Roberto Larach

Sheila Winborne

RELS 1260: Apocalyticism in Film

October 18, 2011

Project Proposal

For my final project I am planning to write a 10-page research paper on the topic, “Humans vs. Aliens”, and its relationship with the movie, Independence Day (1996).

The main focus of this paper will be to research on: 1. How is apocalyticism represented in the film? 2. What is represented as humanity’s main concern(s)? And 3. What do you main message and/or moral of the film?

My paper, of course, will contain an Introduction, body paragraphs, and Conclusion. The introduction is to be composed of a thesis statement related to the topic and questions above. The body paragraphs will each include a topic sentence, and along the paper the main focus questions will be answered and there will be citations from the required readings making connections with the film. Finally, the conclusion will restate the thesis statement and include closing remarks.

The required readings (given in the syllabus for week 7) and the Oxford Biblical Studies Online are practically all the sources I will use for my research paper. These will all be included in my Bibliography (MLA format) and in-text citations. The readings are listed on next page.


•Michael Parenti, Contrary Notions: The Michael Parenti Reader (2007)

—“Racist Rule, Then and Now” (pp. 117-124)

—“Custom Against Women” (pp. 124-129)

—“Are Heterosexuals Worthy of Marriage” (pp. 129-138)

• Michael Rogin,Independence Day, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Enola Gay (1998) — “Science as Fiction” (pp. 27-40)

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