Simin Eslamian

Article Summary

Submitted to Ms. Eslamian as a requirement for HLTH 349

September 5, 2016


Xingyou Zhang, Katherine Kaufer Christoffel, Maryann Mason and Lin Liu. (2006). Identification of contrastive and comparable school neighborhoods for childhood obesity and physical activity research. International Journal of Health Geographic, 5, 14-23.

This paper studied the effects of neighborhood environmental profiles such as land use, traffic, crime, and census tract to childhood obesity.


The use of a geographic information system (GIS) which incorporates graphical features with tabular data in order to assess real-world problems, and cluster analysis would enable us to define neighborhood characteristics in which they can be used to select neighborhoods for community-based health study.


The study was aimed to answer the following questions:

1. How to choose representative communities and neighborhood?

2. What are important neighborhood characteristics to be considered?

3. What are the effects of school neighborhood social and build environments on child obesity?


To answer to the above questions, geoprocessing tools within a GIS environment has been used to integrate  data such as land use, traffic, crime, and census to generate objective social and physical environment measures for school districts. Using this method Chicago public elementary school districts of 412 schools was divided to eight school neighborhoods.  The effects of characteristics of these eight cluster for childhood obesity has been studied.


Since the method discussed on this paper allow objective characterization of neighborhoods, it rely heavily in identification and data availability of such characteristics as well as health outcomes in which in most cases these data are not available so it requires a separate research to collect such data.  Another limitation of this method is the assumption that the long list of neighborhood variables are independent from each other which practically is not true and considering the correlations between the variables having large number of variables makes the study to be very complex.

Professors instructions:

In lab you selected a pathogen to create a case study. As you write your case study think about how you can give enough information to allow your fellow students to identify the pathogen without making it too easy. Several diseases have similarities in their presentation so you want to give details or test results to help your classmates identify the correct pathogen. The points will be assigned for your post of a case study and they will become a study tool (hint, hint). Therefore, PLEASE DON'T POST THE ANSWER TO THE CASE! We want each student to be able to work through the cases at their own pace and not be influenced by others posting the answers. Feel free to comment on or ask questions about one another's cases but don't put up a diagnosis. Look at for my example of a case study below:

Professors Example for other disease:

You are working in the ER one evening when a frantic mother brings in her 6-week old baby boy. The boy has a bright read rash covering his trunk and neck and the skin looks to be peeling. The baby is clearly in pain and has a fever. You take a skin scraping and find Gram + cocci that are catalase +. What is the likely infection here? What is the pathogen?

My assigned disease is Conjunctivitis by N. gonorrhea.

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