Emerging Market: Vietnam

By: Angela Watts

Argosy University

Image retrieved from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelnews/9527517/Vietnam-a-new-favourite-with-British-travellers.html



Nation Overview


Brief History


People and Society




Analysis of Vietnam

Why Vietnam is considered an EM

Techniques used to classify Vietnam as an EM

3 reasons to invest in Vietnam


Full Name: Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Motto: Independence, Freedom, Happiness

National Anthem: Army March

Primary Language: Vietnamese

Capital: Hanoi

Population: 93,421,835

Image retrieved from: http://www.valuewalk.com/2014/04/vietnam-reneges-on-hosting-asian-games-creates-problem/



Founded in 2879 B.C.

Originally known as Nam Viet

Part of French Indochina in 1887-1954

Divided into North & South in 1954

Vietnam War (1959-1975)

Image retrieved from: http://history1900s.about.com/od/vietnamwar/a/vietnamwar.htm

The Vietnam War was between North Vietnam along with its allies known as Viet Cong and South Vietnam and its ally the United States. Two years after the U.S. pulled its forces, Vietnam unified under communist control. (History, 2014)



Located in Southeast Asia

Bordered by:




South China Sea along the entire coast


North & South is flat

Far North & Northwest is hilly & mountainous

Image retrieved from: http://tiger.towson.edu/~dnguye11/vietnamese_culture.html


People & Society

Nationality: Vietnamese

Religion: Buddhist, Catholic, Cao Dai, Protestant, Muslim

Population Growth Rate: 1%

Life Expectancy: 73

Unemployment: 5.5%

Image retrieved from: http://countrystudies.us/vietnam/32.htm

Unemployment rate is based on youth ages 15-24.

The society is working to improve their source of drinking water and sanitation facility access. Currently, 95% percent of the country has an improved source of drinking water and 76% of the country has improved access to sanitation facilities.

(Central Intelligence Agency, 2014, People & Society Section)



Communist State

Legal System:

Civil Law System

Legislative Branch:

500 Seats

Judicial Branch:

1 Chief Justice

13 Judges

Image retrieved from: http://www.datacenterdynamics.com/focus/archive/2014/03/vietnam-government-and-microsoft-work-cloud

Members of the legislative branch are elected by popular vote and serve a term of 5 years.

The Chief Justice of the judicial branch is elected by the National Assembly based on the recommendation of the president. The Chief Justice serves a term of 5 years that is renewable. The 13 judges serve a term of 5 years and are appointed by the president.

(Central Intelligence Agency, 2014, Government Section)



(FindTheBest, 2014, Econ Section)




People Armed Forces

People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN)

Fit for Service Ages 16-49

Males: 20,405,847

Females: 21,098,102

Military Expenditures:

2.37% of GDP (2012)

2.17% of GDP (2011)

2.37% of GDP (2010)

Image retrieved from: http://vietbao.vn/Chinh-Tri/Chien-si-quan-khu-9-duyet-binh-duoi-mua/22070227/96/

PAVN includes Vietnam People's Navy, Vietnam People's Air and Air Defense Force, Border Defense Command, Coast Guard

(Central Intelligence Agency, 2014, Military Section)


Why Vietnam is considered an EM

Rising middle class.

Educated workforce.

Foreign Investment opportunities.

Rapid rate of population growth.

By the end of 2014, “the government also plans to raise foreign ownership limits in many of the country's industries from 49% to 60%. That should help it attract more foreign investment.” (Fraser, 2014, Para 4)


Techniques used to classify Vietnam as an EM

Growing middle class

Stable economic environment

Foreign direct investment

Image retrieved from http://www.alotrip.com/vietnam-travel-guide/tags/foreign-direct-investment-in-vietnam

As the middle class continues to grow, the demand for consumer goods and services increases. “Vietnam was found to have the fastest growing middle class in Southeast Asia.”(Vietnam Briefing, 2014, para 1) As the income of the middle class increases, more high profile companies will seek to move into the market which will boost the economy.

Vietnams Stock Exchange Index (VNI) continues to increase each month.” The extraordinary level of foreign net inflow has been the key driver, with ETF’s being the main channel.” (Springer, 2014) Vietnams economy is considered to be quite stable in terms of inflation, currency, and political stability.

When the U.S. currency devalued, Vietnams currency remained stable. This led to companies such as Samsung to build and open factories and fast food chains such as McDonald’s and KFC to move farther into the country.


3 Reasons to invest in Vietnam

Growing middle class.

Currency and political stability.

Low Unemployment.

Image retrieved from: http://www.ventures-africa.com/tag/invest-in-yourself/

The growing middle class means consumer demand will increase.

When the U.S. currency devalued, the Vietnamese currency remained stable.

Low unemployment means there is disposable income to be spent which will boost the economy.


Question Time


Central Intelligence Agency. (2012). The World Factbook. Retrieved from https:// www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/vm.html

FindTheBest. (2014). Vietnam. Retrieved from http:// country-facts.findthebest.com/l/25/Viet-Nam

Fraser, C. (2014). Vietnam: Emerging Markets Standout. Retrieved from http:// www.moneyshow.com/articles.asp?aid=Global-39544

Springer, J. (2014). Vietnam's Market Emerging Again With Vietnam Opportunity Fund's Andy Ho. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonspringer/2014/02/25/vietnams-market-emerging-again-with-vietnam-opportunity-funds-andy-ho /

Vietnam Briefing. (2014). Vietnam’s Middle Class the Fastest Growing in Southeast Asia. Retrieved from http://www.vietnam-briefing.com/news/vietnams-middle-class-fastest-growing-southeast-asia.html /

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