Student’s Name_
Paper Element |
Points |
Grade |
Comments |
Site Name & URL For both sites |
5 |
Comparison & contrast two sites based on : |
35 |
· Authority |
· Objectivity |
· Authenticity |
· Reliability |
· Timeliness |
· Relevance |
· Efficiency |
Recommendations for improvement |
10 |
References |
5 |
APA format |
3 |
Grammar |
2 |
60 |
1. Customer satisfaction/Employee Satisfaction
a. Price
i. Co pay vs Self pay, is it more expensive? Is it better for the patient? How the customer feels about it
b. Demographics/surveys
i. Customer satisfaction table with survey answers
ii. Who uses telehealth the most? What demographic? What do they think about it?
c. Efficiency
i. How well does it work as far time and resources are concerned? What needs to be allocated for it to function? How does it work in a Large vs Small HCO?
d. Accuracy
i. How accurate is the care given? How accurate are the diagnosis? What is the margin of error?
e. Management
i. What problems may this present for management, how does telehealth alleviate some problems that exist in an HCO
Telehealth Outline
1. Introduction (Tanya)
a. What is telehealth? (definition)
b. Platforms used
c. Recent Popularity and trending
2. Customer satisfaction/Employee Satisfaction
a. Price
b. Demographics/surveys
c. comfortability
d. Efficiency
e. Accuracy
f. Management
3. Telehealth vs. In-person (Tehnia)
a. Differences
i. Organizing
ii. Staffing
iii. Management
4. Pros of telehealth (Ambria)
a. Cost
b. Efficiency
c. Comfort of patient
d. Prevents spread of pathogens
5. Cons of telehealth (Courtney)
a. Inaccuracy
b. Comfort level of patient
6. The future of telehealth (Courtney)
a. More advance technology
b. Better diagnosis
7. Why is Telehealth important (Ambria)
a. Ease of access
b. Cost effective
c. Prevent spread of pathogens
Written Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/Teams |
Date: |
Course: |
Assignment: |
Content: 60 points of the assignment grade:
· Content requirements are addressed Project Paper Strategic Plan
· The project paper will integrate all of your work in the presentations. In completing the final paper you should include the following components:
· Key issues: An identification of key strategic issues facing the leadership with the rationale for focusing on them:
· Background Information
· Burden of the issue Nationally and Mississippi
· Analysis:
· An analysis of the issue should explain how the key issues logically connects to healthcare services administration/management
· An analysis regarding the impact on the management of health care in terms of management roles, responsibilities, functions such as planning, controlling, staffing etc.
· Analysis of an impact of the issue in the past, present, and future
· Analysis of current polices are included, and recommendations for future policies are included.
· Did the group use any of the principles, theories, concepts, in the book to address the current health issue?
· Major points are stated clearly and are supported by research, specific details, examples and/or analysis
· The content presented is relevant, comprehensive and accurate
Points Earned |
Points Possible |
Comments |
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20 points of the assigned Grade
Organization and Structure
· The paper is well organized, clear, and effectively structured
· Each section of the paper have a clear topic, a point, a message or does the student just ramble?
· Does the paragraph form a clear and logical order?
· There is an introduction to gain the audience attention, provide sufficient background information on the topic
· Each team member contribution is integrated effectively rather than being a disjointed series of individual essays.
Points Earned |
Points Possible |
Comments |
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20 points of the assigned grade
Punctuation, Spelling and Grammar
· Is the paper headings, graphs, title page, and reference page consistent with APA formatting guidelines?
· References are included, and cited properly in the paper and in the reference page? (Seek guidance from the Writing Center).
· Is the length, section, font, margin, spacing
Points Earned |
Points Possible |
Comments |
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# |
Modified from UOP 2017
Tanya Funchess | [School]