Chifley Business School

MBA 303

Project Management

Elderly support Home Care Center

Hany Boukzam

Student # 090213


Table of contents

Introduction 2

Defining phase 3

Goals 3

Specification 3

Measures of success in the management of project 4

Project scope 4

Objectives 4

Deliverables 5

Milestones 5

Technical requirements 5

Limits and exclusions 6

The breakdown structural work 6

Budget for project planning 7

Resources 8

Staffing 8

Execution of the project 9

Project Delivering: 11

Project Resources and Staffs Release: 11

Lessons learned: 11

Conclusion 12

References 12


Product management is a process utilized for the organization of tasks. A structured framework is utilized by it for helping the groups in producing more and more output. Certain tools are used by us to successfully track the progress against any given plan and also to help further in the sequencing of tasks, scheduling and the allocation of resources.

A specific old age care centre development in the heart of the city is one of the main aim of this project. Since in city, most of the men and women are working and hence have very limited day time to spend with their old aged parents or grandparents. The Old Age Care Home fills this gap by providing them a day care provision.

The students of project management the theoretical knowledge is being put into practice by means of drying the outline for the details of the initial two phases in the management of the project namely the defining phase and the planning phase. Owing to the scarcity of time the next two phases namely the execution and the delivery is not possible for practice. But in the upcoming months the phases would be run once again as there is progress on the project.

Within the initial two phases there are a number of primary topics that needs to be covered namely defining of planning, scheduling of goals, and budget specifications, task resources, risks of responsibilities, stuffing etc.

Defining phase


One of the primary goals that form the objective is to be able to open a old age home center within the given time satisfying all the necessities of the people who are looking for the center and also execute the project phases effectively.


The motive behind the center for day care is for the purpose of ensuring the tremendous expansion of the services in the coming years which not just can motivate many working people to give the provision of caring for old aged people in their last time. The main aim of setting this up in the heart of the city is because mostly people staying in the heart of the city are workaholic or busy with their casual stuffs. Hence are unable to spend time with their old ones and also in capable of giving sufficient care for them. The old age center will ensure that the old men and women are treated with love and care in the new care home setup.

a. Project

The project that is at hand involves the opening of a center for care for old aged men and women. This is not a nonprofit organization. The people ranging from the age of 50 or above fifty will have a section in city section. Within that will remain tool major subdivisions involving the old men and women. So the men/women that is of age above seventy will be under a different. The hours during which the working is performed is between 9:00 AM in the morning and 7:30 PM in the evening that the center for care is alive and kicking to come into existence come end of the month of may in the year 2012. Another hint is that the cost must not cross the USD 750,000.

b. Mission and vision


The working people must be allowed to fulfill their ambitions and goals and give their own parents with the opportunity related to the discovering of love and care and also the world that surrounds them by virtue of guiding the talent that they have by means of knowing and feeling.


The main target is to become the center of care with the most popularity at London

Measures of success in the management of project

Project scope

It is important to clarify to everyone to various aspects like the scope and schedule of the project to everyone just like it’s important to explain to them as well. A channel of communication of clarity must exist between the members of a team and the customers. The plans of the budget must always be followed.


A study of the area of the project will definitely aid in the identification of the broad parameters of the project of the inclusions of the checklist of the scope of the project must be well defined. Initially it will be concerning the old men and women who are currently living in the city and are in need of care and love. The total number of people especially in the busiest regions of London will be collected and the number of old men/women who are in need of care and love will be obtained by gathering the information via working people. One of the objectives of the project is that the designated cost of USD 750000 must not be exceeded.


Phase one specifies the specifications that are required for the people of mercer and. Floor mats, and floor toys, cots, fridges, provision for change in clothes at the time of accidents, DVDs, TVs, and the areas of soft toy that can be utilized by the smaller babies to be able to play as they are crawling. Different kinds of beds of multiple ages, books, TVs etc. must all be included in the villa. But it must be ensured that they are always totally appropriate for men/women and deliver to the people the care required as well as provide them with an item that can keep them busy could be used to keep a close eye on them at the times that we are unable to provide the company.

Cleaning supplies, microwave, fridge, computers could be of use.

It is to concentrates on the preparation of the salaries and the shifts and determination of the hours for working. The phase three is concerned on the approval of the management system that we have.


Those milestones that are applied within the project a report of the Microsoft Project Management Schedule. The starting time is included as are the various deliverables along with the various steps that are contained in the preparation of the project.

Technical requirements

It must be ensured that the old age care center is served for a long time but the cameras, televisions, DVDs, projectors on the wall etc. The microwave, refrigerators, lighting of low as well as high volume, printers, and computers as well as the records software for old age care must also be present.

Limits and exclusions

The cost was measure to be around USD750, 000. In course of the continuation of the project regular meetings will be conducted in order for discussion of the costs that are involved as well as the different problems that needs to be faced. It might be found out that the budget acts as a kind of a constraint. Therefore if there is a necessity in the change in the amount of the budget, the plan of contingency should be in place while the quality and time of the project and some of its features shall continue to remain flexible.

The breakdown structural work

Budget for project planning


FY 2013

FY 2014





Capital and Liabilities

FY 2013

FY 2014



Accounts Payable



Current Borrowing



Other Current Liabilities




TOTAL Liabilities




Paid-in Capital



Retained Earnings







Total Capital






The resources required are easy chairs, beds, gardening facilities having gardening equipments, a well organized garden, medical services provision, basic medicines availability, immediate medical assistance facility, healthy food facility, pantry etc.

Some of the things that are required in the day care office are computers, recorder software for the day care, ink, pen, paper, pencils file cabinets, colors, file folders, paper clips and printers.


The staffing required is given as follows. The manager must possess an experience of a minimum of five years in the direction at the center for day care. The teacher must possess an experience with the psychology of the old men and women and also most of this fluency in English. Helpers with sufficient experience are required to be able to deal with the old aged men or women to those who are physically challenged. Helpers four in number are a bare minimum requirement along with nurses. A cleaner, registration staff and the department of accounts and finance is also required.

Execution of the project

The Old Age care project is heading in the right direction disliked everyone has got an idea of the objectives and is moving in a very planned and organized manner. Budget planning, cost planning, locations, certifications, staffing, decorations and also buying the supplies are very vital. All the tasks preplanned for start and finish just as given in the planned for the budgeting of the project so that no shortcomings or shortages and failures are met within the project. A low cost implementation of the project budget is tried to be implemented. In the interior design, the students and its manpower is implemented in the design and decoration of the interiors. Very low cost workers have also been utilized for the purpose of painting and also the implementation of the decorations that have been designed by the students of university. The day care center will also provide the facilities of the clinics for the purposes of emergence. The electricity and the water remain as a responsibility of center since they belong to the contract. All the things together play a vital role in helping in the running of the product and the successful finishing of it within a cost there is much lower comparatively.

Serious changes may not be possible in the product center for the day care, for implementation. There is a huge amount of stability required due to the fact that it is present within the old age care home that is being opened for a long term running basis. It must also be considered that the center for day care is being run that has a requirement in every aspect of the students of Old age care home as well as the instructors for the old men/women. Changes might be taking place due to the newly formed laws of the government and an increase in the costs of supply. The changes such as these might take place in case of all the business and also of the projects having a direct solution from a site of the government. If the cost of supplying increased, costs are raised tuition will also increase subsequently to make up for the costs and maintain happiness within the customers and also to ensure that profit is being generated to continuously. This is a part of the contingency plan.

As part of quality, only specified nannies have been chosen along with the trainers for taking care of the old men or women in ensuring that they are safe. Fire alarms and security cameras ensure that the old men and women remain safe even if there is an emergency condition. The new software will ensure that the services that are put into show are of high quality indeed. With this there would be an increase in the focus of the customers and also the level of satisfaction among the old people as well as their care takers.

The center for old age care will gain popularity within the neighboring areas of London as much as within it.

Risk Management

Developing a technique for response to risks is very vital. The identification and assessment of all the risks present in the running of care center is done in the tables that are attached. There is a need for decision to be taken regarding which of the responses is suitable for a given specific event. As a part of the response two the risks it must be ensured that the likelihood for the occurrence of the event must be reduced. The risks ache and must be avoided and transferred. Sharing of risks must be given importance as much as retaining of them.

It has been realized that there is a great amount of importance related to abiding by project management framework. This is because it successfully assesses in the identification of which are the key areas of strength and weakness as well as the status of the budget can be identified and evaluated continuously. The identification of the requirement of the service by means of analysis of marketing previously has been done. The strategy for the management of the project has been utilized for making the project and its outcome a total success. The aspects having relation to the phases of defining and planning have already been defined and therefore keen and watchful eye must be kept on the phases of education and delivery that are proceeding, as there is movement along the project.

Project Delivering:

Project Resources and Staffs Release:

The project resources or equipments or materials will be reused in other projects and tasks which later on can be assigned to other staffs and team members.

Lessons learned:

There were various concepts learned on account of this project development report which involved right from designing a project official start up phase till the end of project execution phase. These phases of project development helped in gaining deep knowledge on designing a project individually as well as a team work. This project not helped in increasing the team work ability but also enhanced the knowledge.


All in all, the project provided an opportunity to explore the framework of project management. The design of each phase and execution process of each phase helped to identify the possible challenges and strengths of designing a project. The study also helped us understand various risk management processes involved.


Curlee, W., & Gordon, R. L. (2010). Complexity Theory and Project Management. London: John Wiley & Sons.

Gido, J., & Clements, J. P. (2008). Successful Project Management. London: Cengage Learning.

Grisham, T. W. (2011). International Project Management: Leadership in Complex Environments. London: John Wiley & Sons.

Harrison, F. L. (2004). Advanced Project Management: A Structured Approach. London: Gower publishing.

K, P. J. (2009). Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage And Ms Project. chicago: sage.

Kerzner, H. (2009). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. London: John Wiley & Sons.

McCarthy, J. (2010). Construction Project Management: A Managerial Approach. London: Pareto.

McKinnie, R. M. (2007). The Application of Complexity Theory to the Field of Project Management. ProQuest.

Newell, M. W. (2005). Preparing for the Project Management Professional: PMP Certification Exam. London: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

Schwalbe, K. (2010). Information Technology Project Management . London: Cenage Learning.

Schwalbe, K. (2006). Introduction to Project Management. London: SAGE.

Identification of RISK

Assessment of RISK

Response Development of RISK

Risk Control

OldAge Care Centre Plan

Budget Plan

OldAge Care Infrastructure Design



Legal Authority to Setup Centre

Obtain Health Authority

Design OldAge care Facility Provision

Design OldAge Care Service and Charges Sheet

OldAge Care Center Security Infrastructure Design

Emergency Contact Setup


Updated: January 2012


Table of Contents REFERENCING GUIDELINES................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Works Cited List ....................................................................................................................... 2 In-Text Citations ....................................................................................................................... 2 Two Types of In-Text Citations ................................................................................................ 3

1. Quotation ............................................................................................................................ 3 2. Paraphrase ........................................................................................................................... 3

Print Sources ............................................................................................................................. 4 Book – 1 author ....................................................................................................................... 4 Book - 2 to 3 authors ............................................................................................................... 4 Book - 4 or more authors ......................................................................................................... 4 Book with editor (s) ................................................................................................................. 4 Book with corporate author ..................................................................................................... 5 Chapter in a Book .................................................................................................................... 5 Encyclopedia Article ............................................................................................................... 5 Journal Article ......................................................................................................................... 6 Newspaper Article ................................................................................................................... 6 Two entries by the same author ............................................................................................... 6 Personal Interview ................................................................................................................... 6 Class Notes or Class Handouts ................................................................................................ 7

Electronic Sources ..................................................................................................................... 7 Web site .................................................................................................................................. 7 Article in an online journal ...................................................................................................... 7 Article in a subscription database (Business Source Premier, ERIC, etc.) ................................ 8 Electronic Encyclopedia article ............................................................................................... 8 Article in a online newspaper .................................................................................................. 8 Article in a online magazine .................................................................................................... 9 Email communication .............................................................................................................. 9 Blog ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Image – Photograph – Graph – Illustration - Map .................................................................... 9 Tables ................................................................................................................................... 10

Arabic Sources ............................................................................................................................ 11

More Information on MLA Style ........................................................................................... 12

Updated: January 2012


Works Cited List What is a Works Cited list?  It is a list of every source of information that you make a reference to in your report.  It includes books, articles, television programs, Internet sites, interviews and all other

information sources you use in your report.  It is an alphabetical list by the author’s surname.  It is attached at the end of a report. Why write a Works Cited list?  To show what information sources you use to write your report.  To help the reader find more information.  To prevent plagiarism and cheating.

(Plagiarism is stealing a person’s ideas) How do you write a works cited list?  Follow the rules set by The Modern Language Association or MLA style.

 Always list the references in alphabetical order by the author’s surname

In-Text Citations What is an in-text citation?  A link in the body of your paper to your works cited list at the end of your paper or project.  Includes enough information so that the reader can locate the complete information about

your source in the works cited list.  Written next to the information that you take from another source.  May be written within a sentence or at the end of a sentence, within parentheses. When do you use an in-text citation?  Whenever you use information from another source in your paper or project. Why do you use an in-text citation?  To lead your reader to the full information about your source in your works cited list.

 To avoid plagiarizing.

Updated: January 2012

3 Two Types of In-Text Citations 1. Quotation

 When you use some else’s exact words.  Always written inside double quotation marks: “ ” when the quotation is 4 or less typed


A quotation helps support your argument by showing that other experts agree with you. Example One to avoid plagiarism:

When you use a quotation, “enclose the author’s last name and the relevant page number(s) within parentheses” (Smith, Jones, and Parks 781).

Example Two to avoid plagiarism: Smith, Jones, and Parks note that “you can shorten a parenthetical note by naming the author of the source in the body of the essay; then the parenthetical note consists of a page number only” (782).

2. Paraphrase

 When you use someone else’s ideas but write it in your own words.  Do not use quotation marks.

Original quote: “To avoid plagiarizing an author’s language… close the book, write from memory, and then open the book to check for accuracy” (Hacker 361). Example of paraphrasing: This is one method for avoiding plagiarism. Experts suggest a reflective approach by reading the original source, then writing down your understanding of the idea. Afterward the original source should be compared with your paraphrase to make sure it is correct (Hacker 361).

Updated: January 2012


Print Sources

Book – 1 author Format: Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Edition (if not the first). Publication

place: Publisher's Name, Year of publication. Medium.

Works Cited List In Text Moore, Eric. Gardening in the Middle East. 2nd ed.

London: Stacey International, 2007. Print.

“There are many types of flowers in the Middle East” (Moore 26). or Moore lists the types of flowers in the Middle East (26).

Book - 2 to 3 authors

Works Cited List In Text Witten, Ian H., David Bainbridge, and David M.

Nichols. How to Build a Digital Library. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 2009. Print.

(Witten, Bainbridge, and Nichols 35)

Book - 4 or more authors

Works Cited List In Text Mills, Barbara, et al. History of the United Arab

Emirates. Dubai: Motivate Publishing, 2005. Print.

(Mills et al. 35)

Book with editor (s)

Works Cited List In Text Barr, Pauline, ed. Foundations for the Future:

Working Towards Graduate Outcomes. Abu Dhabi: HCT Press, 2007. Print.

(Barr 31)

Updated: January 2012


Book with corporate author

Works Cited List In Text Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and

Research. With United Strength: H.H. Shaikh Zayid Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the Leader and the Nation. Abu Dhabi: ECSSR, 2004. Print.

(Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, 22) Can abbreviate if appropriate

Chapter in a Book Format: Chapter Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Chapter." Title of Book. Author or

Editor of book’s First Name Last Name. Publication place: Publisher's Name, Year of publication. Page numbers of chapter.

Works Cited List In Text Fontana, Andrea, and James H. Frey. "The

Interview: From Structured Questions to Negotiated Text." Handbook of Qualitative Research. Ed. Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 2000. 645-672. Print.

(Fontana and Frey 646)

Encyclopedia Article Format: Author’s Last Name, First Name. (if available)“Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia. Volume number. Publication place: Publisher’s Name, Year of publication. Page

numbers of article. Medium.

Works Cited List In Text “Romanticism.” The World Book Encyclopedia.

Vol. 16. Chicago: World Book, 2003. 426- 427. Print.

(“Romanticism” 426)

 Note: When a source has no known author, use a shortened title of the work instead of

an author name. Place the title in “quotation marks” if it's a short work (e.g. articles) or italicize it if it's a longer work (e.g. plays, books, television shows, entire websites) and provide a page number.

Updated: January 2012

6 Journal Article Format: Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Journal. Volume.Issue (Date

of publication): Page numbers of article. Medium.

Works Cited List In Text Ottani, Ali S., and Farouk M. Messahel, Dr.

"Awareness During Surgery." Saudi Medical Journal 21.4 (2003): 967-970. Print.

(Ottani and Messahel 967)

Newspaper Article Format: Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper. Date of

publication: Page numbers of article. Medium.

Works Cited List In Text Matthew, Francis. "Shoring Up National Identity."

Gulf News 17 Apr. 2008: 10. Print.

(Matthew 10)

Two entries by the same author

Works Cited List In Text Foucault, Michel. History of Madness. London:

Routledge, 2009. Print. ---. Discipline and Punish : The Birth of a Prison. London: Penguin Books, 1991. Print.

(Foucault, History of Madness 66) (Foucault, Discipline and Punish 32)

Personal Interview

Works Cited List In Text Jones, Peter, Dr. Personal interview. 3 May. 2009.


Updated: January 2012


Class Notes or Class Handouts Format: Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Class/Subject.” Type of document, Date

handed out. Medium.

Works Cited List In Text Smith, Ann. “BADM 100 Semester 1,

2008.“ Class notes, 15 Sept. 2008. Class Notes. (Smith)

Electronic Sources

Web site Format: Corporate Name or Author's Last Name, First Name. “Web Page Title.” Name of Entire

Website or Database. Sponsoring Organization, Date web page was last revised/created. Medium. Date you viewed the web page <Website address (URL) in angle brackets>.

Works Cited List In Text "Top Bankers Predict Another Tough Year for

GCC Markets." AME Info FZ LLC / Emap Limited, 2010. Web. 7 Feb. 2010.< 223341.html>.

No title AME Info FZ LLC / Emap Limited, 2010. Web. 7 Feb.2010. < 223341.html>.

(“Top Bankers Predict”) No title ( or Banking information found on

 Note: URLs are no longer required in citations. Due to the changeable nature of the

URLs, MLA recommends that writers only include a web address if the audience is unlikely to find the source otherwise. Always check with your teacher first. They may still require the URL.

Article in an online journal Format: Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Journal Volume.Issue (Date of publication): Page Number. Medium. Date you viewed the article <Website address (URL) in angle brackets>.

Works Cited List In Text Orr, Debbie, and Jacky Cribb. “Information Literacy - Is it Worth

the Investment?” Australian Academic and Research Libraries 34.1 (2003):22-25. Web. 3 May 2009 < html>.

(Orr & Cribb 22)

Updated: January 2012


Article in a subscription database (Business Source Premier, ERIC, etc.) Format: Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Journal Volume.Issue (Date of publication): Page number. Database Name. Medium. Date you viewed

the article <Website address (URL) in angle brackets>.

Works Cited List In Text Jacobson, Linda. "An Earlier Start." Education

Week 25.36 (May 2006): 28-30. ERIC. Web. 3 May 2009 <http://0-0>.

(Jacobson 28)

Electronic Encyclopedia article Format: “Title of Article.” Title of Electronic Encyclopedia. Sponsoring Organization, Date of

publication. Medium. Date you viewed the web page <Website address (URL) in angle brackets>.

Works Cited List In Text "United Arab Emirates." Britannica Book of the

Year, 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2010. Web. 4 Feb. 2010 <>.

(“United Arab Emirates”)

Article in a online newspaper Format: Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Newspaper Date of newspaper. Medium. Date you viewed the article <Website address (URL) in angle brackets>.

Works Cited List In Text Gale, Ivan. "Boeing Set to Fly Past Airbus." Gulf

News 2 Nov. 2006. Web. 3 May 2009 < Aviation/10079285.html>.

(Gale) No author (“Boeing Set to Fly”) Abbreviate long titles to around three words

Updated: January 2012


Article in a online magazine Format: Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Magazine Date of publication: Page numbers of article. Medium. Date of Access. <Website address (URL) in angle brackets>.

Works Cited List In Text "Manufacturing Outperformed Rest of Economy

as Recession Ended ." Professional Engineering 27 Jan. 2010: n. pag. Web. 7 Feb. 2010.< archive/2010Articles/January/2221001011.htm>.

(“Manufacturing Outperformed Rest”)

Email communication Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Email Subject.” Message to [your name]. Date of email. Medium.

Works Cited List In Text Garner, David L. “Emiratization.” Message to

Peter Jones. 3 May. 2009. E-mail.



Works Cited List In Text Johnston, Nicole. "Budget Planners." Business

Resources Blog. N.p., 24 Aug. 2009. Web. 22 Feb. 2010.<http://businessresourcesblog.>.

Note: N.p = no publisher

(Johnston) No author (“Budget Planners”)

Image – Photograph – Graph – Illustration - Map

 Place illustrations as close as possible to the parts of the text to which they relate.  A photograph, image illustration, graph or map should be labeled Figure (abbreviate Fig)  The Figure should be numbered, eg Fig. 1  The label and caption (reference) should appear directly below the photograph.  If the caption provides complete information about the source no entry in the works cited list is

necessary.  If the graph or illustration comes from a book put the author name as first name last name in

the caption. Tom Jones.  Publication information for books (location: publisher, year) appears in parentheses  Use semi-colons ; to separate information.

Updated: January 2012

10 In Text (see fig. 1)

Fig. 1. Play-Fighting Bengal Tigers; National Geographic; National Geographic Society, 2010; Web; 22 Feb. 2010. Tables

 Place tables as close as possible to the parts of the text to which they relate.  A Table should be labeled Table  The Table should be numbered, eg Table 1  The source information should appear directly below the table.  If the caption provides complete information about the source no entry in the works cited list is

necessary.  If additional explanatory notes are necessary, use lowercase letters in the caption after the

source information. a. Note  If the table comes from a book put the author name as first name last name in the caption.

Tom Jones.  Publication information for books (location: publisher, year) appears in parentheses

( ).  Use semi-colons ; to separate information.

In Text (see table 1) Table 1 Middle East Internet Usage and Population Statistics

Middle East Internet Usage and Population Statistics

MIDDLE EAST Population ( 2008 Est. ) Usage, in Dec/2000

Internet Usage, Latest Data

% Population (Penetration)

User Growth (2000-2008)

(%) of Table

Bahrain 718,306 40,000 250,000 34.8 % 525.0 % 0.5 % Iran 65,875,223 250,000 23,000,000 34.9 % 9,100.0 % 50.2 % Iraq 28,221,181 12,500 275,000 1.0 % 2,100.0 % 0.6 % Israel 7,112,359 1,270,000 5,263,146 74.0 % 314.4 % 11.5 %

Updated: January 2012


Jordan 6,198,677 127,300 1,126,700 18.2 % 785.1 % 2.5 % Kuwait 2,596,799 150,000 900,000 34.7 % 500.0 % 2.0 % Lebanon 3,971,941 300,000 1,570,000 39.5 % 423.3 % 3.4 % Oman 3,311,640 90,000 340,000 10.3 % 277.8 % 0.7 % Palestine(West Bk.) 2,407,681 35,000 355,000 14.8 % 915.7 % 0.8 % Qatar 824,789 30,000 351,000 42.6 % 1,070.0 % 0.8 % Saudi Arabia 28,146,657 200,000 6,380,000 22.7 % 3,090.0 % 13.9 % Syria 19,747,586 30,000 3,470,000 17.6 % 11,466.7 % 7.6 % United Arab Emirates 4,621,399 735,000 2,260,000 48.9 % 207.5 % 4.9 %

Yemen 23,013,376 15,000 320,000 1.4 % 2,033.3 % 0.7 %

TOTAL Middle East 196,767,614 3,284,800 45,861,346 23.3 % 1,296.2 % 100.0 % Source: Miniwatts Marketing Group; Middle East Internet Usage and Population Statistics; Internet World Stats, 31 Dec. 2008; Web; 3 May 2009. a. Note: The Middle East Statistics were updated as of December 31, 2008. The demographic

(population) numbers are based on data from the US Census Bureau.

Arabic Sources MLA says to cite the information as it appears in the book (newspaper, website, etc.). This means that you cite the title in Arabic using usual formatting rules. Because your readers may not understand Arabic, translate into English in brackets following each part. Author [English translation]. Title [English translation]. Publication Place [English translation]: Publisher’s Name [English translation], Year of Publication. Medium.

Updated: January 2012


More Information on MLA Style MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language

Association of America, 2009. Purdue Online Writing Lab

Updated: January 2012


1 | P a g e

University of Atlanta

MBA 639 – Dynamics of Corporate Strategy

Strategies to Maintain Prime Medix’s Position

as Market Leader in the Cold Medicine Industry

2 | P a g e

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary:................................................................................................................ 3

II. Overview of the Organization:............................................................................................. 4

Where It Was ............................................................................................................................... 4

Where It Is Now .......................................................................................................................... 5

Where It Wants To Go................................................................................................................. 5

III. Strategic Topic: .................................................................................................................... 5

Operations / Production ............................................................................................................. 5

Marketing and Sales ................................................................................................................... 6

IV. Case Analysis: ...................................................................................................................... 6

SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................................ 6

External Factor Evaluation ........................................................................................................ 8

Porter’s Model 2 ........................................................................................................................... 9

Competitor Profile Matrix ........................................................................................................ 11

V. Conclusions: ....................................................................................................................... 11

Operations / Production ........................................................................................................... 11

Marketing and Sales ................................................................................................................. 12

VI. References: ......................................................................................................................... 13

3 | P a g e

I. Executive Summary:

Prime Medix, Inc. is facing declining sales of its main product – Coldin, a medicine especially

designed for cough and colds. It used to be the number one cold medicine in the market until late last year

when increasing costs of manufacturing and advertising forced Prime Medix to increase its prices. This

was considered the main factor why its consumers shifted to cheaper cold medicines. In addition, its

competitors rolled out marketing strategies that influenced physicians to shift to other cold medicines. As

a Consultant, the author was asked to help the Product Team in determining how to maintain the market

position of Coldin as one of the leading medicines in the market.

First, an analysis of the current internal manufacturing operations was done. It was recommended

that the processes be streamlined and raw materials be secured from lower priced suppliers while not

compromising the quality of the output.

Second, external factors were considered - primarily the effects of competitor’s aggressive

marketing strategies. In a saturated market like the cold medicine industry, it is important that Prime

Medix implement a proactive marketing campaign to hold on to their lead. They should further develop

their range of sales strategies (e.g. medical missions to entice potential buyers to purchase Coldin to

support the social cause, etc.) in order to maintain its competitive advantage over competing companies.

They should also ensure that their marketing strategies are focused to the right target market in order for it

to be effective and successful.

Third, there were experiencing some challenges with their sales workforce. As they are focal

point in the sale of Coldin, it was recommended that Medix should hire more field men in order to expand

the scope of its operations ethical divisions to more physicians, thereby increasing its domain over the

pharmaceutical market. Prime Medix should also base employee incentives on factors aside from gross

sales performance alone so they can be more motivated. Other factors like percentage increase in sales,

larger geographical area covered or increase in consumer awareness can be used as a basis.

Fourth, in terms of pricing, the decision to increase Coldin’s price by a drastic 25% must be

considered carefully, taking into account is effect on sales, market share and customer loyalty. On the

basis of these factors, Prime Medix may choose to increase Coldin’s price gradually.

4 | P a g e

Once these are implemented, it is expected that Coldin will regain its market lead and will once

again become the most profitable cold medicine in the pharmaceutical industry.

II. Overview of the Organization:

Where It Was

Prime Medix, Inc. was founded 10 years ago as a manufacturer of different medicines with

Coldin as its flagship product. Prime Medix operates as an independent company, focusing on the sales

of proprietary and semi-ethical drugs to the market. As such, the main operations of Medix includes

manufacturing its medicines, providing pharmaceutical samples to the target market (i.e. doctors, drug

stores and private consumers), implementing advertising and promotional strategies, and establishing

good client and consumer service. Its vision and mission are as follow:

Prime Medix Vision: “To be the best healthcare provider in the Philippines.”

Prime Medix Mission: “To provide quality and affordable healthcare products and services that

promote and enrich life for all communities that we serve by working together as one united


Prime Medix offers two major product lines to the market – vitamins and analgesic or cough-cold

formulas. They used to be the market leader in the cough-cold market with Coldin capturing more than

45% of the market share at one point. Its vitamin products capture roughly 5% of the market. As per

company sales, Coldin composes 65% of total revenue while other products comprise the rest.

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Where It Is Now

Due to increase in market competition and the various changes in the cost structures, Prime

Medix are facing decline in sales translating to net loss last year. In the previous ten years since its

inception, they experienced increase in sales and profits with only last year as the exception.

Its vitamins sales are as forecasted though it comprises only 5% of total product sales. On the

other hand, sales of analgesic/ cough-cold product Coldin performed below par thereby missing its

forecasted sales by 20%. As the main product this converted to a total decline in sales by 35% and its

previous year’s net profit to a net loss.

Where It Wants To Go

With the variances of actual and expected scenarios from previous periods and changes in the

consumer environment, Prime Medix wants to bounce back and get their market leadership back. They

want to be the market leader in the cold medicine industry. This means they have to capture back their

market share to 45%.

They also want to regain profitability by cutting down its costs and increasing its sales. They plan

to cut costs by 15% and increase sales by 20%.

III. Strategic Topic:

Operations / Production

In this case, it is important to consider what improvements should Prime Medix implement with

regard to its company operations in order to improve efficiency and profitability. As costs of

manufacturing are increasing, they should be able to cut down its raw material costs and streamline its

processes to facilitate decrease in its total cost structure.

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Once they are able to cut down their costs, they can regain their advantage of lower pricing against its

competitors to regain its consumers who shifted to the lower priced competitors. In addition, they will

able to contribute to profitability.

Marketing and Sales

As defined by Dr. Lexis Higgins, marketing is the conceptualization and delivery of customer

satisfaction 1 . Since Prime Medix is losing its hold as the market leader, they should analyze their

marketing strategies to maximize its sales performance on a per product basis, specifically for Coldin –

the lifeline of the company. They should look on the threats presented by competitors and on possible

ways for counter offense.

By being able to roll out proactive marketing strategies, they might be able to recapture the

market share they lost.

IV. Case Analysis:

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: By being in the business for 10 years, they have somehow gained intellectual

maturity in the production cycle of medicine manufacturing. They have built processes that can be easily

improved if need be.

In addition, Prime Medix has a strong brand name that will enable them to roll out new products

that is related to Coldin.

They also have salespersons who have gained rapport and long term relationship with doctors

who prescribed their medicines to their patients.

Weaknesses: Since they have experienced decline in sales and profitability, their ability to

increase capital expenditures to roll out manufacturing improvements is hampered.

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Also, there are some negative employee sentiments brewing as they felt that management

expectations are not realistic. They also felt tremendous pressure to perform higher that possible due to

current market conditions.

Opportunities: Prime Medix has a strong brand name that will enable them to roll out new

products that is related to Coldin. Since they already have cough-cold medicine, they can now produce

new products targeted to specific target markets like babies, toddlers, or pregnant women. It should be

noted though that thorough market research should be done before any new venture will be started.

Threats: Its competitors are implementing very aggressive marketing campaigns that influence

consumers to buy the substitute products thus decreasing Prime Medix’s share of the pie.

Also, tougher government regulation for any new products can be a hindrance to new ventures.

8 | P a g e

External Factor Evaluation

Prime Medix - Key External Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score


Influence and exposure of medical representatives to

prescribers such as doctors and drug stores 15% 3.0 45%

Brand name and customer recall 15% 3.0 45%

Qualified, driven salesperson 15% 2.5 38%

Long term relationship with physicians and hospital staff 5% 3.0 15%


Presence of medical representatives in target areas 10% 2.5 25%

Market response to an increase in prices of Medix products 10% 2.0 20%

Prices of competing products 10% 2.5 25%

Costs of advertising and promotional strategies 10% 2.5 25%

Increasing manufacturing costs due to changing business

environment 10% 2.5 25%

100% 2.63

Given the opportunities and threats listed above and the rating based on the current plan of Prime

Medix, it can be concluded that they are slightly above average in its effort to capture external

opportunities and to avoid threats.

9 | P a g e

Porter’s Model 2

Porter’s Five Forces Model 3

Threat of the entry of new competitors: Profitable markets that yield high returns will

attract new firms. The more profitable the industry, the more attractive it will be to new

competitors. Since switching costs in this case is low and new competitors can easily have access

to distribution channels, Prime Medix is facing a lot of challenges from new entrants. Prime

Medix has to capitalize on physician loyalty or in this case, physician loyalty in recommending

their products.

Threat of substitute products or services: There’s a high buyer propensity to substitute

since buyer switching costs is low and perceived level of product differentiation is low. There are

also a lot of substitute products available and there’s a high level of ease of substitution. So

Prime Medix has to lower their pricing while maintaining their current product quality to prevent

consumers to switch to other products.

Bargaining power of customers (buyers): The bargaining power of customers is also

described as the market of outputs: the ability of customers to put the firm under pressure, which

also affects the customer's sensitivity to price changes. Buyer switching costs relative

10 | P a g e

to firm switching costs is lower in this case. Though buyer information availability is dependent

on physician prescribing the medication, the availability of existing substitute products can affect

Prime Medix’s profitability.

Also, in a down economy (with the onset of financial crisis and job layoffs), buyer price

sensitivity is increased. They will try to save any penny and this may cover medicines.

Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers of raw materials, components, labor, and

services (such as expertise) to the firm can be a source of power over the firm, when there are

few substitutes. Suppliers may refuse to work with the firm, or charge excessively high prices for

unique resources. Good thing for Prime Medix that there are other substitute inputs available in

the market. As such, they can negotiate for lower pricing from their suppliers.

As to its employees, they have employee solidarity though there’s some employee

resentment brewing that should be addressed soonest.

Intensity of competitive rivalry: For most industries, the intensity of competitive rivalry

is the major determinant of the competitiveness of the industry. To be able to compete, Prime

Medix should have sustainable competitive advantage and larger market share. They should also

increase the level of advertising activities at the most optimal mix.

11 | P a g e

Competitor Profile Matrix

The competitors of Prime Medix are catching up faster than expected. Based from the competitor

profile matrix below, VitMEd and Unimedi are doing well compared to Prime Medix. They have beaten

Prime Medix in the critical areas of Market Share, Advertising, Pricing and Manufacturing Costs. Though

Prime Medix still has the Physician Loyalty, this may be captured by competitors as well through their

aggressive marketing strategies.

Prime Medix Unimedi Vitmed

Critical Success Factor Weight Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score

Market Share 25% 2.50 63% 3.00 75% 3.00 75%

Advertising 20% 3.00 60% 3.50 70% 3.00 60%

Pricing 20% 2.50 50% 3.00 60% 3.00 60%

Physician Loyalty 18% 3.00 54% 2.50 45% 2.50 45%

Manufacturing Costs 17% 2.50 43% 3.00 51% 3.00 51%

Total 100%




V. Conclusions:

Based on the analyses presented above, Prime Medix should roll out initiatives to

improve its operations and increase its market share.

Operations / Production

Internal manufacturing processes should be streamlined. Unnecessary steps in production should

be eliminated to lower employee costs. Also, distribution channels maybe analyzed for possible cost


For raw materials, supplier pricing must be reviewed to open opportunities for possible

negotiations with current vendors if they are amenable to it. If not, raw materials can be secured from

lower priced suppliers while not compromising the quality of the output.

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Marketing and Sales

Think about the common attributes of the ideal customers. Conventional approaches to

market segmentation that revolve primarily around demographics (industry, age, income,

location, etc) are a useful first step but are insufficient. The structural, behavioural, and

environmental attributes should also be carefully considered 4 .

The effects of competitor’s aggressive marketing strategies are taking a toll in Prime Medix’s

bottom line. In a saturated market like the cold medicine industry, it is important that Prime Medix

implement a proactive marketing campaign to hold on to their lead. They should further develop their

range of sales strategies.

In addition to their current marketing activities, they should conduct medical missions to entice

potential buyers to purchase Coldin to support the social cause. They can also increase their airtime in the

media outlets like television, radio and magazines. They can also add a Coldin ambassador. Leaflets

should be included in the packaging of Coldin cold medicines because this is a form of good customer

service and is thus a significant factor in achieving customer loyalty and trust.

The increase in their advertising costs should be offset by the decrease in their manufacturing


In order to maintain its competitive advantage over competing companies, they should also

ensure that their marketing strategies are focused to the right target market in order for it to be effective

and successful.

As they were experiencing some challenges with their sales workforce, it is recommended that

Medix should hire more field men in order to expand the scope of its operations ethical divisions to more

physicians, thereby increasing its domain over the pharmaceutical market. Prime Medix should also base

employee incentives on factors aside from gross sales performance alone so they can be more motivated.

Other factors like percentage increase in sales, larger geographical area covered or increase in consumer

awareness can be used as a basis.

13 | P a g e

In terms of pricing, the decision to increase Coldin’s price by a drastic 25% must be considered

carefully, taking into account is effect on sales, market share and customer loyalty. On the basis of these

factors, Prime Medix may choose to increase Coldin’s price gradually.

At the end of the day, prime Medix should have a powerful competitive strategy to cope up

with the fast changing times in the pharmaceutical industry.

VI. References:

1 Higgins, Lexis, Ph. D. Principles of Marketing. 2001. November 19, 2011.


2 Kotler, Philip and Gary Armstrong. Principles of Marketing (13

th Edition). New Jersey:

Prentice Hall, 2009.

3 “Porter’s Model”. Wikipedia. 2007.


4 Fearless Competitor. Apollo, Bob. 2011. Inflexion-Point. November 17, 2011



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