University of Phoenix
College of Health and Human Services
BSHS/462 – Building Community in Organizations
Week Three
Week Three – Individual Assignment
Causes and Prevention of Burnout in Human Service Staff Research Paper
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in APA format, with at least two citations, in which you include the following:
1. Define burnout.
2. Describe some of the individual, cultural, organizational, supervisory, and social support factors that cause burnout.
3. Describe various individual, job role, and organizational methods to prevent burnout.
4. Examine your own personality and share how you react and respond to personal and work-related stress. Provide some insights into how you may work to reduce the effects of burnout
5. What would you have to do as a human service manager to be alert and ready to assist with staff burnout?
4 = Excellent Performance – Work quality is exemplary and demonstrates conceptual understanding.
3 = Above Average Performance – Work exceeds the minimum expectations for the assignments as discussed in the curriculum.
2 = Average Performance – Accomplishes only the minimum requirements as outlined in the curriculum. The student’s work may demonstrate knowledge, but lacks application and/or synthesis.
1 = Below Average-Failing – The student demonstrates minimal competencies. The student is unable to document or demonstrate evidence of meeting minimal expectations for the appropriate college level work.
Category |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Organization |
Major points and specific examples are clear. Content is organized with multiple examples that logically follow the instructor-approved project and the paper is 700- to 1,050-words in length. |
Major points are clear with some specific examples and details. Content is organized with some examples that logically follow the instructor-approved project and the paper is 700- to 1,050-words in length. |
Major points are mostly clear, but may not include specific examples or details. Content is organized with minimal examples that logically follow the instructor-approved project and the paper may not be 700- to 1,050-words in length. |
Major points are not clearly stated and examples are not present or are vague and lacking in detail. Content is organized with few examples that logically follow the instructor-approved project and the paper is not 700- to 1,050-words in length. |
Introduction |
Introduction clearly conveys topic and involves reader from the beginning. Includes strong opening statement followed by organized thoughts. |
Introduction conveys topic and has some involvement for the reader. Includes an effective opening statement followed by mostly organized thoughts. |
Introduction somewhat conveys topic, but seems to have a weak pull for the reader. Includes a general overview that does not have a logical or organized order. |
Introduction does not convey the topic or has little to no pull for the reader. Has a nearly nonexistent overview or illogical order. |
Factual Content |
Paper clearly demonstrates understanding and documentation of information related to the topic. |
Paper demonstrates an understanding and documentation of information related to the topic.
Paper demonstrates some understanding and documentation of information related to the topic.
Paper does not demonstrate an understanding and documentation of factual information related to the topic. |
Conclusion |
Conclusion is logical; information flows from the body of the paper and reviews major tenants. Summarizes key points, but does not add new information. |
Conclusion is logical and flows from the body of the paper, but does not review major tenants. Major points may be summarized and some new information may be added. |
Conclusion somewhat logical, but does not seem to flow from the body of the paper. New information is added, which obscures major points covered in the paper. |
Conclusion is not present or is illogical in nature. |
References and In-text citations APA Style |
All references and citations follow APA format exactly. Citations are appropriate both within the paper and on the reference page. Paper shows skill in quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Only sources used in paper appear on reference. A minimum of three citations are present. |
References and citations follow APA format, while not following clear citations on the reference page. Paper shows some skill in quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Some sources not used may appear in references. A minimum of three citations are present. |
Whereas all sources may be documented, many do not follow APA format. Paper shows limited skill in quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Both internal citation and reference documentation do not match with listed references. A minimum of three citations may not be present. |
Few or no sources are used, with unclear citation in the body of the paper or references. Those that are present do not use APA format correctly. Paper shows little skill in quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. The paper may show evidence of plagiarism. A minimum of three citations are not present. |
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________

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