Cultural Groups Presentation Instructions
The purpose of this three-fold assignment (3 parts) is to apply and evaluate principles of team dynamics, including team roles, to facilitate effective team functioning. Nursing is a “team sport,” so performing on and leading teams effectively is an essential job skill. The faculty has randomly assigned you to a small group with a specified culture. Your group will prepare an oral presentation to present to the class as assigned on the scheduled due date (noted on syllabus/course outline).
Part of the purpose of the assignment is also to investigate unfamiliar cultures and inform the rest of the class about your discovery. A formal presentation will be done by the group which requires that each group locate/select a interview person from their designated culture, who is 1st or 2nd generation in the United States, and willing for the group to interview them to complete a detailed cultural assessment (See attached Cultural Assessment Tool). All group members must actively participate in the client’s cultural assessment/interview and face-to-face or web-based (e.g., Zoom) group meetings. Like any work team, your group must first determine who will perform the essential roles of formal leader and recorder/secretary to facilitate the completion of the assignment.
Group meetings should be organized (i.e., have an agenda), and behavior should be professional. Record minutes (official record) for each meeting. Your group’s Cultural Assessment Tool and meeting minutes are due in the designated D2L Assignments submission folder by scheduled due date according to (syllabus/course outline).
Required Content for Meetings’ Minutes include: First paragraph: Type of meeting (planned, impromptu, etc.); the date, time, and place of the meeting; the name of the presiding officer (leader) and recorder/secretary; names of members present; names of members absent; and length of the session (hours, minutes). Minutes are a record of what members do during a meeting (e.g., discussion of, voted on, agreed upon, etc.), not a script of what members said. Note: Each group’s presentation is limited to 30 minutes, so be concise and carefully plan and monitor your time to avoid unnecessary loss of points. In the interest of limited class time, faculty will stop your presentation after 30 minutes, regardless of what you have left to present. Each group will receive a group grade on their presentation (See attached Culture Presentation Rubric). Culture presentations should be fun; in the past, some students have dressed in the culture's traditional dress and or prepared/shared typical foods. All students must participate to the fullest in both product preparation and presentation. Extra consideration will be given to those who carry the dress/food out to the fullest extent to make the culture come to life. If a student is not participating, the group must attempt to correct the problem as a group. If the group cannot resolve the issue, the group’s formal leader must notify the course coordinator. Any student who fails to participate actively in the preparation or presentation will be required to prepare and present a culture individually.
After the culture presentations, all members will post a completed Group Member Participation Evaluation form in the designated D2L Assignments submission folder as instructed (See Course Outline/Calendar). This will evaluate your group’s dynamics (i.e., how you work together to accomplish your client interview and presentation).
Part I – Evaluate the Leadership of the group (before presentation)
In a written response (1-2 pages), the first part of
your paper you will describe the leadership styles that you
observed and how you feel the leadership style was perceived
by the group and you personally. (See rubric for details). Submit
in D2L under the Assignment folder by assigned due date on
Sunday, April 16, 2023 @2359.
Part II – Evaluate the Group Dynamics/Roles (before presentation)
In a second written response (1-2 pages), you will
evaluate the groups roles, cohesiveness, your personal
impression of how you feel the group worked together as a
whole. (See rubric for details). Submit in D2L under the
Assignment folder by assigned due date on Sunday, April 23, 2023 @2359.
Part III – Culture Group Presentation (after presentation)
For this third submission you will submit a copy of the meeting
minutes, culture assessment tool, and any powerpoint
tools/references used for your presentation. The group will
present as a group with each person participating equally.
Students will be given 20-30 minutes for presentation. No longer
than 30 minutes will be allowed for each presentation. If students
go beyond this time frame the instructor will stop them to allow
time for all students to present. Students will then submit as a
group one submission for the final writing response on the
findings for the presentation. Each student should take a part to
respond to and compile one document. This response will be 2-3
pages in length with resources. One person from the group will
then submit into D2L by the May 1, 2023 due date of 2359.
Evaluation of Assigned Group’s Dynamics Paper (Part II) Rubric
“Evaluate the Group Dynamics/Roles”
Criteria |
Excellent |
Good |
Fair |
Poor |
Not Demonstrated |
Describe the informal leader(s) exhibited within the group and give evidence for your impressions of their performance. |
16-20 Points Addresses criteria in detail, is concise and demonstrates evidence of quality writing. |
11-15 Points Moderately addresses criteria, is concise, and primarily well written. |
6-10 Points Somewhat addresses criteria; is not concise (too wordy) but is mostly well written. |
1-5 Points Poorly addresses the criteria but is wordy (not concise). Narrative lacks evidence of quality writing. |
0 Points Does not address the required criteria |
Describe your group’s cohesiveness and supportive evidence for impressions that you have made. |
16-20 Points Addresses criteria in detail, is concise and demonstrates evidence of quality writing. |
11-15 Points Moderately addresses criteria, is concise, and primarily well written. |
6-10 Points Somewhat addresses criteria; is not concise (too wordy) but is mostly well written. |
1-5 Points Poorly addresses the criteria but is wordy (not concise). Narrative lacks evidence of quality writing. |
0 Points Does not address the required criteria |
Differentiate the roles (i.e., task, maintenance, and hindering roles) that each member played within your group, describe, and provide evidence for your impressions. |
16-20 Points Addresses criteria in detail, is concise and demonstrates evidence of quality writing. |
11-15 Points Moderately addresses criteria, is concise, and primarily well written. |
6-10 Points Somewhat addresses criteria; is not concise (too wordy) but is mostly well written. |
1-5 Points Poorly addresses the criteria but is wordy (not concise). Narrative lacks evidence of quality writing. |
0 Points Does not address the required criteria |
Describe conflict(s) that arose within your group and how your group addressed any conflicts and the role taken be individual members and the group as a whole. |
16-20 Points Addresses criteria in detail, is concise and demonstrates evidence of quality writing. |
11-15 Points Moderately addresses criteria, is concise, and primarily well written. |
6-10 Points Somewhat addresses criteria; is not concise (too wordy) but is mostly well written. |
1-5 Points Poorly addresses the criteria but is wordy (not concise). Narrative lacks evidence of quality writing. |
0 Points Does not address the required criteria |
References (must include any personal references) |
9-10 Points Greater than 3 valid/reliable references utilized (e.g., textbooks, journals). No discrepancies between in-text references and the reference list. |
6-8 Points Three valid/reliable references utilized. No more than 1 discrepancy between in-text references and the reference list. |
3-5 Points Two valid/reliable references utilized. No more than 2 discrepancies between in-text references and reference list. |
1-2 Points Only 1 valid/reliable reference utilized—greater than 2 discrepancies between in-text references and reference list. |
0 Points No valid/reliable references used, and or greater than 2 discrepancies between in-text references cited and reference list. |
Mechanics and APA citations and references |
9-10 Points 4 to 4.5 double-spaced pages. No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. No APA errors |
6-8 Points 4 to 4.5 double-spaced. One to 3 spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors, and or 1-3 APA errors. |
3-5 Points 3 to 3.5 double-spaced pages. 4 to 5 spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors, and or 4-5 APA errors. |
1-2 Points less than 3 double-spaced pages. > than 6 spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors, and or greater than 6 APA errors. |
0 Points Paper not completed and or contains 7 or more APA, spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. |
Total |

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