"Adoption Absurdity." Advocate 1052 (2011): 13. Academic Search Premier . Web. 3 June 2012.
This is an article review of how can the Catholic Church say its protecting children while throwing out hundreds of adoption and foster care cases? This is a case of the end of a century old partnership between the Roman Catholic Church and the state of Illinois. The Catholic Church officials decided to move out of foster care areas and adoption issues. The church is against same sex couple marriages and does not recognize them to be parents so is against issuing adoption and foster care to them. The same sex couples, who have civil union rights in the state of Illinois, say that this is prejudice on the part of the church which says that it is a violation of the constitutionally protected religious beliefs. Many states in the USA have now recognized same sex couples right to marriage and this has become a common ground for anti-gay activists for championing state run adoption and foster care homes. The National Organization for Marriage's Maggie Gallagher, one of the most vocal opponents of gay marriage says that if same sex couple move for equal rights they will be hurting children and put many foster care homes out of business
It is seen that in the state of Illinois, where the catholic church which handles one out of every seven cases of adoption gives up its stake on this the private adoption homes are willing to carry out the same with the catholic church moving out of this, the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services handed over the same to a private care centre which handled 300 cases in weeks. The other catholic dioceses which sued to be exempted from this civil union law have received temporary injunction till their cases are heard in august.
It has been increasingly felt that the catholic dioceses have done enough service to the child welfare services and it would not be good if they leave but, their religious commitment refuses to accept same sex couple marriage which is since then a union civil liberties law and hence against their beliefs.
I am shocked by this. I knew from growing up Catholic that their view points on homosexual lifestyles wasn’t that friendly but I had no idea they went into all of this. My family, both immediate and extended comes from a Catholic background but luckily for my situation it is far from some of the extreme cases you hear about. My family has shown me nothing but love and support, yes they are Catholic, but they know what to believe in and when to “draw the line” so to speak. It is very scary that we live in a world that is still largely run by the Catholic Church. The same people that teach “love thy neighbor” are the same ones that are quick to say but not “those neighbors.”
Goldberg, Abbie E., and JuliAnna Z. Smith. "Stigma, Social Context, And Mental Health: Lesbian And Gay Couples Across The Transition To Adoptive Parenthood." Journal Of Counseling Psychology 58.1 (2011): 139-150. Academic Search Premier . Web. 3 June 2012.
It is always a stressful experience on the part of the gay and lesbian couples to live in a world dominated by heterosexual population. The turmoil and the solution to the turmoil of the non-heterosexual couples in the respect of stepping into the realm of parenthood through the means of adoption has been meticulously conveyed in the article Stigma, Social Context, and Mental Health: Lesbian and Gay Couples Across the Transition to Adoptive Parenthood by Smith and Goldberg. Besides, the authors have also pointed out the pathetic condition of the non-heterosexual individuals which they face while leading life in a heterosexist world. The first and foremost problem which the non-heterosexual minority has to face is the imposition of the undue stigma on their non-heterosexual form of behavior by the heterosexual majority. The perverted endeavor of the heterosexual majority in the U.S society in specific and in the international societies in general to contradict and disparage any non-heterosexual form of identity, community or relationship has also been highlighted in the discussion. The authors have stressed on the fact that the heterosexual community acts as a pivotal antithesis to the natural concept of non-heterosexual orientation and the institutionalized heterosexism always tend to promote antigay legislations which always pose a threat to the wellbeing of the non-heterosexual minority across the world.
It is noteworthy that through their inhuman efforts institutionalized heterosexism is always tending to formulate law restricting marriages between gay or lesbian couples and the heterosexual majority is even standing against the process of adoption of children by same-sex couples. Now, that is sheer inhumanity. And hence, the authors emphasize on the fact that the wellbeing of the non-heterosexual community depends largely upon the cooperation of the heterosexual community as because, if the heterosexual community carries on pressurizing the non-heterosexual individuals in such perverted manners then the latter are sure to lose their mental stability which will in turn deteriorate their mental health. The authors conclude that like the biological heterosexual parents the non-heterosexual parents also go through phases of emotional changes while becoming parents through adoption for the first time. Hence, every human being, for the sake of humanity should render proper cooperation and healthy treatment towards the non-heterosexual couples and by doing so, the proper balance can be maintained in the human society and the non-heterosexual individuals will be able to enjoy their fundamental human rights.
Chapman, Steve. "RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gay Adoption: The Real Agenda." RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gay Adoption: The Real Agenda. 30 Nov. 2008. Web. 29 May 2012.
The article explains that there is a need for stable families and love for children and this may not be available to them in case of gay adoption. Moreover since they require social stability in case of adoption it becomes crucial that they are in a position that they can take care of the child and this may or may not be possible that there be stability availed to the child in case of a gay adoption.
Moreover as gay adoption is not legal and there are several obstacles that can come into gay adoption then it can result in creating issues in raising the child. Having explored the notion, "To Parent or Not to Parent," the three things that I believe a person should consider in making this life changing decision include lifestyle, quality of time spent with the child and the child’s need and acceptance. This may or may not be available and possible in case of gay adoption and hence it results in there being several issues in gay adoption. Moreover it also results in quite a lot of instability and stress which will impact the life of the child.
Stress and being busy can make the child feel unwanted and rejected. It is extremely important that parents and children spend quality time with each other in order to understand the feelings and needs of each other better. It is important that they try and understand the views of each other and also that the parents communicate to their children in a kind and loving way in order to be able to make them feel accepted and not rejected. A mother is essential in a child’s life and more so when adopted. Social influences and what the children observe as well as the quality of care is what influence early child development most.
Pemberton, Camilla. "Support For Gay Adoptive Parents." Community Care 1814 (2010): 20-21. Academic Search Premier . Web. 3 June 2012.
This article explains gay adoption as a concept where psychology as well as sociology is extremely essential. In cases of there being gay adoption it results in several issues as gay parenting differs from parenting other children. Moreover in case of gay parenting it results in a responsibility to help the child be able to understand as well as be understood. Adopting children is a task of huge responsibility since bringing them up requires a lot of dedication and efforts. In case of gay parents it becomes very difficult to explain to the child that they are different and need to explain to the child in an extremely sensitive manner.
It becomes crucial for the parents to understand the sensitivity of the issue. It is not just the legal aspects which are important and can cause an obstruction but it is also the sensitive aspects of gay adoption and gay parenting that matter. Moreover stability is a very important thing for children in a younger age. When adoption of young children takes place, they would already be facing a distress of adjusting in a new environment as well as formation of a new family. Gay adoption then becomes more and more complicated. Moreover there may be cases where the child, adopted at an older age, may think they need and yearn for a “mother.” They might want all that a mother does, which they might think would not be possible in the case of gay adoption, and not understand and that a gay parent and/or parents can do the same thing. It is quite possible that gay parents may not be able to give children the required social stability as well since the child might not be mature enough to understand the concept of gay adoption or protect them from bullying and social issues that comes with this. There are several problems and situations that can arise from gay adoption, since the child would grow in a very different environment, which may result in mental distress. Being gay and adopted myself this is very hard to say but it is the truth, a child growing up in this situation would be faced with many challenges along the way as well as they gay adoptee parent(s).
Lindenberger, Michael A. "The Fight Over Gay Adoption Heats Up." Time. Time, 26 Nov. 2008. Web. 29 May 2012.
Discrimination against gays has been expressly forbidden across all the states in North America. Gay marriages for instance is slowly being recognized, a good illustration is at Massachusetts Supreme Court where it was made legal. Gay adoption has also won the battle and a state judge in Miami tossed out a statute that had barred gays from adopting. Although these are plusses for such a topic, it is still a minor thing on such a major road.
Many people are living their lives according to their sexuality and give their preference according to their views. Many people are leading life abundantly by same-sex marriage. By gay adoption, the children who are poorer, and who don’t have parents will get all the facilities they need, especially parents’ love. It is extremely necessary for children while they are in important developmental years to experience this love and will also get a much better future in for their life.
The gay issues and gay adoption are highly sensitive matters because it considers the physiological conditions. When Massachusetts court made it legal the other courts began to recognize gay rights. Many states including Massachusetts, California, New York, New Jersey and Maryland already expressed positive views about gays seeking to adopt. Some other States allow gay adoption without specific legislation. The States that prohibited gay adoption had an extremely hard time refusing gay adoption approved by other States. Gay adoption takes an explicit ruling by a judge. The adoption rulings are the kinds of decisions that have been designed by the US Constitution’s under the “Full Faith and Credit” clause.
Unlike gay marriages, gay adoption campaigns face a more difficult process. Normally marriage licenses are administrative in nature and are based on the constitutional protection of different states but child adoption rulings are based on the decision that the U.S. Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit Clause are meant to protect. The executive director of National Lesbian and Gay Law Association said, “Gay and lesbian are willing to have to fight for foster adoption and the Court has stood up for the majority of this right”.
But if the Court and supporters continue to reach conflicting notions then the fight could be for a long time. The supporters said “We are looking for changes in the hearts of American peoples, and we are the parts of their community, and we can become loving parents.” Many conservatives are striving to fight against gay adoption. They have decided that facing the ballot box is the most preferred method to use compared to taking the issue to be tackled in the courthouse. The same conservatives have managed to pass votes in many states; this has led to 45 states in North America to declare gay marriages expressly illegal.
Price, Rita. "Gay Families Struggle to Safeguard Adopted Kids." The Columbus Dispatch. 27 May 2012. Web. 29 May 2012.
The article explains the issues that exist in case of gay adoption and gay parenting which are not only legal issues but also several psychological and social issues. There are several problems that can arise as a gay couple would need to struggle in order to take care of an adopted child. It becomes very difficult for them to be able to understand the needs of the child and also explain to the child that they are gay. In case of societal acceptance and self-esteem as well, the child may have certain problems and may not be able to cope with the psychological pressures that come in as a part of being in a family without a mother. As a child is extremely sensitive and needs to be cared for with a lot of effort, in case of a gay family he may not receive the care and security.
Moreover gay parents also need to struggle to raise an adopted child as they are not able to cope up with the pressures of child adoption. Moreover there may also be several problems that the child faces while growing up as he does not get the care and love from a mother but is required to accept two fathers.
Moreover legal acceptance in case of gay parents and gay adoption is not very common. The laws for adoption is still skeptical in case of same sex couples since they doubt the stability and love that the child can get in a normal house and a normal family where a mother and a father take care of the child.In this way it becomes very important for the child and the parents to create effective communication and only then will the laws are able to change and accept same sex parents or gay adoption.
Stone, Andrea. "Both Sides on Gay Adoption Cite Concern for Children." USA Today. Gannett, 20 Feb. 2006. Web. 29 May 2012.
The court of law, when asked to comment about it, is almost silent about homosexuality and gay adoption. It is as they don’t even want to “touch these issues.” The gay experts and advocates however say there are many cases pending in Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee about gay adoption.
The executive director of the Family Equality Center in Boston said that, “they were bringing this issue to the attention of the American people, “and were likely to use a similar strategy when it comes to parenting issues. Gay marriage is expressed to be illegal in 45 states. The argument about gay adoption is more difficult than the argument about gay marriage. Gay adoption is an emotional and psychological matter and in such cases the court sees what they think is “best for the child.” Most children in foster homes have a scarred past as they have mostly been exposed to frequent abuse and neglect, this is clearly portrayed by the story of Michael in Oregon who had been molested and because of this had lost emotional touch. He refused to be hugged by anyone for four years. As an impact of his behavior, nobody had stepped up to adopt him. Birtcher and his partner O’Reilley wanted to adopt the child but the law did not allow because they were gay.
In North America, over 520,000 children are in foster care, according to North America Council on Adoptable Children. 120,000 children are put on adoption but only 50,000 find homes or families. This leaves 70,000 children in foster homes to be left out. These shows that families that can adopt the children are not enough, while gays who are willing to adopt are not allowed. Many gays would prefer to adopt a child who is, in lack of a better word, classified as a “reject” because they understand and feel how it is like to be the odd one out and classified as such.
The gay adoption issue will soon face the ballot if the legislators do not act says Rev. Russel Johnson Chairman of the Ohio Restoration Project. He is the one who spearheaded the fight against gay marriage on the ballot in 2004. The general public also has had a vote on this and a recent poll showed that 58% of Missouri voters and 62% of Ohio voters said they would definitely vote against it.
Ruggeri, Amanda. "Emerging Gay Adoption Fight Shares Battle Lines of Same-Sex Marriage Debate."US News. U.S.News & World Report, 31 Oct. 2008. Web. 29 May 2012.
The state of Florida allows gays to become foster parents but ban them from adopting. This is an example of a case experienced by Frank Gill who wants to adopt two boys to whom he has fostered since 2004. In the states of Mississippi and Utah, they have also put a ban on adoption (Ruggeri par.1, 2).
There is no evidence showing that gay parents harm children. But many conservatives argue that it’s always in the best interest of the child to have both a mother and a father. In North America only 3 states do not allow gay adoption, 12 states allow gay adoption while the rest 33 states are not sure yet if the adoption petition might be a success.
Gays can find it easy to adopt since many courts treat it differently for singles versus couples. But this issue is tricky since in nearly 22 states it is not clear if both partners can legally adopt one child. In the long run this can leave the child with some crucial legal protections because if one of the parents dies the child might not get security from the other.
Advocates have argued that the issue of gay adoption should be decided only in the courtroom. Currently, the results in Florida and Arkansas indicate that the fighting has begun against gay adoption. The gay right supporters and conservatives are ready to fight back. The executive director of National Lesbian and Gay Law Association said “Gay and lesbian are willing to have a fight for foster adoption and regular adoption and the Court has stood up for the majority right”. But if the Court and supporters are to continue to reach conflicting results, the fight could be for a long run. The supporters said “We are looking for change in the hearts of the American people and making them understand that we are like them, and part of their community, we worry about homework and being lovely parents.”
Kellard, James. "Gay Marriage Should Be Legal." Gay Marriage . Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "Do We Have a Constitutional Right to Ban Gay Marriage?" 2011. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context . Web. 29 July 2012.
Gay marriage has always been a topic of speculation and in the olden times a topic of condemnation as well. There are many views on this topic which are mostly against it. Most religions are not supportive of this idea and there seem to be many practical obstacles to it as well. People will have tough time accepting it, because it is not the ideal thing to do but that does not mean that it is the wrong thing to do. We expect a child to be raised by a mother and a father but if he/she gets a disturbed and abusive childhood among them, it is better that they should be raised with a loving gay couple.
Gay marriage should be legalized as they are not a threat to the society, because if two people are ready to spend their life with each other in harmony, there is no need of the outside world or religion to interfere in it. They are far better than the violent households in which heterosexual couples fight and get violent with each other. It is also said that it is against the institution of marriage which is the communion of a man and a woman. In the purest of sense it should be done when a man and a woman love each other but today this is not the case. Many couple gets married for money, protection or just something as materialistic as a medical insurance. In the given scenario it is quite unlikely that the institution of marriage has attained the same respect as before. On the contrary, gay couples marry out of love. Any couple whether homosexual or heterosexual wants to get married for the sake of love and companionship should be legalized and respected. This is not about religion as no religion supports violence or condemnation when two people irrespective of gender are ready to live in peace.
The conclusion should be to allow the gay couples to get married and should not be given any extra hype than any normal heterosexual marriage. The unwanted publicity created around these marriages makes it more awkward for the gay couples to live happily as they are almost treated as an outcast who have done something outrageously wrong. There are no religious justifications to support that they are not normal. Almost every religion preaches to live in peace and harmony without disturbing anyone. Gay couples are not a threat or bad influence, the people just need to open themselves to the idea.
Charlotte J. Patterson, Duke J., Gender L., Adoption of minor children by lesbian and gay adults: A Social science perspective , June 1995.
The article deals with the adoption of minor children by gays and lesbians. Although many of the jurisdictions do not allow this to happen, but these types of cases do occur and there is no harm in having gays and lesbians as parents of the children. The main motive is to provide the child a healthy environment which is accomplished.
Gays and lesbians can be fine parents to children and it has been proven by some of the complicated cases as well that they are sometimes better than the biological parents. It is important to discuss here that sometimes the claim to biological parents have been denied and the adoption is done by the homosexual parents as it was found to be in the best consequences of the situation. The claims were terminated on ethical grounds and their biological parents were not found to be competent enough to take care of the children on moral and ethical issues. These kind of cases reflect a face of the society which is very bad as people condemn homosexual people for not being normal, but they are perfectly fine people and equal status should be given to them as they are liable to have a good life and they are very good parents instead.
Homosexuality is a sensitive and controversial topic ever since. It has known to face oppression and public humiliation from olden times. Though things are getting better now-a-days, but there was a long period for which homosexuality has been considered a source of utter condemnation. Though in changing times they have been accepted in the society but still they have a long way to go and thus it is important that they are given every right to behave and allowed to interact in a manner every heterosexual couple is dealt in the society. This article is giving information in that regard as it is a good step that in some jurisdiction it is acceptable that the parents of an adopted child shall be homosexual. It has got deeper implications as an increase level of faith in homosexuals which were not the case in olden times. Gays and lesbians had seen a tough time fighting for their rights but if not immediately, then gradually they are crawling towards attaining that goal.
This article has some controversial cases as well where the rights of the biological parents were not terminated yet the child was adopted by the homosexual couples. These are the example that people are getting more and more open towards accepting the idea of gays and lesbians as extremely normal level headed people who can be totally trusted with children and they can be really good and loving parents to children. People still have their reservation for homosexual people as they have not been given equal status in the society. They are treated as outcaste and so are still fighting for their identity. They are far better than the people who don’t treat children well and leave them alone which in some cases happen to be the biological parents of the child. There should be every right given to a homosexual parent as that of a heterosexual parent.
Adoption and Homosexuality: Legislating the Family
Eric Brown
Ivy Tech Community College
English 112
Heather Burford
October 19, 2012
Adoption and Homosexuality: Legislating the Family
One of the most prominent social issues on the contemporary US political agenda is the civil and political rights of homosexual couples. While this debate tends to focus on the rights of same sex couples to marry, there is another linked question; should same sex couples be allowed to adopt a child? This decision could be viewed as legislation of the family and raises questions about how far political and private policies should be allowed to restrict the ability of an individual to pursue a family unit. In this exploratory paper I will consider the various positions on the subject of same-sex couples adopting and think about the ways in which various groups posit their opinions on the subject. I conclude that, as with gay marriage, the ability of the state or private organizations to legislate the private sphere should not be allowed. Homosexual couples, just like heterosexual couples or single parents can provide a stable, loving home for a child. Therefore, just like heterosexual couples or single parents they should not be barred from the process of adoption or fostering.
It has been noted in the past that, regardless of the stand an individual takes, they tend to claim that they seek the best for the children involved (Chapman, 2008). How can it be that two diametrically opposing positions both genuinely consider the needs of the child primary? Are they both correct or are there broader agendas at play? It is clear that the debate over gay adoption is riddled with rhetoric that relates to broader issues regarding the rights of gay couples. Those opposing such adoptions often refer to same sex households as “recruitment” – suggesting, despite research demonstrating the contrary, that a gay couple will influence their own child’s sexuality. The use of recruitment demonstrates a broader concern than just the protection of the child in question (Adoption Absurdity, 2011). The position against gay adoption is perhaps best personified by the position of religious organizations, such as the Catholic Church.
The Church has for many years been involved with the foster and adoption system and so plays an active role in the debate over same sex couples adopting. Almost universally, Catholic adoption and foster agencies will not allow a child to be adopted by a same sex couple (though it must be noted that many also exclude single parents as well). The argument for excluding such couples is twofold. There primary concern is the morality of homosexuality; as a religious organization such agencies must follow the tenets of the religion. In the case of the Catholic Church homosexuality is viewed as unacceptable and so same sex adoption is similarly unacceptable (Adoption Absurdity, 2011). It is interesting to note that concern for the child and larger agendas could be working simultaneously in the case of the Catholic Church. If the overall position is that homosexuality is morally wrong, then they could argue that “exposing” the child to such behaviors is also morally wrong. This is where such terms as “recruitment” are often used. However, if we are to accept this “corruption” based argument as valid (and I am by no means suggesting that I do) then surely it is necessary to consider the sociological and psychological assessment of homosexual family units to gage whether such “corruption” actually takes place.
In recent years there has been fairly extensive research on the psychological and social effects of growing up in a homosexual household. Such research has generally not supported the idea that a child’s sexuality is likely to be influenced by that of their adoptive parents (Pemberton, 2012). I would actually draw an example from my own life here, though in reverse; I was adopted by heterosexual parents but identify as homosexual. Since many homosexual children are the products of heterosexual parents should the same not be true in reverse? One aspect of concern raised by these studies that does seem valid is the social pressures upon children by their peers during their childhood. The idea that a child might be teased about their parents is certainly a relevant issue, when both sides posit concern for child welfare in their rhetoric. Many children face teasing and other problems for a variety of reasons and so this alone should not prohibit same sex couples from adopting. Overall the medical community and the research into developmental psychology do not clearly demonstrate that same sex couples inherently harm the stability of an adopted child. Indeed it was this type of research that was used in Florida to support the legalization of same sex adoption (Pemberton, 2012).
Finally I turn to perhaps the most obvious position; the fight to secure homosexual adoption rights by gay rights groups. Here the position is simple; homosexual couples, just like any other couple, should be allowed to adopt a child, as long as they fulfill other requirements (such as financial checks). They argue that homosexual parents are just as capable of raising happy, well-adjusted children as heterosexual couples (Chapman, 2008). They also point out that there are many children in foster care waiting to find homes, particularly older children. If a suitable couple should be able to provide a stable home, is it fair to the child to prohibit it based upon the sexual orientation of the child?
My own opinion on this topic is, obviously, colored by my own experiences. I am both gay and adopted so it is a topic that is very important to me. I can see that both sides tend to base their opinion on whether they believe that homosexuality is “morally” right or wrong. However, I would argue that, given the lack of substantive evidence for morality, this is a case where it is necessary to turn to more subjective measures if possible. Regardless of your opinion of the morals of homosexuality, scientific and social research has quite clearly demonstrated that single sex couples can raise stable, well-adjusted children. Surely then, this research, which has less of an agenda one way or the other, is more likely to provide us with the “best thing for the child”. Based on the rhetoric being used this suggests that all parties should support same sex adoption and, while I accept the rights of private agencies to place limits on foster parents, I strongly believe that prohibiting same sex couples from adopting should not be allowed from a legal perspective.
Chapman, Steve. (2008) "RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gay Adoption: The Real Agenda." RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gay Adoption: The Real Agenda.
"Adoption Absurdity." Advocate 1052 (2011): 13. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 June 2012.
Pemberton, Camilla. (2012) "Support For Gay Adoptive Parents." Community Care 18.14 : 20-21.
Adoption and Homosexuality: Position Proposal
Eric Brown
Ivy Tech
Eng. 112 – Exposition & Persuasion
Instructor: Heather Burford
October 21, 2012
For many gay people including couples, foster and adoptive parenting is the foremost alternative whenever they consider starting a family (Patterson & Riskind, 2010). However, gay people are in many instances an untouched resource for the hundreds of thousands of children and youth presently in foster care not to mention many more children with the aspiration of adoption whose parents’ parental rights have in one way or another been terminated (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009; Farr et al., 2010; Patterson & Riskind, 2010). Child welfare custom that encompasses and is affirmative of gays while acknowledging that they can offer family structures that are fit and caring will definitely create opportunities for many children and youth to get the benefit of having family.
Gay families could be a key resource for children and youth in need of homes considering that almost two million gay individuals have the desire to adopt these young ones (Gates et al., 2007). At present, about 65,500 adopted and 14,000 foster children are living with gay parents (Gates et al., 2007). As much as this is a noteworthy achievement, only a small percentage of all adopted and foster children in the United States are represented by this number. Consequently, it is imperative that State policies should unequivocally acknowledge foster parenting by gays and lesbians. Any law that hamper or forbid adoption by non-heterosexual individuals and couples should be withdrawn and applicants should be assessed according to the regular qualifications except sexual orientation. The research seeks show that children brought up in gay and lesbian adoptive family settings fare just as well as those brought up by heterosexual parents.
In addition the research seeks to explore the strategies through which a lot more could be learned and done in order to present agencies with clear cut direction on quality policy and practice in recruiting, assessing, preparing and supporting gay and lesbian foster and adoptive parents as well as children. The aim of this study is to examine the social and legal implications of gay adoption and its impact on ability of gays and lesbians to provide foster homes. To achieve the goals of this research, a qualitative rather than a quantitative research method of investigation is selected. This is because it will then be possible to understand the research problem from the perspectives of the population it involves. The qualitative method will also be effective in getting hold of culturally specific information about the values, opinions, behaviors, and social contexts of the particular populations.References
"Adoption Absurdity.”Advocate 1052 (2011): 13. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 June 2012.
Chapman, Steve. RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gay Adoption: The Real Agenda. RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gay Adoption: The Real Agenda. 30 Nov. 2008. Web. 29 May 2012.
Farr, R. H., Forssell, S. L., & Patterson, C. J. (2010). Parenting and Child D evelopment in Adoptive Families: Does Parental Sexual Orientation M atter? Applied Developmental Science, 10, 164 - 178.
Gates, G., Badgett, L.M.V., Macomber, J.E., Chambers, K. (2007). Adoption and Foster C are by Lesbian and Gay P arents in the United States. The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law & The Urban Institute, Washington, D.C. Retrieved August 4, 2010, from: http://www.urban.org/UploadedPDF/411437_Adoption_Foster_Care.pdf
Goldberg, Abbie E., and JuliAnna Z. Smith. "Stigma, Social Context, And Mental Health: Lesbian And Gay Couples Across The Transition To Adoptive Parenthood." Journal Of Counseling Psychology 58.1 (2011): 139-150. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 June 2012.
Patterson, C. J. & Riskind, R. G. (2010). To be a Parent: Issues in Family Formation Among Gay and Lesbian Adults. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 6, 326 - 340.
United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender health. Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus

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