Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal: Implementation Plan



Describe the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution

The methods that will be utilized in the implementation of the proposed solution are through coordination, collaboration, and brainstorming. Coordination is the process wherein stakeholders work together effectively in achieving goals of care while collaboration is where stakeholders are willing to assist each other in order to attain objectives. Brainstorming on the other hand is the exchange of ideas, expertise, and experiences necessary to produce a well-planned care for patients. Ensuring that each patient receives a patient-centered care is the primary objective of any healthcare organization. The involvement of stakeholders in creating measures to capture individualized care aligns perspectives on what’s important and how it is attained (Epstein & Street, 2011).

Develop a plan for implementing the proposed solution

A plan is a product of a strategic thinking process (Nunn & McGuire, 2010). The formulation of a judicious plan is a crucial step in any given project. The initial step is to identify and engage the stakeholders that will comprise the Interdisciplinary team (IDT) such as physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers, therapists and dieticians. Second step is to present to the IDT the objectives of the project which is to facilitate a patient-centered care discharge plan for patients post hospitalization. When the goals are known, IDT meets and discuss the plan of care of the patient through brainstorming and then presents the details to the patient and support system. The IDT will involve the patient and family in the finalization of the care plan. When all has been agreed upon among the IDT, patient and support system, then implementation of the objective is initiated.

Incorporate a theory to develop the implementation plan and explain how it is used to develop the plan.

The theory that will be incorporated with the implementation of the plan is the theory of reasoned action (TRA). The theory associates norms, behaviors, attitudes, and intentions to perform an action (Hill, 1977). It is the intention and goal of healthcare organizations to provide patient-centered care to their patients. Therefore, those involved with the care of the patient needs to have the same belief and intention to make patient safe and be well. The TRA theory will pave a way to propel stakeholders in ensuring that the patients they serve receive individualized plan of care that they do deserve.

Identify resources needed for the proposed solution’s implementation and how you plan to gather and incorporate them.

The resources needed for the implementation of the proposed solution are as follows: manpower, access to electronic records, writing materials, and available conference room space to facilitate the meeting. In order to obtain all resources needed, the Executive Manager of the organization needs to buy-in with the proposed solution and the benefits of its implementation. If a project has the support of upper management, the acquisition of resources is favorable. Leadership endorsement is essential in any project success (Ur Rehman Khan, et al., 2014).

Describe outcome measures aligned with planned outcomes

The intent of the project is for 85% of patients will have a patient-centered care discharge plan post hospitalization following an IDT conference on patient’s care plan. The conference will focus on a plan suited for patient’s needs, which will be carried over to the next level of care. A staff or a third-party vendor will initiate a post discharge call within 24 hours of patient’s discharge from the hospital. The aim of this call is to ensure that the patient is safe and confirm that the care plan, which was established in the hospital, was carried over by the patient (and support system) at home or other post hospital destination.

Discuss the feasibility of the implementation plan.

Patients are readmitted to the hospital sometimes due to poor and individualized discharge planning. The effects of patient returning the hospital not only affect the institution financially but the comfort and safety of the patient is at stake as well. The proposed solution to this issue is to involve stakeholders in formulating a plan to promote patient-centered care. With the knowledge and participation of upper management and staff on the initiative of personalized care, project objectives can be attained significantly. Therefore, implementing an IDT conference


Epstein, R. M., & Street, R. J. (2011). The values and value of patient-centered care. Annals Of Family Medicine9(2), 100-103. doi:10.1370/afm.1239

Hill, R. (1977). Contemporary Sociology, 6(2), 244-245. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/2065853

Nunn, L., & McGuire, B. (2010). The importance of A good business plan. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 8(2), 95-105. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/194892288?accountid=35812

Ur Rehman Khan, S., Sang Long, C., & Muhammad Javed Iqbal, S. (2014). Top management support, a potential moderator between project leadership and project success: A theoretical framework. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology,11(8), 1373-1376. doi:10.19026/rjaset.8.1109

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