Running Head: STARTING A TEAM 1
Starting a Team
Joining a Team
For this assignment, I will join our organization’s community based soccer team that campaigns against poverty and raising human development in our community. The main aim and purpose of the soccer team is to help the community learn about self-empowerment through cooperation to reduce the effects of poverty in different regions of the community cooperation (Jenkins, 2014). As a tradition in a soccer team there are 11 players and a technical bench. Being a community based project, the team includes our organization’s marketing and communication members. Its leaders includes the chairman of our organisation, the financial, operations and administration managers. The organization being a profit based organization; each department is allowed at least 2 employees to join the team. Hence, I am the latest selection from the human resources department to represent our department and organization.
Team Interaction
The organization is big and it is difficult to know each employee one is working with in their daily activities. Although I have met some of the team members such as the organisation’s managers and chairman. I often interact with the managers and chairman due to my responsibility as the employee of the human resources reporting department. This position is a non-leadership role that the organization’s manager sort to help in sorting and helping to understand the position of the company’s human resources. The position although not a leadership role, its responsibilities are broad and I have learned to lead and develop leadership programs that the manager incorporate in the daily organization’s operationscooperation (Jenkins, 2014). According to the regulations and responsibilities of our department to help and create awareness about human cooperation and how to combat poverty, it is my role to be the captain of the soccer team. Thus, am taking the responsibility of communicating on behalf of the team and leading the team on the off the pitch. As a captain, communication and respect is key to understanding and helping the team to come into terms about their role in the pitch and off-pitch activities.
My Role
In the past, the soccer team has not been impressive and active like other organization which are competitive in supporting community growth and development. I am taking the responsibility of being the captain of the team in training and in off-pitch community activities. According to the organization’s corporate social responsibility, it is our role to advice, develop and promote the community through human empowerment and cooperation (Jenkins, 2014). As a captain for the soccer team, I have the responsibility of being the role model in making decisions and on character when and without my team members. Being a role, helps me to understand and set the pace for my team members. As a captain I have to be a good motivator and be hardworking on the pitch and off-pitch activities. All these qualities are essential in developing the foundation for a good change in the community and within the soccer team. I will focus on changing the team’s attitude to helping the community and accomplishing our community based projects. For instance, we started supplying mosquito nets to the poor in the community. So far we have accomplished and covered three quarters of the community in just two weeks. I could like to change the way in which the community works on developing priorities and selecting a sub-team units.
7 Successful Leadership Habits
Incorporating the seven approaches will help the community based project to help in supporting and promoting diversity. I will encourage the team to be proactive through developing priorities and milestones to cover in a given timeframe. There will also be scheduling and prioritising. Through prioritising the first things first will be accomplished and focus on the objectives and goals of the team. To develop the winning mentality, it is important to conduct market research and incorporate community support in the team’s efforts (Covey, 1989). The focus on the team is to understand the community which the team tries to help in developing proper rationale about its needs. Research will help the team to understand the win-win situation and what is essential to develop in the community. The focus of growth and developing a positive mentality will enhance the chances of winning and accomplishing the team’s goals and objectives. As a leader, one of the most important qualities is to encourage and motivate employees. The same applies as the leader of the team, I will encourage them to work hard, pull up their socks and develop a positive mentality for winning. Hence, I will sharpen their skills, character, mentality and ability to deliver when required(Covey, 1989). Hence, this is how I will incorporate the approaches into helping the team to accomplish its objectives and goals.
Appropriate Leadership Syle
There are different leadership styles, but in this team development and growth I will use resonant in understanding the employees’ needs for effective performance. There is the need of achieving the same goals and objectives (Boyatzis, 2012). Hence, there is the application of resonant and some attributes of dissonant towards achieving the team’s goals of promoting and educating the community through awareness. The open campaign is the organization is means of giving back to the community. It helps and promotes us to learn and develop about the importance of the community and leadership styles.
Boyatzis, R. E., Passarelli, A. M., Koenig, K., Lowe, M., Mathew, B., Stoller, J. K., & Phillips, M. (2012). Examination of the neural substrates activated in memories of experiences with resonant and dissonant leaders. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(2), 259-272.
Covey, S. (1989). The seven habits of highly effective leaders. Simon & Schuster, New York. Coviello, Decio, Nicola Persico, and Andrea Ichino,(2014). Time Allocation and Task juggling. The American Economic Review,104(2), 609-23.
Jenkins, S. (2014). John R. Wooden, Stephen R. Covey and Servant Leadership. International journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 9(1), 1-24.

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