Student Name: Albert Ramen

ID: 30012892



Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 3

Recommendation ............................................................................................................ 3 Problem ........................................................................................................................... 3 Benefits of the Rational Combi....................................................................................... 4 Methodology ................................................................................................................... 4

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 5

Profile .............................................................................................................................. 5 Organizational Structure Overview ................................................................................ 5 Kitchen Operations/Equipment ....................................................................................... 5

Health and Safety Report ................................................................................................ 5 Installation Plan .............................................................................................................. 6 Maintenance Plan ............................................................................................................ 6

COMPARISON/CONTRAST CHART of SELECTED COMBI MODELS ..................... 1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 1

Savings in Operation Costs ............................................................................................. 1

Customer Satisfaction ..................................................................................................... 1 Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 2


March 27, 2020 To: Mr. Dalton McGinty and Mr. George Smitherman From: Albert Ramen Subject: Replacement of the Cleveland Convection Oven


Recommendation I request you approve the release of funds for the purchase of a Rational Combi CPC 61, as it will greatly benefit the facility. Provided with the Combi, our foodservice department will exceed its goals of quality assurance and fiscal responsibility. Its use will capture the facility’s strategic initiatives to deliver exceptional experiences for our residents and staff.

Problem Seven Oaks Long Term Care facility, located in the heart of downtown Burlington, is a one hundred-bed resident facility and community outreach center for seniors. Over the years it has set the standard in senior’s care in the community. It has consistently achieved its vision statement to deliver exceptional experiences for the residents and staff. The facility’s foodservice department’s mission is to exceed the standard in quality, and service, which of late it has struggled with. The main reason for not meeting the standard is aging equipment especially the seventeen-year-old convection oven. A recent audit of its performance indicates it is no longer financially feasible to operate and due for replacement because of:

• Maintenance and Repairs Over the last two years there’s been a steady increase in maintenance repairs, which has resulted in an increase of twenty seven percent to the department. Numerous thermal recalibrations and most recently the replacement of the door’s spring locking system have exceeded the budget allowances.

• Operation Cost Fluctuations in the oven’s cooking and holding temperatures have caused a 12% increase in food cost due to loss and spoilage. The oven’s continuous use has measurably decreased it efficiency and power conservation by thirty percent. Based on the age and the current condition of the oven, the costs of maintenance and operation will only increase with time.


• Customer Satisfaction Inadequate cooking and holding temperatures have resulted in poor quality products, increased resident complaints, and revenue loss.

Benefits of the Rational Combi The Rational provides measurable benefits for the operator, facility, and resident. There will be immediate short-term and long-term gains for the facility. Within two years it will deliver an increase in profit and savings to pay for its original cost. The benefits are:

• Labour Cost It will allow for a savings of .6 FTE’s per week or $ 1,460.76 dollars with an additional saving from efficient preproduction, unsupervised overnight cooking, and quick daily maintenance and service.

• Food Cost It’s precise cooking technology will provide an approximate 22% percent savings in raw material and 95% in added cooking fats.

• Energy Conservation the Combi’s seven different cooking modes will replace the need for multitasking and acquisition of another conventional kitchen equipment. A savings of $906.00 dollars will be gained per year in energy costs and an additional 2% per year when used continuously.

• Customer Satisfaction the Combi’s seven modes of cooking applications and precise automated cooking will improve the quality and variety of food. It will minimize the chance of human error and guaranteeing the resident’s satisfaction.

• Health and Safety the Combi will minimize the possibility of workplace accidents and human intervention during cooking and cleaning procedures. The automated HACCP logging system will reduce manual monitoring, recording and interpreting critical control points during cooking.

Methodology Through benchmark comparisons and contrasts with another leading manufacture’s model the Combi was evaluated for its efficiency, ease of operation, operating costs, safety features and ability to recoup its purchase price. A plan of its quick installation and in-depth training has been detailed within the report. Its installation will minimally disrupt the residents and flow of work in the facility. The ease and safety of cleaning and maintaining its performance has been encapsulated in a maintenance plan.



Profile Seven Oaks Long Term Care Facility is a 100-bed facility and senior community outreach center. It is located in the heart of Burlington’s downtown residential community at the corners of Bayberry and Center Street. It is a religious non- medical health care facility accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long- Term Care. Founded in 1970, its one of Burlington’s oldest facilities caring for the elderly in the community. As an award-winning leader in long-term care its vision is to strive for excellence in the provision of care and services by meeting the needs and exceeding the expectations of its residents.

Organizational Structure Overview The organizational framework of the Foodservice department is effectively organized with defined roles for each supervisor and their department. Christine Wellington, Foodservice Director and Chair of Operations is responsible for its operations. Stephen Field, Foodservice Manager is responsible for daily operations. Reporting to Stephen Field is his supervisory team of Janice Smith and Gordon Papers. Stephen Field is responsible for the daily activities of his department supervisors, six cooks and four dinning room attendants, and three sanitation maintenance staff. His key responsibility is in the coordination of food production, maintenance programs, health and safety.

Kitchen Operations/Equipment The foodservice operation is responsible for providing three daily meals for its 100 residents and 60 daily meals for its cafeteria. The cafeteria provides light meals and snacks for residents, visitors and the general public. Currently, the majority of the kitchen equipment is aged being the original equipment installed. It is maintained regularly and meets Ontario Workplace Standards. The convection oven being the central piece of equipment for all food preparation is maintained although serviced continually. Upon recommendation of the facilities Health and Safety committee it has been reported for numerous health and safety infractions.

Health and Safety Report The Health and Safety committee is responsible for monitoring procedures, processes, and equipment within the facility. Due to the age and condition of the convection oven two consecutive equipment audits have been completed within the last year. The oven’s safe operation is in question due to three reported health and safety incidents within the last six months.


Installation Plan The removal of the existing convection oven and pending installation of the Rational Combi will be in accordance with an installation time schedule (see appendix). The existing oven is central to the ongoing business and a necessity for the daily preparation of all hot foods. Therefore, two contingency plans have been developed to address the need for the oven during installation and any prolonged delays in its installation. During installation an alternative menu plan will alleviate any demand for the use of the oven for food preparation. The alternative menu plan will be put into effect the day of and the following day if necessary. It will utilize other pieces kitchen equipment to produce a suitable menu for the residents (see appendix). In the event of a prolonged delay in installation an emergency contingency menu plan will be activated. The emergency contingency menu plan will be in place for the duration of the installation and until it’s fully operational. Power interruptions have been accounted for during installation by careful planning prior to installation. All necessary electrical work was completed during the twelve days prior to installation. The power interruption the day of installation will be minimal with only a thirty-minute period of interruption. The interruption will take place after lunch service during off peak times for kitchen preparation.

Maintenance Plan Maintenance for the Combi is streamlined and can be easily performed by trained facility staff. The required maintenance for the Combi has been divided into two distinct categories. One category represents the work to be completed by certified Rational technicians. The second category addresses maintenance to be performed by in house by trained staff. Rational staff will conduct the maintenance training the following day of installation. The required maintenance performed by Rational technicians is categorized by service faults indicated on the Combi’s display panel (see appendix). Rational customer service support center and local certified technicians are available seven days a week. A facility maintenance plan has been developed to include all necessary service to be performed by the facility’s authorized staff (see appendix). The facilities maintenance and kitchen staff is to be trained by Rational technicians during the training session as part of the purchase plan. The maintenance plan has been divided into two categories maintenance as required and daily cleaning and maintenance.



Although the Rational ClimaPlus Combi CPC 61 and Blodgett Combi BC 14E are both electric industrial combination ovens

suitable for our facility’s needs and applications, they are very different models with unique features. The following is a

comparison of the two Combi models.

Point of Contrast Oven Model A: Rational ClimaPlus Combi CPC 61 Oven Model B: Blodgett Combi BC-14E

Exterior Construction

Stainless steel top, front, and sides Stainless steel top, front, and sides

Stainless steel door, right/left hinge Stainless steel door, right hinge only

Tempered viewing window Tempered viewing window

Door mounted condensate trough Door mounted condensate trough

Top mounted exhaust and rear external fresh air intake

Side exterior exhaust and fresh air intake

Interior Construction

Fully welded stainless steel frame Fully welded stainless steel frame

Fully insulated cooking chamber Fully insulated cooking chamber

Fixed drain bottom center/back of cavity Fixed drain bottom center of cavity

Self draining door drip pan Self draining door drip pan

Interchangeable mobile loading rack with safety locks

Fixed loading rack

Plug in door gasket Insulated door gasket

Fan wheel brake double motor Two speed fan no brake or auto shut off


Halogen illuminated cooking cabinet Safety illuminated cooking cabinet

Dimensions Width 35.1" Depth 30.43" Height 32.75" Width 31.33" Depth 34.5" Height 33"

Shipping Weight Gross 560 lbs Shipping Weight Gross 680 lbs

Entry Clearances Uncrated 33" Crated 42" Uncrated 34" Crated 45"

Oven Clearances Right Side 2" Left side 2" Back 2" Right Side 1" Left Side 4" Back 6"

Power Supply 10KW 60HZ Three Phase 208V 28amps 10KW 60HZ Three Phase 208V 50amps

Single Phase 208V 49amps Single Phase 208V 43amps

Energy Conservation

Delta T cooking standard feature with gradual temperature in cabinet

Auto power shut off with opening off cabinet door. Auto power package available for continuous mode with power conservation.

Auto power shut down in continuous use mode Maintain constant differential to current core temperature

1/2 power energy optimization system

Energy reduced by 50% for 18KW to 9KW in optimization mode

External Heat Source Proximity

Minimum left side clearance 13.75" when there is heat source located on the left-hand side

Minimum left side clearance 12.0" when there are sources of heat on the left-hand side

Minimum back side clearance 4" when there are sources of heat on the right-hand side

Water Supply Range 30psi - 87psi (200-600 kPa) Range 30psi - 87psi (200-600 kPa)

Must maintain 30psi minimum flow pressure Must maintain 30psi minimum flow pressure

Based on quality portable water only Based on quality portable water only


Water treatment 6-7 ph. or higher Water treatment 7 ph or higher

Water supply cold water 2" diameter steam temperature resistant

Water supply hot water 2" diameter steam temperature resistant

On board water heater booster and non-filter system

Water heater booster and filter system optional

Water Consumption

Average total water consumption 8.5 gallons per hour using combi steam option with combination heat and dry moist modes

Average total water consumption 5.5 gallons per hour using combi steam option with combination heat and dry moist modes. Option is available at additional cost

Values excluding usage of hand shower additional 2.0 gallons per cycle

Values excluding usage of hand shower additional 2.25 gallons per cycle

3.2 gallons with dry heat and poaching feature only 2.2 gallons with dry heat and steaming feature only

Ventilation Systems

Steam ventilation system with automatic vapour quenching system

Steam ventilation system with automatic vapour quenching system optional at additional cost

Exhaust duct vented on top of unit back left/right side

Exhaust duct vented on unit back left side. Clearance 4"

Non filter system with automatic descaling of ventilation

Filter system with manual descaling of ventilation

Cleaning Systems Online CleanJet system fully automated Automated cleaning cycle optional at additional cost

Tablet detergent system WHISM compliant Liquid detergent system WHISM compliant optional at additional cost

Required 50-degree Celsius average temperature rinse

Required 60-degree Celsius average temperature rinse

Hand shower power wash hose Spray hose for rinse cycle hot water feed nonelectrical


Manual clean with automated cycle Manual clean cycle

Descaling automated 3 settings for continuous descale cycle

Descaling automated 2 settings for continuous descale cycle


Deliming bottle and pump assembly included Deliming bottle and pump assembly included optional at additional cost

5 settings for cleaning cabinet 3 separate programs 1 setting for cabinet cleaning cycle with auto dry

Computer Technology

IQT technology using probe and profile logic systems

Digital readout available at additional cost

7 customized setting for roasting browning Automated descaling system with auto indicators optional at additional cost

Program Library containing 8 factory settings for cooking modes

Delta T cooking technology for energy conservation internal probe at additional cost.

CalcDiagnosis system descaling indicator IQT sensory technology for internal probe temperatures

Delta T cooking technology for energy conservation Vario Steam technology for automated vapour quenching


IQT sensory technology for internal probe temperatures

HACCP logging technology with Combi Link software

Microprocessor for self cooking panel digital readouts and monitoring

Vario Steam technology for automated vapour quenching system

Accessories with Purchase

G-N containers and grids. Chicken grids for roasting spit mode

Five stainless steel wire shelves for internal cabinet locking system stationary fit

Frying baskets. Mobile oven rack with locking safety system

Locking system for rack assembly

Manual cleaner and hand pressure spray gun Manual cleaner and hand pressure spray gun

Hinged rack for baking Stationary rack for baking

Ultra vent condensation and exhaust hood Hand shower power wash hose

Accessories with Purchase

Exhaust hood attachment and assembly


Hand shower power wash hose

Optional Accessories

Two step door locking system Direct steam unit available. Descaling automatic feed system

Special voltage specifications with Single Phase feed

Special voltage specifications with Single Phase feed

Security version Security version

Left hinge door Right hinge door only

Mobile oven rack and loading with safety locking system

Mobile oven rack and loading with safety locking system

Optional Accessories

Legs and castors with extension option Chicken Racks

Legs and castors with extension option

Interior Cabinet Capacity

Six stainless steel wire shelves per seciton Five stainless steel wire shelves per seciton

Maximum capacity 14 steam table pans 7 bake sheets

Maximum capacity 12 steam table pans 5 bake sheets

GN containers lengthwise loading 6 each 6 by 1 by 1

GN containers lengthwise loading 5 each 4 by 2 by 2

HACCP Controls

Continuous output of HACCP process data via unit interface

Continuous output of HACCP process data via unit interface

HACCP process data is stored for 14 days output via interface

HACCP automated digital processor optional at additional cost

Pc/Laptop optional combi link software loaded standard feature

Records only on time and temperature of each cooking mode and date of each deliming cycle. Date is accessible via RS 232 serial communications via Lab top computer or PDA

Health and Safety Certification

S/A - NSF - and UL certified with all parts, accessories and operation systems

ETL CUS, Sanitation ETL listed and CE certified with all parts, accessories and operating systems

HACCP approved logging and data monitoring


ISO2000 certified

Oven Mobility Optional at additional cost die-cast metal casters and adjustable legs 4", 6", 25"

Optional at additional cost die-cast metal casters and adjustable legs 4", 8", 24" Extended DFG- 200 model assembly kit for stacking oven

Table leg 4" mount legs standard feature with purchase

Table leg 4" mount legs standard feature with purchase

Locking system for metal casters Locking system for metal casters

Maintenance CleanJet automated cleaning system Automated cleaning system optional at additional cost DGF Zephaire EG system compliant

Manual semi automated cleaning system mode Manual semi automated cleaning system mode

Hand shower power wash hose Water hose with spray nozzle

Self drying mode Self drying mode

Tablet detergent system WHISM compliant Liquid detergent system WHISM compliant

Cleaning, deliming, and rinse cycle. Cleaning, deliming, and rinse cycle automated optional with purchase.

Automated descaling cycle mode using CalcDiagnosis

Automated descaling cycle mode BGF continuous flow cycle optional with purchase

Automated steam flushing and steam generator descaling system

steam generator descaling manual system

Hand pump and spray bottle included for descaling semi automated system with auto rinse cycle

Hand pump and spray bottle included for manual descaling

Warranty One-year parts and labour One-year parts and labour

Start up inspection service by factory authorized service agent

Start up inspection service by factory authorized service agent

Operational testing and installation inspection Operational testing and installation inspection


Onsite training by authorized Rational Canada training experts

Extended two year warranty available.

Onsite programming of mode cycles by training experts

Technical customer service support 7 days a week.

Rational chefline technical support 5 days a week North American support

Comparison Summary of the Combi Models The Rational ClimaPlus Combi model provides exceptional benefits for the operator, facility, and resident. Rationale’s superior operating

features provide optimized cost control, profit margins, safety features and resident's satisfaction.

Cost Control

The IQT technology precisely monitors and optimizes the cooking process to eliminate comprehensive data input such as temperature,

time, and humidity. The Delta T cooking technology provides smart efficient use of energy. The microprocessor Self Cooking mode

automatically detects product specific requirements and load sizes to produce consistent finished products each time.


Profit Return/Savings

It's innovative design reduces space allocation with optimal capacity using a smaller foot print in comparison to the existing convection

oven. The IQT technology replaces the need for all other cooking appliances such as convection ovens, ranges, steamers and deep fryers. The Combi ovens efficient operation system and built in energy conservation features provide an immediate return in savings.

Safety Features

The Clean Jet’s innovative circulation system ensures optimal hygiene, health protection, and reduced water consumption.

The patented CalcDiagnosis system automatically monitors lime scale levels and eliminates lime buildup with no need for buying or maintaining expensive water softening equipment. The automated HACCP logging continuously records critical control point information

with Combi Link transferware. The automatic logging ensures health protection and eliminates timely monitoring, recording, and manual


Resident Satisfaction

The digital microprocessor uses one control to provide seven different cooking modes. The different cooking modes provide limitless culinary variety. The Self Cooking technology eliminates flavour and odour transfer, even when there are different products cooked at the same time. The nutritional value in foods is preserved ensuring the retention of vitamins and minerals. The outstanding consistency

along with optimal quality cooked food will inspire the resident's confidence and satisfaction day after day.


The Rational combi involves a more complex lengthy installation and training period in comparison to the other model. Although over the

long term the costs for installation and training will be returned in profit savings. The operation of the Rational model is easy although

it involves a more complicated lengthy training program for the kitchen staff. The intensive training program is included in the purchase. The trained will ensure its performance and maintenance is optimized. The cost of cleaning and descaling chemicals will increase budget allowances although the labour costs will counterbalance the offset in costs.



Based on a benchmark comparison and contrast of features of the two Combi models, an evaluation of installation and maintenance costs, and safety operating features, the following conclusions can be drawn. The Rational model provides measurable benefits for the operator, facility, and residents. Immediate short-term and long-term gains for the facility will be maximized in acquiring this piece of equipment as follows:

Savings in Operation Costs The Combi will provide immediate short-term monetary savings in operations costs. Over the long-term it will deliver increased profit margins with a return in savings paying for its original cost. The Combi will provide a return in savings to pay for the purchase price in twenty months (see appendix).

• Labour Cost The labour cost will be reduced immediately by utilizing the Self cooking microprocessor feature, which automates the cooking process and optimizes capacity of output in preparation. It will allow for a savings of .6 FTE’s per week or $1,460.76 dollars a month (see appendix).

• Food Cost The food cost will be reduced by the Combi’s efficiency in yield results with IQT technology. An approximate 22% savings in raw material and 95% savings in fats and oils used in the cooking process (see appendix). Its precision cooking technology will reduce waste due to improper cooking and human error.

• Energy Conservation Conservation mechanisms will reduce cost by compensating energy usage by reducing power to complete the cooking and holding time and temperatures. A savings of $906.00 dollars per year in energy costs will be saved (see appendix). Its energy features control the use of energy during peak loads and continuous operation to provide an additional 2% savings per year

• Equipment Expenditures Expenditures will be dramatically reduced in the immediate and long-term. The Combi’s seven different cooking modes replace the need for acquisition of other conventional cooking appliances such as convection ovens, ranges, deep fryers, and steamers.

Customer Satisfaction The quality of the food and resident’s satisfaction will be immediately improved with the use of the Combi. It provides seven distinct cooking modes to increase more options in methods preparations and styles of cooking. This is an improvement to the limits of the current equipment. The model’s IQT sensor technology will provide a consistent custom finished product, which will assist in standardizing resident’s preferences


Most importantly the Combi will eliminate the possibility of health and safety incidents. Its automated self-contained maintenance features and built in safety mechanisms minimize human intervention during the cooking and cleaning process. The CleanJet and CalcDiagnosis cleaning systems reduce the possibility of human error and accidents. The automated HACCP logging system reduces manual monitoring, recording, and interpreting time and temperature data.

Recommendations The mission statement for the foodservice department is to deliver exceptional experiences with exceptional people, product, and service. Provided the Rational Combi the department can both achieve the department’s mission and deliver the goals of the facility’s strategic plans. In creating exceptional experiences for our residents and staff we may optimize profits, operating cost, and health and safety procedures. Based on the above benefits it would be advantageous to approve the purchase of the Rational Combi model.


Written by David DiBiase, revised by Wes Stroh, Chelsea Teale, Alan MacEachren, Elaine Guidero, Nate Frey

© 1999-2015 The Pennsylvania State University


This course is concerned with the properties of geographic data, the technologies, institutions, and professions involved in producing geographic data, and the ways in which geographic data are represented (visually and digitally) and used to support informed decisions. Because the course is so broad in scope, it is impossible to study every important data product and geographic information technology (e.g., mapping, GIS, image analysis, location-based services) in the depth that they deserve. This final project provides an opportunity to investigate and report upon ONE data product or geographic information technology of particular interest to you.

The project differs from earlier ones in three ways. First, there is no template. You are welcome to format your report as you see fit, as long as it has a logical organization that presents information clearly. Second, because this is the final project, there will be no opportunity to revise and resubmit. Lastly, because the semester ends the same week, this project has a less-flexible due date and timeliness is worth a substantially larger portion of the score (see deliverables below). By now you should be familiar with our expectations about quality and completeness, as you will see below, they are important components of the grade on this assignment.

Educational Objectives

In the process of producing the deliverables assigned for this project, you will demonstrate your ability to:

Find, interpret, and report technical information that describes a particular data product, service, or geographic information technology (chosen from ONE of the five suggested topics);

Determine the availability of a data product or service for your area of interest;

Describe how particular data products can be acquired and/or services can be used via the World Wide Web, and show evidence that you can figure out how to acquire them.

Evaluation Criteria

Project 2 is worth 100 points. Evaluation criteria include:

Writing Quality and Integrity: 30 points. Text should be original and well written, in active voice, and in plain language (assume that your primary audience is a client or a potential employer). Material that is based on content of published sources must be properly referenced. It is essential to use quotations for any text passages that are verbatim copies from other sources (and to give precise citations to these) and to provide appropriate citations for all illustrations that are taken from other sources or modeled on those in other sources. Pay particularly close attention to the "note on academic integrity" and the "note on copyright". Facts are expected to be correct, and arguments should be supported with evidence.

Report Completeness and Content Quality: 50 points. For the topic you chose (from the five listed below), all of the suggested outline points should be thoroughly completed and/or discussed in your report. In addition to providing some content on each point, that content will be evaluated based on accuracy of your interpretation of the material you base your report on, the depth of understanding of the topic presented in your report, and the quality of insights you present.

Timeliness: 20 points. To receive full timeliness points, you must choose a topic by 11:55 p.m. Nov. 13th (worth 5 points), and your final project report must be uploaded to the Project 2 dropbox by the primary deadline of 5:00pm on Monday, Dec. 4th (worth 15 points). If you miss the project turn-in deadline, you can still turn the project in up until the 10am December 5th absolute deadline, but you will lose the 15 timeliness points (15% of your total score).

A note on academic integrity

It is important to recognize that you must follow academic integrity guidelines to create your report. Thus, it is not permissible to fulfill the objectives of this project by copying text and illustrations you find on the World Wide Web and pasting them into your report. We expect you to paraphrase sources in your own words, and to acknowledge sources with proper citations and references. When ideas are based on prior publications, citations are required whether you paraphrase or quote (quotations are required if any material is used verbatim). We will analyze reports for originality using the Turnitin.com plagiarism detection service. Citation guidelines are published at https://www.e-education.psu.edu/styleforstudents/c5.html . Remember: Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source, though it may be helpful to introduce yourself to the topic and there may be reliable links within the article. If you report anything for which Wikipedia is your only source, you are required to cite it as the source, but you will not receive points for “appropriate sources and citations” if you rely upon Wikipedia.

A note on copyright

The U.S. federal government typically does not claim copyright over the text, graphics, and other materials it publishes on-line or in print. You are free to use such "public domain" materials as you wish, as long as you acknowledge your sources . You should assume that all other materials published on the World Wide Web are protected by copyright, including those by state or local government agencies. Using a copyrighted work for educational purposes may be permitted under a legal doctrine known as "fair use," but any use for educational purposes is not permitted automatically. You can learn more about fair use at http://fairuse.stanford.edu . To minimize the risk of legal action related to your use of a copyrighted illustration or brief text excerpt, be sure to acknowledge fully the copyright holder's ownership of the work. For example, your caption to a copyrighted illustration might conclude with the phrase "Copyright [individual or organization]. All rights reserved. Used here for educational purposes only."

Topic : Mapping Elections

Identify at least three types of maps (e.g., choropleth map, cartogram, proportional symbol map, etc) used to represent information relevant to Presidential elections (these uses might be during each party’s primary competition, after candidates are picked but prior to the election, on the day of the election, or for post-election analysis). Find a specific online example of each and provide a URL for the map. Refer to your text for the kinds of maps that are possible and if you identify a map type not covered in your text, be sure to note that is a type not covered, and briefly explain the characteristic of this map type.

Identify the kinds of data that are used for each map type. What is the data source in each case and was that an appropriate source (why)? Are there any better data sources and if so what are they and what makes them better?

For each map type, identify at least one key decision that the author made about how to portray the data. Again, refer to your text and other sources for ideas on what the key decisions might be.

Produce a critical evaluation of the example(s) you pick to represent each of the three map types you identify. Focus on any geographic information collection, processing, representation issues that are appropriate as well as on how the author uses the map. For the former, things to consider include whether the map type is appropriate to the data type (e.g., nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio; derived versus raw data; etc.); whether any data classification method applied is appropriate and if so whether it is done correctly; whether the specific symbolization choices (colors, sizes, etc) are reasonable; etc. Consider how the map is described by the author and what (if anything) they claim it shows. If they do not make any explicit claims, consider the context in which the map appears and discuss what you believe the motivation for using the maps was and whether this map use was both appropriate and supportable based on ideas you have learned this term. If any of the maps are dynamic (animated or interactive), consider the effectiveness or usability of the dynamic map components. Be sure to include screen shots of each map discussed in your report as well as URLs to the original.

Producing the Project Report

You may prepare your report in one of two formats: Microsoft Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf).

Project reports should include a title page and be formatted so that images are legible.

Instructors cannot evaluate reports that contain blurry, shrunken images. If necessary, change your page orientation or size in page setup to make room for full-sized, legible images.

Remember that you must include two in-line citations, a correctly formatted bibliography, and acknowledge where you obtained your map(s).

Please use the following naming convention in your report file name: “LASTnameFIRSTinitial_YourTopicOption”. My name is Wes Stroh, and I choose Topic A, so my file would look something like: “StrohW_A.doc”

Need Help?

At this point in the course, everyone should be able to produce a unique, high quality report on their own. You need not work in isolation, however. Feel free to share questions and advice with other students who are investigating the same topic as long as the final content is your own work. The Project 2 Discussion Forum can be found in our Project 2 folder (under the Lessons tab) and also under the Communicate tab. Good luck!

Write the purchase proposal summary with have the following components:

1. Conclusion – overview of the benefits of equipment acquisition to include savings in operational costs – provide an overview of the savings to the operation in acquiring the new equipment with any relevant benefits:

a. Labour Cost Savings b. Food Cost Savings c. Energy Conservation d. Equipment Expenditures e. Safety and Maintenance Cost Savings f. Food Safety, Sanitation and Workplace Safety Features a. Equipment Operating Manual from Supplier

2. Customer Satisfaction provide details of how the equipment will enhance the customer experience, and quality of finished product

3. Recommendations – based on the mission and vision statement of the operation and provided win/win scenario or strategy for employee and organization. Provide final remarks and request for the acquisition and approval from management team.

( Student Name: Albert Ramen id: 30012892 Equipment Purchase proposal Template )



Recommendation 3

Problem 3

Benefits of the Rational Combi 4

Methodology 4


Profile 5

Organizational Structure Overview 5

Kitchen Operations/Equipment 5

Health and Safety Report 5

Installation Plan 6

Maintenance Plan 6



Savings in Operation Costs Error! Bookmark not defined.

Customer Satisfaction Error! Bookmark not defined.

Recommendations Error! Bookmark not defined.

March 27, 2020

To: Mr. Dalton McGinty and Mr. George Smitherman

From: Albert Ramen

Subject: Replacement of the Cleveland Convection Oven



I request you approve the release of funds for the purchase of a Rational Combi CPC 61, as it will greatly benefit the facility. Provided with the Combi, our foodservice department will exceed its goals of quality assurance and fiscal responsibility. Its use will capture the facility’s strategic initiatives to deliver exceptional experiences for our residents and staff.


Seven Oaks Long Term Care facility, located in the heart of downtown Burlington, is a one hundred-bed resident facility and community outreach center for seniors. Over the years it has set the standard in senior’s care in the community. It has consistently achieved its vision statement to deliver exceptional experiences for the residents and staff. The facility’s foodservice department’s mission is to exceed the standard in quality, and service, which of late it has struggled with. The main reason for not meeting the standard is aging equipment especially the seventeen-year-old convection oven. A recent audit of its performance indicates it is no longer financially feasible to operate and due for replacement because of:

· Maintenance and Repairs Over the last two years there’s been a steady increase in maintenance repairs, which has resulted in an increase of twenty seven percent to the department. Numerous thermal recalibrations and most recently the replacement of the door’s spring locking system have exceeded the budget allowances.

· Operation Cost Fluctuations in the oven’s cooking and holding temperatures have caused a 12% increase in food cost due to loss and spoilage. The oven’s continuous use has measurably decreased it efficiency and power conservation by thirty percent. Based on the age and the current condition of the oven, the costs of maintenance and operation will only increase with time.

· Customer Satisfaction Inadequate cooking and holding temperatures have resulted in poor quality products, increased resident complaints, and revenue loss.

Benefits of the Rational Combi

The Rational provides measurable benefits for the operator, facility, and resident. There will be immediate short-term and long-term gains for the facility. Within two years it will deliver an increase in profit and savings to pay for its original cost. The benefits are:

· Labour Cost It will allow for a savings of .6 FTE’s per week or $ 1,460.76 dollars with an additional saving from efficient preproduction, unsupervised overnight cooking, and quick daily maintenance and service.

· Food Cost It’s precise cooking technology will provide an approximate 22% percent savings in raw material and 95% in added cooking fats.

· Energy Conservation the Combi’s seven different cooking modes will replace the need for multitasking and acquisition of another conventional kitchen equipment. A savings of $906.00 dollars will be gained per year in energy costs and an additional 2% per year when used continuously.

· Customer Satisfaction the Combi’s seven modes of cooking applications and precise automated cooking will improve the quality and variety of food. It will minimize the chance of human error and guaranteeing the resident’s satisfaction.

· Health and Safety the Combi will minimize the possibility of workplace accidents and human intervention during cooking and cleaning procedures. The automated HACCP logging system will reduce manual monitoring, recording and interpreting critical control points during cooking.


Through benchmark comparisons and contrasts with another leading manufacture’s model the Combi was evaluated for its efficiency, ease of operation, operating costs, safety features and ability to recoup its purchase price. A plan of its quick installation and in-depth training has been detailed within the report. Its installation will minimally disrupt the residents and flow of work in the facility. The ease and safety of cleaning and maintaining its performance has been encapsulated in a maintenance plan.



Seven Oaks Long Term Care Facility is a 100-bed facility and senior community outreach center. It is located in the heart of Burlington’s downtown residential community at the corners of Bayberry and Center Street. It is a religious non-medical health care facility accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Founded in 1970, its one of Burlington’s oldest facilities caring for the elderly in the community. As an award-winning leader in long-term care its vision is to strive for excellence in the provision of care and services by meeting the needs and exceeding the expectations of its residents.

Organizational Structure Overview

The organizational framework of the Foodservice department is effectively organized with defined roles for each supervisor and their department. Christine Wellington, Foodservice Director and Chair of Operations is responsible for its operations. Stephen Field, Foodservice Manager is responsible for daily operations. Reporting to Stephen Field is his supervisory team of Janice Smith and Gordon Papers. Stephen Field is responsible for the daily activities of his department supervisors, six cooks and four dinning room attendants, and three sanitation maintenance staff. His key responsibility is in the coordination of food production, maintenance programs, health and safety.

Kitchen Operations/Equipment

The foodservice operation is responsible for providing three daily meals for its 100 residents and 60 daily meals for its cafeteria. The cafeteria provides light meals and snacks for residents, visitors and the general public. Currently, the majority of the kitchen equipment is aged being the original equipment installed. It is maintained regularly and meets Ontario Workplace Standards. The convection oven being the central piece of equipment for all food preparation is maintained although serviced continually. Upon recommendation of the facilities Health and Safety committee it has been reported for numerous health and safety infractions.

Health and Safety Report

The Health and Safety committee is responsible for monitoring procedures, processes, and equipment within the facility. Due to the age and condition of the convection oven two consecutive equipment audits have been completed within the last year. The oven’s safe operation is in question due to three reported health and safety incidents within the last six months.

Installation Plan

The removal of the existing convection oven and pending installation of the Rational Combi will be in accordance with an installation time schedule (see appendix). The existing oven is central to the ongoing business and a necessity for the daily preparation of all hot foods. Therefore, two contingency plans have been developed to address the need for the oven during installation and any prolonged delays in its installation.

During installation an alternative menu plan will alleviate any demand for the use of the oven for food preparation. The alternative menu plan will be put into effect the day of and the following day if necessary. It will utilize other pieces kitchen equipment to produce a suitable menu for the residents (see appendix).

In the event of a prolonged delay in installation an emergency contingency menu plan will be activated. The emergency contingency menu plan will be in place for the duration of the installation and until it’s fully operational.

Power interruptions have been accounted for during installation by careful planning prior to installation. All necessary electrical work was completed during the twelve days prior to installation. The power interruption the day of installation will be minimal with only a thirty-minute period of interruption. The interruption will take place after lunch service during off peak times for kitchen preparation.

Maintenance Plan

Maintenance for the Combi is streamlined and can be easily performed by trained facility staff. The required maintenance for the Combi has been divided into two distinct categories. One category represents the work to be completed by certified Rational technicians. The second category addresses maintenance to be performed by in house by trained staff. Rational staff will conduct the maintenance training the following day of installation.

The required maintenance performed by Rational technicians is categorized by service faults indicated on the Combi’s display panel (see appendix). Rational customer service support center and local certified technicians are available seven days a week.

A facility maintenance plan has been developed to include all necessary service to be performed by the facility’s authorized staff (see appendix). The facilities maintenance and kitchen staff is to be trained by Rational technicians during the training session as part of the purchase plan. The maintenance plan has been divided into two categories maintenance as required and daily cleaning and maintenance.




Although the Rational ClimaPlus Combi CPC 61 and Blodgett Combi BC 14E are both electric industrial combination ovens

suitable for our facility’s needs and applications, they are very different models with unique features. The following is a

comparison of the two Combi models.

Point of Contrast

Oven Model A: Rational ClimaPlus Combi CPC 61

Oven Model B: Blodgett Combi BC-14E




Exterior Construction

Stainless steel top, front, and sides

Stainless steel top, front, and sides


Stainless steel door, right/left hinge

Stainless steel door, right hinge only


Tempered viewing window

Tempered viewing window


Door mounted condensate trough

Door mounted condensate trough


Top mounted exhaust and rear external fresh air intake

Side exterior exhaust and fresh air intake

Interior Construction

Fully welded stainless-steel frame

Fully welded stainless-steel frame


Fully insulated cooking chamber

Fully insulated cooking chamber


Fixed drain bottom center/back of cavity

Fixed drain bottom center of cavity


Self draining door drip pan

Self draining door drip pan


Interchangeable mobile loading rack with safety locks

Fixed loading rack


Plug in door gasket

Insulated door gasket


Fan wheel brake double motor

Two speed fan no brake or auto shut off


Halogen illuminated cooking cabinet

Safety illuminated cooking cabinet


Width 35.1" Depth 30.43" Height 32.75"

Width 31.33" Depth 34.5" Height 33"


Shipping Weight Gross 560 lbs

Shipping Weight Gross 680 lbs

Entry Clearances

Uncrated 33" Crated 42"

Uncrated 34" Crated 45"

Oven Clearances

Right Side 2" Left side 2" Back 2"

Right Side 1" Left Side 4" Back 6"

Power Supply

10KW 60HZ Three Phase 208V 28amps

10KW 60HZ Three Phase 208V 50amps


Single Phase 208V 49amps

Single Phase 208V 43amps




Energy Conservation

Delta T cooking standard feature with gradual temperature in cabinet

Auto power shut off with opening off cabinet door. Auto power package available for continuous mode with power conservation.


Auto power shut down in continuous use mode

Maintain constant differential to current core temperature


1/2 power energy optimization system



Energy reduced by 50% for 18KW to 9KW in optimization mode


External Heat Source Proximity

Minimum left side clearance 13.75" when there is heat source located on the left-hand side

Minimum left side clearance 12.0" when there are sources of heat on the left-hand side



Minimum back side clearance 4" when there are sources of heat on the right-hand side

Water Supply

Range 30psi - 87psi (200-600 kPa)

Range 30psi - 87psi (200-600 kPa)


Must maintain 30psi minimum flow pressure

Must maintain 30psi minimum flow pressure


Based on quality portable water only

Based on quality portable water only


Water treatment 6-7 ph. or higher

Water treatment 7 ph. or higher


Water supply cold water 2" diameter steam temperature resistant

Water supply hot water 2" diameter steam temperature resistant


On board water heater booster and non-filter system

Water heater booster and filter system optional

Water Consumption

Average total water consumption 8.5 gallons per hour using combi steam option with combination heat and dry moist modes

Average total water consumption 5.5 gallons per hour using combi steam option with combination heat and dry moist modes. Option is available at additional cost


Values excluding usage of hand shower additional 2.0 gallons per cycle

Values excluding usage of hand shower additional 2.25 gallons per cycle


3.2 gallons with dry heat and poaching feature only

2.2 gallons with dry heat and steaming feature only

Ventilation Systems

Steam ventilation system with automatic vapour quenching system

Steam ventilation system with automatic vapour quenching system optional at additional cost


Exhaust duct vented on top of unit back left/right side

Exhaust duct vented on unit back left side. Clearance 4"


Non filter system with automatic descaling of ventilation

Filter system with manual descaling of ventilation




Cleaning Systems

Online CleanJet system fully automated

Automated cleaning cycle optional at additional cost


Tablet detergent system WHISM compliant

Liquid detergent system WHISM compliant optional at additional cost


Required 50-degree Celsius average temperature rinse

Required 60-degree Celsius average temperature rinse


Hand shower power wash hose

Spray hose for rinse cycle hot water feed nonelectrical powered


Manual clean with automated cycle

Manual clean cycle


Descaling automated 3 settings for continuous descale cycle

Descaling automated 2 settings for continuous descale cycle


Deliming bottle and pump assembly included

Deliming bottle and pump assembly included optional at additional cost


5 settings for cleaning cabinet 3 separate programs

1 setting for cabinet cleaning cycle with auto dry

Computer Technology

IQT technology using probe and profile logic systems

Digital readout available at additional cost


7 customized setting for roasting browning

Automated descaling system with auto indicators optional at additional cost


Program Library containing 8 factory settings for cooking modes

Delta T cooking technology for energy conservation internal probe at additional cost.


CalcDiagnosis system descaling indicator

IQT sensory technology for internal probe temperatures


Delta T cooking technology for energy conservation

Vario Steam technology for automated vapour quenching system


IQT sensory technology for internal probe temperatures



HACCP logging technology with Combi Link software



Microprocessor for self cooking panel digital readouts and monitoring



Vario Steam technology for automated vapour quenching system


Accessories with Purchase

G-N containers and grids. Chicken grids for roasting spit mode

Five stainless steel wire shelves for internal cabinet locking system stationary fit


Frying baskets. Mobile oven rack with locking safety system

Locking system for rack assembly


Manual cleaner and hand pressure spray gun

Manual cleaner and hand pressure spray gun


Hinged rack for baking

Stationary rack for baking


Ultra vent condensation and exhaust hood

Hand shower power wash hose

Accessories with Purchase

Exhaust hood attachment and assembly



Hand shower power wash hose


Optional Accessories

Two step door locking system

Direct steam unit available. Descaling automatic feed system


Special voltage specifications with Single Phase feed

Special voltage specifications with Single Phase feed


Security version

Security version


Left hinge door

Right hinge door only


Mobile oven rack and loading with safety locking system

Mobile oven rack and loading with safety locking system

Optional Accessories

Legs and castors with extension option

Chicken Racks



Legs and castors with extension option

Interior Cabinet Capacity

Six stainless steel wire shelves per section

Five stainless steel wire shelves per section


Maximum capacity 14 steam table pans 7 bake sheets

Maximum capacity 12 steam table pans 5 bake sheets


GN containers lengthwise loading 6 each 6 by 1 by 1

GN containers lengthwise loading 5 each 4 by 2 by 2

HACCP Controls

Continuous output of HACCP process data via unit interface

Continuous output of HACCP process data via unit interface


HACCP process data is stored for 14 days output via interface

HACCP automated digital processor optional at additional cost


Pc/Laptop optional combi link software loaded standard feature

Records only on time and temperature of each cooking mode and date of each deliming cycle. Date is accessible via RS 232 serial communications via Lab top computer or PDA

Health and Safety Certification

S/A - NSF - and UL certified with all parts, accessories and operation systems

ETL CUS, Sanitation ETL listed and CE certified with all parts, accessories and operating systems


HACCP approved logging and data monitoring



ISO2000 certified


Oven Mobility

Optional at additional cost die-cast metal casters and adjustable legs 4", 6", 25"

Optional at additional cost die-cast metal casters and adjustable legs 4", 8", 24" Extended DFG- 200 model assembly kit for stacking oven


Table leg 4" mount legs standard feature with purchase

Table leg 4" mount legs standard feature with purchase


Locking system for metal casters

Locking system for metal casters


CleanJet automated cleaning system

Automated cleaning system optional at additional cost DGF Zephaire EG system compliant


Manual semi automated cleaning system mode

Manual semi automated cleaning system mode


Hand shower power wash hose

Water hose with spray nozzle


Self drying mode

Self drying mode


Tablet detergent system WHISM compliant

Liquid detergent system WHISM compliant


Cleaning, deliming, and rinse cycle.

Cleaning, deliming, and rinse cycle automated optional with purchase.


Automated descaling cycle mode using CalcDiagnosis

Automated descaling cycle mode BGF continuous flow cycle optional with purchase


Automated steam flushing and steam generator descaling system

steam generator descaling manual system


Hand pump and spray bottle included for descaling semi automated system with auto rinse cycle

Hand pump and spray bottle included for manual descaling


One-year parts and labour

One-year parts and labour


Start up inspection service by factory authorized service agent

Start up inspection service by factory authorized service agent


Operational testing and installation inspection

Operational testing and installation inspection


Onsite training by authorized Rational Canada training experts

Extended two year warranty available.


Onsite programming of mode cycles by training experts



Technical customer service support 7 days a week.



Rational chefline technical support 5 days a week North American support


Comparison Summary of the Combi Models

The Rational ClimaPlus Combi model provides exceptional benefits for the operator, facility, and resident. Rationale’s superior operating

features provide optimized cost control, profit margins, safety features and resident's satisfaction.

Cost Control

The IQT technology precisely monitors and optimizes the cooking process to eliminate comprehensive data input such as temperature,

time, and humidity. The Delta T cooking technology provides smart efficient use of energy. The microprocessor Self Cooking mode

automatically detects product specific requirements and load sizes to produce consistent finished products each time.

Profit Return/Savings

Its innovative design reduces space allocation with optimal capacity using a smaller foot print in comparison to the existing convection

oven. The IQT technology replaces the need for all other cooking appliances such as convection ovens, ranges, steamers and deep fryers.

The Combi ovens efficient operation system and built in energy conservation features provide an immediate return in savings.

Safety Features

The Clean Jet’s innovative circulation system ensures optimal hygiene, health protection, and reduced water consumption.

The patented CalcDiagnosis system automatically monitors lime scale levels and eliminates lime buildup with no need for buying

or maintaining expensive water softening equipment. The automated HACCP logging continuously records critical control point information

with Combi Link transferware. The automatic logging ensures health protection and eliminates timely monitoring, recording, and manual


Resident Satisfaction

The digital microprocessor uses one control to provide seven different cooking modes. The different cooking modes provide

limitless culinary variety. The Self Cooking technology eliminates flavour and odour transfer, even when there are different products cooked

at the same time. The nutritional value in foods is preserved ensuring the retention of vitamins and minerals. The outstanding consistency

along with optimal quality cooked food will inspire the resident's confidence and satisfaction day after day.


The Rational combi involves a more complex lengthy installation and training period in comparison to the other model. Although over the

long term the costs for installation and training will be returned in profit savings. The operation of the Rational model is easy although

it involves a more complicated lengthy training program for the kitchen staff. The intensive training program is included in the

purchase. The trained will ensure its performance and maintenance is optimized. The cost of cleaning and descaling chemicals will increase budget allowances although the labour costs will counterbalance the offset in costs.



Summary/Savings in Cost

· In this section write a conclusion that highlights the importance and need to acquire the piece of new equipment. Review the body of the purchase proposal to identify the reasons and how the new piece of equipment would benefit the operation, improve customer satisfaction and employee performance.

· Provide four advantageous in acquiring the piece of equipment. Hint think about cost savings in food and labour, improved employee performance, improvement of process of production, enhanced quality of finished product, energy savings, boost employee morale,

Section 7 - Customer Satisfaction

· In this section write about why the purchase of the equipment would improve overall customer satisfaction. Think about health and safety of the residents, employees. Cost savings in customer service recoveries etc. How the oven may provide advantageous to expand the dessert, bread or menu items.

Section 8 – Recommendations

· In this section write about why this equipment addresses the value and mission statement of the operation. Write about why the purchase of this equipment addresses the need for improvement in the food and labour cost cycle of control. Apply what you have learned in kitchen management and why improvement in operating equipment is essential to cost control, health and safety and employee motivation and customer satisfaction.

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