Session 15 Exercise



Please print PDFs of the following reports:


Print the following Daily Bar Charts,list the activities in ES/EF sequence, show each activity happening

as soon as possible, and include the float bar. Remember to make the reports look professional;

organized, labeled etc. Take the time to read each report carefully and make sure the schedule looks like

it should. You should be able to correct any mistakes by a careful examination of each schedule and

thereby eam a high grade on this assignment.

1. A separate bar chart for each of the following:

A. Crane {red bars)

B. Backhoe

C. Piledriver

D. Concrete Fump

E. Girder Supplier (blue bars)

F. Allconcretepours:, r :-,1-.'t'.weneedaninspectorpresentanytimeconcreteisplaced)

2. Overall bar chart schedule showing all activities.

3. A bar chart showing that one road will always be open, or that only one will be closed, at a time.


After creating PDFs of the reports check to see if they make sense to you, Look for overlaps on

equipment; if there is sufficient float so that the available equipment can be worked within the float that

is ok. You can do this project under about 90 days. To ensure a high grade, make certain you carefully

read the reports.

Page I Revised 5l7l2ll4


M15: Exercise

Due May 6 by 11:59pm Points 200 $ubmitting a t6xt entry box or a file upload

This exercise is designed to assess your base knowledge of report generation, as well as your proficiency with Microsoft Proiect. Please open your compleied 51 5 Lab project in

Microsoft Project and follow the below instructions:

For additional help please watch this video tutorial:


M15: Exercise

1. Open your comy'eted S15 Lab project in Microsoft Project

2. Open this document and read about the required reports

1. Session 15 Exercise(1),pgl! 3. Generate the required reports from your 515 Lab prolect in Microsoft Project

1. Be sure to save each report as a PDF '1, The tifle of each PDF report should be Report r_LastNamB

4. Submit all (8) PDF reports via this assignment link by the due date

M,l5 Exercise Rubric


File names

'la: Crane Bar (20 activities, ESiEF order, color coded, labeled. no overiaps)

1b: Backhoe Bar (6 activities, ES/EF order, color cod€d, labeled, no overlaps)

1c: Piledriver Bar (3 activities, ES/EF order, color coded, labeled. no overlaps)

1d: Concrete Pump Bar (10 activities, ESiEF order, color coded, labeled, no overlaps)

1e: Girder Supplier Bar (4 activities, ES/EF order, color coded. labeled, no orerlaps)

1f: AII Concreie Pours Bar ( l 5 activities, ESi EF ordet color coded, labeled, no overlaps)

2: Overall Bar (ES/EF ordet color coded, labeled)

3: Rcd Closures Bar (12 toial, ES/EF order, color coded. labeled, no overlaps)

Submision of PDF files


10.0 pts , 0.0 pts Full Marks No Marks

20.0 pts 0.0 pts Full Marks : No Marks

20.0 pts I 0.0 pts Full Marks : No Marks

20.0 pts 0.0 pts Full Marks I No Marks

20.0 pts 0.0 pts Fult Marks No Marks

20.0 pts : 0.0 pls Full Marks No Marks

20.0 pts 0.0 pts Full Marks , No Marks

4o.o pts ' o.o pt" Full Marks No Marks

20.0 pls : o.o pts Full Marks ' No Marks

10-0 pts : 0.0 pts Full Marks , No Marks


10.0 pts

I 20.0 pts

20.0 pts

20.0 pts

20.0 pts

20.0 pts

20.0 pts

40"0 pts

20.0 pts

10.0 pts

Total Points: 200.0

https:i/ivyleam.ivytech.edu/courses/848787lassignments/8198548?module-item*id=16923237 1t1

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