Basic Instructions:
Working individually, students will demonstrate additional competency in project, operations, and information systems management by preparing a succinct report that integrates project, operations, and information systems management to meet a managerial challenge at their organization (academic hospital) and significantly improve its performance.
The report will include at least the following topics
An executive summary
Description of the managerial challenge
Application of project management to the challenge
Application of operations management to the challenge
Application of information systems management to the challenge
Assignment of the project team
Training needed
Work breakdown including critical path
A planning budget
The report will be submitted in pdf format except for the budget, which will be in xlsx format, and the work breakdown including critical path, which will be prepared with a project management software such as MS-Project.
Critical thinking, managerial decision making, information literacy, problem-solving, systems thinking, and technology fluency are needed.
Additional Instructions:
What is a succinct report?  
Could it not be 10 pages
 or less?  
One reads that IBM decision papers are limited to that length, and we all recall the single-sheet 
Ringo Sho
 approach to important decisions at Toyota.
Project management
 always refers to the
Triple Constraint
 and involves a 
project team
, plus a 
Gantt chart with critical path
Operations management 
refers here to the 
daily processes 
at your organization; 
you should show how they will be improved 
after the project is completed.
Information systems management 
refers to the 
support provided by IS and included IT
 both during the project and also afterwards; you should describe it.
Required Format:
Except as provided above, you should again use APA format, double spaced
Required Readings:
Christensen, C.M. (2012). Tech futures – Christensen on solar energy. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Publishing. 
To be found in Content/Week 10.  
Makes a "shocking" prediction
Meredith, J.R., & Mantel, S.J., Jr. (n.d.). Technological forecasting.

Includes forecasting methods
Example of goog paper provide by professor attached

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