ENGR 1202, Civil & Environmental Engineering
At this point in your academic career, it is important to reflect on your academic and professional goals, the choices you’ve made, the actions you’ve taken, your learning journey, and where you go from here.
This reflection will be done individually by each group member. Thoughtfully and clearly address items one through three below in a cover memo accompanying your balsa wood bridge project submission.
In your memo you should answer each question in each item.
The memo must be in proper business format, single-spaced, and 11 or 12 point font. You should succinctly but completely answer each of the questions in a memo that is at a minimum of three good paragraphs and one to two pages long.
Identify one academic, one professional, and one personal goal that you hope to achieve in your collegiate experience. The goals must be
meaningful, specific, realistic, and informed
based on what you have learned to date. What strategies have you identified to achieve each goal? What support networks are available on- and off-campus to help you achieve each goal and how do you intend to use them? Give examples of how you have demonstrated personal responsibility in achieving each goal.
What motivates you to learn or to be curious? Give an example of how you have gone “above and beyond” the minimum requirements for this assignment [
or project, course, semester, or during your freshman year of college
]. Describe how this assignment [
or this project, course, semester or freshman year of college]
fueled your curiosity about a particular topic of interest. Describe how the knowledge and skills learned in this class [
or your various classes
] connect now and in the future.
Describe how your chosen profession impacts a global society. What is your role as a professional working in a global society? How will your personal point of view influence your interpretation, judgment, and actions? How do you intend to navigate the differences between yourself and others that are unlike you?

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