Professional Beliefs and Values

Student Name Only

Minnesota State University, Mankato

N382 Holistic Nursing Assessment and Practice

Dr. Rhonda Cornell


Professional Beliefs and Values

The purpose of this paper is to examine and reflect my beliefs and values. This assessment will help me to establish how my beliefs and values affect my professionalism as a nurse. It will reveal some strengths and weaknesses, which will help me establish the areas for improvement as a nurse.

Personal and Professional Behaviors

Dorothea Dix recruited only women who were plain looking and older than thirty years old to take care of the wounded soldiers during the Civil War (Blais & Hayes, 2010.) It shows that even during that time modest, responsible, and professionally appropriate -behaved nurses were on demand as much as today. Working in the hospital setting, I feel that I represent my health care organization. Treating people with respect, dignity, and stereotype –free behavior, can make a significant difference in their hospital stay, recovering, and facility choice. Taking care of patients well and advocating for them no matter what their origin, sexual orientation, and even their destructive life choices is my strongest belief of professional nursing behavior. As for professional appearance, I believe that being neat, and following dress code of the facility really does not leave much space for “appearance mistakes.” However, as for my personal appearance self-concept, I believe that I need to start to spend a little bit more time on myself such as exercising and relaxation therapies. Being so busy at work, and with my family, I find myself a little bit “neglected” in personal care areas. Indeed, it is so much easier to go sit in the couch at the end of the day, than to go to a fitness center and to exercise.

Professional Value Beliefs and Values

My professional values and beliefs were formed by my cultural background, Christianity, and education. It is an ongoing process, which needs to be guarded and improved daily. For example, I used to be very biased of people who were presented to ER with overdose or chemical intoxication. Today, I have learned not to judge those patients, but try to find available support and assistance with their addiction.

Cultural Background

I was born and raised in Russia. The culture of service is completely absent in health care system. When my first son was born in 2003 in St. Petersburg, Russia, he was diagnosed with meningitis, encephalitis, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. As new parents, my husband and I were very scared and lost. We had knowledge deficit and were looking for answers from our health care providers. We received no education, no sympathy, no explanations whatsoever. My previous cultural experience shaped my belief for being a patient’s advocate. There are so many Hispanic patients who come to our facility. When I see them with their language barriers, knowledge deficit and employment concerns due to their hospitalization or sickness, I have a strong desire to use this opportunity and provide teaching about their health issues and support. I found out that because of working long shifts, lack of education about diabetes and hypertension, and poor nutrition they ended up hospitalized with cellulites and exacerbation of CHF.


Honesty, work ethics, compassion for the people in physical, psychological, and emotional distress are those values which were formed based on my spirituality. From the human perspective of view, it is easy to judge an alcoholic who has destroyed his one life and the life of his beloved ones. I believe that this judgment can affect indirectly the level of nurses’ cares. My faith helps me not to judge, but try to look a t this alcoholic as a victim of his addiction. I believe that nobody wants to be chemically dependent and destroy their families, career, and wealth.


Learning about the disease process, HIPPA requirements, ethical values, effect of lab values on human behavior are those factors which had tremendous influence on my belief and values system. A dementia patient can be combative, rude and disrespectful, however, knowledge about dementia, would give me support to treat this patient with respect, and dignity. Knowing HIPPA requirements helps me to be very careful with my verbal communication with the patients on the hospital floor.

Professional Respect and Boundaries

Having a positive attitude in the workplace and maintaining confidentiality is a way of showing respect towards myself and others. Very often it is very easy to join people who like to complain. I am still learning to stop myself before I join in the conversation. Very often in the small community hospital many nurses know patients as their neighbors and vice versa very well. Everyone knows much of what is going on in the community. I believe that establishing professional boundaries and keeping a patient’s privacy is very important. I remember one very surprised patient’s face when I told that patient that due to the privacy rights, I really could not tell who was admitted in the room next door. I try to apply the same principle towards my college and not to bring their information outside the doors.

Professional Goals

Obtaining my bachelor degree and then receiving specialization in cardiac unit are my short term professional goals. I believe that there is and there always will be an area for improvement. A Bachelor degree will give me an opportunity for a good start in my professional development. Obtaining a Master Degree in Nursing Science is my long-term goal in my professional engagement. The high demand in the job market for nurses with master’s degree and desire of professional growth are two main facilitators to achieve this long term goal. However, financial difficulties and time deficit in my family are the barriers for this option. At this moment I need to work full time, and pay off my student loans from community college and university, and have good quality time with my nine-year-old and four-year-old boys.

Professional Knowledge

Having only two year ADN, I feel that I am looking at the top of the iceberg of nursing. I believe that to develop critical thinking it takes additional education and several years of experience. I have learned to provide holistic approach to patient and his or her family situation. Taking Baccalaurean courses about different nursing theories and family nursing processes was very helpful in the developing of holistic approach to patients’ cares. I am still in the process of learning how to prioritize and distinguish more of acute and chronic patient’s conditions and build my level of cares based on that. Application of nursing research is another area where I want to develop and apply. I believe that knowledge is a process. By obtaining and applying of additional education, I will be able to become a nurse who will make a difference in patients’ lives.

Professional Skills

As the advanced beginner-nurse, I bring only general knowledge and skills to my profession. As being a nurse in the second Benner’s stage (Blais & Hayes, 2010.) I still use policies and procedures especially when I need to perform skills which we do not use often. I am trying to develop specific skills and knowledge like abnormal EKG interpretations, lab interpretations and so on. Being a person from another country, communication can be a stumbling block for me. Proper professional documentation can be very crucial in the continuity of cares and in the case of legal battles. Proper oral and written etiquette is an attribute of professional behavior. Improvement of therapeutic communication with the patient, physicians, and other facilities is my ultimate goal which I am trying to achieve. I believe that this skill will be a great base for achieving my short and long term professional goals.


I have examined and reflected upon my beliefs and values. This assessment has helped me to establish how my beliefs and values affect my professionalism as a nurse. I have discussed my strengths and weaknesses, and established areas for improvement as a nurse as well as my future professional short and long term goals.


Blais, K. & Hayes, J. S. (2015). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (6th ed.). Prentice Hall.



Professional Nursing Beliefs and Values Reflection

Student Name Only

Minnesota State University, Mankato

N382-02 Holistic Nursing Assessment and Practice

Dr. Rhonda Cornell


Professional Nursing Beliefs and Values Reflection

The purpose of this paper will be to explore and reflect upon my professional beliefs and values. I will examine several areas including personal and professional behaviors, professional beliefs and values, professional respect and boundaries, and professional goals, knowledge and skills. This examination reflects upon where I have been, where I am now and where I would like to be in the future in terms of beliefs and values. In doing so, I will enhance both my personal and professional growth.

Personal and Professional Behaviors

At the age of 16 I obtained my first job in healthcare as a CNA at a nursing home. By the time I started schooling for my RN I had already been an aid for eight years, and had become confident in my role. School was challenging, but I found that during clinicals my confidence remained unwavering. Three years later, that confidence has been set aside and has been replaced by a wide-eyed sense of standing at the base of a mountain wondering if I have enough water and stamina to make it to the top.

As an RN at a large inner-city hospital working in the Med/Surg Float pool, I find myself challenged with new and oftentimes scary patient assignments. A lot of time spent on the floor involves an inner struggle to anticipate changes in patient status while remaining calm and collected on the outside. Before each shift I make sure that my scrubs are wrinkle free, and my hair and make-up is appropriate and fresh. I carry a bag of supplies and tip sheets with me to each unit so as to decrease the time spent on finding a hidden stash of alcohol wipes and random door codes. Everything I do is meant to decrease inner anxiety, and increase an outward sense of confidence. In other words, professionally I see myself as a high anxiety, yet capable new nurse. I have the drive to obtain the knowledge and experience needed to decrease feelings of inadequacy and increase an inner sense of confidence. I would like to see myself as a confident, intuitive, and capable nurse.

In contrast, outside of work I see myself as a lighthearted social being with a healthy sense of confidence. I enjoy relating to others and making people laugh. Oftentimes I wear colorful clothing and experiment with make-up and hairstyles. Sometimes I feel as if I am not the best at time management, and find myself wondering why I read an entire fiction novel in one day as opposed to going to the gym or meditating. Overall, I see myself as a happy individual with a fulfilling life. I do not wish to change any core aspects of my sense of self, but do value growing into a more peaceful and grounded individual as I age.

Professional Beliefs and Values

Professionally, the values of presence, compassion, accountability, flexibility, and resourcefulness come to mind as some of the most important aspects of my nursing practice. I also have the self-awareness to identify that I am a helpful, tolerant, and cheerful nurse most of the time. I believe that health is a self-determined and subjective balance of mind/body/spirit. I also believe that nurses are fundamental in providing individuals with the tools to create a state of health and well-being that traditional Western Medicine alone cannot provide.

From an early age of nine I was put in charge of caring for my great grandfather before I went to school in the morning. I lived with my single father who worked two jobs, which resulted in my maturing at a young age. My values were self-learned and formed early on by this experience. With that said, negative values such as cowardice, irresponsibility, and selfishness were practiced by my abusive mother and subsequently rejected. I believe that the values I gained from my childhood have resulted in my becoming a compassionate and dedicated nurse. I would not change my current set of values, but strive to further gain a sense of spirituality and peace as I become more experienced in my professional practice.

Professional Respect and Boundaries

I show respect for myself by taking care of my physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By having a balanced and healthy state of being I am better able to care for my patients, and consequently model for them what a state of balance looks like. I respect my patients by being aware and understanding of cultural, spiritual, and sociological differences. When patients and families decline treatment or have health care beliefs different from my own, I acknowledge their beliefs and allow them to practice self-determination. Professional boundaries are set by caring for the individual and/or family in the context of the inpatient setting without offering advice beyond the scope of my practice. I also do not share personal information beyond the basics such as my first name or how many pets I have. Some situations have arisen where family dynamics and disagreements have made it difficult to maintain professional boundaries and I have used outside consults such as social work and spiritual care to help the family deal with their difficult feelings.

Amongst my co-workers I respect them by not getting involved in gossip or talking poorly about another nurse’s performance. I have friends at work that I see socially, but when I’m at work I focus on patient care and not socializing in front of patients and families. When a co-worker with less experience has a question I don’t make them feel like they are inadequate, but rather answer the question and make myself available for inquiry in the future.

Professional Goals

Recently I started cross-training to the post-partum area of the hospital I work at and have found that I truly enjoy this type of nursing and find it greatly rewarding. Ultimately I would like to transfer to this area full time and gain more experience as I finish my BSN. Once I have a few years of experience under my belt I would like to become professionally certified in one of the areas related to post-partum care and education. I plan on continuing school until I obtain a masters or doctoral degree, but am unsure of the exact course of action I want to take.

One of the great aspects of working for a large hospital is that I have a multitude of resources available to help me gain more experience and knowledge in my profession. Abbott Northwestern offers tuition reimbursement, seminars, training, and numerous opportunities to join committees and groups. I’m also very fortunate to have a supportive fiancé and friends that help me deal with the stresses of being in school and holding down two jobs. The factors related to hindering my ability to succeed are monetary and also involve time restraints. For now these areas provide more stress than actual barriers to success.

Professional Knowledge

I’m lucky in that I have had a relatively long health care career in relation to the short time I’ve been an RN. By the time I started practicing as a nurse I had been an aid for a total of ten years. I had seen a lot of procedures related to in-patient care that a new graduate might not have seen. Also, as a float nurse I am able to bring a wide range of skills to the more specialized units and provide assistance with patient related situations that may be unfamiliar. In the future I wish to gain more knowledge of the post-partum population and the care of infants. This knowledge will directly relate to my wish to transfer to the post-partum unit at my hospital and specialize in this population as I further my degree.

Professional Skills

When it comes to nursing skills, I believe I am most proficient at assessment and the implementation of nursing interventions in the Med/Surg hospital population. I rely heavily on my clinical skills such as wound care, medication administration, and safe patient movement. In the future I wish to gain knowledge of nursing research as a whole, as well as the more advanced aspects of post-partum nursing care, research, and education. These skills will directly relate to my goals of becoming a post-partum nurse and furthering my degree in that area.


In summary, I have highlighted my past, present and future goals and values. Where I have come from has influenced where I am now as a professional. My goals and values in turn help to inform my personal and professional life.

Professional Beliefs and Values Self-Reflection Paper

Self-Reflection and Self-Care is a Core Value (#5) of holistic nursing (AHNA & ANA, 2013, p. 20).

· “Self-Reflection-defined as turning inward to examine one’s thoughts, values, beliefs, experiences, behaviors, and inner wisdom-enhances self-understanding and facilitates reflective practice” (AHNA & ANA, p.8).

· “The nurse’s self-reflection, self-assessment, self-care, healing and personal development are necessary for service to others, growth/change in the nurse’s own well-being, and understanding of the nurse’s own personal journey” (AHNA & ANA, p. 8)

AHNA & ANA. (2013). Holistic Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, 2nd Edition. Silver Spring, MD: Nursebooks.org.

Instructions: Reflect on your professional beliefs and values and write a 4-5 page double-spaced paper (not including title page). Include an introduction, a paragraph for each of the following content areas, and a conclusion. This paper needs to be written in proper APA format, but there is no need for references unless you decide cite something.






Partially Add-ressed


Insuff. or Not Add-ressed

Points Possible

Points Earned

Personal and professional behaviors:

· What is your current self-concept related to your personal and professional appearance and demeanor?

· What is your desired self-concept related to your personal and professional appearance and demeanor?


Professional value beliefs and values:

· What values, attitudes and beliefs, do you bring to your professional practice?

· How were your values formed (e.g. family, religion, or by your past or present interaction with people)?

· Do you desire to change any values, attitudes or beliefs? Why?


Professional respect and boundaries:

· How do you show respect for yourself and others?

· How do you maintain professional boundaries with patients and families as well as among caregivers?


Professional goals:

· What are your professional goals in terms of career, pursuing practice excellence, lifelong learning and professional engagement to support practice excellence and to foster professional growth and development?

· What are some facilitators and barriers to these goals?


Professional knowledge:

· What knowledge do you bring to your profession?

· What knowledge do you desire?

· Will this knowledge assist you in achieving your professional goals? Explain


Professional skills:

· What skills do you bring to your profession?

· What skills do you desire?

· Will these skills assist you in achieving your professional goals? Explain


Spelling, Grammar, APA format Free of Spelling, typographical, and grammatical errors. Size 12 Times New Roman Font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, title page, numbers in upper right hand corner, headings, introduction, conclusion.


Total Points Earned


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