LASA 1—IKEA Analysis Report Rubric
NOTE: If a component is absent, student receives a zero for that component.
Assignment Components |
Unsatisfactory < 77% (C- to C) |
Emerging 78–82% (C+ to B-) |
Proficient 83–89% (B to B+) |
Exemplary 90–100% (A- to A) |
Synthesize IKEA’s marketing function to explain its target customers, products/services, market position, etc. (Course Objective [CO] 1) (Program Objectives [PO] 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) |
Synthesis of marketing function includes a vague discussion of how marketing functions satisfy customer wants and needs. Includes explanation of the competition’s marketing function. Scholarly evidence is sparse. |
Synthesis of marketing function includes a broad discussion of how marketing functions satisfy customer wants and needs. Includes explanation of the competition’s marketing function. Marketing plan explains how it relates to the company’s competition. Scholarly evidence is present, but how it supports ideas is unclear. |
Synthesis of marketing function includes a basic discussion that addresses a few perspectives of how marketing functions satisfy customer wants and needs. Explanation includes how IKEA differentiates from competition. Marketing plan explains how it relates to the customer needs and wants, and the company’s competition. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas. |
Synthesis of marketing function includes an analytical discussion that addresses multiple perspectives of how marketing functions satisfy specific customer wants and needs while differentiating from competition. Key elements of the marketing plan are identified and related to the customer needs and wants, and the company’s competition. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas throughout.
Synthesize IKEA’s three sources of value in its value chain to explain its relation to the wants and needs of customers, value proposition, and focus of customer value in its supply chain. (CO 2) (PO 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.3) |
Synthesis discusses only a few key economic, environmental, and social sources of values. Discussion vaguely acknowledges the relation of the supply chain and company’s value proposition to sources of value but is lacking in detail or accuracy. Scholarly evidence is sparse. |
Synthesis discusses economic, environmental, and social sources of values, but some key values are missing. Discussion identifies the relation of the supply chain and company’s value proposition to sources of value. Scholarly evidence is present, but how it supports ideas is unclear. |
Synthesis discusses economic, environmental, and social sources of values. Discussion clearly explains the relation of the supply chain and company’s value proposition to sources of value. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas throughout. |
Synthesis analyzes economic, environmental, and social sources of values as they relate to customer needs. Discussion clearly explains company’s resonance by relating supply chain and company’s value proposition to sources of value. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas throughout.
Synthesize data to explain IKEA’s intangible products and benefits, how other firms employ intangibles, and how it might be used to increase profits. (CO 4) (PO 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) |
Synthesis vaguely describes IKEA’s intangible products and how those products benefit the company. Competing firms’ intangible products and benefits are mentioned but discussion is underdeveloped. Barriers to entry for competitors are identified but are vague. Scholarly evidence is sparse. |
Synthesis generally discusses IKEA’s intangible products and how those products increased profits. Also included is a cursory discussion of competing firms’ intangible products and benefits. Barriers to entry for competitors are identified. Scholarly evidence is present, but how it supports ideas is unclear. |
Synthesis identifies IKEA’s intangible products and explains how those products increased profits. Also included is a discussion of competing firms’ intangible products and benefits. Specific barriers to entry for competitors are explained. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas throughout. |
Synthesis identifies IKEA’s intangible products and explains how those products lead to a variety of benefits, including increased profits. Also included is a comparison and contrast of IKEA’s intangible products and benefits to competing firms’ intangible products and benefits. Specific barriers to entry for competitors are analyzed. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas throughout.
Synthesize data to explain IKEA’s approach of how customers are stakeholders, how this may maximize profits, how and why it is at odds with supply and demand economics (CO 2) (PO 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.3) |
Synthesis includes a broad discussion of IKEA’s approach to its customers, profits (either positively or negatively), and how the customer approach relates to supply and demand economics. However, the ideas are not interrelated. Scholarly evidence is sparse. |
Synthesis includes a general discussion of how IKEA’s approach to its customers affects profits (either positively or negatively), and how the customer approach relates to supply and demand economics. However, the ideas are underdeveloped. Scholarly evidence is present, but how it supports ideas is unclear. |
Synthesis includes a discussion of how IKEA’s approach to its customers affects profits (either positively or negatively) and a discussion of how the customer approach relates to supply and demand economics. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas throughout. |
Synthesis includes an analysis of how IKEA’s approach to its customers affects profits (either positively or negatively) and how the customer approach relates to supply and demand economics. Scholarly evidence is used to support ideas throughout.
Synthesize data to create a set of 4–6 performance measures for evaluating mangers that integrate with IKEA’s values, and explain how you would implement them in the workplace. (CO 3) (PO 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.3) |
Performance measures provide ideas to evaluate managers or address IKEA’s values (economic, social, and environmental). Implementation plan includes a vague process for each measure that is feasible for the workplace. Identification of support services is clear, but significantly underdeveloped. Specific evidence from the article and scholarly resources are sparse. |
Performance measures provide ideas to appropriately evaluate managers or address IKEA’s values (economic, social, and environmental). Implementation plan includes a vague process for each measure that is feasible for the workplace. Identification of support services is clear. Specific evidence from the article and scholarly resources are present, but how they support ideas is unclear. |
Performance measures provide general criteria to appropriately evaluate managers and address IKEA’s values (economic, social, and environmental). Implementation plan includes a process for each measure that is feasible for the workplace. Explanation of support services is clear and generally feasible. Specific evidence from the article and scholarly resources are used to support ideas. |
Performance measures provide measurable criteria to appropriately evaluate managers and integrate IKEA’s values (economic, social, and environmental). Implementation plan includes a process for each measure that is feasible for the workplace; also included are detailed support services criteria designed to ensure sustainability of the values. Specific evidence from the article and scholarly resources are used to support ideas.
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. |
Writing is unclear and disorganized, and rereading to solidify understanding is frequently necessary. Although ethical scholarship is attempted, it is sloppy or incomplete throughout. Spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors severely interfere with readers’ comprehension. |
Writing is somewhat clear and is organized, although rereading to solidify understanding is occasionally necessary. It demonstrates an attempt at ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, and errors are occasional or minor. Writing has good spelling, grammar, and punctuation, but errors somewhat interfere with readers’ comprehension. |
Writing is generally clear and organized. It demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources and generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Errors are few, isolated, and do not interfere with readers’ comprehension. |
Writing is clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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Operations Management: Solutions to Business Challenges
©2012 Argosy University Online Programs
Module 3 - M3 Assignment 2 LASA 1—IKEA Analysis Report
Assignment 2: LASA 1—IKEA Analysis Report
What is values-based service? How can a company create value for customers and other stakeholders?
Values-based service is defined as service that is firmly based on the core company values as well as social and environmental responsibility. When the core company values and the social and environmental values are in accordance with the values of customers and other stakeholders, resonance (rather than dissonance) occurs. To be successful, a values-based service business must seek resonance with its customers and other stakeholders in terms of values and avoid any suggestion of dissonance. Companies, such as IKEA, nurture and communicate values in their customer relationships.
Read the article “Values-Based Service Brands: Narratives from IKEA” by Edvardsson from the readings for this module. Using IKEA as the company in point, conduct research, using the Argosy University online library and the Internet, to better understand the “IKEA environment.”
Based on your research, write a report addressing the following points:
· IKEA’s Marketing (1 page) Corporate strategy begins with marketing and understanding the key elements of the marketing plan. For IKEA, describe the following elements of its marketing strategy:
· How do IKEA’s products, services, and related attributes satisfy the wants and needs known as its value proposition?
· How does IKEA create a well-defined market position that appeals to customer wants and needs and differentiates its offering from competitive offerings in a process known as positioning and differentiation?
· Assess IKEA’s strategy using the criteria listed below:
· Value Chain (1 page) Analyze the three sources of value (economic, social, and environmental) in IKEA’s value chain.
· Explain sources of value as they relate to the wants and needs of IKEA’s core customer.
· Explain how IKEA’s supply chain supports its value proposition.
· Explain how IKEA’s focus on customer value (economic, social, and environmental) is reflected in its supply chain.
· Intangible Products (1 page)
· Explain IKEA’s intangible products and benefits.
· Explain how other firms employ this concept of intangibles to erect barriers to entry for competitors.
· Explain how the concept of intangible benefits is used to increase profits.
· Customers (1 page) IKEA considers the customer to be a critical stakeholder. The IKEA message is directed to the majority of people and what they can afford, and its pricing is dependent on the economic values that serve a majority of its customers.
· Explain how this approach may or may not maximize profits for IKEA.
· Explain if this premise is at odds with supply and demand economics. Give reasons for your answer.
· Performance Measures (1 page) Suppose you are a vice-president of manufacturing for IKEA and are responsible for establishing operating performance measures.
· For all of the performance factors other than quality and cost, create a set of 4–6 performance measures for evaluating your managers that integrates IKEA’s values (economic, social, and environmental) as discussed in the article written by Edvardsson.
· For each performance measure, identify one specific process measure that demonstrates how well these values are being upheld in the manufacturing activities including suppliers of the company.
· Recommend how you would develop the workforce to live these values in the workplace. Suggest types of hiring, training, and performance management criteria that you will apply to the workforce.
Write a 5–7-page paper in Word format. Please use 3–7 scholarly articles in your research. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.
By Saturday, May 25, 2013, deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.
This assignment is worth 200 points and will be graded using a rubric. Download and read the rubric to understand the expectations.
For assistance with any problems you may have when completing this assignment—OR—to offer your assistance to classmates, please use the Problems and Solutions Discussion area located through the left side navigation link.
Module 3 - M3 Assignment 2 LASA 1—IKEA Analysis Report
Assignment 2: LASA 1—IKEA Analysis Report
What is values-based service? How can a company create value for customers and other stakeholders?
Values-based service is defined as service that is firmly based on the core company values as well as social and environmental responsibility. When the core company values and the social and environmental values are in accordance with the values of customers and other stakeholders, resonance (rather than dissonance) occurs. To be successful, a values-based service business must seek resonance with its customers and other stakeholders in terms of values and avoid any suggestion of dissonance. Companies, such as IKEA, nurture and communicate values in their customer relationships.
Read the article “Values-Based Service Brands: Narratives from IKEA” by Edvardsson from the readings for this module. Using IKEA as the company in point, conduct research, using the Argosy University online library and the Internet, to better understand the “IKEA environment.”
Based on your research, write a report addressing the following points:
· IKEA’s Marketing (1 page) Corporate strategy begins with marketing and understanding the key elements of the marketing plan. For IKEA, describe the following elements of its marketing strategy:
· How do IKEA’s products, services, and related attributes satisfy the wants and needs known as its value proposition?
· How does IKEA create a well-defined market position that appeals to customer wants and needs and differentiates its offering from competitive offerings in a process known as positioning and differentiation?
· Assess IKEA’s strategy using the criteria listed below:
· Value Chain (1 page) Analyze the three sources of value (economic, social, and environmental) in IKEA’s value chain.
· Explain sources of value as they relate to the wants and needs of IKEA’s core customer.
· Explain how IKEA’s supply chain supports its value proposition.
· Explain how IKEA’s focus on customer value (economic, social, and environmental) is reflected in its supply chain.
· Intangible Products (1 page)
· Explain IKEA’s intangible products and benefits.
· Explain how other firms employ this concept of intangibles to erect barriers to entry for competitors.
· Explain how the concept of intangible benefits is used to increase profits.
· Customers (1 page) IKEA considers the customer to be a critical stakeholder. The IKEA message is directed to the majority of people and what they can afford, and its pricing is dependent on the economic values that serve a majority of its customers.
· Explain how this approach may or may not maximize profits for IKEA.
· Explain if this premise is at odds with supply and demand economics. Give reasons for your answer.
· Performance Measures (1 page) Suppose you are a vice-president of manufacturing for IKEA and are responsible for establishing operating performance measures.
· For all of the performance factors other than quality and cost, create a set of 4–6 performance measures for evaluating your managers that integrates IKEA’s values (economic, social, and environmental) as discussed in the article written by Edvardsson.
· For each performance measure, identify one specific process measure that demonstrates how well these values are being upheld in the manufacturing activities including suppliers of the company.
· Recommend how you would develop the workforce to live these values in the workplace. Suggest types of hiring, training, and performance management criteria that you will apply to the workforce.
Write a 5–7-page paper in Word format. Please use 3–7 scholarly articles in your research. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.
By Saturday, May 25, 2013, deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.
This assignment is worth 200 points and will be graded using a rubric. Download and read the rubric to understand the expectations.
For assistance with any problems you may have when completing this assignment—OR—to offer your assistance to classmates, please use the Problems and Solutions Discussion area located through the left side navigation link.

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