Non-Profit Organization




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Non- profit organizations have proven to be very effective in developing healthy communities by providing vital services for general and economic stability and mobility in the community. There are various non-profit organizations worldwide that offer community services in the form of either union, self-help groups, hospitals, or even churches. The main factor is it being mission-based and impacting the community in terms of positive change. The bigger picture is the contributing factor of non-profit organizations to the economy. However, they may be tax excepted; they create job opportunities for 12.3 million people. In every 10 jobs in the private sector, 1 is a non-profit organization; they present entrepreneurial opportunities, leadership, and professional growth (Salamon & Newhouse, 2019). The paper's purpose is to create a non-profit organization for helping young parents prepare them to face the challenges that come from childbearing and upbringing children safely to have the qualities they desire. The organization is named; THE BEST PARENTS (TBP). The discussion will provide adequate details on its values, mission statement, and strategies in running the organization.

Market research Comment by Microsoft Office User: You can start the market research section by discussing the social issue, the scope of the issue, the negative impact of the issue, existing organizations that address the issue, the gap in the existing services, and so on. Please cite studies that discussed these issues and causes.

An old saying says that giving birth toa child is not work; work brings the child to become a responsible person. Many parents may feel that they do not need any education and training for child upbringing, but it's vital both for the parent and for the children. Approximately more than one million families receive parenthood training every year, which helps get evidence-based training to become the best parents. The general age which is being concerned is from age 0-7 years old where the parents need to have very close attention to their child and from age 8- 16 (which its training will be incorporated on a later stage) when children are transforming to teenage and that bring challenges associated with parenthood (Mihelic & Morawska, 2018). Comment by Microsoft Office User: Explain more how this training works?

Becoming a parent can be illustrated as starting another version of life where life brings new experiences, new worries, and stress. The mother undergoes physical challenges, which is common, and one needs to understand what is normally happening to prepare, mentally, physically, and emotionally, for the child to be born. Every child is unique and offers a different experience that the new parents might not be expecting them. So, why is the TBP organization required? It offers the best education, training, and experience on first child development knowledge and care from pregnancy to childbirth and bringing the child when most vulnerable at a tender age. The organization creates knowledge on positive interactions with the child using evidence-based practice (Biehle & Mickelson, 2011).

TBP helps parents develop responsiveness and the needed sensitivity in nurturing a child and emotional communication required mostly at the tender age when a child may not know how to talk and help them understand different emotions on a child, as a child is growing, they need some disciplinary communication and also the management of behavior which helps identify their response to issues, hence understanding how to deal with behavioral issues pertained by the child is part of what the program helps parents to expect and learn how to react into becoming best parents. The introductory section outlined the upbringing of a child with the desired traits; TBP helps develop pro-social behavior and cognitive skills that help a child have academic and language literacy and school readiness. All the outlined elements show the factors that quantify for a unique program that provides new parents with an all-around skill in the big job that awaits them (Kate, 2011).

Mission statement

The organizational vision is to help all parents raise their children with the qualities they ever wanted.

The mission statement is to create a local and global environment where parents get evidence-based skills, practices, tools, and resources to help create a safe environment for children at the age of 0-7 and mold them to the best traits and qualities always wanted their children to have. Parents to be and new parents are welcome to the organization as they look forwards to a time when all their children will say, 'you are the best parents ever.'

The aims that can be deduced from the mission statement are helping parents rely on evidence-based skills to overcome nurturing children's challenges to acquire the needed traits. The main four components outlined are;

1. Creating a local and global environment for parents Comment by Microsoft Office User: What does this mean? Local and Global?

2. Creating a safe environment for children

3. Evidence-based skills and practices

4. Nurturing children traits

The first two components focus on creating an environment for both parents and children to embrace their children's uniqueness and work at facing the challenges associated with the transition to welcoming another member in the family. The second two components present the organization's uniqueness in helping new parents first get and sue evidence-based skills and practices and nurture their children's traits to the desired outcome.


The organization faces lots of competition from many parenting non-profit organizations within the United States; the largest competitors will be CAPA/PREPARES, which is a catholic based parenting organization, and the other organization will be Parenting Now, which is already fully developed and offering parenting social services at a greater range in most cases near the establishment of our organization. However, despite its growth already to having 35 employees, TBP organization is unique because it offers a different form of experience to new parents by using evidence-based practices and skills in helping parents to instill in their children the traits and qualities that they have always wished for their children which will have an advantage. After all, the organization is not religion-based. People of all walks of life are welcome. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Explain more this point and how it’s different

Program designs

The program design is set to benefit parents all across the United States through different types of programs available for parents with different time schedules and even those willing to take a different type of study. COVID-19 has replaced most physical face-to-face needs. Now, many people can communicate remotely using video conferencing media and hold their sessions. The program will cover mostly online interaction through video conferencing for people in different parts of the country, which will even read the global market as part of the organizational missions. Those who will manage physical attendance will join the program in real-time with those on an online platform. Everyone will be part of the bigger organization that helps parents. The organization feels convinced that it can create an environment where parents of all walks of life can apply evidence-based research in child upbringing while still incorporating cultural diversity and bring out the best outcomes. The programs will include: Comment by Microsoft Office User: Will you start in specific state then spread? If yes where and why Comment by Microsoft Office User: Who are they? Who will provide the program? Are they a social workers for example? Or something else And how many?

Educational curriculum

The program will offer the basic knowledge on the primary elements which apply to aspects like pregnancy, childbirth, and child development in tender ages when the traits which had earlier been indicated such as child development knowledge and care will be included. Primary elements like feeding the baby, bathing, diapers, and home safety include music, lighting, and behavior in the child's development cycle. The same program will include positive interactions with the child, including mastering the child's interest and demonstrating enthusiasm for caring for the child. Soothing a child and being responsive, sensitive, and nurturing to the child needs to be taken care of by psychological needs (Bäckström et al., 2020).

Modeling and role-playing

This is part of the program that reinforces the curriculum and takes the bigger part in the program because either way, what the new parents need is tangible skills to help them deal with each situation. In the aspect where most of the actions will occur online through video conferencing, most parents will be required to have for the exercise. A live presentation will be shown in washing the baby, or even a recorded demonstration, and all the other members in the group will follow through in practice (David, 2020).


Homework which includes either verbal or written assignments will be given on the most important part when studying the interest presented by the baby, and that creates the uniqueness needed by each parent when handling their children to assert the best qualities and attributes and also help practice the skills with their own children which are close to role-playing but actually it is part of nurturing both parents one the desired output. Most specifically, parents spend the most time with the baby; hence, most of the practical skills will be shown to them. However, fathers too spend time with the child even if they have house help because they need to bestow the needed attributes on their children, create the fatherly bond, and help them grow in a family where they feel loved and valued (Kaur, 2020).

Ancillary services

The services program happens on a special case that needs supplementary content that is generally available for everyone. The program will now cover children with special needs and how parents can handle the pressure in dealing with a child with special needs when they don't talk and only communicate using emotional signs. The skills taught in this session include emotional communication skills, positive interactions with their children, and even active participation with their children in various available sessions (Brotherson, 2016). 

The organizational planning team will oversee that the team has all the required pool of expertise in the field to help reach the desired outcomes and commit to philanthropic measures that see to it that all the issues and concerns held by parents are dealt with utmost seriousness and that the most vital and adequate skills and practices are fully understood and practiced. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Who are they? And how many?

Funding strategy Comment by Microsoft Office User: you need to provide examples of specific corporate sponsors you will go after.

The funding strategy is one of the most important aspects that will make the organization thrive. It is a non-profit organization that welcomes all parents and new parents to prepare by utilizing evidence-based methods in effectuating the program. The funding strategy will ensure that the organization got all the needed equipment, tools, and strategy to hold people's capacity and provide the needed guidance. Thus, office space and training room are mandatory, equipment and staff to help in the process. While using evidence-based practice, the organization may need people who have a background in parenting-based research to implement most of the theories based on a different context. In that light, the need for many volunteers and internship students will be utilized upon with the expertise already available.

The organization will rely primarily on contributions and donations from many parties to meet the required expenses. That means all the organization members do not require any fee to get enrolled. Still, they are welcome to make donations and contributions to the organization, private and confidential, without restriction or even publicization. The contribution will be granted in different formats because not everyone can be willing to use cash, but through bank accounts, the ability to write cheques and even donate material wealth in support of the organization. Volunteers will also be welcome to the organization with all expertise applicable in the organization.

The organization will primarily rely on corporate sponsorship that makes the bigger parts of the business's sustainability, which is part of the strategy in attracting consumers through charitable organizations' contribution. The effect has been seen mostly on museums where they even participate in leadership that oversees the running of the organization. The same strategy will be used to attract more philanthropists to the organization and help reach many people and families that need to give their children the best of their effort (Aguinis & Glavas, 2019).

The organization is a non-profit organization that will also rely on grants from local, state, and federal government to apply for different grant opportunities offered by governments to charity groups to help attain the needed services to keep it on the move. However, such grants may not be frequent, which can rely on very damaging to the organization's effectiveness.

The grand opening and launching of any project or organization determine its success and outcomes. A thorough campaign will ensure that all the people in the United States are aware of The Best Parents Organizations, which will also prompt many philanthropists, a fundraising ceremony, and a grand opening. The campaign will be done through the organizational social media pages, website, and advertisement through TV and radio stations.


Non-profit organizations are vital in developing the community's social and economic welfare and contribute greatly to offering sustainability and educational programs to everyone interested in the community. Parenting, on the other side, has proven to be not a walk in the part because people need to be prepared for the changing life experience, expectations and the times which we are in where the old model of child upbringing is out fashioned and the need to have an evidence-based approach to child upbringing and development can make parents instill and develop qualities and traits in helping their children at all cost even those with special needs without any barriers. Children's development can be challenging, but if the parents can know exactly what to do at the right time without any cost involved, families can have the best relations. Every parent can be glad to hear their children say that they were raised by the best parents ever. The dream of TBP is to see people of all walks of life utilizing the benefit of an evidence-based child upbringing.


Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. (2019). On corporate social responsibility, sensemaking, and the search for meaningfulness through work. Journal of Management, 45(3), 1057-1086.

Bäckström, C., Larsson, T., & Thorstensson, S. (2020). How pregnant women partners use their social networks when preparing for childbirth and parenthood: A qualitative study—Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 2057158520943379.

Biehle, S. N., & Mickelson, K. D. (2011). Preparing for parenthood: How feelings of responsibility and efficacy impact expectant parents. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships28(5), 668-683.

Brotherson, S. E. (2016). Preparing for parenthood. NDSU Extension Service.

David, M. (2020). Preparing young adults for Parenthood. Thai with ISSN 2320-0693 is a UGC CARE Journal19(11), 222-224.

Kate Billingham, M. A. (2011). Preparing for parenthood: the role of antenatal education. Community Practitioner84(5), 36.

Kaur, M. (2020). Preparation of Childbirth and Parenthood. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management8(3), 263-267.

Mihelic, M., & Morawska, A. (2018). Preparation for parenthood. In Handbook of parenting and child development across the lifespan (pp. 567-584). Springer, Cham.

Salamon, L. M., & Newhouse, C. L. (2019). The 2019 non-profit employment report. Nonprofit Economic Data Bulletin (47).



Introduction to Nonprofit Organizations






As the name suggests, non-profit organizations are meant to offer services for public good and mutual benefits and not for purposes of generating profits. Non-profit organizations can take any form starting from universities, hospitals, self-help groups, labor unions, local churches, and informal neighborhood associations. According to Anheier (2014), non-profit organizations can generate profits, but the profits are used to help the targeted populations and not distributed to the owners. These organizations play a huge role in the American society and evidence indicates that non-profit organizations contribute around $900 billion to the United States economy. An estimated ten percent of the U.S. population, or about 10 million people, are employed in what has been variously called the third sector, independent sector, voluntary sector, philanthropic sector, social sector, tax-exempt sector, or the charitable sector (Luckert, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to create a non-profit organization that is meant to help serve the needs of the youth and solve social issues affecting the youth such as lack of job opportunities, lack of youth mentorship, and unhealthy lifestyles. The organization created is named YOUTHS MENTORING AND JOB OPPORTUNITIES ASSOCIATION (YMJOA). The paper will provide details on the mission statement of the organization, its market, the design of the program, and funding strategies.

Market Research and Mission Statement

Demand for YMJOA Services

The unemployment rate of the youths is on the increase and youths are facing a lot of difficulties getting access into the job market. The global youth (age 15–30) unemployment rate was 12.8 percent in 2016 (slightly up from 12.7 per cent in 2015) (O’Higgins, 2017). The percentage is nearly the same and even increasing for the years 2018 and 2019. Lack of youth unemployment has led to a rise in crimes, illegal activities, and drug and substance abuse. Considering that the youths of between 15 to 30 years have not matured enough, it is believed that there is lack of enough mentorship to ensure these youths have the necessary knowledge and skills they need to enter the workforce. The Youths Mentoring and Job Opportunities Association (YMJOA) will work to mentor youths in the United States and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to enter the world of work. The quality of employment available to the youth is very poor and only informal and vulnerable types of employment are available for the youth. The program will also work to help youths find better job opportunities through networks and resources. There is high demand for this program as there is the growing need for youth mentorship in the society.

The program will also work to help the ethnic minority youth. According to Catney and Sabater (2015), ethnic inequalities in job employment have existed for a long time and minority ethnic youth are facing a great disadvantage in the labor market compared to their white counterparts. With the growth in diversity and globalization, there is need to break barriers such as ethnic boundaries and create opportunities for success. Studies by O’Higgins, (2017)., Catney, & Sabater, (2019) indicate that youths are not performing well in life and others are not getting jobs because they lack self-esteem, they do not embrace members of other races, they do not have the ability to relate well with other people, and they lack decision making abilities in career and work choices. Albright, Hurd, and Hussain (2017) assert that problems such as crimes and drug abuse exist because there is no proper youth mentoring in our societies. According to the authors, mentoring is essential to improve youths’ social concept and building stronger social bonds for a stronger society. According to Meltzer and Sunders (2020), mentoring youths will provide pathways to creating and cultivating supportive and productive communities. All these indicate that there is need for the services this program is going to offer.

Mission Statement

The mission of YMJOA will be;

“To bring out hidden talents and capabilities through mentoring and empowering youths with the support and resources they need to reach their maximum potential and cultivate a better community and future for all. We embrace: We welcome the youths of all ethnic backgrounds (15 – 30 years) and offer them the space they need to growth financially, professionally, and socially”.

From the mission statement, it is clear that YMJOA aims at empowering youths to achieve the best in life and help secure job opportunities to those that are struggling. The mission statement has three main components which include;

1. Empowering the youths

2. Improving lives

3. Building communities.

The first and the second component go together whereby YMJOA will strive to improve the lives of the youths by providing them with the guidance they need and offering job opportunities to those who are in need. The services provided here include training programs, education, and mentorship. These services will be available to all youths regardless of which part of the United States they are. The last component is closely related to the first component and it involves empowering the youths to produce better communities. YMJOA will not only focus on empowering youths and connecting them to job opportunities, but it will also work to address serious social issues that affect the growth and development of our communities such as leading healthy lifestyles, fitness, and health education. Addressing all these components will ensure the goals of the program are achieved.


The major organization that YMJOA will be competing with is the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) which is so far the leading non profit organization in youth development, social responsibility, and healthy living. YMCA has Grown rapidly to become the best youth association worldwide. However, we feel YMCA has not done enough in amplifying the voices of the youths worldwide. YMCA has concentrated more on youth development and healthy living forgetting issues such as emergencies and disasters in the community that youths can help avoid. YMCA has not also achieved enough partnership between the youths and key stakeholders in the society. YMJOA will provide all-round mentorship where youths will be trained in different societal issues such as disaster management to ensure safety is achieved. The program will ensure youths are engaged in all matters in the community to strengthen their power in community leadership. YMJOA aims to reach and surpass YMCA but we still have to start by offering our services within the United States, then we will go international after we have developed fully.

Program Design

The YMJOA mission will be achieved through the services and programs we will offer in communities across the United States of America. We know youths are the backbone of the society and positive growth and development of our communities has to take place through them. The programs are also about their social, emotional, and mental well-being. Our programs will help all American youths and they will cover all parts starting from health, professional, and social development. Our programs will help all youths get a chance to connect with others, break barriers, build support networks, work together towards goals, build stronger communities, and create a stronger America as a whole. Our programs include;

Education and Training

Education and training are the best way of mentoring youths. Our education and training programs will focus on imparting positive knowledge, skills, and behaviors that will see youths grow up to be responsible people in the society. They say learning is a continuous process that can take you wherever you want to be. By educating, we will be able to build literacy and provide life and social skills that will equip the youths with knowledge that will lead to better job opportunities and bright future, and for everyone, a better America in the future. YMJOA education programs will be designed in a way that there will be courses and workshops that will support youths in their long-life journey of learning. All the courses address the issue of healthy living, professional growth, racial discrimination, community development, and social responsibility. Some of the programs to be offered include; Professional development programs, cultural awareness courses, guidance and counselling, CRP courses, YMJOA fitness training, and language assessment

Our programs will also focus on achieving equality and breaking boundaries of inequality and ethnicity by providing education and training programs on cultural competency and awareness, and discouraging discrimination in all out programs. Augsberger et al., (2018) asserts that it is through the education and mentoring of the youths that we will achieve reduced social inequalities. We are living in an age and era where there is rapid globalization and our youths need to co-exist and embrace the differences among them for a better society. This will help address the problems of social injustices, discrimination, cultural barriers, and many more.

Employment Services

YMJOA believes that when everyone has access to better employment opportunities, the entire society benefits in different ways. As an organization dedicated to better the lives of the youths in America, our organization has seen the negative effects of youth unemployment in our societies. It is not easy to find a job especially for the youths. Even for those who have completed their studies up to the college level, it may be possible to find themselves jobless. The situation is even difficult for those whose highest level of education is high school.

YMJOA employment services will extend to the unemployed and underemployed youths in the United States. The organization will work to ensure it provides the much-needed employment programs by the youths to break the barriers that exist in the labor market. The organization will work to build networks with employers and other service providers both locally and internationally, to provide comprehensive services that youths need to find a job. By working in unity, YMJOA will connect a lot of individuals to employment opportunities, thus giving more American youths the chance to succeed and build themselves professionally. Employment programs that will be offered by YMJOA include; Job placement opportunities, workshops for job search skills development, placement opportunities, employment resource centers, apprenticeship information, one-on-one mentoring, and entrepreneurship support.

The programs will be offered depending on the needs of the youths in a particular region. This will ensure youths do not struggle or engage themselves in risk activities such as crimes and drug abuse.

Community Initiatives

This is the most important of all the programs that will be offered by YMJOA. The program’s main aim is to ensure better, developed, and productive communities through youths as the main instrument. A healthy and developed community has opportunities for everyone. For YMJOA, this means coming up with projects, programs, and services that will help meet the different needs of different people in the community. It will also push the organization to stretch further beyond its abilities to provide its services where they are needed most. Our organization will deliver different community initiatives depending on the needs of a community. Some of the programs and services that will be offered by YMJOA at the community level include;

Immigrant services – the organization will work to ensure all youths coming into America are welcomed into their new home. The goal is to give them a settlement experience they need and help them find a way to adapt to the American life. This will help ensure they do not engage in illegal activities and crimes to make a living.

Social activities – there will be social activities that will work to bring people in the community together. This will ensure the community is united in solving the issues affecting the youth and the community as a whole.

Child and family development – this will be made up of programs where families will come together to interact and strengthen their bonds. This will ensure families raise youths with love to be responsible members of the community.

Housing services – the organization will ensure everyone in the community has a place to call home. We will provide support and resources to help people find places to live in. this will help reduce the number of youths in the streets who are abusing substances.

All the services above will be provided by the Human resource department which is also our customer service unit. The department, starting from the human resource manager and HR specialist will be available day in day out to help answer any questions that youths may have and help them with different tasks. HR plans to have working cites in different parts of the United States to ensure the services are easily accessible.

Funding Strategy

There is a strong relationship between the availability of finances and the performance of a non-profit organization. YMJOA is a charity and that is why it will operate for the community and people’s good rather than making profits. The organization will provide financial assistance to ensure every youth in the community can access its services, and provide different programs and services that target various populations in the community at zero cost. The organization will be for everyone and its funds will come from different sources. Funds diversity play a critical role on performance, diversification of funds sources reduces the dependence of organizations and consecutively improves their performance (Ferreira, Carvalho, & Teixeira, 2017). The organization’s sources of funds will be youth care (15 – 30) years, health and fitness membership, program fees, the government, corporate sponsorship (partnerships), donors.

Being a non-profit organization, YMJOA will rely on grants, patron support, and private donations to meet all its expenses. Also, to reduce staffing costs, the organization will rely on the support from volunteer and its other networks in the United States. YMJOA will also charge fees for membership to allow people from the community to use its facilities and resources, but the organization will not benefit from the fees. The fee will rather be used in paying for essential services, maintain facilities, and fund all the programs that will ensure YMJOA achieves its goals and objectives in the society. Membership fees will be a very reliable source of funds that will ensure a recurring donation for our causes. The organization will in return offer special benefits such as recognition and tickets for special events to those individuals who sign up for membership. Membership is also important as it encourages and promotes a sense of ownership, thereby motivating members to contribute even more.

Activities to Raise Funds

YMJOA will focus on property development to ensure organizational development through utilized properties. The organization will be a social enterprise that will accommodate income generating activities to raise funds for all its programs. This will include tourism activities that will be guided by the youths who will be mentored by the organization, and other money generating projects. This will welcome tourists from different nations to participate in our activities and sign up for membership, thus generating more funds. We will also come up with campaigns such as “invest in our youths” to mobilize people to contribute funds towards supporting the education and training programs. The campaigns will be done both manually and through online social platforms. We will use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to raise awareness about our organization, the reason why we need funds, and provide directions of how people can give their contribution. This will see potential donors invited to contribute towards our programs. The donors will not only be from America, but anyone from any part of the globe will be allowed to contribute towards our programs. The different fundraising projects will focus on youth empowerment and development including general community well-being. This will ensure the organization has a broad and diversified base of resources for long term sustainability.

Grants from Counties, Local, State, And Federal Governments

The organization looks forward to grants from the federal government, cities, counties, and states as the main booster of funds to meet its goals and objectives both in the short term and in the long term. Grants from these powerful sources will help transform the organization’s annual budget. We will apply for project, foundation, and charity grants. Aside from financial assistance, the funds will also ensure;

· YMJOA receives more credibility which will help secure more funds from other donors. Government funding will assure the public that the organization’s programs are legit.

· A big difference and growth of the organization to the international level as grants from the government always come in huge amounts.

· Growth in responsibilities as government grants require responsible spending and using the funds as outlined.

Corporate Sponsorships

A lot of organizations and businesses are concentrating on corporate responsibility as a way of attracting customers. According to Aguinis and Glavas (2019), businesses are seeking to find meaningfulness in what they do and this is where charity organizations come in. By partnering with big businesses such as Starbucks, PepsiCo, Amazon, McCarthy, and McDonald’s, the organization will be able to;

· Find businesses to partner with who will support our programs and fund specific initiatives.

· Find partners who will be willing to offer similar services as our organization, and then we can match our programs

· Get monetary donations from other businesses related to our partners.

· Our partners will offer free publicity of our organization by mentioning it in their conferences, announcing our partnership, and other activities. This will boost awareness and help generate more revenue.

· Partners who will offer volunteer grant programs that will motivate employees and other people to easily offer volunteer programs to our organization.


Non-profit organizations contribute a lot to economic and social development of a nation. The organization created above will ensure youths are empowered and communities develop and become productive. This is as a result of the growing rates of unemployment among the youths of between 15 to 30 years which has contributed to different social problems such as drug and substance abuse, increased crimes, and illegal businesses. Youths are experiencing problems entering the world of work and the jobs available for them are vulnerable and of poor quality. There is need to ensure that youths secure job opportunities for a successful future and general community development. From youth unemployment, the ethnic minority youths are at a greater disadvantage as evidenced by Catney and Sabater (2017). A white youth is likely to get employed compared to a Black youth. For a socially, equal society, there is need to ensure quality by empowering all youths regardless of their ethnic background. Youth mentorship is the main program, followed by other activities such as job connection and resources, fitness, and language awareness. All YMJOA programs are designed in a way that will ensure all the issues affecting the youth in our society are solved.


Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. (2019). On corporate social responsibility, sensemaking, and the search for meaningfulness through work. Journal of management, 45(3), 1057-1086.

Albright, J. N., Hurd, N. M., & Hussain, S. B. (2017). Applying a social justice lens to youth mentoring: A review of the literature and recommendations for practice. American journal of community psychology, 59(3-4), 363-381.

Augsberger, A., Collins, M. E., Gecker, W., & Dougher, M. (2018). Youth civic engagement: Do youth councils reduce or reinforce social inequality?. Journal of Adolescent Research, 33(2), 187-208.

Anheier, K. (2014). Nonprofit Organizations. New York, Oxon: Routledge.

Catney, G., & Sabater, A. (2015). Ethnic minority disadvantage in the labour market. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Luckert, K. (2012). Nonprofit organizations (Definition and examples). Retrieved September, 5.

Ferreira, M. R., Carvalho, A., & Teixeira, F. (2017). Non-governmental development organizations (NGDO) performance and funds—a case study. Journal of Human Values, 23(3), 178-192.

Meltzer, A., & Saunders, I. (2020). Cultivating supportive communities for young people–Mentor pathways into and following a youth mentoring program. Children and Youth Services Review, 110, 104815.

O’Higgins, N. (2017). Rising to the youth employment challenge: New evidence on key policy issues. International Labour Office–Geneva: ILO.


As the name suggests, non-profit organizations are meant to offer services for public good and mutual benefits and not for purposes of generating profits. Non-profit organizations can take any form starting from universities, hospitals, self-help groups, labor unions, local churches, and informal neighborhood associations. According to Anheier (2014), non-profit organizations can generate profits, but the profits are used to help the targeted populations and not distributed to the owners. These organizations play a huge role in the American society and evidence indicates that non-profit organizations contribute around $900 billion to the United States economy. An estimated ten percent of the U.S. population, or about 10 million people, are employed in what has been variously called the third sector, independent sector, voluntary sector, philanthropic sector, social sector, tax-exempt sector, or the charitable sector (Luckert, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to create a non-profit organization that is meant to help serve the needs of the youth and solve certain social issues surrounding the society. The organization created is named YOUTHS MENTORING AND JOB OPPORTUNITIES ASSOCIATION (YMJOA). The paper will provide details on the mission statement of the organization, its market, the design of the program, and funding strategies. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Please specify what youth-related social issues your nonprofit organization plans to address.

Market Research and Mission Statement

Demand for YMJOA Services Comment by Microsoft Office User: You can start the market research section by discussing the social issue, the scope of the issue, the negative impact of the issue, existing organizations that address the issue, the gap in the existing services, and so on

The Youths Mentoring and Job Opportunities Association (YMJOA) will work to mentor youths in the United States and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. The program will also work to help youths find better job opportunities through networks and resources. There is high demand for this program as there is the growing need for youth mentorship in the society. With the growth in diversity and globalization, there is need to break barriers such as ethnic boundaries and create opportunities for success. Evidence indicates that youths are not performing well in life and others are not getting jobs because they lack self-esteem, they do not embrace members of other races, they do not have the ability to relate well with other people, and they lack decision making abilities in career and work choices. According to Meltzer and Sunders (2020), mentoring youths will provide pathways to creating and cultivating supportive and productive communities. All these indicate that there is need for the services this program is going to offer. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Information about current youth employment situation and youth skills will be helpful to illustrate the issue. It will also be helpful if you define what age group you will serve (or what you mean by youth). Comment by Microsoft Office User: Will your organization focus on ethnic minority youth? If so, then your market research should specify the gaps in youth service, i.e. ethnic minorities do not have the same opportunities or there are not enough programs that address ethnic minority youths’ needs. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Please cite studies that discussed these issues and causes.

Mission Statement

The mission of YMJOA will be;

“To bring out hidden talents and capabilities through mentoring and empowering youths with the support and resources they need to reach their maximum potential and cultivate a better community and future for all. we welcome the youths and offer them the space they need to growth financially, professionally, and socially”. Comment by Microsoft Office User: How about specify what youths, i.e. at-risk youth, youths of all ethnic backgrounds, etc.?

From the mission statement, it is clear that YMJOA aims at empowering youths to achieve the best in life and provide job opportunities to those that are struggling. The mission statement has three main components which include; Comment by Microsoft Office User: Is it “provide” or “help them secure jobs”?

1. Empowering the youths

2. Improving lives

3. Building communities.

The first and the second component goes together whereby YMJOA strives to improve the lives of the youths by providing them with the guidance they need and offering job opportunities to those who are in need. These services will be available to all youths regardless of which part of the United States they are. The last component is closely related to the first component and it involves empowering the youths to produce better communities. YMJOA will not only focus on empowering youths and connecting them to job opportunities, but it will also work to address serious social issues that affect the growth and development of our communities. Albright, Hurd, and Hussain (2017) assert that problems such as crimes and drug abuse exist because there is no proper youth mentoring in our societies. According to the authors, mentoring is essential to improve youths’ social concept and building stronger social bonds for a stronger society. Comment by Microsoft Office User: These are proper components for program design part, which should elaborate on the components of programs and services. Comment by Microsoft Office User: This sentence mentions social issues of crimes and drug abuse, which can be moved to the beginning of the market research part.


The major organization that YMJOA will be competing with is the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) which is so far the leading non profit organization in youth development, social responsibility, and healthy living. YMCA has Grown rapidly to become the best youth association worldwide. YMJOA aims to reach and surpass YMCA but we still have to start by offering our services within the United States, then we will go international after we have developed fully. Comment by Microsoft Office User: What is the service gap of YMCA that YMJOA will address? How will your organization be different from YMCA?

Program Design

The YMJOA mission will be achieved through the services and programs we will offer in communities across the United States of America. We know youths are the backbone of the society and positive growth and development of our communities has to take place through them. The programs are also about their social, emotional, and mental well-being. Our programs will help all Americans and they will cover all parts starting from health, professional, and social development. Our programs will help all youths get a chance to connect with others, break barriers, build support networks, work together towards goals, build stronger communities, and create a stronger America as a whole. Our programs include; Comment by Microsoft Office User: Do you mean American youths?

Education and Training

Education and training are the best way of mentoring youths. Our education and training programs will focus on imparting positive knowledge, skills, and behaviors that will see youths grow up to be responsible people in the society. They say learning is a continuous process that can take you wherever you want to be. By educating, we will be able to build literacy and provide life and social skills that will equip the youths with knowledge that will lead to better job opportunities and bright future, and for everyone, a better America in the future. YMJOA education programs will be designed in a way that there will be courses and workshops that will support youths in their long-life journey of learning. Some of the programs to be offered include: Comment by Microsoft Office User: Why these courses?

· Professional development programs Comment by Microsoft Office User: Please avoid using bullet points in your paper. Instead, use sentences and paragraphs.

· Cultural awareness courses

· Guidance and counselling

· CRP courses

· YMJOA fitness training

· Language assessment

Our programs will also focus on achieving equality and breaking boundaries of inequality and ethnicity. Augsberger et al., (2018) asserts that it is through the education and mentoring of the youths that we will achieve reduced social inequalities. We are living in an age and era where there is rapid globalization and our youths need to co-exist and embrace the differences among them for a better society. This will help address the problems of social injustices, discrimination, cultural barriers, and many more. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Please clarify how your program can help achieve equality.

Employment Services

YMJOA believes that when everyone has access to better employment opportunities, the entire society benefits in different ways. As an organization dedicated to better the lives of the youths in America, our organization has seen the negative effects of income insecurity on the youths in our societies. It is not easy to find a job especially for the youths. Even for those who have completed their studies up to the college level, it may be possible to find themselves jobless. The situation is even difficult for those whose highest level of education is high school. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Is this another issue your organization plans to address? If yes, please specify it in the market research section.

YMJOA employment services will extend to the unemployed and underemployed youths in the United States. The organization will work to ensure it provides the much-needed employment programs by the youths to break the barriers that exist in the labor market. The organization will work to build networks with employers and other service providers both locally and internationally, to provide comprehensive services that youths need to find a job. By working in unity, YMJOA will connect a lot of individuals to employment opportunities, thus giving more American youths the chance to succeed and build themselves professionally. Employment programs that will be offered by YMJOA include;

· Job placement opportunities Comment by Microsoft Office User: Please avoid using bullet points in your paper.

· Workshops for job search skills development

· Placement opportunities

· Employment resource centers

· Apprenticeship information

· One-on-one mentoring

· Entrepreneurship support.

The programs will be offered depending on the needs of the youths in a particular region. This will ensure youths do not struggle or engage themselves in risk activities such as crimes and drug abuse.

Community Initiatives

This is the most important of all the programs that will be offered by YMJOA. The program’s main aim is to ensure better, developed, and productive communities through youths as the main instrument. A healthy and developed community has opportunities for everyone. For YMJOA, this means coming up with projects, programs, and services that will help meet the different needs of different people in the community. It will also push the organization to stretch further beyond its abilities to provide its services where they are needed most. Our organization will deliver different community initiatives depending on the needs of a community. Some of the programs and services that will be offered by YMJOA at the community level include; Comment by Microsoft Office User: Why do you provide these programs and services? What specific social issues do these programs address?

· Immigrant services – the organization will work to ensure all youths coming into America are welcomed into their new home. The goal is to give them a settlement experience they need and help them find a way to adapt to the American life.

· Social activities – there will be social activities that will work to bring people in the community together.

· Child and family development – this will be made up of programs where families will come together to interact and strengthen their bonds.

· Housing services – the organization will ensure everyone in the community has a place to call home. We will provide support and resources to help people find places to live in. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Your program design section needs to address human resource plans as well.

Funding Strategy

There is a strong relationship between the availability of finances and the performance of a non-profit organization. YMJOA is a charity and that is why it will operate for the community and people’s good rather than making profits. The organization will provide financial assistance to ensure every youth in the community can access its services, and provide different programs and services that target various populations in the community at zero cost. The organization will be for everyone and its funds will come from different sources. Funds diversity play a critical role on performance, diversification of funds sources reduces the dependence of organizations and consecutively improves their performance (Ferreira, Carvalho, & Teixeira, 2017). The organization’s sources of funds will be;

· Youth care Comment by Microsoft Office User: What age group will you serve? Please specify.

· Health and fitness membership Comment by Microsoft Office User: You didn’t mention fitness services In your program component

· Program fees

· The government

· Corporate sponsorship (partnerships)

· Donors

Being a non-profit organization, YMJOA will rely on grants, patron support, and private donations to meet all its expenses. Also, to reduce staffing costs, the organization will rely on the support from volunteer and its other networks in the United States. YMJOA will also charge fees for membership to allow people from the community to use its facilities and resources, but the organization will not benefit from the fees. The fee will rather be used in paying for essential services, maintain facilities, and fund all the programs that will ensure YMJOA achieves its goals and objectives in the society. Membership fees will be a very reliable source of funds that will ensure a recurring donation for our causes. The organization will in return offer special benefits such as recognition and tickets for special events to those individuals who sign up for membership. Membership is also important as it encourages and promotes a sense of ownership, thereby motivating members to contribute even more.

Activities to Raise Funds

YMJOA will focus on property development to ensure organizational development through utilized properties. The organization will be a social enterprise that will accommodate income generating activities to raise funds for all its programs. This will include tourism activities that will be guided by the youths who will be mentored by the organization, and other money generating projects. This will welcome tourists from different nations to participate in our activities and sign up for membership, thus generating more funds. We will also come up with campaigns such as “invest in our youths” to mobilize people to contribute funds towards supporting the education and training programs. The campaigns will be done both manually and through online social platforms. We will use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to raise awareness about our organization, the reason why we need funds, and provide directions of how people can give their contribution. This will see potential donors invited to contribute towards our programs. The donors will not only be from America, but anyone from any part of the globe will be allowed to contribute towards our programs. The different fundraising projects will focus on youth empowerment and development including general community well-being. This will ensure the organization has a broad and diversified base of resources for long term sustainability.

Grants from Counties, Local, State, And Federal Governments

The organization looks forward to grants from the federal government, cities, counties, and states as the main booster of funds to meet its goals and objectives both in the short term and in the long term. Grants from these powerful sources will help transform the organization’s annual budget. Aside from financial assistance, the funds will also ensure; Comment by Microsoft Office User: You need to provide examples of specific grants you plan to apply for.

· YMJOA receives more credibility which will help secure more funds from other donors. Government funding will assure the public that the organization’s programs are legit.

· A big difference and growth of the organization to the international level as grants from the government always come in huge amounts.

· Growth in responsibilities as government grants require responsible spending and using the funds as outlined.

Corporate Sponsorships

A lot of organizations and businesses are concentrating on corporate responsibility as a way of attracting customers. According to Aguinis and Glavas (2019), businesses are seeking to find meaningfulness in what they do and this is where charity organizations come in. By partnering with big businesses, the organization will be able to; Comment by Microsoft Office User: ou need to provide examples of specific corporate sponsors you will go after.

· Find businesses to partner with who will support our programs and fund specific initiatives.

· Find partners who will be willing to offer similar services as our organization, and then we can match our programs

· Get monetary donations from other businesses related to our partners.

· Our partners will offer free publicity of our organization by mentioning it in their conferences, announcing our partnership, and other activities. This will boost awareness and help generate more revenue.

· Partners who will offer volunteer grant programs that will motivate employees and other people to easily offer volunteer programs to our organization.


Non-profit organizations contribute a lot to economic and social development of a nation. The organization created above will ensure youths are empowered and communities develop and become productive. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Here are some suggestions to help you improve. You first need to narrow down the social issue you plan to address. You mentioned a few issues in your paper, such as unemployment, crime and drug abuse, lack of knowledge and skills, and so on. You need to conduct more research to elaborate on the social issue your organization plans to address, and then design your program activities that can effectively address the issue. You should demonstrate and clearly articulate the connection between the program activities and the solution to the issue. You also need to specify the target population. Hope this helps.


Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. (2019). On corporate social responsibility, sensemaking, and the search for meaningfulness through work. Journal of management, 45(3), 1057-1086.

Albright, J. N., Hurd, N. M., & Hussain, S. B. (2017). Applying a social justice lens to youth mentoring: A review of the literature and recommendations for practice. American journal of community psychology, 59(3-4), 363-381.

Augsberger, A., Collins, M. E., Gecker, W., & Dougher, M. (2018). Youth civic engagement: Do youth councils reduce or reinforce social inequality?. Journal of Adolescent Research, 33(2), 187-208.

Anheier, K. (2014). Nonprofit Organizations. New York, Oxon: Routledge.

Luckert, K. (2012). Nonprofit organizations (Definition and examples). Retrieved September, 5.

Ferreira, M. R., Carvalho, A., & Teixeira, F. (2017). Non-governmental development organizations (NGDO) performance and funds—a case study. Journal of Human Values, 23(3), 178-192.

Meltzer, A., & Saunders, I. (2020). Cultivating supportive communities for young people–Mentor pathways into and following a youth mentoring program. Children and Youth Services Review, 110, 104815.

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