Sales Forecast

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Beginning Inventory
Goods Available for Sale
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Profit Margins
Operating Expenses:
Benefits & Payroll Taxes
Accounting & Legal
Office Supplies
Maintenance & Cleaning
Promotion & Advertising
Direct Mail
Total Operating Expenses
Startup Expenses:
Office Equipment
Total Startup Expenses
Other Expenses:
Principle Payment
Total Other Expenses
Net Profit (Loss)

Cash Flow Statement

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Cash Balance (opening)
Cash Receipts
Cash Sales
Credit Collections
Bank Loan Proceeds
Sales Revenue
Total Cash Receipts
Cash Disbursements
Benefits & Payroll Taxes
Accounting & Legal
Office Supplies
Maintenance & Cleaning
Promotion & Advertising
Direct Mail
Loan Repanyment
Starttup Expenses
Office Equipemnt
Total Cash Disbursements
Beginning Cash Balance
End-of-Month Cash Balance
Final Cash Balance

Startup Costs-Retail Store

Items Costs
Beginning inventory
Furniture and fixtures
Storage shelves
Display stands
Window display fixture
Special lighting
Outside sign
Installation costs
Other decorating and remodeling costs
Other assets:
Cash register
Automotive equipemnet
Other equipment and machinery
Deposits with public utilities
Legal and other professional fees
Licenses and permits
Advertising and promotion for opening
Accounts receivable
Prepaid items
Cash register
Other expenses
Monthly expenses (allowing for 3 to 4 months cash on hand)
Salary of owner/entrepreneur
Other salaries
Other utilities
Professional fees
Travel and entertainment
Delivery expense
Repairs and maintenance
Office supplies
Miscellaneous expenses

Profit and Loss statement

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Less: Cost of Sales
Gross Profit
Salary Expense
Payroll Expense
Other Services
Office Supplies
Maintenance & Repairs
Travel & Entertainment
Consulting Services
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Operating Profit
Add: Other Income
Less: Other Expenses
Pretax Profit
Income Tax Provision
Net Income after Taxes

Balance sheet

Current Projected
Current Assets:
Cash and equivalents
Accounts receivable
Inventoury (net)
Office supplies
Prepaid items
Other current assets
Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets (net):
Furniture and fixtures
Leasehold improvements
Machinery and equipment
Land and building
Total Fixed Assets
Other Assets
Total Assets
Liabilities and net worth:
Current Liabilities:
Account payable
Taxes payable
Interest payable
Current portion of
long-term debt
Short-term debt
Miscellaneous payables
Total Current Liabilities
Long-term Liabilities
Long-term debt (net)
Convertible debentures
Total Long-Term Liabilities
Net Worth:
Captial stock
Paid-in surplus
Retained earnings
Total Net Worth
Total Liabilities and Net Worth


OAKVIEW MANOR Bed & Breakfast CONVERTIBLE DEBT OFFERING, $650,000.00, $25,000.00 PER UNIT

BUSINESS PLAN Prepared October 2012

Contact Information

Indira Keller 2900 Westfork Drive, Suite 401 [email protected] Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70827, USA 1-225-361-6306

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast i

CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with

the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary .................................................................................1 Who We Are.............................................................................................................................................................1 What We Sell ...........................................................................................................................................................1 Who We Sell To ......................................................................................................................................................2 Financial Summary ..............................................................................................................................................3

Products and Services.............................................................................4 Products and Services .........................................................................................................................................4 Competitors............................................................................................................................................................4

Financial Plan ...........................................................................................6 Sales Forecast .........................................................................................................................................................6 Personnel Plan .......................................................................................................................................................7 Budget ......................................................................................................................................................................8 Profit and Loss Statement...................................................................................................................................9

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 1

CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with

the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

Executive Summary

Who We Are

• 30811 Greenwell Springs Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70739

• Investor: Convertible Debt Offering, $650,000.00, $25,000.00 per unit

Offered at $650,000.00, This 6 bedroom 6 bath distressed home called, Oakview Manor, waspatterned

after Oak Alley Plantation in design. Built in 1984, The Oakview Manor is a luxurybed and breakfast

located in the town of Greenwell Spring, Louisiana a suburb of Baton Rouge.The Oakview Manor will

need some rehab to bring it to a marketable state. The home sits on 7.4acres surrounded by live oak trees,

numerous fruit and tropical plants, a pond, several gazebos, a 18 x 36 enclosed pool with a new liner, a

15x32 workshop, and several storage areas. TheManor will be a full service bed and breakfast & Event

Facility offering guests breakfast anddinner as well as numerous other amenities. Targeted at the baby

boomer generation, the Manorwill be an exclusive place to stay for millions of travelers. It will be owned

and operated byMBH Investment Group, LLC. The first floor contains the main living areas---Formal

living anddining, large Great Room/Den, kitchen and breakfast rooms, Master Suite, laundry room,

anotherlarge bedroom and an elegant foyer with an exquisite circular staircase! The 2nd floor has 4

largebedrooms and a sunroom. The 3rd floor is sheet rocked and could easily be made into 2 more

bedrooms and a bath. Atop the house from the 3rd floor is a couplet which allows for terrificviews of the


What We Sell

The Oakview Manor is a luxurious bed and breakfast (B&B) in the town of Baton Rouge,Louisiana. As a

niche of the hospitality industry, the bed and breakfast business is rapidlyexpanding as travelers begin

looking for alternative places to stay. Today, bed and breakfasts canbe found almost anywhere and are

even beginning to offer numerous additional services as a wayto draw in customers and capitalize on the

industry. Below is a brief description of the bed andbreakfast (B&B) industry�s history, followed by a look

at the current industry, a business plan,marketing analysis and employee handbook.

The Manor will be owned and operated by MBH Investment Group, LLC. Additional employees will be

hired as needed throughout the year. In order to keep costs low, most of the work will be done by the



1. To open the Oakview Manor as a successful, luxurious bed and breakfast in the BatonRouge area.

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 2

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the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

2. Offer rates competitive with local lodging alternatives in the area, while providing a oneof a kind

experience that will continually bring in returning and new guests.

3. Display an average of 80% occupancy rate during the winter and summer seasons anda 60% rate

during the off seasons during our first year with progressive increases infollowing years.

4. Offer incentives and promotional packages to draw in travelers during the off season.

5. Increase and establish exposure to international markets and baby boomers through

marketing techniques such as social networks, travel and city sites, as well as bed and breakfast


Who We Sell To

Our mission is to offer travelers a unique, luxurious experience at a local bed and breakfast in the

mountains. Oakview Manor offers guests a “home-like” feel while still providing guests with an

experience unlike those found in the other local accommodations. Highly personalized, we will treat each

guest as if they were a relative in our own home by offering exceptional customer service.

Directed at guests ages 50 and up, Oakview Manor focuses on creating an exciting stay forvisitors. Taking

a cue from the cruise ship industry, Oakview Manor offers guests exciting dayand night activities while

providing them with every amenity needed to satisfy their comfort. Onreturn from their long day on the

slopes, golf course or trails, guests can expect to find set menuhome cooked dinners followed by wine

tasting, canvas and cocktails, music, movie and cardnights and other exciting activities before turning in

to bed.

To increase revenues we intend on collaborating with local attractions to entice guests and

offerpromotional packages and discounts. In the off-season, we expect to maintain occupancy ratesby

offering packages that favor attractions such as hiking, fishing and golfing. By exclusivelydirecting

business at the 50 and over demographic, guests can avoid dealing with small childrenand young adults

and enjoy a relaxing experience. We will also provide guests with any theinformation they need on the

area and attractions.

Amenities include:

� King size beds in each room.

� Complimentary personalized wine glasses, and wash cloths.

� IPod alarm clock/players in each room.

� A common flat screen TV and individual room flat screens as well.

� Library of classic and modern novels for pleasure reading.

� Daily high tea sessions, and assortment of coffee blends.

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 3

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the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

� Daily breakfast and set dinners.

� Free wireless internet.

� Information on local activities, trails and neighboring attractions.

Financial Summary

Financial Highlights

The sales forecast for Oakview Manor is based on optimistic occupancy assumptions for the first year and

years thereafter. Because we are only offering 5 rooms, our occupancy on average will tend to be higher

than the standard median bed and breakfast rate of 44% (Thorsen, 2009).

The bed and breakfast will be opened in December, but does not expect occupancy to pick upuntil

January, during the peak winter season; for this reason, we have estimated occupancy at50%. Moving

forward into the spring and summer seasons, we expect to see a 30% occupancyrate in the spring as it is

considered downtime. Having established some identity in theMammoth Lakes market, we expect to see

occupancy increase to 60% throughout the summerfollowed by rates dropping again to 30% during the

October and November months. As the peakseason resumes in December, we expect 60% occupancy

again. In year two, we estimate 80%occupancy in peak seasons and 40% in off season. Year three expects

90% peak season and 60%off season, followed by 100% occupancy in year four during peak seasons and

60% off seasons.

Sales by Month

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 4

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the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

Products and Services Products and Services

Oakview Manor offers a “homey, yet luxurious” feel for guests looking for somewhere otherthan a

mundane hotel, motel or condo. We will offer guests breakfast, set dinners, activities, andspa specials. The

idea of the luxury hotel industry depicts an image of expensive prices, numerous staff, and high-end

fixtures. In the hospitality industry, “luxury hotels are showing some signs of life, but they're coming at a

hefty price”. As the current recessions seem to be ending, the desire for luxury hotels is coming back, but

at a discount. Hotels are cutting prices and eliminating services in order to maintain profits. As a

“luxurious” bed and breakfast in the Baton Rouge area,it will be imperative to offer the quality and value

guests expect at affordable prices. While the initial investment will create the luxury atmosphere, it is up

to the owner and any employees to create the upscale service. Marketing to the baby boomer generation,

it is important that services provided be comfortable and up to their expectations. Today “luxury travel

must work hard to deliver magic, surprise and serendipity” (Kournelis, 2010). Creating luxury

accommodations at competitive prices, while retaining that „home� feel will provide guests everything

they want today. The location will give guests the opportunity to create experiences and once in a

lifetime vacations.


The major competitors in the area include the condos, hotels, campgrounds, and high-end resorts that

currently dominate the market. A list of the local hotels can be found in exhibit 4. The top three

competitors compared for further analysis were chosen based on their accommodations,amenities and

environment. These include the Bocage Plantation, The Stockade Bed &Breakfast, and Avenue Inn Bed &


Bocage Plantation Inn

The Bocage Plantation Inn is a local established bed and breakfast in Darrow, Louisiana which is in a

suburb outside of New Orleans. This would be the Oakview Manor�s greatest competitors because it

offers many of the same amenities at competitive prices. They offer a “homey atmosphere, with a full

complimentary breakfast each morning and hors devours in the afternoon” (

Rates are reasonable and are based on a mid week and weekend basis $250.00 plus the 13% transient

occupancy tax. Rooms available are 1 full bedroom. The interior is “New England Colonial style and

provide a private bath and cable television ( Summer and winter packages are also

available. There are a total of 5 rooms.

The Stockade Bed & Breakfast

The Stockade Bed & Breakfast is a local luxury inn offering 5 rooms and many similar roomamenities. The

inn offers a number of services as well including, shuttle service, complimentaryski storage, Jacuzzi and

sauna, a billiard room, complimentary breakfast as well as free Wi-Fiand pet friendly rooms. Interior wise,

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 5

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the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

this will be the closest to the Oakview Manor. Several ofthe packages offered include the “early winter

booking, massage therapy, romance package andthe lift and lodging package” ( Rates

range between $135 and $215 during theoff season and $132 and $299 during the peak season.

St Gemme de Beauvais

Finally, the St. Genne de Beauvais is a historic hotel local in Ethel Louisiana and may be oneof the least

expensive in comparison to the Oakview Manor. Offering numerous amenities as well, the St. Gemme de

Beauvais offers free breakfast and Wi-Fi,and has a top-notch lodge feel. Rooms offered include chalets,

suites, kings, double queen and lodge rooms ( Rates offered can

range anywhere between $100 up to $150.

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 6

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the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

Financial Plan Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast

FY2013 FY2014 FY2015

Unit Sales

Room 1 11 12 12

Room 2 11 12 12

Room 3 11 12 12

Room 4 11 12 12

Price Per Unit

Room 1 $25,246 $25,246 $25,246

Room 2 $25,245 $25,245 $25,245

Room 3 $28,750 $28,750 $28,750

Room 4 $28,750 $28,750 $28,750


Room 1 $277,706 $302,952 $302,952

Room 2 $277,695 $302,940 $302,940

Room 3 $316,250 $345,000 $345,000

Room 4 $316,250 $345,000 $345,000

Total Sales $1,187,901 $1,295,892 $1,295,892

Direct Cost Per Unit

Room 1 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500

Room 2 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500

Room 3 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500

Room 4 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500

Direct Cost

Room 1 $115,500 $126,000 $126,000

Room 2 $115,500 $126,000 $126,000

Room 3 $115,500 $126,000 $126,000

Room 4 $115,500 $126,000 $126,000

Total Direct Cost $462,000 $504,000 $504,000

Gross Margin $725,901 $791,892 $791,892

Gross Margin % 61% 61% 61%

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 7

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the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

Sales by Month

About the Sales Forecast

The bed and breakfast will be opened in December, but does not expect occupancy to pick upuntil

January, during the peak winter season; for this reason, we have estimated occupancy at50%. Moving

forward into the spring and summer seasons, we expect to see a 30% occupancy rate in the spring as it is

considered downtime. Having established some identity in theMammoth Lakes market, we expect to see

occupancy increase to 60% throughout the summer followed by rates dropping again to 30% during the

October and November months. As the peak season resumes in December, we expect 60% occupancy

again. In year two, we estimate 80%occupancy in peak seasons and 40% in off season. Year three expects

90% peak season and 60%off season, followed by 100% occupancy in year four during peak seasons and

60% off seasons.

Personnel Plan

Personnel Table

FY2013 FY2014 FY2015

Desk Manager $32,084 $36,050 $37,132

Housekeeper $12,320 $13,440 $13,440

Total $44,404 $49,490 $50,572

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 8

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the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

About the Personnel Plan

The personnel forecast reflects modest raises for the one Desk Manager staff each year. It is expected that

lower-level staff may turn over, but the positions will be systematized to an extent that this does not

disrupt the business. There will be a contract housekeeping maid part-time


Budget Table

FY2013 FY2014 FY2015


Salary $44,404 $49,490 $50,572

Employee Related Expenses $1,605 $1,803 $1,857

Marketing & Promotion $450 $0 $0

Utilities $2,750 $3,000 $3,000

Office Supplies & Equipment $2,650 $1,200 $1,200

Insurance $650 $650 $650

Lawncare $1,650 $1,800 $1,800

Total Expenses $54,159 $57,943 $59,079

Expenses by Month

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 9

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the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

About the Budget

Marketing expenses will be higher in the first year to announce the opening of the firm and will drop

after that. Most expenses will show small increases each year as the business will remain in the same

location over the first three years. The mortgage payment will change when the property is refinanced at

3.5% rate rather than 12% from private investor in the first 6-12 months.

Startup Costs

Start up cost will include buying a computer and printer all with new furnishing for the home decor. The

home will need considerable renovation to be brought forward as a modern Interior. The Exterior will

remain as a stately Plantation Style Home.

Profit and Loss Statement

Profit and Loss Statement

FY2013 FY2014 FY2015

Revenue $1,187,901 $1,295,892 $1,295,892

Direct Cost $462,000 $504,000 $504,000

Gross Margin $725,901 $791,892 $791,892

Gross Margin % 61% 61% 61%


Salary $44,404 $49,490 $50,572

Employee Related Expenses $1,605 $1,803 $1,857

Marketing & Promotion $450 $0 $0

Utilities $2,750 $3,000 $3,000

Office Supplies & Equipment $2,650 $1,200 $1,200

Insurance $650 $650 $650

Lawncare $1,650 $1,800 $1,800

Total Expenses $54,159 $57,943 $59,079

Operating Income $671,742 $733,949 $732,813

Income Taxes $60,457 $66,055 $65,953

Net Profit $611,285 $667,894 $666,860

Net Profit / Sales 51% 52% 51%

Oakview Manor Bed & Breakfast 10

CONFIDENTIAL - DO NOT DISSEMINATE. This business plan contains confidential, trade-secret information and is shared only with

the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with third parties without the express written consent of the plan author.

Gross Margin by Year

Net Profit (or Loss) by Year

About the Profit and Loss Statement

The company generates a profit as sales revenue gets above the break-even line. A push on sales will be

very important in generating bottom line profits and refinancing the initial mortgage will adjust the

payment considerable in the 2nd year.

  • Executive Summary
    • Who We Are
    • What We Sell
    • Who We Sell To
    • Financial Summary
      • Financial Highlights
      • Sales by Month
  • Products and Services
    • Products and Services
    • Competitors
  • Financial Plan
    • Sales Forecast
      • Sales Forecast
      • Sales by Month
      • About the Sales Forecast
    • Personnel Plan
      • Personnel Table
      • About the Personnel Plan
    • Budget
      • Budget Table
      • Expenses by Month
      • About the Budget
      • Startup Costs
    • Profit and Loss Statement
      • Profit and Loss Statement
      • Gross Margin by Year
      • Net Profit (or Loss) by Year
      • About the Profit and Loss Statement
      • LastPageBookmark

[company logo]

[the company name]

Established [date]

[name, address, phone and fax numbers of contact person]

A Business Plan

Table of Contents

Cover page

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary

A. Mission Statement

B. Company Information

C. Market Opportunity

D. Financial Date

II. Description of Your Company and Industry

A. Company Background and History

B. The Industry

III. Description of the Product or Service

A. Description of the Product or Service

B. Competitive Advantages

IV. Market Research and Evaluation

A. Markets

B. Market Trends

C. Competition

D. Market Share

V. Marketing Plan

A. Market Strategy

B. Product

C. Pricing

D. Promotion

E. Place

F. Service Policies

VI. Manufacturing and Operations Plan

A. Production

B. Geographic Location

C. Facilities

D. Make or Buy Policy

E. Control Systems

F. Labor Force

G. Training

H. Staffing Plan

VII. The Management Team

A. Identification of Key People

B. Succession Plan

C. Management Philosophy

D. Business/Organization Structure

E. Identification of Firms Assisting the Company

VIII. Timeline

A. Key Events

IX. Critical Risks and Assumptions

A. Risk Management Strategies

X. Benefits to Community

A. Economic Development

B. Community Development

C. Human Development

XI. Financial Plan

A. Sources and Uses of Funds

B. Financial Practices

C. Cash Flow Statement

D. Cash Budget

E. Profit and Loss Statement

F. Breakeven Analysis

G. Financial Ratios

H. Intangibles-Intellectual Property

Summary and Conclusions

Appendices (as needed)

A. Resumes/Biographies of Key Personnel

B. Advertising Samples

C. Organizational Chart

D. Customer Profiles

E. Competitor Profiles

F. Product Profiles

G. Site Study and Store Layout

H. Financial Statements

I. Global Issues


Mission Statement

[Type here]

Business Objective(s)

[Type here]

Company Information

[Type here]

Market Opportunity

[Type here]

The Financials

Summary of 3 years actual, 3 years projectd. [Insert your summary financial tables here. The data is easiest to read if in table rather than narrative format.]

Actual 20__ Projected 20__Etc.

· Revenue

· Net Income

· Assets

· Liabilities

· Net Worth

Summary of Financing

Current Amount Amount Needed


Debt with Warrants

Convertible Debentures

Stock—Preferred and Common


Company Background and History

[If this is a startup, all the elements of question #1 won’t apply to you.]

The Industry

[Type here]


Description of the Product or Service

[Type here]

[Reference the appropriate appendix where your detailed product profile is located with accompanying diagrams, etc.]

Competitive Advantages

[Type here]

[Frame in terms of your customers’ desire benefits. Consider referencing your customer profile in the appropriate appendix as supports for your competitive advantages.]



[Type here]

[Reference the appropriate appendix where your customer profiles are.]

Market Trends

[Type here]


[Type here]

Market Share

[Type hare]

[Sales Summary Forecast Table]


Market Strategy

[Type here]


[Type here]


[Type here]


[Type here]


[Type here]

Service Policies

[Type here]



[Type here]

Geographic Location

[Type here]


[Type here]

Make or Buy Policy

[Type here]

Control Systems

[Type here]

Labor Force

[Type here]


[Type here]

Staffing Plan

[Type here]


Identification of Key People

[Type here]

[Reference the appropriate appendix where key peoples’ resumes and biographies are located.]

Succession Plan

[Type here]

Management Philosophy

[Type here]

Business/Organizational Structure

[Type here]

[Include the organizational chart here or provide a narrative description and reference the appropriate appendix.]

Identification of Firms Assisting the Company

[Type here]


Key Events

[Type here]


Risk Management Strategies

[Type here]


Economic Development

[Type here]

Community Development

[Type here]

Human Development

[Type here]


Source and Uses of Funds

[Type here]

Financial Practices

[Type here]

Cash Flow Statement

[Type here]

[You may include it here or reference the appropriate appendix.]

Cash Budget

[Type here]

[You may include it here or reference the appropriate appendix.]

Profit and Loss Statement

[Type here]

[You may include it here or reference the appropriate appendix.]

Breakeven Analysis

[Type here]

Financial Rations

[Type here]

[Refer to your textbook for the formulas to calculate these rations.]

Intangibles-Intellectual Property

[Type here]


[Type here]

Appendix A

Resumes and Biographies of Key Personnel

[Type here]

Appendix B

Advertising Samples

[Type here]

Appendix C

Organizational Chart

[If not included in body of the plan.]

[Type here]

Appendix D

Customer Profiles

[Type here]

Appendix E

Competitor Profiles

[Type here]

Appendix F

Product Profiles

[Type here]

Appendix G

Site Study and/or Store Layout

Site Study

[Type here]

Store Layout

[Type here]


Appendix I

Global Issues

[Type here]

Appendix F1

Sales Forecast – Most Likely Forecast

[Use this chart to complete your Most Likely Forecast. These forms use the Calendar year as the financial year. Adjust as appropriate to fit your financial year.]

Appendix F2

Cash Flow Statement – Most Likely

[Use this chart to complete your Most Likely Cash Flow Statement. These forms use the calendar year as the financial year. Adjust as appropriate to fit your financial year.]

Appendix F3

Table of Startup Costs – Retail Store

Appendix F4

Current and Projected Profit and Loss Statement

Appendix F5

Current and Projected Balance Sheet

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