
1223333 Smith James bbb bbb 12345 Abrams Rd Dallas TX 75043 1850191232 2000 100 0.0005 1389701422 500 20 10
1113334 Le Liem aaa aaa 444 Coit Rd Plano TX 75075 1373668798 1000 20 10 1113477495 1500 100 0.0005
1212121 Bellamy Kevin bell bell 34 GreenVille Richardson TX 75080 1432334321 400 20 10
1232123 Pescador Charles pesc pesc 44 Summit Plano TX 75093 1321668712 1250 20 10
1234432 Dominguez Johnson domi domi 5551 Monfort Dallas TX 75042 1543442343 2400 20 10
1234534 Tran Van tran tran 1000 Coit Rd Plano TX 75075 1432551234 180 100 0.0005
1234567 Smith Armando smith smith 123 Walnut rd Dallas TX 74243 1123456789 220 100 0.0005
1313131 Bluitt Mark blut blut 222 St. Ann Allen TX 75213 1654334567 1280 20 10 1111111111 380 100 0.0005
1455415 Coronado Christ coro coro 56 Campbell Rd Richardson TX 75082 1432331234 1120 20 10
2312435 Trinh Lauren trin trin 2800 Spring Creek Plano TX 75074 1432167654 360 20 10
2323232 Burns Jone burn burn 1234 Plano Rd Dallas TX 75240 1321443245 297 100 0.0005
2345432 Neang Williams nean nean 8109 Scott lane Plano TX 75014 1234556545 1800 20 10
3214566 Fan Tiffany fann fann 4321 Coit Rd Plano TX 75075 1765112343 2200 20 10
3344555 Torres Wanner torr torr 121 Custer Rd Plano TXx 75025 1543556712 3210 20 10
3456654 Esquivel Orlando esqu esqu 43 International Rd Dallas TX 75240 1123554345 4810 20 10
4322344 Fitzhugh Lauren fitz fitz 232 Park Rd Plano TX 75093 1234554345 2218 20 10
4323433 Remschel Tina rems rems 125 Alma rd Plano TX 75023 1432115678 4710 100 0.0005 1222222222 400 20 10
4343434 Bryant Ann buya buya 4343 Goerge Prince Plano TX 75075 1234554321 210 20 10
5225525 Cave Steven cave cave 154 James St Arlington TX 75042 1765665434 400 20 10
5433455 Kuykendal Devin kuyk kuyk 25E Parker Rd Plano TX 75074 1231445465 530 20 10 1435577221 4000 100 0.0005
5456545 Nguyen Bob nguy nguy 2323 Floy Rd Richardson TX 75080 1234665456 2165 20 10
6543123 Crowley Matt crow crow 111 Jose lane Dallas TX 75042 1123112343 2155 100 0.0005
6543456 Nguyen Mary nguy nguy 354 Duche Allen TX 75013 1234113265 320 20 10 2133214557 1200 100 0.0005
7654321 Kennedy Johnson kenn kenn 43 Buckingham Dallas TX 75240 1987654321 1660 20 10
7655677 Munoz Jose muno muno 324 Hedgecox Rd Plano TX 75025 1765112343 288 20 10

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