatness/. 16 On the path to greatness. October 2010. http://www.makeitbusiness.com/frogbox-on-the-path-to-greatness/. 17 Frogbox: an Alternative to the Traditional Cardboard Moving Box. Ottawa Life. November 16, 2011. http:// www.ottawalife.com/2011/11/frogbox-an-alternative-to-the-traditional-cardboard-moving-box/. 18 Frogbox: an Alternative to the Traditional Cardboard Moving Box. Ottawa Life. November 16, 2011. http:// www.ottawalife.com/2011/11/frogbox-an-alternative-to-the-traditional-cardboard-moving-box/. 19 On the path to greatness. October 2010. http://www.makeitbusiness.com/frogbox-on-the-path-to-greatness/. 20 Frogbox springs to franchising success with a green idea. September 6, 2012. The Globe and Mail. http://www. theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-tools/sb-how-to/start-or-buy-a-business/frogbox- springs-to-franchising-success-with-a-green-idea/article642006/.
179C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
efficiently or effectively by targeting a particular narrow market. The firm thus can achieve either differentiation by better meeting the needs of a particular buyer group or lower costs in serving this group or both. Accordingly, the firm may potentially earn above-normal returns by adopting either a focused low-cost strategy or a focused differentiation strategy.
For example, before 2003, WestJet’s strategy was an example of a focused low-cost strategy. WestJet primarily served the markets in Western Canada, such as British Columbia and Alberta. The company also focused on achieving cost advantages in which it empha- sized reducing costs through all value chain activities. IKEA is another example of a focused low-cost strategy adopter, where it targets the buyers, including young families and frequent movers, and it is able to sell knockdown furniture with low pricing through its efficient value chain management. Companies like Godiva chocolates, Häagen-Dazs, and Hugo Boss employ differentiation-based focused strategies targeted at upscale buyers wanting products and services with world-class attributes. These firms focus on the high- income buyers and differentiate their products from other firms in terms of quality. As such, they are able to achieve high performance.
Corporate-Level Strategy In contrast to the business-level strategy that describes how to compete in a given market, corporate-level strategy addresses two related challenges: (1) what businesses or markets a firm should compete in; and (2) how these businesses or markets can be managed to create synergy. In other words, the issues managers deal with concern determining which markets their firms should diversify into in an attempt to create maximum synergies that will allow them to achieve high performance (see Talking Business 5.6) . These are critical issues for managers, because continu- ing to grow in a single market has become very difficult in today’s business world, and the global- ization trend also presents new market opportunities. Successfully managing diversification can give a firm enormous profitability and competitive advantage. In this section, we will discuss motives of diversification, types of diversification, and the means of diversifying.
First we need to define diversification. Diversification refers to a situation where a firm operates in more than one market simultaneously. The market can take many different forms. For example, Rogers operates in three major markets: the cable television provider, cellular phone service provider, and Internet service provider markets. RBC, CIBC, Scotiabank, BMO, and TD Canada Trust have all diversified into international markets. Most large Canadian insurance companies are highly diversified in terms of their insurance products and where they sell their products. In fact, if we look at the top 300 corporations in the Financial Post 1000, we will find that the majority of the 300 corporations are highly diversified.
Motives for Diversification Why are the majority of the top Canadian corpora- tions highly diversified? More generally, why do firms pursue diversification? There are many motives driving managers to pursue diversification. We can group these motives into two major categories: intrafirm and interfirm dynamics.
The motives derived from intrafirm dynamics include growth and managerial self- interests. At some point, firms operating in single markets will face difficulties to grow beyond a certain point even if they have a sustainable competitive advantage. The dif- ficulties may come from market saturation or intense competition within the markets they operate in. Accordingly, diversifying to new markets provides them with opportuni- ties to sustain growth and increase revenue. By diversifying into new markets, firms have
corporate-level strategy A strategy a firm uses to determine what businesses or markets it should compete in, and how these businesses or markets can be man- aged to create synergy.
diversification A corporate- level strategy where a firm oper- ates in more than one market simultaneously.
Objective 5 Explain the nature of corporate strategy.
intrafirm dynamics A motive for diversification that can include growth and managerial self-interests.
180 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
In March 2013, American Airlines won approval in bank-
ruptcy court to merge with US Airways. The merger cre-
ated the world’s biggest airline, with a combined 6,700
daily flights and approximately $40 billion in annual sales.
Doug Parker, CEO of US Airways, will lead the new com-
pany into the future.
The new company, which will keep the American Air-
lines name, is hoping to create $1 billion in annual syner-
gies of which 90% will come from additional revenues.
The two companies currently employ about 94,000
employees; however, some positions will be cut.
The airline industry has faced numerous challenges over
the past two decades, such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the
2008 financial crisis, the ongoing recession, and increasing
security and fuel costs—all of which have forced airlines to
increase fares and reduce expenses to stay afloat.
The merger means that the number of major US
airlines will be reduced to four. These include the new
American, United, Delta, and Southwest Airlines. With
fewer competitors in the marketplace, many analysts pre-
dict customers will eventually pay more.
“For consumers, in general, any merger in any industry
is not great news, because it reduces the number of
options,” said Ambarish Chandra, Rotman School of Man-
agement economics professor (Lu, 2013).
“The problem is because there have been so many merg-
ers, we are losing whatever little competition we have left in
this industry . . . It is true that airlines were losing money,
but now we’re seeing almost the complete reversal—we’re
seeing much higher fares, and airlines balance sheets are
generally quite solid now,” Chandra said (Lu, 2013).
In Canada, a similar trend is occurring. In 2012, WestJet
earned a profit of $242.4 million and Air Canada earned a
profit of $131 million.
Clearly, mergers are creating synergies that help with
According to York University business professor Fred
Lazar, the US airline merger partly represents three global
alliances where frequent flyers place their loyalties. “This
was inevitable,” he said. “As long as you have three major
global alliances, you were going to end up with three
major carriers in the U.S.” (Lu, 2013).
“They will have to make a choice. Are the points more
important than price?” Lazar said (Lu, 2013). According to
Vanessa Lu of the Toronto Star :
Air Canada is part of the Star Alliance program
that includes United, Lufthansa and Singapore
Airlines. Delta belongs to the SkyTeam that
includes KLM, Air France and Areomexico. US
Airways is part of the Star Alliance, but after the
merger would join the oneworld program that
includes American Airlines, British Airways, Qan-
tas and Japan Airlines. The incentive to fly on US
Airways for Air Canada’s Aeroplan members to
collect points would be eliminated, and those
frequent flyers may choose United instead.
The merged company will have other challenges ahead
before synergies can be achieved. Operations will need to
be combined, IT systems configured, and lots of negotia-
tions with unions to agree on seniority of its employees.
All of this takes time. But in the long run shareholders
hope synergies will help profits and a stronger, more effi-
cient company will emerge.
Sources: Associated Press. (2013, February 14). World’s biggest
airline: US Airways, American announce $11 billion merger.
Retrieved from http://profit.ndtv.com/news/international-
announce-11-bn-merger-317923 ; Cousineau, S. (2013,
February 15). Why newly merged airlines rarely avoid heavy
turbulence. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from http://www.the-
rarely-avoid-heavy-turbulence/article8758328 ; Lu, V. (2013,
February 12). American, US Airways merger to bring higher
fares. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/business/
fares.html. Reprinted with permission. ; Mayerowitz, S. (2013,
March 27). Bankruptcy judge signs off on American–US Air-
ways deal. USA Today. Retrieved from http://www.usatoday.
for- american-us-airways-deal/2025303 .
American Airlines Merges with US Airways
181C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
opportunities to share related activities, which in turn achieve economies of scope and increase profitability and revenue. Economies of scope refer to situations where the total costs for serving two markets or producing products for two markets are less than the costs for serving or producing them alone. Such cost savings may derive from sharing production facilities, personnel, or marketing activities. In addition to benefits from economies of scope through sharing activities, diversification allows firms to leverage their core resources and capabilities to explore growth opportunities in new markets.
For example, Bell Canada, competing in the cellular phone and Internet service pro- vider markets, provides retailing services through its retail stores, where customers can purchase both cellular phone products and Internet bundles. By combining both its prod- ucts in a single store, Bell Canada saves the costs associated with physical facilities and duplicated personnel. Second Cup diversified into different markets in the specialty coffee industry by using its core capability—producing high-quality flavoured coffee—to sell its coffee both through its coffeehouses and other distribution channels (such as selling it in Harvey’s and Swiss Chalet restaurants).
The motive of growth rests on the assumption that CEOs and top executives are rational human beings—that is, they act in the best interests of shareholders to maximize long-term shareholder value. In the real business world, however, that assumption is tenu- ous. Quite often, CEOs and top executives act in their own self-interest. Specifically, there are huge incentives for executives to increase the size of their firm, and many of these are hardly consistent with increasing shareholder wealth. In particular, when execu- tive compensation is based on the firm’s short-term performance, executives are likely to pursue diversification in an attempt to boost their compensation at the cost of putting the firm in a vulnerable position in the long term.
The motives driven from interfirm dynamics include market power enhancement, response to competition, and imitation. When a firm pursues diversification and related diversification (which is discussed in the next section), the firm can increase its market power within the industry it operates in. In this case, market power can come from increases in market share or revenue. As such, the firm can be in a better position to nego- tiate better prices or higher quality with its suppliers due to higher volume of purchases. The firm therefore has more leverage to compete against its competitors.
Similarly, diversifying into different markets can be due to the intense competition a firm experiences. When competition within an industry intensifies, a firm can either diversify into related markets or pursue vertical integration (which will be discussed shortly). Diversifying into related markets allows the firm to sustain growth or enhance revenue. Pursuing vertical integration provides a means for the firm to secure and control its raw materials or distribution channels.
Finally, diversification can be driven by interfirm imitation that can be independent of economic motives (for example, growth, profitability, securing supply). Research has shown that firms are likely to adopt the diversification strategy when highly successful firms, large firms, or comparable firms have adopted the strategy; even if the other firms pursuing diver- sification have experienced poor performance. Such imitation can lead to dangerous posi- tions in that diversification may not be consistent with either short-term or long-term objectives. Eventually, it could destroy the firm in the marketplace.
Types of Diversification There are three major types of diversification: related, unre- lated, and vertical integration. Related diversification refers to situations where a firm
interfirm dynamics A motive for diversification that includes market power enhancement, a response to competition, and imitation.
related diversification A type of diversification that refers to situations where a firm expands its core businesses or markets into related businesses or markets. Such an expansion usually involves horizontal integration across differ- ent business or market domains. It enables a firm to benefit from economies of scope and enjoy greater revenues if the businesses attain higher levels of sales growth combined than either firm could attain independently.
economies of scope The situa- tion where the total costs for serving two markets or producing products for two markets are less than the costs for serving them or producing them alone.
182 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
expands its core businesses or markets into related busi- nesses or markets. Such an expansion usually involves horizontal integration across different business or mar- ket domains. It enables a firm to benefit from economies of scope and enjoy greater revenues if these businesses attain higher levels of sales growth combined than either firm could attain independently. By diversifying into related markets, a firm can create synergies through sharing activities (for example, production facilities, distribution channels, sales representatives) and lever- age its resources and capabilities. Related diversification also potentially gives a firm greater market power to compete against its competitors and greater bargaining power over its suppliers and customers.
The recent announcement of Lowe’s entry to Canada is an example of related diversifica- tion. Lowe’s is a home renovation components retailer. It is a market leader in the US home renovation market and has a reputation of excellent service and product quality. By entering the Canadian market, Lowe’s creates synergies for its own firm through leveraging its resources and capabilities. Its bargaining power over suppliers is also enhanced in that its potential high volume of purchases would enable it to demand lower prices or higher quality from its suppli- ers. Similarly, one of the core capabilities embedded in Procter & Gamble (P&G) is marketing competence. Many times, P&G has successfully used its marketing competence to promote different but related products to increase customer loyalty and also increase customers’ psycho- logical switching costs, which in turn give P&G more bargaining power with customers and helps increase its revenues. Rogers Communications Inc., which has traditionally operated in the telecommunications industry, uses a similar approach and continues to diversify into new businesses, such as its efforts to start a bank and focus on credit and payment services.
The second type of diversification is unrelated diversification , where a firm diversi- fies into a new market that is not similar to its current market(s). This kind of diversifica- tion tends to provide little synergies for a firm, given that there are few opportunities for sharing activities or leveraging resources and capabilities. An extreme example of such diversification is holding companies. Onex Corporation, one of the biggest holding com- panies in Canada, is involved in different industries, ranging from electronics manufactur- ing to health care insurance to consumer care products to transportation and logistics. Why do firms pursue unrelated diversification? Firms pursuing this strategy tend to have the synergies created (or believe that the synergies will be created) through corporate office’s management skills. Loblaw is one example. Recently, the Canadian grocery chain diversified into the mobile phone business to penetrate a new market unrelated to its food business (see Talking Business 5.7 ).
Specifically, management skills in restructuring and financial controls allow a corporation to potentially maximize financial returns of each business unit and the corporation as a whole. When a particular business unit no longer provides financial returns to the corporation, it would be divested by the corporation to ensure the corporation maintains its overall profitability.
The final type of diversification is vertical integration . Vertical integration refers to an extension or expansion of firm value chain activities by integrating preceding or successive productive processes (see Exhibit 5.6 ). That is, the firm incorporates more processes toward
unrelated diversification A type of diversification where a firm diversifies into a new market that is not similar to its current market(s). This kind of diversifica- tion tends to provide little syner- gies for a firm, given that there are few opportunities for sharing activ- ities or leveraging resources and capabilities. Firms pursuing this strategy tend to have the synergies created (or believe that the syner- gies will be created) through cor- porate office’s management skills.
vertical integration A type of diversification that refers to an extension or expansion of firm value chain activities by integrating preceding or successive productive processes.
183C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
In the past couple of years, Loblaw announced it would
enter the mobile phone market by setting up 200 full ser-
vice phone stores within its grocery store businesses across
Canada. The 80-square-foot shops would carry both smart-
phones and tablets to appeal to its existing customers. 21
Currently, many Loblaw stores already have self-serve
mobile phone kiosks with 27 mobile models, mainly offer-
ing prepaid plans. 22
According to Maria Forlini, senior vice-president of PC
Services, The Mobile Shop [would] ease the way Canadi-
ans shop for mobile devices. “By offering our customers
great choice, convenience and trusted objective advice
we’re confident The Mobile Shop will provide consumers
with the best wireless shopping experience in Canada,”
said Forlini. 23
While some phone stores may try to push a certain
brand name, the Loblaw representative will serve as an
advisor to pick out the right phone and plan for the cus-
tomer. The stores will also offer monthly, subscription-
based plans from selected carriers such as Rogers and
Bell. 24
Loblaw is not the first nonphone company to enter this
growing market. Some Shoppers Drug Mart and Canadian
Tire stores have already entered this business too. By
2013, Loblaw took the next step and decided to offer its
own mobile phone contracts as well. 25
Loblaw hopes to leverage its phone market growth
based on the 14 million customers who pass through its
1,000 stores every week. 26
In 2013, comScore, a research firm, released a report on
the Canadian digital industry and its promising future. The
report indicated that only 62% of Canadians owned a smart-
phone, which means there is still a lot of market potential.
Since last year, wireless subscribers also increased by 10% to
just over 22 million Canadians. According to the report, users
are relying on their smartphones for a variety of activities. For
example, users are requiring more data for mobile TV, videos,
social networking, mobile banking, and shopping online. 27
Clearly, Loblaw has experience outside the grocery busi-
ness already. Many Loblaw stores offer pharmacy services,
home kitchen products, a photo lab, and a clothing line for
adults and children called Joe Fresh. Loblaw also owns and
manages PC Financial, the online banking service with
selected kiosks inside many of its stores. The question is, can
Loblaw provide another retail service that many of us have
come to rely on? Since Loblaw has faced increasing competi-
tion in the grocery business by bigger global players such as
Walmart and more recently Target, it hopes its diversification
strategy will make it a larger, more competitive business.
Certainly, the smartphone market continues to be profitable
for many different types of retailers across Canada, and will
likely remain profitable for some time in the future.
Loblaw Gets into the Mobile Phone Market
21 http://www.canadiangrocer.com/top-stories/loblaw-gets-into-mobile-phone-market-10015. 22 http://www.canadiangrocer.com/top-stories/loblaw-gets-into-mobile-phone-market-10015. 23 http://www.canadiangrocer.com/top-stories/loblaw-gets-into-mobile-phone-market-10015. 24 http://www.canadiangrocer.com/top-stories/loblaw-gets-into-mobile-phone-market-10015. 25 http://www.thestar.com/business/personal_finance/spending_saving/2013/06/19/loblaws_pc_mobile_unveils_ mobile_phone_contracts.print.html. 26 http://www.canadiangrocer.com/top-stories/loblaw-gets-into-mobile-phone-market-10015. 27 http://mobilesyrup.com/2013/03/04/comscore-android-now-has-40-smartphone-market-share-in-canada/.
Raw materials Manufacturing of final products Distribution
Backward integration Forward integration
Exhibit 5.6 Two Types of Vertical Integration
184 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
the source of raw materials ( backward integration ) or toward the ultimate customers ( forward integration ). For example, instead of selling its products through grocery stores, M&M Meat Shops has its own retail stores to serve its customers. Ben & Jerry’s sells its ice cream products both through its own retail stores and through Loblaw, Sobeys, and other supermarkets.
Clearly, vertical integration can be a viable strategy for many firms. It provides firms with benefits that include securing raw materials or distribution channels, protecting and controlling valuable assets, and reducing dependence on suppliers or distributors. By absorbing preceding or successive processes into a firm, the firm has better control over prices and quality. Sometimes it can also increase the firm’s profit margins, especially when suppliers’ or distributors’ markets are highly profitable. Most important, the firm would have control in terms of its overall strategic direction. Apple has certainly achieved this in opening its own retail stores.
Since 2005, when Apple opened its first retail store in Canada at Yorkdale Mall (Toronto), customers have been able to receive a complete Apple experience. Such a forward integration enables Apple to have better control over its customer service and to secure and enhance its market position in the highly competitive personal computer mar- ket. Similarly, in 2013 Starbucks bought its first coffee farm—an example of backward integration—as seen in Talking Business 5.8 .
That said, there are risks associated with vertical integration. One of the major risks is increasing administrative costs associated with managing a more complex set of activi- ties. As a firm absorbing new activities into its internal structure, the complexity of administration further increases. The increases in complexity can come from additional
forward integration A type of diversification that refers to an extension or expansion of firm value chain activities by integrating processes (forward) toward the ultimate customers.
Starbucks has always been known for its friendly, relaxing
atmosphere and great coffee, but now Starbucks is broad-
ening its business into something different—farming. In
2013, the Seattle-based coffee chain announced its pur-
chase of a 600-acre plot in Costa Rica, where it plans to
grow its own coffee beans, cultivate new varieties, and
test crops against plant-related diseases.
While Starbucks is well-known for promoting Fair-Trade
coffee and supporting farmers in the coffee industry, the move
for Starbucks to own its own raw materials (instead of buying
them) may signal a new direction for the company. In the past
40 years, Starbucks has spent approximately $70 million
to support coffee farmers in places such as Cameroon and
Nicaragua as part of its corporate social responsibility efforts.
Its new farm is located on the slopes of the Poás
Volcano, which has a broad range of altitudes and tem-
peratures. The company hopes to develop hybrid coffees
without any genetic modification techniques. In a press
release, company CEO Howard Schultz stated:
This investment, and the cumulative impact it will
have when combined with programs we have
put into place over the last forty years, will sup-
port the resiliency of coffee farmers and their
families as well as the one million people that
represent our collective coffee supply chain.
Starbucks also hopes to improve coffee crops to make
them more resilient against coffee rust, a disease caused
by a fungus called Hemileia vastatrix . Currently, a record
outbreak threatens more than half of the crops across
Central America and may reduce the expected harvest
by half.
Sources: Quotes and information from Tepper, R. (2013, March 21).
Starbucks to start first farm in Costa Rica to cultivate new types of
coffee beans. Huffington Post. Retrieved from www.huffingtonpost.
html?view=print&comm_ref=false; http://news.starbucks.com/
Starbucks Buys Its First Coffee Farm in Costa Rica
backward integration A type of diversification that refers to an extension or expansion of firm value chain activities by integrating productive processes (backward) toward the source of raw materials.
185C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
physical facilities; coordination between units, departments, or divisions; monitoring employees; and so on. Accordingly, carefully managing vertical integration is needed.
Means to Diversify There are many ways to achieve diversification, either related or unrelated. Each way has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first is diversifica- tion through internal development. For example, Microsoft entered the video game mar- ket through its internal development of the Xbox, while Sony and Apple opened their own retail stores to compete in the retailing sectors. Through internal development, firms have full control over the process of diversification and solely capture the potential reve- nue and profitability.
That said, internal development has two major disadvantages. First, quite often diver- sifying into new markets requires significant resource commitment. If firms do not have slack resources, then they might find it difficult to pursue internal development for diver- sification. Furthermore, internal development also requires time to develop the capability unique to the new markets. When the time window for the new market opportunity is narrow, firms might miss the opportunity (after already developing the capability) to com- pete in the new market. The second disadvantage is the risk associated with diversifica- tion. While internal development allows firms to solely absorb the potential returns, it also implies that the firms have to bear all of the risk associated with diversification.
The second way to achieve diversification is through mergers and acquisitions. In gen- eral, mergers refer to two firms coming together to create a new firm with a new identity. Acquisitions refer to a firm acquiring the majority of shares in another firm. In some cases, the acquired firm will become a division of the acquiring firm. In other cases, the acquired firm still operates independently or retains their brand or firm identity. For example, John- son & Johnson, one of the leading pharmaceutical and consumer care companies, has pur- sued many acquisitions in the past decade (including ALZA Corporation, Tibotec-Virco, 3-Dimensional Pharmaceuticals, and Egea Biosciences). One of its acquisitions was Neutro- gena, which retained its brand identity. In fact, acquisition has been viewed as one of John- son & Johnson’s capabilities. Through its acquisition experience, Johnson & Johnson has developed specific capabilities to handle issues associated with acquisitions.
Mergers and acquisitions have been one of the most popular ways to diversify into new markets or to enhance market power. In addition to providing means for firms to increase market power and acquire new capabilities, they can also help two merged firms save enor- mous costs, thus increasing their profit margins, like what Swiss commodities trader Glencore expected in its merger with mining company Xstrata. The number of mergers and acquisi- tions in Canada has typically been over 1,000 in each year since 2000. According to a recent survey, Canadian CEOs still prefer this method to allow their companies to grow.
Mergers and acquisitions certainly provide firms with quick access to new resources and capabilities to compete in the new markets. They also allow the firms to increase market power or market share in a relatively short period of time. However, mergers and acquisitions share the same disadvantages as internal development—risk in the new market. Moreover, mergers and acquisitions have their own unique disadvantages or challenges. In 2013, this was true of the Loblaws–Shoppers Drug Mart merger, as seen in Talking Business 5.9 . Quite often, managers face significant challenges in bringing two firms together into one in terms of administrative issues and organizational culture. Failure in managing the processes of mergers and acquisitions can create significant employee turnover and can erode firm performance.
merger A way to achieve diversification, when two firms come together to create a new firm with a new identity.
acquisition A way to achieve diversification, when a firm acquires the majority of shares in another firm.
186 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
It’s a deal that would join two of Canada’s biggest retailers:
Canadian supermarket chain Loblaw Companies Ltd. wants
to acquire Shoppers Drug Mart for $12.4 billion in cash
and stock.
U of T News asked marketing professor David Soberman
from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Manage-
ment to reflect on the deal and what it could mean for the
Canadian retail landscape.
We recently saw Sobeys acquire Safeway; and now Loblaw with Shoppers. Are these transactions more beneficial to the acquiring or acquired companies? The real point here is that the acquired company and the
acquirer still exist; that is Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaw will
continue to exist as a stand-alone organization that has a lot
of brand equity and notoriety with Canadian consumers. But
often times a merger—at least from the perception of the
buyer and the seller—can unlock new value that wasn’t pos-
sible before when the organizations operated independently.
So is it a win-win for both sides? It’s hard to tell if it’s a win-win for both sides. Clearly the
argument of Loblaw and people from Shoppers Drug Mart
is that it will be, because it will unlock efficiencies that will
not be there if the firms do not merge. As you know,
many Shoppers Drug Marts have substantial grocery/
convenience sections in their stores where people can go
after-hours to buy various things they need. So there’s a
real opportunity there for Loblaw to gain added distribu-
tion for its President’s Choice products.
How does this change the retail landscape in Canada? One of the things it does do is create a greater degree of
concentration. The only caveat I would suggest—to con-
trast with the Sobeys–Safeway deal—is that these are deals
between firms that operate in quite different sectors (gro-
ceries vs. pharmaceuticals). While we sometimes worry
about excessive market power, generally when organiza-
tions are operating in different sectors, the degree to which
a merger can create less competition is much more limited.
What does this mean for consumers? Shoppers Drug Mart will continue to operate in very much
the way it has before, in the sense that their Optimum
program and Life brand will continue. Similarly in Loblaw,
they will continue pursuing their strategies with quality
prevalent private label products under the President’s
Choice brand.
What we’re seeing now is that the things we eat and
the way we eat them can actually have a big effect on your
health. In that regard, both brands have a similar objective.
And there you may see some opportunities for synergy
between Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaw because these
were always perceived as very different sectors. This might
offer opportunities for the combined organizations to do
something in the future that is quite creative.
What will regulators (the Competition Bureau) need to look at before this deal goes through? One of the things they’ll need to look at is the degree to
which these firms compete with each other. If you have a
merger between two firms, but they don’t compete with
each other, then it really doesn’t affect or reduce competition
in any significant way. For the most part people go to Shop-
pers Drug Mart or Loblaw with different shopping experi-
ences in mind, so the degree to which there’s overlap would
seem to need to be quite limited. This would then suggest
that the Competition Bureau would have little concern.
Why is Loblaw paying such a significant premium (27 per cent) for Shoppers? One reason is that Shoppers is a very well respected brand.
It’s got a very strong equity with Canadian consumers, and
for that reason it’s very attractive.
Secondly, Shoppers Drug Mart has actually demon-
strated the ability to be very innovative with the sorts of
things that it does. They are very real pioneers in terms of
developing higher quality private label products that you
see in the healthcare and beauty and household catego-
ries. Furthermore, their Optimum Program has gained real
traction with Canadian consumers and people wait for the
days when they can get double or triple points.
That sort of loyalty and commitment is something
which is worth money—it may not be reflected in the
stock price, but it’s reflected in the acquisition price.
Are we seeing a general trend towards stores which don’t just sell one product? Absolutely, what you see is the traditional categories
breaking down. Traditionally people went to Loblaw for
groceries. But the first thing we saw was the addition of
Understanding the Deal: Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaw
187C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
pharmacies in the store where you can get prescriptions
filled and buy healthcare products. And now they’ve gone
even one step further, when you start thinking about
them as major retailers of clothing, with Joe Fresh.
The biggest challenge for the retailer is trying to get a
shopper in your store, and once the shopper is in the store
they may have multiple needs. If you can figure out what
those needs are, you have the opportunity to increase the
size of the shopping basket and this could generate a lot
of value for the retailer in question.
Source: Au-Yeung, G. (2013, July 16). Understanding the deal:
Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaw. U of T News . Retrieved from
mart-and-loblaw .
The third way to achieve diversification is through strategic alliances. Strategic alliances refer to two or more firms or organizations working together to achieve cer- tain common goals. Strategic alliances can take various forms and serve various pur- poses. The three major forms of strategic alliances are nonequity alliances, equity alliances, and joint ventures. Nonequity alliances refer to the participating firms working together based on contractual agreements. Equity alliances refer to one firm having partial ownership in the other firm and the two firms working together to pur- sue common goals. Finally, joint ventures refer to two or more firms contributing certain resources to form an independent entity. The purposes of strategic alliances can range from marketing activities, to manufacturing production, to distribution arrangements, to research and development.
Generally, strategic alliances provide firms with quick access to new resources and capabilities contributed by alliance partners. As such, strategic alliances can be less costly and less of a resource commitment. Firms also share risks associated with diversification with alliance partners. On the other hand, firms will have to share potential revenue or profits with alliance partners. Furthermore, there are some specific risks associated with strategic alliances, especially surrounding partner selection. Since alliance partners play a key role in the success of strategic alliances, firms need to carefully select the partners to achieve their purposes in pursuit of diversification. Quite often, firms choose the wrong partners because of the following: (1) the firms misperceive the partners’ resources and capabilities; (2) the partners misrepresent their resources and capabilities; and (3) the partners behave solely based on their own interests. Altogether, these could significantly impair the strategic alliance, which ultimately fails to achieve the common purposes.
strategic alliance A way to achieve diversification by two or more organizations working together to achieve certain common goals. Strategic alliances can take various forms and serve various pur- poses. Three major forms of strategic alliances are nonequity alliances, equity alliances, and joint ventures.
nonequity alliance A form of strategic alliance that involves an arrangement between two or more companies that work together based on contractual agreements.
equity alliance A form of strategic alliance that involves an arrangement between two or more firms where one firm has partial ownership in the other firm and the two firms work together to pursue common goals.
joint venture A form of strategic alliance that involves an arrange- ment between two or more compa- nies joining to produce a product or service together, or to collaborate in the research, development, or mar- keting of that product or service.
CHAPTER SUMMARY How to develop strategy is a critical task that managers face. Managers need to constantly assess both the internal and external environments to formulate appropriate strategy to sustain their firm performance and survival. In this chapter, we discussed two models that help managers effectively assess the environment—Michael Porter’s five-forces model and Jay Barney’s VRIO model. In using these models, managers can identify opportunities and threats in the external environment as well as strengths and weaknesses embedded within their firms. Business-level strategy focuses on how to compete in a given market, includ- ing a cost leadership strategy, product differentiation, and a focus strategy. Corporate-level strategy emphasizes creating synergies through diversification, such as related and unre- lated diversifications and vertical integration.
188 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Key Terms
Multiple-Choice Questions Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. An industry can share similar resource requirements, such as
a. raw materials b. labour
c. technology d. all of the above
2. Michael Porter designed the following model: a. VRIO model
b. Five-forces model
c. Seven external forces
d. SWOT analysis
3. Spreading production costs over the number of units produced is called
a. economies of scale b. economies of scope
c. an internal strategy d. none of the above
4. A threat of a new entrant is high when a. capital costs are low
b. switching costs are minimal
c. capital costs are high
d. both A and B
5. The bargaining power of customers is high when a. products are differentiated
b. switching costs are high
c. the brand is important to the buyer
d. products are undifferentiated
6. A substitute product of coffee is a. tea b. bread
c. a muffin d. candy
7. An exit barrier can be a. visible fixed costs b. specialized assets
c. employees d. both A and B
8. A limitation of the five-forces model is that the model a. does not consider the role of technological change
b. does not consider government regulations
c. does not consider the different sizes of companies
within the industry
d. all of the above
9. The VRIO model is based on an analysis of several fac- tors, including
a. value b. rareness
c. innovation d. both A and B
10. Which of the following encompasses both the VRIO model and the five-forces model?
a. Seven external forces b. SWOT analysis
c. Michael Porter model d. None of the above
11. A focus strategy is an example of a a. corporate-level strategy
b. broad-market strategy
c. business-level strategy
d. diversification strategy
acquisition 185
backward integration 184
bargaining power of buyers 167
bargaining power of suppliers 166
business-level strategy 173
corporate-level strategy 179
cost leadership strategy 173
diversification 179
economies of scale 164
economies of scope 181
equity alliance 187
exit barriers 168
financial resources 170
five-forces model 164
focus strategy 177
forward integration 184
human resources 170
industry 163
interfirm dynamics 181
intrafirm dynamics 179
joint venture 187
merger 185
nonequity alliance 187
organizational resources 170
physical resources 170
product differentiation strategy 174
related diversification 181
resources and capabilities 170
strategic alliance 187
strategic management 162
switching costs 164
SWOT analysis 172
unrelated diversification 182
vertical integration 182
VRIO model 169
189C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
If you invested in Lululemon in 2007 at $2 share, your investment would have more than quadrupled. The shares have since risen to as high as $81, and investors are still optimistic about the company’s future. The Canadian athletic clothing retailer has a lot to be proud of. What started off as a humble Vancouver company in 1998 has risen to a billion-dollar multinational with over 200 stores across North America, Europe, and Asia. 28
Lululemon athletica has been called the “Nike for Women.” 29 In an already competi- tive sports retail market, how did this small yoga company rise to such greatness?
Two Canadian marketing academics agree that Lululemon offers something unique: a high-quality product for yoga enthusiasts.
“Lots of people can make a good product, but this is [a] product really specially designed for stretch, fabric, and the age of people who do yoga,” explained Alan Middleton, marketing professor at York University’s Schulich School of Business. 30
28 Alini, E. (2011, January 27). Lululemon love affair. Maclean’s . Retrieved from http://www2.macleans.ca/ 2011/01/27/lululemon-love-affair .
29 The Week staff. (2012, March 26). How did Lululemon become a $10 billion yoga empire? The Week . Retrieved from http://theweek.com/article/index/226020/how-did-lululemon-become-a-10-billion-yoga-empire .
30 Tucker, E. (2012, December 6). Why is Lululemon so successful? Global News . Retrieved from http://globalnews. ca/news/316659/why-is-lululemon-so-successful .
Discussion Questions 1. Explain Michael Porter’s five-forces model.
2. What are the limitations of the five-forces model?
3. Identify four key elements of the VRIO model and explain their importance.
4. Describe the components of a SWOT analysis.
5. What is the difference between a business-level strategy and a corporate-level strategy?
6. Provide six ways a product can be differentiated.
7. Identify and explain the two major motives for diversifi- cation.
8. Compare and contrast three major types of diversifica- tion.
9. Explain three ways a company can achieve diversifica- tion.
10. Explain the difference between economies of scale and economies of scope.
12. Manager self-interest and growth can be called a. a growth strategy
b. interfirm dynamics
c. intrafirm dynamics
d. economies of scope
13. A company uses corporate office management skills when it pursues
a. related diversification
b. vertical integration
c. unrelated diversification
d. none of the above
14. A benefit of backward integration is a. a company can secure raw materials
b. there is less reliance on suppliers
c. a company can control quality and price
d. all of the above
15. An equity alliance involves a. partial ownership in another firm
b. two or more firms working together to achieve com-
mon goals
c. a strategic alliance
d. all of the above
Case Continued >
190 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
According to Michael Mulvey, University of Ottawa marketing professor, Lululemon’s product is known for its superior design and high quality. Mulvey also credits its sales staff, called “educators,” for their focus on the customer. Mulvey explained that its customer ser- vice is superior and appeals to the target market. Since Lululemon is not selling an undiffer- entiated product to the mass market, it is not a traditional mass-market retailer. 31
Beyond a quality product, interest in the company has grown through the use of social media. The yoga community is a well-connected demographic, says Mulvey. “In where they put stores, in how they linked into local yoga clubs where their stores were . . . and them being engaged in the whole promotion of yoga,” he explained. “They’ve got a very nice niche.” 32
Clearly, strong community ties have resulted in less advertising costs. “We don’t do ads,” says Nina Gardner, Lululemon’s community relations manager. “All of our market- ing is done word-of-mouth and grassroots. The only place you’ll see ads is in Yoga Journal and Runners World , two national publications.” 33
Lululemon, of course, is not just selling yoga clothes, it’s also selling a lifestyle. You can it see in its stores and its slogans. On a typical Saturday afternoon, its employ- ees are busy helping customers and community building. According to Timothy Taylor of the Globe and Mail , in stores you’ll see a unique shopping experience. Taylor explains that customers, mostly women, are called “guests,” ranging in age from young teenag- ers to senior citizens. In fact, it is not just about yoga pants. The youthful staff are modelling wraps and toques and advertising product features, and customers are com- paring fabrics. 34
CEO Christine Day argues that yoga isn’t just an exercise. It represents a broader trend to take better care of yourself and live a healthier lifestyle. According to Day, Lululemon is “part of, and contributing to a bigger macro-trend that affects consumers from their early teens to their 70s. Investing in your health will pay big dividends for individuals and society . . . elevating the world from mediocrity to greatness.” 35
Part of this lifestyle is also seen in its slogans such as “Friends are more important than money” and “Dance, sing, floss and travel.”
Strategically, the company has also done something else differently. The company uses a “scarcity model,” keeping inventory supplies low. According to Day, this creates fanatical shoppers who return frequently to the store. 36 Few sales are offered, which means customers must buy products at regular price. Typically, yoga pants range from $75 to $128, when similar products can be found at Old Navy or the Gap for under $30. 37
The company’s reputation for quality and authenticity is one of the reasons customers keep coming back. Marina Strauss of the Globe and Mail refers to the clothes as
34 Taylor, T. (2011, November 24). CEO of the year: Christine Day of Lululemon. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/ceo-of-the-year-christine-day-of-lululemon/ article4252293/.
36 The Week Staff, 2012.
35 Taylor, 2011.
37 The Week Staff, 2012.
33 Carter, L. (2013, March 20). Lululemon expands and finds balance with menswear. Medill Reports Chicago . Retrieved from http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicago/news.aspx?id=219239 .
31 Tucker, 2012.
32 Tucker, 2012.
191C h a p t e r 5 B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
“aesthetically pleasing, functional—and pricier.” Day calls it the “Apple Model.” The company keeps improving its clothing features and fabrics, and customers show their appreciation through their ongoing loyalty. 38
Clearly, Lululemon is focused on its customers and their love of yoga. In recent years, this ancient Hindu custom has become a popular trend in Canada and around the world. Indeed, the practice of yoga is on the rise. The number of people that engage in some form of yoga has risen to over 20 million in the United States alone. It is evident that Lululemon has been able to appeal to this growing market.
Certainly, the value and popularity of the brand is growing. In 2012, the company was ranked the 7th most popular Canadian brand by Interbrand in its biannual Best Canadian Brands report. 39
The company is also unique in how it treats its employees. Often referred to as “educators,” Lululemon employees receive special training to ensure professional- quality service for their customers. After their first employment anniversary, staff receive a “learning library” that includes books such as The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People , The Phoenix Seminar: Psychology of Achievement , and Landmark Forum Seminars.
What’s next for Lululemon? The company has started to expand into traditional apparel as well as swim and surf clothes to appeal to a larger customer base. In fact, in 2013 Lululemon decided to develop a men’s clothing line to appeal to both runners and male yogis. “They have moved from being strictly yoga to a lot of running stuff, which sort of broadens the appeal,” says consultant Maureen Atkinson. “From the point of view of men, it becomes more acceptable to be in a store that focuses on running instead of (just) yoga.” 40
Retail consultant Howard Davidowitz agrees. “Yoga is recognized not only by women,” Davidowitz said. “If you call health clubs, more men are attending yoga classes. Men are going to show up with their wives and their girlfriends to shop now. [I’d] say 90 percent of their business is women’s wear. If they can add 10 percent for men . . . I look at it as a very strong market for them.” 41
The greater challenge is keeping the company’s “aura of virtue” and “specialness” while appealing to the mass population. After all, investors are demanding growth. 42
According to David Ian Gray, a retail strategist, “the specialness of a brand is hard to sustain when you see it on every street corner or, in this case, on every other woman in your yoga class or in the elementary school playground when you pick up your kids. That sense of being part of a haloed community starts to dissipate when the group has grown so big that it encompasses almost everybody—which is exactly what happened mid-90s to the Gap, or mid-2000s to Starbucks.” 43
38 The Week Staff, 2012.
39 Shaw, H. (2012, June 7). Why all the angst about Lululemon? Financial Post . Retrieved from http://business. financialpost.com/2012/06/07/why-all-the-angst-about-lululemon .
43 Taylor, 2011.
42 Taylor, 2011.
41 Carter, 2013.
40 Carter, 2013.
Case Continued >
192 P a r t 2 T h e I n t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Has Lululemon made any mistakes? Some analysts believe the yoga giant could have made even greater sales if it was better at matching supply with demand. The question is, can Lululemon now expand beyond yoga wear and be successful with aiming its products at the mass market? Many say, why not? “Is this a powerhouse company? My answer is yes,” Davidowitz said. “Will it be five years from now? Yes, because they’re so dominant and so recognizable. They’ve established themselves as the headquarters for yoga wear in the United States.” 44
Certainly, other retailers have tried to tap into the yoga market. Under Armour, Nike, Adidas, Victoria’s Secret, and American Eagle are a few companies that have sold yoga wear. But so far, they haven’t captured Lululemon’s market share. It seems that Lululemon is doing something special; and for now, it’s going to keep on doing it.
There is a saying: “Do what you love and the money will come”—for Lululemon, it’s the love of yoga.
1. Analyze the yoga clothing industry using Michael Porter’s five-forces model.
2. Conduct a VRIO analysis of Lululemon.
3. Discuss which of the three kinds of business-level strategies you think Lululemon is employing or should employ.
44 Carter, 2013.
Chapter 6 Economic Forces Oh Canada, What is Your Economy Like?
How much do you know about the economic environ-
ment within which businesses operate? In this chapter,
we will examine a number of economic variables that
can influence business and the overall economy. Topics
such as economic growth, stability, and employment are
economic goals discussed.
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Define the elements of an economic environment.
2. Describe four types of economic systems.
3. Compare four types of competition.
4. Discuss how economic elements can affect business.
5. Explain the different types of unemployment.
Bernhard Richter/Shutterstock
THE BUSINESS WORLD Canadians on the Move
If you couldn’t get a job in the province where you lived, would you move elsewhere? That is a question many students are asking themselves as they try to obtain employment in a tight job market.
Kieran Thomas, a recent graduate, secured a job in Alberta’s prosperous oil and gas industry. It wasn’t his first choice, but he’s glad he has a job. In 2009, Thomas graduated from the University of Waterloo with an undergraduate degree in engineering. At that time, it was one of the weakest job markets in decades, and Thomas soon realized that getting his dream job close to home wasn’t going to happen. 1
The Montreal student considers himself lucky, though. When he took a co-op pro- gram and worked for six terms (three of them in Alberta), his work experience helped him secure a job. “There were little to no jobs in Ontario or Quebec for new grad engineers, and the ones that were available were not very interesting and had very low starting salaries,” Thomas, 27, said. “Most of my friends ended up going back to school for a master’s degree to wait out the poor job market.” 2
Thomas is not alone in moving to another province for work. According to Statistics Canada, last year over 300,000 Canadians moved provinces to obtain work, attend school, or just have a new start. Stats Canada also cited Alberta as the most poplar province to go to, whereas Ontario was the most poplar province to leave. While the highest movement across provinces occurred during the 1970s and 1980s, the numbers are beginning to pick up again. 3
The primary reason why people migrate is economic, although language, age, geography and other factors also play a role. 4 On average, men who migrate to another province increase their wages by 15%, whereas women increase their wages by 12%. Although the increase in wages is significant, only about 20% of Canadians are usually willing to change provinces. 5
“I moved to a town of 3,500 people . . . knowing absolutely no one,” Thomas said. “Leaving my friends and family was probably the hardest part.” 6
Another challenge is that some workers are employed in regulated occupations whereby their qualifications may not be recognized in other provinces. These labour barriers affect approximately 10% of the workforce, or 2 million Canadians. The teaching profession is one example. A K–12 teacher trained and certified in Ontario cannot automatically teach in British Columbia. First, a teacher must be in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers and apply for a “basic certification” from the British Columbia College of Teach- ers. Then, a further certification test is required to receive full professional certification. 7
194 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
1 Chittley, J. (2013, April 12). More Canadians on the move for better opportunities in other provinces. Daily Brew . Retrieved from http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/more-canadians-move-better-opportunities- other-provinces-182507138.html .
2 Chittley, 2013.
3 Chittley, 2013.
4 Gauthier, P. (2011, January 27). Interprovincial migration: Where are Canadians headed? TD Special Report. Retrieved from www.td.com/document/PDF/economics/special/td-economics-special-pg0111-migration.pdf .
5 Chittley, 2013.
6 Chittley, 2013.
7 Gauthier, 2011.
195C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
According to the Government of Canada, Most Canadians are able to work in their chosen occupation anywhere in Canada. Some workers, however, are employed in regulated occupations, certified or licensed by provin- cial or territorial authorities. Although many occupations enjoy a high degree of consis- tency in the requirements for a specific job, workers have encountered barriers when they move from one jurisdiction to another because of differences in certification requirements. 8
How is the government trying to reduce labour mobility issues? The Government of Canada is [trying to reduce] unnecessary barriers to labour mobility and [is trying to promote] an open, efficient and stable domestic labour market, which is essential to Canada’s economic prosperity. The free movement of workers contributes to sustaining economic growth, innovation, productivity and the improvement of Canada’s overall competitiveness. To achieve this goal, the Government of Canada collaborates with the provinces and territories, regulators and stakeholders to strengthen a pan- Canadian approach to labour mobility. The federal government, with the provinces and territories, has signed the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT), a trade agreement designed to reduce and eliminate barriers to the free movement of goods, services, investment and labour within Canada, and to establish an open, efficient and stable domestic market. 9
Clearly, interprovincial migration is an important economic issue since it influences provincial demographics. People entering and leaving a province not only alter its size, but this movement also changes a province’s demographic characteristics according to age, earnings, and so on, which subsequently affects economic growth. 10
Which provinces are the easiest to find employment in? Jobs are growing in Alberta and Saskatchewan mainly because of the oil and gas sectors. In November 2012, Alberta created over 10,000 jobs and maintained the lowest unemployment rate in Canada. 11 Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), on the other hand, has had one of the most challenging job markets. For the period ending August 2012, Statistics Canada reported that NL had 12.4 job seekers for every job, whereas Alberta only had 1.7 job seekers. 12 Indeed, high unemployment in the eastern provinces is one motivating factor for residents to consider opportunities in the west.
Michael Hann, an associate professor at the University of New Brunswick, has found that native New Brunswickers who had moved to other provinces within Canada were eco- nomically better off than before they left. These expatriates were more likely to own a busi- ness, have a university education, and earn more than $100,000 a year. 13 While not everyone wants a job in the resource sector, the west continues to be a major draw for many Canadians.
8 Agreement on Internal Trade. (n.d.). Labour mobility coordinating group. Retrieved from www.ait-aci.ca/ index_en/labour.htm .
9 Labour Mobility. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/jobs/ credential_recognition/labour_mobility.shtml.
10 Gauthier, 2011.
11 Mah, B. (2012, December 7). Alberta’s job market keeps booming. Edmonton Journal . Retrieved from www. edmontonjournal.com/business/Edmonton+among+cities+with+lowest+unemployment+rate+Canada/ 7667170/story.html .
12 Huffington Post Canada . (2012, November 24). Best provinces in Canada to find a job: StatsCan vacancy survey shows where to seek work. Retrieved from www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/11/24/best-provinces-to-find-a- job_n_2176078.html .
13 Campbell, D. (2011, December 14). Maritimes needs its workers to come back up “the road.” Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/economy-lab/maritimes-needs-its- workers-to-come-back-up-the-road/article620015 .
196 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
According to a Globe and Mail article, Alberta’s oil industry needs more than a thou- sand engineers, as well as several thousand tradespeople such as welders, pipe fitters, and carpenters. 14 The problem for many employers is that they can’t fill these jobs. Why not? Many Canadians find it too expensive to move or too difficult to leave family ties. 15
For many adults with families and aging parents, relocation becomes hard to do. This holds true even with company downsizings. In 2012, Honeywell laid off about 60 factory workers to shift production to lower-cost facilities in Hungary, China, and Mexico. But the fact is that most of these unemployed workers will likely stay in the same province. “I have to take care of my father—he’s 82,” says Brendan Andrews, a machine operator in Ontario. 16
How do companies then fill vacancies when people are unwilling or unavailable to move? A growing number of employers are turning to places outside of Canada in their job search efforts, including Ireland, Eastern Europe, South Africa, and the United States. Clearly, there is a mismatch of skills in the labour market, even as unemployment levels are rising in other parts of the country.
“What we’re finding is most of our companies have already recruited across Canada. And they still are not finding the numbers they need. So, while there may be unemployed people in Ontario, Quebec, or Eastern Canada—they aren’t moving here,” said Mike Wo, executive director of the Edmonton Economic Development Corporation. 17
More recently, the highest unemployment rates have been in Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. For instance, in 2012 Ontario and the eastern provinces had unemploy- ment numbers around 7.8% and upwards; whereas in oil-rich provinces such as Alberta, unemployment remained low at only 4.9%. It is not that Canada does not have any jobs— it is that workers have the wrong skills in the wrong locations. In order for Canada to complete globally, the country needs to fill gaps in skills and labour shortages. 18
According to a Globe and Mail article, most economists agree that the mobility of labour is essential to a prosperous economy over time. If one province is struggling and another is thriving, restricting labour movement will cause inefficient labour markets and lower overall economic performance. 19
The cross-provincial migration of Canadians also has implications for government ser- vice demands and tax revenues. According to a TD report, “while an inflow of individuals dependent on government transfers may reduce some government spending pressure, many of these transfers (e.g. Employment Insurance) are federal rather than provincial. Moreover, any government saving would be more than offset by an inflow of higher-income individuals, which can seriously erode a government’s tax base over time.” 20
Certainly, in the short-term, making it easier for Canadians to move between prov- inces is an important step in reducing structural unemployment and keeping Canadians working. But for Canada to prosper in the longer term, we also need policies to promote economic growth across all regions of the country.
14 Grant, T. (2012, June 12). Stuck in place: Canada’s mobility problem. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobe- andmail.com/report-on-business/economy/canada-competes/stuck-in-place-canadas-mobility-problem/article4237314 . 15 Grant, 2012. 16 Grant, 2012. 17 Grant, 2012. 18 Grant, 2012. 19 Campbell, 2011. 20 Gauthier, P. (2011, January 27). Interprovincial migration: Where are Canadians headed? TD Special Report. Retrieved from www.td.com/document/PDF/economics/special/td-economics-special-pg0111-migration.pdf.
197C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
THE ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT What is an economic environment? An economic environment refers to the economic con- ditions in which an organization operates. An economic condition or variable can include job growth, consumer confidence, interest rates, and much more. Individuals, businesses, and the government are three key groups that make up an economic environment.
Individuals Individuals decide how to spend their money and on what. Since money is a limited resource, an individual is forced to make spending choices—from the daily necessities of life such as food, clothing, and dental care, to more luxurious items such as travel and entertainment. Choosing to purchase certain goods and services automatically precludes the possibility of purchasing others instead. This type of decision is sometimes referred to as an opportunity cost —the cost of the best foregone alternative. Even a decision to attend university is an economic choice. By pursuing an education, an individual forgoes the option to work full time, to gain experience, and to save money. In other words, the opportunity cost of an education is a regular income, which could be saved and invested to provide even further income. Thus, one economic decision affects another.
Businesses Businesses also form part of the economic environment. In order for businesses to make a profit, managers have to balance the right combination of inputs that allow for efficiency, productivity, and overall firm growth. These inputs are often referred to as the five factors of production , which include natural resources, labour, capital, knowledge, and entrepre- neurs (see Exhibit 6.1 ).
Natural resources include land and raw materials that are found either below or above the ground, such as soil, rocks, minerals, trees, fruits, and vegetables. Raw materials can also include living organisms like fish or agricultural products such as milk and eggs. For Shell Corporation, oil is a raw material that needs to be refined before it becomes inventory and is sold for profit. For the consumer, oil is a good to be purchased and con- sumed. Similarly, McCain Foods uses potatoes as a raw material to make french fries. Once they are shipped to grocery stores, the french fries become a good available to the consumer for purchase.
Labour refers to workers. These are typically employees who contribute their talents and strengths to create goods and services for the owners of a business. From the floor cleaner to the CEO, each person has a role to play in producing goods and services and in meeting the company’s objectives. In 2008, the role of the cleaner became particularly important to Maple
Objective 1 Define the elements of an economic
economic environment The economic conditions in which an organization operates. Key groups that make up an economic environment are individuals, businesses, and the government.
opportunity cost The cost of the best foregone alternative.
five factors of production The five key inputs in an organization, which include natural resources, labour, capital, knowledge, and entrepreneurs.
natural resources One of the five factors of production. Includes land and raw materials that are found either below or above the ground, such as soil, rocks, minerals, vegetables, and so on. Can also include living organisms like fish and agricultural products.
labour One of the five factors of production. Includes all workers in an organization who contribute their talents and strengths to create goods and services.
Exhibit 6.1 Five Factors of Production
1. Natural resources Land and raw materials
2. Labour Workers
3. Capital Buildings, machinery, tools, and equipment
4. Knowledge Knowledge workers with specialized education, skills,
and experience
5. Entrepreneurs Individuals who start up businesses
198 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Leaf Foods Inc., a Canadian deli-meat manufacturer. The company underwent a massive cleaning campaign to rid its plants of traces of listeria, which had resulted in 22 deaths across Canada and in significant damage to the company’s reputation. 21
Capital includes buildings, machines, tools, and other physical components used in pro- ducing goods and services. For example, CIBC uses capital such as buildings, computers, cal- culators, and safes to operate its financial services business. Money from shareowners, however, is not capital. Money can be used to purchase capital, but money is not capital itself. Money is only an investment, since it cannot create or produce anything on its own to earn income. To see how Tim Hortons uses capital and other factors of production, see Exhibit 6.2 .
Knowledge is another factor of production—in fact, it has become the most important factor of production in today’s economy. 22 The high-tech industry has created a need for knowledge workers : individuals with specialized education, skills, training, and experience. For many companies, knowledge is the key factor in achieving a competitive advantage. Google, Facebook, and Twitter are three Internet companies whose success was built on their employ- ees’ knowledge and creative abilities. Today, Google continues this quest for knowledge by allowing its engineers 20% of their work time to pursue personal ideas. By encouraging creativ- ity at work, new knowledge can be developed and people can be empowered to work better.
According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), knowledge is an important driver of productivity and economic development. Knowledge-based economies , for example, are economies that involve the production, distribution, and consumption of knowledge and information. 23 Canada’s education
capital One of the five factors of production. Includes buildings, machines, tools, and other physical components used in producing goods and services.
knowledge One of the five factors of production. It is captured in the individuals who work for an organi- zation and the specialized education, skills, training, and experience they bring to their role. In today’s business environment, it has become the most important factor of production.
knowledge-based economies Economies that involve the production, distribution, and consumption of knowledge and information.
Exhibit 6.2 Tim Hortons’s Utilization of the Five Factors of Production
Factor of Production Example Use
Natural resources Land
Coffee beans
• To operate business
• To make coffee
• To produce donuts
• To produce other products
Labour Workers in a franchise
Workers at corporate
head office
• Store manager, cashier, sandwich maker, baker, cleaner
• Executives, marketing managers, finance managers, other
administrative staff
Capital Buildings
• To house the fast-food restaurant franchises
• Cooking equipment to bake donuts, make coffee, etc.
• Computers and calculators to keep track of revenues and expenses
Knowledge Specialized skills • Individuals who understand the complexities of the coffee bean
trade, growing coffee, etc.
Entrepreneur Franchise owner • Tim Horton was the original founder, but an individual can own
and operate a franchise
21 CBC News. (2009, September 11). Listeriosis outbreak timeline. Retrieved from www.cbc.ca/news/health/ story/2008/08/26/f-meat-recall-timeline.html .
22 Gregory, I. (2004). Peter Drucker on knowledge worker productivity. KnowledgeWorkerPerformance.com . Retrieved from www.knowledgeworkerperformance.com/Peter-Drucker-Knowledge-Worker-Productivity.aspx .
23 OECD. (1996). The knowledge-based economy, 7. Retrieved from www.oecd.org/science/sci-tech/1913021.pdf .
199C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy is not about the lowest cost but the highest creativity, and this applies to all sectors, from agriculture to forestry to energy to communications to retail. Competitiveness today is about seizing the opportunities in the dynamic emerging economies, with the new products and services that consumers are seeking, and do so more nimbly and more quickly than our global competitors. 24
system is an important component to Canada’s knowledge-based economy, as described in Talking Business 6.1 . Canadian business leaders also recognize the importance of knowl- edge in being competitive. Vice-chair of the Bank of Montreal, Kevin Lynch, argues
24 Lynch, K. (2011, November 23). The keys to competitiveness? Innovation and productivity. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/the-keys-to-competitiveness-innovation- and-productivity/article2246856 .
Entrepreneurs are individuals who establish a business in the pursuit of profit and to serve a need in society. They are the owners, decision makers, and risk takers of the business. Unlike their employees, entrepreneurs have no guarantee of income in return for their time and effort. While most new businesses struggle to succeed, small businesses are an important part of the Canadian economy, job creation, and future economic growth. Entrepreneurs can introduce new products, ideas, and business models that can change the way we do business.
entrepreneurs One of the five factors of production. Individuals who establish a business in the pursuit of profit and to serve a need in society. They are the owners, decision makers, and risk takers of the business.
Canada’s People Advantage According to the Government of Canada, here are some
facts that give Canada a people advantage:
• Canada ranks #4 in the OECD for its high school com-
pletion rates (86.6% of working-age Canadians have a
high school diploma).
• Canada ranks #1 in the OECD for its college comple-
tion rates (23.7% of working-age Canadians have
graduated from college).
• Canada ranks #7 in the OECD and #2 in the G7 for its
university completion rates (24.6% of working-age
Canadians have a university degree).
• The World Economic Forum ranks Canada second in a
133-country study on the quality of their management
• Canada leads the G7 when it comes to the availability
of qualified engineers in its workforce, according to
the IMD.
• Canada is a multicultural country, where one in every
five Canadians has a mother tongue other than English
or French. The diversity that Canada’s workforce enjoys
is a key asset to many foreign investors looking for tal-
ented workers who quickly adapt to different ways of
taking care of business.
• It is particularly important for global firms in services
sectors to have highly skilled workers who are familiar
with different languages and varying business cultures.
Over 4.4 million working-age Canadians speak a lan-
guage other than English or French. These languages
include Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Punjabi, German,
Arabic, Portuguese, Korean, Hindi and Japanese.
• Canada offers global companies excellent time-zone
advantages. Canada’s human resources capabilities, for
functions such as customer support and application
development, are enhanced because the country
shares the same time zones with North and Latin
Source: OECD. (2010). Highlights from education at a glance 2010,
Figure 1.2, p. 13. Reprinted with permission.
200 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Government Unlike individuals and businesses that make self-serving economic choices, govern- ment has a broader role. Government purchases goods and services for the welfare and well-being of both its citizens and its business-community members. The government is also responsible for making laws, regulations, and policies to manage the country’s economy.
To guide the economy in the right direction, the government can influence individ- ual choices with tax credits or business decisions with tax incentives. For instance, the federal government encourages individuals to save for their retirement by allowing a tax deduction if they contribute to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). The gov- ernment can also encourage innovation for the economy to grow. Businesses can receive a Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit if they conduct eligible research and development in Canada.
One challenge for the Canadian government is to ensure qualified and skilled labour is available in the country to support economic growth, which is discussed in Talking Business 6.2 .
ANALYZING THE ECONOMY: TWO APPROACHES The performance of an economic environment can be analyzed on a micro or a macro level. Microeconomics is the study of smaller components of the economy, such as indi- viduals and businesses. For example, microeconomists analyze consumer demand and existing supply. On the other hand, macroeconomics is the study of larger economic issues involving the economy as a whole. Macroeconomics is arguably more complex, since it considers data for large groups of people and firms. Examples of macroeconomic issues include unemployment, consumption, inflation, gross domestic product, and price levels. The role of government in the economy is also studied at this level. Eco- nomic policies are one way in which a government can influence an economic environ- ment. Governmental economic policies can even extend beyond a country’s borders, impacting the world economy, since a country’s policies can shape international trans- actions through trade. Import duties, which tax foreign goods to protect domestic indus- tries, are an example of the way in which governmental policies can influence trade relations with other countries.
Both micro- and macroeconomics provide valuable insight into current economic realities and aid in predicting future economic trends. For example, in 2011 Canadian Tire decided to introduce large appliances such as stoves and refrigerators in selected test stores. Before making this decision, the company would have performed micro- and macroeconomic analyses to look for answers to a number of questions. For example, on a microeconomic level, is there sufficient consumer demand versus the existing supply of large appliances offered by competitors such as Home Depot, Sears, and Future Shop? On a macroeconomic level, what is the state of the economy? Is the economy growing? Are consumers spending money and are employment levels high?
Macroeconomic questions are important ones from a business perspective. One par- ticularly important macroeconomic consideration is the type of economic system within which a business operates.
microeconomics The study of smaller components of the economy, such as individuals and businesses.
macroeconomics The study of larger economic issues involving the economy as a whole; examples include unemployment, consumption, inflation, gross domestic product, and price levels.
201C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
TYPES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS What is an economic system? An economic system is the way that the five factors of produc- tion are managed. For instance, an economic system can have public or private ownership. In public ownership, decisions on production and the allocation of resources are made cen- trally by the government. Private ownership is the opposite, where individuals can own their
Objective 2 Describe four types of economic systems.
Tens of thousands of truck drivers are approaching retire-
ment age, but very few young people and immigrants are
entering the industry. A new The Conference Board of
Canada report concludes that the gap between the supply
of drivers and the demand for them—estimated at 25,000
by 2020—could be costly to the Canadian economy.
“The food we eat, the goods that we enjoy and even
the homes we live in are in large part delivered by trucks.
The inability to meet a huge demand for drivers could be
costly for the trucking industry, consumer goods and the
Canadian economy,” said Vijay Gill, Principal Research
The trucking industry moves 90 per cent of all consumer
products and food within Canada and 60 per cent of trade
with the United States, Canada’s largest trading partner. It
alone accounts for 33 per cent of real gross domestic prod-
uct (GDP) in the transportation sector. Most of the demand
for truck transport services is tied to the manufacturing, retail
and wholesale trade industries. Demand for goods and ser-
vices from retail industries is expected to grow significantly by
Growing Gap of Truck Drivers Will Be Costly to Canadian Economy
2020. The trucking industry’s real GDP is expected to increase
from $17 billion to $21.4 billion from 2011.
While truck drivers make up nearly 1.5 per cent of the
Canadian labour force—approximately 300,000 truck drivers
overall—it struggles to attract drivers to the for-hire industry.
The for-hire industry is comprised of companies that provide
truck transportation services to other companies. Drivers in
the for-hire industry are often required to work long hours,
over long distances, and with unpredictable schedules.
Participation of young people, ages 15 to 24, has
dropped off significantly in the past decade. As a result,
the average truck driver’s average age has increased from
40 years in 1996 to 44 years in 2006, an average that
surpasses that of many comparable occupations.
Source: Excerpted from Dowdall, B. (2013, February 20). Growing
gap of truck drivers will be costly to Canadian economy. Reprinted
with permission from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.ca/press/newsrelease/13-02-21/
economy.aspx .
15 to 19 20 to 24
Truck drivers Total labour force
25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39
P e rc
e n
ta g
40 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and over
Age Cohorts—Truck Drivers vs. Total Labour Force, 2006
202 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
own property and make their own decisions. There are four types of economic systems: a market system, a communist system, a socialist system, and a mixed system.
Market Economy A market economy , also referred to as a capitalist economy or a private enterprise system , is a free market system in which individuals can decide to be employees or owners of their own business. Individuals who establish businesses are “entrepreneurs” and can freely choose which products to produce, distribute, and sell; where to sell them; and what prices to set. In so doing, businesses compete with others in a marketplace where supply and demand determine which goods and services will be produced and consumed.
Market economies offer entrepreneurs certain rights —for example, the right to own private property, the right to compete, the right to make their own choices, and the right to make a profit. The right to make a profit is probably the most significant incentive for individuals to take the risks involved in establishing a business.
Competition is one of the most important features of a market economy. Different indi- viduals and groups are able to compete freely for profit. Competition is beneficial for both consumers and for the overall economy, because it allows different products and services to be produced at different prices. When there is more than one seller of a given product, producers are compelled to create a better product or to find a way of lowering costs to satisfy customers. This rivalry leads to more varied products, lower prices, and more efficient production.
There is a trend today for countries to move toward market economies, but the transi- tion is not always simple nor is it quickly realized. The availability of money, capital, and adequate distribution systems can impact the ability of individuals to establish businesses and to market their products to those who want them.
Communism Communism is the economic system that once existed under the Soviet Union. Instead of individuals freely deciding which products to produce, the government owned essentially all of the country’s resources, and economic decisions were made centrally. The government decided which goods and services were produced and in what quantities. Communism tended to limit an individual’s choices, such as the ability to change jobs or to relocate.
Although in theory communism was designed to create economic equality by allocat- ing resources equally to all, the system had many shortcomings. First, the communist gov- ernment had to guess which goods to produce, since prices were not set by the market. The government also had to estimate supply and demand. When estimates were inaccurate, the result was either a surplus or a shortage of goods. A second shortcoming of communism was that it offered little incentive for people to work hard, to improve goods, or to invent new products. As a result, creativity and innovation, in terms of business, were nonexis- tent. The third problem with communism was that the government mainly benefited from the earnings. Individuals had little incentive to build a business, since the government took most of the profits. Little business growth meant little to no economic growth.
Today, there are few pure communist economies in the world whereby governments make all of the economic decisions. Cuba and North Korea are two remaining examples of communist systems. Countries such as China and Vietnam are slowly moving toward market economies and are engaging in ongoing trade with the rest of the world.
market economy A free market system in which businesses com- pete with others in a marketplace where supply and demand deter- mine which goods and services will be produced and consumed. Indi- viduals can decide to be either workers for an employer or owners of a business.
communism An economic system where the government owns or controls essentially all of a country’s economic resources.
economic system The way that the five factors of production are managed. Can be classified as either public (where the government makes decisions about production and allocation of resources) or private (where individuals can own their own property and make their own decisions). There are four types of economic systems: a market economy, communism, socialism, and a mixed system.
203C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Socialism Socialism is an economic system whereby the government has large ownership in or control over major industries essential to the country’s economy. Coal mines, transportation, steel mills, health care, banking, and utilities are a few examples. In Europe, for example, the French government has some ownership of the telecom industry. 25
With significant ownership, the state can influence business goals, types of goods produced, prices, and even workers’ rights. How much government ownership is required for a country to be considered socialist? There is no universal agreement. However, most socialist nations are otherwise similar to other countries. Socialist systems, for example, often have democratic governments that protect the rights of citizens.
Although most businesses are privately owned, individuals are heavily taxed so that the government can redistribute profits among its people. In 2013, Sweden’s personal income tax rate was 59%, the second highest in the world. Denmark ranked second at 55%. 26 This is high compared to Canada’s top personal tax rate of 50%. 27 High taxation is certainly one disadvantage of socialism.
High taxation levels can also be attributed to the high level of services offered by socialist systems, such as health care, education, child care, and unemployment benefits. One advantage socialists believe their system offers is a higher standard of living and more economic stability than other systems. While this could be true, taxes and unemployment are usually higher and levels of innovation lower. Some examples of socialist countries include France, Denmark, and Sweden.
Mixed Economy Canada’s economy is considered a mixed economy since it uses more than one economic system. While most industries are the work of private enterprise, the Canadian govern- ment may be considered partly socialist in its control of certain industries such as Canada Post, utilities (for example, water), and some public lands. In Canada, for example, the provincial governments control and regulate the health care system. Similarly, the Ontario government owns and operates the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), which controls the sale of certain types of alcohol.
The government is also involved in taxation and in the allocation of resources for spe- cial purposes, such as the assistance of retired individuals on a fixed income. The Canada Pension Plan (CPP), for example, is administered by the government and provides pension income for individuals age 65 and older.
Today, most economies are considered mixed systems since governments usually play some role in managing the economy. In recent years there has been a trend to privatize government-run agencies with the aim of creating competition in the private sector.
socialism An economic system where the government has large ownership in or control over major industries essential to the country’s economy.
mixed economy An economic system where the government (public) and businesses (private) influence the economy.
25 Oak, C. (2013, July 17). The France Telecom Group turns completely Orange. Shift Thought. Retrieved from http://digitalmoney.shiftthought.co.uk/the-france-telecom-group-has-turned-completely-orange .
26 Malaysian Digest. (2012, June 19). 10 countries with the highest taxes, 2012–2013. Retrieved from www. malaysiandigest.com/features/56162-10-countries-with-the-highest-taxes-2012-2013.html .
27 PriceWaterhouseCoopers. (2012). Tax facts and figures: Canada 2012. Retrieved from www.pwc.com/en_CA/ ca/tax/publications/pwc-tax-facts-figures-2012-en.pdf .
204 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
COMPETITION AND THE ECONOMY Types of Competition in Free Markets Most economists agree that private-sector competition improves the quality of goods and services available in the market and lowers consumer prices. Although businesses com- pete in the economic marketplace, not all companies necessarily compete against one another. Competition exists when two or more sellers offer the same or similar products or services to consumers. Typically, companies within the same industry, selling a similar product, compete with one another. In Canada, retail competition is becoming fierce as more US stores head north to compete directly with Canadian companies. Canadian Tire, Rona, and Home Hardware now compete against Home Depot and Lowe’s. Walmart and Target are also competitors because they sell similar goods. Competition among providers of goods and services can fall under one of four main categories: perfect competition, a monopoly, an oligopoly, and monopolistic competition (see Exhibit 6.3 ).
Perfect (or Pure) competition Perfect or pure competition is, in theory, the ideal form of competition. It is characterized by four traits. First, a large number of buyers and sell- ers act independently. Second, the product or service is undifferentiated. In other words, the good or service is similar to or the same as other products and services available in the mar- ket. In this case, because there is nothing unique or value-added about the product, the lowest price becomes the key decision-making factor for the consumer. Third, with undif- ferentiated goods, the market determines the price, not the company. The seller is therefore a price taker. And fourth, in perfect competition there are no barriers to entry. Barriers to entry are obstacles that may prevent another company from entering a given market. Barriers of entry could include high capital costs (eg. cost of buildings and equipment), government regulations, customer brand loyalties, intellectual properties (eg. patents and trademarks), and high switching costs (eg. contract cancellation penalties). Barriers to entry usually exist under other forms of competition, too.
When these four conditions are present, no one firm can become large enough to set prices, control the market, and significantly affect the free market system. What industries are purely competitive? Many agricultural products such as potatoes, apples, and corn are per- fectly competitive. Today, however, there are few other products that exist within the condi- tions of pure competition since most products are slightly differentiated. How are Canadian farmers doing? Let’s consider Canada’s agricultural industry in Talking Business 6.3 .
Objective 3 Compare four types of competition.
competition When two or more sellers offer the same or similar products or services to consumers.
perfect or pure competition A form of competition where many small and medium firms produce the same product or service and no single seller has the power to influence the price of that product or service.
barriers to entry Obstacles that may prevent another company from entering a given market. Could include high capital costs, government regulations, customer brand loyalties, intellectual property, and high switching costs.
Exhibit 6.3 Types of Competition
Type of Competition
Barriers to Entry Number of Sellers
Firm Price Setter
Product Differentiation Size of Firms
Perfect (or pure) None Many (very competitive) No None Small to medium
Monopolistic Low Many (very competitive) No Small differentiation Small to large
Oligopoly High Few (somewhat
Yes Some differentiation Large
Monopoly No entry is
One (no competition) Yes None Large
205C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Better Farm Management Separates the Wheat from the Chaff Despite a perception that large-scale “corporate farming”
is taking over Canadian agriculture, Canada’s farming sec-
tor remains dominated by relatively small-scale, family
owned and operated enterprises. And this is unlikely to
change significantly anytime soon.
Canada’s largest farming businesses—those earning
over $1 million in yearly revenues—comprise less than
5 per cent of all farms in the country, and would be con-
sidered small or medium sized enterprises in virtually all
other economic sectors.
This does not stop farms from being profitable busi-
nesses. A new report by the Conference Board— Seeds for
Success: Enhancing Canada’s Farming Enterprises —shows
that, since 2000, almost 30 per cent of Canadian farms
have had profit margins over 20 per cent each year. More-
over, a quarter of the smallest sized farms in Canada have
been in the top profit margin category. On the downside,
about 30 per cent of farms lose substantial amounts of
money each year, with profit margins of minus-ten per
cent or worse.
Why do some farms greatly outperform others? The
key is good management. Farmers have abundant new
opportunities, but capitalizing on them requires skillful
management of farm capital, marketing, business rela-
tionships, and human resources. Increasingly, the old ways
of doing things no longer guarantee success in the mod-
ern farming economy.
For example, managing farm capital becomes more
important as the cost of farmland outpaces growth in
agricultural incomes. During the second half of 2011
alone, farmland prices across Canada increased by 6.9 per
cent. To meet their operational needs, successful farm
managers are renting more land, as opposed to purchas-
ing it outright, to avoid excessive debt. They also make
investments in other aspects of the business, including
state-of-the-art technology, to improve productivity.
Producing good yields, however, is not enough—
marketing is also an increasingly important part of being
profitable. To earn price premiums, entrepreneurial farm
managers are going beyond traditional selling avenues
(such as auction markets and marketing boards), and sell-
ing directly to consumers, processors, restaurants and
retailers, and foreign buyers. Many tap into niche market
opportunities, such as organic and “local” food. Other
operators are making greater use of financial instruments
(such as futures and options) to maximize price potential
and hedge against risk.
Managing and fostering business relationships are
increasingly vital to farming success: the image of the soli-
tary farmer is at odds with the realities of today’s com-
petitive environment. Farmers can accomplish many
things working together through business partnerships,
agricultural cooperatives, and joint ventures, including
cost-sharing, reduced risk, and increased buying power.
Among successful farmers, sophisticated knowledge net-
works (including producer organizations and marketing
clubs) supplement the local coffee shop as places for shar-
ing information about new industry developments.
Managing capital, marketing, and relationships takes
time and focus. But many farmers are reluctant to hire
more employees to do the on-farm labour they love, so
that they can spend more time handling business issues.
Most operators—more than 70 per cent—also report
problems finding general farm workers to fill positions,
owing to skills and labour shortages in the industry.
Improving employee management training, as well as
farm human resources standards and practices, would
help attract a new generation of smart, ambitious, and
enterprising Canadians to farming. It is critical that
farms rival other industries that compete with them for
skilled workers.
Farmers who employ good management and business
skills have bright futures in a world where demand for
food is growing. Many farms will gradually become larger
as a result of greater business sophistication and entre-
preneurial ambition. But size is not everything. What
matters more is how well farms of all sizes are able to
improve farm management in a way that enables them to
meet rising consumer expectations for high quality, safe,
and environmentally friendly foods—and be prosperous
as a result.
Source: Excerpted from Stuckey, J. (2013, July 17). Better farm
management separates the wheat from the chaff. The Confer-
ence Board of Canada. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.
rates_the_wheat_from_the_chaff.aspx .
206 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Monopoly A monopoly represents the opposite extreme to perfect competition. A monopoly occurs when only one company produces a particular product or service in a given market and, as a result, there are no competitors. As the sole producer, a company is a price setter—it is able to determine the selling price of its products or services. Signifi- cant barriers to entry that prevent other firms from competing in the market must be pres- ent for a monopoly to exist.
In Canada, three examples of monopolies are Canada Post, the LCBO in Ontario, and Rogers Communications Inc. Daily mail delivery to businesses and households for bills, flyers, and greeting cards is provided only by Canada Post. While courier services do exist, the higher costs do not provide consumers with a practical alternative for their everyday mail needs. The LCBO is also considered a monopoly. For both consumers and businesses, the LCBO is the only place where certain types of liquor are sold, such as whisky, rum, vodka, and gin. Cable television is another type of monopoly. In certain jurisdictions, Rogers Communications Inc. is the only provider of “cable” television service (although there are alternatives, such as satellite television).
The United States also has its share of monopolies. Microsoft’s operating system, Windows, has been called a quasi monopoly. While it is not the sole operating system in existence, Microsoft Windows accounts for approximately 90% to 95% of the overall mar- ket. As the standard for home and business computer applications, the consumer has little choice. For example, if you buy a new personal computer, chances are that the computer comes with Microsoft Windows. Buying an Apple computer may be your only other alter- native for a different operating system. SiriusXM is another monopoly, because it is the sole provider of satellite radio in Canada and the United States.
Many professional sports teams are also considered monopolies because there are no other competitors, as seen in Talking Business 6.4 .
There are other types of monopolies as well. A natural monopoly , for example, occurs when economic and technical conditions only allow for one efficient producer. Water supplied by a municipality is considered a natural monopoly. Another kind of monopoly is a limited monopoly , which may exist to a company that has a patent. A patent is a form of intellectual property rights whereby a country can grant exclusive rights to an inventor to protect his or her product or idea for a limited period of time in exchange for public disclosure in the future. For instance, when a pharmaceutical company develops a new drug, the company can patent it and then sell it exclusively. Once the time on the patent runs out, any company can access information on the drug, develop it, and sell it as a competitor. Subsequently, the monopoly no longer exists.
Oligopoly When only a few competitors dominate an industry, an oligopoly exists. Commercial aircraft producers such as Boeing and Airbus are two examples of companies in an oligopoly. Oligopolies are also characterized by high barriers to entry such as capital costs. For instance, to establish a plane-manufacturing business, one would require mil- lions if not billions in investment dollars. Oligopolies are price setters and are also charac- terized by fierce competition. Prices are usually close between companies. With so few firms within an industry, a change in price by one company will likely cause the price to be matched by others in the industry. Automotive, oil, gas, tobacco, and cereal companies are some examples of oligopolies. Canadian banks also meet the definition, as do the big four accounting firms—Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
monopoly A form of competition that occurs when only one company produces a particular product or service in a given market and, as a result, there are no competitors.
natural monopoly A type of monopoly that occurs when economic and technical conditions only allow for one efficient producer. An example is water supplied by a municipality.
limited monopoly A type of monopoly that occurs when a com- pany has a patent that protects its product or idea for a limited time period.
patent A form of intellectual property rights whereby a country grants exclusive rights to an inven- tor to protest his or her product or idea for a limited period of time.
oligopoly A form of competition when only a few large producers sell a certain product or service in a given market.
207C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Don’t Blame Professional Athletes for High Ticket Prices
How many times have you heard the owner of a profes-
sional sports team justify an increase in ticket prices by
saying that the team has no choice because players’ sala-
ries are escalating? If ticket prices don’t increase, the team
would lose all of its best players laments the owner. The
problem with this statement is that it is dead wrong since
ticket price for sporting events are essentially driven by the
demand side of the market. Prices for tickets increase sim-
ply because the owner feels that people are willing to pay
the extra amount. If people aren’t willing to pay the higher
price then prices will come down.
In setting prices, owners consider a number of factors
including substitute forms of entertainment, demographics
and possibly the difficulty in travelling to the arena. Most pro-
fessional sports teams operate in a monopoly situation where
there are no other competitors. This provides owners with a
high degree of flexibility when setting prices because the
team doesn’t have to compete with other professional teams
in the same sport in the local market. The team’s perfor-
mance and fan interest also plays a role in determining ticket
prices. Tickets to watch the Phoenix Coyotes play hockey are
relatively inexpensive because the team is bad every year and
there is a lack of interest in hockey in sunny Arizona. Con-
versely, in hockey-mad southern Ontario ticket prices are
exorbitant, even though the Leafs are a weak team.
The clearest example of the lack of relationship between
players’ salaries and ticket prices is the World Cup of hockey
that took place in Canada a few years ago. Ticket prices in
Toronto were expensive even though the players were not
compensated for their participation in the event. Fans paid
the high prices because they were excited about seeing the
best Canadian hockey players compete against the best play-
ers from other countries. Similarly, ticket prices to watch the
Stanley Cup playoffs are more expensive than regular season
games because of higher demand. Yet, players are not com-
pensated during the playoffs since the owners no longer pay
them after the regular season is finished. Therefore, the own-
ers are in a position to increase prices, due to soaring
demand, at the same time that player salaries decline to zero.
The ongoing outrage over high players’ salaries is
somewhat puzzling. Sports fans are angered when ath-
letes earn millions of dollars per year yet they are pretty
apathetic about the fact that some movie stars like Tom
Cruise can earn $25 million for one movie. Both profes-
sional athletes and movie stars are performers who are
paid based on their ability to attract a paying audience.
Possibly, fans are up in arms about athletes’ salaries
because actors are not local performers in the same way
that athletes are. Or, more likely, people are simply jealous.
The salaries that professional athletes make and the
prices that we pay to watch them play are actually a pretty
accurate reflection of the values in our society. Baseball ana-
lyst Bill James once noted that baseball players earn more
than medical researchers because the public in the United
States is much more focused on having a winning team
than finding a cure for life-threatening diseases. He is right
with this comment—so the next time you get upset when
reading about another multi-million dollar contract awarded
to an athlete or ticket prices going up again simply look in
the mirror. The problem lies with us, not the athletes.
Source: Excerpted from Beckman, K. (2009, September 3). Don’t
blame professional athletes for high ticket prices. Reprinted with
permission from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved from
03/don_t_blame_professional_athletes_for_high_ticket_prices.aspx .
Photo by Jared Wickerham/Getty Images
208 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
They are the only four accounting firms that provide accounting, tax, and audit services globally. The majority of North American multinational corporations use one of these firms to audit their international businesses.
Monopolistic Competition Most other products and services in free market economies fall under a type of competition known as monopolistic competition . In monopolistic competition, a large number of companies compete with one another, offer- ing products and services that are differentiated at least in a minor way. Differentiation strategies include branding, style or design, and advertising. Coffee, shampoo, furniture, and fast-food burger restaurants are a few examples.
Let’s consider the coffee industry. Who sells coffee in Canada? Tim Hortons, Star- bucks, Second Cup, Timothy’s, McDonald’s, and Coffee Time are some of the bigger com- petitors. With more time, you could probably think of many other examples. Each of these coffee sellers are differentiated in some way. There are diverse flavours (mild, medium, or dark roast), brand names (Timothy’s versus Second Cup), and advertising. Some coffees are advertised as convenient and low cost (Tim Hortons), while other coffees are pro- moted as premium brands with higher-quality coffee beans (Starbucks).
Exhibit 6.4 summarizes the types of competition in Canada and provides examples of companies in each category of competition.
monopolistic competition A form of competition where a large number of small and large firms have a similar product or service that is perceived as slightly different from the others due to branding, style or design, and advertising.
Exhibit 6.4 Industry Competition in Canada Type of Competition Industry
Examples of Companies in Canada
Perfect competition
Various farmers
Various farmers
Various farmers
Monopoly Satellite radio SiriusXM
Oligopoly Air travel Air Canada
Smartphones BlackBerry
Cellphone service Bell
Public Mobile
Wind Mobile
Global accounting, auditing,
and tax services
Ernst & Young
Books Indigo
209C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Type of Competition Industry Examples of Companies in Canada
Monopolistic Small hardware tools
(screwdrivers, hammers, etc.)
Canadian Tire
Home Hardware
Home Depot
Groceries Loblaw
No Frills
Shoppers Drug Mart
Women’s clothing Joe Fresh
Holt Renfrew
Banana Republic
Old Navy
The Hudson’s Bay
Coffee Tim Hortons
Second Cup
Coffee Time
Miscellaneous snack bars
Miscellaneous gas stations
Miscellaneous restaurants
Other independent coffee
210 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
GOALS OF CANADA’S ECONOMIC SYSTEM Besides adequate competition, there are other factors that are important to Canada’s economy. To achieve a thriving economy, Canada’s economic system has three pri- mary goals: economic growth, economic stability, and employment. The following
discussion demonstrates these goals and how several economic elements can positively or negatively influence business activity (see Exhibit 6.5 ).
Economic Growth Before business managers make decisions, they must first ask how the economy is doing. Is the economy growing, or are there signs that the economy is slowing down? This macroeconomic analysis can affect whether or not a business expands into a new territory, invests in capital, adds a new product line, hires new workers, or downsizes. Economic growth is affected by five factors: the business cycle, productivity, the balance of trade, exchange rates, and the national debt.
The Business Cycle The business cycle refers to the rise and fall of economic activity over time. Although the economy
will grow over the long term, economic growth is usually unstable. Business cycles or economic fluctuations vary in length and severity. Some periods of fluctuation are dif- ficult and long; others are short and mild. Generally, the economy in the long run has an upward slope with ups and downs of varying degrees (see Exhibit 6.6 ). The five stages of the business cycle are expansionary, peak, contraction, trough, and recovery (see Exhibit 6.7 ).
The expansionary phase is a period when economic activity is rising. Goods are being produced and sold, the workforce is expanding (that is, jobs are being created), demand for goods is increasing, and the price of goods is rising. Typically, this is a positive period for business. Profits are rising, cash flow is steady, and there is an opportunity for some risk taking. The expansionary period can experience a sudden economic boom or slow and steady growth.
Once the economy has reached its highest point, it can be said to have peaked. A peak marks the end of the expansionary phase and the beginning of the contraction phase.
A contraction phase is characterized by declining economic activity and falling profits. During this phase, managers usually reduce costs, lay off workers, and halt any plans to invest in the company. A recession is realized when there are two or more con- secutive quarter periods of negative or falling economic activity. The most recent recession occurred in 2008, as seen in Talking Business 6.5 (on page 212). A depression is an extreme recession that is characterized by longer economic periods of declining economic activity, high unemployment, and high levels of personal and commercial bankruptcies.
business cycle The rise and fall of economic activity over time. There are five stages: expansionary, peak, contraction, trough, and recovery.
expansionary phase A phase in the business life cycle where economic activity is rising.
peak The point in the business life cycle when the economy has reached its highest point, thus marking the end of the expansionary phase and the beginning of the contraction phase.
Exhibit 6.5 Canada’s Economic System
Goals of the Economic System
Economic Elements that Influence Business
Economic Growth • The business cycle
• Productivity
• Balance of trade
• Exchange rates
• National debt
Economic Stability • Inflation
• Deflation
• Interest rates
Employment • Employment rates
and measures
Objective 4 Discuss how economic elements can affect
Exhibit 6.6 Long-Term Economic Growth
© maigi/Fotolia
211C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
contraction phase A phase in the business life cycle that is char- acterized by declining economic activity and falling profits.
recession A phase in the business life cycle where there are two or more consecutive quarter periods of negative or falling economic activity.
depression A phase in the busi- ness life cycle that is characterized by longer economic periods of declining economic activity, high unemploy- ment, and high levels of personal and commercial bankruptcies. A depression is a severe recession.
A trough is the opposite of a peak. A trough is a very low level of economic activity. The recovery phase begins after the trough. Here, economic activity slowly begins to rise and the demand for goods and services increases. Firm profits also begin to increase again.
So, how is the economy doing in Canada? Let’s take a look in Talking Business 6.6 (on page 213).
Measuring Economic Growth Measuring economic growth accurately is an important function of the government to ensure that the economy is on track. There are two main measures of economic growth: GDP and GNP.
The gross domestic product (GDP) is the value of all final goods and services pro- duced within a country’s borders. In Canada, this includes all goods and services produced by both Canadian and foreign companies physically located in Canada. For example, the value of cars produced by the US Ford Motor Company in Oakville, Ontario, would be included in Canada’s GDP.
The g ross national product (GNP) is the value of all final goods and services pro- duced by a national economy inside and outside of the country’s borders. In other words, Canadian GNP measures income received in Canada whether earned in Canada or abroad.
What is the difference between GDP and GNP? Let’s take a look at the operations of Magellan Aerospace, a Canadian manufacturer with operations in Canada, the United States, and Great Britain. In calculating Canada’s GDP , one would only include Magellan’s Canadian profits that are physically earned in Canada. However, when calculating Canada’s GNP , one would include profits earned from all Magellan’s operations, both in Canada and abroad. When calculating the US GDP , one would include only profits from Magellan’s US operations. Profits earned in Canada and Great Britain would be outside of the US borders and would not be included in US GDP. As you can see, the calculations can become quite complex.
GDP can also be calculated in different ways. There is real GDP, nominal GDP, and GDP per capita. Real GD P is GDP adjusted to reflect the effects of inflation. In other words, real GDP takes out the effect of rising prices. Nominal GDP , on the other hand , is not adjusted for inflation and is measured in current dollars. That is, the current price or
trough The point in the business life cycle when the economy has reached its lowest point, thus mark- ing the start of the recovery phase.
recovery phase The phase in the business life cycle that occurs after a trough, where economic activity slowly begins to rise again and the demand for goods and ser- vices increases.
gross domestic product (GDP) The total value of a country’s out- put of goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a given year.
Long-run output trend
G ro
ss D
o m
e st
ic P
ro d
u ct
E xp
a n
si o
n Recession
Exhibit 6.7 The Business Cycle
gross national product (GNP) The value of all final goods and services produced by a national econ- omy inside and outside of the coun- try’s borders. (In Canada, this is the the income received in Canada, whether earned in Canada or abroad.)
Real GDP Gross domestic prod- uct adjusted to reflect the effects of inflation.
nominal GDP Gross domestic product that is not adjusted for inflation and is measured in current dollars.
212 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
The US Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Recession On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers went under. In
the two incredible weeks that followed, the Federal Reserve
(Fed) and the United States Treasury nationalized the coun-
try’s two largest mortgage entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac, and took over the world’s largest insurance company,
AIG. Global capital flows and trade flows spiralled down-
wards and a vicious cycle of credit withdrawal, halting of
investment, weaker growth, and debt impairment took
hold. These developments eventually resulted in the first
synchronized global recession since the 1940s.
Lehman Collapse a Result, Not a Cause
The dramatic moves by the U.S. government and the Fed
were desperately needed; the Lehman bankruptcy led to
a panic in global financial markets and an ensuing plunge
in equity markets. However, the collapse of Lehman
Brothers—while the catalyst for the frightening develop-
ments of autumn 2008—did not the cause the crisis. The
crisis emerged from decisions made following the mild
recession in the U.S. in 2001 caused by the high-tech
bust. This recession led the Fed to pursue an accommoda-
tive monetary policy and to reduce interest rates sharply.
Not surprisingly, low interest rates, which lasted until early
2006, and strong U.S. economic growth led to a surge in
home buying that caused house prices to rise sharply.
Suspect Lending Practices
To entice homeowners into the mortgage market, lenders
started offering “sub-prime” mortgages. These mortgages
had characteristics that appealed to low-income families,
including low or zero down payments, long amortization
periods, and low “teaser” interest rates that accelerated
quickly after the initial year or two of the loan. To push
mortgage sales, many unregulated lenders engaged in
unscrupulous practices, such as approving loans to borrow-
ers who weren’t required to provide proof of employment
and income, or didn’t possess any assets.
Homes as ATMs
The growing use of home prices to finance increasing con-
sumer spending also contributed to the crisis. Households
used the extraordinary run-up in home prices to refinance
their debt and used some of the extra cash to buy more
goods—boats, cottages, and new consumer electronics—
while foregoing savings. Why save money when the pre-
vailing wisdom at the time was that home prices could only
go up, never down?
The mix of lax regulation, aggressive and dishonest
lenders, naive borrowers, inappropriate policy responses
by the Fed, and low household savings eventually led to a
housing market meltdown beginning in late 2006 and a
severe U.S. recession that just came to an end [in summer
2009]. However, that doesn’t explain why some bizarre
lending practices in the United States came close to top-
pling the entire global economy.
Crisis Spreads Through Securitization
Rapid innovation in global financial markets spread the
American housing market meltdown to the rest of the world.
The surge in U.S. housing prices coincided with the rise of
new financial techniques, notably securitization, a process
that became quite common in developed countries. Banks
bundled the mortgage loans on their books and sold them as
securities in secondary markets. These loans became known
as mortgage-backed securities (MBS).
MBS were very attractive investments, since on the
surface they offered much higher returns than govern-
ment bonds did. Banks, hedge funds, pension funds, and
even municipalities all over the world snapped them up.
When home prices started to collapse in the latter half of
2007, a growing number of homeowners were forced
into foreclosure, and the securities backed by these mort-
gages started to default. The bad loans quickly started to
erode the balance sheets of financial institutions that had
purchased MBS.
Warning Signs
The first sign of trouble came in the summer of 2007,
when the market for asset-backed commercial paper in the
United States froze. The Fed stepped in and provided
liquidity to the market, but this intervention offered only a
short respite. The wave of mortgage defaults grew and the
balance sheets of certain financial institutions continued to
deteriorate. In March 2008, the investment bank Bear
Stearns collapsed under the weight of bad debt. Equity
markets sank, recovered briefly, then quickly resumed their
downward course—culminating in the events of Septem-
ber 2008.
213C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Financial Crisis Causes Global Recession
Credit is a crucial input for both households and firms;
once it dried up, both business and consumer confidence
plunged. Firms stopped investing and households slashed
spending. The combination of tumbling confidence and a
loss of credit created the conditions for recession in the
United States that quickly spread around the globe. As the
global financial crisis gained momentum, it became virtu-
ally impossible for the economy to avoid slipping into
Source: Excerpted from Beckman, K. (2010, February 16). What
caused the financial crisis and recession? The Conference Board
of Canada. Inside Edge. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.
ca/insideedge/2010/february-2010/feb16-what-caused-the.aspx .
Canada’s World-Class Economy According to the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service,
there are a number of factors that make Canada one of
the most welcoming and profitable places in the world for
international business and foreign direct investment:
1. Stable and Predictable
The Economist Intelligence Unit considers Canada the best
country in the G7 in which to do business over the next
five years.
We’ve been committed to Canada and invest-
ing here for 100 years and our goal is to con-
tinue expanding this strong presence for the
next 100 years.
—Robert Hardt, President and CEO, Siemens
Canada boasts a diversified economy, a broad resource
base and a stable banking and tax environment. Between
2008 and 2011, the country led the G7 with an average
real GDP growth rate of 1.0 percent and is now expected
to be among the top G7 performers through 2016.
• Canada has the world’s tenth-largest economy and
second-largest proven reserves of oil, and is the third-
largest producer of natural gas.
• Moody’s ranks Canada’s banking system number one in
the world for financial strength. For the sixth consecu-
tive year, the World Economic Forum rates Canada’s
banking system as the world’s soundest. During the
global financial crisis, no Canadian bank or insurance
company failed or required bailouts.
• More than 100 projects valued at $1 billion or more
each, in oil-and-gas, mining and primary metals, have
been announced for the 2012–2020 period.
• Canada shares a border and one of the world’s largest
and most stable commercial relationships with the
United States.
• Sailing times from Canada’s Atlantic and Pacific deep-
water ports are up to two days shorter than from other
North American ports.
• Canada’s economy was the first among G7 nations to
recoup the employment losses recorded during the
global recession.
2. Innovative
Canada offers international investors a special blend of
innovation capacity across a wide array of industries.
Canada is one of the world’s leaders in mobile-
software development. Venture capitalists have
started taking note. Google is certainly taking
—Chris O’Neill, Managing Director, Google
Canada’s predictable, stable fiscal environment ensures
that the benefits of innovation can lead to profits over
both the short and long terms. The country’s efficient
innovation system actively involves Canadian research
institutions in the development of next-generation prod-
ucts such as electric vehicles, paper phones, wood-based
jet fuel, simulation technologies and the new chemicals
and plastics that will shape tomorrow’s bio-economy.
• Canada is the world’s leading country in terms of its inte-
grated approach to driving economic growth through
innovation, based on recent research (2012) from the Infor-
mation Technology and Innovation Foundation (Kansas
City) and the Kauffman Foundation (Washington, DC).
214 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
• In addition to very favourable R&D tax credits and incen-
tives, Canada’s appealing environment for leading-edge
research is built upon several innovation-supporting poli-
cies: effective protection of intellectual-property rights;
open competition in domestic market in the deployment
of digital information and communications technologies
and platforms; transparent government-procurement
practices, and openness to high-skill immigration.
• In 2010, IBM, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Ericsson, AMD,
Alcatel-Lucent, Sanofi-Aventis group, Pfizer, Glaxo-
smithkline, Imperial Oil and Novartis were all among
Canada’s top 25 R&D spenders. In the past five years,
these companies have collectively invested more than
$10 billion in Canadian R&D.
• In 2011, the OECD ranked Canada number one among
G7 countries for higher-education R&D expenditures as
a percentage of GDP.
3. Cost Efficient and Profitable
Canada’s competitive business costs, low corporate tax
rates, successful innovation clusters, efficient transporta-
tion infrastructure and ready access to markets enable
profitable international investment.
When it comes to the kind of advanced engi-
neering we do to build high-end products
never built before, we’ve discovered that Can-
ada is actually more cost-effective than China.
—Michael Worry, CEO, Nuvation Engineering
For much of the past decade, the Canadian economy
has expanded faster than any other G7 country. While
the commodities boom contributed to this growth, sound
public policy played an even bigger role. A decade of
budget surpluses and debt-reduction initiatives afforded
Canada the ability to implement policies to stimulate the
• Today, Canada has the lowest net debt-to-GDP ratio in
the G7 and a concrete plan to return to a budget sur-
plus by 2015–16. Canada is well positioned to con-
tinue the pro-business strategies that support long-term
economic growth and competitiveness, and help the
country attract global investors.
• The Economist Intelligence Unit considers Canada the
best country in the G7 in which to do business over the
next five years.
• Companies operating in Canada can count on fast, reli-
able access to North American and global markets.
Thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), companies in Canada have ready access to a
massive market (which includes Canada, the US and
Mexico) with an annual economic output valued at
more than U.S.$16 trillion.
• In the past five years, Canada concluded free-trade
agreements with eight countries; negotiations are
underway with 50 other countries and regions,
including the European Union and India, while early
discussions continue with other countries, such as
Source: Canadian Trade Commissioner Service. (2013). Canada’s
Advantages. Retrieved from www.international.gc.ca/investors-inves-
TALKING BUSINESS 6.6 (continued)
the price right now. Let’s say the average cost of one automobile tire in Year 1 is $50 and the average cost of one tire in Year 2 is $55. In addition, 100,000 tires were sold in Year 1 and 100,000 tires were sold in Year 2. Although sales have increased, were there any more tires produced and sold in Year 2? No: There has been no economic growth in the produc- tion of tires. Let’s calculate this in terms of nominal and real GDP. In Year 1, nominal GDP was $5,000,000 and real GDP was the same at $5,000,000. In Year 2, however, nom- inal GDP was $5,500,000 ($55 × 100,000) and real GDP was only $5,000,000 ($50 × 100,000). The difference is due to inflation, the rising price level.
GDP per capita is the GDP per person in a country. GDP per capita is calculated by dividing the total GDP by the total population of a country. This figure assists economists and policymakers in assessing the economic well-being of the average per- son (see Exhibit 6.8 ).
GDP per capita The gross domestic product per person in a country. Calculated by dividing the total GDP by the total population of a country.
215C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Productivity Most businesses would like to increase their productivity. Productivity measures the level of output versus the level of input in an organization. An input , for example, can include materials, labour, or overhead, whereas an output is often a finished unit of product (or service) ready to be sold. An organization is said to have improved its productivity when it can produce more outputs with the same number of inputs. Alterna- tively, an organization can produce the same number of outputs with a reduced number of inputs. When costs are reduced and spread over the total number of units produced, an improvement in productivity has been achieved (see Exhibit 6.9 ).
Who benefits when productivity is improved? The business benefits by reducing its costs and increasing its net profits. The consumer may also benefit, since prices of prod- ucts may be reduced. Improving productivity, however, remains a challenge for many countries, including Canada, as seen in Talking Business 6.7 .
The Balance of Trade The balance of trade is the value of all the goods and services a country exports minus the value of all the goods and services a country imports. While most trade with Canada involves goods, services have been an important component to the economy, as seen in Talking Business 6.8 (on page 217). Ideally, Canada would like to have
productivity A measure of the level of output versus the level of input in an organization.
input Something a company con- tributes to creating its products or services, such as materials, labour, or overhead.
output A finished unit of product (or service) ready to be sold.
balance of trade The value of all goods and services a country exports minus the value of goods and services it imports.
GDP per Capita =
Total GDP
Total population
Exhibit 6.8 GDP per Capita
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Fr an
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Sw itz
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Ca na
da Sp
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Ita ly
Ja pa
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Gr ee
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Sl ov
ak R
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Ko re
Cz ec
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Hu ng
ar y
Po rt ug
Tu rk
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M ex
OECD average: 40.3
P p
e r
h o
u r
w o
rk e d
( U
S d
o ll a rs
Euro-zone average: 45.6
Exhibit 6.9 Productivity in the OECD 2007
Source: OECD productivity levels, 2007. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:OECD_Productivity_
levels_2007.svg .
216 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
We keep hearing about how Canadian business needs to
boost productivity to be competitive, and how our work-
ers aren’t as productive as some other countries (most
notably the United States).
The problem has numerous potential causes, including
outdated technology, a somewhat risk-averse culture, low
levels of investment in research and development and a
lack of commitment to training and development.
In fact, the productivity crisis in the Canadian economy
was serious enough to spark a warning from the Organisa-
tion for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
in 2011 that low productivity is Canada’s “great challenge.”
Organizations are frequently able to improve produc-
tivity and efficiency by fully or partially automating work.
In turn, the company can either earn greater profits for its
shareholders or pass on cost savings to its customers in
the form of lower prices.
Theoretically, this benefits the economy by putting
more money into the hands of the company’s shareholders
or customers. In reality, however, if employees lose their
jobs as a result of restructuring, the benefit to the economy
is questionable (on the other hand, it may be possible to
redeploy displaced workers into more highly skilled roles).
Nevertheless, it’s generally advantageous to an
organization—and the overall economy—to try to improve
While the high value of the Canadian dollar has caused
some difficulties for Canadian manufacturers, one positive
aspect of the higher dollar is employers can better afford
investments in high technology equipment and systems man-
ufactured abroad, resulting in productivity improvements.
Many experts therefore agree now might be a good time to
invest in the infrastructure needed to boost productivity.
A country’s productivity is measured by dividing its
gross domestic product (GDP) by the total number of
hours worked. The U.S., which suffered considerably more
than Canada during the last recession, was able to increase
productivity while productivity in Canada actually fell.
According to The Conference Board of Canada, this was
largely because of the sheer magnitude of job losses south
of the border, which were considerably greater in scope
than the reduction in GDP, meaning American businesses
truly were managing to do more with less. In Canada,
there may have been less perceived urgency around the
need to boost productivity due to a less severe recession.
However, because Canada weathered the storm of the
recent financial crisis better than most countries, Canadian
organizations should theoretically be in a better position to
invest in technology and infrastructure improvements and
employee training and development.
Instead, many businesses decided to hoard their cash
reserves rather than making the investments necessary to
increase productivity. In fact, both Bank of Canada Gover-
nor Mark Carney and federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty
recently warned businesses of the problem of holding
excess cash, recommending instead they invest the money
or pay it to shareholders as dividends.
Boosting productivity frequently means an organiza-
tion becomes less reliant on human capital. In theory, at
least, automation is supposed to free up workers so they
are able to give up routine tasks by enhancing their skills
and concentrating on more value-added work. Where this
is the case, employees are forced to retrain and enhance
their level of skill, frequently resulting in increased wages
and improved job satisfaction.
Even if the total amount of human capital required to
perform the work decreases, automation can pave the
way for enhanced job design initiatives such as job enrich-
ment and job enlargement. In turn, this can help enhance
employee engagement by making work more challenging
and interesting.
Yet even where total demand for labour doesn’t
decrease within the organization, it’s unlikely there will be
absolutely no layoffs. This is because some employees will
be resistant to change or may have a difficult time retrain-
ing. However, in many cases automation may be the only
way an organization or product line can survive in the face
of global competition.
The implications for HR are obvious. HR has a role to play in
upskilling employees, job and organizational design, change
management, redeploying and downsizing employees.
Becoming more productive and competitive won’t hap-
pen overnight or without a certain amount of pain, but
the end result will improve the Canadian economy and
increase the level of skill and employability of workers.
Source: Excerpted from Kreissl, B. (2012, September 18). Canada’s
productivity challenge: How HR can help boost productivity. HR
Reporter. Retrieved from www.hrreporter.com/blog/hr-policies-
practices/postprint/2012/09/18/canadas-productivity-challenge .
Reprinted by permission of HR Reporter, 2012.
Canada’s Productivity Challenge
217C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
There is a “hidden” set of exports that account for some
of Canada’s strongest trade growth: services.
Canada’s Newest Export Strengths
You can’t drop services on your foot or send them through
a pipeline or count them as they cross a border. They also
cause less environmental damage. As a result, they get
less attention than more visible resources or goods.
in India , identifies many massive, extremely fast-growing,
dynamic service sectors in India that are or are becoming
relatively more open to Canadian businesses. Moreover,
Canada has global commercial strengths in many of these
For example, Canadian companies have deep strength in
telecommunications, an exploding sector in India. Canada’s
engineering and architecture companies could tap into
India’s massive infrastructure needs. And Canada’s higher
education sector could tap into India’s hugely ambitious
plans to set up 1,000 universities and 50,000 colleges by
2020. Canada also has deep strengths in energy and autos
and could sell its expertise to help India meet its own enor-
mous needs.
To be sure, fast-growth markets such as India that pres-
ent enormous opportunities to sell services can be some of
the world’s most challenging places in which to do busi-
ness. India remains a very closed economy and corruption
is pervasive. Despite recent announcements that open up
services sectors such as retail, airlines, insurance, and
broadcasting to more foreign direct investment, invest-
ments in India’s services sector are still subject to numerous
What is clear is that—while less visible than our
resource and goods trade—services are a key trade driver
and an important contributor to Canada’s living standards.
The next generation of Canada’s trade agreements—such
as the almost complete Canada-EU deal, and the less visi-
ble international services negotiations—are starting to
address barriers to trade in services. Unlike tariffs or duties
on goods, these are more challenging issues such as
restrictions on people movements, information flows, or
Policymakers should open doors widely to these hidden
trade opportunities. Canadian companies should identify
where they have world-leading expertise they could sell in
global markets, and walk through those doors.
Source: Excerpted from Goldfarb, D. (2013, May 29). Canada’s
growing but “invisible” trade: services. Reprinted with permission
from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved from www.
trade_services.aspx?pf=true .
Canada’s Growing but “Invisible” Trade: Services
0 100 400200 300
Financial services
Mining (except oil and gas)
Petroleum products
Computer and information services
Oil and gas extraction
Communications services
Other business services
Crop production
Insurance services
Primary metal manufacturing
Percentage change (2001–2011)
Services used to be considered “untradeable” in global
markets. While true for some services (e.g., haircuts), the
ability to digitize information and communicate globally
has made it easier to sell services in global markets. Traded
services are no longer marginal. While services represent
just over one-tenth of Canada’s official trade, they repre-
sent 40 percent of Canada’s trade (and half of global
trade) when full supply chains are taken into account. Ser-
vices make up even more when accounting for Canadian
companies that set up offices abroad from which to sell
their services.
There are opportunities to sell Canada’s services in both
traditional markets such as the US and EU, and in fast-
growth markets. Take India, for example. A new Conference
Board study The Hottest Prospects for Canadian Companies
218 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
a trade surplus instead of a trade deficit. A trade surplus occurs when a country exports more goods than it imports. This indicates a positive balance of trade and encourages economic growth. Similarly, a trade deficit exists when a country imports more goods than it exports. A trade deficit is problematic because it results in a negative balance of trade, which means more money is leaving the country than is entering the country. Therefore, money is not being reinvested in Canadian productive activities that can help Canada grow and prosper. A negative balance of trade may also indicate that Canada is not making enough of its own goods and is dependent on foreign products.
Exchange Rates Certainly, trade remains an essential component of Canada’s econ- omy. One factor that can affect the cost of trade is exchange rates. In today’s competitive marketplace, more firms are doing business outside of their home country—that is, buying and selling goods in different markets and currencies. When transactions begin in one currency and settle in another, businesses must deal with exchange rates. An exchange rate or currency rate is the value of a foreign currency compared to a home currency or, in other words, the amount of domestic currency that must be given up to obtain an equivalent unit of the foreign currency. Global companies deal with exchange rates every day because their transactions occur between multiple countries.
The most common type of currency transaction for businesses is the purchase and sale of goods and services across borders. A Canadian company can buy foreign goods to be used in its business. For example, a Canadian-based automotive company could buy inventory—such as auto parts—in US dollars from a US firm to manufacture a car. A Canadian company could also purchase an asset—such as manufacturing equipment— from a US firm to help produce goods to be sold. Similarly, services can also be purchased. For example, US technology specialists often assist Canadian businesses with their com- puter needs by designing, installing, and customizing hardware and software applications. Typically, when a Canadian firm purchases goods or services originating in the United States the firm will be billed in US dollars.
A second type of transaction involving multiple currencies is the purchase and sale of investments. Businesses that invest in foreign company stocks and bonds would typically need to make these purchases in foreign currencies. A Canadian company that wanted to buy shares in Apple would need to purchase shares traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange in US dollars. Similarly, if Apple wanted to buy shares in a Canadian company, Apple would need to purchase them in Canadian dollars.
A third example of a currency transaction is through financial statement translation. A Canadian company conducting sales in the United States—such as through a wholly owned US subsidiary or a sales branch—will have sales in US dollars. If the company’s financial statements are in Canadian dollars, there will be an unrealized translation gain or loss when the currency is translated. A financial statement consists of a company’s assets, liabilities, and net profits.
Why Can Exchange Rates Be Positive or Negative for Business? The fl uctuations of exchange rates can impact a business’s profi tability and thus expose the company to currency risk. Currency risk is the potential risk of fi nancial loss due to transactions in multiple currencies. When can currency risk occur? It depends on the type of transaction (such as a purchase or a sale). However, a rise in the price of a foreign currency means that the home or domestic currency has depreciated . Similarly, a decrease in the price of the foreign currency means that the home currency has appreciated.
exchange rate (currency rate) The value of a foreign currency compared to a home currency.
currency risk The potential risk of financial loss due to transactions in multiple currencies.
trade surplus When a country’s exports exceed its imports, so that more money enters the country than leaves it. Also referred to as a positive balance of trade.
trade deficit When a country imports more than it exports to the degree that the value of its imports exceeds the value of its exports. Also referred to as a negative bal- ance of trade.
219C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Long-term contracts or business agreements present the greatest risk of currency fluc- tuation since no one can predict whether a certain currency will appreciate or depreciate in the future. A contract to build an airplane, for example, may require work to be per- formed over 10 years. Let’s consider an example: Boeing, a US plane manufacturer, may enter into an agreement with Air Canada to build an airplane over 10 years. Air Canada agrees to pay US$30 million for the plane when it is completed in 10 years. At the time the order is placed, US$1 buys CDN$0.95. So, according to the present exchange rate, the cost of the plane is CDN$28.5 million. However, it is the exchange rate at the end of the contract that Air Canada is obligated to pay. If, for example, in 10 years the exchange rate enables the purchase of CDN$1.40 with US$1, the cost of the new plane becomes CDN$42 million—a difference of CDN$13.5 million. If Air Canada were to order 30 new planes, the difference in expected price is CDN$13.5 million 3 30 5 CDN$405 million. The unexpected increase in cost can impact the company’s cash flows, net profits, and even its ability to meet its current and future liabilities with other companies. The com- pany may not even be able to pay.
The National Debt Most economists will agree that debt is usually not good for an economy. Debt is borrowed money that must be repaid, usually with interest. Unlike con- sumer debt, which is debt individuals have accumulated from the purchase of goods and services, national debt , also known as federal debt , is debt accumulated by the government. All local, regional, or national governments can have debt, but a large national debt can be especially problematic for individuals and businesses because this debt can affect the economy as a whole. Indeed, as debt increases, governments have to spend more money (that is, tax dollars) on additional interest costs. Consequently, there is less money to spend on community services such as libraries, health care services, and education. Simi- larly, there is less money for business subsidies for research and development initiatives.
In addition to outstanding debt, many governments also have a current budget deficit. A budget deficit is the negative difference between incoming tax revenues (or receipts) and outgoing government expenditures. Like a bank overdraft, a deficit means the cash outflows are greater than the cash inflows in a given period. If a government has a budget deficit, the government must borrow money to pay the amount owing. This new borrowed amount gets added to the outstanding government debt. In Canada, since there are three levels of government, there can be three levels of debt: municipal, provincial, and federal.
Today, governments around the world are having difficulty preventing budget deficits and paying down their debts. But how much debt is too much? And what impact can debt have on a country and its economy?
Canada’s Debt Canada is a leader among the G7 nations in managing its national debt. The G7 is a group of seven developed, industrialized countries with large economies that includes France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, and Canada. Of the seven, Canada has the lowest debt-to-GDP ratio, estimated at 30%. 28
What is a good debt-to-GDP ratio? The results of a survey of economists, published by the Institute for Research on Public Policy, indicate a manageable federal debt-to-GDP ratio should fall between 20% and 50%. 29 Canada currently falls on the lower end, which is
national debt Debt that is accu- mulated by the federal govern- ment. It can impact businesses because it has an effect on the entire country’s economy.
budget deficit The negative dif- ference between incoming tax rev- enues and outgoing government expenditures. Like a bank overdraft, a deficit means the cash outflows are greater than the cash inflows in a given period.
G7 A group of seven developed, industrialized nations with large economies. Includes France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, and Canada.
28 National Post staff. (2011, March 21). WTF: The federal budget and 50 years of Canadian debt. National Post . Retrieved from http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/03/21/graphic-50-years-of-canadian-debt .
29 National Post staff, 2011.
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What has worked [in Canada] is transparently eliminating or reducing programs, with commensurate reductions in budgets and employment, and tacking inefficient tax expenditures, which are no different than ineffective programs. . . . What is needed is a strong commitment to more public-private partnerships, in both infrastructure and service delivery. 34
viewed by many as a good position to be in. Other members of the G7 are in a financial crisis and are seeking alternatives to better manage their governments and their debts. As Greece, Britain, and other nations struggle to address their own debt problems, many coun- tries are turning to Canada to follow its model for debt reduction. Take, for example, George Osborne, Britain’s cabinet minister for finance: In 2010, Osborne implemented a plan to reduce government spending by 20%, which was similar to Canada’s policy in 1994. 30
In the early 1990s, the Canadian federal government had a debt crisis of its own. The nation had a budget deficit of approximately 9% of GDP and a federal debt-to-GDP ratio of almost 70%. 31 In 1994, Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chrétien introduced what became known as the “bloodbath budget” and reduced government spending by 20%. The plan worked. By 1997, the federal budget deficit had been eliminated, but some hard choices had to be made. Reductions to social services budgets meant thousands of jobs were lost in the public sector. After three years, however, there were consecutive surpluses, which lasted for almost a decade. 32 Today, some Brits refer to Canada’s budget restraints as a “model of brutal- ity,” but one that proved successful for the fiscal well-being of its country and its citizens. 33
According to Kevin Lynch, vice-chair of BMO Financial Group and former deputy minister of finance,
30 Porter, A. (2010, June 6). Britain to emulate Canada’s radical solution to tackle debt. The Telegraph . Retrieved from www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/7807347/Britain-to-emulate-Canadas-radical-solution-to-tackle-debt.html .
31 McRobie, H. (2010, June 8). George Osborne can’t cherry pick from Canada’s cuts model. The Guardian . Retrieved from www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/jun/08/george-osborne-canada-cuts-model . 32 McRobie, 2010. 33 Halpern, D., & Myers, J. (2009, May 3). Think tank: A model of brutality Britain can build on. Sunday Times . Retrieved from www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/article6210977.ece .
34 Lynch, K. (2011, January 10). The Canadian way to rein in debt. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www. theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/opinion/the-canadian-way-to-rein-in-debt/article1862195
35 National Post staff, 2011.
36 Ross, R. (2011, March 24). Government debts spiralling out of control: Taxpayer’s Federation. The Guardian. www.theguardian.pe.ca/News/Local/2011-03-24/article-2360653/Government-debts-spiraling-out-of- control%3A-Taxpayers-Federation/1 .
But some economists are not as optimistic and have great concerns about Canada’s national debt. They argue that the measurement of debt is somewhat subjective, depending on who calculates it and what they include. Canada’s gross debt, for example, includes debts of provincial governments but excludes Canada/Quebec Pension Plan accounts. If they were included in the calculation, the debt-to-GDP ratio would be 65%. Similarly, the Interna- tional Monetary Fund (IMF) calculates Canada’s current debt level differently, including unfunded liabilities such as government-sector pension funds, resulting in a debt-to-GDP ratio closer to 80%, which is significantly higher than the OECD’s estimate. 35
So what is the actual amount of Canada’s debt? According to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, Canada’s federal debt is over $568 billion dollars 36 and growing. Travelling
221C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
around the country, this nonprofit citizens’ group uses a debt clock to educate Canadians about their country’s growing debt load. After all, debt is not a topic that politicians want to talk about—it doesn’t make them popular. When debt levels get too high, the choices for politicians are limited: cut spending, raise taxes, or both. Either way, it means taxpay- ers have to make difficult sacrifices—reduce their standard of living now or face dire con- sequences in the future.
The Canadian debt load may be better than most countries, but it still grows by a whopping $1,284 per second, or $111 million per day. On a per capita basis, every Cana- dian would need to pay the government $16,316 to pay off the current federal debt. 37 Add in the provincial and municipal debts and the amount will be much higher.
In 1996, the debt reached an all-time high of $769 billion after adjusting for infla- tion. 38 This was the period of Canada’s debt crisis. But from 2000 to 2010, Canada’s debt declined while the United States’s debt doubled. Why the stark contrast? Statistics indi- cate that Canada paid off about $90 billion of its debt between 1997 and 2008. Although the debt has increased over the past two years, more recent changes have been mainly due to the effects of the global recession. 39 See Exhibit 6.10 for a history of Canada’s debt.
How Does the United States Compare? In August 2011, the US federal debt hit 100% of its GDP, creating a crisis that policymakers had to address. 40 According to DebtClock. org , a US nonprofi t organization, the United States’s national debt is over $14.6 trillion and growing. In fact, it grows by a staggering $1 million every minute, 41 which means the national debt increases by billions of dollars per day. According to the PEW Center, the US debt increases have been due to a variety of reasons, including recession tax rev- enue declines (28%), military spending increases (13%), tax reductions implemented by the Bush administration (13%), interest on debt (11%), and other spending (11%). 42 As of September 2013, the US national debt was over $17 trillion and the Canadian national debt was over $616 billion.
Of course, by the time you read this book the Canadian and US national debts will have grown again. See what they are now at www.debtclock.ca and www.usdebtclock.org .
Why Is Debt Bad for the Economy? Every country has debt, so why does it matter? When debt increases and gets too high, a series of problems can arise. First, a country’s credit rating can be lowered, leading to higher borrowing costs and causing a further in- crease in the debt load, which occurred in the United States. In August 2011, Standard & Poor’s, a global credit-rating agency, lowered the United States’s credit rating from AAA to AA+ because of a lack of confi dence in the government’s plan to reduce its debt. While other credit-rating companies did not lower the government’s rating, global stock markets took a tumble the following day. Many European countries also face a debt crisis. Greece, Ireland, and Portugal have required signifi cant fi nancial assistance and bailouts from their
37 Ross, 2011. 38 National Post staff, (2011).
39 Froats, P. (2011, June 18). Chart: Canada vs. U.S. on national debt. Canadian Business . Retrieved from www. canadianbusiness.com/article/31335--chart-canada-vs-u-s-on-national-debt . 40 Milner, B. (2011, August 25). Before new downgrade, decades of economic misery. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from http://investdb4.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/GAM.20110825.RBJAPANECONO- MYATL/GIStory . 41 US DebtClock.org . www.usdebtclock.org . 42 Froats, 2011.
222 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
1961 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
In B
il li o
n s
o f
2 0 1 0 D
o ll a rs
Canada’s debt in inflation–adjusted dollars, 1961–2010
1961 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
P e rc
e n
ta g
Canada’s debt as a percentage of GDP, 1961–2010
Exhibit 6.10 History of Canada’s debt
Source: MacMahon, Tamsin. “WTF: The federal budget and 50 years of Canadian debt.” The National Post. 21 March 2011.
Reprinted with permission from Postmedia Network Inc.
European neighbours. In July 2011, Standard & Poor’s reduced Greece’s credit rating from B to CCC, the lowest-rated country in the world in S&P’s rankings. 43
A second reason why debt is bad for the economy is that government austerity pro- grams are required to reduce the debt. The combination of higher taxes to generate reve- nue and lower government spending to reduce costs lowers overall demand and, therefore, slows the economy.
43 Georgiopoulos, G., & Brandimarte, W. (2011, June 13). Greece falls to S&P’s lowest rated, default warned. Reuters . Retrieved from www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/13/us-greece-ratings-sandp-idUSN1312685920110613 .
223C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
A third reason is that government will have to spend more time addressing the debt issue than other important issues to the country. The result is a less-efficient use of its resources. Instead of a focus on trade, innovation, or some other value-added activity, a focus on debt reduction means the government has less time and money to spend on more important endeavours.
And finally, according to the doctrine of Ricardian equivalence, increasing government deficits may lead consumers and businesses to believe their taxes will be raised in the future to pay off the growing debt. To prepare for this, consumers and businesses end up saving their money instead of spending it, leading to a worsening of the economic problem. 44
What if a government cannot repay its debt? The government may need to ask for a loan from another country or the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Greece had to do both. In 2010, $110 billion was granted to Greece as a rescue loan. In 2011, a second bail- out of $109 billion was provided. 45 If there is still no money, the government would essen- tially become bankrupt and not be able to pay its workers or run its programs. For example, government workers such as teachers, health care providers, or police officers would not get paid; government-paid programs that people rely on—such as pension income received by seniors or unemployment payments for the unemployed—could just stop completely.
How Would You Reduce the Debt? It seems as if there are no easy solutions for debt reduction. And no one wants to do without government services. How then should a gov- ernment pay off its rising debt? What services would you be willing to sacrifi ce or to pay more for? Should we agree to an increase in personal income taxes, sales taxes, or property taxes? Or do we forfeit a government service now to secure a better future for tomorrow? These are certainly diffi cult questions.
Economic Stability Clearly, many factors contribute to a stable economy. As we have seen, a trade surplus, low debt, and a high GDP can help improve the economy. Economic stability occurs when the amount of money available and the goods and services produced grow at approx- imately the same rate. Factors that threaten economic stability include inflation, defla- tion, and unemployment.
Inflation Managers are encouraged to reduce costs to increase net profits. However, over time prices generally rise, costs increase, and doing business becomes more expen- sive. The rise in the price level of goods and services is called inflation . Expected inflation is the rate at which people believe the price level will rise, whereas unanticipated inflation is inflation that people do not expect. Anticipated inflation is inflation that has been cor- rectly forecasted.
Inflation is a concern for individuals and businesses since it reduces the purchasing power of money ; that is, the value of what money can buy. If, for example, a person earns a salary of $30,000 and his rent increases by $100 per month, his purchasing power has decreased by $1,200 even though his salary remains unchanged. Since his expenses have increased, he has less money to spend. Similarly, price increases affect businesses, too.
economic stability An eco- nomic state that occurs when the amount of money available and the goods and services produced grow at approximately the same rate.
inflation The rise in the price level of goods and services.
purchasing power of money The value of what money can buy. If prices increase, then individuals and businesses have less money to spend on other items.
44 The Economist. (2010, June 24). The unkindest cuts. Retrieved from www.economist.com/node/16397086 . 45 Associated Press. (2011, June 25). Greece’s credit rating downgraded by Moody’s. Retrieved from www.cbc.ca/ news/business/story/2011/07/25/business-greece-finanical-crisis.html .
224 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Inflation means input costs such as labour, materials, and overhead are more expensive and therefore company profits are reduced.
Other types of inflation are demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation. Demand- pull inflation occurs when the demand for goods and services exceeds the supply, which tends to “pull” prices up. When producers can realize higher prices, they produce more goods until demand and supply reach an equilibrium. Cost-push inflation results from increases in production costs for businesses such as raw materials and labour expenses. These input costs “push” up the final price of goods and services, thus increasing the price for consumers. Wage increases are the most significant factor in cost-push inflation, since labour is often a business’s highest cost.
How Is Inflation Measured? Statisticians measure infl ation by examining price levels and by using price indexes. A price level is the average level of prices. A price index will show an average change in a group of prices over time. When there is a change in the price level, the infl ation rate changes, too (see Exhibit 6.11 ).
There are different price indices for different baskets of goods. The consumer price index (CPI) is a price index that measures commodities commonly purchased by house- holds. Food, clothing, transportation, education, shelter, and recreation are a few of the goods and services that make up the CPI. The producer price index (PPI) is the price index that measures the prices of inputs to producers and wholesalers, including finished products for resale, partially finished goods, and raw materials.
Inflation: A Country Comparison According to Statistics Canada, Canada’s CPI rose by 3.1% between June 2010 and June 2011. 46 The main contributors were rising food and gasoline prices. The US CPI was slightly higher at 3.6%. 47 Around the globe, infl ation levels continue to vary. Vietnam’s prices have increased by 12% since last year, while prices in India and Russia are higher by 8%. 48 Historically, some countries’ infl ation rates have soared. In the 2000s, Burma had an annual infl ation rate of 40% and Iran had an infl ation rate of 25%. 49
Who Is Affected the Most by Inflation? Generally, people who live on a fi xed in- come, such as senior citizens, are most affected by infl ation. For example, if a 70-year-old citizen receives a pension of $1,000 per month in Year 1, and infl ation rises by 10% in Year 2, due to rises in prices of food and gasoline that pensioner can buy only 90% of what he or she could have bought in Year 1. Similarly, savers are negatively affected by infl ation. Since money is being held, purchasing power is reduced when price levels are rising. For instance, if an individual is saving to buy a home but housing prices are rising, then the person’s purchasing power is reduced.
demand-pull inflation A type of inflation that occurs when the demand for goods and services exceeds the supply, which tends to “pull” prices up.
cost-push inflation A type of inflation that occurs when increases in production costs for businesses “push” up the final price that consumers have to pay.
price level The average level of prices.
price index A measure of the average change in a group of prices over time.
consumer price index (CPI) A price index that measures com- modities commonly purchased by households, such as food, clothing, transportation, education, shelter, and recreation.
producer price index (PPI) A price index that measures the prices of inputs to producers and wholesalers, including finished products for resale, partially fin- ished goods, and raw materials.
Inflation rate 5
( Current year’s price level – Last year’s price level
) × 100 Last year’s price level Exhibit 6.11 Inflation Rate Calculation
46 Statistics Canada. (2011, July 22). Consumer price index. The Daily. Retrieved from www.statcan.gc.ca/daily- quotidien/110722/dq110722a-eng.htm . 47 Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2011, July 15). Consumer Price Index—June 2011. Retrieved from www.bls.gov/ news.release/archives/cpi_07152011.pdf .
48 Milner, B. (2011, January 14). Global inflation fears reach new heights. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www. theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/global-inflation-fears-reach-new-heights/article1881500 . 49 The Economic Times. (2008, June 19). 10 nations with abnormally high inflation. Retrieved from http:// economictimes.indiatimes.com/10-nations-with-abnormally-high-inflation/slideshow/3144922.cms .
225C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Deflation Deflation is the opposite of inflation. Deflation occurs when the price level of goods is falling. Prices can fall for a couple of reasons. First, industrial productivity can increase and cost savings can be passed on to customers in the form of lower prices. On the other hand, customers with high debt may not be able to buy very much, thus reduc- ing demand. Some economists believe deflation can be more problematic than inflation. Since consumers tend to expect prices to fall, they will sometimes stop spending their money altogether, anticipating even lower prices. While falling prices may appear to be good for consumers, falling sales can be damaging to businesses and to the economy. The worst episode of deflation in Canada occurred during the Great Depression of the 1930s. With over 25% unemployment, consumers had little money to spend, demand dropped, and prices fell significantly.
Interest rates The Bank of Canada is Canada’s central bank and a Crown corpora- tion of the federal government. Formed in 1934, the Bank of Canada was established to regulate the Canadian banking and financial industry to ensure low inflation, high employment levels, and positive economic growth in the long term.
The interest rates charged by chartered banks such as CIBC, Scotiabank, or TD Canada Trust are influenced by the bank rate established by the Bank of Canada. The bank rate is the rate at which the Bank of Canada loans money to financial institutions across the coun- try. When the federal government wants to encourage economic growth, it may reduce the bank rate to encourage banks to borrow more money. When the government wants to do the opposite and slow the economy down, the Bank of Canada can raise the bank rate.
Higher interest rates make it more costly to borrow money; lower interest rates make it cheaper. Therefore, interest rates are relevant to anyone who needs financing. An interest rate is a fee charged, usually a percentage, by a lender to a borrower for the use of funds.
Interest rates can affect businesses in two ways. First, interest rates can affect the cost of borrowing (interest expense on mortgages, bank loans, capital investments, and so on). Second, interest rates can affect a customer’s ability to buy goods and services. When cus- tomers have higher interest costs on mortgages, student loans, bank loans, and credit card debt, they will have less money available to spend on goods and services.
Businesses need to borrow money for a variety of reasons. A business may need cash to meet current or long-term liabilities. This is especially true of seasonal businesses like ski resorts, which have more revenue in the winter months than in the summer months; if money runs out before ski season opens, the business may need a bank loan. Or a company may need to purchase a new asset if one fails, such as a piece of manufacturing equipment. Likewise, a firm may want to expand its operations into new territories and may require money to pur- chase land and buildings. Similarly, individuals borrow money to meet their own needs. Peo- ple may need to borrow money to pursue an education or to buy a car to commute to work.
When individuals or businesses borrow money, the interest charged can be at a fixed rate or a variable rate. A fixed rate is a permanent interest rate that cannot be changed for the term of the loan. Fixed rates are often higher than variable rates since future interest rates are unknown and banks do not want to lose money should rates increase. Fixed interest rates also reduce risk since they provide some assurance to businesses that their current interest costs will not rise in the future. A variable rate is more risky for businesses since variable rates are subject to change. Since interest rates can increase over time, vari- able rates tend to be lower.
deflation When the price level of goods is falling; the opposite of inflation.
Bank of Canada Canada’s cen- tral bank, which is a Crown corpo- ration of the federal government. It regulates the banking and financial industry to ensure low inflation, high employment levels, and posi- tive long-term economic growth for Canada.
bank rate The rate at which the Bank of Canada loans money to financial institutions.
interest rate A fee charged, usually a percentage, by a lender to a borrower for the use of funds.
fixed rate A permanent interest rate that cannot be changed for the term of a loan. Usually higher than a variable rate.
variable rate An interest rate that fluctuates over the term of the loan. Since there is more risk for the borrower, variable rates are usually lower than fixed rates.
226 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Employment Employment is a third goal of Canada’s economic system; however, it is not one that is easily achieved. There is always some unemployment, but how much is too much? Unemployment occurs when qualified individuals actively looking for work are unable to secure employment. Unemployment can be detrimental to both businesses and the economy. People who are unemployed have less disposable income and often cannot afford basic goods and services.
Employment Rates and Measures The labour force is the total number of people employed and unemployed. The unemployment rate is the percentage of people who are unemployed out of the total labour force and who are actively seeking work. New graduates looking for work are an example of unemployed workers included in the unemployment rate, as per Exhibit 6.12 . Stay-at-home mothers and retirees would not be included in the unemployment rate because they are not actively seeking employ- ment and therefore are not part of the labour force. Part-time workers, however, are employed and are part of the labour force.
Types of Unemployment What are the various types of unemployment and what are their root causes? Frictional unemployment is caused by normal labour market turn- over, not a downturn in the economy. New college graduates, mothers looking for work, or anyone looking for his or her first job are a few examples. Employed workers who are laid off also fall under this category. Frictional unemployment is unlikely to disappear, since people are constantly entering and exiting the labour force. The baby boom of the 1950s brought a large number of people into the workforce, creating higher frictional
unemployment A situation that occurs when qualified individuals who are actively looking for work are unable to secure employment.
unemployment rate The per- centage of people who are unem- ployed out of the total labour force and who are actively seeking work.
Objective 5 Explain the dif- ferent types of unemployment.
frictional unemployment Unemployment that is caused by normal labour market turnover, not a downturn in the economy.
0 1980
P e
rc e
n ta
g e
1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012
8.3% 7.8%
5.9% 6.8%
Youth (ages 15–24)
Mature workers (ages 30–54)
Recession years
Young workers (ages 25–29)
Exhibit 6.12 Unemployment Rate in Canada, 1980–2012
Source: Statistics Canada.
(2013, January 4). Labour force
characteristics. CANSIM Table
227C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
unemployment for a period of time. Similarly, when businesses suffer bankruptcy or move to a new location, job losses contribute to frictional unemployment.
Cyclical unemployment , on the other hand, is related to the pace of the economy, or the “business cycle.” When the economy slows down or is in a recession, cyclical unem- ployment is high. Alternatively, when the economy is growing and expanding, cyclical unemployment is low. For instance, auto workers who are laid off during a recession and then hired back months later are individuals who experience cyclical unemployment.
Structural unemployment occurs for two reasons: either the available jobs do not correspond to the skills of the labour force or unemployed individuals do not live in a region where jobs are available. Structural unemployment has also been prevalent where there has been a technological change and old jobs have been discontinued and new jobs created. In the 1980s, typewriters were replaced by personal computers. Those whose job it was to repair typewriters became obsolete and computer administrator jobs were cre- ated, requiring a different skill set. Today, with the rise in technological advances, tradi- tional industries such as auto and steel are shrinking and newer industries such as electronics and bioengineering are expanding and creating new jobs. For a recent example of structural unemployment, see Talking Business 6.9 .
cyclical unemployment Unem- ployment caused by changes in the business cycle or pace of the econ- omy. When the economy slows down or is in a recession, cyclical unem- ployment is high. Alternatively, when the economy is growing and expand- ing, cyclical unemployment is low.
structural unemployment Unemployment that occurs either because the available jobs do not correspond to the skills of the labour force or unemployed indi- viduals do not live in a region where jobs are available.
High youth unemployment and growing skill shortages
are two important challenges currently facing the labour
market. But why not use one problem as the basis of a
solution to the other? In a labour market facing grow-
ing skill shortages, youth could become an even more
valuable source of qualified workers. Current difficulties
in finding work are and should send a signal to young
people to invest in their own skills. This would help
them qualify for a job and contribute to filling the short-
ages in workers supply, especially among high-skilled
Canada’s economy has been undergoing structural
changes over the past two decades and the transition
towards a more knowledge-based economy has led to
growing demand for a more highly-skilled workforce.
Indeed, there are signs that skill shortages are already
occurring, especially in the fast-growing parts of the coun-
try. The fact that many workers remain unemployed despite
the existence of many unfilled positions indicates clear mis-
matches in the labour market. Employers are thus looking
for other means to find qualified workers. Saskatchewan
government officials, for example, will participate in a
labour recruitment mission to Ireland in March [2012] to
support employers looking for potential workers willing to
move to the province. And similar support programs to
employers were offered by other provinces, even Ontario,
where labour markets are relatively slack. While immigra-
tion will be an important contributor to labour supply over
the long run, other home-grown solutions should comple-
ment this approach and training the youth is one of them.
Today’s High Youth Unemployment: A Solution for Skill Shortages?
Bloomberg via Getty Images
228 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Seasonal unemployment is unemployment caused by the seasonal nature of the job. For example, a garden centre may hire workers for the spring and lay them off in the fall. Similarly, a construction company may hire contract workers in the summer and not in the winter. Since Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for retailers, retail stores are also noted for hiring temporary workers. As you can see, a seasonal job can be created due to special holidays or changes to seasonal weather.
The natural rate of unemployment is the total amount of frictional and structural unemployment combined. In other words, it is the unemployment that exists when there is no cyclical unemployment.
Full employment occurs when only frictional unemployment exists and no structural or cyclical unemployment is present. In this case, the quantity of labour demanded equals the quantity of labour supplied. There will likely always be a certain level of frictional unemployment, since people will always be entering and exiting the workforce.
seasonal unemployment Unemployment that is caused by the seasonal nature of the job.
natural rate of unemployment The total amount of frictional and structural unemployment combined.
full employment A situation that occurs when only frictional unemployment exists.
Yet even as labour market skills gaps are becoming more
evident, employment among those aged 15 to 24 fell sig-
nificantly as a result of the 2008–09 recession and, even
after three years, is showing little signs of recovery.
Although Canada’s youth unemployment is not as severe as
in Europe, where the youth unemployment rate has reached
30 per cent in some countries and exceeded 40 per cent in
Spain in 2010, it is still a concern. The youth unemployment
rate in Canada climbed from 11.6 per cent in 2008 to 15.2
per cent in 2009, and remained elevated, at 14.2 per cent,
in 2011. For young people, the negative consequences are
clear in terms of foregone income and lost work experi-
ence. But the situation does have a silver lining—it is send-
ing a signal to study, train and acquire skills.
One important reason for the significant fall in youth
employment during the recession is that a large number of
labour force participants in the 15 to 24 age group have
had little training. Young individuals who had not com-
pleted a post-secondary program recorded the largest per-
centage employment declines as a result of the recession,
and their employment level remains below pre-recessionary
levels; yet employment for those aged 15 to 24 with a
post-secondary certificate has recovered to pre-recession
levels. And for those with a university degree, employ-
ment was 9 per cent higher in 2011 than in 2008. There-
fore, the lack of education and training has been a key
factor hindering youth employment growth after the
recession struck.
As their job prospects became gloomy, many young indi-
viduals gave up on looking for a job and left the labour force.
Indeed, the labour force participation rate for the 15 to 24
age group has fallen significantly since the 2008–09 reces-
sion. Moreover, the participation rate of youth who have not
completed a post-secondary educational program posted the
sharpest relative decline. If there is an upside, this may reflect
the decision by some youths to withdraw from the labour
force and to invest in education and training. Tailoring their
training to match skills that are in short supply would help
alleviate skill shortages. If there were greater communication
and coordination between employers and colleges and uni-
versities and more skills-specific training programs incorporat-
ing co-op and internship opportunities, young Canadians
would be in a better position to gain the skills needed to find
a job. In Germany, for example, the apprenticeship system
combines on-the-job training with formal education, and
therefore, allows students to gain concrete work experience
while completing their educational program.
Considering youth as potential skilled workers should
be a key element of a renewed strategy for tackling skill
shortages. Not only is it easier to train and acquire skills at
an early age, but the investment in human capital will
generate a longer payback period—for the individuals and
the economy. With high youth unemployment, now is the
right time to strengthen and implement appropriate train-
ing strategies. Policy-makers, educational institutions and
potential employers should strike while the iron is hot.
Source: Excerpted from Adès, J. (2012, February 29). Today’s high
youth unemployment: A solution for skill shortages? Reprinted
with permission from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.ca/economics/hot_eco_topics/default/
skill_shortages.aspx .
TALKING BUSINESS 6.9 (continued)
229C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
Key Terms
229C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
balance of trade 215
Bank of Canada 225
bank rate 225
barriers to entry 204
budget deficit 219
business cycle 210
capital 198
communism 202
competition 204
consumer price index (CPI) 224
contraction phase 211
cost-push inflation 224
currency risk 218
cyclical unemployment 227
deflation 225
demand-pull inflation 224
depression 211
economic environment 197
economic stability 223
economic system 202
entrepreneurs 199
exchange rate (currency rate) 218
expansionary phase 210
five factors of production 197
fixed rate 225
frictional unemployment 226
full employment 228
G7 219
GDP per capita 214
gross domestic product (GDP) 211
gross national product (GNP) 211
inflation 223
input 215
interest rate 225
knowledge 198
knowledge-based economies 198
labour 197
limited monopoly 206
macroeconomics 200
market economy 202
microeconomics 200
mixed economy 203
monopolistic competition 208
monopoly 206
national debt 219
natural monopoly 206
natural rate of unemployment 228
natural resource 197
nominal GDP 211
oligopoly 206
opportunity cost 197
output 215
patent 206
peak 210
perfect or pure competition 204
price index 224
price level 224
producer price index (PPI) 224
productivity 215
purchasing power of money 223
real GDP 211
recession 211
recovery phase 211
seasonal unemployment 228
socialism 203
structural unemployment 227
trade deficit 218
trade surplus 218
trough 211
unemployment 226
unemployment rate 226
variable rate 225
The economic environment is certainly a complex one. There are many variables that can influence business and the economy. Changing unemployment rates, inflation rates, and inter- est rates can pull Canada’s economy in different directions. How Canada’s economy will per- form in the future is something that remains unknown. Certainly, Canada has the potential to build upon its strengths and become an even stronger player in the growing global economy.
Multiple-Choice Questions Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. All of the following are benefits of a market economy over a communist economy except
a. competition
b. participation of nonprofit groups
c. choice
d. ownership of property
2. All of the following are examples of an oligopolistic industry except
a. cereal companies
b. airplane manufacturers
c. coffee shops
d. auto manufacturers
230 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Discussion Questions
230 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
3. All of the following individuals would be included in the unemployment rate except
a. a worker who has been fired from his job and returns
to school full time
b. a person who was laid off from her job and goes on
an extended vacation
c. a worker who has retired from work and gets a new
part-time job
d. none of the above
4. The consumer price index (CPI) measures all of the following goods except
a. laser eye surgery
b. personal computers
c. tools used in a manufacturing plant
d. fruits and vegetables
5. Deflation can result from a. falling prices
b. industrial productivity increases
c. high consumer debt
d. all of the above
6. The US profits from a Canadian company with operations in the United States are included in
a. Canadian GDP
b. Canadian GNP
d. both B and C
7. Labour involves a. the mental and physical capabilities of people who
work for a company
b. an investor checking her portfolio
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
8. The national debt a. is the amount of money the government owes to its
b. can include past budget deficits
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
9. Perfect competition exists when a. firms are small in size but large in number
b. prices are set by the market
c. products are undifferentiated
d. all the above
10. When Canada’s imports are greater than its exports, Canada is said to have
a. a trade surplus
b. a trade deficit
c. an import advantage
d. an import disadvantage
11. A factor that can contribute to a country’s economic suc- cess is
a. strong trading partners
b. tariffs
c. unregulated banks
d. an unskilled labour force
12. Private enterprise requires the presence of all the follow- ing except
a. competition
b. private property
c. profits
d. high-quality goods and services
13. An example of a natural monopoly is a. an environmental company
b. a bottled water company
c. a water utility
d. both B and C
14. A retail store selling tools and other hardware items is likely an example of
a. monopolistic competition
b. an oligopoly
c. perfect competition
d. a monopoly
15. Structural unemployment is due to a. poor economic times
b. a lack of the right skills
c. people entering and exiting the workforce
d. seasonal conditions
1. What is an economic environment?
2. Compare and contrast microeconomics and macroeco- nomics.
3. Identify and explain four types of economic systems.
4. Identify and explain four types of competition.
5. Discuss three key goals of Canada’s economic system.
6. Explain the stages of the business cycle.
7. Identify and discuss different measures of economic growth.
8. Why is debt bad for an economic environment?
9. Describe five types of inflation.
10. Identify and explain the different types of unemployment.
231C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
The City of Saskatoon is favoured once again to be one of the fastest-growing economies across Canada, according to a 2013 The Conference Board of Canada report. 50 The report is the Conference Board’s annual review of 28 metropolitan areas in Canada.
The expanding job market in Saskatoon is attracting both domestic and foreign applicants, which are growing the housing, retail, and other sectors of the economy. For example, this year Saskatoon’s gross domestic product is expected to grow by 3.7%, which is significantly higher than the estimated national average. 51
How is Saskatoon’s economy growing? According to the The Conference Board of Canada, “Saskatoon is benefiting from strong resource development, while healthy popula- tion growth is bolstering the housing market.” About $10 billion in mining development and expansion has already been invested in the province. 52 Indeed, Saskatchewan has numerous natural resources, such as potash, oil, and uranium. 53
Tim LeClair, chief executive officer of the Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority (SREDA), is also proud of how other sectors are making important contributions to economic growth. “We have to give credit to other sectors of the economy which aren’t related to the resource sector, including manufacturing, agriculture, transportation and com- munication,” stated LeClair. 54
The agriculture sector is a natural strength. Saskatchewan has six different soil zones and over 40% of Canada’s arable land. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the indus- try produces feed and forage, cereal crops, oilseeds, pulse crops, and some speciality crops. 55
Saskatchewan has other strengths in agriculture, too. Did you know that Saskatchewan produces the majority of Canada’s wild rice? Saskatchewan also produces over 70% of Canada’s flax and over 80% of Canada’s mustard. And let’s not forget that Saskatchewan supplies 5% of the world’s exported wheat. 56
In the manufacturing industry, many local companies are making machinery, wood products, transportation equipment, plastics, and food and beverages. This, in turn, has led 85% of firms to be able to export their goods outside the province, impacting the transportation and distribution industry favourably. 57
Case Continued >
50 Dowdall, B. (2013, February 14). Prairies cities sweep top spots in economic growth in 2013. The Conference Board of Canada. Reprinted by permission. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/press/newsrelease/13-02-14/ prairies_cities_sweep_top_spots_in_economic_growth_in_2013.aspx .
51 Dowdall, 2013.
52 Armstrong, J. (2011, October 22). Saskatoon is home to Canada’s fastest growing economy. The StarPhoenix . Retrieved from http://www2.canada.com/saskatoonstarphoenix/news/business/story.html?id=99a654e8-804d- 44c3-98a6-06d014e24b4a . Reprinted by permission.
53 LeClair, T. (2013, April 8). Why the Saskatoon region is important for China and the world. ConsiderCanada. com . Retrieved from http://considercanada.com/blog/2013/4/8/why-the-saskatoon-region-is-important- for-china-and-the-world .
54 Armstrong, 2011.
55 LeClair, 2013.
56 LeClair, 2013.
57 Armstrong, 2011.
232 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
“One only has to look at the automotive in Saskatoon. When you see the level of activity here, it’s a very basic barometer of the economy,” says LeClair. In fact, there is a 12.2% increase in new car and truck sales in the province. 58
In addition to Saskatoon having the fastest-growing economy, it also ranks as Canada’s fastest-growing city. According to Statistics Canada, Saskatoon’s population grew by 3%, or 7,200 residents, between 2009 and 2010. Its population is estimated to be 265,300. International immigration into the province is a leading factor for its growth—over 50% of its population increase is due to new families immigrating to Canada. These families are also making Saskatoon one of Canada’s youngest cities. Saskatoon’s median age is currently 35.4 years, compared to the national median of 39.7 years. 59 This means the majority of its population is of working age.
Clearly, having a large number of working residents translates into lower unemploy- ment rates, and Saskatchewan maintains one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. According to Statistics Canada, the August 2011 unemployment rate was 4.5%, the lowest in the country. Saskatoon’s unemployment rate was slightly higher at 5.1%, but still much lower than the country’s 7.3% average. 60
One reason for the low unemployment rate is the growing number of entrepreneurs. Each year, approximately 1,000 licences are issued to new small businesses. The resource sector is an important employer, too. Mining companies continue to recruit engineers with salaries at $150,000 and up. 61 Good-paying jobs help consumer spending and keep business sales up.
Home construction is also growing fast. In the first six months of 2011, new housing increased by 38%. “Housing is a critical component of the economy,” says LeClair. “We have to make sure that we have adequate housing for people to come and take positions in Saskatoon. That’s an important part of the equation.” 62
Industrial and commercial construction is of course a direct result of business growth. Vacancy rates for the commercial real estate market are at record lows, including industrial, office, and retail space. Similarly, new office tower construction is on the increase from business expansion.
In the past, Canada’s resource sector has gone through “boom and bust” phases. So, can Saskatoon’s economy realistically be sustained?
SREDA recognizes that Saskatoon’s economy is experiencing significant growth mainly because of the mining industry. “In 15 years, when all of these capital expenditures are done, do we want to go back to the slow growth of the 1980s and start exporting our kids to other provinces again? I was a product of that export market. We want to sustain our economy over the long term. We have to get it right,” says LeClair. 63
To encourage long-term economic growth, SREDA has developed a number of initia- tives to address existing challenges faced by business and to encourage a sustainable econ- omy. One project involves analyzing issues facing the region’s labour market. “When a company looks at setting up operations in Saskatoon or Regina, the first thing they look at is the labour force. Do we have people to fill those jobs? If you can’t answer that ques- tion in the affirmative, it becomes very difficult to build a business case.” 64
SREDA is also focusing on bringing global businesses to Saskatoon. “Brazil has two of the world’s largest food processing companies. They employ over 130,000 people internationally
58 Armstrong, 2011.
59 Armstrong, 2011.
60 Armstrong, 2011.
61 Armstrong, 2011.
62 Armstrong, 2011.
63 Armstrong, 2011.
64 Armstrong, 2011.
233C h a p t e r 6 E c o n o m i c F o r c e s
but have no facilities at all in North America. They have no market penetration here, no presence here,” says LeClair. “We have the critical mass—the infrastructure, the raw com- modities. I met with the Brazilian ambassador and they’re willing to open the doors.” 65
Similarly, encouraging entrepreneurship and growing small businesses is important, too. In fact, entrepreneurship is one of the reasons why Saskatoon has the country’s fastest-growing economies. “The vast majority of our employment comes out of the entrepreneurial, homegrown companies,” says LeClair. 66 One partnership involves IDEALS Inc., an organization designed to support new businesses and reduce potential risks. While 60 to 75% of all new businesses will fail within the first year, business incu- bator organizations like IDEALS help businesses achieve an 87% success rate. 67
Investment in research and development and expanding knowledge-based industries is another strategy for continued economic growth. “We have many companies coming from around the world to use our research facilities. There is $2.6 billion worth of research facilities clustered around the university. We’d like to see more companies come to do their research here, and then build their facilities close by.” 68 The University of Saskatchewan has developed technologies that have resulted in companies establishing themselves nearby. SED Systems, International Road Dynamics, and Philom Bios are a few examples. Certainly, the potential for more startups or spinoffs exists. 69
According to LeClair, “information communication technology (ICT) is a critical industry that supports numerous other industries including healthcare, mining, manufac- turing and biotechnology. ICT professionals have found Saskatchewan’s economy fertile for innovation that only ICT companies can supply.” 70
According to economists at TD Bank, other factors are also needed to sustain eco- nomic growth. Skilled labour shortages need to be addressed. Certainly, Canada needs to educate students with the right skills to support a prosperous economy. And keeping taxes low is another challenge to remain competitive. Some economists also believe that Sas- katchewan should build upon its resources strength and become a clean energy powerhouse.
“[Clearly,] lots of work needs to be done to build a good commercialization structure. SREDA is part of that discussion,” says LeClair. “We started a project last year involving angel tax credits and flow-through share structures that would help support companies that are developing technologies for commercialization. SREDA is part of a very strong working committee and I think we have some broad consensus. Expertise is not the issue. It’s the expertise around financing and those kinds of issues that keep a company going. We need to build on that. It’s critical.” 71
1. What economic elements are contributing to Saskatoon’s growing economy?
2. What non-economic or other related factors are contributing to Saskatoon’s growing economy?
3. What do you think are the most important factors for Saskatoon to sustain long-term economic growth?
65 Armstrong, 2011.
66 Armstrong, 2011.
67 Armstrong, 2011.
68 Armstrong, 2011.
69 Armstrong, 2011.
70 LeClair, 2013.
71 Armstrong, 2011.
Chapter 7 Competitive and Technological Forces How do Industries Evolve Over Time?
Why do industry-leading firms sometimes lose their mar-
ket position to rivals? Why do some entrepreneurial firms
fail to survive and grow following early marketplace suc-
cesses? These questions can be addressed through the
study of industry evolution and change. Industries are an
essential backdrop for the analysis of how competitive
forces affect the viability and performance of organiza-
tions. An industry’s stage of evolution is a critical deter-
minant of the degree and type of competition faced by
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Describe the different stages of the industry life-cycle
model, including how competitive forces change and the
various success factors for firms in each stage of the
life cycle.
2. Identify different types of innovations.
3. Understand the relationship between technological
evolution and industry evolution and describe the key
features of technology life-cycle models.
4. Describe how technology is changing the workplace.
© psdesign1-Fotolia.com
235C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
THE BUSINESS WORLD From Personal Computers to Newspapers: Technology and Creative Destruction
Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950) was an Austrian economist and professor at Harvard who wrote much about the evolutionary and cyclical nature of industries. He explained that industries are periodically disrupted by the introduction of revolutionary innova- tions. In his book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy , he coined the now famous expres- sion of creative destruction to explain how innovations can sweep away old technologies, skills, products, ideas, and industries and replace them with new ones.
Many organizations, and indeed entire industries, could benefit by being ever wary of the ability of new technologies to facilitate creative destruction. The personal computer (PC) industry is one example. Technology has facilitated the transition from a desktop world to a mobile world . In general, PC sales have been in decline for some time now. This, of course, is horrible news for companies like Intel.
Intel, the California-based microchip maker, showed a steady drop in earnings in recent years because of the decreased demand for computer chips alongside the drop in sales of PCs. Consequently, companies like Intel have been forced to expand into other areas, such as phones, tablets, and ultrabooks, to survive. Unfortunately, it appears that Intel’s sales of chips for tablets and smartphones may not be sufficient to counter the declining PC revenues.
Intel is not alone in staving off creative destruction in the technology industry. Con- sider the struggles of Microsoft. Once the icon of stability, Microsoft is also feeling the brunt of the decline in PC sales. As one observer commented,
For Microsoft and Intel, the day of reckoning is nearer at hand. The two giants still depend on PCs for most of their profits, and sales at both have now declined . . . It’s harder to see a good way forward for Microsoft . . . Weak PC sales are squeezing both of the company’s cash cows—the Windows operating system and Office software—both of which boast 60 per cent net operating margins. 1
In addition, according to a recent Bloomberg article, while it has traditionally remained a powerful force with its Windows operating system, Microsoft has been an unimpressive innovator and for many years now has been challenged by Apple, with its own platform. 2 No business is immune from creative destruction.
Regardless of the industry, even the largest, most successful companies can fall victim to changes in technology. For example, the smartphone industry itself has become extremely volatile because of the rapid rate of technological innovation. Consequently, competitors like BlackBerry can be star players one day and casualties the next day. The company, formerly called Research In Motion, rebranded itself as BlackBerry in 2013 to publicly signal a change in the company’s vision and approach. However, these and other changes failed to bring about BlackBerry’s return to its former “star” role. This is an industry where disruptive change is the norm, and where technological breakthroughs continue to create new winners and losers.
1 Cyran, R. (2013, July 23). Tech giants get taste of their own creative-destruction medicine. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/international-business/tech-giants-get-taste-of- their-own-creative-destruction-medicine/article13368796 .
2 Bloomberg. (2012, January 27). Innovate without mercy is the lesson of RIM’s BlackBerry. Retrieved from www. bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-27/innovate-without-mercy-is-the-enduring-lesson-of-rim-and-blackberry-view.html .
236 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Perhaps there is no more of a striking example of creative destruction in recent times than that occurring in the newspaper industry. Postmedia Network, Canada’s largest met- ropolitan newspaper chain, has battled increasing losses in recent years, reflecting the speed at which the newspaper market is transforming. The publisher of such titles as the Ottawa Citizen, Calgary Herald, and National Post is not alone in its struggle. The tradi- tional newspaper industry has been dying for several years, thanks to technological inno- vation. As a recent Forbes article stated,
The first two nails in the local newspapers’ coffins have been well reported . . . First, advertising went online. Most classified ads moved to CraigsList.com , and display ads went to Google and Facebook. The second nail was competition for readers from online sources. You don’t need a newspaper to read the news. You don’t even need to sit at your computer. With a tablet, you can sit in your easy chair with a game on the television and read the news between plays. 3
While many newspapers have turned to online subscriptions, this has not proven to be much help. As a recent Globe and Mail article noted, “the problem for publishers across North America is that digital revenues are not increasing fast enough to make up for the losses in print.” 4
Neil Irwin, writing for the Washington Post , succinctly summarized the implications of technological innovation for business and society:
Manufacturing workers have spent the last generation becoming accustomed to the rise of robots that do their jobs. But the rapid change is quickly enveloping huge chunks of the white-collar workforce . . . This is how economic advancement happens . . . But what is scary is how fast that change is happening . . . For as long as people keep innovating and creating new, better ways of doing things, permanence, in the business world, is always going to be an illusion. 5
Welcome to the world of creative destruction.
3 Conerly, B. (2013, June 21). The death of newspapers: A third nail in the coffin. Forbes. Retrieved from www. forbes.com/sites/billconerly/2013/06/21/the-death-of-newspapers-a-third-nail-in-the-coffin .
4 Ladurantaye, S. (2013, July 3). Losses mount at Postmedia on anemic print advertising. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/postmedia-losses-surge-to-1122-million-in- latest- quarter/article12946673 .
5 Irwin, N. (2013, August 7). The decline of newspapers has been good for everybody else. Washington Post. Retrieved from www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/08/07/the-decline-of-newspapers-has-been- good-for-everybody-else .
THE INDUSTRY LIFE-CYCLE MODEL This chapter addresses important questions about a business’s external environment by taking a macro-level, long-term view of industries and their evolution. Industries, both old and new, are not static and change in dramatic ways over time. It is therefore critical to examine how some of the key competitive forces shape the external environment of organizations.
While it seems obvious to even the most casual observer that the nature and intensity of competition is quite specific to each industry, it is nonetheless remarkable how different industries follow similar and predictable paths in how competitive pressures evolve over
Objective 1 Describe the different stages of the industry
life-cycle model, including how
competitive forces change and
the various success factors for
firms in each stage of the
life cycle.
237C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
time. Research in the fields of economics, strategic manage- ment, and organization theory has highlighted how virtually all industries evolve along particular trajectories and through specific phases from their early emergence and growth to their eventual maturity and decline.
This is commonly known as the industry life-cycle model . Given a long enough period of observation, almost all industries exhibit an inverted U-shaped growth pattern, with the number of organizations rising initially up to a peak, then declining as the industry ages (see Exhibit 7.1 ). The pace of an industry’s evolution along its life cycle is closely related to the evolution of technology within the industry. Technologi- cal innovations will often trigger the start of a new life cycle or the creation of an entirely new industry.
It is important to remember that, although based on the marketing theories of product life cycles, the industry life-cycle model describes the evolu- tion of the entire product category and its associated industry, not a single product or firm. The industry life-cycle model divides industry evolution into four distinct phases: intro- duction, growth, maturity, and decline. According to the model, new industries tend to be highly fragmented (that is, with many small competitors) and characterized by experi- mentation with novel technologies and business models. This introductory phase sees many entrepreneurial firms enter the industry, hoping to emerge as a market leader.
As the industry coalesces around a particular approach and this dominant model is adopted by customers, suppliers, and other key constituents, the firms whose approach does not conform to the emerging standard exit the industry during a shakeout . The wide- spread diffusion of an industry standard or dominant design is a critical step in facilitating an industry’s transition to the growth phase .
Over time, the industry reaches the mature phase , where the market stabilizes and sales grow more slowly. Firms must then become more efficient producers to lower costs and compensate for slower revenue growth. This is often achieved through mergers and acquisitions that result in higher industry concentration. In the decline phase , aggregate sales drop and rivalry further heats up as the industry undergoes greater consolidation through more mergers and the exit of inefficient firms. Exhibit 7.2 shows the typical S-curve pattern of how sales volume grows, stabilizes, and declines as an industry develops.
Understanding which phase of the life cycle an industry is in is critical for effective management at all levels of the organization. The life-cycle phase affects the degree of competition firms face, the type of organizational structure, the kind of strategy used, and the appropriate management approaches needed to survive and grow. The key success fac- tors and sources of competitive advantage for firms are different from one stage of the life cycle to the next. For example, being successful when facing many small entrepreneurial competitors with no clear leader in a fast-growing and technologically innovative market requires a very different approach than being part of a highly concentrated industry with a few large, established incumbents and slow or declining growth. Different types of firms tend to be market leaders at different stages given the difficulties organizations experience when they must adapt to a different environment and make the transition from one type of organizational structure or strategy to another.
industry life-cycle model An inverted U-shaped growth pattern that is seen in almost all industries given a long enough period of observation. The number of organi- zations rises initially up to a peak, then declines as the industry ages.
Exhibit 7.1 Industry Growth
N u
m b
e r
o f
Fi rm
238 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
While different industries move along the life cycle at different paces, the remarkable regularity of the pattern across a wide spectrum of different industries makes the life- cycle model a powerful tool for managers and entrepreneurs. In addition, the industry life cycle is a complementary approach to Porter’s five-forces framework , presented in Chapter 5 . The five-forces framework is essentially a static model that provides a valuable snapshot of an industry’s attractiveness at a specific point in time. The life-cycle model, however, is inherently dynamic and shows how evo- lution affects industry structure and thus the forces of rivalry, potential entrants, customer and supplier power, and substi- tute products described in the Porter model. In conjunction, both models can provide managers with a more complete set of tools for analyzing industries and understanding the forces of competition. We will now examine each of the different phases of the life cycle in greater detail.
The Introduction Phase: Industry Emergence and Creation New industries emerge as the result of changes (usually technological or regulatory) that create opportunities for entrepreneurs to leverage novel combinations of resources to develop innovative products, services, or processes. These opportunities are not always exploited immediately, and some remain untapped and unrecognized for many years until someone decides to start a new firm that will take advantage of the resources and create a new market. Some industries are the result of important technological breakthroughs, such as the biotechnology industry that emerged following the discovery of recombinant DNA by scientists Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer (see Talking Business 7.1 ).
Some industries are the outcome of government regulation (or deregulation) that cre- ates markets for new products or services. For example, the Environmental Protection Act and a variety of companion state laws enacted in the United States in 1970 specified guide- lines for organizations’ behaviour toward the environment. As a result, an industry of con- sultants, lawyers, lobbyists, and even a market for trading pollution credits through brokers has emerged to enable firms to comply with and adapt to the new legislation. In Canada, the Supreme Court’s decision on June 9, 2005, overturned the ban on private health insur- ance in Quebec. Many analysts regard this ruling as opening the door to the creation of a private health care industry in Canada. Whether this will in fact happen, what this poten- tial industry will look like, and how it will operate remains very unclear at this point.
The early years of an industry are generally a tumultuous period where there is tremen- dous uncertainty about the future of the market. There is no dominant technology or business model, and it is far from certain that the market will ever grow sufficiently to provide attractive financial returns and growth opportunities. At the same time, this is also a period of unbridled optimism among entrepreneurs jockeying for position as the future of the market unfolds.
Early entrants into an industry tend to be small entrepreneurial firms excited by the prospect and potential growth of a new market. Large, established firms tend to lag behind smaller ones in entering new industries for two reasons. First, a budding market is usually too
introductory phase The first phase in the industry life-cycle model, where many entrepreneurial firms enter the industry, hoping to emerge as a market leader. New industries tend to be highly frag- mented (that is, with many small competitors) and characterized by experimentation with novel tech- nologies and business models.
Exhibit 7.2 Industry Life Cycle
In d
u st
ry S
a le
MaturityGrowthIntroduction Decline
Main drivers of industry evolution: • Demand growth • Creation and diffusion of technology and knowledge
239C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
The Birth of Biotech
In 1973, Professor Herbert Boyer of the University of
California at San Francisco (UCSF) and Professor Stanley
Cohen of Stanford University made a breakthrough that
essentially gave way to the birth of a new industry—the
biotechnology industry. Cohen and Boyer perfected a
method for extracting DNA—the blueprint molecules
that cells use to make proteins—and combining it with
fragments of DNA from another organism.
While this scientific breakthrough was important, it did
not itself trigger the birth of a new industry. It was the
involvement of an entrepreneur who helped to commercial-
ize this technological innovation that paved the path to an
industry. Robert Swanson was a 29-year-old venture capi-
talist who sought to commercialize a new way of engineer-
ing drugs based on splicing DNA from one organism into
the genome of another. Together with Boyer, they sketched
out their business plan and changed the drug industry for-
ever by creating the field of commercial biotechnology.
Boyer and Swanson incorporated under the name
Genentech, and in 1982 the company won FDA approval
for the first genetically engineered drug, human insulin.
Shortly thereafter, many more entrepreneurial scientists
created new biotech companies that developed drugs
aimed at treating everything from anemia to cancer.
Swanson and Boyer are recognized today as the founding
fathers of the multibillion dollar biotech industry.
Source: Based on Businessweek. (2004, October 18). Robert
Swanson and Herbert Boyer: Giving birth to biotech. Retrieved
from www.businessweek.com/stories/2004-10-17/robert-
swanson-and-herbert-boyer-giving-birth-to-biotech .
small and risky to justify the entry of large firms burdened with high overhead costs and the need to generate more certain, even if lower, financial returns. Second, older incumbent firms usually have bureaucratic organizational structures that inhibit their ability to move quickly and flexibly into new markets. Smaller and more nimble firms rely on simpler structures and lower startup costs to capture a first-mover advantage. Entrepreneurial startups are inherently more tolerant of ambiguity and risk because they have much less to lose than established firms and are therefore more willing to gamble in the hopes of generating a large payoff.
This introductory phase is one of great technical uncertainty where producers experiment with different and novel combinations in the hopes of discovering a superior approach that will dominate over other firms. Firms are intensely focused on research and development (R&D) activities during this period. This results in a high degree of product innovation with many different versions of products incorporating different features and technologies (see Talking Business 7.2 ). This also leads to confusion for customers and other stakeholders, which prevents the market from taking off into the growth phase. The types of customers who tend to purchase in the introductory phase of the life cycle are early adopters willing to pay a premium for the privilege of owning a product before most other people, despite its early flaws and glitches. Con- servative and price-conscious customers will usually wait until the mature stage before buying.
Despite (and partly because of) the uncertainty inherent in a new industry, the intro- duction phase of the life cycle is a period of extraordinary creativity and innovation. An industry is rarely as vibrant as in its early years, when hope and optimism fuel the dreams
Alexander Raths/Shutterstock
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The Early Years of the Automobile Industry While it is hard to imagine the modern automobile industry
with its few large, established firms as a hotbed of entrepre-
neurial activity, the early years of the American auto industry
were very dynamic and entrepreneurial activity was ram-
pant. Between 1899 and 1923, the industry experienced a
large surge of market entrants with over 3,000 recorded
attempts at automobile production launched during this
period. Many of these firms failed within a year of entering
the market, and over 68% exited the industry within two
years. While perfectly consistent with the industry life-cycle
theory, the sheer abundance and diversity of producers and
early designs is quite astonishing in light of today’s highly
concentrated and standardized industry. Consider, for
example, the following early cars and their makers:
• The Roberts Electric was a two-seat electric car pow-
ered by two 60-volt motors, one for each rear wheel,
and was made in 1897 by C.E. Roberts of Chicago.
• Kent’s Pacemaker, a steam-powered car with three rear
wheels and a single wheel in front for steering, was
made by the Colonial Automobile Co. of Boston from
1899 to 1901.
• The Luxor, a gasoline-powered vehicle that resembled a
Roman chariot, was designed by C.R. Harris of Pennsyl-
vania, who never managed to get it into production.
• The Cotta Steam was a steam automobile with four-wheel
drive and steering. It was produced in very limited numbers
by the Cotta Automobile Co. of Rockford, Illinois, in 1903.
• The Rotary, a gasoline-powered car with a single-cylinder
engine and two crankshafts, was made in Boston by the
Rotary Motor Vehicle Co. in 1904 and 1905.
• The Pratt was a car with four rear wheels and two front
wheels and was powered by a 75-horsepower engine.
It was built by Pratt Chuck Works of Frankfurt, New
York, in 1907.
• The Menkenns, a three-wheeled car powered by a
front-mounted airplane propeller, was made in 1937
by Willie Menkenns of Hillsboro, Oregon.
While many of these designs may seem bizarre today,
they highlight the uncertainty faced by the pioneers of the
automobile industry. It was far from clear at the turn of
the century what basic features the successful car would
have. For example, a critical decision involved the type of
engine or propulsion system to use. Steam, electric, and
gasoline-powered engines were all potential candidates,
and many producers used technologies and fuel other
than gasoline. In fact, many early analysts believed that
steam was a superior technology to power car engines.
Around 1920, however, the dominant design of the
automobile had emerged—an all-steel enclosed body
mounted on a chassis and a gasoline-powered internal com-
bustion engine. This is the fundamental architecture that
remains (save for material innovations in the steel body)
unchanged to this day. The adoption of this dominant
design for cars was accompanied by the failure of many car
manufacturers and a dramatic reduction in the number of
new entrants. From a peak of 350 car makers in the United
States in 1915, there were fewer than 50 by 1930 and less
than 20 by 1940. Today there are only three car makers left
in the United States (GM, Ford, and Chrysler), and the global
industry is highly concentrated, with 10 manufacturers con-
trolling more than 80% of the worldwide market.
The first cars produced were quite expensive and only
the very rich were able to afford them. By 1923, however,
50% of US households owned an automobile. The diffu-
sion of the automobile was accelerated by Henry Ford’s
introduction of the Model T in 1908 (priced at an afford-
able $850) and by Ford’s development of one of the most
significant industrial innovations of the 20th century—the
moving assembly line in 1913. This revolutionary process
brought the product to the workers rather than having
workers moving around a factory to perform tasks. Inspired
by Frederick Taylor’s principles of specialization and stan-
dardization, Ford had workers perform a single repetitive
task rather than whole portions of automobile assembly.
The new Ford plant in Highland Park, Michigan, produced
over 300,000 cars in one year (1914)—more than in the
entire history of the company. The increases in productivity
allowed Ford to continually drop the price of the Model T
to as low as $290 in 1927, making cars truly affordable for
the masses and paving the way for the massive changes
brought on by the automotive industry we know today.
Sources: Based on Carroll, G.R., & Hannan, M.T. (1995). Organiza-
tions in industry: Strategy, structure & selection . New York, NY:
Oxford University Press; and Constable, G., & Somerville, B. (2003). A
century of innovation: Twenty engineering achievements that trans-
formed our lives . Washington, DC: Chapter Joseph Henry Press.
241C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
of entrepreneurs and inventors. This period is the “gold rush” era of the industry where everyone can still make it big, given that nobody has yet.
In addition to the large upsurge in entrants, new markets are extremely volatile. They may have no clear boundaries, and segments are not well defined. The market shares of the different producers are highly unstable, and many entrants fail shortly after entering. It is nearly impossible to predict which firms will survive and grow, and it is often not all that obvious whether the industry itself will emerge as a viable entity able to sustain a group of producers. While we tend to study only those industries that did develop viable markets because we can observe the entire life cycle, there are numerous examples of industries that began their life cycle with much promise yet never made it past the introductory phase.
In the 1990s, several highly ambitious ventures planning to provide wireless telecom- munications and broadband Internet services through satellite networks were launched with much fanfare. Iridium, backed by the wireless firm Motorola, and Teledesic, which was funded by McCaw Cellular and Microsoft owner Bill Gates, were two such ventures, along with Globalstar, ICO, and others. Teledesic planned to blanket the earth’s atmosphere with 288 low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites to build an “Internet in the sky.” A combination of technical difficulties, financial troubles, mismanagement, and slow customer adoption because of the high cost of satellite communications led to the demise of these ventures and of the emerging satellite communications industry altogether—though not before they had lost billions of dollars in the process (more than $9 billion in Teledesic’s case). Iridium filed for bankruptcy in 2001 after having launched 66 satellites into space at a cost of more than $6 billion. An Iridium satellite now hangs in the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum as a testament to the technological ability (and commercial failure) of this venture.
While some of these firms have emerged from bankruptcy protection in a different form, the satellite communications industry has clearly not lived up to the high expectations of its early pioneers. Perhaps the technology was ahead of its time and it will eventually take off and grow. Nevertheless, this case illustrates that new industries can suffer quite severe growing pains and may never develop into mature industries. There are other industries that are still in the early stages of development and currently struggling to make it into the growth phase.
The Quest for Legitimacy Organization theorists studying industry emergence and evolution have focused on the institutional and social conditions that affect the changing nature of markets and competitive forces. One of the most important contributions to emerge concerns the concept of the legitimacy of new industries and organizational forms. Marc Suchman, professor of sociology at Brown University, defines organizational legitimacy as “a generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, and defini- tions.” 6 Other researchers have distinguished between two forms of legitimacy: sociopolitical and cognitive legitimacy. 7 Sociopolitical legitimacy refers to the endorsement of an industry, activity, or organizational form by key stakeholders and institutions such as the state and government officials, opinion leaders, or the general public. Cognitive legitimacy refers to
cognitive legitimacy The level of public knowledge about a new industry and its conformity to established norms and methods reflected in the extent to which it is taken for granted as a desirable and appropriate activity.
6 Suchman, M.C. (1995). Managing legitimacy: Strategic and institutional approaches. Academy of Management Review, 20 (3), 574.
7 Aldrich, H. (1999). Organizations evolving. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; Hannan, M.T., & Carroll, G.R. (1992). Dynamics of organizational populations: Density, legitimation and competition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
sociopolitical legitimacy The endorsement of an industry, activity, or organizational form by key stake- holders and institutions such as the state and government officials, opin- ion leaders, or the general public.
242 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
the level of public knowledge about a new industry and its conformity to established norms and methods reflected in the extent to which it is taken for granted as a desirable and appro- priate activity (see Talking Business 7.3 ).
All organizations require legitimacy to acquire the resources they need to survive and grow from external stakeholders. Because organizations must extract resources from their environments, failure to conform to societal and institutionalized norms and beliefs results in a lack of legitimacy that will hinder their ability to recruit employees, obtain financial
The Anti-Aging Industry
Botox is one of the many commercial names for a pro-
tein called botulinum toxin, which is produced by the
bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In large doses, it causes
botulism, a rare illness often linked to food poisoning.
However, this substance can be used in cosmetic medicine
in a variety of ways such as eliminating wrinkles in an
effort to make a person look younger. It has taken some
time for consumers to accept this product.
First, Botox achieved government approval as a cosmetic
treatment, and was eventually embraced by most dermatol-
ogists. However, even after that approval, it still failed to
attract a significant market for many years. Why? Because
Botox’s market success was continually undermined by neg-
ative stories in the press. Skeptics and critics referred to it as
“a deadly poison,” causing frozen faces, mutilation, and
even addiction. In response to such negative press, the brand
managers at Botox worked to create an image of it as a trust-
worthy medicine. Now Botox is becoming broadly accepted.
According to critics of the anti-aging industry, compa-
nies have been aggressively promoting the benefits of
their beauty products and procedures, particularly to
younger women. The beauty industry spends billions of
dollars to promote anti-aging products. This aggressive
advertising includes the use of ultra thin, airbrushed mod-
els and celebrities to promote products. In so doing, the
industry has created an ideal image of what people should
look like in the minds of the public viewers. In the indus-
try, the ideal woman is thin with flawless skin, regardless
of her age. Critics are not arguing about the truthfulness
of the claims in these advertisements; rather, their concern
is that businesses in this industry are telling consumers
how they should look. By promoting a “fantasy” image,
the implication is that you must look “young and glamor-
ous” if you want to be popular and embraced by others.
The anti-aging industry is growing at a very rapid rate, and
has changed dramatically in recent years. The “new” anti-
aging industry has replaced the old industry, which really
was simply promoting skin care products that promised to
erase fine lines and wrinkles but whose effectiveness was
questionable. Now there is an extensive variety of very dif-
ferent approaches to anti-aging, some more effective than
As the field emerges, consumers are faced with every-
thing from major surgery (like “face lifts”) to more minor
medical procedures to prescription or non-prescription
products. A huge range of products claim to make people
look younger, and include such strange names as micro-
dermabrasion, retinoids, antioxidants, and peels. In addi-
tion, individuals, some as young as 25, are trying a host of
new minor cosmetic procedures. “Cosmetic fillers” like
Botox offer individuals a less costly option to look younger
compared to plastic surgery. Products like Botox are
becoming so mainstream that they are now even available
at shopping malls.
© Igor Mojzes/Fotolia
243C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
and material resources, sell products and services to customers, and so on. There are many reasons why an organization’s actions may not be perceived as desirable, proper, or appro- priate. Failure to comply with legal rules or the ethical norms of society is one of them, as is pioneering a new type of firm or way of doing business.
Being new, small, unknown, or unrecognized can cause a firm to lack legitimacy because it must prove to outsiders that it does conform to institutional norms. Even in existing industries, startup firms face higher risks of failure than incumbent firms with established track records and relationships with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. In entirely new industries, the lack of legitimacy is even more pronounced given how business models and organizational forms are novel and have yet to acquire sufficient legitimacy as desirable and appropriate entities. Entrepreneurs operate in a murky and ambiguous environment where there are few, if any, precedents available to determine what is considered a desirable and appropriate business activity. Stakeholders will therefore question the viability, not only of the specific venture, but of the budding industry itself. Society’s lack of understanding, acceptance, and familiarity with the industry leads to even greater difficulties in marshalling resources so that new firms in new industries are even more likely to fail than new firms in established industries (see Talking Business 7.4 ).
Gray Goo and the Promising Future of the Nanotechnology Industry Nanotechnology is the science of building electronic circuits
and devices from single atoms and molecules. These devices
are typically less than 100 nanometres in size (one nanometre
equals one-millionth of a millimetre). This burgeoning indus-
try is expected to make significant contributions to the fields
of computer storage, semiconductors, biotechnology, manu-
facturing, and energy. While the concept of nanotechnology
was first introduced by physicist Richard Feynman in 1959,
advancements truly began to accelerate after Richard Small-
ey’s discovery of carbon nanotubes won the 1996 Nobel Prize
in Chemistry. In 2001, following large increases in US govern-
ment funding for nanotechnology research and the publica-
tion of an entire issue of the influential magazine Scientific
American on the topic, the US National Science Foundation
predicted the newly defined “nanotechnology market”
would grow to $1 trillion shortly.
These events triggered significant investments by ven-
ture capitalists and entrepreneurs in a variety of nanotech
startups. According to some scientists, the future of nano-
technology is one of astonishing possibilities, where dis-
eases will be wiped out and we will live for hundreds of
years. Envisioned are all kinds of amazing products,
including extraordinarily tiny computers that are very pow-
erful, building materials that withstand earthquakes,
advanced systems for drug delivery and custom-tailored
pharmaceuticals, as well as the elimination of invasive sur-
gery (because repairs can be made from within the body).
Nanosized robots will be injected into the bloodstream and
administer a drug directly to an infected cell. Because they
are composed of biological elements such as DNA and pro-
teins, the nanobots can easily be removed from the body.
The promise of a technological and industrial revolution
of unprecedented magnitude based on the science of nan-
otechnology rests on many underlying assumptions of tech-
nical advances that, while theoretically possible, remain
unproven. The emerging industry also has to contend with
fears stoked by science fiction films and novels that there
are great risks involved with nanotechnology. One of these
is that self-replicating nanobots will run amok and devour
the earth in three hours, turning it into “gray goo”—a phe-
nomenon called global ecophagy . More realistic concerns
point to the potential toxicity of certain nanosubstances
that are so small they can penetrate cell walls and membranes
and disturb the immune system. Nevertheless, the high
244 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
degree of uncertainty and controversy has not deterred entre-
preneurs from entering the fray in the hopes of eventually
“cashing in” on the upcoming nanotech revolution.
While there may be intense technological competition
between early entrants in an industry, there is also a high
degree of collaboration for the greater good through the
establishment of trade associations and standards-setting
bodies that facilitate the pursuit of industry legitimacy. So-
called “institutional entrepreneurs” play a critical role in
helping ensure the survival and growth of a fledgling indus-
try by promoting its interests and coordinating efforts to
gain institutional support and legitimacy. Linus Torvalds, the
Finnish engineer who developed the Linux open source
operating system; Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon.com ;
and Richard Smalley and Eric Drexler in the nanotechnology
field are among the entrepreneurs who have become advo-
cates and evangelists for the cause of the industry they pio-
neered in order to mobilize resources and legitimize it in the
eyes of society. The collective action strategies pursued by
institutional entrepreneurs often bear a striking resemblance
to social movements. Successful institutional entrepreneurs
are adept at presenting themselves as revolutionaries
rebelling against the established order of large corporations,
even though most of them actually aspire to grow their
organizations and industry to replace the large firms.
In an industry’s formative years, intra-industry rivalry is less
intense as new organizations collaborate in the pursuit of
legitimacy. New markets that have yet to achieve a sufficient
degree of acceptance benefit from the endorsement of rec-
ognizable players. Smaller startups therefore often welcome
the entry of established incumbents into the new market.
When a large organization with a known track record enters
the new industry, all firms benefit because it acts as
an endorsement that signals the industry’s viability and attrac-
tiveness, which helps it grow. This was the case when IBM
entered the personal computer industry, for example, or
when Walmart entered the online retail market. When a large
and successful retailer like Walmart launches an ecommerce
website, this signals to various stakeholders that the new mar-
ket is important and worthy of Walmart’s attention. Walmart’s
online presence attracts consumers to online shopping as well
as attention from the media, the financial community, and
other stakeholders, all of which contribute to the establish-
ment of cognitive legitimacy for the ecommerce industry.
TALKING BUSINESS 7.4 (continued)
To illustrate this idea, contrast the situations of an entrepreneur deciding to start a restaurant and another deciding to start a wireless text message advertising firm. A poten- tial restaurateur does not need to convince external stakeholders of the virtue of the res- taurant as a business model. It is a tried and true concept, and we have well-known templates for what they should look like. Everyone the entrepreneur speaks to will know what a restaurant is, how it will operate, and how it will make money: It is taken for granted that customers sit down and make choices from a menu, that food is prepared and served, and that payment is tendered. With minor variations in menu, location, or pric- ing, virtually all restaurants operate this way and have for hundreds of years. Entrepre- neurs who conform to these institutional norms will have an easier time gathering the needed resources for their new venture. While the legitimacy of the individual venture needs to be overcome, the legitimacy of the restaurant industry itself is not an issue.
On the other hand, entrepreneurs launching a wireless text messaging advertising firm will need to explain to stakeholders exactly how the business will operate and gener- ate revenues. They will also need to convince stakeholders of the potential viability of this concept because the text message advertising industry is still so new that, unlike res- taurants, there are no institutional norms for how this business should be organized. It is not clear how and to whom ads should be sold and delivered. Will consumers accept them, or find them intrusive and resent them? Is the technology proven? At the organiza- tional level entrepreneurs must establish the legitimacy of their specific venture, and at the industry level they must collectively demonstrate that their novel organizational form or business model is desirable and appropriate.
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The Growth Phase: Dominant Designs and Shakeouts In the introduction stage, the objective is to find the new industry’s dominant model and get it accepted and institutionalized; although sales are important and contribute to the purpose, they are subordinate to the main goal of legitimization. As we will discuss, in the industry growth stage, the game becomes all about sales and market share. The growth stage begins when the market converges around a single dominant design or approach. A dominant design is defined by Anderson and Tushman as “a single architecture that estab- lishes dominance in a product class.” 8 For example, according to the research firm Gartner, Apple’s iPad is expected to dominate the tablet industry until at least 2016.
In some cases, technical standards are specified and must be adhered to by all firms wishing to enter the market. When a standard is legally mandated and enforced by a gov- ernment or standards organization, it is called a de jure standard . For example, the gauge of a railroad track, a light bulb socket, and an electrical outlet are all based on standards that have been explicitly specified by a standards organization—usually to ensure compat- ibility. A company wanting to produce light bulbs must make them to the correct specifi- cations or they will be useless to consumers.
A de facto standard , on the other hand, arises by virtue of common usage and is not officially sanctioned by any authority. It is a standard “in fact” or “in practice,” rather than in law. Microsoft Windows is the de facto standard for personal computer operating systems because over 90% of the market uses Windows. Software developers must therefore write programs that are compatible with Windows if they want to reach the majority of the market.
As the standard or dominant model spreads across the industry, the producers that persist with a different approach usually exit the industry. This is one of the main causes of industry shakeouts. A shakeout in an industry is defined as a large number of exits from the market at the same time as the aggregate output of the industry increases. A large number of failures in a declining market is not a shakeout. A shakeout is a natural and healthy—albeit painful—process for an industry as it simply purges and weeds out the weaker competitors. The firms remaining after the shakeout emerge as strong competitors able to scale up production and serve the needs of a growing market.
Nevertheless, there are cases of firms pursuing the path of a proprietary standard not in line with the rest of industry and remaining successful, though on a much smaller scale. Apple Com- puter, which pioneered the personal computer market, barely survived the industry shakeout by maintaining its small share of loyal customers during the 1980s and 1990s. By not adhering to the Windows standard, Apple effectively restricted its market to small niches of graphic designers, academics, and other consumers dissatisfied with Windows’s quasi-monopoly. As Apple’s earlier brush with bankruptcy can attest, this is a very risky strategy (Apple has only recently become a technology giant with the iPhone, iPad, and iTunes). A firm must provide a significant benefit for a consumer to be willing to overcome the problems of incompatibility with 90% of the market.
Most other personal computer firms from the early 1980s, such as MITS, Commodore, and Tandy, did not survive. Prior to 1981, when IBM launched the IBM PC and real com- mercial growth began, the different computer firms all had their own proprietary hardware and software platforms. Most of the exits from the industry occurred between 1987 and 1993. This period coincides with the introduction of Intel’s 386 processor in 1986 and the release of Windows 3.0 in 1990, which had graphical interfaces that made computers more
dominant design The dominant approach or design established in a product class.
de jure standard A standard that is legally mandated and enforced by a government or stan- dards organization.
de facto standard A standard that arises by virtue of common usage and is not officially sanc- tioned by any authority. It is a stan- dard “in fact” or “in practice,” rather than in law.
shakeout A large number of exits from the market at the same time as the aggregate output of the industry increases; a natural and healthy, though painful, process for an industry to purge and weed out the weaker competitors.
8 Anderson, P.A., & Tushman, M. (1990). Technological discontinuities and dominant designs: A cyclical model of technological change. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35, 604–633.
growth phase The second phase in the industry life-cycle model that occurs after the industry coalesces around a particular approach and a dominant model. This leads to a shakeout where many firms exit the industry.
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user-friendly. These versions of the Intel X86 line of microprocessors and of the Windows operating system firmly entrenched the so-called Wintel standard, which replaced the IBM PC as the dominant architecture for personal computers. Once this design was institution- alized as the standard, personal computers assembled and sold by clone manufacturers had to conform and include an Intel chip and Windows to be accepted by the market.
When the vast majority of other users have a Wintel PC, few consumers are willing to deviate from the norm. Although there are newer versions of these components, the fundamental architecture of the PC with an Intel central processing unit (CPU) and Windows operating system running application software has remained virtually unchanged for more than 20 years now.
The adoption of a dominant design greatly accelerates the growth rate of new mar- kets. As with automobiles, after about 20 years of industry evolution 50% of US house- holds in 1999 owned a computer. Growth in demand is significantly related to the falling prices for products during the second phase of the life cycle. The diffusion of a dominant industry model allows firms to standardize products and processes, resulting in dramatic cost savings that push prices lower. Standardization creates incentives for other firms to offer complementary products and services, such as software that runs on Windows or gas stations to fuel cars. The development of an industry infrastructure stimulates even more demand for the products in a cycle that leads to growth rates that increase during this stage. Products now appeal to a much wider mass market rather than just early technology adopters or the wealthy. This has proven true in the smartphone industry, where demand for lower-end and lower-priced smartphones keeps increasing (see Talking Business 7.5 ).
The Smartphone Industry Since their introduction in the
late 1990s, smartphones have
come to define the way individu-
als connect to the rest of the
world. Mobile phones are an
integral part of our lives. Many
of us can’t imagine coping with-
out our smartphone and con-
sumers often eagerly anticipate
the introduction of the next new
model. While it may seem like these devices have been
around forever, the smartphone industry, in fact, has evolved
rapidly over a relatively short period of time. The smartphone’s
initial attraction was based on that of portability in addition to
other features such as accessibility to the internet and per-
sonal data such as email. Improvements have continually
occurred in such technical specifications as internal proces-
sors, battery life, storage capability, screen size, and broad-
band connectivity. And while the initial focus was on the
business segment, this device now has a mainstream appeal.
The ancestor of the smartphone featured such basic
capabilities as text messaging, faxing, and emailing, in
addition to making phone calls. This device, introduced by
IBM in 1994 and called Simon, sold for around $900. It
essentially combined the traditional cellphone with a per-
sonal data assistant (PDA). Given that it was relatively
cumbersome and expensive, it was not successful at cap-
turing a large share of the mobile market. However, it did
help ignite the interests of other entrants to this market.
By the mid-nineties market share of the global mobile
handset market was controlled by the “Big Three”—Motorola,
Ericsson, and Nokia. By the late nineties, competition grew
with such new competitors as Siemens, Alcatel, Philips,
Mitsubishi, and NEC. The year 1999 saw a significant advance-
ment in the industry with the introduction of the BlackBerry
device, which sold for $399, making it more affordable that
the Simon. However, this first BlackBerry was simply a two-way
pager with email capabilities, not actually a phone. During the
late nineties, Nokia also introduced a range of phones that
were a cross between a phone and a PDA.
Ericsson was the first brand to coin the term “smart-
phone,” with the release of its GS88 in 1997. In 2000,
Ericsson further popularized the “smartphone” with the
marketing of its R380 mobile phone. It was a lightweight flip
© Umberto Shtanzman/
247C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
phone that ran the Symbian operating system (which was
the dominant smartphone operating system until Android
surpassed it in 2011). The year 2002 saw the release of the
Palm Treo with its full querty keyboard, as well as the P800
from the recently merged Sony Ericsson, which included new
features such as an MP3 player and a colour touchscreen. In
that same year, the introduction of the first genuine smart-
phone can be credited to Research In Motion (RIM). In 2002 it
released the BlackBerry 5810, which featured a phone, PDA,
email, internet capabilities, a built-in calendar, an address
book, and other applications. BlackBerry also focused on pro-
viding wireless email access. However, the main shortcoming
was the need to connect a headset in order to use it as a
phone. Two years later, RIM added full handset-free phone
functionality on the BlackBerry 6210 model.
While there was an industry shakeout between 2001
and 2003, by the end of 2004 the industry again saw a high
growth rate as consumers were attracted to the new gen-
eration of phones with colour displays. Consequently, a
new group of competitors arose late in the decade—Apple,
HTC, LG, Huawei, and ZTE among others. Most observers
view Apple’s launch of the iPhone in 2007 as a huge leap
forward in the industry. The iPhone was similar to an iPod,
except it could also make phone calls, take pictures, and
browse the Internet. While Apple was not the first to launch
a smartphone, it successfully combined several features in
order to offer more than a way to communicate with oth-
ers. To popular culture, the iPhone became a mobile media
centre. In that regard, the iPhone changed the nature of the
smartphone market. Up until that time, smartphones were
seen more along the lines of something that business peo-
ple used. Apple entrenched this phone in the minds of
countless everyday consumers as a must-have-device.
Google can be credited with the next big change in
2008 as Android phones hit the market and quickly became
the dominant mobile operating system. There was not
actually one Android phone, but rather a range of models
across several companies. In 2010, more Android devices
were sold than Apple and Symbian combined. While
Apple’s operating system (iOS) runs on Apple’s own devices,
the Android market features intense competition from a
large range of devices, including those by Samsung, HTC,
LG, and Chinese companies like ZTE and Huawei. In fact,
by 2013, Samsung had achieved 32% of the global smart-
phone market, followed by Apple, which had only 12%.9
According to some, the smartphone concept has
peaked in terms of innovation. Critics argue that just as
PCs and laptops are based on designs that haven’t substan-
tively changed since the 1980s, smartphones are at a stage
where most of the revolutionary innovation has already
happened. Consistent with this view is the suggestion that
new generations of devices won’t be as profitable either.
Others suggest that there is still room for much growth and
innovation. A driving force behind smartphone perfor-
mance more recently has been the ability to support third
party software, and specifically “apps.” In fact, this has
spawned a whole new industry—the mobile app develop-
ment industry. That has been a major source of additional
revenue for companies like Apple and Google.
Industry experts have observed that the desktop com-
puter market took a little more than 12 years to mature
(maturing by about 2008), and the laptop computer mar-
ket took 10 years (maturing by about 2012). Many of
these same experts have suggested that smartphones and
tablets are expected to mature in only a few more years.
This may be reflected in the trend toward price reductions.
As a recent news report observed:
The dropping asking prices for smartphones
caused by low-end market expansion, partic-
ularly in China, is putting added pressure on
mid-range vendors, while leaving open the
question of how long Apple can maintain its
premium pricing on the iPhone . . .10
Sources: The Bulletin, Is the global smartphone market saturated?
By Joe McKendrick on August 25, 2013 http://www.smartplanet.
Every 10 years, a cataclysm kills off most phone brands—the
next one is almost here By Tero Kuittinen on Feb 13, 2013 at
11:20 AM, BGR.com http://bgr.com/2013/02/13/smartphone-
The History of the Smartphone, By Brad McCarty, Tuesday,
6 Dec ‘11, 06:05 PM, TNW http://thenextweb.com/mobile/
How the Cellphone Got ‘Smart’, Frank berkman, 2012, http://
9 (reference: business insider, Steve Kovach, Nov. 14, 2013, http://www.ctpost.com/technology/businessinsider/ article/SAMSUNG-Why-We-re-So-Successful-Despite-The-4980767.php) 10 China drives smartphone growth—and low prices as—Android dominates, Charles Arthur, theguardian.com, Thursday 14 November 2013m, http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/nov/14/china-smartphone- android-google-iphone
248 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
As output grows further, economies of scale allow producers to generate more cost savings that drive prices even lower. This is another important cause of industry shakeouts. As product prices fall, inefficient producers come under significant competitive pressures and exit. Firms that are unable to match the economies of scale, production process improvements, and lower prices of the most efficient producers will be driven out of the market. Also, high-volume pro- ducers can afford to operate with lower profit margins while smaller firms are forced to exit.
Despite fierce competition and many exits, the high growth and reduction in uncer- tainty attracts many new entrants to the industry. Established firms from other industries that may have lagged behind the startups in entering now see the new industry as either poten- tially lucrative or threatening to their own assets and markets. They often enter by acquiring a firm already in the market rather than going through the trouble of starting a new division or subsidiary from scratch. Large firms bring tremendous resources to invest in distribution, marketing, and advertising to capture a greater share of the market, as well as expertise in efficient production and the capacity to withstand fierce price competition. This is the case, for example, with many pharmaceutical firms that acquired promising biotech ventures rather than developing their own internal R&D capabilities in biotechnology.
In the introduction phase, product innovation and R&D were critical skills for orga- nizations. After standardization, however, process innovation and sales and marketing become more important. This is a critical difference between the early and middle phases of the life cycle and explains why large firms with greater resources and expertise in pro- duction processes and sales and marketing can displace entrepreneurial startups that fail to capture a meaningful first-mover advantage through property rights (patents and trademarks), customer loyalty, or technological leadership. In the early market, organiza- tions were more likely to collaborate to increase aggregate sales and achieve legitimacy. In the growth phase, rivalry is much more intense and firms try to build brand recognition and position themselves for when the market will cease to grow as rapidly.
To see where certain industries fit in the industry life-cycle model, review Exhibit 7.3 .
The Maturity Phase: A Critical Transition In the mature stage, the third in the life cycle, growth in aggregate demand begins to slow. Markets start to become saturated as there are fewer new adopters to attract and so com- petition intensifies even more. This can, nevertheless, be a very profitable period for the surviving firms as the industry enters a period of relative stability. For example, between 1980 and 2000, the US beer brewing industry was in a mature phase and was dominated by three large firms that controlled 80% of the market (Anheuser-Busch: 47%; Miller: 23%; and Coors: 10%). Over the 20-year period, market shares were very stable, and no firm gained or lost more than about a single share point in any one year.
Despite the high degree of concentration in mature markets, rivalry is fierce. A single point of market share can mean millions of dollars in revenue, so firms spend large amounts of money on advertising and sometimes enter into damaging price wars to lure customers from the competition. Because technological knowledge has diffused to the far corners of the industry and patents may have expired, firms focus their innovative efforts on incremental improvements to products. This is the era where firms market the “new and improved” versions and 25 different scents and flavours in the hopes of differentiating their products ever so slightly from the competition’s. Incremental innovations also
mature phase The third phase in the industry life-cycle model, where the market stabilizes and sales grow more slowly. Firms must become more efficient during this stage.
249C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
Exhibit 7.3 Competition in Industry
Industry Life-Cycle Model Phases Industry Examples Company Examples
Introduction phase New biotechnology
• e.g., TEM liquid-flow holder
New green technology
• e.g., NRGI-ECO technology
• Protochips Inc.
Growth phase Tablet industry • Apple
• Amazon
• Samsung
• Microsoft
Online coupon industry • Groupon
• Dealfind
• Wagjag
Smartphone industry • Apple
• Samsung
• Nokia
Maturity phase Grocery industry • Loblaw
• Metro
• Longo’s
• Safeway
• Sobeys
• Walmart
• Costco
Automotive industry • Ford
• General Motors
• Chrysler
• Toyota
• Honda
• Mazda
• Volvo
Banking industry • RBC
• TD Canada Trust
• Bank of Montreal
• Scotiabank
• National Bank
Decline phase Tobacco industry • Reynolds
• Altria Group
• Lorillard
250 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
provide opportunities to extend the life cycle to delay the inevitable arrival of the decline stage. As consumers accumulate knowledge of the industry and its products over time, they become much more sophisticated and demanding buyers. This influences the indus- try’s trend toward the commoditization of its products and makes consumers even more price conscious, which in turn forces firms to continuously squeeze out more cost savings from their production processes (see Talking Business 7.6 ).
When there is very little product differentiation and consumers have become notori- ously fickle, power once held by the manufacturers now shifts to the distribution channel firms that control access to the customer. This is why shelf space is so critical in mature packaged goods markets like laundry detergent. When customers see very little difference between Tide and the competition, they will essentially grab whatever they have access to or what happens to be on sale. Similarly, grocery stores are under continued pressure to keep costs low to maintain their consumer base and to sell their many undifferentiated products.
Retailers who control and allocate shelf space have more bargaining power than they did in earlier phases, where customers would seek out a particular product because it pos- sessed features not shared by others.
commoditization The process by which a differentiated good becomes undifferentiated in the market. Consumers, thus, become more focused on price, which in turn forces firms to continuously squeeze out more cost savings from their production processes.
11 Oxford, A. (2011, August 26). PC sales down, but high end graphics holds steady. PC Gamer. Retrieved from www.pcgamer.com/2011/08/26/pc-sales-down-but-high-end-graphics-holds-steady .
The Aging Personal Computer Industry The personal computer (PC) was the invention that trans-
formed the 1980s. As the demand for typewriters diminished,
the PC opened up new opportunities for businesses to be
more efficient and productive by changing the way work was
performed. And of course, how would we access the Inter-
net? By the 1990s, the Internet (along with the PC) began to
be more widely used and businesses found new opportunities
to sell their goods and services online. Today the PC has
become widely used by businesses, schools, and individuals
across the planet. But has there been another change?
Normally, as the school year begins and the demand
for computers increases, sales in PCs should be up. But
this year, they are unexpectedly down, not just in Canada
but worldwide. One analyst found that PC shipments to
Western Europe were down by a surprising 19%. Acer, for
example, was badly hit, losing over one third of its sales in
comparison to last year.
Many analysts agree that the iPad has had an impact
on PC sales. For many consumers, the iPad offers just
what they need. If you want to browse the Internet, why
not browse the net from the comfort of your couch? Not
only that, you can also read books, play video games, and
much, much more.
According to Oxford, “No one, it seems, is buying any-
thing but iPads. Which is one of the reasons Hewlett-Packard
(HP) spectacularly announced . . . that it is selling off its PC
business altogether.” 11 Gartner, another analyst, explained
that along with tablets, future smartphones are expected to
become even more capable devices in the future.
Others speculate that lower PC sales may be due to a
lack of product innovation. For example, PC users them-
selves are not finding significant reasons to replace their
older models. Other than Windows 8, the more recent
operating system by Microsoft, there have not been any
new products to enhance the PC-user experience.
Slow growth in the economy is another factor. There
has been modest growth in the commercial sector and
some significant disruptions. The Japan earthquake in
2010 is one example that affected the PC industry.
Overall, the iPad is slowly starting to change how con-
sumers read, browse the Internet, and play video games.
However, there still might be a glimmer of hope for the
personal computer. New models of PCs are expected to
have thinner designs, longer battery life, and touchscreen
features. Innovation may be the key to keeping the PC
market alive. Only time will tell.
251C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
Given the scale required to compete efficiently, there is little if any entry at this stage of the life cycle. The sources of competitive advantage for firms reside in process engineer- ing to derive greater manufacturing and production efficiencies and reduce costs even more. This often means outsourcing and shedding activities that can be subcontracted more efficiently. In some industries, production will shift from advanced to developing countries during this stage to benefit from lower labour costs. In terms of the generic com- petitive strategies described in Chapter 5 , whereas differentiation was the favoured approach in the earlier stages, organizations that adopt a cost leadership strategy in mature markets tend to outperform their competitors.
The shift from a dynamic and technologically innovative environment with many small firms to a stable and cost-efficient market with few large rivals also requires a change in the type of organizational structure , as described in Chapter 4 . In the high-flying and uncertain early market, entrepreneurial startups need to be innovative, dynamic, and flexible. The organic structure, with its decentralized approach, limited hierarchy, and low formalization, is better suited to the environment of the introduction and early growth phases. In a mature market, where efficiency and cost-cutting matter more than innovation, the mechanistic structure, with its stricter rules, chain of command, and nar- row division of labour, is more appropriate. Making the transition from one structure to the next is difficult when organizations have been conditioned to behave a certain way. This is the main reason why few firms are able to remain industry leaders throughout the entire life cycle.
The Decline Phase: Difficult Choices An industry enters the decline stage when sales begin to fall. Competition may become especially fierce in the decline stage as firms face tough choices regarding the future. It is difficult to predict when this stage will materialize, and the time it takes for industries to reach the decline stage varies widely. Nevertheless, industry sales typically decline as a result of one of the following:
1. Changes in demographics: Toward the end of the baby boom in the 1960s, demand for baby food dropped and rivalry among the leading firms—Gerber, Heinz, and Beech- Nut—intensified considerably.
2. Shifting consumer tastes and needs: Social trends and health considerations have resulted in declining demand for cigarettes and tobacco products since the 1980s.
3. Technological substitution: Word processing software led to the decline of the type- writer industry; online streaming and downloading of movies is replacing DVDs, which replaced VHS cassette tapes as the medium of choice for movies. Sales of DVD players, discs, and movie rentals are therefore declining. (see Talking Business 7.7 )
A decline, though, does not necessarily equal the demise or death of the industry, and there are a number of strategic options available to organizations for dealing with a declining market. These choices are often highly dependent on the actions of rivals, however. If many competitors decide to exit the industry and liquidate their assets, this may lead to profitable opportunities for the remaining firms. If other firms merge, however, their increased market power may reduce opportunities for the remaining competitors.
decline phase The last phase in the industry life-cycle model, where aggregate sales drop and rivalry further heats up.
252 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
The home video gaming industry has been around for a
pretty long time. In May 1972, the first commercial home
video game console was created by Magnavox and was
called, the Odyssey. Other companies followed suit, includ-
ing the soon-to-be-famous Atari. Indeed, the 1970’s saw
an explosion in video games which would eventually
replace arcade or game shops. In 1975 Atari made one of
the most iconic video games in history, Pong. This company
dominated the industry from the late 70’s to the early 80’s
with its Atari 2600 game system. However, it met a formi-
dable foe by the 1980’s—Nintendo. In 1985, Nintendo
released their home video game console, the Nintendo
Entertainment System (NES) along with iconic games to fol-
low like Super Mario Bros, and the Legend of Zelda. 12
One might consider the early 1990’s as a shift from the
emergent to the growth phase along with the requisite
shakeout of sorts. The Super Nintendo Entertainment Sys-
tem which was launched in 1990 set a standard in the
minds of gamers. Consequently, over a dozen other game
console makers including Sega were overshadowed and
soon forgotten. Sega stuck around for a little while longer
with a relatively small market and it presented its final
machine, the Dreamcast, toward the end of the 1990’s. By
the year 2000, only three big players remained to largely
“own” the market—Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.
For decades consoles were the mainstay of the video game
industry and the fact is there is still more profits to be had—the
global game consoles industry is estimated to reach $16.9
billion by 2018. 13
However, there is also evidence that the pop-
ularity of consoles is dwindling. Consoles have seen increased
processing power of their machines, enabling greater graphi-
cal fidelity in games and more realistic effects. There have been
other innovations such as controller free gaming in recent
years. Nevertheless, it does seem that this industry is well past
the growth stage where radical innovation and rapidly increas-
ing market share characterised the market. If the industry has
reached maturity, might it get pushed into decline soon?
So, the question is: Is the video game console industry
“past its prime”?
According to a recent article in the Economist:
“At first glance, that seems like an odd question.
Video games have never been more popular. The
industry is worth around $80 billion worldwide,
about the same as the global film industry, and
the biggest titles comfortably out earn block-
buster movies. No longer is gaming a pastime for
teenaged boys: the average gamer in America is
34, and around two-fifths of players are women.
A generation who grew up with games have
kept on playing; many now play video games
(such as “Lego Star Wars”) with their children.” 13
Nonetheless, the increasing popularity of mobile tech-
nology like smartphones, as well as Facebook have come to
provide games at a lower price and in greater abundance.
All this along with free-to-play games disrupted the video-
game console industry. Consequently, the emergence of
tablets and smartphones as substitutes for game consoles
has meant that the industry has taken a downturn during
the last five years. 14
As computing hardware, like tablets,
become increasingly powerful, mobile and affordable, con-
soles will likely continue to lose market share to them.
There was a time where consoles reigned supreme over
the video game market—but that is no longer the case. Once
mobile devices like tablets achieved graphic richness and
computing power comparable to consoles, the “tide
turned.” In terms of trends, new and more powerful tablets
come out every year, in contrast to the launch of new con-
soles which traditionally has been about every seven years.
While critics argue that all this will draw sales away from
consoles, which are relatively more expensive and non-portable,
supporters of consoles argue that no smartphone screen can
match the experience of gaming on a high-powered console
attached to a large-screen television. Those supporters
believe that with each new generation of consoles sales will
once again increase. They believed that the introduction of a
new generation of consoles in 2013 would reverse that
trend. The question is can the Wii U, PlayStation and Xbox
consoles sustain sales in an age of video game mobility?
Are Mobile Devices Killing the Video Game Console Industry?
12 From Pong to DriveClub for PS4: A Brief History of Video Games, August 27, 2013, Jim Donahue, http:// guardianlv.com/2013/08/jd-from-pong-to-driveclub-for-ps4-a-brief-history-of-video-games/ 13 The Economist explainshttp://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2013/05/economist- explains-17, Is it curtains for video-game consoles? May 26th 2013 14 Mobile Kills the Console But Advances the Gaming Industry, By Kevin Chou, 01.31.13. http://www.wired. com/opinion/2013/01/how-mobile-kills-the-console-but-advances-the-gaming-industry/
253C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
Organizations have five basic alternatives in the decline phase:
1. Maintain a leadership stance: A leadership strategy requires a firm to continue investing in marketing, support, and product development, hoping that competitors will eventually exit the market. Despite declining sales and profit margins, there may still be opportunities to generate above-average returns for firms that remain the industry leaders during this phase.
2. Pursue a niche strategy: The objective of a niche strategy is to find a specific segment of the industry that may not decline as rapidly as the rest and where the firm can expect to possess some form of competitive advantage to discourage direct competi- tion in the niche. For example, a tobacco firm facing declining cigarette sales may decide to focus exclusively on the more robust cigar market and defend that niche heavily against competitors by investing in marketing and sales support.
A firm can ultimately choose to switch to a harvest, exit, or consolidation strategy after having pursued a leadership or niche approach; however, the reverse is not true.
3. Harvest profits: The harvesting profits strategy requires squeezing as much remaining profit as possible from the industry by drastically reducing costs. The firm must elimi- nate or severely restrict investments in the industry and take advantage of existing strengths to generate incremental sales. This strategy is ultimately followed by the firm’s exit from the industry.
4. Exit early: The exit early strategy allows firms to recover some of their prior invest- ments in the industry by exiting the market early in the decline phase, when assets may still be valuable to others and there is greater uncertainty concerning the speed of the decline. Some firms also choose to exit the industry during the mature phase to truly maximize the value from the sale of its assets. Once decline becomes evident, assets are worth much less to potential buyers, who are in a stronger bargaining position. The risk of exiting so early is that an organization’s forecast for decline may prove inaccurate.
An important point to remember is that just as there are barriers to entering an industry, there are also barriers to exiting a market. A firm may have specialized assets, such as plants and equipment, that cannot be easily redeployed by other busi- nesses. This greatly diminishes their resale value and acts as an exit barrier. Firms may also face high costs due to labour settlements if they exit an industry. The social cost of closing a plant in a region that is economically dependent on the industry can also hinder a smooth exit. Finally, there are nonrational exit barriers linked to the cogni- tive and emotional barriers that managers face in divestment decisions. Exiting an industry can be perceived as a sign of failure, and managers that have a strong emo- tional identification and commitment to an industry are understandably reluctant to admit defeat when they have worked hard at being successful.
5. Consolidate: A consolidation strategy involves acquiring at a reasonable price the best of the remaining firms in the industry. This allows the acquirer to enhance its market power and generate economies of scale and synergies to further reduce costs and make up for declining demand. For example, in the online brokerage industry, sales and profits have declined following the market crash of 2000. Fewer people were trading stocks online, putting pressure on companies like Ameritrade and E-Trade to compensate. While E-Trade responded by entering the growing banking and mortgage markets to diversify its sources of revenue, Ameritrade went on an acquisition binge. Starting with its 2001 acquisition of National Discount Brokers, Ameritrade has devoured several of its smaller competitors: Daytek in 2002; Mydiscountbroker.com and National Brokerage in 2003;
leadership strategy An alterna- tive for firms that are in the decline phase of their industry life cycle whereby the firm continues to invest in marketing, support, and product development, hoping that competi- tors will eventually exit the market.
niche strategy A strategy whereby the firm focuses on a spe- cific segment of the industry where it can expect to possess some form of competitive advantage.
exit early strategy An alterna- tive for firms that are in the decline phase of their industry life cycle whereby the firm recovers some of its prior investments by selling off assets to others and exiting the market.
harvesting profits strategy An alternative for firms that are in the decline phase of their industry life cycle whereby the firm tries to squeeze as much remaining profit as possible from the industry by drastically reducing costs.
consolidation strategy An alternative for firms that are in the decline phase of their industry life cycle whereby a firm acquires the best of the remaining firms in the market to enhance its market power, to generate economies of scale, and to allow for synergies.
254 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Bidwell and J.B. Oxford in 2004; and TD Waterhouse for $2.9 billion in 2005. Analysts claimed that the only way for discount brokers to survive the decline in online trading— besides another unlikely stock market bubble—was to merge to generate economies of scale and become more efficient. Ameritrade claimed it would generate more than $500 million in savings by merging its operations with TD Waterhouse.
Exhibit 7.4 shows a summary of the key characteristics of the different industry life- cycle stages.
INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY Types of Innovation As our discussion of industry life cycles suggested, technological innovation is a key driver of industry evolution. Radically new innovations or technological discontinuities can create entirely new industries such as automobiles or cellphones have done, or seriously disrupt existing ones such as jet engines in the aircraft industry or digital cameras in the photography industry.
Radical innovations: When a new technical process or advancement marks a sig- nificant departure from existing practices; they often create a whole new industry (such as automobiles or wireless phones have done). These innovations are often referred to as discontinuous because they do not continue to build on the previous technological regime, but instead mark a shift to a completely new technology. An example would be the shift to jet engines in aircrafts, which did not build on the previous propeller-based technology.
Objective 2 Identify different types of innovations.
Radical innovations When a new technical process or advancement marks a significant departure from existing practices; they often create a whole new industry (such as auto- mobiles or wireless phones have done). These innovations are often referred to as discontinuous because they do not continue to build on the previous technological regime, but instead mark a shift to a completely new technology. An example would be the shift to jet engines in aircrafts, which did not build on the previous propeller-based technology.
Market Growth Slow Very Rapid Moderate Negative
Customers Affluent, early
technology adopters
Niche markets,
increasing penetration
mass market, repeat
Late adopters,
knowledgeable users,
residual segments
Rivalry Low; technological
Increasing; entry and
exit; shakeout
Intense; increased
concentration; exit
Price wars; exit; merg-
ers and acquisitions;
asset liquidation
Critical Functional
Research and
Sales and marketing Production and
General management
and finance
Products Very wide variety of
Standardization Commoditization Continued
Rapid product
Product and process
Very little innovation
Organic Organic Mechanistic Mechanistic
Generic Strategies Product differentiation Product differentiation Cost leadership Cost leadership/focus
Key Objectives Increase awareness;
achieve legitimacy;
specify dominant design
Create demand;
capture market share
Cost efficiency;
extend life cycle
Market or niche lead-
ership; cost reduction;
consolidation; exit
Exhibit 7.4 Characteristics of the Industry Life-Cycle Stages
255C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
Incremental innovations: Making relatively minor improvements or modifications to an existing product or practice in the hopes of differentiating it from the competition. It is also a way to extend the life cycle of the product, delaying the inevitable onset of the decline stage.
How innovative is Canada? Talking Business 7.8 discusses this issue. Another way to classify innovations relates to the systemic nature of products and
how their components interact. Most products can be thought of as a system of compo- nents that interact based on an architectural design to achieve a desired purpose. There are thus two aspects of systems here: the type and nature of the components, and how they are organized—the system’s architecture. Innovations that involve changes to the product’s components but leave the overall configuration of the system relatively intact are called component or modular innovations. For example, changes in the materials used in automo- bile bodies from steel to lighter-weight aluminum composites are component innovations. An innovation that alters the system’s architecture or how the components interact and are linked with each other is an architectural innovation. Most architectural innovations, however, also require changes in the modules or components. A laptop computer is an architectural innovation given that it changes the standard configuration of a personal computer by making it portable, yet the components—microchip, operating system, key- board, screen—remain essentially the same. A tablet is another architectural innovation.
Incremental innovations Making relatively minor improve- ments or modifications to an existing product or practice in the hopes of differentiating it from the competition. It is also a way to extend the life cycle of the product, delaying the inevitable onset of the decline stage.
acquired on campus, and the skills needed to succeed in
the work place.
In the other categories in “How Canada Performs,”
our recent rankings were modest to downright mediocre.
Similarly, the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitive
Index for 2012–13 placed Canada a dismal 14th. Perhaps
more importantly, Canada’s rankings for many of these
indicators have been in a slow but steady decline for a
number of years, taking us further and further away from
that treasured number one position . . .
So what can be done about it? If you want to be the best,
you have to be prepared to adopt leading-edge practices and
then commit to refining those practices every day through
constant innovation. The fundamental message from these
generally mediocre and declining grades is that change is
required—specifically, that we need to be more innovative,
nimble, and unafraid to adapt across Canadian society.
Source: Excerpted from Hodgson, G. (2012, December 20). Hey
Canada! Are we really the best at anything—even hockey?
Reprinted with permission from The Conference Board of Canada.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/economics/hot_eco_
anything%E2%80%94even_hockey.aspx .
Is Canada on the Leading Edge?
The Conference Board’s annual report card, called “How
Canada Performs,” assesses Canada’s relative global per-
formance in the economy, education, the environment,
health, innovation, and society. By far our highest recent
score was in education, where Canada ranked second and
got an “A” grade in 2012, particularly for our K-to-12
education system. But education insiders know that prob-
lems are brewing in our post-secondary education system,
where our institutions are generally not well-aligned and
where there is a wide gap between the knowledge
© Philippe-Olivier Con/Fotolia
256 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Information and communications technology (ICT) is a
dominant and pervasive part of modern life. We talk,
Tweet, and text on cell phones; work, shop, and entertain
ourselves on the Internet. ICT drives corporate growth, the
global distribution of jobs, and the value of investments. It
spurs innovation and competition and affects our lives—
our health, our education, and our personal relation-
ships—in ways unimaginable only a few years ago.
Information and communication technology (ICT) is an
umbrella term that includes any communication device or
application—including radio, television, cellular phones, com-
puter and network hardware and software, and satellite
systems, as well as the various services and applications associ-
ated with them, such as video conferencing, social networks,
and distance learning. ICT is often considered a general pur-
pose technology. It can be adapted to multiple applications.
ICT Is Everywhere—All the Time
Compared to the development of steam power or the auto-
mobile, ICT’s growth and diffusion has happened with
astounding speed—something that is proving to be a double-
edged sword. For example, in the United States, the percent-
age of households with a broadband connection rose from
4.4 percent in 2000 to 63.5 percent in 2009. In the other G7
countries, the number of broadband subscribers per inhabit-
ant increased by multiples of 5 or more during that period.
ICT’s spread is often outpacing our ability to develop new
processes, methods, regulations, and organizational struc-
tures to take full advantage of technologies—or, in some
cases, control them. The interactive connectivity of modern
ICT, especially the communications component of ICT,
upends established social roles and norms—the analogue to
the “creative destruction” it causes in the marketplace.
But, on the whole, when allowed to run its course, ICT
is creating more winners than losers across the globe and,
in many ways, is leveling the playing field, economically
and socially, between advanced and emerging economies
and societies.
The Linked World
While much of the attention paid to ICT has been focused
on the producers and their products, The Linked World:
How ICT Is Transforming Societies, Cultures, and Economies
examines how technology is reshaping society and, in turn,
is being shaped by society.
The result of a two-year global research project led by The
Conference Board and underwritten by the Telefónica Foun-
dation, The Linked World shows that modern ICT applica-
tions contribute significantly to economic growth and
innovation, but spread only gradually across economies and
geographies. While the benefits and costs to society that ICT
generates are not as easy to measure as the economic ones,
it is clear that maximizing ICT’s net benefits requires strategic
and policy commitment and persistence. Complementary
essentials to ICT’s full use take time to develop—digital books
need a convenient e-Reader, educational software needs
trained teachers, and e-government services need a techno-
logically adept citizenry. Also, variation in use by age, gender,
and social and cultural groups reveals barriers to realizing
ICT’s full potential that are not easily overcome, but can be
guided by a well-developed ICT policy.
Changing W3hat We Do and How We Do It
The impact of technology on economies and societies
introduces fundamental changes whose full effects will
only be revealed over time. Some examples include:
The Linked World: How ICT Is Transforming Societies, Cultures, and Economies
Researchers have shown that organizations have a much more difficult time integrat- ing and adapting to architectural innovations compared to modular innovations. Clearly, technology has complex effects on our society, as discussed in Talking Business 7.9 .
From an organizational perspective, it is useful to think of innovations in relation to an organization’s skills and competencies. Technological innovations that build on a firm’s exist- ing knowledge and skills in certain areas are called competence-enhancing innovations. Con- versely, a competence-destroying innovation is one that renders obsolete an organization’s technical skills and capabilities. A key point to remember is that whether a technological
257C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
Economies Rapid Growth: ICT use enhances multifactor productivity growth (i.e., the ability of the economy to
grow faster than all of its inputs are growing).
Consumer Value: Gains from the switch to ever-faster
broadband have hugely benefited consumers because of
lower prices for higher quality.
Catching Up: While ICT investment levels are still much
higher in advanced countries, emerging countries are rapidly
catching up in terms of investment intensity and productivity
Anytime, Anywhere: Businesses have much more geo-
graphical flexibility. While distance and transportation costs
remain important, ICT plays an increasingly significant role
in facilitating globalization and its effects, both negative
and positive, for the home country.
Societies Information Overload: Decision making (both in business and in personal lives) is more complicated
because of the flood of information at an advanced
speed—not all of it accurate, but all of it instant.
Who Owns What? Existing structures for ownership
and control of knowledge are in flux because of the devel-
opment of interactive connectivity. Laws regarding intellec-
tual property rights lag behind the technology and its uses.
Who Really Knows Best? Experts’ authority can be chal-
lenged because of the ready availability of information.
Individuals See You Soon? Mobile communication is not eroding social interaction, but, rather, can actually
boost face time.
Seller Beware: Consumers are smarter and more dis-
cerning with access to specialized information about prod-
ucts and services.
So Who Wants to Know? Formerly personal informa-
tion can seep into the public domain, raising questions
about its ownership and the notion of privacy.
ICT’s Impact on Everyday Life
While ICT is growing economies and shrinking the world,
it is also having some surprising and sometimes counterin-
tuitive effects on our everyday lives, including:
How We Learn The availability of ICT at home is posi- tively related to learning performance, yet the intensity of
ICT use at home is negatively related to learning perfor-
mance. While ICT use has a positive relationship with stu-
dent attitudes toward math and science, which contributes
positively to performance, there is a negative relationship
between computer use at home and reading performance.
ICT availability contributes to use, but insufficient invest-
ment in soft infrastructure (teacher skills and organiza-
tional changes) can limit its impact. Of the countries
studied, only in the United States, where large investments
have been made in training teachers in ICT use, is there a
positive relationship between ICT use at school and per-
formance in the classroom.
How We Work Advances and investment in ICT will con- tinue to reduce the forces that require large clusters of a
firm’s and an industry’s employment to be in the same
physical location. Jobs in occupations that can be per-
formed remotely, such as accounting, computer program-
ming, and reservations, will continue to spread out. While
offshoring may result in lower wages or lost jobs in the
home country, it can also allow home workers to special-
ize in more productive tasks and, thus, receive higher pay
and boost productivity.
How We Heal The doctor-patient relationship has changed as a result of medical information from the Inter-
net, which has greatly empowered and emancipated
patients. Physicians believe that ICT has a neutral impact
on diagnosis, causes increased workload, and results in
deterioration of the scope of services offered and the doc-
tor-patient relationship. On the other hand, patients value
the reduction in waiting times that more efficient schedul-
ing allows.
How We Interact The popularity of social networking sites represents a shift away from online communities
organized around common interests toward communities
organized around networks of people. And when it comes
to an individual’s relationship with government, there is a
positive spin: citizens’ online interactions with government
drive a reduction in corruption and improve trust. The
young use the Internet more intensively than the old and
the most educated more than the least educated. Yet
there are significant, unexplained variations across coun-
tries in the size of these differences. An “overdose” expo-
sure to online content may lead people (especially children)
to expect things instantaneously and to be less creative
because they don’t need to figure things out for them-
selves (a “copy and paste” culture.)
Source: Excerpted from The Conference Board of Canada.
(2011). Executive summary. The linked world: How ICT is
transforming societies, cultures, and economies. Reprinted
with permission.
258 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
this process . . . that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one. This process of Creative Destruction is the essential fact about capitalism. It is what capitalism con- sists in and what every capitalist concern has got to live in. 15
discontinuity is competence enhancing or destroying is often a matter of perspective. The same innovation can be competence destroying to one organization and competence enhanc- ing to another, depending on their current knowledge base. Electronic calculators replaced slide rules as the tool of choice for engineers and mathematicians in the 1970s. This discon- tinuous innovation did not build on the knowledge of making slide rules and forced the larg- est US slide rule manufacturer, Keuffel & Esser, out of the market. The calculator did, however, build on the electronics capabilities of firms like Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Texas Instruments (TI) that came to dominate the market. The calculator was thus competence destroying for slide rule makers yet competence enhancing for firms like HP and TI.
The Evolution of Technology Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950), an Austrian economist and professor at Harvard, was among the first to emphasize the role of technical progress and entrepreneurship as the driving forces of capitalist economies. In his work, he stressed the evolutionary and cyclical nature of industries that were periodically disrupted by the introduction of revolutionary innovations. Certainly, even traditional industries such as health care may benefit from new technologies, as seen in Talking Business 7.10 . In his most popular book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy , he coined the colourful and now famous expression of creative destruction to explain how innovations swept away old technologies, skills, products, ideas, and industries and replaced them with new ones:
Objective 3 Understand the relationship between tech-
nological evolution and industry
evolution and describe the key
features of technology life-cycle
creative destruction A term that explains how innovations sweep away old technologies, skills, products, ideas, and industries and replace them with new ones.
15 Schumpeter, J. (1942 [1975]). Capitalism, socialism and democracy . New York, NY: Harper.
[Many years ago], the September-October issue of Harvard
Business Review posed the question, “Will Disruptive
Innovations Cure Health Care?” In this article, the authors
encouraged health care professionals to embrace disrup-
tive technologies that may threaten the status quo but will
ultimately raise the quality and performance of the health
care system for everyone.
How have Canadian health care professionals suc-
ceeded in embracing disruptive innovations since this arti-
cle was published? Let’s consider a disruptive technology
that has existed for three decades—the electronic medical
record (EMR). The 2012 Commonwealth Fund’s Interna-
tional Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians
revealed that Canada lags behind other countries in EMR
use, with only 56% of doctor’s reporting usage in their
practices. Clearly, Canada has some catching up to do,
especially considering the rate of technological advance-
ment. As new inventions are leveraged to create the next
generation of technology, the capability of electronic
devices is now growing exponentially.
Embracing Disruption: Lessons from Building the First Quantum Computer
259C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
Share of survey respondents who said
they use EMRs, %
United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
At a recent meeting of the Centre for the Advancement
of Health Innovation, Jeremy Hilton, Vice-President, Proces-
sor Development at D-Wave Systems, discussed the poten-
tially disruptive capability of a quantum computer. Quantum
computing leverages the most fundamental mechanics of
the universe to perform logic operations. This computing
model is different from classical computation which adds
numbers at blazingly fast speeds. In comparison, quantum
computing allows for exponential increases in computing
speed. But what does this mean for health care?
For all of the non-physicists in the audience, Mr. Hilton
illustrated the potential of quantum computing using a
comic book scenario:
Consider the 150 million units of information
currently stored in the Library of Congress. An
evil villain has hidden a piece of information
somewhere in the library that holds the key to
stopping his plot for world domination. It is up
to you, the hero, to stop the villain from taking
over the world. The first solution that comes to
mind involves physically searching through
each and every item in the library; however,
even searching at the rate of one item per sec-
ond would take you five years. A much faster
solution can be devised using the quantum
principles of superposition and entanglement.
Superposition would allow you to create 150
million copies of yourself, with all searching the
library simultaneously. Under the principle of
entanglement, all of those copies can interact
with each other and then separate, so that the
only copy that finds the information will be left
to exist and all the other copies will disappear.
D-Wave is currently investigating the use of quantum
computing in understanding protein folding. Mr. Hilton
explains “if we could understand the structure of proteins
we would know what drugs can interfere with their activity.”
D-Wave is also developing algorithms that can detect cancer
based on x-ray information. This work is complex as machines
do not work like a human brain—a machine cannot look at
a picture and determine the problem the way that a human
can. D-Wave’s algorithms work much more similarly to the
human brain.
Many health experts believe that in the next five to ten
years, quantum computing will radically improve the abil-
ity to understand, treat and cure diseases. This technology
will have a disruptive impact in numerous fields: machine
intelligence, internet, intelligence, data security and many
others. There is a need for new and innovative ways to
leverage this potential. This can only be achieved, how-
ever, if Canadians break with their past performance and
embrace disruption.
Source: Excerpted from Lye, J. (2013, January 14). Embracing disrup-
tion: Lessons from building the first quantum computer. Reprinted
with permission from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.ca/commentaries/healthinnovation/
the_first_quantum_computer.aspx .
260 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
In recent years, researchers have built on Schumpeter’s ideas to further understand the process of technological innovation and evolution. The Abernathy-Utterback model, based primarily on their study of the automobile industry, forms the basis for most of the work that has followed on the technology life-cycle concept. 16 It states that technologies evolve from a fluid phase through a transitional phase to a specific phase (see Exhibit 7.5 ). When a new technology is initially introduced, it is still in a state of flux and there are a lot of technical as well as marketplace uncertainties. As the industry grows, a dominant design emerges and competition shifts from introducing new product features to meeting the needs of specific customers, which are by then well under- stood. A dominant design allows for the standardization of
parts and the optimization of organizational processes for volume and efficiency; therefore, in the specific phase, competition is based more on price than product features.
Anderson and Tushman build on this model to introduce the evolutionary notion of punctuated equilibrium to the study of industry evolution. 17 They studied several indus- tries over long periods and showed that technological discontinuities tend to appear at rare and irregular intervals. These discontinuities trigger an era of ferment, a period of substantial product-class variation that ends with the emergence of a dominant design. Once a dominant design emerges, future technical progress consists of incremental improvements that elaborate on the standard. The era of incremental change (usually coin- ciding with the industry maturity stage) is a much longer period of relative stability and equilibrium. These long periods of incremental change are punctuated by technological discontinuities, hence the reference to a punctuated equilibrium (see Exhibit 7.6 ).
Technological Forecasting One of the problems with the Abernathy-Utterback and Anderson-Tushman models is that, while useful descriptions of technological evolution, they do not help in predicting when a discontinuity will occur. Although it is virtually impossible to accurately predict when a technological discontinuity will appear, we can make more informed analyses of technologi- cal trajectories using S-curves. Foster introduced the concept of the S-curve to explain the
punctuated equilibrium A pat- tern that shows, over long periods, that technological discontinuities tend to appear at rare and irregular intervals in industries.
17 Anderson & Tushman, 1990.
16 Abernathy, W.J., & Utterback, J.M. (1978). Patterns of industrial innovation. Technology Review, 80 (7), 40–47; Utterback, J.M. (1994). Mastering the dynamics of innovation. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Technological Discontinuity
Dominant Design
Era of Ferment Era of
Incremental Change
Exhibit 7.6 A Cyclical Model of Technological Change
Source: Based on Anderson,
P.A., & Tushman, M. (1990).
Technological discontinuities
and dominant designs: A
cyclical model of technological
change. Administrative Science
Quarterly, 35, 604–633.
Source: Based on Abernathy,
W.J., & Utterback, J.M. (1978).
Patterns of industrial innova-
tion. Technology Review, 80 (7),
Exhibit 7.5 Technological Life Cycle
R a te
o f
M a jo
r In
n o
va ti
o n
Specific PhaseTransitional Phase
Fluid Phase
Product Innovation
Process Innovation
Dominant Design
261C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
rate of advance of a technology 18 (see Exhibit 7.7 ). When a new technology emerges, progress starts off slowly, then increases very rapidly as the technology is better understood and firms pour more efforts into research and development. As the physical limits of the technology are reached and the returns to engineering efforts start to decrease, the rate of technical progress begins to diminish. A new technology able to overcome the physical limits of the old one will then trigger a new S-curve so that performance keeps improv- ing with successive generations of S-curves.
Technological progress of the past 30 years in the computer industry has been driven in large part by what has become known as Moore’s law , after Intel cofounder Gordon Moore. In 1965, Moore predicted that the power and performance of microchips would double every 18 months as a function of semiconductor manufac- turers’ ability to double the number of transistors on a chip. This prediction has proven fairly accurate, and the rate of technical advance in microprocessor technology has in fact been exponential. These technological achievements are based on a strategy of con- tinually shrinking the size of the transistors on chips so that electrons have less distance to travel, thereby speeding up the processing of data. As circuits get packed closer and closer on chips, however, they begin to overheat and performance suffers. This drop in performance signals that the current microchip technology is reaching the peak of its S-curve as the phys- ical limits to shrinking transistor sizes are reached. In order for semiconductor firms like Intel and AMD to continue to generate performance improvements in line with Moore’s law, a new technological discontinuity will have to replace the current strategy of miniaturization.
Several innovations are already in the works. One involves replacing a single high-speed processor with two or three that don’t need to be as speedy, linked together on the same chip. A second, even more radical innovation entails stacking circuits in a three-dimensional man- ner and arranging chip functions vertically rather than in a flat, horizontal design as current chips are configured. This technique promises to generate dramatic performance gains—some claim quantum leaps—and even reduce power consumption. Even though these innovations will require overhauling all the software running on chips and devising new methods for chip design and assembly, they may ultimately allow manufacturers to make the jump to the next technological S-curve and resume the phenomenal progress of Moore’s law.
TECHNOLOGY AND THE CHANGING WORKPLACE The relationship of employees and organizations has been undergoing tremendous change and will continue to do so. Many years ago in his book entitled The End of Work , Jeremy Rifkin talked about how the nature of work itself is changing. That is, the nature of work or the type of work we will perform in the future may be dramatically different from what we did for most of the 20th century. It is argued that the job itself is becoming an artifact, and the task of organizations is to create the “post-job” organization.
Objective 4 Describe how technology is changing the
18 Foster, R. (1986). The S-curve: A new forecasting tool. In Innovation: The attacker’s advantage (pp. 88–111). New York, NY: Summit Books, Simon and Schuster.
Exhibit 7.7 Foster’s Technological S-Curve
Source: Based on Chistensen, C.M. (1992). “Exploring the
Limits of the Technology S-Curve”. Production and Opera-
tions Management (1). Reprinted by permission of John
Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Cumilative Development Effort
P e rf
o rm
a n
262 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
How will the job disappear, and why should organizations shift away from jobs? Though this sounds mystifying, much of this can be understood in the context within which we have explained many of the changes to organizational design. To clarify, we are not actually referring to disappearing jobs in terms of the number of jobs lost or job losses in certain industries, but rather the very notion of the job itself is becoming outdated. In the future people will continue to work, but not within the familiar envelopes that we call jobs. And in fact, many organizations are already becoming “de-jobbed” (see Talking Business 7.11 ).
Rifkin argues that what we think of as a “job” is really a social artifact. That is, it is based on an idea that emerged in the late 19th century to package the work that needed to be done in the growing factories and bureaucracies of industrialized societies. Before that time, people worked just as hard, but at shifting clusters of tasks, depending on the needs of the day. In a sense, Taylor and scientific management helped build our concept of jobs as compartmentalized, specialized tasks that we are trained to perform. However, the conditions that created this notion of the job have changed dramatically over 200 years: Mass production and large bureaucratic organizations are vanishing.
Technology allows us to automate the assembly line, so masses of unskilled labour are much less needed. Large firms are also outsourcing much of their activities. So, given that the conditions under which jobs were created have changed, we are redefining not just organizational structure, but also how work should be performed—not in the traditional jobs that led our thinking for most of the 20th century.
Technological change has led to restructuring of US labour
markets and the loss of bargaining power for some work-
ers, especially those in lower skilled jobs.
The fact that technological change reduces the demand
for low-skilled workers is nothing new—remember the tele-
phone operators who were replaced by electronic switch-
boards. However, the impact of technological change has
moved up the income ladder in recent years. The automation
of routine jobs is no longer simply a problem for low-skilled
workers—technology now affects workers in the middle class
with medium skills as well. For instance, computer programs
are capable of reviewing case law and legal precedent more
efficiently than humans, which has lowered the demand for
legal clerks. The analysis of X-rays by technicians can be out-
sourced to India and the growing use of pattern-recognition
software implies that eventually, these jobs may be completely
computerized—which will boost productivity in health care.
Technology and outsourcing helps explain why the incomes
of low- and middle-class families have stagnated over the past
few decades, but it doesn’t adequately address the issue of
why pay for the super-rich CEOs has soared so much in the
past 10 to 15 years. One possible explanation could be the
increasing use of stock options since the early 1990s. Ironically,
legislation passed by Congress in 1993 may have inadvertently
contributed to the rise of stock option compensation for
CEOs. This law limited the tax deductibility of any compensa-
tion above $1 million in the form of standard salary and bonus
pay. As a consequence, companies started to increase the
portion of CEO pay in stock options. This factor, combined
with surging profitability at the time, has resulted in astronom-
ical pay in the tens of millions of dollars for CEOs. Many CEOs
now make even more money than professional athletes!
Unfortunately, the long-term trend in sluggish income
growth for middle- and lower-class families is not going away
anytime soon. Globalization has increased the supply of low-
skilled workers in the world economy, depressing wages of
similar workers in the United States. The impact of techno-
logical change on the incomes of medium-skilled workers will
continue. What should young people do to counteract these
forces and succeed in an ultra-competitive global labour mar-
ket? The answer is simple: Get as much education as possible.
Source: Kip Beckman, “Is Income Inequality a Fact of Life in the
U.S. Economy?” (February 06, 2012). The Conference Board of
Canada. Reprinted with permission.
Will Technology Replace Middle-Class Jobs?
263C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
It is understandable that with so much change occurring around us the very nature of the type of work we perform within these organizations must also somehow be changing! For example, in place of full-time jobs, we are seeing more and more temporary and part-time work situa- tions. That is simply one manifestation of a greater underlying change: The fact is, organizations are essentially moving away from a structure built for the performance of jobs into simply a field of work needing to be done. In other words, specialization or division of labour encouraged us to become pre- occupied with filling jobs and positions rather than simply focusing on performing the work that needs to be done.
In a relatively stable environment, rigid jobs are fine for performing the work; however, the increasingly dynamic nature of our environment seems to almost continuously require new skills and new combinations of work; a philosophy that is wedded to a “jobs mentality” is simply too slow to adapt. This is the new, post-job world. The acceler- ation of disruptive innovations will continue to shape our workplace and the evolution of indus- tries. See Exhibit 7.8 for a summary of major inno- vations throughout history.
CHAPTER SUMMARY Competitive processes evolve in a remarkably predictable manner in most industries. Under- standing what to expect and what drives evolution along the life cycle of an industry is critical for managers needing to steer their organizations through turbulent times. In this chapter, we identified the major phases and milestones that mark an industry’s evolutionary path from introduction and growth to maturity and decline. At each stage of the industry life cycle, the skills and capabilities needed to survive and grow change in significant ways. We examined the nature of these changes as competition evolves in markets that go from fragmented and fast- growing to concentrated and declining. We considered the role played by technological inno- vation in shaping industry evolution. This chapter also examined different models for the evolution of technology and predicting the path of technological progress.
Key Terms cognitive legitimacy 241
commoditization 250
consolidation strategy 253
creative destruction 258
de facto standard 245
de jure standard 245
decline phase 251
dominant design 245
exit early strategy 253
growth phase 245
harvesting profits strategy 253
incremental innovations 255
industry life-cycle model 237
Year Innovation
1023 Paper money first printed in China
1800 The battery is invented by Count Alessandro
1814 First steam locomotive invented by George Stephenson
1829 The typewriter is invented by W.A. Burt
1861 The bicycle is invented by Ernest Michaux
1876 The telephone is invented by Alexander Graham Bell
1902 The air conditioner is invented by Willis Carrier
1959 The microchip is invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
1965 The compact disc is invented by James Russell
1972 The word processor is invented
1979 The cellphone is invented
1981 The first IBM personal computer is invented
1984 The Apple Macintosh computer is invented
1991 The World Wide Web is invented
1995 The DVD is invented
1998 Google is started by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
1999 The first smartphone (BlackBerry) is invented
2001 The iPod is invented
2004 Facebook is created
Source: Compiled from Stringer, L. (2010). The green workplace
(pp. 204–205). New York, NY: Palrave Macmillam.
Exhibit 7.8 A History of Innovations
264 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
introductory phase 238
leadership strategy 253
mature phase 248
niche strategy 253
punctuated equilibrium 260
radical innovations 254
shakeout 245
sociopolitical legitimacy 241
Discussion Questions 1. Identify and explain the four phases of the industry life-
cycle model.
2. Explain the difference between sociopolitical legitimacy and cognitive legitimacy.
3. Compare and contrast a de jure standard with a de facto standard.
4. Identify one industry in the introductory phase and sup- port your answer with theoretical references.
5. Identify three industries that are in the growth phase and support your answer with theoretical references.
6. Identify three industries that are in the mature phase and support your answer with theoretical references.
7. Identify three industries that are in the decline phase and support your answer with theoretical references.
8. A decline in sales can be triggered by three causes. What are these causes?
9. Explain the five options available to organizations to deal with declining sales.
10. What phase of the industry life-cycle model do you think the “sports-card collecting” industry fits into and why?
Multiple-Choice Questions Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. Over the long run, almost all industries exhibit a. an upward sloping curve
b. an inverted U-shape growth pattern
c. a downward sloping growth pattern
d. none of the above
2. The industry life-cycle model has ______ distinct phases. a. one b. two
c. three d. four
3. The mature phase is characterized by a. slower growth b. higher growth
c. rapid growth d. negative growth
4. Newer industries can have a. high fragmentation b. experimental technology
c. novel business models d. all of the above
5. The main drivers of industry evolution are a. demand growth
b. creation and diffusion of technology and knowledge
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
6. Firms are intensely focused on R&D in which stage? a. Introductory b. Growth
c. Maturity d. Decline
7. In which stage are customers more willing to pay a pre- mium for the product?
a. Decline b. Maturity
c. Growth d. Introduction
8. The endorsement of an industry by a government is sometimes referred to as
a. cognitive legitimacy b. sociopolitical legitimacy
c. both A and B d. none of the above
9. Cognitive legitimacy refers to a. a management thinking process
b. a level of public knowledge about a new industry
c. a competitive context model
d. none of the above
10. A standard that is legally mandated and enforced by a government is sometimes called a
a. de facto standard b. de jure standard
c. government standard d. quality assurance standard
11. A large number of exits from the market is called a. a decline in market share
b. a downsizing strategy
c. a shakeout
d. an industry meltdown
12. A high degree of concentration and fierce rivalry occurs in the _________ of the industry life-cycle model.
a. introductory phase b. growth phase
c. mature phase d. decline phase
13. A change in demographics can trigger the ________ of the industry life-cycle model.
a. introductory phase b. growth phase
c. mature phase d. decline phase
14. In the decline stage, an option to deal with falling sales is to
a. maintain a leadership stance
b. pursue a niche strategy
c. harvest profits
d. all of the above
15. The smartphone industry is in the _______ phase. a. introductory b. growth
c. mature d. decline
265C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
19 Krashinsky, S. (2013, April 23). New Coke campaign targets obesity worldwide. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.globeinvestor.com/servlet/WireFeedRedirect?cf=GlobeInvestor/config&vg=BigAdVariableGenerator & date=20130422&archive=rtgam&slug=escenic_11478083 .
Coca-Cola’s advertising has often conjured up positive images about drinking soda. Over the years, some of the slogans have included “Enjoy Life,” “Have a Coke and Smile,” and, more recently, polar bears have been drinking Coke, too.
In 2013, the Coca-Cola Company decided to promote its nonsoda beverages as part of a campaign to fight global obesity. 19 Some products showcased are lower- to no-calorie drinks, which include some diet sodas, juices, and bottled water. As part of its campaign, Coke decided to improve calorie labelling and offer smaller portion sizes. New partnerships were formed as well. Coke partnered with school breakfast programs and ParticipAC- TION, an active-living organization, to promote a healthier company image and to remind customers to balance taste and calories with exercise. 20
Michael Cohen, professor of marketing at New York University, believes it is a good strat- egy for Coke. “The pressure comes from the market . . . consumers are more educated about what they put in their bodies,” he said. “And there’s been a shift toward less sweet tastes.” 21
Critics of the company, such as the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a US nonprofit organization focused on promoting health and nutrition, argue that soda drinks have been contributing to obesity in both adults and children. According to CSPI executive director Michael Jacobson, 16% of calories in the average American’s diet are from added sugars, and about half of those calories come from beverages like sugary soda pop. 22
Yale University researchers have similarly found in a study that people tend to eat more calories on days that they also consume sweetened soda drinks. Kelly Brownell, who led the Yale study, argues that the beverage industry is trying to avoid government regula- tion and new taxes on carbonated soda drinks. “Studies that do not support a relationship between consumption of sugared beverages and health outcomes tend to be conducted by authors supported by the beverage industry,” said Brownell, who supports a soda tax. 23
Today in Canada, almost one third of children are overweight or obese. Similarly, 60% of men and 44% of women are also overweight. 24 Many nutritionists claim that most sodas have empty calories: lots of sugar and no nutritional content.
New York University professor Marion Nestle says there is sufficient proof that sugary pop has contributed to America’s obesity epidemic, especially in young children. Nestle stated that pediatricians who diagnose obese children explain that many of their patients consume 1,000 to 2,000 calories every day from carbonated soft drinks alone. “Some
20 Krashinsky, 2013.
22 Boyles, S. (n.d.). Sodas and your health: Risks debated. WebMD. Retrieved from www.webmd.com/diet/ features/sodas-and-your-health-risks-debated .
21 Krashinsky, 2013.
23 Boyles, n.d.
24 Krashinsky, 2013. Case Continued >
Steve Cukrov/Shutterstock
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children drink sodas all day long,” she says. “They are getting all of the calories they need in a day from soft drinks, so it’s no wonder they are fat . . . The first thing that anyone should do if they are trying to lose weight is eliminate or cut down on soft drinks.” 25
Certainly, Coke’s strategy has raised some concerns. “It’s part of their broader cam- paign to reposition the soft drink industry in the public’s mind,” said Jacobson. “When you look at their ads, its fun and excitement, and happiness, and being hip and modern. But these companies are selling junk food that causes health problems.” 26
According to the CSPI, in the United States obesity costs $147 billion annually, half which is paid by Medicare and Medicaid. Clearly, health care expenditures could be better spent on unpreventable illnesses; however, curbing obesity is a challenge.
In 2013, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg attempted to introduce legislation that would have reduced the maximum size of soft drinks sold in delis and other fast-food outlets to 16 ounces. However, the proposed legislation was turned down by a judge in March. Representatives from the soft drink industry argued that obesity is not just caused by soft drinks, but by a wide range of unhealthy food and lifestyle choices. Many industry ana- lysts argue that in the past decade the soft drink industry has begun to change anyways.
According to Beverage Digest , a beverage industry publication, the sales of soda declined for the eighth straight year in a row. While soda companies like Coke, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper have increased prices to help soda revenues, many industry analysts question if this drop in consumption is here to stay.
In 2012, soda sales volume decreased by 1.2% to 9.17 billion cases. While the drop may seem small, the reduction in profit dollars is significant. US consumption of soda has been declining since 2005, and last year it fell to its lowest level since 1996. On the other hand, energy drink consumption increased significantly. Monster was up 19.1%, Red Bull was up 17%, and Rockstar was up 8%. 27
The most popular drink, surprisingly, is water. Bottled water is the fastest-growing product in the beverage industry today, studies suggest. Between 2001 and 2011, bottled water consumption rose 56% to 26 gallons per person. During the same time, annual soda consumption fell by 16%. 28
Due to health concerns over diabetes and obesity, many consumers are turning to health- ier products such as juices, coffee, and bottled water to reduce calorie intake and maintain better health. There is a demographic reason for fallen sales as well. Baby boomers (soda’s traditional target market) are now aging, and youth are turning to other beverages instead. 29
Indeed, the soda industry has had to adjust their strategy to ensure continued sales and adequate profit margins. In 2010, Coke and Pepsi spent about $20 billion to acquire their bottling companies in an effort to cut costs and reduce shrinking profit margins. 30
26 Krashinsky, 2013.
25 Boyles, n.d.
27 Broderick, J. (2013, March 25). Soda sales down to lowest level since 1996 despite increase in obesity rate. Counsel & Heal. Retrieved from www.counselheal.com/articles/4527/20130325/soda-sales-down-lowest-level- 1996-despite-increase-obesity-rate.htm .
29 Esterl, M. (2013, January 18). Is this the end of the soft-drink era? Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http:// online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323783704578245973076636056.html .
28 Fottrell, Q. (2013, April 15). 10 things Coke, Pepsi and soda industry won’t say. Wall Street Journal . Retrieved from www.marketwatch.com/story/10-things-the-soda-business-wont-tell-you-2013-04-12 .
30 Esterl, 2013.
267C h a p t e r 7 C o m p e t i t i v e a n d T e c h n o l o g i c a l F o r c e s
Soda companies have also diversified into other beverages such as sport drinks and fruit juices to counteract lost soda sales.
Last year, PepsiCo invested millions of dollars in advertising after losing market share to Coke. Moreover, soda companies are investing heavily in research and development, working on creating zero- to low-calorie natural sweeteners to best mimic the taste of real sugar in sodas. 31
What else are soda companies doing? Well, acquisitions are also growing in number. Writer Mike Esterl explains that their newer drinks are growing in popularity, which is leading to rising profits in this segment. Last year, Coke acquired Zico, a coconut water brand, and diversified into US dairy for the first time, purchasing a small stake in the company that owns Core Power, a workout recovery shake. According to Esterl, “sales of PepsiCo’s Naked juice brand rose about 25% last year and tea and coffee sold through joint ventures with Lipton and Starbucks are posting healthy growth.” 32
“I think we can all be optimistic about the business we’re in,” said Sandy Douglas, Coke’s global chief customer officer. 33
Currently, the soda market in North America is dominated by Coke, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper. Coke has 42% of the market, Pepsi has 28%, and Dr. Pepper has 17%. The remain- ing 13% is held by smaller companies, including no-name and supermarket brands. 34
Certainly, Coke is going to be around for many years to come. Despite lower sales, carbonated soft drinks still make up the largest segment of nonalcoholic drinks in the beverage industry at 25%. For Coca-Cola, 60% of its revenue is derived from soda sales. For PepsiCo, the percentage is lower at around 25%. 35
According to the Wall Street Journal , Coke and Pepsi are drawing about 60% and 50% of sales outside of the United States, and the companies continue to grow globally. After all, Coke is one of the world’s most recognized global brands. In the United States, the company maintains the top brand in the soft drink industry with Coke and Diet Coke retaining the number one and number two spots. For many North American consumers, Coke is more than just a soda—it is a strong part of their culture and history. It’s like the famous 1971 jingle: They’d still “like to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company.”
1. What stage in the industry life-cycle model is the soft drink industry in? Explain and justify your answer.
2. What strategies are available to the soft drink industry for dealing with declining sales? What would you recommend?
3. Do you think the soft drink industry will die? Why or why not?
31 Esterl, 2013.
35 Esterl, 2013.
34 Robinson-Jacobs, K. (2013, March 25). Soda sales fall eighth straight year, posting biggest drop since 2009. Dallas News . Retrieved from http://bizbeatblog.dallasnews.com/2013/03/soda-sales-fall-for-eighth-straight-year- see-biggest-drop-since-2009.html .
33 Esterl, 2013.
32 Esterl, 2013.
268 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
What are some of the fundamental sources of influence
on the decision to engage in global business? In addition
to addressing this question, this chapter will identify the
different types of global business activity. We will examine
one of the central controversies of globalization: the mul-
tinational corporation. This chapter will also explain why
nations desire, or do not desire, to promote international
trade, including an examination of the pros and cons of
Canada’s free trade agreement with the United States.
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Identify factors that have encouraged the globalization of
2. Describe the central channels or forms of global business
3. Discuss the importance and consequences of multinational
and borderless corporations.
4. Explain the purpose of protectionism and its relationship
with international trade.
5. Identify the types of regional economic integration.
6. Discuss the implications of NAFTA for Canada and the
Canadian business environment.
Chapter 8 Global Forces How is Canada Faring in the Global Village?
Reuters/Mark Blinch (Canada)
269C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
THE BUSINESS WORLD Foreign Outsourcing and RBC
It’s been about 30 years since the last television was manufactured in Canada. 1 Why? Well, Canadian competitors could no longer compete with their Japanese counterparts, and so production shut down. In fact, the entire consumer electronics industry in North America met a similar demise. Like other similarly affected industries, the results of shifting production locations have brought good news and bad news for different stakeholders.
The good news was largely for consumers, who acquired less expensive electronic goods. For example, a television costs significantly less today in real terms than it did 30 years ago. The bad news was for Canadians employed in those manufacturing jobs—the people who made all of those electronic goods had to find something else to do. This trend in outsourc- ing of work has been growing and growing, and not just in the manufacturing sector.
Outsourcing involves hiring external organizations to conduct work in certain func- tions of an organization. For example, payroll, accounting, and legal work can all be assigned to outsourced staff. The organization typically will retain its core functions or competencies—that is, those areas that it is in business to conduct. When this practice is done using foreign labour it has been referred to as offshore outsourcing or offshoring .
Companies decide to engage in outsourcing, and offshore outsourcing in particular, for sound financial reasons—namely, huge cost savings. Sometimes they also gain access to staff with specialized skills that may not exist within their own organization. The down- side, of course, is the impact on a company’s internal labour force.
The classic example of outsourcing is Nike. Nike is well-known for its use of out- sourcing on an international basis. Nike has typically entered into contractual arrange- ments with manufacturers in developing nations to produce its footwear while it focuses largely on marketing its product. In fact, this has been a major underlying source of con- troversy with regard to businesses “going global”—the fear that relatively higher-paying North American jobs will be lost as businesses decide to outsource manufacturing func- tions to cheaply paid labour in underdeveloped or developing countries.
Countries can be contracted for the production of finished goods or component parts, and these goods or parts can subsequently be imported to the home country or to other countries for further assembly or sale. However, in recent years outsourcing is not just about outsourcing low-wage manufacturing jobs—it has come to include higher-paid knowledge work as well. Outsourcing of high-tech services has become relativity common. Nonetheless, the number of information technology (IT) jobs allocated to offshore firms is increasing, and consequently it continues to raise public concern about the loss of good-paying Canadian jobs to lower-cost countries. Consider the recent controversy regarding IT outsourcing at RBC.
RBC generated a lot of criticism in 2013 after reports surfaced that it was in the pro- cess of contracting out jobs of Canadian employees to lower-paid foreign workers. It was reported that 45 IT employees at RBC Investor Services in Toronto were to be transferred abroad via an arrangement with iGATE, a high-tech company based in Bangalore, India. iGATE also has branch offices in Toronto, Mississauga, and Calgary. The foreign workers
1 McInnes, C. (2013, April 9). Foreign workers are a threat to Canadian jobs, wherever they live. Vancouver Sun . Retrieved from www.vancouversun.com/business/bc2035/foreign+workers+threat+canadian+jobs+wherever+ they+live/8218779/story.html .
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270 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
who had been assigned to take over the RBC positions in Toronto were employed by iGATE, which had a contract to provide IT services to RBC. 2
RBC did not attempt to hide the fact that it, like its competitors, aims to cut costs where legitimately possible. RBC’s plan to cut costs and boost profits (which in 2012 were a record $7.5 billion) was to be partly facilitated by outsourcing some Canadian jobs to iGATE’s low-wage Indian operation.
The backlash to this plan stemmed from two sources. First, it became a high-profile case of yet more Canadian jobs being lost, but more salient was the manner in which it occurred. According to a report, iGATE was bringing foreign workers into Canada to be trained by the RBC workers whose jobs they would eventually be taking. After this training the iGATE employ- ees would return home (to India, among other regions) and begin their new job responsibilities. 3
However, many of these same critics also pointed out that this arrangement was legal under present Canadian law. Specifically, the federal government’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) permits companies to bring individuals into Canada on a tempo- rary basis. While this law is controversial, the practices it permits have been occurring at numerous other companies. Consequently critics argue that this program should be stopped. Such critics assert that Canadian immigration policy is designed to encourage skilled work- ers to come to Canada on a permanent basis, which would strengthen the quality of the workforce, rather than simply come here to train, leave, and take Canadian jobs with them. Although it is considered a violation of government regulations for any company to bring foreign workers into Canada temporarily if it will put Canadian citizens out of work, there appear to be loopholes in the regulations. Hence the opposition to the TFWP.
RBC claimed that it did not violate any government regulations regarding the use of foreign employment, and it also claimed that these workers had specialized skills and that outsourcing was being implemented for cost savings and efficiency.
The public controversy and subsequent scrutiny of RBC’s hiring practices led the chief executive officer of RBC to issue an open letter to Canadians, which appeared in national news- papers and was posted on RBC’s Media website. It included the following statement:
First, I want to apologize . . .
Second, we are reviewing . . . a leading corporate citizen.4
Journalist Andrew Coyne summed up the situation:
You can hire people from abroad, even at the cost of Canadian jobs, as long as they stay abroad: it’s called outsourcing, and it’s a broadly accepted practice. You can also hire people from abroad, if they move here to live. That’s called immigration, and is also broadly accepted. If, on the other hand, you hire people who fall between the two— who work here but live abroad—then it’s a scandal [paraphrased]. 5
3 Greenwood, J. (2013, April 13). RBC takes heat for Ottawa’s flawed outsourcing policy: CD Howe expert. National Post. Retrieved from http://business.financialpost.com/2013/04/08/rbc-takes-heat-for-ottawas-flawed- outsourcing-policy-cd-howe-expert .
2 Walkom, T. (2013, April 22). Deliberately lax visa rules encouraged RBC outsourcing. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/04/09/deliberately_lax_visa_rules_encouraged_rbc_outsourcing_walkom.html .
270 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
4 CBC News. (2013, April 11). RBC CEO Gord Nixon’s open letter. Retrieved from www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ story/2013/04/11/rbc-gord-nixon-apology-letter.html.
5 Coyne, A. (2013, April 10). Andrew Coyne: RBC outsourcing controversy an economic fraud. National Post. Retrieved from http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2013/04/10/andrew-coyne-rbc-outsourcing-controversy-an-economic-fraud .
271C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION? The Business World vignette highlights the global context of business—one that involves many more players than local businesses and the domestic mar- ket. Business in the global context involves many stakeholders, including domestic and foreign competitors, workers, industries, governments, national cultures, and economies. How business is conducted in light of trade agree- ments and the global arrangements is a key issue for our entire society, and this is a theme we will explore more fully in this chapter.
While you may have heard or read about this popular buzzword, many of you may not be completely familiar with what globalization represents and its implications. What is globalization? While there is no one, universal defini- tion, it is useful to consider this concept as a process.
Globalization is a process involving the integration of world economics. The presence of trade blocs reflects the accelerating pace with which nations are integrating their economies. For example, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), discussed later in this chapter, is a free trade bloc con- sisting of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The European Union (EU) groups 25 countries together into one economic union, while the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) consists of 2l nations forming a free trade zone around the Pacific Ocean.
Globalization is a process involving the integration of world markets. This reflects the notion that consumer preferences are converging around the world. Whether it is for products made by McDonald’s, Sony, Gap, or Nike, organizations are increasingly market- ing their goods and services worldwide. Though local modifications may be made to tailor the product to local consumers, there is a push toward global products. On the other side, production is increasingly becoming a global affair. Businesses will set up operations wher- ever it is least costly to do so.
In sum, the recurrent themes raised in any discussion of globalization tend to include elements of the following:
■ Globalization can be considered a process that is expanding the degree and forms of cross-border transactions among people, assets, goods, and services.
■ Globalization refers to the growth in direct foreign investment in regions across the world.
■ Globalization reflects the shift toward increasing economic interdependence—the process of generating one world economic system or a global economy.
SOURCES ENCOURAGING GLOBAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY Why have we witnessed a tremendous surge in business activity on an international scale? From giant multinational corporations to small businesses, in recent years the drive toward global business has accelerated. A number of fundamental factors have encouraged the move to “go global.” Some factors can be considered pull factors , and are the positive outcomes a business would gain from entering the international context. Other factors are push factors —these are forces that act upon all businesses to create an environment where competing successfully means competing globally (see Exhibit 8.1 on next page).
globalization Although there is no universally agreed-upon defini- tion, it may be considered as a process involving the integration of national economies and the pro- cess of generating a single world economic system.
Objective 1 Identify factors that have encouraged the
globalization of business.
pull factors Positive outcomes a business would gain from entering the global market include the potential for sales growth and the opportunity of obtaining needed resources.
push factors Forces that act on all businesses to create an environ- ment where competing successfully means competing globally include the forces of competition, the shift toward democracy, the reduction in trade barriers, and improvements in technology.
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272 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Pull Factors Potential for Sales Growth A fundamental reason for engaging in global opera- tions is to help a business expand its markets. Increased sales are typically the central aim behind a company’s expansion into international business. A significant portion of sales among the world’s largest firms are generated from outside the home country. For exam- ple, US-based specialty coffee chain Starbucks began expanding operations into Europe almost a decade ago (especially in Vienna). The potential for increased sales was clearly a pull factor, but a key question was whether consumers in Europe would be attracted to this American business? Starbucks’s aim was to provide a more modern version of the relaxed atmosphere of the Viennese café to attract this new consumer segment.
Clearly, having the world as your market offers almost limitless potential beyond domestic consumers. Having access to foreign consumers may also mitigate the negative effects of domestic downturns in demand for the business’s product of service. Consider, for example, the case of Avon Products Inc. This organization faced declining sales in North American markets, largely because of its traditional marketing channel (door-to-door sales), which failed to address the increased entry of women into the workplace and away from the home. On the other hand, Avon was able to successfully transfer its approach globally to over 20 emerging markets, including China, Brazil, South Africa, and Mexico.
Obtaining Needed Resources Businesses may choose to engage in global busi- ness activity to obtain resources that are either unavailable or too costly within the domes- tic borders. Acquiring foreign imports is a case of obtaining needed resources. It could be the case that a textile manufacturer imports its raw materials from a foreign supplier
because these materials are not available locally. As well, the decision to locate businesses or plants in developing or underdeveloped nations may be a means to access inexpensive labour. For example, to access less expensive energy resources, a number of Japanese businesses have located in China, Mexico, and Taiwan, where energy costs are not as high. Both Canadian and US firms continue to expand their operations overseas because they can achieve higher rates of return on their investments, largely due to lower labour costs.
Push Factors The Force of Competition Many domestic economies have become inundated with competing products or services. Typically, a business that seeks to grow needs to con- sider the markets beyond its domestic borders—this is where new and potentially untapped market opportunities still exist. Ironically, domestic economies are increasingly being filled with foreign competitors in many industries. The fact is, a business may find that it must compete against not only domestic competitors, but foreign competitors as well. By default, a business may be pushed into becoming a global business by the simple fact that it is forced to compete with a foreign competitor. Moreover, for some businesses it seems foolhardy not to combat the foreign competition by attempting to go after the competitor’s market overseas. In other words, the drive to “go global” may be a response to competitors’ actions.
In addition, other domestic competitors may be expanding their markets over- seas, which creates additional incentive for the business to follow suit. The notion of first-mover advantage is a philosophy that underscores the benefits of being among the first to establish strong positions in important world markets. Later entrants into
Pull Factors
Potential for Sales Growth
Obtaining Needed Resources
Push Factors
Going Global
The Force of Competition
Shift toward Democracy
Reduction in Trade Barriers
Improvements in Technology
Exhibit 8.1 The Impetus to “Go Global”
first-mover advantage The benefits of being among the first to establish strong positions in impor- tant world markets.
273C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
a foreign market may have more difficulty establishing themselves, and may even be effectively blocked by competitors.
Shift Toward Democracy The shift toward democracy among many societies that were formerly economically and politically repressed has contributed to the creation of new market opportunities. Numerous totalitarian regimes have been transformed in Eastern Europe and Asia, for example, which has created new economic opportunities for busi- nesses in other parts of the world. Countries like Russia and Poland have shifted toward a more capitalistic and democratic approach. Perhaps one symbol of this acceptance was the success of McDonald’s in entering the Russian marketplace years ago. Similarly, there has been a great interest in foreign investment in China since its move toward privatization— reduction in government ownership—in many areas.
Reduction in Trade Barriers In recent years it has been observed that global busi- ness activities have been growing at a faster rate than in previous years and in comparison to growth in domestic business. This acceleration may be largely due to the general push toward freer trade. In fact, probably the most powerful source of influence encouraging increased international business is the reduction in trade and investment restrictions. For example, NAFTA was established as an agreement to remove trade barriers between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This agreement essentially aimed to produce a common market among the members. However, not all Canadian industries compete freely under NAFTA, as seen in Talking Business 8.1 . Later in this chapter, we will consider in more detail the nature of NAFTA, as well as a number of other important trade agreements.
trade barriers A government barrier that prevents the free trade of imported goods and services into a country via tariffs, quotas, subsidies, and so on.
Though most Canadians drink milk or eat yogurt or
cheese, few are aware of the long-standing, complex sup-
ply management system that sets milk prices at the farm
level and limits milk supply and dairy imports.
More are beginning to notice now. In June 2012, Canada
was accepted into Transpacific Partnership trade talks. In
Canada’s Dairy Industry Under Pressure exchange for greater access to their markets for all Canadian
goods and services, partner countries want access to Canada’s
long-protected dairy market. (Partner countries will also seek
access to other Canadian sectors, as well as changes to other
policies, such as Canadian competition policies.)
Canada is also negotiating a trade deal with the Euro-
pean Union. Greater access to Canada’s dairy market in
return for greater access to the EU market for all goods
and services could be part of the deal. Pressure to aban-
don the long-standing protection of Canada’s dairy (as
well as poultry and egg) sector from international compe-
tition has intensified.
What is clear is that Canada’s long-standing policy will
need to change—whether marginally, dramatically, or
somewhere in between—in response to domestic and
international pressures. But why do we have such a pol-
icy? How did it come to be, and how has it evolved over
time? Does it still help dairy farmers? What are its
intended—and unintended—consequences for them?
274 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Improvements in Technology Another fundamental source of influence on globalization has been technology. Advancements in technology have more efficiently facilitated cross-border transactions. Innovations in information technology, as well as advances in transportation, have made it increasingly easy to transfer information, products, services, capital, and human resources around the world. Email, the Internet, teleconferencing, faxing, and transatlantic supersonic travel were among the activities that were not available until the late 20th century.
Electronic commerce, or ecommerce, has been relatively free from government control, and this flexibility has contributed to the rate of globalization and the generation of virtual global organizations. Virtual organizations increasingly exist at the global level, where the geo- graphic sources of the product or service and the location of the workforce are unimportant.
CHANNELS OF GLOBAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY There are a variety of ways that organizations engage in global business. While practically any connection a business has with a foreign country essentially constitutes a form of global busi- ness, the degree of involvement of a business with a foreign country can vary. In this section we highlight various channels or forms within which businesses operate in the global sense. At a lower level of interconnectedness, a business can simply export or import goods or ser- vices to or from other countries. At a somewhat higher level, a company may choose to out- source some aspect of its business operations; it may choose to licence some aspect or perhaps even arrange for franchise operations in foreign territories. Forming a strategic alliance or creating a joint venture with a foreign company requires the business to become more fully entrenched in the global context via directly investing in a foreign country. This can take the form of a merger, acquisition, the creation of a subsidiary, or some other form of direct invest- ment in foreign operations. See Exhibit 8.2 for an overview of all of these channels.
Exporting and Importing Businesses that engage in international trade are more likely to be involved in import- ing and exporting than in any other type of global business activity. In addition to
Dairy policy has evolved constantly as the regulated system
attempts to adapt to changes in markets, trade, government
finances, and technology. A main influencer of milk supply
management has been the cost to governments of managing
surpluses. This accounted for changes in national milk policy
in the late 1960s and in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. More
recently, trade pressures have shaped supply management:
from competition by imported substitute products such as
butter, oil/sugar blends, and, more recently, MPC, as well as
from trade challenges to classified pricing schemes for
exported product. Improved technology has sharply increased
milk production efficiency and scale, and produced new forms
of dairy products not anticipated by policymakers in the past.
The system has been buffeted by pressures and challenges
and has been constantly changing in response.
Much of Canada’s milk supply management regulation
goes beyond the necessary, creating unintended costs and
burdens to the operation of the system. The challenge for
the Canadian dairy industry and policymakers is to retain
the elements of supply management that maintain its
functions and purpose, while allowing changes in other
elements—without being trapped by the system’s history.
Source: The Conference Board of Canada. (2012, August). Canada’s
supply-managed dairy policy: how we got here: Briefing. Retrieved
from http://future.aae.wisc.edu/publications/CanadasDairyPolicy.
pdf . Reprinted by permission.
Objective 2 Describe the central channels or forms of
global business activity.
TALKING BUSINESS 8.1 (continued)
275C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
selling our goods or services to other countries, Canadian businesses may also purchase goods or services from for- eign countries for resale to Canadians. Merchandise exports are tangible goods transferred out of the country, while merchandise imports are goods brought into the country. On the other hand, businesses might deal in service exports or imports of services. For example, banking, insurance, or management services can be performed at an interna- tional level. Another type of service export or import can involve the use of a company’s assets, including things like patents, trademarks, copyrights, or expertise. The use of such assets consti- tutes a service rather than the provision of a tangible good and is typically arranged through a licensing agree- ment. We discuss this channel of global business later on.
Exporting certainly offers addi- tional profitable activity for businesses, and the business opportunities available through exporting are significant. While there are about 30 million poten- tial customers within our Canadian borders, there are over 6 billion potential customers across the world, increasing by about 95 million people annually. Many Canadian busi- nesses have taken advantage of the benefits of exporting. Canada exports over 40% of our production, making us a major trading nation (see Exhibit 8.3 on next page).
According to International Trade Canada,
Global Business Channels
Establishing Subsidiaries
Exporting and Importing
Licensing and Franchising
Direct Investment in Foreign Operations
Joint Ventures and Strategic
Mergers and Acquisitions
Exhibit 8.2 Channels of Global Activity
Canada is the most open of the globe’s major economies. We are the world’s fifth larg- est exporter and importer—trade is equivalent to more than 70% of our gross domestic product (GDP). Exports account for almost 40% of our economy, and are linked to one-quarter of all Canadian jobs . . . Exports allow Canadian companies to keep gener- ating jobs and remain productive and competitive by selling their goods and services more broadly than in our relatively small domestic market. Imports give our consumers choice and reduce costs, and provide our farmers and manufacturers with inputs and productivity-enhancing technologies. Investment and the movement of people in both directions favour innovation, business and personal growth, and competitiveness. International commerce is the lifeblood of our economy. 6
6 Government of Canada. (2005). Canada’s international policy statement: A role of pride and influence in the world. Retrieved from http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/IT4-8-2005E.pdf .
276 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Un ite
d St
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Ch in
Un ite
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m Ja
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To ta
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Co un
tr ie
V a
lu e
i n
m il
li o
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o f
N $
500,000 Canada’s Top 10 Export Markets, by Country Exhibit 8.3 Canada’s
Major Trade Partners, by Country
Canada trades with the
world, but its main trading
partner is the United States,
which accounts for roughly
two thirds of trade and the
majority of capital moving
in and out of Canada.
Un ite
d St
at es
Ch in
M ex
Ja pa
Ge rm
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Un ite
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o f
N $
500,000 Canada’s Top 10 Import Markets, by Country
Source: Data from Statistics
Canada & US Census Bureau.
Retrieved from www.ic.gc.ca/
sic22inte.html#int1 .
277C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
We all know that the U.S. is Canada’s largest trading partner,
but do you know who is second? The answer, China, may
surprise some. In fact, it’s been like that since 2003. What is
more, the trade flows are not all one way. Although Canada
does run a sizeable merchandise trade deficit of about $30 bil-
lion with China that number has been little changed in recent
years, as export growth has kept pace with import growth. But
note what we’re selling; when it comes to trade with China,
we largely remain “hewers of wood and drawers of water.”
In the past ten years, Canada’s exports of goods to
China have tripled, from $4 to $13 billion. As a result,
China has surpassed Japan to become Canada’s third larg-
est export market and is within striking distance of the
number two spot, currently held by the United Kingdom. In
fact, China would have already surpassed the U.K. if it
were not for surging gold prices and a rising volume of
gold exports to that country. Gold and silver now account
for half of Canada’s goods exports to the U.K. by value.
When the surging value of goods exports to countries
like the U.K. and China is combined with stagnant exports
to the U.S., Canada’s export picture is gradually changing.
Canada’s Exports to China: Still Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water
Today the U.S. is the destination for 75 per cent of Canada’s
goods exports, compared with a peak of 87 per cent in
2002. In the place of the U.S., other countries have grown
in importance. For example, China now accounts for a sig-
nificant 3.3 per cent of Canadian merchandise exports.
What are we selling to China? Nearly all the major prod-
uct groupings are either raw materials or partially processed
raw materials. Canada’s top three exports to China in 2010
were pulp, canola oil and coal. Combined, these three
products accounted for nearly one-third of goods exports
to China. Our top three non-commodity exports include
organic chemicals and resins (both of which are made from
petroleum products), and navigational, measuring and con-
trol instruments. Combined these three products accounted
for about 7 per cent of goods exports to China.
Also, exports of wood products from Canadian sawmills
to China have surged over the past two years . . . Nearly all
of this wood is being sourced from British Columbia and
that’s why B.C.’s wood product sales are outperforming
every other province this year. The boom in wood exports
to China is being driven by robust construction activity in
Statistics Canada reports indicate that Canada is the United States’s most important trading partner, and for many years the United States has been Canada’s largest trading partner. By the 21st century, the United States accounted for between 75–80% of Cana- da’s total exports. Currently, Canada exports more of its manufacturing output to the United States than it consumes domestically. While Mexico still accounts for a relatively small share of our trade, trade with that country has grown greatly. In recent years, Canada has increased trade with other countries, such as China, as seen in Talking Business 8.2 .
1.0 2002 03 04 05 06 07 0908 10 11
P e rc
e n
t o
f To
ta l E xp
o rt
Canadian exports to the UK and China
United Kingdom
70 2002 03 04 05 06 07 0908 10 11
P e rc
e n
t o
f To
ta l E xp
o rt
Canadian exports to the US
278 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Observers have noted that while the bulk of our exports continue to go to the United States, distributing patterns of change have emerged. As a Maclean’s magazine report noted,
China, and reduced access to Russian logs due to the
imposition of an export tax by Russia.
If current patterns continue, we could see Canada’s
role as a supplier of raw materials to the U.S. slowly transi-
tion to a supplier to China, much as it did a century ago
from the British Empire to the U.S. We would join Australia
and others that are already fulfilling this role. This of
course is contrary to the often-pronounced desire of poli-
cymakers to move the Canadian economy away from its
reliance on natural resources. But what if we instead chose
to embrace it?
China and to a lesser degree other emerging econo-
mies, are driving a global commodities boom that has left
few products unaffected by rising demand and prices.
Canada has the means to benefit from this boom. We are
major global producers of a variety of agricultural, for-
estry, mineral and energy products, and there is potential
for more. For example, Canada has the second largest oil
reserves in the world and routinely attracts more mineral
exploration dollars than any other country in the world.
As well, our industrial structure is already indirectly
linked in many ways to our natural endowments. Perhaps
the best example of this is Canada’s dominance in mining
financing, with approximately one third of global mining
capital being raised here and an even larger share of
transactions occurring in Canada. This has substantive sec-
ondary effects for industries like accounting, legal services
and financial services. Canada could become a global
leader in other ways as well, such as pioneering environ-
mentally friendly extraction techniques and providing the
services and equipment that are used by the natural
resources sector. In other words, the export of commodi-
ties could be a critical driver of a diverse array of support
technologies and services.
The bottom line is that Canada’s success in exporting
natural resource-based products to China does not reflect a
failure on the part of the Canadian economy or policymak-
ers. Rather, it is a reflection of our endowment of resources
and what we are good at doing relative to other countries.
Commodity prices are strong thanks to Chinese demand,
and we should be doing all we can to harness this opportu-
nity. Rather than trying to break away from our past, we
should leverage this strength to expand the list of things
for which Canada is regarded as a global leader.
Source: Excerpted from Burt, M. (2011, April 2). Canada’s exports
to China: Still hewers of wood and drawers of water. Reprinted
with permission from The Conference Board of Canada.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/economics/hot_eco_
of_wood_and_drawers_of_water.aspx .
TALKING BUSINESS 8.2 (continued)
In 1993, 74 per cent of all Canadian exports went to the United States; by 2005, that figure had risen to 84 per cent. And yet . . . even as our U.S.-bound exports have gone up, their profile has been changing, and not for the better: we are becoming more hew- ers of wood and drawers of water, not less so. We are sending the Americans more and more raw commodities (oil, natural gas, metals and other resources) and a smaller proportion of manufactured goods. Trade in services (everything from call centres to financial services), never strong to begin with, has also seen a relative decline. This trend is particularly worrisome: the services sector now makes up two-thirds of our domestic economy, yet we haven’t figured out how to export it. A whole segment of potential export growth and wealth creation is going unfulfilled. 7
7 Preville, P. (2006, November 27). Exclusive report: How to fix Canada—on the brink. Maclean's. Retrieved from www.macleans.ca/business/companies/article.jsp?content=20061127_137129_137129 .
In 2009, the economic downturn in global economies damaged Canada’s international trade. However, since that time economies have improved, including Canada’s. Nonetheless, Canada must continue to improve its export status (see Talking Business 8.3 ).
279C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
A decade ago, Canada’s key exports included autos and
parts, pulp and paper, electronics and wood products.
Today, we export less of all of them. In their stead, exports
of oil and gas, mineral products, chemicals, primary metals
and food products are growing in importance. Canada
has also developed new-found export strength in profes-
sional and financial services.
This wholesale change at the top of the list of Canadian
exports shows how some of our traditional trade strengths
are fading, while we are simultaneously developing new
ones. There is every reason to expect this trend to continue.
Canadian policy makers need to adapt to this changing
environment. They need to understand and promote our
new trade strengths. They must aim to craft trade agree-
ments that will be open to our future trade strengths,
including services. And they should focus on helping
struggling industries to adjust, rather than protect dwin-
dling markets.
The Conference Board of Canada’s recently published
report from its Global Commerce Centre, Walking the Silk
Road: Understanding Canada’s Changing Trade Patterns,
identifies two broad forces that have driven the shift in
export strengths. The first is the growing importance of
emerging markets in the world economy. The second
flows from changes in the relative prices of goods and
In 2001, the 34 members of the Organisation for Eco-
nomic Co-operation and Development represented 81 per
cent of global gross domestic product. In 2011, this club
of developed countries held just 66 per cent, an astound-
ing shift in such a short period of time. Led by China,
emerging markets have captured a growing share of the
global economy, while growth slowed in the United
States, the European Union and Japan.
Not surprisingly, emerging markets account for a grow-
ing share of Canada’s exports, while our trade with the
United States has all but stagnated since 2000. And what
we export to the rest of the world is very different than
what we send to the United States. Products such as miner-
als, professional and financial services, and agri-food prod-
ucts figure much more prominently in our non-U.S. exports.
Even if volumes of commodity-related exports had
remained flat in the past decade, they would have grown in
importance because of price trends. And commodity export
What are Canada’s New Export Strengths?
volumes have risen as Canadian businesses “follow the
money”—they are investing in industries that provide the
best returns. Since 2001, Statistics Canada’s index of raw
material prices has risen by 74 per cent, while its price index
for manufactured goods has risen by just 15 per cent.
Along with global forces, changes in Canada’s export
strengths can be attributed to industry-specific factors. On
the downside, exports of paper products have plummeted
over the past decade as consumers have switched from
print to digital media. The housing bust in the United
States decimated Canadian exports of wood products.
But exports of mining, oil and gas machinery from
Canada nearly tripled over the past decade. Canadian
businesses have parlayed their domestic experience and
knowledge to take advantage of strong global demand
for minerals and energy products. As well, Canadian agri-
food production and exports are growing to meet the
needs of rising global food demand.
Financial services and insurance also have been key sources
of export strength for Canada in recent years. The Canadian
banking system is widely considered the safest in the world—
the World Economic Forum has ranked it No. 1 for the past
five years. Canadian banks have taken advantage of their rela-
tive health to make more than 100 acquisitions globally since
the economic crisis. Similarly, some of Canada’s largest insur-
ance companies are targeting Asia, owing to the region’s
increasing wealth and underserved insurance market.
This shift in trade patterns needs to be incorporated
into Canada’s economic and trade policy. Instead of being
sheltered, businesses in struggling industries need to
adapt to their new competitive environments. Trade mis-
sions and promotion should focus on key strengths and
new areas of growth. The next generation of Canada’s
trade agreements should cover a broader spectrum of
goods and services. Aligning our economic policies to the
new reality of Canada’s trade is critical if we are to seize
the full potential of the global economy and raise our liv-
ing standards at home.
Source: Excerpted from Burt, M. (2013, February 21). Canada
competes: Guess what Canada’s new export strengths are.
Reprinted with permission from The Conference Board of Canada.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/press/speech_oped/
export_strengths_are.aspx?pf=true .
280 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Outsourcing/Offshoring As you may recall, outsourcing involves hiring external organizations to conduct work in certain functions of the company. So, for example, payroll, accounting, and legal work can be assigned to outsourced staff. The organization typically will retain its core functions or competencies—that is, those areas that it is in business to conduct. Nike is well-known for its use of outsourcing on an international basis. Nike has typically entered into con- tractual arrangements with manufacturers in developing nations to produce its footwear while it focuses largely on marketing its product. In fact, this has been a major underlying source of controversy with regard to businesses “going global”—the fear that relatively higher-paying North American jobs will be lost as businesses decide to outsource manu- facturing functions to cheaply paid labour in developing countries.
For example, Taiwanese engineers offer innovative solutions for customers seeking design and manufacturing outsourcing. In fact, Taiwan has become so strong in this field that some observers suggest that it is really the Taiwanese who are outsourcing the marketing and brand- ing of their products to the rest of the world. Taiwan has developed dramatically from the poor and lowly provider of components and assembled machines to that of a leading innova- tor in the electronics industry. Currently, its companies are increasingly expert at original design, and they typically dominate manufacturing in central categories such as notebook computers. Taiwan’s success has been attributed to several sources, including its lower pay scales. For example, its engineering costs are approximately one third that of comparable services in the United States. However, many observers are quick to point out that Taiwan’s strength is not simply based on cheap labour but on its entrepreneurial culture combined with effective government involvement. Taiwan has grown from a provider of cheap labour and products to one of the most talented sources of high-tech expertise in the world.
Countries can be contracted for the production of finished goods or component parts, and these goods or parts can subsequently be imported to the home country or to other countries for further assembly or sale.
India is one example cited as a major offshore or outsourced location. As observed by one writer,
outsourcing Hiring external organizations to conduct work in certain functions of the company.
Globalization has played a significant role in India’s rise as an economic force. It is also the foundation behind the country’s success in the outsourcing industry . . . One of the biggest beneficiaries of this “openness” is the outsourcing industry. Today, no company with outsourcing plans does not have India on its laundry list. India was able to achieve self-sufficiency not by closing its doors to the world. Rather, it spread the word across the world of how easy it is to do business in India. 8
8 Offshore Outsourcing World . (2004, February 26). Spotlight India: Globalization. Retrieved from www.enterblog. com/200402060508.php .
licensing agreement An arrangement whereby the owner of a product or process is paid a fee or royalty from another company in return for granting them permis- sion to produce or distribute the product or process.
Licensing and Franchising Arrangements The licensing agreement is an arrangement whereby the owner of a product or process is paid a fee or royalty from another company in return for granting them permission to pro- duce or distribute the product or process. How could this be a type of global business activity?
281C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
For example, a Canadian company might grant a foreign company permission to produce its product; or conversely, perhaps a Canadian company wishes to distribute a foreign-made product in Canada and requires a licensing agreement.
Why might a business enter into licensing agreements? Essentially, companies that don’t wish to set up actual production or marketing operations overseas can let the foreign business conduct these activities and simply collect royalties. Whether it is for licensing fees or for management consulting services between two companies from different countries, the fees paid to foreign firms in return for the performance of a service would constitute service imports. Fees earned by businesses through providing such services would constitute service exports.
Franchising shares some of the advantages of licensing, in that both are relatively lower risk forms of global business. Franchising is, of course, a common type of business activity in Canada and elsewhere. This becomes a global business activity when the franchises are scat- tered in different locations around the world. While franchising is discussed elsewhere in this book, it is sufficient to note here that franchising involves drafting a contract between a supplier (franchisor) and a dealer (franchisee) that stipulates how the supplier’s product or service will be sold. The franchisee is the dealer (usually the owner of a small business), who is permitted to sell the goods/services of the franchisor (the supplier) in exchange for some payment (for example, a flat fee, future royalties/commissions, future advertising fees). Prob- ably one of the best-known international franchises is McDonald’s, which licenses its trade- mark, its fast-food products, and its operating principles to franchisees worldwide in return for an initial fee and ongoing royalties. In return, McDonald’s franchises receive the benefit of McDonald’s reputation and its management and marketing expertise (See Exhibit 8.4).
Direct Investment in Foreign Operations Foreign direct investment (FDI) involves the purchase of physical assets or an amount of share ownership in a company from another country to gain a measure of management control. Capital can be invested in factories, inventories and capital goods, or other assets. Control of a company can be achieved without necessarily owning a 100%, or even a 51%, interest. A direct investment can be done through acquisition of an already existing business in the host country or through a startup built “from scratch,” so to speak.
The choice may be dependent on a number of factors, including the availability of suit- able businesses in the host country. If a suitable business already exists in the host country, it may prove more efficient to invest in it than to start up a business there from scratch. It is no surprise that the vast majority (about 90%) of all FDI stems from developed countries,
franchising A method of distribu- tion or marketing where a parent company (the franchisor) grants to another individual or company (the franchisee) the legal right to sell its products or services, with exclusive rights to a particular area or location.
franchisee The dealer in a fran- chising arrangement, who is per- mitted to sell the goods/services of the franchisor in exchange for some payment.
franchisor The supplier in a fran- chising arrangement, who permits a franchisee to sell its goods/services in exchange for some payment.
foreign direct investment (FDI) The purchase of physical assets or an amount of share own- ership in a company from another country to gain a measure of management control.
control Typically achieved when a company or individual owns greater than 50% of the shares of another company. However, it can some- times be achieved by other factors, such as management influence.
9 Entrepreneur Magazine. Entrepreneur’s top global franchises for 2004. Retrieved from www.microsoft.com/small- business/resources/startups/franchisetop_global_franchises.mspx .
Exhibit 8.4 The Power of the Global Franchise
Franchising has proven to be one of the best marketing and expansion methods ever created.
And while American franchises may be seen by a few as symbols of American greed, the
majority still associates franchise brands with business success and economic development—
even hope—worldwide. Why the popularity of international franchising? . . . More than
simply liking the concepts, these franchisees desire the advantages U.S. franchises provide.
“The consumer perception gives the international franchisee a better base to start with, as
many American brands enjoy universal brand recognition.” 9
282 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
given that business in these countries will more likely have sufficient resources to invest overseas. Foreign direct investment in Canada is the second highest in the G7 as a share of GDP. What helps a country gain foreign direct investment? This is discussed in Talking Business 8.4 . In addition, Canadian investments abroad are the third largest in the G7 as a share of GDP. (See Exhibit 8.5 for an illustration of foreign direct investment in Canada and Canada’s direct investment abroad.)
Throughout the 1990s, we observed a growth in foreign ownership in the Canadian business context. Toward the end of the 1990s, foreign firms controlled about 22% of assets in Canada, which is a modest growth from 20.5% in 1994. By 2007, foreign-controlled firms accounted for about 30% of all corporate operating revenues.
Why would businesses wish to engage in foreign direct investment? Controlling com- panies can obtain access to a larger market or needed resources via the FDI. Earlier in the process of globalization, direct investment was, in a sense, a substitute for trade. That is, while companies traded commodities that they had in abundance or that they could pro- duce more competitively, they would also directly invest in countries where they needed to secure their source of raw materials or to manufacture their products inside the domes- tic market and thereby avoid tariffs or other import barriers. More recently, however, with the liberalization of trade, foreign investment exists alongside trade. This is clearly seen in the fact that about one third of world trade is conducted between members of the same organizations—that is, between a parent company and its subsidiary, and between two subsidiaries of the same company. For example, a foreign subsidiary may require resources or supplies from the home country and, consequently, will import them.
Consequently, although FDI increases in a country, employment levels do not neces- sarily rise because of this increased investment. For example, mergers often result in the consolidation and elimination of some common functions: This can entail layoffs and, therefore, reduced employment levels. This relates to a more general concern about FDI:
When firms look for a country to invest in, part of their
location choice is based on certain national characteris-
tics . . . These characteristics include market size, geog-
raphy, and language. But other determinants can at
least be partially influenced by cities. The firm Copen-
hagen Economics lists eight regional policy factors,
supported by empirical analysis, that can help boost FDI
1. a highly educated workforce (skill effect)
2. a high level of spending on R&D (innovation effect)
3. penetration of new technologies (particularly informa- tion and communications technology)
4. strong regional clusters (industry specialization effect)
5. infrastructure and accessibility (access effect)
6. a well-functioning investment promotion agency
7. regional economic strategies
8. FDI incentives.
To this list we add another regional policy factor that
could boost FDI attraction: immigration. A 2009 paper by
economist Hisham Foad argued that immigration to a
country eventually leads to increased inward FDI.
This list of policy factors is also consistent with the
broader national determinants of FDI identified in [the table
below], particularly in the physical infrastructure, labour
markets, and innovation categories, as well as foreign
investment promotion.
What Helps a Country Obtain Foreign Direct Investment?
283C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
Broad Variable Categories for Determinants of FDI
Category Variables Government Influence
• Geographical
• Common language
and culture
No influence
• Market size and
market size growth
• Inflation rate
• Exchange rate stability
• Productivity and
productivity growth
National level
• Socio-political
• Protection of
property rights
• Government
All levels
Physical infra-
• Transportation
• Electricity
• Telecommunications
All levels
Category Variables Government Influence
Openness • Investment
• Foreign ownership
• Foreign investment
promotion agencies
• Trade-to-GDP ratio
All levels
• Interest rates
• Liquid stock
National level
• Unit labour costs
• Skill endowment/
National and
Innovation • R&D activeness National and
Taxes • Corporate tax rate
• Other taxes
All levels
Source: Excerpted from Arcand, A. (2012, May). The role of
Canada’s major cities in attracting foreign direct investment .
Reprinted with permission from The Conference Board of
Canada, 60 pages.
–50 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
50 100
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
B il li o
n s
o f
D o
ll a rs
Foreign Direct Investment in Canada
Canadian Direct Investment Abroad
Net Direct Investment Position
Exhibit 8.5 Canada’s Foreign Direct Investment
Source: Statistics Canada,
Foreign direct investment,
2012. Reproduced and
distributed on an “as is”
basis with the permission of
Statistics Canada.
284 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
10 Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada. (2010). VI: Overview of Canada’s investment performance. In Canada’s state of trade: Trade and investment update, 2010. Retrieved from www.international.gc.ca/economist- economiste/performance/state-point/state_2010_point/2010_6.aspx?lang=eng .
Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances A joint venture involves an arrangement between two or more companies from different countries to produce a product or service together, or to collaborate in the research, devel- opment, or marketing of a product or service. This relationship has also been referred to as a strategic alliance . These organizations develop an arrangement whereby they share managerial control over a specific venture, such as seeking to develop a new technology, gaining access to a new market, and so on. For example, Sony Ericsson is a mobile phone maker that is a joint venture between Ericsson of Sweden and Sony of Japan.
Strategic alliances often aim to extend or enhance the core competencies of the busi- nesses involved, obtain access to the expertise of another organization, and generate new market opportunities for all parties involved. The level of ownership and specific respon- sibilities can be unique to each particular joint venture created among the partners. It has been observed that a high number of international joint ventures have failed largely because of the inability of the partners to find a proper “fit” in their approaches and man- agerial styles. As in any relationship among partners, “fit” must be given special attention, particularly when the partners are culturally diverse.
A typical arrangement may exist between a multinational corporation (MNC) and a local partner, since this facilitates the MNC’s quick entry into a new foreign market through the joint venture with an already established local business. Consequently, the international joint venture has proven to be an efficient way of entering foreign markets rapidly and easing entry where local requirements have been implemented with regard to a degree of domestic ownership and participation in the production or distribution of the good or service.
Mergers and Acquisitions A Canadian-owned company could actually merge with a foreign-owned company and create a new jointly owned enterprise that operates in at least two countries. This is called a merger . The newspapers have been littered with reports of mergers and acquisitions on a global scale. It makes sense that, to the extent that globalization is a process of increas- ing the connectedness among economies, there is a further consolidation of markets and companies. For example, the Montreal-based commercial printing and book-publishing business Quebecor World Inc. was able to expand rapidly in Latin America largely through
joint venture A form of strategic alliance that involves an arrangement between two or more companies joining to produce a product or service together, or to collaborate in the research, development, or marketing of that product or service.
strategic alliance A way to achieve diversification by two or more organizations working together to achieve certain common goals. Strategic alliances can take various forms and serve various purposes.
merger A way to achieve diversification, when two firms come together to create a new firm with a new identity.
FDI provides benefits to Canadian firms through the transfer of knowledge, technol- ogy and skills, and increased trade related to the investment, all of which enhance Canada’s productivity and competitiveness. FDI is also one of the ways in which Canadian companies can integrate into global value chains. 10
Does it benefit or harm the host country? That question continues to be debated. Accord- ing to the recent report entitled Canada’s State of Trade (2010),
285C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
acquisitions and partnerships with local companies in Argentina, Chile, and Peru. Similarly, foreign companies can expand into Canada and establish a North American presence. In 2012, for example, the largest grain handler in Canada, Viterra, was acquired by Glencore, a Swiss-based company, in a $6.1 billion deal.
For the past several decades, the majority of foreign takeovers of large Canadian firms have required a review by the federal government. In order for large companies to merge, the federal government determines if there is a “net benefit” to Canada. Although the Investment Canada Act does not specifically define “net benefit,” there are a number of factors that are taken into account. These include the overall effect of the takeover on Canadian employment, technology development, productivity, competition, and national policies.
Why do such mergers occur? A number of factors typically generate the drive to merge, including the goal of obtaining new markets for the business and the desire to obtain new knowledge and expertise in an industry. The notion of achieving economics of scale in production may also influence the decision to merge. Companies that merge on a global scale may be doing so to generate world-scale volume in a more cost-effective way. Specifically, economies of scale in production are obtained when higher levels of output spread fixed costs (overhead, plant, equipment, and so on) over more produced units and, consequently, reduce the per-unit cost. Thus, mergers sometimes give companies the abil- ity to achieve cost efficiency through larger-scale production that is made possible through the creation of a bigger organization. Mergers have occurred frequently in Canada over the past decade, as seen in Talking Business 8.5 .
Public concerns that Canada is “up for sale” were fuelled by
a series of high-profile mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in
the 2006–07 period, involving such national icons as the
Hudson’s Bay Company, Fairmont Hotels, Inco, Falconbridge,
and Alcan.
Recent Conference Board analysis shows that these take-
overs are an exception to Canada’s longer-term investment
trend. Canadian companies have actually been more active
in M&A activity abroad over the past decade and a half than
foreign companies have been in Canada. Mostly smaller in
value, these takeovers attracted less attention (although they
also involved some mega-deals—notably the acquisition of
Reuters Group by Thomson Corp., which was the largest
takeover of a foreign company in Canadian history).
Why the recent spike in large and expensive Canadian
acquisitions? Analysis shows a strong link between M&A
activity and record corporate profits in the US and Canada,
as well as with lower interest rates. The spike may also be
part of a global phenomenon. In an era when China, India,
Brazil, and others have emerged as major exporters and
destinations for FDI, many companies need to expand in
size in order to become more efficient and be able to com-
pete against these lower-cost economies.
M&A activity in Canada is highly cyclical and is expected
to slow over the near term due to tightening US lending
standards, a stronger Canadian dollar, and slower growth
in US corporate profitability. Given growing global com-
petitiveness, however, the long-term trend for M&A is
likely in an upward direction.
Source: Is Canada Being “Hollowed Out” by Foreign Takeovers?*
Re-energizing Canada’s International Trade – report By: The Con-
ference Board of Canada February 2010, page 19. Reprinted with
permission from The Conference Board of Canada.
Is Canada Being “Hollowed Out” by Foreign Takeovers? Putting Mergers and Acquisitions in Historical Perspective
286 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Establishment of Subsidiaries Another well-known type of global business activity is the creation of subsidiaries or branch operations in foreign countries through which the enterprises can produce or market goods and services. Where possible, a business may choose to maintain total control of its product or service by either establishing a wholly owned subsidiary or by purchasing an existing firm in the host country. Acquisitions of local companies have become increasingly popular. These types of acquisitions allow efficient entry into a market with already well-known products and distribution networks. On the other hand, establishing a subsidiary from scratch in the host country may also be a viable option. For example, shortly following the import quota placed on Japanese cars in the 1980s, Japanese-based car manufacturers set up operations in North America and captured an even greater segment of the consumer market. Toyota, Honda, and Nissan are among the companies that have successfully employed this strategy.
What are the benefits of such types of global arrangements? If the foreign country is a high source of sales for the enterprise, it may make sense to establish a presence in that country to be more responsive to local consumer needs. Among the risks is the fact that much more is at stake when the company has invested in a wholly owned subsidiary— including the time, effort, and expense they have invested to create this operation. Sub- sidiaries may face the threat of political instability, as evidenced in the past in places like China or South Africa. Subsidiaries may also face adverse environments that might turn hostile toward foreign ownership. For example, Toyota’s presence in Canada has not been without controversy. In recent years Toyota’s Canadian subsidiary argued that it was being unfairly slapped with import tariffs on parts, making it more difficult to compete with North American–based car manufacturers. Acquiring a Canadian business effectively transforms it into a “subsidiary” of the acquiring company.
THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION In terms of global types of business activity, the multinational corporation is a type of global business that has been receiving increasing attention, for better or worse. What is a multinational corporation, and why are we seeing its presence increasing across the globe? Observers have noted that such corporations are breaking down borders among countries and creating, in essence, borderless corporations. What are the implications of multina- tionals in terms of the costs and benefits they bring to the countries in which they set up business? We will address these questions in this section.
The first place to start is to offer a definition. What exactly are multinational corpora- tions, and in what way are they “global businesses”? A global business is a business that engages directly in some form of international business activity, including such activities as exporting, importing, or international production. A business that has direct investments (whether in the form of marketing or manufacturing facilities) in at least two different countries is specifically referred to as a multinational corporation (MNC) . In other words, multinational organiza- tions, or MNCs, are business enterprises that control assets, factories, and so on that are either operated as branch offices or affiliates in two or more foreign countries. An MNC generates products or services through its affiliates in several countries, and it maintains control over the operations of those affiliates and manages from a global perspective. MNCs may also be referred to as global companies when they operate in myriad countries across the world.
subsidiaries A legally separate company owned and controlled by a parent company and through which the enterprises can produce or market goods and services.
acquisition A way to achieve diversification, when a firm acquires the majority of shares in another firm.
Objective 3 Discuss the importance and consequences of
multinational and borderless
global business A business that engages directly in some form of international business activity, including such activities as exporting, importing, or international production.
multinational corporation (MNC) Business enterprises that control assets, factories, and so on that are either operated as branch offices or as affiliates in two or more foreign countries. The MNC generates products or services through its affiliates in several countries and maintains control over their operation, managing from a global perspective.
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Typically, MNCs are very large organizations and, in terms of their relative role in the world setting, it has been estimated that the 600 largest MNCs account for about one quar- ter of the activity of the world’s economies. Technically, it may be more accurate to refer to such organizations as MNEs (enterprises), given that such organizations could, in fact, possess partnership status, for example, rather than being incorporated—a business can be multinational without being a corporation per se. Further, MNEs can be divided between those businesses that are globally integrated and those that are multidomestic. Globally integrated companies are companies that integrate their geographically diverse operations through decisions centralized at head office. Consequently, all areas might be given the task of developing and selling a single global product; or perhaps each region is contribut- ing to the manufacture of a certain product. A multidomestic company , on the other hand, permits its geographically diverse components to operate relatively autonomously.
So who, exactly, creates these organizations? Most MNCs have headquarters in devel- oped countries—the home country. More specifically, over half of the MNCs have head- quarters in the United States. France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan are among the other countries that are home to headquarters for most of the remaining MNCs. MNCs maintain branch plants or subsidiaries in two or more foreign countries; these are the host countries, and they are either developed or developing countries (which are sometimes referred to as Third World countries; see Talking Business 8.6 ).
One example of a well-known Canadian MNC is Bombardier, which is very much a part of the global market. This company has operations that include transportation equipment and aircraft production. While its head office is in Montreal, nearly 90% of its sales are in markets outside of Canada. It has production facilities in locations including Canada, the United States, France, and Austria, and it markets products on five different continents.
The Borderless Corporation Anthony Spaeth commented in a Time Magazine article, “The machinery of globaliza- tion is already integrating financial systems, dismantling territorial frontiers and bringing
With regard to the globalization debate, it is useful to note
that the term Third World was originally intended to describe
the poor or developing nations of the world. In contrast, the
First and Second Worlds were composed of the advanced or
industrialized countries. The developed worlds were viewed
as including the United States, Canada, and most of the
countries of Eastern and Western Europe, as well as Austra-
lia, New Zealand, and Japan. Within the broad territory
described as the Third World there are countries that are
developing either rapidly (for example, Brazil, Hong Kong,
Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, and Taiwan) or
modestly (including many countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin
America, in addition to India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and
China) and others that have remained underdeveloped (for
example, Somalia, Sudan, sub-Saharan Africa).
According to recent estimates, the Third World contrib-
utes most to the world’s population growth but is able to
provide only about 20% of the world’s economic production.
A major controversy with regard to global business revolves
around the fate of these underdeveloped nations: Will they
be purely exploited for the economic gain of MNCs, or will
they benefit from the presence of increased industry?
What’s the Third World?
288 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
people closer together.” 11 This comment is perhaps best illustrated in the new term for MNCs— borderless corporations.
The term borderless corporation refers to the increasing ability of MNCs to ignore inter- national boundaries and set up business just about anywhere. In fact, more and more MNCs are taking on the appearance of borderless corporations. Many of today’s organizations that operate globally are, perhaps, less accurately referred to as MNCs than as TNCs, or transna- tional corporations , and in fact these two terms are often used interchangeably. The term TNC as well as the term borderless corporation is also being applied to MNCs given the increas- ing tendency of not simply setting up branch plants in foreign countries but of organizing management, investment, production, and distribution as if the world were one country.
The term multinational is a bit inaccurate, given that many of these companies do not claim any specific nationality but, in fact, gear their planning and decision making to global markets. For example, goods could be designed in one country, raw materials obtained from a second country, manufactured in a third country, and shipped to consum- ers in a fourth country. Consequently, top management can be composed of international members, reflecting the international composition of the organization. The headquarters of MNCs can often be quite irrelevant. For example, while Nestlé is headquartered in Swit- zerland, fewer than 5,000 of its over 200,000 workforce actually work in the home country. Nestlé has manufacturing facilities in over 50 countries and owns suppliers and distributors all over the world. Other similar examples of borderless or stateless corporations would include Coca-Cola, which although headquartered in the United States operates indepen- dent facilities around the world. In fact, Coca-Cola has seen the bulk of its profits gener- ated in the Pacific region and Eastern Europe rather than the United States, as have companies like General Motors. Other companies are equally transnational and almost borderless: Philips, Nissan, and Canada’s Northern Telecom (Nortel), which has increas- ingly moved beyond the title of being a “Canadian business” (see Talking Business 8.7 ).
borderless corporation or transnational corporation (TNC) A multinational corporation that is not linked with one specific home country. Such an enterprise thus has no clear nationality.
11 Spaeth, A. (1998, April 13). Get rich quick. Time Magazine. Retrieved from http://content.time.com/time/ magazine/article/0,9171,988175,00.html .
There is no better way of serving the needs of a
geographically diverse market than by locating in the
different geographical regions. This is reflected in the well-
known motto among today’s MNCs: “Think global, act
local!” It has been suggested that many MNCs, such as
Coca-Cola, Sony, Motorola, and Nestlé, have decentral-
ized decision making among their geographically dispersed
locations. For example, in IBM each subsidiary has its own
local management, its own culture, and its own unique
market focus. What this does is ensure that, for example, a
Canadian client of IBM Canada sees the company as,
indeed, IBM Canada, and not simply as a subsidiary of
another US MNC.
This same philosophy is increasingly being employed by
just about every MNC. Consider Nestlé, which is headquar-
tered in Switzerland, yet seems to many to be a US company.
Consider also the car industry—is a Ford car an American
car? Well, not exactly, if you can imagine that it might be
assembled in Brazil with parts from Europe and the United
States. Like many other MNCs, in the new global economy
the idea is to think global but act local. Regardless of where
they operate, MNCs aim to reflect the local market tastes.
Think Global, Act Local
289C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
The term borderless corporation as opposed to multinational emphasizes the notion that an enterprise can be a global company without any clear nationality. Often, the company has international ownership and international management. Headquarters do not neces- sarily belong to one home country.
Borderless companies are very mobile across borders with regard to the transfer of financial capital, materials, and other resources. They set up business where it is profit- able, rather than creating a branch plant whose head office is in another corner of the world. Decision making is local and decentralized. This underscores their focus on address- ing the local needs of the market within which they operate.
Reduction in trade barriers is said to give rise to borderless corporations. However, borderless corporations can be equally effective in circumventing any trade barriers. Bor- derless corporations typically pledge no allegiance to any country or location—business is simply set up wherever profits can be maximized. Consequently, countries refusing to con- duct trade with another country may not view a borderless corporation as a problem.
Currently the rapid rise of these MNCs (or TNCs or borderless corporations) is rais- ing many questions and concerns. For example, at a time when many countries are con- cerned with their competitiveness in the international market and their status in terms of trade, should we be concerned with who is generating the bulk of our exports? Does it matter what a company’s nationality is, as long as it is providing jobs? Which govern- ment, and whose set of rules, will govern the behaviour of MNCs or borderless corpora- tions? Critics view the globalization of business as bringing with it as many threats as it does opportunities (see Exhibit 8.6 ).
Exhibit 8.6 The Potential Benefits and Threats of MNCs
Potential Benefits
• Encourages economic development
• Offers management expertise
• Introduces new technologies
• Provides financial support to underdeveloped regions of the world
• Creates employment
• Encourages international trade through a company’s access to different markets; it is
relatively easy to produce goods in one country and distribute them in another country
through a subsidiary or foreign affiliate
• Brings different countries closer together
• Facilitates global cooperation and worldwide economic development
Potential Threats
• MNCs do not have any particular allegiance or commitment to their host country.
• Profits made by an MNC do not necessarily remain within the host country but may
be transferred out to other locations depending on where the MNC feels the funds are
most needed.
• Decision making and other key functions of MNCs may be highly centralized in the home
country, so that even though other operations are performed in the host country, they
do not necessarily include things like research and development or strategic planning.
• There is difficulty in the ability to control and hold MNCs accountable, which can create
serious ethical concerns for the host country.
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INTERNATIONAL TRADE The globalization of business may be a relatively new buzzword, but one of its fundamental forms has been around for a long time: the notion of international trade. International trade essentially involves the purchase, sale, or exchange of goods or services across countries. This can be distinguished from domestic trade , which involves trade between provinces, cities, or regions within a country.
Certainly, the trend of globalization has included the grad- ual reduction in trade barriers among many nations as a means to promote greater international trade. You have probably heard about free trade agreements and the debates surrounding
them, but perhaps you are not very familiar with the issues. What are the implications of promoting freer trade across nations, and what are the implications of barriers to trade?
In order to understand some of the critical implications of free trade, it is useful to first consider the nature of international trade. Why might countries want to trade? Why might countries want to engage in protectionism? In this section we will consider a brief history with regard to the issue of international trade.
The Logic of Trade One fundamental argument is that since some countries can produce certain goods or ser- vices more efficiently than others, global efficiency and hence wealth can be improved through free trade. Clearly, it is not advantageous for citizens of a country to be forced to buy an inferior-quality, higher-priced domestic good if they can purchase a superior, lower- priced foreign-produced import. Consistent with this view is the belief that trade should be permitted to continue according to market forces and not artificially restricted through trade barriers. Freer trade would allow countries to trade as they deemed appropriate, rather than trying to produce all goods domestically. Consequently, each country can specialize or focus on producing those goods or services in which it maintains an absolute advantage, and simply trade with other countries to obtain goods or services that are required but not produced by domestic suppliers.
Free trade is based on the objective of open markets, where a level playing field is created for businesses in one country to compete fairly against businesses in other countries for the sale of their products or services. The aim reflects the fundamental principles of comparative advantage. Each country expects to take advantage of each other’s strengths, and thereby be permitted to focus on their own strengths. In simplistic terms, it is rela- tively inefficient for Canada to try to grow coffee beans or bananas, given the climate. Rather than wasting effort and money on unproductive tasks, these items can be imported from countries more suited to such endeavours, while Canadians can focus their efforts in areas where they can produce relatively more efficiently.
Mercantilism The trade theory underlying economic thinking from the period ranging from about 1500 to 1800 is referred to as mercantilism . Specifically, the fundamental view was that a country’s
international trade Trade that involves the purchase, sale, or exchange of goods or services across countries.
domestic trade Trade that involves the purchase, sale, or exchange of goods between provinces, cities, or regions within the same country.
free trade The trade of goods and services in open markets where a level playing field is created for businesses in one country to compete fairly against businesses in other countries. Government intervention is therefore kept at a minimum.
mercantilism The trade theory that dominated economic thinking for the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, where a country’s wealth was believed to be a matter of its holdings of treasure, especially gold; the economic policy of accumulating wealth through trade surpluses.
Objective 4 Explain the purpose of protectionism and
its relationship with
international trade.
Sergey Nivens/Shutterstock
291C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
wealth depended on its holdings of treasure, typically in the form of gold. Mercantilism, essentially, is the economic policy of accumulating this financial wealth through trade surpluses. Trade surpluses come about when a country’s exports exceed its imports and, con- sequently, more money is entering the country (from foreign consumers buying these exports) than is leaving the country (from domestic consumers buying foreign imports). This policy was particularly popular in Europe from about the late 1500s to the late 1700s, with the most dominant mercantilist nations including Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Countries implemented this policy of mercantilism in a number of ways. Foremost, the government would intervene to ensure a trade surplus by imposing tariffs or quotas, or by outright banning some foreign imported commodities. Typically, the governments would also subsidize domestic industries to encourage growth in their exports. Another strategy employed was colonization: acquiring less developed regions around the world as sources of inexpensive raw materials (such as sugar, cotton, rubber, tobacco). These colonies would also serve as markets for finished products. Trade between mercantilist countries and their colonies resulted in large profits, given that the colonies typically were paid little for their raw materials but were forced to pay high prices to purchase the final products. Obviously, the colonial powers benefited to the detriment of the colonies. In addition, mercantilist countries aimed to become as self-sufficient as possible with regard to domestic production of goods and services. This also served to minimize reliance on foreign imports.
Given this brief historical description, it is easy to see why countries today that endeavour to maintain a trade surplus and expand their wealth at the expense of other countries are accused of practising mercantilism or neo-mercantilism. Japan has often been viewed as a mercantilist country because of its typically high trade surplus with a number of industrial nations, including the United States.
Trade Protectionism Essentially, trade protectionism is about protecting a country’s domestic economy and businesses through restriction on imports. Why might imports be a threat to a country’s businesses and economy? Two fundamental reasons can be considered:
1. Low-priced foreign goods that enter the country could compete with goods already produced here and, in effect, take business away from domestic producers. The ulti- mate consequence may be loss of sales and loss of jobs for domestic industries that are unable to compete with these lower-priced imports.
2. A country that imports more than it exports will have a negative balance of trade, or a trade deficit , which often results in more money flowing out of the country (to buy the imported goods) than flowing in (for our exports).
Among the best-known government responses to address these potential risks are the imposition of tariffs and import quotas. A tariff is essentially a tax placed on goods entering a country. Specifically, protective tariffs are intended to raise the price of imported products to ensure that they are not less expensive than domestically produced goods. This, of course, discourages domestic consumers from buying these foreign imports by making them more expensive to purchase. Indeed, when tariffs are reduced or eliminated, global competition may negatively affect some domestic industries more than others, as seen in Talking Business 8.8 .
trade surplus When a country’s exports exceed its imports, so that more money enters the country than leaves it. Also referred to as a positive balance of trade.
trade protectionism Protecting a country’s domestic economy and businesses by restricting imports to prevent domestic producers from losing business to producers of low-priced foreign goods, and to prevent a trade deficit, where more money leaves the country than enters it because imports exceed exports.
trade deficit When a country imports more than it exports to the degree that the value of its imports exceeds the value of its exports.
tariff A tax on imported goods traditionally employed with the intent to ensure that they are not less expensive than domestically produced goods.
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The unusual mission statement for the fledging Canadian-
Made Apparel company is written on a board overlooking
sewing machines and computerized fabric cutters. It’s
nothing more than a date and time—Feb. 21, 2013, 1 p.m.
At precisely that moment, in this very same factory, the
owners of John Forsyth Shirt Co. Ltd. told 110 employees
that a century of shirt-making would come to an end. The
company, established in 1903, was closing its factory—the
latest victim of a Canadian-made garment industry deci-
mated by globalization and, in Forsyth’s case, government
At its most idealistic, globalization is a business model
for a world where market forces put everyone on the
same development path to affluence and democracy. At
its worst, it’s a model for exploitation and corporate con-
quistadors. In between is a large area where public policy,
corporate decisions and consumer attitudes shape a the-
ory often marketed as a force of nature.
“Globalization is about making choices,” says Suzanne
Berger, a leading researcher of the business model at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The former employees of John Forsyth know that only
too well.
The Cambridge factory had been struggling for years.
Competition was fierce. The retail price of a Forsyth dress
shirt runs from $70 to $125. Shirts made in places like
Bangladesh sell for as little as $10 at huge retailers like
Walmart. And demand wasn’t going Forsyth’s way.
“People want cheap shirts,” says Forsyth’s co-owner,
Oliver Morante.
A decade ago the factory had 500 employees making
1.3 million shirts. That dwindled to 110 people working
reduced hours to make 500,000. . . .
The death blow came when the federal government can-
celled “duty remission programs.” In place since 1988, they
allowed apparel companies that manufacture in Canada to
import some clothing from abroad duty free.
For Forsyth, a Mississauga-based company that imports
75 per cent of its shirts from China and Bangladesh—
those sell for $25—it meant the loss of almost $2 million
annually. It was money used to partly offset the higher
labour costs, compared to offshore rivals, of its Cambridge
“Those are the types of programs the government
needs to keep in place if it wants to have any semblance
of domestic manufacturing,” Morante says.
Seventy Canadian companies benefitted from the
$15-million remission programs. The finance ministry says
some of them no longer manufactured in Canada while
others were selling their remission allocation to companies
that don’t produce here. . . .
The finance ministry points to other initiatives to help
the apparel industry, including removing tariffs on
imported equipment. They didn’t benefit Forsyth. . . .
“I’m really angry with the government,” [Ina Stagl, a
Forsyth employee] adds. “They gave millions to the car
companies and nothing to us.”
Only three shirt-making factories remain in Canada,
[one run by Rick Droppo, the former manager at Forsyth
who is trying to reopen the factory] and two in Quebec.
Droppo is convinced he can make a go of it. And the
workers are fully behind him.
In theory, globalization is the process toward a single
world economy—a time when the price of labour, capital
and goods and services will be the same everywhere. We,
of course, are far from that.
The world’s economy was more globalized between 1870
and 1914, notes Berger, an MIT political science professor.
The price of commodities and labour converged as people
moved freely across borders and new technology—from
steamships to trans-Atlantic communication cables—fuelled
The First World War brought it to an end. Immigration
controls and tariffs went up.
“Globalization is somewhat reversible because govern-
ments still have the power to block things at their bor-
ders,” says Berger, author of How We Compete: What
Companies Around the World Are Doing to Make It in
Today’s Global Economy .
In Canada’s apparel industry, quotas limited the amount
of goods imported from individual countries. When the
quota of Chinese imports was filled, Canadian importers
shifted to goods from Korea, then Mauritius and so on.
“The structure of the industry was built on the backs of
these quota arrangements, which forced you into very
mobile sourcing scenarios,” says Bob Kirke, executive
Made in Canada: How Globalization Has Hit the Canadian Apparel Industry
293C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
director of the Canadian Apparel Federation, which repre-
sents 300 manufacturers, importers and retailers.
“Canadian companies became experts at moving
goods all over the world.”
It was training for the next round of globalization,
which kicked off in the early 1980s. The corporate model
until then was vertical integration—research and develop-
ment, design, manufacturing and after-sales service were
all done under the same corporate roof.
The 1980s saw what Berger describes as a “tectonic
shift.” Wall Street pushed a leaner, “asset-light” model.
Labour-intensive manufacturing arms were often the first
to be severed. The reward was higher stock prices. . . .
Unionized jobs largely responsible for expanding a
postwar middle class began to disappear. In Canada since
the late 1990s, the result is rising income inequality, chal-
lenging governments with a series of social policy choices,
including how to redistribute wealth.
In the garment industry, clout shifted from manufac-
turers to big retailers like Walmart. They developed their
own brands. Consumers got hooked on “fast fashion,”
discarding clothes with every new style. Accessing cheaply
manufactured garments became a priority.
Government policies obliged. The NAFTA free trade deal
between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico happened in 1984. In
2003, Canada removed all tariffs and quotas from 49 “least
developed countries,” including Bangladesh. Two years later,
as part of its commitment to the World Trade Organization,
Canada removed all quotas on textiles and apparel imports—
a move that had been signalled for a decade.
To no one’s surprise, manufacturing jobs moved to
low-wage countries, first Korea and China, and when
wages began climbing there, increasingly to places like
Bangladesh. Montreal-based Gildan Activewear Inc., with
$1.95 billion in 2012 sales, has most of its manufacturing
in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The number of Canadians making clothes declined
from 94,260 in 2001 to 19,340 in 2010, according to Sta-
tistics Canada. (When administrative jobs are included, the
total number declined from 106,226 to 25,670.) About
half of the industry is based in Quebec; less than 30 per
cent is in Ontario.
GDP in the clothing manufacturing sector declined
from $3.6 billion in 2002 to $1.4 billion in 2011. The
domestic market share of clothes made in Canada
dropped from 40 per cent in 2004 to 23 per cent in 2008.
“It’s fashionable to say, ‘Buy Canadian,’ as long as some-
one else buys it and not me,” Droppo says, giving his take on
the attitude of consumers who make low price a priority. . . .
Source: Excerpted from Contenta, S. (2013, May 27). Made in
Canada: How globalization has hit the Canadian apparel industry.
Toronto Star . Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/insight/
canadian_apparel_industry.html. Reprinted with permission.
Another common form of trade barrier or restriction is the import quota , which limits the amount of a product that can be imported. The reasons for this restriction are the same: to help ensure that domestic producers retain an adequate share of consumer demand for this product. For example, in the 1980s both the US and Canadian governments were con- cerned with the growing popularity of Japanese-made cars in Canada and the United States. These cars were higher quality and less expensive than the “Big Three” North American car manufacturers. After pressure from the automakers, both the US and Canadian govern- ments negotiated deals with the Japanese government and the Japanese automakers to “vol- untarily” restrict the number of vehicles they would export to Canada and the United States for the following three years. Ironically, this strategy was short-lived, given that Japanese automakers eventually built auto plants in Canada and the United States and achieved an even greater share of the North American market.
What’s Wrong with Mercantilism and Protectionism? A trade surplus, as opposed to a trade deficit, certainly seems like a desirable aim, and is, in many respects, a benefit for any nation. The issue, though, is whether a policy of mercantilism is feasible, given its dependence on restricting foreign imports. Perhaps the most significant criticism of mercantilism is that the central assumption upon which this policy is largely based is inherently flawed. Mercantilism assumes that trade involves a zero-sum gain —that is, the
import quota A limitation on the amount of a product that can be imported to ensure that domestic producers retain an adequate share of consumer demand for their product.
zero-sum game The assumption of mercantilism that the world’s wealth is a fixed amount, so that a nation can only increase its share by forcing other nations to reduce their share.
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world’s wealth is a fixed pie, and a nation can only increase its share of the pie by forcing other nations to reduce their shares of the pie. Based on this logic, one can understand the drive to minimize imports while maximizing exports. The flaw in this logic, however, is readily apparent. The practice creates a “one-way street” of trade, so to speak. That is, a mercantilist country aims to maximize the goods and services it sells to other countries, yet it expects to restrict the goods and services that these same countries attempt to sell to it. Even in the time of colonialism, the policy was ultimately self-defeating: Colonies that received little payment for their raw material exports could not accumulate sufficient wealth to afford the high-priced imports that the mercantilists offered (see Talking Business 8.9 ).
Promoting International Trade Whether it is tariffs or quotas or other forms of protectionism, we have seen a gradual lift- ing of trade restrictions as part of the wave of globalization. Most countries are endeavour- ing to eliminate trade barriers altogether.
One of the most ambitious programs designed to encourage free trade was established back in 1948 with the founding of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) , which was an agreement among approximately 100 countries to reduce the level of tariffs on a worldwide basis. And it did encourage a gradual reduction in trade barriers. In 1995 the World Trade Organization (WTO) , in effect, took over the management of the global trade system from GATT. Its mandate is essentially to develop and administer agreed-upon rules for world trade and discourage protectionist laws that restrict international trade.
Other organizations exist whose purpose is also to assist nations or the global econ- omy. For example, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established after World War II to provide short-term assistance in the form of low-interest loans to countries con- ducting international trade and in need of financial help. The World Bank was established at the same time to provide long-term loans to countries for economic development proj- ects. Typically, the World Bank will borrow funds from the more developed countries and offer low-interest loans to underdeveloped nations. So both of these organizations, by assisting less prosperous nations, help to facilitate trade and investment between countries.
Countries themselves have been pursuing trading blocs and other forms of economic integration as part of the general thrust toward a more integrated world economy. This means opening doors to more foreign competition as well as more foreign ownership. This issue of economic integration is discussed below.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) An agreement among approximately 100 countries to reduce the level of tariffs on a worldwide basis.
World Trade Organization (WTO) An international organization created to develop and administer agreed-upon rules for world trade and discourage protectionist laws that restrict international trade.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) An international organiza- tion established after World War II to provide short-term assistance in the form of low-interest loans to countries conducting international trade and in need of financial help.
World Bank An international organization that provides long-term loans to countries for economic development projects. Typically, the World Bank will borrow funds from more developed countries and offer low-interest loans to underdeveloped nations.
Restrictions on imports can be self-defeating, given that
other countries will act in a similar manner and reduce their
imports. Consider the case of Canada, where a large por-
tion of our raw materials are exported. Can it restrict imports
from countries who are similarly purchasing our exports?
The Great Depression of the 1930s was largely caused
by the protectionist policy passed by the US government
at that time. The government placed tariffs on many
goods entering the United States in order to protect
US industry. However, the result was that many other
countries raised their tariffs and caused a sharp drop in
US exports and, in fact, hurt trade among almost all
The Futility of Protectionism
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FACILITATING GLOBAL BUSINESS: REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION Regional economic integration means bringing different countries closer together by reducing or eliminating obstacles to the international movement of capital, labour, and products or services. A collection of countries within such an integrated region is typi- cally referred to as a regional trading bloc . Why do countries endeavour to integrate? It is, largely, a logical conclusion to maximizing the benefits of international trade, as discussed earlier, with regard to greater availability of products, lower prices, and increased efficiency or productivity. Trading blocs increase international trade and investment, with the central aim of improving their economies and living standards for their citizens.
Regional integration can occur at different levels of intensity, so to speak. These include, from the lowest to the highest levels of integration, free trade areas, customs unions, common markets, and economic unions. It is worthwhile to briefly examine each form.
1. Free trade area : This form of economic integration involves the removal of tariffs and nontariff trade barriers (that is, subsidies and quotas) on international trade in goods and services among the member countries. Given that this form involves the lowest degree of regional economic integration, there is greater member autonomy with regard to such issues as how it chooses to deal with nonmembers and what types of barriers it should construct against nonmember countries. Examples of this form are NAFTA and APEC, both of which are discussed later in this chapter.
2. Customs union : This form of economic integration involves the removal of trade barri- ers on international trade in goods and services among the member countries. However, given that this form involves a somewhat greater degree of economic integration, there is less member autonomy with regard to such issues as how it chooses to deal with non- members and what types of barriers it should construct against nonmember countries. Members will typically generate a uniform policy regarding treatment of nonmembers.
One example of this type of integration is the Mercosur customs union, which is a major trade group in South America. This customs union was established in 1991, and its partners include Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay; it grants associate status to Chile and Bolivia. By 1996 the members had eliminated tariffs on goods accounting for 90% of trade between the member countries and eventually largely abolished trade barriers. In 1995 Mercosur implemented a common external tariff, which makes it a more highly integrated trading bloc than NAFTA. These countries represent an attractive market for foreign companies because of the large population and high proportion of middle-class consumers. However, tariffs for nonmembers have ranged from 16% to 32% and, consequently, have made it challenging for out- siders. Countries like Canada and the United States are awaiting further agreements like the FTAA (the Free Trade Area of the Americas) that would allow greater access to the Latin American markets for North American exports.
3. Common market : This form of economic integration builds on the elements of the two previous forms, including the removal of trade barriers and the implementation of a common trade policy regarding nonmembers. In addition, members of a common
regional economic integration Bringing different countries closer together by reducing or eliminating obstacles to the international movement of capital, labour, and products or services.
regional trading bloc A collection of countries within an integrated economic region.
free trade area The lowest degree of regional economic integration, where tariffs and nontariff trade barriers on international trade in goods and services among the member countries are removed.
customs union Economic integration with the removal of trade barriers in goods and services among the member countries. A greater degree of integration than free trade areas, but with less mem- ber autonomy in how nonmember countries are dealt with.
common market Economic integration that goes beyond free trade areas and customs unions and includes, for example, freer flow of labour and capital across members’ borders and a common trade policy regarding nonmembers.
Objective 5 Identify the types of regional economic
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market will typically also generate a freer flow of labour and capital across their bor- ders. Given the requirement of cooperation in economic and labour policy, this level of economic integration is more difficult to achieve than the previous two levels. The European Union is one such example of a common market arrangement.
4. Economic union : This form of economic integration builds on the previous three forms and, in addition, involves a coordination of economic policies among the mem- ber countries. It requires a higher level of integration than a common market because it involves the harmonization of fiscal, monetary, and tax policies. In addition, it often includes the creation of a common currency. Consequently, member countries in such an arrangement maintain much less autonomy compared to the lesser forms of economic integration. In the following discussion of the EU, it can be noted that the members are moving toward greater integration of economic and political policies, which would essentially move them closer to a genuine economic union.
A significant portion of total world trade occurs within three regional trading blocs, also referred to as the triad market of North America, Europe, and Asia. Given the impor- tance of these trading blocs, it is worthwhile to highlight each. Following is a relatively brief description of the trading blocs in Europe and Asia, followed by a lengthier discus- sion of NAFTA and its implications for the Canadian business environment.
European Union (EU) In 1992, 12 nations of Europe established a common market called the European Com- munity (EC) and in 1994, after adding several new members, it became known as the European Union (EU) . The European Union is a common market with a single currency and a free flow of money, people, products, and services within its member countries. Currently, there are 27 member states within the EU, with some members also adopting a common currency (the euro) and monetary policy. The members include Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and the United Kingdom, among others. In total, the EU is currently the largest integrated common market in the world, with approximately 500 million consumers.
Common market is a term that refers to a group of countries that remove all tariff and non- tariff barriers to trade. Indeed, the aim of the EU is to create a borderless Europe, so to speak. In fact, the bulk of the advanced regions of Europe exist in essentially one giant market, with the free movement of goods and services as well as people and financial capital. Businesses that operate outside the boundaries of the EU can achieve the benefits of membership if they have a subsidiary in at least one member country. For example, US-based companies like 3M, Hewlett-Packard, and GE have already established a European presence and consequently enjoy the same benefits as businesses who are part of the member European countries. Those not yet established in Europe are developing strategies to exploit this large market.
The EU can be a double-edged sword for nonmembers. It can generate protectionist policies for its members, like tariffs or quotas, to bar the United States or Japan from entry, for example. On the other hand, the EU could also create opportunities for nonmem- bers—for example, it comprises a huge market for North American exports. A number of US-based companies have chosen to engage in joint ventures with European-based com- panies as a means of obtaining some kind of presence in the European market.
economic union A higher level of economic integration than a common market, with harmonization of fiscal, monetary, and tax policies and often a common currency. There is compa- rably very little member autonomy.
European Union (EU) A common market with a single currency and a free flow of money, people, products, and services within its member countries.
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Does this common market matter to Canada? It certainly does. The EU is one of Canada’s most important trading partners. Clearly, this large market cannot be ignored. Aside from the United States, five of Canada’s top ten export markets are in Europe. Con- sequently, observers view Europe as a potentially strong market for Canadian goods if tariff and nontariff barriers can be reduced. In addition, many critics feel that there is currently too high a reliance on one market (the United States) for Canadian exports and increased trade with other markets is preferable.
Asian Trading Bloc Another region of growing importance to Canada has been the Asia-Pacific region. This region has a total population of about 2 billion people—approximately twice that of the European community. In addition to the drive for greater economic integration and free trade in Europe and North and South America, Asia has also sought to create trading blocs. Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea (also referred to as the Four Tigers), together with the relatively dominant partner, Japan, have grown to become an increasingly integrated economic region.
Asean The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established in 1967 and became the first major free trade bloc in Asia. Its aim was to promote greater cooperation in areas such as industry and trade among the members, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. At the same time, member countries are protected by trade barriers from nonmembers.
There is a move to create a greater East Asian trade and economic grouping, consisting of the ASEAN countries plus Japan, China, and South Korea. 12 The process of creating a trading bloc has been slower in Asia partly because, unlike NAFTA and the EU, there is a wide disparity between the economic infrastructures and the GDPs of Japan, South Korea, and China. While disparities exist among members in the EU, they are not as great. For example, a number of current EU members, like Portugal and Greece, have remained eco- nomically behind such members as Germany, France, and the UK. In North America, although much of Mexico’s southern region lives in essentially Third World conditions, the disparities in the economics of China, South Korea, and Japan are much greater. All of this contributes to a greater difficulty in integrating the regions for trade purposes.
Apec The Asia-Pacific region has also set out to facilitate greater economic cooperation and freer trade through the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) , formed in 1989. Among the members of APEC are the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Canada, and the United States, to name some of the 21 members. It is viewed as a significant eco- nomic force, given that its members generate over 50% of the world’s output and about 50% of its merchandise trade. APEC was established to promote economic cooperation among members in the areas of trade and investment. Its relatively diverse mix of countries is, in effect, an effort to counter the narrower regionalism of such arrange- ments as the EU and NAFTA. In fact, APEC includes three of the traditionally largest
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) The first major free trade bloc in Asia. It aimed to promote greater cooperation in areas such as industry and trade among its members. At the same time, mem- ber countries were protected by trade barriers from nonmembers.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) A trading bloc formed in 1989. Among the members are the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Canada, and the United States, to name a few of the 21 members.
12 Sterling, H. (2011, March 13). Is free trade a realistic option for East Asia? National Post.
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economies—the United States, China, and Japan. NAFTA was included in APEC largely as a means to forge stronger economic links between North America and Asia.
How important is APEC to Canada? Canada’s central aim in joining APEC was to expand trade opportunities with the region. This region has a total population of about 2 billion people—approximately twice that of the European community. This repre- sents a large market for Canadian exports. Next to the United States, Japan has been one of Canada’s largest trading partners, and Japan, along with other member nations, represents a high potential as consumers for our exports. The suggestion is not neces- sarily to decrease the level of trade and investment that Canada has established with the United States, but rather to pursue similar levels of access to other major regions like Asia. According to one observer, in this century globalization is likely to be domi- nated by Asian countries rather than North American ones as China and India increase their investments in education and research activities, advancing their own multina- tionals and expanding their economic potential. This means that Canada’s capacity to play the global role that Canadians aspire to will depend on many factors, including creating and allocating the resources that allow it to do so. Canada has to be an eco- nomic, social, and environmental success at home. In particular, Canada has to make the transition to a knowledge-based society, with a high level of literacy and capacity for innovation. 13
North American Trading Bloc and NAFTA The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) came into effect January 1, 1989, and was largely aimed at reducing, and eventually eliminating, tariff barriers on almost all goods and ser- vices traded between Canada and the United States, as well as at further facilitating cross- country investments. Among the other provisions of the agreements are rules regarding government subsidies, the imposition of countervailing duties, standards of health and safety, and the environment. Essentially, for Canadian exporters this agreement offered better access to the huge American market for Canadian goods and services.
In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was established, which was an agreement to remove trade barriers between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This agreement, which replaced the FTA, essentially aimed to produce a com- mon market among the members. There has been much written regarding the impact that NAFTA has had on the three member countries. Before we identify some of the major arguments supporting or condemning free trade, let’s consider some of the areas that have been impacted by this free trade agreement: trade, employment and business, culture, competitiveness, and the consumer (see Exhibit 8.7 ).
NAFTA’s Impact on Trade Advocates of free trade have this to say about NAFTA’s impact on trade:
■ NAFTA achieved its most fundamental objective: to increase the level of trade between Canada and the United States. Canada and US trade increased by about 75% since the establishment of the FTA. Of course, the United States continues to
Objective 6 Discuss the implications of NAFTA for
Canada and the Canadian
business environment.
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) An agreement established in 1989 between Canada and the United States to remove trade bar- riers and to produce a common market between the countries.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) An agree- ment established in 1994 between Canada, the United States, and Mexico to remove trade barriers and to produce a common market between the countries. The agree- ment replaced the FTA from 1989.
13 Crane, D. (2005). Canada in a shifting world. Foreign Affairs Canada. Retrieved from www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/ canada-magazine/01-title-en.asp .
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be Canada’s major trading partner, account- ing for almost 80% of Canada’s total trade.
■ Canada’s merchandise trade with the United States increased by 80% in the first five years of NAFTA, and Canada’s trade with Mexico increased by 65%, reaching $271.5 billion and $1.4 billion, respectively, in 1998.
■ One measure of the relative significance of trade to a country is to observe the volume of an economy’s trade relative to its total output (percentage of GDP). Exports of Canadian goods to the United States were approximately 17% of GDP in the 1980s, prior to NAFTA. With the implementa- tion of NAFTA, exports and imports grew significantly over the period from 1990 to 1999. Specifically, as a proportion of GDP, exports grew from 25.7% to 43.2%, while imports grew from 25.7% to 40.3%. In con- trast, for the 10 years prior to the FTA, exports and imports as a proportion of GDP were practically constant. Total Canada–US trade in both goods and services rose from $425 billion in 1995 to $700 billion in 1999.
■ The Government of Canada website has underscored what it views as many positive consequences of NAFTA, including the following:
Exhibit 8.7 The Impact of NAFTA
NAFTA has helped transform the three economics while creating synergies that go far beyond economic prosperity. As with any trade liberalization initiative or other economic change, NAFTA affected some sectors positively and others adversely, but there is little doubt that on the whole, the agreement produced real net benefits for workers and consumers of the three countries . . . some 70 million passengers cross the US-Canada border each year (twice the population of Canada), along with 7 million commercial trucks, and 1.3 million rail containers. Since NAFTAs implementation in 1994, total merchandise trade between the US and Canada has grown by over 120%, and when you include trade in services, the growth has been closer to 140%. US trade with Mexico has shown even more significant growth (nearly tripled) over the same period. United States exports to Canada and Mexico have surged 85% from $142 billion to $263 billion in the same period, significantly higher than the 41% increase of United States exports to the rest of the world! 14
14 Government of Canada. Retrieved from www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/can-am/menu-en.asp?act=v&did=2890&mid= 46&cat=2132&typ=1.
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■ While the quantity of Canada–US trade itself may have improved, there have not been any improvements in the quality or nature of Canada’s export patterns. As noted earlier, Canada had been far too reliant on exporting of raw materials (“low- technology exports”), in relatively unprocessed form, to the United States. More “added-value,” “higher-tech” exports need to be generated so that we can become stronger in more valuable types of exports and engage in more research and develop- ment to do so. As one critic indicated,
Critics of free trade have this to say about NAFTA’s impact on trade:
■ Any trade improvements witnessed over the past decade may be more attributable to Canada’s then relatively low dollar than due to the results of NAFTA. The fact that for years the US dollar was stronger than the Canadian dollar may have been a stronger help for Canadian exports. As one writer observed,
15 Campbell, B. (2006, July 1). NAFTA’s broken promises. The CCPA Monitor. Retrieved from www.policyalter- natives.ca/publications/monitor/july-2006-naftas-broken-promises .
Much has been made of Canada’s NAFTA-driven trade success, but the reality does not live up to the hype. Canada’s merchandise trade surplus with the U.S. is less than meets the eye . . . a federal Industry Department study found that by far the largest factor—accounting for 90% of the 1990s export surge—was the low Canadian dollar. 15
Although there was an increase in some high-tech sectors, notably telecom- munications and aerospace, the trade deficit in high-tech products remains high . . . and Canada’s poor record in private sector R&D persists. Relative to GDP, Canada’s exports of higher value-added products—including autos, machinery and equipment, and consumer goods—have fallen by one-quarter since 1999 . . . 16
■ NAFTA has encouraged us to become too dependent on trade with the United States. This point is driven home by observations such as the following:
Meanwhile, outside NAFTA, the world economy has undergone a vast metamor- phosis. China has grown into a trading giant. India is becoming a global leader in the services trade. The European Union is bringing growth to once-perennial underperformers such as eastern Europe and Spain; the latter’s economy has grown to roughly the same size as Canada’s. The United States has made a higher priority of trading bilaterally with emerging players, and some of their trade agreements may prove more comprehensive than NAFTA, putting Canada’s pre- ferred status in the United States at risk. Indeed, China will soon supplant us as America’s top trading partner. 17
17 Preville, 2006.
16 Campbell, 2006.
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NAFTA’s Impact on Canadian Employment and Business NAFTA’s impact on employment and wages has not been clearly determined to date. Different groups have offered different information as to whether jobs have been lost or created as a result of free trade. The key controversy surrounding NAFTA is the issue of jobs. Does open trade and increasing foreign presence in a country result in job creation or job loss? If countries allow products or services to freely enter their borders, what happens to the domestic producers of such products or services?
Advocates of free trade have this to say about NAFTA’s impact on Canadian employ- ment and business:
■ Foreign competition forces domestic businesses to improve their operations and improve their products and services.
■ Protecting domestic business amounts to discouraging competitiveness and innova- tion and, ultimately, will lead to job losses, given the inability to remain competitive in world markets.
■ Free trade encourages countries to abort inefficient operations and focus on the rela- tively stronger commodities or services in which they have a competitive or com- parative advantage.
Critics of free trade have this to say about NAFTA’s impact on Canadian employ- ment and business:
■ Many Canadian manufacturers cannot compete with US imports and are forced out of business.
■ Job losses arise from US companies deciding to shut down their Canadian subsidiaries and exporting their tariff-free goods to Canada.
■ Many manufacturing jobs are lost to Mexico, given that country’s relatively cheaper labour and, hence, lower-priced goods.
■ We need to expand trade with other nations rather than relying solely on NAFTA. NAFTA may have caused Canada to become too complacent in the global market. Consequently, many observers note the need for Canada to put more effort into establishing strong trade ties with other countries. As Philip Preville commented in his Maclean’s report,
Our share of global exports and investment to China has actually been on the decline, and we are no longer among China’s top 10 trading partners . . . Trade policy should be geared towards facilitating exports of services, and also importing components to reduce the cost of goods manufactured in Canada—a way of making China’s manufacturing prowess work for us. [The Conference Board of Canada] also recommends pursuing trade with India and other emerging nations in Asia and Latin America, as well as renewing relationships with old partners in Europe and Japan. 18
18 Preville, 2006.
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NAFTA’s Impact on Canadian Culture Advocates of free trade have this to say about NAFTA’s impact on Canadian culture:
■ The agreement is not signing away Canada’s cultural heritage any more than the European Union forced European nations to lose their individual cultures.
■ According to Statistics Canada, Canadian cultural exports exceed $4.5 billion, and more royalty money for music is coming into Canada than is leaving.
Critics of free trade have this to say about NAFTA’s impact on Canadian culture:
■ Free trade will encourage the destruction of a unique Canadian culture.
■ Increasing foreign domination of the Canadian economy will transform Canada into a pure economic subsidiary of the United States.
■ Publishing and broadcasting industries are threatened by American competitors and the increasing presence of American-based media.
■ The presence of the United States in areas like the Canadian entertainment industry would pose a serious threat to the transmission of Canadian culture.
NAFTA’s Impact on Canadian Competitiveness and the Canadian Consumer Advocates of free trade have this to say about NAFTA’s impact on Canada’s competitiveness and the Canadian consumer:
■ One of the central objectives of the FTA was to encourage Canadian businesses to become more competitive through exposure to greater competition from American business.
■ Canadian consumers are given more choice and are exposed to competitive products with free trade. That is, they will have access to potentially less expensive goods or services—whether they come from the United States or from increasingly competi- tive Canadian businesses.
■ Canadian companies that require inputs from US businesses can now obtain them more cheaply and pass these savings on to the consumer.
■ Canada cannot afford to ignore the US market. If Canadian companies wish to become more competitive, they also need to serve a larger market—and the United States certainly offers a huge market for Canadian goods. Free trade gives Canada greater access to selling goods and services to this market through the reduction of trade barriers.
Free trade was sold as a solution to Canada’s persistent unemployment problem. Though there are other factors at play, the record does not bear this out. Average unemployment during the last 15 years has remained about the same as the average rate during the previous 15 years. Nor has the promise of increased employment quality—high skill, high-wage jobs—under free trade materialized. On the contrary, displaced workers in the trade sectors have moved to lower-skill, lower-wage jobs in the services sector. Precarious forms of employment (part-time, temporary, and self- employment) have also increased . . . 19
19 Campbell, 2006.
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Critics of free trade have this to say about NAFTA’s impact on Canada’s competitive- ness and the Canadian consumer:
■ NAFTA has not encouraged any increase in productivity. Canadians have been unable to match US productivity rates for the past 20 years, and have produced at rates that are equal to about 80% of the output of workers in the United States.
■ NAFTA has not reduced the productivity gap between Canada and the United States:
As for the productivity gap with the US that was, according to proponents, supposed to narrow under free trade, it has instead widened. Canadian labour productivity (GDP per hour worked) rose steadily in relation to US productivity during the 1960s and 1970s, peaking at 92% of the US level in 1984. Thereafter, it slid to 89% in 1989 and by 2005 had fallen to just 82% of US productivity—below where it was in 1961. 20
20 Campbell, 2006.
■ Our good record of exports has come about largely because the relatively low value of the Canadian dollar has made our goods cheaper in the past. In other words, it is not that we were producing cost-efficient goods, but rather it is an artificial reduction in the value of our dollar that has made them cheaper in foreign markets. Consequently, a higher Canadian dollar results in decreased export. What is needed, arguably, is real improvements in productivity coming from things like updating equipment, retraining workers, and building competitiveness.
Where Is Canada Headed? NAFTA, like other trade agreements, facilitates globalization—the mobility of resources across borders, the freer flow of goods and services, increases in foreign investment, and the growing interdependence of economies. Such instruments bring potential benefits and threats. While many observers see dangers in the outcomes of freer trade, only time will tell whether Canada ultimately gains or loses.
Grappling with NAFTA Though it has been about two decades since NAFTA has been in effect, its members are still struggling to understand and deal with a number of controversies that NAFTA has presented. For many critics, the benefits of NAFTA accrue largely to corporations rather than to individuals. As one observer comments,
the North American Free Trade Agreement was sold to the people of the United States, Mexico and Canada as a simple treaty eliminating tariffs on goods crossing the three countries’ borders. But NAFTA is much more: It is the constitution of an emerg- ing continental economy that recognizes one citizen—the business corporation. It gives corporations extraordinary protections from government policies that might limit future profits, and extraordinary rights to force the privatization of virtually all civilian public services. Disputes are settled by secret tribunals of experts, many of whom are employed privately as corporate lawyers and consultants. At the same time, NAFTA excludes protections for workers, the environment and the public that are part of the social contract established through long political struggle in each of the countries. 21
21 Faux, J. (2004, February 2). NAFTA at 10. The Nation. Retrieved from www.thenation.com/article/nafta- 10#axzz2eRmdybFW .
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The concern that the rights of corporations are paramount in NAFTA is clearly illus- trated in the growing number of lawsuits aimed at governments accused of discriminating against foreign-owned corporations. Specifically, this controversy largely stemmed from one section of NAFTA legislation referred to as Chapter 11 . Chapter 11 of NAFTA asserts that foreign corporations are permitted to sue the federal government for compensation if that government’s legislation, policy, or the delivery of public services interferes with pres- ent or future profits of the foreign corporation.
CHAPTER SUMMARY There is little doubt that the phenomenon of globalization will have profound effects on businesses and societies across the world. In this chapter we tried to make sense of this phenomenon—what it entails and what its implications are. Specifically, we considered why organizations may “go global,” and we identified the different types of global busi- ness activity. We examined the significance of multinational and borderless corpora- tions. We also considered why nations desire, or do not desire, to promote international trade, including an examination of the pros and cons of Canada’s free trade agreement with the United States. Is all this good or bad? That is, will the trend toward an increas- ingly integrated world economy benefit societies, or generate greater harm? What are the challenges and opportunities for managers in the global workplace? It is hoped that the material in this chapter has encouraged you to think more critically about these questions.
Key Terms
acquisition 286
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 297
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 297
borderless corporation 288
common market 295
control 281
customs union 295
domestic trade 290
economic union 296 European Union
(EU) 296
first-mover advantage 272
foreign direct investment (FDI) 281
franchisee 281
franchising 281
franchisor 281
free trade 290
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 298
free trade area 295
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 294
global business 286
globalization 271
import quota 293
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 294
international trade 290
joint venture 284
licensing agreement 280
mercantilism 290
merger 284
multinational corporation (MNC) 286
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 298
outsourcing 280
pull factors 271
push factors 271
regional economic integration 295
regional trading bloc 295
strategic alliance 284
subsidiaries 286
tariff 291
trade barriers 273
trade deficit 291
trade protectionism 291
trade surplus 291
transnational corporation (TNC) 288
World Bank 294
World Trade Organization (WTO) 294
zero-sum gain 293
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Multiple-Choice Questions Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. Globalization can be referred to as a process involving a. the integration of world economies
b. the integration of world markets
c. expanding the degree and forms of cross-border
d. all of the above
2. Going global can be encouraged by a. pull factors b. push factors
c. cross-border tariffs d. both A and B
3. In expanding globally, potential for global sales growth is a a. pull factor b. push factor
c. both A and B d. none of the above
4. In expanding globally, all of the following are examples of push factors except
a. the force of competition
b. the shift toward democracy
c. reduction in trade barriers
d. obtaining needed resources
5. The first-mover advantage is a philosophy that involves a. being the first Canadian company to export goods
to an established market
b. being the first to import goods from a supplier overseas
c. being the first to establish a strong market position
d. being the first to change your company’s competitive
strategy to meet market needs
6. An example of a trade barrier is a. a tariff b. a trade agreement
c. an export quota d. both A and C
7. A business can go global by conducting global business activity in the form of
a. licensing and franchising
b. joint ventures and strategic alliances
c. outsourcing to overseas companies
d. all of the above
8. A franchisee is a. the owner of a small business
b. the dealer
c. the supplier who receives royalties
d. both A and B
9. Control of a company can occur with a. 100% ownership
b. less than 50% interest
c. 50% ownership
d. all of the above
10. A reason for a business to engage in FDI is to gain a. access to a smaller market
b. needed resources
c. better trade relations
d. none of the above
11. A strategic network is a relationship involving a a. merger b. subsidiary
c. joint venture d. industry association
12. Economies of scale can be a benefit of a a. strategic network b. subsidiary
c. merger d. licensing agreement
13. To gain access to new knowledge or expertise, a com- pany could
a. create a subsidiary
b. outsource its payroll department overseas
c. acquire a new company
d. license a business to a franchisee
14. A borderless corporation is sometimes referred to as a(n) a. MNC b. TNC
c. subsidiary d. both A and B
15. A potential threat of a multinational corporation is that a. decision making is centralized
b. economic development is encouraged
c. management expertise is shared
d. rare technologies are shared
Discussion Questions 1. Discuss globalization and compare its many definitions.
2. Describe the differences between pull and push factors.
3. Identify and describe the seven channels of global busi- ness activity.
4. What is a multinational corporation (MNC)?
5. What are the potential benefits and risks of an MNC?
6. Explain the meaning of a trade barrier and provide two examples.
7. Contrast the difference between a trade surplus and a trade deficit.
8. Explain regional economic integration and provide five levels of intensity.
9. What is a trade agreement? Provide three examples.
10. What are some arguments for and against the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
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Numerous foreign takeovers of prominent Canadian companies have occurred over the past decade. Among the more high-profile takeovers have been Swiss-based Glencore International PLC acquiring Viterra Inc., a Regina-based agribusiness, in 2012; Brazilian mining company Vale acquiring Toronto-based Inco, the world’s second-largest nickel producer, in 2007; UK’s Rio Tinto purchasing mining and aluminum company Alcan in 2007; Swiss company Xstrata taking over Toronto-based copper and nickel mining com- pany Falconbridge in 2006; U.S. Steel Corp. acquiring Canadian steelmaker Stelco in 2007; graphics chipmaker ATI Technologies based in Markham, Ontario, being acquired by US company Advanced Micro Devices in 2006; and the Caterpillar Inc. takeover of locomotive builder Electro-Motive in London, Ontario, in 2010. 22
Why would businesses wish to engage in foreign direct investment? Foreign direct investment (FDI) involves the purchase of physical assets or an amount of ownership in a company from another country to gain a measure of management control. A direct invest- ment can be done through acquisition of an already existing business in the host country or through a startup built “from scratch,” so to speak. The choice may be dependent on a number of factors, including the availability of suitable businesses in the host country.
A relatively recent foreign acquisition in Canada involved the Calgary-based oil and gas producer Nexen Inc., Canada’s 12th largest energy company. In 2013, Nexen was pur- chased for about $15 billion by the China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC), which is owned by the Chinese government. This made Nexen into a wholly owned sub- sidiary of CNOOC.
Why did this Chinese state-owned company choose Canadian Nexen as a target of its takeover bid? In 2013, Canada was ranked as having the world’s third-largest oil reserves, after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. 23 The leaders of large consuming nations such as China have been seeking to maintain continued access to this natural resource in order to keep their economies growing. Given that China is the biggest energy consumer in the world and the second-biggest consumer of oil, its aim has been to attempt to acquire these resource assets.
Why would Canada be interested in permitting a foreign takeover of important busi- nesses such as one in the petroleum industry? Canada has a large reserve of natural resources, but a relatively smaller population and economy. Consequently, Canada is con- cerned about finding long-term, stable markets for its products given that developing and selling more of its natural resources boosts economic prosperity. Clearly, having China as a long-term customer guarantees a solid market for Canada’s resources. Added to that is that fact that CNOOC has the financial resources to accelerate development of Nexen’s oil sands, and thereby can boost investment and tax revenues in Canada. 24
23 Perkowski, J. (2012, July 25). Why Nexen is different: The politics of supply. Forbes. Retrieved from www. forbes.com/sites/jackperkowski/2012/07/25/why-nexen-is-different-the-politics-of-supply .
24 Perkowski, 2012.
22 CBC News. (2012, July 23). 7 foreign takeovers that shook up Canadian business. Retrieved from www.cbc. ca/news/business/story/2012/07/23/foreign-takeovers-canada-nexen.html .
307C h a p t e r 8 G l o b a l F o r c e s
The foreign acquisition of Nexen had to be approved by the federal government, which needed to consider whether the takeover would be of “net benefit” to Canada. The proposed buyout needed to be carefully considered by the Canadian government since there were a number of potential issues at stake. It was felt that the purchase would posi- tivity impact business relations with Beijing, and potentially contribute to Canada’s future energy strategy. Allowing the purchase means more Chinese investment in Canada and boosting oil sands production—both of which are economic benefits to Canada. 25
On the other hand, as critics suggested, the takeover could trigger a transfer of Cana- da’s control of our natural resources to foreign interests. Petroleum resources are very important to Canada. Some critics argue that given China’s poor human rights and envi- ronmental records, the deal with CNOOC should be rejected. An editorial in the Globe and Mail made some cautionary notes on that topic:
Nothing can change the fact that CNOOC is led by a Communist dictatorship with a patchy human rights record. . . . Of course, CNOOC plans to run its operation as a commercial enterprise, not as a political arm of Beijing. 26
Prime Minister Harper asserted that such strategic partnerships would not prevent the Canadian government from standing up for human rights issues in China and that environmental responsibilities must be monitored. In addition, supporters of the acquisi- tion point out that expanding business ties to China will be crucially important to Canada given that China is fast becoming the world’s top economic power. This connection can help maintain the strength of Canada’s export-based economy and compensate for poten- tially lower trade with the United States. 27
Among the other considerations for government approval of the takeover was the willingness of CNOOC to retain all incumbent Nexen employees. To that end, the company agreed that Calgary would serve as its headquarters for North and Central American operations. As well, CNOOC promised to acquire a listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange and sustain Nexen’s social responsibility efforts globally. Given that CNOOC is a government-owned agency, the Canadian government also required a commitment from the Beijing government for better investment access for Canadian businesses in China. 28
Critics of this deal warned that it could trigger more takeovers whereby other foreign governments are encouraged to take over Canadian natural resources. Consequently, while the federal government of Canada approved the controversial acquisition, it put in place regulation that would largely preclude future takeovers of Canadian energy firms by state-owned foreign companies. This means that while Nexen is no longer Canadian owned, the deal did not create a precedent for China or other foreign governments to
25 Whittington, L. (2012, September 29). Nexen takeover decision a crossroads for Canada and China. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/canada/2012/09/29/nexen_takeover_decision_a_crossroads_for_ canada_and_china.html .
26 Editorial. (2012, July 23). Nexen takeover must be good for Canada. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www. theglobeandmail.com/commentary/editorials/nexen-takeover-must-be-good-for-canada/article4436664 .
27 Whittington, 2012.
28 Whittington, 2012. Case Continued >
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have guaranteed growing shares in Canada’s energy wealth, thereby protecting future Canadian interests. 29
The decision to allow the takeover avoided harming Canada’s trade and investment prospects with the world’s emerging economic power. At the same time, the decision to not permit future takeovers of the same kind prevent the “hollowing out” of the petro- leum industry in Canada since it would have allowed takeovers among other oil sands producers like Suncor, Cenovus, or Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. And this serves as a protective measure against losing control over an important and strategic natural resource for Canada. In fact, it led to the updating of Canada’s Investment Act to preclude foreign state-owned enterprises from purchasing Canadian oil producers in all but “exceptional circumstances.” 30
1. How does this case reflect themes of globalization?
2. How are the following parties potentially affected by this takeover? Discuss both the potential benefits and negative consequences that each may experience as a result.
b. Nexen
c. Canadian employment
d. The Canadian economy
e. Canadian competitors in this industry
f. Global competitors in this industry
3. “The Canadian government should protect Canadian business from both foreign competition and takeovers.” Discuss the merits of this statement in the context of this case.
29 Goar, C. (2012, December 13). Stephen Harper made the right decision on Nexen takeover. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/opinion/editorialopinion/2012/12/13/goar_stephen_harper_made_the_right_ decision_on_nexen_takeover.html .
30 Whittington, 2012.
Chapter 9 Political Forces Where Would Canadian Business be Without Our Government?
Should the Canadian government take a more active role
in the welfare of Canadian industry? The traditional rela-
tionship between government and business is clearly
undergoing change. In this chapter, we will examine how
government can intervene in business activity while ful-
filling its role as both guardian of society and guardian of
business. We will consider current and critically important
trends regarding the shift toward reduced government
involvement in the business sector. Specific attention will
be paid to the issues of deregulation and privatization.
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Describe the fundamental nature of the Canadian
business enterprise system.
2. Describe how government in Canada is structured.
3. Discuss the government’s role as a guardian of society
and how this impacts its relationship to business.
4. Identify the purpose of Crown corporations.
5. Explain the notion of government as guardian of the
private business sector.
6. Discuss government’s role with regard to global business.
7. Describe the objectives and consequences of
deregulation and privatization.
© Convery fl owers/Alamy
310 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
THE BUSINESS WORLD Japan’s Toyota and Canada’s Subsidies
Should governments be funding private business? Does it matter if those businesses are Canadian owned or foreign owned? The answer to these often-asked questions is . . . well, there is no clear answer.
Governments at all levels can provide assistance for businesses in the form of grants, loans, and subsidies. Between 1983 and 2012, the federal department Industry Canada spent $13.7 billion on grants and loans to businesses, with the majority of these loans remaining unpaid in 2013. 1 The government may be more likely to offer assistance to those industries “in need” that are also deemed to be of particular importance. For example, recipients of government aid have included Canada’s big banks, which received billions in support from the federal government and the Bank of Canada during the 2008–2009 financial crisis. 2 While the financial aid was repaid in full, observers suggested that had these public funds not been made available, it could have been disastrous for them. In addition, industries with leading-edge technology, those providing highly skilled jobs, and those that are oriented toward exports may be among the more likely recipients of government aid.
The federal and provincial governments also provide financial incentives in an effort to dissuade companies from moving their operations outside of Canada. For example, the federal government gave Pratt & Whitney Canada an $11 million loan to encourage the company to retain the development of a new aircraft component within Canada. More recently, Pratt & Whitney received a $300 million government loan for research and development. 3 Kellogg, a US cereal manufacturer with operations in Canada, received $4.5 million from the Ontario provincial government to help establish an advanced new production line that would make its Belleville manufacturing plant among the most tech- nologically advanced in Kellogg’s worldwide operations.
The auto industry has been a major recipient of government subsidies. This is an important industry in Canada, given that it contributes 1.5% to our gross domestic prod- uct directly, and even more when the related industries that it benefits are included. It is therefore important to our continued economic strength. In that vein, in 2012 the Ontario and federal governments announced that they would give Japan’s Toyota Motor Corporation up to $34 million to build a hybrid car factory in Cambridge, Ontario. This is in addition to the government’s pledge to give $250 million more to its auto subsidy pro- gram, formally known as the Automotive Innovation Fund. 4
The $34 million subsidy is referred to as a “repayable contribution,” which is a loan for which the recipient is expected to repay all or part of the amount or on which the government expects to receive a financial return. The government felt that encouraging Toyota to build a hybrid car in Canada would help create high-quality, well-paying jobs for Canadians. In fact, Toyota announced that it would hire about 400 employees as part
1 Goar, C. (2012, September 12). Corporate welfare flourishes in lean times. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/opinion/editorialopinion/2012/09/13/corporate_welfare_flourishes_in_lean_times.html .
2 Canadian Press. (2012, April 30). Canadian banks got millions in support, report says. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/canadian-banks-got-billions-in-support-report-says/article4103645 .
3 Weston, G. (2010, December 13). Pratt & Whitney deal not quite as advertised. CBC News. Retrieved from www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2010/12/13/f-weston-pratt-whitney.html .
4 Based on CBC News. (2013, January 23). Toyota gets government funding to build hybrid car in Canada. Retrieved from www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2013/01/23/pol-harper-toyota.html .
311C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
of a plan to increase Lexus RX production by 30,000 vehicles to 104,000, including 15,000 RX450h sport utilities. 5
Toyota itself will invest $125 million toward the new assembly line to increase produc- tion of Lexus luxury cars, including a utility model with a hybrid gasoline-electric engine. These Toyotas were intended to be the first modern hybrid cars produced in Canada. Overall, the expansion will raise Toyota’s annual production capacity in Canada to 500,000 vehicles. 6
Part of the government’s aim in offering assistance is to encourage innovation. In fact, in 2012 the federal government renewed a subsidy program first established in 2008 to stimulate research and innovation in Canada’s automotive industry. This program requires that manu- facturers invest some of their own money before applying for funding targeted at specific research and development projects. The subsidy program aims at offering an incentive to auto- makers to maintain their plants in Canada and thereby protect domestic jobs. 7
Critics of government subsidies disparagingly refer to them as “corporate welfare” or “corporate handouts.” According to a report by the Fraser Institute, there is little evidence that such government assistance to business actually leads to widespread economic growth or job creation. 8 This casts doubt on the value of funding the auto industry. Opponents of government assistance also argue that the industry should be left to fend for itself. Subsidies often take the form of low-interest-rate loans or outright gifts, so donor governments rarely have any influence over a company’s future hiring plans. In the case of the 2009 auto bail- out, the Canadian and US governments required shares in the companies they helped. However, they insisted they wouldn’t use this equity to influence corporate direction. In other words, often these kinds of government assistance don’t come with any guarantees— whether in the form of future job creation or profitability. This has led some observers, like journalist Thomas Walkom, to comment, “So now we’re paying for Toyota to build hybrid vehicles in Ontario. Good for us. It will probably result in some new jobs. These jobs may even last for a while. Or at least until some other government offers Toyota a better deal.” 9
On the other hand, advocates of subsidies argue that Canada needs to do more to assist automakers in Canada. In this global world, many believe that Canada needs to compete with other countries to attract business and therefore jobs to this country. The argument is that there is no guarantee that production will remain in Canada if Toyota or any other business gets more government support from other countries to locate there. This has led some observ- ers, include Globe and Mail journalist Barrie McKenna, to make comments like the following:
Canada is a player, but increasingly it is a bit player . . . This country is losing the subsidies game to richer and more aggressive rivals . . . And it’s no longer about creating new jobs. It’s about salvaging a shrinking global presence. Unless governments find a way to get foreign auto makers to commit to staying in Canada for the long haul, it will be money wasted. 10
5 CBC News, 2013. 6 CBC News, 2013. 7 CBC News, 2013. 8 Milke, M. (2012, September). Corporate welfare bargains at Industry Canada. Fraser Alert. Fraser Institute. Retrieved from www.fraserinstitute.org/default.aspx . 9 Walkom, T. (2013, January 23). Toyota latest winner from Canada’s corporate socialism: Walkom. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/01/23/toyota_latest_winner_from_canadas_corporate_ socialism_walkom.html .
10 McKenna, B. (2013, January 13). Canada has become a bit player in the game of auto subsidies. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/canada-competes/canada-has- become-a-bit-player-in-the-game-of-auto-subsidies/article7306109 .
Other observers suggest that subsidies won’t help and may be wasted on what is already a shrinking industry in Canada. For example, Mexico appears to have contributed to the weakened state of the Canadian auto industry. In 2013, the world’s automakers announced investments of US$11 billion in Mexico, compared with $2.3 billion in Canada. Why has Mexico attracted so much more investment? According to many industry officials, factors such as the increase in the value of the Canadian dollar, the significantly lower wages in Mexico, and Mexico’s position as a gateway to developing markets in South America are among the reasons for this dramatic shift. 11
THE CANADIAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE SYSTEM: FUNDAMENTAL FEATURES “The Business World” vignette highlights the importance of understanding the boundar- ies of what constitutes a legitimate relationship between business and government. What role should government play in business?
Historically, the government has played a critical role in the Canadian economy. From our very beginning as a nation, the government has taken responsibility for the suc- cess of business. It is useful to briefly consider the nature of our economic or business enterprise system, within which all businesses operate. The Canadian economic system has been described as a mixed system . This refers to the notion that while we possess a capitalist economy, the government nonetheless plays an important role.
All developed countries have some sort of economic or business enterprise system that essentially determines the following:
1. what goods and services are produced and distributed to society
2. how the goods and services are produced and distributed to society
What kind of business enterprise system we have determines how or by whom these decisions are made. For example, the two decisions above might be made purely by busi- ness, or they might be determined by government, or perhaps by a combination of the two. To understand the basis of our Canadian business enterprise system, it is necessary to understand the nature of capitalist economic systems. So let’s briefly explain what capitalism is.
Capitalism is a type of economic system that is based on a number of fundamental principles:
1. Rights of the individual: The notion of capitalism is based on the view that it is the individual who takes precedence in society, as opposed to institutions or the overall society. This implies that individuals have every right to pursue their own self- interest, which includes seeking to make profits from business enterprises. The notion
Objective 1 Describe the fundamental nature of the
Canadian business enterprise
mixed system An economic system that involves a capitalist economy with an important government role. Most economies today are considered mixed systems.
business enterprise system The system all developed countries possess that determines what goods and services are dis- tributed to society and how those goods and services are produced and distributed. The decisions may be made by government or by business or both.
capitalism An economic system based on the rights of the individual, the rights of private property, and competition and minimal government interference.
312 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
11 Keenan, G. (2013, April 12). Lagging investment a threat to Canadian auto industry. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/lagging-investment-a-threat-to-canadian-auto- industry/article11167942/?page=all .
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of the individual as the most important element of society is not entirely representa- tive of the ideology present in Canadian society. There are limits placed on individu- als’ right to pursue their self-interest. Government regulations enforce rules that affect how business owners conduct their affairs. For example, government guidelines regarding job candidate selection criteria may affect who is hired for a job and may place emphasis on certain groups in society over others.
2. Rights of private property: As opposed to state ownership, capitalism asserts that individuals have the right to own land, labour, and capital. In Canada, certainly, indi- viduals are permitted to own their means of production, whether it is land, labour, or capital. However, because there has been an uneven distribution of wealth in society, the government has intervened in a number of ways. For example, taxation is one approach that can be partly aimed at redistributing wealth among members of society. Other examples include the fact that much of the natural resources in Canada have been retained by federal or provincial governments. The government may also decide to nationalize certain products or services that it deems to be on national interest— for example, government control of health care.
3. Competition: Capitalism advocates competition. The belief is that sufficient competition among business enterprises will ensure that business provides the goods and services required by society at a fair cost. Competition is the “ invisible hand of the market ” (in the words of economist Adam Smith) that ensures the market works in this manner. In Canada, the notion of perfect competition does not exist in practice—there is no guarantee that an adequate supply of competitors exists across all industries.
4. The role of government: The view of government is reflected in the French term laissez faire , which means “let people do as they choose.” This suggests minimal government interference in the business enterprise system. This notion of capitalism has also been referred to as the free enterprise system , reflecting the notion of the right to private ownership of property, competition, and restricted government involvement.
Of course, the polar opposite of capitalism is another economic system referred to as com- munism. Whereas the capitalist system allows individuals or businesses to choose how to allo- cate resources, the communist system places this responsibility in the hands of the government.
There really are no societies today that are either purely capitalist or purely communist. In Canada, government does intervene in the affairs of business—business is not left entirely to conduct its own affairs. When Canada first came into existence as a country, the federal government was granted the power to “regulate trade and commerce.” And the fact is, throughout our history, the government has played a major role in fostering industrial development and continues to provide significant support to the business sector.
CANADIAN GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE AND ROLES How is Canada’s government structured, and what role does it play in relation to business? The government of Canada is organized into three levels: federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal. Each level has unique responsibilities that govern individuals and busi- ness; however, some powers may overlap or be shared (see Exhibit 9.1 ).
invisible hand of the market Adam Smith used the “invisible hand” metaphor in his book The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776. Smith argued that, by pursuing their own self-interest, individuals “are led by an invisible hand” to promote the greater public interest, even if that is not their intention.
laissez faire A term meaning that businesses or manufacturers should be free to make and sell what they please and, conse- quently, reflects the notion that government should not interfere with the economic affairs of business.
free enterprise system Another term for laissez faire, or the capitalist notion that the government should not interfere too much in business affairs.
Objective 2 Describe how government in Canada is
314 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Level of Government
Leadership Position
Examples of Activities by Level
Examples of Shared Activities
Federal (national) Prime Minister • banking
• bankruptcy law
• copyright law
• criminal law
• currency
• drug approvals
• employment insurance
• First Nations
• fishing
• foreign relations
• immigration
• national defence
• postal service
• shipping
• trade regulations
• agriculture and food
(fed. and prov.)
• natural resources and
the environment
(fed. and prov.)
• personal tax
(fed. and prov.)
• corporate tax
(fed. and prov.)
• transportation
(fed. and prov.)
• justice (all)
• police (all)
• licensing/permits
(prov. and mun.)
Premier • education
• health care
• labour law
• property law
Mayor or Reeve • fire protection
• food safety
• land use planning
• libraries
• local road repair and
• public transit
• sewage
• snow removal
• waste collection
• water
Exhibit 9.1 Government Activities
Levels of Government Federal The federal level of government is the highest level of government and applies to all Canadians. Generally, federal responsibilities are very wide. Some roles include national defence, criminal law, bankruptcy law, postal service, foreign policy, currency, First Nations, banking, and immigration. The federal government is led by the prime minister of Canada, who is elected by Canadian voters. There are many federal
federal level of government The highest level of government that governs all Canadian citizens, residents, and others across Canada.
315C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
departments; however, two departments that all businesses deal with are the Canada Revenue Agency and Canada Post. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), for example, is the federal department that administers income tax collection from corporations and individuals. Canada Post Corporation, on the other hand, is a federal Crown corpora- tion that provides mail delivery service across Canada.
Provincial and Territorial The provincial level of government is more regional in nature and only affects those citizens and residents who reside in a particular province. Provin- cial responsibilities include highways, transportation, education, and health care. Since each provincial government is a separate and unique jurisdiction, provinces can have laws and regu- lations that differ from other provinces. In Ontario, for example, the provincial government owns and controls the sale of distilled spirits through the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), a provincial Crown corporation. In Alberta, however, the provincial government does not own or control the sale of alcohol but only regulates it. 12 The leader of the provincial government is called the premier and is elected by citizens who reside in that province.
The territories are run differently than a province. A commissioner, instead of a premier, is federally appointed to run a territory. Therefore, Canadians do not vote to elect a territorial leader. The three Canadian territories are the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut.
Municipal The municipal level of government is the lowest level of government. A municipal government can govern a city or a smaller community, such as a town, village, or parish. In Canada, there are over 4,000 municipal governments. 13 A municipal govern- ment can be viewed as a subdivision of the province, since provinces were granted the power over municipal institutions under section 92 of the Constitution Act of 1867. 14 The leader of a municipality has autonomy and decentralized decision-making power to make laws over his or her jurisdiction; however, in some cases laws can be subject to change by the province. Some municipal responsibilities can include police services, fire protection, land planning, sewage, public transportation, garbage collection, and library services. The leader of a city is called a mayor. However, a leader of a rural area may be called a reeve.
While each level of government has unique responsibilities, certain roles may be shared. The administration of justice is a good example. While municipalities are respon- sible for police services, there is also provincial police and of course the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) at the federal level. Taxation is another shared role. While property taxes are administered and collected by municipalities, provincial and federal governments administer and collect income and sales taxes.
How does the government affect industry? If you are a restaurant owner, you will likely be affected by the government in a number of ways. You may need to apply for a liquor licence, to comply with food and safety regulations, to understand garbage and recycling procedures, and to remit taxes. You may even need to comply with trade regula- tions if you need to import specialty food items. In other words, you can be impacted by all levels of government. On the other hand, if you are a financial institution, you will likely be most affected by banking regulations at the federal level.
provincial level of govern- ment A regional level of govern- ment in Canada that only affects those citizens and residents who reside in a particular province.
municipal level of govern- ment The lowest level of govern- ment in Canada that governs a city or smaller community, such as a town, village, or parish.
12 Jazairi, N. (1994). The impact of privatizing the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Report prepared for the Ontario Liquor Boards Employees’ Union. Retrieved from www.yorku.ca/nuri/lcbo.htm .
13 Guy, J. (2010). People, politics and government: A Canadian perspective (7th ed., p. 21). Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada.
14 Guy, 2010, 21.
316 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Sovereign Governor General
Prime Minister
Senate House of Commons
Parliament Judiciary
Supreme Court of Canada Federal Court of Canada
Tax Court of Canada
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Agriculture & Agri-Food Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions Canadian Heritage Citizenship & Immigration Environment Finance Fisheries and Oceans Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Health Human Resources and Skills Development
Industry Justice National Defence Natural Resources Public Works and Government Services Revenue Solicitor General Transport Treasury Board Veterans Affairs Western Economic Diversification
Privy Council Office
Prime Minister’s Office
Exhibit 9.2 Structure of the Federal Government
15 Guy, 2010, 141.
Are there certain industries that are not affected by the government? No—every business is impacted by government in some way. Newer industries, however, such as sell- ing coupons online (for example, Groupon.com ), may not be subject to as many laws and regulations. But as issues or concerns arise about the industry, new rules are developed and passed into law. These laws can exist under any level of government. Let’s take a closer look at the structure of the federal level of government (see Exhibit 9.2 ).
Federal Government Structure The federal government consists of a Governor General, prime minister, Parliament (Senate and House of Commons), and judiciary.
Governor General Under the Constitution Act of 1867, executive authority was originally vested in the Queen; however, in 1977 the Governor General was delegated this authority. The Governor General typically plays a passive administrative role and usually follows the advice of the prime minister (PM). While Canadians elect the prime minister to lead the country, the Governor General appoints the PM and swears him or her into office. The Governor General also signs bills before they become law. 15
Prime Minister The prime minister is the leader of Canada and is typically the person who the public and the media hold accountable when something goes wrong, regardless if the PM holds responsibility for that function. The PM is assisted by the Prime Minister’s Office, the Privy Council Office, and the various federal government ministries. The Prime Minister’s Office
Governor General The holder of executive authority in Canada’s government. This person typically plays a passive administrative role and usually follows the advice of the prime minister, but he or she must sign bills before they become law.
prime minister The head of the Canadian government; elected by Canadian voters.
Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) The office that assists the prime minister with daily activities.
317C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
(PMO) is the office that assists the PM with daily activities, such as answering mail, writing speeches, making appointments, and maintaining good public relations. The Privy Council Office (PCO) , on the other hand, serves as an important policy-advising agency. 16 Ministries or departments help the PM run the country by specializing in various functions such as health, fisheries, jus- tice, and national defence. When the PM is elected, he or she appoints members to his or her Cabinet. Each Cabinet member is then assigned a government ministry or department to oversee. 17
Parliament Parliament consists of the House of Commons and the Senate. The most important role of the House of Com- mons is the passage of legislation. Typically, a bill is proposed to the House of Commons, where it is discussed, debated, and amended if necessary. If the bill is satisfactory and approved, the bill is then introduced to the Senate. If approved by the Senate , the bill is presented to the Governor General to sign and enact into law. 18 Other roles of the House of Commons involve questioning the current gov- ernment’s policies and allowing Members of Parliament (MPs) to make speeches on important issues. 19 The House of Commons also includes the prime minister’s Cabinet. 20
Judiciary The federal judiciary represents the court system dealing with federal mat- ters. Three federal courts are the Tax Court of Canada (lowest level), the Federal Court of Canada, and the Supreme Court of Canada (highest level). The judicial function also exists at the provincial level for provincial matters. 21
As you can see, the structure of the federal government is quite complex. While the prime minister formerly leads the country, a business is more likely to deal with a govern- ment department or ministry. Similarly, each provincial and municipal government will have departments related to the activities that it governs.
GOVERNMENT AS GUARDIAN OF SOCIETY How often do companies have to deal with the government? And what key roles does the government play in relation to business? This will likely depend on the industry and the nature of a company’s activities. However, three key roles the government plays are as the tax collector, the business owner, or the regulator, all of which will be discussed in this section. Exhibit 9.3 summarizes the variety of ways government can influence business activity.
The Tax Collector Role The government plays many roles in relation to business. The most obvious role, and perhaps the least popular one, is that of government as tax collector, whether it is at the federal, provincial, or municipal level. There are two broad forms of taxes: revenue taxes
Privy Council Office (PCO) An important policy-advising agency that serves the prime minister.
ministries (federal) The various departments of the federal govern- ment that specialize in various func- tions (for example, health, fisheries, justice, national defence). Each min- istry is headed by a Cabinet minister.
Cabinet Members of Parliament who are appointed by the prime minister to oversee an assigned government ministry or department.
House of Commons The lower house of Parliament, where Mem- bers of Parliament (MPs) sit to discuss, debate, and amend bills to pass legislation.
Senate The upper house of Parlia- ment, where a bill is passed after it has been approved by the House of Commons. If approved by the Senate, the bill is passed to the Governor General to sign and enact into law.
Objective 3 Discuss the gov- ernment’s role as a guardian of
society and how this impacts its
relationship to business.
16 Guy, 2010, 147.
17 Guy, 2010, 146.
18 Guy, 2010, 178.
19 The Canada Page. (n.d.). The government of Canada. Retrieved from www.thecanadapage.org/Government.htm .
20 Guy, 2010, 173.
21 Guy, 2010, 231.
318 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Government as Guardian of Society Government as Guardian of Business
• Collecting taxes from businesses
• Acting as business owners
• Regulating the business sector
• Safeguarding Canadian interests
in the global context
• Spending money on private business
• Assisting private businesses
∘ Bailouts ∘ Subsidies • Safeguarding Canadian business in the global
Exhibit 9.3 The Government’s Guardian Roles
and regulatory or restrictive taxes. The intent of revenue taxes is to collect money to help fund government services and programs. They include individual income taxes as well as corporate income tax , along with property tax and sales tax. Individual income taxes have provided the largest source of revenue for the federal and provincial governments. Individual income tax is levied on the income of individuals or on the net profits of pro- prietorships and partnerships. Corporate income tax has provided the second largest source of revenue for the federal government. Corporations are taxed on their net profit at a combined federal and provincial rate that can vary among provinces and that is sub- ject to change based on government policy. Government policy may include an agenda of manipulating taxation to stimulate government investment or to raise more revenues.
Sales taxes are an important source of revenue for most provinces, as well as for the federal government. This tax is paid through retail stores, which act as collection agents when they sell their goods to consumers. The goods and services tax (GST) that came into effect in 1991 provides substantial funds to the federal government. It is a value-added tax—a tax that is paid at each step of the manufacturing process. Consider, for example, a producer that buys raw materials from a supplier; the GST is charged by the supplier. The producer may then work on the raw materials and produce a part for sale to a manufacturer, who is then charged GST on that purchase. Everyone involved in the goods or services production pays GST, but only the final consumer cannot pass the tax on to another party.
The harmonized sales tax (HST) is another form of sales tax. This type of value-added sales tax combines the federal GST with provincial sales tax (PST). There are only five provinces that mandate the HST: Ontario, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The benefit of this one-system, harmonized tax is a reduction in administrative costs for businesses and the government.
Finally, another well-known form of taxation is property taxes, which is the largest revenue source for municipal governments. The revenue gained from this form of tax is typically used to fund the operating costs of the municipal government and the services that it provides.
As mentioned earlier, the second broad form of taxation is referred to as restrictive or regulatory taxes . There are two main types of regulatory taxes: excise taxes and customs duties or tariffs. Restrictive taxes are primarily aimed at controlling or curbing the use of specific products or services, such as sugary soft drinks, which may contribute to obesity and higher health care costs, as seen in Talking Business 9.1 . Excise taxes typically are applied to goods or services that the government desires to restrict, such as products deemed to be potentially harmful (including tobacco and alcohol products). Excise taxes have been used as a deterrent to potential excesses—in fact, back in 1976, the federal government actually levied an addi- tional tax on gasoline to discourage overuse to help conserve what was then a product in very
revenue taxes One of two broad forms of taxes, the other being restrictive or regulatory taxes. This money is collected to help fund government services and programs and includes individual income taxes, corporate income tax, property tax, and sales tax.
restrictive or regulatory taxes One of two broad forms of taxes, the other being revenue taxes. This form of taxation consists of two types: excise taxes and cus- toms duties or tariffs. Excise taxes are applied to goods and services that the government wants to restrict the purchase of.
319C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
Desperate times require desperate measures—and for U.S.
state and local governments, many of which are mandated
by law to run balanced budgets, these are certainly desper-
ate times. To close gaping budget deficits, some states are
considering legalizing marijuana and collecting taxes on its
sale. Other states are looking to build more casinos, and this
is happening even in states where the governors are vehe-
mently opposed to generating revenue from gambling.
Another idea to raise revenues is the establishing of a spe-
cial tax on soft drinks. . . . During the discussions on health-
care reform, a tax on soft drinks was put forward as a way of
helping to pay for the overhaul of the entire system.
Economists generally support taxing consumption
rather than income, due to the fact that consumption taxes
do less to discourage savings, investment, and, ultimately,
economic growth. For this reason, many economists sup-
port the introduction of a broad-based consumption tax in
the United States. The tax would be similar to Canada’s
GST, which is a form of a value-added tax (VAT). At this
point, however, support for a VAT remains confined to
economists—most members of Congress and the general
public are not in favour of a consumption tax, despite the
fact that it could raise billions of dollars in revenue.
While a tax on a specific good, such as soft drinks, may be
more politically acceptable than a VAT, it does raise some
important issues. For instance, is it justifiable to single out cer-
tain products for higher rates of taxation? Economists advise
taxing certain consumer goods at a higher rate because of
what are called “negative externalities.” These occur when an
economic activity—such as the consumption of certain
goods—has an adverse effect on other people. Harvard eco-
nomics professor Gregory Mankiw provides the example of
additional taxes on gasoline, which he argues are justifiable
due to the negative externalities that arise from driving. When
you go for a drive, the roads become more congested and it
takes longer for other drivers to get to their destinations. As
well, the chance of a car accident increases, which can affect
other drivers and innocent bystanders. The gasoline that you
burn also contributes to global warming. A high tax on gaso-
line encourages consumers to internalize these negative exter-
nalities and take into account the negative effects they are
having on other drivers—and to act accordingly. Studies sug-
gest that U.S. taxes on gasoline would need to be over $2 per
gallon if all negative externalities were taken into account.
Attempting to apply the economic logic behind gasoline
taxes and the pricing of negative externalities to soft drinks or
Should Pop Drinkers Pay More? other consumer goods is less straight forward. Some propo-
nents of “sin” taxes on alcohol and cigarettes argue that the
consumption of these products imposes negative externalities
on the rest of us, since higher smoking- and alcohol-related
diseases increase health-care costs for everyone, in the form of
rising insurance premiums and higher taxes (due to the need
by governments for higher revenues to recover the costs).
There is, however, a counterpoint to this argument—heavy
drinkers and smokers frequently die earlier and, as a result, col-
lect less in Social Security payments and old age pensions.
Professor Mankiw points to an entirely different eco-
nomic rationale for justifying the taxation of soft drinks.
When people buy a can of pop, they actually impose a
negative externality on future versions of themselves.
Someone enjoying a soft drink today may have to pay the
price in terms of poorer health in the future. Taxes on soft
drinks, the consumption of which has (very) short-term
benefits but long-term costs, essentially make us take into
account the effects on our health as we age.
Of course, this line of thinking gets into some difficult
philosophical questions. Should society use the power of
government to protect us from our own lack of willpower
to curtail drinking pop? And once government decides to
start taxing products that are deemed bad for us, where do
we draw the line? Higher taxes on soft drinks may encour-
age us to live healthier lifestyles, but should we also then
tax chocolate bars and french fries? Should people who eat
lots of fruits and vegetables or play tennis regularly receive
a subsidy? Taking the logic even further, should people who
watch mind-numbing reality TV shows pay higher taxes,
while those who improve their brain function by reading
Tolstoy or economics textbooks receive a subsidy?
These are obviously difficult questions to answer. In any
case, in their search for more revenues, governments today
may not be concerned whether higher taxes on soft drinks
meet economists’ lofty theoretical considerations. The fact
is, demand is highly inelastic for many consumers—people
like soft drinks and will likely keep drinking them even if
taxes rise sharply. Look for taxes on soft drinks and other
similar goods and services to increase, a development that
likely won’t be confined to the United States.
Source: Excerpted from Beckman, K. (2010, July 6). Should pop
drinkers pay more? The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.ca/economics/hot_eco_topics/
default /10-07-06/should_pop_drinkers_pay_more.aspx .
Reprinted with permission.
320 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
short supply. Whatever the source, excise taxes are, essentially, selective sales taxes. Tariffs are also a form of restrictive tax , the purpose of which is detailed in Chapter 8 .
The Business Owner Role: Crown Corporations What is a Crown corporation? A Crown corporation or public enterprise is an organiza- tion accountable to Parliament for its operations through a minister. Crown corporations may be federal (for example, Canada Post, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation [CBC]) or provincial (for example, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario [LCBO]).
Whether federal or provincial, why are Crown corporations established? Govern- ments establish Crown corporations for a number of reasons:
■ To implement public policy that includes protecting or safeguarding national interests: For example, federal Crown corporations such as Air Canada and Petro-Canada helped facilitate government policy in the area of cross-Canada transportation and Cana- dian ownership in the domestic oil industry.
■ To protect industries deemed to be vital to the economy: The Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission was established by the Canadian government in 1932 to administer a national broadcasting service to prevent Canadian broadcasting becoming inundated with material originating in the United States. Similarly, this was a reason for taking con- trol of the Canadian National Railway (CNR). The CNR originated in 1919 to “safeguard the government’s large investment in the railways” and “to protect Canada’s image in for- eign capital markets.” 22 While few municipal governments have traditionally held signifi- cant corporate holdings, they have been owners of public transit systems, recreational centres, and other facilities that are intended to enhance the quality of life in society.
■ To provide special services that could not otherwise be made available by private business: For example, Trans-Canada Airlines (Air Canada) was established in the 1930s after observing that no private business was willing or able to provide domestic air services. Consider also the Bank of Canada. The Bank of Canada, created in 1935, was estab- lished to first serve as a control agent for the chartered banks—for example, requiring the banks to report regularly on their operations and to hold deposit reserves with the Bank of Canada. Second, the Bank of Canada is responsible for developing monetary policy and regulating monetary operations in Canada. Another example is Canada Post. Canada Post provides affordable daily delivery of mail such as bills, flyers, and birthday cards, but struggles to remain profitable (see Talking Business 9.2 ).
■ To nationalize industries that are considered to be “natural monopolies,” including the generation and distribution of electricity: It is not hard to imagine that in the early days of Canadian society the private sector was too small to undertake the creation of a national electricity supply grid. On the other hand, government was capable of raising the necessary capital, and consequently it took on the establishment of public utilities, including things like water supply, sewage treatment plants, and electricity- generating plants in addition to road construction and the like. In some cases, there were companies capable of building their own private utilities, which then became subject to government regulation, as we will discuss later.
Crown corporation A federal or provincial-run government agency, also called a public enterprise, that is accountable to Parliament for its operations through a minister. Examples include Canada Post (federal) and the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (provincial).
22 Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, Legislative Committees. (n.d.). Looking back. Retrieved from www.gnb.ca/legis/business/committees/previous/reports-e/electricityfuture/look-e.asp .
Objective 4 Identify the pur- pose of Crown corporations.
321C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
Canada Post Faces Billion–Dollar Operating Loss by 2020 Technology is having a dramatic impact on how Canadi-
ans use postal services, and the resulting decline in mail
volume is projected to push Canada Post to an annual
operating loss of $1 billion by 2020.
A The Conference Board of Canada report, The Future
of Postal Service in Canada , looks at how the needs and
expectations of Canadian households and businesses are
evolving, and assesses a range of options that could enable
Canada’s postal service to remain self-sustaining in the
digital age.
“Canadians recognize that the way they use mail is
changing, but haven’t yet fully understood how severely
that is affecting Canada Post’s business model,” said David
Stewart-Patterson, Vice-President, Public Policy.
“E-commerce is boosting demand for parcel delivery,
but households are sending fewer letters, businesses are
encouraging electronic bills, governments are moving to
direct deposit, and advertising is moving to the Internet.
Canadians must consider what kind of postal service they
really need in the years ahead.”
The Conference Board study estimates that Canada
Post’s transaction mail, addressed and unaddressed adver-
tising mail, and publication volumes will decline by more
than 25 per cent by 2020. The Canadian experience is not
unique—postal services around the world are being
forced to deal with the same pressures on traditional mail
Projected Mail Volume to 2020
Parcel volume in Canada is expected to buck the down-
ward trend and increase by 26 per cent by 2020, due in
part to the growth in e-commerce. But this growth will
not make up for the corresponding loss in revenue from
other lines of business.
Canada Post managed a modest profit in 2012 but that
will likely be temporary. While the corporation’s Postal
Transformation initiative will have a significant impact on
its bottom line by boosting productivity and improving effi-
ciency, the Conference Board projects an annual operating
loss that will reach about $1 billion by 2020.
No single change to prices or service standards will be
sufficient to enable self-sustainability as mail volumes con-
tinue to decline. Canada Post could reduce its projected
losses significantly by raising prices faster than inflation,
but it cannot realistically return to self-sustainability
through price increases alone.
0 2012p 13p 14p 15p 16p 17p 18p 19p 20p
Projection Domestic Transaction Mail Unaddressed Admail Domestic Parcels Publications
Addressed Admail
p = Projection
Source: Canada Post Faces Billion Dollar Operating Loss By 2020 April 23, 2013 The Conference Board of Canada
M il li o
n s
o f
P ie
ce s
322 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
The report examined five options for cutting costs:
• Wage restraint;
• Alternate-day delivery for mail (but not parcels);
• Converting Canadian households door-to-door delivery
to community mail boxes;
• Further replacement of corporate post offices with
franchised postal outlets; and
• Reduced speed of delivery.
Eliminating delivery to the door for urban residential cus-
tomers would be the option with the largest financial
impact, saving a projected $576 million a year. Door-to-door
delivery is still the largest single category of delivery method,
but two-thirds of Canadian households are now served
by delivery to centralized points, group mailboxes, delivery
facilities, and rural mailboxes.
Canada Post commissioned The Conference Board of
Canada to conduct an independent assessment of the
future of postal service in Canada, and to consider poten-
tial paths forward.
Source: Excerpted from The Conference Board of Canada. (2013,
April 23). Canada Post faces billion dollar operating loss by 2020.
Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/press/newsrelease/
by_2020.aspx . Reprinted with permission.
Each Crown corporation is a legally distinct entity that is wholly owned by the Crown, and each is managed by a board of directors. The recent range of Crown corpora- tions has been relatively diverse, with corporations operating in a variety of areas of the economy. Naturally, the corporations differ with regard to their public policy purpose, as well as their size and their relative need for government financial support.
Many observers have suggested that, traditionally, there has been a great reliance on Crown corporations in the Canadian context. For example, by the late 1980s there were 53 parent Crown corporations (at the federal level) and 114 wholly owned sub- sidiaries, employing about 180,000 people and maintaining assets worth approximately $60 billion. 23
The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) is a provincial Crown corporation in the sense that it is owned by the province of Ontario. Technically, it is also an agency of the Ministry of Consumer Services. It receives its purchasing directives from the Manage- ment Board Secretariat, and it abides by the same regulations, laws, and trade agreements that govern purchasing for all provincial government departments. For many years, the LCBO has been the largest single retailer (and the largest buyer) of alcoholic beverages in the world. By 2000 it had established five regional warehouses and was supplying 602 stores across Ontario with over 7,000 products. 24
For examples of other Crown Corporations, see Exhibit 9.4 . The state-owned liquor outlet of the Société des Alcools du Québec receives the
same type of praise and criticism as the LCBO. It has been viewed as a well-managed business with excellent customer service. On the other hand, critics also argue that private food retailers would like to be allowed to enter the alcohol sales industry more fully, given that the potential for profits is very lucrative. This sentiment also argues for
24 Morrison, C. (n.d.). Beyond booze: Ontario liquor purchasers add entertainment to shopping cart. Summit Article. Retrieved from www.summitconnects.com/Articles_Columns/Summit_Articles/2000/1200/1200_Beyond_booze.htm .
23 Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick. (n.d.).
TALKING BUSINESS 9.2 (continued)
323C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
Exhibit 9.4 Parent Crown Corporations Grouped by Ministerial Portfolio
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
• Corporation for the Mitigation of Mackenzie Gas
Project Impacts
• First Nations Statistical Institute
Agriculture and Agri-Food
• Canadian Dairy Commission
• Farm Credit Canada
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
• Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
Canadian Heritage and Official Languages
• Canada Council for the Arts
• Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
• Canadian Museum for Human Rights
• Canadian Museum of Civilization
• Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
• Canadian Museum of Nature
• National Arts Centre Corporation
• National Gallery of Canada
• Science and Technology Museum
• Telefilm Canada
Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism
• Canadian Race Relations Foundation
• Bank of Canada
• Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
• Canada Development Investment Corporation
• Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
• Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Canada
• Royal Canadian Mint
Fisheries and Oceans
• Fresh Water Fish Marketing Corporation
Foreign Affairs and International Trade
• Canadian Commercial Corporation
• Export Development Canada
• International Development Research Centre
• National Capital Commission
Human Resources and Skills Development
• Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board
• Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Industry • Business Development Bank of Canada
• Canadian Tourism Commission
• Standards Council of Canada
Natural Resources
• Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Public Works and Government Services
• Canada Lands Company Limited
• Defence Construction Canada
Transport, Infrastructure, and Communities
• Atlantic Pilotage Authority
• Blue Water Bridge Canada
• Canada Post Corporation
• Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
• Federal Bridge Corporation
• Great Lakes Pilotage Authority
• Laurentian Pilotage Authority
• Marine Atlantic Inc.
• Pacific Pilotage Authority
• Ridley Terminals Inc.
• VIA Rail Canada
• Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority
Treasury Board
• Public Sector Pension Investment Board
Source: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. (2013). Parent Crown corporations grouped by ministerial portfolio (as of June 30, 2013).
Retrieved from www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/reports-rapports/cc-se/crown-etat/ccmp-smpm-eng.asp .
privatization—the expansion of private industry into what has traditionally been the domain of the public sector (see Talking Business 9.3 ).
There are other global examples of state-owned corporations that are struggling to avoid privatization as well as to compete with private businesses. For example, according
324 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Should the LCBO Be Privatized? example, on Dec. 23, the LCBO established a one day
record for sales of $51 million at the province’s 622 liquor
stores. That was an increase of $3 million from the previous
record of $48 million on Dec. 23, 2010, which was up from
$42.5 million on the same day in 2009.
In the most recent fiscal year, the LCBO contributed $1.55
billion to provincial coffers—up $140 million, or 9.9 percent,
from the previous year, on record net sales of $4.55 billion.
What’s interesting, however, is that the LCBO’s record
earnings come on the heels of a report from Ontario
auditor general Jim McCarter that concluded prices are
higher than they should be at the Crown corporation.
Unlike private-sector retailers, who try to find the low-
est wholesale prices, McCarter said the LCBO focuses on
the price it wants to charge in its stores and then “works
backwards.” Then suppliers raise or lower the wholesale
cost to suit the government-controlled agency.
“Sometimes if suppliers submit significantly lower
quotes than the LCBO expects, the LCBO will ask them to
raise their wholesale price,” according to the auditor gen-
eral’s report.
As McCarter pointed out, this isn’t the way the real
business world works.
McCarter says the LCBO should be looking at
negotiating the best—lowest—price possible with its sup-
pliers. He said this “could result in higher profits for the
province while still encouraging responsible consumption.”
Source: Excerpted from Windsor Star. (2012, March 12). LCBO’s
monopoly: Time for a debate in the legislature. Retrieved from
html?id=700e9cb5-c39b-4c05-9884-e7e178d13063 . Reprinted
with permission from Postmedia Network Inc.
Considering the prices that Ontarians already pay at
LCBO outlets, the recent increases implemented by the
provincially owned monopoly are admittedly quite small.
For example, as of March 1, about 10 per cent of spirits
and three to four per cent of beers saw prices go up five
to 50 cents per bottle or case of beer.
For its part, the government-controlled agency says the
increases were necessary to set what it calls minimum
prices that must be established under its commitment to a
“social responsibility mandate.”
But there’s scant evidence that the increases will result
in anyone drinking less. Instead, most people will agree
with local consumer Richard White, who recently told
The Windsor Star the increases are “a lot more like an
absolute tax grab if anything.”
Certainly, the LCBO likes to boast about its earnings and
ever-increasing contributions to the provincial treasury. For
© Helen Sessions/Alamy
to recent reports, two European post offices are making great efforts to upgrade themselves because their two basic businesses—delivering letters and delivering parcels—are both threatened by email and competition from US market leaders Federal Express and United Parcel Service. At stake is control over Europe’s $27-billion fast-growing parcel service. Observers note that Europe’s big postal bureaucracies have continued to lose ground and are also losing their domestic letter monopolies because of European Union deregulation. 25 We will discuss the issue of privatization and deregulation in more detail later in this chapter.
25 Businessweek. (1999, May 30). Who’ll get stomped in Europe’s postal wars? Retrieved from www.businessweek. com/stories/1999-05-30/wholl-get-stomped-in-europes-postal-wars-intl-edition .
325C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
26 Economic Council of Canada. (1979). Responsible regulation: An interim report . Ottawa, ON: Ministry of Supply and Services.
The Regulator Role Government economic regulation has been defined as “the imposition of constraints, backed by the authority of a government, that are intended to modify economic behaviour in the private sector significantly.” 26 As Exhibit 9.5 indicates, there has been a relatively wide scope for government regulation in business activity: for example, regulation focused on consumer protection, regulation aimed at environmental protection, and regulation regarding the nature of competition. One obvious set of regulations exists to protect the consumer, and the Canadian government has initiated a number of programs designed for consumer protection, many of which are administered by the Office of Consumer Affairs— a body that plays a major role in regulating business in Canada. Among the numerous regulations there is, for example, the Food and Drugs Act, which was designed to protect the public from potential health risks as well as from fraud or deception as it relates to food, drugs, cosmetics, and the like. Similarly, the Hazardous Products Act serves to protect public safety by either banning products because they are deemed dangerous or requiring warning labels on products that might be considered hazardous. Ecological regu- lations are designed to protect the environment, and include legislation like the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, which creates regulations to limit any dangerous byprod- ucts of industrial production that could be harmful to individuals’ health.
Why does the government need to intervene in the functioning of the business enterprise system? Consider the notions of competition and the public interest, which are discussed next.
Imperfect Competition One fundamental shortcoming in the market system—the presence of imperfect, as opposed to perfect, competition—suggests the need for govern- ment involvement. If you recall our earlier discussion of the nature of the business enter- prise system, we identified it as a system that essentially determines what goods and services are produced and distributed to society and how those goods and services are produced and distributed. Ideally, such a system produces all the goods and services a society wants at a fair price. In very basic terms, on the demand side, decisions are made by individuals regarding their tastes or preferences for certain goods or services. On the supply side, busi- nesses aim to meet the demands they face. The “invisible hand” of competition transforms these decisions of demand and supply into a system that uses scarce resources in the most efficient manner. In other words, business supply will be responsive to consumer demand. Those products and services that are needed most will demand increased production, while those no longer in demand can only be sold with a drop in price; or, ultimately, businesses that do not serve any demand would go bankrupt. If a resource becomes scarce its price will increase, and this may lead consumers to shift their preferences to a less costly alternative. In this sense, by allowing individuals and businesses to follow self-interest, the market sys- tem is responsive to consumer needs and to the capability of the environment. However, the system does not work flawlessly, and in fact there are challenges to the effective func- tioning of this system. One such challenge is the notion of imperfect competition.
Generally, businesses aim to reduce competition as a means of succeeding and prospering. The fewer the competitors, the more secure a business becomes. Of course, on the consumer side, the ideal scenario is perfect competition , where essentially there is an optimal number of
government economic regulation The imposition of con- straints, backed by the authority of the government, to significantly modify economic behaviour in the private sector. The motive may include protection of the consumer or of the environment, or protection of fair competition among businesses.
perfect competition A market system where many firms all pro- duce an indistinguishable product or service so that no single pro- ducer has the power to affect the price of that product or service.
326 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Exhibit 9.5 The Scope of Federally Regulated Industry Sectors
Federally Regulated Sectors Scope
Agriculture, food, forestry, and fishing • food regulation • Canadian Food Inspection Agency
• grain industry related directives
• grain regulation, programs, and services
• animals regulation
• plants regulation
• farm product promotion and research
• farm product supply management
• aquaculture business and licences, regulations and polices
• commercial fishing
• sustainable forestry
Broadcasting and telecommunications • telecommunications applications and registration, standards and administrative procedures • radiocommunications
• radio broadcast licence
• distribution licence
• technical rules for broadcasting
• applying for a broadcast licence
• televisions broadcast licence
• Canadian program certification
• spectrum auctions, licences and certification
Financial and money services • financial institution regulation • registered plan administration
• trust administration
• private pension plan administration
• licenced insolvency trustees
• financial transaction reporting
• small business financing
Measurement accuracy mandatory inspections by sector and device type
• inspections for specific industry sectors including
• dairy • grain and field crops
• downstream petroleum • mining
• fishing • retail food
• forestry • retail petroleum
Nuclear, oil and gas, and mining • nuclear power plants • nuclear substances and radiation devices
• nuclear research reactors
• nuclear substance import and export
• dosimetry service providers
• energy exports
• uranium mines and mills
• medical facilities and equipment
• natural gas and natural gas liquids imports
• oil and gas compliance and enforcement
• Northern petroleum rights administration
• exploration and production of oil and gas in the North/offshore
327C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
Federally Regulated Sectors Scope
Drug and health products • licensing, authorizing, and manufacturing drug and health products
• buying and using drug and health products safely
• inspecting and monitoring drug and health products
• drugs and health product side effects, recalls, and complaints
Textiles • register for a CA identification number
• imports and exports of textiles and clothing
Other services • retail food regulation
• construction codes and guides, and provincial codes
• pari-mutuel betting
• transport and infrastructure
• competition in the construction industry
Source: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. Federally regulated industry sectors (https://www.canada.ca/en/services/ business/permits/federallyregulatedindustrysectors.html.) Accessed September 14, 2016. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Industry, 2017.
competitors in any given industry to ensure fair pricing and distribution of the goods or services at the highest possible level of quality. In such a situation, those businesses unable to compete will be replaced by more efficient competitors. Imperfect competition occurs when fewer than the optimal number of competitors exist to ensure this type of situation. Where there are an insufficient number of competitors, there is less pressure on businesses to offer the best possible good or service at the lowest possible price. Businesses that are not worried about competition are also not worried about innovating, managing their operations at peak efficiency, improving product/service quality, or offering their product/service at competitive prices. Consequently, inefficient businesses will remain, and consumers will be forced to accept the products or ser- vices available at prices dictated by those businesses. Overall, then, society is offered fewer of the goods and services citizens really want. This also leads to a less efficient use of society’s resources, particularly compared to perfect competition, where resources are divided among various activities in a manner that generates the optimal combination of goods and services desired by consumers. For example, industries that lack sufficient competition may choose to restrict their output as a means to maintain higher prices, as opposed to the case of perfect competition, where businesses must accept prices determined by the market.
With an understanding of the notion of imperfect competition, it is relatively easy to see that the market system itself will not guarantee the best and most efficient use of resources to generate the optimal mix of products and services for consumers at fair prices. Consequently, this is one fundamental rationale for government intervention in business.
The Public Interest One of the central objectives of government regulation is to protect the public interest. Instead of having to establish its own public enterprise, the government can control the operations of a private enterprise through regulations. Consequently, what we see in some areas of business is government regulation of businesses through commissions, tribu- nals, agencies, and boards. National regulators include the Canadian Transport Commission, which judges route and rate applications for commercial air and railway companies. In terms of provincial regulatory bodies, like the provincial liquor boards, for example, provincial boards or commissions will assess and judge proposals from private businesses. Liquor boards, for example,
imperfect competition A fun- damental shortcoming in the mar- ket system that necessitates government involvement. It occurs when fewer than the optimal num- ber of competitors exist to ensure fair pricing and distribution of goods and services at the highest possible level of quality.
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are responsible for approving any price changes proposed by breweries within their province. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), under the auspices of the Ministry of Canadian Heritage, regulates the telecommunications industry and its carriers, such as Bell Canada, and its traditional responsibilities have included accepting or refusing requests for rate increases among these carriers.
The government has also established a competition policy to control the nature of compe- tition in the business sector. Earlier, we identified the importance of competition in our econ- omy, given its ability to encourage the production and distribution of goods and services at the lowest possible cost. Consequently, the competition policy set out in the Competition Act is intended to stimulate open competition and eliminate any restrictive business practices with the aim of encouraging maximum production, distribution, and employment opportunities.
We also have government regulation in the area of public utilities, such as an electric power company or a telephone company. The government has regulated these industries because there has traditionally been an absence of competition there. Consequently, the public utilities boards or commission that regulates the industry will monitor the compa- ny’s performance, as well as assess requests for rate increases and changes in the types of services provided. Consider, for example, the CRTC, which regulates the Canadian broad- casting system, among other things. The CRTC is responsible for issuing broadcasting licences and can require companies seeking such a licence to conform with standards regarding the type or content of programming they will provide. The CRTC’s responsibili- ties extend far beyond broadcasting, however, and also govern the nature of competition in the telecommunications and media industries. For example, in the telecomm unications industry, there are regulations regarding the permissible amount of foreign ownership.
In 2010, the Competition Bureau advised the Canadian Real Estate Association to make changes to end its monopoly over the MLS system. The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) was the only centralized service and website that captured all Canadian properties for sale across the country that were listed through a licensed real estate agent. The range of properties included land, homes, cottages, condominiums, and business properties. In the past, the MLS system was a monopoly and unavailable to individuals who wanted to list a property for private sale (without a real estate agent). Once on the Internet, the MLS system became the tool that 90% of buyers used to purchase homes. After much pressure from the Competition Bureau, the Canadian Real Estate Association approved changes to its practices at its annual general meeting, thereby bring- ing the MLS monopoly to an end. Today, there is the option for an individual to hire a real estate agent to make an MLS listing without the obligation for the agent to also sell your home at an expensive commission. This opens up the market to competition from individuals (private sell- ers) and others, giving their properties more exposure to a wider group of buyers.
GOVERNMENT AS GUARDIAN OF THE PRIVATE BUSINESS SECTOR Government Assistance to Private Business In Canada, we have a long history of government involvement in business in the sense of promoting and protecting our industries. For example, tariff and nontariff barriers on imported goods were designed to protect our domestic businesses by making foreign goods more expensive relative to Canadian goods. In fact, we could argue that a large portion of Canada’s industrial development is due to protectionism through tariffs first imposed in 1879
Objective 5 Explain the notion of government as guardian of the
private business sector.
329C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
by Sir John A. Macdonald’s National Policy. Eventually, the government also offered direct incentives for industrial and resource develop- ment. Incentive programs were established to encourage managers to conduct business in a manner desired by the government. For exam- ple, it may be desirable for managers to invest in new product development, or engage in greater export activities, or locate in an under- developed region. Consequently, incentives will be offered, thus influencing managers’ decisions to engage in these activities.
For example, provincial and municipal gov- ernments can encourage new employment opportunities by offering incentives to industry for locating in their areas. The municipal gov- ernment might offer property tax incentives to attract industry to its jurisdiction, and the provin- cial government might even offer an outright grant to attract large-scale industry. Governments at all levels have provided both direct and indirect assistance for businesses in the form of grants, loans, information, consulting advice, and bailouts (as discussed below).
The government has offered assistance to those industries deemed to be of particular importance. Industries with leading-edge technology or those providing highly skilled jobs or oriented toward exports might be among the more likely recipients of government aid. The federal and provincial governments have also provided financial incentives in an effort to dissuade companies from moving their operations outside of Canada.
Bailouts The term bailout refers to government assistance given to prevent an organi- zation or industry from financial collapse. That is, a bankrupt (or nearly bankrupt) busi- ness (for example, a bank or corporation) is given more “liquidity” to meet its financial obligations. Liquidity refers to cash flow. Typically the business may have a short-term cash flow problem but it possesses sufficient assets. Consequently, the government pro- vides it with funds until it is in a stable financial condition again.
A government would usually enter into a bailout if the failing company is very large and whose failure would cause negative repercussions for the economy. Some critics are opposed to government bailouts based on the view that there is a reason the company has failed and therefore it should not be “artificially” sustained. In other words, when the government bails a company out, it can be viewed as overriding the “invisible hand” of the market.
Bailouts may involve a one-time financial contribution to combat significant finan- cial troubles that a business may be experiencing. This financial assistance could take the form of a loan or loan guarantee, for example. Bailouts were relatively common in the 1980s, involving such companies as Dome Petroleum, Chrysler Canada, and Massey Ferguson. By the 1990s, while complete bailouts became rare, the government neverthe- less did not refuse to offer some assistance in a bailout arrangement, as evidenced in the 1992 bailout of Algoma Steel, which involved government loan guarantees.
More recently, there have been a number of significant bailouts in Canada and the United States. In 2008, the US government bailed out financial institutions in the midst of a mortgage crisis. This industry is an important one for the economy since healthy credit
bailout A type of government support to business to prevent an organization or industry from financial collapse, often in the form of a loan or loan guarantee.
© PhotoMan/Fotolia
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markets are required for a smooth-operating marketplace. Banks use the credit markets to fund their activities. When the credit market is restricted, less money is available for banks to loan to individuals and businesses. This damages economic activities such as home buyers trying to obtain a mortgage. If the banking industry were to collapse, the economy would be in shambles. Consequently, many of the United States’s top financial institutions were bailed out, including Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Merrill Lynch. The bailout plan was called the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. In total, the US government gave that industry a $700 billion bailout package, which helped to restore liquidity to the financial markets and improve the economy. Other recent bailouts include the US and Canadian government bailout of the auto industry, which is discussed in Talking Business 9.4 .
Auto Bailouts: Good or Bad Idea? For the past decade or so, Chrysler and General Motors (GM)
have been experiencing increasing difficulties. Their market
shares have declined because they did not produce cars that
captured the interest of enough consumers. Chrysler’s mar-
ket share, for example, dropped from about 17% in 1998 to
8.5% in 2009, and its workforce dropped from 17,000 in
2000 to 8,200 in 2009. With the decline in market share
came rapidly increasing financial problems, and in April 2009
Chrysler filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the
United States. During the six weeks Chrysler spent in bank-
ruptcy protection, it shut down its production facilities (the
manufacturing plants in Brampton and Windsor were
reopened in late June 2009). Chrysler is now controlled by
Fiat, a company that is more adept at producing technically
advanced small cars.
GM filed for bankruptcy protection in June 2009. Its
biggest problem was a $7 billion shortfall in its pension
plan. There is only one active GM worker for every six
retired workers (at Chrysler, there is one active worker for
every two retired workers). After emerging from bank-
ruptcy, GM planned to produce the Volt (a “green” elec-
tric car), but doesn’t know when it will be profitable.
The US and Canadian governments required GM and
Chrysler to come up with a restructuring plan before they
would receive any bailout money. In the United States, GM
reached an agreement with the United Auto Workers union
on a new contract that reduced its costs, but that put pres-
sure on the Canadian Auto Workers union to also reach a
new agreement. If they didn’t, GM Canada might cease to
exist because the government of Canada wouldn’t give
GM the bailout money it needed to survive. The Canadian
government said it had no choice but to get involved in a
bailout once the US government decided to give money to
GM and Chrysler. The US government essentially told Can-
ada that if its government didn’t help out, GM and Chrysler
would leave Canada and all those auto jobs would be lost.
Back in 2008, the federal Ministry of Industry said that
the government of Canada would not provide bailouts to
auto companies. But in the end, the Canadian government
agreed to give GM about $10 billion (the US government
gave GM about $50 billion). Both governments then took
an ownership percentage of GM (the United States will own
72% of the company and Canada will own 13%). As part
of the deal, debt holders traded $27 billion in debt in return
for a 15% stake in GM. In return for the bailout money from
the Canadian government, GM promised to maintain 16%
of its North American production in Canada (that’s down
from 22% before bankruptcy was declared). GM Canada’s
workforce will be about 4,400 (it was 20,000 in 2005). The
Canadian and US governments also gave bailout money to
Chrysler (the United States will now own a 20% stake in
Chrysler and the Canadian government will own 2%).
Opponents of the Auto Bailouts
Critics of the auto bailouts have several objections. The
first and most fundamental objection is that government
should not prop up businesses that are in trouble. If a com-
pany is not doing well, it should be allowed to fail. There is
an old saying that goes something like this: “Governments
are terrible at picking winners, but losers are great at pick-
ing governments.” The government seems to have forgot-
ten decades of hard lessons that they should not get
involved in market-oriented businesses. But now they are
involved in the automobile business, and the government
331C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
is essentially investing money where private citizens would
never be willing to put it. Writing in the National Post ,
Terence Corcoran said that “. . . along with Chrysler, GM is
sliding through a government-backed reorganization and
emerging as part of the same old whining, subsidy-
seeking, protectionist, union-locked North American auto
industry.” He also noted that most of the $10 billion bail-
out is not going to rebuild the company, but to payoff
GM’s pension commitments to its workers. He says that
Canadian taxpayers are paying to cover pensions of auto
workers that the union “extorted” from the auto compa-
nies. He estimates that over the last 20 years, Canadian car
buyers have paid $10 billion in higher auto costs to cover
union workers’ contracts and pension entitlements. Many
Canadians don’t have much of a retirement fund, and they
make a lot less than auto workers do, but they are being
asked to help bail out the pensions of auto workers.
Second, the GM bailout will cost Canadian taxpayers
about $1.4 million for each job that is “saved.” That is a very
high price to pay for each job. There is also concern that GM
will need more bailout money in the future, and the company
is therefore a poor choice for a bailout. What’s worse, bail-
outs won’t save jobs overall. Rather, they will simply destroy
jobs at companies like Toyota and Ford, who didn’t get bail-
outs. Ford will now be saddled with more debt than GM or
Chrysler, but Ford shouldn’t be punished for not needing bail-
out money in the first place. Mark Milke, director of research
at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, says that the bailouts
for GM and Chrysler are nothing more than a transfer of
wealth to companies that consumers have already rejected.
Third, the bailouts in the auto industry will likely lead com-
panies in other industries to request bailouts. For example, the
forestry, fisheries, auto parts, and commercial airline indus-
tries are all having financial problems. The federal govern-
ment has already announced $1 billion in aid for the pulp and
paper industry so they can invest in technology that will make
them more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.
Fourth, there is skepticism that the bailout money will ever
be repaid. In 1987, GM’s assembly plant in Quebec received
$220 million in interest-free government loans. But GM pulled
out of the province in 2002 and didn’t repay any of the
money. If the latest bailout money is not repaid, Canadians
will have to bear the burden through higher taxes and/or cuts
to public services. Critics are asking why the government is
sinking money into two companies that have been steadily
losing market share. Peter Coleman, president of the National
Citizens Coalition, says that the bailout money will be useless
if people don’t start buying cars made by Chrysler and GM.
Supporters of the Auto Bailouts
Critics of the bailouts have been very vocal, and their
ideas have received a lot of publicity, but there are also
defenders of the bailouts. The most fundamental argument
in support of bailouts is that they are occasionally necessary
when the ups and downs in the economy (oscillations)
become so severe that chaos looms. Supporters of bailouts
argue that during these times government needs to inter-
vene to reduce the oscillations. They compare the current
economic gyrations to the physical gyrations that occurred
when the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed. High winds
caused oscillations that became progressively more severe
until the bridge collapsed in spectacular fashion. Support-
ers of bailouts argue that governments must stop the oscil-
lations in the economic system before they cause a disaster.
The defenders of bailouts also argue that they are nec-
essary to protect jobs. The view is that it would be disas-
trous to lose all of those auto worker jobs because the
people who have them spend a lot of money on a wide
variety of goods and services. If those expenditures
stopped, the economy would suffer greatly. A study by the
Centre for Spatial Economics found that the failure of any
of the Big Three domestic car makers would throw Ontario
into a deep recession, and 157,000 jobs would be lost
(auto production workers, auto dealers, auto parts suppli-
ers, and professional services that are tied to the auto
industry). In addition, GM spent $14 billion in 2007 buying
products and services from other Canadian companies,
and those other companies employ thousands of addi-
tional workers. All those workers spend a lot of money
and boost the economy. They also pay a lot of income tax,
and the government does not want to lose that revenue.
Source: Excerpted from Business in the News , Pearson Canada.
Retrieved from www.pearsoned.ca/highered/divisions/blogs/
business_inthe_news_griffin_s/archives/00000011.html .
Subsidies Government assistance to business in the form of subsidies has significant implications in the global business context. Subsidies are either cash payments, low-interest loans, or potentially reduced taxes. Specifically, subsidies in the global context are intended to assist domestic industry to compete against foreign businesses, whether in the home coun- try or through exports. One central argument against subsidies, whether in the domestic or
subsidies Government assistance to businesses that are either in the form of cash payments, low-interest loans, or reduced taxes. In a global context, subsidies are meant to assist domestic industry to compete against foreign businesses.
332 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
global context, is that businesses should be required to manage their costs without external help, or “handouts,” from the government. This is part of the requirement of fair competi- tion, according to the critics. In addition, it is argued that consumers essentially pay for these subsidies. The government collects revenues through income and sales taxes, and it is these funds that are used to help some businesses. The question then becomes “Are subsidies to business an unfair drain on public funds?” There is no clear resolution to this ongoing debate.
From a global perspective, there is a second central criticism aimed at companies that receive subsidies from their local government. The criticism asserts that subsidies are not merely harmless forms of assistance to businesses; rather, they constitute a form of trade barrier, just like tariffs, and they create unfair competition. Take the Ontario government, for exam- ple, which gave direct subsidies of over $27 billion to corporations between 1991 and 2009. 27
One of the highest profile disputes between Canada and the United States has been the softwood lumber dispute. The origins of the dispute can be traced back to 2001 when Canada exported softwood lumber products to the United States (worth about CDN$10 billion). The US lumber industry complained to the US government that Canadian lumber producers were competing in an unfair manner since they received a hidden subsidy from their government. In retaliation for this “unfair trade,” the United States imposed countervailing duties averag- ing 27% on Canadian lumber imports. This had a devastating effect on the Canadian lumber industry, particularly in British Columbia, which accounts for about half of the exports. Many lumber mills had to close, thousands of workers were laid off, and profits crashed.
Why was the Canadian lumber industry accused of receiving government subsidies? This claim, and indeed the basis of this dispute, arose because of the different traditions followed by the two countries. Most US forests are privately owned, and consequently timber prices are set by private contracts or at auction. However, almost all Canadian forests belong to the provincial governments. The Canadian government grants compa- nies long-term cutting rights in return for promises about employment numbers and sus- tainable forestry, while setting the cutting fees according to market conditions. The US lumber industry feels that the Canadian government has given the Canadian lumber industry an unfair advantage. As of 2006, the dispute was essentially resolved.
Why are subsidies viewed as nontariff trade barriers, and how do they amount to unfair competition? Recently, the WTO has dealt with numerous international cases of allegedly unfair subsidies. The question is, “Why should government subsidies to private industry be considered unfair?” If the government deems it necessary, why shouldn’t a domestic business receive some financial assistance? The answers to these questions have been subject to much debate. In the next section, we consider the issue of subsidies in the global context.
GOVERNMENT AS GUARDIAN OF BUSINESS IN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT The pervasiveness of globalization has demanded that governments reconsider the extent to which they feel obligated to maintain a relationship with the private business sector. In his book The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Thomas Friedman asserts that globalization is, in fact, increasing the importance of government while changing the roles that it plays:
Objective 6 Discuss government’s role with regard
to global business.
27 Milke, M. (2011, December 8). Ontario’s corporate welfare bill: $27.7 billion. Fraser Alert. Fraser Institute. Retrieved from www.fraserinstitute.org/uploadedFiles/fraser-ca/Content/research-news/research/publications/ ontarios-corporate-welfare-bill-27-billion.pdf .
333C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
The ability of an economy to withstand the inevitable ups and downs of the herd depends in large part on the quality of its legal system, financial system and economic management—all matters still under the control of governments and bureaucrats. Chile, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore all survived the economic crises of the 1990s so much better than their neighbors because they had better-quality states run- ning better-quality software and operating systems. 28
28 Friedman, T. (1999). The Lexus and the olive tree. New York, NY: Farrar Strauss Giroux.
Consequently, while governments may find their role increasingly challenged and in some ways compromised by the onslaught of multinationals and globalization, the need for government involvement may actually be increased in this new, global context. The following section, which is summarized in Exhibit 9.6 , offers reasons for government support of Canadian business.
Why Should Government Play the Role of Guardian of Business in the Global Context? Nurturing Young Industries The notion that government must play a role in nurturing domestic industry was raised ear- lier in this chapter. The infant-industry argument asserts that government should help a young industry to grow and develop by ensuring that the industry maintains a domi- nant share of the domestic market until it is mature enough to compete against foreign companies. Consequently, this philosophy is still applied, particularly among developing countries. The rationale is that the infant industry may be less competitive, particularly because of initially high output costs; however, with maturity the production will become more efficient and protection will no longer be neces- sary. At least two risks have been associated with this form of government influence:
1. Such protection can discourage domestic industry from increasing competitiveness and engaging in innovation. This is an argument that has been levelled at Canadian business.
2. There is a question as to whether consumers are better or worse off from such prac- tices. Not all Canadian parties want the Canadian steel industry to receive this type of protection from foreign rivals (see the discussion on dumping below). In fact, Cana- dian purchasers of any good or service arguably would want the lowest-cost supplier to be accessible and, consequently, may not appreciate the protection of an infant indus- try if it comes at the expense of blocking access to cheaper foreign goods or services.
Offering Subsidies to
Compete Globally
Encouraging Direct Foreign
Nurturing Young
Maintaining Favourable
Balance of Trade Protecting
Against Unfair Global
Maintaining Adequate Levels of
Domestic Employment
Government Protection of
Canadian Business
Exhibit 9.6 Government as Guardian of Business in the Global Context
334 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Encouraging Foreign Direct Investment The action of reducing foreign imports may result in the foreign business directly investing in the target country instead. That is, a foreign company can decide to set up business in the target country if it wishes to gain access to that country’s consumer market and it is unable to achieve that with imports. Of course, from the domestic country’s viewpoint, this foreign direct investment may be desirable if it increases job opportunities, contributes to the growth of industry, and adds to the amount of capital.
Maintaining a Favourable Balance of Trade The government may seek to influence the relative status of exports and imports to avoid running a trade deficit. Trade surpluses come about when a country’s exports exceed its imports and, consequently, more money is entering the country (from foreign consumers buying these exports) than is leav- ing the country (from domestic consumers buying foreign imports). A trade deficit is the reverse—when a country imports more than it exports. Traditionally, governments have intervened to ensure a trade surplus by imposing tariffs or quotas or by banning outright some foreign-imported commodities. Typically, governments would also subsidize domes- tic industries to encourage growth in their exports.
Protecting Domestic Business from Unfair Competition There is a con- cern among some businesses that foreign competitors will offer their products at extremely low prices as a means of monopolizing their share of the target country’s market. The ultimate consequence would be that domestic producers could potentially be driven out of business and be replaced by the foreign imports. A foreign competitor who manages to export the products at such low prices may be accused of dumping —which is pricing the product below cost or below the cost of the target country’s product. In other words, a foreign supplier who sells the product at a loss or for less than the price of the seller’s domestic market would be considered guilty of dumping.
Traditionally, steel companies have been among the most avid users of anti-dumping legislation in Canada and the United States. Hamilton-based Dofasco Inc. lodged a dump- ing complaint against steel mills in Asia and South America. The aim was to seek govern- ment assistance, which in this case resulted in a decision by the Canadian federal government to place anti-dumping tariffs on low-cost imported steel from these foreign suppliers. In total, these anti-dumping tariffs were aimed at blocking the dumping of steel shipments from nine countries. This echoes similar action taken in the United States. Steel producers in both the United States and Canada have blamed the increasing foreign imports of steel for reducing demand for their product domestically and, consequently, reducing product prices and revenue. It is interesting to note that while Canadian steel producers welcome such government intervention, other domestic players are not happy with the implementation of anti-dumping tariffs, which effectively raise the price of these cheaper goods.
Specifically, Western Canadian manufacturers have claimed that the protectionist measures reduce their ability to compete with Ontario steel manufacturers. Many Western steel businesses argued that they will lose access to these cheaper foreign sources and will now be forced to rely on costlier steel sources in Ontario. These businesses argue that they should have access to the lowest-cost sources of steel, whether these sources are from Canada or from foreign producers. In this regard, they are opposed to the government’s protectionist policy of imposing anti-dumping tariffs.
Similarly, the Canadian government has protected the dairy industry to protect farmers from foreign competition. However, this may change soon, as seen in Talking Business 9.5 .
foreign direct investment The purchase of physical assets or an amount of share ownership in a company from another country to gain a measure of management control.
dumping An accusation against an exporting country of pricing its product below cost or below the cost of the target country’s product.
335C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
More Cheese, Please
The European Union Trade Commissioner is in Ottawa today
to hopefully complete Canada’s most significant free trade
deal since the Canada–U.S. agreement in the late 1980s.
Negotiators are now getting into the toughest issues,
one of which is cheese. Canada applies 200–300 percent
tariffs on dairy products and holding an “import quota” is
currently the only way to legally import dairy products
into Canada duty-free. The EU wants, at a minimum, to
increase the amount of cheese it can export to Canada
duty-free. Early indications in today’s Globe and Mail
suggest that the Canadian government is prepared to
admit more European cheese into this country in return for
greater access to EU markets for Canada’s beef and pork.
Why wouldn’t Canadians welcome more, say, French
cheese? Many consumers no doubt would, but cheaper
European cheese imports undercut farmer milk prices. So
Ottawa has prohibitively high tariffs to keep imports out
(see Chart). If Canada allows in more EU cheese imports, it
will be hard to sustain farmer milk prices without having to
limit production more and more each year. (For those that
want to understand how the system works in more detail,
see the 2009 Conference Board study Making Milk ).
Tariffs for Selected Canadian Dairy Products
This trend could erode Canada’s long-standing system
of dairy supply-management over time, especially if it sets a
precedent for other trade negotiations, such as the Transpa-
cific Partnership trade talks which Canada recently joined.
Participants in those talks, such as Australia and the US, have
long been pushing for more access to Canada’s dairy market.
Opening doors to EU cheese would pose complications.
For one, the EU subsidizes its dairy farmers. However, EU
subsidies have been cut back, and Canada’s dairy farmers
also benefit from protection. For another thing, if Canada
offers the EU a greater share of imports, it would risk irritat-
ing partners in its other trade negotiations such as the TPP.
So, should Canada’s policymakers continue to support
this policy or should they welcome greater openness,
starting with the EU?
All political parties in Canada have traditionally sup-
ported supply management (though Liberal leadership
candidate Martha Hall Findley has proposed getting rid of
it). Recently, Quebec Premier Pauline Marois reiterated
how vital supply management was for Quebec in the con-
text of the Canada–EU talks.
To be clear, the policy has largely succeeded at its initial
goal: boosting traditionally-low farmer incomes. But a
2012 Conference Board study, Canada’s Supply-Managed
Dairy Policy: How Do We Compare? shows that Canada is
the only country among its peers that both maintains dairy
supply management policies and has stagnating dairy
production. Farmers are unprepared for even a partial
opening of Canada’s dairy market, and are unable to seize
opportunities in fast-growing markets.
Much more than the dairy industry’s well-being is at
stake. Buyers of dairy products—processors, restaurants,
retailers, and consumers—effectively subsidize dairy pro-
ducers by paying higher prices. The Organisation for Eco-
nomic Co-operation and Development estimates the
subsidy at $175,000 per dairy farm. The poorest in our
society—for which dairy products form a larger share of
their budget—are the hardest hit.
The existing system has broader effects. Food processors
that use higher-priced dairy products have found that they
are unable to compete in export markets. And Canadian
cheese processors pay at least two times more for their milk
compared to those who make other dairy products. The
costs are then passed on to restaurateurs and consumers.
Sometimes the incentives created by the system stretch
believability. Last year, three men were arrested as part of
Africa Studio/Shutterstock
336 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
a massive cheese-smuggling ring—they allegedly smug-
gled cheaper U.S. cheese across the border and sold it to
Canadian restaurants at a six-figure profit. If this sounds
like the plot of a crime drama, it actually is—cross-border
cheese-smuggling formed the backdrop for last week’s
episode of CSI: NY .
The EU deal is an opportu-
nity for Canada to embark on
reform of a policy that meets
neither the interests of the
broader public, nor, arguably,
even the interests of the dairy
Lowering dairy tariffs, or
raising our import quota for
dairy from all countries, could
allow the industry to gradually
adapt to increased competi-
tion. At the same time, doors
would be opened for Cana-
dian businesses to sell in and
from the EU, and to have freer
access to the best EU technol-
ogies, goods, and services.
Canada should take this opportunity to say “more
cheese please.”
Source: Excerpted from Goldfarb, D. (2013, February 6). More cheese
please. The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved from www.
more_cheese_please.aspx . Reprinted with permission.
Note: Tariffs are applied to quantities that exceed the import quota. Import quota is equal to less than 5 percent of Canadian dairy consumption.
Skim Milk Powder
Ice Cream
Fluid Milk
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
In some cases, the Canadian government is more open to foreign competition. Take Canadian tourism, for instance. The Niagara Parks Commission recently awarded a boat- tour lease to an American company to promote Canadian culture and tourism.
Maintaining Adequate Levels of Domestic Employment A government knows that society holds it responsible for ensuring that unemployment rates are not high. Imports that come to dominate an industry bring the threat of causing domestic industries to go bankrupt. Consequently, where businesses claim they are under threat of bankruptcy because of foreign competition, the government is forced to consider what action it can take to combat this threat. In the past, the government protected Canadian business and employ- ment from the risk of foreign competition via the implementation of tariffs , as discussed in the previous chapter . Clearly, such an option is complicated by the fact that reducing imports is not necessarily feasible, for reasons described earlier. Protectionist policies are not compat- ible with the sentiments of free trade, and thus governments are sometimes placed in the unenviable position of balancing the needs of the domestic economy with the need to hon- our the rules governing global business. A case in point is the issue of government subsidies.
Offering Subsidies to Compete Globally Whether it is for the purpose of maintaining employment levels or of assisting businesses in the global marketplace, the issue of government subsidies to business has become much more controversial in the context of globalization. Whether it is cash payments, low-interest loans, or tax breaks,
TALKING BUSINESS 9.5 (continued)
337C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
such financial assistance is referred to as a subsidy. And in the case of the global context, such subsidies are intended to help domestic industry deal with global competition. In recent years, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been involved in many interna- tional disputes regarding whether a local government has given its domestic industry an unfair advantage through some form of subsidy. The risks of such subsidies, in addi- tion to the potential conflicts they create with regard to facilitating free trade, include the notion that competitive industries should be able to absorb such costs them- selves rather than relying on government handouts. Nonetheless, in many countries, governments continue to subsidize certain industries. If Canada does not subsidize the same industry, its domestic industry will be at a disadvantage.
Why Government Should Not Play the Role of Guardian of Business Just as there are arguments for a government stepping in and playing the role of guardian to domestic businesses, there are counterar- guments for when it should not, which are summarized in Exhibit 9.7 .
Promotes a Political Agenda Government assistance, or corporate welfare , often promotes a political agenda instead of a profitable one. What industries should receive govern- ment money is a matter of debate and is influenced by political party objectives. Job creation, for example, is one way the government tries to justify handouts and to win citizen votes. 29
Yet without a focus on profitability, jobs that are created may not be sustained. Subse- quently, government can end up wasting its investment on failing companies and indus- tries. Politicians are not investment analysts and cannot easily pick “winners” from “losers.” Market decisions should be made by investment specialists who can properly value companies, assess risk, and offer a reasonable rate of return. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation contends
corporate welfare A term used to refer to government assistance given to businesses.
Benefits Only a Few
Creates an Uneven Playing
Promotes a Political Agenda
Undermines Public Confidence
in Politicians
Contrary to Free and
Open Markets
Creates Dependency
Why Government Should Not
Be a Guardian of Business
Exhibit 9.7 Government Not as Guardian of Business in the Global Context
29 Williamson, J. (2005, March 13). A corporate welfare primer. The Canadian Taxpayers Association. Retrieved from www.taxpayer.com/commentaries/a-corporate-welfare-primer .
Corporate welfare decisions are most often made by individuals with little experience in private investing; moreover, decisions are often made in a politically charged envi- ronment. As a result, ensuring that taxpayer-financed projects meet geographical, industrial equity, and politically saleable criteria become an end in itself. 30
30 Williamson, 2005.
338 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
31 Williamson, 2005.
32 Williamson, 2005.
33 Williamson, 2005.
34 Williamson, 2005.
35 Williamson, 2005.
In certain cases, government assistance can be in the form of a loan. If a company cannot pay its liability back to taxpayers, there is usually no downside to the business: The government bears all risk. Governments are also reluctant to collect business loans for two reasons: First, legal action to enforce loan terms may cause the downfall of a business, and second, the related bad publicity may hurt a political party’s chance for reelection.
Creates an Uneven Playing Field Corporate welfare also creates an uneven playing field—it is unfair to competitor firms who are profitable and successful. Further- more, corporate welfare forces competitor firms and their employees to pay for competitor subsidies through their tax dollars. 31
Undermines Public Confidence in Politicians Why some firms get govern- ment handouts and others do not may undermine public confidence in politicians. While politicians may have valid reasons for assisting certain companies and industries, there is public suspicion that special treatment may be due to political connectedness rather than profitable, economic choices. 32 In some cases, it is large corporations that receive hand- outs who have the power to make sizable political donations, rather than small entrepre- neurs with little funds. Special treatment may undermine the democratic process as well, as citizens may be reluctant to vote for any politicians they do not trust.
In addition, the government in power who provided the loan may not be in power when the loan comes due. It then becomes difficult for taxpayers to hold the government accountable for its past spending decisions and political actions.
Contrary to Free and Open Markets Corporate welfare goes against free and open markets. In fact, government handouts can change a business’ priorities from focus- ing on its products to lobbying for government funds. Subsequently, companies may lose sight of their core business activities. 33 Government assistance may also violate free trade, which aims to remove trade barriers and encourage free markets with little government interference. Many economists believe that when markets are determined by supply and demand, efficient firms will prevail and inefficient ones will fold.
Creates Dependency Corporate welfare can also encourage companies to become dependent instead of being self-sufficient, thus creating a culture of dependency whereby government handouts are incorporated into budgets as “available funds” instead of as a lia- bility necessary to restructure the company, remove inefficiencies, and create a sustainable business. Corporations may come to expect future free money while remaining ineffective, causing a circular problem that can never be resolved. Moreover, ongoing assistance can lead to higher taxes for everyone, which slows economic growth rather than increasing it. 34
Benefits Only a Few Corporate welfare benefits only a few businesses and employees—and arguably, they may not be the most deserving ones. Corporate welfare should not be a public service. Tax dollars should be spent on community services, proj- ects, and social programs that provide the greatest benefit to all taxpayers, such as edu- cation, health care, and national defence. 35
339C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
SHOULD GOVERNMENT “MIND ITS OWN BUSINESS?” Government intervention in the economy has traditionally been greater in Canada than in the United States. For example, government expenditures as a percentage of GDP are typically higher in Canada than in the United States, and public-sector employment in Canada has been as much as 30% greater than the United States. However, Canada has been following the trend of reducing government’s involvement in the business sector. Why are we witnessing this reduction in government involvement, and what are the implications of this trend? These questions are addressed in the sections below.
Deregulation Earlier, we discussed the issue of government regulation. Government regulates the operation of businesses through commissions, tribunals, agencies, and boards. Whatever the form, the government directly regulates about one-third of the economy through more than 600 orga- nizations. However, what we have witnessed since the 1980s is a trend toward deregulation. Deregulation , as the name suggests, involves a reduction in the number of laws or regulations affecting business activity. It also suggests a reduction of the powers of government enforce- ment agencies and other forms of government control or influence.
In recent years, the process of deregulation in the Canadian economy seems to have accelerated, particularly in industry sectors such as transportation, telecommunications, financial services, and energy. While the telecommunications sector maintains varying degrees of regulation in different areas, it has seen an increased level of competition through deregulation in areas such as overseas calling, domestic long distance, local tele- phone service, wireless service, and other services. The Canadian electricity sector has also seen deregulation occurring, particularly in Alberta and Ontario.
We have witnessed economic deregulation among many industries in a number of countries, including airlines, trucking, railroads, financial markets, energy, and telecom- munications. At the same time, there has been an increase in regulations that are intended to govern such areas as health and safety and the environment. In order to understand the implications of economic deregulation, it is useful to briefly reconsider why, in fact, there is a need to regulate any industry at all.
Regulation is aimed at correcting market failures and inequities that may arise for a variety of reasons, including the case where insufficient competition exists in an industry. However, just as the market can fail, so can the government policy of deregulation to achieve the goals for which it was intended. While it may be an oversimplification, the significant consequences of deregulation fall into two categories: potential benefit and potential risk.
■ The benefit of deregulation for consumers is increased competition arising from the reduction of regulations that have formerly restricted the entry of new competitors.
■ The risk of deregulation is consumer exploitation—that is, a reduction in quality of the products or services being offered, increases in consumer fees, or price increases as a result of the reduction in laws governing the industry’s operation.
The question is, will deregulation accomplish the central objective of sufficiently loosening constraints to encourage the entry of more competitors? Or will deregulation fail to encourage adequate competition, and will this loosening of constraints instead permit current competitors to abuse the system and exploit consumers in some way?
Objective 7 Describe the objectives and consequences of
deregulation and privatization.
deregulation A reduction in the number of laws or regulations affecting business activity.
340 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Research evidence from US-based studies has offered strong support for the benefits of deregulation among a variety of sectors, including railways, trucking, airlines, tele- communications, and financial industries. Comparisons have been made of the US and Canadian railway industries between 1956 and 1974, when the US railway industry was more heavily regulated than the Canadian. While both industries had access to the same technology, productivity growth was much greater in Canada (3.3%) than in the United States (0.5%). 36 Studies have indicated that unit costs in the US trucking industry decreased significantly in the period following deregulation in 1983. Similarly, the airline industry managed to reduce costs by 25% in the period following deregulation.
The US telecommunications industry has also benefited from deregulation, accord- ing to recent studies. For example, by 1996 long-distance telephone rates in the United States had dropped by over 70%. A number of studies have also suggested that deregula- tion encouraged much more innovation, as reflected in the emergence of such profitable services as cellular telephony and voice messaging. It is interesting to note that the con- cept of cellular phones was discussed as early as the 1950s, and the technology had become available by the early 1970s, yet the Federal Communications Commission did not issue licences until 1983—an illustration of the inhibiting effect of regulations on innovation.
Deregulation in the financial industries, including securities, investment, and bank- ing sectors, has also yielded some positive support from US-based studies with regard to its consequences. For example, it has been estimated that partial deregulation of the banking and savings and loan industry contributed to a 300% increase in productivity, while dereg- ulated brokerage fees resulted in a 25% decrease in rates. 37
Comparative studies have supported the benefits of deregulation. For example, by 1999, in industries like the airline industry, the United States was clearly maintaining a significantly higher level of deregulation than many European countries. Advocates of deregulation have asserted that the benefits of deregulation were reflected in the fact that European airline fares were about twice as costly as US airfares, while European companies were neither as efficient nor as profitable as the US carriers. Consequently, supporters of deregulation claim that eliminating price and entry restrictions would increase competition and, ultimately, benefit consumers through lower airfares and bet- ter service. Comparisons of the relative differences in levels of regulation between Europe and the United States by the late 1990s drew similar conclusions. It was esti- mated that many European companies were paying about 50% more for their electricity than their US counterparts. For example, the high level of regulation in Germany’s electricity market, including the requirement to purchase electricity from regional pro- ducers rather than less expensive alternative sources, was viewed as inhibiting efficiency and productivity. In contrast, the UK greatly benefited from energy deregulation with regard to productivity gains, estimated at 70% subsequent to deregulation.
While the findings above certainly point to the potential benefits of deregulation, there is no doubt that support for deregulation is far from universal. While advocates claim that the
36 Caves, D.W., Christensen, L.R., & Swanson, J.A. (1981). Economic performance in regulated and unregulated environments: A comparison of U.S. and Canadian Railroads. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 96 (4), 559–581.
37 Pociask, S.B., Fuhr, J.P., & Darby, L.F. (2007, March 20). Insurance regulation: Market or government failure? The American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research. Retrieved from www.theamericanconsumer. org/2007/03/20/insurance-regulation-market-or-government-failure .
341C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
beneficial impact on consumers and businesses outweighs any costs, opponents suggest the reverse—that the risks of deregulation are too high to enter into this venture. There is likely no area more mixed with regard to the reaction to deregulation than in its impact on develop- ing countries. Nonetheless, there is, again, evidence that is supportive of the policy of deregu- lation. For example, deregulation in the telecommunications industry among some Latin American countries has greatly encouraged private-sector involvement and led to increased efficiency in services. By the late 1990s, telephone user rates were reduced by about 50% fol- lowing the deregulation of entry requirements in the long-distance telephone market in Chile. At the same time, studies have pointed out the negative consequences of maintaining regula- tion in various sectors within developing countries. For example, in the late 1990s Brazil and Argentina’s transportation regulations forced businesses to ship largely by road, even though the costs were significantly higher than rail charges. 38
Example #1: Deregulation in the Transportation Industry As mentioned earlier, the main objective of government regulation is to protect the public interest. The railroad industry was among the very first to have regulations applied, with a deal made in 1895 between Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier and the CPR. Essentially, the government promised the CPR the financing it needed to complete a transcontinental line if the CPR would carry wheat produced by western farmers on a regular basis at a negotiated rate. Many years later, the National Transportation Act created the Canadian Transport Commission (in 1970), whose job it was to regulate and control the various means of transportation in Can- ada, including motor, air, water, and railways, among other things. However, on January 1, 1988, the new Canada Transportation Act came into effect and brought with it a new era of deregulation. What did this new legislation contain, and how did it bring about deregulation in the transportation industry? Well, just consider its impact on the trucking industry.
This act brought with it the passage of the new Motor Vehicle Transport Act. Prior to that time, anyone wanting to enter the trucking business was required to appear before the provincial licensing board and prove there was a public need for their service to get a licence to operate a truck. However, under the new act prospective truckers must simply present proof that they are insurable and can pass some minimal safety criteria. So what is the result of all this? One of the major benefits of the reduction in requirements for new entrants was increased competition: More truckers entered the industry. Shippers gained from a wider choice of trucking services and more competitive rates. Following the passage of this act, shippers could negotiate the level of service and price of any domestic move- ment with any carrier. Consequently, consumers benefited in terms of reduced costs arising from increased competition in highway carriers. In fact, a central aim of this deregulation was to encourage greater efficiency in Canada’s $2 billion transportation market. In a more recent report on the trucking industry in Canada, the following observation was made:
38 Guasch, J.L., & Hahn, R.W. (1999). The cost and benefits of regulation: Implications for developing countries. The World Bank Research Observer, 14 (1), 137–158.
What has emerged is a new breed of Canadian trucker—one that is more efficient, value-priced, eager to customize to shippers’ needs and adept at filling specialized niches in a North American market dominated by huge and efficient American carriers. 39
39 Wasny, G. (1997). A new road for Canadian truckers. World Trade, 10 (2), 50.
342 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
40 Railway Age. (2001). Deregulations’ real winner: The consumer. Railway Age, 202 (1), 20.
41 Wasny, 1997.
In the related railway shipping industry, recent reports have indicated that shipper rates dropped by 35% since deregulation and were considered the lowest in the world— 60% below the international average. 40
However, there has been a downside for some. With increased competition, some trucking companies have been unable to compete effectively and have gone bankrupt, resulting in the loss of hundreds of jobs. In fact, in 1990 about 130 trucking companies declared bankruptcy—over twice as many as those in the previous year. A major threat has come from US trucking companies, which have lower labour, equipment, and tax costs and, consequently, lower operating costs.
So there are winners and losers in the trend toward deregulation, and the issue of competition lies at the heart of this. Reducing regulations welcomes more entrants and creates more pressure on existing Canadian companies. During the years following dereg- ulation, the Canadian carriers admitted that they were slow to adapt to new technologies such as electronic data interchange, bar coding, and satellite tracking of trailers. For example, by 1997 almost all US truckload tractors were equipped for satellite tracking, while only 50% of Canadian tractors were equipped. 41
Example #2: Deregulation in the Electricity Industry The past 10 years or so have seen a great interest in deregulation in the energy sector—specifically in energy supply, with Britain and Scandinavia largely initiating this practice in the early 1990s. Traditionally, electricity costs have been higher in Europe than in North America. After a number of European governments privatized their public utilities, the cost of electricity dropped in those regions. Deregulation also welcomed much more competition, which forced the power companies to become more efficient and improve customer service.
The Canadian government, seemingly drawing on the European experience, decided to initiate privatization and deregulation in the energy sector in Canada, beginning with Alberta in 1995. Unfortunately, the reaction to this transition has been mixed, with some observers criticizing the deregulation process in Alberta’s electricity industry and others adding that the purchase of electricity has become more complicated with the advent of deregulation.
Ontario has followed Alberta’s lead in electricity deregulation, although it has proceeded somewhat more slowly and, according to some, more cautiously. While advo- cates of deregulation feel that the benefits of increased competition will ultimately pre- vail, those opposed to deregulation believe that public ownership should continue to exist for essential services to ensure that all members of society will be guaranteed access to the same service at a reasonable price. As once critic of electricity deregulation argued
Prior to restructuring and deregulation, the goal of utilities was reliable service at minimum long-term cost. In contrast, the goal of newly restructured organizations in a deregulated environment is short-term profit with little concern for the overall system. 42
42 Campbell, T., Casazza, J., Griffin-Cohen, M., Wilson, J., & Wood, C. (2005, March 1). Another blackout looming: Government inaction could leave millions in the dark again soon. The Monitor. Retrieved from www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/monitor/march-2005-another-blackout-looming .
The dangers of deregulation are further addressed in Talking Business 9.6 .
343C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
The Dangers of Deregulation Critics of deregulation argue that removing government
control in industries is simply too dangerous given that
there is no guarantee that sufficient competition will arise
in order to keep businesses from taking advantage of
looser restrictions. These critics point to a number of ques-
tionable efforts to deregulate, including deregulation in
Alberta’s electricity sector, and deregulation in Canada’s
telecommunications and railway industries.
In 1996, Alberta removed government from the power
generation business. Rather than a crown corporation
running things, the Alberta government deregulated the
electricity market in order to welcome a flood of private
businesses whose competitive instincts would result in
lower power prices. Things didn’t go according to plan
though. Alberta did not experience a price drop and an
improvement in service. The only tangible benefit has
been to shift the responsibility and costs of building and
managing power plants to the private sector. In that
regard, Albertans did benefit from deregulation since the
province doesn’t have to incur debt to build power plants,
while other provinces (that have maintained publicly-
owned utilities) have amassed billions in debt. However
beyond that benefit, the results were mixed at best, and at
worst it has been called a disaster. In addition to high
energy rates, the concern is that the private sector cannot
sufficiently accommodate the growing electricity needs of
Alberta. According to one report, “. . . the market is ill-
equipped to foresee and address the unprecedented
growth in Alberta’s population, industry and overall power
demand . . . There are also fears that deregulation could
allow power companies to bend the rules.”43 So much for
the power of deregulation.
In 2006 Canada deregulated its telecommunications
industry with the expectation that it would bring
competition, better service, and lower prices. Specifi-
cally, this era of deregulation in telecommunications
was initiated by a policy decision in December 2006 by
the Industry Minister, who ordered the Canadian Radio-
television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
to rely as much as possible on “market forces” and
ensure that regulation was minimally intrusive to busi-
ness. The results? Not good. Arguably, Canadian con-
sumers are still paying too much for broadband service
and getting too little, according to a report from the
Public Interest Advocacy Centre, a nonprofit consumer
protection organization.44 In fact, the report asserted
that deregulation brought excessive profits for Bell, Telus,
and Rogers—Canada’s largest telecom companies. In
fact, these three companies control 90% of the market
so it’s hard to argue that deregulation brought more
competition and a better world for consumers! While
other wireless services were launched in Canada fol-
lowing deregulation, including Wind, Mobilicity, and
Public Mobile, none captured any substantial share of
the market.
Finally, critics have argued that deregulation was an
indirect cause of the horrific disaster in Lac-Mégantic,
Quebec, in 2013, where the derailment and subse-
quent explosion of oil-filled tanker cars destroyed
much of the town’s central core and killed more than
50 people. How could this be connected to deregula-
tion? Deregulation in the railroad industry occurred
beginning in the 1990’s. One of the consequences has
been a shift to greater self-regulation by the railway
companies, who largely carry out their own inspections
of processes, equipment, and infrastructure. Critics
argue that this has opened the doors to “cutting cor-
ners” in safety in order to minimize costs. With less
government oversight, companies may be inclined to
be less vigilant in such areas as replacing old equip-
ment since this also means more expenses for the com-
pany. In addition, when companies focus purely on
43 Wingrove, Josh. (2012, March 22). Billions in new power lines and hundreds in monthly bills—the price of a boom for Alberta’s power grid. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/ politics/billions-in-new-power-lines-and-hundreds-in-monthly-bills—the-price-of-a-boom-for-albertas-power- grid/article535421. 44 Public Interest Advocacy Centre Report by Michael Janigan, 2010; http://www.piac.ca/index.html.
344 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
profits, it can create pressures to minimize costs, which
often means cutting staff and work schedules. A case
in point—the runaway train at Lac- Mégantic was over-
seen by only a single engineer responsible for 72 cars
and five locomotives.
Source: Lampert, Allison. (2013, August 29). Lac-Mégantic: Lack
of train staffing, oversight called into question. The Gazette.
Retrieved from http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/M%C3%
CBC News. (2010, Dec. 30). Phone deregulation fails
consumers: report. Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/news/
Privatization What does privatization mean? In broad terms, privatization refers to the divesting of government involvement in the operation, management, and ownership of activities. Typically, privatization involves the transfer of activities or functions from the govern- ment to the private sector. Privatization might involve selling off a Crown corporation to the private sector. For example, Air Canada, formerly a Crown corporation, was sold to the private sector in 1988–1989. Also in 1988, the government sold Teleglobe Canada Inc., a handler of overseas satellite calls for the telephone and telecommunications com- panies, to private business.
Privatization might also involve contracting government jobs to private companies. For example, in some provinces private businesses contracted to manage hospitals and other health care institutions previously managed by government employees. Other ser- vices that can be contracted out include garbage collection and road construction. In addi- tion, public institutions have also contracted out services such as data processing and food and janitorial services to private-sector corporations. The closing of some postal stations and the franchising of postal services in retail businesses is yet another example.
In recent years there has been a significant transformation of the organizational land- scape across the world, as numerous state-owned monopolies, agencies, and other public organizations have been privatized. Government ownership in areas from airlines to elec- tricity has been sold to either domestic or foreign investors. In fact, over 15,000 enter- prises were privatized during the period from 1980 to 1992. By 1997, worldwide privatization proceeds had reached $153 billion. 45
Privatization has been implemented not only in advanced countries, such as the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, France, Germany, and Japan, but also in transitional countries such as Poland, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. In addition, developing countries have been implementing privatization—including Nigeria, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. It is expected that privatization will continue to progress around the world and in most economic sectors over the coming decade.
privatization Divesting of government involvement in the operation, management, or owner- ship of business activities, involving transfer of activities or functions from the government to the private sector.
TALKING BUSINESS 9.6 (continued)
45 Zahra, S.A., & Hansen, C.D. (2000). Privatization, entrepreneurship, and global competitiveness in the 21st century. Competition Review, 10 (1), 83–103.
345C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
The development of a large-scale privatization program is also a highly political act. Almost by definition, privatization represents an ideological and symbolic break with a history of state control over a country’s productive assets. Nowhere is this symbolism more apparent than in the economies of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, where privatization of state-owned enterprises has come to signal a nation’s transition from communism to democratic capitalism. In Russia, the privatization of enormous petroleum (Ltlkoil), natural gas (Gazprom) and telecommunications (Syazinevest) companies represented a fundamental break from socialist state ownership. 46
Global privatization accelerated in the 1990s, particularly in Western Europe, with developing countries accounting for about one third of the annual funds raised by privatization. In the economies of Eastern Europe, the transition to private ownership has reflected a particularly significant political transition:
Why Do Governments Privatize? Why have we observed the increased divesti- ture of government in business activities, including the sale of Crown corporations? What are the reasons for reducing the level of government ownership in business enterprises? Let’s consider some of the popular arguments for privatization. See Exhibit 9.8 for a list of some of the Crown corporations in Canada that have been privatized.
Belief in the Power of Competition as a Control Mechanism Privatization is considered to be an expected outgrowth of the free enterprise system. That is, private enterprise should be allowed to expand into areas that were once monopolized by the government. Moreover, privatization programs are typically guided by the view that the force of market competition is best suited to fostering efficiency and innovation in an industry. This has been a key argument for privatizing the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), as costs continue to rise for this federally funded organization.
Specifically, the view is that privatization of a state-owned monopoly will open an industry to com- petition and, consequently, encourage innovation, growth, and efficiency. Moreover, where privatization opens an industry to foreign competition, this permits consumers to have access to goods or services devel- oped in other parts of the world and will stimulate innovation among domestic firms operat- ing in the industry. In addition, opening an industry to foreign investors may provide access to needed financial and technological resources and create growth in the industry.
Belief that Private Business Can Operate More Efficiently A second view is that trans- ferring the management of organizations to the private sector will result in increased pro- ductivity. Studies conducted in a variety of countries have found evidence that the private production of goods and services is typically more efficient than public production. Why should this be considered true? Well, think back to our discussion of why Crown corporations were established: not for profit, but for a social policy consideration—that is, serving public
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (commercial division)—2011 Highway 407 (Ontario)—1999
Canadian National Railway—1995
Alberta Liquor Control Board—1993
Nova Scotia Power—1992
Potash Corp. (Saskatchewan)—1989
Air Canada—1988
De Havilland Aircraft Co.—1986
Exhibit 9.8 Crown Corporations That Are Now Privatized
46 Megginson, W. (2000). Privatization. Foreign Policy, 118 , 14.
Source: Stastna, K. (2012, April
1). What are Crown corpora-
tions and why do they exist?
CBC News. Retrieved from
upgradecanada/background .
Reprinted by permission of
346 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
interests. Consequently, many observers feel that it is difficult for government-owned enter- prises to reconcile the social goals of the enterprise with the economic-efficiency goals that must be of concern to any business. Moreover, efficient operation may be difficult given that there are political interests to be considered. Removing the political element of an enterprise allows it to focus on efficiency and avoid potential conflicts of interest.
The Ontario government announced that its main goal for privatization was to improve economic efficiency of the underlying organization, as reflected in reduced prices and improved customer service.
No Longer Need Public Involvement in Some Sectors Air Canada was established as a Crown corporation at a time when no private company had the resources to develop a transnational airline. Today, there are both domestic and international airlines that are more than capable of conducting such business and, consequently, there is little need for government ownership in the airline industry. Where the enterprise is no longer required by the government to achieve its initial public policy goals, ownership can be handed over to the private sector. If private industry is willing to offer the same product or service in a reliable and cost-effective manner, why not allow it to do so? As we discussed, in Canada’s earlier days the creation of Crown corporations was deemed necessary by the “natural monopoly argument” in industries such as public utilities or communications, given that low unit costs of production could be attained only if output was sufficiently high. Consequently, a large government monopoly or a regulated, privately owned monopoly was acceptable, and perhaps even necessary. This argument has weakened in more recent times, when globalization has introduced large worldwide competitors who may be bigger and more efficient than federal or provincial Crown corporations.
Financial Benefits from Selling Government-Owned Assets Another reason for selling off government-owned enterprises is that the money can be used on other, more needed, areas. Certainly money received from sales of Crown corporations or partial disposition of Crown-owned assets has been applied to government deficit reductions. In addition, opening an industry to private investors may attract an influx of foreign capital.
Maintaining a Crown corporation can be an increasingly costly venture, particularly when high subsidies are made to inefficient state-owned enterprises. Privatization can remove this unnecessary financial burden from the government and taxpayers. For example, in the UK, over US$16.8 billion was raised between 1990 and 1995 through the privatization of two power- generating companies, the 12 regional electricity companies, and the National Grid. Similarly, Argentina raised over US$4 billion through the partial disposition of government-owned elec- tricity assets and cut its level of debt. Here in Canada, the financial incentive for privatizing Ontario Hydro was based on estimates of a corresponding provincial debt reduction of at least CDN$8 billion. As well, the initial public offering of shares in CNR in 1995 was Canada’s larg- est stock market flotation at that time. However, during the 1980s and 1990s, privatizations in Canada were most likely to have been conducted through sales to private businesses rather than public share offerings. Revenues from sales of Canada’s 10 largest federal corporations amounted to $7.2 billion in the period between 1986 and 1996. Proceeds to the federal government were over $3.8 billion from the sale of shares in CN and Petro-Canada alone.
Challenges to “Going Private”
Stakeholders and Objectives Governments in Canada began to privatize their corporate holdings in the mid-1980s for many of the reasons already cited, including efficiency objectives, financial concerns, and the capability of the private sector to fulfill public policy objectives.
347C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
It is useful to point out that while these may be objectives of privatization, they are not held equally by all parties affected by a privatization. The objectives of various stake- holders in the privatization of a Crown corporation may be different and potentially con- flicting. Consider, for example, the stakeholders affected by the privatization of public utilities, which may include government owners, other government parties (that is, other levels of government), creditors, future shareholders of the organization, unionized and non-unionized employees of the corporation, regulators, taxpayers, consumers, and other existing or potential competitors in the industry.
Employees’ Objectives In effect, the objectives of privatization could all be considered as objectives of the government owners, but some may conflict with elements of the enterprise itself. For example, after initiation of the privatization plan for Ontario Hydro, Hydro’s senior management was also agreeable to the province’s plan for privatization. In fact, their view was that rapid privatization was necessary to face the increasing competi- tion from the United States and from other provincial utilities in the Ontario electricity market, since deregulation began to open up the market to competition. However, within Hydro there has been much disagreement—culminating in a number of strikes by employ- ees opposed to the government’s plans.
A possible cost of privatization is massive layoffs of public employees, particularly in developing and transition countries. For example, the privatization of Argentina’s national rail company in 1991 involved laying off almost 80% of the company’s total workforce as part of the restructuring. However, numerous studies suggest that aggregate employment remains largely unchanged subsequent to privatization efforts.
The Public’s Objectives Another possible conflict is between the objectives cited and the public’s concern for their “protection.” For example, in the case of Ontario Hydro, some citizens were concerned that private competitors may be less likely to serve the pub- lic’s interests than a government-owned enterprise. Consequently, some fear that privati- zation will bring higher rates and safety concerns.
Other issues may relate to foreign ownership. For example, there were no foreign ownership restrictions placed on the privatization of Canadian National Railway (which involved a public offering of a majority of shares), and consequently 40% of the $2.3 billion share issue was sold outside Canada, largely to US organizations. For some critics, this sale left too much power out of Canadian hands, and there was some question as to whether the newly controlled enterprise would keep Canadian interests high on their agenda. On the other hand, the government did not restrict foreign ownership, given the view that the Canadian market was not large enough to allow for complete privatization in one attempt. There were, however, other restrictions: No investor could own more than 15% of the shares, and CN must remain headquartered in Montreal.
While privatization has been viewed as a means to generate higher levels of entrepre- neurship and efficiency in an industry, simply transferring ownership to the private sector does not guarantee efficiency gains. At least one important qualification is the level of com- petition that exists subsequent to the privatization. For example, critics suggest that although Air Canada was privatized in the late 1980s, clear efficiency gains and benefits to the user did not readily materialize because Air Canada continued to operate in an environment that lacked sufficient competition and, consequently, the airline maintained its monopoly status.
Ironically, the technical responsibilities of the government may increase after privatiza- tion, because governments shift from owning and managing individual companies to
potentially regulating an entire sector or industry. Critics have asserted that if the govern- ment fails to implement effective regulation over the new private-sector owners, then many of the benefits associated with privatization will not materialize. This risk may be most appar- ent in the case of government transfer of ownership of natural monopolies, such as electricity or gas utilities, to a single private owner who takes over the monopoly. This was a criticism levelled at the British government when a number of utilities were privatized yet monopolis- tic industries were not consistently restructured to facilitate competition. Consequently, some privatized utility companies continued to operate under monopolistic conditions.
CHAPTER SUMMARY In this chapter, we noted the shift toward reduced government involvement in the busi- ness sector, reflected in the trends toward deregulation and privatization. Observers sug- gest that what we are witnessing is a marked decrease in government involvement as public preferences shift toward a more purely private market system. It seems that many observers view the decrease in the level of government influence in business as a positive change. However, some believe that there is good reason for advocating a continued and perhaps increased role for government in business.
The question of government involvement in business has been debated for years. Cer- tainly, the trend toward reduced government involvement in terms of deregulation, privatiza- tion, and elimination of tariff barriers seems to reflect the ideology that “less government is better.” For some, the answer lies in the government’s ability to work with industry to develop a long-term industrial strategy to lead the country out of its current problems and ensure a more secure future for working Canadians. Consequently, rather than simply taking a “hands- off” approach, it may be argued that what is required is a clear rethinking of the different types of roles that government can play, or how it may play its current roles in a different manner.
bailout 329
business enterprise system 312
Cabinet 317
capitalism 312
corporate welfare 337
Crown corporation 320
deregulation 339
dumping 334
federal level of government 314
foreign direct investment 334
free enterprise system 313
government economic regulation 325
Governor General 316
House of Commons 317
imperfect competition 327
invisible hand of the market 313
laissez faire 313
ministries (federal) 317
mixed system 312
municipal level of government 315
perfect competition 325
prime minister 316
Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) 316
privatization 344
Privy Council Office (PCO) 317
provincial level of government 315
restrictive or regulatory taxes 318
revenue taxes 318
Senate 317
subsidy 331
Key Terms
348 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
349C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. National defence is an activity managed by the ______ level of government.
a. federal b. provincial
c. municipal d. both A and B
2. Capitalism is an economic system that allows all of the following rights except
a. individual rights b. private property rights
c. competition rights d. trade rights
3. Laissez-faire simply means a. fair trade
b. limited trade
c. maximum government interference
d. let people do as they choose
4. Communism is an economic system that allows a. the government to control resources
b. the government to trade on a wide-scale basis
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
5. Sales tax is a form of a. restrictive taxes b. business taxes
c. excise taxes d. revenue taxes
6. An example of a restrictive tax is a. an excise tax b. customs duties
c. both A and B d. none of the above
7. The largest source of tax revenue for federal and provin- cial governments is
a. individual income tax b. corporate income tax
c. sales tax d. property tax
8. A Crown corporation may be established for which of the following reasons?
a. To protect national interests
b. To protect industries vital to the economy
c. To provide special services that would otherwise not
be available
d. All of the above
9. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) is an exam- ple of
a. a provincial Crown corporation
b. a publicly traded corporation
c. an agency of the Ministry of Consumer Services
d. both A and C
10. Imperfect competition is a form of competition where a. fewer than the optimal number of competitors exist
b. too many small companies competing exist
c. too many large companies competing exist
d. none of the above
11. A bailout is government financial assistance to a busi- ness in the form of
a. tax credits b. cash payments
c. subsidies d. all of the above
12. A subsidy is government assistance to a business often in the form of
a. cash payments b. low-interest loans
c. asset donations d. both A and B
13. Government should act as the “guardian of business” in order to
a. nurture young industries
b. encourage foreign direct investment
c. promote strict adherence to trade agreements
d. both A and B
14. Dumping is a. shipping too many exports to one country
b. an environmental hazard
c. adding tariffs to imported goods
d. pricing a product below cost
15. A reduction in the laws over a business activity is some- times referred to as
a. deregulation
b. privatization
c. legal barrier reduction
d. corporate lobbying
Multiple-Choice Questions
Discussion Questions 1. Explain the similarities and differences between the three
levels of government.
2. Describe the three roles of government: tax collector role, business owner role, and regulatory role.
3. Explain the difference between revenue taxes and restric- tive taxes.
4. Explain the reasons why a Crown corporation may be formed.
5. Compare and contrast the difference between perfect competition and imperfect competition.
6. Why should government act as the “guardian of business”?
350 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
7. Why should government not act as the “guardian of business”?
8. What is the difference between a bailout and a subsidy?
9. Explain the benefits and risks of deregulation.
10. What is the meaning of privatization, and what are its benefits?
Oh, Canada, what is wrong with our wireless service industry? Recently, OpenMedia.ca released a report entitled Time for an Upgrade: Demanding Choice in Canada’s Cell Phone Market , which documented the results of its study of Canadians’ experiences with cellphone service. The findings emphasized the existence of systemic mistreatment of cellphone customers by the large telecom providers. The report identified three broad categories of complaints, including disrespectful customer service, cellphone contracts that were overly restrictive to the consumer, and price gouging. In addition, many respondents considered Canadian cell- phone service to be inferior compared to that offered in other countries.
Ironically, Canadian consumers pay among the highest cellphone fees in the industri- alized world. In addition to the high cost of the service plans, Canadian carriers also impose a 75 cent monthly charge for 911 service—even though the actual cost of that service is closer to 10 cents. 47 Canadian carriers also typically charge among the highest roaming fees in the world. In addition, critics have asserted that Canadian customers must tolerate 36-month contracts, whereas the norm elsewhere is only 24 months, which limits the flexibility of consumers to take advantage of the best deals because they cannot switch easily. Further, trying to end a contract with one company can result in excessive termina- tion fees, and if you do end the contract you are not faced with a lot of alternative choices.
So why is Canada’s wireless service industry so dysfunctional? The answer, according to many observers, is simple—we need more competitors in Canada. As of 2013, only three companies—Rogers, Bell, and Telus—possessed a controlling share (about 94%) of the market. 48 And in 2013, these three companies together possessed more than 24 million wireless customers. Competition in the industry is clearly lacking. According to the report by Open Media:
Canadians have few alternative options because affordable independent cell phone providers cannot effectively reach new customers on a playing-field tilted in favour of these three incumbents. Government policy has allowed the incumbents to entrench and take advantage of their position by acquiring nearly all the wireless spectrum—the infrastructure essential to reaching Canadian customers. Rather than providing a level playing-field and effective safeguards for consumers, just
47 Geist, M. (2013, March 19). Sorry, Canadian wireless users are still suckers. The Tyee. Retrieved from http:// thetyee.ca/Mediacheck/2013/03/19/Canadian-Wireless-Suckers .
48 Anderson, S. (2013, March 6). How long will Canadians put up with mistreatment from cell phone companies? Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2013/03/06/how_long_will_canadians_ put_up_with_mistreatment_from_cell_phone_companies.html .
351C h a p t e r 9 P o l i t i c a l F o r c e s
three companies are essentially able to regulate the mobile market. There is a seri- ous lack of choice for Canadians, and these incumbents have little incentive to innovate or improve their rates and services, which in turn prevents Canadians from fully realizing the potential benefits of cellular technology. The dysfunctional cell phone market has resulted in poor service, punitively high prices, and acts as a dead weight on the Canadian economy. 49
So what role can the government play in “fixing” this industry? In 2008 the federal government initiated an ambitious plan to boost competition in the $17-billion mobile phone industry by offering increased access to wireless licences. Smaller new entrants were given an opportunity to enter the market rather than letting the three dominant players snatch up all available licensing.
While the government made “space” for new players, other barriers remained. The fact is, it is not easy to enter the Canadian wireless industry for several reasons. First, the price of entry is still excessive. It requires hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars to purchase wireless spectrum, build towers, and lease retail space. Size and bud- get are important competitive advantages in this industry. Consequently, the relatively younger companies (like Mobilicity, Wind Mobile, and Public Mobile) continue to struggle against the big three players in the industry. In addition, if a newer company is seen as profitable, then it may end up being acquired by a larger firm. For example, Clearnet Communications Inc. was acquired by Telus for $6.6 billion in 2000 after it had accumulated about 2 million subscribers. Microcell Communications similarly was acquired by Rogers for $1.6 billion in 2004. 50
According to many observers, if Canada wants more competition the government needs to consider reducing barriers to entry such as restrictions on foreign competition and ownership. Canada persists as one of the last developed countries to maintain foreign ownership restrictions in the telecommunications sector. And most agree this restriction has led to inferior service and high costs for the Canadian consumer. There is a consensus that Canada needs more wireless competition if consumers are to benefit, and govern- ment restrictions to foreign competition in the wireless industry have impeded any sub- stantial increase in competition.
For example, initially the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission prevented Wind Mobile from entering the cellphone market in Canada. It had ruled that Wind wasn’t Canadian owned and controlled, given that most of its debt was held by Egyptian-based Orascom (later acquired by Amsterdam-headquartered VimpelCom). However, following a federal Cabinet order that overturned the decision, Wind Mobile launched its business in Canada in 2009. It became the first and strongest of several new companies attempting to gain access to Canada’s wireless industry. Wind Mobile was the first new carrier to enter the Canadian wireless industry in many years, and it was followed in 2010 by Mobilicity, Public Mobile, and then Quebecor’s
49 OpenMedia.ca. (n.d.). Background: Canada’s dysfunctional cell phone market. Time for an Upgrade: Demand- ing change in Canada’s cell phone market. Retrieved from http://openmedia.ca/upgradecanada/background .
50 Trichur, R., & Marlow, I. (2012, September 6). Canada’s newly competitive cellphone market at risk. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://m.theglobeandmail.com/technology/tech-news/canadas-newly-competitive- cellphone-market-at-risk/article533723/?service=mobile#! .
Case Continued >
352 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Videotron service. These new entrants brought additional choice to the market as well as a number of price wars and subsequent deals for consumers.
So how does a small company like Wind Mobile grow quickly? The answer is by being acquired by a much larger, albeit foreign-owned, organization. Hence, the Canadian gov- ernment decided to permit full foreign ownership of telecom firms with a market share of 10% or less. 51 This allowed providers like Wind and Mobilicity access to more options for raising the money needed to build their networks. It also means more foreign entrants to the Canadian market.
In a relatively short period of time, Wind became Canada’s fourth largest wireless carrier. This made it the first example of a foreign-controlled telecommunications carrier in Canada. The deal was permitted because of the changes made by Industry Canada allowing telecom companies with less than 10% of the market to have no restrictions on foreign investment. On the other hand, foreign ownership limits for large telecom companies like Rogers remained at no more than 33.3% foreign owner- ship. 52
Increasingly, the Canadian government has allowed foreign companies to acquire smaller wireless providers (that is, those that currently have less than 10% of the market share). However, in addition to the issue of foreign ownership, smaller competitors are concerned that their presence in Canada may be short lived unless the government ensures fair competition.
These smaller players have helped to reduce prices somewhat, but only time will tell if they will remain and if competition will flourish or die. For example, these newer competi- tors argue that Industry Canada should better enforce the industry’s rules of fair competi- tion, which would include forcing Bell, Telus, and Rogers to share their wireless towers. Clearly, from the issue of foreign ownership to fair competition, this is one industry where the government has a critically important role to play in the affairs of business.
1. Explain why Canada’s foreign-ownership restrictions in the telecommunications sector are a form of “trade protectionism” and how they conflict with the ideals of globalization.
2. By limiting foreign ownership and competition in the telecom industry, the Canadian government is favouring Canadian firms relative to their global rivals. Explain why the federal government should play the role of guardian of these Canadian telecom firms. On the flip side, explain why the government should not protect the existing players from more foreign competition.
3. What are three potential benefits and three potential threats to Canada of more multinational wireless carrier companies coming here?
51 Canadian Press. (2013, January 18). Wind Mobile uses new telecom rules to push for foreign takeover. CTV News. Retrieved from www.ctvnews.ca/business/wind-mobile-uses-new-telecom-rules-to-push-for-foreign- takeover-1.1119886#ixzz2RPBX6IKN .
52 Canadian Press. (2013, January 18). Wind Mobile to become fully foreign owned. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/business/2013/01/18/wind_mobile_to_become_fully_foreign_owned.html .
Chapter 10 Societal Forces Can Corporations Be Socially Responsible to All Stakeholders?
The purpose of this chapter is to draw attention to the
ethical dimension of business and to encourage a more
critical understanding of the ethical issues that you will
no doubt confront at some point in your career. To this
end we will examine models of ethical reasoning in
organizations. This chapter also considers what societal
roles and responsibilities businesses must address to be
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Understand the challenges of defining business ethics.
2. Explain the models for judging the ethics of a decision.
3. Discuss how organizations may contribute to unethical
behaviour at work.
4. Define stakeholders and explain why they are important
for business to manage.
5. Analyze the debate for and against the relevance of
corporate social responsibility.
© Jan Sochor/age fotostock
354 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
THE BUSINESS WORLD The New Blood Diamond: Cellphones
Most of us own cellphones, but few of us have stopped to consider how they are made. Even fewer of us are familiar with a critical component of cellphones—coltan.
Coltan, the short name for columbite-tantalite, is a metallic mineral that is mined mostly in Africa in areas like the Democratic Republic of Congo. In addition to cell- phones, coltan is also used in smartphones and other electronic devices like DVD players, computers, video game systems, and so on. Once refined, coltan becomes a heat-resistant powder capable of holding a high electric charge. This is an important element in current flow inside circuit boards. The market for coltan is worth about $2 billion annually. In recent years, the price of coltan has skyrocketed to as high as $600 per kilogram. 1
Eighty percent of the world’s coltan is mined in the Congo. Indeed, coltan mining is a significant economic activity and accounts for 70% of the Congo’s revenue. 2 This min- eral is mined through a relatively old-fashioned process similar to how gold was mined during the 1800s. Dozens of individuals work together to dig large craters in streambeds. They scrape dirt from the surface to uncover the coltan underground. These workers will use large washtubs to shift around the mud and water until the coltan settles at the bot- tom. A productive worker can extract one kilogram of coltan a day.
Most of the world’s coltan reserves are found specifically in the Congo’s war-ravaged Kivu region. That area has been involved in some of the bloodiest conflicts in the world. So far, around 7 million people have died (since 1998) and currently 45,000 die every month from this conflict. In 1998, Rwanda launched an invasion of the Congo, where it seized a third of the country to gain control of Congo’s coltan mines. The invasion quickly became profitable for Rwanda given that global demand for coltan is huge. Ironically, this occurred at a time when Sony began to use the mineral in its PlayStations.
In addition to Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, and their militias are the primary exploiters of coltan in the Congo. Coltan mining has become infamous for financing civil and mili- tary conflict. In addition, coltan is mined under terrible working conditions. Men, women, and children are often forced at gunpoint to mine coltan that is then shipped out of the country at huge profits. Child labour in Africa has increased significantly in coltan mines. About 30% of schoolchildren are now forced to work in these mines in the Congo region.
There are also environmental abuses. The same area where coltan is mined also includes the Kahuzi Biega National Park, home to the mountain gorilla. Since coltan mining began, the gorilla population has been reduced by half from 258 to 130. Not only has food been reduced for the gorillas because of land clearing and loss of habitat, mining has also caused some people to become displaced, forcing some civilians to kill gorillas for their meat. Within the Congo, the United Nations has reported that in eight national parks the gorilla population has declined by 90% over the past five years, with only 3,000 gorillas remaining. 3
1 Delawala, I. (n.d.). What is coltan? ABC Nightline . Retrieved from http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/ story?id=128631&page=1 .
2 Najm, F. (2010, October 31). Blood coltan: Is your cell phone soaked in Congolese blood? The Express Tribune. Retrieved from http://tribune.com.pk/story/67995/blood-coltan-is-your-cell-phone-soaked-in-congolese-blood .
3 Cellular-News. (n.d.). Coltan, gorillas, and cellphones. Retrieved from www.cellular-news.com/coltan .
355C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
While Rwanda, Uganda, and Burundi have directly exploited coltan, foreign multina- tional corporations have been indirectly involved in the exploitation of coltan in the Congo, given that the coltan mined by rebels and foreign forces is sold to foreign corporations. The United Nations has asked countries not to purchase coltan from the Congo due to an ongo- ing civil war that has expanded to surrounding countries. Which corporations buy coltan? Most of the well-known global companies buy it for their products, such as Apple, Nokia, Motorola, Compaq, Alcatel, Dell, IBM, Lucent, and Sony, to name a few.
Right now, there are no clear laws that prevent companies from purchasing products that contain coltan that is mined in these unethical ways. The Canadian government doesn’t seem to be able to do much to stop this practice. There is, however, one way the government could improve the situation: force companies to track where their raw materials are coming from for their products. If they find that the materials come from regions where there are human rights violations, then they would have a choice to not buy from them. This would also increase transparency and allow customers to be better informed about the products they are buying.
There is only one problem with the above scenario: It is very expensive to locate where raw materials originate from. So, most companies are not voluntarily doing this. Certainly, it would increase the cost to produce their products. Many powerful retailers such as Walmart and Target have fought against the pressure for companies to identify where their raw materials come from. Tracking a product through the supply chain means suppliers have to keep track of where their raw materials are coming from too. Subse- quently, it means a lot of compliance from a lot of different companies.
Major manufacturers of capacitors include Kemet (US), Vishay (US), Kyocera (Japan), NEC/Tokin (Japan), and Samsung (South Korea). However, smelting is domi- nated by Cabot (US), HC Starck (Germany), and Ningxia (China), which purchase approximately 80% of the ore. While Cabot and Starck agreed they would not purchase Congolese coltan, there is still much ore processed in China. 4
According to ABC Nightline , tracing coltan is challenging:
The path that coltan takes to get from Central Africa to the world market is a highly convoluted one, with legitimate mining operations often being confused with illegal rebel operations, and vice versa. . . . To be safe, many electronics companies have pub- licly rejected the use of coltan from anywhere in Central Africa. 5
Many companies instead are relying on suppliers from Australia. Kemet, the world’s largest maker of tantalum capacitors, is one company requiring its suppliers to certify that their coltan is not from Africa, but their efforts may be a little late. Most of the coltan from the Congo is already in cellphones, laptops, and other electronics across the globe. 6
Would you be willing to pay at least double the price of what you paid for your phone? Clearly, if we want to stop these human rights violations, then that is what we would need to do. This is the ironic dilemma. No one wants people to be abused, but no one wants to pay more for their electronic gadgets either. The evidence to date suggests that most stores (and most consumers) either don’t know about coltan or don’t care and just want to pay the lowest price possible to obtain their smartphones and other electronic gadgets.
4 Sutherland, E. (2011, April 11). Coltan, the Congo and your cell phone. Research paper, LINK Centre, University of the Witwatersrand.
5 Delawala, (n.d.).
6 Delawala, (n.d.).
356 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
DEFINING BUSINESS ETHICS Business ethics is not simply a societal concern—it has increasingly become an organizational issue that demands urgent attention. Managing ethical behaviour in business organizations requires an in-depth understanding of the many factors that contribute to employees’ deci- sions to behave ethically or unethically. Talking Business 10.1 underscores the perceived dete- rioration of ethics in society as reflected in a lack of trust between the public and organizations.
Before we begin to consider the issue of business ethics, a definition would clearly be helpful. Unfortunately, as numerous writers on business ethics have indicated, defining
Objective 1 Understand the challenges of defining business
The Tantalum-Niobium International Study Centre (TIC), an industry organization for producers and consumers of tantalum and niobium, explained that it deplores the ille- gal activities in coltan mines, but it does not have the power to regulate where producers get their raw materials from. 7
In 2011, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published recommendations that companies should exercise due diligence when using minerals such as coltan to ensure that their sources are not related to conflicts. 8 While the guidelines are voluntarily and not enforceable, they serve as a first step to reduce the fund- ing of conflicts involving war crimes and human rights violations.
According to one observer,
It has been argued that the multi-stakeholder approach adopted by the OECD comple- ments traditional command and control systems, which is necessary to address the extra-territorial problems in global supply chains. It is a means by which governments can collectively encourage manufacturers and smelters to address the commercial aspects of the conflicts.” 9
In 2013, human rights issues continue to be addressed, but the underlying problems are not yet resolved. According to US senator Sam Brownback,
Recent reports state that Rwanda and others are using the war in Congo to continue the exploitation of coltan. Once it is extracted, we are told, it is then sent down to Australia, where it is mixed with Australian coltan—where 20 per cent of the world coltan comes from—before being processed into tantalum. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say with any certainty that the tantalum supply coming out of Australia is conflict-free. 10
Should consumers protest against cellphone companies to demand transparency in sourc- ing their raw materials? Perhaps protests instead of lineups are what is needed to continue the dialogue about protecting human rights while also continuing this important industry.
7 Cellular-News , (n.d.).
8 OECD. (2013). OECD due diligence guidance for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. Retrieved from www.oecd.org/daf/inv/mne/GuidanceEdition2.pdf .
10 Marlow, I., & El Akkad, O. (2010, December 3). Smartphones: Blood stains at our fingertips. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://m.theglobeandmail.com/technology/smartphones-blood-stains-at-our-fingertips/article13 18713/?service=mobile#! .
9 Sutherland, 2011.
357C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
business ethics is extremely challenging. However, what we can do is examine what consti- tutes the topic of business ethics, and we can identify the models that people employ to try to judge what is ethical and what is unethical behaviour. A major weakness of much of the scholarly literature on the topic of business ethics is a failure to adequately define the con- struct of ethics. Often, ethics has been defined differently by theorists. Some scholars view ethics as an inquiry into theories of what is “good and evil” or into what is “right and wrong.” Others have quite simply defined ethics as “the study of morality,” the right standards of
Our research suggests that there are three high-level
impediments to public trust in organizations.
First, changes in the nature of the employee–employer
relationship over the last few decades have altered the con-
text for trust in organizations. A variety of factors have made
many Canadians feel less secure about their employment.
These include automation, computerization, streamlined
and “leaner” manufacturing processes, outsourcing, off-
shoring, demands for increased shareholder returns, difficult
economic periods in the 1990s, and the increased competi-
tion brought about by globalization. Gone are the days of
lifetime employment in exchange for lifelong commitment.
The movement towards a more flexible workforce has
had benefits for Canadian corporations, enabling employers
to mitigate demand fluctuations and reduce wage and ben-
efit costs. All of this makes for more nimble organizations
that are more able to compete in the global marketplace.
However, changes to employment relationships have
implications for public trust in organizations. As Francis
Fukuyama has noted, corporate-initiated shifts towards
leaner production models and a more flexible workforce
have not always been accompanied by reciprocal or com-
pensatory benefits for workers. “[Managers] who hope to
get loyalty, flexibility and cooperativeness out of their work-
ers without giving anything in return, whether in the form
of security, benefits or training, are being exploitative.”
Human resource executives who attended a recent The
Conference Board of Canada round table on employee
trust echoed these sentiments. They noted that corpora-
tions were “changing the deal” with their employees,
without always adequately discussing the terms of the
“new deal,” or providing other benefits to compensate for
declining employment security. To maintain trust in the
context of a shifting social contract between employers
and employees, these executives argued that organizations
would have to ensure that the terms of the new deal were
both fair and effectively communicated to employees.
High-Level Barriers to Public Trust in Organizations Second, the information technology revolution has had
implications for public trust in organizations. In theory,
the increased flow of information in the new “wired”
world has broken the mainstream media monopoly on
information and empowered ordinary citizens. Numerous
examples exist of bloggers exposing political, bureau-
cratic, corporate or even media wrongdoing. Perhaps
most famously, blogs played a pivotal role in bringing to
light the fact that a CBS News report on U.S. President
Bush’s National Guard service was based on questionable
Yet the information revolution’s impact on public trust
has not necessarily been positive. While blogs or any other
media can be used to expose lies, distortions or wrongdo-
ing, they can just as easily be part of crude or sophisti-
cated campaigns to defame, distort or spin. Separating
the reliable from the unreliable online can be challenging.
Moreover, several other facets of modern communica-
tions further distort issues and complicate the public’s abil-
ity to assess the trustworthiness of organizations.
One example is the relatively recent phenomenon of
24-hour news channels that rebroadcast the same news
throughout the day. News channels’ ratings are closely
tied to big news events; thus, as one Canadian media
expert has noted, “It is in the news channel’s interests to
always carry big events and to flag them as such for
their viewers.” This, he argues, has an impact on other
forms of news coverage. “[The] news channels are on in
every newsroom in the country. In too many cases news-
papers seem to decide that because it has been on the
news channels for such a long period of time it must be
Source: Excerpted from Deloitte. (2005). Rebuilding trust in Cana-
dian organizations. The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.ca/temp/da5dbb95-e185-421d-97be-
88c926b8aa59/795-05rebuildingtrustrpt.pdf. Reprinted by
358 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
behaviour between parties in a situation, 11 and activities that we should or should not do. 12 Ethics is the study of morality or moral judgments, standards, and rules of conduct. 13 The notion of business ethics has been considered as comprising the rules, standards, principles, or codes giving guidelines for morally right behaviour in certain contexts. 14
A situation can have an ethical dimension, where the consequences of an individual’s decision affects the interests, welfare, or expectations of others. 15 Unethical behaviour has been defined as behaviour that in some way has a harmful effect on others and is “either illegal, or morally unacceptable to the larger community.” 16
Ethical Behaviour as a Social Phenomenon One central implication in these definitions is that ethical behaviour, by its very nature, occurs within a social context. That is, it is a social phenomenon and, consequently, must be evaluated in terms of the relationships among a potential network of players. The social aspect of ethics is also reflected in theories of ethics, such as Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative . 17 Kant asserted that actions, to be moral, must respect others— to function in society, individuals recognize that they must restrict their actions, just as they expect others to restrict theirs.
As many scholars have observed, behaviour, in its abstract interpretation, has no values or ethical component. Therefore, what is defined as ethical or unethical behaviour represents a judgment based on a referent structure. It is further difficult to define what constitutes ethi- cal or unethical behaviour within an organization. In very broad terms, business ethics requires the organization or individual to behave in accordance with some carefully thought- out rules of moral philosophy. While the term itself is not easily definable, one can readily think of examples of activities that could be considered unethical business practices, based on our views of what constitutes ethical or unethical behaviour. For example, types of activity that may be considered unethical behaviour include misrepresenting the worth of a product or a business, engaging in forms of corporate spying, deciding to launch an aircraft that does not meet strict safety requirements, or employee theft.
Certainly, behaviour that is illegal is, by definition, unethical; however, the reverse is not true: What is legal is not necessarily ethical. It is this latter issue that makes the study of business ethics much more compelling. That is, grappling with the “grey areas” of busi- ness presents a major challenge. What are the examples of behaviours that might be con- sidered acceptable business practices but might otherwise be considered unethical? Keep in mind that unethical behaviour may be directed against the organization itself, or it may be an activity that is consistent with the organization’s goals but inconsistent with commonly accepted ethical principles. Later in this chapter we will identify these types of behaviour.
categorical imperative The assertion by philosopher Immanuel Kant that moral actions are, by def- inition, actions that respect others.
11 Runes, D.D. (1964). Dictionary of philosophy. Totowa, NJ: Littlefield, Adams and Company.
12 Beauchamp, T.L., & Bowie, N.E. (1983). Ethical theory and business. Englewood Hills, NJ: Prentice Hall.
13 De George, R.T. (1999). Business ethics (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
14 Lewis, P.V. (1985). Defining ’business ethics’: Like nailing Jello to a wall. Journal of Business Ethics 4 (5), 377–383.
15 Rest, J.R. (1986). Moral development: Advances in research and theory. New York, NY: Praeger.
16 Jones, T.M. (1991). Ethical decision making by individuals in organizations: An issue-contingent model. Academy of Management Review, 16 (2), 367.
17 De George, 1999.
ethics The study of morality or moral judgments, standards, and rules of conduct.
business ethics The rules, stan- dards, principles, or codes giving guidelines for morally right behav- iour in certain contexts.
unethical behaviour Behaviour that in some way has a harmful effect on others and is either illegal or morally unacceptable to the larger community.
359C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
Business Ethics as Managing Stakeholder Interests For the purpose of this chapter, we can consider one of the broader definitions of business eth- ics. In general terms, we can think of business ethics as the standards, rules, and principles used to judge the rightness or wrongness of behaviour. Mark Pastin, a writer on business ethics, notes that “Managers today manage interests as much or more than they manage people or assets.” 18 That is a useful observation from a business ethics perspective. In fact, the workplace can be viewed, in Pastin’s terms, as a “tangled web of conflicting interests vying for scarce resources.” 19 A manager is required to balance the interests of many different parties: shareholders, employ- ees, customers, creditors, and so on. And a basic issue of business ethics is really all about bal- ancing these interests, many of which may be competing, as seen in Talking Business 10.2 .
Once a peaceful lakeside town near the Maine border in
Quebec, in the summer of 2013 Lac-Mégantic became
the site of Canada’s deadliest railway disaster, affecting a
1.5-square kilometre area. Rail World Inc. was the parent
company of the Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway
(MMA), which owned the 72-car train that derailed and
triggered a series of fatal explosions in the town.
The disaster was preceded by a smaller and otherwise
uneventful mishap: The locomotive had caught fire at a
station where it was parked just outside of Lac-Mégantic.
Fortunately firefighters extinguished the flames, which
should have been the end of the story—sadly, it was not.
Shortly after the firefighters and a railway employee left
the scene, the driverless train began moving—apparently
the train’s braking system was insufficient to keep it in
place. Reports indicated that a broken piston in the train’s
engine caused the train to move on its own. 20 MMA chair-
man Ed Burkhardt admitted to reporters that the train’s
engineer might have failed to properly secure the brakes
after parking the train and leaving for the night. 21
Lac-Mégantic: Disaster in Quebec The runaway train gradually picked up momentum
and eventually barreled into the centre of the small
town. It derailed, filling the town’s sewer system, base-
ments, and local waterways with 6 million litres of crude
oil. The resulting explosions flattened the town’s centre,
killed 47 people, and caused damages in excess of $750
million. 22 The question on everyone’s mind was, how this could
have happened?
Was this an unavoidable and blameless tragedy, or
was this a case of corporate neglect? Did the MMA train
company neglect its fundamental duty to ensure ade-
quate safety for all those potentially impacted by its daily
According to transportation safety data, MMA has a
long history of accidents in Canada: 129 accidents, includ-
ing 77 derailments since 2003. 23 Shortly after the
Lac-Mégantic disaster, the company initiated a sale of all
of its more than 800 kilometres of track that crosses both
Canada and the United States.
18 Pastin, M. (1986). The hard problems of management: Gaining an ethics edge. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
19 Pastin, 1986.
20 Robertson, G., Giovannetti, J., & Mackrael, K. (2013, September 13). Broken piston blamed for fire that led to Lac-Mégantic disaster. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/broken- piston-blamed-for-fire-that-led-to-lac-megantic-disaster/article14301352 .
21 CBC News. (2013, July 10). 50 feared dead in Lac-Mégantic train derailment. Retrieved from www.cbc.ca/ news/canada/montreal/50-feared-dead-in-lac-m%C3%A9gantic-train-derailment-1.1327333 .
23 CBC News, 2013.
22 Editorial. (2013, September 29). How long must we wait to get rail safety on track? Toronto Star. Retrieved from www. thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2013/09/29/how_long_must_we_wait_to_get_rail_safety_on_track_editorial.html.
360 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
In a scathing article for the Huffington Post, author and
journalist Wade Rowland made the following comments:
As completely self-interested machine enti-
ties, corporations view risk differently than
people do. People see risk in terms of the haz-
ard a product or a practice may pose to the
health, safety, and security of themselves,
their families, and their communities. For the
corporation, risk is assessed in terms of poten-
tial damage to the bottom line. Risk-taking is
acceptable—and even to be encouraged—up
to the point where the potential for financial
loss reduces the promise of increased profit to
zero . . . The railway industry, despite astro-
nomical growth in the shipment of crude oil
by rail over the past few years, has calculated
that the added profit to be gained by keeping
personnel costs to a bare minimum, and put-
ting off equipment upgrades and rail-bed
maintenance as long as possible, is
greater than the potential cost of any likely
accident . . . Their calculations apparently did
not take into account the potential for an
accident in the scale of the Lac Mégantic
disaster. Oops. 24
24 Rowland, W. (2013, July 10). The Lac-Mégantic rail disaster is a corporate crime. Huffington Post. Retrieved from www.huffingtonpost.ca/wade-rowland/lacmegantic-corporate-crime_b_3574080.html.
25 Pulliam, S. (2003, June 23). Over the line: A staffer ordered to commit fraud balked, then caved. Wall Street Journal, A1.
MODELS FOR JUDGING THE ETHICS OF DECISIONS Employees at all levels invariably face decisions with some kind of ethical dimension. The decision to compromise personal ethics for the sake of organizational objectives can bring devastating results. Consider the situation of Betty Vinson and the iconic case of corrup- tion at WorldCom in the early 21st century:
Objective 2 Explain the models for judging the ethics of
a decision.
Betty Vinson has always kept her life well ordered. . . . In 1996, she took a job as a mid- level accountant at a small long-distance company. Five years later, her solid career took a sudden turn in a very sorry direction. Today Ms. Vinson, 47 years old, is awaiting sen- tencing on conspiracy and securities-fraud charges. She has begun to prepare her 12-year- old daughter for the possibility that she will go to jail. The long- distance company grew up to be telecom giant WorldCom Inc., which melted down [in 2002] in an [US]$11 bil- lion fraud, the biggest in corporate history. Asked by her bosses there to make false accounting entries, Ms. Vinson balked—and then caved. Over the course of six quarters she continued to make the illegal entries to bolster WorldCom’s profits at the request of her superiors. Each time she worried. Each time she hoped it was the last time. At the end of 18 months she had helped falsify at least [US]$3.7 billion in profits. 25
TALKING BUSINESS 10.2 (continued)
Notoriety gained through unethical behaviour can be observed in press reports in recent years. For example, a number of years ago one of Canada’s most prestigious law schools was shaken with the revelation that law students had lied to prospective employers about the academic grades achieved in their first year of law school. An inquiry launched by the dean of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law indicated that approximately 30
361C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
of the 170 students were guilty of this offence. All those accused readily admitted that they had lied to prospective employers about grades earned for the purpose of gaining a potential advantage in securing employment. The shock of this offence is reflected in the words of the dean’s legal advisor, David Scott: “They are enrolled in a program whose underpinnings depend on scrupulous honesty since, as lawyers, they will be expected to uphold the integ- rity of our system of justice by their own personal conduct. Honesty, in this context, involves acceptance of responsibility for one’s acts.” 26
What guidelines does an individual rely on to grapple with ethical issues in the work- place? Clearly, a greater understanding of the ethical dimension of workplace decisions is required if one hopes to prepare to resolve workplace dilemmas effectively and properly.
The literature on ethics is extensive and exists across a variety of disciplines, including philosophy, anthropology, sociology, and psychology. However, until recently there have been few attempts to apply this theoretical framework to the specific area of business eth- ics. As Pastin pointed out, the challenge to scholars in the field of business ethics is “to apply what appears to be esoteric, philosophical concepts to the real concerns of business organizations.” 27
Business ethics is typically examined using normative theories—theories of how individuals should ideally behave. There are a variety of ways theories of ethics have been grouped. Among these classifications is the grouping of theories as utilitarian (consequential) or single-rule (non consequential). We can consider two central mod- els that have been used to describe the basis of judging the ethics of organizational decisions:
1. utilitarian, or end-point ethics
2. rule ethics
These two models identify potential methods of resolving conflicting interests within organizations. The models identify the logic or rationale a manager might employ in dealing with organizational issues that possess ethical implications.
End-Point Ethics A major model of ethics used in the literature is end-point ethics . The dominant form of this view was articulated in John Stuart Mills’s Utilitarianism as a response to the Industrial Revolution. Utilitarianism asserts that to determine whether an action is right or wrong, one must assess the likely consequences, including tangible economic outcomes (profit for shareholders) or intangible outcomes, such as happiness or friendship. For example, “What does it mean to be an ethical businessperson?” Utilitarianism posits that an ethical person acts so as to produce the “greatest ratio of good to evil.” Consistent with this view, an ethical manager would ensure that owners, employees, and customers all share fairly in the business’s gains. Utilitarianism asserts that an action is ethical if it produces, or if it tends to produce, the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people affected
26 Morgenson, G. (2001, June 13). Wall Street firm endorse ethics standards for analysts. New York Times. Retrieved from www.nytimes.com/2001/06/13/business/wall-street-firms-endorse-ethics-standards-for-analysts. html?n=Top%2fReference%2fTimes%20Topics%2fSubjects%2fF%2fFinances. 27 Pastin, 1986.
end-point ethics Assessing the rightness or wrongness of an action by its outcomes. Its modern counterparts are cost-benefit and risk-benefit analysis.
utilitarianism First articulated by John Stuart Mills in response to the Industrial Revolution, a way to determine if an action is right or wrong by assessing the likely con- sequences of the action, including tangible economic outcomes or intangible outcomes.
362 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
by the action. 28 In other words, actions themselves are neither ethical nor unethical; rather, ethics are judged based on the outcomes of such actions. That is, ethical behaviour is behaviour that results in total benefits or utility exceeding total costs or negative conse- quences. In this regard, utilitarianism ideally requires an examination of the fairness of the outcomes, 29 given that the consequences experienced by all affected parties ultimately determine whether or not an action is ethical. The “modern” counterparts of end-point ethics are cost-benefit and risk-benefit analyses.
The Consequences of Our Actions In sum, end-point ethics is a model for ethical decision making that states that a person, organization or society should engage in the activ- ity that results in the greatest balance of good over harm for all. In other words, where we have a number of different interests at play, we need to consider what action will benefit most of the parties. The focus is on judging the ethics of an action by considering its out- come for all potentially affected parties. It is not the process of the decision or the behaviour to achieve the outcome that are considered, but the outcome itself. As mentioned, the concept of end-point ethics is also referred to as utilitarianism. Why this strange name? Well, because we are talking about maximizing the utility, or usefulness, of a decision for all stakeholders—those potentially affected by the decision. It is an ethical analysis that consid- ers the relative gains and costs for all parties affected by a decision or action. If the benefits outweigh the costs, then we go ahead with the decision or choose the decision that gives us this outcome.
How do we compare the relative benefit and harm to each stakeholder? That is diffi- cult to answer. In broad terms, we compare the costs and benefits to each stakeholder by considering a number of possible factors, which might include social (how it affects soci- ety or the public as a whole), human (psychological or emotional impact), or economic (for example, what is the dollar impact of our decision?) implications.
Limitations Clearly, a major problem with this approach to ethical reasoning lies in the difficulty of estimating and comparing relative benefits and costs to the stakeholders. Consider an example. Many Canadian businesses are increasingly conducting business globally. Should we be concerned if our Canadian businesspeople are conducting busi- ness with a foreign country that has a record of human rights violations? For example, the prime minister of Canada has led trade missions to a number of countries with an infamous record of human rights violations to establish business relations. Is this ethical? Let’s consider what end-point ethics suggests. Do overall benefits exceed overall harm? There are great potential gains for Canadian businesses by expanding their reach to for- eign markets. This means potentially more jobs in Canada and a healthier economy. What harm arises? Those supporting such ventures argue that there is no harm generated and, consequently, they can ethically support such business practices. Those opposed might argue that we might be supporting oppressive regimes. So how do we judge whether there are more benefits than harms arising from such business ventures?
A second fundamental problem with the end-point ethics approach is that, as the name implies, it looks just at the end point, or result, without considering the implications
28 De George, 1999.
29 Molm, L.D. (). Affect and social exchange: Satisfaction in power-dependence relations. American Sociological Review, 56 (4), 475–493.
363C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
of what it takes to achieve those results. It does not ask us to consider whether or not the manner in which the outcomes were achieved is ethical. This is the notion of the “ends justifying the means.” So even if end-point ethics helped generate a solution that resulted in a maximization of the greatest good for all those affected, it ignores what happens “in between” to get to that point or outcome. End-point ethics essentially says, “Start with a consideration of the consequences to judge the ethics of a decision.” This involves asking at least two key questions:
1. Who will be significantly affected by this decision?
2. What is the impact of this decision as perceived by each of the affected groups?
In sum, end-point ethics gives managers a tool for analyzing business decisions. This line of thinking basically asks us to consider the following: Who counts most in our deci- sion, and how are they affected by it? However, it doesn’t tell us to examine the process or what to do about strategy.
Rule Ethics A second major method of ethical reasoning is referred to as rule ethics. Deontological theories of ethics (that is, theories of ethics arising from the study of duty) refute the utilitarian assertion that the ethics of an action is based on its outcomes, and suggest instead that the ethics of an action is independent of the outcomes or consequences. Rule ethics is essentially the fundamental deontological perspective, which considers actions as ethical or unethical based on their relation to the rules and principles that guide behav- iours. 30 Based on this perspective, ethical behaviour is behaviour that can be deemed as morally right regardless of the consequences. In the Western world, for example, Judeo- Christian religious and moral rules or values have played a major role in defining morality in society. 31 Of course, even within Western society, there are a variety of beliefs or rules regarding what is ethical, and society has tended to permit rules to change in many areas of behaviour.
Right versus Wrong Rule ethics is the view that there are basic rules that deter- mine the “rightness” or “wrongness” of actions. Stated simply, rule ethics asserts that an individual should do what is required by valid, ethical principles and should not do any- thing that violates those principles. These are the fundamental notions of right and wrong. Given the diverse nature of society, there is no one clear set of rule ethics that is followed by all individuals. This is, perhaps, one of the central problems in assessing whether behaviour can be deemed ethical—whose rules should apply?
Both utilitarian and rule ethics consider the social aspect of ethics: Unethical behav- iour is behaviour that has a harmful effect on others and is “either illegal, or morally unacceptable to the larger community.” 32 How do these two models of ethical reasoning
rule ethics Judging actions to be right or wrong according to abso- lute rules regardless of the conse- quences. Such rules may be based on religious beliefs, family values, education, experience, and so on.
31 De George, 1999.
30 Buckley, M.R., Wiese, D.S., & Harvey, M.G. (1998). An investigation into the dimensions of unethical behavior. Journal of Education for Business, 73 (5), 284–290.
32 Jones, 1991.
364 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
You are a businessperson trying to win a $22 million contract for your company with a major corporation overseas. You learn that to gain the contract, you need to offer a substantial monetary gift to the CEO of the corporation. What would you do?
operate differently? Let’s consider a business issue and see what each model offers with regard to resolving a problem.
Applying the Models: A Scenario
This question is one that managers may need to ask themselves as we continue to con- duct business on a global scale. And certainly, as many observers have pointed out, atti- tudes and customs regarding ethical business practices can vary widely among different countries.
From an End-Point Ethics Perspective From this perspective we could not get any universal agreement as to the ethics of such a practice. Clearly, many countries have no problem with bribery. Reconsider the principles of end-point ethics: Do we achieve the greatest balance of good over harm for all potential stakeholders? First, who gains from a bribe? Well, clearly your company will benefit from getting the deal and, consequently, you will benefit as well. Who is harmed by such a transaction?
You might consider three potential losers:
1. Does the bribe compromise your ability to do business with companies like this one in the future—will the perception of your company be negative?
2. Competent competitors who are otherwise deserving of the contract may lose because they refused to offer this bribe.
3. The bribe might permit inferior products or services to be purchased simply because the supplier bribed those in power to help get the product or service to market. Consequently, consumers may be harmed.
If, indeed, these three stakeholders are harmed in this way as a consequence of our decision, end-point ethics would likely guide us away from such a decision. However, end- point ethics does not necessarily condemn such behaviour as unethical. If the product or service is not inferior—that is, if the bribe helps us conduct business and sell a good product that is fairly priced—then consumers are not harmed. If the CEO will likely receive a bribe from some other supplier, regardless of whether you choose to bribe or not, then end-point ethics suggests that no one is “worse for the wear,” so to speak, by having received the bribe. Depending on how it is applied, end-point ethics potentially could justify giving the bribe. Certainly, it does not uniformly condemn such a decision. Rather, the result depends on how rigorously the decision maker has identified all potential stake- holders and how carefully he or she weighed the relative costs and benefits (both tangible and intangible) that arise from this action.
From a Rule Ethics Perspective What guidance does rule ethics offer us in con- sidering whether or not to bribe the CEO of this foreign corporation to gain the contract? Again, consider what rule ethics says. It says that we should do what our ethical codes or
365C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
beliefs tell us to do. Now, in North America at least, there are many organizations that have instituted strict codes of ethics that prohibit giving or accepting gifts of any kind. Perhaps that would be a guiding rule for some decision makers. On the other hand, perhaps an individual’s personal or religious beliefs dictate honesty in all aspects of life; this may also serve to act as a rule prohibiting bribery. It may be our belief that no businessperson should pay a bribe to any company official, even though the ethical codes of some other countries do indeed tolerate bribery.
Does rule ethics generate a negative response to the question of gift giving? Once again, this model does not generate universal responses to problems. For example, per- haps we have rules that advocate such gift giving, and these rules guide our behaviour. Do we have any obligations that override our ethical prohibition of bribery? What if your company’s survival depended on securing business with this foreign company? What if thousands of jobs would be lost in your company if the business was not obtained, and the only way to obtain it is through a bribe? Could these issues offer compelling reasons to follow a rule that “all is fair in business”? Rule ethics may dictate overriding the general prohibition against bribery because of the greater urgency to protect the company and jobs. Consequently, even rule ethics does not provide a blan- ket condemnation of bribery. Modern society, it seems, has lost its ability to provide clear rules or guidelines to individuals that will enable them to resolve conflicting interests.
Lessons? What lessons do we learn from an understanding of end-point ethics and rule ethics? Perhaps the greatest value of these models lies in what they demand of us. Both models are inherently flawed: They are limited by the degree of rigour that the user (decision maker) employs in their use. End-point ethics demands that we question the ethics of our actions in the following ways:
■ Which stakeholders have we identified, and which have we not identified?
■ Have we clearly acknowledged the harm, as well as the benefits, that may arise from our decisions?
■ How have we determined the relative importance of each of the stakeholders?
■ How have we determined the relative weight of the benefits and harms that will potentially arise from our decisions?
Similarly, rule ethics suggests we need to think more critically about what rules we employ in making decisions:
■ Where did the rules that guide our behaviour and choices come from?
■ Do we use these rules consistently, or only when it is convenient?
■ Do we apply separate sets of rules to govern our professional and our personal lives? Why?
As you can see, the value of considering the models we use to make decisions is in demonstrating the fact that our decisions often have an ethical dimension. Without an understanding of the motivation behind our decisions, we may fall victim to making deci- sions on purely a business basis, even though they may have ethical implications. The issue of bribery is discussed further in Talking Business 10.3 .
366 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
The Business of Bribery
By Ziv Deutsch
In recent years there has been an outcry by the foreign
community about Canada’s weak stance against foreign
Despite Canada’s previous efforts to fight global fraud,
such as the recently established anti-corruption unit of the
RCMP, Canada is still ranked the lowest of all G7 countries
in foreign corruption regulation, being described as having
little or no enforcement. This is largely because of the tol-
erance that Canadian firms exhibit toward foreign parties
that engage in fraudulent behaviours abroad under the
assumption that these were the widely accepted business
practices of the international market.
It has taken public outcry over recent bribery scandals
involving Canadian firms to cause the federal government
to go back and re-examine their own stance on interna-
tional anti-corruption.
The Canadian government has responded to this criti-
cism of Canada’s lax corruption laws by increasing jail time
for convicted parties and easing the barriers for convic-
tion, which formerly protected foreign bribery defendants.
Canada’s historical lack of enforcement on the interna-
tional stage is also beginning to change.
The RCMP has energetically begun to enforce these
new laws, which have in turn caused a dynamic shift in
the private sector as companies scramble to put their
own anti-corruption policies and training into place.
Canada hopes that these changes, both in the severity of
charges and the punishment of those convicted of brib-
ery, will help improve our reputation in the international
community from negligent regulator to strict enforcer.
One such example of Canada’s new strict stance on
bribery can be illustrated through the examination of
Quebec-based engineering company SNC-Lavalin.
SNC-Lavalin and many of its affiliates were recently hit
by several sanctions related to bribery by the World
Bank. As a result of these sanctions, neither the firm
SNC-Lavalin nor any of its affiliates are permitted to bid
on or work on any project being run by the World Bank
for the next decade. While the implications of these
sanctions are not financially massive for the firm, as less
than 1% of SNC-Lavalin’s potential projects have been
taken off the table, the harm done to the company’s
reputation is extraordinary.
These charges against SNC-Lavalin resulted from the
attempted bribery of a Bangladeshi minister to receive a
large national engineering job. Originally, SNC-Lavalin was
in second place for the project; however, after a high-level
company executive and a member of the Bangladeshi cab-
inet met in private, SNC-Lavalin was moved to the number
one position on the list and ultimately received the bridge
contract. Interestingly, SNC-Lavalin is no stranger to cor-
ruption charges: The former CEO of the company was
charged with fraud in late 2012. The firm is also currently
involved in scandals in Libya and Algeria, where they are
accused of using company resources to illegally secure
The new management and CEO of SNC-Lavalin have
since stated that their goal is to amend their corporate
culture and focus on setting ethical business standards for
employee conduct and firm governance.
Sources: Douglas Q. (2013, April 12). Reputation-scarring foreign
bribery scandals force change upon corporate Canada. Postmedia .
Retrieved from http://o.canada.com/2013/04/12/reputation-
canada ; McArthur, G. (2013, April). World Bank locks out
SNC-Lavalin over Bangladesh bribery scandal. Globe and Mail.
Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/
scandal/article11349133 ; CBC News. (2013, April 17). SNC-Lavalin
agrees to 10-year ban from World Bank projects. Retrieved from
from-world-bank-projects-1.1316719 ; Hood, D. (2012, December
13). SNC-Lavalin’s problems just beginning. Canadian Business .
Retrieved from www.canadianbusiness.com/companies-and-
canada/?goback=.gde_4485888_member_196511318 .
© mario beauregard/Fotolia
367C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
DO ORGANIZATIONS MAKE US UNETHICAL? The two models of ethical decision making outlined above help give us an understanding of the ways we may resolve conflicting interests in the workplace. Neither model guaran- tees we will make a sound, ethical decision—that depends on the level of rigour we analyze our choices with and on the impact of our choices. When faced with decisions that involve ethical implications, why might we not “do the right thing”? Why do some individuals choose to engage in unethical behaviour, while others do not?
There are countless theories that attempt to answer that question. Some suggest that self-interest is a major influence on unethical behaviour. For example, based on agency theory , it is argued that when agents (employees) possess more information than principals (employers) and their goals conflict, agents may behave in accor- dance with their self-interest and, thereby, such individuals may deceive the princi- pal. 33 Other scholars have accused individuals (human agents) of being “pure egoists” 34 whose behaviour typically reflects a desire to maximize their own utility. 35 This sentiment is also expressed in neoclassical economics and social exchange the- ory , which assert that individuals will engage in unethical behaviour if it is in their best interest to do so. 36 As an example of this self-interest connection, there is some research evidence to suggest that if individuals receive a personal gain or reward from giving a bribe to another party, they are very likely to engage in this form of unethical behaviour. 37
From a normative perspective, business ethics advocates that individuals should be motivated by more than a complete focus on self-interest. 38 Some scholars have pointed out that a rational, economic focus on self-interest can be irrational—“rational agents approach being psychopathic when their interests are solely in benefit to themselves.” 39 Certainly this criticism of self-interest makes sense from a social perspective. We live in societies where cooperation is expected, and a purely economic self-interest focus would prove dysfunctional for society.
For many years researchers have attempted to discern the relative role of the indi- vidual’s and the organization’s characteristics in encouraging unethical behaviour in the workplace—that is, the notion of distinguishing “bad apples or bad barrels.” 40
Managing ethical behaviour in business organizations requires an in-depth under- standing of the many factors that contribute to employees’ decisions to behave ethically or unethically. One key question that needs to be addressed is, under what conditions will
Objective 3 Discuss how organizations may contribute to
unethical behaviour at work.
33 Holmstrom, B. (1979). Moral hazard and observability. Bell Journal of Economics, 10, 74–91. 34 Becker, G. (1976). The economic approach to human behavior. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 35 Trevino, L.K. (1986). Ethical decision making in organizations: A person-situation interactionist model. Academy of Management Review, 11 (3), 601–617. 36 Grover, S.L. (1993). Why professionals lie: The impact of professional role conflict on reporting accuracy. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processing, 55, 251–272. 37 Hegarty, W.H., & Sims, H.P. (1978). Some determinants of unethical decision behavior: An experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 63 (4), 451–457.
38 Pava, M.L. (1998). Religious business ethics and political liberalism: An integrative approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 17 (15), 1633–1652. 39 Rawls, J. (1993). Political liberalism. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. 40 Trevino, L.K., & Youngblood, S.A. (1990). Bad apples in bad barrels: A causal analysis of ethical decision making behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75 (4), 378–385.
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individuals, within their roles as employees, engage in behaviour that does not conform with commonly accepted standards of ethical behaviour? In other words, what factors in the workplace might create an environment where unethical behaviour is acceptable? When do employees willingly engage in what would otherwise be considered unaccept- able behaviour? For example, why might an individual willingly engage in corporate “spy- ing,” or why might an individual willingly misrepresent a product’s quality to a customer? The research and theory has acknowledged that organizations can present unique chal- lenges to ethical behaviour for their constituents. Organizational factors play a role in ethical decision making and behaviour at two points: establishing moral intent, and engaging in moral behaviour.
Exhibit 10.1 summarizes the framework adopted to explain the impact of organiza- tional context. The elements that play a critical role in individual ethical behaviour within
the organization are culture, organizational decoupling, rou- tinization of work, organizational identity, and work roles. The influence of these factors on behaviour arises through their impact on the following:
■ perceptions or recognition of the ethical dimension or ethical implications of the work situation
■ critical evaluation of the ethical implications or conse- quences of work behaviour
■ final decision to engage in the behaviour
The elements of this framework are delineated in the following pages.
Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Corporate Culture Business morality is essentially a social reality, as opposed to a physical reality, and there- fore cannot be fully understood apart from the social system and organizational culture that are conceptualizing it. 41 What is organizational culture, and how can it impact my decision as an employee to engage in ethical or unethical behaviour?
Organizational culture has been defined as the bond or glue that holds an organiza- tion together. It encompasses a set of shared beliefs regarding how members of the organi- zation should behave and what goals they should seek. In this sense it is an intangible, abstract component of any organization. There is an IBM culture, a Nortel culture, a McDonald’s culture, and a Harvard University culture. Every organization contains some kind of culture. However, when a culture goes bad, it is not easy to fix.
The notion that norms influence ethical behaviour has been suggested for many years. Specifically, organizational culture provides an organizational reality within which ethically relevant actions are discussed, judged, and legitimized. For example, culture,
organizational culture A set of shared beliefs regarding how members of the organization should behave and what goals they should seek.
Organizational Context
1. Corporate Culture
2. Decoupling
3. Job Routinization
4. Organizational Identity
5. Work Roles
Critical Evaluation of Ethical Implications of Behaviour
Decision to Engage in Ethical or Unethical Behaviour
Recognition of Ethical Implications of Behaviour
Exhibit 10.1 Organizational Factors Affecting Decisions to Engage in Ethical or Unethical Behaviour
41 Payne, S.L., & Giacalone, R.A. (1990). Social psychological approaches to the perception of ethical dilemmas. Human Relations, 43, 649–665; Trevino, 1986.
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through its transmission of organizational beliefs, can provide employees with legitimate (sanctioned) or nonlegitimate approaches to ethical decision making and behaviour.
Rituals and Myths Organizational researchers who consider culture to be a system of publicly and collectively accepted meanings also suggest that an organization is filled with organizational “rituals and myths.” 42 Organizational rituals and myths contain mes- sages that provide a shared experience and reinforcement of values for members of the organization. Myths specifically contain a narrative of events, often with a “sacred” qual- ity attached. Both rituals and myths play a crucial role in the continuous processes of establishing and maintaining what is legitimate and what is unacceptable in any organiza- tional culture. 43 The “myths” and “rituals” are simply the organization’s established prod- ucts, services, techniques, and policies or rules that employees adopt/conform to. 44
Organizational myths could be, for example, legends of corporate heroes and their deeds within the organization, which can provide guidance (positive or negative) for employees facing ethical decisions in similar circumstances. 45 This may permit individuals to legitimize their actions in ethical dilemmas. 46 That is, the culture, through its transmis- sion of myths, can provide employees with legitimate (sanctioned) or nonlegitimate approaches to ethical decision making and behaviour.
What’s the Connection to Ethics? How can managers generate a culture that encourages ethical behaviour? It has been suggested that a strong ethical culture can be generated through the areas of selection (choosing employees whose beliefs are consistent with those of the organization), socialization (conveying the organization’s goals and norms effectively), and training and mentoring (reinforcing the organization’s culture through training and personal role models). 47 Gatewood and Carroll suggest that the socialization of ethics , which occurs through a process of internalization of organizational ethical standards, is fundamental to the ethical conduct of organizational members. 48 Other authors have provided similar suggestions for encouraging ethical behaviour in organizations, including the development of corporate ethical codes of conduct, 49 and public discussions of ethical issues through formal meetings. 50 This sense of open confron- tation and discussion of ethical concerns must be institutionalized before it can become an effective means of resolving moral conflict.
socialization of ethics The process of conveying the organiza- tion’s goals and norms to employees so that they internalize organizational ethical standards.
42 Pettigrew, A.M. (1979). On studying organizational cultures. Administrative Science Quarterly, 24, 570–581.
43 Pettigrew, 1979.
44 Meyer, J., & Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized organizations: Formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83, 440–463.
45 Knouse, S.B., & Giacalone, R.A. (1992). Ethical decision making in business: Behavioral issues and concerns. Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 369–377.
46 Stone, C.D. (1975). The culture of the corporation. In W.M. Hoffman & J.M. Moore (Eds.), Business ethics (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
47 Northcraft, G.B., & Neale, M.A. (1994). Organizational Behavior. Chicago, IL: Dryden Press.
48 Gatewood, R.D., & Carroll, A.B. (1991). Assessment of the ethical performance of organizational members: A conceptual framework. Academy of Management Review, 16, 667–690.
49 Sims, R.R. (1991). The institutionalization of organizational ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 10, 493–511; Brooks, L.J. (1989). Corporate codes of ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 8, 117–129.
50 Kram, K.E., Yeager, P.C., & Reed, G.E. (1989). Decisions and dilemmas: The ethical dimension in the corpo- rate context. In J.E. Post (Ed.), Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy, Volume 1 (pp. 21–54). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
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Corporate Codes of Conduct Corporate codes of conduct are one of the most common methods used by the business community to improve ethical conduct. These rules are intended to reflect the general values of society. Codes of ethics are one means of “institutionalizing” ethics in corporations. 51 This involves incorporating ethics formally and explicitly into daily business life.
Ethical codes are necessary because laws cannot prescribe the standard of ethical con- duct for all situations. 52 However, it should be noted that many critics have suggested that these codes may become nothing more than “window dressing”—a means of appearing ethical that does not necessarily reflect actual practice. For example, it has been suggested that the lack of reinforcement of ethical behaviour reflected in management’s “results orientation” can encourage employees to behave unethically. 53 “Good guys finish last” is the sentiment that propels this attitude in business. In other words, organizations that do not reward ethical behaviour are sending out the message that such behaviour is unneces- sary. This can happen regardless of the presence of formal corporate codes of conduct.
Bureaucratic Cultures Research has supported the notion that the moral atmosphere affects moral reasoning and moral judgment. 54 A number of research studies have attempted to explore this concept within the organizational context. Findings have indicated that when an informal or formal organizational policy was present, ethical behaviour increased and unethical behaviour was deterred. 55 For example, Weber examined the effects of size of the organization on a manager’s stage of moral reasoning. 56 The results of Weber’s study indicated that managers in smaller organizations appeared to be operating at a higher stage of moral reasoning. Weber suggested several reasons for these findings. Larger organizations often exhibit cultures with more complex bureaucracies and greater control over their employees through rules and regulations. Therefore, managers feeling isolated from the central decision- making authority will tend to rely on more immediate peers or supervisors for support or approval of their behaviour. On the other hand, smaller organizations tend to be less bureau- cratic and possess fewer rules to govern employee behaviour. Subsequently, managers in this environment feel a greater sense of control over the decision-making process, along with a greater need to conform with social laws as a means to protect themselves from conflict with other stakeholders (customers, the public, and so on). This reflects a higher stage of cognitive moral development. In other words, a democratic culture may encourage members to take responsibility for their actions, while an authoritative culture may dictate rules that replace individual discretion, thereby suppressing development of ethical decision making. 57
codes of conduct Rules created by business to reflect the general values of society in business practices; one means of “institu- tionalizing” ethics in corporations. This involves incorporating ethics formally and explicitly into daily business life.
democratic culture A culture where individuals are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions.
authoritative culture A culture where rules are dictated and indi- vidual discretion is limited; has the effect of suppressing the develop- ment of ethical decision making.
51 Weber, J. (1990). Managers’ moral reasoning: Assessing their responses to the three moral dilemmas. Human Relations, 43, 687–702.
52 Brooks, 1989.
53 Baumhart, R.S.J. (1961). How ethical are businessmen? Harvard Business Review, 39, 6–31.
54 Higgins, A., Power, C., & Kohlberg, L. (1984). The relationship of moral atmosphere to judgments of responsibility. In W.M. Kurtines & J.L. Gewirtz (Eds.), Morality, moral behavior, and moral development (pp. 74–106). New York, NY: Wiley.
55 Hegarty, W.H., & Sims, H.P. (1979). Organizational philosophy, policies, and objectives related to unethical decision behavior: A laboratory experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 64 (3), 331–338.
56 Weber, 1990.
57 Kohlberg, L. (1969). Stage and sequence: The cognitive developmental approach to socialization. In D.A. Goslin (Ed.), Handbook of Socialization Theory and Research (pp. 347–480). Chicago, IL: Rand McNally; Knouse & Giacalone, 1992; Trevino, 1986.
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Clearly, our work behaviour is shaped by our company’s culture—and bad culture breeds bad behaviour. Behind many a corporate scandal, there lies a horrible corporate culture. Research conducted by the Ethics Resource Centre, a Washington-based nonprofit institution devoted to the advancement of organizational ethics, found that companies with a weak ethi- cal culture experienced more frequent workplace misconduct compared to companies with a strong ethical culture. When top management fails to send a clear message about the princi- ples and values of the company, the default message might be something like, “who cares?”
Fitting in with the culture and becoming a “team player” can be important for career advancement. However, team players need to be aware of the nature of the “team” and its culture. There were many team players in Enron, the Houston utility company that has come to be the poster child of corporate corruption. Research published in the Journal of Business Ethics by Sims and Brinkmann indicates that Enron’s president and chief execu- tive officer, Jeffrey Skilling, actively cultivated a culture that punished “underachieve- ment” and rewarded unbridled ambition. 58 This kind of culture creates huge pressure to perform and typically leads to ethical compromises.
Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Decoupling Organizations sometimes try to cover up inefficiencies by separating, or decoupling, the behaviour from its evaluation. Specifically, “avoidance,” “discretion,” and “overlooking” of inefficiencies are acts that maintain the assumption that people are acting in good faith. This encourages confidence in the myths that legitimize an organization’s activities. Organizations can protect themselves from public scrutiny by ensuring that any question- able activities are “decoupled” from external evaluation in this sense. 59
Corporate Language The notion of decoupling suggests that organizations can conduct themselves in ways that hide activities that would otherwise be considered unac- ceptable if they were subjected to closer scrutiny. Among the most infamous examples of conformity with organizationally legitimized yet unethical behaviour were the crimes of the Nazi Party during World War II. While a variety of theories have been applied to attempt to explain the atrocities committed by the Nazis, one can consider how the Nazis decoupled behaviour from its evaluation. The use of accepted or legitimized symbols or practices can help to decouple actual activity from evaluation of that activity. For example, the use of euphemisms by the Nazi perpetrators decoupled actual behaviour from evalua- tion of that behaviour—the victims were not murdered, according to Nazi language, they were “selected.” This language provided a sense of legitimacy to what would otherwise be viewed as inhuman behaviour. The ability to decouple deeds from evaluation or scrutiny supported the notion that legitimized beliefs, perpetuated through the use of symbolic lan- guage, could help maintain conformity and allegiance to a brutal cause.
Meyer and Rowan argue that to maintain external legitimacy, organizations adopt com- monly accepted rules on the surface and incorporate them into their structure. 60 However,
58 Sims, R.R., & Brinkmann, J. (2003). Enron ethics (or: Culture matters more than codes). Journal of Business Ethics, 45, 243–256.
59 Zucker, L.G. (). Institutionalization as a mechanism of cultural persistence. American Sociological Review, 42 (2), 726–742; Meyer & Rowan, 1977.
60 Meyer & Rowan, 1977.
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these rules may, in effect, be unrelated to how the activities are really conducted. The selective use of language to label various work practices is one method of disguising the unethical impli- cations of workplace behaviour. For example, the unethical practice of corporate spying may be symbolically legitimized (to the organization and its employees) as a form of market analysis— a term that gives a sense of legitimacy to what would otherwise be considered an unethical business practice. This use of corporate language or labels can decouple the behaviour from moral evaluation of the behaviour. Consequently, this suggests that employees will be encour- aged to engage in unethical behaviour where that behaviour has been legitimized as accepted business practice and where behaviour and evaluation of that behaviour are decoupled.
The business lexicon is filled with all kinds of buzzwords for the multitude of tasks that we may be asked to carry out at work. In their article published in the Academy of Management Executive (a publication produced by a leading international organization of management academics and practitioners), Anand, Ashforth, and Joshi suggest that orga- nizations are sometimes guilty of using euphemisms to help disguise otherwise “illegiti- mate” workplace behaviour. 61 For example, the term pretexting is a polite way of describing the act of acquiring personal information through fraudulent means. This euphemism went relatively unnoticed until recently, when it garnered much unwanted attention at Hewlett-Packard. In 2005, then-CEO Patricia Dunn hired an outside security firm to investigate the source of leaks of confidential HP information to the media. The investi- gators employed pretexting—gaining confidential information using illicit methods, including impersonation. At the time of HP’s investigation, the legality of pretexting was murky at best (it has since been designated as illegal by the US Congress). Regardless of this “innocent-sounding” label, pretexting ultimately cost Dunn her job, and it cost HP $14.5 million in legal penalties to settle a civil suit brought by the attorney general of California for violating the state’s identity theft statute. 62
Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Work Routinization McDonald’s is the most famous example of routinized work—work that is governed strictly by rules and regulations, as scientific management advocates. However, McDonald’s is not the only organization dependent on routinized work practices; in fact, to a degree, most jobs have some element of routinization. A number of scholars have recognized the perva- sive existence of routinized work practices, or habitual routines, in organizations. This phenomenon has been described as concrete behaviour that is not governed by rational deliberation but, rather, by routinized performance programs. 63
The notion of adopting routinized performance programs as accepted ways of doing work can be thought of in terms of institutionalizing behaviour on the job. For example, consider the airline pilot who follows clear procedures with regard to flying the plane, or the auditor who follows strict guidelines with regard to performing an audit. Clearly, both
61 Anand, V., Ashforth, B.E., & Joshi, M. (2004). Business as usual: The acceptance and perpetuation of corrup- tion in organizations. Academy of Management Executive, 18 (2), 39–53.
62 Associated Press. (2006, December 8). HP settles pretexting scandal with fines. Redmond Magazine. Retrieved from http://redmondmag.com/articles/2006/12/08/hp-settles-pretexting-scandal-with-fines.aspx .
63 March, J.G., & Simon, H.A. (1958). Organizations. New York, NY: Wiley.
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these jobs require a high degree of professional judgment or discretion. However, both also rely on some standards and commonly accepted methods for performing the work, also referred to as habitual routines . Gersick and Hackman suggest that behavioural norms that evolve in groups pressure individuals to adhere to habitual routines. 64 That is, once a routine has been established in a group, the behaviours involved in executing the routine will submit to normative control. Management scholars have suggested that once a behav- iour is accepted as a legitimate means of accomplishing the work, its actual effects (effi- ciency or otherwise) are not readily questioned.
Habitual Routines The legitimization of acceptable behaviour can extend to the actual job itself—how the work is performed. The organization may generate routinized work proce- dures that are viewed as legitimate since they follow an acceptable set of rules. For example, following the written guidelines of conducting an audit is viewed as a legitimate method of auditing. The proliferation of technical guidelines to govern work methods enhances the perceived legitimacy of the work. However, in actuality, these routinized work methods may be neither the most efficient nor the most effective way of conducting the work.
Gersick and Hackman identify both functional and dysfunctional consequences of routinized or habitual behaviour. 65 A major advantage of habitual routines is that they save time and energy, since they don’t require active management; in this respect, they should improve efficiency. How much of our work constitutes simply “going through the motions”—that is, the portion of our work that does not demand constant mental scru- tiny but rather can be performed with minimal attention to detail? Among the disadvan- tages identified were the tendency for routines to permit a misinterpretation of the situation to occur. That is, if a group fails to recognize a novel stimulus situation or changes that occur to familiar situations, then invoking a habitual routine will be inappropriate.
What is the impact of such habitual routines on ethical behaviour in organizations? The everyday patterns of work can create blind spots when it comes to identifying the ethical implications of our actions. Gersick and Hackman assert that, over time, we develop a set of patterns or routines in dealing with the responsibilities of our job. One consequence of this is a reduction in the level of scrutiny of the moral implications of our everyday work decisions. 66 Remember, for example, the Firestone-Ford debacle a number of years back? Over 200 traffic deaths were blamed on defective Firestone tires (many sold with the Ford Explorer). In 2000, Firestone recalled 14.4 million of their tires—but only after 88 people died, and long after an overseas recall had begun (in 1993). Critics have suggested that the decision to avoid a North American recall reflects the common corpo- rate practice of placing shareholders’ interests above all other stakeholder interests. 67
Ironically, managers who are obsessed with short-term, bottom-line results can often damage the longer-term interests of their company (including corporate goodwill or image). This same kind of thinking might be responsible for the exploitation of foreign populations as “guinea pigs” for the pharmaceutical industry (see Talking Business 10.4 ).
habitual routines Commonly accepted methods for performing a task with, potentially, both functional and dysfunctional consequences. For example, once a behaviour is accepted as a legitimate means of accomplishing the work, its actual effects (efficiency or otherwise) are not readily questioned.
64 Gersick, C.J.G., & Hackman, J.R. (1990). Habitual routines in task-performing groups. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 47, 65–97.
65 Gersick & Hackman, 1990.
66 Gersick & Hackman, 1990.
67 Verschoor, C. (2000). Legal compliance and ethical blunders at Ford/Firestone. Strategic Finance, 82 (4).
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The Global Pharmaceutical Industry and Human Guinea Pigs
In a picture perfect world, everyone would have access to
the necessary medications to support health and to fight ill-
ness and disease. However, there are many citizens in many
countries who simply cannot afford to obtain these neces-
sary drugs. So what happens to citizens of the poorer coun-
tries? How do they afford needed medicines? What price are
they willing to pay to gain access to needed drugs? Are they
subject to exploitation by major pharmaceutical companies?
It seems that poor countries have managed to attract
needed medicines in recent years not necessarily through
the generosity of pharmaceutical companies, but rather
through a growing trend—the need for these companies
to find suitable locations to test their drugs.
There is evidence that more than half of all drug trials
across the world take place in newly industrialized coun-
tries. Why? According to many observers, there are cost
advantages for companies to seek participants in drug tri-
als from poorer countries. As asserted in a recent article in
Spiegel Online International,
Not only are the studies cheaper to carry out
there, but many participants are thankful that
they are being cared for in any way at all. The
companies are lured by the prospect that estab-
lished international standards are less stringently
applied than they are in Western Europe, Japan
or the United States.
Based on reports, apparently pharmaceutical compa-
nies can cut their research costs by about 60% by
outsourcing the work, which includes the costs of drug
testing. Among those countries targeted are China,
Indonesia, and Thailand. In addition, India has become an
attractive location for researchers because of the size and
genetic diversity of its large population. However, critics
also argue that India is popular as a testing ground
because of its lax regulations. Is it possible that the same
stringencies that apply to testing in Canada might not
necessarily apply in India?
Some critics assert that pharmaceutical companies
are testing new drugs on individuals who may not
always be entirely aware of what they are signing up for.
These critics have also suggested that some of this drug
testing has been reckless and possibly resulted in the
deaths of participants. Individuals tested can range from
infants to adults.
Controversy erupted in India when infant deaths arose
subsequent to the testing of an anti-hypertensive drug
called Valsartan. This medication was produced by the
Swiss manufacturer Novartis, which has denied all culpa-
bility in the deaths. Novartis argued that the infants in the
study had already been seriously ill and may have simply
succumbed to their illness.
Ironically, if a drug is proven to be successful, often it is
no longer accessible to these test subjects, who simply
cannot afford the cost of the drug. Sadly, these individu-
als’ health begins to deteriorate once again because of a
lack of proper medication.
It is accepted and acknowledged that in order to create
drugs for humans, we must test these drugs on human
subjects. However, if a pharmaceutical company is hesi-
tant to test its drugs on subjects from the Western hemi-
sphere and turns to poorer countries instead, perhaps we
need to ask ourselves why.
Sources: Kuhrt, N. (2013, May 14). Testing meds: Companies
look overseas for cheap subjects. Spiegel Online International.
Retrieved from www.spiegel.de/international/world/drug-
a-899798.html ; Buncombe, A., & Lakhani, N. (2011,
November 14). Without consent: how drugs companies
exploit Indian ’guinea pigs.’ The Independent . Retrieved from
html .
375C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
Reduction of Critical Thought A fundamental characteristic of habitual routines— the inability to adapt to change—has important implications for ethical behaviour in the workplace. For example, consider a situation involving an engineer who habitually performs a safety check on the construction standards of a building plan. The engineer performs all the checks in accordance with the professional or legal requirements, while neglecting to consider nonroutine indicators of potential risk in the construction. Certainly, there is an ethical or moral dimension to decisions or practices that can affect the well-being of others: The duty of care in performance that exists beyond strict legal requirements can be considered an ethical concern. In the case of the engineer, strict adherence to habitual routines permits unethical behaviour to occur because of the failure to critically analyze the ethical implications of a workplace behaviour—that is, to consider the welfare of all parties potentially affected by the behaviour.
Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Organizational Identity Robert Jackall has argued that the bureaucratization of organizations has influenced “moral consciousness.” According to Jackall, this transformation heralded
. . . the decline of the old middle class of entrepreneurs, free professionals, and inde- pendent businessmen—the traditional carriers of the old Protestant Ethic—and the ascendance of a new middle class of salaried employees whose common characteristic was and is their dependence on the big organization. 68
Bureaucracy . . . breaks apart the older connection between the meaning of work and salvation. In the bureaucratic world, one’s success . . . no longer depends on one’s own efforts . . . but on the capriciousness of one’s superiors and the market. 69
According to this view, corporate America destroyed ethical values. The Protestant ethic emphasized the “stewardship” responsibilities associated with the accumulation of wealth. However, as Jackall argues, “the very accumulation of wealth that the old Protestant Ethic made possible gradually stripped away the religious basis of the ethic, especially among the rising middle class that benefited from it.” In addition, organizational bureaucracies cre- ated their own “internal rules” and “social context” to guide individual conduct:
69 Jackall, 1988.
68 Jackall, R. (1988). Moral mazes: The world of corporate managers. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Is Bureaucracy to Blame? Based on this perspective, modern organizations encourage unethical behaviour largely as a result of the demise of the Protestant work ethic through the bureaucratization of organizations. Why blame bureaucracy? Bureaucra- cies are considered guilty given their characteristics of requiring the subjugation of per- sonal belief systems to the beliefs or goals of the organization. This is reflected in the notion of “working for the boss”—our futures are dependent on our ability to fulfill our organizational responsibilities, regardless of the consequences. To the extent that indi-
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72 Turner, J. (1982). Towards a cognitive redefinition of the social group. In H. Tajfel (Ed.), Social identity and intergroup relations (pp. 15–40). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
73 Tajfel & Turner, 1985.
74 Ashforth & Mael, 1989.
70 Tajfel, H. (1981). Human groups and social categories: Studies in social psychology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; Tajfel, H., & Turner, J.C. (1985). The social identity theory of intergroup behaviour. In S. Worchel & W.G. Austin (Eds.), Psychology of intergroup relations (2nd ed.) (pp. 7–24). Chicago, IL: Nelson Hall.
71 Ashforth, B.E., & Mael, F. (1989). Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of Management Review, 14 (1), 20–39.
vidual identities continue to become intrinsically bound up with organizational identities, the ethics of an individual employee may be tied to the ethics of the organization he or she identifies with. To the extent that our personal identity is bound up with our organi- zational identity, what organizations demand of us may dictate the ethics that we live by.
Social identity theory 70 posits that individuals classify themselves and others into social categories (organizational membership, age, gender, and so on) that are defined by the typical characteristics abstracted from the members. Organizational identification is a specific form of social identification. 71 Individuals can identify with elements of the organization that have been reified—that is, that have become embodiments of the characteristics perceived as typical of its members: “I work for IBM,” “I am a lawyer,” and so on. These are all statements of identity based on an organization or a profession.
What are the consequences of this process of social or organizational identification? One consequence of social identity is the tendency of the individual to support the values and actions of the group and to internalize the perception of the group as more desirable compared to other groups. 72 Group members can enhance their self-esteem by increasing the desirability associated with their social categories. 73 The consequences of identifica- tion with the organization also have implications for ethical behaviour of group members.
The close association between our own personal identity and our organization’s identity can lead us to view our workplace through “rose-coloured” glasses. According to Ishmael Akaah, our strong desire to believe in the integrity of our organization can cause us to over- look and even assist in unethical acts performed in the “name of the boss.” Consider the case of Betty Vinson. By most accounts, she was a caring mother, devoted employee, and cer- tainly not a crook. She also worked for WorldCom as an accountant and assisted in falsifying the reporting of billions of dollars in profits. According to many investigative press reports, Vinson’s acquiescence may have been a result of her belief in the integrity of her superiors, including Scott Sullivan (who was considered to be one of the top chief financial officers in the United States). It may have been difficult for her to believe that any requests coming from such a credible source could actually be fraudulent. What Vinson experienced is not unique—she identified with the best aspects of her company and overlooked the worst.
In the Name of the Boss When we identify with our organizations, we tend to become less critical of its policies and behaviour. The notion that identification with the organization restricts or discourages evaluations or perceptions that might reflect poorly on the organization has clear ethical implications. Ashforth and Mael suggest that identi- fication can provide a mechanism whereby an individual can continue to believe in the integrity of the organization despite wrongdoing by senior management. 74 Individuals who maintain a strong organizational identity will not critically evaluate their behaviour
social identity theory The theory that individuals classify themselves and others into social categories (organizational membership, age, gender, and so on) defined by typical characteristics of the members.
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on its own merits (that is, the actual consequences), but will instead judge behaviour based on perceptions of the social category to which they belong. For example, a public accountant who identifies strongly with her firm or professional body may avoid critical evaluation of her conduct when she perceives herself as acting on behalf of the firm or professional body, which upholds professional standards.
Indeed, at the extreme, there is research to suggest that employees will engage in uneth- ical behaviour at the request of authority figures. 75 In addition to the influence of authority figures, the research has explored the effects of peers on ethical behaviour. In fact, many researchers have suggested that unethical behaviour is learned in the process of interacting with individuals who are part of intimate personal groups or role sets. That is, employees who have learned through differential association in their role sets to be unethical and have the opportunity to engage in unethical behaviour will be more likely to do so. 76
Unethical Behaviour as a Consequence of Organizational Roles Organizational role theory proposes that individuals in organizations occupy positions or roles that involve a set of activities, including interactions with others, that are required or expected as part of the job. 77 Individuals fulfill role requirements based on internalized expectations concerning the responsibilities of the role. Roles have a psychological reality to the individuals occupying them.
The presence of incompatible expectations of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours inher- ent in social roles will generate an ambivalence known as role conflict . 78 Kahn and col- leagues identified several forms of role conflict, including inter-role conflict, which refers to the competing demands of two or more roles that an individual occupies. 79 For exam- ple, the demands associated with the role of “employee” may conflict with the demands associated with the role of “family member.” How do individuals resolve the inherent conflict of organizationally situated roles or identities? Ashforth and Mael summarized the methods individuals employ to cognitively resolve role conflict, including denying role conflict, compartmentalizing roles or identities, and prioritizing roles. 80 These types of coping mechanisms suggest that individuals do not necessarily engage in a critical, objec- tive evaluation of competing role demands.
Role Conflict What are the implications of organizational roles for the ethical behav- iour of individuals occupying those roles? More specifically, what are the implications of these conflict resolution strategies for ethical behaviour? Consider the case of an employee in the role of salesperson who must decide whether the role responsibility of reaching the sales target at all costs should take priority over his role as an honest citizen. Similarly, in
organizational role theory The theory that organizational roles have a psychological reality to the individuals occupying them, whereby they fulfill role requirements based on internalized expectations concerning responsibilities of the role.
75 Ricklee, R. (1985, October 31). Ethics in America. Wall Street Journal, 3; Milgram, S. (1974). Obedience to authority. New York: Harper & Row.
77 Kahn, et al. (1964). Organizational stress: Studies in role conflict and ambiguity. New York, NY: Wiley.
78 Merton, R.K. (1957). Social theory and social structure (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Free Press.
79 Kahn et al., 1964.
80 Ashforth & Mael, 1989.
76 Sutherland, E., & Cressey, D.R. (1970). Principles of criminology. Chicago, IL: J.B. Lippincott.
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the business of sports, a football player in the role of an “employee” must decide whether the role of winning a game at all costs should take priority over his role as a decent and trustwor- thy human being. What if something is legal but unethical? Should there be consequences?
The individual may rationalize that he is responsibly fulfilling role obligations, even though the behaviour required to fulfill the role of salesperson might be ethically unsound. Consistent with Ashforth and Mael’s summary of responses to role conflict, the individual can resolve the role conflict by compartmentalizing or prioritizing role demands as a means to rationalize the behaviour. That is, the employee can adopt a different set of standards to judge what constitutes appropriate salesperson behaviour as contrasted with appropriate honest citizen behaviour. Essentially, this suggests that ethical conflicts among competing role demands can effectively be ignored by the individual through this cognitive process.
Conflict Resolution What effect does the organization have on role conflict resolu- tion? How an individual chooses to resolve the multiple role conflicts will depend largely on the organizational context. Returning to the previous discussion, the institutional elements, including culture, identity, decoupling, and routinization, will impact the individual’s reac- tions to role conflicts and demands. For example, if the organizational culture ignores an ethical dimension to role requirements, individuals will not attempt to reconcile their role performance with ethical considerations; if the organization institutionalizes habitual behaviour and suppresses analytical thought, then evaluation of the ethical implications of role responsibilities and role conflicts will similarly be reduced. Clearly, organizational con- text will significantly influence how an individual resolves role conflict.
Judging the Ethics of Organizations Earlier in this chapter, we considered two central models of ethical decision making: end- point ethics and rule ethics. These prove to be useful models for critiquing the ethics of our everyday decisions. Can we judge the ethics of organizations as entities? That is, can we critique the nature of the organizational arrangements under which we function as employees? There is another ethical tool or model that speaks directly to the nature of organizations and the question of the conditions under which organizations adhere to or violate ethical principles. One such tool for considering the ethical dimension of organi- zational issues is social contract ethics.
Social Contract Ethics One version of rule ethics, social contract ethics , was artic- ulated by John Locke. 81 This model posits that the rules by which people live are those that they would agree to live by if given the opportunity to make a choice based on reason or knowledge. Locke’s idea of the social contract provided a basis for a new model of orga- nizations as networks of contracts. Immanuel Kant added that only rules that apply equally to everyone are ethical. 82
Taken together, the social contract model of ethical reasoning views the ethical rules that we live by as products of an implicit contract. A social contract is an implicit agree- ment regarding basic principles of conduct. These social contracts are harboured by the
social contract ethics This model of ethics posits that the rules by which people live are those that they would agree to live by if given the opportunity to make a choice based on reason or knowledge.
81 Locke, J. (1690). Second treatise on civil government. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
82 Kant, I. (1785 [1993]). Grounding for the metaphysics of morals. Trans. J.W. Ellington. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett.
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cultures of groups or organizations and by our society. Organizational social contracts rep- resent the ground rules regarding conditions of employment, rewards, and performance expectations. Organizational management researchers have viewed organizations as a web of implicit contracts—every time you enter a new organization you are entering a web of contracts. Of course, the question is, “Are these contracts or ground rules sound?”
A contract is sound if all parties entering into it have entered into it freely and fairly. And fairness involves the notion that, regardless of your position, you would view the contract as equally fair from all perspectives. It is not unbalanced in favour of some inter- ests over others. According to social contract ethics, then, an individual should do what a fair, voluntary contract would dictate—that is, this should be the ethical guide for dealing with any issue. Social contract ethics is essentially about assessing the ethics or fairness of an organizational arrangement—whether we are looking at how people are hired or fired, how they are evaluated, or how they are rewarded, among other things. So any member of an organization attempting to address that test would ask at least three questions: Do I really agree with this contract, or am I just tolerating it? If I occupied a different position in this company, would I accept this contract?
An Example: The Ethics of Downsizing Let’s consider a pervasive issue that continues to affect the business landscape: organizational downsizing. What might the social con- tract model say about the ethics of downsizing? Consider the recent observations of a writer who commented on the “new deal” between workers and the organizations:
In the old manufacturing economy, blue-collar unemployment always rose and fell in lock step with factory inventories; now a similar thing is happening to the mostly white-collar workers in the sleek offices of the new economy. . . . If this sounds like deja vu all over again, it is . . . [Years ago] companies began getting very explicit in their warnings to employees: Jobs were not for life. Harvard professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter was one of a chorus of academics and consultants arguing that since companies could no longer provide job security, they should do more to give workers “employ- ability security” through training and skills counselling. 83
We could consider the implicit contract between a number of different parties, but let’s just consider the implicit agreements between employer and employee. Many critics have argued that what we have seen with the downsizing phenomenon is a violation of a number of implicit rules existing between employer and employee. No longer is there an implied agreement that you enter a company in your twenties, work hard, and retire some 20 or perhaps 30 years later. Throughout the 1990s we witnessed massive layoffs of employees who felt they had kept their end of the social contract by working hard for their organizations, yet were terminated in an organizational restructuring or downsizing.
This view of a violation of the social contract was expressed in the Globe and Mail ’s article “One Day You’re Family, the Next Day You’re Fired.” The article recounted the events that preceded the termination of about 300 employees at a Canadian company as part of a downsizing. The article told how the terminated employees were locked out of the building and only permitted back inside to collect their personal belongings, under
83 Morris, B. (2001, July 23). White-collar blues. Fortune.
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the watchful eyes of security guards who also escorted them out again. These kinds of stories were pervasive throughout the 1990s and, unfortunately, continue today.
What does the future hold? Will we see a decreased or increased emphasis on social responsibility? Well, we have been experiencing much turbulence in the corporate world in recent years. Part of the chaos, including the infamous spread of corporate downsizing, has left many people skepti- cal of the morality of business. On the other hand, there is a strong belief that business will place increasing emphasis on the recognition of the needs of different stakeholders. That is, many observers believe that more and more businesses will need to place more emphasis on their social responsive-
ness to maintain legitimacy and acceptance from the community at large. Many industries have yet to fully come to grips with the challenge of increasing social responsibility.
BUSINESS AND SOCIETY What constitutes socially responsible business behaviour? In addition, should businesses be required to look beyond their profit objectives to help society? Unethical behaviour may be directed against the organization itself, or it may be consistent with the organization’s goals but inconsistent with commonly accepted ethical principles. Whether unethical behaviour comes in the form of subtle discrimination against other employees, “padding” expense accounts, paying or accepting bribes, questionable advertising, or other forms of fraudulent activity, there is little doubt that the costs of such behaviour eventually accumulate.
The media has increasingly reported a concern over the erosion of business responsibility, and unethical activities in organizations are estimated to cost industry billions of dollars a year. 84 It seems that much of what has been written in the popular press and reported in the news has tended to reflect poorly on the ethics of business. The recent phenomenon of corporate down- sizings and massive layoffs has certainly contributed to the public’s dim view of business. Other recurring issues that raise questions about the ethics of business include things such as the mis- use of natural resources, too close a relationship with government, not treating employees prop- erly, and corporations being too big and too powerful. All these perceptions, whether accurate or inaccurate, reflect a commonly held view that business and ethics do not go together.
Some scholars have suggested that there is a crisis of confidence in a variety of corpo- rate activities. 85 Perhaps most of the blame for the current distrust of business can be traced to the recent flood of scandals that has permeated the news media reports. If anything has shaken the business–society relationship, it has been the countless headline-grabbing scan- dals, particularly within the past several years. For many observers, the rapidly expanding list of corporate wrongdoers has all but caused a breach in society’s trust for business leaders.
Numerous companies worldwide have undermined public confidence in the integrity of business through their scandalous activities. The list of ethics violations is long and has been attributed to such companies as Enron, WorldCom, Tyco International, Conseco,
Objective 4 Define stakeholders and explain why
they are important for business
to manage.
84 Jones, D. (1997, April 4–6). Doing the wrong thing: 48% of workers admit to unethical or illegal acts. USA Today.
85 Mahar, M. (1992). Unwelcome legacy: There’s still a big unpaid tab for the S and L bailout. Barron’s, 72 (48), 16.
Christy Thompson/Shutterstock
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Adelphia Cable, Global Crossing, Xerox, and HealthSouth. Elsewhere, allegations of fraudulent activities have been levelled at the Dutch food distributor and retailer Royal Ahold, France’s Vivendi, Britain’s Marconi, SK Corporation in South Korea, and Tokyo Electric Power Company in Japan.
Anyone who has paid attention to news reports understands that Canadian busi- nesses are no less immune to corporate scandal and wrongdoing than any other business sector in the world. Consider the following Canadian “Hall of Shame” candidates:
■ Canada earned the distinction of being home to a company that became the first multinational corporation to be fined ($2.2 million) for bribing a government official involved in a World Bank–funded dam project designed to provide water to South Africa. Acres International, an Ontario-based engineering firm, was found guilty of paying a bribe of $266,000 to the former chief executive officer of the Lesotho High- lands Water Project in Africa as a means to obtain a $21.5 million technical assis- tance contract for a multi-dam construction program.
■ The Montreal family-entertainment company Cinar paid a total of $25 million in lawsuits stemming from fraudulent business ventures.
■ The Canadian government, together with a number of Canadian businesses, faced charges of corruption stemming from a government advertising and corporate sponsor- ship program managed by the federal Public Works Department. The auditor general’s report indicated that $100 million was paid to a number of communications agencies in the form of fees and commissions, and the program was essentially designed to generate commissions for these companies rather than to produce any benefit for Canadians.
■ CIBC agreed to pay a penalty of US$80 million to settle charges of aiding and abet- ting the Enron accounting fraud.
Whether the business community will be able to adequately respond to society’s expectations of greater accountability is largely dependent on the level of attention that businesses afford this issue. And, given the growing attention directed at corporate behav- iour, the onus appears to be on business to develop a much better understanding of the status of societal expectations.
Managing the Forces of Business and the Stakeholders of Business
Life in business organizations was once simpler. . . . The business organization today, espe- cially in the modern corporation, is the institutional centrepiece of a complex society. Our society today consists of many people with a multitude of interests, expectations, and demands as to what major organizations ought to provide to accommodate people’s lifestyles. . . . In a society conscious of an always-improving lifestyle, with more groups every day laying claims to their pieces of the good life, business organizations today need to be responsive to individuals and groups they once viewed as powerless and unable to make such claims on them. We call these individuals and groups stakeholders. 86
86 Karakowsky, L., Carroll, A., & Buchholtz, A. (2005). Business and society (p. 66). Toronto, ON: Nelson Thomson.
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In order to more fully understand the ethical dimension of business, it is critical to appre- ciate the concept of stakeholders. In fact, the stakeholder concept has become a central idea in understanding the business and society relationship. Stakeholders are individuals or groups with whom a business interacts and who have a “stake,” or vested interest, in the business. A stake can range from simply an interest in management’s actions, to a legal or moral right to be treated a certain way, to a legal claim of ownership at the other extreme. 87
Traditionally, we observe two broad groups of stakeholders: external and internal. External stakeholders comprise such parties as governments, consumers, and community members. Internal stakeholders can include business owners and employees. The notion here is that stakeholders have legitimate claims on the organization. Consequently, a fundamental respon- sibility of management is to address and manage the needs of differing stakeholder groups—and not just the most obvious stakeholders, the owners/investors or shareholders of the business. Keep in mind that, just as stakeholders can be affected by the actions or decisions of the busi- ness firm, these stakeholders also can influence the organization’s actions and decisions. There- fore, the management of stakeholder interests is critical to business success (see Exhibit 10.2 ).
stakeholder An individual or group with whom a business interacts and who has a “stake,” or vested interest, in the business.
87 Karakowsky, Carroll, & Buchholtz, 2005.
Special-Interest Groups
Social Welfare Groups (e.g., Environment, Human Rights, Animal Rights)
Other Groups
Traditional Media (Newspapers, Radio, Television)
Internet News Websites Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)
Bank Other Lenders
CompetitorsSuppliers Unions
Citizens Families Students Immigrants
Future Generations
Environment (Planet Earth)
Internal Stakeholders of Business
Owners/Investors/ Shareholders Managers Employees
Exhibit 10.2 External Stakeholders of Business
In addition to the owners, investors, and shareholders, other obvious stakeholders include employees and customers, as well as competitors, suppliers, the community, special- interest groups, media, and society in general. Some observers would also view our environ- ment and our future generations as important stakeholders in the activities of business.
383C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
In the future, development of loyal relationships with customers, employees. shareholders, and other stakeholders will become one of the most important determinants of commer- cial viability and business success. Increasing shareholder value will be best served if your company cultivates the support of all who may influence its importance. 88
The importance of managing diverse stakeholder needs is evident in the following asser- tion by David Wheeler and Maria Sillanpaa:
Managing the Challenges of the Societal Force So what does it take to successfully manage the challenges of the societal force? An organi- zation that adequately addresses the societal force will, by definition, fulfill its responsibili- ties to its various stakeholders. What is the connection between the societal force and fulfilling the responsibilities to various stakeholder groups? To answer that question we need to understand the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which we discuss next.
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The historical “ethical yardstick” for businesses has been profit—the “bottom line.” Scholars such as economist Milton Friedman argued that the workings of the free and competitive marketplace will “moralize” corporate behaviour. 89 Therefore, businesses need only be concerned with the profit motive, since the “invisible hand” of the free mar- ket will produce a “systematic morality.” Similarly, John Kenneth Galbraith argued that corporate responsibilities should be purely rational and economic. 90 However, according to Galbraith, it is the regulatory hands of the law and the political process, rather than the invisible hand of the marketplace, that turns these objectives to the “common good.”
Both of these views reject the exercise of independent moral judgment by corpora- tions as actors in society. On the other hand, most scholars concerned with the study of business ethics implicitly reject these views and instead argue that it is the responsibility of business organizations to develop a “moral conscience” and exercise ethical judgment or social responsibility. 91
The term corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to those obligations or respon- sibilities of an organization that involve going beyond the production of goods or services at a profit and the requirements of competition, legal regulations, or customs. Social responsibility involves an obligation to create policies, make decisions, and engage in actions that are desirable in terms of society’s values and objectives.
We can elaborate upon this definition by referring to one of the most commonly cited definitions of CSR. Archie Carroll’s four-part definition asserts that the social responsibility
Objective 5 Analyze the debate for and against the
relevance of corporate social
corporate social responsibility (CSR) Obligations or responsibilities of an organization to go beyond the production of goods or services at a profit, and beyond the requirements of competition, legal regulation, or custom, thus acting in a way desirable in terms of the values and objectives of society. This includes a business’s economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities.
88 Wheeler, D., & Sillanpaa, M. (1997). The stakeholder corporation: A blueprint for maximizing stakeholder value. London, UK: Pitman Publishing.
89 Friedman, M. (1962). Capitalism and freedom. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; Friedman, M. (1970, September 13). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York Times Magazine.
90 Galbraith, J.K. (1958). The affluent society. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
91 Goodpaster, K.E., & Matthews, J.B. (1983). Can a corporation have a conscience? In T.L. Beauchamp & N.E. Bowie (Eds.), Ethical theory and business. Englewood Hills, NJ: Prentice Hall.
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Consider an example of CSR by Levi Strauss & Co. In 1991, the company created Project Change to fight institutional racism in three cities in which it had workplaces: Albuquerque, N.M., El Paso, Tex., and Valdosta, Ga. Project Change went beyond combatting institutional racism in the workplace, and encompassed educational and community institutions as well, with four main goals: Dismantle institutional policies that promote racial discrimination, ease tensions between minority and majority groups, promote fair representation of diversity, and stop overt or violent acts of racial or cultural prejudice. One of the examples of its success was in the creation of a Fair Lending Center in New Mexico, encouraging banks to lend money in poor neighbour- hoods, and assist those in applying for loans.94
of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary (philanthropic) expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time92 (see Exhibit 10.3).
Carroll’s definition indicates that there are issues above economic and legal ones that a business must confront. Obviously, a business must address economic responsibilities—it must generate goods or services that society wants. And further, a business must abide by the laws to fulfill its legal responsibilities. However, this definition suggests that just fulfilling these two areas of concern is insufficient. Ethical responsibilities include the standards or expectations that reflect what the societal stakeholders regard as fair. Finally, business has somewhat voluntary or philanthropic responsibilities that, while not manda- tory, do reflect part of the implicit agreement between business and society and can include such activities as corporate donations, volunteerism, and any other kind of volun- tary involvement of the business with the community or other stakeholders.93
Consider such acts of CSR as those demonstrated by Levi Strauss & Co., which has tried very hard to maintain strict work standards to protect employees in operations in different parts of the world. In addition, the company is consistently lauded for its efforts in the social sphere:
92 Karakowsky, Carroll, & Buchholtz, 2005. 93 Karakowsky, Carroll, & Buchholtz, 2005.
Exhibit 10.3 The Four Components of CSR
CSR Responsibilities Societal Expectation Examples
Economic responsibilities Society requires business to fulfill these responsibilities.
Generate rational business strategy, make profits, minimize costs
Legal responsibilities Society requires business to fulfill these responsibilities.
Honour all relevant laws and regulations govern- ing business activities
Ethical responsibilities Society expects business to fulfill these responsibilities.
Engage in business practices that are in line with what society considers acceptable, fair, and just
Philanthropic responsibilities
Society desires business to fulfill these responsibilities.
Engage in activities that help the betterment of society (e.g., volunteerism, charity)
Source: Karakowsky, L., Carroll, A., & Buchholtz, A. (2005). Business and society, Exhibit 8.1. Toronto, ON: Thomson Learning Global Rights Group. Reprinted by permission.
economic responsibilities The responsibilities of a company to make profits and minimize costs.
legal responsibilities The responsibilities of businesses to honour all relevant laws and regulations governing business activities.
ethical responsibilities The responsibilities of businesses to engage in business practices that are in line with what society considers acceptable, fair, and just.
philanthropic responsibilities The responsibilities of businesses to engage in activities that help to improve society.
94 Sources: http://lsco.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/LSF_timeline.pdf; http://www.levistrauss. com/levi-strauss-foundation/; http://racialequitytools.org/resourcefiles/george.pdf; http://www.racialequitytools. org/resourcefiles/leiderman2.pdf
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This is certainly admirable corporate behaviour, but is it necessary? That is, does Levi Strauss have an ethical obligation as a business to do this? While we applaud the efforts of com- panies like Canadian Tire, Levi Strauss, Magna, and Southwest Airlines, should we demand such behaviour from all organizations? And more generally, does business have a moral respon- sibility to us—whether we are employees, customers, creditors, or society in general? These are issues that have been debated for years and that are explored in the following sections.
The CSR Debate There is much diverse opinion regarding the degree to which business should practise social responsibility. Some argue that, at best, business should have very limited social responsibilities, while others argue that the social responsibilities of business should be extensive. What are the arguments for believing that business should take on extensive social responsibilities, and what is the rationale used by those who believe business should not be required to take on the mantle of social responsibility? Let’s consider the cases first against, and then for, social responsibility (see Exhibit 10.4 ).
Exhibit 10.4 The CSR Debate
Against Social Resonsibility For Social Responsibility
1. Business is business. 1. Business should conform to societal
2. Business plays by its own rules. 2. CSR is a practical strategy.
3. Business should not dictate morality. 3. Business must acknowledge its network
of shareholders.
4. Organizations cannot be held accountable
for their actions.
4. There are long-term benefits to be gained
from CSR.
5. High costs are passed to the consumer. 5. Business has the power and resources to
do good.
The Case Against CSR
Business Is Business Probably one of the best-known arguments against social respon- sibility for business comes from the work of economist Milton Friedman, who argued that profit maximization is the primary purpose of business, and to have any other purpose is not socially responsible! Friedman points out that in a free enterprise, private property system, a manager is an employee of the owners of the business and, consequently, is directly responsible to them. In other words, Friedman and others argue that a business’s primary responsibility is to the owners or shareholders. Clearly, owners and shareholders want to maximize profit, and so this should be the business’s highest priority.
Similarly, new entrepreneurs often invest their own money in creating companies and sometimes risk their personal life savings. At the start of any business, many would argue that being socially responsible cannot be a priority. Although a product may have much potential, the future success of a business is still unknown. Will customers like the product, buy the product, and rebuy it again and again? Making a profit becomes essential to the business’s survival and to the entrepreneur keeping his or her investment. Later on, to expand the business and to get further funding, the business must prove to be well- managed and, of course, be profitable. (See Talking Business 10.5 .)
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Some have argued that a regard for ethical values in market decisions might lead businesspeople to confuse their economic goals with altruistic goals so that they fail to fulfill the basic business function of operating efficiently. While most scholars in the field advocate one form or another of corporate responsibility, they also acknowledge the dif- ficulty of adopting an ethical corporate objective. Albert Carr argued that no company can be expected to serve the social interest unless its self-interest is also served, either by the expectation of profit or the avoidance of punishment.
Consider the case of Maple Leaf Foods. Here was a national Canadian-based com- pany known for its socially responsible behaviour—including establishing plants in smaller Canadian communities such as Moncton (New Brunswick), Winnipeg (Manitoba), and North Battleford (Saskatchewan). Yet recently it announced that it will close all of these older manufacturing plants to restructure the company, reduce costs, and modernize production of its prepared-meats business. While it plans to open new plants elsewhere, there will be a net job loss of 1,550 positions. 95
Is it socially responsible for a company to take away jobs that it initially created? On the other hand, given increased competitiveness from larger, more efficient US meat manufacturers gaining market share in Canada, if Maple Leaf does not reduce costs, the company could be put in dire straits. By being more efficient, Maple Leaf can continue its business in the long run and maintain Canadian manufacturing jobs. Is this socially responsible? If you consider Maple Leaf ’s responsibility to its owners and creditors, they argue that it would have been irresponsible not to close the older plants.
Business Plays by Its Own Rules This sentiment suggests that business cannot be judged by the same set of rules or standards of moral conduct that we apply outside of business. Carr, in a famous article written for the Harvard Business Review, raised the question of whether we should expect business managers to apply the same ethical standards we might apply in our personal lives. Carr suggested that “bluffing” (that is, lying), which may be viewed as an unethical practice in social relations, can be viewed as legitimate behaviour within the boundaries of business activity. Carr compared corporate activity to a poker
On the hit Canadian TV show Dragons’ Den , the importance of earning a profit is emphasized in each episode. The
reality show invites entrepreneurs with new business ideas
to showcase their products in front of a panel of success-
ful Canadian businesspeople and to make a case to invest
in their company.
The hardest critic on the show is Kevin O’Leary,
who always demands, “How is this business going to
make me money?” If the business has not made any sales or
the product does not appear to be potentially profitable, the
panel of investors quickly state their negative opinion and
then say: “And for that reason—I’m out!”
The television show is a colourful reminder that inves-
tors must be convinced above all that the business will
treat their investment with the highest priority. While
investors may want the company to “do good,” they do
not want this to come at the expense of their “hard earned
money,” so to speak. In fairness to the Dragons, if the
business cannot generate profits then no responsibilities
are achievable—social or otherwise.
Dragons’ Den
95 Mercer, G. (2011, October 19). Maple Leaf Foods closing Kitchener Schneider’s plant, 1,200 jobs to be lost. TheRecord.com . Retrieved from www.therecord.com/news/business/article/611727--maple-leaf-foods-closing- kitchener-schneider-s-plant-1-200-jobs-to-be-lost .
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game, where ethical standards within the boundaries of the “game” may differ from soci- etal standards. 96 The “players” (business executives), therefore, may engage in activity that is acceptable within the “rules” of business, even though this activity may be viewed as unethical by the public (those outside the “game” of business). Therefore, individuals may employ ethical standards in business that differ from those generally employed in their nonworking lives. That is, where “business bluffing” has been accepted as a form of business conduct, members come to believe in this behaviour as an accepted way of doing business. For example, union and management negotiations are subject to negotiator ten- dencies to demand more than what might otherwise be equitable as a means of bargaining. Similarly, a company may convince customers that its product is worth significantly more than the cost of producing it as a means to accrue a high profit.
Given this, why should we expect businesses to be good citizens in the same way as individuals? We might expect that a business will try to advertise its product in a manner that suggests it may be of much higher quality than it really is—that’s part of the rules of business, which are largely focused on profit maximization and not necessarily on seeking truth in advertising, for example.
But is business a game? Do you accept the notion that business is like a game and should be played by its own rules? Is it acceptable to leave our moral standards at the door, so to speak, when we enter the workplace? Recall the scenario presented earlier in this chapter of the CEO and the gift to achieve the $22 million contract. Would you give the gift? Why or why not? If this is considered a bribe and is therefore unethical, why would you give the gift? The common response is because it is part of the “rules of the game.” This is the expectation that, in business, this is a legitimate and commonly accepted prac- tice. However, there is a danger in decoupling behaviour—that is, in avoiding scrutiny of business behaviour. First, it makes an assumption about what is and what is not acceptable in business. In this case, for example, businesses are increasingly frowning upon giving gifts to clients or customers. Consequently, what is acceptable for business and society is not necessarily a stable factor. In addition, for some individuals it is unacceptable to trade off one’s ethics in the “line of duty.” The question becomes what is acceptable for you.
Business Should Not Dictate Morality Given that business enterprises are fundamentally responsible to the owners or shareholders, their mandate is to maximize profit, which is their area of expertise. They are economic institutions, and they should leave the issue of social policy to the jurisdiction of government. Managers are simply not skilled enough in the area of social policy, so they should not be responsible for carrying out duties of social responsibility. If businesses enter the arena of social policy they are, in effect, expanding their power. How? Well, a corporation that is engaging in extensive social programs is essentially performing a political function in addition to its economic purpose. Some critics suggest that allowing busi- ness to have both economic and political power is potentially dangerous. As one critic argued,
It is no advance for democracy when public policy is “privatized” and corporate boards take it upon themselves to weigh competing social, economic and environmental goals. That is a job for governments, which remain competent to do it if they choose. 97
96 Carr, A. (1968). Is business bluffing ethical? Harvard Business Review, 46 , 127–134.
97 The Economist. (2001, November 17). Curse of the ethical executive. Retrieved from www.economist.com/ node/863487 .
388 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
98 Carroll, A.B. (1978). Linking business ethics to behavior in organizations. SAM Advanced Management Jour- nal, 43, 4–11.
99 Carr, 1968.
Consequently, those opposed to businesses venturing into the social sphere for this reason argue that government can simply enforce regulations to ensure that business is socially respon- sible rather than allowing business to take it upon itself to judge matters of social responsibility.
Organizations Cannot Be Held Accountable While society may judge somewhat cyn- ically the ethics of “big business,” who exactly is to be held accountable for the actions taken by individuals on behalf of their company? It is not always easy to place blame when the entity responsible for an action is not an individual but, rather, a corporation. Many scholars have asserted that rather than observing organizations, it is the corporations’ leaders and their constituents whose behaviour must be studied. Following this line of reasoning, Archie Carroll argued that unethical business behaviour is the result of two ethical standards: personal and business. Carroll’s research suggests that individuals under pressure compromise their personal standards to achieve the goals of the organization. 98
Similarly, Albert Carr argues that “the ethic of corporate advantage invariably silences and drives out the ethic of individual restraint.” 99
Can we hold organizations responsible for their crimes? For instance, should IBM be somehow held accountable for its alleged involvement in the Holocaust, as reported in Talking Business 10.6 ? What responsibility do organizations have to ensure their products are not
Nearly every Nazi concentration camp operated
a Hollerith Department . . . in some camps . . . as
many as two dozen IBM sorters, tabulators and
printers were installed . . . [I]t did not matter
whether IBM did or did not know exactly which
machine was used at which death camp. All that
mattered was that the money would be waiting—
once the smoke cleared.
The author suggests that IBM’s involvement with Nazi
Germany helps explain one mystery of the Holocaust—
how so many people were killed in so little time. With the
knowledge of top IBM management in the United States,
IBM’s European subsidiaries actually perfected the means
for the Nazis to quickly collect census data for its murder-
ous plans. Hitler even awarded IBM chairman Thomas
Watson a medal for his company’s work.
Source: Based on Black, E. (2001). IBM and the Holocaust: The stra-
tegic alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s most powerful
corporation. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 2(01), p. 375.
IBM and Nazi Germany
A book written by Edwin Black, entitled IBM and the Holocaust, offers compelling evidence that IBM played an important role in some of the most horrific events of the
1930s and 1940s in Europe. Specifically, IBM’s produc-
tion of hundreds of Hollerith machines, the precursor to
the computer, played a central role in the first racial cen-
suses conducted by the Nazis. Beginning in 1933, the
Hollerith machine was used by the German government
to identify its intended targets. As Black comments in his
© Andia/Alamy
389C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
Consumers will consistently tell surveys that they are willing to pay more for socially and environmentally superior products. But when they are alone in the shopping aisle and it’s just them and their wallet, they rarely fork out more for “green.” 100
misused? Do businesses have a responsibility not to associate with countries that are violating human rights? Or, on the other hand, should business strategy be guided purely by profits?
High Costs Are Passed to the Customer Certainly, the additional costs of CSR may limit a company’s national competitiveness, since CSR would increase firm costs and require raising prices on goods and services to consumers. In fact, in one survey few con- sumers wanted to pay more for socially responsible products if there were comparable cheaper versions available. According to one observer,
100 Unruh, G. (2011, July 28). No, consumers will not pay more for green. The CSR Blog, Forbes . Retrieved from www.forbes.com/sites/csr/2011/07/28/no-consumers-will-not-pay-more-for-green .
Similarly, consumers prefer to donate money to the causes of their own choice, so it does not make sense for businesses to do so:
when it comes to actually voting with their wallets, consumers prefer not to be directed to do so. They like to contribute individually, to charities they believe in and wish to support as individuals, not as part of a huge pool. They certainly do not expect the for- profit corporations in which they invest to deploy corporate assets for social causes. 101
Many would argue that CSR is just too expensive and would subsequently lower prof- its. What does it cost to be socially responsible? A company can set up a CSR department; donate money, goods, or services; donate employee time; sponsor an event; or run a corpo- rate foundation. Typically, larger companies over smaller ones will have a CSR department and engage in more than one CSR activity. Nike, for example, has a CSR department of 135 employees and spends an estimated $25 million annually on CSR-related activities. 102 Nonetheless, Nike continues to be under the watchful eye of human rights groups, and consumer expectations continue to rise.
There are also the costs of a company “doing the right thing”—for example, treating employees fairly, ensuring working conditions meet health and safety standards, and act- ing in the best interest of the community. But all these efforts cost money and reduce the net profits of the company, which is not in the best interests of shareholders.
The Case for CSR Now that we have looked at some of the more common sources of support for ignoring social responsibility, let’s consider the counterargument. Why should business be concerned with the issue of social responsibility? Why might business be obliged to take on social responsibility? Why should business go beyond its legal require- ments or industry standards?
101 Atkins, B. (2011, June 28). Is corporate social responsibility responsible? Forbes . Retrieved from www.forbes. com/2006/11/16/leadership-philanthropy-charity-lead-citizen-cx_ba_1128directorship.html.
102 Palmquist, R. (2010, July 12). Student campaign takes on Nike like never before. The Huffington Post . Retrieved from www.huffingtonpost.com/rod-palmquist/student-campaign-takes-on_b_643375.html .
390 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Conform to Societal Expectations Scholars in the field of business ethics have argued that business and society need not be seen as distinct entities, but rather that business plays a role within society: Fundamentally, businesses are created to serve public needs. It is for this same pragmatic reason that a business will not act in any way that will reduce its legitimacy in the eyes of the public. Given that the very existence of a business enterprise is largely dependent on acceptance by society, there is an obligation not to violate societal beliefs regarding socially responsible behaviour—particularly if such violations would undermine the credibility of an enterprise’s role in society. Scholars have suggested that the doctrine of corporate social responsibility can also be understood as part of an effort to reconcile the intentions and results of capitalism. Advocates of corporate social responsi- bility understand the importance of the profit motive; however, they view this as only part of the social responsibility of business.
Societal expectations, however, can be a challenge for businesses to meet. What is socially responsible is subject to debate. What one person believes is socially responsible may be different from what another person believes is socially responsible. Take, for instance, energy efficient light bulbs, such as compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). Some environmen- talists believe CFLs are socially responsible since they conserve energy and are more effi- cient than traditional incandescent bulbs. CFLs, for example, use one third less energy than incandescent bulbs and can last up to 15 times longer. Other environmentalists, however, argue that CFL bulbs are not socially responsible because they contain mercury and can be toxic if broken or are disposed of in a landfill, which can contaminate fish, water, and food supplies. How much contamination? Since a CFL bulb contains approximately 5 milligrams of mercury, this amount can cause over 22,000 litres of water to become toxic. 103
Shareholders of major corporations have also shown increased expectations that busi- ness behave responsibly. Shareholder proposals permit investors to present issues of con- cern to corporate management and to other shareholders, who can then vote to support or reject the proposals. For instance, in 2011 investors filed shareholder resolutions with nine oil and gas firms, such as ExxonMobil and Chevron, demanding that the corpora- tions disclose details concerning environmental and regulatory risks connected with natu- ral gas fracking, a process contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. How important are shareholder resolutions? At the onset, they can begin boardroom discussions, which are important in and of themselves; however, over time resolutions can begin a critical mass of support. For many boards, that vital level of support is approximately 30%. 104 Even though shareholder support for CSR activities is on the rise (in 2005, less than 3% of environmental and social resolutions reached the 30% level of support, whereas in 2010 more than 25% did), companies often don’t know how to tackle these concerns. As one observer contends, strategies need to be developed that include “increasing social and environmental disclosure through robust sustainability reporting; making sure directors have expertise relevant to environmental and social concerns; [and] using measures that account for environmental performance as well as financial performance.” 105
103 CBC News. (2010, December 31). B.C. switches off incandescent bulbs in 2011. Retrieved from www.cbc. ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/12/31/bc-lightbulb-cfl-incandescent.html .
104 Sound, S. (2011, May 19). Shareholders bring CSR to the boardroom. Sustainable Industries . Retrieved from http://sustainableindustries.com/articles/2011/05/shareholders-bring-csr-boardroom .
105 Sound, 2011.
391C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
Adopt CSR as a Practical Business Strategy A second, even more pragmatic reason for businesses to be socially responsible is to avoid public criticism or scrutiny that might inadvertently encourage more government involvement or regulation. For example, we have recently witnessed a number of organizations accused of unfair business practices and attempting to create a monopoly. Other organizations, like Nike, have been heavily criticized for shutting down operations in America in favour or setting up business where labour is cheap, and in some cases where sweatshop-like conditions exist among the fac- tories of the foreign contractors. A lack of concern for social responsibility may invite public scrutiny.
The practical side of being socially responsible can be seen in the realm of business– consumer relationships. The notion of exploiting the consumer for profits would be both socially irresponsible and unwise for any business. There are many cases of consumer lawsuits aimed at businesses who lacked responsibility for their treatment of customers. For example, in 2011 Mega Brands agreed to settle a US lawsuit related to a defective magnetic toy sold to consumers. The Montreal-based company agreed to refund consum- ers their money, set up a children’s foundation, and pay up to $3.5 million in legal fees. As part of the foundation, Mega Brands also agreed to make a cash contribution of $100,000 aimed at addressing children’s health issues. In 2006, the company reached a settlement of US$13.5 million with 14 families. In one case, a 22-month-old had died from swallowing pieces of a magnetic toy. Since then, the company is still struggling to recover from the product recall issues. While Mega Brands denies any wrongdoing, it has decided to avoid further legal expenses and bad publicity by just settling the matter once and for all. 106
In a different case, consumers filed a lawsuit against Research In Motion (RIM) for a system-wide failure that led to BlackBerry users having no service for four days in October 2011. The lawsuit accused the company of breach of contract and negligence, which caused thousands of users to not be able to access their email, use instant messaging, or browse the Internet. The lawsuit also claimed that the interruptions prevented business transactions and caused damages such as the loss of income. Although the company had apologized to its millions of BlackBerry users, RIM failed to compensate its customers (through refunds) for the days of no service, leading to more bad publicity. 107 These types of practices bring “unwelcome” public attention and scrutiny to the guilty businesses (see Talking Business 10.7).
Acknowledge Membership in a Broader Network of Stakeholders As described earlier, stakeholders refer to any individuals or groups who bear some type of risk as a result of the corporation’s actions. Stakeholders might have financial, physical, or human stakes in the corporation. Who are the potential stakeholders in business activity? Among the list of stakeholders and the corporation’s responsibilities to them, we can include those identified earlier in Exhibit 10.2 .
107 Herbst, M. (2011, October 27). RIM hit with consumer lawsuits over BlackBerry outage. Reuters. Retrieved from www.abs-cbnnews.com/business/tech-biz/10/27/11/rim-hit-consumer-lawsuits-over-blackberry-outage .
106 Marowits, R. (2011, September 28). Mega Brands turning page on Magnetix mishap with consumer lawsuit settlement. Canadian Business . Retrieved from www.canadianbusiness.com/article/48056--mega-brands-turning- page-on-magnetix-mishap-with-consumer-lawsuit-settlement .
392 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Among some of the other potential stakeholders in a business are suppliers, the gov- ernment, and society in general—each of whom may also be affected in some way by cor- porate activity and, consequently, must be considered in conducting business. In any actions a business takes, then, the business should consider the impact on any party that has a stake in its operations—that is affected by its behaviour.
Aside from ethical considerations, there are practical reasons to attend to all stake- holders’ interests, even when they conflict: If management focuses on only the concerns of a minority of stakeholders, such as the owners, other stakeholders may withdraw their
The trickle of corporate scandal that seemed to start in the
1980s and rear its head again on occasion in the1990s,
seemed to break into an all-out hailstorm by the beginning of
the twenty-first century. In 2002, U.S. telecommunications
giant WorldCom admitted to perpetrating one of the largest
accounting frauds in history. The company had inflated its
profits by US$3.8 billion between January 2001 and March
2002. Adelphia Communications Corp. founder John Rigas,
along with his two sons, were arrested in 2002 and faced
charges of improperly taking US$1 billion from the cable-
television giant.108 Tyco, Parmalat, Merrill Lynch, and Global
Crossing were among the other high-profile cases of corpo-
rate misdeeds and fraudulent acts in recent years. And, of
course, among the most prominent corporate scandals in
recent memory was Enron. This energy and trading company
was once the U.S.’s seventh largest corporation, with 21 000
employees, and the largest marketer of electricity and natural
gas. Enron’s downward spiral in 2001 began when the com-
pany revealed that it falsified accounting records, including
keeping hundreds of millions of dollars of losses off the
accounting records. In the third quarter of 2001 alone, Enron
had incurred a US$600 million loss, and its bankruptcy
(declared on December 2, 2001) was among the largest in
U.S. corporate history. In addition to the massive lay-offs,
employees lost much of their retirement money since their
pension accounts were built around Enron stock—stock that once sold for US$85 a share became worthless.
Like their U.S. counterparts, many Canadian corporate
scandals, including Hollinger Inc., Bre-X Minerals Ltd., YBM
Magnex International, Livent Inc., and Cinar Corporation
“violated the basic tenets of good governance by staff-
ing their boards with insiders, rubber-stamping rich
compensation packages and interest-free loans for exec-
utives and failing to disclose company financial dealings
to investors.”109 In 2003 Conrad Black was forced to
step down as chief executive of Hollinger International,
the newspaper publisher. The resignation followed accu-
sations that he and other senior Hollinger executives and
parent company Hollinger Inc. received millions in unau-
thorized payments. Allegedly, $32.15 million in payments
were made that were not authorized by either the audit
committee or the full board of directors of Hollinger.
According to many observers, a salient feature of this
case was the complicity of the company’s board of direc-
tors in all this activity and its lack of independence from
the CEO.110
Lack of board independence also played a central role in
the downfall of Parmalat Finanziaria, the Italian dairy and
food giant. This company filed for bankruptcy protection in
Italy on December 27, 2003, following discovery that huge
assets, estimated from US$8−$12 billion were unaccounted
for. The alleged financial fraud at Parmalat spans more than
a decade. Founder, chairman, and chief executive Calisto
Tanzi was fired from the company and board and placed
under arrest in 2003. Interestingly, at the time the scandal
broke, Parmalat had a particularly poor rating on Institu-
tional Shareholder Service’s Global Corporate Governance
Quotient, which measures corporations’ governance prac-
tices against a set of 61 criteria. Parmalat ranked at the bot-
tom of all 69 Italian companies that were rated.
Corporate Strategy and Long-Term Well Being: Crime Doesn’t Pay
108 Joseph McCafferty, “Adelphia Comes Clean,” CFO Magazine (December 1, 2003). 109 Nadine Winter, “Fair Pay for Fair Play,” CA Magazine (Vol. 136, No. 10, December 2003), 34. 110 Seth Sutel, “Lawyers for Hollinger Lay Out Case Against Conrad Black in Delaware Court,” Canadian Press (February 18, 2004), http://www.canada.com/search/story.html?id=d9ac2f5d-8e7c-48f7-a2e8-018c07cd6451.
393C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
participation in and support for the enterprise and, consequently, harm the business. Thus, to suggest that business need not be socially responsible is to ignore the fact that business enterprises regularly interact with and affect numerous stakeholders.
There are many examples of corporations making a difference in communities through volunteer activities. BlackBerry, for instance, has partnered with Free The Children, an international development charity that helps build schools and provides clean-water projects. In 2011, BlackBerry (then known as Research In Motion) sponsored 50 students to volunteer in Kenya and India to aid communities and promote youth leaders. 111 Tim Hortons, on the other hand, has created its own foundation called the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation, which enables disadvantaged children to attend camp. In fact, on one day a year called “Camp Day,” Tim Hortons restaurant owners donate all coffee sales to the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation. In 2013, Camp Day raised $11.8 million. 112
Gain Long-Term Benefits from CSR Advocates of corporate social responsibility suggest that even if an action does not result in immediate benefits for the enterprise, engaging in socially responsible behaviour is wise from a longer-term strategic perspective. This, per- haps, connects to the first point made regarding the relationship of business with society. A business that fosters this relationship will more likely continue to receive acceptance from and be considered legitimate by the public. The notion of building and maintaining goodwill with the public and a positive image are certainly influenced by social respon- siveness. For example, Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Tylenol, was faced with major disaster in the 1980s after a number of tragic deaths were found to be the result of poi- soned Tylenol capsules. While the cause was later found to be tampering at the retail loca- tion, not at the manufacturers’ site, Johnson & Johnson took complete, extensive responsibility in withdrawing all their Tylenol capsules from the market (retail value of over $100 million), running television commercials, and establishing telephone hotlines urging the public not to use them. And this also prompted Johnson & Johnson to reintro- duce the product in tamper-proof packages. While the company’s social responsibility was costly, the company made up for that loss by restoring public confidence in its reputation.
Business Has the Power and Resources to Do “Good” The ability of corporations to make a positive contribution to their communities has certainly increased. We are living in an era of large, global companies with billion-dollar profits and a customer base that expands across the world. Companies have the power and resources to make the world a better place through their talented workforce and financial resources while still making a profit.
Recently, a US survey revealed some of the most generous corporations in North America. In 2010, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported that Kroger, a Cincinnati-based supermarket operator, donated 10.9% of its pre-tax profits (or US$64 million) to charity, the largest corporate contribution to charitable activities according to percentage of earn- ings. The Chronicle of Philanthropy ranks about 300 of the largest US companies based on their corporate-giving efforts as a percentage of revenue on an annual basis. 113 According to Kroger’s vice-president of corporate affairs Lynn Marmer, $40 million of Kroger’s cash giving flows through a 15-year-old community rewards program, where shoppers who
111 Mercer, G. (2011, January 25). RIM sponsoring 50 students to volunteer abroad. TheRecord.com . Retrieved from www.therecord.com/print/article/477955 . 112 Tim Hortons Camp Day Raises $9.9 million! newswire.ca June 3, 2011. http://www.newswire.ca/en/ story/727203/tim-hortons-camp-day-raises-9-9-million . 113 Adams, S. (2011, October 21). American companies that give back the most. Forbes . Retrieved from www. forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2011/10/21/american-companies-that-give-back-the-most .
394 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
carry Kroger loyalty cards name a local charity they want to support. Kroger then gives 2–5% (determined by local stores) of each shopper’s bill as a cash contribution to the school, church, or community group chosen by the customer. 114
There is also another category that the Chronicle of Philanthropy ranks of companies who give the most cash as a raw number. Walmart topped the list at US$319 million last year. Given its US$22 billion in pre-tax earnings, Walmart’s percentage of charitable giv- ing came to only 1.45% of net profit. Goldman Sachs came in second at US$315 million in cash donations, and Wells Fargo was third at $219 million. 115
Where do companies like to make a difference, and who benefits the most? In Canada, companies tend to support hospitals and health-related organizations as a preferred choice. Social services and recreational activities are the second most common recipient. The least supported causes by corporations are the environment and animal-protection activities.
Talking Business 10.8 provides some examples of corporations being socially responsible. Do you think these types of behaviours should be mandated as a necessary part of business?
Air Canada
Since Dreams Take Flight (DTF) was founded by Air Can-
ada employees and retirees, over 10,000 children with
physical, cognitive, and social challenges have been able
to enjoy an all-expense paid trip to Disney World.
Canadian Tire
Canadian Tire created the Jumpstart program to help chil-
dren develop important life skills such as confidence and
self-esteem through organized sports and recreational
activities. Swimming, dance, soccer, and hockey are a few
examples of the programs that are included.
CIBC’s senior executive team has led a number of pro-
grams. For example, one effort was to maintain and
enhance diversity representation in their workforce.
Another focus was on exploring opportunities in carbon
and water markets.
McCain Foods
In order to promote agricultural efficiency, McCain Foods,
a sponsor of the International Year of the Potato, in coop-
eration with the United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization, raised awareness and educated farmers on
the important role of the potato. Potato crops can take up
less land and be developed in harsher climates while pro-
ducing more nutritious food than any other major crop.
Rogers Cable
Through the Rogers Cable Network Fund, Rogers Cable
has provided $5 million a year to encourage the produc-
tion of first-run cable networking programs throughout
the country. This ensures that the Canadian television
industry is financially supported as well as given an
opportunity to be aired first, solely by a Canadian cable
channel. In order to support a wide variety of Canadian
programming, including dramas, documentaries, and the
performing arts, Rogers will invest up to 20%, or a maxi-
mum of $500,000, of the final cost of potential projects.
From the sales of custom-designed bracelets made in
Toronto from scrap leather, Roots has raised over $200,000
in a campaign to create awareness and combat the rise of
global warming. Launched in 2005, the program was initi-
ated with the help of environmental activist Laurie David
(co-producer of An Inconvenient Truth ).
Should These Corporate Behaviours Be Mandated?
114 Adams, 2011.
115 Adams, 2011.
395C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
Is Corporate Social Responsibility on the Rise? The central arguments that support the case against business enterprises taking a more active role in the area of social responsibility were outlined above. So where are we now? That is, how have the views of corporate social responsibility changed over the years? What philosophy are businesses adopting currently with regard to social or moral obligations? According to some observers, we are undergoing a gradual transformation that increasingly involves shaping organizations to reflect higher levels of social responsiveness. There is an increasing push for organizations to balance the profit objective with goals of social respon- sibility. Three key factors that organizations are being influenced by to become better cor- porate citizens are social media, corporate disclosure legislation, and CSR rankings.
Social Media Certainly, social media has given more people the opportunity to voice their opinion and to sway business to be more socially responsible. What is social media? Social media are web-based or mobile technologies that allow people to communicate in an interactive way. According to Kaplan and Haenlein, there are six forms of social media: collaborative projects (Wikipedia), blogs (Twitter), social networking sites (Facebook), content communities (YouTube), virtual game worlds (“World of Warcraft”), and virtual social worlds ( Second Life). 116 Two widely used social media tools where business is dis- cussed are Facebook and Twitter. With over 1 billion Facebook users and 500 million Twitter users, businesses recognize that public criticism needs to be managed in real time or their reputation may be harmed (see Talking Business 10.9 ).
social media Web-based or mobile technologies that allow people to communicate in an interactive way.
116 Kaplan, A.M., & Haenlein M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53 (1), 59–68.
An angry tweet about bad service at a store, restaurant, or
airport can easily spiral out of control, especially if other
users pile on. Or it can [go] viral, like the ”United Breaks
Guitars” YouTube video by Halifax singer Dave Carroll. He
made a series of music videos after his guitar was broken
during a flight. The trilogy was a public relations night-
mare for United, but a win for Carroll, boosting his profile
as a musician and a speaker on customer service.
Consumers with smart phones mean anything can
become public in an instant. That can range from photos of
officers at the G20 protests to tweets about a toddler served
a margarita at a restaurant chain, to a blog post about a Star-
bucks barista fired amid a litany of homophobic comments.
“You have to operate your organization as if any
employee at any time could be on the six o’clock news,”
said Wendy Cukier, professor of information technology
management at Ryerson University. “It has heightened
the consciousness of how important customer service is.”
Social media adds a level of transparency and account-
ability that companies have never seen before, Cukier
said. “Not having a social media strategy is no longer an
option,” she said. . . .
Scott Stratten, Oakville-based author of UnMarketing: Stop Marketing, Start Engaging , said people used to put up with bad service because they couldn’t be bothered to
write a letter or fill out a comment card. Now they don’t
have to.
“I believe people, in general, aren’t naturally aggres-
sive. We’re passive in person, but we’re aggressive online,”
he said. “Social media, blogging and Facebook allow us to
vent our true feelings, instead of having to confront a
driver on the TTC or a waiter.” . . .
Social Media Gives Power to Customers
396 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
Already scared of messages they can’t control, organiza-
tions are now dealing with amplified versions, said Stratten.
John Pliniussen, associate professor of Internet market-
ing at Queen’s University, says companies should monitor
comments made about them. It doesn’t necessarily require a
big budget to set up Google alerts that mention a business
or product.
“In this day and age, you never close. Customers have
a voice 24-7,” he said. He doesn’t see this feedback as
negative. “You want people to complain. You want to
know when you have a problem.”
Keith McArthur, vice-president of social media for
Rogers Communications, leads a small team dedicated
to helping customers online—from third-party blogs to
creating user forums.
That means dealing with everything from billing inqui-
ries to technical support or questions around policy. While
some customers prefer to phone a call centre for help,
others like to use social media.
During regular business hours, McArthur said his team’s
goal is to respond to tweets within an hour.
Danny Brown of Bonsai Interactive Marketing cautions
that social media gives a lot of power to consumers,
because they can say anything.
Companies should fight fire with fire, but ensure it’s
done politely and respectfully.
“Respond in public, such as, ’We’re sorry you feel that way.
It’s not what we aspire to. We’ll look into it,’” he said. “Answer-
ing criticism with politeness, it will put you in a positive way.”
Companies probably can’t respond to everyone, but try
to respond to as many as possible, advised Brown. Also,
he said, it’s important to realize some chronic complainers
will never be satisfied. . . .
Source: Excerpted from Lu, V. (2011, July 12). TTC standoff example of how social media forces firms to rethink service. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/business/2011/07/12/ttc_standoff_example_
of_how_social_media_forces_firms_to_rethink_service.print.html .
Reprinted with permission from Toronto Star.
TALKING BUSINESS 10.9 (continued)
In recent years, social media has been used to raise money for causes, to distribute news, to make politicians more responsive, and to talk about everyday issues. 117 In 2011, social media led to the Occupy Wall Street movement, revolutionizing the act of protest and raising awareness about corporate greed and income inequality. Using Twitter, the first protest began in New York City on September 17, 2011. By October, the Occupy movement had grown across 95 cities and 82 countries, including Canada.
Corporate Disclosure Legislation How corporations govern and oversee their own behaviour has been a central issue in today’s business environment. The long list of corporate scandals has drawn attention to this notion of who safeguards the interests of owners and share- holders of large corporations. Recent legislation has attempted to hold organizations more accountable for their behaviour and to offer greater disclosure of their activities to the public.
The aftermath of the huge financial scandals in the early 21st century were the biggest impetus for change, which led to the enactment of such legislation as the 2002 Sarbanes- Oxley Act in the United States and the initiation of similar legislation in Canada. The Sar- banes-Oxley Act was introduced following the flood of accounting scandals at companies such as Enron and WorldCom. The act was aimed at reestablishing corporate accountability and investor confidence. The act’s central purpose was to make public companies more account- able by increasing transparency or disclosure in their financial reporting. This required addi- tional regulations governing public company accounting, corporate responsibility, and investor protection. To accomplish this, increased requirements were also placed on CEOs (chief exec- utive officers), CFOs (chief financial officers), and the functions that they oversee.
117 Gelles, D. (2009, September 29). Making sense of Twitter’s influence on the corporate world. Los Angeles Times . Retrieved from http://articles.latimes.com/2009/sep/28/business/fi-books28 .
397C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
More than just a buzzword born in the depths of the corporate scandals, good gover- nance has turned into a new way of life for some company gatekeepers. . . . Under the new rule regime, boards find themselves under intense scrutiny. They have fired mem- bers who have conflicts of interest, possess thin credentials, or are past their prime. They have hired new directors they believe are beyond reproach, with no skeletons and talents more suited to the job. They have more meetings, more conference calls, and more questions to ask of senior management. They face the challenge of simulta- neously beefing up controls to meet new regulatory requirements while remaining active in shaping the company’s strategy. They consult more with their lawyers. . . . Boards must now comprise mostly independent directors, which means the individuals must not have any material ties (a la Enron) to the company or its management. 118
The significant impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is evident to many observers:
120 Jantzi-Sustainalytics. (2010, June 14). Good for business: Corporate social responsibility report 2010. Maclean’s. Retrieved from www2.macleans.ca/2010/06/14/jantzi-macleans-csr-report-2010 .
While the Sarbanes-Oxley Act itself is not directed at Canadian jurisdictions, it does affect Canadian companies that trade on US stock exchanges, and it has served as an impetus for similar Canadian legislation. The Canadian version of the act was implemented the following year. In April 2003, the Government of Ontario enacted Bill 198 to help protect investors by improving corporate disclosure. It became known as the “Canadian Sarbanes-Oxley Act.” In spring 2004, three similar regulations were finalized by the Canadian Securities Administrators and implemented by most provinces across Canada: 119
■ Multilateral Instrument 52-108 Auditor Oversight
■ Multilateral Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings
■ Multilateral Instrument 52-110 Audit Committees
The Ontario Securities Commission also presented 18 new corporate governance standards for boards of publicly traded companies. These evolving standards are intended to make corporations more accountable for their behaviour and financial reporting methods.
CSR Rankings In recent years, companies have also been driven to increase their social responsibility because it improves their public image and brand value. How much social responsibility is required is difficult to determine, but some research groups have published CSR rankings that recognize Canadian companies for their good deeds. Two groups include the Corporate Knights and Jantzi-Sustainalytics. 120
The rankings, however, are somewhat subjective. Since companies have different CSR programs and goals, businesses can be difficult to compare. For example, in 2010 Maclean’s CSR rankings included some companies with questionable practices. In the same year that Direct Energy was listed as one of the top 50 socially responsible companies in Canada, a
118 Barnett, M. (2004). The new regime: Corporate reform measures are forcing boards of directors to clean up their act. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from www.usnews.com/usnews/biztech/articles/040216/16eeboards.htm .
119 Spector, S. (n.d.). SOX and SOX North, Part 3: The impact of SOX in Canada. PD Net. Retrieved from www.cga-pdnet.org/Non_VerifiableProducts/ArticlePublication/SOX_E/SOX_part_3.pdf .
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We believe that our environmental, social and corporate governance performance contributes to long-term value for our shareholder and helps us maintain our social license to operate. 124
121 Roseman, E. (2010, May 15). Don’t fall victim to energy fraud at the door. Toronto Star . Retrieved from www. thestar.com/business/money911/article/809698--roseman-don-t-fall-victim-to-energy-fraud-at-the-door .
122 Strauss, M. (2010, June 20). Why Loblaw takes top honours for corporate social responsibility. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/management/report-on-corporate- responsibil/article1605337.ece .
Mr. Weston’s personal commitment to corporate responsibility has played its part in bolstering the chain’s CSR rankings. Since taking the top job almost four years ago, the 37-year-old . . . has focused on putting more discipline into the retailer’s social- responsibility efforts. It now releases an annual CSR report. 122
Canadian newspaper published an article about Direct Energy’s unethical sales tactics in selling gas and electricity contracts door to door. 121 Loblaw, on the other hand, won top honours for its social responsibility efforts in 2010 in terms of reducing waste, sustaining seafood, decreasing packaging, and increasing diversity. In 2011, Loblaw ranked fourth, maintaining its high commitment to CSR across Canada. According to one observer,
Outside Canada there are also global CSR rankings. For example, the Ethisphere Insti- tute, a leading international think tank dedicated to bolstering business ethics, produces the “World’s Most Ethical Companies” ranking. The Institute reviews nominations from more than 100 companies in 36 industries, and judges them based on codes of ethics, litiga- tion history, how much the company invests in innovation and sustainable business prac- tices, what activities they are involved in that are designed to improve corporate citizenship, and what senior executives, industry peers, suppliers, and customers have to say. 123
In 2012, the two Canadian companies that made the list were Encana Corporation and Enmax Corporation. Here’s what Jeff Paulson, vice-president and associate general counsel and corporate secretary at Encana, had to say about the honour:
123 3BL Media. (2012, March 19). Encana ranked among world’s most ethical large companies. Retrieved from http://3blmedia.com/theCSRfeed/Encana-Ranked-Among-World%E2%80%99s-Most-Ethical-Large-Companies .
124 Encana website. (n.d.). Encana ranked among the world’s most ethical large companies. Retrieved from www. encana.com/about/awards/2012/ethisphere-ethical.html .
With the increase of CSR rankings and company transparency, the demand by stake- holders for more socially responsible companies will certainly continue in the future.
Of course, how business responds to different stakeholders may be represented on a con- tinuum from a purely pragmatic, self-interest approach to a socially responsible approach. The traditional pragmatic approach has been one that focuses on strategies that consider only the objectives of the owners or shareholders. This reflects the notion that the primary orientation of business is to fulfill economic as opposed to social interests. On the other hand, there is a drive to adopt a more socially responsible approach. This approach does not ignore the responsibility of business to owners or shareholders to maximize profits; however, this should not be accom- plished at the expense of other stakeholders. Managers are challenged to use ethical principles to guide managerial actions when faced with competing interests among different stakeholders.
399C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
CHAPTER SUMMARY This chapter attempted to underscore the ethical dimension of organizational decisions and behaviour. How managers balance the different needs of stakeholders demands knowledge of the ethical implications of otherwise typical business decisions. Ethics is central to the managerial task. Management educators have been expanding the realm of management literature to consider the relationship of ethics and management. An under- standing of corporate social responsibility of business organizations and their constituents may help create a more productive and trusting relationship between business and society.
Key Terms
authoritative culture 370
business ethics 358
categorical imperative 358
codes of conduct 370
corporate social responsibility (CSR) 383
democratic culture 370
economic responsibilities 384
end-point ethics 361
ethical responsibilities 384
ethics 358
habitual routines 373
legal responsibilities 384
organizational culture 368
organizational role theory 377
philanthropic responsibilities 384
rule ethics 363
social contract ethics 378
social identity theory 376
socialization of ethics 369
social media 395
stakeholder 382
unethical behaviour 358
utilitarianism 361
Multiple-Choice Questions Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. End-point ethics involves a. a focus on the outcome rather than the process
b. a focus on the process rather than the outcome
c. the greatest amount of good for the greatest number
of people in the end
d. both A and C
2. Rule ethics asserts that a. a person should follow his or her valid principles
b. it is important to consider what is right and wrong
c. there are basic principles that consider the “rightness”
or “wrongness” of an action
d. all of the above
3. An organizational factor that may influence an employee to engage in unethical behaviour is
a. corporate gossip b. corporate culture
c. both A and B d. none of the above
4. An internal stakeholder can be the a. owner b. employee union
c. both A and B d. none of the above
5. Caroll’s definition of corporate social responsibility involves _____ level(s) of CSR.
a. one b. two
c. three d. four
6. Although society does not expect business to fulfill these responsibilities, society desires business to fulfill these
a. philanthropic b. ethical
c. legal d. economic
7. An argument in favour of CSR is that a. business should not dictate morality
b. business plays by its own rules
c. there are long-term benefits to business
d. organizations cannot be held accountable
8. “Business is business” is an argument against CSR because
a. the sole focus of business is to make a profit
b. economic goals should not be mixed with altruistic
c. business is accountable to its shareholders only
d. all of the above
400 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
9. “Business should not dictate morality” is an argument against CSR because
a. managers are not skilled in CSR
b. business would become too powerful
c. social policy should be left to the government
d. all of the above
10. Business should conform to societal expectations since a. customers are too demanding
b. business was created to serve public needs
c. the customer is always right
d. all of the above
11. CSR is a practical business strategy because a. CSR avoids public scrutiny
b. CSR is like a public relations campaign
c. CSR costs are very low
d. both A and B
12. A long-term benefit of CSR may be a. improved customer loyalty
b. goodwill
c. higher costs
d. both A and B
13. A company’s responsibility to shareholders can involve a. fair and honest reporting
b. reasonable profits
c. a well-developed CSR program
d. both A and B
14. A company’s responsibility to employees can involve a. complying to all employment laws
b. treating employees fairly
c. improving employee morale
d. all of the above
15. In the argument against CSR, the person or group who should be accountable for CSR is
a. the CEO
b. the shareholders
c. the manager of a CSR department
d. difficult to determine
1. What is the difference between end-point ethics and rule ethics?
2. What are five organizational factors that can lead employees to engage in unethical behaviour?
3. What is the meaning of a stakeholder?
4. Give some examples of internal stakeholders.
5. Give some examples of external stakeholders.
6. What is the meaning of corporate social responsibility (CSR)? Describe Caroll’s four levels of CSR.
7. Provide arguments for businesses engaging in CSR.
8. Provide arguments against businesses engaging in CSR.
9. Explain what factors may influence businesses to be socially responsible.
10. Can companies be both economically responsible and socially responsible? Explain.
Joe Fresh was originally launched as a female-only, affordable fashion line in select Loblaw retailers, but has since been launched in over 300 stores across Canada and has expanded to include both men’s and children’s clothing. Joe Fresh quickly became a major player in Canadian children’s apparel retailers in Canada, dominating a large portion of market share. It also recently opened a flagship store on New York’s Fifth Avenue and partnered with different retailers across the United States, including JCPenney. No one would have expected this Canadian “rising star” to be immersed in controversy, but that is exactly what happened to it in 2013.
Discussion Questions
401C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
On April 24, 2013, an eight-storey building (the Rana Plaza) collapsed in Savar (an industrial suburb of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh), killing 1,127 people in what became the deadliest disaster in the history of the garment industry. The dead were largely factory workers, who were pressured to return to their jobs that day despite knowledge that the building was unsafe. A teenage girl was the last to be found alive after spending over two weeks in the rubble.
Investigations soon discovered that the building was constructed with substandard materials and with a complete disregard for building codes. According to a government investigation, the Rana Plaza was doomed from the start. It contained illegally built upper floors that housed garment factories and employed thousands of workers. The huge power generators on those upper floors (often used because of regular power failures) literally shook the building when switched on. Though cracks appeared in the building and shook it on April 23, 2013, the factory bosses ignored concerns and ordered workers into the building the next morning. When a generator switched on, the building buck- led and collapsed.
In the government’s report, the local mayor was also blamed for granting construction approvals. The report recommended charges for the building’s owner, Sohel Rana, as well as for the owners of the five garment factories in the building.
This was a horrific tragedy. But what did good companies like Joe Fresh have to do with it? Bangladesh is the world’s second-leading exporter of clothing (behind China). The
country has over 5,000 garment factories, and it completes orders for most of the world’s top brands and retailers, one of which happens to be the Canadian-based Joe Fresh. Joe Fresh and countless other multinational retailers are attracted to Bangladesh because they have offered the least costly source of garment production; Bangladesh has the lowest wages in the world for garment workers.
Workers in these textile manufacturing companies often have no alternative job oppor- tunities and are forced to work under horrendous conditions with extremely low pay because of financial desperation. Most workers receive the minimum wage for the industry, which is less than $38 a month for full-time work, and are forced into non-unionized jobs with severely restricted workers’ rights. Many workers are further threatened or intimidated by local authorities when they try to fight for workers’ rights or unions. It is worth mentioning that despite these devastating working conditions, Bangladesh’s economy is completely reliant on its textile industry, which accounts for nearly half of its industrial employment in the country and the bulk of the country’s merchandise exports—approximately $20 billion a year.
International companies justify the low wages paid to their Bangladeshi employees by arguing that they rely on Bangladesh’s minimal labour costs to provide consumers with attractive price points and are forced to adopt offshoring to remain on par with competi- tors’ costs. Interestingly, the actual salary paid to workers in manufacturing makes up a minor component in the overall cost of a product, suggesting that increases in wages would not actually lead to a significant rise in retail prices.
The employment context of Bangladesh differs dramatically from that in Canada or the United States. It is a significantly poorer country. The same rules and regulations
Case Continued >
© Mark Blinch/Reuters/Corbis
402 P a r t 3 T h e E x t e r n a l C h a l l e n g e s
regarding safety in Canadian factories would be very difficult for a factory in countries like Bangladesh to uphold considering their limited resources. The governments also do not operate in the same way. Many activists believe it is important for companies doing busi- ness overseas to be more responsible for ensuring workers’ rights are upheld since many governments do not seriously support worker rights. Two years earlier, workers went on strike and were beaten and shot by local police. What were the workers’ demands? They wanted a raise from $0.26 to $0.30 per hour.
Low pay is not the only labour problem. Worker hours consistently remain long as well. Often workers are forced to work 13 to 14 hour shifts seven days a week. According to Charles Kernaghan, director at the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights, in the factory that collapsed, “these workers were mostly young women, and they were ordered into that factory . . . They didn’t want to go into work as there were already deep cracks in the walls the day before.” 125
International workers’ rights groups have been outraged both with the conditions of work and with the response of the large firms involved with this incident. These interna- tional aid groups demand higher wages, access to unions, and governmentally regulated work conditions. Following the collapse, much attention has been directed at steps com- panies must take to ensure the safety of their workers. These include introducing new programs that would more closely monitor the structural conditions at many of these pro- duction facilities to ensure that full safety standards are being met. Sadly, many people feel that this type of disaster was inevitable given that the government cannot be trusted to enforce strict safety standards because of widespread corruption and bribery.
While several companies, including Disney, have stated their intentions to move their operations out of Bangladesh following this disaster, most firms are not budging. Joe Fresh, along with many other brands, will continue to be produced in Bangladesh under the justification that their actions in the country serve as a positive force that fuels the local economy and provides jobs to people living in extreme poverty. As stated by Joe Mimran, cofounder of Joe Fresh, “The apparel industry is at the forefront of every devel- oping country. I believe we can do more good and drive lasting change by staying in Bangladesh.” 126
On top of the obvious ethical and moral concerns involved with such a catastrophe, there is also a large impact on a company’s image after receiving such negative media attention. In the case of Joe Fresh, Loblaw, the parent firm, sent several high-ranking members to Bangladesh to try and resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Joe Fresh has promised to compensate the families of workers affected by the accident and provide constant supervision of all aspects of product creation to ensure that Loblaw’s values are maintained throughout. It was important for Joe Fresh not only to help the victims of the situation as soon as possible, but also to maintain its public appearance as a compassion- ate, caring company to its employees and consumers alike.
125 O’Connor, C. (2013, April 30). ‘Extreme pricing:’ At what cost? Retailer Joe Fresh sends reps to Bangladesh as death toll rises. Forbes . Retrieved from www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2013/04/30/extreme-pricing-at- what-cost-retailer-joe-fresh-sends-reps-to-bangladesh-as-death-toll-rises.
126 Kopun, F. (2013, May 2). Bangladesh factory collapse: Loblaw to audit structural safety of suppliers’ buildings. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/business/2013/05/02/bangladesh_factory_collapse_unions_put_ pressure_on_loblaw_joe_fresh.html .
403C h a p t e r 1 0 S o c i e t a l F o r c e s
Loblaw made a significant effort to minimize the harm to its brand from the incident with a series of statements, public addresses, and new initiatives that ultimately calmed down the Canadian consumer base and prevented boycotting. In fact, none of the compa- nies that have been tied to such recent disasters in Bangladesh, including Walmart or Joe Fresh, have suffered from any change in consumer purchase behaviour.
Loblaw has revamped its commitment to worker safety; recently it signed a pact along with several other major retailers like H&M promising to create significant improvements to building safety in Bangladesh textile factories. Loblaw stated recently that this pact represents the firm’s “belief that active collaboration by retail and manufacturing indus- tries, government and non-governmental organization, is critical to driving effective and lasting change in Bangladesh.” 127 The pact constitutes a shift in responsibility for the safety of workers from individualized brand standards to more all-encompassing industry standards. Under these accords, retailers will be responsible for a variety of tasks, includ- ing publishing public safety reports, providing safety training for employees, and assuming responsibility for paying for all mandatory repairs and renovations. A new no-tolerance policy that calls for firms to immediately end business relations with any manufacturer that does not abide by these safety standards is also being put in place.
Joe Fresh has made a public commitment to contribute to the welfare of Bangladesh after this terrible tragedy. What can companies like Joe Fresh do to compensate the rela- tives of the victims? What should they do? While Joe Fresh is making an effort to “do good” and improve safety standards, are these efforts satisfactory and are they “good enough”? Only time will tell.
1. How is corporate social responsibility (CSR) an issue in this case? In your answer, consider the four levels of CSR.
2. Why should Joe Fresh be expected to act in accordance with societal expectations?
3. What kinds of obligations should companies like Joe Fresh have toward the people in other countries who make its products?
127 Westwood, R. (2013, May 14). Loblaw latest to sign safety pact on Bangledesh factories. Maclean’s. Retrieved from www2.macleans.ca/2013/05/14/loblaw-latest-to-sign-safety-pact-on-bangladesh-factories.
Chapter 11 The Challenge of Sustainability Why Does Business Need to Focus on Sustainability?
Have you heard of the term sustainability ? It is becoming
more and more familiar to many businesses in Canada
and across the globe. How does sustainability impact
business and other organizations? Environmental issues
continue to influence businesses in every industry. This
chapter examines the importance of sustainability and
the benefits and challenges it presents to business.
Clearly, for businesses to survive in the long term, sus-
tainable practices are necessary and require managers to
understand their economic, social, and environmental
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Define sustainable development.
2. Explain the three components of the triple bottom line
(TBL) approach.
3. Discuss the benefits and limitations of using the TBL as a
performance tool.
4. Identify and explain four sustainability measures.
5. Explain the business case for implementing sustainable
6. Discuss seven areas in which sustainable practices can be
assessed during the product’s life.
Mikhail Starodubov/Shutterstock
405C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
THE BUSINESS WORLD Can Canadian Businesses Afford to Ignore Climate Change?
In June 2013, Calgary and other surrounding communities experienced the worst flood in Alberta’s history. Tens of thousands of residents had to leave their homes because of evacuation orders, only to return to find destroyed homes and millions of dollars in damage.
The flood was the result of some unexpected and unusual weather. Besides the rain, there were unexpected wind patterns and two enormous weather systems that had collided together. On June 20, 45 millimetres of rain poured down on the Calgary area. The previous record was set back in 1964 at 35.1 millimetres. 1 According to Stephanie Barsby, a CBC meteorologist, the rain was the result of an odd set of cir- cumstances. “It is unusual to see a system stuck in one place for such an extended period of time,” said Barsby. 2
Was the Alberta flood the result of climate change? Certainly, it may be difficult for climatologists to connect one isolated weather event to global warming. How- ever, scientists agree that climate change is occurring not just in Canada, but around the globe.
The effect of climate change on the environment is slowly starting to occur, and its long-term consequences are expected to be severe. According to the National Round- table on the Environment and the Economy, climate change will likely cost Canadian taxpayers about $5 billion annually by the year 2020, and up to $43 billion annually by the year 2050. 3 The Roundtable is a group of researchers, academics, and business lead- ers chosen by the federal government to advise the government on economic and environmental issues.
“Climate change will be expensive for Canada and Canadians,” the report stated. “Increasing greenhouse-gas emissions worldwide will exert a growing economic impact on our own country, exacting a rising price from Canadians as climate change impacts occur here at home.” 4
What are the economic impacts of climate change? Severe weather can potentially result in expensive clean-up costs for the government, production delays for businesses, and lost income for individuals. According to Alberta premier Alison Redford, it may take up to 10 years for a full recovery. 5
1 Davison, J., & Powers, L. (2013, June 22). Why Alberta’s floods hit so hard and fast. CBC News. Retrieved from www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2013/06/21/f-alberta-floods.html .
2 Davison & Powers, 2013.
3 Scoffield, H. (2011, September 29). Climate change will cost Canada $5B yearly by 2020, report shows. To ronto Star. The Canadian Press. Reprinted with permission. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/canada/2011/09/29/ climate_change_will_cost_canada_5b_yearly_by_2020_report_shows.html .
4 Scoffield, 2011.
5 Solinsky, K. (2013, June 24). Alison Redford: Alberta flood recovery could take 10 years; $1 billion aid fund approved. BC Local News. Retrieved from www.bclocalnews.com/news/212855891.html .
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According to the Roundtable report, the warmer weather is expected to impact three key areas: timber, coastal regions, and human health:
By the 2050s, the effects of warmer weather on forests—pests, forest fires and changes in growth—will cost the lumber industry between $2 billion and $17 billion a year, the report says. The effects will be most dramatic in western Canada. Along the coasts, flooding and changes in sea levels will cost Canada between $1 billion and $8 billion a year within 40 years. Prince Edward Island’s coasts are most at risk, but costs will also run high in British Columbia and Nunavut. As for health, the researchers looked at the pressure on city hospitals from illness and death due to hotter temperatures. In Toronto alone, they see $3 million to $8 million more in costs by the 2050s. The report estimates that global warming will lead to between five and 10 additional deaths per 100,000 people per year by 2050. 6
Some observers contend that the costs have already begun. In the past 25 years, there has been a steady increase in costs resulting from extreme weather events: 7
2012: Calgary hail, wind storm—$552 million 2011: Calgary wind storm—$225 million 2011: Slave Lake fi re—$700 million 2010: Calgary hail storm—$400 million 2005: Alberta fl ooding—$400 million 1998: Quebec ice storm—$5.4 billion 1997: Manitoba fl ooding—$3.5 billion 1996: Calgary hail storm—$300 million 1991: Calgary hail storm—$342 million
In order for Canada to potentially reduce these types of costs, the government has to come up with a realistic and achievable plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the future. Climate change will clearly affect our natural resources, our businesses, and the overall economy. Of course, the more pressing issue is how climate change will affect the weather, the environment, and the health of all humans and species on the planet.
Indeed, the right course of action to manage climate change and greenhouse gas emis- sions is subject to debate. The widespread effects of climate change are complex, and bal- ancing the needs of a country’s economy and the demands of its people are ever changing. The following report from The Conference Board of Canada details Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and what is being done about them.
How does Canada compare to its peer countries on GHG emissions?
Canada is one of the world’s largest per capita GHG emitters. Canada ranks 15th out of 17 OECD countries on GHG emissions per capita and scores a “D” grade. In 2010, Canada’s GHG emissions were 20.3 tonnes per capita, significantly higher than the 17-country aver- age of 12.5 tonnes per capita. Canada’s per capita GHG emissions were nearly three times greater than Switzerland’s, the top performer.
6 Scoffield, 2011.
7 Kaufman, B. (2013, June 21). Southern Alberta flooding will rack up massive insurance bill, say Canadian underwriters. Calgary Sun. Retrieved from www.calgarysun.com/2013/06/21/southern-alberta-flooding-will- rack-up-massive-insurance-bill-say-canadian-underwriters .
407C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
While Canada’s GHG emissions per capita have fallen since 1990, many other countries have managed to decrease them even more. For example, Germany and the UK reduced their per capita GHG emissions by 27% between 1990 and 2010.
Has Canada reduced GHG emissions?
Despite international commitments to drastically reduce GHGs, Canada has not seen a substantial improvement on its per capita GHG emissions. In 1992, Canada signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Cli- mate Change (UNFCC), under which it committed to stabilizing GHG emissions at 1990 levels by 2000. In 2000, however, Canada’s absolute GHG emissions were 22% higher than they had been 10 years earlier.
Canada went on to ratify the Kyoto Protocol in 2002, pledging to reduce GHG emissions to 6% below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012. As of 2010, however, absolute GHG emissions remained 17% above 1990 levels.
One of the main reasons for the increase has been the growth in exports of petroleum, natural gas, and forest products. These commodities are exported, but the GHG emissions resulting from their production are not. Still, there is significant room for Canada to cut GHG emissions by increasing energy efficiency and using lower-emitting technologies.
To achieve its international commitments, Canada must make substantial GHG reductions now.
Has Canada’s relative grade on GHG emissions improved?
No. Canada was a “D” performer in both the 1990s and the 2000s. The report card in the two decades remained the same for all countries except the UK, which moved from a “B” to a “A,” and Ireland, which moved from a “C” to a “B.”
What contributes most to greenhouse gas emissions in Canada?
The energy sector was responsible for 81% of Canada’s total GHG emissions in 2010. Emissions from this sector come from combustion sources (such as electricity and heat generation, and fossil fuel industries), transportation (such as road vehicles), and fugitive sources (generated by oil and natural gas processing and, to a lesser extent, mining). Energy combustion is the largest of these sources, contributing 45% of Canada’s total GHG emissions in 2010.
Industrial processes (such as the chemical industry), the waste sector (such as solid waste disposal on land), and agriculture also generate a significant amount of GHG emis- sions in Canada.
What is being done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Canada?
The Canadian federal government recently set a new target of reducing total greenhouse gas emissions by 17% from 2005 levels by 2020. To achieve this goal, it has introduced three major initiatives:
■ Passenger automobile and light truck greenhouse gas emissions regulations: New emissions standards have been set for 2011–2016 model-year vehicles. The new standards are expected to reduce vehicle emissions from vehicles in these model years by
GHG Emissions 1990s 2000s
Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland U.K. U.S. Source: The Conference Board of Canada.
408 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
25% compared with 2008 models. Over the long term, this could lead to significant reductions in annual emissions from the transport sector. The actual reduction would depend on growth in the vehicle stock, growth in kilometres traveled, and the mix of older vehicles that stay on the road after the new standards take effect. Environment Canada also intends to increase the restrictions for model years 2017 and beyond.
■ Heavy-duty vehicle emissions regulations: In April 2012, the government announced new regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty vehicles. The aim of the new regulations is to reduce emissions from these vehicles by up to 23% by 2018.6
■ Regulations on coal-fired electricity generation: In September 2012, final regulations were revealed to reduce emissions from the generation of electricity from coal, beginning in 2015. The proposed regulations will apply stringent performance standards to coal- fired electricity generation facilities.
All of Canada’s provincial and territorial governments have also established their own climate action plans with their own targets for reducing GHG emissions. Unfortunately, the lack of coordination among federal and provincial approaches to addressing climate change has reduced the effectiveness and efficiency of GHG reduction policies. Canadians need to get aligned—quickly—on the minimum fundamental requirements of a credible Canadian policy to fight climate change. In the view of The Conference Board of Canada, there are three basic elements to such a policy:
■ being part of a comprehensive global approach
■ providing clarity on attainable targets
■ implementing the optimal mix of market-based policies
Source: Reprinted with permission from The Conference Board of Canada. (2013). Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. How Canada performs: A report card on Canada. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/hcp/ details/environment/greenhouse-gas-emissions.aspx .
Source of GHG Emissions, Canada, 2010 (share of total)
8.1 3.2
Combustion sources
Fugitive sources
Industrial processes
WHAT IS SUSTAINABILITY? What is sustainability? While there is no one universal definition, one of the first defini- tions on the topic of sustainability was created in 1987 by former prime minister of Nor- way Gro Harlem Brundtland. At the United Nations-sponsored World Commission on Environment and Development, Brundtland described sustainable development in her report, Our Common Future, as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 8
To break it down, there are three components to this definition: development (to progress the economy and society), sustainability (to sustain resources), and people
Objective 1 Define sustainable development.
sustainable development Development that meets the needs of the present without compromis- ing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
8 United Nations General Assembly. (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Retrieved from www.un-documents.net/our-common-future.pdf .
409C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
(current and future generations). According to environmental scientist Tim O’Riordon, the concept of sustainable development (SD) can be used by business, emphasizing the development portion, and environmentalists, emphasizing the sustainable portion. 9 How- ever, O’Riordon contends that SD is a term that gives priority to business because of the focus on development. Nitin Desai explains that sustainable development is “an attempt essentially at talking in terms of redirecting development and growth, rather than stopping it. Because it recognizes very clearly that you must meet people’s needs.” 10
The challenge in understanding this definition is not just the definition itself but the values that underlie it. 11 And what is the dominant priority? Is it economic growth, or environmental protection? Overall, SD represents needs and limits: the needs of business and people, and the resource limitations of the planet.
Traditionally, growing the economy and protecting the environment were looked at as two separate goals, often conflicting with one another (see Exhibit 11.1 ). For instance, auto manufacturers were looked upon as important contributors to the econ- omy, providing jobs for people and adding to Canada’s GDP. Environmentalists, how- ever, insisted that cars contributed to air, water, and land pollution by emitting greenhouse gases and causing climate change. Today, businesses and people recognize the value of gas-efficient cars. And environmentalists are working together with auto- makers to promote hybrid models.
What was once a radical way of thinking has now become a more understood approach and accepted in the mainstream culture. Business leaders now recognize that society, the economy, and the environment are interrelated systems that have an important impact on one another. One system cannot survive without the others. People require water and air from the environment, and jobs and money from the economy. Similarly, the economy depends on the talents of people and the resources of the earth for development and growth. And the environment requires society and business to maintain its current resources so future generations may enjoy and benefit from its bounty.
Today, SD can be viewed as a long-term approach to balancing the needs of people, while growing the economy and preserving the environment. In a general sense, sustain- ability involves the relationship between with the three Ps: people, profits, and the planet (also referred to as the three Es: social equity, the economy, and the environment). This accounting framework is the triple bottom line (TBL) approach 12 (see Exhibit 11.2 ). Since this phrase was originally coined by John Elkington in his 1997 book Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business , the model has become the domi- nant framework for businesses reporting social and environmental performance with
triple bottom line (TBL) An accounting framework that can be voluntarily used by organizations to report performance on social, economic, and environmental results for a project or reporting period.
9 Willard, B. (2010). The sustainability advantage: Seven business case benefits of a triple bottom line (p. 146). Gabriola, BC: New Society Publishers.
10 Dresner, S. (2008). The principles of sustainability (2nd ed.) (p. 71). London, UK: Earthscan.
12 Willard, 2010, 6.
11 Dresner, 2008, 70.
Exhibit 11.1 The Traditional Conflict: Economic Goals versus Environmental Goals
410 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
traditional financial results. What does this method entail? And how do the economy, society, and the environment interrelate?
Economic Factors While the growth of businesses is necessary for the growth of the economy, the economic category begins with an organization’s need for income to survive. Traditional reporting typically focused on a company’s financial statements: calculating income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. TBL reporting, however, has a broader approach. It goes beyond the financial statements and can include other indicators to show how a business is performing. Changes to the number of employees, for example, can indicate either job growth or company downsizing. The size of a business, revenue by sector, and research and develop- ment costs can also provide other information affecting the company’s bottom line and cash flow. The amount of taxes paid is another economic indicator companies can use to show a company’s growth or decline. 13
TBL reporting acknowledges that for a business to be sustainable, a company also needs to be equitable to its employees and respectful to the environment. For instance, an unhappy workforce can lead to lower employee morale, higher employee turnover, and an increase in hiring and training costs. A business also needs to recognize how its methods to make a profit can impact other stakeholders such as the community and even the environ- ment. As some natural resources become scarce and costly, businesses need to find ways to reduce using them or find alternative, more sustainable solutions.
The goal of a sustainable business is to make a profit, to meet the needs of people, and to minimize damage to the environment. Certainly, many organizations are working toward obtaining this balance. In Canada, some Aboriginal businesses have already achieved this goal. With a culture for respecting the earth, Aboriginal sustainable business practices are an extension of their culture and traditional beliefs, as seen in Talking Business 11.1 .
Bearable Equitable
EconomicEnvironment Viable
Exhibit 11.2 The Triple Bottom Line Framework
Source: Cannibals with
Forks: Triple Bottom Line
of 21st Century by John
Elkington (1997), http://www.
Objective 2 Explain the three components of the triple bottom
line (TBL) approach.
13 Slaper, T., & Hall, T. (2011). The triple bottom line: What is it and how does it work? Indiana Business Review (Spring). Retrieved from www.ibrc.indiana.edu/ibr/2011/spring/article2.html .
411C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
Social Factors Social equity (or the social category) refers to fair and equitable business practices toward employees and the community. What is a fair and equitable business practice? Some examples include fair salaries, a safe workplace, reasonable working hours, and adherence to all employ- ment laws. Respect for diversity and human rights is also an important part of social equity. For companies that outsource some of their business functions to overseas suppliers, a fair business practice would mean not using child labour, even in countries where it may legally be acceptable. Although lower wages are paid, businesses with equitable practices would ensure that workers and their communities are not exploited, harmed, or negatively affected by their business operations. Subsequently, business ethics plays a role in social equity.
In the electronics manufacturing industry, Apple has been criticized for not doing enough to protect overseas workers from unsafe and harsh working conditions. One of its key suppliers, Foxconn, has been accused of forcing employees to work excessive overtime and using dangerous chemicals to produce iPads faster to meet consumer demand. Many advocacy groups contend that for Foxconn to improve working conditions, Apple needs to be willing to pay higher fees to its suppliers so they can make their workplaces safer.
social equity In general terms, fair and equitable business practices toward employees and the community. It involves such things as fair salaries, a safe workplace, reasonable working hours, adherence to employment laws, and respect for diversity and human rights.
14 http://www.creevillage.com/Home.html. 15 http://www.creevillage.com/Ecolodge.html. 16 http://www.creevillage.com/Ecolodge.html.
In July 2000, Cree Village Eco Lodge opened its doors to
Canadian and foreign travellers. It was the first Indigenous
owned, sustainable eco lodge in the northern hemisphere.
The facility includes 20 guest rooms that are designed for
maximum comfort but minimal impact to the environment,
with a 56-seat restaurant modelled on a traditional Cree
home. This state-of-the-art building is designed and operated
by the MoCreebec people with a focus on Cree traditional
values, culture, and ecological sustainability. After five years
of meticulous planning before opening, the facility has
become a relaxing alterative to southern vacations, while sup-
porting the local economy and protecting the environment. 14
The facility is one of the more environmentally advanced
accommodations facilities across Canada for several rea-
sons. First, there is no air conditioning system in the build-
ing. Instead, there are low-noise, high efficiency ceiling
fans that circulate the air. Windows and doors face north
to take advantage of natural wind conditions and are tri-
ple-glazed with low-e argon. The facility was built using
sustainable materials. Walls are made from natural cedar
and painted with low emissions paints. And the floors are
hardwood with some ceramic tile, while natural wool car-
peting warms the rooms. 15
According to the Cree Village Eco Lodge website, “fur-
niture throughout is natural wood and fibres, with details
such as birch wood blinds on windows and natural wool
bedspreads. Environmental amenities include natural wool
carpeting; all organic cotton mattresses, pillows, and
sheets; and biodegradable hand soaps and shampoos in
dispensers every room.” 16
Guests sometimes describe their experience as living “on
the edge of the world.” The lodge is surrounded by nature,
with plenty of opportunities to explore. Just outside the door
is the James Bay sub-artic region and its many nature trails.
Tidewater Provincial Park and rugged camping areas are
nearby. If you like wildlife, a short boat ride will lead you to
beluga whales and fish such as pike and trout. Moose and
caribou also habitat the area. If you are a bird-watcher, geese,
eagles and migratory birds are also found in the region. And
of course, Canadian history is everywhere you look. A short
walk away from the lodge are historical buildings and fur
trade sites that date back to the 17th century.
Cree Village Eco Lodge, a Sustainable Travel Destination
412 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Besides employee welfare, the social category includes a company’s commitment to helping the communities it operates in. Charitable donations and volunteer time are two traditional ways an organization can help society. However, many organizations are becoming more involved in meeting specific needs of communities and preserving the long-term sustainability of their businesses. For instance, a company may support educa- tion, health care, housing, or other needs that are vital to a community. Let’s consider Starbucks and its contributions to social welfare as an example.
In the coffee industry, coffee beans come from many regions in the world, such as South America, Vietnam, and Africa, where poverty and poor economies persist. In recent years, droughts and rising costs have caused hundreds of coffee farmers to go bankrupt. Many coffee companies like Starbucks recognize the importance of farmers making a rea- sonable living so they can sustain their farms and maintain sufficient coffee supplies in the long run. To achieve this, Starbucks regularly communicates with coffee bean farmers and their local governments to address agricultural, economic, and community issues to ensure the coffee industry will continue to thrive and prosper. Starbucks also pays its farmers a fair price for their coffee beans, which is often referred to as Fair-Trade coffee .
Recently, the problem of climate change is creating a new challenge for coffee producers. Climate change refers to a change in climate caused by a significant change in weather patterns. A change in weather patterns can be due to natural causes like oceanic processes or unnatural causes like human interference. In order for the industry to be sustainable, Starbucks must continue to be proactive in addressing the needs of both farmers and the environment.
Environmental Factors The environment (or the planet) is the category that refers to the need for sustainable practices that protect our water, land, and air. The environment is what needs to be pre- served for future generations to enjoy and for the economy to prosper. What currently threatens the planet? Two key concerns are the depletion of natural resources by overcon- sumption and the ongoing release of greenhouse gas emissions.
Depletion of Natural Resources The depletion of natural resources by humans is one of the greatest environmental problems that exists today. Human demand for resources is increasing as the earth’s population continues to grow. However, the demand for resources is growing 1.5 times faster than the earth has the ability to regenerate them. 17 While the global population exceeds 7 billion people, the United Nations expects the global population to exceed 10 billion by 2050, furthering the need for water, land, and other raw materials. 18
Water One could argue that water is the most important natural resource on earth. Every living organism relies on water for survival. While the earth is made up of more water than land, not all water is fi t or available to drink. Only 3% of the world’s water is freshwater, and most of it is frozen in ice or is found deep within the earth (see Exhibit 11.3 ).
Today, water shortages continue throughout the world due to population growth, pollution, and poor infrastructure. 19 Worldwide, the average person uses 10 gallons
climate change Changes in climate caused by a significant change in weather patterns, either from natural causes like oceanic processes, or unnatural causes like human interference.
17 Stringer, L. (2010). The green workplace (p. 22). New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
18 Farrell, P.B. (2012, July 24). Water is the new gold, a big commodity bet. Market Watch, Yahoo Finance . Retrieved from http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/water-gold-big-commodity-bet-040352660.html .
19 Stringer, 2010, 23.
413C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
Industry needs $28 billion for water equipment and services to all kinds of businesses . . . another $10 billion covers agricultural irrigation . . . another $15 billion in retail prod- ucts like filters and various heating and cooling systems . . . $170 billion used for waste water, sewage systems, waste-water treatment and water recycling systems . . . and $226 billion for water utilities, treatment plants and distribution systems. 24
Reservoir Volume (in 1,000 cu km) % of Total
Atmosphere 13 0.001
Oceans 1,320,000 97.54
Glaciers and ice caps 29,200 1.81
Salt lakes 104 0.007
Freshwater lakes 125 0.009
Rivers 1 0.0000002
Soil moisture 40 0.001
Groundwater 8,350 0.63
Source: Rogers, J.W., & Feiss, P.G. (1999). People and the earth: Basic issues in the sustainability of
resources and environment (p. 126). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Reprinted with
Exhibit 11.3 Water on the Earth’s Surface
(or approximately 40 litres) of water every day. 20 This includes water for drinking, washing clothes and dishes, and flushing the toilet. But water is needed for more than direct per- sonal use. Worldwide agriculture, for example, accounts for approximately 75% of water consumption, although use by country varies significantly. Industry is also a major user of water to produce goods and services. 21
Besides the need for drinking water, there is also the need for virtual water. Virtual water (also referred to as embodied water ) is water necessary to produce, process, and transport prod- ucts for consumption. 22 Let’s consider a cup of coffee. A standard or regular-size cup of java requires about 140 litres of water, mostly for growing the coffee plant. According to the Water Footprint Network, this in turn means the world requires approximately 110 billion cubic metres of water annually to enjoy coffee. 23
Some observers are predicting that water will become the new “gold” of the 21st century. As the demand for water continues to increase, so will its cost. According to a Market Watch article, the global market for all water users has an increasing price tag:
virtual water Water necessary to produce, process, and transport products for consumption. Also called embodied water.
21 Rogers, & Feiss, 1999, 135.
22 Stringer, 2010, 24.
20 Rogers, J.W., & Feiss, P.G. (1999). People and the earth: Basic issues in the sustainability of resources and environ- ment (p. 135). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
23 Water Footprint Network website (n.d.). Product water footprints: Coffee and tea. Retrieved from www.water- footprint.org/?page=files/CoffeeTea .
24 Farrell, 2012.
How good is Canada’s water, and what challenges are there for its future sustainability? See Talking Business 11.2 to see.
414 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
How Sustainable Is Canada’s Water? What is Putting Stress on Water Quality in Canada?
Canada’s water quality is at risk from poorly treated munic-
ipal waste, industrial effluent, and fertilizer run-off from
agriculture. Most of the nitrogen and phosphorus released
into the environment comes from these three sources.
Although toxic effluents are heavily regulated in Canada,
release of nutrients into the watershed is common.
Phosphorus and nitrogen are important nutrients in fresh
water, but high concentrations can lead to eutrophication—
when an excess of nutrients overstimulates plant growth and
decreases oxygen supplies, making the water unusable.
Eutrophication is a serious water quality issue for the Prairie
provinces, southern Ontario, and Quebec. In southern
Ontario, nitrogen and phosphorus released from agriculture,
municipal sewage, and industrial waste water have hurt the
water quality of the Great Lakes and other inland waters. In
the Prairies, nutrient concentrations are naturally high in riv-
ers, and intensive agriculture magnifies the problem. British
Columbia has fewer eutrophication problems than other
provinces. But its heavily populated lower Fraser River Basin
has high levels of agricultural runoff and municipal waste-
water discharge, resulting in nutrient enrichment. An
estimated 90 per cent of the province’s municipal waste water
is discharged into the lower Fraser River or its tributaries.
What has the Biggest Impact on Canada’s Water Quality?
Municipal waste-water discharges are one of the largest
sources of pollution in Canadian waters. In 2006, municipal
waste-water effluents produced by households, businesses,
and industries generated 84 per cent of the water effluents
reported under the National Pollutant Release Inventory.
Municipal waste water is composed of sanitary sewage and
storm water, and can contain grit, debris, suspended solids,
disease-causing pathogens, decaying organic wastes, nutri-
ents, and about 200 identified chemicals.
Source: Excerpted from The Conference Board of Canada. (2013).
Water quality index. How Canada performs: A report card on
Canada. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/hcp/details/
environment/water-quality-index.aspx . Reprinted by permission of
The Conference Board of Canada.
Putting Water Quality in Context
The health and well-being of humans and ecosystems
depend heavily on the quality of the water resources
available. Water is necessary for all biological life. It
also supports global food production by providing the
fundamental resource upon which agriculture, live-
stock production, fisheries, and aquaculture depend.
Water is also crucial for industrial activity and munici-
pal services.
The main concerns with water quality are the impacts
of water pollution (eutrophication, acidification, and toxic
contamination) on human health, on the cost of drinking
water treatment, and on ecosystems. New waste-water
treatment facilities have helped. But pollution from agri-
cultural sources is an issue in many countries, as is the sup-
ply of safe drinking water. Policies that promote good
water quality are critical to protect aquatic biodiversity and
drinking water sources.
How does Canada’s Water Quality Compare to that of its Peer Countries?
Canada ranks 4th out of 17 peer OECD counties for water
quality and receives an “A” grade for performance. Two
Scandinavian countries—Sweden and Norway—together
with Austria rank ahead of Canada. Two countries receive
“D”s for their overall water quality.
415C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
Raw Materials Like water, the need for other natural resources is also on the increase. Currently, the average American consumes about fi ve times more stuff than 100 years ago. 25 Just think of all the products you can now buy that your great-grandparents didn’t have. Many of us today have the privilege of owning a car, a television, a computer, a tablet, and a smartphone. For every product produced, raw materials are needed to manu- facture, market, store, and deliver the fi nal product to the consumer. According to Leigh Stringer, “Total annual material consumption in the United States rose 57% from 1970 to 2000, reaching 6.5 billion metric tons.” 26
Traditionally, Western industrial nations have been the largest consumers of natural resources. According to David Suzuki, “North Americans, Europeans, Japanese, and Aus- tralians, who make up 20% of the world’s population, are consuming more than 80% of the world’s resources.” 27 But this reality is changing too. As China and India continue to develop their economies and live more Western lifestyles, their demand for and consump- tion of natural resources is subsequently rising. Clearly, consuming more and more raw materials is unsustainable in the long term, but are there certain resources that need to be conserved more than others? And what are the effects of their use?
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions The human consumption of different forms of energy continues to have one of the largest negative side effects on the planet. While greenhouse gases pollute our air, scientists argue that these emissions are the primary source for climate change; that is, rising temperatures over the earth. According to the David Suzuki Foundation:
25 Stringer, 2010, 24.
26 Stringer, 2010, 25.
27 Suzuki, D. (2011, November 3). Is seven billion people too many? Retrieved from www.davidsuzuki.org/blogs/ science-matters/2011/11/is-seven-billion-people-too-many .
Much like the glass of a greenhouse, gases in our atmosphere sustain life on Earth by trapping the sun’s heat. . . . Without naturally-occurring, heat-trapping gases—mainly water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane—Earth would be too cold to sustain life as we know it.
The danger lies in the rapid increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that intensify this natural greenhouse effect. . . . Modern human activity—burning fossil fuels, deforestation, intensive agriculture—has added huge quantities of carbon diox- ide and other greenhouse gases.
Today’s atmosphere contains 32 per cent more carbon dioxide than it did at the start of the industrial era. 28
28 David Suzuki Foundation. (n.d.). Greenhouse gases. Retrieved from www.davidsuzuki.org/issues/climate- change/science/climate-change-basics/greenhouse-gases/?gclid=CJ_ak7ORr7QCFYw-MgoddVoAOQ .
greenhouse gas emissions Gas emissions that result from burn- ing fossil fuels to carry out many of our daily functions in industrialized society, such as to make electricity, to heat homes and buildings, to pro- cess industrial and commercial activities, to power transportation, and to allow agricultural and other miscellaneous processes.
Where do greenhouse gas emissions come from? Greenhouse gas emissions arise when fossil fuels are burned to make electricity, to heat homes and buildings, to process industrial and commercial activities, to power transportation, and to allow agricultural and other miscellaneous processes (see Exhibit 11.4 ).
So what is a fossil fuel? A fossil fuel is a nonrenewable resource that takes millions of years to form. The burning of fossil fuels causes carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) to be released
fossil fuel A nonrenewable resource that takes millions of years to form. Burning fossil fuels causes carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere and causes the earth’s surface temperature to rise.
nonrenewable resource A form of energy that takes millions of years to form.
416 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Activity Percentage
Electricity 33%
Heating and commercial processes 31%
Transportation 28%
Agriculture and miscellaneous activities 8%
Total 100%
Source: Stringer, L. (2010). The green workplace (pp. 33–34). New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
Exhibit 11.4 Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
29 US Energy Information Administration. (2004). What are greenhouse gases? Retrieved from www.eia.gov/ oiaf/1605/ggccebro/chapter1.html .
carbon footprint A measure- ment of the total amount of green- house gas emissions from a person, product, event, or organization.
into the atmosphere and causes the earth’s average surface temperature to rise. Examples of energy derived from fossil fuels include coal, petroleum (oil or gasoline), and natural gas. An estimated 3.2 billion metric tonnes of carbon is added to the earth’s atmosphere annually. 29 A carbon footprint measures the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions from a person, product, event, or organization. In recent years, managing our energy needs has created a huge debate. While some forms of energy appear cleaner than others, the process to obtain them has to be considered in whether or not they are truly sustainable in the long term, as seen in Talking Business 11.3 .
Injecting a high-pressure mix of water and chemicals deep
beneath the ground to free up oil and gas deposits has
been in use for more than 60 years.
Fracking Fracas: Pros and Cons of Controversial Gas Extraction Process
U.S. President Barack Obama even endorsed the practice
in his state of the union address last month. Extracting shale
gas will “create jobs and power trucks and factories that are
cleaner and cheaper, proving that we don’t have to choose
between our environment and our economy,” he said.
But in recent years the process called hydraulic fracturing—
”fracking” for short—has also become a flashpoint for envi-
ronmental critics.
Why has a long-accepted practice now become such a
hot button topic?
Anthony Ingraffea, a professor of engineering at Cornell
University, suggests there is confusion about fracking in
conventional wells and fracking for natural gas in shale for-
In fracking for natural gas in shale, a well is drilled both
vertically and horizontally. Along that horizontal seam,
which can extend for thousands of metres, hundreds of
well pads are built to collect the gas. They intersect with
Spencer Platt/Getty Images
417C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
As temperatures continue to rise, there are many negative effects on the planet and its ecosystems. Icebergs are melting and causing water levels to rise. Animals such as polar bears that normally live on the ice are being forced onto land to look for nontraditional sources of food. Rising temperatures are also causing more drastic weather patterns and more droughts around the world. In Exhibit 11.5 , it is clear that CO 2 emissions have increased substantially over the last century.
What improvements can be made? What sustainable resources currently exist? A sustainable resource is a resource that can be replenished at the same rate as it is
thousands of pockets of gas which are distributed along
the shale formation.
To fracture, or open up the shale’s pores, as much as 20
million gallons of highly pressurized fracking fluid—made
of chemicals, water and sand—are pumped into the well.
The shale then opens up and releases the gas, which flows
back to the surface. It’s occurs on a much bigger scale
than conventional fracking.
Conservatively, there are close to 500 wells being
hydraulically fractured in shale formations in the U.S. and
Canada, said David Burnett, director of technology for
the Global Petroleum Research Institute at Texas A&M
It’s “an oil and gas boom the likes of which we haven’t
seen since the development of the rotary drilling rig in the
1800s,” Burnett said.
Some of the biggest shale gas formations in the U.S.
are in Wyoming, Texas, New York (part of which extends
into Ontario) and Pennsylvania.
With shale extraction comes what Burnett describes as
a “tsunami of people and equipment,” which can lead to
problems, particularly in a wilderness area.
The environmental risks are higher than in conventional
drilling, said Cornell’s Ingraffea. Everything from groundwa-
ter contamination to a pipeline leak are possible, he said.
The equipment emits pollutants into the air. Fracking
fluid, once it returns to the surface, contains chemicals
and naturally occurring hazardous materials.
“The biggest controversy is clearly water,” said Robert
Jackson, professor of environmental sciences at Duke Uni-
versity in North Carolina.
“Hydraulic fracturing takes millions of gallons of water
to fracture a single well. Depending on where you are in
the country, you may have to pump groundwater or take
it from a stream.”
There often are no facilities for storing or disposing of
the fracking fluid.
“People are worried about the chemicals from the
fracturing fluid getting into their drinking water,”
Jackson said.
A recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency report
found groundwater in an aquifer around Pavillion, Wyo-
ming contained “compounds likely associated with gas
production practices, including hydraulic fracturing.”
In addition, Ingraffea said, the infrastructure required to
maintain these wells—processing equipment, compressor
stations, trucks and highways—all bring potential risks. The
wells and the pipeline could also fail. According to some
studies seen by Ingraffea, at least 5 per cent of all new wells
exhibit some kind of failure to contain hydrocarbons.
Climate change is another risk. Methane, a much
stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, is emitted
into the atmosphere during the extraction.
The disposal of fracking waste underground also
causes earthquakes, Ingraffea said.
“The question is what frequency, what magnitude and
what level is deemed acceptable,” he said.
There are potentially huge profits for the oil and gas sector,
with some of that flowing into government coffers. Towns
and communities could also experience a boom in jobs.
The bigger dream? Reducing America’s dependence on oil.
“Without (fracking) you can’t get the gas out of the
ground. There are huge amounts of gas locked up in shale
and other formations. These technologies allow you to
find and retrieve that gas,” said Jackson.
“Our conventional gas supplies are dwindling in North
America. These unconventional sources are making up the
Source: Excerpted from Black, D. (2012, February 5). Fracking
fracas: Pros and cons of controversial gas extraction process.
Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/news/world/
gas_extraction_process.print.html. Reprinted with permission
from The Toronto Star.
sustainable resource A resource that can be replenished at the same rate as it is used. It typically derives from renewable resources or recycled materials.
418 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 0
2 C
o n
ce n
tr at
io n
s (p
p m
2 E
m is
si o
n s
(M ill
io n
M e
tr ic
T o
n n
e s
C ar
b o
n )
Atmospheric Concentrations Anthropogenic Emissions
Exhibit 11.5 CO 2 Emissions over the Past 300 Years
Source: US Energy Information
Administration. (2004). What
are greenhouse gases? Retrieved
from www.eia.gov/oiaf/1605/
ggccebro/chapter1.html .
used. It typically derives from renewable resources or recycled materials. Since fossil fuels produce much more carbon emissions than other sources of energy, many govern- ments are encouraging alternative forms of energy to be used to reduce carbon emissions. Some examples include solar energy, wind power, hydropower, and geothermal power.
As you can see, environmental issues can pose unique challenges for business. But what are the benefits and limitations of using the triple bottom line approach?
BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE FRAMEWORK The triple bottom line framework is currently the dominant approach for businesses to report their efforts in supporting the economy, satisfying their stakeholders, and protect- ing the environment. But how does the TBL approach benefit business?
Benefits of the TBL Approach There are three main benefits to business of using the triple bottom line approach: 30
1. Improves transparency: In addition to financial statement reporting, the TBL allows an organization to voluntarily report its impact on society and the environment. This can improve accountability as the organization provides information on its nonfinan- cial activities and exposes itself to both public criticism and praise.
2. Allows flexibility: The TBL is also a framework any organization can use. Whether you are a corporation, the government, or a nonprofit organization, the framework is gen- eral enough for most organizations to easily adopt. An organization of any size or any industry can use the TBL method. It can also be used broadly to assess an organization’s overall performance or be applied to an individual project, policy, or geographic area.
Objective 3 Discuss the benefits and limitations of using
the TBL as a performance tool.
30 Slaper, T., & Hall, T. (2011). The triple bottom line: What is it and how does it work? Indiana Business Review (Spring). Retrieved from www.ibrc.indiana.edu/ibr/2011/spring/article2.html.
419C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
On an annual basis, organizations can use the framework to assess performance, identify necessary changes, and assist in future decision making.
3. Aims to satisfy more stakeholders: The approach also recognizes the impact of the orga- nization’s actions on all its stakeholders. Stakeholders can include shareowners, employees, the community, and even the environment. As a result, this methodology uses a long-term perspective to improve the impact of an organization’s activities on all the people and groups being affected by it.
Limitations of the TBL Approach Critics argue, however, that TBL reporting is just a marketing tool that highlights achieve- ments over failures. For example, the following three criticisms have been levelled at the TBL approach: 31
1. No measurement standards: Unlike generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) used in accounting, there are no widely accepted standards or rules for measuring, verifying, or auditing TBL data. The mixture of both quantitative and qualitative data means that there is no common unit of measure that can allow all three catego- ries to be added together to arrive at a net figure. Each component—economic, social, and environmental—is unique. While the economic category can use a dollar-based measure, it can also use additional measures to track other indicators other than prof- its. For example, job growth and employee turnover are two variables. Similarly, the social and environmental categories have other unique indicators that cannot simply be added together.
2. Too subjective: Another limitation of this qualitative method is its subjectivity. The social category, for instance, is subjective and requires more personal judgment than the economic category. For example, what is a positive social action that a company can take to improve the well-being of its employees, the community, and other stake- holders? Is it a monetary donation to a charitable organization, or will a company allowing its employee’s to volunteer their time to a worthy cause also suffice? What meets the needs of employees and the community may depend on a variety of factors: The region, the culture, the values, and the expectations of its stakeholders are just a few. Consider the scenarios shown in Exhibit 11.6 .
3. Lack of comparability: Since the TBL approach is not legally required, not all organiza- tions voluntarily use this approach. For organizations that do use it, each organization has the flexibility to choose what data to collect, measure, and include for reporting purposes. For instance, companies can decide to exclude negative activities and only include positive ones. Cost and time constraints may also create obstacles for some organizations in tracking data. There are no consequences if there is missing data or a lack of information, and there is no legal requirement to have a third-party audit. Other factors such as the size of the organization or the type of industry can affect what indica- tors organizations decide to use. A construction company, for instance, may use a lot of environmental indicators to track waste and other environmental impacts, whereas a nonprofit health group may have more social indicators aimed at helping people.
31 Slaper & Hall, 2011.
420 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Exhibit 11.6 Social Scenarios Requiring Personal Judgment
Scenario Questions for Consideration
• A company donates $1 million dollars
to a children’s hospital, and the following
year the same company donates $1 million
dollars to an abortion clinic.
• Does it matter who receives the donation?
• Do you give credit to the donation amount in the same way?
• Does it matter how many people benefit from the social action?
• How do you determine what is a benefit?
• An organization has women in over 50%
of its management positions; however, the
same organization has five separate sexual
harassment lawsuits filed by women over
the past few years.
• Do you give credit to only the benefits or positive actions toward
employees, the community, and other stakeholders? Or do you sub-
tract negative actions as well? How do you measure these actions?
• Does it matter how large the organization is? Certainly, your answer
may be different if there are only 100 employees versus 100,000.
• A food company allows Canadian employees
to volunteer their time at a food shelter one
day a month; however, the same company
uses unhealthy (but legal) trans fats in all of
its food products, which have been linked to
obesity and other health issues.
• How do you value a negative social action, even if it does not break
the law?
• How do you value an action versus an inaction?
1. Living Planet Index
2. Ecological Footprint
3. Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare
4. Genuine Progress Indicator
Exhibit 11.7 Sustain- ability Measures
Living Planet Index (LPI) Created by the World Wildlife Fund, this index aims to measure changes to the world’s biological diversity.
biological diversity The differ- ent forms of life and number of species on earth. It includes people, plants, animals, bacteria, and other living organisms.
MEASURING SUSTAINABILITY Since the movement toward sustainability is still relatively new, the development of a common standard of global measures is still underway. What are some measures that cur- rently exist, and how can businesses implement more sustainable practices? There are a number of ways to measure sustainable performance changes on a national or global basis, including the Living Planet Index (see Exhibit 11.7), the Ecological Footprint, the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, and the Genuine Progress Indicator.
Objective 4 Identify and explain four sustainability
32 World Wildlife Fund. (2012). Living Planet Report 2012: Summary . Retrieved from http://awsassets.panda.org/ downloads/lpr_2012_summary_booklet_final.pdf .
33 World Wildlife Fund, 2012.
Living Planet Index The Living Planet Index (LPI) , created by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), aims to measure changes to the world’s biological diversity based on over 9,000 populations of more than 2,600 species from around the world. 32 Biological diversity refers to the differ- ent forms of life and number of species on earth. This includes people, plants, animals, bacteria, and other living organisms. In 2012, the LPI indicated there had been a decline in biodiversity health of approximately 30% since 1970. Tropical areas had suffered the hardest, with a 60% decline in less than 40 years 33 (see Exhibit 11.8 ).
421C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
While the LPI only measures a small fraction of the 1.75 million species that have been identified by researchers, the LPI can be used as an informative tool for scientists, policymakers, and the general public to identify trends on where species may be declining the fastest across the globe.
Clearly, human consumption has affected biological diversity and the ecosystems that interact with these life forms. An ecosystem is a set of complex relationships among living organisms and their environment. An ecosystem can include trees, plants, water, soil, animals, fish, birds, microorganisms, and people. If one part of the ecosystem is damaged, other parts can be negatively affected too.
So how is the global LPI calculated? According to the WWF, it is an aggregate of two equally weighted indices of vertebrae populations—the tropical and temperate LPIs:
The Tropical LPI consists of the terrestrial and freshwater species populations found in the Afrotropical, Indo-Pacific and Neotropical realms and marine species popu- lations from the zone between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The Temper- ate LPI includes all terrestrial and freshwater species populations from the Palearctic and Neartics realms, and marine species north and south of the tropics. 34
34 World Wildlife Fund. (2010). 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership: Living Planet Index Fact Sheet. Retrieved from http://static.zsl.org/files/1-2-1-living-planet-index-1062.pdf.
ecosystem A set of complex relationships among all living organisms and their environment.
0 1970
In d
e x
V a
lu e
( 1
9 7
0 =
1 )
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008
Exhibit 11.8 Global Living Planet Index (LPI), 2012
Source: Global living planet
index. © 2012 World Wildlife
Federation (panda.org). Some
rights reserved.
Since the index was developed in 1997, the Institute of Zoology has been working in collaboration with the WWF to improve the index and to identify where humans may be having the most negative impact.
422 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Ecological Footprint The Ecological Footprint (EP) measures the amount of biologically productive land and sea area that is required to meet the demands of human consumption for a particular population or country. According to the Global Footprint Network, the EP includes “the areas for producing the resource it consumes, the space for accommodating its buildings and roads, and the ecosystems for absorbing its waste emissions such as carbon dioxide.” 35
Since it was developed in 1990 by William Rees and Mathis Wackernagel at the Uni- versity of British Columbia, the EP has become a predominant measure of humanity’s demand on nature. The World Wildlife Fund measures an Ecological Footprint by consid- ering six subcategories: carbon, grazing land, fishing grounds, built-up land, forest, and cropland (see Exhibit 11.9 ).
Ecological Footprint (EP) The amount of biologically productive land and sea area that is required to meet the demands of human consumption for a particular popu- lation or country.
Carbon Represents the amount of forest land that could sequester CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, excluding the fraction absorbed by the oceans that leads to acidification.
Grazing Land Represents the amount of grazing land used to raise livestock for meat, dairy, hide, and wool products.
Fishing Grounds Calculated from the estimated primary production required to support the fish and seafood caught, based on catch data for marine and freshwater species.
Built-up Land Represents the amount of land covered by human infrastructure, including transportation, housing, industrial structures, and reservoirs for hydropower.
Forest Represents the amount of forest required to supply timber products, pulp, and fuel wood.
Cropland Represents the amount of cropland used to grow crops for food and fibre for human consumption as well as for animal feed, oil crops, and rubber.
Exhibit 11.9 Components of the Ecological Footprint
Source: Global living planet
index. © 2012 World Wildlife
Federation (panda.org). Some
rights reserved.
35 Global Footprint Network. (n.d.). Footprint basics—overview. Retrieved from www.footprintnetwork.org/en/ index.php/GFN/page/footprint_basics_overview .
Let’s consider Canada and measure its ecological footprint. As a nation that experi- ences four seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer—Canada relies on food from both within and outside its borders. Consider your last trip to a grocery store: Your oranges may have come from Florida, your pineapples from Costa Rica, your coffee from Brazil, and your peppers from Mexico. All of this food must be transported to Canada, burning fossil fuels and contributing to climate change. How much energy do you use to heat your home,
423C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
travel to work, or run your air conditioner, washing machine, and dishwasher? According to the World Wildlife Fund’s 2012 Living Planet Report , Canada had the eighth-highest ecological footprint per capita, while the United States had the fifth highest. 36 For the earth, this means Canadians are consuming 3.5 times our share of resources faster than the earth has the means to replenish them. 37 See Exhibit 11.10 for the 10 worst country Ecological Footprints and Exhibit 11.11 for the 10 best country Ecological Footprints.
36 World Wildlife Fund, 2012, 8.
37 WWF Canada. (2012). Living Planet Report 2012 : Canadians must choose environment and economy for strong future. Retrieved from www.wwf.ca/newsroom/reports/living_planet_report_2012.cfm .
Built-up land
N u
m b
e r
o f
g lo
b a
l h
e ct
a re
s d
e m
a n
d e
d p
e r
p e
rs o
Cropland Carbon
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Exhibit 11.10 The 10 Worst Countries’ Ecological Footprints
Source: Global living planet index. © 2012 World Wildlife Federation (panda.org). Some rights reserved.
424 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
38 CBC News. (2008, June 30). GDP. Retrieved from www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2008/06/16/f-economy-gdp.html.
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) An index that attempts to measure both positive and negative activities that affect a society’s well-being.
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare While the Ecological Footprint indicates how humans have impacted the environment, the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) focuses on the welfare of a country. Devel- oped in 1989 by Herman Daly and John Cobb, 38 the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) attempts to measure both positive and negative activities that affect a society’s
O cc
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of N
ep al
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m b
e r
o f
g lo
b a
l h
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a re
s d
e m
a n
d e
d p
e r
p e
rs o
Built-up land
Cropland Carbon
Exhibit 11.11 The 10 Best Countries’ Ecological Footprints
Source: Living Planet Report. © 2012 World Wildlife Federation (panda.org). Some rights reserved.
425C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) A tool used to measure a country or region’s economic growth and social well-being. It includes all variables calculated under the GDP, but subtracts the negative effects of economic growth that cause social harm to a community.
ISEW = + + − − Personal
Public Expenditure
(e.g., defence)
Value of Unpaid Work
Private Defence
Value of Environmental
Exhibit 11.12 Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)
Source: Economics Online. (n.d.). Measures of economic welfare. Retrieved from http://economicsonline.
co.uk/Global_economics/Measure_of_economic_welfare_MEW.html .
While per capita GDP has more than doubled from 1950 to present, the GPI shows a very different picture. It increased during the 1950s and 1960s, but has declined by roughly 45% since 1970 . . . Specifically, the GPI reveals that much of what econo- mists now consider economic growth, as measured by GDP, is really one of three things: 1) fixing blunders and social decay from the past; 2) borrowing resources from the future; or 3) shifting functions from the community and household realm to that of the monetized economy. The GPI strongly suggests that the costs of the nation’s cur- rent economic trajectory have begun to outweigh the benefits, leading to growth that is actually uneconomic. 39
39 Sustainability website. (n.d.). The Genuine Progress Indicator. Retrieved from www.sustainwellbeing.net/gpi.html.
well-being. Traditionally, the main economic indicator, gross domestic product (GDP), mea- sures the value of all goods and services produced within a country. While the GDP helps to show changes in economic prosperity, it fails to reflect the social well-being of a nation. The ISEW aims to present both. The ISEW, for example, would add unpaid childcare costs to the index, but subtract water pollution. This dollar-based index goes beyond the measure of GDP by including beneficial activities and harmful effects of economic growth that can negatively affect a population’s well-being. Exhibit 11.12 shows how to calculate the ISEW.
Genuine Progress Indicator Similar to the ISEW, the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) is a tool used to measure a country or region’s economic growth and social well-being. The GPI includes all variables calculated under the GDP, but subtracts the negative effects of economic growth that cause social harm to a community. The cost of crime, pollution, and resource depletion are a few examples. How does the cost of crime normally increase GDP? Let’s consider a family injured in a home break-in. In calculating GDP, lawyer’s fees, property damage repairs, and medical fees are treated as forms of revenue; however, since the action does harm to a society, in calculating GPI these revenues are subtracted.
The GPI also considers positive contributions of the family and the community that are not included in the GDP because no money changes hands. For example, the value of housework, volunteer work, and unpaid childcare all contribute to a society’s well-being. Under the GPI, these actions are calculated at the approximate market value of hiring someone to do the work.
The GPI indicator helps us understand why a population may feel unhappy or dissat- isfied despite economic growth. According to one observer,
426 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Objective 5 Explain the business case for implementing
sustainable practices.
40 Morison, O. (2012, August 9). In this job, sustainability is the business plan. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/in-this-job-sustainability-is-the-business-plan/ article4469921 .
41 Snap Downtown Toronto. (2011, October). Cadillac Fairview reveals Eaton Centre’s Urban Eatery. Retrieved from www.snapdowntowntoronto.com/index.php?option=com_sngevents&id[]=314083 .
We worked with the vendor to shrink the amount of packaging. It protected the prod- uct and it was a more effective storage medium, but . . . we [also] reduced the amount of plastic in that packaging by 55%, [and] we reduced the amount of space that package took up by almost 70%. It took 2.7 fewer ocean containers to ship that product, [and] as a result it saved us over $20,000 in shipping costs. It reduced the product’s shipping cost by 15% and it generated about 10 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions avoidance. 40
While there is no standard formula for calculating the GPI, it can be a useful tool to assess annual changes to a population’s quality of life.
THE BUSINESS CASE FOR IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES Why should businesses want to be sustainable? What are the motivating factors for business to implement sustainable practices? While the primary goal of a business is to make a profit, sustainable practices can contribute to this goal and help create value on a number of levels. Companies, for example, can reduce costs, reduce risk, and improve public relations.
Reducing Costs Reducing costs can be achieved in a variety of ways. Whether you are a manufacturer or a retailer, reducing packaging, lowering energy use, and reducing waste can help businesses save money.
Reducing Packaging How many times have you bought a product and thrown away the packaging? Certainly, packaging products to make them more appealing is an important part of marketing, but sometimes not all packaging is necessary and can even create unnecessary costs for a company. Larger packaging can result in higher materials costs, higher shipping costs, and can take up more shelf space in stores. Many companies are reevaluating their packaging, such as Canadian Tire. According to Tyler Elm, vice- president of corporate strategy and business sustainability at Canadian Tire, one of his first sustainability projects was to reduce the packaging of a 14-piece socket set:
Another common source of packaging is found in take-out food containers. Every day thousands of paper plates, cups, and plastic cutlery end up in garbage bins and then head for landfills. In 2011, one Canadian mall spent $120 million to renovate its food eatery and to change this unsustainable practice. The 900-seat Urban Eatery at the Toronto Eaton Centre offered a modern upgrade to customers, plus a greener dining experience. Customers could now enjoy the option of eating fast food with reusable dishware and cutlery. After eating, customers brought their trays and dirty dishes to one of several return stations. A solid waste compactor also helped reduce waste by over 80%. 41
427C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
46 Johnson, G. (2011, December 9). A growing green gap in the construction waste market. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/sustainability/a- growing-green-gap-in-the-construction-waste-market/article4180610 .
Lowering Energy Use Another way organizations can reduce costs is by lowering energy consumption. When it comes to building design, green facilities lower energy costs and increase market value for building owners. According to McGraw-Hill Construction, green buildings can result in an average reduction in operating costs by 8–9% and increase market values by up to 7.5%. 42 Subsequently, green facilities are more attractive to poten- tial rental tenants since business operating costs can be saved. According to one observer, “building values are expected to increase by 7.5 percent, occupancy by 3.5 percent, rents by 3 percent, and the return on investment 6.6 percent or more for green buildings.” 43
Building owners can also save money. In 2011, Canadian Tire built its first energy- efficient store in Kemptville, Ontario. What did Canadian Tire achieve? The store design was 75% more efficient. For instance, the new store only consumed 9.7 ekWh/sq ft (a unit of energy usage for gas and hydro in kilowatt hours), versus 17.8 in its previous models. One of the design initiatives introduced was a rooftop solar system in 40 of its stores. The energy sav- ings was determined to be equivalent to powering 1,000 homes annually for the next 20 years. 44 New office tower designs are also incorporating greener ways to reduce energy costs. Geothermal energy is one green alternative, which is using the natural heat originating from deep within the earth. A geothermal system can heat offices in the winter and remove heat during the summer. As an alternative to gas and oil, geothermal systems can reduce heat- ing expenses by approximately 44%. There are other benefits, too. Geothermal systems reduce structural requirements, saving building costs. For example, a geothermal furnace eliminates smokestacks and rooftop chillers, opening up roof spaces for rooftop terraces and green roofs. Less piping within the building allows for more floor space and higher ceilings. While geo- thermal systems are initially a lot more expensive than traditional heating systems, the energy savings pays for the cost in just a few short years. For instance, when Équiterre, a Montreal- based environmental group, moved into a new green office building, the building had a geo- thermal system. Although the cost of the system was $300,000, the expected energy savings were about $60,000 annually. While subway lines or other infrastructure issues can sometimes prevent a geothermal system from being installed, geothermal systems remain an excellent green alternative to reduce costs for business and reduce harm for the environment. 45
Reducing Waste Reducing waste is another way for companies to save money. Let’s consider the construction industry, which is known for producing considerable waste. The construction industry is the largest producer of wood waste, accounting for 25–45% of all generated solid waste in North America. Other materials such as concrete, asphalt, bricks, insulation, plumbing, glass, and electrical fixtures make up another 23%. 46
45 Lanktree, G. (2011, December 5). What lies beneath: Tapping geothermal heat in Montreal. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/property-report/what-lies- beneath-tapping-geothermal-heat-in-montreal/article4235196 .
42 Knowledge@Wharton. (2013, April). Re-energizing aging cities: The green building option. Retrieved from http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=3245 .
43 Stringer, 2010, 13.
44 Digital Journal. (2011, July 25). Canadian Tire makes stores more sustainable through energy-saving features and solar panels. Retrieved from http://canadasolarforum.com/content.php?332-Canadian-Tire-Makes-Stores- More-Sustainable-Through-Energy-Saving-Features-and-Solar-Panels .
428 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Another source of waste, regardless of industry, is corporate office waste. Paper and employee food waste are two examples. In Vancouver, Urban Impact is one office compost service helping companies redirect employee food waste from landfills into nutrient-rich soil. In addition to fruits and vegetables, other waste that can be collected includes spoiled food, coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, waxed paper, and greasy pizza boxes. Urban Impact so far has diverted 100,000 metric tonnes of waste from landfills to environmen- tally friendly alternatives. 49
According to a research study by the George Morris Centre, a Guelph-based think tank, about 40% of food in Canada is thrown out rather than consumed. “This inevitably also means that huge amounts of the resources used in food production are used in vain, and that the greenhouse gas emissions caused by production of food that gets lost or wasted are also emitted in vain,” the study stated. Globally, the amount of food wasted is esti- mated at one third or 1.3 billion tonnes per year according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. 50
In manufacturing food products, there can also be a lot of waste. In some cases, food waste that ends up in the water system can be problematic and cause environmental damage.
Reducing Risk Sustainability can also be viewed from a risk management perspective. Businesses can reduce operational risk by improving health and safety programs and by taking proactive steps to protect the environment. In 2010, for example, British Petroleum was responsible for one of the worst oil spills in US history, which was caused by an explosion on its Gulf of Mexico oil rig that killed 11 crew members. A series of investigations found that the
47 Johnson, 2011. 48 Johnson, 2011. 49 Johnson, G. (2012, March 6). Eco-entrepreneurs put food scraps to work. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/sustainability/eco-entrepreneurs-put- food-scraps-to-work/article551193 . 50 Johnson, 2012.
LEED awards up to two points for diverting between 50 to 75 percent of demolition, land clearing, and construction waste from landfills and redirecting recyclables back to the manufacturing process. LEED guidelines allow diversion to include the sal- vage of materials on-site and the donation of materials to charitable organizations. 48
Yet more than 50% of all construction materials can be reused or recycled. For example, steel can be melted and made into new steel, old concrete can be turned into gravel, and pieces of drywall can be recycled and reused. How can this be achieved? New construction waste-removal companies are saving the construction industry money and making a profit in this green niche market. Diverting waste from landfills can save companies disposal costs by up to 30% and preserve valuable lumber. 47
Another incentive for the construction industry to be green is an internationally rec- ognized sustainable building certification system called Leadership in Energy and Environ- mental Design (LEED). LEED is a rating system that measures green buildings and homes:
429C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
explosion could have been prevented if proper safety measures had been taken. After pay- ing out billions of dollars in environmental cleanup costs, lost business income, lost wages, and other damages, in 2012 the US Department of Justice fined BP $4.5 billion, the larg- est criminal penalty in US history. 51
Companies can also mitigate regulatory risk through self-regulation by encouraging industry members to adhere to certain environmental standards. When companies initi- ate sustainable practices, government may be less compelled to create new environmental laws if they are not required. In the past 10 years, different levels of government in Canada have introduced new laws requiring businesses to engage in environmental practices.
Most Canadian provincial governments now require businesses to charge and collect electronic recycling fees from customers on designated products. The purpose of the fee is to pay for the collection, recycling, and safe disposal of selected electronic goods. When you buy your next desktop, TV, or printer, check your receipt. Most fees are between $1.00 and $40.00, depending on the device, its size, and the province it is purchased in. 52
Improving Public Relations Good public relations may be achieved over the long term by a company providing quality products, offering excellent service, and helping local communities. However, bad cus- tomer relations can occur quickly and be damaging to the business’s overall brand and reputation. With the speed of information available on the Internet, customers can quickly become aware of a company’s wrongdoings.
In the past 10 years, Walmart, the largest global company, has been under more scru- tiny for some of its controversial labour practices and perceived image to “do anything for a low price.” Walmart was also identified as the largest private user of electricity in the United States. As its image suffered, Walmart needed to address these issues and make some public relations efforts to improve its brand. 53 In its 2012 Global Responsibility Report , Walmart reported its achievements toward sustainable practices to its stakeholders. Some of the initiatives included the following:
■ implementing a zero-waste program and reducing waste by 80% from all US operations
■ increasing locally grown food by 97% (locally grown here means from the same state)
■ supporting women’s organizations and initiatives by donating $100 million in grants
■ saving customers $1 billion by reducing prices on fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy food items
■ using 1.1 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) of renewable energy, making Walmart one of the largest onsite green power generators in the United States 54
51 Taylor, A. (2012, November 15). BP to pay $4.5 billion in largest criminal payout ever. Business Insider. Retrieved from http://finance.yahoo.com/news/bp-set-pay-largest-criminal-140001636.html .
52 Dell Canada. (n.d.). Canada’s recycling laws. Retrieved from http://content.dell.com/ca/en/corp/d/corp- comm/canada-recycling-laws .
54 Walmart website. (2012, April 16). Walmart announces significant progress toward ambitious sustainability goals in 2012. Global Responsibility Report. Retrieved from http://news.walmart.com/news-archive/investors/walmart- announces-significant-progress-toward-ambitious-sustainability-goals-in-2012-global-responsibility-report-1683331 .
53 Stringer, 2010, 12.
430 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
TD also installed LED lighting and upgraded its control systems for heating and cool- ing. In addition, it will renovate the land surrounding the property into a “green energy park” that will include an amphitheatre for community use and a solar electric car charging station for its customers . . . TD is vying for transparency, aiming to show its customers . . . that this building is indeed as advertised. 55
At a more local level, in October 2011 the Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) renovated a branch in London, Ontario, designed to produce as much energy as it uses—that is, a “net-zero energy” building. The renovation included solar panels that would generate over 100,000 kilowatt hours of green electricity:
The value of this public relations initiative has many benefits. Not only does TD brand itself positively as a “green bank,” but it can attract loyal customers and talented employees.
So if the results of sustainable practices can lower costs, lower risks, and improve pub- lic relations for business, why don’t all businesses embrace sustainable practices? What are the obstacles for change?
Obstacles to Change We already know that the goal of a sustainable business is to make a profit, meet the needs of society, and minimize damage to the environment. Certainly, this is no easy task. The three biggest obstacles to companies becoming more sustainable are time, money, and a lack of knowledge.
Time Running a business in itself is challenging. In order to save on costs, companies usually hire a minimal amount of workers to complete daily tasks. Focusing on core busi- ness activities is essential to ensuring quality and satisfying customer demands. In some cases, businesses are unable to spend time on traditional activities such as marketing and training. For example, in a recent survey by Red Rocket Media, 32% of companies indi- cated “lack the time” as their biggest social media challenge. 56 In another case, one small business owner explained that he does not have the time nor the money to spend on training new employees and needs to hire qualified individuals ready to start on the job:
55 Kelly, E.R. (2011, December 19). The latest shade of green—zero energy use. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/property-report/the-latest-shade-of-green---zero- energy-use/article4247962 .
56 Ecoconsultancy. (2011, November). 32% of businesses cite ‘lack of time’ as biggest social media challenge. Retrieved from http://econsultancy.com/ca/press-releases/6031-32-of-businesses-cite-lack-of-time-as-biggest- social-media-challenge .
57 60 Minutes. (2012, November 11). Three million open jobs in U.S., but who’s qualified? The following script is from “Three Million Open Jobs” which aired on Nov. 11, 2012. Byron Pitts is the correspondent. David Schneider, producer. Retrieved from www.cbsnews.com/2102-18560_162-57547342.html?tag=contentMain; contentBody .
I can’t afford to develop every worker that I need from scratch. One, that’s not my core competency. We’re not a school, we’re a company. We can’t do that well. Two, we can’t afford to do that. If we actually had to do that from scratch, even if we could, the jobs would have to go somewhere else, because it’s simply not economically tenable to do that. 57
431C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
58 Watson, S. (n.d.). Why is solar power still a pay up-front system? How Stuff Works. Retrieved from http:// science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/solar-power-pay-upfront.htm .
As you can see, for some businesses available time for implementing sustainable prac- tices is minimal to nonexistent.
Money Implementing sustainable practices may also require businesses to commit to initial upfront costs that may not be feasible for many. In the example of geothermal energy, it is clear that there are long-term cost benefits, but not all businesses may be able to afford it. Similarly, solar panels and special LED lighting require initial upfront costs that require businesses to either have available cash or available financing. According to one observer, “Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source, yet it makes up less than 1 percent of the power used in the United States. Part of the reason more people aren’t using solar energy . . . is the cost.” 58
Lack of Knowledge Since every industry has its own unique energy and waste issues, implementing sustainable practices cannot always be easily replicated from one business to another. For instance, a food manufacturer will likely have different waste issues than a construction company. In fact, achieving cost-effective sustainable practices requires a cross-disciplinary effort from environmentalists, engineers, and others in assess- ing and evaluating all business processes, products, and services.
Some managers may not even understand the long-term value of sustainable prac- tices. Like corporate social responsibility, sustainability issues are not normally part of a manager’s education, skills, or job training. Nonetheless, many businesses and countries continue to profit from new green technologies. Canadian businesses, however, have been slow to embrace them, as seen in Talking Business 11.4 .
Around the world, trade and investment in technologies
that reduce greenhouse-gas emissions—such as solar power,
energy efficient appliances and hybrid cars—is growing
rapidly. Unfortunately, Canadian businesses are largely fail-
ing to take advantage of these global opportunities.
Canada’s exports of “climate-friendly technologies”
did not grow at all between 2002 and 2008, according to
new The Conference Board of Canada research. Worse,
when we account for inflation, this country’s climate-
friendly exports fell by 2 per cent annually on average. In
short, Canadian businesses have failed to seize new—or
even maintain existing—opportunities to sell such tech-
nologies globally. Our businesses and individuals have also
been relatively slow to import and adopt world-leading
technologies from others.
Canada Isn’t Cleaning Up on Green Technology Exports
432 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Our weak climate-friendly trade performance stands in
contrast with exploding global opportunities. While Canadian
exports stagnated between 2002 and 2008, and imports
grew only slowly, world trade in climate-friendly technologies
grew by a massive 10 per cent on average each year.
Europe and Asia are the key drivers of this global trend.
For example, Germany is the global leader in selling
climate-friendly technologies and the second-largest global
buyer of such technologies. Even though it has been in this
game for several decades, that country still grew its climate-
friendly technology exports by 15 per cent on average over
2002–2008, and grew its imports at a roughly similar rate.
Germany’s government has made sustained commitments to
support the development of climate-friendly technologies.
China, the No. 2 global seller of climate-friendly tech-
nologies, grew its exports at a rate of over 40 per cent
annually, and its imports at almost 20 per cent annually.
Over the past decade, China’s government has invested
heavily in such technologies, and used its stimulus pack-
age to reinforce this stance.
Despite some global policy uncertainty and a lack of
mainstream adoption of climate-friendly technologies, the
stars seem relatively well aligned for continued rapid
global growth. Increasing energy and water costs, coupled
with massive environmental problems in the developing
world, seem likely to reinforce a growing global consensus
on the need to move toward a low-carbon future. Accord-
ing to estimates from Roland Berger Strategy Consultants,
clean energy technologies will be the third-largest indus-
trial sector in the world in 2020.
In sum, climate-friendly technologies represent a major
economic opportunity for Canada, one that has not been
fully exploited. Despite this poor overall global perfor-
mance, the good news is that Canada does certain things
well. Canadian businesses “overtrade”—have global
strengths relative to other countries—notably in waste
management and energy technologies associated with
the country’s geography and resource base. And our
strengths can lie in specific parts of global supply chains,
rather than in an entire supply chain. For example, though
we are not overall leaders in solar power, we have
strengths in selling parts or components into related
global supply chains.
Looking forward, Canada may have future strengths in
wave and tidal power, as well as the next generation of
biofuels. Potential niches include other energy, mining and
telecommunications-related technologies that leverage
Canada’s resources and geography. We are likely to also
have relative global strengths in the associated services.
Canadian businesses will need to determine where in
global value chains for climate-friendly technologies they
can be world leaders, and which world-leading technolo-
gies, parts, and services they should buy from others. A
recent article by Evan Osnos in the New Yorker sums up the
situation well: “No single nation is likely to dominate the
clean energy economy. . . . No nation has yet mastered both
the invention and the low-cost manufacturing of clean tech-
nology. It appears increasingly clear that winners in the new-
energy economy will exploit the strengths of each side.”
To capitalize on these opportunities, Canadian govern-
ments will need to send clear climate policy signals and
commit to sustained public investments in research and
development in climate-friendly technologies and related
services. Governments should also remove both domestic
and international barriers to the development of, and
trade in, such products and services.
Greater clarity in policy would give businesses incen-
tives to ramp up investment in these areas. Even with some
uncertainty, however, businesses should get out ahead of
policy makers. They should do so to protect their brand
and reputation, to ensure they are an active player when
policies catch up, to take advantage of well-established
policy signals in other countries, and to establish long-term
relationships in global markets.
The growing global market for climate-friendly technol-
ogies represents a major long-term opportunity. Now is the
time for Canada to seize this opportunity to “clean up.”
Source: Excerpted from Goldfarb, D. (2010, March 22). Canada
isn’t cleaning up on green technology exports. Reprinted with
permission from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved from
Meanwhile, others may deny that environmental issues exist altogether. Certainly, the unknown consequences of long-term environmental damage may delay some busi- nesses from planning appropriately to sustain their businesses in the future. While most scientists agree that climate change will have a significant, negative impact on all of us,
TALKING BUSINESS 11.4 (continued)
433C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
the future effects of climate change are difficult to measure and quantify. Indeed, climate change is a growing global problem that none of us have any experience in. For example, Al Gore’s Academy award-winning documentary on climate change, An Inconvenient Truth, continues to be questioned despite growing scientific evidence of environmental damage.
IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES Where should a manager start to look for sustainable opportunities within his or her own organization? From the beginning to the end of the product’s life, the economic, envi- ronmental, and social impact of the product needs to be assessed 59 (see Exhibit 11.13 ). Some questions that may be asked can include the following: What raw materials are required? Are they from renewable or nonrenewable resources? What type of energy is used and how much is consumed in production, distribution, and disposal? What is the impact on the environment? How much waste goes into landfills, and what is the orga- nization’s carbon footprint from greenhouse gas emissions? Overall, businesses must reduce, reuse, and recycle in every aspect of their operations. In our analysis, let’s assess sustainability at each stage of a product’s life. We will consider the food industry in our examples.
Objective 6 Discuss seven areas in which sustainable prac-
tices can be assessed during the
product’s life.
59 Laszlo, C., & Zhexembayeva, N. (2011). Embedded sustainability: The next big competitive advantage (p. 181). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Raw Materials
Manufacturing Distribution Retailing Marketing Consumer
Use/ Consumption
End-of- Life/
Exhibit 11.13 Sustainability over a Product’s Life
Raw Materials What business or industry are you in and what type of raw materials do you need? How can raw materials be sustained, and what sustainable practices are available? The type of raw materials needed by a business will likely impact what sustainable method can be used. For example, are your raw materials from renewable or nonrenewable resources ?
In the food industry, certainly food as a raw material is a renewable resource. How- ever, some food may be more difficult to grow or harder to obtain. Let’s consider fish. Do your vendors get their fish from more sustainable resources, or are your fish products at risk from declining stocks? Some companies recognize the environmental problem of declining fish reserves and are implementing more sustainable practices. For example, in 2012 the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) recognized Loblaw for sourcing almost 100%
434 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Loblaw has developed the most aggressive sustainable seafood commitment in the world. Through its collaboration within the supply chain, investment in education, and stakeholder and government engagement, Loblaw is driving large-scale transfor- mational change. 60
60 Canada Newswire. (2012, June 26). Loblaw makes progress toward 2013 sustainable seafood commitment. Retrieved from www.newswire.ca/en/story/999141/loblaw-makes-progress-towards-2013-sustainable-seafood-commitment#.
61 Sampson, S. (2010, February 4). Loblaw guides consumers towards sustainable seafood. Toronto Star . Retrieved from www.thestar.com/unassigned/article/760679--loblaw-guides-consumers-towards-sustainable-seafood .
Achievements of Loblaw include providing customers with more sustainable seafood options, collaborating with industry members, and educating customers through online and in-store events. This means a change in the variety of fish Loblaw currently offers. Instead of many species at risk such as skate, shark, orange roughy, and Chilean sea bass, Loblaw offers eco-friendly alternatives such as Pacific halibut. 61 (See Talking Business 11.5 .) Loblaw has also introduced 73 Marine Stewardship Council-certified seafood products, making it the largest retailer of MSC-certified products in Canada. 62 The MSC is a nonprofit agency with a certification program that works with over 200 fisheries across the globe. The MSC focuses on sustainable seafood by considering how seafood is raised and harvested and how businesses can conserve marine life as well as their natural habitats. 63
How about how other food is grown? For example, did you know that over 70% of the world’s water use relates to growing food? According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, “sustainable management of water in agriculture is criti- cal to increase agricultural production, ensure water can be shared with other users and maintain the environmental and social benefits of water systems.” 64 Indeed, while some raw materials are renewable, ongoing measures may be required to sustain them.
Manufacturing Processing raw materials also requires a consideration of potential harms to the environment and the impact to society at large. What is sustainable manufacturing? Sustainable manu- facturing , as defined by the US Department of Commerce, is “the creation of manufactured products that use processes that are nonpolluting, conserve energy and natural resources, and are economically sound and safe for employees, communities, and consumers.” 65
How sustainable are your manufacturing processes? In other words, how much water and energy do you use and how much waste comes from the products you produce? Is there opportu- nity for your factory to reduce, reuse , and recycle ? For instance, energy can be reduced by using less oil, gas, and electricity. According to Industry Canada, there are many lighting options avail- able that can reduce electricity costs for organizations, as well as their effects on global warming:
63 Fisk, 2010, 150.
62 Canada Newswire, 2012.
64 OECD. (n.d.) Water use in agriculture. Retrieved from www.oecd.org/environment/wateruseinagriculture.htm .
65 National Council for Advanced Manufacturing. (n.d.). Sustainable manufacturing. Retrieved from www. nacfam.org/PolicyInitiatives/SustainableManufacturing/tabid/64/Default.aspx .
sustainable manufacturing Creating manufactured products using processes that are nonpollut- ing, that conserve energy and natural resources, and that are economically sound and safe for employees, communities, and consumers.
of its seafood from sustainable sources. President and CEO of WWF Canada, Gerald Butts, explains,
435C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
InsideEdge: You are a champion investor in the Confer- ence Board’s Centre for Food in Canada. What impact do
you hope this project will have on the food sector and the
broader economy? Why have you chosen to support the
Conference Board’s initiative?
Galen G. Weston: My family has been in the business of feeding Canadians for more than 126 years through
the Weston Bakery and Loblaw businesses, so—as you
can imagine—long-term trends in food are central to
what we do. There are a number of long-term chal-
lenges facing the food sector. These include the secu-
rity, safety, and sustainability of our food supply and the
impact diet can have on the future health of Canadians.
I believe we have an opportunity to develop long-term
strategies for dealing with these challenges.
The Conference Board has a strong reputation for
thoughtful, well-researched, strategic planning, so it is an
entirely appropriate organization to complete this work.
InsideEdge: Do you think that the impact of the food sector on Canada’s economy and society is well understood?
Galen G. Weston: From our perspective, there is a great deal of education to be done. The food sector has
grown to be one of the top industries in Canada—and,
of course, food plays a critical role in our daily lives. The
Conference Board’s initiative can shine a bright light on
the impact of the sector, facilitate a much-needed dis-
cussion about its future, and help to lay the ground-
work for initiatives to help meet tomorrow’s challenges.
InsideEdge: Do you think food is a strategic resource for Canada, given the projected significant increase in the
future global demand for food? What do you think this
will mean for food companies and retailers in Canada?
Galen G. Weston: Canada is one of the world’s great food exporters. One of our challenges will be finding
the right balance between ensuring our domestic food
supply is secure and sustainable, and continuing to
grow a vibrant export business. Ensuring that we have
the scale to compete and that we take full advantage
of opportunities to add value to food production will
be critical to the contribution that the food sector can
make to Canada’s economy.
Leading Change in the Food Sector
Galen G. Weston is Executive Chairman of Loblaw Com-
panies Limited, Canada’s largest food retailer and a lead-
ing provider of drugstore, general merchandise, and
financial products and services.
Five years ago, Loblaw Companies undertook a renewal
plan to ensure the growth and stability of the business well
into the future. During that time Mr. Weston has overseen
significant improvements in fresh foods, the strengthening
and growth of the President’s Choice and No Name brands,
the emergence of the Joe Fresh brand as one of the country’s
top fashion brands, and the addition of T&T, Canada’s leading
Asian supermarket chain to the Loblaw portfolio of banners,
positioning it to serve the growing ethnic customer segment.
An advocate of food sustainability and diet as solutions
to health-related issues, Mr. Weston has led a range of ini-
tiatives that include an industry-leading sustainable seafood
policy, the reduction of plastic bag use, the establishment
of the Loblaw Companies Limited Chair in Sustainable Food
Production at the University of Guelph, and the develop-
ment of The Conference Board of Canada’s Centre for
Food in Canada, which aims to develop a framework for a
national food strategy. Loblaw is helping to tackle these
complex issues in ways that enable it to compete success-
fully today while preparing for the world of tomorrow. It is
a highly strategic, values-based approach to doing business
that helps Loblaw serve its customers better and, in so
doing, makes Loblaw a higher-performing organization.
In 2010, in concert with Corporate Knights, the Globe
and Mail recognized Loblaw as the top Corporate Citizen
in Canada.
©Mark Blinch/Reuters/Corbis
436 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
InsideEdge: How is the Canadian food consumer chang- ing, both in expectations and in diet, and how is this
affecting the grocery business?
Galen G. Weston: Canadian consumers are more discern- ing and informed than ever. They have a good idea what
they want. There is growth in the ethnic/international and
the natural/organic segments, and there is increasing inter-
est in locally produced foods. In addition, the link between
diet and health will be an increasingly important consider-
ation for consumers. We need to strike a balance between
serving the emerging food trends and keeping food prices
at appropriate levels. We believe that Loblaw is very well
positioned to help find solutions to these challenges.
InsideEdge: In 2009, Loblaw announced its Sustainable Seafood Commitment Initiative—a commitment that, by
2013, all of the fish sold in its stores will be sustainably
harvested. Why did you launch this?
Galen G. Weston: While the demand for quality sea- food is on the rise around the world, climate change,
pollution, and overfishing are taking a toll on our seas
and oceans. Seventy per cent of the world’s fish stocks
are at or beyond their capacity and on the verge of col-
lapse. Imagine if that were true of our agricultural out-
put. We would be taking radical action.
As Canada’s largest buyer and seller of seafood, Loblaw
has decided to take the necessary steps for positive change
by launching our Sustainable Seafood Commitment.
We’re committed to only selling sustainable seafood
products. We aren’t just talking about our own brands,
but every brand we carry. Canned, frozen, fresh, wild,
and farmed seafood products—as well as anything that
contains seafood products, such as vitamins, pet food,
and juices—will be 100 per cent sustainably sourced.
As we determine the status of certain species that
are at risk, we stop selling those products and will only
begin selling them again when we have found a sus-
tainable third party-certified source for those species.
The first comprehensive sustainable seafood com-
mitment of its kind in Canada and among the leading
ones in the world, our Sustainable Seafood Commit-
ment is aligned with one of our five corporate social
responsibility principles: sourcing with integrity.
Retailers can lead change. We hope that others will
InsideEdge: Obesity has been called an epidemic in Canada. What role can food companies and grocers play
in helping people eat well?
Galen G. Weston: The four primary chronic illnesses in Canada, including obesity, are directly linked to diet, and
we believe we can play a major role in helping Canadians
make healthier and more informed choices. Today’s Loblaw
supermarkets offer a far wider selection of healthy foods,
at much lower prices, than at any other point in our history.
By offering healthier food options, by stocking our shelves
with fresh and wholesome Canadian produce, by provid-
ing information and improving our customers’ understand-
ing of nutritional values, and by promoting active lifestyles,
we can help to improve the health of Canadians.
Source: Excerpted reprinted with permission from The Conference
Board of Canada. (2011, July 11). Leading change in the food
sector. Inside Edge . Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/
insideedge/2011/july2011/jul11-5minutes-weston.aspx .
TALKING BUSINESS 11.5 (continued)
Compact fluorescent, High Intensity Discharge (HID) and Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting is more energy-efficient compared to standard incandescent, fluorescent and halogen lighting. Energy efficient lighting also lasts much longer, requiring fewer replace- ments than standard lighting, thereby reducing materials, packaging and maintenance costs. Since all fluorescent and HID lights contain a small amount of mercury, it is impor- tant to choose the lowest mercury option available, and to recycle the bulbs at the end of their life. Some manufacturers offer very low mercury content lamps. LED lights are the best choice since they are the most energy efficient and contain no mercury. 66
66 Industry Canada. (n.d.). Corporate social responsibility: Top 10 sustainability shopping list. Retrieved from www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/csr-rse.nsf/eng/rs00550.html .
437C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
As a food manufacturer, Kraft is one company that has reduced its use of water, energy and waste. In fact, some of its plants across North America have achieved zero-waste-to-landfill status, which means they are recycling and using 100% of their manufacturing waste, as well as turning manufacturing byproducts into other forms of energy. What have some of its plants achieved across North America? Let’s consider Kraft’s achievements in the following three states:
■ New York : At its cheese plants in Lowville, New York, and Campbell, New York, Kraft is creating renewable energy by using its waste products. The plants generate biogas using anaerobic digesters that turn whey waste (a regular byproduct of cheese- making) into fuel. These two plants are creating enough renewable energy to heat about 2,600 typical homes in the northeast for one year.
■ Pennsylvania : The Allentown, Pennsylvania, plant is a zero-waste facility. For example, a few years ago the plant was sending nearly 5 million pounds of mustard seed hulls (a byproduct of making Grey Poupon mustard) to landfills each year. Today, the seed materials are repurposed as animal feed.
■ Missouri : The Columbia, Missouri, plant is repurposing its waste as compost. The plant sends used casings and wood ash from its hardwood smoking process (for Oscar Mayer hot dogs) to make compost for local residents’ landscaping needs. 67
Distribution Distribution involves shipping a product to a potential buyer. Sustainable distribution involves any form of transportation of goods between the seller and the buyer that causes the least harm to the environment and the community. The transportation process can include packaging, shipping from storage, order processing, delivery to the buyer, and returning containers and packaging.
In the food industry, food manufacturers must distribute their products to grocery stores, restaurants, banquet halls, and other catering businesses. Let’s revisit Kraft and consider its sustainable distribution achievements:
■ China : Kraft Foods’s Shanghai plant has replaced many inbound shipping containers with reusable cartons, reducing the amount of carton waste by 25%—this allows 90% of the containers to be reused.
■ Russia : At Kraft Foods’s Saint Petersburg coffee plant, incoming coffee bean shipping bags and pallets are reused. 68
Retailing Like manufacturers, retailers can also reduce, reuse, and recycle. While retailers can work with manufacturers or suppliers to reduce waste or limit environmental harm, retailers can also make purchase choices to buy green products that contain recycled components and reduced packaging.
sustainable distribution Any form of transportation of goods between the seller and the buyer that causes the least harm to the environment and the community.
67 Atkinson, W. (2012, January 27). Kraft Foods continues a successful campaign against solid waste. Retrieved from http://www.sustainableplant.com/2012/01/kraft-foods-continues-a-successful-campaign-against-solid-waste.
68 King, B. (2012, February 7). Kraft Foods cuts manufacturing waste by 50% since 2005. Sustainable Brands. Retrieved from www.sustainablebrands.com/news_and_views/feb2012/kraft-foods-cuts-manufacturing-waste-50-2005 .
438 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
In 2011, Home Depot organized its first “Innovation for Sustainability” event, in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employ- ment, where small manufacturers had an opportunity to pitch new product ideas to its merchandisers. From over 200 submissions, Home Depot selected 20 products to pilot test in selected stores. One product called Compostgenie encouraged individuals to compost and helped suppress odours from food waste. The product was made from organic ingredi- ents such as sea salt, seaweed, molasses, bran, and probiotics and looked like small seeds. The event was a win-win for both Home Depot and small manufacturers. Home Depot had an opportunity to buy new green innovations while also helping support local entre- preneurs, manufacturers and communities. 69
Whole Foods is a food retailer that has integrated reducing, reusing, and recycling into every part of its business. Whole Foods, for example has replaced plastic gift cards with cards made of paper. The paper cards are made with 50% postconsumer waste and are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The new cards are reusable, recycla- ble, compostable, and have a lower carbon footprint. The company also sells e-gift cards, which can be reloaded with a smartphone. 70
Retailers can offer reusable shopping bags, too. While the debate between paper and plastic bags will surely continue, using a reusable shopping bag remains the best choice, as seen in Talking Business 11.6 .
Marketing What is sustainable marketing? According to the American Marketing Association, sustainable marketing or green marketing is
1. (retailing definition) The marketing of products that are presumed to be environ- mentally safe.
2. (social marketing definition) The development and marketing of products designed to minimize negative effects on the physical environment or to improve its quality.
3. (environment definition) The efforts by organizations to produce, promote, package, and reclaim products in a manner that is sensitive or responsive to ecological concerns. 71
Retailers and others can appeal to their customers to do good by also marketing envi- ronmentally friendly products in a sustainable way.
In Canada, companies can market products that contain recycled materials or use less packaging, such as some goods sold in bulk. In the United States, companies can apply to use a new label called the How2Recycle Label to help market their products and their brand. The nonprofit organization GreenBlue and its Sustainable Packaging Coalition
70 King, B. (2012, August 31). Whole Foods phases out plastic gift cards, powers kitchen facility with used cook- ing oil. Sustainable Brands. Retrieved from www.sustainablebrands.com/news_and_views/articles/whole-foods- phases-out-plastic-gift-cards-powers-kitchen-facility-used .
69 Galt, V. (2011, September 8). Home Depot stocks up on green inventions. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/home-depot-stocks-up-on-green-inventions/ article593501 .
71 American Marketing Association. (n.d.). Green marketing definition. Reprinted with permission. Retrieved from www.marketingpower.com/_layouts/Dictionary.aspx?dLetter=G.
sustainable marketing Also referred to as green marketing, this is marketing of products that are environmentally safe; developing and marketing products that have minimal negative effects on soci- ety; and producing, promoting, packaging, and reclaiming products in an environmentally friendly way.
439C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
One Canadian newspaper columnist wrote that “banning
plastic bags will do exactly nothing to save the planet.”
While this may be true, it is a start in the right direction
toward reducing waste and the ultimate harm that they can
cause. Certainly, as a society, we have become more accus-
tomed to using plastic bags in our everyday lives, from car-
rying home groceries to lining trash bins and to collecting
dog poop. But should we continue using them just for con-
venience when they ultimately harm the environment? 72
According to the Greeener Footprints website,
Canadians throw away between 9 and 15 billion plastic
bags annually, enough to go around the earth 55 times!
And since plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to bio-
degrade, this adds up to a lot of waste. 73
Because they are lightweight, plastic bags are easily
blown around by wind and carried by water. They litter our
streets and natural areas and accumulate in our oceans.
One research study by the University of British Columbia
found that 93% of migratory seabirds (called northern
fulmars) had stomachs full of plastic, a substantial increase
since these birds were first tested in 1980. Stephanie Avery-
Gomm, the head researcher, explained to the Globe and
Mail that one bird had over 450 pieces of plastic in its belly.
Researchers already know that plastic can kill birds as well as
other marine species, including turtles and fish, since these
species either eat the plastic or just get entangled in the
stuff, limiting them from flying, eating, or getting to safety. 74
Businesses, of course, use plastic too. Food is often
packaged in plastic containers, delivered on crates
wrapped in plastic, and so on. Many retailers prefer to
use plastic bags because they are less expensive than
paper. What makes plastic really essential when there is
so much waste?
Plastic is a petroleum product, which means valuable
fossil fuels are consumed in order to make it. In fact, nine
plastic bags have enough of embodied petroleum to drive a
car 1 kilometre. 75
But are paper bags any better? Surely, at least paper
comes from a renewable resource, and they can be com-
posted and recycled, right? According to the Environmen-
tal Protection Agency in the United States, paper bags do
not biodegrade all that much faster than plastic. 76
The big problem with paper bags is not so much
the paper bag itself, but the production process required
to make them. Paper production emits air pollution—
specifically, 70% more pollution than plastic bags. What
kind of pollution? Greenhouse gases that are responsible
for contributing to climate change across the planet. But
paper bags are made from a renewable resource, you
might argue. Though true, these same trees could be used
in absorbing greenhouse gases emissions.
Paper bags also emit 50 times more pollutants than
plastic bags. And water is consumed three times more in
producing a paper bag than a plastic one. 77
While plastic
Convenience Versus Sustainability: The Plastic and Paper Bag Debate
72 Suzuki, David. Are plastic bags really necessary? David Suzuki Foundation. August 2, 2012. http://www. davidsuzuki.org/blogs/science-matters/2012/08/are-plastic-bags-really-necessary/ 73 Suzuki, David. Are plastic bags really necessary? David Suzuki Foundation. August 2, 2012. http://www. davidsuzuki.org/blogs/science-matters/2012/08/are-plastic-bags-really-necessary/ 74 Suzuki, David. Are plastic bags really necessary? David Suzuki Foundation. August 2, 2012. http://www. davidsuzuki.org/blogs/science-matters/2012/08/are-plastic-bags-really-necessary/ 75 Suzuki, David. Are plastic bags really necessary? David Suzuki Foundation. August 2, 2012. http://www. davidsuzuki.org/blogs/science-matters/2012/08/are-plastic-bags-really-necessary/ 76 McGrath, Jane. Which is more environmentally friendly: paper or plastic? How Stuff Works. http://science. howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/paper-plastic.htm 77 McGrath, Jane. Which is more environmentally friendly: paper or plastic? How Stuff Works. http://science. howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/paper-plastic.htm
440 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
bags use petroleum, paper bags require four times as
much energy as plastic bags. 78
Recycling is also an issue. While some jurisdictions recycle
some plastic products, plastic bags are not typically one of
them. Paper, on the other hand, is a better choice for recy-
cling. However, it takes 91% more energy to recycle a pound
of paper than a pound of plastic. 79
And paper has to be sepa-
rated and put into a recycling bin or it ends up in a landfill, too.
So what did we do before the invention of plastic
bags? Clearly, our grandparents were more accustomed
to using paper bags before plastic ones became main-
stream. But the other alternative is to use reusable bags,
ones that aren’t thrown away.
An outright ban on plastic bags may not be the
best solution, but choosing more sustainable options makes
sense for the environment and the future.
TALKING BUSINESS 11.6 (continued)
79 McGrath, Jane. Which is more environmentally friendly: paper or plastic? How Stuff Works. http://science. howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/paper-plastic.htm
initiated this labelling system to conform to the Federal Commission’s green marketing guides and to reduce consumer confusion about recycling. 80 General Mills, for example, is one food company that uses this labelling system.
Electronic media is another tool that can be used to educate customers and to sell products. A company’s website or Facebook page can also promote “green” products.
Consumer Use/Consumption Clearly, businesses need to do their part, but consumers also need to change their mindset to determine their needs versus their wants and purchase more sustainable products. After all, consumerism and sustainability are two conflicting behaviours. While consumerism embraces purchasing more consumer goods, sustainability discourages consumption and promotes reducing, reusing, and recycling. What is sustainable purchasing? Industry Canada defines sustainable purchasing as follows: sustainable purchasing The
acquisition of goods and services in a way that gives preference to suppliers that generate positive social and environmental out- comes. It might even involve con- sidering whether a purchase needs to be made at all.
[the] acquisition of goods and services (“products”) in a way that gives preference to sup- pliers that generate positive social and environmental outcomes. It integrates sustainabil- ity considerations into product selection so that impacts on society and the environment are minimized throughout the full life cycle of the product. Sustainability purchasing entails looking at what products are made of, where they have come from, who has made them, how they will be ultimately disposed—even considering whether the purchase needs to be made at all. It encompasses environmental, social, and ethical dimensions and brings benefit to the environment and local and global communities and workers. 81
80 Sustainable Food News. (2012, November 29). On-package recycling label aims to appear on majority of con- sumer product packaging by 2016. Retrieved from www.sustainablefoodnews.com/printstory.php?news_id=17925 .
81 Industry Canada. (n.d.). Corporate social responsibility: Top 10 sustainability shopping list. Retrieved from www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/csr-rse.nsf/eng/rs00550.html.
78 McGrath, Jane. Which is more environmentally friendly: paper or plastic? How Stuff Works. http://science. howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/paper-plastic.htm
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We already know that sustainable products involve not just renewable resources but also environmentally friendly processes that aim to do the least harm to the environment. Another consideration is the lifespan of the product. Is it a product that can potentially be reused and passed down to the next generation, like a watch, a piano, fine china, or handcrafted furniture?
Certainly, this will not be true in the food industry since food has a limited life and then will be thrown away. However, customers can make more sustainable choices by buy- ing locally and reducing their food waste.
Buying locally produced food has been promoted as a better choice than buying food that is grown far away. Local food is usually fresher, tastes better, and helps preserve valuable farmland. Money, therefore, is spent on food that helps to support local communities and their economic development. Of course, there is also the main argument that local food sig- nificantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. Local peppers, tomatoes, and other vegetables will have to travel less if grown in your own community rather than if they must be transported by truck, plane, or train from Mexico or across the ocean.
Certainly, North Americans do not have a food shortage. Our culture of fast food, super-sizing, and all-you-can-eat buffets encourages us to eat more, not less. However, the food that we don’t eat—the kitchen scraps, the unwanted leftovers, and the spoiled food from our fridges—has turned into a $27 billion problem that ends up in landfills each year. According to a recent study by the Value Chain Management Centre, about 40% of our food in Canada is wasted every year. 82 This contributes to the growing problem of green- house gas emissions, including methane, which traps more heat than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. “Already 38 percent of Canada’s emissions come from landfills,” accord- ing to Susan Antler, executive director of the Composting Council of Canada. 83
How do we change our mindset to make better purchasing decisions? How do we separate our needs from our wants? As consumers, using only what we need, rather than what we want, may conflict with consumerism, but it would ultimately result in less waste and less harm to the environment.
End-of-Life/Disposal When is the end of a product’s life? The answer, of course, is that it depends. Typically, if a product can be reused, it can be donated to a charitable organization or sold for profit. The product’s life therefore continues. However, when a product is broken or becomes obsolete because of technological change, there are usually two choices businesses and individuals have: Recycle a product’s parts or dispose of them.
When old parts are recycled, materials can be reused and made into new products. Some items that can be diverted from a landfill into a recycling system include scrap metal, wood, cardboard, glass, paper, plastic, batteries, and other materials. On the other hand, disposing of a product usually means it will end up in a landfill, which has become a growing cost for taxpayers and has long-term environmental consequences.
In the food industry, food has a limited life and cannot easily be recycled. Food manu- facturers and restaurants can participate in food-rescue programs like Second Harvest,
82 Bain, J. (2011, January 14). Food waste: An unappetizing, $27B problem. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www. thestar.com/printarticle/920663 .
83 Chung, A. (2008, May 25). How we waste food. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/printarticle/ 429617 .
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which picks up excess and donated food that may otherwise go to waste. A food-rescue program can provide fresh food to people in need. Food manufacturers may also be able to sell certain foods to farmers for livestock feed.
What about businesses in other industries? What can all businesses consider doing to become more sustainable in the long run? On a functional level, each company can con- sider how it can reduce, reuse, recycle, and improve its sustainable practices, as seen in Exhibit 11.14 .
Department Sustainable Action
Accounting and
• Implement the triple bottom line approach to track, measure, and report sustainable practices to
Human Resources • Use an online database to accept résumés instead of mail-based applications to reduce paper
• Implement telework and shared workspace options to reduce building space and heating/utility
• Promote benefits that include healthy food options and exercise facilities
• Train employees on sustainable practices
• Hire sustainability consultants to implement green initiatives
Marketing • Use recyclable materials in packaging
• Use electronic media for promotions
• Provide discounts or other incentives for purchasing in bulk
• Develop policies to dispose of electronics safely
• Convert to a paperless office by scanning documents, using online storage, etc.
• Implement electronic management systems to reduce paper storage
• Promote videoconferencing and teleconferencing technologies to reduce travel requirements
Research and
• Invest in products and services that promote sustainable practices
• Use reusable or recycled products
• Reduce materials, water, and energy in the manufacture of goods
Operations and
• Reduce packaging and waste
• Reduce transportation
• Reduce overall emissions
Public Relations and
• Include sustainable practices as part of company’s values and mission
• Use electronic media sources to release announcements and other information to save paper
Facilities • Build or rent green facilities that minimize energy and water usage
• Implement a green waste management program
• Ensure green cleaning and landscaping practices are used
Procurement • Develop green purchasing policies
• Ensure vendors share the company’s sustainable values
Legal and Risk
• Evaluate risks of how products and services may negatively impact people and the environment
Source: Stringer, L. (2010). The green workplace (pp. 48–49) . New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
Exhibit 11.14 Implementing Sustainable Practices by Department
443C h a p t e r 1 1 T h e C h a l l e n g e o f S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
CHAPTER SUMMARY Implementing sustainable business practices is a new challenge faced by many manag- ers. Time, money, and lack of knowledge are a few obstacles in the way of obtaining this lofty goal. Yet sustainable businesses that achieve their economic, social, and environ- mental goals can expect to receive many benefits. Sustainable business practices have proven to help businesses in the long run by reducing costs, reducing risk, and improv- ing customer relations. Clearly, environmental degradation cannot quickly be fixed, and businesses need to continue to consider their impact on the environment and society to be sustainable in the long term.
biological diversity 420
carbon footprint 416
climate change 412
Ecological Footprint (EP) 422
ecosystem 421
fossil fuel 415
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) 425
greenhouse gas emissions 415
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) 424
Living Planet Index (LPI) 420
nonrenewable resource 415
social equity 411
sustainable development 408
sustainable distribution 437
sustainable manufacturing 434
sustainable marketing 438
sustainable purchasing 440
sustainable resource 417
triple bottom line (TBL) 409
virtual water 413
Multiple-Choice Questions Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. Sustainable development as described by Brundtland includes
a. meeting the needs of present and future generations
b. meeting the needs of past generations
c. development that does not compromise the needs
of people
d. both A and C
2. The triple bottom line approach can be a tool for reporting
a. financial statement information
b. a company’s carbon footprint
c. personal values on the environment
d. both A and B
3. The triple bottom line approach reports information on a. economic, social, and environmental results
b. people, profits, and the planet
c. quantitative and qualitative information
d. all of the above
4. The economic category of TBL reporting can include all of the following indicators except
a. assets and liabilities
b. the number of days employees volunteered their
time to help social causes
c. revenue by sector
d. taxes paid
5. In TBL reporting, when Starbucks pays farmers a fair price for their coffee beans, this would be reported
under the ________ category.
a. social
b. environmental
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
6. The most important environmental issues that exist today include all of the following except
a. overconsumption of resources
b. pollution from secondhand smoking
c. greenhouse gas emissions
d. depletion of natural resources
Key Terms
444 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
7. Virtual or embodied water is a. drinking water
b. water used to produce, process, and transport goods
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
8. A fossil fuel is a a. renewable form of energy
b. nonrenewable form of energy
c. carbon dioxide
d. none of the above
9. A benefit of the TBL approach is a. it is easy to measure with accuracy
b. it allows results to be easily compared to other
c. it allows the organization to be flexible
d. all of the above
10. A limitation of the TBL approach is that it a. is too subjective
b. is too new and not flexible
c. only satisfies shareowners
d. is legally required
11. Businesses can be motivated to implement sustainable practices for all of the following reasons except
a. to reduce risk
b. to reduce costs
c. to improve public relations
d. to get free negative publicity
12. An obstacle for an organization to implement sustain- able practices is
a. time
b. employee volunteer involvement
c. tax credits
d. both A and C
13. Improving business sustainable practices involves examining
a. the product’s life cycle
b. department functions
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
14. The sustainability debate between plastic bags and paper bags generally considers
a. product components
b. process emissions
c. landfill issues
d. all of the above
15. A sustainable business must a. make a profit
b. consider many stakeholders
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
Discussion Questions 1. Define sustainable development.
2. Discuss the three categories of the triple bottom line approach.
3. Explain the benefits and limitations of TBL reporting.
4. Identify three social indicators that could be used in TBL reporting.
5. What are greenhouse gas emissions and why should organizations try to reduce them?
6. Identify and compare four ways to measure sustainability.
7. Describe the business case for sustainability.
8. Explain three obstacles for organizations implementing sustainable initiatives.
9. Identify and describe the areas of a product’s life cycle whereby sustainable practices should be assessed.
10. Identify three business departments and explain three examples of sustainable practices they could introduce.
In recent years, there has been a cultural shift to eat local food—in other words, eating fresher food, closer to home, and supporting the local economy. Today, there are a growing number of farmers’ markets, community gardens, and gourmet restaurants specializing in locally grown food. City councils have even debated the possibility of backyard chicken
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coops. And an increasing number of businesses are offering home-delivery services of fresh produce from local farms.
In conjunction with this trend, a growing number of consum- ers are demanding more information about their food, such as what’s inside their food and where it comes from, putting pressure on the government and the food industry to provide greater trans- parency on food labelling. Certainly, buyers have concerns over chemicals and additives in processed foods and want to make more healthy choices. Savvy customers also want to protect the envi- ronment and purchase sustainable, environmentally friendly food.
There are many reasons to support locally grown food:
Fresher tastes better
If you have picked a tomato from your own backyard, you know that fresher tastes better. Clearly, this is one advantage of locally grown food. It does not have to be flown in, shipped in, or trucked very far. The food has to go through fewer processes that may affect its quality and flavour. With food shipped from overseas, vegetables are often picked green and then ripened artificially upon arrival. Eating locally therefore means eating fresher and eating seasonally.
Less chemicals
As large agribusiness takes over more farmland, there are less farmers growing food and managing the land. In fact, less than 1% of the population provides food for the remaining 99%. To manage larger spaces, more fertilizer and pesticides are required. In the United States over 800 million tonnes of pes- ticides and 160 million tonnes of fertilizer go into the soil, depleting it of its natural fertil- ity and contaminating the water supply.
More variety
Large businesses heavily focus on profit rather than sustainability, which often results in large quantities of uniform cash crops that are replanted year after year on the same land. Due to economies of scale, this strategy can force smaller farmers, who may offer a wider variety of fruits or vegetables, into bankruptcy. For example, local farmers can sell brandy- wines, early girls, and lemon boys instead of just “tomatoes.” Mono-cropping also degrades soil and can result in less nutritious produce over time.
Less pollution
Since local food has less distance to travel, it uses less gasoline, packaging, storage, and refrig- eration. This in turn means less fossil fuels are burned that contribute to harmful greenhouse gas emissions. According to OM Organics, the global food trade has quadrupled since 1961, with thousands of tonnes of food shipped annually. In fact, on average, corporate crops can travel between 1,500 to 2,500 miles before they arrive at your local neighbourhood grocery store.
Improved local economies
Purchasing local food means more than just supporting local farmers, it means supporting small business, entrepreneurship, and domestic job growth. Certainly, small towns benefit
Steve Pepple/Shutterstock
Case Continued >
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when local farmers do well, since farmers spend money on goods and services that contrib- ute to the surrounding economy. Indeed, local farmers can keep more of the profits when there are few, if any, middlemen involved, unlike with corporate agribusiness.
While the trend toward “local food” appears to be growing, some question the valid- ity of assertions that accuse large agribusinesses of unsustainable farming practices.
Is eating “local food” more sustainable than “nonlocal food”? While many observers would argue yes, others like University of Toronto geography professor Pierre Desrochers have questioned this assumption. Desrochers contends that much of the advances in food security and standards of living have been a result of corporate agribusiness and not due to small-scale subsistence farmers. One reason is that large multinationals are involved in international trade and have had the resources to specialize, create econo- mies of scale, and make food safer and cheaper. This includes technological advance- ments such as genetically modified seeds, safer pesticides, more automated farming equipment, and safer food practices. However, this assertion has been disputed by other experts. 84
Debbie Field, executive director of Foodshare, an Ontario community food program that provides local food to 141,000 children in a school nutrition program, explains that local farmers use new technology as well and local food does not always have to cost more. “I know a lot of young farmers in Ontario and they’re some of the most technically sophis- ticated people in the world,” she says. 85
One of the main arguments that local food is more sustainable is that it contains less “food miles”—that is, local food does not have to travel as far from the farm to your plate.
According to OM Organics,
Typically, agribusinesses own large farmland plots and ship harvests across the coun- try or internationally. In the U.S., food travels an average of 1500–2500 miles and 7–14 days to get to your plate. How fruits and vegetables last the journey is by chem- ical preservatives, additives, and/or genetic-engineering that retards spoilage. More than half our tomatoes are harvested and shipped green, and then artificially ripened at their final destination. 86
In contrast, food from local farmers involves less transportation. Less transportation means less gasoline is burned, which means less greenhouse gases are released into the air causing climate change. Desrochers and his wife, Hiroko Shimizu, argue that food miles are deceiving. Why? Food miles are only one measure of how food contributes to global warming. However, some local food growers produce certain crops that use energy that is equally or more damaging to the environment. For example, a research report conducted in the United Kingdom compared local (UK) tomatoes with those imported from Spain. The results indicated that UK tomatoes, which had to be grown in heated greenhouses,
86 Om Organics. (n.d.). Large agribusiness—Lower quality, less variety. Retrieved from www.omorganics.org/ page.php?pageid=100 .
85 McMahon, 2012.
84 McMahon, T. (2012, July 9). Is local food bad for the economy? Maclean’s . Retrieved from http://www2. macleans.ca/2012/07/09/is-local-food-bad-for-the-economy .
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“emitted nearly 2,400 kg of carbon dioxide per ton, compared to 640 kg for the Spanish tomatoes, which could grow in unheated greenhouses.” 87
This is another claim that not everyone agrees with. Other research has found that food miles only represent 4% of total food-related emissions. For instance, what about the energy used to produce food or the energy consumed to drive to the store to buy it? Air transportation only accounts for 1% of food miles. In addition, most food is transported by ship, which is the most fuel-efficient way to ship food.
Advocates of agribusiness, however, argue that such businesses can be equally cogni- zant of the health issues surrounding their products:
Large corporations have brands to protect and budgets to devote to scrupulous food safety practices, compared to small farms, which usually aren’t worth suing if they cause outbreaks of food-borne illnesses like E.coli or salmonella. . . . Large farms and food processing plants are also susceptible to outbreaks of food-borne illness—Maple Leaf Farms paid $25 million to settle claims from a 2008 listeria outbreak— but . . . they’re easier to trace and correct than illnesses caused by small farms since they generate more media coverage and government oversight. 88
According to many observers, there are numerous potential benefits to supporting local food, as described above. However, the debate about locally grown produce versus corporate agribusiness will surely continue.
1. Provide arguments for and against purchasing locally grown food. In your answer, refer to the social, economic, and environmental factors of sustainability.
2. Identify which type of farming (local or agribusiness) you believe to be more sustain- able. Why?
3. What are “food miles”? What are the pros and cons of using food miles to determine the environmental impact of food?
88 McMahon, T. (2012, July 9). Is local food bad for the economy? Retrieved from http://www2.macleans. ca/2012/07/09/is-local-food-bad-for-the-economy/.
87 McMahon, 2012.
Chapter 12 Confronting Change How Do Businesses Address the Challenge of Change?
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Describe the forces encouraging change in organizations.
2. Define developmental change, transitional change, and
transformational change.
3. Understand the value of Theory E and Theory O change.
4. Describe the process of transformational change.
5. Explain the relationship of learning with organizational
6. Explain the role of “the tipping point” and its impact
on change.
To succeed in today’s business environment requires the
ability to quickly adapt to changing market conditions.
Consequently, it is fitting that we devote specific atten-
tion to a discussion of the nature of change. What does
change entail? What are the forces for change? In this
chapter, we will examine the methods adopted to facilitate
change. Within this discussion, the concept of the “learn-
ing organization” will be explored. In addition, we will
consider how organizations may facilitate or impede
change. The chapter ends with a discussion of the issue of
the tipping point for organizational change.
© Gregory Holmgren/Alamy
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THE BUSINESS WORLD Indigo: Writing the Next Chapter in Canada’s Book Industry
Have you bought a book in Canada lately? If you have, it was likely purchased at Canada’s largest bookstore operator, Indigo, or through US online retailer Amazon. You might be lucky to find a smaller bookstore, but these are quickly dwindling in number. Besides fierce low-cost competitors such as Amazon, the cost of rent and high property taxes are reasons why many independent bookstores, such as The Book Mark, have closed their doors.
Indigo Books and Music Inc., which also operates Chapters and Coles stores, is a business in transition. While Indigo holds a quasi-monopoly on the Canadian in-store book market, fierce online competition has forced Indigo to rethink what it sells and how it competes.
In the past two years, Indigo has diversified into toys, gifts, and home décor merchan- dise to expand product offerings and to reduce losses in other areas. In 2011, revenue declined by 2.3% to $934 million, largely because of declining physical book sales. Cur- rently, books sales make up 75% of Indigo’s core business; however, Indigo forecasts that this will drop to 50% in a few years. 1
CEO Heather Reisman calls it the right direction for the company. With the ease of buying books online, customers need other reasons to come into a bookstore. “I’m not interested in selling a bowl,” Reisman said. “That’s not the business I’m going to be in. I am interested in creating an experience around the table for the customer.” 2
According to Anthony Campbell, a brand strategist at consultancy firm Level5, “It is a big challenge—there are a lot of retailers in this [lifestyle, gift and home décor] space and it is where the world is going for a lot of other brands.” 3 Indeed, it is a different industry with different rules. Traditionally, book companies have been able to return books to the publisher that they don’t sell. But with general consumer goods, the risk is taken on by the retailer, not the supplier.
What else is Indigo doing differently? Indigo has introduced the Indigo Ideas Face- book page that allows customers to provide their suggestions, ideas, and feedback. The page is powered by an interactive app called SoapBox, created by 22-year-old Ryerson student and entrepreneur Brennan McEachran. The platform has been proven successful as it gives customers the option to be part of the process and change that lies ahead. 4
SoapBox acts like a message board. Once key words are entered, the platform matches similar words already posted so that customers can lend their support for an idea. Customers, for example, suggested increasing the length of a popular blanket sold in Indigo stores. Once the idea was posted on the website, other comments soon appeared, and later 21 votes were made in favour of the idea. Indigo quickly responded and improved the blanket. Another suggested idea was a “customer wish list.” Here, friends and family have access to preferred gift items for birthdays and other special occasions. Indigo responded quickly to this idea, too.
1 Shaw, H. (2012, June 27). Indigo CEO Reisman grapples with future growth of e-books. Financial Post .
2 Strauss, M. (2011, November 9). For Indigo CEO, it’s time to think outside the box. Globe and Mail. Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/for-indigo-ceo-its-time-to-think-outside-the-book/ article4200507 .
3 Strauss, 2011 (November 9).
4 O’Kane, J. (2013, February 28). Indigo gives its customers a Soapbox. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www. theglobeandmail.com/technology/tech-news/indigo-gives-its-customers-a-soapbox/article9177365 .
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Since then, Indigo has seen over 400 suggestions and 700,000 interactions. The com- pany has favourably implemented 56 ideas. Clearly, Indigo is learning from its customers. “We want to make sure as we go that we’re getting as much real-time feedback as possi- ble,” says Lance Martel, senior vice-president of digital innovation at Indigo. “We thought, ‘let’s go where our most engaged consumers are and provide them a solution to submit their ideas and engage them on the transformation.’ SoapBox did that very well.” 5
According to Globe and Mail writer Josh O’Kane, Indigo wants its customers to remain engaged and responsive. “The last thing Indigo Books and Music Inc. wants is for its cus- tomers to get cold feet. As e-readers transform the book world, Canada’s largest book retailer is transforming too, shifting from a traditional book retailer to a book-lifestyle [and] cultural department store,” says O’Kane. 6
Indigo has also changed its rewards loyalty program to help boost sales by offering two dif- ferent options to customers. The Plum Rewards program is free to join and allows customers to collect points on most products. On the other hand, its iRewards program costs $35 annually, but gives customers a 10% discount on books and a 5% discount on most nonbook products. 7
The strategy is taken from Canada’s largest drugstore retailer, Shoppers Drug Mart, whose rewards program has been very successful thus far. Shoppers Drug Mart’s Optimum cardholders typically spend 60% more than noncardholders. 8 Indigo hopes its customers will do the same. Several years ago, Shoppers Drug Mart similarly needed to diversify its pharmacy business and now sells selected groceries, cameras, and much more. 9
“It’s a defining moment in physical book retailing, just as I think we’re in some ways in a defining period for physical retailing,” Reisman said. “If you don’t do something, you’re not going to be in business.” 10
In 2011, Indigo sold its e-reader, Kobo, to Rakuten, a Japanese firm, for US$315 million. While the digital book business initially looked promising, increasing losses were a drain on the company. E-readers had been slowly losing appeal. Although there is a loyal niche market of older adults who want to read a lot of books using one device, more consumers are opting to buy tablets, which can perform multiple tasks. Similarly, e-books, priced at about $10, deliver less than half of the profit from physical hardcover books, industry analysts’ estimate. 11
Amazon, the largest US online book retailer, has been the frontrunner in transform- ing the book industry in Canada, the United States, and around the world. Amazon, which sells books online, has also expanded into other consumer goods while selling them at rock-bottom prices. Indigo’s largest competitor has been competing like no other retailer. Amazon has been accused of actively encouraging customers to check out goods in com- petitor physical stores and then to purchase them at a cheaper price online with Amazon.
5 O’Kane, 2013.
6 O’Kane, 2013.
7 Strauss, M. (2011, April 5). Indigo launches rewards program. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www. theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/indigo-launches-rewards-program/article598396.
8 Strauss, 2011 (April 5).
9 Strauss, 2011 (April 5).
10 Strauss, M. (2011, April 8). Indigo’s Heather Reisman faces digital reckoning. Globe and Mail . Retrieved from www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/indigos-heather-reisman-faces-digital-reckoning/article577337/? page=all.
11 Strauss, 2011 (April 8).
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The online company has benefited in other ways, too. The Internet giant has not only been able to keep costs low by avoiding physical stores that come with overhead costs such as labour, rent and utility expenses, Amazon has also been able to curtail tax laws in many foreign jurisdictions. Since Amazon does not maintain a “physical presence” in many countries (such as a retail store, warehouse, or sales office) governments cannot charge Amazon corporate income taxes nor enforce tax collection.
Many of Indigo’s US peers continue to struggle. Borders filed for bankruptcy in 2011, and Barnes and Noble has been trying to expand its product offerings.
Certainly, Reisman is trying to position the company to succeed in the long term, but competing in this new industry is a learning process. “Book retailing, publishing as a whole, is going through a massive transformation,” said Michael Serbinis, chief executive of Kobo. “That takes incredible will and mettle to go through.” 12
CHANGE AND THE ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS The Business World opening vignette underscores the significant challenges organizations face in confronting a changing environment. What are the sources of change directed at organizations? How do these changes affect the nature of organizations and work? In every chapter in this book, f rom management thought to business ethics, we have often recog- nized that just about every important area of business is undergoing some kind of change. How is the organizational environment changing? Consider a number of issues addressed in this book , including issues like globalization, free trade, deregulation, privatization, or the changing emphasis on corporate social responsibility. Much of what we have addressed involves issues that are undergoing dramatic change.
Regardless of the target for the change, it is critical to understand what factors in the organization’s environ- ment dictate the need for change.
Forces for Change As discussed in Chapter 1 , o rganizations are open sys- tems that are in continual interaction with their exter- nal environment. Success and survival require organizations to continually develop a “fit” with their dynamic and evolving environment. Consequently, the ability to change is central to the success of any organi- zation. On the other hand, there is a paradox at play— while change is ultimately required to adapt to a changing environment, the success of any organization depends on the capability to maintain stable and repro- ducible organizational processes and outcomes. See Exhibit 12.1 for an illustration of the forces for change, which we discuss next.
Objective 1 Describe the forces encouraging change in
12 Strauss, 2011 (November 9).
Economic Changes
Societal Changes
Global Changes
Competitive Changes
Technological Changes
Legal/Political Changes
Organizational Change
Exhibit 12.1 Forces for Change
452 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
We have watched what the new workplace rules mean in periods of economic expan- sion. The decade long boom of the 1990s occurred just as downsizing became de rigueur at American companies. The greater efficiency with which companies allocated their human resources spurred enormous gains in economic growth and productivity. Com- panies hired contract consultants who could deliver specific expertise on a project, and they hired temporaries to handle the surge periods of the business day. 13
Economic Changes Is the economy healthy or weak? Clearly, organizations must adapt to changing economic conditions. Downsizings are more likely to occur in lean times than in rich. Organizational expansion cannot occur in an economic vacuum, as the following indicates:
13 Challenger, J.A. (2001). The transformed workplace: How you can survive. The Futurist, 35 (6). Retrieved from www.questia.com/library/1G1-79382115/the-transformed-workplace-how-you-can-survive .
Organizations are typically responding to this challenging new organization world by becoming preoccupied with improving performance and bottom line results while losing sight of the importance of a people/performance balance in achieving lasting success. In these organizations, slashing costs, continuous restructuring, downsizing, trying endless quick fix programs and solutions, announcing new visions, values, and goals that everyone is expected to embrace, and lots of well intended talk about the importance of people and values is becoming common place. It is a push, cut, slash, slice, talk, quick fix management mentality and strategy that places a high emphasis on performance and a low emphasis on people and often creates an illusion of doing well while the organization is regressing and in some cases unraveling! It appear to employees to be a “built to sell or built to fail” strategy that assumes that you can man- age or shrink your way to success. 14
This quote alludes to a few of the changes that resulted from changing economic circum- stances. Certainly, such changes have also facilitated changes to the nature of the employer– employee relationship. Lifetime employment appears to be a thing of the past. Consider the 1950s or the 1970s: These were actually times where employment meant security. The domi- nant model was long-term employment—stability. However, a change to this implicit employ- ment contract occurred sometime in the 1980s. And , as we identified in an earlier chapter, the age of downsizing began—with large, secure organizations beginning to lay off employees. Part- time and temporary work arrangements have become much more common than in the past:
We have also witnessed a change with regard to the pattern of career movement within an organization. Traditionally, employees attempted to move up the corporate hierarchy throughout their career. However, the flattening of many organizational hierar- chies has tended to substitute horizontal or lateral career movement for the former verti- cal movement, so that you might move around an organization into different areas rather than directly up the hierarchy. The following quote reflects the new era of the “free agent”:
14 Warrick, D.D. (2002). The illusion of doing well while the organization is regressing. Organization Develop- ment Journal, 20 (1), 56–61.
453C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
15 Challenger, 2001.
Employees and workers must view their careers in terms of what skills they can offer. As individual identity has become uncoupled from a particular company, people have focused on functional career areas, such as law, human resources, financial, sales and marketing, and manufacturing. In the 1990s, professional associations and functional groupings have seen explosive membership gains. More and more people have sought community and networking opportunities in the company of like-minded career professionals. 15
In recent years, some Canadian provinces have experienced an increase in structural unemployment caused by skill gaps, as seen in Talking Business 12.1 .
Making Skills Work in Ontario There is growing concern about skills gaps in Ontario.
Many employers can’t find skilled people to fill positions,
impeding their ability to grow and contribute economic
value to the province. At the same time, many individuals
lack the skills needed to find employment—over the past
year, new job gains were concentrated among individuals
with some form of post-secondary education. Across
Canada, skills and labour shortages have been described
by Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills
Development, as the “most significant socio-economic
challenge to our success and competitiveness.” But what
do we really know about the causes and consequences of
skills gaps in Ontario—and what questions remain?
The Skills and Labour Squeeze
Skills gaps are the result of fundamental changes to the
province’s industrial and demographic make-up. Ontario’s
economy has become more highly skilled and “creative,”
in the words of Richard Martin and Robert Florida. Many
jobs require greater technical proficiency, as well as
essential skills (e.g., critical thinking, teamwork, and
communication) and innovation skills (e.g., creativity,
risk-taking, and relationship-building). To be sure, Ontar-
ians are highly educated—Ontario has the highest post-
secondary education completion rate in Canada (57 per
cent) and is well above the OECD average. But more is
needed to meet the demands of tomorrow’s economy.
Some estimate that 77 per cent of individuals will require
post-secondary credentials in the years to come.
Just as skills requirements for employment are rising,
Ontario’s workforce is aging, and many of those with the
most experience are beginning to retire. Combined with
lower population growth rates, Ontario will face labour
shortages in addition to skills shortages. Previous Confer-
ence Board research has shown that the province could
face a labour shortage of 364,000 workers by [next year],
increasing to 564,000 by 2030.
The Risks of Inaction
Some have forecasted significant consequences of failing
to address skills gaps. Miner, for example, projects that [in
three years] there will be “almost 450,000 unskilled work-
ers” who cannot find employment, combined with
“500,000 skilled vacancies.” Moreover, he suggests that
the number of skilled vacancies may rise to a staggering
one million by 2021, and almost two million by 2031, if no
corrective action is taken.
The result would be far-ranging consequences for
Ontario, its businesses and citizens. Many more individuals
would be unable to find employment and the economic
and social benefits it provides. Businesses would find them-
selves without the people they need to grow, innovate,
and provide many of the services society requires. Ontario’s
Workforce Shortage Coalition notes that skills gaps could
“jeopardize ongoing government priorities such as infra-
structure renewal and environmental protection.”
Source: Excerpted from Stuckey, J. (2013, June 19). Making Skills
Work in Ontario . Reprinted with permissions from The Confer-
ence Board of Canada. Retrieved from www.conferenceboard.ca/
454 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Competitive Changes Chapter 7 underscored the importance of identifying how industries change or evolve over time. Competitive processes do evolve, and understand- ing what to expect and what drives evolution along the life cycle of an industry is critical for surviving turbulent times. As we identified in Chapter 7 , t here are major phases and milestones that mark an industry’s evolutionary path from emergence and shakeout to maturity and decline. At each stage of the industry life cycle, the organizational skills and capabilities needed to survive and grow change in significant ways.
Organizations must adapt to change as competition evolves in markets from fragmented and fast growing to concentrated and declining. In addition, competition, both domestic and foreign, certainly has demanded an acceleration in innovation among firms in many indus- tries. To compete effectively, organizations must continually create new and better methods of serving customers. For example, while globalization has opened up larger markets for busi- nesses, it has also facilitated much higher levels of competition. Globalization , as discussed elsewhere in this book, opened the floodgates for competitors. Certainly, for some industries, change was not an option but a requirement for survival, as seen in Talking Business 12.2 .
Yes, There Is a Future for Manufacturing in Canada
One could be forgiven for believing that a perpetual fog of
woe betides Canada’s manufacturing industry. Despite the
end of the recession nearly 3 years ago, headlines continue
to trumpet plant closures and job losses. However, this is
the common problem of confusing firm performance with
sector performance. Manufacturing in Canada is not in
decline—output today is up nearly 14 per cent from the
nadir it reached during the recession. But manufacturing is
most definitely in a state of change.
Many major segments of Canada’s manufacturing sec-
tor are currently reporting rising production; some are
even surging. For example, robust investment in the oil
sands is driving very strong gains in production in the
machinery and fabricated metal products industries, which
are major suppliers. The ongoing recovery in North Ameri-
can vehicle sales is driving rising production in industries
like transportation equipment, primary metals and plas-
tics. A few industries have even attained production today
that is above where it stood at the start of the recession; in
short, they have fully recovered.
That said, the rising tide of manufacturing output is
not lifting all boats. Canada’s paper products and printing
industries continue to suffer from the shift in information
and entertainment away from print to electronic media.
Building materials production, such as cement and aggre-
gates, has failed to rebound due to the tepid performance
of North American construction spending since the end of
the recession. These underperforming segments may be
giving the false impression of a more general manufactur-
ing malaise.
Manufacturing employment is also perpetuating the
impression of gloom. Although production has made
healthy gains in the past couple of years, employment has
not—it is little different today than it was in the summer
of 2009. The combination of a recovery in output in many
manufacturing segments but few job gains means that
labour productivity is rising substantively. Unfortunately
for frustrated workers in the manufacturing sector, this is
an effective way for manufacturers to overcome the twin
challenges of a strong dollar and rising global competition.
455C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
In recent years, there has been considerable discussion of whether the development and application of information and communications technology have changed the . . . economy in a fundamental way, promising a golden future of rapid growth, low unemployment and inflation, perpetual economic expansion, and a booming stock market. The change is sometimes called the “Information Revolution”; more com- monly, it is called the “New Economy.” . . . As the economy absorbs any new technol- ogy, what typically happens first is that existing economic activities are performed at lower cost. E-commerce is no exception . . . Only a few firms have gone through the deep organizational changes needed to become web-based organizations, but those that have done so have achieved remarkable results, like cutting administrative costs by 75 percent. 16
16 Taylor, T. (2001). Thinking about a “new economy.” Public Interest, 143, 3–19. Can be accessed at http:// timothytaylor.net/articles/public_interest_spr_2001.pdf
This ongoing improvement in labour productivity is part of
the necessary and ongoing transformation that manufac-
turing must undertake in order to be successful beyond
the post-recession rebound.
Ultimately, the manufacturing sector will have to
change what it does here, and how it does it. Part of this
transformation will involve further increasing engagement
with emerging markets, both as customers and as links in
the supply chain. For example, Canada’s textiles and
apparel industry has gone through a painful transforma-
tion over the past decade, shrinking by more than half as a
result of competition from developing economies. How-
ever, the industry has achieved some success in recent years
by focusing on high-value activities and products (such as
high-end suits and safety attire), and by taking advantage
of low-cost inputs from those same developing economies.
Increasing the amount of services that manufacturers
provide with their products is another strategy. The Con-
ference Board’s recently-published study on small- and
medium-sized manufacturers in Quebec reported that
companies are increasingly providing services that
complement their products. Linking products and services
together helps to build competitive advantages, better cli-
ent relationships and pricing power for manufacturers. As
well, it diversifies firms’ revenue mix away from the sale of
physical products, which can be much more volatile.
Canada’s manufacturing sector is and will still be here
for many years to come, but not in its current form. The
mix of what we produce will continue to change, and the
performance among the manufacturing segments will
vary. Growth in manufacturing employment growth may
not be robust as firms concentrate on boosting productiv-
ity to stay globally competitive. It will not be manufactur-
ing as we knew it a generation ago, but yes, there will be
a manufacturing sector in Canada.
Source: Excerpted from Burt, M. (2012, April 10). Yes, There Is a
Future for Manufacturing in Canada. Reprinted with permission
from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved from www.
yes_there_is_a_future_for_manufacturing_in_canada.aspx .
Technological Changes Technology is both a continuously changing variable and one that permits and demands organizational change. One scholar observed the following:
Technology has been a double-edged sword for business—bringing both benefits and threats. It can create new industries and destroy old ones. For some workers, technology is a threat because it can replace jobs, but for other workers technology can create new opportunities in the knowledge economy, as seen in Talking Business 12.3 . Benefits from technology have also included the ability to gain more flexibility in work arrangements, such as the practice of telework:
456 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Digital Health: More than Just Health and Technology With a population of 35 million spread across the second
largest country in the world, it comes as no surprise that
Canadians ranked as the world’s most intensive Internet
users. For the last decade, we have embraced new technolo-
gies with open arms. We can now manage with ease most
of our daily activities online with a simple tap of the finger
(e.g., searching information, managing our finances, book-
ing a flight and connecting with others). Surprisingly,
advancements of digital health in Canada have not caught
up to today’s technology standards, and that is not from a
lack of trying. So what can we do to promote the advance-
ment of health innovations in Canada? Digital health is more
than the mere combination of health and technology; it is a
collaborative effort between health specialists, technology
experts and patients to create health solutions for everyone.
The explosive wave of technologies has allowed us to
become experts in creating data. Most people do not even
realize that we leave digital footprints everywhere we go
(e.g., by sending messages from our mobile phone, checking
in on our social media and browsing the web via Google
searches). This wealth of information has given the public a
strong voice that has a direct impact on business, philan-
thropy and politics. Similarly, crowd-sourced health informa-
tion empowers people by connecting the world health
community in real time. For those constantly fearing the next
pandemic, Healthmap.org uses data from tens of thousands
of different sources every hour to inform us of disease trends.
The data collected from Canadian’s Hacking Health does not
necessarily involve tracking down diseases but instead, it uses
the collaborative brain power of medicine and technology to
find solutions to current health issues. Last fall, the 48-hour
Toronto “Hackathon” hosted at the MaRS building attracted
more than 300 physicians and IT experts ready to push the
envelope of digital health. The big game changer in digital
health remains the long overdue standardization of electronic
medical records. Collaborations between individuals and
cutting-edge technology are vital in the development of digi-
tal health. These partnerships help deliver health information
and services to patients in a more efficient way.
Provincial and federal governments recognize the bene-
fits of e-health in improving communications and driving
new efficiencies. With a grey tsunami approaching and
80 per cent of our health care money allocated to chronic
illnesses, Canada hopes that investing in health information
technology will reduce the cost of our $200 billion annual
Medicare bill. The Internet has experienced great success
stories in digital health by connecting people. Thanks to
websites such as patientslikeme.com and lotsahelpinghands.
com , communities of patients, caregivers and health profes-
sionals can find support and share their experiences remotely.
The challenge of digital health is not simply a question of
technological advancements but mostly one of humanism
using technology. By providing cutting-edge patient-centric
treatments, digital health will succeed into offering high cali-
ber treatments that will transform patients’ lives.
With the extensive amount of data created continuously,
health specialists find strength in sharing their knowledge
online. Naturally, with the accessibility of smart phones (and
geolocation applications), the trend of connecting remotely
will continue to expand with the goal of bringing patients and
health communities closer together. Keeping up with the
innovation of information technology plays an essential role
in expanding e-health. But besides impressive new technolo-
gies that can reach a global audience, we need to remember
The idea of telecommuting isn’t new, but companies still have a long way to go to fully exploit the benefits of a networked economy. Indianapolis pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and Co. lets all its knowledge workers work from home occasionally, and a formal telework program lets a smaller number of employees keep their primary offices at home. Such telecommuting generally had been considered a concession to work-life balance, but these days, the company is also thinking about it as a means to drive productivity, say Candi Lange, director of work- force partnering. “We bring in such smart people who are responsible for so much important work in the company,” she says. “Why not let them control their own schedules as well?” 17
17 Rezendes Khirallah, D. (2008, April 8). The tug of more. InformationWeek. Retrieved from www. informationweek.com/the-tug-of-more/6502154 .
457C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
Part-time work has increased dramatically in recent years, and we also continue to see the increasing use of compressed workweeks and flextime—all in all, this means that the nine-to-five job is certainly no longer a fixed rule.
Global Changes As we observed in Chapter 8 , g lobalization has been among the most pervasive forces affecting not only business in Canada but in almost every corner of the world. We also noted the tremendous growth of “borderless” corporations. The increasing ability of multinational corporations to move freely across borders and set up business just about any- where reflects the title “borderless corporation.” The term multinational is a bit inaccurate, however, given that many of these companies do not claim any specific nationality but, in fact, gear their planning and decision making to global markets. For example, goods could be designed in one country, raw material obtained from a second country, the product could be manufactured in a third country, and shipped to consumers in another country.
Globalization has certainty allowed more people with specialized skills to obtain employ- ment in other countries. The sports industry is no exception, as seen in Talking Business 12.4 .
In a broader sense, globalization has also influenced profound changes in the relation- ship of business to its external stakeholders. As one observer noted, globalization has changed the nature of business and communities:
Pro Sports and Globalization Globalization has also become a factor of growing impor-
tance in pro sports that have international appeal. Forty
years ago, more than 90 per cent of the players in the NHL
were Canadian. Today, that share has fallen to about
50 per cent. The U.S. share of the NHL talent pool has
grown to about 20 per cent, and Europeans now account
for about 30 per cent (although this share is being chal-
lenged by the three-year-old Kontinental Hockey League
in Russia). Baseball first looked to the Caribbean and Latin
America to its expand its existing American player base,
and has more recently spread its talent search to the
Asia-Pacific region and Canada. The NBA has the most
diversified talent pool. It draws players from around the
globe. More than 30 countries are represented in the NBA,
with foreign-born players accounting for about 20 per cent
of NBA rosters. Expanding the pro sports talent pool has
been key to maintaining a high standard of play at a time
of steady expansion in all the North American leagues in
recent decades. At the same time, international expansion
of the talent pool has helped to grow the popularity of
these sports in international markets.
Source: Excerpted from Hodgson, G., & Lefebvre, M. (2011,
June). Pro league competitive conditions and how the NHL stacks
up. Reprinted with permission from The Conference Board of
Canada. Retrieved from www. conferenceboard.ca/reports/
Employees and communities were once critical factors in companies’ long-term strate- gic decisions. Moving factories and jobs to another area of the country was unthinkable because of the damage it would do to the local community. In recent years, thousands of companies—including UPS, J.C. Penney, and Boeing—have moved their headquarters
that digital health’s main goal is to deliver health services to
improve the quality of life of patients. To advance digital
health in Canada, provincial and federal governments need to
reach and engage three types of people: individuals that cre-
ate data, the panel of experts coming up with creative solu-
tions and patients who represent the vital essence of medicine.
Source: Excerpted from Simon, P. (2013, February 14). Digital
health: More than just health and technology. Reprinted with
permission from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.ca/ commentaries/healthinnovation/
technology.aspx .
458 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Legal/Political Changes Deregulation and privatization , discussed in an earlier chapter, are clear examples of the importance of considering governmental changes on business strategy. Are legal regulations facilitating or restricting certain strategies? The legal environment of business can dictate changes in how business competes, as well as what services it offers and how they can be offered:
or operations from cities where they had deep roots. The old business structure—with a dominant CEO, a largely ceremonial board of directors, and employees willing to put the goals of the company first—is nearly extinct. . . . Several primary forces created systemic change in the American economy in the 1980s and 1990s, leaving the former system in shambles. One such factor was globalization, which forced the United States out of isolation. Companies began to look for new markets overseas. Coca-Cola and McDonald’s spread throughout the world. NAFTA, GATT, and free trade brought down barriers that had prevented the flow of goods and services and human resources around the world. The law of unintended consequences worked its way into the Ameri- can economy. Protected industries such as auto manufacturing faced serious competi- tion from overseas for the first time, with devastating consequences. 18
The deregulation of protected industries in the 1980s and 1990s created competition for companies where none had previously existed. The telecom, banking, energy, and aerospace industries were ruled by the change. As the dominant companies in these sectors were forced to compete in an open market, they started letting sizable numbers of people go. The breakup of the Bell System into AT&T, Lucent, and the seven Baby Bells unleashed a surge of technology inventiveness. It was not surprising that telecom, financial services, and aerospace dominated the list of industries experiencing the heaviest downsizing in the early to mid-1990s. 19
18 Challenger, 2001.
19 Challenger, 2001.
In the workplace, we have witnessed an increasing emphasis on organizational justice—that is, how employees are treated. This has translated into more laws govern- ing fairness in the workplace. One such area that has been dramatically affected is com- pensation. Pay equity has been among numerous issues involved in redressing inconsistencies in pay treatment among men and women, for example. We have also witnessed an increasing emphasis on merit-based pay and pay for performance, which all attempt to more closely link actual effort to performance (versus seniority-based pay, which bases pay on the number of years you have been with the organization).
In recent years, we have also seen the reduction of tariffs on imported goods, such as in the apparel industry. A decrease in tariffs on some goods has allowed an increase in competition in Canada from foreign competitors. This has affected businesses in Canada and abroad, as seen in Talking Business 12.5 .
Societal Changes Businesses must respond to society: Consumer tastes change, for example, and businesses must adapt to such changes. Similarly, the types of organizations that service societal demands can change. The aging population suggests greater emphasis needs to be placed on such industries as the health care sector:
459C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
How Canada Welcomed Bangladeshi Clothing Imports
The recent Bangladeshi garment factory collapse that has
already killed over 500 workers was horrific—and avoid-
able. It is now considered the deadliest accident in the his-
tory of the garment industry. The building’s owner has
now been arrested, having reportedly ignored warnings
about dangerous cracks in the building.
As is now well known, workers in the factory sewed clothes for consumers in rich countries, including some
being made for Canada’s Joe Fresh, owned by Loblaws.
Loblaws has vowed to compensate the victims’ families, to
stay in Bangladesh, and to improve its facilities.
Less appreciated, however, is that the rise of Bangladeshi
garment factories is something that Canada has encouraged.
Canada made a significant policy change a decade ago, elim-
inating all tariffs and quotas on imports from the poorest
countries. While the average tariff on all goods exported to
Canada was less than 1 per cent, roughly 70 per cent of tex-
tile and clothing products subject to tariffs had tariffs greater
than 15 per cent. The 49 poorest countries were not exempt.
The policy change was unveiled as part of a G8 Africa
initiative. But, while most of the world’s poorest countries
are indeed in Africa, they export very little. By contrast, poor
South Asian nations, such as Bangladesh and Cambodia, as
well as the Caribbean nation of Haiti, had some capacity to
take advantage of the duty-free access to Canada.
Canada’s clothing imports from Bangladesh were $330
million in 2003 and soared to $1.1 billion by 2012. Similarly,
Canada imported $83 million in clothing from Cambodia in
2003, and over half a billion by 2012.
As many have noted, conditions in garment factors are
abysmal. The mostly women who labour in them endure
long hours in poor conditions and earn low wages.
Yet, as history has shown, the textile sector serves as
the first rung on the ladder to development and economic
prosperity. And, according to some commentaries such as
this one, it has fueled a social revolution in Bangladesh.
As they did in Europe and North America, garment fac-
tories offer workers a chance to enter the better-paying
formal sector of the economy. Better wages raise living
standards and lower poverty, particularly in cities and
towns. Garment production represents a rare chance for
many of the women employed in these industries to earn
independent income. Their alternatives are usually subsis-
tence farming in the villages they come from.
Textile and clothing exports also contribute to greater
overall economic stability. This is because they come from
an economic sector that is more stable and has a relatively
higher value-added component than the agricultural sec-
tor, on which most of these countries depend for their
exports. The textile and clothing sector also creates entre-
preneurial opportunities and managerial jobs for members
of the middle class who might otherwise emigrate.
In other words, Canada’s decision to encourage more
imports from these economies encourages exactly the
type of activity that promotes development, sexual equal-
ity, and poverty reduction in the poorest countries.
( Canada’s recent decision to eliminate tariff preferences
for more developed economies such as China will now
make it even more attractive to import from Bangladesh.
The benefits and costs of this more recent policy decision
merit another discussion on their own.)
Many Canadian clothing imports now come from the
poorest countries. In fact, 50 per cent of all Canada’s
imports come from outside of the US today (down from
35 per cent a decade ago). These imports come from both
developed and developing markets.
In short, Canadian companies are now engaged with
markets that are very different from Canada’s. This means
that our companies need to ensure that their entire supply
chain meets reasonable working conditions and standards,
at the least to protect their reputations that can be easily
and quickly destroyed. After the horrific factory collapse in
Bangladesh, consumers in Canada and other rich countries
will now be able to apply much more pressure on compa-
nies to demand better working conditions in poor countries.
Source: Excerpted from Goldfarb, D. (2013, May 3). How Canada
welcomed Bangladeshi clothing imports. Reprinted with permis-
sion from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved from www.
conferenceboard.ca/ economics/hot_eco_topics/default/13-05-03/
how_canada_welcomed_ bangladeshi_clothing_imports.aspx .
age fotostock/SuperStock
460 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
20 Challenger, 2001.
The growing number of people with advanced educational degrees is another force hurtling knowledge forward at a higher rate. As more people become educated, knowledge expansion increases geometrically simply because there are more people to move the cutting edge of knowledge ahead. Geniuses emerge who could not have appeared in past eras because they did not have access to the then-current state of knowledge necessary to push the thought boundaries. Unprecedented numbers of people today are working at the cutting edge of research in a variety of fields. And the glass ceiling is breaking apart because young women are achieving the advanced degrees necessary for economic and social advancement. 20
We often joke that there are only two inevitable things in
life—death, and taxes. That may be true for us as individu-
als; but for societies and nations as a whole, the most
inevitable and unstoppable force of all is demographics.
The rate of population increase and the national age pro-
file are critical drivers of economic growth—since demo-
graphics affect both the available workforce, and
consumer demand. Canada is about to be hit by a demo-
graphic tsunami in slow motion, with profound and last-
ing impacts on our economy and our society.
Among its many economic outlook products, The Con-
ference Board of Canada produces a long-term forecast
for the country and each province, to 2035, and we are
considering producing a long-term forecast for major cit-
ies. Rather than focusing on demand for goods and ser-
vices, the long-term forecast is based on estimating
Canada’s capacity to supply goods and services. This is a
Slow-Motion Demographic Tsunami about to Hit Canada’s Economy
“pure” forecast—in that it is driven by the fundamentals
of demographics, capital investment and productivity
growth, and beyond the medium term, is unaffected by
short-term risks or the economic cycle.
What does our long-term forecast for Canada say? It
confirms that a slow-motion demographic tsunami is
about to arrive. We expect that Canada’s underlying
growth potential will begin to fade over the next few
years, just as the growth potential of other aging industrial
nations like Japan and Italy has slowed sharply in recent
years. We estimate that after 2015, sustainable growth in
Quebec and in much of Atlantic Canada will have slowed
to around 1.5 per cent in real terms (i.e., with the impact
of inflation is removed). Ontario’s sustainable growth rate
will fall below 2 per cent after 2015, as we recently re-
estimated in our study Ontario’s Fiscal Outlook: Challenges
Ahead . Western provinces will fare a bit better, but even
The increasing education level of the workforce has also generated changes to the nature of work. As we discussed in an earlier chapter, f or some time there has been a movement away from high job specialization, where jobs are broken down into simple, distinct packages. The trend has been to generate jobs that demand employees be multi- skilled to handle more challenging and enriched work. Consequently, employees are also tending to work more in teams and are responsible for a larger piece of the work, so to speak. Knowledge work demands a more highly educated workforce.
Clearly, changes in demographics will result in changes in consumer demand, and as the population ages there will be profound affects on business and the economy, as seen in Talking Business 12.6 .
461C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
they will see their collective growth potential fall to around
2.5 per cent as the effects of aging demographics kick in.
Governments, many businesses and the public have
been slow to address Canada’s aging demographics in a
timely way, notwithstanding warnings from the Confer-
ence Board and others. We are now playing catch-up in
terms of policy and practices.
What policy options are available for adapting the
labour force to aging demographics? There are essentially
three. Immigration policy can be re-energized, both by
raising the annual level of immigration and re-focusing on
the needs of the economy and of employers—as we pro-
posed in our briefing “Canada’s Future Labour Market:
Immigrants to the Rescue?” in the July 2010 edition of
Policy Options . Those changes have begun, but an immi-
gration strategy that is even a more activist will be needed,
ideally with the federal government, the provinces,
employers and professional associations (which evaluate
credentials) working together in an integrated way.
Next, we could enhance incentives to keep an aging
population engaged longer in the workforce. The
announced changes to Old Age Security are an opening
salvo in improving incentives to work longer—not necessar-
ily a popular move, but a necessary element. Equal consider-
ation should be given to creating positive financial incentives
to work longer, such as through changes to pension rules or
to tax policy. Similarly, we should be opening doors to the
labour force for under-represented groups, such as Aborigi-
nal peoples and those with disabilities. And we need to
make even greater investments in our educational system,
to ensure that our human capital is as productive as possible.
Within organizations, employers will need to apply the same
kind of creative thinking, by investing more in their work-
force and fostering a positive workplace environment that
helps to retain and engage all types of workers.
But the possible action steps shouldn’t stop there if we are
to offset the drag effect of aging demographics on the econ-
omy. Canada has suffered from chronically slow productivity
growth for nearly three decades. There is no silver bullet or
quick-fix solution on productivity, but a national debate and a
defined productivity strategy would heighten our awareness
of what needs to be done—things like enhanced infrastruc-
ture investment, a focus on advanced education, and elimi-
nating barriers to commerce between provinces. And we
need to embrace the globalization of Canadian business,
through increased use of outward foreign investment to
engage the huge available labour force outside our borders.
Alternatively, we could decide to sit back and do nothing
exceptional. If that is the default option, Canada’s growth
potential will slowly fade away . . . making us eerily like Japan
and Italy, which have not responded well to aging demo-
graphics and where real annual economic growth of around
1 per cent is now considered a normal year. If we choose to
do nothing different, Canada would still be relatively
wealthy—but with little dynamic energy, or revenue growth,
for businesses and governments. That’s not much of a future.
Source: Excerpted from Hodgson, G. (2012, July 10). Slow-motion
demographic tsunami about to hit Canada’s economy. Reprinted
with permission from The Conference Board of Canada. Retrieved
from www.conferenceboard.ca/ economics/hot_eco_topics/
default/12-07-10/slow-motion_ demographic_tsunami_about_to_
TYPES OF CHANGE According to Dean Anderson and Linda Ackerman Anderson, organizations may confront three fundamentally different types of change: developmental, transitional, and transforma- tional. 21 Any organization must comprehend the nature of the change that it is attempting to undergo—this is a precursor to successfully managing any type of change (see Exhibit 12.2 ).
Developmental Change Developmental change attempts to improve upon what the business is currently doing, rather than creating something completely new. This may include the improvement of
Objective 2 Define developmental change,
transitional change, and
transformational change.
developmental change Change that attempts to improve upon what the business is currently doing, rather than creating something completely new.
21 Anderson, D., & Ackerman Anderson, L. (2005, April). What is transformation? Why is it so hard to man- age? Workforce Performance Solutions. Retrieved from www.wpsmag.com/content/templates/wps_section. asp?articleid=124&zoneid=29 .
462 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
existing skills, processes, methods, performance standards, or conditions. For example, increasing sales or quality of goods, interpersonal communication training, simple work process improvements, team development, and problem-solving efforts may all be consid- ered forms of developmental change.
Transitional Change Transitional change actually replaces what already exists with something completely new and requires the organization to depart from old methods of operating while the new state is being established. Examples of transitional change include reorganizations, simple mergers or acquisitions, creating new products or services that replace old ones, and information technology implementations that do not require a significant shift in culture or behaviour.
There are two factors that largely distinguish transitional from transformational change:
■ It is possible to determine the final destination or state in detail before the transi- tional change is implemented. This permits the change to be managed.
■ Transitional change largely impacts employees only at the levels of skills and actions, but not at the more personal levels of mindset, behaviour, and culture.
Transformational Change Transformational change is far more challenging to manage compared to the other types of change for at least two reasons. First, the future state or destination caused by the change is unknown when the transformation begins. Rather, the final state is determined through trial and error as new information is gathered. Consequently, transformational change cannot be managed with predetermined, time-bound, or “linear” plans. While an overarching change strategy can be created, the actual change process only really emerges, somewhat unpredictably, as the change is implemented. This means that man- agers and employees must operate in the “unknown”—where future outcomes are quite uncertain. Second, the future state is so dramatically different from the current operating state that employees and their culture must change to successfully implement this type of change. New mindsets and behaviours are required to adapt to this transformed state (see Talking Business 12.7 ).
transitional change Change that replaces what already exists with something completely new. It requires the organization to depart from old methods of operation while the new state is being established.
transformational change A type of change where the future state of the business is dramatically different from the current operating state. This is the most challenging type of change to implement, because the future state is unknown, it requires employees to develop new mindsets and behav- iours, and the entire organizational culture must change.
Exhibit 12.2 Types of Change
Developmental change Transitional change Transformational change
• Improves existing skills,
processes, methods,
performance standards
• Replaces what already
exists with something
completely new
• Requires the
organization to depart
from old methods
• Transforms the future state from
the current state dramatically
• Outcomes are unknown,
unpredictable, and uncertain
• Achieved through trial and error
• Employees and their mindsets,
behaviour, and culture must
change to successfully
implement this type of change
463C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
Starbucks (SBUX) CEO Howard Schultz had a lot of positive
news to highlight yesterday at the annual shareholder meet-
ing. Since the company’s low point in 2008, when the stock
closed below $8, Starbucks has turned itself around, open-
ing 1,400 stores worldwide, bringing the total to 17,200.
The company’s stock has performed well as a result,
with a 32% growth in profits for the end of its fiscal year
in October 2, 2011, and the stock price has risen from $37
to $53 since that month. Now, the company hopes to
maintain the momentum, with the aid of lower coffee
prices, by pushing into new international markets and
expanding its client base with new products.
Before Schultz retook control of the company in 2008,
Starbucks had focused almost solely on its cafes in the US and
inventing new coffee drinks. Spurred by the growing middle
class in emerging economies and the shrinking middle class in
Western nations, the company has changed course, with 600
of the 800 stores slated to open in 2012 opening in foreign
countries, and China taking a quarter of that 600.
Starbucks also hopes to open its first store in India this
year and to have 7,000 stores in South Korea by 2016.
MorningStar analyst R.J. Hottvoy says the company has
done a good job turning its business around by closing
unprofitable stores, streamlining its supply chain, and
offering higher-margin consumer products.
The new business ventures of the company will be
equally important to profit growth, and investors and ana-
lysts will surely be keeping eye on these five new business
concepts recently begun by the company. At yesterday’s
meeting, the company stated it aims to reach between 10%
and 15% in annual revenue growth, and it forecasts earn-
ings per share growth of 15% to 20%. UBS agrees with the
company’s predictions, as analyst David Palmer boosted the
target price of the stock to $61, an increase of around 15%.
The success of these five new projects will determine if
Starbucks can continue its robust profits growth.
1. Evolution Fresh
Starbucks’ most recent addition to its business is its juice
bar, called Evolution Fresh. The first store opened in
Bellevue, Washington, this past Monday, and Starbucks
looks to turn the brand name into another successful
restaurant chain. Its success will depend on people’s
Transformational Change: Starbucks Risks Core Business for New Unknown Ventures
willingness to pay $8 for a 16-ounce cup of juice and $7
for a 16-ounce smoothie, which is more than the cost of a
sandwich and nearly the same as a salad.
At first glance, the steep prices would suggest that the
new store will struggle with its rival Jamba (JMBA) and its
Jamba Juice stores, one store located only a short walk away
from Evolution. Jamba Juice offers more selections for
smoothies, and its 16-ounce smoothie costs half the price of
Evolution’s equivalent. However, Starbucks proved that peo-
ple will pay high prices for coffee, and they seem willing to
pay high prices for juice, too. According to local reports, peo-
ple packed into the store to test the new drinks. The store
offers delivery service and emphasizes a healthy lifestyle.
As it does its coffee products, Starbucks will also sell the
store’s juices at grocery stores, including Whole Foods (WFM).
2. Seattle’s Best Coffee
Starbucks bought Seattle’s Best Coffee last November
after the chain had to close many of its locations in the
former bookseller Borders. Starbucks is now expanding
the stores around the country and describing Seattle’s Best
as a “billion dollar brand.” A new store opened up in
Northlake, Illinois, that features the chain’s first drive-
through (some Starbucks cafes already have drive-thrus)
to appeal to the busy suburban middle class population.
This drive-through experiment will test never-before-
seen coffee beverages and show its competitiveness against
rivals such as the Dunkin’ Brands Group (DNKN) and its
Dunkin Donuts stores, many of which have drive-thrus.
Starbucks will also sell the Seattle’s Best brand at Kmarts
and at Chevron (CVX) gas station stores across the country.
3. Starbucks Bars
The Starbucks in Calabasas, California, is among the first
Starbucks stores in California to file for a beer and wine
license. The company wants to draw more traffic to its
stores in the evening as the flow of customers tends to
taper off later in the day. The company successfully exper-
imented with selling alcohol at branches in its home base
of Seattle in October 2010. Now, the company plans on
having 25 more stores that sell alcohol by the end of the
year, mostly concentrated in Atlanta, Chicago, and South-
ern California.
464 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
METHODS OF CHANGE: THEORY E AND THEORY O CHANGE Whether it is the presence of new competitors, new technologies, or changes to any of the other forces facing business, organizations often respond to the challenges of change with a variety of programs that might include the following:
■ structural change: mergers, acquisitions, and so on
■ cost cutting: eliminating nonessential activities
■ process change: reengineering
■ cultural change: changes in its approach to doing business or changes in the relation- ship between management and employees
In broader terms, Michael Beer and Nitin Nohria discuss two fundamentally differ- ent approaches to change. Each of these methods of change are based on different assumptions regarding what successful change tools must be employed to achieve a desirable final outcome for the organizations. These two different approaches are referred to as Theory E change and Theory O change :
Objective 3 Understand the value of Theory E and Theory
O change.
Theory O change A theory of change that has as its purpose the development of the organization’s human capability to implement strategy and to learn from actions taken about the effectiveness of changes made.
Theory E change A theory of change that has as its purpose the creation of economic value, often expressed as shareholder value. Its focus is on formal structure and systems.
4. Verismo Coffee Machine
Starbucks aims to get inside its customers’ homes, too, with
its Verismo single-cup coffee machine. When the machine
lands on shelves later in the year, Starbucks fans will be able to
make their own Starbucks espresso drinks and brewed coffee.
Schultz wants to tap into this $8 billion market and to con-
tinue capitalizing on the consumer products group, which is
the fastest growing branch of the company. He claims that it
is “the fastest growing business within the global coffee
Starbucks denies that it will hurt its partner Green
Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR), which makes the
Keurig Vue single-cup coffee makers. Green Mountain’s
stock dropped 20% minutes after the news two weeks
ago, but the stock rose close to 10% after the two com-
panies reached an agreement to expand their partnership
by marketing Starbucks’ Vue coffee packs for use in Green
Mountain’s Keurig machine, ideally increasing demand for
the Keurig. Analysts remain skeptical, though, believing
that Starbucks will cut out the middleman.
Whether Starbucks will destroy its partner remains to be
seen, but analysts are confident that Starbucks will eat into
Nestle’s (NESN.VX) sale of its single-cup coffee machines, the
Nespresso and the Nescafe Dolce Gusto. The fastest-grow-
ing market for Nestle is the US, but analyst Pablo Zuanic of
Liberum Capital states the Verismo may steal 20% of Nes-
tle’s overall annual profit growth. Nestle’s product sales
jumped 20% to more than $3.8 billion last year with the
help of the Nespresso, and Starbucks wants a piece of these
revenues. Analyst Johnny Forsyth of Mintel says single-cup
coffee “machines are the future of coffee.”
5. Refreshers
Starbucks will also begin carving out its own slice of the
energy drink market at the end of next month. Yesterday,
the company announced its new product Starbucks
Refreshers, which will be the first energy drink to use
flavorless green coffee extract. The new drink will com-
pete with Red Bull and Rockstar energy drinks, and it will
come in Raspberry Pomegranate, Strawberry Lemonade,
and Orange Melon, all containing real fruit juice. This
product line is another push by Starbucks to grab a larger
foothold in grocery stores.
Starbucks’ expansion in grocery stores makes some
analysts a little hesitant. Peter Saleh from Telsey Advisory
Group points out that 91% of revenues still come from
Starbucks cafes and notes, “My concern would be that
they get distracted from the real revenue and profit driver.”
Investors, though, have so far responded favorably to
Starbucks newest plans, with the stock up about 1% in
morning trading.
Source: Excerpted from Witrak, C. (2012, March 22). Starbucks:
5 business moves that could change its brand Minyanville. Yahoo
Finance . Retrieved from http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/star-
bucks-5-potential-brand-changing-200000507.html. Reprinted
by permission.
TALKING BUSINESS 12.7 (continued)
465C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
Two dramatically different approaches to organizational change are being employed in the world today, according to our observations, research, and experience. We call these Theory E and Theory O of change. Like all managerial action, these approaches are guided by very different assumptions by corporate leaders about the purpose of and means for change. In effect these two approaches to organizational change represent theories in use by senior executives and the consultants and academics who advise them. By “theory in use” we mean an implicit theory that one can deduce from examining the strategies for change employed. 22
Theory E has as its purpose the creation of economic value, often expressed as share- holder value. Its focus is on formal structure and systems. 23
The central goal of this approach to change is based on the notion of maximizing shareholder value. The methods used to achieve this goal are changes to organizational structure and systems. The planning for this type of change tends to emanate from the highest levels of the organization, making it a “top-driven,” programmatic approach to change. Among the specific mechanisms employed to achieve such change are perfor- mance bonuses, personnel reduction, asset sales, or strategic restructuring of business units.
An example of Theory E change can be seen in the changes implemented by Scott Paper, operating largely in the consumer package paper business. About a decade ago, Al Dunlap, CEO of Scott Paper, embarked on a series of changes. His main objective was to increase shareholder value by 200%. Among the changes were the following:
■ Eleven thousand terminations were conducted throughout Scott Paper.
■ Certain business units within Scott Paper were sold off.
■ The location of the head office was moved.
■ Financial incentives were given to executives that met new performance criteria.
The changes at Scott Paper were consistent with the spirit of Theory E change. While the short-term goal was achieved, the company did not achieve long-term viability and eventually was sold to Kimberly-Clark. There had been no lasting change achieved within the organization or its workforce.
23 Beer & Nohria, 2001.
22 Beer, M., & Nohria, N. (2001, April 16). Breaking the code of change. Harvard Business School: Working Knowledge. Retrieved from http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/2166.html .
24 Beer & Nohria, 2001.
Theory O has as its purpose the development of the organization’s human capability to implement strategy and to learn from actions taken about the effectiveness of changes made. 24
The central goal of Theory O change is to develop organizational capabilities. The focus is on developing an organizational culture that supports learning and a high-perfor- mance employee population. The planning for this type of change is essentially emergent and participative rather than programmatic and top-driven. The mechanisms employed to facilitate such change include the following: flatter structure (to increase involvement of employees), increased bonds between organization and employee, and employee commitment to the change.
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Where the objective is to enable an institution to adapt, survive, and prosper in the long run, Theory E change must be combined with Theory O. In effect we are arguing for the and/also, for the management of a paradox. It is the way to get rapid improve- ments in economic value while also building sustainable advantage inherent in build- ing organizational capability. 25
An example of Theory O change involves the case of Champion International, oper- ating in the same industry as Scott Paper. In response to poor performance, CEO Andrew Sigler of Champion International initiated an organizational change effort aimed at alter- ing the culture and behaviour of management, unions, and workers. Sigler developed a vision of the new Champion, called the Champion Way, which reflected such values as involvement of all employees in improving the company, fair treatment of workers, sup- port for the community around its plants, and openness in the company. In the years that followed, Champion’s management implemented one of the most effective organization development efforts witnessed in several decades. Champion used a high involvement method called sociotechnical redesign to change its approach to organizing and manag- ing people in all of its plants.
To support these changes, Champion improved its relations with its unions, and com- pensation systems were aligned with culture change objectives. A skills-based pay system was installed to encourage employees to learn multiple skills. A corporation-wide gains- sharing plan was introduced to help unify union workers and management with a com- mon goal. Throughout this change effort, which occurred over a decade, there were no layoffs. Ironically, this Theory O change did not actually result in any improvement in shareholder value.
The advice from the experts is clear—Theory E and Theory O must be combined to achieve successful, long-term change. As Beer and Nohria assert,
sociotechnical redesign An approach to work redesign that recognizes the complex interaction between people and technology in the workplace.
Exhibit 12.3 A Comparison: Theory E and Theory O Change
Theory E Change Theory O Change
Timing • Short term • Short to long term
Goal • Creates shareholder value • Develops organizational capabilities
Focus • Changes organizational structures and systems
• Develops an organizational culture that
supports learning and high-
performance employees
Planning • Top-driven • Participative
Mechanisms Used
• Performance bonuses
• Personnel reductions
• Asset sales
• Strategic restructuring of
business units
• Flatter structure
• Increases bonds between organization
and employees
• Commits employees to change
Theory E and Theory O are summarized in Exhibit 12.3 .
25 Beer & Nohria, 2001.
467C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
THE PROCESS OF TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE: AN ILLUSTRATION The story of transformational change at IBM is clearly told in the book Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? Specifically, it documents IBM’s transformation from the period 1993 to 2002 under the leadership of Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. (also the author of the book). In the book’s fore- word, Gerstner writes that his reason for writing Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? is to “tell [the] story of the revival of IBM” to answer the questions posed by those who wanted to know how IBM was saved. Gerstner modestly acknowledges that he did not transform IBM alone, and maintains that “without the heroes among [his] IBM colleagues” and the “thousands of IBMers who answered the call,” IBM would not have been restored to its former glory. 26
Understanding the Forces for Change At a time when the external marketplace was changing rapidly, IBM had not realized that its customers, technology, and competitors had changed; nor had it adapted to meet those changes. Gerstner writes that “IBM’s dominant position had created a self-contained, self- sustaining world for the company”; however, by the early 1990s, it woke up to find itself perilously close to bankruptcy.
Gerstner accepted the job at IBM after being told that the company needed and wanted a “broad-based leader and change agent” who was “skilled at generating and man- aging change.” IBM’s management team, led by Gerstner, had to quickly assess and react to the rapidly changing external environment.
As part of Gerstner’s orientation into the company, he went out into the field to learn about IBM, the IT industry and the external business environment. He quickly learned that IBM had lost touch with the outside world and the external forces that were changing as IBM stood still, lost in time. One distinct advantage Gerstner held over IBM’s previous lead- ers was that he was from the outside and had been one of IBM’s former customers; therefore, he had first-hand knowledge of IBM’s lack of customer focus.
According to Dick Beatty and Dave Ulrich, mature organizations “establish a rela- tively fixed mindset.” 27 This creates a huge resistance to change. Gerstner, essentially, had to attempt to implement transformational change within IBM. Among the fundamental changes that Gerstner initiated are the elements highlighted below.
The Change Vision and Implementation Gerstner had to develop and implement a program that would be accepted and adopted by the stakeholders (employees, customers, and shareholders). Gerstner writes that restructuring the organization, implementing a new compensation program, and consolidating its marketing plans was relatively easy compared to having to change the corporate culture and establishing strate- gies for the new business environment. Gerstner writes, “Fixing IBM was all about execution.”
Objective 4 Describe the process of transformational
26 Gerstner, L.V. (2002). Who says elephants can’t dance? New York, NY: HarperCollins. 27 Beatty, R.W., & Ulrich, D.O. (1991). Re-energizing the mature organization. Organizational Dynamics, 20 (1), 16–30.
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While management scholar Todd Jick warns that “change lists” and guidelines don’t guarantee success, he nonetheless offers 10 “rules” that can be used as a tool to assist in the implementation process. 28 It appears that Gerstner did in fact follow most of these rules in one sense or another:
1. Analyze the organization and its need for change: Gerstner, as well as the business community, knew that IBM needed to change just to survive.
2. Create a shared vision and common direction: A common corporate focus was created—customer focus—which instilled a common direction.
3. Separate from the past: At his first meeting, Gerstner told IBM executives that “there was no time to focus on who created [IBM’s] problems.”
4. Create a sense of urgency: IBM’s precarious cash flow problems made urgency a high priority.
5. Support a strong leader role: Based on his previous leadership record, Gerstner was selected by IBM’s search committee as the one who could lead the organization.
6. Line up political sponsorship: Gerstner involved the IBM senior management team from the beginning, even including them in Operation Bear Hug.
7. Craft an implementation plan: “Win, Execute, and Team” became what Gerstner felt was what “all IBMers needed to apply in their goals.”
8. Develop enabling structures: Gerstner restructured the organization and reset the compensation system to create a sense of ownership.
9. Communicate, involve people, and be honest: Just six days after his arrival, Gerstner wrote a note to his employees. From there he continued with a strong, open, honest employee communication strategy.
10. Reinforce and institutionalize change: Gerstner writes that “execution is all about trans- lating strategies into action programs and measuring their results” and that “proper exe- cution involves building measurable targets and holding people accountable for them.”
The Need for Cultural Change “Big Blue,” an “institution” in its own right, had culture, behaviour, and beliefs uniquely its own. Traditions ran deep at IBM, and Gerstner can- didly admits, “the company has been known as much for its culture as for what it made and sold.”
Historically, IBM has been a paternalistic, family-oriented company, providing its employees with generous compensation and benefits packages, lifelong employment, and plenty of opportunities for advancement; as a matter of fact, IBM was not the standard— IBM set the standards. According to Denise Rousseau, there are two ways to change the psychological contract—that is, the set of implicit assumptions that underlie the expecta- tions of employees with regard to their employment status:
1. accommodation, which means to modify or alter the terms “within the context of the existing contract so that people feel the old deal continues despite the changes.”
2. transformation, which means a radical change that replaces the old mindset with new ones. 29
28 Jick, T.D. (2003). Implementing change. In T.D. Jick & M.A. Peiperl, Managing change: Cases and concepts (2nd ed.) (pp. 174–183). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
29 Rousseau, D.M. (1996). Changing the deal while keeping the people. Academy of Management Executive, 10, 50–59.
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By all accounts, the psychological contract had been “transformed” by Gerstner’s predeces- sor, who had made significant alterations to the company’s commitment to lifelong employment by laying off tens of thousands of employees and capping future medical benefits. Gerstner further transformed the psychological contract by implementing a new compensation program, which was based on pay for performance rather than on corporate loyalty, long service, or entitlement.
By implementing a pay-for-performance compensation program, Gerstner followed the opinion of Bob Knowling, who says that “changing a culture from one of entitlement into a culture of accountability” 30 is a starting point for making a successful change.
According to Rousseau, “a core issue in the management of contract change involves how change is framed”; this means that the “reasons for the change” must be validated and communicated. 31 Gerstner knew and understood that it was “essential to open up a clear and continuous line of communications with IBM employees” and that the end result of a “successful corporate transformation” was to publicly acknowledge the “exis- tence of a crisis.” He felt that if the IBM employees didn’t believe that there was a real threat, they wouldn’t make or accept the need for the urgently needed changes.
Just in the manner in which Gerstner acknowledges the hard work and determina- tion of the “thousands of IBMers who answered the call, put their shoulder to the wheel, and performed magnificently” and how he dedicates his book to acknowledge their efforts, it’s evident that the IBMers responded to his plea for change. No stranger to change, Gerstner knew that “management doesn’t change culture. Management invites the workforce itself to change the culture.”
Leading Change Through Communication Instrumental to the change was Gerstner’s acceptance that he needed to assume the role of chief communicator, which he did willingly and in an outstanding fashion. Gerstner’s outstanding communication and leadership skills were the most influential contributing factors in IBM’s transforma- tion. By becoming the change agent and the communicator Gerstner was able to express his passion about leading the company into a new era and visibly demonstrate that he was committed to the change and ready to face the challenges along with the rest of his leadership team. Rosabeth Moss Kanter writes in her article “The Enduring Skills of Change Leaders” that leaders should be “offering a dream, stretching their horizons, and encouraging people to do the same” rather than just “announce a plan, launch a task force, and then simply hope that people find the answers.” 32
Gerstner also championed many of the other skills recommended by Kanter, such as “transferring ownership to a working team.” Gerstner’s belief is that “Great institutions are not managed; they are led,” meaning that managers should set goals and objectives and allow their teams to determine the most appropriate manner in which to attain these goals and objectives. Kanter also recommends perseverance; Gerstner admits that it takes time to implement large changes and that it took him “more than five years of daily attention” to transform IBM.
According to Mary Young and James E. Post, the most effective organizations are those that communicate openly, honestly, consistently, and continuously. They also developed a list of
30 Tichy, N. (1997, April). Bob Knowling’s change manual. FastCompany Magazine, 76–99. Retrieved from www. fastcompany.com/28813/bob-knowlings-change-manual.
31 Rousseau, 1996. 32 Kantner, R.M. (1999). The enduring skills of change leaders. Leader to Leader, 13 (Summer), 15–22. Retrieved from www.hesselbeininstitute.org/knowledgecenter/journal.aspx?ArticleID=50 .
470 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
factors that determine the effectiveness of employee communications. 33 It is evident that IBM’s successful transformation was facilitated through Gerstner’s adherence to these principles:
■ The chief executive as the communications champion: Gerstner appointed himself to the position of chief communicator, realizing that this task could not be delegated to anyone else and that he had to personally set the example for others to follow.
■ Matching words to actions: Gerstner led IBM by demonstrating his passion, his anger, his directness, which in his own words was “very un-IBM. Very un-CEO-like.” Gerstner even went so far as to tell his team that he was “looking for people who make things happen, not who watch and debate things happening.”
■ Commitment to two-way communications: Gerstner went out into the field to listen to and solicit input from the field employees; he held customer focus sessions, used the internal messaging system to “talk to employees” as well as listen to their con- cerns, comments, and advice.
■ Emphasis on face-to-face communications: Gerstner met regularly with executives and senior members of management; however, he omits to mention how often employees had opportunities to speak with him “live, face-to-face.” Face-to-face communication is important; however, with 90,000 employees in 44 countries, what is communicated is certainly more important than the medium in which it is communicated.
■ The bad news/good news ratio: Gerstner felt it was imperative that employees knew and understood that IBM was in crisis, otherwise they would continue to operate in the same manner; while he felt it was important to communicate the “crisis, its mag- nitude, its severity, and its impact,” he also felt it was necessary to communicate “the new strategy, the new company model, the new culture.”
■ The employee communication strategy: Young and Post stress that communication is a process, not a product; communication should include the whys and hows, not only the whats; it should be timely, continuous, help employees understand their roles, and should allow employees to formulate their own feelings and opinions. Based on his actions, Gerstner followed this advice and developed an effective communication strategy that helped in IBM’s transformation.
Reinforcing the Change After assessing and reacting to the external environ- ment, creating a new corporate strategy and vision, implementing the change program, convincing skeptical and resistant stakeholders of the need to change, Gerstner’s last challenge was to instill a culture that may not necessarily embrace change, but at the very least would not shun and avoid change at any cost.
Gerstner believes that “great companies lay out strategies that are believable and executable” but also writes that “these plans are then reviewed regularly and become, in a sense, the driving force behind everything the company does.” He also points out that “execution is all about translating strategies into action programs and measuring their results” and “holding people accountable for them.”
Peggy Holman explains that “Change is a process, not an event” and that while “events can be helpful in focusing people’s attention, they are only part of the change equation” and
33 Young, M., & Post, J.E. (1993). Managing to communicate, communicating to manage. Organizational Dynamics, 22 (1), 31–43.
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explains that “organizations and communities also need to focus on actively supporting the plans and improvements achieved during the event,” otherwise “without such ongoing support, conditions may return to what they were before the event occurred.” 34
Unfortunately, making people accountable and measuring results makes them feel as if they are being tested or evaluated; however, when it comes to objec- tively evaluating a change program there is no other objective manner in which to assess the program other than to use quantifiable measures. It is a vital part of the change process and can help determine what further changes are needed, because there is always room for continuous improvement.
CREATING A LEARNING ORGANIZATION A view among many management scholars is that organizations that effectively change or adapt to changes in their environment are ones that have first “learned”—they have learned how to recognize the need for change, and they have learned what actions are necessary to adapt. This notion of the central role of change is reflected in one of the many definitions of a learning organization : “an organization that facilitates the learning of all its members and consciously transforms itself and its context.” 35 Learning, in this sense, involves three aspects:
■ adapting to its environment
■ learning from its people
■ contributing to the learning of the wider community or context of which it is a part.
Organizations, like individuals, need to develop and grow—not necessarily in size, but in their capacity to function effectively. Clearly, this demands organizational change. Organizational development has been defined as the following:
Objective 5 Explain the relationship of learning with
organizational change.
learning organization An orga- nization that facilitates the learning of all its members and consciously transforms itself and its context.
organizational development A process of planned change that attempts to make organizations better able to meet their short- and long-term objectives.
34 Holman, P. (1999). Unlocking the mystery of effective large-scale change. At Work, 8 (3), 7–11.
35 Pedler, J., Burgoyne, R., & Boydell, T. (1997). The learning organization (2nd ed.) (p. 3). Maidenhead, UK: McGraw-Hill.
a process of planned system change that attempts to make organizations (viewed as social-technical systems) better able to attain their short- and long-term objectives. This is achieved by teaching the organization members to manage their organization processes, structures, and culture more effectively. 36
Chris Argyris and Donald Schon made a tremendous contribution to the management literature and to the topic of organizational change through their examination of the issue of organizational learning. 37 How do organizations learn? Do organizations learn from their
36 French, W.L., Bell, C.H., & Zawacki, R.A. (Eds.). (1994). Organization development and transformation: Managing effective change (4th ed.) (p. 7). Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin.
37 Argyris, C., & Schon, D. (1978). Organizational learning: A theory of action perspective. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Konstantin Chagin/Shutterstock
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mistakes? This seems to be an abstract notion, and yet it is a very real topic. Argyris and Schon suggest that organizational learning represents the collective experience of individ- uals within the organization and comes about when organizational procedures change as a result of what has been learned. In this sense, organizational learning has been defined as the detection and correction of error. 38 Organizations can learn through individuals acting as agents in an effort to critically examine the methods and functioning of their organiza- tion. Argyris and Schon make a distinction between two types of learning: single-loop learning and double-loop learning. It is the latter that constitutes genuine organizational learning and that leads to significant organizational change (see Exhibit 12.4 ).
Single-loop learning involves the correction of errors that employees may find in organi- zational methods of performance in order to keep the system working. This approach assumes that the organization has the right systems established but simply needs to fine tune the pres- ent system. For example, an organization may find that downsizing permits it to be more flex- ible with lower costs. However, does reducing the workforce achieve flexibility? Individuals engaging in single-loop learning or adaptive behaviour are essentially functioning within the boundaries or constraints of the presented problem. Single-loop behaviour typically results in making incremental improvements and improving efficiency. Such behaviour involves, at best, the modification of strategies or assumptions underlying the strategies in ways that maintain the existing organizational approaches to problems. That is, single-loop learning results in the organization continuing its present policies or achieving its current objectives.
Double-loop learning requires that individuals assess whether an error or problem exists in an organization because the systems themselves need to be changed. Changing organizational systems or assumptions requires a deeper level of examination, and typi- cally is a precursor to significant organizational change. For example, if an organization wants to achieve “flexibility,” is this achieved simply through a reduction in the work- force? Perhaps the objective itself of “flexibility” needs to be reevaluated.
Double-loop learning leads to the organization modifying its underlying policies or goals. The double-loop learning process requires innovation and involves challenging the status quo within an organization. Individuals engaged in double-loop learning are not bound by the constraints of the presented problem. Rather, double-loop learning involves an examination of the assumptions and values underlying an organization’s functioning. This critical examination culminates in fundamental changes to the present
single-loop learning The correction of errors that employees find in organizational methods of performance in order to keep the system working. Assumes that the organization has the right systems established but simply needs to fine tune them. Results in incremental improvements and improved efficiency. Addresses symptoms rather than root causes.
double-loop learning The assessment by individuals of whether an error or problem exists in an organization because the systems themselves need to be changed. Requires a deeper level of examination than single-loop learning and typically precedes significant organizational change. Uncovers root causes.
Single-Loop Learning
Addresses the current problem
Maintains organizational status quo
Double-Loop Learning
Error detection and correction Deals with the “symptoms”
Does not consider underlying causes
Considers the underlying system Goes to the source of the problem
Deals with the root causes of the problem
Aims to change the status quo Promotes innovation
Modifies underlying policies
Exhibit 12.4 Organizational Learning
38 Argyris & Schon, 1978.
organizational learning The detection and correction of error, or the collective experience of individuals within the organization that results in changes in organiza- tional procedure. Three aspects of learning are adapting to the environment, learning from employees, and contributing to the learning of the wider community or context. Two types of learning are single-loop learning and double-loop learning.
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system and in recognition of new problems to be solved. These new problems and new solutions will ultimately transform current strategies and assumptions.
Single-loop learning results from addressing the symptoms of a problem, while double- loop learning results when individuals attempt to uncover the root causes of the problem— questioning why the problem arose in the first place.
What type of learning is dominant in most organizations? Many scholars have sug- gested that most organizations, at best, encourage single-loop but not double-loop learning. Moreover, it has been suggested that organizations typically create systems that in fact inhibit double-loop learning. For example, the bureaucratic nature of most organizations encourages employees to be methodical and disciplined and, conse- quently, less likely to question the basic assumptions of most organizational practices.
How do organizations change? According to Argyris and Schon, change is accom- plished through double-loop learning. This demands that individuals increase their aware- ness of the nature of the status quo and of those elements that deserve and require change. What is the ultimate goal? As one scholar commented,
39 Argyris & Schon, 1978, 4.
40 Argyris & Schon, 1978.
41 Argyris, C. (1982). Reasoning, learning, and action (p. xii). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
[The] ultimate goal [is] to help individuals unfreeze and alter their theories of action so that they, acting as agents of the organization, will be able to unfreeze the organiza- tional learning systems that also inhibit double-loop learning. 39
Argyris and Schon assert that people tend to adopt a single-loop learning approach in organizations rather than developing double-loop learning skills. 40 Argyris states that “We strive to organize our individual and organizational lives by decomposing them into single-loop problems because they are easier to solve and to monitor.” 41
Is the job of management one that demands learning? This is an interesting question. Some critics suggest that management, with its emphasis on concrete results (typically measured in profits, dollars, costs, and so on), has traditionally deemphasized the impor- tance of learning as a necessity of proper management (see Talking Business 12.8 ).
The Learning Manager Management scholar Steven Henderson noted the following:
Why is it that managerial work is not generally
as scientific, or learning-oriented, as it could be?
In many ways, the process of scientific thinking
would appear to be significantly different to
that of management thinking, since managers
rarely set knowledge as the prime target of their
activity. Indeed, the so-called learning curve or
learning effect is seen as a consequence of car-
rying out managerial activity (typically produc-
tion) rather than prerequisite. Organizations
structured along the lines of a “learning labora-
tory” remain isolated exceptions.
Source: Henderson, S. (1997). Black swans don’t fly double
loops: The limits of the learning organization? The Learning
Organization, 4 (3), 99.
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Double-Loop Learning and Shifting Paradigms It would seem that radical organizational change can only come about when the members of an organization are encouraged to engage in double-loop learning. It is akin to making a dramatic departure from the present way of doing things. This has also been referred to in the notion of shifting paradigms. Joel Barker, a management consultant and author, in his popular book Paradigms (1993), talks about the failure of many organizations to adapt to change. Consider the case of the Swiss watchmakers. Way back in 1968, who domi- nated the watch industry? Yes—the Swiss, with about 65% of the unit sales in the world. And in fact, back then, if anyone was asked to predict who would remain the leader even 20 or 30 years later, they would probably say the Swiss. However, by 1980, who came to dominate the world watch market? You may have correctly guessed Seiko of Japan. By that year, the Swiss share had fallen to 10% of the market, while Japan (who had held about 1% of the market in 1968) was the dominant force, with Seiko owning about 33% of the world market. From 1979 to 1981 about 50,000 of the 62,000 Swiss watchmakers lost their jobs—a huge disaster for Switzerland. What happened? Well, Japan had focused on electronic technology—the electronic quartz was a natural outcome. Where did this technology come from that allowed Japan to demolish the Swiss’s domination of the watch market? The technology came from a research institute in Switzerland.
This story has a particularly ironic twist, because it suggests that the Swiss could have eas- ily maintained their market leadership. However, when the Swiss researchers presented their new idea to Swiss manufacturers back in 1967, the manufacturers rejected it! They considered it inferior—who would want to buy a watch that didn’t have a mainspring, didn’t need bear- ings nor almost any gears, and was electronic with battery power? So the manufacturers rejected it, but let their researchers display what they thought was useless technology at the world Watch Congress that year. Seiko, upon observing this invention, had a completely dif- ferent view—and the result was a dramatic turnaround for Japan and a dramatic failure for the Swiss. What happened here, according to Joel Barker, was a failure to make a paradigm shift.
In Barker’s view, change is all about adopting new paradigms. What is this strange concept called a paradigm, and how did it cause the downfall of the Swiss watch industry at that time?
The term paradigm can be considered as referring to our set of beliefs or mental framework for understanding how the world operates. We see the world through our para- digms. You might also think of a paradigm as our theories, our assumptions, our beliefs, and our customs. As Joel Barker writes: “A paradigm in a sense tells you that there is a game, what the game is and how to play the game according to the rules.” Barker argues that overcoming resistance to change is all about being able to do two things:
1. Recognize the current paradigms that govern our behaviour.
2. Shift to a new paradigm.
So, how does this apply to our example of the Swiss watch industry? You might consider the Swiss manufacturers as being prisoners of their old
paradigm—they could not conceive of the watch industry as ever changing, so it was the old, traditional Swiss watches that would always dominate the market. However, the industry did, in fact, experience a paradigm shift brought about by Seiko, which did adapt its thinking to recognize new consumer tastes: The paradigm governing the rules of the watch industry game changed, but the Swiss still thought they could play the game by the old rules, based on the old paradigm. Consequently, they were victims of failing to
paradigm Our mental framework for understanding how the world operates. Our theories, assumptions, sets of beliefs, and customs. Over- coming resistance to change means recognizing the current paradigms that govern our behaviour and shifting to a new paradigm.
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adapt to changing conditions, failing to shift away from their old paradigm. The ability to critically examine our paradigms, how we see the world, is very much a part of our ability to accept change, both at the individual and at the organizational level.
Why don’t organizations encourage double-loop learning and, consequently, innova- tion? Clearly, innovation is a desirable objective, yet organizations tend to manifest rules and regulations that facilitate consistency and stability—qualities needed to function effectively on a day-to-day basis. Ironically, it is innovation and the ability to change that are the skills necessary for long-term survival. Unfortunately, organizations do not tend to encourage double-loop learning. If organizations are guilty of inhibiting genuine learning (double-loop learning) and, consequently, failing to generate real change, what are the sources of this dysfunction? We will consider those sources next.
Do Organizations Encourage or Discourage Learning and Change? Peter Senge, in many ways, popularized the concept of the learning organization as one that encourages all employees to engage in the learning process through dialogue, experi- mentation, and learning from each other. 42 It has been acknowledged that learning orga- nizations cannot exist without “learning employees.” 43 That is, organizational learning and development are facilitated through individual learning and development. The abil- ity of organizations to adapt to and change with a changing environment is dependent on the ability of their members to change and adapt.
Individual change is really about learning—learning new skills, learning or developing new perspectives and new ways of dealing with everyday challenges. Do organizations facili- tate individual learning and development? Can organizations provide a learning environ- ment for their employees whereby employees can grow and develop throughout their careers? Given that the traditional bureaucratic organizational structures are rapidly being replaced with more organic structures, it would seem critical to similarly shift greater attention to a more adaptive, innovative type of employee who is better suited to the changing needs of the new organization and capable of changing and developing along with the organization.
Can Employees Learn? Workplace experiences comprise a significant portion of people’s lives and, consequently, it is understandable that the manner in which individu- als experience their workplaces will have a considerable impact on their growth and development. 44 Adults continue to learn throughout their lifetimes, and their past experi- ence can help or hinder this learning. 45 A number of developmental theorists have emphasized the presence of challenge and stimulation in the environment as a means to encourage learning and development. Environments or experiences that challenge indi- viduals will help bring about development. 46 The workplace is an important element in
42 Senge, P. (1990). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. New York, NY: Doubleday. 43 Dodgson, M. (1993). Organizational learning: A review of some literatures. Organization Studies, 14, 375–394. 44 Glaser, J.S. (1992, June). Connecting the workplace and adult development theory: Self-directed work teams as a petri dish for adult development. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Adult Development. Toronto, Ontario. 45 Brundage, D.H., & Mackeracher, D. (1980). Adult learning principles and their application to program planning. Toronto, ON: Ministry of Education. 46 Mezirow, J. (1978). Perspective transformation. Adult Education Quarterly, 28 (2), 100–110.
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48 Basseches, M. (1984). Dialectical thinking and adult development. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
47 Kegan, R. (1982). The evolving self: Problem and process in human development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Uni- versity Press.
adult development, with the power to foster or impede development of its members. For example, organizations that encourage self-exploration and information seeking will facil- itate individual growth and development. 47 The workplace’s influence on individual development results from its ability to promote individual challenge and critical reflection through the introduction of new tasks and responsibilities. 48
One firm that encourages new challenges as part of its culture is the social networking giant Facebook (see Talking Business 12.9 ).
Facebook’s Culture Promotes Learning and Change A Bootcamp class, which can range from 3 to 40 new
engineers, doesn’t look much different during the program
from any other group of Facebook engineers. There are
lectures and talks from top executives like Vice President of
Engineering Mike Schroepfer, and Bootcampers learn
about the various product groups in preparation for decid-
ing where they want to work. But for the most part, they
work independently mastering Facebook’s software code
base, the long tables that support their large monitors clut-
tered with cans of Red Bull and Starbucks iced coffee.
One current Bootcamp attendee, Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai,
was most recently the director of the programming systems
lab and senior principal engineer at Intel Labs.
“You have people coming into the company—they are
engineers, but within the week, you are allowing them to
change a part of the product that then becomes visible to
millions of users,” said Adl-Tabatabai. “One thing that
really surprised me was how open the culture is. It seems
there are no secrets inside.”
An early lesson in Bootcamp is that it’s fine for any
employee to walk up to Zuckerberg or Chief Operating
Officer Sheryl Sandberg to talk about an engineering
problem or a company issue.
“That is actually very hard to teach people,” Seligstein
But it is a significant lesson.
“What makes (Facebook) flat is that Zuck is very hands-on
with the product,” [Joceyln] Goldfein said, [a Facebook direc-
tor of engineering]. “When he wants to find out what’s going
on in his organization, he doesn’t go talk to the VP, who talks
to the director, who talks to the manager, who talks to the
engineer. Zuck goes and talks directly to the engineer.”
The “Hacker Way”:
CEO Mark Zuckerberg and others at Facebook believe the
company’s culture is an important element of its success.
A look at some of Facebook’s key internal values:
• Egalitarian: Facebook lacks hierarchical titles like “prin-
cipal engineer” or “senior engineer.”
• Flat: At no time should there be more than three layers
of management between an engineer working on a
product and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Even for a major
product like Facebook’s new Timeline feature, engi-
neering teams begin as a dozen people or fewer.
• Just Do It: Engineers are expected to tackle problems
on their own accord, to build a prototype that fixes a
problem, rather than debating how to do something,
or spending too much time trying to get it perfect.
• “Hackathons” and “Hack-a-months”: Every few
months, Facebook engineers pull an all-nighter called
Hackathon, trying out software ideas that sometimes
turn into real products. Employees are encouraged to
do temporary tours with other product teams, some-
thing called “Hack-a-month.”
Source: Mike Swift, “A look inside Facebook’s ‘Bootcamp’ for
new employees, Published on April 18, 2012 via TheStar.com .
San Jose Mercury News. Reprinted by permission from YGS
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50 Erikson, 1968. 49 Erikson, E. (1968). Identity and the life cycle. Psychological Issues Monograph 1 (1).
51 Cell, E. (1945). Learning to learn from experience. Albany, NY: State university of New York Press.
What Is Adult Learning Development? There is not one all-encompassing definition of adult learning or development. Among the streams of thought in adult learning and development theory is the notion that development grows out of the interaction of both internal/psychological events and external/social events. 49 Adult development is based on change rather than stability, and this change or growth occurs at a predictable rate and sequence. 50 Individuals can learn from their experience if they can effectively see what changes are involved and how they can be accomplished. 51
Based on the views cited above, learning from experience essentially involves changing both what one does and how one sees things. As we identified earlier, according to Argyris and Schon, learning in organizations involves the process of detecting and correcting “error.” 52 When individuals begin to question or confront the underlying organizational norms and goals that relate to this process of error detection and correction, this constitutes double-loop learning. The question of interest in this regard is, “Do organizations contain elements that encourage or impede challenge, confrontation, and inquiry as a means to facil- itate double-loop learning or paradigm shifting in organizations among individuals?” A con- sideration of the “institutional” nature of organizations offers some insights in this regard.
Bureaucracies and Roles To understand the ability of organizations to influence indi- viduals in the manner described above, it is useful to consider a theory of organizational behav- iour that considers the institutional nature of organizations: institutionalization theory . 53 To determine what institutionalization theory has to offer in terms of understanding the influence of organizations on adult learning and development, it is necessary to understand what this theory says about the nature of organizations and their influence on individual behaviour.
Institutionalization involves the processes by which shared beliefs take on a rule-like sta- tus. Institutionalization has been defined as a social process through which individuals create a shared definition of what is appropriate or meaningful behaviour. 54 John Meyer and Brian Rowan suggest that organizations that incorporate societally legitimated elements in their for- mal structures maximize their legitimacy and increase their resources and survival capabilities. 55 Essentially, this perspective acknowledges that organizations often generate “accepted practices” that tend to govern how things are done. These practices may continue even when they are no longer functional, simply because they have become an “ingrained” part of the organization.
Single-loop learning would seem to be a natural consequence of adherence to institu- tionalized structures. Single-loop learning is emphasized in organizations governed by institutionalized structures—following organizational policy without critically examining behaviour or the policy that dictates behaviour. This is reflected in the image of the “mindless bureaucrat” who follows rules and regulations without considering the necessity of such rules. On the other hand, when individuals are not forced to conform to myriad
institutionalization theory The theory that organizations are driven to incorporate practices and proce- dures defined by current concepts of work and those accepted or insti- tutionalized by society. Taken-for- granted means of “getting things done” and, as such, not necessarily rational.
institutionalization The processes by which shared beliefs take on a rule-like status. A social process through which individuals create a shared definition of what is appropriate or meaningful behaviour. May generate “accepted practices” that continue even when they are no longer functional.
52 Argyris & Schon, 1978. 53 Meyer, J., & Rowan, B. (1977). Institutional organizations: Formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83, 340–363; Zucker, L.G., (1977). Institutionalization as a mechanism of cultural persistence. American Sociological Review, 42 (2), 726–742. 54 Zucker, 1977; Meyer & Rowan, 1977. 55 Meyer & Rowan, 1977.
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rules and regulations, they are more likely to engage in thoughtful consideration of the utility of workplace policy to determine whether such policies are effective or ineffective. Consequently, organizations where institutionalized structures are deeply entrenched are less likely to provide an environment conducive to adult learning and development.
Cognitive Scripts Organizational policy can discourage employees from thinking “outside the box,” so to speak. This is also reflected in the notion of cognitive scripts . These are scripts we all carry with us in the performance of our jobs. Though they are not concrete or tangible, they are very real. That is, any organization possesses shared meaning regarding how its members should conduct themselves in the performance of their duties. 56 Cognitive scripts or schema have been described as mental pictures (most often unconscious) that serve to organize knowl- edge in some systematic fashion. Essentially, organizational members can function efficiently in organizations through the use of scripts or schema, to reduce the mass of information to be pro- cessed as a means to guide their performance. That is, cognitive scripts may guide thought and behaviour and are based on beliefs about people, situations, or behaviours. A script is a type of schema that serves to help understand and enact dynamic patterns of behaviour. A script pro- vides knowledge about expected sequences of events, and guides behaviour for a given situation.
What are the implications of organizational scripts for learning and development in the workplace? Cognitive learning is one learning domain that assumes that people have characteristic ways of making sense of the world by organizing that world into abstract categories. 57 These categories change with age and, ideally, should move in the direction of growth. How do organizations impact cognitive learning? Individuals, within social set- tings, form and use categories in such processes as perception, decision making, and con- ceptualization. This categorization is intended to reduce the cognitive complexity of the environment. In other words, individuals within organizations often rely on prepro- grammed methods of conduct (scripts) and cognitive pictures of their environment. In effect, scripts internalize a routinized approach to performance on the job. Similarly, the use of scripts to guide behaviour in the workplace can potentially discourage individuals from critically examining events and situations each time performance is required.
The reliance on cognitive scripts and schema in the workplace reduces the need to continually question and confront environmental cues. Rather, a preprogrammed approach to dealing with others in the workplace seems to develop. To the extent that reliance is placed on these scripts and schemas, confrontation and change will be discour- aged and, consequently, learning and development will be impeded.
Employees can differ in the degree to which they rely on scripts or preprogrammed performance guidelines to govern their work conduct. Work behaviour that is largely scripted discourages employees from engaging in critical evaluation of how their work is conducted. Through their need to maintain reliability and consistency in employee perfor- mance, cognitive scripts that we use to function in our jobs can actually generate obstacles to individual-level change and learning. Organizations that encourage a critical evalua- tion of these scripts are more likely to motivate learning and development among mem- bers than are organizations that discourage the critique of established methods of work.
cognitive scripts Mental pictures, usually unconscious, that serve to organize knowledge in some systematic fashion. In rela- tion to business, these are scripts or schema used by organizational members to help them function efficiently by reducing the amount of information they need to process as a means to guide their perfor- mance. Can generate obstacles to learning and change.
cognitive learning A learning domain that assumes people have characteristic ways of making sense of the world by organizing that world into abstract categories.
56 Sims, J.P., Gioia, D.A., et al. (1986). The thinking organization. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 57 Piaget, J. (1954). The construction of reality in the child. New York, NY: Basic Books; Kohlberg, L. (1969). Stage and sequence: The cognitive developmental approach to socialization. In D.A. Goslin (Ed.), Handbook of social- ization theory and research (pp. 347–480). Chicago, IL: Randy McNally.
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IMPLEMENTING CHANGE THROUGH TIPPING POINT LEADERSHIP What Is the Tipping Point? Malcolm Gladwell’s 2002 book The Tipping Point offers a unique and thought-provoking framework for understanding change and serves to explain some of the reasons for change when it happens in rather unexpected ways. Through the use of terminology borrowed from epidemiology, Gladwell describes change as seeing a virus when it reaches critical mass, or, as he refers to it, “the boiling point.” He develops this term to lend itself to an examination of what he refers to as “social epidemics.” While the book speaks to many social phenomena dating back to the American Revolution, it also has great rele- vance to organizational change.
One of the ideas that he discusses is the phenomena of word of mouth and its ability to bring about change. As well, the book addresses the notion of change occurring as an epidemic within an organization, beginning at the periphery and moving to the core. Finally, contrary to the idea of slow and steady change, the premise of Gladwell’s book is to understand change that happens quickly and successfully.
Three Rules of the Tipping Point Gladwell has developed three rules of epidemics: (1) the law of the few—that is, there are exceptional people who possess social connections, personality, energy, and enthusiasm to be able to spread “the word” (idea or product) in epidemic proportions; (2) the stickiness factor—that is, there are specific ways to make a message memorable in terms of present- ing and structuring information to influence the impact it will make; and (3) the power of context—discussed in two parts, essentially that “human beings are a lot more sensitive to their environment than they may think.” 58
The Law of the Few The law of the few divides these “exceptional” people who essentially control the power of word-of-mouth epidemics into three categories. They are, as Gladwell has named them, Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen.
Connectors , most simply put, know a lot of people. They are critical to the instigation of a word-of-mouth epidemic. Gladwell repeatedly uses the example of Paul Revere, who sparked the American Revolution by riding miles during the night to warn of Britain’s impending attack. Gladwell contrasts the success of this word-of-mouth campaign with William Dawes, who, in collaboration with Revere, embarked on the same ride but with a lower success rate: Fewer people were called into action by Dawes than by Revere. This, Gladwell explains, attests to the fact that Revere was a Connector, someone who had a great social network. Connectors, Gladwell describes, are so well connected because “they manage to occupy many different worlds and subcultures and niches.” 59 Hence, the ability to be able to diffuse an idea is greatly increased. Finally, he states, “that the closer an idea or product comes to a
Objective 6 Explain the role of “the tipping point” and its
impact on change.
law of the few One of the three rules of Malcolm Gladwell’s tipping point theory that states there are exceptional people (Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen) who possess social connections, personality, energy, and enthusiasm to be able to spread the word in epidemic proportions.
58 Gladwell, M. (2002). The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference (p. 29). New York, NY: Little Brown and Company.
Connectors Individuals who know a lot of people, are well- connected socially, and therefore are critical to the instigation of a word-of-mouth epidemic.
59 Gladwell, 2002, 48.
Tipping Point p ngg PointPointntnt
480 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Connector, the more power and opportunity it has.” 60 Therefore, based on this explanation, had Dawes been a Connector his success rate would have been greater.
The second category of people in the law of the few are Mavens , from the Yiddish word meaning “one who accumulates knowledge.” This term, also employed as a marketing concept, is important to economists analyzing Mavens’ effects on the marketplace. Mavens are people who have information “on a lot of different products or prices or places.” 61 Gladwell introduces a Maven by the name of Mark Alpert, whom he describes as pathologically helpful, even so far as writing to Consumer Reports to offer corrections. Mavens, he describes, are important in starting word-of-mouth epidemics because “they know things the rest of us don’t.” 62 Mavens have the ability to start word-of-mouth epidemics not only because of their knowledge and social skills, but also because their motivation is pure, based on a desire to “help out”; therefore, they appear to be unbiased and people accept their message or information more willingly.
The final category, Salesmen , have the skills to persuade those who are not con- vinced by the data provided by the Mavens or the message spread by the Connectors. Salesmen possess natural exuberance and are finely tuned (albeit often subconsciously) to nonverbal communication. Moreover, it is the subtle, hidden, and unspoken communica- tion that often determines the Salesmen’s success. While Salesmen are known for their persuasiveness, it is not through overt tactics that they are able to persuade. It is a genuine interest that makes them mesmerizing and, in turn, persuasive.
The Stickiness Factor The second rule of epidemics is called the stickiness factor — that is, the quality of a message to ensure that it “sticks”; it is the method of presenting information in a memorable way. The tangible descriptor Gladwell uses is the television program Sesame Street and how it was created to cause an epidemic of literacy in children. The creators of the television program endeavoured to create a program that would increase literacy in children through a medium that was not known to elicit such a reward. Gladwell describes a process of testing and reworking the program to arrive at a “sticky” version that accomplished its intended goal. The importance of “stickiness” is that the idea needs to resonate with people so that it becomes memorable. Gladwell poses a question as he con- siders the notion of stickiness in comparison to the importance of the messenger: “Is it so memorable, in fact, that it can create change, that it can spur someone to action?” 63
Although the law of the few states that it is the exceptional people who start the epidemics and all that is required is you find them, stickiness has the same applicability— there is a simple way to present information to make it irresistible, and the only require- ment is you find the right way. To sum, while the messenger is critical to spreading the message, the content of the message is equally important.
The Power of Context The third rule of epidemics is called the power of context , which is described in two parts. The first part pertains to the environment: “epidemics are sensitive to the conditions and circumstances of the times and place in which they occur.” 64 Gladwell illustrates this using the “broken windows” theory, borrowed from criminologists James Q. Wilson and George Kelling. The theory states that if a window is broken and left unrepaired, people will draw the conclusion that there is no place for
Mavens People who are knowl- edgeable and have a lot of infor- mation on products, prices, and places. They often start word-of- mouth epidemics because they have knowledge the rest of us don’t, and many people rely on them to make informed decisions.
Salesmen Individuals who are unusually charismatic and have the skills to persuade even those who are unconvinced by Connectors or Mavens.
stickiness factor One of the three rules of Malcolm Gladwell’s tipping point theory that states there are specific ways to make a message memorable in terms of presenting and structuring information to influence the impact it will have.
power of context One of the three rules of Malcolm Gladwell’s tipping point theory that consists of two parts: (1) Word-of-mouth epidemics are sensitive to the environment in which they occur; and (2) groups play a significant role in spreading word-of-mouth epidemics.
61 Gladwell, 2002, 62. 62 Gladwell, 2002, 67. 63 Gladwell, 2002, 92. 64 Gladwell, 2002, 139.
60 Gladwell, 2002, 55.
481C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
authority and order, and in turn more windows will be broken, inviting a graduation in the severity of crimes committed. 65 He posits that the broken window theory and power of context are one and the same in that the smallest changes in the environment can lead to an epidemic that can be tipped or reversed. He states that behaviour is a “function of social context” and that in this situation “what really matters is little things.” 66
The second part of the power of context is the critical role that groups play in social epidemics. Gladwell introduces the notion of groups and their importance in initiating and sustaining change by creating a community to practise and support the change. Borrowing from cognitive psychology and research by anthropologist Robin Dunbar, Gladwell describes the Rule of 150, which asserts that human beings are most capable of having genuine social interaction with a maximum of 150 individuals. 67 He describes an organization that uses this model and has had tremendous success. The strength behind this notion is that “in order to create one contagious movement, you often have to create many small movements first.” 68
Applying the Tipping Point to Organizational Change As mentioned previously, human interaction is of great importance in how we receive information, specifically information pertaining to change. Therefore, the concept of the law of the few has strong relevance to the organizational context.
“Word-of-mouth” change may seem like an unorganized and unconventional approach to implementing change within an organization. For an organization to draw upon hidden resources such as the Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen already within its ranks, there exists the potential to bring about a change epidemic.
Wanda Orlikowski and J. Debra Hofman discuss the need for change to be flexible and not based on a fixed beginning, middle, and end point. To accomplish this they sug- gest being more open to the opportunities that arise during change. 69 A word-of-mouth change “epidemic” in an organization requires at least some prior commitment by the “few” key organizational members.
A second approach to change based on Gladwell’s framework is implementing change from the periphery (that is, small groups) in an organization and then moving to the corporate core, as is suggested by Michael Beer, Russell Eisenstat, and Bert Spector. 70 What the authors suggest is change that is mandated from the most senior levels within the organization and delivered in a “top-driven” fashion will not lead to success, as opposed to change that begins far from corporate headquarters and is initiated by line managers and employees. The underlying rationale is that at the “grassroots” level there is a greater understanding of the individual roles and responsibilities and the changes that are required to bring about change. Instead, senior management should create a culture for change and support initiatives at the grassroots level and allow it to move to the corporate core, as opposed to mandating change in the opposite direction.
67 Gladwell, 2002, 179.
65 Gladwell, 2002, 141. 66 Gladwell, 2002, 150.
68 Gladwell, 2002, 192. 69 Orlikowski, W.J., & Hofman, J.D. (1997). An improvisational model for change management. Sloan Manage- ment Review (Winter), 11–21. [This article is directed at technological change; however, I am applying the model more broadly to change initiatives, as I think it has great relevance.]
70 Beer, M., Eisenstat, R.A., & Spector, B. (1990). Why change programs don’t produce change. In T.D. Jick & M.A. Peiperl (Eds.), Managing change: Cases and concepts (pp. 229–241). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
482 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
Again, if we look at the law of the few and assume that an organization has a culture that encourages change, then it is possible that change can be initiated or “tipped” by either a Connector, Maven, or Salesmen. This outside/in-driven philosophy could remedy the failures that organizations encounter when attempting top-driven change. Of course, this philosophy does require participation and awareness from the senior levels, primarily in understanding and seeking out, perhaps from the human resources function, these Con- nectors, Mavens, and Salesmen and engaging them in an idea or further allowing them to engage the organization with their ideas.
The concept of identifying and allowing the role of a change agent to move from a senior leadership function to an employee-driven process for a change initiative to take hold and “tip” within an organization is a powerful notion. As suggested by Beer and col- leagues, the potential for change could be significantly increased if initiated by employees and if the process of engagement is also employee driven. If employees see the value in the change and it is initiated by a respected peer (that is, a Salesman or Connector), employee support for the change would increase significantly as opposed to a mandated or program- matic change that does not have employee “buy-in” or support.
The power of context also has relevance here, as Gladwell states that groups also play a critical role in initiating and sustaining change. Further, as stated earlier, to have one contagious movement you often have to have many small movements first. Again, speak- ing to the power of change occurring at the periphery and moving inward, if there are many small movements started locally the power of these movements to grow into one large movement and eventually “tip” into large-scale change is a strong possibility and presents a compelling and lasting model for change.
If organizations are willing to accept some risk, to take some of the control away from senior management and place it in the hands of the Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen and place more emphasis on the impact that employees can have on one another, the potential for any change to “tip” (that is, spread) within an organization is great. We must embrace the idea that change is possible, that people can change their behaviour, and that it can happen quickly. All we need to do is consider the right “triggers” to make it all happen. As Gladwell suggests,
What must underlie successful epidemics, in the end, is a bedrock belief that change is possible, that people can radically transform their behaviour or beliefs in the face of the right kind of impetus. 71
71 Gladwell, 2002, 258.
CHAPTER SUMMARY Every organization must contend with a changing environment. These changes may stem from economic, labour, global, competitive, legal/political, technological, or societal sources. This chapter emphasized the importance of understanding how organizations facilitate or resist change. We considered the notion of double-loop and single-loop learning, and how organiza- tions might effect these types of learning among their employees. We discussed the tipping point for change as a theory of how to spread change in an organization. Sources of resistance to change were specifically identified, as well as organizational responses to resistance.
483C h a p t e r 1 2 C o n f r o n t i n g C h a n g e
Key Terms cognitive learning 478
cognitive scripts 478
Connectors 479
developmental change 461
double-loop learning 472
institutionalization 477
institutionalization theory 477
law of the few 479
learning organization 471
Mavens 480
organizational development 471
organizational learning 472
paradigm 474
power of context 480
Salesmen 480
single-loop learning 472
sociotechnical redesign 466
stickiness factor 480
Theory E change 464
Theory O change 464
transformational change 462
transitional change 462
Multiple-Choice Questions Select the best answer for each of the following questions.
Solutions are located in the back of your textbook.
1. When a business makes a small improvement in some- thing it is currently doing, this type of change is called a
a. technological change
b. transitional change
c. competitive change
d. developmental change
2. When a business replaces an old product for a new one, this type of change is called a
a. competitive change
b. transitional change
c. developmental change
d. transformational change
3. Trying something completely new where the result is unknown and uncertain is called a
a. transformational change
b. developmental change
c. competitive change
d. developmental change
4. Theory E change can involve a. maximizing shareholder value
b. changes to organizational structure and systems
c. the participation of employees
d. both A and B
5. Theory O change can involve a. developing organizational capabilities
b. developing a culture that supports learning
c. the participation of all employees
d. all of the above
6. Which type of learning involves finding and correcting an error?
a. Single-loop b. Double-loop
c. Theory E d. Theory O
7. Which type of learning involves changing the company’s status quo and modifying underlying policies?
a. Theory E
b. Theory O
c. Double-loop
d. Single-loop
8. The meaning of paradigm can refer to a. our ability to learn new skills
b. our set of beliefs or our mental framework for under-
standing the world
c. a model of learning
d. a learning organization
9. The meaning of institutionalization can be referred to as a. a special process in which individuals share an idea
of what is appropriate behaviour
b. a form of management structure
c. how organizations generate a set of accepted
d. both A and C
10. The word-of-mouth approach is associated with the a. societal force b. tipping point
c. cognitive scripts d. none of the above
11. Exceptional people who possess energy and enthusiasm to spread the word is a rule of
a. societal force b. cognitive scripts
c. the law of the few d. learning organizations
484 P a r t 4 A d a p t a t i o n a n d C h a n g e
12. Connectors typically a. know a lot of people
b. are important to the word-of-mouth epidemic
c. ensure the quality of the message so it sticks
d. both A and B
13. The stickiness factor involves making information a. memorable
b. sticky
c. irresistible
d. all of the above
14. Mavens are people who a. have information
b. appear unbiased
c. know things the rest of us don’t
d. all of the above
15. In the power of context, two important factors are a. Salesmen and Mavens
b. Connectors and word of mouth
c. the environment and groups
d. none of the above
Discussion Questions 1. Identify and discuss the forces of change.
2. Compare and contrast developmental, transitional, and transformational change.
3. Explain the difference between Theory E and Theory O change.
4. Discuss what type of change is required for long- term change.
5. What are the differences between single-loop and double-loop learning?
6. What is the meaning of a paradigm shift?
7. Explain the three rules of the tipping point theory.
8. Discuss the law of the few and the three categories of people who control the power of the word of mouth.
9. What is adult learning development?
10. What is the meaning of institutionalization?
The Eastman Kodak company was established by George Eastman in 1880. Eastman Kodak sold the world’s first flexible roll film in 1888 and continued to transform pho- tography into a major sensation with a $1 Brownie camera in 1900. Among its greatest innovations was Kodachrome, a slide and motion-picture film embraced for 74 years. While colour photography had existed since the 1860s, Eastman Kodak Company’s introduction of its Kodachrome film in 1935 made the old system of dealing with heavy glass plates, tripods, an exacting development procedure, and inferior quality pictures all obsolete. 72
The Kodachrome process was invented by Leopold Godowsky Jr. and Leopold Mannes, two scientists who worked at Kodak’s research facility in Rochester, New York. The film’s high quality and relative ease of use made it the dominant film for both professionals and amateurs for much of the 20th century. Kodak and its Kodachrome process were responsi- ble for providing images that became historical icons of the 20th century, including captur- ing a colour version of the Hindenburg’s fireball explosion in 1936, and President Kennedy’s
72 Suddath, C. (2009, June 23). A brief history of Kodachrome. Time Magazine. Retrieved from http://content. time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1906503,00.html .
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assassination in 1963. 73 During the 1960s, Kodak’s easy-load Instamatic 126 became one of the most popular cameras in history, replacing the old box cameras.
It’s not surprising, then, that by 1976 Kodak was responsible for 90% of film sales and 85% of camera sales in the United States. It was consistently ranked as one of the world’s five most valuable brands. 74 So it seemed impossible to anyone that a company this large and successful company could ever disappear.
Fast forward to September 2011, when Kodak’s stock, which had reached $94 in 1997, slid below $1 a share for the first time and, by January 6, 2012, hit an all-time clos- ing low of 37 cents. 75 It filed for bankruptcy protection that same year. Essentially, Kodak had dominated the market until the 1990s, but by then things started to fall apart. What happened? How could this once great company go bad?
On the face of it, the answer is relatively straightforward. Undoubtedly, the digital revolu- tion buried the film business that was once Kodak’s mainstay. Essentially Kodak neglected to fully acknowledge the threat that digital technology posed to its business until it was too late.
However, there is a major ironic twist in this story: Kodak invented the digital camera in 1975. By 1975, employing a new type of electronic sensor, engineer Steven Sasson created the first prototype digital camera, capturing black-and-white images at a resolution of 0.1 megapixels. In 1979, a Kodak executive even generated a report that estimated how dif- ferent segments of the market would switch from film to digital by 2010. The report was eerily accurate, albeit the date of this switch could likely be pinpointed to even earlier than 2010. 76
From about the mid- to late 1990s, digital camera sales start to significantly increase. While competitors pursued methods of enhancing the digital future of the camera, Kodak largely remained inactive. Film was slowly becoming outdated. By the early 2000s, with deteriorating film sales, Kodak attempted to profit from other mar- kets like drugs and chemicals, but with largely mixed results. In 2003, Kodak launched its Easyshare printer dock 6000, focusing on printing quality photos.
Once Kodak did begin to seriously enter the market it neglected to focus its efforts on the youth-driven consumer. At this point, digital cameras had become a huge item, so Kodak faced many competitors. Kodak could have used its leading-edge technologies to develop other items, such as cellphones, but instead it kept its focus on printers. In 2004, Kodak was forced to cut thousands of jobs and close factories. This sense of urgency had only now become real for the company. During the mid-2000s, Kodak attempted to rebrand itself but at that point it could no longer effectively compete nor attract enough interest within the digital camera market. As of 2013, Kodak still struggled to emerge from bankruptcy and failed to regain its past glory. At that point, its aim was simply to entirely leave the consumer business and focus instead on providing products and services to the commercial imaging market.
So, looking at the facts, Kodak was certainly not taken by surprise by the new digital technology. It not only had ample warning but ironically it was the prophet of
Case Continued >
73 Suddath, 2009. 74 Naughton, J. (2012, January 22). Could Kodak’s demise have been averted? The Guardian. Retrieved from www.theguardian.com/technology/2012/jan/22/john-naughton-kodak-lessons. 75 Rubin, J. (2012, January 19). Kodak’s snapshot of an era. Toronto Star. Retrieved from www.thestar.com/ business/2012/01/19/kodaks_snapshot_of_an_era.html. 76 Bertucci, K. (2012, January 30). Kodak moments now a thing of the past: The rise and fall of the great American company. Gadget Review. Retrieved from www.gadgetreview.com/2012/01/kodak-moments-now-a- thing-of-the-past-the-rise-and-fall-of-a-great-american-company.html.
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its own demise. It developed the tech- nology that essentially revolutionized its industry. Unfortunately, it neglected to exploit that lead. Why?
Clayton Christensen’s The Innova- tor’s Dilemma explains why and how successful firms can be destroyed by disruptive innovations. That is, even companies that seem to be doing every- thing correctly from listening to cus- tomers to investing in research and development can be undermined by innovation. Christensen argues that large companies are adept at nurturing “sustaining” innovations (innovation that enhances their position in established markets). However, those same companies are incapable at dealing with inno- vations that entirely disrupt those markets. 77
Imagine how difficult it would be for a company that had close to a monopoly on the market to give that up and take a chance on this new technology. And ironically, if that technology proved successful, it would reduce the company’s profit margins! So, imagine Kodak discovering this technology and then considering its options. If it introduced this technology it risked cannibalizing its existing products. And if it invested all this money into this new technology and it failed, it could have lost a tonne of money. Why take the risk?
According to some observers, the biggest lesson to be learned from Kodak’s failure is that even successful companies need to continually innovate. A case in point has been Apple. Apple has always struggled to transform its most popular products into better versions of themselves. This company consistently attempts to transform the industry it operates within by launching “game changing” products. The fact is, Kodak had a lot in common with Apple. It did innovate and was the first to release the digital camera— definitely a game-changing product. However, it failed to follow through with its technology and consequently they were left behind. Similarly, Apple can only lead the market for as long as it can innovate. 78
Change management expert and Harvard Business School professor John Kotter sums it up nicely:
How can CEOs learn from Kodak’s failure? . . . One key to avoiding complacency is to ensure these innovators have a voice with enough volume to be heard (and listened to) at the top. . . . If they are given the power to lead, they will continue to innovate, help keep a culture of urgency and affect change. 79
1. What were the forces of change acting on this industry? 2. Why was it so difficult for Kodak to adapt to change? 3. Discuss the notion of a paradigm and double- and single-loop learning and their role
in the case of Kodak.
77 Naughton, 2012.
78 Bertucci, 2012.
79 Kotter, J. (2012, May 2). Barriers to change: The real reason behind the Kodak downfall. Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkotter/2012/05/02/barriers-to-change-the-real-reason-behind-the-kodak-downfall .
© Stuwdamdorp/Alamy
Appendix: Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions
Chapter 1 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. B
Chapter 2 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. D 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. D
Chapter 3 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. C
Chapter 4 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. D
Chapter 5 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. D
Chapter 6 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B
Chapter 7 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. B
Chapter 8 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. A
Chapter 9 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. C
Chapter 10 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. D
Chapter 11 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. C
Chapter 12 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. C
487A p p e n d i x : A n s w e r s t o M u l t i p l e - C h o i c e Q u e s t i o n s
488 G l o s s a r y
acquisition A way to achieve diversification, when a firm acquires the majority of shares in another firm. 185, 286
activist government A government that intervenes in the employment relationship by passing laws that restrict freedom of contract, such as employment standards, human rights, health and safety, and employment equity laws. 51
administrative management Henri Fayol’s philosophy of man- agement, one of the three major classical approaches (the others being scientific and bureaucratic management). It focuses on the principles of division of work, unity of com- mand, subordination of employees’ individual interests to the common good, and esprit de corps. See bureaucratic man- agement and scientific management. 92
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) A trading bloc formed in 1989. Among the members are the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Canada, and the United States, to name a few of the 21 members. 297
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) The first major free trade bloc in Asia. It aimed to promote greater cooperation in areas such as industry and trade among its members. 297
“at will” employment A concept used in US labour law that allows employers to terminate employees without any notice for any reason. At-will employment does not exist in Canada. 57
attribute A business advantage of some kind, which might include having a highly skilled staff, a patented technology, a unique marketing strategy, a well-known brand, or some- thing else that makes the company a leader in its field. See competitive advantage. 16
authoritative culture A culture where rules are dictated and individual discretion is limited; has the effect of suppressing the development of ethical decision making. 370
backward integration A type of diversification that refers to an extension or expansion of firm value chain activities by integrating productive processes (backward) toward the source of raw materials. 184
bailout A type of government support to business to prevent an organization or industry from financial collapse, often in the form of a loan or loan guarantee. 329
balance of trade The value of all goods and services a country exports minus the value of goods and services it imports. 215
Bank of Canada Canada’s central bank, which is a Crown cor- poration of the federal government. It regulates the banking and financial industry to ensure low inflation, high employ- ment levels, and positive long-term economic growth for Canada. 225
bank rate The rate at which the Bank of Canada loans money to financial institutions. 225
bargaining power The amount of power workers have to deter- mine their conditions of employment with their employer, such as wages, hours, training, vacation time, health and safety measures, and other factors. 51
bargaining power of buyers The power held by individuals or organizations that purchase incumbents’ products or services. Buyers can exert power by demanding lower prices, better qual- ity or services, or playing incumbents against one another. 167
bargaining power of suppliers The power held by firms, orga- nizations, and individuals that provide raw materials, tech- nologies, or skills to incumbents in an industry. Suppliers can exert power by demanding better prices or threatening to reduce the quality of purchase goods or services. 166
barriers to entry Obstacles that may prevent another company from entering a given market. Could include high capital costs, government regulations, customer brand loyalties, intellectual property, and high switching costs. 204
behavioural approaches to management Managerial perspec- tives that consider the social or human side of organizations and address the challenges of managing people. Assume that achieving maximum productivity requires understanding the human factor of organizations and creating an environ- ment that permits employees to fulfill social, not only eco- nomic, needs. See classical approaches to management. 98
Big Six Canada’s six largest banks, including CIBC, Scotiabank, TD Canada Trust, BMO, RBC, and National Bank. 15
biological diversity The different forms of life and number of species on earth. It includes people, plants, animals, bacte- ria, and other living organisms. 420
borderless corporation or transnational corporation (TNC) A multinational corporation that is not linked with one specific home country. Such an enterprise thus has no clear nationality. 288
bounded rationality The idea that humans often do not make decisions that would maximize their personal utility because they either lack the necessary information to assess the var- ious options or lack the capacity to assess the information they have. 51
branch plants Subsidiaries (of companies in another country) that do not perform the complete range of functions necessary to offer a product in the marketplace. Typically, subsidiaries defer responsibility of higher-level strategic functions to the parent company. 24
budget deficit The negative difference between incoming tax revenues and outgoing government expenditures. Like a bank overdraft, a deficit means the cash outflows are greater than the cash inflows in a given period. 219
bureaucratic management One of the classical approaches to management (the others being scientific and administrative management) that focuses more broadly on the organiza- tion as a whole and incorporates the ideas of rules and pro- cedures, hierarchy of authority, division of labour, impersonality, and selection and promotion. Associated with Max Weber. See scientific management and adminis- trative management. 92
business cycle The rise and fall of economic activity over time. There are five stages: expansionary, peak, contraction, trough, and recovery. 210
business enterprise system The system all developed countries possess that determines what goods and services are distrib- uted to society and how those goods and services are pro- duced and distributed. The decisions may be made by government or by business or both. 312
business ethics The rules, standards, principles, or codes giving guidelines for morally right behaviour in certain contexts. 358
business-level strategy A strategy a firm uses to compete in a given market. Three business-level strategies are cost lead- ership, product differentiation, and focus. 173
Cabinet Members of Parliament who are appointed by the prime minister to oversee an assigned government ministry or department. 317
capital One of the five factors of production. Includes build- ings, machines, tools, and other physical components used in producing goods and services. 198
capitalism An economic system based on the rights of the indi- vidual, the rights of private property, and competition and minimal government interference. 312
carbon footprint A measurement of the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions from a person, product, event, or organization. 416
categorical imperative The assertion by the philosopher Immanuel Kant that moral actions are, by definition, actions that respect others. 358
centralization The degree to which decision-making authority in an organization is concentrated at the top level. 128
change A shift in how an organization operates. 5 Charter of Rights and Freedoms A part of the Canadian Con-
stitution that governs the relationship between govern- ments and citizens by protecting fundamental rights and freedoms of Canadians against state interference. 59
Chester Barnard An organizational practitioner who served as president of the New Jersey Bell Telephone company; he was interested in organizational structure, but he considered organizations to be social systems. He focused on communi- cation and authority in management practices. 100
classical approaches to management The oldest of the formal- ized perspectives of management, which arose in the late 19th and early 20th centuries during a period of rapid indus- trialization in the US and European business sectors. Includes scientific, administrative, and bureaucratic management. See scientific, administrative, and bureaucratic management. 88
climate change Changes in climate caused by a significant change in weather patterns, either from natural causes like oceanic processes, or unnatural causes like human interference. 412
cloning forces Pressure on organizations to imitate the behav- iour of industry leaders. “Jumping on the bandwagon,” or “keeping up with the corporate Joneses.” 154
closed systems Entities viewed as being fully self-sufficient and thus requiring no interaction with the environment, which is difficult to find in practice. 126
codes of conduct Rules created by business to reflect the general values of society in business practices; one means of “institu- tionalizing” ethics in corporations. This involves incorporat- ing ethics formally and explicitly into daily business life. 370
cognitive learning A learning domain that assumes people have characteristic ways of making sense of the world by organizing that world into abstract categories. 478
cognitive legitimacy The level of public knowledge about a new industry and its conformity to established norms and methods reflected in the extent to which it is taken for granted as a desirable and appropriate activity. 241
cognitive scripts Mental pictures, usually unconscious, that serve to organize knowledge in some systematic fashion. In relation to business, these are scripts or schema used by organizational members to help them function efficiently by reducing the amount of information they need to process as a means to guide their performance. Can generate obstacles to learning and change. 478
collaboration In behavioural approaches to management, the consequence of managers and workers viewing themselves as collaborators or partners. 101
collective bargaining A process of negotiation measures between a group of employees (through a union) and an employer (or group of employers) leading to a collective agreement that applies to the entire group of employees. 51
commoditization The process by which a differentiated good becomes undifferentiated in the market. Consumers, thus, become more focused on price, which in turn forces firms to continuously squeeze out more cost savings from their pro- duction processes. 250
common law of the employment contract All of the rules of interpretation of employment contracts applied by judges over the years, as recorded in legal decisions. 56
common market Economic integration that goes beyond free trade areas and customs unions and includes, for example, freer flow of labour and capital across members’ borders and a common trade policy regarding nonmembers. See free trade area, customs union, and economic union. 295
communism An economic system where the government owns or controls essentially all of a country’s economic resources. 202
compartmentalizing In scientific management, the result of Fred- erick Taylor’s pursuit of the one best method of performing a job, which involves breaking the job down into its most fun- damental steps or components. Also called specializing. 90
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competition When two or more sellers offer the same or similar products or services to consumers. 204
competitive advantage Achieved when an organization excels in one or more attributes that allow it to outperform its competitors. See attribute. 16
competitive forces The domestic and foreign competitor influ- ences on organizational decisions. Competitors are organi- zations operating in the same industry and selling similar products and services. However, competitors may compete in different ways. 8
competitive markets Markets in which there are a sufficient number of participants competing for the same goods, ser- vices, and customers. Market forces tend to fix prices at a point where the supply of a good or service equals the demand for that good or service. 49
connectors Individuals who know a lot of people, are well- connected socially, and therefore are critical to the instiga- tion of a word-of-mouth epidemic. 479
consolidation strategy An alternative for firms that are in the decline phase of their industry life cycle whereby a firm acquires the best of the remaining firms in the market to enhance its market power, to generate economies of scale, and to allow for synergies. 253
constraining forces Practices that come to define what are per- ceived as legitimate management structures and activities and that, consequently, place pressure on organizations to conform to these institutional roles. 153
consumer price index (CPI) A price index that measures com- modities commonly purchased by households, such as food, clothing, transportation, education, shelter, and recreation. 224
contingency approach to management The acknowledgement that there is no one best way to manage and that different conditions and situations require the application of differ- ent approaches or techniques. Includes consideration of organization size, environmental uncertainty, routineness of task technology, and individual differences. 102
contingency theory A natural outgrowth of systems theory, which recognizes that all organizations are open systems that can only survive through continuous and successful interaction with their environment. A central philosophy underlying contin- gency theory is that there is no one ideal way to organize. 133
contraction phase A phase in the business life cycle that is characterized by declining economic activity and falling profits. 211
control Typically achieved when a company or individual owns greater than 50% of the shares of another company. However, it can sometimes be achieved by other factors, such as management influence. 281
coordination In behavioural approaches to management, the harmonizing of workers and activities to maximize produc- tivity. Mary Parker Follett argued that management needed to be closely involved with subordinates in the daily con- duct of their work, rather than simply being people who made and enforced rules. 101
corporate-level strategy A strategy a firm uses to determine what businesses or markets it should compete in, and how these businesses or markets can be managed to create synergy. 179
corporate memory The knowledge of individuals who are a central part of an organization’s knowledge base. If they are eliminated by downsizing there is a significant loss of infor- mal bridges, business relationships, customer ties, friendship ties, and so on that bond people together in the work- place. 151
corporate social responsibility (CSR) Obligations or responsi- bilities of an organization to go beyond the production of goods or services at a profit, and beyond the requirements of competition, legal regulation, or custom, thus acting in a way desirable in terms of the values and objectives of soci- ety. This includes a business’s economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. 383
corporate welfare A term used to refer to government assis- tance given to businesses. 337
cost leadership strategy A business-level strategy that aims to reduce economic costs below that of all competitors to gain a competitive advantage. The strategy often requires aggres- sive construction of efficient-scale facilities, vigorous pur- suit of cost reductions from experience, tight cost and overhead control, avoidance of marginal customer accounts, and cost minimization in areas like R&D, service, sales, marketing and advertising, and general administration. 173
cost-push inflation A type of inflation that occurs when increases in production costs for businesses “push” up the final price that consumers have to pay. 224
creative destruction A term that explains how innovations sweep away old technologies, skills, products, ideas, and industries and replace them with new ones. 258
critical perspective A perspective that believes the interests of labour (workers) and capital (the owners and managers of economic organizations) are irreconcilably in conflict. The objective of capital is to extract from labour maximum effort and control at minimal cost. Since workers depend on capital for their basic needs in a capitalist system, and there are almost always more workers than jobs, labour is inher- ently disadvantaged and subject to exploitation at the hands of the more powerful capitalists. 52
cross-functional teams Work groups that bring together mem- bers from various parts of the organization. 121
Crown corporation A federal or provincial-run government agency, also called a public enterprise, that is accountable to Parliament for its operations through a minister. Examples include Canada Post (federal) and the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (provincial). 320
currency risk The potential risk of financial loss due to trans- actions in multiple currencies. 218
customs union Economic integration with the removal of trade barriers in goods and services among the member countries. A greater degree of integration than free trade
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areas, but with less member autonomy in how nonmember countries are dealt with. See free trade area, common mar- ket, and economic union. 295
cyclical unemployment Unemployment caused by changes in the business cycle or pace of the economy. When the econ- omy slows down or is in a recession, cyclical unemployment is high. Alternatively, when the economy is growing and expanding, cyclical unemployment is low. 227
de facto standard A standard that arises by virtue of common usage and is not officially sanctioned by any authority. It is a standard “in fact” or “in practice,” rather than in law. 245
de jure standard A standard that is legally mandated and enforced by a government or standards organization. 245
decentralization The degree to which decision-making author- ity in an organization is spread to the lower levels. 128
decisional roles One of Mintzberg’s three broad categories of roles that managers play, where information is processed and decisions made. Includes entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. See informa- tional roles, interpersonal roles, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. 83
decline phase The last phase in the industry life-cycle model, where aggregate sales drop and rivalry further heats up. 251
deflation When the price level of goods is falling; the opposite of inflation. 225
delayering Flattening organizational hierarchies so that they have a wider span of control; the elimination of hierarchical layers, often involving downsizing. See span of control. 120
demand-pull inflation A type of inflation that occurs when the demand for goods and services exceeds the supply, which tends to “pull” prices up. 224
democratic culture A culture where individuals are encour- aged to take responsibility for their actions. 370
depression A phase in the business life cycle that is character- ized by longer economic periods of declining economic activity, high unemployment, and high levels of personal and commercial bankruptcies. A depression is a severe recession. 211
deregulation A reduction in the number of laws or regulations affecting business activity. 339
designated groups The four designated groups under Canada’s Employment Equity Act: women, Aboriginal peoples, per- sons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities. 62
developmental change Change that attempts to improve upon what the business is currently doing, rather than creating something completely new. 461
disseminator One of the three informational roles that manag- ers play (the others being monitor and spokesperson), where the information obtained through monitoring is shared and distributed. See monitor and spokesperson. 83
disturbance handler One of the four decisional roles that managers play (the others being entrepreneur, resource allocator, and negotiator), where the manager deals with and attempts to resolve conflicts, such as dealing with a
difficult or uncooperative supplier. See informational roles, interpersonal roles, entrepreneur, resource allocator, and negotiator. 83
diversification A corporate-level strategy where a firm oper- ates in more than one market simultaneously. 179
domestic trade Trade that involves the purchase, sale, or exchange of goods between provinces, cities, or regions within the same country. 290
dominant design The dominant approach or design established in a product class. 245
double-loop learning The assessment by individuals of whether an error or problem exists in an organization because the sys- tems themselves need to be changed. Requires a deeper level of examination than single-loop learning and typically pre- cedes significant organizational change. Uncovers root causes. See organizational learning and single-loop learning. 472
downsizing The planned reduction in breadth of an organiza- tion’s operations, typically involving terminating relatively large numbers of employees or decreasing the number of products or services the organization provides. 145
dumping An accusation against an exporting country of pric- ing its product below cost or below the cost of the target country’s product. 334
duty to accommodate A legal obligation required by human rights statutes requiring employers to accommodate employ- ees who otherwise would not be able to perform the require- ments of a job because of a reason related to a prohibited ground, such as religion or disability. 62
dynamic environment One of the two broad classifications of environments of organizations (the other being static). The dynamic environment contains much uncertainty and change. See static environment. 133
Ecological Footprint (EP) The amount of biologically pro- ductive land and sea area that is required to meet the demands of human consumption for a particular population or country. 422
economic environment The economic conditions in which an organization operates. Key groups that make up an eco- nomic environment are individuals, businesses, and the government. 197
economic forces The economic influences on organizations, such as the state of the economy, unemployment, inflation, interest rates, and gross domestic product. For example, high unemployment numbers may indicate lower overall consumer spending, and business sales could be negatively affected. If sales go down significantly, businesses may need to reduce production, cut costs, or lay off workers. 8
economic responsibilities The responsibilities of a company to make profits and minimize costs. 384
economic stability An economic state that occurs when the amount of money available and the goods and services pro- duced grow at approximately the same rate. 223
economic system The way that the five factors of production are managed. Can be classified as either public (where the
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government makes decisions about production and alloca- tion of resources) or private (where individuals can own their own property and make their own decisions). There are four types of economic systems: a market economy, com- munism, socialism, and a mixed system. 202
economic union A higher level of economic integration than a common market, with harmonization of fiscal, monetary, and tax policies and often a common currency. There is comparably very little member autonomy. See free trade area, customs union, and common market. 296
economies of scale Spreading the costs of production over the number of units produced, which can provide incumbent firms with cost advantages that create a barrier to entry for new entrants. 164
economies of scope The situation where the total costs for serv- ing two markets or producing products for two markets are less than the costs for serving them or producing them alone. 181
ecosystem A set of complex relationships among all living organisms and their environment. 421
effectiveness The pursuit and achievement of goals that are appropriate for an organization. 81
efficiency Using the fewest inputs to produce a given level of output. 81
employee A person hired by an employer to perform work according to the terms of an employment contract. 44
employment A relationship between an employer and an employee involving an exchange of labour power (work) for something of value, such as wages or benefits. 44
employment contract A contract that defines the terms and conditions of a contractual relationship between an employer and an employee. The contract may include refer- ence to services to be performed, working hours, compensa- tion, and other work-related obligations of the employer and the employee. 44
employment equity A term that was developed by Justice Rosalie Abella, commissioner of the Royal Commission on Equality in Employment (1984), to describe a model designed to remove systemic barriers that have historically led to underrepresentation in Canada’s labour market of people from the four designated groups. 68
end-point ethics Assessing the rightness or wrongness of an action by its outcomes. Its modern counterparts are cost- benefit and risk-benefit analysis. See rule ethics. 361
entrepreneur (1) One of the four decisional roles that manag- ers play (the others being disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator), where the manager develops and initiates new projects. See informational roles, interpersonal roles, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotia- tor. (2) One of the five factors of production. Individuals who establish a business in the pursuit of profit and to serve a need in society. They are the owners, decision makers, and risk takers of the business. 83, 199
environmental uncertainty The rate at which market condi- tions and production technologies change, producing
dynamic or static environments. See dynamic environment and static environment. 133
equity alliance A form of strategic alliance that involves an arrangement between two or more firms where one firm has partial ownership in the other firm and the two firms work together to pursue common goals. 187
esprit de corps In administrative management, generating organizational cohesiveness and unity by encouraging team spirit and harmony among workers. 92
ethical responsibilities The responsibilities of businesses to engage in business practices that are in line with what soci- ety considers acceptable, fair, and just. 384
ethics The study of morality or moral judgments, standards, and rules of conduct. 358
European Union (EU) A common market with a single cur- rency and a free flow of money, people, products, and ser- vices within its member countries. 296
exchange rate (currency rate) The value of a foreign currency compared to a home currency. 218
exit barriers The economic, strategic, and emotional factors that keep firms competing even though they may be earn- ing low or negative returns on their investments. 168
exit early strategy An alternative for firms that are in the decline phase of their industry life cycle whereby the firm recovers some of its prior investments by selling off assets to others and exiting the market. 253
expansionary phase A phase in the business life cycle, where economic activity is rising. 210
external stakeholders Individuals or groups who bear some kind of risk, whether financial, physical, or other, as a result of a corporation’s actions. They include such parties as suppliers, the government, and society in general. There are ethical as well as practical reasons to attend to all of their interests, even when they conflict. See general environment. 7
family income A historical term used to describe the amount of money working men were able to bring home to support their spouses and children. Today, household income is used to describe the total amount of income brought in by all members of a household or place of residence. 54
federal level of government The highest level of government that governs all Canadian citizens, residents, and others across Canada. 314
figurehead One of the interpersonal roles that managers play (the others being leader and liaison). Typically ceremonial or symbolic in nature, such as handing out “employee of the month” awards. 82
financial resources Resources used by a firm that include debt, equity, retained earnings, and so on. 170
first-mover advantage The benefits of being among the first to establish strong positions in important world markets. 272
five factors of production The five key inputs in an organiza- tion, which include natural resources, labour, capital, knowledge, and entrepreneurs. 197
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five-forces model A prescriptive model developed by Michael Porter (1980) that allow for the systematic assessment of the industry environment. The five forces include the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bar- gaining power of buyers, the threats of substitutes, and rivalry among existing firms. 164
fixed rate A permanent interest rate that cannot be changed for the term of a loan. Usually higher than a variable rate. 225
focus strategy A business-level strategy that targets a partic- ular buyer group, a segment of the product line, or a geo- graphic market. Specifically, the focus strategy rests on the premise that a firm is able to compete efficiently or effec- tively by targeting a particular narrow market. The firm can thus achieve either differentiation by better meeting the needs of a particular buyer group or lower costs in serving this group or both. Accordingly, the firm may potentially earn above-normal returns by adopting either a focused low-cost strategy or a focused differentiation strategy. 177
foreign direct investment (FDI) The purchase of physical assets or an amount of share ownership in a company from another country to gain a measure of management control. 281, 334
formalization The degree to which rules, regulations, proce- dures, and so on govern how work is performed; the degree of the standardization of jobs in the organization. The greater the degree of formalization, the lower the reliance on individual discretion and the greater the assurance of consistent and reliable performance. 130
forward integration A type of diversification that refers to an extension or expansion of firm value chain activities by integrating processes (forward) toward the ultimate customers. 184
fossil fuel A nonrenewable resource that takes millions of years to form. Burning fossil fuels causes carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere and causes the earth’s sur- face temperature to rise. 415
franchisee The dealer in a franchising arrangement who is per- mitted to sell the goods/services of the franchisor in exchange for some payment. 281
franchising A method of distribution or marketing where a parent company (the franchisor) grants to another individ- ual or company (the franchisee) the legal right to sell its products or services, with exclusive rights to a particular area or location. 281
franchisor The supplier in a franchising arrangement, who permits a franchisee to sell its goods/services in exchange for some payment. 281
free enterprise system Another term for laissez faire, or the capitalist notion that the government should not interfere too much in business affairs. 313
free trade The trade of goods and services in open markets where a level playing field is created for businesses in one country to compete fairly against businesses in other countries. Govern- ment intervention is therefore kept at a minimum. 290
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) An agreement established in 1989 between Canada and the United States to remove trade barriers and to produce a common market between the countries. 298
free trade area The lowest degree of regional economic inte- gration, where tariffs and nontariff trade barriers on interna- tional trade in goods and services among the member countries are removed. See customs union, common market, and economic union. 295
frictional unemployment Unemployment that is caused by normal labour market turnover, not a downturn in the economy. 226
full employment A situation that occurs when only frictional unemployment exists. 228
functional specialization The dividing up of jobs into their smallest components so that workers perform simple, spe- cific, and repetitive tasks. 128
G7 A group of seven developed, industrialized nations with large economies. Includes France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, and Canada. 219
GDP per capita The gross domestic product per person in a country. Calculated by dividing the total GDP by the total population of a country. 214
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) An agree- ment among approximately 100 countries to reduce the level of tariffs on a worldwide basis. 294
general environment The environment shared by all organiza- tions in a society, such as the economic and political envi- ronments, and technological, societal, and global forces. See specific or task environment, technological forces, societal forces, and global forces. 7
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) A tool used to measure a country or region’s economic growth and social well-being. It includes all variables calculated under the GDP, but sub- tracts the negative effects of economic growth that cause social harm to a community. 425
global business A business that engages directly in some form of international business activity, including such activities as exporting, importing, or international pro- duction. 286
global forces The global influences on organizations that could be considered as part of the general economic, political, technological, or societal forces, but are international in nature. See technological forces and societal forces. 9
globalization Although there is no universally agreed-upon definition, it may be considered as a process involving the integration of national economies and the worldwide con- vergence of consumer preferences; the process of generating a single world economic system. 9, 271
government economic regulation The imposition of constraints, backed by the authority of the government, to significantly modify economic behaviour in the private sector. The motive may include protection of the consumer or of the environ- ment, or protection of fair competition among businesses. 325
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Governor General The holder of executive authority in Canada’s government. This person typically plays a passive administrative role and usually follows the advice of the prime minister, but he or she must sign bills before they become law. 316
greenhouse gas emissions Gas emissions that result from burn- ing fossil fuels to carry out many of our daily functions in industrialized society, such as to make electricity, to heat homes and buildings, to process industrial and commercial activities, to power transportation, and to allow agricultural and other miscellaneous processes. 415
gross domestic product (GDP) The total value of a country’s output of goods and services in a given year. 13, 211
gross national product (GNP) The value of all final goods and services produced by a national economy inside and outside of the country’s borders. (In Canada, this is the the income received in Canada, whether earned in Canada or abroad.) 211
growth phase The second phase in the industry life-cycle model that occurs after the industry coalesces around a par- ticular approach and a dominant model. This leads to a shakeout, where many firms exit the industry. 245
habitual routines Commonly accepted methods for perform- ing a task with, potentially, both functional and dysfunc- tional consequences. For example, once a behaviour is accepted as a legitimate means of accomplishing the work, its actual effects (efficiency or otherwise) are not readily questioned. 373
harvesting profits strategy An alternative for firms that are in the decline phase of their industry life cycle, whereby the firm tries to squeeze as much remaining profit as possible from the industry by drastically reducing costs. 253
Hawthorne effect The discovery that productivity can be enhanced by giving employees special attention rather than by simply improving their physical working conditions. 100
horizontal differentiation The degree of differentiation between horizontal (as opposed to vertical) units of the organization, based on things such as the orientation of the members, the nature of their jobs, and their educa- tion or training. Includes job specialization, which is divided into functional and social specialization. See ver- tical differentiation, functional specialization, and social specialization. 127
House of Commons The lower house of Parliament, where Members of Parliament (MPs) sit to discuss, debate, and amend bills to pass legislation. 317
human relations movement One of the schools of behavioural management developed by Elton Mayo, who emphasized that social factors had a greater impact on productivity than actual working conditions. Focuses on organizations as social systems. See Hawthorne effect. 100
human resources The experience, knowledge, judgment, risk- taking propensity, and wisdom of the individuals associated with a firm. 170
imperfect competition A fundamental shortcoming in the market system that necessitates government involvement. It occurs when fewer than the optimal number of competi- tors exist to ensure fair pricing and distribution of goods and services at the highest possible level of quality. 327
import quota A limitation on the amount of a product that can be imported to ensure that domestic producers retain an adequate share of consumer demand for their product. 293
income inequality The unequal distribution of wealth to indi- viduals or households in an economy. 48
incremental innovations Making relatively minor improve- ments or modifications to an existing product or practice in the hopes of differentiating it from the competition. It is also a way to extend the life cycle of the product, delaying the inevitable onset of the decline stage. 255
independent contractor Independent contractors or the self- employed provide labour services in exchange for compen- sation. They run their own businesses rather than serving as an employee for another organization or person. 44
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) An index that attempts to measure both positive and negative activi- ties that affect a society’s well-being. 424
industrial pluralist perspective A perspective that emphasizes the imbalance of power between workers and employers and the value to society and economies of striking a reasonable balance between the efficiency concerns of employers and the equity concerns of workers. Pluralists believe that unions and collective bargaining are beneficial to society and the economy because they give workers “voice” and ensure a fairer distribution of wealth throughout society than a sys- tem in which workers bargain employment contracts with employers on their own. 50
Industrial Revolution A period of time when manufacturing practices developed, between 1760 to 1840, changing the nature of work from manual hand production methods to machine use and mass production. 89
industry A group of organizations that share similar resource requirements, including raw materials, labour, technology, and customers. 163
industry life-cycle model An inverted U-shaped growth pat- tern that is seen in almost all industries given a long enough period of observation. The number of organizations rises initially up to a peak, then declines as the industry ages. 237
inflation The rise in the price level of goods and services. 223 informational roles One of Mintzberg’s three broad categories of
roles that managers play, where managers are communication sources for the organization, whether between parties in the organization or to parties outside it. Includes monitor, dis- seminator, and spokesperson roles. See decisional roles, inter- personal roles, monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson. 82
information sharing Workers sharing knowledge with other workers in the organization to help better meet the organi- zation’s goals and needs. Information sharing is an impor- tant component of the team-based approach. 121
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input Something a company contributes to creating its prod- ucts or services, such as materials, labour, or overhead. 215
institutionalization The processes by which shared beliefs take on a rule-like status. A social process through which indi- viduals create a shared definition of what is appropriate or meaningful behaviour. May generate “accepted practices” that continue even when they are no longer functional. 477
institutionalization theory The theory that organizations are driven to incorporate practices and procedures defined by current concepts of work and those accepted or institution- alized by society. Taken-for-granted means of “getting things done” and, as such, not necessarily rational. 152, 477
interest rate A fee charged, usually a percentage, by a lender to a borrower for the use of funds. 225
interfirm dynamics A motive for diversification that includes market power enhancement, a response to competition, and imitation. 181
International Monetary Fund (IMF) An international organiza- tion established after World War II to provide short-term assistance in the form of low-interest loans to countries con- ducting international trade and in need of financial help. 294
international trade Trade that involves the purchase, sale, or exchange of goods or services across countries. 290
intern A worker who receives on-the-job training at a work- place. The internship may or may not be a formal require- ment of an educational program and can be paid or unpaid. Whether an intern is considered an “employee” and is there- fore entitled to legal entitlements available to employees in Canada, such as a minimum wage, depends on how a prov- ince’s employment standards laws define an employee. Some unpaid internships are unlawful, while others are not. 44
interpersonal roles One of Mintzberg’s three broad categories of roles that managers play. Those tasks that arise from the man- ager’s formal authority base and involve relationships with either other organizational members or external parties. Includes figurehead, leader and liaison roles. See decisional roles, informational roles, figurehead, leader, and liaison. 82
intrafirm dynamics A motive for diversification that can include growth and managerial self-interests. 179
introductory phase The first phase in the industry life-cycle model, where many entrepreneurial firms enter the indus- try, hoping to emerge as a market leader. New industries tend to be highly fragmented (that is, with many small com- petitors) and characterized by experimentation with novel technologies and business models. 238
invisible hand of the market Adam Smith used the “invisible hand” metaphor in his book The Wealth of Nations, pub- lished in 1776. Smith argued that, by pursuing their own self-interest, individuals “are led by an invisible hand” to promote the greater public interest, even if that is not their intention. 49, 313
joint venture A form of strategic alliance that involves an arrangement between two or more companies joining to produce a product or service together, or to collaborate in
the research, development, or marketing of that product or service. 187, 284
keiretsu The Japanese term for networking of major enterprises— creating loosely affiliated collections of companies These are quite common in Japanese industry and banking. 123
knowledge One of the five factors of production. It is captured in the individuals who work for an organization and the specialized education, skills, training, and experience they bring to their role. In today’s business environment, it has become the most important factor of production. 198
knowledge-based economies Economies that involve the pro- duction, distribution, and consumption of knowledge and information. 198
knowledge workers People employed in knowledge-intensive industries, such as the high-tech industries, where special- ized and frequently changing knowledge is required. Knowl- edge work is thus harder to routinize than, for instance, service work. 21
labour One of the five factors of production. Includes all work- ers in an organization who contribute their talents and strengths to create goods and services. 5, 197
labour relations statutes Laws that govern labour issues in a particular province. In Canada, each province has the power to enact its own labour laws. 53
laissez faire A term meaning that businesses or manufacturers should be free to make and sell what they please and, conse- quently, reflects the notion that government should not interfere with the economic affairs of business. 89, 313
law of the few One of the three rules of Malcolm Gladwell’s tipping point theory that states there are exceptional people (See connectors, mavens, and salesmen) who possess social connections, personality, energy, and enthusiasm to be able to spread the word in epidemic proportions. 479
leader One of the three interpersonal roles that managers play (the others being figurehead and liaison), wherein the man- ager may serve as a motivator, communicator, and coordinator of subordinates’ activities, such as by conducting performance appraisals. See informational roles, interpersonal roles, figure- head, and liaison. 82
leadership How people are managed within an organization. 4 leadership strategy An alternative for firms that are in the
decline phase of their industry life cycle whereby the firm continues to invest in marketing, support, and product development, hoping that competitors will eventually exit the market. 253
learning forces Lessons that result from institutionalized man- agement practices and that are taught to future managers and business leaders in the course of their formal education. 154
learning organization An organization that facilitates the learning of all its members and consciously transforms itself and its context. 471
legal responsibilities The responsibilities of businesses to hon- our all relevant laws and regulations governing business activities. 384
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liaison One of the three interpersonal roles that managers play (the others being figurehead and leader), including develop- ing relationships with members of the organization outside the manager’s area of authority, such as with other depart- ments. See interpersonal roles, figurehead, and leader. 82
licensing agreement An arrangement whereby the owner of a product or process is paid a fee or royalty from another com- pany in return for granting it permission to produce or dis- tribute the product or process. 280
limited monopoly A type of monopoly that occurs when a company has a patent that protects its product or idea for a limited time period. 206
Living Planet Index (LPI) Created by the World Wildlife Fund, this index aims to measure changes to the world’s bio- logical diversity. 420
machine metaphor (of an organization) A metaphor used to describe organizations that function like a machine—that is, in an orderly, prescribed, rational, and controlled man- ner. The classical school of management viewed organiza- tions as entities devised to perform work that led toward specific goals, structure, and technology. 125
macroeconomics The study of larger economic issues involv- ing the economy as a whole; examples include unemploy- ment, consumption, inflation, gross domestic product, and price levels. 200
management The process of administering and coordinating resources effectively and efficiently in an effort to achieve the organization’s goals. 81
managerial perspective A perspective associated with the human resource management school. Managerialists believe that employees and employers share a common goal of maximizing productivity and profits, so there need not be conflict between them. As long as employers treat employees decently, the employees will work hard in the employer’s interests. 50
mandatory minimum statutory notice The minimum job ter- mination notice employers must give their employees. It is found in employment standards statutes and varies from province to province. 57
market economy A free market system in which businesses compete with others in a marketplace where supply and demand determine which goods and services will be produced and consumed. Individuals can decide to be either workers for an employer or owners of a business. 202
Mary Parker Follett A social philosopher who made a number of significant contributions to the field of management in the first decades of the 20th century. She focused on coordi- nation, self-management, and collaboration. 100
mature phase The third phase in the industry life-cycle model, where the market stabilizes and sales grow more slowly. Firms must become more efficient during this stage. 248
mavens People who are knowledgeable and have a lot of infor- mation on products, prices, and places. They often start word-of-mouth epidemics because they have knowledge the
rest of us don’t, and many people rely on them to make informed decisions. See law of the few. 480
mechanistic organizations The extreme opposite from organic organizations in organizational design. These organizations are exemplified by the machine bureaucracy. Machine bureaucracies, or mechanistic organizations, maintain jobs that are narrow in scope, decision making is centralized at the top of the organizational hierarchy, there is a narrow span of control, and work is conducted within highly for- malized rules and procedures. 131
mercantilism The trade theory that dominated economic thinking for the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, where a country’s wealth was believed to be a matter of its holdings of treasure, especially gold; the economic policy of accumu- lating wealth through trade surpluses. In the modern era, Japan has often been called a mercantilist country because of its high trade surpluses. See trade surplus. 290
merger A way to achieve diversification, when two firms come together to create a new firm with a new identity. 185, 284
microeconomics The study of smaller components of the econ- omy, such as individuals and businesses. 200
minimum wage An employment standards law that mandates the minimum hourly wage that must be paid to an employee. Each province sets its own minimum wage. 49
ministries (federal) The various departments of the federal government that specialize in various functions (for exam- ple, health, fisheries, justice, national defence). Each minis- try is headed by a Cabinet minister. 317
mixed economy An economic system where the government (public) and businesses (private) influence the economy. 203
mixed system An economic system that involves a capitalist economy with an important government role. Most econo- mies today are considered mixed systems. 25, 312
modern behavioural science The school of thought that con- sists of sociological, psychological, and anthropological per- spectives based on the premise that motivating workers is preferable to controlling them. It has produced an enormous number of theories, including need-based and cognitive- based theories of motivation. 102
monitor One of the three informational roles that managers play (the others being disseminator and spokesperson), where the internal and external environments of the orga- nization are constantly monitored for information useful in decision making. See disseminator, spokesperson, internal environment, and external environment. 83
monopolistic competition A form of competition where a large number of small and large firms have a similar product or service that is perceived as slightly different from the others due to branding, style or design, and advertising. 208
monopoly A form of competition that occurs when only one company produces a particular product or service in a given market and, as a result, there are no competitors. 206
multinational corporations (MNCs) Business enterprises that control assets, factories, and so on that are operated either
497G l o s s a r y
as branch offices or affiliates in two or more foreign coun- tries. It generates products or services through its affiliates in several countries and maintains control over their opera- tion, managing from a global perspective. 286
municipal level of government The lowest level of govern- ment in Canada that governs a city or smaller community, such as a town, village, or parish. 315
national debt Debt that is accumulated by the federal govern- ment. It can impact businesses because it has an effect on the entire country’s economy. 219
natural monopoly A type of monopoly that occurs when economic and technical conditions only allow for one efficient producer. An example is water supplied by a municipality. 206
natural rate of unemployment The total amount of frictional and structural unemployment combined. 228
natural resources One of the five factors of production. Includes land and raw materials that are found either below or above the ground, such as soil, rocks, minerals, vegeta- bles, and so on. Can also include living organisms like fish and agricultural products. 197
negotiator One of the four decisional roles that managers play (the others being entrepreneur, disturbance handler, and resource allocator) involving negotiation in all its forms, whether with customers, employees, or other departments. See informational roles, interpersonal roles, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, and resource allocator. 83
neoclassical perspective One view of how the economy should function. It contends that competitive markets are the best means of organizing complex economies and societies. The forces of supply and demand, if left to operate freely with limited government interference, will ensure optimal assignment of skills and expertise throughout the economy as well as the fairest distribution of wealth. 49
networking Organizations engaging in cooperative relation- ships with suppliers, distributors, or competitors with the aim of improving efficiency and flexibility in meeting con- sumer needs. The Japanese version is called keiretsu . See keiretsu . 143
niche strategy A strategy whereby the firm focuses on a spe- cific segment of the industry where it can expect to possess some form of competitive advantage. 253
nominal GDP Gross domestic product that is not adjusted for inflation and is measured in current dollars. 211
nonequity alliance A form of strategic alliance that involves an arrangement between two or more companies that work together based on contractual agreements. 187
nonrenewable resource A form of energy that takes millions of years to form. 415
nonroutine technology Nonstandardized technology. Might include anything from conducting genetic research to mak- ing custom furniture. 132
nonstandard employment (NSE) A less stable form of employ- ment than the SER that is characterized by part-time, tem-
porary, or variable working hours; lower pay; fewer employer-provided benefits; shorter job tenure; and is usu- ally non-unionized. 47
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) An agreement established in 1994 between Canada, the United States, and Mexico to remove trade barriers and to produce a common market between the countries. The agreement replaced the FTA from 1989. 298
oligopoly A form of competition when only a few large produc- ers sell a certain product or service in a given market. 206
open systems Entities that are embedded in and dependent on exchanges with the environment within which they oper- ate. The interdependence of elements means that the entity (the organization) is more than the sum of its parts; it inter- acts with its environment. 126
opportunity cost The cost of the best foregone alternative. 197 organic organizations The extreme opposite from mechanistic
organizations in organizational design. Organic organiza- tions tend to have jobs that are enriched with more variety and task responsibilities (wide work specialization); typi- cally, there is a team-based approach rather than a “top- down” approach to authority, and decision making is decentralized throughout the organization. There is a wide span of control. The worker is also less restricted with fewer rules and regulations. These organizations tend to be inno- vative and flexible. 131
organism metaphor (of an organization) A metaphor used to describe organizations as systems of mutually connected and dependent parts that share a common life. This metaphor suggests that we can conceive of organizations as living organisms that contain a combination of elements that are differentiated yet integrated, attempting to survive within the context of a wider environment. 125
organizational culture A set of shared beliefs regarding how members of the organization should behave and what goals they should seek. 368
organizational development A process of planned change that attempts to make organizations better able to meet their short- and long-term objectives. 471
organizational learning The detection and correction of error, or the collective experience of individuals within the organization that results in changes in organizational procedure. Three aspects of learning are adapting to the environment, learning from employees, and contributing to the learning of the wider community or context. Two types of learning are single-loop learning and double- loop learning. 12, 472
organizational resources The history, relationships, trust, and organizational culture that permeates a firm, along with the firm’s formal reporting structure, management control sys- tems, and compensation policies. 170
organizational role theory The theory that organizational roles have a psychological reality to the individuals occu- pying them, whereby they fulfill role requirements based
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on internalized expectations concerning responsibilities of the role. 377
organizational structure A deliberately planned network or pattern of relationships that exists among individuals in various roles or positions. 127
output A finished unit of product (or service) ready to be sold. 215
outsourcing Hiring external organizations to conduct work in certain functions of the company. See downsizing. 140, 280
paradigm Our mental framework for understanding how the world operates. Our theories, assumptions, sets of beliefs, and customs. Overcoming resistance to change means rec- ognizing the current paradigms that govern our behaviour and shifting to a new paradigm. 474
partners Individuals who share part ownership in a business. There can be two or more partners in a partnership. 44
patent A form of intellectual property rights whereby a country grants exclusive rights to an inventor to protect his or her product or idea for a limited period of time. 206
peak The point in the business life cycle when the economy has reached its highest point, thus marking the end of the expan- sionary phase and the beginning of the contraction phase. 210
perfect or pure competition A form of competition where many small and medium firms produce the same product or service and no single seller has the power to influence the price of that product or service. 204
philanthropic responsibilities The responsibilities of businesses to engage in activities that help to improve society. 384
physical resources The machines, production facilities, and buildings that firms used in their operations. 170
piece-rate system In scientific management, motivating workers by tying compensation to performance according to output, so that a standard level of output produces a standard level of pay, and above-average output produces above-average pay. 91
political forces Governmental influences on an organization’s decisions through laws, taxes, trade relationships, and other related political factors. 10
power of context One of the three rules of Malcolm Gladwell’s tipping point theory that consists of two parts: (1) Word-of- mouth epidemics are sensitive to the environment in which they occur; and (2) groups play a significant role in spread- ing word-of-mouth epidemics. 480
price index A measure of the average change in a group of prices over time. 224
price level The average level of prices. 224 prime minister The head of the Canadian government; elected
by Canadian voters. 316 Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) The office that assists the
prime minister with daily activities. 316 privatization Divesting of government involvement in the
operation, management, or ownership of business activities, involving transfer of activities or functions from the gov- ernment to the private sector. 344
Privy Council Office (PCO) An important policy-advising agency that serves the prime minister. 317
producer price index (PPI) A price index that measures the prices of inputs to producers and wholesalers, including fin- ished products for resale, partially finished goods, and raw materials. 224
product differentiation strategy A business-level strategy whereby a firm attempts to gain a competitive advantage by increasing the perceived value of its products or services relative to that of other firms’ products or services. 174
productivity A measure of the level of output versus the level of input in an organization. 215
prohibited grounds Those grounds listed in human rights statutes. Discrimination is prohibited in employment on the prohibited grounds only. Prohibited grounds vary from province to prov- ince, but all include common grounds such as race, colour, eth- nicity, religion, age, disability, sex, and sexual orientation. 60
provincial level of government A regional level of govern- ment in Canada that only affects those citizens and resi- dents who reside in a particular province. 315
pull factors Positive outcomes a business would gain from entering the global market; include the potential for sales growth and the opportunity of obtaining needed resources. See push factors. 271
punctuated equilibrium A pattern that shows, over long peri- ods, that technological discontinuities tend to appear at rare and irregular intervals in industries. 260
purchasing power of money The value of what money can buy. If prices increase, then individuals and businesses have less money to spend on other items. 223
push factors Forces that act on all businesses to create an envi- ronment where competing successfully means competing globally; include the forces of competition, the shift toward democracy, the reduction in trade barriers, and improve- ments in technology. See pull factors. 271
radical innovations When a new technical process or advancement marks a significant departure from existing practices; they often create a whole new industry (such as automobiles or wireless phones have done). These innova- tions are often referred to as discontinuous because they do not continue to build on the previous technological regime, but instead mark a shift to a completely new tech- nology. An example would be the shift to jet engines in aircrafts, which did not build on the previous propeller- based technology. 254
real GDP Gross domestic product adjusted to reflect the effects of inflation. 211
reasonable notice The amount of time in advance that employers must inform employees that their services are no longer necessary and their employment contract is ending. How much notice is “reasonable” is decided by judges and depends on a number of factors, including the length of the employee’s service, the employee’s age, and the type of work the employee performed. 56
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recession A phase in the business life cycle where there are two or more consecutive quarter periods of negative or fall- ing economic activity. 211
recovery phase The phase in the business life cycle that occurs after a trough, where economic activity slowly begins to rise again and the demand for goods and services increases. 211
reengineering The fundamental rethinking and radical rede- sign of business processes to achieve dramatic improve- ments in measures of performance. It often advocates the collection of individual tasks into a greater number of whole jobs. 136
regional economic integration Bringing different countries closer together by reducing or eliminating obstacles to the international movement of capital, labour, and products or services. 295
regional trading bloc A collection of countries within an inte- grated economic region. 295
related diversification A type of diversification that refers to situations where a firm expands its core businesses or mar- kets into related businesses or markets. Such an expansion usually involves horizontal integration across different busi- ness or market domains. It enables a firm to benefit from economies of scope and enjoy greater revenues if the busi- nesses attain higher levels of sales growth combined than either firm could attain independently. 181
resource allocator One of the four decisional roles that manag- ers play (the others being entrepreneur, disturbance han- dler, and negotiator), where it is decided how resources such as money, equipment, personnel, and time will be allocated. See informational roles, interpersonal roles, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, and negotiator. 83
resources and capabilities All of the financial, physical, human, and organizational assets used by the firm to develop, manufacture, and deliver products or services to its customers. 170
restrictive or regulatory taxes One of two broad forms of taxes, the other being revenue taxes. This form of taxation consists of two types: excise taxes and customs duties or tar- iffs. Excise taxes are applied to goods and services that the government wants to restrict the purchase of. See revenue taxes and tariffs. 318
revenue taxes One of two broad forms of taxes, the other being restrictive or regulatory taxes. This money is col- lected to help fund government services and programs and includes individual income taxes, corporate income tax, property tax, and sales tax. See restrictive or regulatory taxes. 318
routine technology Automated and standardized technology and operations typical of mass production operations. 132
rule ethics Judging actions to be right or wrong according to absolute rules regardless of the consequences. Such rules may be based on religious beliefs, family values, education, experience, and so on. See end-point ethics. 363
salesmen Individuals who are unusually charismatic and have the skills to persuade even those who are unconvinced by connectors or mavens. See law of the few. 480
scientific management Frederick Taylor’s philosophy that the fundamental objective of management is “securing the maxi- mum prosperity for the employer coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee” by standardizing and compart- mentalizing work practices. This is one of the three central classical approaches to management, the others being the administrative and the bureaucratic. See administrative and bureaucratic management. 89
seasonal unemployment Unemployment that is caused by the seasonal nature of the job. 228
self-management In behavioural approaches to management, Mary Parker Follett’s emphasis on the fact that the person doing a job is often the best one to decide how best to do it, rather than managers who are not familiar with the task. 101
self-managing work teams Teams that are given the power to manage themselves and make decisions without the approval of formal management. 121
Senate The upper house of Parliament, where a bill is passed after it has been approved by the House of Commons. If approved by the Senate, the bill is passed to the Governor General to sign and enact into law. 317
shakeout A large number of exits from the market at the same time as the aggregate output of the industry increases; a natural and healthy, though painful, process for an industry to purge and weed out the weaker competitors. 245
single-loop learning The correction of errors that employees find in organizational methods of performance in order to keep the system working. Assumes that the organization has the right systems established but simply needs to fine tune them. Results in incremental improvements and improved efficiency. Addresses symptoms rather than root causes. See organizational learning and double-loop learning. 472
social contract ethics This model of ethics posits that the rules by which people live are those that they would agree to live by if given the opportunity to make a choice based on reason or knowledge. 378
social equity In general terms, fair and equitable business prac- tices toward employees and the community. It involves such things as fair salaries, a safe workplace, reasonable working hours, adherence to employment laws, and respect for diversity and human rights. 411
social identity theory The theory that individuals classify themselves and others into social categories (organizational membership, age, gender, and so on) defined by typical characteristics of the members. 376
socialism An economic system where the government has large ownership in or control over major industries essential to the country’s economy. 203
socialization of ethics The process of conveying the organiza- tion’s goals and norms to employees so that they internalize organizational ethical standards. 369
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social media Web-based or mobile technologies that allow people to communicate in an interactive way. 395
social specialization The specialization of individuals rather than jobs, which is accomplished through employment of professionals whose skills cannot be easily routinized. See functional specialization. 128
societal forces A wide range of influences in society in general, including, for example, changes in public opinion on ethi- cal issues like organizational justice (how employees are treated), that affect all organizations and to which busi- nesses must respond. 10
sociopolitical legitimacy The endorsement of an industry, activity, or organizational form by key stakeholders and institutions such as the state and government officials, opinion leaders, or the general public. 241
sociotechnical redesign An approach to work redesign that recognizes the complex interaction between people and technology in the workplace. 466
span of control The number of employees reporting to a super- visor. See horizontal and vertical differentiation. 129
specialization Also called division of labour, refers to the degree to which organizational tasks are subdivided into separate jobs. There are fundamentally two different kinds of specialization: functional and social specialization. See horizontal differentia- tion, functional specialization, and social specialization. 128
specific or task environment The environment within which a particular organization operates, which is ultimately shaped by the general environment and includes stakehold- ers, customers, competitors, suppliers, and so on. See general environment and stakeholders. 7
spokesperson One of the three informational roles that man- agers play (the others being monitor and disseminator), where information is transmitted to individuals outside the manager’s area of authority. See decisional roles, interper- sonal roles, monitor, and disseminator. 83
stakeholder An individual or group with whom a business interacts and who has a “stake,” or vested interest, in the business. 382
standard employment relationship (SER) A form of employ- ment relationship characterized by regular, full-time hours at a single employer, often spanning an entire working career. Employees working under an SER usually receive periodic pay raises, and their employers usually provide health benefits and pension plans. 47
standardizing In scientific management, the establishment of clear rules regarding how to perform a job, leaving little or no room for individual discretion, thus assuring consistent performance. 90
static environment One of the two broad classifications of environments of organizations (the other being dynamic). The static environment exhibits little if any change. See dynamic environment. 132
stickiness factor One of the three rules of Malcolm Gladwell’s tipping point theory that states there are specific ways to
make a message memorable in terms of presenting and structuring information to influence the impact it will have. 480
strategic alliance A way to achieve diversification by two or more organizations working together to achieve certain common goals. Strategic alliances can take various forms and serve various purposes. 187, 284
strategic management An ongoing process that requires man- agers of a firm to constantly analyze their external and internal environments, make decisions about what kinds of strategies they should pursue, implement the strategies, and evaluate the outcomes to make any changes, if necessary, in order to create and sustain its competitive advantages. 162
strategy The decisions made by business managers about how the company will address political, economic, global, soci- etal, competitive, and technological forces. 4
structure A deliberately planned network or pattern of rela- tionships that exists among individuals within an organiza- tion. It determines such things as division of labour, span of control, level of formalization, and how centralized decision making is. 6
structural unemployment Unemployment that occurs either because the available jobs do not correspond to the skills of the labour force or unemployed individuals do not live in a region where jobs are available. 227
subsidiaries A legally separate company owned and controlled by a parent company and through which the enterprises can produce or market goods and services. 286
subsidies Government assistance to businesses that are either in the form of cash payments, low-interest loans, or reduced taxes. In a global context, subsidies are mean to assist domestic industry to compete against foreign businesses. 331
sustainable development Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 408
sustainable distribution Any form of transportation of goods between the seller and the buyer that causes the least harm to the environment and the community. 437
sustainable manufacturing Creating manufactured products using processes that are nonpolluting, that conserve energy and natural resources, and that are economically sound and safe for employees, communities, and consumers. 434
sustainable marketing Also referred to as green marketing, this is marketing of products that are environmentally safe; developing and marketing products that have mini- mal negative effects on society; and producing, promoting, packaging, and reclaiming products in an environmentally friendly way. 438
sustainable purchasing The acquisitions of goods and services in a way that gives preference to suppliers that generate positive social and environmental outcomes. It might even involve considering whether a purchase needs to be made at all. 440
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sustainable resource A resource that can be replenished at the same rate as it is used. It typically derives from renewable resources or recycled materials. 417
sustainability In business, the relationship between the three Ps: people, profits, and the planet. 11
switching costs The costs, both monetary and psychological, associated with changing from one supplier to another from a buyer’s perspective. 164
SWOT analysis An analysis of the s trengths and w eaknesses of an organization and of external o pportunities and t hreats it is exposed to. The strategic planning team can use this information to reexamine the organization’s mission state- ment to capitalize on opportunities and reduce threats. 172
systemic discrimination Internal policies, practices, patterns, or biases that tend to disadvantage some groups and favour others. It might not be deliberate, but it has the effect of excluding certain classes of people. 68
systems theory A theory that recognizes that all organizations are open systems that can only survive through continuous and successful interaction with their environment. 133
tariff A tax on imported goods traditionally employed with the intent to ensure that they are not less expensive than domestically produced goods. 291
technological forces The technological environment that exerts influence across industries, playing a central role in how an organization functions, obtains resources, and com- petes. Changes in technology both permit and demand organizational change. See general environment. 9
temporary placement organizations A business that helps match workers looking for jobs with businesses that require temporary help. Also called an employment agency. 44
Theory E change A theory of change that has as its purpose the creation of economic value, often expressed as share- holder value. Its focus is on formal structure and sys- tems. 464
Theory O change A theory of change that has as its purpose the development of the organization’s human capability to implement strategy and to learn from actions taken about the effectiveness of changes made. 464
time and motion studies In scientific management, the scien- tific analysis of work, often using a movie camera and a stopwatch to closely scrutinize the elements of performing a task. See scientific management. 90
trade barriers A government barrier that prevents the free trade of imported goods and services into a country via tar- iffs, quotas, subsidies, and so on. 273
trade deficit When a country imports more than it exports to the degree that the value of its imports exceeds the value of its exports. Also referred to as a negative balance of trade. 218, 291
trade protectionism Protecting a country’s domestic economy and businesses by restricting imports to prevent domestic producers from losing business to producers of low-priced foreign goods, and to prevent a trade deficit, where more
money leaves the country than enters it because imports exceed exports. See trade deficit. 291
trade surplus When a country’s exports exceed its imports, so that more money enters the country than leaves it. Also referred to as a positive balance of trade. 218, 291
transformational change A type of change where the future state of the business is dramatically different from the current operating state. This is the most challenging type of change to implement, because the future state is unknown, it requires employees to develop new mindsets and behaviours, and the entire organizational culture must change. 462
transitional change Change that replaces what already exists with something completely new. It requires the organization to depart from old methods or operation while the new state is being established. 462
triple bottom line An accounting framework that can be vol- untarily used by organizations to report performance on social, economic, and environmental results for a project or reporting period. 11, 409
trough The point in the business life cycle when the economy has reached its lowest point, thus marking the start of the recovery phase. 211
trust One’s perception of the integrity and openness of others, one’s comfort with the expected actions of others, one’s faith in how others will react, and one’s willingness to become vulnerable to the actions of others. 107
undue hardship The meaning of undue hardship can vary across provinces, but is generally considered to occur when the accommodation necessary to enable a worker to perform a job requirement is too onerous for an employer to imple- ment. It is a very high standard for employers to meet. 62
unemployment A situation that occurs when qualified indi- viduals who are actively looking for work are unable to secure employment. 226
unemployment insurance program A federal government pro- gram that requires employers and employees to make con- tributions into an unemployment insurance fund. To access benefits, unemployed individuals must satisfy a series of conditions, including having paid into the fund for a speci- fied period of time and actively searching for employment. The amount of benefits payable are based on a percentage of the employee’s prior earnings up to a maximum amount, and benefits last for only a fixed period of time (usually sev- eral weeks) and vary according to the level of unemploy- ment in the region where the worker lives. 58
unemployment rate The percentage of people who are unem- ployed out of the total labour force and who are actively seeking work. 55
unethical behaviour Behaviour that in some way has a harmful effect on others and is either illegal or morally unacceptable to the larger community. 358
union density A measure of the percentage of employees who are members of a union out of the total employees in the labour market. 54
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union wage premium The additional amount of wages paid to unionized over non-unionized workers. 54
unity of command In administrative management, avoiding confusion and conflicting instructions by having each employee report to only one boss, preferably in the upper lev- els of the organization. See administrative management. 92
unrelated diversification A type of diversification where a firm diversifies into a new market that is not similar to its current market(s). This kind of diversification tends to provide little synergies for a firm, given that there are few opportunities for sharing activities or leveraging resources and capabilities. Firms pursuing this strategy tend to have the synergies created (or believe that the synergies will be created) through corporate office’s management skills. 182
utilitarianism First articulated by John Stuart Mills in response to the Industrial Revolution, a way to determine if an action is right or wrong by assessing the likely consequences of the action, including tangible economic outcomes or intangible outcomes. See end-point ethics. 361
variable rate An interest rate that fluctuates over the term of the loan. Since there is more risk for the borrower, variable rates are usually lower than fixed rates. 225
vertical differentiation The number of managers and levels in the organizational hierarchy. See horizontal differentia- tion. 129
vertical integration A type of diversification that refers to an extension or expansion of firm value chain activities by integrating preceding or successive productive processes. 182
virtual organization An organization that attempts to maxi- mize its fluidity, flatness, and integratedness with the envi- ronment. Outsourcing, networking, and shedding noncore functions are three ways organizations can become more virtual. 140
virtual water Water necessary to produce, process, and transport products for consumption. Also called embodied water. 413
volunteers An unpaid individual who performs services for an organization voluntarily. A volunteer is not an employee under the law. 44
VRIO model A model that examines an individual firm’s value, rareness, imitability, and organization to determine its relative strengths in comparison to its competitors in the industry. 169
vulnerable or precarious workers Individuals who perform work in a nonstandard employment relationship. They are always at risk of unemployment since their jobs are insecure, and because their pay is low they live on the cusp of poverty. 48
worker empowerment A move toward shifting greater levels of responsibility back to employees, so that in a sense they are at least partly their own bosses. One popular example of the trend toward less emphasis on one boss is the use of self- managing work teams. 128
workforce reduction A short-term strategy that is aimed at reducing the number of employees through attrition, early retirement, voluntary severance package, layoffs, or termi- nations. 145
World Bank An international organization that provides long- term loans to countries for economic development projects. Typically, the World Bank will borrow funds from more developed countries and offer low-interest loans to under- developed nations. 294
World Trade Organization (WTO) An international organi- zation created to develop and administer agreed-upon rules for world trade and discourage protectionist laws that restrict international trade. 294
zero-sum gain The assumption of mercantilism that the world’s wealth is a fixed amount, so that a nation can only increase its share by forcing other nations to reduce their share. See mercantilism. 293
dairy industry, 273 – 274 , 335 – 336 digital economy, 134 – 135 economic forces, 13 – 16 employment by industry, 22 and European Union, 297 export strengths, 279 food sector, 165 – 166 foreign direct investment, 282 , 283 foreign takeovers, 306 – 308 free trade, 10 G 7 , 213 , 219 global forces, 22 – 25 government. See Canadian
government government intervention, 339 and green technology exports,
431 – 432 gross domestic product (GDP),
13 , 211 labour context in Canada, 52 – 55 long-term economic forecast,
460 – 461 major trade partners, 276 manufacturing, 454 – 455 mergers and acquisitions, 285 monopolies, 206 NAFTA. See North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) national debt, 219 – 221 , 222 natural resources, 17 – 18 oil reserves, 306 people advantage, 199 political forces, 25 – 28 privatization, 344 productivity challenge, 216 relative global performance, 255 services, 217 societal forces, 28 – 29 subsidies, 310 – 312 technological forces, 18 – 21 truck drivers, 201 unemployment rate, 13 – 14 , 56 , 226 union density, 54 unions, 52 , 53, 55 water, sustainability of, 414 wireless service industry, 350 – 352 world-class economy, 213 – 214 youth unemployment, 227 – 228
Canada Pension Plan, 41 , 203 , 220 Canada Post Corporation, 60 , 206 ,
315 , 320 , 321 – 322 Canada Revenue Agency, 315 Canada-US Free Trade Agreement
(FTA), 23 Canada’s State of Trade, 284 Canadian Auto Workers, 51 , 53 , 330 Canadian Bankers Association, 14 , 15 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,
320 , 345 Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 27 Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms. See Charter of Rights and Freedoms
A Abella, Rosalie, 68 Abernathy-Utterback model, 260 Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development Canada, 71 Aboriginal peoples, 64 – 66 , 67 , 71 ,
410 , 411 Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act (AODA), 67 accountability, 388 – 389 acquisitions, 185 , 284 – 285 , 286 Acres International, 381 activist government, 51 Adelphia Cable, 381 administrative management, 92 , 97 adult learning development, 477 Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), 167 ,
214 , 261 , 306 Africa, 287 , 412 aging demographics, 461 agricultural industry, 204 , 205 AIG, 212 Air Canada, 60 , 163 , 320 , 344 , 346 ,
347 , 394 Air Transat, 163 airline industry, 180 Alberta, 54 , 194 , 195 , 196 , 339 , 342 , 343 Alcan, 285 , 306 Alcatel, 246 Alcatel-Lucent, 214 Amazon.com, 244 , 450 – 451 American Airlines, 180 American Marketing Association, 438 Ameritrade, 253, 254 Android, 247 animal protection organizations, 18 annual foreign investment, 24 anti-aging industry, 242 Anti-Bribery Convention, 29 anti-corruption legislation, 366 anti-dumping legislation, 334 anticipated inflation, 223 apparel industry, 292 – 293 Apple Computer, 144 , 245 , 247 , 411 Apple Inc., 83 , 84 – 85 , 177 , 184 ,
185 , 235 appreciation, 218 architectural innovations, 255 Argentina, 285 , 295 , 344 , 346 , 347 Asia, 273 , 279 , 287 , 432 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC), 271 , 295 , 297 – 298 Asian trading bloc, 297 – 298 Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN), 297 “at will” employment, 57 ATI Technologies, 306 Atlantic Canada, 122 attribute, 16 Australia, 165 , 166 , 278 , 287 , 344 Austria, 296 authoritative culture, 370
auto bailouts, 330 – 331 automobile industry, 240 Automotive Innovation Fund, 310 Avon Products Inc., 272
B baby boom, 66 backward integration, 184 bailout, 329 – 330 balance of trade, 215 – 218 , 334 Bangladesh, 29 , 292 , 293 , 366 ,
459 – 460 Bank Act, 14 Bank for International Settlement, 15 Bank of Canada, 225 , 310 , 320 Bank of Montreal (BMO), 15 ,
179 , 199 bank rate, 225 banking system, 14 – 16 , 134 bargaining power, 51 bargaining power of buyers, 167 bargaining power of suppliers, 166 – 167 Barker, Joel, 474 Barnard, Chester, 100 , 101 , 105 Barrick Gold, 29 barriers to entry, 204 Bear Creek Mining, 28 – 29 Bear Stearns, 212 Beck, Nuala, 21 behavioural approaches to
management, 98 – 102 , 105 Chester Barnard, 101 , 105 human relations movement,
100 , 105 Mary Parker Follett, 100 – 101 , 105 modern behavioural science,
102 , 105 motivation-based perspectives,
102 , 105 Belgium, 296 Bell, 350 , 351 , 352 Bell Canada, 9 , 181 , 328 Ben & Jerry’s, 184 Bethlehem Steel, 89 Bezos, Jeff, 244 Bidwell, 254 Big Six, 15 Bill 198 , 397 biological diversity, 420 biotechnology industry, 238 , 239 BlackBerry, 235 , 247 , 392 – 393
see also Research in Motion bloodbath budget, 220 BMO Financial Group, 69 , 220 Boeing, 142 Bolivia, 295 Bombardier, 27 , 287 borderless corporation, 287 – 289 , 289 Botox, 242 botulinum toxin, 242 bounded rationality, 51 Boyer, Herbert, 238 , 239 branch plants, 24
Brazil, 122 , 165 , 166 , 272 , 285 , 287 , 295 , 344
bribery, 29 , 366 , 381 Britain, 220 , 291 British Columbia, 54 British Petroleum, 428 – 429 broken windows theory, 480 – 481 Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 408 Brunei, 297 budget deficit, 219 bureaucracy
and learning, 477 – 478 and unethical behaviour, 375 – 376
bureaucratic cultures, 370 – 371 bureaucratic management, 92 – 96 , 98 Burma, 224 Burundi, 354 , 355 business bluffing, 387 business cycle, 210 – 214 business enterprise system, 312 – 313 business ethics, 356 – 358
see also ethics end-point ethics, 361 – 363 , 364 judgment of ethics of organizations,
378 – 380 management of stakeholder
interests, 359 models for judgment of ethics of
decisions, 360 – 366 normative theories, 361 rule ethics, 363 , 364 – 365 social contract ethics, 378 – 379 unethical behaviour. See unethical
behaviour business-level strategies, 173 – 179
cost leadership strategy, 173 – 174 focus strategy, 177 – 179 product differentiation strategy,
174 – 177 business owner role of government,
320 – 324 businesses, 197 – 199
C Cabinet, 317 Cambodia, 297 , 459 Canada, 287
agricultural industry, 204 , 205 annual foreign investment, 24 and APEC, 297 apparel industry, 292 – 293 bailouts, 329 – 330 banking system, 14 – 16 , 134 business enterprise system, 312 – 313 business in Canadian context,
12 – 29 Canada-US trade relationship,
22 – 23 , 277 China, exports to, 277 – 278 competitive forces, 16 – 18 consumer price index, 224 corporate scandal and
wrongdoing, 381
504 I n d e x
corporate-level strategy, 179 – 187 corporate memory, 151 corporate social performance
(CSP), 392 corporate social responsibility
(CSR), 383 case against CSR, 385 – 389 case for CSR, 389 – 394 components of, 384 corporate disclosure legislation,
396 – 397 CSR rankings, 397 – 398 debate about, 385 – 394 economic responsibilities, 384 ethical responsibilities, 384 increase in, 394 – 398 legal responsibilities, 384 philanthropic responsibilities, 384 and profits, 392 social media, 395 – 396
corporate welfare, 337 – 338 corruption, 366 cost leadership strategy, 173 – 174 cost-push inflation, 224 cost reductions, and sustainable
practices, 426 – 428 Country Style, 174 creative destruction, 235 – 236 , 258 credit rating, 221 Cree Village Eco Lodge, 411 critical perspective, 52 critical thought, reduction of, 375 cross-functional teams, 121 Crown corporation, 320 – 324 CSC Index survey, 149 Cuba, 202 culture, organizational, 368 – 371 currency rate, 218 currency risk, 218 customs union, 295 cyclical unemployment, 227
D D-Wave Systems, 259 dairy industry, 273 – 274 , 335 – 336 The Dalton Company Ltd., 107 Daytek, 253 de facto standard, 245 de jure standard, 245 debt, and the economy, 221 – 223 debt-to-GDP ratio, 220 DebtClock, 221 decentralization, 128 decisional roles, 83 decline phase, 249 , 251 – 254 decoupling, 371 – 372 deflation, 225 delayering, 120 Dell Computer, 143 – 144 , 166 Deloitte, 206 demand-pull inflation, 224 democracy, 52 , 273 democratic culture, 370 Democratic Republic of Congo, 354 democratic rights, 59 Denmark, 203 , 296 Department of Justice, 68 departments, 317 dependency, 338 depreciation, 218
common law of the employment contract, 56
common market, 295 – 296 Commonwealth Fund’s International
Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians, 258
Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP), 53
communism, 202 compartmentalizing, 90 competence-destroying innovation, 256 competence-enhancing innovations, 256 competition, 8 – 9 , 204
and capitalism, 313 as control mechanism, 345 and the economy, 204 – 209 force of competition, 272 – 273 foreign competition, 17 in free markets, 204 – 209 imperfect competition, 325 – 327 market economy, 202 monopolistic competition, 208 , 209 monopoly, 206 , 208 oligopoly, 206 – 208 , 208 perfect competition, 325 – 327 pure or perfect competition, 204 , 208 sufficient competition, 16 unfair competition, 334 – 336
Competition Act, 328 Competition Bureau, 328 competitive advantage, 16 – 17 , 176 competitive changes, 454 competitive forces, 8 – 9 competitive forces in Canada, 16 – 18 competitive markets, 49 competitors, 168 component innovations, 255 comScore, 183 Conference Board of Canada, 64 , 67 ,
69 , 70 , 78 , 107 , 122 , 201 , 205 , 216 , 217 , 231 , 255, 256 , 279 , 285 , 321 , 322 , 335 , 431 , 453 , 460 – 461
conflict management, 85 – 87 conflict resolution, 378 Connectors, 479 Conseco, 380 consolidation strategy, 253 Constitution, 59 Constitution Act of 1867, 315 , 316 constraining forces, 153 – 154 consumer price index (CPI), 224 consumer use and consumption,
440 – 441 consumption taxes, 319 contingency approach to management,
102 – 106 contingency theory, 133 – 136 contraction phase, 210 control, 281 coordination, 101 Copenhagen Economics, 282 corporate citizenship, 392 corporate culture, 368 – 371 corporate disclosure legislation, 396 – 397 corporate farming, 205 corporate income tax, 317 Corporate Knights, 397 corporate language, 371 – 372
developmental change, 461 – 462 economic changes, 452 – 453 and the environment of business,
451 – 460 forces for change, 451 – 460 , 467 global changes, 457 – 458 learning organization, 471 – 478 legal/political changes, 458 methods of change, 464 – 466 organizations, and change and
learning, 475 – 478 societal changes, 458 – 460 and sustainability, 430 – 433 technological changes, 455 – 457 Theory E change, 464 – 466 Theory O change, 464 – 466 tipping point, 479 – 482 transformational change, 462 ,
463 – 464 , 467 – 471 transitional change, 462 types of changes, 461 – 464
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 59 – 60 Chevron, 390 Chile, 285 , 295 , 341 , 344 China, 38 , 122 , 165 , 171 , 202 , 247 ,
272 , 273 , 277 – 278 , 279 , 285 , 286 , 287 , 292 , 297 , 306 – 308 , 373 , 374 , 415 , 432 , 437 , 463
China National Offshore Oil Company, 306 – 307
Chinese Canadian National Council, 74 – 75
Chinese Interagency Network of Greater Toronto, 74
Chrétien, Jean, 220 Chrysler Canada, 330 CIBC. See Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce (CIBC) Cinar, 381 citizenship, 108 – 110 CIWE (Council on Inclusive Work
Environments), 61 classical approaches to management,
88 – 98 , 97 – 98 administrative management, 92 , 97 bureaucratic management,
92 – 96 , 98 in perspective, 96 – 98 scientific management, 89 – 92 , 97 social context, 88 – 89
clean energy consumption, 18 Clearnet Communications Inc., 351 Clearwater, 122 climate change, 405 – 408 , 412 , 417 climate-friendly technologies, 432 – 433 cloning forces, 154 closed system, 126 Coca-Cola, 288 codes of conduct, 370 coffee industry, 208 Coffee Time, 208 cognitive learning, 478 cognitive legitimacy, 241 – 242 cognitive scripts, 478 Cohen, Stanley, 238 , 239 collaboration, 101 collective agreements, 53, 54 collective bargaining, 51 , 54 coltan, 354 – 356 commoditization, 250
Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD), 68
Canadian government federal government structure,
316 – 317 federal level of government,
314 – 315 government activities, 314 levels of government, 313 , 314 – 316 municipal level of government,
315 – 316 provincial level of government, 315
Canadian Healthcare Network, 66 Canadian Human Rights Act, 60 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
(CIBC), 15 , 141 , 179 , 198 , 225 , 381 , 394
Canadian-Made Apparel company, 292 – 293
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, 27
Canadian National Railway (CNR), 320 , 347
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., 308 Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), 341 Canadian Race Relations
Foundation, 67 Canadian Radio Broadcasting
Commission, 320 Canadian Radio-television and
Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 328 , 343
Canadian Real Estate Association, 328 “Canadian Sarbanes-Oxley Act,” 397 Canadian Securities Administrators, 397 Canadian Taxpayers Federation,
220 , 337 Canadian Tire, 2 – 4 , 183 , 204 , 385 ,
394 , 426 , 427 Canadian Trade Commissioner
Service, 213 Canadian Transport Commission,
327 , 341 Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom
Line of 21st Century Business (Elkington), 409
Canola Council of Canada, 165 – 166 capital, 198 capital intensity, 20 capital requirements, 164 capitalism, 312 – 313 Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
(Schumpeter), 235 , 258 carbon footprint, 416 Carney, Mark, 216 categorical imperative, 358 Caterpillar Inc., 306 Catmull, Ed, 157 – 158 cellphones, 350 – 352 , 354 – 356 Cenovus, 308 centralization, 128 – 129 Centre for Spatial Economics, 331 Centre for the Advancement of
Health Innovation, 259 CEOs, 181 Champion International, 466 Champy, James, 136 change, 5
challenge of, 12 competitive changes, 454
505I n d e x
federal debt, 219 Federal Express, 324 federal government structure, 316 – 317 federal level of government, 314 – 315 Federal Reserve, 212 FedEx, 163 Feynman, Richard, 243 figurehead, 82 Financial Consumer Agency of
Canada (FCAC), 14 financial crisis, 212 – 213 financial industries, 340 financial resources, 170 financial services, 279 Firestone-Ford debacle, 373 first-line managers, 80 first-mover advantage, 272 First Nations, 65
see also Aboriginal peoples five factors of production, 197 five-forces model, 163 – 168 , 238 fixed rate, 225 Flaherty, Jim, 216 flat organizations, 120 fluid organizations, 120 – 121 focus strategy, 177 – 179 Follett, Mary Parker, 100 – 101 , 105 Food and Drugs Act, 325 food sector, 165 – 166 forces for change, 467 forces of business, 381 – 383 Ford Motor Company, 61 foreign-born visible minorities, 68 foreign direct investment (FDI),
281 – 284 , 306 – 308 , 334 foreign outsourcing, 139 – 140 , 269 – 270 foresight, 169 formalization, 130 forward integration, 184 fossil fuel, 415 Four Tigers, 297 Foxconn, 411 fracking, 416 France, 203 , 219 , 287 , 291 , 297 , 344 franchisee, 281 franchising, 281 franchisor, 281 Freddie Mac, 212 free enterprise system, 313 free markets, 204 – 209 , 338 Free The Children, 392 – 393 free trade, 10 , 290 Free Trade Agreement (FTA), 298 free trade area, 295 freedom of association, 59 – 60 frictional unemployment, 226 – 227 Friedman, Milton, 383 , 385 Frogbox, 177 – 178 FTAA (Free Trade Area of the
Americas), 295 FTSE4Good, 392 full employment, 228 functional specialization, 128 fundamental rights, 59
G G 7 , 213 , 214 , 219 – 220 , 366 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 383 garment factories, 459 – 460 Gates, Bill, 241
dynamic environment, 133 , 136 economic environment. See
economic environment external context of business. See
external context of business external environment, 163 – 168 natural environment. See
sustainability static environments, 132 – 133 , 136
environmental groups, 17 – 18 Environmental Protection Act, 238 , 325 environmental uncertainty, 106 , 133 equality rights, 59 Équiterre, 427 equity alliances, 187 era of ferment, 260 era of incremental change, 260 Ericsson, 214 , 246 Ernst & Young, 206 esprit de corps, 92 ethical responsibilities, 384 ethics, 358
see also business ethics end-point ethics, 361 – 363 , 364 ethical behaviour as social
phenomenon, 358 importance of, 10 – 11 rule ethics, 363 , 364 – 365 social aspect of ethics, 363 social contract ethics, 378 – 379 socialization of ethics, 369 unethical behaviour, 358
Ethics Resource Centre, 371 Ethisphere Institute, 398 Europe, 15 , 165 , 203 , 221 , 228 , 272 ,
291 , 340 , 432 European Union, 214 , 217 , 271 , 279 ,
296 – 297 , 324 , 336 Evans, Martin, 147 exchange rates, 218 – 219 excise taxes, 317 Executive Roundtable, 78 – 80 exit barriers, 168 exit early strategy, 253 expansionary phase, 210 expected inflation, 223 exporting, 274 – 278 external context of business, 7 – 12 ,
30 – 32 change, challenge of, 11 – 12 general environment, 7 , 8 – 11 specific or task environment, 7 sustainability, 12
external environment, 163 – 168 external stakeholders, 7 ExxonMobil, 390
F Facebook, 36 – 39 , 476 factors of production, 174 fair-trade coffee, 412 Fairmont Hotels, 285 faith, 61 Falconbridge, 285 , 306 family income, 54 Fannie Mae, 212 Fayol, Henri, 92 , 97 Federal Communications
Commission, 340 Federal Court of Canada, 317
economic growth, 210 – 223 balance of trade, 215 – 218 business cycle, 210 – 214 exchange rates, 218 – 219 measurement of, 211 – 214 national debt, 219 – 223 productivity, 215 and taxation, 27
economic responsibilities, 384 economic stability, 223 – 225 economic system, 201
capitalism, 312 – 313 economic growth, 210 – 223 economic stability, 223 – 225 employment, 226 – 228 goals of Canada’s economic system,
210 – 228 mixed system, 25 , 312 types of, 201 – 203
economic union, 296 economies of scale, 164 , 174 , 248 , 285 economies of scope, 181 Economist Intelligence Unit, 213 ,
214 , 392 the economy, and debt, 221 – 223 ecosystem, 421 Edmonton Economic Development
Corporation, 196 education
country comparison, 28 higher education, 68
effectiveness, 81 efficiency, 81 , 345 – 346 electricity industry, 342 , 343 Electro-Motive, 306 Electronic Data Systems (EDS), 141 Elkington, John, 409 embodied water, 413 Embraer SA, 27 Emergency Economic Stabilization
Act, 330 emerging markets, 279 employees, 44 , 46 – 47
dismissal of employees, 55 – 58 and learning, 475 – 476 toxic employee, 85 – 87
employment, 44 – 46 , 226 – 228 Employment and Social Development
Canada, 70 employment contract, 44 – 46 employment equity, 68 Employment Equity Act, 62 , 68 – 71 employment equity legislation, 62 – 68 employment equity resources, 70 Employment Insurance Act, 58 employment relationship, 5 Employment Standards Act (B.C.), 42 Employment Standards Act (Ont.),
42 , 45 , 57 , 74 EnAbling Change program, 67 Encana Corporation, 398 end-of-life, 441 – 442 The End of Work (Rifkin), 261 end-point ethics, 361 – 363 , 364 energy use, 427 Enmax Corporation, 398 Enron, 371 , 380 , 381 , 396 entrepreneur, 83 , 199 environment
contingency theory, 133 – 136
depression, 210 deregulation, 339 – 344 designated groups, 62 developed countries, 287 developing countries, 287 , 344 developmental change, 461 – 462 differentiation, 168 , 208 digital economy, 134 – 135 digital health, 456 – 457 digital information barriers, 135 Direct Energy, 397 – 398 disabilities, 66 , 67 discrimination, guarding against, 58 – 68 dismissal of employees, 55 – 58 disposal, 441 – 442 disseminators, 83 distribution channels, 166 distributive fairness, 52 disturbance handler, 83 diversification, 179
means to diversify, 185 – 187 motives for, 179 – 181 related diversification, 181 – 182 types of diversification, 181 – 185 unrelated diversification, 182
diversity. See workforce diversity division of labour, 92 , 128 Dofasco Inc., 334 Dollarama, 174 , 175 – 176 domestic employment levels, 336 domestic trade, 290 dominant design, 245 , 246 double-loop learning, 472 , 474 – 475 Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, 392 downsizing, 8 , 145
benefits and risks, 148 cloning forces, 154 consequences of, 148 – 149 constraining forces, 153 – 154 ethics of, 379 – 380 failure to achieve anticipated
results, 150 – 152 learning forces, 154 methods of downsizing, 147 as nonrational approach, 152 – 154 survivor syndrome, 150
Dragons’ Den, 386 Drexler, Eric, 244 Drive: The Surprising Truth about What
Motivates Us (Pink), 103 dumping, 334 – 336 Dunn, Patricia, 372 duty to accommodate, 62 dynamic environment, 133 , 136
E e-health, 456 – 457 E-Trade, 253 Eastern Europe, 196 , 273 , 287 , 288 , 345 Ecological Footprint (EP), 422 – 424 economic analysis, 200 economic changes, 452 – 453 economic environment, 197 – 200
businesses, 197 – 199 economic analysis, 200 government, 200 individuals, 197
economic factors, and triple bottom line (TBL), 410
economic forces, 8 , 13 – 16
506 I n d e x
interest rates, 225 interfirm dynamics, 181 internal context of business, 4 – 7 , 33 – 35 internal environment, 169 – 173 International Monetary Fund (IMF),
220 , 223 , 294 international trade, 290 – 294 international trade agreements, 9 International Trade Canada, 275 interns, 44 internship, 41 – 43 interpersonal roles, 82 intrafirm dynamics, 179 introductory phase, 238 – 244 , 249 Inuit, 65
see also Aboriginal peoples investment
annual foreign investment, 24 foreign direct investment (FDI),
281 – 284 , 306 – 308 , 334 Investment Act, 308 Investment Canada Act, 285 invisible hand of the market, 16 , 49 ,
313 , 325 , 329 iPhone, 247 Ireland, 196 , 221 , 296 Iridium, 241 Italy, 219 , 296
J Jantzi-Sustainalytics, 397 Japan, 91 , 123 , 165 , 219 , 277 , 279 ,
287 , 291 , 297 , 310 – 311 , 344 , 474
J. B. Oxford, 254 Jobs, Steve, 83 , 84 – 85 Joe Fresh, 183 , 459 John Forsyth Shirt Co. Ltd., 292 Johnson & Johnson, 132 , 185 , 393 joint ventures, 187 , 284 judiciary, 317 just-in-time inventory, 121
K Kant, Immanuel, 358 , 378 Kauffman Foundation, 213 keiretsu, 123 , 143 Kellogg, 310 Kenya, 393 Kicking Horse Coffee, 112 – 115 Kmart, 170 knowledge, 198 knowledge-based economies, 198 knowledge worker, 21 , 106 , 198 Koopon.ca, 171 KPMG, 206 Kraft, 437 Kroger, 393 Kusy, Mitchell, 85 – 87
L labour, 5 , 197
composition of, 20 shortages, 67 , 453
labour environment see also work in Canada, 52 – 55 and Canadian society, 43 – 52 dismissal of employees, 55 – 58 employees, 46 – 47
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), 70
human rights issues, 355 – 356 human rights laws, 60 – 62 hydraulic fracking, 416
I IBM, 166 , 244 , 245 , 246 , 288 , 388 ,
467 – 471 IBM Canada, 120 , 214 ICO, 241 iGATE, 269 – 270 IKEA, 179 Images of Organization (Morgan), 124 imitability, 170 – 171 immigrants, 58 , 70 – 71 , 74 – 76 imperfect competition, 325 – 327 Imperial Oil, 214 import quota, 293 importing, 274 – 278 in Canada, 18 – 21 incentive programs, 26 Inco, 285 , 306 income inequality, 48 An Inconvenient Truth (Gore), 433 incremental innovations, 255 – 256 independent contractors, 44 , 46 Index of Sustainable Economic
Welfare (ISEW), 424 – 425 India, 122 , 135 , 214 , 217 , 224 , 269 ,
280 , 285 , 287 , 373 , 374 , 393 , 415 , 463
Indigo Books and Music Inc., 449 – 451 individual differences, 106 individual income taxes, 317 individual rights, 312 – 313 individuals, 197 Indonesia, 287 , 297 , 373 , 374 industrial pluralist perspective, 50 – 52 Industrial Revolution, 89 , 120 industrial sector, 19 industry, 163 Industry Canada, 310 , 352 , 434 – 436 industry life-cycle model, 237 , 249
characteristics, 254 decline phase, 249 , 251 – 254 growth phase, 245 – 248 , 249 introduction phase, 238 – 244 , 249 maturity phase, 248 – 251 , 249
infant-industry argument, 333 inflation, 223 – 224 inflation rate, 224 information and communications
technology (ICT), 256 – 257 information sharing, 121 Information Technology and
Innovation Foundation, 213 informational roles, 83 innovation, 9 , 169 , 254 – 258 , 263 input, 215 Institute for Research on Public
Policy, 219 institutional entrepreneurs, 244 institutionalization, 477 institutionalization theory, 152 – 153 , 477 insurance, 279 insurance companies, 179 integrated organizations, 121 – 123 Intel, 167 , 169 , 235 , 245 – 246 , 261
capitalism, role in, 313 deregulation, 339 – 344 economic environment, role
in, 200 employment policy, 48 – 52 as guardian of business in global
context, 332 – 338 as guardian of society, 317 – 328 and labour relations, 40 laws and regulations. See laws and
regulations private business, government
assistance to, 328 – 332 privatization, 344 – 348 reduction in involvement, 339 – 348 regulator role, 325 – 328 sale of government-owned
assets, 346 subsidies, 26 – 27 tax collector role, 317 – 320 taxation, 27 – 28
government economic regulation, 325 – 328
Governor General, 316 Graphics Group, 84 Great Depression, 98 , 225 Greece, 220 , 221 , 222 , 223 , 296 , 297 green marketing, 438 – 440 Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 463 GreenBlue, 438 – 440 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
406 – 408 , 415 – 418 gross domestic product (GDP), 13 ,
211 , 216 gross national product (GNP), 211 Groupon, 171 growth phase, 245 – 248 , 249
H Häagen-Dazs, 179 habitual routines, 373 Haiti, 459 Hammer, Michael, 136 harassment, 99 harmonized sales tax (HST), 317 Harper, Stephen, 307 harvesting profits strategy, 253 Hawthorne effect, 100 Hazardous Products Act, 325 health care, 25 – 26 HealthSouth, 381 Hewlett-Packard, 166 , 258 , 296 , 372 Holloway, Elizabeth, 85 – 87 Holocaust, 388 Home Depot, 204 , 438 Home Hardware, 204 Honda, 286 Honeywell, 196 Hong Kong, 287 , 297 HootSuite, 42 horizontal differentiation, 127 – 128 House of Commons, 317 How We Compete (Berger), 292 HTC, 247 Huawei, 247 Hudson’s Bay Company, 17 , 18 , 285 Hugo Boss, 179 human guinea pigs, 373 , 374 human relations movement, 100 , 105 human resources, 170
GDP per capita, 214 gender-biased stereotyping, 63 gender identity and gender expression,
60 – 61 General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT), 294 General Electric, 296 general environment, 7
competitive forces, 8 – 9 economic forces, 8 global forces, 9 – 10 political forces, 10 societal forces, 10 – 11 technological forces, 9
General Mills, 440 General Motors, 121 , 288 , 330 Generation Y, 55 generic business strategies, 173 – 179 Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI),
425 – 426 George Morris Centre, 428 George Weston Ltd., 147 Germany, 91 , 219 , 228 , 287 , 296 , 297 ,
340 , 344 , 432 Gerstner, Louis V. Jr., 467 Gildan Activewear Inc., 293 Gladwell, Malcolm, 479 – 481 Glaxosmithkline, 214 Glencore International PLC, 185 ,
285 , 306 global business, 286 global business activity
channels of, 274 – 286 exporting, 274 – 278 foreign direct investment (FDI),
281 – 284 importing, 274 – 278 joint ventures, 284 licensing and franchising
arrangements, 280 – 281 mergers and acquisitions, 284 – 285 multinational corporation (MNC),
286 – 287 outsourcing/offshoring, 280 sources encouraging, 271 – 274 strategic alliance, 284 subsidiaries, 286
global changes, 457 – 458 global companies, 286 Global Competitive Index, 255 Global Crossing, 381 global ecophagy, 243 global forces, 9 – 10 global forces in Canada, 22 – 25 global organizations, 123 globalization, 8 , 9 , 271 , 457 globally integrated companies, 287 Globalstar, 241 GM Global Design, 6 Godiva, 179 Goldman Sachs, 394 goods and services tax (GST), 317 Google, 37 , 117 – 119 , 123 , 173 , 198 Google+, 38 Gore, Al, 433 government
activist government, 51 business owner role, 320 – 324 Canadian government. See
Canadian government
507I n d e x
National Grid, 346 National Policy, 26 , 329 National Transportation Act, 341 natural monopoly, 206 natural rate of unemployment, 228 natural resources, 17 – 18 , 197 , 412 – 415 NBA, 457 NEC, 246 needed resources, 272 negotiator, 83 neoclassical perspective, 49 – 50 Nestlé, 288 the Netherlands, 291 networking, 143 New Brunswick, 195 , 196 , 317 new entrants, 164 – 166 New Jersey Bell Telephone
Company, 101 New Zealand, 165 , 287 Newfoundland and Labrador, 20 ,
195 , 317 newspaper industry, 236 Nexen Inc., 306 – 307 NeXT Inc., 84 NHL, 457 Niagara Parks Commission, 336 niche strategy, 253 Nigeria, 344 Nike, 144 , 269 , 280 , 391 Niko Resources, 29 Nissan, 286 , 288 Nokia, 246 nominal GDP, 211 noncore functions, 143 – 145 nonequity alliances, 187 nonrenewable resource, 415 nonrenewable resources, 433 – 434 nonroutine technology, 132 nonstandard employment (NSE), 47– 48 Nortel, 288 North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA), 23 , 214 , 271 , 273 , 293 , 295 , 298
and APEC, 297 – 298 Canada, effect on, 303 – 304 Canadian competitiveness, impact
on, 302 – 303 Canadian consumer, impact on,
302 – 303 Canadian culture, impact on, 302 Canadian employment and
business, impact on, 301 – 302 trade, impact on, 298 – 301
North Korea, 202 Northwest Territories, 315 Norway, 29 notice of termination, 56 – 58 Nova Scotia, 122 , 317 Novartis, 214 Nunavut, 315
O Obama, Barack, 416 Occupy Wall Street movement, 396 Office of Consumer Affairs, 325 Office of the Superintendent of
Financial Institutions (OSFI), 14 offshoring, 269 , 280 oil sands industry, 29 Old Age Security, 461
Mercosur, 295 mergers, 185 , 284 – 285 metaphors to describe organizations,
124 – 127 methane, 417 Métis, 65
see also Aboriginal peoples Metro, 167 Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast
Asian Legal Clinic, 74 Mexico, 23 , 165 , 272 , 277 , 297 , 312 , 344
see also North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Microcell Communications, 351 microeconomics, 200 Microsoft, 132 , 163 , 173 , 185 , 206 , 235 middle-class jobs, 262 middle managers, 80 Midvale Steel Company, 89 , 90 migrant workers, 74 military model, 106 – 108 , 110 Millennials, 55 Mills, John Stuart, 361 minimum wage, 49 ministries, 317 Mintzberg, Henry, 81 – 83 , 163 Mitsubishi, 246 mixed economy, 203 mixed system, 25 , 312 M&M Meat Shops, 184 mobile phone market, 183 Mobilicity, 351 , 352 mobility rights, 59 modern behavioural science, 102 , 105 modular innovations, 255 monitor, 83 monopolistic competition, 208 , 209 monopoly, 206 , 208 Montreal, Maine and Atlantic
Railway, 359 Moody’s, 213 Moore, Gordon, 261 Moore’s law, 261 moral consciousness, 375 Morgan, Gareth, 124 mortgage-backed securities, 212 motivation
myths and realities of, 103 – 104 of workers, 91 – 92
motivation-based perspectives, 102 , 105 Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 341 Motorola, 241 , 246 , 288 multidomestic company, 287 multifactor productivity (MFP)
growth, 20 multinational corporation (MNC),
284 , 286 – 287 , 289 Multiple Listing Service (MLS), 328 municipal level of government,
315 – 316 Myanmar, 297 Mydiscountbroker.com, 253 myths, 369
N nanotechnology, 243 – 244 National Bank of Canada, 15 National Brokerage, 253 national debt, 219 – 223 National Discount Brokers, 253
living standards, 27 LivingSocial, 171 Loblaw Companies Limited, 146 – 147 ,
167 , 182 , 183 , 186 – 187 , 398 , 433 – 434 , 435 – 436 , 459
local food, 444 – 447 Locke, John, 378 long-term economic forecast, 460 – 461 Lowe’s, 182 , 204 Lucasfilm, 84 Lululemon, 189 – 192
M Macdonald, John A., 26 , 329 machine metaphor (of an
organization), 125 macroeconomics, 200 Magna International, 385 Malaysia, 287 , 297 management, 81
strategic management. See strategic management
study of, 80 top management, 80
management philosophies, 88 administrative management, 92 , 97 behavioural approaches to
management, 98 – 102 bureaucratic management, 92 – 96 , 98 Chester Barnard, 101 , 105 classical approaches to
management, 88 – 98 contingency approach to
management, 102 – 106 human relations movement, 100 , 105 Mary Parker Follett, 100 – 101 , 105 modern behavioural science, 102 , 105 motivation-based perspectives,
102 , 105 scientific management, 89 – 92 , 97
manager, 80 first-line managers, 80 functions or roles of, 81 – 88 middle managers, 80
managerial perspective, 50 mandatory minimum statutory
notice, 57 Manitoba, 60 , 99 manufacturing, 454 – 455 manufacturing sector, 19 Maple Leaf Foods Inc., 197 – 198 , 386 Marconi, 381 Marine Stewardship Council, 434 market economy, 202 marketing, and sustainability, 438 – 440 Mark’s Work Wearhouse, 3 Marxist theory, 52 mature phase, 248 – 251 , 249 Mavens, 480 Mayo, Elton, 100 , 105 McCain Foods, 122 , 197 , 394 McCaw Cellular, 241 McDonald’s, 91 – 92 , 161 , 162 , 208 ,
273 , 281 , 372 McDonnell Douglas, 142 McMaster University, 74 – 75 mechanistic organizations, 131 Mega Brands, 391 Members of Parliament (MPs), 317 mercantilism, 290 – 291 , 293 – 294
nonstandard employment (NSE), 47–48
standard employment relationship (SER), 47 , 54
unpaid internships, 41 – 43 , 45 – 46 work vs. employment, 44 – 46
labour mobility, 194 – 196 labour productivity, 19 – 21 Labour Program, 70 labour relations statutes, 53 Lac-Mégantic, 343 – 344 , 359 – 360 laissez faire, 89 , 313 language rights, 59 Laos, 297 Latin America, 287 , 295 Laurier, Wilfrid, 341 Law Commission of Ontario, 42 law of the few, 479 – 480 laws and regulations
anti-corruption legislation, 366 anti-dumping legislation, 334 banking system, 14 – 15 Charter of Rights and Freedoms,
59 – 60 corporate disclosure legislation,
396 – 397 effect of, 10 employment equity legislation,
62 – 68 environmental protection, 238 government economic regulation,
325 – 328 human rights laws, 60 – 62 labour relations statutes, 53 scope of federal regulation, 326 unpaid internships, 42
layoffs, 8 leader, 82 leadership, 4
and effective management, 5 – 6 skills, 78 – 80 team leader, 80 , 93 – 95 visionary leader, 84 – 85
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), 428
leadership strategy, 253 learning curve economies, 174 learning forces, 154 learning organization, 471 – 478 legal changes, 458 legal responsibilities, 384 legal rights, 59 legislation. See laws and regulations legitimacy, 241 – 244 Lehman Brothers, 212 Levi Strauss & Co., 384 , 385 LG, 247 liaison, 82 licensing agreement, 280 lifetime employment, 8 limited monopoly, 206 The Linked World, 256 – 257 LinkedIn, 38 Linux, 244 Liquor Control Board of Ontario
(LCBO), 203 , 206 , 315 , 320 , 322 , 324
Living Planet Index (LPI), 420 – 421 Living Planet Report, 423
508 I n d e x
Research in Motion, 135 , 235 , 247 , 391
resource allocator, 83 resources and capabilities, 170 restaurant and food services
industry, 51 restrictive taxes, 317 retailing, and sustainability, 437 – 438 Reuters Group, 285 revenue taxes, 318 revenues, 44 Ricardian equivalence, 223 Rifkin, Jeremy, 261 , 262 Rio Tinto, 306 risk, 428 – 429 rituals, 369 rivalry among existing firms, 167 – 168 Rogers Cable, 394 Rogers Communications Inc., 179 ,
182 , 206 , 350 , 351 , 352 role conflict, 377 – 378 Rona, 204 Roots, 394 routine technology, 132 routineness of task technology,
105 – 106 routinized work, 372 – 375 Royal Ahold, 381 Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), 15 , 179 ,
269 – 270 Royal Commission on Equality in
Employment, 68 rule ethics, 363 , 364 – 365 Rule of 150 , 481 Russia, 91 , 224 , 273 , 278 , 437 Rwanda, 354 , 355
S S-curves, 260 – 261 sales growth, 272 sales taxes, 317 Salesmen, 480 Samsung, 247 Sanofi-Aventis, 214 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 396 , 397 SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome), 25 , 163 Saskatchewan, 54 , 99 , 195 , 227 Saskatoon, 231 – 233 Saskatoon Regional Economic
Development Authority (SREDA), 231 – 233
scandals, 28 – 29 , 381 , 396 Schumpeter, Joseph, 235 , 258 scientific management, 89 – 92 , 97 , 262 Scientific Research and Experimental
Development (SR&ED), 200 Scotiabank, 15 , 179 , 225 Scott Paper, 465 seasonal unemployment, 228 Second Cup, 181 , 208 Seiko, 474 self-employed, 44 self-management, 101 self-managing work teams, 121 , 129 Senate, 317 Senge, Peter, 475 September 11 , 2001, 9 service sector, 19 services, 217
private organizations, 123 privatization, 344 – 348 Privy Council Office (PCO), 316 , 317 pro sports, 207 , 457 Procter & Gamble (P&G), 182 producer price index (PPI), 224 product differentiation strategy,
174 – 177 productivity, 19 – 21 , 25 , 215 , 216 professional sports, 207 prohibited grounds, 60 – 61 property rights, 313 property taxes, 317 protection of diversity, 58 – 68 provincial level of government, 315 provincial sales tax (PST), 317 public confidence in politicians, 338 public/governmental
organizations, 123 public interest, 327 – 328 Public Mobile, 351 public relations, 429 – 430 pull factors, 271 , 272 punctuated equilibrium, 260 purchasing power of money, 223 pure competition, 204 push factors, 271 , 272 – 274
Q quantum computers, 258 – 259 quasi monopoly, 206 Quebec, 65 , 99 , 196 , 238 , 359 Quebec Pension Plan, 220 Quebecor World Inc., 284 – 285
R radical innovations, 254 Rail World Inc., 359 railway industry, 340 rareness, 170 raw materials, 415 , 433 – 434 RBC. See Royal Bank of Canada
(RBC) RBC Investor Services, 269 – 270 RCMP, 29 , 315 , 366 real GDP, 211 reasonable notice, 56 , 57 recession, 210 recombinant DNA, 238 , 239 recovery phase, 211 Red Rocket Media, 430 RedFlagDeals, 171 reduction in trade barriers, 273 Reebok, 144 reengineering, 136 – 138 Reengineering the Corporation (Champy
and Hammer), 136 regional economic integration,
295 – 304 regional trading bloc, 295 Registered Retirement Savings Plan
(RRSP), 200 regulations. See laws and regulations regulator role of government, 325 – 328 regulatory taxes, 317 related diversification, 181 – 182 religion, 61 renewable resources, 433 – 434 research and development
(R&D), 239
Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation, 27
P packaging, 426 paper bags, 439 – 440 Papua New Guinea, 29 paradigm, 474 Paradigms (Barker), 474 Paraguay, 295 Parliament, 317 part-time work, 457 partners, 44 patent, 206 PC Financial, 183 peak, 210 peer mentoring, 78 – 80 Pelmorex Media Inc., 71 people with disabilities, 66 , 67 PepsiCo North America, 138 per capita income, 25 perfect competition, 204 , 208 , 325 – 327 personal computers, 235 – 236 , 246 Peru, 28 – 29 , 285 Petro-Canada, 320 Pfizer, 214 pharmaceutical industry, 373 , 374 philanthropic responsibilities, 384 Philippines, 297 Philips, 246 , 288 philosophies of management. See
management philosophies physical resources, 170 piece-rate system, 91 Pink Daniel, 103 – 104 Pittinsky, Todd, 93 – 95 Pixar, 84 , 157 – 158 plastic bags, 439 – 440 Poland, 273 , 344 political agenda, 337 – 338 political changes, 458 political forces, 10 political forces in Canada, 25 – 28 Porter, Michael, 163 – 164 Porter Airlines, 163 Portugal, 221 , 296 , 297 post-job world, 261 – 263 Postmedia Network, 236 power of context, 480 – 481 practicum, 42 Pratt & Whitney Canada, 214 , 310 precarious employment, 74 – 75 precarious workers, 48 President’s Choice Financial (PCF), 15 pretexting, 372 price index, 224 price level, 224 PricewaterhouseCoopers, 206 primary sector, 19 prime minister, 316 – 317 Prime Minister’s Office
(PMO), 316 – 317 Prince Edward Island, 317 The Principles of Scientific Management
(Taylor), 89 private business, government
assistance to, 328 – 332 private health insurance, 238 private/nongovernmental
organizations, 123
oligopoly, 206 – 208 , 208 Onex Corporation, 182 Ontario, 54 , 60 – 61 , 65 , 67 , 99 , 194 ,
196 , 203 , 315 , 317 , 339 , 346 , 453
Ontario Human Rights Code, 60 , 61 Ontario Hydro, 347 Ontario Labour Relations Act, 53 Ontario Labour Relations Board, 74 Ontario Ministry of Labour, 41 , 42 Ontario Securities Commission, 397 open system, 126 OpenMedia.ca, 350 operational risk, 428 opportunity cost, 197 Orascom, 351 organic organizations, 131 Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD), 27 , 28 , 29 , 48 , 198 , 199 , 214 , 216 , 279 , 356 , 434
organism metaphor (of an organization), 125 – 126
organization, and VRIO model, 171 organizational culture, 368 – 371 organizational design
see also organizational structure changing nature of organizations,
119 – 123 flat organizations, 120 fluid organizations, 120 – 121 global organizations, 123 integrated organizations, 121 – 123
organizational development, 471 organizational identity, 375 – 377 organizational learning, 11 – 12 , 472 organizational resources, 170 organizational rituals and myths, 369 organizational role theory, 377 – 378 organizational size, 102 – 105 , 132 organizational structure, 127
centralization, 128 – 129 downsizing. See downsizing environment, 132 – 136 formalization, 130 organizational size, 132 rational perspective, 131 – 136 reengineering, 136 – 138 span of control, 129 – 130 strategy, 131 technology, 132 work specialization, 127 – 128
organizations, 123 – 124 anatomy of an organization,
127 – 130 categories of organizations, 123 learning organization, 471 – 478 machine metaphor, 125 mechanistic organizations, 131 metaphors to describe
organizations, 124 – 127 organic organizations, 131 organism metaphor, 125 – 126 as systems, 126 – 127 and unethical behaviour. See
unethical behaviour virtual organization, 140 – 145
Osborne, George, 220 output, 215 outsourcing, 139 – 141 , 269 – 270 , 280
509I n d e x
Tim Hortons, 160 – 162 , 174 , 198 , 208 , 393
time and motion studies, 90 Timothy’s, 208 tipping point, 479 – 482 The Tipping Point (Gladwell), 479 Tokyo Electric Power Company, 381 Tomorrow Project, 169 top executives, 181 top management, 80 Toronto-Dominion Bank, 430 totalitarian regimes, 273 toxic employee, 85 – 87 Toxic Workplace! (Kusy and
Holloway), 85 Toyota Motor Corporation, 120 , 286 ,
310 – 311 trade
domestic trade, 290 free trade, 10 , 290 international trade, 9 , 290 – 294 logic of trade, 290 promotion of, 294
trade barriers, 273 trade barriers in digital world, 135 trade deficit, 218 , 291 , 293 trade protectionism, 291 – 294 trade surplus, 218 , 291 , 293 Trans-Canada Airlines, 320 transformational change, 462 , 463 – 464 ,
467 – 471 transitional change, 462 transnational corporations, 288 Transpacific Partnership trade
talks, 273 Transparency International, 29 transportation industry, 341 – 342 triple bottom line (TBL), 12 , 409
benefits of, 418 – 419 economic factors, 410 environmental factors, 412 – 418 limitations of, 419 social factors, 411 – 412
trough, 211 truck drivers, 201 trust, 106 – 110 Tunisia, 344 Turkey, 135 Twitter, 38 Tyco International, 380
U Uganda, 354 , 355 unanticipated inflation, 223 UNCTAD, 134 undifferentiated products, 167 undue hardship, 62 unemployment, 226 – 228 unemployment insurance program,
58 unemployment rate, 13 – 14 , 55 ,
56 , 226 unethical behaviour, 358
decoupling, 371 – 372 organizational culture, 368 – 371 organizational identity, 375 – 377 organizational role theory,
377 – 378 and organizations, 367 – 380 work routinization, 372 – 375
sustainable purchasing, 440 – 441 sustainable resource, 417 – 418 Swanson, Robert, 239 Sweden, 203 switching costs, 164 , 167 , 168 Switzerland, 288 , 474 SWOT analysis, 172 – 173 systemic discrimination, 68 – 69 systems, 126 – 127 systems theory, 133
T Taiwan, 272 , 280 , 287 , 297 take-out food containers, 426 TalentEgg, 41 tall organizations, 120 Tantalum-Niobium International
Study Centre, 356 Target, 183 tariffs, 135 , 291 task environment, 7 tax collector role of government,
317 – 320 Tax Court of Canada, 317 taxation, 27 – 28 , 317 – 320 Taylor, Frederick, 89 – 92 , 97 , 101 , 106 ,
125 , 128 , 240 , 262 Taylorism, 89 – 92 TD Canada Trust, 15 , 179 , 225 TD Waterhouse, 254 team leader, 80 , 93 – 95 teams, 121 , 129 teamwork, 108 – 110 technological changes, 455 – 457 technological discontinuities, 254 technological forces, 9 , 18 – 21 technological forecasting, 260 – 261 technology
and changing workplace, 261 – 263 climate-friendly technologies,
432 – 433 and creative destruction, 235 – 236 evolution of, 258 – 260 improvements, 274 middle-class jobs, 262 and organizational structure, 132
telecommunications industry, 328 , 340 , 343
Teledesic, 241 Teleflex Canada Ltd., 109 – 110 Telefónica Foundation, 256 Teleglobe Canada Inc., 344 TELUS, 350 , 351 , 352 Temporary Foreign Worker Program,
74 , 139 , 270 temporary placement organizations, 44 temporary workers, 228 temporary workforce, 8 termination of employees, 55 – 58 Texas Instruments, 258 Thailand, 122 , 297 , 373 , 374 Theory E change, 464 – 466 Theory O change, 464 – 466 Third World countries, 287 Thomson Corp., 285 threats of new entrants, 164 – 166 threats of substitutes, 167 3M, 296 3M Canada, 71 Tim Horton Children’s Foundation, 393
strategy, 4 business-level strategies, 173 – 179 consolidation strategy, 253 corporate-level strategy, 179 – 187 cost leadership strategy, 173 – 174 definition of, 163 different levels of
strategies, 173 – 187 diversification, 179 – 187 exit early strategy, 253 focus strategy, 177 – 179 generic business strategies, 173 – 179 harvesting profits strategy, 253 leadership strategy, 253 niche strategy, 253 product differentiation strategy,
174 – 177 and structure, 131 winning business strategy, 7
structural unemployment, 227 structure, 6 – 7
see also organizational structure sub-Saharan Africa, 287 subsidiaries, 286 subsidies, 26 – 27 , 310 – 312 , 331 – 332 ,
336 – 337 substitutes, 167 Sudan, 287 Sullivan, Scott, 376 Suncor, 308 supervision of workers, 90 – 91 supervisors, 80 Supreme Court of Canada, 60 , 317 survivor syndrome, 150 sustainability, 12 , 408 – 410
Ecological Footprint (EP), 422 – 424 Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI),
425 – 426 implementation of sustainable
practices. See sustainable practices
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW), 424 – 425
Living Planet Index (LPI), 420 – 421 local food, 444 – 447 measurement of, 420 – 426 triple bottom line (TBL). See triple
bottom line (TBL) sustainable development, 408 – 409 sustainable distribution, 437 sustainable manufacturing, 434 – 437 sustainable marketing, 438 – 440 sustainable practices
business case for implementation, 426 – 433
costs, reduction of, 426 – 428 end-of-life/disposal, 441 – 442 implementation of, 433 – 442 and lack of knowledge, 431 – 433 and money, 431 obstacles to change, 430 – 433 public relations, 429 – 430 raw materials, 433 – 434 retailing, 437 – 438 risk, reduction of, 428 – 429 sustainable distribution, 437 sustainable manufacturing, 434 – 437 sustainable marketing, 438 – 440 sustainable purchasing, 440 – 441 and time, 430 – 431
shakeout, 245 shareholder expectations, 390 Shell Corporation, 197 Shifting Gears: Thriving in the New
Economy (Beck), 21 shifting paradigms, 474 – 475 Shoppers Drug Mart, 183 ,
186 – 187 , 450 Siemens, 246 Singapore, 287 , 297 single-loop learning, 472 SiriusXM, 206 SK Corporation, 381 skills, 28 skills shortages, 453 Smalley, Richard, 243 , 244 smartphone industry, 246 – 247 Smith, Adam, 49 , 89 , 313 SNC-Lavalin Group, 29 , 366 Soberman, David, 186 – 187 Sobey’s, 167 social contract ethics, 378 – 379 social equity, 411 social factors, and triple bottom line
(TBL), 411 – 412 social identity theory, 376 social media, 395 – 396 social specialization, 128 socialism, 203 socialization of ethics, 369 societal changes, 458 – 460 societal expectations, 390 societal forces, 10 – 11 , 383 societal forces in Canada, 28 – 29 Société des Alcools du Québec, 322 sociopolitical legitimacy, 241 sociotechnical design, 466 Somalia, 287 Sony, 144 , 185 , 288 Sony Ericsson, 247 , 284 South Africa, 196 , 272 , 286 , 287 , 381 South America, 295 , 412 South Korea, 287 , 297 , 463 Southwest Airlines, 385 Spain, 228 , 291 span of control, 129 – 130 specialization, 128 specific or task environment, 7 specific sphere, 7 spokesperson, 83 sports ticket prices, 207 stakeholders, 7 , 346 – 347 , 359 , 381 – 383 ,
391 – 393 Standard & Poor’s, 221 , 222 standard employment relationship
(SER), 47 , 54 standard of living. See living standards standardizing, 90 Starbucks, 51 , 161 , 170 , 173 , 174 , 184 ,
208 , 272 , 412 , 463 – 464 static environments, 132 – 133 , 136 Statistics Canada, 25 , 58 , 62 , 67 , 194 ,
195 , 224 , 232 , 277 steel industry, 334 Stelco, 306 stickiness factor, 480 strategic alliance, 284 strategic alliances, 187 Strategic Counsel, 15 strategic management, 162
510 I n d e x
work specialization, 127 – 128 worker empowerment, 128 – 129 workforce diversity, 58 – 71
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 59 – 60
discrimination, guarding against, 58 – 68
employment equity legislation, 62 – 68 human rights laws, 60 – 62 model of the Employment Equity
Act, 68 – 71 prohibited grounds, 60 – 61 protection of diversity, 58 – 68 representation of designated groups
in labour force, 62 workforce reduction, 145 – 146 Workforce Shortage Coalition, 453 workplace harassment, 99 World Bank, 294 , 366 , 381 World Economic Forum, 14 , 199 , 213 ,
255 , 279 World Trade Organization (WTO),
293 , 294 , 332 , 337 World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 420 ,
421 , 423 , 433 – 434 WorldCom, 360 , 380 , 396
X Xerox, 381 Xstrata, 185 , 306
Y youth unemployment, 227 – 228 Yukon, 315
Z zero-sum gain, 293 zero-waste-to-landfill status, 437 Zimbabwe, 344 ZTE, 247 Zuckerberg, Mark, 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 476 Zynga, 37
volunteers, 44 VRIO model, 169 – 172 vulnerable workers, 48
W Walmart, 48 , 170 , 174 , 183 , 244 ,
394 , 429 waste, reduction of, 427 – 428 water, 412 – 414 The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 49 , 89 Weather Network, 71 Weber, Max, 92 – 96 , 98 , 101 , 125 , 370 Wells Fargo, 394 Wendy’s International, 160 Western Electric, 100 Western Europe, 287 , 345 Western provinces, 65 WestJet, 163 , 179 Weston, Galen G., 435 – 436 Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance
(Gerstner), 467 Whole Foods, 438 A Whole New Mind (Pink), 103 WIND Mobile, 351 , 352 winning business strategy, 7 Wintel standard, 246 wireless service industry, 350 – 352 women
advancement in workplace, 63 – 64 employment equity, 62 – 63 in labour force, 58
Women’s Executive Network (WXN), 62 – 63
word of mouth, 479 work
critical perspective, 52 vs. employment, 44 – 46 industrial pluralist perspective, 50 – 52 managerial perspective, 50 neoclassical perspective, 49 – 50 perspectives on, 48 – 52
work routinization, 372 – 375
privatization, 344 subprime mortgage crisis and
recession, 212 – 213 , 329 – 330 United States Treasury, 212 United Way, 74 – 75 unity of command, 92 University of Toronto Students’ Union
(UTSU), 41 UnMarketing: Stop Marketing, Start
Engaging (Stratten), 395 unpaid internships, 41 – 43 , 45 – 46 unrelated diversification, 182 UPS (United Parcel Service), 91 , 163 Urban Eatery, 426 Urban Impact, 428 Uruguay, 295 U.S. Steel Corp., 306 US Airways, 180 utilitarianism, 361 – 363 Utilitarianism (Mills), 361
V Vale, 306 Valsartan, 373 , 374 value, 170 value-added tax (VAT), 319 Value Chain Management Centre, 441 variable rate, 225 vertical differentiation, 129 vertical integration, 182 Videotron, 352 Vienna, 272 Vietnam, 202 , 224 , 297 , 412 VimpelCom, 351 Vinson, Betty, 360 , 376 virtual organization, 140 – 145 virtual water, 413 visible minorities, 58 , 66 – 68 Vision Award, 71 visionary leader, 84 – 85 Viterra Inc., 285 , 306 Vivendi, 381
uneven playing field, 338 unfair competition, 334 – 336 union density, 54 , 55 union wage premium, 54 unionization, 51 unions, 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 , 60 United Arab Emirates, 135 United Auto Workers, 330 United Kingdom, 26 , 166 , 219 , 287 ,
296 , 297 , 340 , 344 , 346 United Nations, 355 United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization, 428 United Parcel Service, 324 United States, 17 , 196 , 287
and APEC, 297 “at will” employment, 57 bailouts, 329 – 330 banking system, 14 – 15 Canada-US trade relationship,
22 – 23 , 277 Canada’s services, sale of, 217 consumer price index, 224 consumption tax, 319 credit rating, 221 deregulation, 340 environmental protection, 238 federal debt, 221 as food export destinations, 165 free trade, 10 G 7 , 219 government intervention, 339 gross domestic product (GDP), 211 growth, slowdown of, 279 labour productivity growth, 20 life expectancy gains, 26 monopolies, 206 mortgage lending system, 15 multinational corporations, 287 NAFTA. See North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) population, 22
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- About the Authors
- Part 1 A Framework for Study
- 1 Exploring Canadian Business: A Critical Approach: What Are the Major Challenges Facing Business?
- Learning Objectives
- The Internal Context of Business
- TALKING BUSINESS 1.1 Changing GM’s Organizational Structure
- The External Context of Business
- The Canadian Context: How’s Business in Canada, Eh?
- TALKING BUSINESS 1.2 Growth in Provincial Labour Productivity: A Problem from Coast to Coast
- TALKING BUSINESS 1.3 Jobs, Productivity, and Innovation: How Health Care Drives the Economy
- Part 2 The Internal Challenges
- 2 The Employee–Employer Relationship: What Responsibilities Do Bosses Have to Their Employees?
- Learning Objectives
- The Labour Environment and Canadian Society
- TALKING BUSINESS 2.1 Are Unpaid Interns “Employees”?
- The Labour Context in Canada: Where Are We Now?
- TALKING BUSINESS 2.2 The State of Canadian Unions—Down but Not Out
- TALKING BUSINESS 2.3 Are Unions Relevant in Canada Today?
- Dismissing Employees
- Current Issues in the Workplace: Managing Workforce Diversity
- TALKING BUSINESS 2.4 Organizations Seeing the Light about Faith at Work
- TALKING BUSINESS 2.5 He Says, She Says: Gender Gap Persists in Attitudes Toward Women’s Advancement in the Workplace
- TALKING BUSINESS 2.6 Aboriginal Workers: Integral to Canada’s Ongoing Competitiveness and Performance
- TALKING BUSINESS 2.7 Ontario Employers Have a New Tool to Improve Accessibility for People with Disabilities
- TALKING BUSINESS 2.8 Employment Equity Resources
- TALKING BUSINESS 2.9 Immigrants Make Significant Contributions to Innovation
- 3 Managing the Workforce: How Can Business Leaders Best Manage their Employees?
- Learning Objectives
- Why Study Management Thought?
- What Do Managers Do ?
- TALKING BUSINESS 3.1 The Visionary Leader: Steve Jobs
- TALKING BUSINESS 3.2 Conflict Management: The Toxic Employee
- Management Philosophies
- Classical Approaches to Management
- TALKING BUSINESS 3.3 Leading Teams in a New Direction
- TALKING BUSINESS 3.4 Is Weber Alive and Well?
- Behavioural Approaches to Management
- TALKING BUSINESS 3.5 The High Costs of Workplace Harassment
- The Best Management Philosophy? Contingency Approach
- TALKING BUSINESS 3.6 The Myths and Realities of Motivation
- The Critical Importance of Trust in the Workplace
- TALKING BUSINESS 3.7 How One Canadian Company Earns Trust
- TALKING BUSINESS 3.8 How Teams Learn at Teleflex Canada
- 4 Establishing the Structure of a Business: What Does Organizational Design Have to Do with Business Success?
- Learning Objectives
- The Changing Nature of Organizations
- TALKING BUSINESS 4.1 Atlantic Canada’s Overseas Playground?
- Thinking About Organizations
- The Anatomy of an Organization
- What Determines Organizational Structure? A Rational Perspective
- TALKING BUSINESS 4.2 Canada’s Trade in a Digital World
- Reengineering
- TALKING BUSINESS 4.3 The Credit Agency
- TALKING BUSINESS 4.4 Former Outsourcer Describes How Job Destruction Works
- Toward a Virtual Organization
- TALKING BUSINESS 4.5 Out-of-Control Outsourcing Ruined Boeing’s Beautiful Dreamliner
- Downsizing
- TALKING BUSINESS 4.6 Loblaw Cuts 700 Head Office Jobs
- TALKING BUSINESS 4.7 What Every Leader Should Know About Survivor Syndrome
- 5 Business Strategy: How Do Businesses Generate a Successful Strategy?
- Learning Objectives
- What Is Strategic Management?
- Analyzing the External Environment
- TALKING BUSINESS 5.1 Changes in Global Food Sector Call for Canadian Food Strategy
- TALKING BUSINESS 5.2 Foresight and Innovation: Today’s Science Fiction, Tomorrow’s Reality?
- Analyzing the Internal Environment
- Different Levels of Strategies
- TALKING BUSINESS 5.4 Dollarama Cashing in on Penny-Pinching Canadians
- TALKING BUSINESS 5.5 FROGBOX: a sustainable franchising success
- TALKING BUSINESS 5.6 American Airlines Merges with US Airways
- TALKING BUSINESS 5.7 Loblaw Gets into the Mobile Phone Market
- TALKING BUSINESS 5.8 Starbucks Buys Its First Coffee Farm in Costa Rica
- TALKING BUSINESS 5.9 Understanding the Deal: Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaw
- Part 3 The External Challenges
- 6 Economic Forces: Oh Canada, What Is Your Economy Like?
- Learning Objectives
- The Economic Environment
- TALKING BUSINESS 6.1 Canada’s People Advantage
- Analyzing the Economy: Two Approaches
- TALKING BUSINESS 6.2 Growing Gap of Truck Drivers Will Be Costly to Canadian Economy
- Types of Economic Systems
- Competition and the Economy
- TALKING BUSINESS 6.3 Better Farm Management Separates the Wheat from the Chaff
- TALKING BUSINESS 6.4 Don’t Blame Professional Athletes for High Ticket Prices
- Goals of Canada’s Economic System
- TALKING BUSINESS 6.5 The US Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Recession
- TALKING BUSINESS 6.6 Canada’s World-Class Economy
- TALKING BUSINESS 6.7 Canada’s Productivity Challenge
- TALKING BUSINESS 6.8 Canada’s Growing but “Invisible” Trade: Services
- TALKING BUSINESS 6.9 Today’s High Youth Unemployment: A Solution for Skill Shortages?
- 7 Competitive and Technological Forces: How Do Industries Evolve Over Time?
- Learning Objectives
- The Industry Life-Cycle Model
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.1 The Birth of Biotech
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.2 The Early Years of the Automobile Industry
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.3 The Anti-Aging Industry
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.4 Gray Goo and the Promising Future of the Nanotechnology Industry
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.5 The Smartphone Industry
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.6 The Aging Personal Computer Industry
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.7 Are Mobile Devices Killing The Video Game Console Industry?
- Innovation and Technology
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.8 Is Canada on the Leading Edge?
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.9 The Linked World: How ICT Is Transforming Societies, Cultures, and Economies
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.10 Embracing Disruption: Lessons from Building the First Quantum Computer
- Technology and the Changing Workplace
- TALKING BUSINESS 7.11 Will Technology Replace Middle-Class Jobs?
- 8 Global Forces: How Is Canada Faring in the Global Village?
- Learning Objectives
- What Is Globalization?
- Sources Encouraging Global Business Activity
- TALKING BUSINESS 8.1 Canada’s Dairy Industry Under Pressure
- Channels of Global Business Activity
- TALKING BUSINESS 8.2 Canada’s Exports to China: Still Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water
- TALKING BUSINESS 8.3 What are Canada’s New Export Strengths?
- TALKING BUSINESS 8.4 What Helps a Country Obtain Foreign Direct Investment?
- TALKING BUSINESS 8.5 Is Canada Being “Hollowed Out” by Foreign Takeovers? Putting Mergers and Acquisitions in Historical Perspective
- The Multinational Corporation
- TALKING BUSINESS 8.6 What’s the Third World?
- TALKING BUSINESS 8.7 Think Global, Act Local
- International Trade
- TALKING BUSINESS 8.8 Made in Canada: How Globalization Has Hit the Canadian Apparel Industry
- TALKING BUSINESS 8.9 The Futility of Protectionism
- Facilitating Global Business: Regional Economic Integration
- 9 Political Forces: Where Would Canadian Business Be Without Our Government?
- Learning Objectives
- The Canadian Business Enterprise System: Fundamental Features
- Canadian Government Structure and Roles
- Government as Guardian of Society
- TALKING BUSINESS 9.1 Should Pop Drinkers Pay More?
- TALKING BUSINESS 9.2 Canada Post Faces Billion–Dollar Operating Loss by 2020
- TALKING BUSINESS 9.3 Should the LCBO Be Privatized?
- Government as Guardian of the Private Business Sector
- TALKING BUSINESS 9.4 Auto Bailouts: Good or Bad Idea?
- Government as Guardian of Business in the Global Context
- TALKING BUSINESS 9.5 More Cheese, Please
- Why Government Should Not Play the Role of Guardian of Business
- Should Government “Mind Its Own Business”?
- TALKING BUSINESS 9.6 The Dangers of Deregulation
- Privatization
- 10 Societal Forces: Can Corporations Be Socially Responsible to All Stakeholders?
- Learning Objectives
- Defining Business Ethics
- TALKING BUSINESS 10.1 High-Level Barriers to Public Trust in Organizations
- TALKING BUSINESS 10.2 Lac-Mégantic: Disaster in Quebec
- Models for Judging the Ethics of Decisions
- TALKING BUSINESS 10.3 The Business of Bribery
- Do Organizations Make Us Unethical?
- TALKING BUSINESS 10.4 The Global Pharmaceutical Industry and Human Guinea Pigs
- Business and Society
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- TALKING BUSINESS 10.5 Dragons’ Den
- TALKING BUSINESS 10.6 IBM and Nazi Germany
- TALKING BUSINESS 10.7 Corporate Strategy and Long-Term Well Being: Crime Doesn’t Pay
- TALKING BUSINESS 10.8 Should These Corporate Behaviours Be Mandated?
- TALKING BUSINESS 10.9 Social Media Gives Power to Customers
- Part 4 Adaptation and Change
- 11 The Challenge of Sustainability: Why Does Business Need to Focus on Sustainability?
- Learning Objectives
- What Is Sustainability?
- TALKING BUSINESS 11.1 Cree Village Eco lodge, a Sustainable Travel Destination
- TALKING BUSINESS 11.2 How Sustainable Is Canada’s Water?
- TALKING BUSINESS 11.3 Fracking Fracas: Pros and Cons of Controversial Gas Extraction Process
- Benefits and Limitations of the Triple Bottom Line Framework
- Measuring Sustainability
- The Business Case for Implementing Sustainable Practices
- TALKING BUSINESS 11.4 Canada Isn’t Cleaning Up on Green Technology Exports
- Implementing Sustainable Practices
- TALKING BUSINESS 11.5 Leading Change in the Food Sector
- TALKING BUSINESS 11.6 Convenience versus Sustainability: The Plastic and Paper Bag Debate
- 12 Confronting Change: How Do Businesses Address the Challenge of Change?
- Learning Objectives
- Change and the Environment of Business
- TALKING BUSINESS 12.1 Making Skills Work in Ontario
- TALKING BUSINESS 12.2 Yes, There Is a Future for Manufacturing in Canada
- TALKING BUSINESS 12.3 Digital Health: More Than Just Health and Technology
- TALKING BUSINESS 12.4 Pro Sports and Globalization
- TALKING BUSINESS 12.5 How Canada Welcomed Bangladeshi Clothing Imports
- TALKING BUSINESS 12.6 Slow-Motion Demographic Tsunami About to Hit Canada’s Economy
- Types of Change
- TALKING BUSINESS 12.7 Transformational Change: Starbucks Risks Core Business for New Unknown Ventures
- Methods of Change: Theory E and Theory O Change
- The Process of Transformational Change: An Illustration
- Creating a Learning Organization
- TALKING BUSINESS 12.8 The Learning Manager
- TALKING BUSINESS 12.9 Facebook’s Culture Promotes Learning and Change
- Implementing Change Through Tipping Point Leadership
- Appendix: Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions
- Glossary
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Z
- Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Y
- Z
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- Preflight Ticket Signature

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