ENTRP 3823 – Quantitative Methods in Business Section 5506 - Summer 2021 Dr. Holly McKee, Assistant Professor Phone: 580-774-3049 Stafford 301 Email: [email protected]
Preferred time and method to contact the Instructor
Virtual Office Hours: Thursday 9 am – 3pm. Also available by phone or email.
Course Prerequisite
ECONO 2463 and MATH 1513.
Course Description
This course addresses the component of quantitative skills needed in all areas of business. These skills include mathematical, statistical, forecasting and operations research. Computer utilization is used in analyzing and solving business related problems.
Required Textbook(s)
Render, Stair, Hanna, & Hale. (2015). Quantitative Analysis for Management, 12th Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. ISBN 978-0-13-350733-1 Required Software: Microsoft Excel
"Materials used in connection with this course might be subject to copyright protection. Learn more about copyright at the U.S. Copyright Office web site at http://copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html (Links to an external site.)
Course Information
Because this course will be conducted online, students should expect to take more responsibility for their learning than in a traditional face-to-face course. Students are expected to read the text thoroughly and work the problems on their own. Dr. McKee will post PowerPoints for each chapter, problem examples, and other helpful resources. Students will also be provided with recordings of lectures. For each chapter at least two lectures will be posted. One lecture will go over the PowerPoint, and the other will be working through problems. It is the students’ responsibility to watch these recordings and work through the examples along with the instructor. The exams and homework will be pulled from the text, lectures, and examples. Dr. McKee is also available during office hours to help if students are having trouble with the material. If you feel that you are not ready to take on the responsibility of this online format, please consider waiting until you can take a face-to-face section which is offered every fall and spring.
Grades will be based on seven exams (3 Excel, 3 Canvas, and the Final) chapter quizzes and assignments. Extra credit assignments are provided for each chapter for students to earn additional points and to practice the material. Course grades will be posted on Canvas and students should periodically check their grades throughout the semester.
Material is broken down into Modules and can be accessed via the “Modules” tab. Once a module is open it will remain open throughout the course.
Students are encouraged to participate in the Student Discussion Area. This is a place where students have a place to voice concerns, ask questions, and discuss issues that are not tied to any grade. If you have a concern that you would like to express directly to the instructor, please send an email as well.
The following points will help you succeed in this class: • All assignments, quizzes, exams, and course materials can be found in sequential order under the
“Modules” tab. • Set at least 6-9 hours every week for this course. The amount of time may vary, depending on your
proficiency with the formula, numbers, level of concentration, etc. • Read each chapter of the text, power point presentations, and any lecture notes thoroughly. • WATCH ALL RECORDED LECTURES. You will not be able to complete the assignments
correctly without watching them. • Take notes and do the calculations yourself for any example in the text. • Try to practice as many problems as possible at the end of the text. • Do not wait until the date an assignment is due for any questions you may have regarding in
Course Policies
Attendance Policy
Since this is an online course, attendance is evaluated on students’ submission of assignments/exams by the stated due dates. Assignments/exams are due by 11:59pm CST on the due dates; late submissions receive no credit. If a student decides to discontinue the class by not submitting any assignments, he or she should officially drop the course through the Registrar or Campus Connect. If the student does not officially withdraw from the course, the student will be given an “F” at the end of the semester. University Withdraw Policy can be found here: http://www.swosu.edu/resources/policies/dept/registrar/withdrawal.aspx
Late Assignment Policy
Late submissions receive no credit.
Instructor Participation
E-mail correspondence from students will be addressed within 48 hours (excluding school holidays and weekends). If a student does not have a reply within this time frame, the student should assume Dr. McKee did not receive the email and send the message again. Be sure to include your course and section in the subject or body of the email. You will have better luck contacting me through email than phone as I am not always on campus. You can also come to any of the office hours listed above to visit with me face-to- face. Grades and feedback will be posted within a week of assignments being submitted.
Course Learning Objectives/Goals
At the conclusion of this course the students should know and be able to:
1) Describe the quantitative analysis approach, steps to the decision-making process, regression models, forecasting models, inventory control models, and linear programming.
2) Apply quantitative analysis, decision-making, regression models, forecasting models, inventory control models, and linear programming in a real situation.
3) Use computers and spreadsheet models to perform quantitative analysis, decision-making, regression, forecasting, inventory control, and linear programming.
4) Avoid common mistakes, measure error, and handle special issues in a variety of quantitative analysis models.
Course Learning Activities/Assignments
Homework: Homework assignments can be accessed through the “Modules” tab. There is one Homework assignment for each chapter (6 total) for 25 points each. You will download an Excel file, complete the problems, and submit your completed file to Canvas. These are similar to the examples I work through in the lectures (also posted under “Modules”).
Ch. Quizzes: Chapter quizzes are multiple choice and true/false quizzes with 20 questions. The questions come directly from the text. You will want to have a calculator available as some questions require calculations. There is one quiz per chapter (6 total) for 20 points each. You have two attempts at quizzes and your highest score will be recorded.
Excel Exams: These are exams similar to your homework assignments. You will download an Excel file, complete the problems, and submit the completed file to Canvas. There are 3 Excel Exams each covering two chapters for 100 points each.
Canvas Exams: Canvas exams are similar to your chapter quizzes. They are multiple choice and true/false questions from the textbook. You’ll want a calculator hand when taking the exam. There are 3 Canvas exams each covering 2 chapters for 100 points each. You have one attempt at Canvas Exams. *I will drop the lowest grade of the 6 combined Excel and Canvas exams
Final: the final is similar to an Excel Exam. You will download an excel file, complete the problems, and submit the completed file to Canvas. This is worth 100 points and 10% of your final grade.
Extra Credit:
• Ch. Extra Credit: Each chapter has extra credit Excel problems worth 5 points each. These are similar to your homework problems. (6 total)
• Excel Quizzes: There are 4 Excel quizzes available for extra credit. These are multiple choice questions about Excel software. You have unlimited attempts and these are worth 5 points each.
• Chapter Study Groups: Chapter study groups are discussion forums where you can consult your classmates for help with the assignments or offer assistance to classmates who are struggling. Participating in the forum will earn you 5 bonus points. There are 6 total Study Group discussions (one for each chapter). Rules for participating can be found when you enter the discussion from the “Modules” tab.
• Final Discussion: participating in the final discussion of the course will earn you 5 bonus points.
Course Schedule and Grading Criteria
See attached.
Grading Rubrics
Rubrics are provided for each assignment and exam and can be found attached to the assignments in Canvas.
Grading Scale
At the end of the semester, grades are assigned according to the following grading scale:
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79% D = 60 – 69% F = below 60% *There are 85 bonus points available throughout the semester. If you earn all 85 bonus points there is a potential to raise your overall grade by 5%
Items Percentage Homework 20% Ch. Quizzes 20% Exams (drop lowest of 6) 50% Final Exam 10% Extra Credit 5% Total 105%
Faculty Profile
Dr. McKee holds a B.B.A in Management Information Systems from the University of Oklahoma, a M.S. in Health Informatics and Information Management from the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN, and a Ph.D. in Information Systems from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. She also maintains the Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) certification from AHIMA. Dr. McKee is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Entrepreneurship for the Everett Dobson School of Business and Technology at Southwestern Oklahoma State University as well as an adjunct instructor for the Health Informatics and Information Management Master’s program. Dr. McKee’s previous work experience includes software development for the Department of Defense.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
More information regarding the University's Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy is located in the Student Handbook.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is expected and required. ALL suspected violations of the academic integrity policy will be reported. Sharing, copying, or doing work together is not permitted unless explicitly stated. Ignorance is not a defense against academic integrity violations. No forms of cheating or plagiarism will be tolerated. Please see your student handbook if you have questions about the meaning of these terms or the consequences of violating academic integrity http://www.swosu.edu/students/index.aspx (Links to an external site.).
An essential rule in any university class is that all printed and spoken work which a student submits should be entirely his/her own, or properly documented. If it is not, the student is guilty of plagiarism. The following are two types of plagiarism of which the student should be aware:
1. Word for word copying, without acknowledgement, of the language of another person. Obviously, having another person write or dictate all or part of one’s printed or oral work. In addition, a student should copy NO printed, spoken or electronic passage, no matter how brief, without acknowledging its source. This applies to even the briefest of phrases if they are truly individual and distinctive.
2. Another type of plagiarism is the unacknowledged paraphrasing of another’s ideas. A student should no more take credit for another’s thoughts than for another’s language. Any distinctively original idea taken from another should be credited to its author. If the student does not know whether another’s idea is distinctively original, he/she should incline to believe that it is; no fault attaches to over- acknowledgement, but under-acknowledgement is plagiarism.
Student Identity Verification
The verification of the identity of students who participate in distance education coursework, including all courses using the learning management system, at SWOSU may make use of variety of methods including but not limited to: (1) secure login and passcode; (2) proctored examinations; and (3) new or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying the identity of students. SWOSU uses these reasonable and appropriate safeguards to protect student privacy.
SWOSU provides for Respondus LockDown Browser, and Respondus Monitor for faculty to make use of for assessment purposes to verify student identity. Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within online courses. Students are unable to print, copy, or access other websites
and applications. The link to download can be found in Resources for Student Success in Canvas. Respondus Monitor is a companion application for LockDown Browser that uses webcam and video technology to allow assessment sessions to be recorded. Ideal for non-proctored environments where online tests pose unique challenges.
Military ids are not acceptable to use in Respondus Monitor as student identity verification. SWOSU ids or a Driver’s License with a photo id is acceptable to use as student identity verification.
Americans With Disabilities Act Amendment Act (ADAAA)
More information regarding ADAAA is located in the Student Handbook.
Special Accommodations
Students requiring special accommodations due to a learning disability or physical limitation must notify the Dean of Students prior to the end of the first week of classes. The student should meet with each instructor after the first class period or during the instructor's office hours within the first week of class and discuss the specific accommodation options that have been recommended and how they will be adopted in his or her class.
Students with Disabilities
If any member of the class feels that he/she has a disability and is in need of special accommodations, the instructor will work with you and Student Services in order to provide reasonable accommodations. This will help ensure that you have an equal opportunity to perform in this class. Please advise the instructor of such disability and the desired accommodations at some point before, during, or immediately after the first scheduled class period. Students needing accommodations should contact the Dean of Students at [email protected].
See webpage for additional information http://www.swosu.edu/administration/studentdean/students- disabilities.aspx (Links to an external site.).
Upswing Guide for Students
Upswing is a new and exciting online tutor service provide for all students (effective Fall 2017). The following information can help you understand Upswing, how to use it, and how it can help you succeed in online courses. Students can schedule times for tutoring or get immediate help if there is a coach available, the service is offered 24/7. The video which explains how students can use Upswing to schedule sessions with Upswing’s coaches/tutors is accessed by the following link: How-To Video on SWOSU’s online tutoring system. The SWOSU’s Upswing portal is: SWOSU.upswing.io Username: student’s email address Password: upswing
Your Upswing password needs changed as soon as possible by going into settings.
Resources for Student Success
In the Canvas course, on the left side of the screen in the Course Navigation, you will find Resources for Student Success. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has developed a course guide to assist you with all of your academic needs. The course includes numerous resources and strategies for student success
such as: Canvas orientation, university and student policies, numerous links for academic support, information about the library, tutoring, writing center, financial support, technology, and many other important resources to help you not just in this courses, but all of your courses. I strongly encourage you to take the time to review the Resources for Student Success.
The instructor reserves the right to make changes to any information contained in this syllabus at any time during the semester. An updated version of the syllabus will be discussed and distributed to students if changes are made.

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