University of Phoenix Material

Case Study Analysis Peer Review Form

Writer’s Name Yolanda Staples__________________________

Reviewer’s Name______LaTasha Edwards_____________________

1. Reviewer question: What is the author’s thesis?

In the Author’s review I believe there thesis is Mr. Carl and ABC firm to get their recruitment and orientation process in line they must consider changing and improving lots of things within the HR department and the firm at large.

2. Reviewer question: Is the thesis clearly stated? If not, how would you help the writer restate it? I don’t believe the thesis to be clear, however I’m not sure if this is the author’s thesis or not.

If it was indeed the thesis I would have incorporated it a little sooner into the introduction. I would have also included exactly what changes and improvements were needed from the HR department.

Writer question: List the changes made based on this feedback. Also list those suggestions that were offered but that you did not make, and explain why you did not make the suggestions.

3. Reviewer question: Does the essay’s body stick to the main topic? If not, where does it digress, and how could the writer revise the paper to make it stay more on the main topic?

I think that the analysis was well written and does stick to the main topics. However, I just some mechanical errors within the body of paper. Other than that I would say that the writer stuck with the main points.

Writer question: List the changes made based on this feedback. Also list those suggestions that were offered but that you did not make, and explain why you did not make the suggested changes.

4. Reviewer question: Does the paper contain any ambiguously-worded or confusing sentences? Please list them below and offer a suggested revision for each one you identify.

I did not find any ambiguously-worded or confusing sentences. I think the paper flowed very well and I understood the writer.

Writer question: List the changes made based on this feedback. Also list those suggestions that were offered but that you did not make, and explain why you did not make the suggested changes.

5. Reviewer question: Which closing strategy did the writer use? Is the closing effective? Why or why not? Offer a revision suggestion for making the closing more effective.

I think the writer used the recommendation closing strategy. I think the closing was effective because not only did it mention what went wrong with the HR hiring process but it also included solution for the scenario. The only revision I would suggest is to proof read for misspelled words and grammatical errors, overall good job.

Writer question: List the changes made based on this feedback. Also list those suggestions that were offered but that you did not make, and explain why you did not make the suggested changes?

6. Reviewer question: Please give the writer feedback regarding the essay’s effect on you.

I really enjoyed your case analysis. I think you really took your time to focus on a strategy and did a very good job sticking to your main points. Reading your paper made me recognize some of the ways I could have better approached my case analysis. Good analysis.

Writer question: List the changes made based on this feedback. Also list those that were offered but that you did not make, and explain why you did not make the suggested changes.

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