Assignment 1: Research Paper
Trade Agreements and Tariff Preference Programs
Compare and contrast at least three free trade agreements and tariff preference programs that the United States is a party to such as NAFTA, CAFTA, GSP, and others. When comparing and contrasting, address the following questions:
What countries are parties to the agreement—bilateral or multilateral?
Are there implementation and expiration dates?
What are the methods for dispute resolution?
Are there intellectual property provisions?
What are the labor provisions?
What are the e-commerce provisions?
What are the primary benefits/objectives?
Are there any other interesting and relevant data?
What are the implications for your company?
Prepare a table showing comparison between different trade agreements. Then, follow that work with a paragraph or two that synthesizes key findings. Write the table and key findings in a Microsoft Word document.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Compared and contrasted at least three free trade agreements and tariff preference programs that the United States is a party to, addressing the provided questions.
Commented on at least two reports submitted by your classmates and analyzed the various trade programs researched by each.
Evaluated the benefits of each trade program as it relates to the company you have selected.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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