Shop’n Kart®
At Shop’n Kart®,
The company will provide the low prices
Our people must provide the friendly atmosphere.
Restated September 2013
Shop’n Kart® Restated September 2013
Absenteeism …………………………………………………………………………… 7 Accidents and/or Injuries……………………………………………………………… 10 Alcoholic Beverage Sales ……………………………………………………………. 14 Answering the Telephone …………………………………………………………… 12 Bagging …………………………………………………………………………… 17 Breaks and Meal Period …………………………………………………………… 7 Check Cashing Policy…………..…………………………………………………….. 15 Coupons………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Dress Policy ……………………………………………………………………………. 11 Emergency Call………………………………………………………………………… 12 Equal Employment Opportunity………………………………………………………. 3 Family Medical Leave Policy…………………………………….……………………. 10 Funeral Leave………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Grievance Policy……………………………………………………………………….. 21 Harassment Policy……………………………………………………………………… 4 Hazardous Communication Policy……………………………………………………. 18 Holidays…………………………………………………………………………………. 8 Hours of Work and Overtime………………………………………………………….. 8 Housekeeping Policy……..……………………………………………………………. 17 Jury Duty…..……………………………………………………………………………. 9 Joint Management Committee……………………………………………………….. 22 Language….……………………………………………………………………………. 18 Merchandise Refunds…………………………………………………………………. 17 Non-Fraternization Policy..……………………………………………………………. 5 Pay Day and Pay Check………………………………………………………………. 8 Personal Phone Calls………………………………………………………………….. 18 Policy on Drug and Alcohol Abuse……………………………………………………. 5 Preliminary Duties and Check-Out Duties……………………………………………. 13 Probationary Period……………………………………………………………………… 4 Progressive Discipline Program….……………………………………………………. 20 Shop’n Kart® Company Policies………………………………………………………. 18 Shortages...………………………………………………………………………………. 14 Sick Pay………………………………………………………………………………….… 9 Spill Policy….……………………………………………………………………………. 17 Starting Times and Schedules…………………………………………………………. 7 Store Intercom Use...………………………………………………………………….... 11 Store Security……………………………………………………………………………. 12 Tobacco Sales……...……………………………………………………………………. 14 Vacations…….……………………………………………………………………………. 8 Welcome & Brief History….……………………………………………………………... 3 W.I.C. Program……..……………………………………………………………………. 16 Work Schedule & Time Cards and Adjustments to Time Cards……………………. 7
Shop’n Kart®
WELCOME You are now part of the Shop’n Kart ® organization and you, as an employee, are the foundation of our continued success. The most important ingredient in our business are satisfied customers. Courtesy, quality and integrity as well as low prices will make us the leader in our marketing area. Your attitude toward your job and responsibilities helps determine the continued growth of our Company. By your performance, enthusiasm and initiative, impressions are formed which directly reflect on Shop’n Kart®. These impressions are formed every time you come in contact with a customer, be it in the check stand or out on the sales floor. Once formed, they are not easily erased. You, as an employee, help create and preserve a tradition that we are proud of at Shop’n Kart®. We are confident that you will do your utmost to maintain that reputation. That, again, is integrity, quality, courtesy and the competitive pricing in all our marketing areas. The purpose of this Handbook is to act as a guide in order to assist you in understanding your responsibilities and our policies as well as describing the benefits you will receive as a Shop’n Kart® employee. This is our contract with you so that you will know what we expect of you and what you can expect of us. Our policies, procedures and benefits may change from time to time, but we will keep you informed of such changes and we hope that many of those changes will be for our mutual benefit.
The Shop’n Kart® concept is uniquely different from other food stores. You will undoubtedly be shown new methods and procedures that may differ from your past experiences. Please pay close attention to these procedures: They work, and enable us to sell food for less.
Together Everyone Achieves More
Here is a Brief History of Shop’n Kart Darris McDaniel, the owner of Shop’n Kart, bought and renovated an existing grocery store in 1990. His vision, creativity, commitment, and direction, along with all the employees, has increased the store to 44,000 sq. ft., has gone thru numerous beneficial remodels, and continues to grow as a company with fresh, new ideas.
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The Company is strongly committed to equal employment opportunity in all of its employment practices. Management and supervisors are required to recruit, employ, train, transfer, promote, pay, discipline, layoff and terminate employees solely on the basis of individual qualifications and merit and/or according to the standards and policies outlined in our employee handbook and related policies. Decisions involving any aspect of the employment relationship must be made without regard to an employee’s race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, physical or mental handicaps, or any other status or characteristics protected under any applicable federal or state law. Discrimination or harassment based on
any of those factors is totally inconsistent with our philosophy and will not be tolerated at any time. Any employee who witnesses any harassment or any other conduct inconsistent with the philosophy of this section should report the incident immediately to the management.
All new hires shall be on a ninety (90) day probation period. During this period employment may be terminated with or without cause, with or without notice.
Sexual Harassment 1. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature when (a) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, (b) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or (c) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
2. Specific behaviors that this company will consider sexual harassment and will not tolerate include but are
not limited to the following: 1. Spoken or written abuse related to an employee’s sex. 2. Any sexual advance. 3. Sexually oriented comments about an employee or customers. 4. Showing or displaying pornographic or sexually explicit objects or pictures in the work place. 5. Jokes of a sexual nature. 6. Swearing or profane language.
3. No employee will engage in any act of sexual harassment as defined in Sections 1 and 2 above. We strongly urge you to report immediately all incidents of sexual harassment to your supervisor or manager. If you feel that you are being harassed by your manager or do not feel comfortable discussing the problem, with him/her, then report the incident directly to their Supervisor. We understand that in some situations, you may want to resolve the problem yourself rather than bringing the problem to our attention. If so, you might consider these steps:
1. Make it clear that the conduct or statements are not welcomed or appreciated and that you want them to
stop. 2. If the problem continues, you may give the harasser a letter confirming your earlier conversation and
identifying the conduct or statements you find offensive. Tell the harasser that you will report it to management if it does not stop.
3. If the letter does not work, or if you feel uncomfortable with approaching the harasser, then contact your Supervisor l immediately.
Harassment Based on Color, Religion, National Origin, Age, Race or Handicaps We intend to maintain a working environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, whether based upon race, color, religion, national origin, age, physical and mental handicaps or sex. The procedures outlined above for sexual harassment will also apply in situations involving other types of harassment.
Employee’s Responsibility You must report any violations of this policy within thirty (30) days of when it happened to your or you observed it happen to another employee or customer, whether it directly affects you or another employee or customer. Additionally, you must cooperate in the investigation.
Supervisor’s Responsibility When a violation of this policy comes to the supervisor’s attention, the Store Director must be informed immediately.
Fraternization between a supervisor and/or manager and an employee may be perceived as favoritism or sexual harassment. Supervisors/managers should not participate in activities or decisions that may reward or punish an employee with whom they have a romantic relationship. This could include hiring, promotion, evaluation, compensation, work assignments and discipline. This applies equally to married employees as well as those who are single. Any social or romantic relationships resulting in disruptive conduct or job performance problems, or that reflect poorly on the company, are performance issues that could be cause for corrective action. Sexually oriented conduct that is unwanted by the recipient or that creates a hostile work environment is considered sexual harassment, is not tolerated, and is prohibited. All complaints of sexual harassment will be promptly investigated as outlined in the company’s “Harassment” policy. Retaliation against any employee who files a complaint in good faith is strictly prohibited.
POLICY ON DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE The objective of this policy is to provide a workplace and environment that is free from the effects of substance abuse. Furthermore, Shop’n Kart believes that we all have a responsibility to our employees, to those who come in to contact with our products and services, and to the general public to ensure safe operating and working conditions. To satisfy our drug free workplace objective and meet these responsibilities, we must establish a work environment where employees are free from the effects of drugs, alcohol, or other impairing substances. Accordingly, we have adopted this zero tolerance substance abuse policy. The following conditions and activities are expressly prohibited on our premises or property or during work time or while representing us in any work related fashion:
• The manufacture, offer, sale, attempt to sell, use or possession of any controlled or illegal substances • Any other substances that impair job performance or pose hazard, when use or possession occurs; • Reporting for work under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances in a manner that
may impair work performance. When your doctor prescribes medication for you, either over-the-counter or prescription drugs, that can inhibit you from performing your normal duties safely, please discuss this with your supervisor before commencing work. Any medical issues discussed will be kept confidential. If you have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol and wish to undertake rehabilitation, it is your responsibility to seek help before the problem adversely affects your work performance or results in a violation of this policy. If you need assistance in seeking this help, you may talk to your supervisor. No one will be discriminated against for undertaking rehabilitation.
For purposes of this policy, having any detectable level of an illegal or controlled drug in one’s system while covered by this policy will be considered a violation. Where we have a reasonable suspicion that an employee is in violation of this policy, the employee will be required to submit to testing to determine the presence or use or any involvement with alcohol or drugs. The company also conducts random drug screenings. When an employee is injured on the job, the company will also conduct drug testing. We reserve the right to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists. The following definitions apply: Reasonable suspicion is specific, describable observations concerning such circumstances as the work performance, appearance, (including, for example, noticeable odor of an alcoholic beverage), behavior, or speech of an employee, or as being involved in an accident on organization premises which results in physical injury or property damage. Under the influence is defined as any detectable level of alcohol or drugs in an employee’s blood or urine or any noticeable or perceptible impairment of the employee’s mental or physical faculties. Shop’n Kart recognizes that alcohol and drug abuse in the work place has become a major concern. We believe that by eliminating drug and alcohol use, we will improve the safety, health, and productivity of associates. The intent of this alcohol and drug policy is to provide a safe and healthy work place for all associates, to comply with federal and state health and safety regulations and to prevent accidents. The use, possession, sale, transfer, purchase or being under the influence of alcohol beverages, illegal drugs or other intoxicants by any associate at any time on company premises or while on company business is prohibited. Associates are not permitted to possess or consume alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, or drugs either in our store or on the surrounding premises. Anyone reporting to work suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs may be subject to urine or other laboratory test and appropriate corrective action up to, and including, termination of employment.
AND ADJUSTMENTS TO TIME CARDS Your weekly work schedule will be posted on the employee bulletin board or in your department area by 6:00 p.m. on Friday. You are expected to know your working hours and be on time and ready to work at the beginning of your shift. Please return to work promptly at the conclusion of your break and lunch periods. Failure to observe this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Not punching in while working is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Likewise, there will be no “working off the clock.” Failure to punch in or out at the scheduled time will result in no pay and disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Lastly, no employee may punch in early and leave early. You must observe your schedule. Anyone found punching another employee’s time card will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Your time card is also you name badge and this is part of the uniform for Shop’n Kart ®’s employees and it should on you at all times while working in the store.
ABSENTEEISM All employees are expected to attend work on time and as scheduled. The Company recognizes that some degree of absence or tardiness because of a bona fide illness or emergency situation beyond the control of the employee may be unavoidable. In such a situation, the employee is responsible for notifying the P.I.C. or Manager 2 hours prior to the start of the employee’s scheduled shift. Each workday missed is subject to this requirement unless the employee has received prior permission to be absent from work on that day.
Unexcused absences increase the workload of other employees and disrupt the Company’s operations. Employees who have unexcused absences or are guilty of excessive absenteeism or tardiness will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include termination. We reserve the right to ask for a doctor’s note to excuse an employee, even for one day. REMEMBER: NO SHOW, NO CALL – NO JOB.
STARTING TIMES AND SCHEDULES Starting and ending times may be staggered for various shifts due to the demands of the business. The Employer retains discretion to set such starting times and to schedule employees so as to fit its staffing requirements. The Employer shall post work schedules for all employees or various departments by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, preceding the start of the workweek.
BREAKS AND MEAL PERIOD A meal period of no less than thirty (30) and no more than sixty (60) uninterrupted minutes will be granted for shifts over six hours each day but will not be considered part of the regular work day or compensated for. Each employee shall be released from work for his meal period within five (5) hours, but no sooner than three (3) hours after having reported work. There will be one 15-minute break scheduled for 8 hour employees as near to the middle of his/her shift as possible. If you work 5-1/2 hours, you must take a lunch break. If you work less than an 8-hour shift but at least 6 hours, you will take a 15-break and one unpaid lunch period.
Employees shall receive their paycheck every Friday after 7:00 a.m. In the event of termination, you will receive your final paycheck on the next regularly scheduled payday. You must turn in your shirts, name tag and your time card at that time.
1. The regular workweek shall commence on Sunday and run through Saturday. 2. All work performed in excess of forty (40) hours in the basic work week shall be compensated with overtime pay. Henceforth employees hired for Chehalis Shop’n Kart prior to 2004 and existing employees from Fuller’s Market Place hired for Centralia Shop’n Kart before November 11, 2011 will be considered as “Grandfathered” employees. Overtime hours will be granted in following manner:
Tier 1- “Grandfathered” employees: Overtime shall be paid at a rate of time and one half (1 ½) per hour for any hours worked over 40.
Tier 2- “Grandfathered” employees shall receive the following premium pay for the hours worked from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., shall receive a night premium of twenty cents (.20) per hour and for the hours worked from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., shall receive a night premium of fifty cents (.50) per hour.
Tier 3- Employees not considered “Grandfathered”: Overtime pay will be granted at time and a half (1 ½) and shall receive no premium pay for the hours worked between 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and/or hours from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.
There shall be no compounding of Sunday and/or overtime pay. Overtime is strictly prohibited, unless specifically authorized by your department manager and noted on a schedule.
HOLIDAYS Employees shall be expected to work holidays, but shall first be selected from a pool of employees who volunteer. Only grandfathered employees are eligible for not worked holiday pay based - on average hours worked in the previous 8 weeks - at their regular rate of pay. You must work the scheduled day before and after the following holidays in order to qualify not worked holiday pay. If you work a holiday, you will receive 1 ½ times your regular pay. Grandfathered Employees for Chehalis and Centralia receive the following seven (7) paid holidays: New Year’s Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Grandfathered Employees hired before December 2010 thru September 2013 receive the following five (5) paid holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas All other employees will not receive paid holidays.
To be eligible for vacation pay for employees hired after December 2010 must have to work for the company two (2) years. Employees hired before December 2010 shall be grandfathered at their vacation grants. After two years of service, vacation pay is based on the average of straight time hours worked. After three up to five years of service, vacation pay is based on the average of straight time hours worked. After five up to twelve years of service, vacation pay is based on the average of straight time hours worked. After twelve years of service, vacation pay is based on the average of straight time hours worked. A vacation pay are not cumulative from year to year nor is vacation pay an earned worked benefit. Vacations must be taken between the anniversary dates of hiring. If an employee does not take vacation within their hired anniversary date, your vacation pay will be loss for that year. SICK PAY Sick leave pay will start accruing after the first and each succeeding year of continuous employment with the company. Sick leave will be accrued by an employee depending upon the number of straight-time hours worked in each twelve (12) months as follows: Hours Worked Hours of Sick Leave Pay 1248 to 1679 24 1680 to 1999 32 2000 or more 40 Sick leave begins the first day of hospitalization or the 4th day of absence due to injury or illness shall continue for each working day of illness or injury thereafter, and shall be in an amount per day equal to the average number of straight-time hours worked per day by the employee during the past twelve (12) months. Sick pay shall be cumulative from year to year, but not exceed a maximum of one hundred sixty (160) hours. Sick leave will be paid only on those days when the employee was scheduled to work and may require a doctor’s note. A
doctor’s note or other authoritative verification of illness must be presented by the employee not more that forty-eight (48) hours after a return to work. If the employee is absent more than two (2) scheduled days, such verification must be presented prior to return to work, provided the Employer has given the employee reasonable advance notice. Any employee found to have abused sick leave benefits by falsification or misrepresentation shall be subject to disciplinary action, reduction or elimination of such leave benefits and will be required to restore to the Company amounts paid to an employee for abusing this sick leave policy.
FUNERAL LEAVE After twelve (12) months continuous employment, regular full-time employees shall be allowed up to three (3) days of paid funeral leave at straight time for the purpose of attending the funeral and assisting in arrangements in connection with the death in the employee’s immediate family. Paid days off will be limited to an employee’s scheduled workdays. The immediate family shall be defined as spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, brother sister, grandparent or grandchild.
JURY DUTY After an employee’s first year of continuous employment, employees who are regularly scheduled for twenty (20) hours or more per week shall be excused from work for the days on which they are called to serve for jury duty. Employees shall be entitled to the difference between the total amount received for such service and the amount of straight time earnings lost by reason of such absence. Said payment shall be limited to eight (8) hours a day and forty (40) hours per week, with a total limit of fifteen (15) working days. If jury duty does not require the employee to serve more than four (4) hours of one-half (1/2) of their regularly scheduled shift, they are required to return to work and finish their shift. If an employee is called for jury duty in the first year of employment, (s) he will be excused from work without pay or 120 hours within any calendar year.
1. After 12 months of employment, and, provided that you worked for Shop’n Kart® at least 1,250 hours during the 12 month period before the leave begins, you are eligible for family leave for up to a maximum of 12 weeks within any one (1) year period for the following three (3) reasons:
a. To care for a newborn, newly adopted or newly placed foster child; b. For purposes of a serious health condition of yourself, your spouse, child, or parent; c. An additional “reasonable leave for pregnancy related disability” for a female employee.
2. Employee pregnancy is also covered by this policy. Pregnancy leave is the period of the actual medical disability immediately before and just after childbirth, unless the employee is transferred before childbirth to a less strenuous or hazardous position.
3. Female employees affected by pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions or occurrences
shall be entitled to transfer, temporarily, to a less strenuous or less hazardous position, for the duration of the pregnancy, if the transfer is reasonably necessary and Shop’n Kart® can reasonably accommodate the request. This is subject to Shop’n Kart’s® right to request a medical opinion verifying that need. Or, to take a leave of absence for a reasonable period of time if the leave is reasonably necessary and Shop’n Kart® can reasonably accommodate the request.
4. Upon completion of the leave, you will be reinstated to your former job, if still available, or to
equivalent job(s) with equivalent pay, benefits and other employment terms. Generally thirty (30) days’ written notice is required for leave. If the needed leave is not anticipated or not foreseeable,
verbal notice must be within 24 hours of starting leave unless it is an emergency, after which written notice must be given as soon as practicable.
5. Shop’n Kart® may require certification from your health care provider and where treatment is
required – that schedule, which the employer may request to be modified; and, where appropriate, a fitness for duty report to return to work.
6. Although leave is unpaid, you will be required to use any available paid time off, such as vacation,
sick pay, while you are on Family Leave.
7. Records will be kept regarding the utilization of this policy.
ALL ACCIDENTS AND/OR INJURIES ON THE JOB All accidents/incidents on the job must be reported and an accident report prepared, no matter how insignificant the accident/incident is. This policy applies not only to employees, but also to customers. If you have an accident that requires medical attention, you will be asked to take a substance abuse test, as set forth in Shop’n Kart ®’s Policy on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Failure to consent to this testing and/or if there are positive results to the testing, your employment will be terminated.
Customers appreciate shopping in a store where the employees are clean, neat and well-groomed. While on duty, the correct uniform is to be worn at all times. Be sure to follow these guidelines. HYGIENE: Employee should shower enough to be free from offensive and overpowering body odors. CLOTHING: Your own polo shirts with collar and plain (no logos or patterns). Shirts must be tucked in. Black pants are to be worn. At all times appearance must be neat and clean. Only Shop’n Kart jackets or plain black jackets with no logo may be worn over uniform. Red or black turtlenecks or long underwear may also be worn under uniform shirts as well as Shop’n Kart® or black sweatshirts. NAME BADGES: Shop’n Kart® name badge/time card is to be worn on the left side of the shirt at all times. A lost badge/time card will be replaced for $20.00. SHOES: Shoes should be comfortable and kept neat and clean. Shoes must be dark colored athletic type shoes or black dress shoes. No high heels, open toed, back strap or backless shoes are permitted. HAIR: Women- conservatively styled, neat and clean, avoiding extreme styling and/or coloring. Long hair should be controlled by styling in such fashion to insure that your nametag is visible to customers and without obstruction to your eyes and face. Men- Neatly trimmed on sides and back, not to extend more than one-half inch (1/2”) below the collar, must be kept well groomed and combed in place. No extreme hairstyles or coloring are permitted. Beards or goatees are not allowed. MOUSTACHES: Are permitted, but are not to be lower than the corners of the mouth and are not to overhang the upper lip. To be kept clipped and neat. SIDEBURNS: Should not extend
beyond the bottom of the ear and must be in a straight line and uniform in width. To be well trimmed to avoid the appearance of being bushy. YOU MUST SHAVE PRIOR TO COMING TO WORK! HANDS: Women- Make an extra effort to keep your hands and nails clean. Nails should be of medium length with a clear or soft polish. Men- Make an extra effort to keep your hands and nails clean. PERFUME and COLOGNE: Mild and in moderation. JEWELRY: Should not be too fancy or obvious. It should not get in the way of your work.
STORE INTERCOM USE The intercom is to be used for business purposes only. Before using the intercom, be sure that no one else is using it. No personal conversations between employees are permitted. The intercom is intended as an instrument of communication. The less said the better. The goal is to accomplish communication of a message in as few words as possible. Your supervisor will instruct you in the proper phrases to use on the intercom. Please give name, message, and “please,” name.
STORE SECURITY The purpose of a store security program is very basically to safeguard the assets of the Company. The Company’s assets include fixtures and equipment, merchandise for sale, supplies, and, of course, cash. Methods to take those assets away from the Company illegally fall into five basic categories: (1) customer theft (shoplifting); (2) robbery (hold-up); (3) vendor theft; (4) bad checks, (5) employee theft, and (6) intentional damage of company property. Shop’n Kart® has security personnel who are trained in safeguarding the store against these potential losses. It is everyone’s job to assist them by reporting observed security violations to security immediately. Losses in this area cost food retailers billions of dollars each year. Numerous companies have failed because of staggering security losses. It is very important that all employees be alert and observant at all times for any suspected illegal activity. Remember, it is our store and our jobs that are at stake. Our policy is not to pursue any suspects beyond the breezeway of the store. If possible, get car license and description of car and person(s).
EMERGENCY CALL From time to time, a medical emergency may arise in our store. Examples of medical emergencies would be heart attack, serious fall, etc. So that First Aid or help can be expedited, the following procedure is to be used: Call for “SERVICE 99, PLEASE” to the location where help is needed. The person in charge will respond IMMEDIATELY. In addition, security personnel will respond if they are in the store.
IF FIRE DEPARTMENT, POLICE OR AN AMBULANCE are needed, use the phone and dial 9-1-1. Customer should request. Shop’n Kart® assumes no liability or guilt in case of an accident. If someone is on the floor, hurt, do not move them. Make them comfortable and get help. In case of robbery, do not leave the building. Get a description of the person(s), car and a license number.
ANSWERING THE TELEPHONE A telephone call from a customer is as important as their personal visit to the store. Answer the phone promptly, with a friendly smile in your voice, and say “Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Shop’n Kart®. How may I help you?” If the call is for the meat department, use your intercom to alert the meat department, “Meat Department, line 2 please.” (Repeat) – To be sure the meat department hears your call. Don’t leave the caller hanging – watch your blinker light on line 2 to be sure the call was answered. If necessary, check back to see that the customer has reached the department requested. If you are unsure as to how to handle a phone call, refer it to a manager.
1. Report to work dressed to code.
2. Check bulletins or special instructions.
3. Punch in on the time clock and go to work station immediately.
4. Knowing the current produce and bulk food item codes is your responsibility. This can best be accomplished by touring the departments and reviewing the code sheets. There will be periodic tests on produce codes to insure recognition. 5. Prepare the check stand:
1. See that it is neat and clean.
2. Have adequate supply of register tape and bags.
6. Smile and greet all of your customers.
1. Make an effort to call your customers by name whenever they pay by check.
2. As an act of courtesy, address your customer by name: “Thank you, Mrs. Jones.” This is as important as all your other duties.
3. Know the answers to your customers’ questions regarding your store and merchandise. If you cannot
answer a question, call for the person in charge.
7. Each sale is rung individually and separately (this does not apply to electronic multiples of the same item).
8. Check to see if the customer has any items on the bottom of the basket, and ring those first. The term (B.O.B.) will refer to “Bottom of Basket.” 9. Keep no more than $1,200.00 in your register at one time. When this amount is reached, call the person in charge for service. 10. A sale is considered complete only when the following steps have been taken:
A. Scan or ring each item individually and in the right department. B. After ringing all items, depress the total key. C. If you have any coupons, refunds, or other deductions, do them after the item. D. Total amount of the sale and inform your customer of the total. E. After calling out the amount given you for the payment, tender this amount with the appropriate key.
Put the money in the cash drawer and count any change due, first to yourself. There must not be any incomplete transactions. Close your cash drawer.
F. Count the change, both currency and coinage back audibly to your customer and be sure to give a
receipt to the customer by placing it in his/her hand.. G. Smile, thank the customer and begin the next order while the first customer is bagging her savings. H. Check again and make sure that all items on the bottom of the basket were rung up.
11. If the sale is complete and the customer “remembers” one more item, treat that purchase as a separate order. Remember again to check the bottom of the basket for any items. 12. If a customer insists on leaving exact change for a purchase when you are waiting on another customer, complete your current sale, then immediately record the even money purchase. Don’t place this money in the register along with the money from the previous bill. Do not begin another sale until you record the even money purchase. 13. Sign out and turn off the register whenever you leave the register. 14. Do not engage in talk to other customers or checkers while ringing an order for a customer in your check stand. Excessive chatter will not be tolerated. 15. Base all decisions on the customer that you are serving now. 16. We will bag and help out if requested or needed.
SHORTAGES A checker is responsible for the balancing of his or her cash drawer. Be sure you count your drawer and loan before you start checking. If the amount is not correct, notify the front End Manager or person in
charge immediately. If you do not do this, you will be held responsible for the shortage. At the end of your shift, count out your drawer minus the amount you started with. The amount left should be the total amount you checked out. Any shortages or overages in excess of $5 per day will be treated as failure to perform work and subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. All cash drawers will be counted to $200.
You are not allowed to sell cigarettes or tobacco to anyone under the age of 18. Violation of this law could result in a fine and possible legal punishment. Shop’n Kart maintains a zero tolerance policy on the sale of tobacco to minors, anyone doing so will be terminated.
Alcoholic beverages can only be sold after 6:00 a.m. and before 2:00 a.m. Be absolutely certain that anyone to whom you sell beer or wine is 21 years of age. Check I.D’s of all persons who appear 40 years old or younger. If in doubt, you should politely request some identification. If you request I.D. and a person cannot produce it, do not sell beer or wine to them. If I.D. is questionable, do not sell beer or wine to them. The violation of this rule could cost your Company its license and subject the Company and yourself to legal punishment. Shop’n Kart maintains a zero tolerance policy on the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors, anyone doing so will be terminated.
1. Date is correct.
2. Name written matches pre-printed name on check. (Accept pre-printed checks only.) New accounts refer
to P.I.C.
3. Written amount matches numerical amount.
4. Has a current phone number.
5. Has a physical address (not a P.O. Box number).
6. Check is a personal check on a local bank.
7. Customer has a valid local driver’s license.
8. Put employee I.D. number and initial on check.
9. Call P.I.C. if check is in the negative check file.
Shop’n Kart ® will not accept any of the following checks:
A. Two-party checks.
B. Cashier’s checks.
C. Checks outside the trade area.
D. Finance or loan company checks.
If you have a check that requires management approval or that you are leery of:
1. Do not write on the check.
2. Do not tell the customer, Shop’n Kart® cannot cash that check.
3. Smile and say, “I’m sorry; I’m not authorized to accept your check. Please let me call the person in charge for you”.
4. Write clearly and do not deface the check. 5. If a customer presents you with a pre-approved check, be sure you follow through and get all the
information required. 6. Make sure all ID information is on the front of the check.
A. The following items are not acceptable under any circumstances:
1. Altered checks.
2. Postdated or outdated checks.
3. Foreign traveler’s checks and money orders.
B. All Checks:
1. All checks other than personal checks must have P.I.C. approval and a 10% purchase.
2. All payroll checks must have P.I.C. approval and a 10% purchase.
4. Personal checks written for more than the store limit policy above the total of items purchased must have
Telecheck approval or P.I.C. approval if not Telecheck is not approved.
There is common sense that must be used in any check policy. If a customer shops with us regularly or is well known by employee, identification is not necessary. If check is returned and customer is not a local resident, employee could be disciplined up to and including discharge. Failure to follow company policy in okaying checks could result in disciplinary measures including discharge.
The W.I.C. Program is a Federal Food Assistance program intended for women, infants and children. It is funded nationally through the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administered by the State Department of Agriculture and administered by the State Department. There are a few guidelines to go by when accepting a W.I.C. check (voucher): 1. Be certain the check is made out to your store and not a different location, and is not post-dated. 2. Check the expiration date. 3. These checks are issued for specific items – make no substitutions. 4. There is also maximum value limits stated – do not exceed. 5. W.I.C. checks are check tendered on the register and deposited with all other checks. 6. Handle each W.I.C. as a separate transaction on the register. 7. You are not required to ask for a W.I.C. identification card. 8. A man may use a W.I.C. check only if one of the following are present:
A. His signature appears on the W.I.C. voucher Checkers are responsible for handling all WIC checks properly. Be sure to closely follow the guidelines on
each WIC transaction. Failure to do so may cause the Company to lose its ability to participate in the WIC program. Any checks returned because of checker error will be treated as failure to perform work and subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
COUPONS VENDOR COUPONS: Credit will be given only if: (a) the coupon has not expired, and (b) the customer purchases the proper brand and size merchandise offered. Ring the coupon value on the Vendor Coupon Key and place in the designated area. We will not accept competitors’ “Double Coupons.” Keep current with which coupons we will accept.
MERCHANDISE REFUNDS It is company policy to cheerfully and pleasantly refund or exchange the purchase price of any item purchased in the store that is not satisfactory to the customer. Meat, produce, bakery and deli, or merchandise items should be referred to the manager of those departments who will fill out a refund voucher that may be used at the check stand. All other refunds will only be given if a customer has a receipt and must be authorized by a P.I.C. No refunds will be given on film, books, magazines, cigarettes, and alcohol.
BAGGING At Shop’n Kart® we sell at lower prices. In order to maintain that reputation, we must operate more efficiently then competition. Therefore, we do not bag groceries for our customers; we allow them to bag their own groceries. At customer request a “33” or UC can be called.
Product spills can create a serious slip-and-fall hazard for customers and employees. Each employee is
responsible to be alert for product spills and to make sure the following steps are used to correct the problem. 1. Be alert – watch for spills. 2. Protect the area – never leave spill unattended. 3. Get assistance – one person protects area; other person gets clean up equipment. 4. Immediately set up “Wet Floor” signs. 5. Clean up area completely. If the spill is oil based, use the cat litter located by the back room bailer. 6. Thoroughly inspect the area – make sure it is clean and dry before removing the “Wet
Floor” signs.
HOUSEKEEPING POLICY It is the policy of this store to maintain a clean and safe place to shop. Management will arrange for sweeping, mopping and other major housekeeping activities. ALL EMPLOYEES are responsible to inspect their work area on a regular basis and to clean up any debris on the floor or to correct other minor housekeeping problems.
Located in each department and janitor’s room are “MSDS” sheets. The sheets contain information for every item that an employee may use in a non-consumer fashion with information that may be needed if the item is wrongfully handled. If you come in contact with any item that may harm you, you must notify the “Manager In Charge.” This is SAFETY POLICY!
LANGUAGE It is a Shop’n Kart® policy that proper and polite language be used at all times. The customer is always right and your fellow employees are human beings. Treat and speak to both with respect. Do not swear to express yourself.
PERSONAL PHONE CALLS Personal phone calls, received or made, are not permitted, except in cases of emergency. Employee’s personal cell phones will not be allowed in Shop’n Kart® while working. You are permitted to make personal calls at your meal period on the pay phone located outside the store or on your cell phone outside of the store.
1. NO GUM CHEWING IS PERMITTED at any time while you are on Shop’n Kart® property.
2. No smoking is permitted by employees or customers on the sales floor, at the loading dock area, back room or employee lounge area. Employees are not permitted to smoke in front of the store. There is a designated area 25
feet away from the front doors of the store where employees may smoke.
3. When entering or leaving the store, always use the same doors as customers. This includes lunch
hour departures as well as returns.
4. No meals are to be prepared (such as sandwiches) on the premises.
5. All purchases by an employee shall be made on his/her own time. Merchandise to be consumed during the lunch or break period within the store must be accompanied by a sales slip. All other purchases must be removed immediately through the front door. An employee may not pay for, or select merchandise and put it in the back room until he/she is ready to leave the store. Never move in front of a customer to purchase an item. No handbags, purses, drinks or snack foods are permitted in the check stand area. Handbags, packages, backpacks and purses are subject to search.
6. Payment must be made at the time of the purchase.
7. Items must be paid for before being used or consumed (regardless of your work schedule).
8. All purchases made by an employee, members of the employee’s family, or relatives or anyone residing
in the same household and persons in a known relationship, must be checked out by another employee.
9. No food items are to be consumed on the sales floor or otherwise in view of customers.
10. Employee packages, handbags, sport bags and lunch boxes are subject to inspection and verification by supervisory personnel or security personnel. This includes purchases made at other stores and carried into Shop’n Kart®. By commencing work for the Company, following review of the employee handbook, the employee expressly consents to any such inspection.
11. No employee may discount merchandise for other employees or customers. Distressed merchandise
may be marked down only by the department manager or a management employee and must be offered for sale to the general public. Employees may purchase these products in the normal manner, at the marked price.
12. All charitable organizations asking for discounts must be cleared through the owner or store Manager.
13. No employee will accept gifts, premiums, cash or any type of gratuity from sales people, suppliers or customers.
These become the property of the Company and must be sent to the Office. Merchandise samples are prohibited unless authorized by the Manager. They become property of the Company and must be sent to the Office.
14. All voids over $10.00 must be okayed by the person in charge. All refunds are to be sent to the
manager’s stand for approval.
15. All time worked must be recorded on schedule after clocking out for the day. This means you fill in your hours worked for the day each and every day at the end of your shift.
16. While on duty in the check stand, under no circumstances is a checker allowed to handle his or her own money.
17. There are no cameras or picture taking allowed in the store without the approval of the owners.
18. All employee purchases for consumption in the store must have a sales receipt attached to it.
19. Employees must park in the southeast parking area close to the loading dock.
20. Employees will be able to charge purchases after fourteen (14) days of continual employment.
Employees may charge each week after they have worked at least one shift during pay period up to 50% of their gross pay.
21. Employee’s shirts must be tucked in and uniforms nice neat and clean.
22. No person will operate any power equipment until they have been certified by our current safety officer. Strictly against company policy and could result in disciplinary action.
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE PROGRAM It is the intent of Shop’n Kart® to assist its employees in becoming both efficient and productive. Sometimes mistakes are made and it is for that reason that we feel it is our obligation to help you understand how you may improve your performance. It is for this reason that we believe in a “progressive discipline” or “written reprimand” system so that if you have a problem, we will have properly identified it so that you can improve it. These written reprimands will indicate that improvement is needed. If after receiving two such warnings, an employee does not work up to or meet Company standards, further disciplinary action up to and including discharge may result. Shop’n Kart® shall be the judge as to the qualifications and competency of employees, and reserves the right to discharge any employee for good cause. The following are some examples of the kinds of conduct which are not permitted and for which no written warning will be issued. Disciplinary action will be immediate discharge. 1. Falsifying Company personnel, employment, and financial or other records. 2. Falsely reporting time worked. 3. Theft, attempted theft or removal from the premises without proper authorization of Company
property or the property of another employee or customer. 4. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs on Company time
or premises. 5. Fighting or hitting another employee or customer, or similar disorderly conduct. 6. Willful insubordinations or failure to carry out assignments and job requests of management.
7. Careless or willful destruction or damage to Company property or property of another employee or customer.
8. Unauthorized departure from work or the work area prior to the end of the work day. 9. Failure to cooperate with reasonable requests to work overtime when it is required to properly handle
business. 10. Failure to record sales at the very earliest opportunity or cash handling irregularities. 11. Failure to report to work as scheduled. 12. And any other misconduct so serious that discharge is warranted. 13. Writing personal checks to the store that are bad or have insufficient funds. Should disciplinary action be taken, a procedure is available to resolve any disputes over enforcement of those rules.
JOINT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The Joint Management Committee (JMC) shall consist of the owner, store manager, front end manager and of other designated employee. The JMC’s function is to:
a) Provide a conduit between employees and management for ideas, suggestions on safety and/or security problems.
b) Hear grievances as stated in the following grievance policy.
Shop’n Kart believes that employees should have a sense of security. Accordingly, employees are encouraged to bring problems, complaints or grievances to the attention of management. It is our policy that any employee problem, complaint or grievance will be handled in accordance with an established step-by-step procedure. While not all complaints or problems are susceptible to resolution through a formalized grievance procedure, we believe any non- supervisory employee who has completed their probationary period and who has been terminated may utilize the grievance procedures we mutually agree to use to resolve such disputes. If any employee has been terminated, he/she may make a written request for a meeting with their supervisor. If the matter is not resolved, the employee may request in writing, to be submitted to the “JMC”. The JMC shall be empowered to conduct a hearing during which the store director will present his case, and the employee shall present his/her case. A grieving employee may be represented by one (1) other employee of his/her choice. It is mutually agreed that the “JMC” may formulate a resolution, which will be binding upon the employee and Shop’n Kart. If the JMC is not able to resolve the issue or is otherwise deadlocked, the employee has seven (7) days in which to submit in writing, a request that the matter be submitted to final and binding arbitration before a neutral arbitrator. If the employee has not submitted his/her request for arbitration within seven (7) days, the matter shall be considered resolved and dropped. As agreed, the arbitrator shall be empowered to conduct the hearing and determine procedures to be followed. It is the intent of the parties that the arbitrator shall have the authority to issue a bench award and that the hearing need not to be transcribed.
Additionally, the arbitrator shall be empowered to frame an appropriate remedy limited to reinstatement and back pay, if any. If the arbitrator sustains the discharge, the grieving employee shall be required to pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) toward the fee of the arbitrator. Otherwise, the cost of the arbitration shall be borne by Shop’n Kart.
REMEMBER It takes only a few kind words for a customer to remember Shop’n Kart®. In the check stand or the sales floor, it takes a smile, a friendly attitude, courteous service, accuracy, speed and a good appearance to make a customer want to come back to Shop’n Kart®. You are the last contact with a customer as they leave the store. Make it pleasant and memorable.
Be Proud of Your Job. . .
We want to be Proud of You! Handbook receipt and acknowledgment form for employee file.
I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Shop’n Kart Employee Handbook. I understand the Handbook contains important information, and I have the responsibility to read and understand this information, and ask my Supervisor if I have questions about any policy. I understand this Handbook is not a contract of employment and does not guarantee employment for any certain period of time. I understand this Handbook replaces all prior Employee Handbooks and policies. Shop’n Kart may add, delete, or change its policies, rules, and benefits described in this Handbook. The Owner is the only person authorized to make changes or enter into an employment contract, and must be in writing to be valid. I understand I will receive a copy of any revisions and sign a receipt form to indicate I am aware of the changes. This acknowledgment does not alter in any way the “at will” employment relationship. You are free to resign at anytime, for any reason, with or without notice. Similarly, the Company is free to conclude the employment relationship at anytime, with or without reason or notice.
To signify that you have read and understand this handbook, sign your name and printed name below and return this page and the entire handbook to your supervisor within your first 7 days of employment, or within the 7 days following distribution of the handbook to you.
Employee’s Signature________________________________________ Employee’s Printed Name_____________________________________________
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WELCOME TO THE COMPANY! Starting a new job is sometimes unsettling and a little confusing. This Employee Handbook has been developed to help you get acquainted and answer many of your initial questions. Please understand that this Handbook applies to employees of Convenience Stores Inc., a subsidiary of Jones Petroleum Company. Unless otherwise noted, the term “Company” in this Handbook includes all of the above entities. As an employee of the Company, the importance of your contribution cannot be overstated. Our goal is to provide the finest quality services and products to customers and to do this more efficiently and economically than our competitors. By satisfying our customer’s needs, they will continue to do business with us and will recommend us to others. You are an important part of this process for your work directly influences our Company’s reputation. This Employee Handbook explains our personnel policies and benefits, as well as the specific opportunities and responsibilities that exist for you within our Company. In an effort to be responsive to the needs of a growing organization, changes or additions to this Handbook will be made when necessary. We will attempt to give advance notice of any changes or additions, although there may be occasions when policies or procedures are changed without advance notice. We are glad you have joined us, and we hope you will find your work to be both challenging and rewarding. Sincerely, Convenience Stores Management
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A WORD ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK ......................................................................................... 1
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY ................................................................... 1
EMPLOYEE COMPLAINT PROCEDURE ................................................................................... 3
IMMIGRATION LAW COMPLIANCE ......................................................................................... 4
BUSINESS PRACTICES/ETHICAL CODE OF CONDUCT ........................................................ 5
A WORD ABOUT OUR EMPLOYEE RELATIONS PHILOSOPHY .......................................... 6
TALK TO US .................................................................................................................................. 6
CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYMENT .............................................................................................. 6
RECORDING YOUR TIME ........................................................................................................... 7
PAYDAY ......................................................................................................................................... 7
PAY ADVANCES ........................................................................................................................... 7
CONFIDENTIALITY OF COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS .................................................. 8
WORK TIME/OVERTIME ............................................................................................................. 8
PERFORMANCE REVIEWS ......................................................................................................... 8
VACATION POLICY ..................................................................................................................... 8
JURY DUTY ................................................................................................................................... 9
MILITARY LEAVE ........................................................................................................................ 9
PERSONAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
BEREAVEMENT LEAVE .............................................................................................................. 9
FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ............................................................................................. 10
BENEFITS ..................................................................................................................................... 14
MEDICAL INSURANCE ............................................................................................................. 14
WORKERS’ COMPENSATION .................................................................................................. 14
EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS .............................................................................................. 14
ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY ...................................................................................... 14
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NURSING MOTHERS .................................................................................................................. 15
STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ..................................................................................................... 15
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE .......................................................................................................... 16
SECURITY .................................................................................................................................... 17
CASH CONTROL POLICY .......................................................................................................... 17
CHECK CASHING POLICY ........................................................................................................ 18
DRIVE OFF POLICY.................................................................................................................. 199
OTHER GENERAL POLICIES .................................................................................................... 19
VENDOR CHECK IN PROCEDURES ........................................................................................ 20
ALCOHOL/TOBACCO/LOTTERY SALES POLICY ................................................................ 20
NON-FRATERNIZATION ........................................................................................................... 20
EMPLOYMENT OF RELATIVES ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
EMPLOYEE AND PUBLIC RELATIONS .................................................................................. 21
SOLICITATION/DISTRIBUTION ............................................................................................... 21
OFF-DUTY EMPLOYEES ........................................................................................................... 22
VISITORS ..................................................................................................................................... 22
PERSONAL BELONGINGS ........................................................................................................ 22
CHANGES IN PERSONAL DATA .............................................................................................. 22
INSPECTION/MONITORING ..................................................................................................... 22
PROTECTING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ................................................................... 23
COMPUTER, EMAIL, AND INTERNET USE ........................................................................... 23
SOCIAL MEDIA ........................................................................................................................... 25
CARE OF EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................... 28
COMPANY VEHICLES ............................................................................................................... 28
SEVERE WEATHER .................................................................................................................... 28
PERSONAL TELEPHONE CALLS ............................................................................................. 28
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CELL PHONES AND PORTABLE COMMUNICATION DEVICES ........................................ 29
DRESS AND GROOMING .......................................................................................................... 29
BULLETIN BOARD ..................................................................................................................... 30
EACH EMPLOYEE’S SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY .................................................................. 30
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ............................................................................................................. 31
TOBACCO USE IN THE WORKPLACE .................................................................................... 31
HAZARDOUS WASTES .............................................................................................................. 31
SUBSTANCE ABUSE .................................................................................................................. 32
JOB REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 32
DISCLAIMER AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................. 34
Issued – FEB, 2016 1
The information contained in this Handbook is designed as an advisory guide to assist the Company and our supervisors with the effective management of personnel and is not meant to address every conceivable situation or issue that arises in the workplace. The provisions and guidelines contained in this Handbook are not binding on the Company and may be changed, interpreted, modified, revoked, suspended, terminated, or added to by the Company, in whole or in part, at any time, at the Company’s sole option, and without prior notice to employees. This Handbook is not intended to cover every situation which may arise or to create specific policy to be applied in every instance. Instead, this Handbook is intended only to give on-site management general advice concerning personnel decisions. Of course, if any employee is subject to a collective bargaining agreement, that agreement supersedes any provisions of this Handbook that are in conflict. Also, this Handbook and any practice or policy of the Company will be applied consistent with all applicable laws and regulations.
Interpretation of the policies and procedures contained in this Handbook is governed by, and is the responsibility of, the President of the Company. Whenever clarification or assistance in interpretation is required, employees should contact the President of the Company.
Employment-At-Will Nothing contained in this Handbook is intended to create, comprise, or define, nor should it be construed to constitute, any type of oral or written employment contract, promise, or guarantee, express or implied, between the Company and any one or all of its employees. Nothing in the Handbook is intended to provide any assurance of continued employment. In the absence of a specific agreement to the contrary, authorized in writing by the President of the Company, employment with and compensation from the Company are for no definite period of time and may be terminated by the Company or the employee at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Any written or oral statements or promises to the contrary are hereby expressly disavowed and should not be relied upon by prospective or existing employees.
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY EEO Policy We are committed to maintaining a workplace that is free of inappropriate or unlawful conduct on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or other protected group status as provided by law. In keeping with this commitment, we prohibit the unlawful treatment of employees, including harassment, discrimination, and retaliation, by anyone, including any supervisor, coworker, contractor, subcontractor, vendor, client, visitor, customer, or agent. It is our policy to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. Prohibited Conduct This policy applies to all aspects of employment, including, but not limited to, recruitment, hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, lay-off, recall, discipline, compensation, and benefits. Improper conduct also consists of misconduct that includes unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual, that is
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based upon a person’s protected status or activity (e.g., opposition to prohibited discrimination or participation in the statutory complaint process) as provided for by law. This includes conduct by someone to another of the same gender. We prohibit unlawful conduct that affects tangible job benefits, that interferes unreasonably with an individual’s work performance, or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. No one, including any supervisor, has authority to engage in such conduct. If you feel you have been subject to the type of conduct prohibited by this Policy, you must report this conduct in accordance with the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook. You should report any improper conduct before it becomes severe or pervasive, and you should not wait until it rises to the level of an unlawful action. Sexual Or Other Unlawful Harassment Unlawful harassment can take many forms, including based on an individual’s sex, as well as conduct based on race, age, or any other protected status. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical, verbal, or visual conduct based on a protected class constitute harassment when (1) submission to the conduct is an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment; (2) submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision; or (3) the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Inappropriate conduct may include explicit sexual propositions; sexual innuendo; suggestive comments; sexually oriented or racial “kidding” or “teasing;” “practical jokes;” jokes about gender-specific or disability-specific traits; foul or obscene language or gestures; displays of foul, obscene, or racial material; sexually-related emails and text messages; and physical contact, such as patting, pinching, or brushing against another’s body. An individual who feels he or she has witnessed or been subject to harassment should follow the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook. Americans with Disabilities Act It is our policy to provide equal employment opportunity to applicants and employees with covered disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, (“ADA”) or other applicable law. This Policy applies to all aspects of employment and application for employment. As required by the ADA or other applicable law, we will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with a disability in the workplace unless such accommodations present an undue hardship or if the individual is a direct threat to the health or safety of the individual or others.
An individual with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation at any time during the application process or during employment. Reasonable accommodations are changes made to the work environment or to the manner or circumstances in which the job customarily is performed that allow an individual with a disability to perform all essential job functions. We are not required, however, to provide an accommodation if doing so would cause an undue hardship to the Company or if the individual is a direct threat to the health or safety of the individual or others in the workplace.
All requests for accommodations will be addressed in connection with an interactive dialogue with the affected individual. To request an accommodation, which may include unpaid leave or modification of your working environment, an individual should submit a request in writing to the Benefits Administrator. Upon receiving a request for accommodation, we will seek an interactive process with the individual to clarify his or her needs and identify the appropriate reasonable accommodation. During this process, we may request reasonable documentation, including medical documentation, of the individual’s disability
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and need for a reasonable accommodation. Failure to provide required medical information or to otherwise participate in a meaningful way in the interactive dialogue process regarding an accommodation request may result in denial of an accommodation. Because of the personal nature of some disability issues, we will take every reasonable effort to ensure confidentiality during the review process. Individuals will be notified of our decision regarding their request for an accommodation. Any individual believing that a reasonable accommodation has not been provided must follow the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook.
All employees should help to assure that we avoid any form of unlawful or inappropriate conduct. If you feel that you have experienced or witnessed (1) harassment, (2) discrimination, (3) improper denial of a request for accommodation, (4) denial of requested leave under the FMLA, ADA, or otherwise, (5) violation of any policy of the Company or policy in this Handbook, or (6) failure to pay overtime or other violation of the FLSA or wage payment laws, or (7) other unlawful or inappropriate conduct by anyone, including employees, supervisors, coworkers, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, clients, visitors, customers, or agents, you are to notify immediately (preferably in writing within 24 hours) the Benefits Administrator. The address and telephone number for the Benefits Administrator is P.O. Box 933, Jackson, Georgia 30233 ------- (770) 775-2386, ext. 107. If you are not contacted promptly about your complaint or are not satisfied with the response, you are to re-file it with the Benefits Administrator and also send notification of your complaint in writing by certified mail to the Risk Manager at the same address. If you are not contacted promptly about your complaint or are not satisfied with the response after utilizing this step of the procedure, you are to re-file it in writing with the Risk Manager and also send a copy of your complaint by certified mail to the President of the Company at the same address. We will undertake an objective and appropriate review of any complaint and expect all employees to fully cooperate with internal investigations that may be initiated by the Company to examine any perceived violation of Company policy or procedure or any other matter. To the extent practicable and appropriate, we will keep any complaint and the terms of its resolution confidential. We will take corrective action as we determine is appropriate, including such discipline up to and including immediate termination of employment. We will undertake corrective action to stop inappropriate conduct before it rises to the level of an unlawful action. You will be notified as to the outcome of your complaint. We prohibit unlawful retaliation against anyone who has made a complaint or provides information related to a complaint.
Intentionally False Claims We recognize that intentional or malicious false accusations of misconduct can have a serious effect on innocent men and women. Individuals making such false accusations of misconduct will be disciplined in accordance with the nature and extent of his or her false accusation.
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IMMIGRATION LAW COMPLIANCE The Company employs only United States citizens and those non-U.S. citizens authorized to work in the United States in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. Further, this Company may utilize E-Verify in order to certify the work eligibility of its employees. E-Verify is an Internet-based system operated by Department of Homeland Security in partnership with Social Security Administration that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their newly hired employees. E-Verify works by electronically comparing the information on an employee’s Form I-9 with SSA and DHS records to verify the identity and employment eligibility of each newly hired employee. The E-Verify Participation and Right To Work Poster is on the following page. If you have any questions, please contact the Benefits Administrator.
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Ethical conduct is integral to the success of the Company. Because the conduct, character, and profitability of the Company depend upon the actions of many persons, it is important that each employee understands and accepts the following standards of conduct for which he or she will be held accountable:
A. Honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;
B. Full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in all reports or other public communications made by the Company;
C. Compliance with applicable laws and governmental rules and regulations; D. Prompt internal reporting of violations of this Code to an appropriate person or persons
identified in this Code; and E. Accountability for adherence to this Code.
The Company is committed to maintaining a business environment that is free of inappropriate or unlawful conduct. In keeping with this commitment, we will not tolerate any unethical or illegal conduct on the part of our employees, business partners, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, customers, clients, or agents. All persons or entities performing work on behalf or for the benefit of the Company are expected to follow the letter and spirit of all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances and accepted financial reporting standards applicable to our business. Conflict of Interest. While employed by the Company, it is your obligation to act in the best interest of the Company and not allow any personal activity to conflict with or interfere with your service to the Company. As a result, the assumption of or engagement in any interest, relationship or activity by a director, officer or employee tending to impair the independence of such person’s judgment with respect to the best interest of the Company constitutes a conflict of interest. Employees must report in writing all situations involving even a possible conflict for review by the Risk Manager and thereby avoid any attempt to judge their own case. The Company expects its officers, directors, and employees to exercise the utmost good faith in the performance of their duties. Keeping the Company informed will enable you to receive proper recognition for individual efforts and will avoid any conflict with established Company policies. Gifts. Gifts deserve special mention. Although gifts are often sent by vendors, suppliers, or customers of the Company to employees as an expression of a friendly association, the acceptance of these gifts may establish in the mind of the vendor, supplier, or customer who sent the gift the need to continue such a practice in order to continue business with the Company. This detracts from the Company’s emphasis on service to customers. It is difficult to justify this practice from the standpoint of ethical business conduct. Therefore, in the best interest of all employees as well as the Company’s business relationships, you should not accept a gift from a vendor, supplier, or customer of the Company. Outside Employment. Our Company hopes that you will not find it necessary to seek additional outside employment. Outside employment must not conflict in any way with your responsibilities within our Company. Complaint Procedure. The Company will not tolerate conduct that is contrary to applicable legal or regulatory standards for our industry. No supervisor or Company employee has authority to engage in such conduct. If you feel you have been witness to or have knowledge of the type of conduct prohibited by this Policy, you must report this conduct by utilizing the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook.
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A WORD ABOUT OUR EMPLOYEE RELATIONS PHILOSOPHY We are committed to providing the best possible climate for maximum development and achievement of goals for all employees. Our practice has always been to treat each employee as an individual. We have always sought to develop a spirit of teamwork; individuals working together to attain a common goal. Most importantly, we have a workplace where communications are open and problems can be discussed and resolved in a mutually respectful atmosphere taking into account individual circumstances and the individual employee. We believe the main reason we have been able to adhere to our policy of individual and team recognition is that we have been able to speak directly to each other. We firmly believe that, by our communicating with each other directly, we can continue to resolve any difficulties that may arise and develop a mutually beneficial relationship.
We encourage you to bring your questions, suggestions and complaints to our attention. Careful consideration will be given to each of these in our continuing effort to improve operations. If you feel you have a problem you should present the situation to your supervisor so that the problem can be settled by examination and discussion of the facts. We hope that he or she will be able to satisfactorily resolve most matters. Of course, if you have a complaint that is covered by the EEO Policy or any other Company policy as set forth in this Handbook, you must use the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook.
CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYMENT Introductory Period: All new employees (or any employee in a new position following a transfer or promotion) will be on an introductory status until they have completed ninety (90) days of service with the Company, unless otherwise extended. The decision whether to continue your employment in this position will be made by management. However, any employee, during both their introductory period, and subsequent employment with the Company, may be discharged at any time for any reason. This introductory period is designed, primarily, to give both the Company and the employee an opportunity to determine whether the employee will be able to adequately perform in the assigned job position. At the end of the introductory period, your performance will be reviewed and a decision made regarding your continued employment or any extended introductory period. Full-Time Employees (Hourly) work a regular workweek (usually 40 hours) and are eligible for our fringe benefits package as described in the applicable benefit plan documents. Full-Time Employees (Salaried) work a regular workweek (usually 50 hours) and are eligible for our fringe benefits package as described in the applicable benefit plan documents. Part-Time Employees normally work 30 hours or less each week and are eligible for statutory benefits only. Seasonal Employees are hired to perform a specific job for a specified period of time, normally less than one year. These employees are eligible for statutory benefits only. It is important for all employees to understand that: (1) no employee is guaranteed any certain number of hours per week or a particular schedule; and (2) employees may be shifted from part-time to full-time or vice versa and the Company specifically reserves the right to make changes to employees hours and schedule without any advance notice or consent by the employee.
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RECORDING YOUR TIME We want to be sure that you are paid fairly for all hours that you work, regardless of the location in which you work. To accomplish this, we must have an accurate record of the time that you work. This Company uses a time system to keep time records. Your supervisor will explain how this system is used. The important points to remember are that all employees, including managers, should: 1. Be sure to note the start of your shift. 2. Be sure to note the end of your shift. 3. If you leave the building on non-Company business, you must note that in the time system. 4. (Borrowed Employees) Employees working at other locations must clock in and out on a
timesheet at that location. The store manager of the location is responsible for turning in the borrowed employee’s hours.
Employees are to work only hours scheduled except when called upon by management. Employees must review and, where applicable, sign their time card by payday. Timesheets will be turned by the District Managers on every other Sunday of the month. Tampering with the time system in any way will result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Any change or omission from the time system must be approved by your supervisor. Any non-exempt employee that fails to remain employed by the end of his/her first pay period only will be paid minimum wage for any hours worked during that pay period. New hire packets are to be 100% complete, and reviewed by personnel, before the new hire does any work on the clock. Finally, non-exempt employees are not to perform any work that is not recorded by the time system. You must always make sure you record accurately your time using the standard time recording system. If you are asked/instructed by anybody in the Company to perform work “off the clock,” (in other words, perform work without reporting it on the time system) you are directed to refuse. Make sure you record your work time using the standard time recording system. Also, if you are asked to work “off the clock,” you should immediately report the situation by utilizing the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook. Finally, if you contend you have not been paid time for all hours worked, please utilize the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook.
PAYDAY A workweek consists of Sunday thru Saturday. You will be paid biweekly. Hourly employees are paid for the period which has ended on the previous Saturday (in arrears). Salaried employees are paid as worked. When our payday is a holiday, you normally will be paid on the first working day after the holiday. Paychecks will be delivered by 5pm on Payday.
Pay advances will not be granted to employees.
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CONFIDENTIALITY OF COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS The Company prohibits improper or unauthorized use of the Company’s records or computer system to access confidential employee compensation and benefits. Improper or unauthorized access to the Company’s records or computer system may violate federal or state law. This Policy does not prohibit individuals from discussing their own compensation and benefits with other employees.
The Company complies with the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act and any applicable local law with respect to wages and hours. Please understand that there may be times when you will need to work overtime so that we may successfully meet the needs of our customers. However, all overtime must be approved in advance by your supervisor. Non-exempt hourly employees will be paid overtime at a rate of one and one-half times their regular hourly rate for all hours worked over 40 in a week. For all employees, only actual hours worked count toward computing weekly overtime. Exempt salaried employees do not receive overtime pay. Exempt salaried employees are subject to deductions from their salaries only for lawful reasons. If an employee feels he or she has been subject to an improper salary deduction or has been improperly classified as exempt or non-exempt, the employee should utilize the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook. In the event it is determined that an improper deduction was made, the Company will reimburse the employee for the deduction.
PERFORMANCE REVIEWS Your performance is important to our Company. We are not a large organization and believe informal reviews are best suited for our work. Your supervisor or higher level manager will normally review your job progress within our Company on a periodic basis during the first year of your employment. These reviews will ordinarily be verbal only, but may be in writing if warranted. Performance reviews are designed to provide a basis for better understanding between you and the Company, with respect to your job performance, potential and development within the Company. Please understand, however, that a positive performance review does not guarantee an increase in salary, a promotion or continued employment as compensation increases and the terms and conditions of employment, including job assignments, transfers, promotions and demotions, are determined by and at the discretion of the Company. New employees will be reviewed (generally orally) at the end of their introductory period.
VACATION POLICY Salaried Employee will receive one week of vacation per year. Once the salaried employee has worked five years, the employee will receive two weeks per year. These days must be taken between the last day of your Qualification Period and January 1 of the following year. Non-salaried employees are not eligible for vacation regardless of full time or part time status. Requests for vacation ordinarily should be submitted in writing at least 30 days in advance to your supervisor and must be approved in advance by a district manager or next higher management position. Generally, first come, first served, although vacation periods will be approved or denied (denials are more likely in peak business times, such as holidays) in accordance with employee requests and also taking operating and staffing requirements into account.
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Vacation will not be carried over to the following year. Employees may not request earned vacation as pay in exchange for their time off (i.e. paid in lieu of time). Employees will not be paid for any unused vacation upon termination of employment. Employees who voluntarily terminate their employment may receive unused vacation benefits if they provide two weeks’ notice of their termination and depart on good terms, as determined in the sole discretion of the Company. .
JURY DUTY Employees who are summoned for jury duty will be granted an unpaid leave in order to serve. Employees must provide proof of jury summons. You should make arrangements with your supervisor as soon as you receive your summons. In fairness to our Company, you are expected to return to your job if you are excused from jury duty during your regular working hours.
The Company will comply with its obligations for those employees who serve in any branch of the United States uniformed military services, including providing any necessary time off, in accordance with federal, state, and local law. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (“FMLA”) contains provisions regarding certain types of military leave. This is addressed in detail in the Family Leave Policy in this Handbook. If you believe you have been denied leave to which you are entitled, you must file a complaint pursuant to the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook.
The Company typically will allow a full-time employee receive time off with pay for up to one working day (at your regularly scheduled hours) due to a death in your immediate family. You must be scheduled to work during the time you are off work for the leave. Immediate family is defined as an employee’s spouse, parents, brother, sister, children and grandparents. Please provide as much notice as reasonably practicable. Absence without notice is not excused, and may lead to discipline up to and including termination. The Company reserves the right to deny any request based on operational and staffing needs and further reserves the right to require an employee to document the death of a family member. Bereavement Pay request must be approved by District Manager. Vacation pay or authorized absence without pay may be approved on a discretionary basis by District Manager and/or Director of Operations, depending on circumstances.
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FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (“FMLA”) provides unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees for certain family and medical reasons, without loss of health insurance benefits. The existence of this Policy shall not alter or expand the statutory requirements of the FMLA, and application of this Policy is correspondingly limited to those employers and employees who are protected based on the provisions of the FMLA. In addition to the information on the Notice following this Policy (identified as Employee Rights and Responsibilities), the following information is provided to explain the employee’s rights and obligations when requesting a family or medical leave: A. Eligibility for Leave and Amount of Leave
To be eligible for leave under this Policy, an employee must have been employed for a total of twelve (12)
months, must have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period preceding the commencement of the leave, and must work at a facility with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius of this worksite.
An eligible employee may take FMLA leave for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for one or more of the following reasons: (1) the birth of the employee’s child; (2) placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care; (3) to care for the employee’s child, spouse, or parent who has a serious health condition; (4) the employee’s own serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of his or her job, or (5) because of a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, child, or parent is a member in the National Guard or Reserves who has been deployed to a foreign country under a call or order to active duty (or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty) or is a member of the regular Armed Forces who has been deployed to a foreign country. An employee may take a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave for the reasons specified above during a rolling 12- month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA leave.
If you and your spouse are both employed by the Company, the two of you together are entitled to a combined total of 12 weeks of FMLA leave for the birth, adoption, or placement of a child, or to care for a covered family member with a serious health condition. The right to FMLA leave for the birth, adoption, or placement of a child expires 12 months after the date of the birth, adoption or placement.
An eligible employee may take up to twenty-six (26) weeks of unpaid, job protected leave in a single 12- month period (measured beginning on the date the leave begins) to care for a spouse, child, or parent who is a covered servicemember. The term “covered servicemember” means: (i) a servicemember (including in the Regular Armed Forces, the National Guard, and the Reserves) who has a serious injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated in the line of duty while on active duty for which he or she is undergoing treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, or (ii) a veteran undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for a qualifying serious injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated in the line of duty while on active duty and who was a member of the Armed Forces (including in the National Guard or the Reserves) within five (5) years preceding the date the veteran undergoes that treatment, recuperation, or therapy.
FMLA leave to care for a seriously ill or injured servicemember runs concurrently with other leave
entitlements provided under federal, state, and local law. Leave that qualifies as both leave to care for a covered servicemember and leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition during a single 12-month period may not be designated and counted as both types of leave. Such leave will be designated first as leave to care for a covered servicemember.
Unless otherwise required by law, no employee will be entitled to more than a combined total of 26 weeks of leave in a single 12-month period for any FMLA-qualifying reason.
The FMLA permits eligible employees to take leave intermittently or on a reduced- schedule leave when medically necessary for: the serious health condition of the employee’s or the employee’s family member or to
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care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness. In the case of planned medical treatment, the employee must attempt to schedule the intermittent or reduced-schedule leave so as not to unduly disrupt the Company’s operations. Intermittent leave is not available for the birth, adoption or placement of a child unless agreed to by the Company. The Company may transfer the employee temporarily to an alternative position with equal pay and benefits that better accommodates any recurring periods of intermittent leave.
If an employee is entitled to paid leave under another benefit plan or policy (which includes, but is not limited to, short-term disability, unused paid vacation, sick, family, or personal leave), the employee must substitute the paid leave for FMLA leave. Such available paid leave will be counted against the unpaid FMLA leave entitlement. The employee is required to satisfy any procedural requirements for receiving payment under paid leave as provided in this Handbook when substituting paid leave for FMLA leave.
B. Request for and Designation of Leave
To request FMLA leave, the employee must complete and sign a Request for Family and Medical Leave form and submit it to the Benefits Administrator. When the need for FMLA leave is foreseeable, the employee must provide notice and submit the Request for Family and Medical Leave form at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the effective date of the leave. If 30 days notice is not practicable (such as if the employee is uncertain as to when the leave will begin or in the case of a medical emergency), the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable. If the need for leave is not foreseeable or in the case of a qualifying exigency, the employee must give the Company notice of the need for FMLA leave as soon as practicable under the particular circumstances.
An employee must provide notice sufficient for the Company to determine that the leave is for an FMLA- qualifying event. In the case of unforeseeable leave, calling in “sick” without providing any additional information is not sufficient. When an employee seeks FMLA leave for a qualifying reason for which the Company previously has granted FMLA-protected leave, the employee must specifically reference the qualifying reason for leave or the need for FMLA leave. If the employee fails to provide the Company the reason for leave, leave may be denied.
When the Company has sufficient information to determine whether the leave is for an FMLA-qualifying event, the employee will be notified within 5 days whether the leave will be designated and counted as FMLA leave, absent extenuating circumstances. At that time, employees will be provided written notice of their rights and responsibilities and the consequences for failure to meet these obligations.
When scheduling planned medical treatment, the employee must consult with the Company in advance to ensure that the Company’s operations are not unduly disrupted by the employee’s absence(s).
Employees should understand that, for any absences, whether covered by the FMLA or not, it is imperative
to follow the Company’s usual and customary internal notice and procedural requirements for requesting leave, as outlined in the Company’s Employee Handbook. If an employee fails to comply with the Company’s internal notice and procedural requirements and no unusual circumstances justify such failure, FMLA-protected leave may be delayed or denied.
C. Certification and Recertification of Leave
The Company requires that an employee provide a complete and sufficient certification of a serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s a family member, of a qualifying exigency, or of the need to care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness. Certification forms are available from the Company’s Benefits Administrator. The employee must submit the completed certification form to the Company within 15 calendar days, unless it is not practicable to do so under the particular circumstances. Failure to provide such certification may result in the delay or denial of FMLA leave.
If the Company has reason to doubt the validity of a medical certification, the Company, at its own expense, may require a second medical opinion from a physician it chooses. If the first and second opinions differ, the Company, at its own expense, may require the opinion of a third health care provider that is approved jointly by the Company and the employee. The third opinion will be considered final and binding.
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Where the employee’s need for leave due to the serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s
covered family member lasts beyond a single leave year, the Company requires the employee to provide a new medical certification in each year the employee subsequently takes leave.
Where leave is taken for the serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s covered family member, the Company may require recertification of the leave every six (6) months, or on a more frequent basis in certain circumstances.
Employees returning from an approved FMLA leave due to their own serious health condition will be required to present a fitness-for-duty certification from their health care provider indicating that they are medically able to resume work. This certification specifically must address the employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of his or her job. The Company may delay returning the employee to work until this certification is received. Failure to provide this certification may subject the employee to termination.
In the case of intermittent FMLA leave for an employee’s own serious health condition, employees are required
to present a fitness-for-duty certification every 30 days if the Company determines that reasonable safety concerns exist regarding the employee’s ability to perform his or her duties because of the employee’s serious health condition.
D. Employee Responsibilities While on Leave
During an approved FMLA leave, employees are entitled to the same health insurance they had before the leave began. Employees who pay some or their entire health insurance premium will be required to continue to pay the premiums in order to continue benefit coverage during the leave period. The employee is responsible for making arrangements to pay any premiums due during the leave period. Employees who do not return to work following FMLA leave will be liable for the payment of any health insurance premiums paid by the employer during unpaid FMLA leave, unless the failure to return to work was due to the continuation, recurrence, or onset of a serious health condition or for other circumstances beyond the employee’s control.
Employees will be required to periodically advise the Company of their status and intent to return to work at the
conclusion of the FMLA leave. Employees also must provide notice to the Company at least two (2) business days prior to their return to work. If an employee unequivocally indicates his or her intent not to return to work after taking FMLA leave, the employee is subject to termination.
While on leave, the employee may not be eligible for bonuses or other payments based on attendance or job-
related performance goals, in the Company’s discretion, where the employee has not met that goal due to FMLA leave.
Outside employment during your leave period without Company approval is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
E. Return from Leave
Employees returning from FMLA leave will be restored to the same or an equivalent job. The FMLA does not entitle a restored employee to any right, benefit, or position of employment other than any right, benefit, or position to which the employee would have been entitled had the employee not taken leave.
A request to substitute paid leave for unpaid FMLA leave or a request for any leave not covered by the FMLA
may be subject to additional approval, certification, and reinstatement requirements. In addition, employees requesting to substitute paid leave for unpaid FMLA leave or requesting other approved leave will be required to complete all applicable forms.
F. Complaint Procedure If you believe you have been denied any right under the FMLA, please utilize the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook.
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BENEFITS Your rights and benefits are determined in accordance with the provisions of the applicable benefit policy, and your benefits are effective only if you are eligible for the benefit (including any insurance) and remain covered or insured in accordance with policy terms. Any benefit policy is subject to amendment, suspension, modification, or termination in accordance with any provision thereof or at the discretion of the Company without the consent, notice to or concurrence of any person covered or insured thereunder. The Company reserves the right to amend, suspend, modify, or terminate these benefits at any time and for any reason. No agent or person, except the President of the Company in writing, has authority to contravene the terms of this Policy, including waiving any condition or restriction of any benefit plan, extending the time for making a payment, or binding the Company by making any promise or representation. No change in any benefit policy shall be valid unless evidenced by an endorsement on it signed by the aforesaid person. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, once an employee is terminated, the Company will not pay benefits under any benefit plan, except for that amount that the employee has contributed into the plan and has not yet utilized up to the time of termination.
Eligible employees may participate in our group medical insurance benefit plan. Information regarding benefits is available upon request.
On-the-job injuries are covered by our Workers’ Compensation Insurance Policy provided at no cost to you. If you are injured on the job, no matter how slightly, report the incident immediately to the Store Management (or the District Manager in their absence). We ask for your assistance in alerting management to any condition that could lead or contribute to an employee accident.
We rely upon the accuracy of information contained in the employment application and the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any of this information or data may result in exclusion of the applicant from further consideration for employment or, if the person has been hired, disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Attendance and punctuality are important factors for your success within our Company. We work as a team, and this requires that each person be in the right place at the right time. Failure to meet the expectations of the Company in the area of attendance and punctuality will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. If you are going to be late for work or absent, you must notify a member of management at your store at least 4 hours before the start of your shift (unless it is an emergency). It is not acceptable to email or text your supervisor or to have another person call for you or leave a message at the switchboard or with a co-worker. For an unexpected tardy or absence to be excused because of a medical issue, the Company requires that employees bring a doctor’s excuse to the store manager. Requested leave for medical reasons must be
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made in writing and have a doctor's excuse attached. The store manager must receive it before the next scheduled workday. A schedule is to be made and posted by Thursday noon each week. Requests for time off should be made in writing by Thursday 8am for the following week. Only one request off per month. Requests will be honored according to need and availability. No requests are guaranteed. One tardy is allowed per pay period. After one tardy, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action. After two tardies in a pay period, the employee will be subject to additional disciplinary action, up to and including termination. If you are absent for a shift without notifying the Company, it is assumed that you have voluntarily abandoned your position with the Company, and you will be removed from the payroll. If you are out sick for a non-work related medical problem, you must be released by your doctor to return to “full duty without restrictions.” This Policy will be applied consistent with all applicable laws. If you or an immediate family member has a medical condition that results in one or more absences, you may qualify for unpaid leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (“FMLA”), and your absence or tardy will not be considered for displinary action. Likewise, if your absence is approved leave under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), your absence will not be considered. For absences that should be approved under the ADA, please consult the ADA Policy set forth in the EEO Policy in this Handbook. Please refer to the Family and Medical Leave Policy in this Handbook for information about leave under the FMLA. Be advised that leave under the FMLA may be require approval in advance and does not necessarily relieve you from your responsibilities as set forth in this Attendance and Punctuality Policy. If you believe that an absence or tardy improperly has been considered, please utilize the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook.
The Company complies with applicable provisions of the Patient Protection and Accordable Care Act. Please direct all requests regarding this Policy to the Benefits Administrator.
Each employee has an obligation to observe and follow the Company’s policies and to maintain proper standards of conduct at all times. If an individual’s behavior interferes with the orderly and efficient operation of a department, corrective disciplinary measures will be taken. All employees also share an obligation to safeguard the integrity of the Company’s reputation and assure the continuation of ethical business practices. Disciplinary action may include a verbal counseling, written warning, suspension without pay and discharge. Please note that the Company reserves the right to impose whatever discipline it chooses, or none at all, in a particular instance. The Company will deal with each situation individually and nothing in this Handbook should be construed as a promise of specific treatment in a given situation. The following misconduct may result in discipline up to and including discharge:
1. misconduct; 2. violation of the Company’s policies or safety rules; 3. insubordination;
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4. excessive absenteeism or tardiness; 5. violation of substance abuse policy, including possession, use or sale of alcohol during
working hours, reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances, or unlawful use of controlled substances;
6. possession of dangerous instruments on Company property, including illegal firearms; 7. unsatisfactory performance; 8. suspicion of theft or dishonesty, including falsifying time sheets; 9. violation of Company’s EEO Policy or Business Practices/Code of Ethics Policy, or
disrespect toward fellow employees, customers, visitors or other members of the public; 10. violation of the Company’s Workplace Violence Policy; 11. gossiping or discussing/disclosing confidential business or personnel matters; 12. failure to work with a positive attitude; 13. failure to help and support other employees; 14. violation of policies or procedures set forth in Company Handbook; 15. disrespectful or unprofessional conduct either on the phone and / or on company property; 16. unauthorized or inappropriate use or disclosure of confidential information or trade secrets; 17. the inappropriate use of cell phones/PDA and personal music devices (such as an iPod)
while on duty for personal purposes; 18. playing lottery while on duty; 19. violation of alcohol/tobacco/lottery sales policy or violation of any laws related to sales
of these products; 20. alteration, falsification or forgery of any negotiable item or company or vendor
documents; 21. violation of cash control, check cashing or payroll policies; 22. cash register shortages; 23. misrepresenting inventory; 24. failing to ensure video recording device operating properly during shift; 25. sleeping while on duty; 26. refusal to acknowledge and sign an Improvement Awareness and/or Counseling Notice;
and 27. other misconduct as determined by the Company.
These examples are not all-inclusive. We emphasize that discipline and discharge decisions may be based on an assessment of all relevant factors, including the severity of the infraction and the employee’s work record, as determined by the Company. Employees may be denied Unemployment Benefits for failure to abide by these, and / or any of the Company’s Policies.
Application. The Company is committed to providing its employees a safe environment for working and conducting business. In this regard, the Company will not tolerate any threats, threatening behavior, acts of violence, or any related conduct which interferes with or disrupts the Company’s safe working environment. This prohibition applies to Company employees, vendors, customers, and visitors, whether or not the conduct occurs on or off Company property. Prohibited Conduct. Threats, threatening behavior, acts of violence or related disruptive conduct includes conduct against persons or property that is sufficiently severe, offensive, or intimidating that it disturbs, interferes, or prevents normal work functions or activities. Specific examples of conduct that may be considered “threats, threatening behavior, acts of violence or related disruptive conduct” include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Hitting or shoving an individual.
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2. Threatening to harm an individual or his/her family, friends, associates, or their property.
3. The intentional destruction or threat of destruction of property owned, operated, or controlled by the Company.
4. Harassing or threatening individuals through any form of written or electronic communications.
5. Intimidating or attempting to coerce an employee to do wrongful acts that would affect the business interests of the Company.
6. Harassing surveillance of another Company employee and making a credible threat with intent to place the other person in reasonable fear of his or her safety.
7. Unlawful possession of firearms, weapons, or any other dangerous devices on Company property, except as provided for by the Business Security and Employee Privacy Act.
Complaint Procedure. If you feel that you have experienced or witnessed conduct that is prohibited under this Policy, you are to follow the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook.
We are committed to providing a secure workplace and ensuring the protection of corporate assets and proprietary information. Security is an integral part of your job responsibilities. Be sensitive to information you generate or have access to, protect corporate assets such as inventory, records and office supplies, secure your work area when left unattended, and report security related issues to your manager. If contacted by the media regarding any aspects of your employment, duties, or other activities at the Company, please advise the media to direct any inquiries to the President of the Company. You should immediately contact the President to advise him/her of any media inquiry.
CASH CONTROL POLICY Shifts are to be changed at the same time every day. Cashiers who are late for shift have the option of assuming the cash drawer as is or counting down and changing pay point. Cashiers who assume cash drawers as is are assuming all shortages at the end of the day. Customers must not be inconvenienced due to cashier tardiness. Only one cashier should be working on the register during pay point period. All lottery and lotto are to be run through the register. Paid-outs for the lottery are to be rung up on the lotto paid out key. All scratch off ticket sales must be rung up. All money orders are to be rung up and should be cash only. No drawer keys are to be accessible to the cashiers. All $20, $50, and $100 bills are to be marked with a counterfeit pen. (Ink should be yellow, not brown) All drive offs are to be printed by the cashier and initialed by the second cashier on duty. A brief description of the vehicle and/or person pumping should be written on the drive off slip. Police reports are to be obtained when possible.
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Change should be counted back to all customers. No $50 or $100 bills are to be given back to the customer. All credit card slips should have a signature on it. Cards that will not swipe must have an imprint of the card to accompany it. At the end of every pay point, the money will be counted and written on the pay point report with the drop number or entered into the system as a drop. The cashier must sign the pay point report showing they agree with the drop amount. The final drawer count will be calculated with a calculator tape and the tape initialed and left in the drawer with the money. It is the manager's responsibility to check shift paperwork the following morning and to verify for accuracy. If a mistake is found, it is to be corrected to the side of the original entry. Do not erase the original entry. If a drop error is found, the drop slip is to be saved and the corrected amount written on it. It is then to be attached to the appropriate pay point report. It is the cashier’s responsibility to leave a written explanation of any shortage when it is discovered short on the pay point report and to follow up with the manager the next morning. No more than $200.00 is to be kept in the register at any given time. There should never be more than three $20 bills in a drawer. All other monies are to be dropped in the safe. Checks are to be dropped as received. All monies are to be kept under lock and key at all times. Cashiers will be held accountable for cash shortages to the extent they are preventable and will be collected in accordance with Fair Labor Standards Act provisions. Multiple shortages may result in discipline, up to and including termination.
We accept checks except within the following guidelines. Athens Area Stores should not accept any checks. Jackson Area Stores:
1. Check the Good Check List. If the customer is not listed, do not accept the check. 2. Stamp the back of the check and fill in all information. 3. Make sure the check has a phone # and the correct current address on it. Get a street
address if a P.O. Box is listed. 4. No two party checks. 5. No payroll checks. 6. No out of town checks. 7. If in doubt, do not accept the check without manager's approval. 8. A check can only be written for the amount of purchase plus $25.00. 9. No checks should be accepted over $50.00 without management approval. 10. Store employees may write checks for the amount of purchase. If a check bounces, the
employee will be subject to disciplinary action and check cashing privileges revoked. 11. If you have questions about this policy, please ask your manager for further clarification.
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1. Cashiers are to make eye contact or acknowledge all gas customers prior to turning on gas pumps. 2. Pre-paid pumps are to be designated by the Director of Operations only. 3. Cashiers should ask all customers if they had gasoline today. 4. Drive offs should be cashed out as soon as it is determined it is a drive off. All drive offs are to
be printed by the cashier and initialed by the second cashier on duty. A brief description of the vehicle and or person should be written on the drive off slip. A police report should be obtained when possible.
5. The manager should verify, on video (if available), that a drive off occurred. A drive off form must be completed by the cashier and submitted with paperwork.
6. Where applicable, both inside and outside videos are to be put in the VCR at the beginning of every shift. The video tape number is to be logged on the Video Tape Log.
7. If a drive-off is determined to be preventable by the cashier, the cashier will be held responsible for repayment in accordance with Fair Labor Standards Act provisions.
1. Each location may have site specific rules as set by management. Ensure you are aware of location policies and procedures. You should seek management clarification to ensure your understanding of the rules.
2. Employees are not allowed to ring up their own personal purchases, whether paid in cash or otherwise. Further, employee purchases are to be supported by a cash register receipt and turned in with paperwork at the end of each shift. No employee charge accounts are allowed.
3. Employee's food and drinks at the service counter or register should not be visible to the customer.
4. Any void, lottery shortage, error correct, drive offs or refund must be supported with a receipt that is initialed by the manager and employee with a brief explanation.
5. Please do not leave the service counter or register unattended. 6. Nobody other than the shift manager is allowed in the store office alone unless accompanied by a
manager. 7. Video tapes, if applicable,are to be changed at the beginning of each shift and logged by the
manager. Make sure that the sound is turned up on the inside video 8. All product is to be priced with the exception of soft drinks and cigarettes. 9. Any items used by the store are to be rung up through the register as a sale. The register receipt
should then be characterized as a cash paid out. The original is to be listed on the daily paperwork to balance cash and a copy is to be listed on the store inventory as supply.
10. Purses, bags or backpacks are not allowed to be brought inside the store while an employee is on shift, except for special circumstances that have been approved by the manager. Clear bags, that are transparent to the eye, are allowed should an employee need a bag inside the store, while on duty.
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VENDOR CHECK IN PROCEDURES 1. Vendors should be received between 6:30am and 3:00pm with the exceptions of gasoline and
newspapers. Manager should review the invoice upon arrival. Individual stores may determine times of day when vendors will not be received due to high customer traffic.
2. Only authorized vendors in uniform or presenting company identification are allowed in the store. Do not allow unauthorized persons to assist in the delivery of merchandise.
3. Only one vendor is accepted at a time. The driver must park away from the front door and not block the gas dispensers allowing room for our customers.
4. All merchandise deliveries to the store should occur in a neutral area which does not obstruct the flow of customers and which is away from a vendor's stocking area.
5. Verify that the invoice is for your store before you accept delivery. 6. All merchandise credits should be counted, written up on a separate “credit” memo and removed
from the store before merchandise is brought into the store. 7. Open all boxes and cases and lift all crates. 8. Verify that the vendor has correctly priced all items. 9. Count each individual item to compare the quantities and sizes of the products on the invoice, to
those actually delivered. Do this in the same order as written on the invoice. 10. Do not allow the vendor to hold the invoice while you count. Check off each item as you verify.
Always go in order of the invoice. 11. All cardboard boxes must be broken down in the store by the vendor. It must then be disposed of
in the dumpster, unless it is a container routinely used by the vendor (e.g. Frito Lay). 12. Verify that all outgoing crates and boxes are empty. 13. Sign all copies with full signature after deliveries and invoices have been verified. Retain the
original invoice and give the vendor the duplicate copies. 14. Never return an invoice to a vendor for corrections after it has been signed. 15. Never accept samples. Never accept verbal deals. 16. Propane, Cintas, newspapers and ice companies are vendors. They should be checked in the same
as any other vendor.
Georgia Law prohibits the sales of tobacco and alcohol beverage to under-aged persons. The legal age to purchase tobacco is 18 years old. The legal age to purchase any alcoholic beverage is 21 years old. The legal age to purchase any Lottery/Lotto-related sales is 18 years old. It is the Company’s policy to check the I.D. on all customers purchasing alcoholic beverages and to enter their birth date in the Legal Age machine, where available. You should seek ID for all persons buying tobacco who appear to be under the age of 29 and enter their birth date in the Legal Age machine, where available.
Remember that you should not: 1. Give away any alcohol or tobacco products. 2. Purchase any alcohol or tobacco for the purpose of giving to someone under age. 3. Allow an underage individual to carry out alcohol purchased by somebody else. 4. Allow consumption of alcohol in the store or on company property. 5. Sell only during hours of authorized for the location at which you are working.
The Company prohibits dating or romantic relationships between a supervisor and a subordinate who reports either directly or indirectly to that supervisor. This prohibition applies to all employees regardless of their marital status. In the event a supervisor and subordinate desire to date or enter into a romantic relationship, the supervisor should immediately notify the Director of Operations so that the Company may take appropriate steps to avoid any adverse impact in the workplace. This may include the transfer,
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reassignment, or resignation of one (or both) of the associates involved. The Company may, at its discretion, also require any participants in a consensual romantic and/or sexual relationship to execute a Consensual Relationship Agreement. The Company will address these situations as confidentially and discreetly as possible. When a violation of this Policy is determined to have occurred, appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge, will be taken.
EMPLOYEE AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Our Company’s reputation has been built on excellent service and the quality of our care. To maintain this reputation requires the active participation of every employee. The opinions and attitudes that customers have toward our Company may be determined for a long period of time by the actions of one employee. It is sometimes easy to take a customer for granted, but when we do, we run the risk of losing not only that customer, but his or her associates, friends or family who may also be customers or prospective customers. Each employee must be sensitive to the importance of providing courteous treatment in all working relationships. Points to remember:
1. Greet all customers as they enter the store. Be sincere, don't be a robot. Try to make eye contact. Speak loud and clear so the customer can hear you.
2. Employees should be aware of the customer in the store. Offer assistance where needed. Each employee should be familiar with the layout of the store and the location of products within it.
3. When the customer comes to the register, speak to them again. Ask them if they found everything they were looking for.
4. When applicable, ask customer if he/she got gasoline. 5. Car wash locations should ask all customers “would you like a car wash today?” 6. Close the transaction with a sincere “Thank You.” 7. Employees should have knowledge of the policies of the Company. 8. Use common sense. Even when enforcing policies, it can be done in a way as to not alienate
the customer. Ask for assistance from a management when needed or in doubt. 9. Problem customers should be handled without taking it personally. They may have been
having a bad day and it is not necessarily directed at you. 10. If more than 2 people are in line, call for another cashier. 11. Remember the customer should be the most important person in the store. Without the
customer, we would have no business. Make their shopping enjoyable and you will enjoy your job much more.
And remember that, if you are contacted by the media regarding any aspects of your employment, duties, or other activities at the Company, please advise the media to direct any inquiries to the President of the Company. You should immediately contact the President to advise him/her of any media inquiry.
Solicitation by an employee of another employee, including but not limited to, solicitation for contributions, sale of merchandise, or memberships in clubs or organizations, circulation of petitions, and all other forms of solicitation, is prohibited while either the person doing the soliciting or the one being solicited is on his or her working time. Solicitation by non-employees on Company premises is prohibited at all times. Distribution of advertising material, handbills, printed or written literature of any kind in the working areas of the Company is prohibited at any time. Distribution of literature by non-employees on Company premises is prohibited at all times.
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OFF-DUTY EMPLOYEES Off duty employees are to visit the Company only on matters of business, such as obtaining paychecks, and may not enter work areas of the Company unless granted permission to do so by a supervisor. There should be no loitering by off duty employees at any company location.
Visitors are not allowed in work areas without express permission and approval by your supervisor.
The Company is not responsible for personal belongings that are brought onto the premises. Team members are encouraged not to bring valuable items with them to work. All personal items brought into the facility should be secured in lockers if provided. The Company cannot be responsible for loss or damage to your personal property.
We need to maintain up-to-date information about you so we would be able to aid you and/or your family in matters of personal emergency. Changes in name, address, telephone number, marital status, number of dependents or changes in next of kin and/or beneficiaries should be given promptly to the payroll manager.
The Company provides offices, desks, computers, and other Company property to employees for their use while employed by the Company. These items are the property of the Company. The Company can make no assurances about the security or privacy of any office, desk, file cabinet, computer, or other Company facility and discourages the storage of valuables, perishables, and other personal items in them. Additionally, the Company reserves the right to open and inspect any item of any kind on Company property, including in an office, desk, computer and files, file cabinet, or Company property and its contents, at any time with or without reason, notice or consent. All vehicles parked in secure parking areas that restrict the general public by way of a gate, security officer or station, or other similar means and all vehicles parked in temporary parking areas are subject to search at any time with or without reason. Employees should understand that any conversations over the Company’s telephones and similar voice systems may be monitored or recorded for any reason as a part of normal business operations. By using the Company’s telephones, employees expressly consent to such monitoring and recording for all lawful purposes and any use of the Company’s telephones and similar voice systems is done so with the knowledge and awareness of this Policy. Similarly, employees should be aware that, in order to promote the safety of employees, patrons, visitors, occupants, as well as the security of its assets and properties, the Company may conduct video surveillance of any portion of its premises at any time, the only exception being private areas of restrooms, showers, and dressing rooms, and that employment with the Company constitutes an express awareness of and consent to such surveillance.
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PROTECTING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION The Company considers its confidential and proprietary information to be one of its most valuable assets. We all share a common interest in making sure this information is not improperly or accidentally disclosed. As such, employees must carefully protect and must not disclose to any third party any confidential or proprietary information belonging to the Company or its customers. Such protected information includes, but is not limited to, matters of a technical nature, such as computer software, product sources, product research, and designs; as well as matters of a business nature, such as customer lists, customer contact information, employee information, personnel information, on-site program and support materials, training materials, pricing lists, sales data, financial and marketing data, and any other confidential and/or proprietary information, whether communicated orally or in writing, and whether in electronic or other tangible form, concerning the Company’s or its customers’ operations and business. Employees should ensure that any materials containing confidential or proprietary information are stored safely before leaving their work areas each day. During the workday, employees should avoid leaving confidential or proprietary information unattended. Further, at the termination of employment, employees are required to return all of the Company’s property that is in the employees’ control or possession to the Company, including, but not limited to, confidential or propriety information. This Policy specifically requires employees to return all Company property (including electronically stored information) that employees may have taken outside of the office (e.g., personal residence) or transferred to or stored on non-Company computers and other electronic storage devices (including PDAs) during the course of their employment. Employees should clearly understand that, upon termination of their employment, they are without authorization to access or use any such Company property, whether through a Company-sponsored computer or computer network or via a non-Company computer or other electronic storage device. Further, for the avoidance of doubt, this Policy also makes clear that no employee is authorized to access the Company’s computer/network system after termination of employment, unless such post-termination access is expressly authorized in writing by the President of the Company.
Purpose and Application. The Company provides a variety of technology resources to its employees for purposes of its business operations and to help employees perform their jobs. While these technology resources are often necessary and helpful tools, they also pose risks and must be used with common sense and good judgment. As such, the Company has developed this Policy to establish guidelines for the use of its technology resources. For purposes of this Policy, the Company uses the term “technology resources” to refer generally to all of its network and electronic resources, such as computers, software, networks, email systems, telephones and cellular phones, voicemail systems, fax machines, and Internet access. Business Use Only. The use of the Company’s technology resources is for Company business and is to be used for authorized purposes only. These technology resources are established, maintained, and provided by the Company for employees to use for the furtherance of Company business and not for personal use. Ownership and Access to Technology Resources. All of the Company’s technology resources, including all data and files stored on or transmitted using the Company’s technology resources, are the property of the Company. This means that the Company owns all data and files stored on or transmitted using any of the Company’s technology resources, such as computers, network servers, or email servers. As such, the Company retains the right to access, monitor, and inspect its technology resources, and any of the data and files therein, at any time. This right applies both during an employee’s employment with the Company and after its termination for any reason, voluntary or involuntary.
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Employees should not have an expectation of privacy in anything they create, store, send, or receive using the Company’s technology resources. In this regard, employees are specifically advised that passwords are designed to give employees access to all or part of the Company’s technology resources; they are not designed to guarantee employee privacy or security in any data or file created, stored, sent, or received on any of the Company’s technology resources. Employees may not change passwords without prior express permission. Upon termination of employment, employees must return all passwords to the Company. General Guidelines for Use. Employees are expected to use the Company’s technology resources professionally, for business purposes only, and in compliance with all other Company policies. Therefore, employees must follow the guidelines set forth below when using the Company’s technology resources. This list is not intended to be an exhaustive description of all activities that may be considered inappropriate use of technology resources; there may be other activities that are inappropriate and/or violate Company policies, for which an employee may be subject to disciplinary action. If you ever are uncertain about whether an activity is an appropriate use of the Company’s technology resources, you should consult with your supervisor.
1. Employees may not use the Company’s technology resources to view or transmit any material that is fraudulent, harassing, embarrassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, violative of the Company’s EEO Policy, or otherwise unlawful or inappropriate. The Company may use software or hardware to identify such inappropriate use of its technology resources. Websites with inappropriate content may be blocked from access by Company networks. In the event employees do encounter inappropriate or sexually explicit material while on the Internet or otherwise using the Company’s technology resources, they should disconnect immediately.
2. Employees may not use the Company’s technology resources to participate in or use any
social media websites. (For more information, please refer to the Company’s Social Media Policy.)
0 3. Employees must not deliberately perform other acts that waste computer resources or
unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. These acts include, but are not limited to, sending mass mailings or chain letters, streaming audio or video content from the Internet, playing games, engaging in online chat groups, printing multiple copies of documents, using Company equipment for outside organizations or commercial ventures, or otherwise creating unnecessary network traffic.
4. Employees may not use the Company’s Internet connection to download games or other
entertainment software, including screen savers, or to play games over the Internet or to access personal online accounts. No employee shall download any software from the Internet without express permission. This includes messaging software such as AOL and MSN, windows skins, music files (e.g., MP3), software updates, or enhancements.
5. Employees may not illegally copy material protected under copyright law or make that
material available to others for copying. Employees may not agree to a license or download any material for which a registration fee is charged without first obtaining express written permission from the Company.
6. Without the express permission of their supervisors, employees may not send unsolicited electronic mail to persons with whom they do not have a prior relationship.
7. Employees must not alter the “From:” line or other attribution-of-origin information in
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electronic mail, messages, or postings. Anonymous or pseudonymous electronic communications are forbidden.
8. Company communications and property are confidential. Any employee who accesses
another person’s computer, voicemail, computer file or data, or property without prior approval by an appropriate officer of the Company will be in violation of this Policy.
9 To ensure security and avoid the spread of viruses, employees accessing the Internet
through a computer attached to a Company network must do so through an approved Internet firewall. Accessing the Internet directly is strictly prohibited unless the computer being used is not connected to the Company’s network.
10. Files obtained from sources outside the Company, including discs brought from home;
files downloaded from the Internet, newsgroups, bulletin boards, or other online services; files attached to electronic mail; and files provided by customers or vendors, may contain dangerous computer viruses that may damage the Company’s computer network. Employees should never download files from the Internet, accept electronic mail attachments from outsiders, or use discs from non-Company sources without first scanning the material with Company-approved virus-checking software. If employees suspect that a virus has been introduced into the Company’s network, they should notify the Company immediately.
Other Company Policies. All of the Company’s policies, including, but not limited to, its policies on Equal Employment Opportunity, Protecting Confidential Information, Social Media, and Solicitation and Distribution, apply to the use of the Company’s technology resources. If any employee feels that he or she has witnessed or been the subject of any conduct in violation of this Policy, the employee should utilize the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook. Discipline. Employees will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination from employment, for violating this Policy. Therefore, before using any of the Company’s technology resources, employees should consider whether their actions meet the expectations set forth herein. In doing so, employees should be mindful that electronically stored information can often be saved or retrieved even after an employee believes he or she has taken steps to “delete” it.
SOCIAL MEDIA In general, the Company views social networking websites (e.g., MySpace, Facebook, Twitter), personal websites, and blogs positively and respects the right of employees to use them as a medium of self- expression. However, the use of these types of websites can impact both the Company and employees alike. Therefore, the Company has created this Policy to establish its expectations for employee use of these types of websites. Applicability. This Policy is meant to apply to social networking sites, personal websites, blogs, photo sharing sites, video sharing sites, podcasts, as well as bulletin boards and comments posted on other websites. For ease of reference, this Policy refers to all of these types of websites generically as “social media websites.” The absence of an explicit reference to a specific website is not meant to limit the application of this Policy. Where no policy or guideline exists, employees should use their professional judgment and take the most prudent action possible. You should consult with your manager or supervisor if you are uncertain about any of your activities on a social media website. No Interference with Job Duties. The Company’s Internet and computer resources are provided to
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employees to allow them to complete their job duties and should be used for business purposes only. As such, the Company does not allow personal use of social media websites during work time. Use Outside of Work. Employees may use social media websites during their personal time outside of work. Employees must be aware, however, that information they display on the Internet not only reflects on themselves, but could be associated with the Company as well. Therefore, employees are expected to follow these guidelines when using any social media website:
1. If an employee identifies himself as an employee of the Company, the employee must place a disclaimer in his/her profile, post, or publication that clearly states that any and all opinions or views expressed are those of the employee and not the Company.
2. The Company’s relationships with its clients, customers, and partners are valuable assets. Even positive references can be noticed by a competitor and used to the Company’s disadvantage. Therefore, employees may not reference or display any information about any of the Company’s clients, customers, business partners, or third parties inconsistent with the Company’s EEO Policy, Protecting Confidential Information Policy, or other provisions of this Handbook.
3. Employees are expected to comply with the Company’s EEO and other policies, as allowed by law, and refrain from using personal insults, malicious comments or defamatory remarks when commenting about the Company, its employees, its customers, or third parties in violation of the Company’s EEO Policy, Protecting Confidential Information Policy, or other provisions of this Handbook.
4. Confidential and proprietary information of the Company is not to be discussed or referred to by employees on any social media website, even in private messages between site members who have authorized access to the information. This includes information such as financial information about the Company, pricing, strategies, intellectual property, customer information, or other information covered by the Company’s Protecting Confidential Information Policy in this Handbook.
5. Employees are responsible for reading, knowing, and complying with the Terms of Service of the social media websites they use.
6. Employees are expected at all times to comply with the law in regard to copyright, trademark, and plagiarism. Posting of someone else’s work without permission is not allowed. In addition, employees are expected to not make disparaging comments about other persons or entities on social medial websites.
7. The Company encourages all employees to keep in mind the speed and manner in which information posted on a blog, web page or social networking site can be relayed and often misunderstood by the reader. Employees must use their best judgment and also comply with the policies set forth in this Handbook.
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Reminders On Use Of Social Media:
Maintain Confidentiality. It’s acceptable to have a dialog with online communities, but it’s not permitted to publish confidential information. Confidential information includes things such as unpublished details about our products, details of current projects, future product ship dates, financial information, research, trade secrets, and other information. We must respect the confidentiality of the Company’s intellectual assets, and we must also be mindful of the competitiveness of our industry. Do not post information we do not want the public to see.
Be Honest. Do not comment, post or blog anonymously, using pseudonyms or false screen names. The Company believes in transparency and honesty. Use your real name, be clear who you are, and identify that you work for the Company. Do not say anything that is dishonest, untrue, or misleading. If you have a vested interest in something you are discussing, point it out. Make sure that your comments on social media sites do not interfere with your job or commitments to customers, dealers or suppliers.
Respect Copyright Laws. It is critical you show proper respect for the laws governing copyright and fair use or fair dealing of copyrighted material owned by others, including Company-owned copyrights and trademarked brands. You should never quote more than short excerpts of someone else’s work, always attribute such work to the original author/source, and link to others’ full body of work, rather than reproduce it.
Respect Your Audience. The public in general, and the Company’s employees and customers, reflect a diverse set of customs, values and points of view. Don’t say anything contradictory or in conflict with Company policy. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, but do so respectfully. This includes not only the obvious (no ethnic slurs, offensive comments, defamatory comments, personal insults, obscenity, etc.) but also proper consideration of privacy. Do not discuss topics considered objectionable or inflammatory - such as politics and religion. Use your best judgment and make it clear the views and opinions expressed are yours alone and do not represent the official views of the Company.
Protect and Obtain Permission. Customers, partners or suppliers should not be cited or obviously referenced without their approval. Never identify a customer, partner or supplier by name without permission and never discuss confidential details of a customer engagement. It is acceptable to discuss general details about kinds of projects and to use non-identifying pseudonyms for a customer (e.g., Customer 123) so long as the information provided does not violate any non- disclosure agreements that are in place with the customer or make it easy for someone to identify the customer. Social media is not the place to “conduct business” with a customer, the media, or suppliers.
Avoid Controversy. If you see misrepresentations made about the Company in the media, you may point that out. Always do so with respect and with the facts. If you speak about others, make sure what you say is factual and that it does not disparage that party. Avoid arguments. Brawls may earn traffic, but nobody wins in the end. Don’t try to settle scores or engage competitors or others in inflammatory debates. Make sure what you are saying is factually correct, includes links to the Company’s websites to back up claims and include the facts.
Correct Mistakes. If you make an error, be up front about your mistake and correct it quickly. If you choose to modify an earlier post, make it clear that you have done so. If someone accuses you of posting something improper (such as their copyrighted material or a defamatory comment about them), deal with it quickly - better to remove it immediately.
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Social Media Tips. The following tips are not mandatory, but will contribute to successful use of social media. The best way to be interesting, stay out of trouble, and have fun is to write about what you know. There is a good chance of being embarrassed by a real expert, or of being boring if you write about topics you are not knowledgeable about. Quality matters. Use a spell-checker. Always ask a coworker to check your post, and take their advice on how to improve it. The speed of being able to publish your thoughts is both a great feature and a great downfall of social media. The time to edit or reflect must be self-imposed. If in doubt over a post, or if something does not feel right, either let it sit and look at it again before publishing it.
Other Company Policies. All other policies in this Handbook apply with equal force to employee use of social media websites. In particular, employees are expected to follow the Company’s EEO Policy when participating in social medial websites. The Company considers behavior that is inappropriate in the workplace to be inappropriate on the Internet as well, meaning that the Company’s EEO Policy concerning discrimination, harassment, and retaliation applies equally to the treatment of employees in the workplace or on the Internet. Disciplinary Action. While the Company respects the right of employees to use social media websites, it has established this Policy for the benefit and protection of the Company and its employees. Any employee witnessing or who believes a violation of this Policy has occurred should utilize the Company’s Employee Complaint Procedure, which is contained in this Handbook. The Company takes the expectations explained above very seriously. As such, employees are advised that violating this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Compliance with National Labor Relations Act. Nothing in this Policy, or any other Company policy, should be interpreted in a manner that unlawfully prohibits the right of employees to engage in protected concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”). The Company has and always will comply fully with its obligations under the NLRA.
You are expected to use proper care when using the Company’s property and equipment. No property may be removed from the premises without the proper authorization of management. If you lose, break or damage any property, report it to your supervisor at once.
Company vehicles may only be used for job-related travel. Operators of Company vehicles are responsible for the safe operation and cleanliness of the vehicle. Accidents involving a Company vehicle must be reported to your supervisor immediately. Employees are responsible for any moving violations and fines which may result when operating a Company vehicle. The use of seat belts is mandatory for operators and passengers of Company vehicles.
SEVERE WEATHER Severe weather is sometimes to be expected. Although driving may at times be difficult, when caution is exercised, the roads are normally passable. Except in cases of severe storms, we are all expected to work our regular hours. Time taken off due to poor weather conditions is to be made up, used as vacation (if applicable) or is unpaid.
It is important to keep our telephone lines free for customer calls. Although use of the Company’s telephones
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for a personal emergency may be necessary, routine personal calls are prohibited. Further, employees are to refrain from having their cell phone in the workplace during work time, except with advanced approval and for legitimate business purposes. Further, employees should not wear any type of cell phone accessory (such as a Bluetooth device) while on duty.
Employees are not allowed to have Cell Phones while on duty. Employees who are not to have cell phones, including blue tooth or similar type cell phone accessory, will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination, should policy be violated.
Employees will not utilize cellular phones or any other type of portable communications device for improper purposes. Therefore, unless it is in pursuit of a legitimate business purpose, employees are not, while acting on behalf of the Company on and off Company premises, permitted to use a cellular phone or any other type of portable communications device to: (1) take or transmit pictures of employees, visitors, or any other individuals without their expressed consent; and (2) take or transmit pictures of the Company’s confidential information and trade secrets. Further, employees should not use cell phones or any other portable communications device while operating a motor vehicle on behalf of the Company. If employees must use cell phones while in their motor vehicle, they must comply with the following safety guidelines: (1) Always dial while the car isn’t moving; (2) Never use the phone in heavy traffic or bad weather; (3) Use speed dialing as much as possible; (4) Use a hands-free phone; (5) Never look up phone numbers while driving; (6) Never have stressful conversations while driving; and (7) Keep your eyes on the road while on the phone. Of course, employees must adhere to all federal, state or local rules and regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving.
Employees should understand that the Company may install and utilize global position system (GPS) tracking on Company-issued cell phones (or other portable communication devices) for business-related purposes and also may discipline employees based on the information gathered by the tracking software. The GPS tracking software will provide the Company the ability to gather and monitor information related to the location of the cell phone. By your continued employment and through the use of the Company-issued cell phone (or other portable communication device), employees expressly consent to such tracking and acknowledge that they have no expectation of privacy in the information generated by this software (including their location) as a result of having a Company-issued cell phone (or other portable communication device). To the extent that employees do not want the Company to gather location information on non-working time, the Company encourages employees to turn off their Company-issued cell phone or simply leave their Company-issued cell phone at home.
Personal appearance on the job is important to the Company. All employees are expected to maintain high standards of personal appearance and cleanliness, and in doing so, dress and groom themselves in a fitting manner. Employees are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal cleanliness and present a neat, professional appearance at all times. Our customers’ satisfaction represents the most important and challenging aspect of our business. Whether or not your job responsibilities place you in direct customer contact, you represent the Company with your appearance as well as your actions. The properly attired man or woman helps to create a favorable image for the Company, to the public and fellow employees. If you have any questions regarding this policy, you should direct your questions to management for clarification.
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Below are a few specific rules to remember: 1. Hair should be clean, combed and neatly trimmed or arranged. Sideburns, mustaches, and beards
should be neatly trimmed and groomed. Men should not have hair past their collar. Unnatural hair color (green, orange, purple, blue, etc) and styles (spikes, partial shaved, etc) are unacceptable for both genders.
2. Tattoos and body piercings should not be seen while on duty with the exception of earrings, with a 2 per lobe maximum.
3. Make-up is to be modest and non-offensive. It should only be worn by the female gender. Hands are to be clean and nails maintained. Nails are to be a length that does not hinder speed in the operation of the cash register. False nails and nail polish are be worn by women only.
4. A company issued shirt or smock must be worn at all times while on duty. Uniform shirts must be tucked in at the waist. Long sleeve shirts worn underneath uniform shirts must be solid in the colors of white, grey, black or blue. No coats / shirts / hoodies allowed over uniform shirts. If a smock is worn, the shirt underneath must not expose midriff area (stomach) and must be buttoned with in two buttons from the top. No t-shirts with any type of print on them. Uniforms are not to altered and are to be worn as designed by the manufacturer.
5. Blue Jeans / Denim pants are not acceptable. Khaki pants, in any solid share of tan or beige must be worn. All pants must have not tears or frays, must be the correct size, cannot be skin-tight, must not drag the floor and must be worn above the hips. Pants must be clean wrinkle-free, have no cargo or painter’s pockets and/or loops. No patches, prints, or embellishments.
6. Black, non-skid, slip-resistant soled shoes are to be worn. They must be closed at the toe and heel. All shoes are to be clean and in good repair. SHOES ARE TO BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. NO SANDALS / FLIP FLOPS / HOUSE SLIPPERS / LADIES HEELS.
7. Only company issued hats are allowed. All hats must be worn in such a manner that eyes are visible to the customer. Hats must be worn with the brim to the front.
KITCHEN DRESS CODE( in addition to the above): Appearance: Clean, well groomed hair, hands and nails trimmed to the end of the fingers. No acrylic
nails allowed. Accessories: No excessive cologne, perfume or make-up. No watches, bracelets, or rings with the
exception of one, single band. Hair restraints must be worn at all times with a hat or hair-net.
BULLETIN BOARD Information of interest and importance to you is regularly posted on our bulletin board. We suggest that you look at it regularly to keep up with what is happening. This bulletin board is for Company announcements and publications only, and employees may not post or remove any information from it.
EACH EMPLOYEE’S SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY Safety can only be achieved through teamwork. Each employee, supervisor, and manager must practice safety awareness by thinking defensively, anticipating unsafe situations and reporting unsafe conditions immediately. The Company is committed to providing a safe workplace for all employees. As the Company has accepted this responsibility, employees in turn must accept the responsibility to work safely for themselves and the lives of their coworkers. This duty means working intelligently, with common sense and with foresight. The Company requires every employee to follow safety standards that apply to our operations and adhere to all OSHA regulations.
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Rules alone will not prevent accidents. It takes the cooperation of all employees to see that accidents are eliminated. Employees should report any unsafe conditions to their supervisors immediately, and always try to THINK SAFETY! Please observe the following precautions: 1. Notify your supervisor of any emergency situation. If you are injured or become sick at work, no
matter how slightly, you must inform your supervisor immediately. 2. Use, adjust and repair machines and equipment only if you are trained and qualified. 3. Get help when lifting or pushing heavy objects. 4. Understand your job fully and follow instructions. If you are not sure of the safe procedure, don’t
guess -- ask your supervisor. 5. Know the locations, contents and use of first aid and firefighting equipment. A violation of a safety precaution is in itself an unsafe act. A violation may lead to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Good work habits and a neat place to work are essential for job safety and efficiency. You are expected to keep your place of work organized and materials in good order at all times. Report anything that needs repair or replacement to your supervisor.
Our Company is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for employees and visitors. Therefore, all forms of tobacco, including smokeless, use are prohibited in Company Vehicles and on Company premises, except in designated smoking areas. No smoking should ever occur around gas pumps. Under no circumstances is smoking or spitting permitted near entrances to buildings. No special breaks will be given to smokers that are not given to non-smokers.
The Environmental Protection Agency has grouped certain chemicals and chemical groups into categories which have been defined as toxic. This means that, in concentrated forms or by accumulating and combining with other chemicals (even the air), these chemicals can be hazardous to human health if exposure occurs. From time to time in the normal course of their jobs, employees may handle materials that have been classified as hazardous by the standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) regulations. Hazardous materials that are received from the Company’s suppliers should have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or labels that state the chemical ingredients of the contents, precautions to take, and what to do if exposure occurs. If any employee suspects that the materials or wastes he/she may encounter as an associate are hazardous (whether or not they are being created or used by the Company), he/she should inform the Company’s Director of Operations immediately. The Company is committed to not creating or disposing of hazardous wastes that will contaminate the
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environment. We will choose materials that have been judged as non-hazardous whenever possible and will properly dispose of hazardous materials if used. Also, we will not knowingly dump any wastes into the environment at any time. The Company will inform employees how to control hazardous wastes and what to do if they are exposed to hazardous wastes.
No employee shall work, report to work or be present on Company premises, in Company vehicles or engage in Company activities while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances which significantly affects job safety or performance. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale or use of alcohol or controlled substances while employed with the Company is also strictly prohibited. Any violation of this substance abuse policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge. The Company further reserves the right to take any and all appropriate and lawful actions necessary to enforce this Policy, including, but not limited to, the inspection of the employee’s personal property in certain circumstances, as well as Company-issued lockers, desks or other suspected areas of concealment. Legally prescribed medications/drugs may be taken during working hours. Employees should notify their supervisors if the use of prescribed medications/drugs might affect their performance. Abuse of prescription medications/drugs will not be tolerated. The Company may conduct pre-employment screening examinations designed to prevent the hiring of individuals who use illegal drugs. The Company also may conduct drug and alcohol testing if and when there is reasonable cause to suspect an employee is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol while on Company property. An employee’s refusal to submit to the test at the time requested may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Additionally, the Company reserves the right to conduct unannounced substance abuse tests to ensure compliance with this Policy and your continued employment reflects your consent to such tests. Additionally, any employee involved in a work related accident may be required to consent and submit to a drug and/or alcohol test(s) immediately thereafter. If, due to injuries, the employee cannot submit to testing within the prescribed time, the employee will provide the Company with necessary authorization required to obtain hospital reports and other documents that would indicate the presence or non-presence of any drugs and/or alcohol in the employee’s system at the time of the accident.
The Company’s reference policy is that employees are not to provide any reference regarding a current or former employee’s employment with the Company. Any request for a reference or employment history of any kind should be directed to the Benefits Administrator, who will provide dates of employment and job positions. Except for the Benefits Administrator, Risk Manager or an officer of the Company, no other employee is authorized to provide any information of any kind concerning a current or former employee.
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I have received a copy of the Company’s Employee Handbook, and I accept responsibility for reading this Handbook and becoming familiar with its contents. I understand that this Handbook consists of general guidelines that may or may not be applied or followed in specific cases. .
Purpose The information contained in this Handbook is designed as an advisory guide to assist the Company and our supervisors with the effective management of personnel and is not meant to address every conceivable situation or issue that arises in the workplace. The provisions and guidelines contained in this Handbook are not binding on the Company and may be changed, interpreted, modified, revoked, suspended, terminated, or added to by the Company, in whole or in part, at any time, at the Company’s sole option, and without prior notice to employees. This Handbook is not intended to cover every situation which may arise or to create specific policy to be applied in every instance. Instead, this Handbook is intended only to provide general guidelines concerning personnel decisions. Of course, if any employee is subject to a collective bargaining agreement, that agreement supersedes any provisions of this Handbook that are in conflict. Also, this Handbook and any practice or policy of the Company will be applied consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. Interpretation Interpretation of the policies and procedures contained in this Handbook is governed by, and is the responsibility of, the President of the Company. Whenever clarification or assistance in interpretation is required, please contact the President of the Company. Employment-At-Will Nothing contained in this Handbook is intended to create, comprise, or define, nor should it be construed to constitute, any type of oral or written employment contract, promise, or guarantee, express or implied, between the Company and any one or all of its employees. Nothing in the Handbook is intended to provide any assurance of continued employment. In the absence of a specific agreement to the contrary, authorized in writing by the President of the Company, employment with and compensation from the Company are for no definite period of time and may be terminated by the Company or the employee at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Any written or oral statements or promises to the contrary are hereby expressly disavowed and should not be relied upon by prospective or existing employees. I further understand that the Company’s policies and procedures, including those described in any publication, letter, poster, handout, or other communication, are subject to suspension, modification, or elimination at any time, without notice. Signature Date Print Name

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