Week 5 Participation
Jul 05, 11:59 PM
Not Graded
Participation Requirement
For full participation credit during the online weeks, you are required to contribute a total of eight (8) substantive messages posted each week in the classroom in order to show active engagement with materials, fellow classmates, the members of your Learning Team, and the facilitator. The eight (8) messages posted must occur on at least three (3) different days during the online week to earn full credit.  If substantive messages are posted on only two (2) days, you are eligible for only 2/3 credit. If substantive messages are posted on only one (1) day, you are eligible for only 1/3 credit.
Only posts in the weekly discussion question thread, for each chapter with questions as posted by your instructor, and the weekly summaries will count toward your class participation requirement.  You must post an Individual First Message to each Weekly Discussion Question posted by your instructor.  One (1) Weekly Discussion Question will be posted in this course in addition to questions posted to each of the chapters assigned for reading per week for contribution to your participation requirement.  Each student must post a reply to the Weekly Summary to which no other replies from classmates should be made as these posts are reflective in nature based upon individual learning experiences.  Postings to Learning Team assignments will not count toward your required class participation.

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