Ketty work:

You must use the Sample Report file to format the papers.  You must use the Examples Report below to format the results.

You must use the Assignment grading criteria to fully answer all questions.

Read the following hypotheses:

· Confidence in recall differs depending on the level of stress.

· Recall for participants in high-stress conditions will deteriorate over time.

· Boys will have higher levels of confidence than girls.

In a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document, for each hypothesis listed above, indicate:

· Describe how a Type I error might occur, given the context of the assignment. Describe how a Type II error might occur,given the context of the assignment

· Whether the appropriate analysis would be a one-tailed test or a two-tailed test

Submission Details:

· Name your document SU_PSY2008_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

· Submit your document to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Week 5, Day 6.

Assignment Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Explained whether each hypothesis is a one-tailed test or a two-tailed test.


Correctly identified the type I error for each hypothesis.


Correctly identified the type II error for each hypothesis.


Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Used APA format.




Example report


H1: ___ tailed

H2: ___ tailed

H3: ___ tailed

Type I error for:

H1 =

H2 =

H3 =

Type II error for:

H1 =

H2 =

H3 =


The results in your assignments must be stated following the examples provided in the classroom, as follows:


Subject (ID) – Alphanumeric – Use two numbers for all IDs. No letters.


Age – Numeric – Use two numbers only. No letters.


Sex – Alphanumeric – Uses one letter only: M=male or F=female.


Height - Numeric - This must be only two numbers: the total height in inches only.


Year in college – Alphanumeric – Forty students who are five males and five females in each year of college. Use one letter only: F=freshman, S=sophomore, J=junior, and S=senior. (You must choose a different letter to show the difference between sophomores and seniors, it is your decision how to show this difference)



There were seventy-two participants recruited from an introductory psychology class at South University. There were x males and x females, with x Caucasian, x African Americans, and x other ethnicities represented. The ages ranged from x to x years, with a mean age of x years, SD x. Each participant watched a movie and rated his or her satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 10. The mean level of satisfaction was x, SD x.



There were seventy-two participants recruited from an introductory psychology class at South University. There were thirty-six males and thirty-six females, with twenty-four Caucasian, twenty-four African Americans, and twenty-four other ethnicities represented. The ages ranged from x to x years, with a mean age of x years, SD x. Each participant watched a movie and rated his or her satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 10. The mean level of satisfaction was x, SD x.


Age Results

The top 5% (z-score above 1.645)

Subject Id: _____

Bottom 5% (z-score below -1.645)

Subject Id: _____

Top 2.5% (z-score above 1.96)

Subject Id: ____

Bottom 2.5% (z-score below -1.96)

Subject Id: ____

Height Results

Top 5% (z-score above 1.645)

Subject Id: ____

Bottom 5% (z-score below -1.645)

Subject Id: _____

Top 2.5% (z-score above 1.96)

Subject Id: ____

Bottom 2.5% (z-score below -1.96)

Subject Id: _____



Extremely high score =

z score of ___ above the mean = participant #___ scored ___

Extremely low score =

z score of ___ below the mean = participant #___ scored ___



Recall Score

Z score












Between groups design:

DV =

IV =

Level 1 =

Level 2 =

Within subjects design:

DV =

IV = diet

Level 1 =

IV =

Level 1 =

Level 2 =


H1: ___ tailed

H2: ___ tailed

H3: ___ tailed

Type I error for:

H1 =

H2 =

H3 =

Type II error for:

H1 =

H2 =

H3 =



A one-sample t-test was conducted to find whether age in the sample was different from age in the general population. The t-test (was/was not) significant; t(x)= x, p = x; participants in the sample (M = x, SD = x) were significantly (more/not more) than the general population (M = x). The null hypothesis (is/is not) rejected.


If the t statistic is in the rejection region, reject the null hypothesis.


If the t statistic is not in the rejection region, accept the null hypothesis.



A one-sample t-test was conducted to find whether the overall stress of participants in the eyewitness experiment was different from that of the general population of students in online universities. The t-test (was/was not) significant; t(x)= x, p = x; participants in the eyewitness experiment (M = x, SD = x) (were/were not) significantly more stressed than the general population of students in online universities (M = x). The null hypothesis (is/is not) rejected.


If the t statistic is in the rejection region, reject the null hypothesis.


If the t statistic is not in the rejection region, accept the null hypothesis.



An independent-samples t-test was run to determine whether there were differences in height between men and women. The test (was/was not) significant (t(x) = -x, p = x). Men (M = x, SD = x) (do/do not) differ from women (M = x, SD = x) in height.


If the t statistic is in the rejection region, reject the null hypothesis.


If the t statistic is not in the rejection region, accept the null hypothesis.


ALSO MUST INCLUDE: Was the null accepted or rejected? What does this mean to the results of the analysis? Explain.


Independent Samples:

An independent-samples t-test was run to determine whether there were differences in satisfaction between men and women. The test (was / was not) significant (t(x) = -x, p = x). Men (M = x, SD = x) (do / do not) differ from women (M = x, SD = x) in their levels of satisfaction.

Paired Samples:

The participants were tested immediately after they viewed the movie and again one week later to see whether their satisfaction with the movie changed significantly. A paired-samples t-test was run, and it was found that the scores (did / did not) change significantly (t(x) = x, p = x). The mean satisfaction score immediately following the movie was x, SD = x. One week later, the satisfaction significantly (increased / not increased) with mean x, SD = x. The null hypothesis is (accepted/rejected) because...



A simple ANOVA was run to test the hypothesis that there are significant age differences across years in college. The results indicated that a significant difference (does / does not) exist, with F(x) = x, p = x. Post hoc tests using the Tukey method indicated that the age of freshmen (M = x) (were / were not) significantly lower than the age of seniors (M = x). The ages of sophomores (M = x) and juniors (M = x) (were / were not) significantly different from either freshman or seniors.


The interpretation of the results – what do the results tell us about the hypothesis of age differences across years in college? What do the results mean?



A simple ANOVA was run to test the hypothesis that there would be differences in satisfaction levels depending on the type of movie participants viewed. The results indicated that a significant difference (does / does not) exist, with F(x) = x, p = x. Post hoc tests using the Tukey method indicated that the satisfaction with comedies (M = x) (was / was not) significantly higher than the satisfaction with action movies (M = x). Romantic comedies (M = x) (were / were not) rated differently from either comedies or action movies.


The interpretation of the results – what do the results tell us about recall? About stress levels? About the relationship between the two? What do the results mean?

W9A1 and W9A2

ALSO MUST INCLUDE: Discuss the nature of the correlation when writing the results. Do not just state if there is a correlation or not. Explain what the correlation coefficient means. What do the results tell us about the relationship between the variables?

EXAMPLE for no correlation

To determine if a relationship exists between the age at which a movie is viewed and the satisfaction rating for that movie, a correlation was run and it was found there was no significant relationship between these two variables (r = x, p = x).

EXAMPLE for negative correlation

To determine if a relationship exists between the age at which a movie is viewed and the satisfaction rating for that movie, a correlation was run and it was found that there was a significant negative correlation (r = -x, p= x). As age increases, satisfaction decreases.

EXAMPLE for positive correlation

To determine if a relationship exists between the age at which a movie is viewed and the satisfaction rating for that movie, a correlation was run and it was found that there was a significant positive correlation (r = -x, p= x). As age increases, satisfaction increases.

W10A1 and W10A2


Researchers were interested in determining whether a relationship exists between owning a home and owning a pet. A chi-square analysis was conducted, which returned x (x) = x, p = x suggesting that there is/is not a significant relationship between the two variables. Looking at the data , for those who own homes, x out of x people also own pets. On the other hand, for those who do not own their homes, only x out of x people own pets.

ALSO MUST INCLUDE: Discuss the nature of the results. Do not just state the results. Explain what the results mean. What do the results tell us about these variables and their relationship?

Case Study

Please write a 5-7 pages’ paper in APA format and cite the sources I provide at the bottom, and you can also find some additional sources if you need.

My topic is “Customer Service and The Airline Industry: United Airlines”


There’s an increasingly big problem with airlines overbooking flights. Hopefully, flight overbooking reached its apex with the horrible scenes of shouting and violence at Chicago O’Hare airport, as a United Airlines passenger was forcibly removed from an overbooked flight after refusing to give up his seat. Overbooking is a part of the customer service. I will focus on United Airlines to talk about the customer service in the airline industry.

1) Introduction

a) Background of customer service in the airline industry

b) Background of customer service in United Airlines

c) Introduce the recent overbooking incident in United Airlines

2) Findings

a) The voices from real United customers about their unsatisfying experience with United

b) The United Airlines debacle isn’t about customer service. It’s about the morality of capitalism

c) The problem with United Airlines customer service is due to the problem with CEOs, and leadership teams, that focus on “operational excellence” as a strategy

d) How United Airline could take customer service lesson from Delta

e) United Airlines made 10 customer service policy changes following the overbooking incident

f) What United Airlines should do to fix their customer service problem?

3) Conclusion

Reference List for Case Study

For my case study, I will talk about customer service and the airline industry. Specifically, I will focus on United Airlines customer service.

Solomon, M. (2017, April 17). From Broken Guitars to Broken Noses: Assessing The United Airlines Customer Service Fiasco. Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

This article from Forbes was written by a customer service consultant Micah Solomon talking about the weaknesses of United Airlines customer service and he provided four suggestions against the weaknesses. I think this article is useful to my case because it gives me insights of United Airlines’ shortfall of customer service and some possibilities for improvement.

Martin, J., SJ. (2017, April 11). The United Airlines debacle isn't about customer service. It's about the morality of capitalism. Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

This article from America the Jesuit Review was written by a Jesuit priest James Martin. It mainly discussed about that the poor customer service at United Airlines was created by the morality of capitalism which puts rules before people and places profits before human dignity. This article is useful because it showed me another angle to view UA’s overbooking scandal.

Hartung, A. (2017, April 19). Why United Airlines Abuses Customers: The Risks Of Operational Excellence. Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

This is another article from Forbes written by a business consultant Adam Hartung. It blames that the problem with United Airlines customer service is due to the problem with CEOs, and leadership teams, that focus on “operational excellence” as a strategy, which mainly focuses on efficiency, cost cutting and business operations that totally forget about customers or anything else. This article is useful to my case because it indicates how corporate leadership teams and the business strategies affect customer service.

O'Rourke, J. S. (2017, April 11). How United Airlines could take a customer service lesson from Delta. Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

This article from Fox News by James S. O’Rourke, a professor of management at the University of Notre Dame, talks about what United Airlines can learn about customer service from its competitor Delta. This article gave me a sense that not all airline companies in the United States are doing bad on customer service. United Airlines should learn from its competitors in order to improve its customer service. This article is useful because it tells me the difference of customer service between different airline companies.

Lazarus, D. (2017, April 12). 'Get off or pay for another seat.' United customers share their bad experiences. Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

This article from Los Angeles Times was posted by David Lazarus, an American business and consumer columnist for the Los Angeles Times. It consists with several emails from real United Airlines customers complaining about their awful experiences with United Airlines customer service. This is useful to my case because I can site some real voice from the customers to talk about UA’s customer service.

Than, C. (2017, April 27). United Airlines Makes 10 Customer Service Policy Changes Following Unfortunate Incident. Retrieved May 15, 2017, from

This article from Inc. by Cynthia Than, an economics blogger at China Daily and a founding member of Cross Circles, lists 10 customer service policy changes with United Airlines in response to the Overlooking incident lately. This is useful to my case because I will look into these changes of policy and see if it can help United Airlines come back.

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