Assignment 2: Setting Your Course for Academic Success
South University Online partners with you to encourage your academic success. Your Campus Common contains links to a wealth of student and career resources. In this assignment, you will explore the resources available to you as an SUO student. You will also begin to read your course textbook (eBook) and consider the changes you will experience as an SUO student and future professional.
To begin this assignment, explore your Campus Common area. Take some time to look at all the links and drop-down menus such as My Academics, Campus Life, Student Services, My Finances, and My Career. Then, complete the assigned readings for Week 1, listed on the Readings & Assignments page in the left-hand navigational bar. Once you have completed the assigned readings, turn your attention to Chapter 1, Figure 1,
Ten Essential Cornerstones for Success in a Changing World
. Review and answer the following questions:
· Which student resource included on the Campus Common do you anticipate being the most useful or helpful to you personally, and why? Identify one student resource and discuss one reason you can see yourself using this resource as an SUO student.
· Select and identify two essential skills or “cornerstones” you feel are important to you personally, academically, and/or professionally from Chapter 1, Figure 1.
· How will your college courses help you to develop each of the skills/cornerstones you selected? Discuss at least one way for each skill you selected.
· How will these two essential skills or cornerstones encourage your success as a professional? Discuss one reason why each of your chosen skills will be important to your professional success.
There are four questions to be addressed for this assignment. Please post your responses to all four questions by Monday, April 9, 2012. Then, review the assignment responses posted by your fellow learners, and comment.
A “substantive response” is not just a “Great job!” or “I agree.” It includes some additional thought, such as why you agree or disagree.
If at any time you encounter difficulties with accessing your eBook, please call the Student Helpdesk: 1-888-444-3404.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Identified one student or career resource in Campus Common and described one reason the resource will be useful as an SUO student.
Identified two essential skills or cornerstones.
Described one way college courses will help to develop each selected skill or cornerstone.
Provided one reason why each selected skill or cornerstone will be important to professional success.
Used correct spelling and grammar.
For assistance with any problems you may have when completing this assignment—OR—to offer your assistance to classmates, please use the Problems and Solutions Discussion area located through the left side navigation link.