Social media in enterprise

Narahari Krishna Galla

University of the Cumberlands


Social media as a platform has a wide range of uses, especially for a business. It can be used to foster communication, collaboration and sharing of content. Many companies that have turned to the use of social media are now able to promote sales of their brands. People do think that the success of social media is primarily determined by the large number of followers, but this is not the case. Having an identification of the right target group is what matters. There should be some set of guidelines to foster the use of social media to avoid incidences of social media misuse.


Very many businesses have adopted the use of social media enterprise at a speedy rate. This is through the use of various platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. In the application of social media, it is necessary to come up with social media objectives that are important in measuring the limited time metrics and the measure of progress. To have a deeper understanding of the use of social media enterprise, this study will focus on the three areas where social media act as a benefit, the three areas where social media acts as a hazard, how to make use of social media in a company and the policies that need to be enforced when using social media.

Areas that social media of enterprise is of benefit.

The three areas under focus are communication, collaboration and sharing of content. In terms of communication, social media offers a streamlined form of communication. People and organizations have shifted to the use of social media as a means of communication. Research also shows that there is a slow rate in the use of old forms, such as the use of email due to the adoption of communication via social media. In fostering communication, enterprise social network is essential in that it can reduce clutters in the inbox, aiding the replacement of email threads that are time-consuming which has discussions that are displayed in the network and thus boosting the process of communication.

Collaboration is another aspect brought about by the use of social media. Social, media is all about collaboration. Without collaboration, a company cannot succeed. It is doomed to fail. Collaboration brings about the aspect of sharing ideas (Smallwood, 2018). For instance, it is through the help of social media that a company can post a product and consumers give feedback over the same product. This is a collaborative approach between consumers and the company via social media.

Sharing of content is straightforward. Unlike in the past where companies had to invest a lot in road shows to inform consumers about the existence of the product, it is now easy. This is by shifting to the use of social media. There are various ways in which a company can benefit. Due to the extensive use of social media users, a company can easily share information in regards to a product. It is effortless to do so. It is just creating an account with the name of the company. the advantage of this is the fact it will save on cost, and the content will be viewed by many people.

Three areas where social media is a hazard to a brand.

Social media can act as a hazard to the brand if there is no social media policy. At times, the use of social media brings about complexities, potential disasters and vagaries. For instance, information such as our new brand is ready, but we are not sure of its effectiveness is spread via social media. This will hurt the sales of the product by attracting negative comments from viewers due to reckless sharing of information to the public.

Another social hazard in the social media is creating a social presence, but no one is ready to aid this, the company should make sure that it has a strategy that which is inclusive of the audience, content and the right channel. It takes time for social media platforms to grow. In thus requires one to prove that the product is the best band by attracting others via other platforms to like a page. This can be time-consuming In that it will take time for people to have an understanding of a particular brand.

Cyber terrorism can act as a hazard to a particular brand. Many social media platforms are prone to attacks through hacking. For instance, this may happen when one posts a positive comment about a product, but later that comment is turned to a negative one, and that my cat as a hazard to the company and the brand as well.

How to use social media for a company.

Building a good reputation

Very many companies have embraced the use of social media as a tool to aid the success of a company. Companies may make use of social media to come up with a credible reputation. Coming up with a good reputation for a company is not that complicated. The main reason behind this is that you do not need a massive following in social media. Rather than connecting to many people, you only need to have a connection with the right people. The important thing is to start by having a translation of the brand via a visual market (Ashley, 2015). This is by creating a logo that matches the persona and branding the social media using graphics to make it more attractive.

Attracting potential clients

Social media can be used in attracting potential clients with accounts such as Facebook and Twitter for instance if the company posts a product, those who have an interest will either like the bran or comment on it. One cannot comment on a post if he or she does not have an interest in it.


The diversification of marketing efforts is another importance attributed to the use of social media. As the saying goes, one should not hatch all his or her eggs in one basket. This is what diversification is all about. Not dealing with a single entity. Instead of having a focus on the customer’s demographics, it is essential to have a consideration of the customers that one requires. This information is relevant in that it will inform you of the social networks that one should venture in. Through diversification in the online market, one can expand the business further and attract many people.

I am making time and money count.

Companies equate time to money. If there is a need for efficiently using social media. It is essential to look at the number of times one is logging in into the social media accounts. Social media can drain you. During working hours, social media should only be used for official purposes, such as promoting sales. This is by focusing on Facebook ads, which in turn bring about the aspect of money. Announcements are a source of income (Andreou, 2019).

Policies to enforce when using social media.

To assist In the smooth running of social media, it is necessary to have a guideline to assist in running the business. The policy guideline will have a specification of the people who are authorized to create accounts with social media for an organization, the people who can speak on behalf of the company.

The policy will show a clear distinction between personal use and business use of various platforms. That is by having a specification of the time one is supposed to use it for business purposes and when to use it for personal purposes (Felix, 2017). The guideline does not allow one to share any confidential information to be shared via social media. When publishing content related to the company, there must be a standard disclaimer.

The policy restricts the use of a language that may cause harm or has an aim of defaming or discriminating against another individual. There should be a clear line between the use of a company’s logo and name.


Nearly every business has now turned to the use of social media. There is much potential underlying the use of social media. Social media, as a tool, has revolutionized the mode of advertisement. This is due to the advent of technology. It is effortless to create an account in the recent social media platforms. On just needs to identify the right audience. Social media serves various purposes. It can have an understanding of the potential clients of a particular brand, increase the reputation of a brand and help in the diversification of the products. The status of a brand and help in the diversification of the products.

If not properly utilized, social media can be hazardous; this is due to the increase in hackers all over. Rather than using social media for business purposes, employees might use it for personal gains, but this can be regulated by having a guideline on how these social media platforms should be managed.


Smallwood, R. F. (2018). Information Governance for Healthcare Professionals: A Practical Approach. Productivity Press.

Ashley, C., & Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology & Marketing, 32(1), 15-27.

Felix, R., Rauschnabel, P. A., & Hinsch, C. (2017). Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holistic framework. Journal of Business Research, 70, 118-126.

Andreou, A., Silva, M., Benevenuto, F., Goga, O., Loiseau, P., & Mislove, A. (2019, February). Measuring the Facebook Advertising Ecosystem.



Secured Communication in Banking Network and Benefits

Narahari Krishna Galla

University of the Cumberlands

Author Note

Narahari Krishna Galla University of Cumberlands Kentucky. You are here by granted permission to use this document for learning and research purposes.

Contact: [email protected]


In the modern world, security has been a major concern to most of the Industries. Banking is one of them which have personal and confidential information of an individual and any data breach will have a huge impact. As attacks can be through different ways, banks cannot rely on one time security audits or environment checks. A unique mechanism called as Layered security should be implemented to detect the threats in early stages and should have an inbuilt mechanism which can categorize the attacks and respond quickly. By having a layered security, we are trying to investigate the network traffic and identify the areas which are vulnerable (Ashton, 2018). This will show the clear picture of the system and highlight what exactly is happening in the network. This article will provide details about different layers that should be used to safeguard the data by considering the dependencies and the available resources in the system. Multi-layer authentication and encryption techniques are followed protect sensitive data.

Keywords: Layered security, safeguard, encryption

Secured Communication in Banking Network and Benefits

An end-to-end protection to the system with multiple layers of protection, security devices, firewall’s, authentication and process controls can be grouped into a single layered architecture. By doing this we can we can ensure there is more scrutiny on the entire IT stack which includes all applications in the system. The below diagram depicts various levels of the system and how data can be securely accessed and also how phishing and malware can be detected and blocked.

Training & Awareness to employee

All employees should be provided with adequate training and they should be able to identify the threats and deal with them. Security awareness sessions should be mandatory while employees join the organization. These types of sessions should be conducted frequently so that everyone is up to date with the current trending methodologies. Griffith (2017) states that we can have a mock up false attack and analyze how the employees react and respond if it happens real. This way we can identify the behavior of each individual. Once they become expert in tackling such issues then the risks are reduced.

Network Security & Encryption

A few information security innovations empower you to break down and examine system traffic and discover zones of weakness. This will give viewpoint on your system and better recognize any issues or hazard territories as soon as possible. IPS, Firewall and Active monitoring are part of this layer. Data encryption can be done and comparison can be done against the data that is at rest with the incoming data (Reeves, 2014). This information empowers you to distinguish dangers and track them all through your system. All the hardware disks will be encrypted using the hardware-based encryption.

Logical Security & Log, Monitor and Alert

This is the most important layers where the access and authentication are more scrutinized. Instead of traditional single sign on, we can use multi factor authentication and also setup the level of access. Security Information and Event the administrators (SIEM) is a practical framework and advancement application that passes on a bound together point of view on all framework data. SIEM combines all logs and gives a sensible picture of what's happening in your framework.

Application Security

Internet access is provided to all the work stations. Each individual has to register for RSA secure platform where soft token will be generated every 1 min. When the clients wants to login , they need to enter their credentials to unlock the system first. Later to access the network they have to provide the User ID and password along with the key generated through RSA secure ID. Intrusion Protection System (IPS) can quickly detect and report if there is any mismatch after 3 incorrect login and the system will be locked. TSL security can be used for transferring the emails more securely due to its stronger encryption mechanism and also digital signatures can be assigned to them. This will enable only the authorized persons to access the emails. Email gateways can be enabled so that private and confidential data cannot be stolen.

Database Security

Data security should be in place and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions should be used which can monitor and protect extreme sensitive data on the network. Since the data is already encrypted it should also follow the GDPR depending upon the location where the server is hosted. Database Firewall (DBF) and Database Active monitoring can be deployed at server level to track all the events that occur.


Even after implementing the best techniques in the market there can be chances that hackers can access and steal the confidential data. It is always suggested to have the security mechanism updated on a regular basis and all they should follow the regulations and should be in compliance. By implementing the layered security mechanism the extent of attacks can be reduced and also different kinds of threats can be categorized and analyzed. This will help in drafting the new methods to prevent the intruders.


Ashton, D. (2018, December 10). Why Layered Security is the Best for Enterprises. Retrieved from

Griffith, R. (2017, October 23). 5 Cybersecurity Solutions To Benefit Your Bank. Retrieved from

Reeves, M. (2014, February 10). Top 5 Security Practices for Financial Institutions to Defeat Online Identity Attacks. Retrieved from





Full Title of Your Paper Here

Your Name (First M. Last)

University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, KY

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Then hit the tab key to indent and then continue typing the paper. In APA any source that you use in your paper must have an in-text citation. In APA these citations include the author’s last name and the year of the publication in parentheses (Barrett, 2002). If the source you are using does not identify an author, use a shortened version of the source title rather than the author name (“E-Portfolios for Education,” 2006).

This is your introduction. It doesn’t have a heading that says “Introduction,” but this is it. You may go on for several pages, but when you get ready for the next section, “Method,” you don’t start a new page.

By the way, APA 6.0 supports five levels of headings. They are different and more sane than previous editions of the style guide. (Enough said.) I have set the heading styles in this document to correspond with those heading levels 1 through 5. The next heading is a Heading 1. It will be followed by a Heading 2.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin convallis, mi quis faucibus elementum, arcu augue dapibus arcu, quis rhoncus nunc nisi pulvinar tellus. In bibendum pharetra ligula, et blandit purus scelerisque at. Donec malesuada eros ut lorem dignissim molestie. Cras metus lorem, vestibulum a pharetra sit amet, consectetur sit amet nibh. Cras faucibus auctor molestie. Phasellus elementum auctor facilisis. Quisque enim elit, ultricies vel porta et, molestie eget diam. Suspendisse scelerisque tempor egestas. Vivamus quis felis a mi tincidunt pellentesque at eu justo. Praesent eget ligula sed est adipiscing imperdiet dapibus laoreet leo. Duis tortor tortor, dignissim nec mattis vel, semper tempor ligula. Aliquam nec nisl quis nisi aliquam consectetur et malesuada neque. Morbi ac neque nisl, a rutrum tortor. Nullam viverra ligula sed augue fermentum sollicitudin. Quisque tristique ornare lacus, vitae faucibus tortor mollis vitae.

Assessments and Measures

Ut blandit malesuada quam, ac varius tortor gravida eget. Vestibulum id ligula leo, ut accumsan mi. Sed tristique euismod convallis. Nulla facilisi. Etiam vestibulum est id orci interdum vitae porta enim blandit. Cras sit amet arcu dolor, at venenatis erat. Vestibulum accumsan placerat mauris. Morbi nec nibh nibh. Duis ultricies posuere nunc. Morbi at tellus quis magna vestibulum eleifend. Phasellus lectus risus, tempor ut congue et, congue vitae lectus. Fusce odio dolor, posuere eu tincidunt vitae, consectetur id leo. Proin eu ipsum id augue eleifend tincidunt quis vitae nunc. Cras ac justo lorem. Duis feugiat tempus urna, at dapibus tellus pretium quis. Curabitur luctus blandit turpis eget dignissim.

Heading three is the beginning of a paragraph ending with a period. It may be best just to bold the normal style rather than using the Heading 3 style. Nulla vitae lectus sit amet justo mollis ultricies at ac enim. Maecenas ullamcorper bibendum consequat. Pellentesque ultrices, eros eu tincidunt pretium, magna leo volutpat libero, non bibendum diam nunc eget urna. Vivamus eu tortor et dui aliquam vestibulum at vel augue. Vivamus elit dui, porttitor eget egestas at, rhoncus in justo. Curabitur tristique, elit ac venenatis volutpat, eros mauris iaculis diam, vitae rhoncus erat metus vitae eros. Maecenas nunc urna, molestie nec faucibus et, imperdiet vitae velit. In tellus est, scelerisque ut aliquet et, sagittis ac justo. Sed a mi id orci congue iaculis fermentum dapibus nisi. Nullam porttitor vehicula dignissim. In ac lectus purus, id mattis metus.

Second Heading 3 level in the section. If you use one Heading 3, you should use a second, just like when you create an outline, if you have an “A.” you should have a “B.” Proin tempus est et felis ultrices vitae vestibulum massa tempus. Nulla at lacinia nibh. Integer vel sapien ut enim dignissim semper. Donec eleifend dui nec neque convallis vitae pretium quam ornare. Etiam hendrerit urna velit, ut consectetur risus.

First Heading 4 level in the section. It may be best just to bold and italicize the normal style rather than using the Heading 4 style. Nulla congue egestas ante, id ultricies orci dignissim commodo. Fusce placerat, libero eu pharetra pulvinar, lorem dui pulvinar nisi, et semper orci orci vitae magna. Nullam sodales, felis id feugiat scelerisque, tortor nulla interdum mauris, ac porttitor odio dolor eget eros.

Second Heading 4 level in the section. If you use one Heading 4, you should use a second, just like when you create an outline, if you have an “A.” you should have a “B.”Duis sit amet ipsum pretium erat accumsan iaculis vitae eget risus. Donec ut dui in lorem volutpat fermentum bibendum pulvinar libero. Nunc imperdiet eros et mi posuere pellentesque. Donec tincidunt ipsum eget nisl ullamcorper eu placerat libero ullamcorper. Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.

First Heading 5 level in the section. It may be best just to italicize the normal style rather than using the Heading 4 style. Nulla congue egestas ante, id ultricies orci dignissim commodo. Fusce placerat, libero eu pharetra pulvinar, lorem dui pulvinar nisi, et semper orci orci vitae magna. Nullam sodales, felis id feugiat scelerisque, tortor nulla interdum mauris, ac porttitor odio dolor eget eros.

Second Heading 5 level in the section. If you use one Heading 5, you should use a second, just like when you create an outline, if you have an “A.” you should have a “B.”Duis sit amet ipsum pretium erat accumsan iaculis vitae eget risus. Donec ut dui in lorem volutpat fermentum bibendum pulvinar libero. Nunc imperdiet eros et mi posuere pellentesque. Donec tincidunt ipsum eget nisl ullamcorper eu placerat libero ullamcorper. Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.


Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.

Outcome 1

Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.

Outcome 2

Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.


Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.


Maecenas id luctus ligula. Cras condimentum eleifend nibh sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse placerat sollicitudin mi, vel ornare augue hendrerit ac. Nulla sed suscipit sapien. Cras pellentesque orci lectus, eu consequat enim.


Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers.

Lastname, O. (2010). Online journal using DOI or digital object identifier. Main Online Journal Name, Vol#(Issue#), 159-192. doi: 10.1000/182

Lastname, W. (2009). If there is no DOI use the URL of the main website referenced. Article Without DOI Reference, Vol#(Issue#), 166-212. Retrieved from

For more information and example related to references, visit the presentation Writing In Style at:

ITS832 – Information Systems

in a Global Economy

Summer 2019 IIG Sections 11 and 12

Lecture #2 – July 8th, 2019

Dr. Donald S. Walker


Remaining Course Flow

Week 2 Discussion and Paper Topics

Writing Tips


Remaining Course Flow

Our text is generic to all policy making

Methodological content is fine, but we need to work on policy decisions that impact IT professionals

Remaining weeks will examine IT-related issues that policy makers face nationally and internationally

Discussions will be broadly based, while assignments will allow you to focus tightly on a specific issue within the general discussion

Remaining Course Flow (cont.)

Weekly IT Policy Topics

Week 2: Data Management

Week 3: Public Privacy Concerns

Week 4: Managing Disruptive Technologies

Week 5: Taxation

Week 6: Compliance Issues

Week 7: Telecommuncations

When applicable and practical, these topics will be examined at the national and international level.

US national policy will be the default, but not to the exclusion of other countries

A comparison and contrast of US policy to other countries would be very informative

Week 2 Discussion and Paper

Weekly Topic: Data Management

Discussion: What are the 3 most important policy areas affecting data management?

Written Assignment (2-3 pages): Pick a specific topic that relates to public policy affecting data management, and

Define the topic area

Describe the problems arising from a lack of policy, and

Analyze the most promising ways new policy will be developed or has recently been enacted to address the problems

Public Policy and Data Management

Scarcity of academic articles might lead you to use practioner sources, which is fine

Example Areas

Data Protection

Privacy Act

Public Records Management

Legal Discovery

Writing Tips

Bibliographic Software

No abstract required

Paraphrase, no direct quotes

Sample APA paper posted in Week 2 Materials

Develop an outline, transfer to APA sections, then start writing

Write in your own words, form your own argument

Don’t include other’s work and then re-phrase

Stay focused, not a lot of space for background or distractions in a 2-3 page paper

DO NOT turn in more than 3 pages

Write clearly and simply

Read it out loud, if it doesn’t make sense out loud, it doesn’t make sense on the page


Plagiarism is rampant in class discussion

The syllabus points are correct, the gradebook in iLearn is not (still working on it)

Still developing future week’s content, let me know if there are specific areas you’d like to cover

Questions/concerns email [email protected]

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