Running Head: SHORT TITLE
Your Name
The Los Angeles Film School
Begin your essay on page 2.
Your References page should be on a separate page from the essay.
ENG 101-O—English Composition
10% of your overall grade
Sunday, unless otherwise indicated on LAO.
Overview In the first discussion board, you described a person, place, activity, or thing that you enjoy. In this assignment, you will continue to work on your descriptive writing skills by writing an essay that includes in-depth description and sensory detail. Learning to describe effectively will enable you to become a proficient storyteller, an essential skill in the entertainment industry.
What You’ll Need • APA template (Download APA Document Template here) • Word or Pages •
Prepare Attend or view the Week 1 GoToTraining session.
Read the Week 1 required reading assignments from the textbook and course site.
• Watch one of the APA formatting videos below (depending on which application you plan to use).
APA Formatting in MS Word APA Formatting in Pages Create
Write a 1-2 page essay that describes a significant personal experience using concrete, sensory details (sights, sounds, tastes, smells). Narrate this experience completely so the reader understands what you went through and the emotions you felt. Try to transport your reader to that specific moment with you. Remember to keep your writing PG-13. TIP: If your significant personal experience is very long or detailed, select one moment or part of it to describe.
Submit To avoid losing formatting points, be sure and do the following:
• Include an APA-style cover page and header with page number. • Begin your essay on page 2 of your document. • Double-space. • Use Times New Roman 12-point font. Save the essay as a .doc or .docx file named LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_PAINTING. Do not zip the file. The essay must be submitted to by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on Sunday of Week 1.
Exceeds Expectations 90-100%
Above Average 80-89%
Meets Expectations 70-79%
Needs Improvement 60-69%
Assignment Requirements Not Met 0-59%
Content 50%
45-50 points 40-44 points 35-39 points 30-34 points 0-29 points The required questions / topics are responded to fully, are thoughtful, and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the course material. Research, if required and/or included meets assignment requirements and is credible.
The required questions / topic are responded to fully and are mostly thoughtful. A few vague areas may need additional clarification. Research, if required and/or included mostly meets the assignment requirements and is credible
The required questions / topic are addressed, but more explanation might be needed. Research, if required and/or included meets some of the assignment requirements. One source may not be credible.
The required questions / topics are not addressed in thorough detail. The essay might not meet the word count.Research, if required and/or included meets few of the assignment requirements. Two sources may not be credible.
The required questions / topics have not been responded to fully. Research, if required and/or included does not meet the assignment requirements. Credible sources may not be used.
Organization 25%
23-25 points 20-22 points 18-19 points 15-17 points 0-14 points
The essay is strongly organized. It includes topic sentences and transitions and flows well. Each topic or point is developed in its own paragraph.
The essay is well organized. It includes topic sentences and transitions. There may be one or two places that do not flow well. Each topic or point is developed in its own paragraph.
The essay is fairly organized. Topic sentences and transitions are included. Several places in the essay may be choppy or may not flow well. Each topic or point is developed in its own paragraph, but some may be shorter than others.
The essay is not well organized. Topic sentences and transitions are used sparingly. The essay may contain many choppy areas. Each topic or point is not developed in its own paragraph.
The essay is not organized. No topic sentences or transitions are used. The essay does not flow and is difficult to read. There may be few or no paragraph breaks.
Grammar / Mechanics
14-15 points 12-13 points 11 points 9-10 points 0-8 points
Essay is clear, concise, and free of major errors. A few minor errors may be present.
Essay is clear, concise, and mostly free of major errors. A few minor errors or one major error may be present.
Essay is mostly clear and concise. A few major errors or many minor errors may be present.
Essay contains some incomplete sentences and may have excessive errors. Many errors are present.
Essay contains incomplete sentences, fragments, slang, and many excessive errors; the overall sentence meaning is damaged.
Formatting and Citation
9-10 points 8 points 7 points 6 points 0-5 points The essay is formatted in APA. Research, if required and/or included, is cited correctly in APA style.
The essay is formatted in APA. Research, if required and/or included, is cited in APA style. One or two minor errors might be present.
The essay is formatted in APA, but there may be a few errors. Research, if required and/or included, is cited somewhat correctly in APA style. Several errors might be present.
APA formatting is not correct, and there are many errors. Research, if required and/or included, is not cited correctly in APA style. Excessive citation errors might be present.
APA style is not used. Research, if required and/or included may not be cited correctly in APA style or may not be cited at all.
Project 1: Grading Rubric

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