Crime Control Theory, Police Practice, and Police Success
What prevailing theories of crime control exist?
How do crime control theories affect policing functions and success?
How does research support the concept that crime control theories positively (or negatively) affect policing functions?
Explain and justify concepts with supporting proofs.
Key Reads:
Choose at least one for reference for reference.
◾Evidence-Based Policing (Lawrence Sherman, 1998)
◾Translating Police Research Into Practice (Cynthia Lum, 2009)
◾Receptivity to Research in Policing (Cynthia Lum, Cody Telep, Christopher Koper and Julie Grieco, 2011)
◾Police Science: Towards a New Paradigm (David Weisburd and Peter Neyroud, 2011)
◾Police Foundation President and CEBCP Senior Fellow Jim Bueermann’s “Being Smart on Crime with Evidence-Based Policing” for the National Institute of Justice.
◾A Tipping Point for ‘Totally Evidenced Policing’ (Lawrence Sherman, 2015)

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