EMC/340 v6

Hazard Vulnerabilities Assessment Matrix

EMC/350 v6

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Hazard Vulnerabilities Assessment Matrix

Use this matrix to identify three hazard vulnerabilities found in your community. Include a 100-word description of each hazard , your reasoning for listing the hazard, and where the hazard is located in the community.

Part 1: Identify your community (area):

Part 2: Complete the matrix.

Identified hazard

Description of hazard

How did you determine that this was a potential hazard?

Where is the hazard located in the community?

Example: Rail lines

Rail lines carry freight that could contain unknown hazardous materials in large quantities. A train derailment, car leakage, or other Hazmat incident will result in large-scale evacuations because of the proximity of rail tracks to populated areas.

Mechanical failure or other stoppage on the lines bisects the community, stranding the responders from Fire Station 1 on one side of the tracks and the hospital on the other. Similarly, the community is stranded on each side of the tracks.

There is the potential for accidents at crossing points and along tracks. In addition to vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians crossing at designated points, consider animals crossing tracks, vehicles ignoring warning signs, kids playing on tracks, and even suicide attempts.

Rail lines can pose many threats to a community. The community has expanded, and the rail lines run through highly populated areas of the city.

The close proximity to houses, schools, and intersections with numerous streets creates many risks and potential areas that can be affected by these risks.

The community assessment states that the rail lines are still operable, and though they are listed as being safe, because they are operable, the risks still exist.

The rail lines run through the northern tip of the community. The east-west direction of the tracks, which runs parallel to the river, forms a split between this northern tip and what then is the southern section of the community.




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