SCORING GUIDE: Expository-Analytical Book Review
Clarity/Organization |
5 Central Claims of book are clearly stated early on. Focus is marinated and supportive material is related to focus. Conclusion returns to focus. |
4 Same as 5, but a little wandering off topic. |
3 Topic is stated, but focus gets lost in one or more places. |
2 Focus not stated, some focus in supportive material. |
1 Lacks focus. Paper rambles, lacks conclusion. |
Writing |
5 Each paragraph and sentence is clear. Writing is crisp, clear, compact. |
4 Mostly clear, well written. |
3 Writing rambles a bit or may be long-winded, but effort is evident. |
2 Little clarity and/or cleanness |
1 Paragraphs and sentences ramble, are disconnected. |
Relevance |
5 Book’s relevance to the author is discussed. Book’s relevance to understanding American education past, present, and future is explained clearly. Book’s relevance to equity and justice is described. |
4 Book’s relevance to author is discussed. Relevance to course is described. |
3 Book’s relevance to author is hinted at (experiences in education). Some connection is made to American education or to equity and justice, but it is not explicit. |
2 Author does not reveal relevance, but links book to course. |
1 Relevance to author is not described. No connection made to course or equity and justice. |
Thoughtfulness and Substance |
5 Clear evidence that you deal with the central matters of the book and explicitly not the point of view of the author. |
4 Mostly evident, as in 5. |
3 Central matters of book are not completely understood, but author’s viewpoint is grasped. |
2 Central matters are somewhat understood. Author’s viewpoint is missed. |
1 Lacks substantive awareness of central matters of book and author’s point of view. |
Engagement with Test |
5 Review evinces that the themes of opus have been thoroughly read and digested. |
4 Largely evincing evidence of digestion of book’s theme. |
3 Some evidence of understanding of book’s theme, but not clear digestion of key ideas. |
2 Lacks awareness of themes. A few key ideas grasped. |
1 No awareness of them or evidence of deep understanding of book. |
Thoroughness |
5 Author has clearly “dug deep” to analyze the book. Author has obvious knowledge of key ideas. Author is an authority on the book. |
4 As in 5, but may miss being an authority. |
3 Author demonstrates interest and has done some careful reading, but has not become an authority on the book. |
2 Surface level of understanding. Effort evident, but not deep. |
1 Little evidence of effort to wrestle with book. Surface only. |
Length |
5 3-5 pages, appropriate to topic/project. |
4 3-5 pages, mostly appropriate. |
3 3-5 pages, length is developed with filler. |
2 2-3 pages, too short for topic. |
1 >3 pages, not appropriate length. |
Formatting/Conventions |
5 Blocked, word-processed, 1” margins, 12-point font. Spelling, usage, paragraphing, sentence structure correct. |
4 Most conventions followed. |
3 Formatting correct. Some errors in conventions. |
2 Formatting not correct. Some convention errors. |
1 Serious errors in formatting and conventions. |
Total /40 |
39-40=20 37-38=19 35-36=18 33-34=17 31-32=16 29-30=15 27-28=14
25-26=13 23-24=12 21-22=11 19-20=10 17-18=9 15-16=8 13-14=7
11-12=6 1-10=5 no paper = 0

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