6:38 AM (CDT)
Unit 3 Individual Project
Assignment Details Assignment Description
For this assignment, you must do the following:
Locate and analyze a course, unit, or lesson found online. Be sure to include the Internet address of the selected content within your references for grading purposes. Write a brief summary of the course, unit, or lesson, including the anticipated grade or content level. Based on your own analysis of the content (do not duplicate something that may already be developed within the course, unit, or lesson), you will develop 5 terminal course objectives (TCOs) for the lesson using the ABCD (audience, behavior, conditions, degree) method of writing objectives. Specifically, the 5 must consist of the following:
3 cognitive objectives, 1 affective objective, and 1 psychomotor objective. At least 1 objective must be for a nontechnical capability in an area such as management, leadership, supervision, or human resources. Be sure to use the cognitive taxonomy's measurable verbs to specify the level of the cognitive objectives, and label the level after each objective. Label the affective and psychomotor objectives as well, using the standard affective domain levels as defined by David Krathwohl, et. al, and accepted psychomotor taxonomy by Elizabeth Simpson. Take 1 of your objectives, and write 2 enabling objectives to help the learner reach the terminal course objective.
These objectives must be original and new. Do not use objectives from any previous class or any other source.
Prepare a conclusion that summarizes your decisionmaking process for selecting the verb and Bloom’s levels, your choice of objective to expand, and how enabling objectives support terminal course objectives.
Your paper will require an appropriate APAformatted title page, abstract, running headings, and the use of body headings.
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.
Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R., et al. (Eds.). (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon (Pearson Education Group).
Simpson, E. J. (1972). The classification of educational objectives in the psychomotor domain. Washington, DC: Gryphon House.
Reading Assignment
Webb & Metha: Chapters 1, 2, & 12
Support readings by course: AIU M.Ed.Library Guide
Assignment Objectives
Define and develop measurable learning outcomes using appropriate taxonomies and including cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor
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Extra Credit View Assignment Rubric
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Assignment Overview
Type: Individual Project Unit: Developing Learning Outcomes Due Date: Tue,11/5/19 Grading Type: Numeric Points Possible: 110 Points Earned: Deliverable Length: 23 pages
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6:38 AM (CDT)
Unit 3 Individual Project
Assignment Details Assignment Description
For this assignment, you must do the following:
Locate and analyze a course, unit, or lesson found online. Be sure to include the Internet address of the selected content within your references for grading purposes. Write a brief summary of the course, unit, or lesson, including the anticipated grade or content level. Based on your own analysis of the content (do not duplicate something that may already be developed within the course, unit, or lesson), you will develop 5 terminal course objectives (TCOs) for the lesson using the ABCD (audience, behavior, conditions, degree) method of writing objectives. Specifically, the 5 must consist of the following:
3 cognitive objectives, 1 affective objective, and 1 psychomotor objective. At least 1 objective must be for a nontechnical capability in an area such as management, leadership, supervision, or human resources. Be sure to use the cognitive taxonomy's measurable verbs to specify the level of the cognitive objectives, and label the level after each objective. Label the affective and psychomotor objectives as well, using the standard affective domain levels as defined by David Krathwohl, et. al, and accepted psychomotor taxonomy by Elizabeth Simpson. Take 1 of your objectives, and write 2 enabling objectives to help the learner reach the terminal course objective.
These objectives must be original and new. Do not use objectives from any previous class or any other source.
Prepare a conclusion that summarizes your decisionmaking process for selecting the verb and Bloom’s levels, your choice of objective to expand, and how enabling objectives support terminal course objectives.
Your paper will require an appropriate APAformatted title page, abstract, running headings, and the use of body headings.
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.
Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R., et al. (Eds.). (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon (Pearson Education Group).
Simpson, E. J. (1972). The classification of educational objectives in the psychomotor domain. Washington, DC: Gryphon House.
Reading Assignment
Webb & Metha: Chapters 1, 2, & 12
Support readings by course: AIU M.Ed.Library Guide
Assignment Objectives
Define and develop measurable learning outcomes using appropriate taxonomies and including cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor
Other Information
There is no additional information to display at this time.
Extra Credit View Assignment Rubric
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© 2019 American InterContinental University. All Rights Reserved. Authorized Users Only.
Assignment Overview
Type: Individual Project Unit: Developing Learning Outcomes Due Date: Tue,11/5/19 Grading Type: Numeric Points Possible: 110 Points Earned: Deliverable Length: 23 pages
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My Work: Online Deliverables: Submissions

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