OMM618: Human Resources Management (MFG1320A)
Professor: Randy H.
Greetings all! Please cite every sentence in which you use information from sources.
1. Use "" for quotes and citations with page or paragraph location information 2. Use block formatting for quotes of 40 or more words (please do avoid lengthy quotes) 3. Cite sentences in which you use information from sources even as you put those ideas into your own words 4. Please use the APA manual or as a resource for how to construct citations and references
Please do review, if you have not done so already, the Academic Research link available at the Student Responsibilities and Policies link.
In short, please do not use newsprint, popular press, other non-academic sources to justify views for initial posts, responses to peers, or papers.
Please locate and use journal articles, published books, and websites with .edu and .gov trailers. If you have questions about the quality of a source, if you see citations and references, you are probably using a good source. If you are using articles free of such attribution, please do not use.
Please let me know if you have questions or concerns about quality of sources we should be using for masters-level work.
Please note that at each Discussion 1 and Discussion 2 throughout the course, the initial instructions include discussion forum grading rubric links. Please consider reviewing these rubrics as I use these elements to cue my feedback.
For each Assignment throughout the course, you will find grading rubric links. Please review these rubrics as well. I use these elements to cue my feedback.
Please remember to review my Faculty Expectations and weekly Instructor Guidance for additional information on what I look for in discussion and paper assignments.
Please let me know if any of this information is not helpful, begs clarity.
Greetings all! I wish for my feedback to work for each of you. While I think I'm being clear in what I write, some of you may differ in how you make sense of what I write!... :) So, please know I use rubrics embedded in the course and highlight scoring by using bold for related earnings. At the bottom of each rubric for discussion assignments, I will address strengths and opportunities. Reviewing those opportunities should be helpful for increasing performance and scores, as appropriate. If what I write in feedback is not helping, please do not hesitate to let me know as I want to ensure the feedback I produce is useful for you. For papers, please know I will be using the following APA formatting criteria for scoring in the APA/writing sections of rubrics for written assignments: 1. Please integrate textbook (and, if appropriate, video) into assignment (see the Instructor’s Guidance) 2. Please write in a circle, offer a thesis and purpose with subsequent elements in the introduction, key elements, and summarize thesis and purpose 3. Please cite every sentence in which you use information from sources or know that you are technically plagiarizing 4. Aggressively set and run grammar check, resolve issues prior to submitting paper 5. Use APA style levels of headings to help with transitioning 6. Use APA style title page 7. Use APA style running head, page numbers 8. Use Times New Roman 12 font throughout 9. Double space without special offsets (go to spacing settings in Word, modify to “0” before and after) 10. Other:
Course Syllabus |
Prerequisites |
OMM 618 has no prerequisites. |
Course Description |
This course is a study on managing people in the workplace, focusing on the important policies and processes associated with recruiting, hiring, training and evaluating personnel in order to achieve strategic organizational goals. |
Course Design |
This course prepares students for immediate action on the job by providing them with the practical tools and applications, as well as the theoretical principles, of human resource management in contemporary organizations. The course is designed to include functions that are found in human resource departments. These functions will be presented in a way so that students will be able to apply them regardless of the size or structure of their organization. Course topics include an introduction to human resources, equal opportunity and diversity, personnel planning and recruitment, testing and selecting employees, training, development of employees, performance management, compensation, ethical issues in human resources, labor relations and safety and health issues. The class sessions not only present theoretical content, but provide opportunities to apply the content to the student’s personal and organizational life. There are a number of case studies and class discussions. The Research Project focuses on select topics associated with modern organizational culture and life. |
Course Learning Outcomes |
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Delineate the scope of human resource management activities within an organization. 2. Describe the significant role that effective human resource management has in achieving strategic organizational goals. 3. Explain and demonstrate the basic techniques of good HRM practice. 4. Describe contexts that influence HRM practice, including social trends, multi-cultural workplaces, legislative policies, and labor issues. 5. Design an integrated HR information system to support strategic decision making in an organization. 6. Use training models and training structures to measure processes and evaluate performance in the development of a learning organization. 7. Develop policies for dealing effectively with compliance areas such as equal employment, employee grievance procedures, and occupational health and safety. 8. Identify and apply skills that are effective in working with others, analyzing and designing positions, and evaluating performance to achieve continual organizational improvement. |
Course Map |
The course map illustrates the careful design of the course through which each learning objective is supported by one or more specific learning activities in order to create integrity and pedagogical depth in the learning experience.
Institutional Outcomes |
Graduates of Ashford University: 1. Demonstrate the ability to read and think critically and creatively. 2. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in speech and writing. 3. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively through the use of technology. 4. Demonstrate self-worth and respect the diversity in others. 5. Understand the interdependence of life in all its forms. 6. Demonstrate competence in their major fields of study. 7. Share talents and resources in service to others. 8. Are able to draw information from different fields of study to make informed decisions. 9. Recognize learning as a life-long endeavor. |
Mission Statement |
The mission of Ashford University is to provide accessible, affordable, innovative, high-quality learning opportunities and degree programs that meet the diverse needs of individuals pursuing integrity in their lives, professions, and communities. |
Required Text
Dessler, G. (2011). A Framework for Human Resource Management (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780132556378.
Required Journal Articles
Palmer, T., & Varner, I. (2005). Role of cultural self-knowledge in successful expatriation. Singapore Management Review, 27(1), 1-25. Retreived from the ProQuest database.
Hyder, A., & Lövblad, M. (2007). The repatriation process - a realistic approach. Career Development International, 12(3), 264-278. Retreived from the ProQuest database.
Week One Learning Outcomes This week students will:
1. Examine the scope of strategic human resources management.
2. Propose recommendations for continual organizational improvement.
3. Evaluate the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforcement process, basic defenses against discrimination allegations, and basic equal opportunity laws.
Due Date |
Format |
Grading Percent |
Post your Introduction
Day 1 |
Discussion Forum |
1 |
Jack Nelson's Problem |
Day 3 (1st post) |
Discussion Forum |
3 |
A Question of Discrimination |
Day 3 (1st post) |
Discussion Forum |
3 |
Human Resource Challenges
Day 7 |
Written Assignment |
7 |
Note: The online classroom is designed to time students out after 90 minutes of inactivity. Because of this, we strongly suggest that you compose your work in a word processing program and copy and paste it into the discussion post when you are ready to submit it.
Readings Read the following chapters in: A Framework for Human Resource Management:
1. Chapter 1: Managing Human Resources Today
2. Chapter 2: Managing Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Post Your Introduction To post your introduction, go to this week's Post Your Introduction link in the left navigation.
Please post a brief bio on the first day of class. Respond to at least three of your classmates' bios. Use this forum to get acquainted and for ongoing non-content related discussions.
To participate in the following Discussion Forums, go to this week's Discussion link in the left navigation:
1. Jack Nelson's Problem
Answer the questions to the case, "Jack Nelson's Problem," at the end of Chapter 1. Include at least one outside source supporting your answers. Explain your answers in 200 words. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings.
2. A Question of Discrimination
Answer the questions to the case, " A Question of Discrimination," at the end of Chapter 2. Include at least one outside source supporting your answers. Explain your answers in 200 words. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings.
To complete this assignment, go to this week's Assignment link in the left navigation:
Human Resource Challenges
Find at least two articles through ProQuest which discuss at least two of the biggest challenges facing human resource departments today. Summarize your findings in a 3-5 page paper. Be sure to properly cite your resources using APA style.
Week One Guidance
Greetings and welcome to Human Resources Management! I look forward to our time together as we explore related theories, models, and applications. Please let me know if my thoughts or suggestions beg clarity as we proceed through the course. Please review the Week One Assignments section below for important elements to integrate into discussion and paper assignments.
Intellectual Elaboration
Bolman and Deal (1997) offered basic human resource (HR) strategies as:
1. Develop a long-term HR philosophy – build the philosophy into the corporate structure and incentives; develop measures of HR
2. Invest in people – hire the right people and reward the well; provide job security; promote from within; train and educate; share the wealth
3. Empower employees and redesign their work – provide autonomy and participation; focus on job enrichment; emphasize teamwork; ensure egalitarianism and upward influence (p. 123) [adapted, abridged]
This HR philosophy or framework arrives with a host of assumptions, such as (a) promoting an organizational family, (b) focusing on needs, skills, and relationships, (c) projecting leadership as empowerment, and (d) challenging leaders [and managers] to align organizational and human needs (Bolman & Deal, 1997).
Personal Experience and Application
Hiring people is like forming a marriage that could be good – or not good. When I served in an administrative role for a school district, I routinely suggested for the school board who we should hire, promote, and terminate. As I sought team players as my first priority in hiring, I used committees, as possible, to develop a collective sense of whom we should hire in hopes of helping the acculturation process for new employees. This approach captured tapped into Bolman and Deal’s (1997) HR strategies of investing in people, and empowering employees and redesigning work, as I sought collaborative decision making for hiring decisions. I found offering clarity on respective roles, types of questions we should and should not use, and protocols on processing the results from our interview questions toward consensus to be helpful in managing time and expectations for hiring decision-making. Overall, I found success with this approach.
Week One Assignments Section
For question one, please read and cite portions of chapter one from A Framework for Human Resource Management (Dessler, 2011) and the intellectual elaboration from this instructor’s guidance. For question two, please read and cite portions of chapter two of Dessler’s (2011) textbook, and watch and cite portions from the video, “How to Handle Harassment and Discrimination Complaints” (n. d.) (available at Please use at least two academic sources from ProQuest and readings from the textbook for the paper assignment. In addition to the two discussion forums and paper assignment, please offer a brief biography to help with introductions, including academic and professional experience, and at least two expectations from this course. Thank you for your consideration.

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